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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1891)
She fOtmottat. FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1891 SriTE3 A Cillers aa4 NUTTIKQ. rraarlrtar. looaij ui:coud. Gbancikhs IUkolvk. Tlio grangers o( the state are taking avlvanUtgo of tli ses- Inn of tho logtiiUturo to etpbotly their wishes in tlio form of.reaoliition. wiut'ii are rtrrsontttl to that liunorablo buJr, topcthrilh all the necessary whereases and thcrefores. All its meet inn Satur day, Salem cranio expressed itself cn several matters that the patron of hus- tnindry thought tobeaproioai una tunc. lhey want ths present laiirvail coinnus iiun boiled down two-thlrvU. kavinit one real commissioner, with power to do something aside from making recommciv dations. The appropriation for the state board of horticulture is also asked to be cut oil", whirh-wil! of course result in the extermination of the insect inspectors etc. They want tho Nicaragua eana completed. The fish commissioners work, they think, can alt be done by one man, and a resolution is to that elfrct i tier don t want any more stato appro priations lor the state agricultural col lope and don't want any new county others created. Mate? man. Tub Cituin's Mfstino to hrtr the report of the com in I lire on the city char ter was held at the court house Saturday evening. L Fllnn called the mreilnntb order, and the secretary read the report heretofore published In the Drmochat. The amendments were adopted ai:cr striking out the provision In reference to non-deduction of Indebtedness, on nun Ion of Mayor Cowan. On motion Oil Irvine, J K Weather ford and J L. Cowan weie ap pointed a committee to attend to the pat sage of the bill by the slate legislature, and also the passage of a bill authorising the construction of a wagon brklge at thU city. Our cltiient are almoat unit on the matter of a bridge at this city, which would do more for Albany and this part of the valley than any other enterprise that could be named, and It Is to he hoped there will be no opposition. The com mittee should push the bitl from the stait. CD or Thanks. The entertainment committee of the GAR desire on behalf j McPhersjn Post to thank the public for the liberal support extended to us In our efforts to en'ertaln In the Veteran of iSij." And we desire especially to thank Mis Jennie Clayton, Mrs "II V llarkness Miss Etta Stratum, Messrs tieo E Fish, J R Wyatt, II L Walden, Miss Nettle Monlekh and the ladles who aslt ed in the tableaux; the members of F Co, Mr T J Overman, manager, and all others who so kindly assisted us. OAR Com Mil tek. Th Toledo Dspot. At rs usually the esse, there sre two sides to the Ore gon Pacific Toledo depot matter. The citlxens petitioned for a depot and called the railroad commlssloneis to tlnl rescue, but the board was unable to accomr lUh anything. A conference was held with the Oregon Pacific company with this re sult: The company savs It will bulid an ample depot at Toledo just as soon as the cltiient of that villsge vacate the com pany't right of way, a considerable part of which they aie now occupying In various ways. Statesman. Tail Exdirs. Linn county members in the SUte Legislature in the lower house have received the same laviuh at tention by the speaker that the Senators did from tbe President. Hon J F Henry completes the committee on enrolled bills, Hon C J Shedd, one paper spells it Schedd, appears at the end of the com mittee on federal rclations.and Hon F C Hansard terminates the list of members of the committee on alcoholic lienor tramc. lo the victors belong the spoils. Jo-Jo Many of our citizens will re member the wonderful d'g-faced Russian boy, Jo-Jo, with Sells circus, c few years ago. lie prcre J genuine In very respect, a marvel of nature to look at, and many declared be was worth the $l ltcot to get Into the circus. With another attraction o-Jo will be exhibited at the corner of "Irst and Ferry streets. In the store room juit vacated by Iilodgett Si Son lomo-row and next d.iy, according to the advertise ment which appears elsewhere. Admis sion only 25 cents, 10 ctnts for children. Small Tracts Sold. -Townsend & Wilson have made the following sales off the Capt, Smith farm of 257 acres recently purchased by them: ao acres to S P Wil liamson, $710; 3 acres to II K Stone for 1 600, and 30 acres to another resident of Oakrllle for $600. Mr Williamson will make a fruit farm of his tract, setting out prunes mostly. Steamer Arrivals. ThU evening the finest lot of California fruits and vegeta bles thst ever csme to this city will be re ceived by Muller (c Garrett." TSe rash grocersonslsting of Cauliflower, celllery, oranges, lemons, dates, ng, bananas, par- lie, etc. Call early and secure the btsi. ! Ixckkased Rates. Rates l ave been raised on the Oregon Pacific boats.wbicb will be run regularly on the W illaniette this winter. It was found necessary to increase tbe tariff in order to do business without a lose, and hence the courts made the order. BbwithTat Back Will lUady who took the zink tray from the WCTU ball next morning after Thanksgiving, with lnnch, please return it to Mrs Tho Hopkins. Runaway Team. The delivery team of Judson's butcher shop rsn sway this morning striking Meyer's milk wagon square in the end. Mnller & Garrett are never struck that way. They are always In the lead, just received a fine lot of fruits and vegetables. Notice. Special meeting of Baelab Bebekah' Degree Lodge. No 35, I OOF. will be held on Saturday, Jan 24th. All members expected to be prescnt aa there is special work on hand. J L Uxdebwood, R H. Lock IUrk. Fresh Ct-lumbla river smelt, silver salmon and salmon trout at the Albany Fish Market, next door to the P. 0. M Hide Propr, Nw Cabpcts, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, just received at A, 15 Mcllwain's. The stock is large and choice, selected for this market, and po ttle wanting the best carpets at tlio ow- est prices should call and inspect his splendid stock.' It was bought low and will be sold low. NvJTice. 1 have moved my millinery store across the street In Hie I; Him berg block next d-or to J A Cuminlngs drug store, where I will be pleased to meet my rienits and customers. Ida M Dri sii. Om IIlkdbed W'aoons just received which I am going to give away free, one with each can of Forest City Baking Pow der. Come early. O h Bkownkll. Notice. Parties desiring a cab will do well to call onTrites Bros, w ho connect with all trains. Funerals and weddings a specialty. Fresh drags, perfumery, hair brashes oloth brushes, tooth brushes, liesb b. ushts ooas, money parses, box paper, (sea p dor, and, io (set, everything ond in a first class drag store, for sals at bottom piices,b ilulm cc uawsoo, The ONLY place ia the ty Jwhero East rro tickets can bo purcba is of w Jotter, at tho Southern Pacif.o C'o's ticket effloo SII ILUlt M tUKJS will immo-iiauiy ro C'rmip.W booping l-oujjh srd KronchiUF. Fohay & Masc.tit agists. No Flies. There are no flies on Conn A il ! Irr.i 1 ndrlci-ou's r.ew clerk, that fates their jrniTS ou entering. Every hody i-d t!-e same, a smile for a!!, and the - ii the ci' V and l-of f ctri Patknts Granted to Inventors In the Pacific States during the past week. Re ported by C A Snow & Co., patent attor neys and agents for procuring pntents,opp IT'S Patent otlice. Washington, I) Ci J 8 Bcnn, San Francisco, Cal, fly book) t N Uorden, Valley Center, Cal, table) T V lirook, San Francisco, Cal, hydrant; K M launosan, 1'ortiand, ur, compound for covering broom corni N Uoldv, San Francisco, Cal, sash balance; W I Humphreys, San Franclaco, Cal, Joint for suction pipe o( dredges; J II Jones, San Francisco, Cal. Injector oil burner for boiler turnaics; G F KlucalJ, San Fran cisco, Cal, photographic ramera shutter; II r Oliver, Oakland, Cal, Ucrrtck ; A A Palm, Calico, Cat, screen; A V Reppy Oakland I'lci, Cal, eleclrlc arc lamp; Stcmpcl, San Francisco, IV, antl friction bearing. Too Kkar A uk a. An article appeared In tho last ieue of the Meictiry, rela ting to a letter found upon the street, referring to a married woman of Albina. The place should have rend Altany in steady of Album, being a typographical error. This correction is made la justice to an eminently rcappctabln lady Waring the same name, living iu the moral city of Albina. Mercury. People say that Al bina is the most immoral city on the const, and the IVmocbat regrets the sim ilarity of the names, and we suspect now tho above is simply for the sake of got ting out of the cerape. Sunday. The attendance at the Sabbath schoo's of Albany, was approxi mately as follows, according to Hgures securvd by the Democrat: Uiptisi, 153; Melhouist, 14S: V P, I3 PresUlerlnn, 1175 Congregational, 90; Christian, 81; Baptist mission, 75; Evangelical and M E south, estimated st I3. Total, ol, prob ably being te largest In the history of the cltv, and shosrlitg the Increasing Interest In spiritual matters generally. Claims a Mink. -Mr. John S. Dean makes affidavit before the County Cleik that he hat done $100 worth of woik on the old Fidelity mine, In the Santiam Dis trict and thelore claims the ownership of the same. Scuoot RsroRT. Tho first term wf the Tangent school closed Friday, Jsn 17th, wjl, with 71 enrolled, bo belonging. 65.5, average attendance. l)Lno.,' Principal. Br la a Tour Uorses a4 tirt Tsar ra-fc. Mr 11 rrandentein, from San Francis co, will be in Albany, buying horses, Jan 20 and SI, at I. Sender's stab'e, de siring to buy the following horses. J'ays and blacks, age, from 4 to 8, weight, 1U75 to 1150 pounds, 15 to Id hands high, well broke, sound, and in good condition. L. Skxukks. Manrj so Loaa. We have plenty of money to loan on real elate security", on two to fire years time. Call on us at our I'ffice, opposite th o 'evere house. BCRKH i -VEKNCY. The Reaso.,- Why. Why Is it that Klein Bros car afford to sell boots and shoes so reasonable f Because they are bot'i practical shrw makers and make psrtcf heir expenses by working on the shoe bench, any boot or thoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it Is man, womans or chllds, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose they repair them for you free of charge, and as lhey do all the wot k them selves, they don't charge you a$ to jo cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay o.-ne shoemaker to repsir them for rou. Thev also make a specially of repairing rubber boots. Mueller & Garrett's cash prices are do ing the business. Monrx tafd by deal ing with them. Jut snitsd a foil lina of Uilie. chil dren, tnios and ('ey's foot wisi at (J W Hinipson's.'whieti will I hi so'd at bottom prices. Hoi.wks BisijiHS Collkor, of Portland Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco.the leading penman of the coaat, has U-eome a partner in this school and w ill make it fie leading bu:iijeHS college. Send for a catalogue. I l.4la; Pbotof rnpbrrs A sty rroa. Wo lisve Imuulit all tfcsn gtiv 1 mulm by L W Osik aud W J Ursi. .. ood up to Nov 13th, 1&89. I'oplicttis esn b hsd from hpm only of as st rsduct t tains. W hsye also sbvst 18,000 ariitWej made ty oar selves, from which duplicate cao ba bad st like la cs. Wa carry the on y full line J viowi i.f this stats Bud do tnhrg d work at loweitrtUs for liist class soik. N shall b pleased t. sea oo at our .Studio io Froman's bhwk, nxtdiMr to Maiooio frn.Dls. Prsaaaaeed Oapelcsis, let Ravrd. From a lottcr writtea by Mr Ada E Hard f Crotoo, 8 D. w quote: "Was taken with bad eo,d. w Inch settled cn my Looks. ooughs stt iu sod dually tern.iusUd in Con sumption, Four doctors i;v mo op saying ceoldhvo hot a short time. I psva my self op to iiiy Saviour, deterit:ioed if I cold oot stay with iny ti lands to earth, I would meet my absent ooes shove. My t.asbaud as advwed to get Ir Kind's New D tcvf r- ery (or Consoaiytiuri, Coughs t,d I gsve it a trial, took in all eight loM; it ss cored me and thank uod I am a well sni hssrty woman." Trial b..ttlas fr t Fo bay ic Sliioo a dine sU-n , regular :t. SOo and ft. Oats Straw, Loose oats straw for tnle by F C Burkhart, one mile southeast ofthiscitv. Circl latino Library. Mr JoeTall, who organized a circulating library a car 140, anu placed ifu dooks at the store oi C E Urcv.r.i", has started out to increase the number cf books by getting new mem bers. 11 only costs Si.;0 to become a membei and each meinbei has the riirht to read all the books In the library. This is a very cheap way to secure leading matter. Remember each member has the right to read any book In the library or any that may be placed there be increase of membership, C E Brownell is libra rian. Chcadle cLeese is the best. Try it.. C E Slur s-aeli My dear, said she, when you go out Be srjre to send me some sauer kraut, 1 ou n una it gooa at m. a u.'e. Who also keep that fine Swiss cheese. Chow chow, pickles and mackcral "off snore." You'll find displayed at their front door : Teas, coffees, spices and sugars without eana. For cash they aro selling cheaper Than any other stand. Their clerks are kind and pleasant, And greet you with a smile ; And as for waiting on you Its just in first-class style. IOO F. Albany Loace No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvlted to attend. GEO. A. TV EKXEH. Gao. A. Werner, tbawsUkaawnboaksngTarar, of Kl California St,, B. F., writes to ths Edwin W. Joy CO., that bis wlfo hu been taking Jay's Yog etAUe arsaiavlila for months for liver trouble and Indigestion with splendid results, lis says, "we bar found it Invaluable for keepiag tin ijEtcra rotrnl-stid. It divides tbe load with a Tf7!aJ stonirh and replaces the distressing HOtlaL AAD rUIMOSAt, MONDAY. Mr 8 P Bargcr, o! Brownsville, was In the city to-day. License has been Issued for the mar riage of William Worth and Mrs Sarah Young. Mrs LA Allen, wife of one of tho Allan Bros., arrived lit Saturday even- Riley Kiik, of Brownsville, wsnt to Salem this morning, Iidn'l Uarn what he wanted, Ur E R Barker camo down from the Sat'tlam mines Saturday evening, by way of Sweet Home, bringing soma line q jaris. He reported clht Inches of snow at the mines. The Albany it. Ill Is aaln tun ning, the new machinery having arilvcd O W Wright, Esq., has been absent for the last three weeks attending to legal business In the superior court at Spokana Falls where ho scored a legal victory for his client, returning home last evening Ho says Spokane Is quiet, and banks sre loaning very little money, while the bro kers are reaping a harvest on tho loans at from two to ten per cent per month. Tl'KKDAY. MraPrPavU returned from Harria- burg this noon, accompanied by her mother, Mrs lr Heiidrex. Mayor J L Cowan, Hon W It Bilytu, W111 FaUr and others went to Salem this noon. Mrs (ieo L Walker, of Portland.arrive d In the city this noon on a visit w ith her many relatives aud friends here. . Barrows A Bull. Oregon airenla for the N W Insurance Co., w hose head otllcw Is iu Portland, are oiH'iiIng a branch o.1ke In the Oregon Bank building. Mr Ked WdU,. the successful wheat dealer of Corvallia. was in the eitv this forenoon. Mr wells was not even scorched by the recent fall la wheat. The following divorce suits hava Inen begun In the Circuit Court recently : W II Mar ie aat M A Matde: Haltio Ch-ment against Hubert L Clement; 11 H Uriifga agt Caroline M Briggs; ltosa K Ienny ngt Charles Denny. IV not fontct the social to lie ctven under tho auspices of the V K Society of the Presbyterian church this eve at the residence of Mr J L Cowan. A pleasing literary and musical proitrain will 1 ren dered during the evening. An enjoyable time is anticipated. A party was tendered Miss Clara Bend last evening at W F Bead's, previous to her departure (or Missouri on a visit. MisaKcad will Ik aceompartied by her father and mother, Mr and MrV 0 Bead, and nephew, Francis Bead. Mr Robert Huston, of this city. Is in Portland as a w itness In the ease of Searl Sc lXan against the Oregon Pacific. The plaintiffs claim about UX).HK) damages, The defendant admits about 110,000 to le due. A decision yesterday in the U 8 Circuit Court practically decides the case in favor of the defendant. Mr Cle, manager tit the Allwny Wool en Mills store In I'ortland.doing business under the name of J M Moyer A Co., has been in the city on business. Mr Colo reports enough orders ahead for tho Al bany cloths from th East atone to run the mills until Aneust. and thev keen coming In. All the leading clothing houses ot the hast he reports carry a line of Albany goods. WKDNrsDAY. Mrs R A Irvine is greatly Improved In health. . Jay XV Blain and family made a trip to" Portland yesterday. O P Co how, jr. returned this noon from a business trip to Portland. Mr N r Payne, of this city, is in Salem attending a county clerk's convention, and sheriff Scott attending a sheriff's convention. Mr McQuade, formerly roid master on the Oregon PacMc, now of tho Elgin branch of the t'nlon Pacific, whh head quarters at the La Grande, is in tho city. The Misses Edna and Motile Luner. t.f Albany, came to this city on Friday last on a visit to relatives snd friend, and re turned home on Mondav. Corvallia Times. Rev. Metayer, cf the CaiSo'lc Church started for Portland on Mondav. He was taken 111 011 the cars, and i now at the home of Father . h:te, cf Salem, receiv ing medical aid. C J Dillon, formerly In the furniture business It) this city, Is'ln town. Mr Dil lon has been looking over the country for a location, recently be.'ng or. Gra)s liar bor for a few days. Mr M A Malin, w ho has moved to Portland, told the Or-gonian that what Albany needed was for its citizens to get up and howl. As no town in Oregon la displaying a more healthy, reliable growth, with increasing prospects every day, evidently we are getting considera ble without howling like wolves. Mr Claud Mansfield arrived in Albany last evening by way of the O P, from his hot sulphur spring ranch, taken up a year or two ago, located in Marion connty, beyond Breitenbush. He reports only a small snow. In order to reach the railroad he had a long tramp of 30 or 40 miles. T-UKE.TT XVI IX III IKIM H'.ft. Caclarer W nates, mf lac Saalbera rarltVs K It, Jain 1 ha Lang List at Tatlcais Cared kr Klert Irlfr ty r Barrla. OU Fifth st. Kast Portland, Jan 12 18U1. Ecltcr OrKonln Dear Blr: I hold It to t a duly aa well as a p'essure to maka kn wn tbtough tbo press that which of all tithr things la moat es.entlal, viK The way to cure pain and olcknoKa. F1001 Bro Is. 10 tho '.tr.h I was conned to my r.ouso wiin scuiio r iitu mat im, kidney trouble, Icrlamation of nrck of the blad rlrr and general Indisposition. Conld n-'t sleep more than an hour st a time. All roear.s I tried proved cnavalllng. I was prompted to vult Br Barrln through the aavto or my iriontis, woo ntl been cure J by Dim tbouLb, 1 muil say, I had but little faith that electricity would eii'O me. I C'Uii to Ut doctor on crutches. Two v-SHrba elect rio treatment has cured me, ao I hsv thrown away 1 my crutches, and my other complaints have all dlaapp -arcd s-j I ta ecommaudof my enelna today. W HAYES, Uuw Hr:;lller Calaed Elglit Pouads. East Portland, Jan 11, 1891. Mr Editor: Asotberiare telling what wonderful cures Drs Damn nave mane for them ind their frtand, I want to tell bow much Ibey nvo helped me. Less than two montos ago I bouao taking their medicine snd elect. to tre-i tmesis, lierore one week bad passed I bojan to Improvn ana am now Uko a uititirem person. can walk anywhere 1 wbh to go ,nd welith eUtbt pounds more than when I began hectoring with them. 1 feel pitas ed and grateful and want others who are sick aud miseable to know what tbey can do for tbena' Can be referred to at my tome at any time, IrviLg addl'lcn, Ex't Portland, co.ner kith and Alder. Mrs 11 J MILLER. Drs Darriu can be coaiclled freo at 70 J Wshi"ton street, I'oril.nd, from 10 a in to 8 p m daily. Thsy tret all coraliU chronic acots and private dUoaees, and will send ihe-r circulars, question blnuks and remedits to suy "isil or expresj address, Drs Durrin hsva beso practicing tliuir pcu- liar electrio treatment for tlio past twenty seven years, and that they do euro where all other methods I'll ts shown by the above remaikaLU cures. We do not publish the names of ons in 60 on an aversge, aod only then with tbr. wilt teo consent of tho patieDt. Bnwsre of anyone representing hi mat If si Dr Dsrrin traveling through the country, as they are fraads. Drs Da rin have closed all outside offices. Albany narket. Wuoat-elo Onls-60.!. Butter 85s pno. Fsrjra 55t Hay 0.00. Fotetoes- 8a eta per bml'.s; Beef od foot, 8Xe Apples- 60 cents por bu. Pot k 6j per ku-es:i l?a ens hams, lie thou! tiers 7c sides Oo .rd t'cpcrlb. fc'lonr-4.'io per bW. CblnkMia- 3 CO por dn.. !-5ul heed tian, H.iMijm 1. niMFITS. Oregon should have a stato mlneralo gUt. Tho lurge Increase In mining Inter ests makes this the proper thing. Our state Lrghili.tura will please coitictViplsio the matter. Now that Dempsey was to easily whlpprd his ft lends sre crvlng to Fits- slmmons, fc Take a -follow of jour slse," which sounds tunny alter the blowing Dempsey did; but It show s the soul grspo way 01 tlio worm Mr Grant Wolverlon and btlde, of Hpo kano Falls, ara visiting Mends and rela tives in this county. Mr Wolverlon Is a Polk county bov, and was only recently married ta Miss Prosser, of SKiknne Falls, wno is by birth and cducstlon a Phllaucl . phlan. Her hu hand has accumulated considerable wealth since ho has been a resident of llu central city ot the "inland cmplre."--West Side. The groom Is a brother of C E Wolverlon, wf this city. W E Ilogue told a team early In the week to some parties who gavo him In psyment a check on the emhsrassed bank st Spokane Falls. Ho soon (uund the to c valueless and Immediately secured ino return 01 the lioises.aitirsome parley. It Is supposed tho buyers knew nothing of the bank's failure. Mayton Sun. Never theless tho Bank Is said to be on its feci again, and the check would probably have been cashed lit full, The folio alng from tho Pendleton E O would Indicate that w holesale houses are pushing their debtors IndlscMmlnately, "Sirtckfaden & Wageublast.of the Pendle ton Snddiery company, have been com pelted to make an assignment. An at lachment suit was brought against than by Hogan & Speedy, of Portland, for $6So, aud owing to the stringency of the money market, they were unable to meet the obligation, assigning to U A Hart man to prottct their remaining C'cdltors. The assignment shows $7,000 assets, be sides $(,00 worth of property belonging to an individual member, M. WagenClast while the liabilities are but i,('",T.i). The result shows what may be expected It any firm doing buslnct at present Is subjected to a sudden pressure by creditors Hogan Si Hpeedy were offered any amont cf gilt edged security, but had to have money," The minstrel entertainment at the Opera Hotiso tonight will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. If you would see tho en tire and unequalled program go early. There are two photograph galleries at Prineville. Being two small of a place for the number each tries to kill the other by harsh nowanaiH-r enitheu. That is the way of the world. 41 Live and let live" is a good rule. For the past five years there have Uen on an average lot) final proofs made on pre-emptions In this county. This ruians about f.S),OU0 going out of the county each year to pay for government land, says the nekoro iCeview. Nothing to cry over. Use the land rightly and it will bring hack from out of the county many times that amount. The old saying among newspaper men is that if you hit a man in the columns of a paper he will see it in the moat ob tcure earner; but never gets sight of a favor. A contrary case has Jtiat come to hand, and a Democrat man acknowledges the receipt o'. a savory piece of beef steak from the popular meat market of Height Bros, as the result of even an unintended favor. The word "hobo" as used In Oregon for a bad character, Is said to be derived from the Indian word ''Hobomnco.n a bad or evil genfus. In other states It Is used as a term of derision, had has possibly a dif ferent derivation. People often Judge of the climate and social standing of a country by their own prosperity in it. if they do well there is a rosy hue to every sunset and a lily on every tush. If they fail to make ends meet there is an umbrageous aspect ta things. That is human nature, and it hits all of us; but it contains its owu suggestion. The county court of Lane countv has let the contract to A K Wheeler for mak ing a thorough and complete plat of all the land in the county, lr the purpose of taxation. The plat will itivo a thorough and accurate description of every piece of reai property and also me name 01 the present owner. Mr Wheeler is to re ceive his pay in taxes saved the rounty lor a certain period. He will make money. , A case of persistence almost equal to Robert Bruce, is reported bv the Milton Eagle, one that will no doubt meet with another failure: For the seventh time in fourteen years the long-suffering iko- pie ol Jr.astem Umatilla county ask at the anus 01 the state legislature a lair and equitable separation from the old county, and with this end in view have instruct ed their representative, Hon J 8 Ritchev, to introduce a bill U lore that honorable boly; and have circulated and signed a petition designating the particular lines of division which in their judgment would include a self-sustaining county. All kinds of conventions are being ield in Salem during the Legislature. Of course it is not intended to influence that body. If it is desired to get an im portant measure through it is necessary to have a agon rood bill. . There are so many that onytliingcan be accomplished jy wie louow uig nine game : The (state Legislature had belter hurry up some of its bills on gun accidents, or t it lias none to invent some at once. The Telegram says in a very quiet.every day manner: "Mr Octavius Drake, a farmer, living neor Taylor's station, wos accidentally shot and killed by his son, Charles, Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. The old gentleman was sitting by the fire ana tiie son was in an adjoining room extracting a shell from a gun w hen the weapon was aiechaiged. Death resulted from the loss of blood, the femoral artery ueinjj severed. But few people are aware that to send a remittance to a lottery company is a misdemeanor, and that the person so sending is liable to a fine of $200 or a years imprisonment, or both. Such however, la declared to be the case, and postmasters are reauired to report all such lettera. The law. though, is proba bly violated as much as the Chinese pheasant law, and it may be surmised that there will not be many fines paid. Mr C E Brownell, the groccr.has quite an artistic .window, une groundwork consists of rice, coffee, etc., properly ar- ibijkcu. in mo renr IB log CHOI II, Willi a pig reaching his head out of the door. In front is a ferocious looking tiger, with his bead turned towards the pig.aud ap proaching in another direction is a bear. Will the pig die, or will the bear and tiger fight. The scene is a frontier one, well depicted. In another place our cotemporarv is taken to task for the use of th? expression "Bowman faction of the Evangelical Church." The Democrat also used the expression, -So far as the public gener ally is concerned, the divisions of the church here are known as the Bowman and anti-Bowman factions, and a newspaper simply uses public teims. To designate me louowersoi uowman as the Evangel ical Church would be taking sides in the case. In Oregon It Is a Jlocal matter, and me tactions are probably about evenly UIV1UCU, The other day while D M French and Mike Keating were joining sewer pipe an accident occurred which nearly caused the loss of Tink s optics.and which occa sioned a mournful surprise party. Tink was absent for a time, and Mike- stuffed apiece of pipe with wet -.rags. When Tink began to manipulate the melted lead it came in contact with the rags and exploded, scattering in all directions. Hin head was br.J'y burned and several STATE t.t:i.lSLi1I Br,, Jan. 10. About My till were Introduced in tho house and twenty-five in the Legislature. The most important bill was tho Australian ballot bill by Hall, of Multnomah. Montgomery In tnxitu'i d a bin repealing mo law Allowing exemptions for indebtedness iu cave of assessment. Myers, of Linn, one abol ishing tlio fish commission; Henry, of Linn, one appropriating $10,000 for a wagon road fiiti the Cascades. Other bills are) bv Willis, regulating tho in surnneo business; by T'ulkrtm, amend ing mechanics lion, law ; by Matlock. pro viding (or an insane asylum In Kastern Oregon ; by Gamble, printing laws in pamphlet , form j by McCall. to prevent railroad accidents. It should pass, lly Hhedd, rrgnlatlng laitroads; by Holmes, nl)llshing H H commission ; by linker, creating Oregon Holdier's Home; by Minto, l-VXK) for A fish ladder at Oregon City, and charter bills, and many touch ing on local and uninteresting matters. Tlio fallowing resolutions in tuo House were lost: Itesolved, That It Is the sense of the legislative assembly ot the state of Ore gon, that the commissioner of the World's Columbian fair prohibit the sale or giv ing away of Intoxicating Honors on the fair grounds during tho continuance of aaldfulr. Itesolved, That the secretary of state he Instructed to send a copy of the above resolution to the said commissioners, Hannard, Henry and Hhedd all voted In the nltlrmatlve, H.tLK, Jan. 20. The Rodavllle bill was placed on Its second reading. Among bills introduced Jjd&t attract attention were the following 1 By Tracy, punish ing profanity; by Armstrong, providing for tho publication of county court pro ceedings; by Manning, for 11300 for a district fair at McMiunvlllo; by Myers, incorporating Sclo: by Crwrno, authoris ing a bridgo at Corvallia; by Farley, al lowing recorders to record muting papers, now done by the county clerk. A spec ial committee on wagon roods was ap- f minted in tho honsc. It w ill have its lands full.' A resolution by Holmes ask for a constitutional convention. A Joint resohitlon favors government assis tance fur tho Nicaragua canal. The vote for U hi senator resulted as follows: J II Mitchell, ir house, 41, in sonata, 22; Harney tioldainltli, in house, 19, in senate, 6. FUucm, Jan 20th, 191. Koth booses have adjourned to attend the funeral at Oregon City of Hvnator Kasthaui. lie was not able to take his seat, the oath of office was administered to him on his sick bed. Mr Last ham was a very valuable man to the commun ity where he lived, and to the state, and his death Is no doubt the rerult of over work. - There are waiioii road bills ealltr.a In the segregate for 1178.000. fhese bills are predicated in a measure upon the five per cent lund arising from the net rocveda of tho sales of the public lands ying within tho state, to which this stato was entitled on her admission into the union. This five centmn is paid to the state for the purpose of making pub lic roads and internal improvements. At the adoption of the constitution of Oregon a provision was Inserted that this uve per centum irorn the sales of public lands should, with the five hundred thou sand acres given for internal improve ments l turned over to tbe common school fund if Congress would assent to iU Kvidently it was the intention to have Congress consent to this proposi lion. I'.ut our representatives in Con gress never looked so far ahead. In I'eb. 191, a Joint resolution passed Congress assenting to tho application of the CvJ hundred thousand acres of land granted to Oregon for internal improvements, to the support of common schools, as pro vided 111 mc. 2, Art. 8, of the constitu tion of Oregon., The proposition was divided, and il seems Congress never as sented to a division of the five per cen tum. From this fond as far aa it would ?:o wagon mad warrants have been paid or years the records show. The lund is not a large one, but by no means ade quate to meet the present demand for money to build roods. Where is the money coming from? Solvent counties should ilo more to make cuoetantial roads than they do. There is a very genera! disposition to Increase the salaries of officers and to make salaries w here there were none be fore. Salaries of many County Judges will be raised, also salaries of County Treasurers, and a per diem will 1 given to County Commissioners. Tho latter have served for years without psy prac tically. It is time they were paid a suit able per diem. .Some wilt place it at tire dollar's per day. Work in tho two hotises is being farmed out: soon it will indicate the full measure of its objects and purposes. tUlla fly into the readers hand like fallen leaves in a storm, and in the wind up, like everything else, few w ill be chosen. If an appropriation is made of 1350,000 for the World's Fair, 17,000 for wagon roads, with other special appropriations amounting to a half more, the stato w ill have to take in washing. Occasional. A sas care fur tho whisky Habit: Dr Uviotistun's Aotidoto fur rent enttess will core scy case of ths liquor i.sbit in trem ten to thirty days, from ths u oderatt driuker to tbe draokarrl. Tbs AntUloto o. n bo given in 1 cop if ocffte withi-nt tbs knowledge of ths perron taking iv. The Aotidoto w ill not injure ths healiri in soy way. M-nu factored by tha Livingston Chemical Co., IVrtiaod, Orrgfin rr from J A Couimiug, sols g&t, Alhsny.J W. F. Itesdecps the best rssoitmentof fauoy gi-ods iu town. Kami-thing fur the Kew lrar. The world renowned success cf H tetter's Stcmsch fitters, srd their continued popu larity for ovtr a tldrd ( s century as stODachic, is scarcely n.oio wonderful tha ths sloon:a that crests tho annual Mines: snos ot llostnttcr's A'tnaroo. This vsiu&b f medical treatise is published by ths hosts ter Company, I'iUsbarg, Pa, sudor thel own immediate supervision, eotployirg S ! bands io that department, thev are rot uing about 11 mouths io tha year 01 this wojk, and the isrus f sameii-r lS'Jl wi I be morethsa ten rnsHiems, printed iu tba Eng lisb, German;- French, Welsh,' Norwegian. Mwedisn. Holland. 'Bohemian and S Danish languages. Refer to a copy of it for valuable and luteresting resiling concerning health and numerous testimonials as to the (ftioiry of Hostetter s stomfibh Wlleis, amntemouc. varied ii format ion, astronomical oslculstions aud chront touted Itemi, &o, whioh can bs deDiudtd -on tot correctness. -Tho Alma nso for .1801 eta bo btsined f f .- of crt. from draijgtstssud goueral country dealers nail arts of l he oountey. HAIIE1ED. PARRY PHELPS Atthe residence of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Byron Phelps, S2I3 Third street, Seattle, Thurs day, January 15, 1891, Will 11 Parry, lty editor of the Post. Intelligencer, and Miss Harriett N Phelps, Rev David Claiiborne Garrett, rector of Sst Mark's parrlsh, o(H elating. Mr Parry was formerly editor of the Corvallis Gazette and Independence West Side. The Democrat feels under obligations to extend fraternal congratu lations. 4 HORN, PRY. On Wednesday morning? Jan 21st, 1891, in Albany, to the wife of It A try, a girl. DIED. TAYLOR. On Saturdi.y evening, Jan 17th, 1891, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A, Tripp, near Peterson's Butte, Mr Tarlton Taylor, from tho results of broken leg a couple years ago, aged 73 years. Mr Taylor came to Oregon In i8?i, from Illinois. His remains were. buried near Harrlsburg. The deceased leaves three children. BOND. On Saturday, Jan. 18th, 1S91 opposite Corvallia, in Linn'county, Mrs Lvdia Bond, agd 72 years. Mrs. Bond was a pioneer of 1840, residing on th same farm from that time until her wh.. Rh loaves eeveral children. II HO.HK AN0 ARBOAD MONDAY, Oct C Will has Just Aliened a flue mus'o te In 8alem. Ths WCTU will mailt to-morrow at 3 p m iostaad of 2:39 111 ss oua A state convention of sheriff will be hi 1,1 at 8a'em tomorrow. H!iariifNoHt wit! be present. Ths oars were full of Legislators this noon returning to Halsin. I ho average judgment of ths legislator as ludioated by ths hill, he Introdorss and votes lor Is vary poor. Tho directors of tho Oirgrm hank, at a meeting held asterdsy sveoii g, sluotsd tha following iiflicors, II F Morrul, president! Cspt K J Ijautdug, vloo-prosidoutt in J W UlulU, OaSlllvr. A man reoonlly Io Hpouans Vails, savs 2 to 10 per coot a month is paid for money, sr.d 11 is toaroeat that, itso a bars bvn rs- duoed there 25 par ooiit, the dt-msi.d bviua sogMOsrai. Alfred Wilglit, ons of ths most esteodvs manufsotnrsrs of perfnmss In ths world,did last eight at Kocheatar, a. Y., after an ill- nsis of assrly two yesrs, sged 61. Qoo rtaucroft, the historisn.died ftatu?dsv sveoiiig at Washington at ths ago of 00 years. Io his destb tho U, n. lusss tier most etnii ei.t hUtoruri. Thouj-ti bs wrolo a his ory cover eoinplvtsd it will alwsys re -nisi a as a motion aat to his ability. It II Noitoa, manager of ths coal minrs uesr IWil, ssts that surveyors for a rail road from tneminas t Yha Dallas will La put io ths Osld In sltoat thira we ks. There U a rumor float that tha Uoion l'auifiu is ci)idoriit ths advisability f building road to ths minrs, nrohahly from lleppnnr. UatUsT. M. MrNoitoo rao"iitly resld ed at A'hany, Tie oowboy whom tho DevKK'nsTmet- ti'inail, a fw dsvs siio, ss being 1st so from Cats Bay to i'eudleton whh his Ions iu shackles, was osmed Thos G 'Villisins. Wnhams hsd Had to Cool Bay aod wis stop dn with an Bimlo. Ua tsfused to bs ar rested when ths dspoty sheriff appealed, and ths result was a coup's of shots fired at him, when h gave himself op. if was a gamy looking man. . The IlAi-risr Ciiuacii Large con giegstians stlcnded all l. services at the Baptist church yesterday. Membeis were received Into the church Hattirday evening, and seven more wer,i beptlzed. Others have asked for admlssloi by letter or bsp'.lsm, which will make the tout ad ditions since the beginning of the present pastorate about fifty. Yesterday the Sun. day school reached the lsrgest number in Its history, 153 being in attendance. A largely attended young woman's prayer meeting was held In the lecture ruom In thj afternoon, while the Chinese Sunday school was going on In the audience room and the east Albany school on Main street. Tne special meetings will be con tinued this week, with preaching by Kev C M I lilt, of Portland. Mr Hill is super intendent of missions for the American Baptist I tome Mission Society, In Oregon, and 1 1 an able anJ popular preacher. UftQKK imto A Ciicacii. Mr'lhomss Morris, of Sweet Home, came to Albany tills morning whit "blood in f his eye," tn use sn o4 expression, and during tne day has been tn close consultation with Dr I) M Jones, hunting up records, etc. As nearly as the f ikmqckat can learn this Is the cause. Yesterday Rev II I Blltncr, of Cast Portland, a follower of Bishop Bowman, of the Evangelical church, was at that place for the purpose of presctdnfj Rev Tho A Yost, an anti-dowman preacher, has charge of the church, preaching every Saboa'h since the trou b'e. The report Is that Rev Biltnerand his followers broke forcibly into the church and look possesion of the same, holding services, Mr Morris Is a member of Rev Yost's church and was here for the purpose of making arrangements to secure the arrest tl Rev Bittner and his followers. The matter la an ou'eomeof the old trouble, and the Dkmocsat mere ly gives the facts ss reported simply as a news item. It Is to be expected there will be numerous versions of It. Sweet Home people are at least greatly excited over the matter. No arrests have yet been made. Tcsstay. Tho tss levy for Crook ooooty It 20 C9 7utb mills. The SUte Temperaooe Alliaooa meets a 8alm to -sorrow aftarooou. Mrs Nancy tTs w. II koOn oelealia), has ooitcd with ta Baptist croroh. Towosecd k Wilson have s-ctued tha sooth east cot ner room', second story, in tha Bait, mora 6!stk, and are moving thrir real estate t flics Soto the sans. Aoy ooe baviog old clothing to give awsy will (Tcslly obli tha Lsdies Aid Society by leaving tha same with Mrs Dr Crawford, Mn Sears or Mis Kelly. " A yesrsgoat this time stockman hvlfed for a moth and a hi if, and hsysUckswere gntwiogsmatl Tl.-s year it has not bceo nrcetr) to had seything sod tbrre is pUnty of hay t-t h-ed ail tha stock in tie county two uiuoths Ocboco lUvisw. 3xt mcr.ih tfco ndtr cf United Wotk rrso of tins jardictioo, which tmhracas Or egon, Wsshiiiijton, ar-d Brtiish Cilnd is, will treeiv. ret.410 01 is.uot? q over pay oieot msds last year. A BiioaT IUkaway L Judsin's meat market team ran away this forenoon, making the dkmocat corner headquar ters for tho resulting excitement. The horses wero stopped at the Vicreck cor ner. w rs Myers milk wagon Just escaped being run into, and, as usual. Ah Swill s horse waa on hand to start in pursuit. ilia onty an m ago oone was a broken tongue, which makes two in the valley recently, tuo other being tn Salem. Six War rants Igsuvo. Deputy Sheriff D S Smith left for Sweet Home this morning with warrants issued out of the court ol George llumphery, Esq., for the arrest of Key II 1 Bittner Presiding Elder of the Bowman faction of '.he Evan gelical Church, Rv O A McElroy, George Mavcn, Kudoiph Spring, Samuel JSoth inger, sr., and Samuel Kothinger. jr. Mr 1 nomas Morris was the complains witness and the complaint charges the defendants with forcibly and unlawfully breaking Into tne ivangeittai ituircn ot sweet Home, The Implement la reported to have been a large and long role, w itn hvo 01 the men heaving against the door together, and the 'residing tlder superintending the 10b Mr Morris left immediately for Albany before knowing the result of the affair, which happened about ? o'clock Sunday evening. The case will up at 10 o'clock In the morning, if the parties are on hand,and will be watched with Interest. Religious. Rev A M Achcson.of Oak- ville, preached at the U P Church last evening on "Jesus Christ the Precious Foundation," delivering an earnest and thoughtful sermon, that had a good ef fect. Kev w W logan, ot Portland, will be in the city to-day, and to-night will conduct the services. There will be meetings every night during the week,to which the public is Invited. Also a wo man's prayerroeeting at & 0 ciock auer- n 00118. At the M Church last evening there were about 400 persons present to bear Evangelist Connolly talk about the Blind Man." live came forward to the altar and others he id up their hands for prayers. J. very afternoon there is uiDie reading and prayermeeting at 2:30, and song service beginning at 7 :30 and preach ing at 8 p. tn. in the evening. A warm welcome to all. . t WEPXK8DAV. Buy your grooerlis of Parker Bro s. Sur kraut at C E Brownell's, Hulin & Dawson, druggists. Fiao groceries at Conn & Hendrioson'a. . Bargains in library lamps at C IS Brow- noil's. A bsrgsin counter of ohildreus ana misses shoes st iSearls: Genuine Iowa torghum on draught at C E Browoellsv Delicious crango cider on tap at C E Brownell's. Coll at Hulin Daa-son's Naw Drug Sto.e for fresh drugs. Call and get a pdr of blankets that Seurls is selling foi lew than eost. Tablets, pencils aod sponges, at Ilulia Dawson's, Freuch's corner. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 3 omt oigar at Julius Joseph's. Do not iail to get a pair of child reus or misses shoes from Searla' bargain, oonuter. Bargains ia choice groceries can always be secured of Alien Bros,, Flinq Block. A largo slock of wail paper, with Jato de signs, at Fi-ri miliar t Xrviug's.jast received. A due stock of l.o curtina far 93 cents Keep it in your mind that Allen Bros pro pose keeping tbs kind of groceries ths public demands, iiioiritocu is a lino obs. Don't fait to see our men's and oioining ooiora f nrtl.asiug sisswitere, wt sell ths Ix-'t cI-Hliin for tha least y f any nouso in trie city. , ixmi anil oa con Vinotd. O VV Hidijifioi), Mr J A MoFeiou tms puiclnnd tf iio Oavsue his dray nut Ht and will hnrusfier run tin. l)Ui(iu. Us desot fbS s good patruo e, The ( receipts st tln-fCoi vallis ptvt Olio for tho yosrti.diog JanaSO'h. 181)0, acooifti u to ths lO ioriof tha ostinsstr gHOsrsI, ws-,f LH2r3 and ths tidal esoon ses (1,814.89. Ths Ouodyesr. Khtrit it Kahillioa's n In- slrel iLUiffcium nt at the opera Iiouhs Ut evening, a atlanditd by a gond-sis -d su diaoee. 1 he program was a novel ona and tha eiititrtaiomciit was 00s of tho hrt mar pieseoted hers iu ths minstrel lino Willis 10 Itoid is not loved d-jwn st Artoria Hardly a vmr appears without h a nimn in big Islters 11 ore is a sample fmm tho Col aml'lsiii Truth at U.t. W.lliuin lt.-i.l'. double dealing disotosed to vies, llxtsrd ad ths bood sals. Mr ,111(1 rlim sp!aits theosuse of tho dlsy. MoNaught w.ll rs port favorably, Coodjnows exprckd L fvrs ths sxpiration of a week. rog Facts. Rev II I liittner arrived In Allany last evening on the 4 :20 train from Kwect Home. On his way here he had tieen formally arrested by Deputy BherifTHiiilth, and allowed to come to Albany on his own recognizance. The DitMOcftAT takes 110 sides In this K gehcal war. It is simnly Interested in ?;iving ljoth sides, and the condensed acts in the case, which is what the pub- It... 1 .i . . W a - a . . iic wisin-a, Hv uiuier s version Is that Hey McLlrov had been holdiritf t.mtrapt. ed services in the rjweet Home church, ucing auawea tne use 01 the church one half the time, ItevYoKt, who held the key, ulng It the other half. Itev Bittner went there to assist in the sprvict a Tr is claimed on the other hand that one of the conditions irrant.-d Kev Mc Kirov waa that the l'residing Elder should not be allowed there. Katurday evening w hen llev Uittner went there, with his follow ers, he states, the door was barricaded nd Rev Yost and a few followers were on the inside with a light and clubs, ready for war. Then thev broke oni.n the door, when.after almost a flght.those insice fled, and services were held. Ha claims that a rock was thrown at him just as lie was ascending the pulpit. The rocks and clubs will be used in tho trial of the case. The Othsr nrisoners from Ku-eot Ifnma will be in on the 4 :30 train, when the time w ill be set for their examination. A Goon IUholitiox for New Years or any other time is to buy your groceries. baked goods and produce of Parker Bros. One of their resolutions is to keen the best in the market, to sell at reasonable prices and to treat cvervbody with cour tesy. If yon want to know what store to I point your tracks towards for a whole year look towards 1'arkcr Bros., where you can always find the goods you want Cloaks at coat at W F Read's. K 'Su & Aohbon bacdls tho celebrated Portland cement walls fur ceiretcry.lots. foe walls can I -a foraiahed st half tha coat of aoy other and ara far superior. JO-JO & m EUSSUS D3WA3JD BOY, XJINTZII2, The Whlto Dalicd Aboriginal Stauty, of Australia, with white hair, 6 feet in eircumfWroncs, and os cl.latiog pinkeyes. 3 114 a OlILY S an 1 Friday Jaa 2Z, and Thursday 28! From 1 ta S oVIock, and &30 to 10 o'olM'k, la the store rcom at corterof Flitt and Fairy sUetU. I 25 GENTS; ! Children, 10 Cents, A MEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Jatlr Abreast with Us Times. .1. sa WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for tha Family, School, er Professional Library. Thm Anthantlo Webster's Una bridged Dlotionitrr. comrisliisc the issnea of 1861, TJ& '84. oopyrlelited property f lh nndersiznod, la now Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, and aa n dibtlng- isklng title, be aura tho name of Webster's Interna tloaal Diotioaary. Editorial work npoa this revlaloa has boon In ncttro progress for over Ten Years, Not loss tlinn One Hun dred paid editorial laborers liar been ene-nrceil nrton it. wvor uu,uuu dxpenuea in its preparation boforo tba first copy was printed. Critical comparison wills any either Dictionary is invltfd. Gat tta Beat, C A C. MEHKIAitI & CO., rulilishcrs, Rprlncneld, Muss., V, S. A. Sold byall Booksellors. Illustrated pamphlet free. CARPENTERS& BUILDERS oriUMO o w ear anyone wanting loj-thtng la Boh so wars Una will do well tj call on Swset A Sox before purchaaiDR. Tb,r ksxit) nc-arly eveiTthUjg In t'-o In of tlUlrtss bsrdwaro, auj a insgulflot-ut rtic.k of floe tools, CCnQ! All kind or grass soods, para dLCUO- and oloan, aro sold by Stewart Sox, Trioos have; obanged '.slnoo lat aoa isa. Cotns aoil so us. BUILDING AKDLOAN.-slO shares In 2nd series, for s Io. Itquiro tt Bank oi'Oregcn - CPU CQ Pon't pness at weights anj OuiltO) longor. Many a faruer lose nouoRh in that way lo oue yoar to pay for a g Ad scale. Uo to Stowart fe Sos and price thfcir calta of all kinds. AMMUNITION ETC. n'cBline of ibot. powder, loaded shells, rartrlttges, etc.and rfill sell at ressouohlo figure. ln t for gt-s ua when you come to lay la your winters supply of ammunition, to protect your ranch from tbe inroads of that ring teokcil entrant. smwaht&S ex. MS and REVOLVERS,- -The idea has cot out that ws 1 ve disposed of this part of our business, hst'a amistako. We ara in it now deeper ban ever. We have a riloe line of Marlin md Wincbosterrllies, a.vd breechloadiri ihot .uva ranging In prieefro'ii $12 to , Also al the late iwproved revolvers. ; Stewakt & Sox. We" keop nothing but the iiUnldi famous barrel churn. There 1 famous is nothing so pood us on prices. and no one can beat Stewart & Sox, DFI TI R'O Both rubber and leather DCL I iltu. bolting always on h-tnd a Stewart fe Sox's. Also rubbsr, hemj and jabretoes pack log. i-inif 1 itn Cirri Stewart A ''ox til l i S AliU ulttLi nave a very larte stock of bn l, strap, ommon and rs r way Iron; also maalilne, taot, plK ia plow steel, v nmv n 1 nr 1 1 CTO -.We on h ft-AB I imSUSiftSi.! a Ufa a.oitm : all the time enibihicjj hoo 1, parKwil an Uj , t. i- ' ' 1 s t i .. - r r,. J l"t !ti't- eadarbe and atysaepsla- illlam B RoakwoM, No 612 West 67th Strort, NswYork, sa)ts hI hove hear, a n srtjr to bilious h-adioba ai-d dyspepsia. Any iodiscretloa io liet.ovnf.tiiti?. or eotd. I.f ius ou a fit of indigestion, ta bs follawad hy a hssdschs iinti gtwo or throo days at a tune. 1 think I must hsva ti h d over twac- ty dill. rent rsmsdies, which were rCom- meiids'l as certain cores by loving friends, bat itwss DO um. At last I thooght 1 aoold take a simple course of purgstico with Biandreth's 1'ilis, For tha first week I tw,k two pill every bight. thra oo pill for 01;. nisi 111 ini iima 1 gained ihrc Imiih.o. 11, wri((iir, bsver bsvt bad aa a or a j .io si'scc.' DisesM in 00 a part of the binly ail eveoloslly nil th whole body with ci 4,a, Kvery )earr twosome part of th systf.m trows weak aod begins to decay. Such part should bs removed at nco, and new matter hi allowed t take its plsos. There's iio oed ut cutting it oot ij'' W,H' scalpel. Purge awsy ths old, disiissA.1 and wora oot pai t with Brao drotb's fills. , I Highest of all in Leavening Fower aAsBS GLUTEI PURE iiiillliil 11 DURIITG I Will close out his entire stock of Winter Clothing, consisting ot Suits, Un derwear. Overcoats, Etc., Etc., Etc., - AT - G reatiy Reduced Prices, In order to make room for his" SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, of : which : he : will : have : a ALLElf BROTHERS- Wholesale s Retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE OR !N THEIR Flinn Block- DR. ABORN IS NOW AT PORTLAND. CntiO.t. tQVL THOSK WHO CASSOT PliSSlEtT Call sKB 80XAl.LT, HOSE TBE4TMEST PLACED WITH 13 TBS RRACH OF ALL THAT WILL ISSTASTA5ECC9 r.'UE7 AX9 A PEESANEyt CUBE. The most speedy, eosltive and cetma Bent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung. Heart, Stomach, Liver and Jvidney Aiiections, Kervons Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various staces, permanently curea. Dr. Aborn'S onginat mode of treatment and his medicated inhalations gives ia tantaneouS relief, builds up and revital izes thst whole constitution and system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated aud broken-down constitu tions, old and, vountr. invariably rain front ten to thirty pouuds in front thirty to ninety days, , Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial aud Lung trouble 'nstantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aboun's essay on the " Curability of Goncjinption," and a treatise on "Catarrh of . the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary Cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, Fourth sad Korrlson Sts PerUsad, Ontgaa, Kom. Horns treatment, securely pacVcd, sent hy txpress to all carts of the Pacific Coast, for those who Cautfi-4 possibly c-Ul in person. Ill INVITED TO CALl FOR FREE COHSUITATO Will be Found at the Square g - Stove House of SMITH . ! and STOCXHGLDER'S MEETING. NUTlCaC IS HKftEBY THAT THE annual meeting of tba stockholders of tbe Albiny Building and Loan Ass i clation will be held on Friday, February 20, 1891. at the hour of 7:30, p m, of said rfv. In tha Ureiroj hank office, in Albcnv Linnciuuty, Oregon, for ths purpose of K If " sa Jj ,-v.- ' " 3 electing nine uirectorsand three auditors, to serve for the term of one yer cext eiisir.iiK from said meeting:, and until their successors ara elided aud qualified, and to transact suoh other buitieM as msyihan como hefure the as-w,iaiion. lK!ie bv order of difpetnrs thix 17th day of Jan, "WM. W O OaS?1 'iLh, 3 ay 1 '.f , , i,-'p;.I?i:t. Kotic to Fabmebs. Wanted at once i hickens, docks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange tor goods. G. W. Sim sos, Albany, Oregoa Exellesneaf Hons high in Albany at FothsyS& Ma -loti's drog store cter System Builder, a everybody is osirg it for Catarrh of tha t tomsch, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Irn -(are Blood. Try it iid tell yoar friends about it as it most posat'iwoodcrful merits wheo ad spesk wail of is llACKMETACK,' a lasting and Aa grant perfume. Pries 25 and 60 cents. Fo shay St Masoo, agents, - A NASAL INJKCTOU free with each Kovtle if tShiloh's Cstarrh B,e Died y. Price g 0 cents. Foehay & Masoo, agects. TJ, S. GoVt Report, Aug. 17, zZSy JANUARY : large : and choice : stock CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -.- ALBANY, OftEGON TWO MEN AND ONE EO FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO BYGc & FRG?.1A!J BUGS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things loo numerous to mention JEiepair Slaop in connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen in the State to do any ind ail kinds of work. , Come on, Come all; No trouble to ihow gotds. "Small profit and quick a W is oui motto. . TOVnSEHD a WILSON, dale! Loan Biokefs Dolnar a ensral Inmrkm, baneaa. Parties Mirinir Insurance wlU.t'o well to see tLcm. AOENTS FOR Aetna Insurance Compnay, Ineoi-pnrated 1819 ; ehsrusr perpetual. Losses paid io 70 yoara, Soi, 06,000. AsstU.t9,JBO,715,e3, CBardtas) Its Csmpanr, ot London, England Established 18-; 1 Capital, ,5,0UO.00O. Totol tire tosses paid ever SS,tXXl,000. Anirrlran Ft re Ins. Company, of Philadelphia, Orsanised 1810. Cash assets, Si.ttti.&lO, Luates paid, 10,5,268. Colsmlita F! re t Marine Ins. t'ompaoy, of P.M-tlaiid, Or. Assets, 300,S72.6a. This is oue ol Oregon's biSteompauies, ,. B AKK T OREGON. iLBAY, ORSOON. rapllal. -1- t $30,00. Preeideat.. . . .....H F MERRILL .". E J LA NX INO JiT V.' II,V Vlee-Presideat., . Cashier A jfireral anki; bus ' 1 r l IN