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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1891)
A PJlllTY Of YOl'NUUKN. The Massachusetts republicans ars dis cussing tliclr late defcal.the causes which led to It and ihe best policy to bs pursued to put the party In better condition for fu. turejramptt!;n, They generally recognise that It wu a acrloua defeat the km of governor, auditor and acven out uf twelve congresslon and there U a strong feeling that aomethlng radical mutt be done, and great reform Inaugurated, or the party will become hopelesMy and per manent a mlnorlt one. Alter thoroughly reviewing the situa tion, they have come to the conclusion that their Ute defeat was due to the vote ol the young men who are.sllpplng away In great numbers This tendency has been marked for some years past, a.large and Increasing majority of the new vottrs, these coming of age from election to election voting the democratic ticket. Mont than this, a number of young men of republican par entage have fallen away from that party on account of its old togyUm, among w hom may be noted the democratic gov ernor, Russell, and Sherman Hoar, of the new congressmen, a nephew of Senato Hoar. The democracy of Massachusetts Is essentially a young- man's rarty. Its leaders ate young men, and Its doctrine and principles are those of to-day, for It has got far beyond the war Issues, It Is not to be wondcreU at that a party so situ ated should hare a wonderful attraction for the younger voters, and that they should join it by the thousands Instead of allying themselves with a fogy party living on the Issues of a dead past. The republicans at last recognlxe this fact They see that they are at a standstill. securing no recruits, and. If anything falling off, as the older voters pass away ; whereas the democracy Is gaining strength each year, and winning the support of all the younger men. They have already met with serious defeat; they are likely to be In a permanent, minority unless they take some steps to secure the support of the younger element, Several propositions have been talked about will. he view of recalling those who have slipped away and are still slip ping away Into thedemocratlc ranks. One of these propositions Is to secure a larger consideration for young men in the feder al appointments ; another to recognize the republican state committee with the same object la view, and another to establish a Young Men's Republican Club, which, Indeed, was done last weca. To these propositions, objection have been raited by the older clement, headed by the Boston AJvtrtiter. who Insist that the defeat last November was not so dis astrous as to compel a resort to such ex treme measures, and to take the control of the party from the men who have led It for half a centurry ; and by another ele-r ment v ho assert that the plans proposed are tx-t suflidrnt.and that the real purpose Is not the mere desire to re -tore harmony and strength to the party but rather to se cure office for certain favored Individuals who would not otherwise get them. That the Massachusetts republicans have properly diagnosed the trouble Is ad mitted by all, but the remedy proposed l Insufficient. The young men In Massachu setts have, left the republican party, but not on the seltfsh ground of a want of recognition In the distribution of offices and In the control of the arty. Their defection Is based on principle, on the fact that the democratic platform is In accord with the modern principles and ideas of government, whereas, the republicans still hang by the Issues of a quarter of a century ago. Theyrcfusi to be aroused by war issues. They see that the secession ques tion has been thoroughly disposed of, and has no retl exUtense to-day : they refuse to accept the doctrine that the disturb ance of the south by the passage of the force bill is good policy; and they are all revenue reformers opused to the prlncl pies of the McKlnley bill. The colleges are educating them to the economic ideas of to-day , and as a result nearly every graduate of Harvard, after studlng the platforms of the two parties, become a democrat. Principles not offices, bave made the democracy the young men' party of Massachusetts and left the repub licans a partjr of (ogles trying U live on war Issues It is not by giving the young er voters a better share of the office that the Massachusetts .republican ran expect to secure new life and strength to their party, but by changing l platform and policy. And the danger isaseiiou one, for the loss it has sustained is permanent and likely to grow worse" every year. It Is now In a mli.orl'., and will remain so un less It finds some w ty of winning back the younger voters, or it least preventing fur ther defections. St Louis carpenters are demanding an in crease of wages. Inasmuch as that is just whit was promised to them, in common with other working men, as the result of he Mc Kinley tariff, their just demands ought to be granted. All the same tbey will not get what the) want unlet they ate sirong enough to farce compliance from the bosses. Quay's man Delaraater, woo Into jo break into the Pennsylvania state bouse snd wrecked a b-ink in the attempt, has been arrested (or embezzlement of the public funds. SItould he be ;nt to sicni,enthry the warden of it wil be a stixe nun if he locks up his office in a safely deposit vsult. The democrats of the Indiana legislature hsve unanimous! renominated Vooihce for United State senator ami in New York they have nominated Gov Hill. Both will be elec ted The reouhlirsi s of ffathington by a sci3tih have renominated Squires, Gov. IVck says; "The right of the citizen to eilucs'e his chiMrcn in accordance with Ihe diU.Hn of his conscience without inleifcrc nee tin the ,-inrt cf ike state sho;'.d de recognized snd it. f.;p..Icd." TV is democratic doctrine, a though it runs counter to the teachings or subsidized personal organs and hysleiica kno'A nolliins. It U not .00 much to say that the republican patty tm fx Urn into fie ham'.sof a small clique of political aliens who bo longer represent it. All the MfcTt of disintegration and hopeless decline -re present, and the si'uaticn only awaits the great landslide which krm joliticsl judges sre expecting in I892. Keptcbcnta'.ire Crook of Cur-y ounty fol lowing the precedent already eitabUher, has introduced a bill to reimburse Curry for' some wagon roads that that county Ins already built. The stale will have a preat supdIv of wneon to.tds if these bills all pass, nevertheless the taxpayers will have a hard to lr;.vel. Gov. Hill has decided to accept the Uuited fj'ates Sen ltorihip Irom Nc Yoik. There Is groat paliiicnl wisdom in this. A sctia'.orship ia iSijt it wort'., two chances fur a ptrsidcnlial nouiiitu'icn in 1892. Cleveland for pit allien', Hill f-jr the S'.'iiatcirship and Major Grant fo Covet nor. Kujierb Combination. l ive r-oie wijjon road hil's were introduced esleM.iy swelling the appropriations asked I jr to aioat ?! 7 '),o-)0, Ae the -rt; aseej ? uEDCcnoaoB wagks. The latest, ripe, luscious fruit borne on the McKlnley tree fur the especial benefit of the wage earners, Is a reduction of to per cent, on the wage of the men em ployed In the Fairfield Chemical York, Bridgeport, Conn.k announced Dcccmbci 14, by way of making Christina merry. The principle product of IhlsestablUhment Is sulphuric acid, which wis on the free list until October 6, 1S90, Representative Canulcr, of Massachusetts, who Is pecun- arlly Interested In the manufacluie ol sulphuric acid, got a duty of Jtf cent, a pound Imposed on It br the McKlnley tariff. 60 this Brldcenort concern eels a protection of $ 5 60 per ton that It never had before and celebrate the event by cub ting wage to per cent A carpet factory In Hartford, Conn., re- duced wages 10 per cent, before the Mc Klnley bill passed but not till the increase otjthe duty on carpet wool was certain. De ween the entctm-nt of the McKlnley bill and the election the following reduction of wage occurred: Early In October a ao per cent cut In some of the Paterson, N. J., silk mills; a reduction of wage In the plush mills, Catasaqua, l'a., about the middle of the month; 35 cent a week taken oft the wage of the girl In the Valley Fall, K .1, woolen mills; about $3 a week taken off tin wages of men employed In a canning establisn- ment In Indianapolis; two and ahalf cents an hour taken off the wage of carpenter In Cleveland, Ohio, Novembar 3; 15 cents a day taken off the wagea of spoolers In the Merrlmac mills, Lowell, Mass. same date; reduction of wage of armature winder In the Thompson-Houston forks, Lvnn, Mass., same date; a shove on the wages of 70 girl In Ashland, Pa. On election day the cotton weavet In Lonsdale, R I, had 15 cents per cut taken off their wages,and the cuts were Increased five yards. Immediately after the election Russel & Co. and John C Dueber, In Mr McKlnley' town, and a glass factory In Mr McCornaa's town, discharged their democratic em ployes. December 3, ao per cent was taken off the wage of the bos carpet tack maker In Birmingham, Conn., and on the 8th 15 per cent wa taken 08 the wage of women employed In an underwear factory In the same town. About the same time there wa a reduc tlon of the wage of the mule spinner In the Merrlmac mills, Lowe1!, Mas., and on Decemoer 10 cut of from 10 to Jo per cent were made In the wage of potters In Trenton. N. J. Besides these, a number of silk and woolen mills have c toted dow n and throw n their work people out of employment. A machine tool concern In Tlalnfleld, N J, hs reduced H force because of decreased demand for hs gooeV A general average of 10 per cent has Wn knocked off the wage of 1,500 employe In the Pullman Car V.'orks. Shoemaker In Massachu setts ar.d Rochester, N. Y.. had their wages cut, and the Clarks, for whose ben efit theie Is a high duty on thread, are im porting yarns spun In Scotland hi order to break down the organisation of their American laborer Ou Monday the wagea of 2.000 employes of Csrneglo, Phlpps & Co., In the Homestead SMrel Works, were reduced 10 per rent. But price go on a Jt arcing, end new trust are formed every d. t 'and William McKlnley, Jr., Is sure ttiat the people will like his bill th-n they get used to it. - . J One of the bos'. acLosing things which dem ocraiic papers ohseive among the republican papers is the studied attempt cfthe latter to belittle Ibe chnccs of Cleveland to b nomi nated for the 3rei!ency. Tbey all with one consent agree that Hill I far ahead of Cleve land in the race, that be is a much stronger man than Cleveland, and a better democrat 4c But notwithstanding all litis they want Hill nominated, and why, lib be strongest? A party organs they would want to see tbe weakest democrat nominated. The truth is they know the great throbbing heart of Ibe honest yeomanry of the country is in close touch with the candidacy of Mr Cleveland. Their efforts arc really for the purpose of kilt ing him off. till tbe ex president grow in favor among the people day by day. There is but little doubt that Hill cj"I I defeat any republican fot be is really a great man, but somehow Cleveland is regarded by leading men, armers snd business men as the personifica tion of official integrity and candor. Tbey like him for bis honest frank way of meeting every public question. His administration was as clean as a pin and they have abundant reason to believe thai it would be again if he were re-elected. Prominent taxpayers in Linn county are cooiidcring tlie propriety of bunging an in junction suit sgainst the Secretvyol state and state Treasurer, (in case sny of tbe wagon road bills sho d J pass and become a law) to restrain the former from issuing and the latter from paying any warrants fur such roads. This wou-d be the proper thing to do, as there is Scarcely any doubt that the Supreme Court of the slate would decide such acts unconstitu tiooal. Judge Boise has S3 decided, and we feel sure bis decision w ou.d be affirmed, It may as well be understood one time as another that Grovcr Cleveland will be the nominee of the dcnw"rat" patty fjr the presi dency. He represents the i lea upon which the democracy proposes to stand or fall. Roseburg Review. How about your friend Pennoyer. 3aum Why, sir, in the early days of 1892 we wil put him on the stump as the democracy's can didate for the United Slates Sena e against the frigid hearted man who cro.ed the plains on a mule, and vigorously land h m by the side of milchell. Pennoyer fs a brick. The Slatamiin in tne absence of any- thlrg else to say about Governor Hill says he has come out as a protectionist. Of course the Siaetm i knew that Its state ment wouIJ uot be believed by any one, but Hind lo say something derogatory lo him, bu.! hence It gave publicity to this absurd stor. ' Governor Buyd of ?ihraska(ihe.Tlemocrati seems to be recognized by eve-y body but Mr Thayer, the oi l tepubtican governor who holds on to the office dying extremely hard. THE C0LDF.M BILK BAZA AK, lias a large and complete lino of goods, dolbj, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to makeup a complete assortment,' oesiues a complete line oi lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cago, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sels, autograph book a, scrap hooks, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in n Hazaar eloro, incladinu Kogcr Bros. 1647 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Iiule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this fade, which gives the bent of natis faction, an is attested by the hundreds who have used troth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the violden Uule .liazaar. Each package of tea on J can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece o' claee ware. Be euro to call, when In Albany, ut the Golden Rule Bazaar, s you will be sure to find what yor want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindiy by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My pooda are all marked in plain figures bo an not to deceive anyone, and I have but osio prie to all. Jri.ica Opi n-MT WA8IHN0T0N. , (From our rveUNtr aorrsspondsiit.) Washington, Jan. 12, 1891. Senator Kdmuuds and Sherman haye engineered a large number of audacious scheme to success during their long legis lative careers, but their latest scheme I the most audacious of all. It Is, for the United State to practically assume the entire responsibility of building the Nicaragua canal by guaranteeing jj tot y 000,000 M bonds to be Issued by the- com pany now at work upon the canal. This scheme ha been very quietly werked,and the first thing Ihe public knew of It wa when the committee on Foreign Relation presented a report to Hit Senate Saturday In favor of attending the taw under which this corporation was chartered so as to guarantee these bonds, In order, as the committee gravely Inform the publlc.'hat they may be sold at par, Instead of at a big discount a they would it Issued without the government guarantee- Thus It proposed to make the United State fur- Ish the credit to build Ihe canal, while the profits should there be any, ate to be en joyed by a private corporation. These gentlemen msv think that a lot of fine talk about "American Intel cuts" being at take will reconcile the people lo such legislation a this, but It will rot. It the government I to furnish the money to build the canal let the corporation step aside and the government lake charge. Mr Hai rlson attempted to take a (mall revenge upon Senator Teller and Woleott of Colorado, for their daring leoppote the th Force bill and to favor free coinage by nominating ex-Senator 1 1 l'.l, of the same, who is an Imptacabl enemy of the two senators to be a member of the In ternational monetary rommlsston, and this nomination has brought about a unique state of affair In the senate. It has alway been a custom in the senate to confirm the nominations of ex member of that body without the totmallty of referring them to committees, but Senator Teller and Woli cott have succeeded In breaking down usage and having this iiornlna.Ion, hlch they both regard a Intended a a pronal affront to them, hung up, and thev wil leave no stone unturned to have It re jected. On Wednesday of this week the senate will vote on the new silver bill, and there I little doubt that a free coinage amend ment will be adopted by a very substan tial majority, but that ll can get through the House In the face ct the opposition of Cisr Rccd and the administration, It not so certain, although the silver men In the senate, who claim to have made a careful canvass of the House, say that It I bound to go thiough Reed or no Reed. But something Is beln hatched up between the antl silver republicans and the adtnln Istration that may have some' effect upon the House. I can't say just what it U, but I know that conference are constant'y being held, both at the White House and at the residence of senator and the silence of the anll-slivrr republican when asked a to their Intentions I. ci liself auplciou. Some people think that Yr Harrison Is trying to make a bargain with the repub licans who voted against their party to lay aside tl r Force bill by promUlng to lgn the free coinage bll:,lf it passes the House, If they will promise to vote to take up the Force bill afraln when the financial bill Is disposed of and to vote t-r lis passage. If this be true, he must nave made t failure with the Colorado aerators, or he would not have affronted them by nominating their past bitter enemy lo an Important position. It Is denied that there is any friction be tween Secretaries Proctor and Nobleover the Indian policy that has been adopted by the 'administration bf putting army officer in charge of iht agencies. All the same It I known that Mr Noble pub licly staled his opposition to the charge before It wa ordered by Mr Harrison. Whenever anybody In Washington get possession of an unprofitable piece of real estate they immediately begin to lay wires t j u'i'oiid it upon the government. Here's a case in point : Several years ago a capi talist built a hotel opposite the senate wing of the capitol; it bankrupted every body who trl.-d to run it and for a year or more It has been tcnatttlcs. On Saturday a bill was favorably reported (from the senate cbinml'.lrt on public building and grounds, to purchase this building for $125,000 to be used as committer? room and to accommodate Ihe senate folding room. It now looks a If the ship subsidy bill job might be defeated In the House. It opponents are Increasing on the repubil can side and It Is mitklnic no j;ainf anting the democrats. It now turrs out that Spain isn't half as arjxicus to negotiate a reciprocity treaty with its as has been stated by Mr Blaine' friends, and that she will demand tbe big half of the bargain In any treaty that Is proposed by Mr Bialne. Representative Turner, of Kansas, In timates that the letter offering a bribe to Mr McGrath, to which his name, was forged, was instigated by friends of In galls. w orn is roMiinEunti. V, 1. French keupt railroad time. iM'f eresm chew jit tnct-ivod a ; Ci.i.rad Myers. Rs-au & Aohiwu si e selling nior.uaiiuU at Portland prions. . . Kreh Kw Knglsnd miricn me:, en sale at O K Brownill. Mens', youths' end tiny ulothug id furoiahmg K'xds at U tV Ktuipimt's.. ITsvayna seen t hot a psrlor suitt that T Brink baa just rc-caived t 1'hey arc t.ici'. Grnat reiloction in men's friruiKhuig gmids for the next SO day at W Y Rrt,l . J V Henll?y, l4t boot and shr inakni-'io oiiy, t'.,f' door north nf I)EMOCUtr irtHof . For I aruaiui in monument", he ii-t'inr lo., foto Kctn ft A''hisou, !ia'iy,()i-c(o You shnqM l 'id f-i th-M.i vi lihrsry ls'i'p- at C F, tl xwoir ltf ir.i b i i . 1 e where. Tickets f'jr ALL ct-'rii nolr.ti, nve ANY rout, for slu by VV. fL. Josler, at 8. P. tivket Office, PnrfraVi meats of sll kiridlo ti) Jit laon tSlutir, (ijpiiiw .Soli ifer' hvoryc tili's Urders taken and prompt di liTory, For coM nights buy ThosKay woolen mill blinkets, eh)t la town. Forsale by G W Simp n. ouf, Albany, Orritou. A tins . lay i t cluldreus school shoes on outer tiiLi-- at C K Brow nail's are gniii rapid ly t lst tnsn first C(t. C'l ana l jlect a piir u:ur they ro alt gooo. Cmm. Tiiis i whitt jnii titignt to . vp, n J' set yr n mnst have it, tn rnjoy lift. T)i(nSji'ds rt mjr''I in(r ' r i d o , l irourntmf 1. ctiuiui they riuu n toi. Thoutknds trpt u thousands of noliars sre tfxnt nr.ioa'ly by our pople in the hope that thny msv attain this boon. And vet it may he h l by ail. V fftisraotRA that Elcctrio FJitterr, if ased scuordina directions tuA tho us pnrsiiitrd in, w tiring you pood di.eitiun and oust fh demon Dy',epia sud inidnll insrfsd Kup'psy, We remmrid K'eutrie Bitierr for Ov'pe I ; asd all i:is;iisei ol l.tver, Stomach and Kldrnyp. Sold fct 50c oud ?1 per hi,tt;e by rt.kuy & Hru, drB jis. New Blacksmith Siio;-. G M Willis has just completed hia M.tck smith shop at the corner of Second ruid Kail roar! fctreels where all kind's of iron and wood work can be nad and done io tirst class order Britiy on youi nl-iw. 'v!: (Oi., etc., '.-ic, foi rcr? ir TaatiClT. ) January 19th, 1891, Oh what a nice warm winter wo are having In Oregon this winter. Emi grants say It thlsls the kind of weather wa have in uresitn every winter It I an exception of a winter. The farmers are still taking advantage of this beautiful weather plowing for their spring seeding. l)r Rowland, formerly of AlSanv. I stopping with hi son In-law, Mr Henry It - 1 I W . J iiawicy, in sangctit, tor a tew uayi, Uncle Jim Casey.of Woodbtirn, a broth er-ln-inw of John Beard's.ha been spend tng a lew uay in tangent and relumed to rti nome yesterday. Our school will start up to-morrow attain with a new corps of teachers, Mr Lhas Howard acting as prlticlpat,and Mist a rarreii, ot Albany, a primary teacher. Miss Furred commenced her school hut Tuesday morning and the schohrs all eem to tike her very well. Mr Chas Crosby, one of II W Sctlle- mlre's old employes, of Woodburn, Is spending a few day In Tangent. Miss Nellie Mill Is spending a few day at her brother' near Fern Rldge during the week. Mr D M Hogan and wife started to go to a dance acros the river from Albany a few day ago, and when they got within a mile ot Albany the springs broke and let both ot them to the ground, falling In such a manner a to sprain them badly. They returned to their home and have been suffering from the spralr.s ever since. Tangent I being blessed with another revival meeting, commencing on Friday tdght of last week, conducted by W II Howard of the M E Church South. Uncle John Beard Is having his new resilience finished on the Inside. Mr 0 W Mills and son, and J F Beard, are the car penter. Mr II F Jackson Utt last wevk tor The Dalles, to be gono all winter. KKOnta.lLLR. Jan 19th, 1801. All the wise uteii from antoIker ahtjt are going ut to Salem at this time to assist in getting the proper Wietation for money to built! wagon roads. You may look for some w ork to bo done aooii, aevp your eye on me legislature. Wt notlc Hon J F Henry In our town for the past few daya. Come home to reat, no doubt. wi 1 notice calling a meeting of the citizens ot thla tlac for tonight, to mane onio neeueu aiuemimenta to our charter. Ai it now la the council have very little power. W U Kirk goea to Paleai today on business and to attend the legislature. W B UlancharJ aya the mine are all right; but when one itarta to Albany they don't have to go on to Spiccr, talk ing about the mine, unlet they do like he did, forget to get off the Uala and cuango cara at the junction. One case of diphtheria i reported a ixung in town, n e nave not seen the doctors to learn anything certain about sue matter. The woolen mills started ud todav after a weeks stoppago on account ol a aaiungeu wilier. The meeting a', the M K church are Suite interesting, ard much good is being one. Many, are coming forward for prayers. Let the good work go on. CUftfllUL, Mr K T T Fiaher and T J VIIon are surveying the Smith estate. Mr Geo I) Barton Is grubbing. He wants to clear op some mure land to put in fruit next year. Mr Lydia Bond, an old settler of this eouuty, died at the home of her son.near Ifella, on the lTtij. She wil! be buried In the cemetery here today. Mr II D Morrison is able to be around again, although he looks very thin yet. The great quest on ot the present day Is, how to make money? Kreryone is striving to outdo someone else in the race for wealth. The merchants are trying in every way to make their wares at tractive, and by this means they get away with the farmers bard earned mosey ; but the farmer is trying in every way to get even or ahead ol the cunning merchant. As long as the farmer raised grain, the merchant laughed, and said: "I will get all you raise and by and by tho land you raise it on." But the far mer says: "twill try something new." So he goes into the fruit business, and after he pots his trees planted he Is asked by the merchant, "where will you lind a market for your fruit ?" The far mer can anawer this question b r saying, "the world Is our market!" And such is the case. If every farmer in this county would plant out half of their farms in fruit they the farmers would be independent. But the farmers are slow to see anything that is to their in terests. Look out for big returns from Oakvilic in two years hence, w hen we get our big csuncry rain. AMICIS. Are Ma mnln. The "Morning Ihiiiy Herald," in this morning's iu, speaks of Key II I Bitt ner as presiding elder of the "Uowmau faction of the church-." Permit us to say, Sir Editor, that we are not the representatives of a faction, but the authorized representatives of tho Evangelical association of North Amer ica. Our entire church consists of iti an nual conferences. Twenty-one of these have, by strong resolutions, at their late session, declared .Wnliops Bowman and Eslier In full authority, hence these twenty-one conferences recognize the conference presided over by Bishop Thos Kowrnan, in Albany, on May 2nd, 181K), as the legal Oregon conference of the Evangelical association. And now be cause three conferences, and a few indi viduals in some oi the other conferences, are in rebellion against the church, it does not follow that the church, or the other 21 conferences, are a faction, no more so than the United (Hates of Amer ica, could have been called a faction be cause some of the states rebelled against the union. - Wo hereby beg the associate press to take notice of th-sse facts. To call us a faction is a slur upon the good name of our church, ami we do not wish to be wilfully maligned. IIIHittnkk, I li FlMlKR. Where to GtT Tin'.M. When wanting vt organ or plana cfl on G L Blackman whs e you ran selwt from a first class ttOL. For Isme back, or aids chest, use fibtloh S Porous I'lsktcr. I'riie, 25 ei ct. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh'a Cuie viill gitu hnni-.diate la'ittf. Price 10 oeut, 60 euts 'jd $ 1 . Foshsy k Masoo, agents. SniLOM-8 CATAItnil ItEMEDY a bositivs euro for Catarrh. Diphtheria and Canker-Month. Fcshsy & Mason, agents. UIILOH'8 COUGH and Consumption Curt is sold by on on aguaiasUe. It cores ooDtun ; ti.n. Foshay & Msson, agents, Thos, Kay colon mills l.lar.lets, flantie Is mnnV, youth's at:d boy' clothirg, for rsl ly G W SurpLon's, acetit, Albany, Ore'ii For hay, osts, strsw or chop jail on Mor rii & Blount, eorfer of Bker aud First trevts. Doliver to any pirt of tbe oily without extra coat , FOR DYfiPEl'fcIA and iiver Couiplaiut you l.avo a t nuts guarantee on every bottle of : hiloh's Vitalizr. It liever fail to cur. Fo.-liRy & Mason, ageots. Tho heat roast e tfi e in the city at Com ad French Tansy Wafers, , wafers are a sure and safe if rIS. klndtof female troubles, anew!1 all obstructions to the tnonii ly no matter what the cause. 'Ir.t The ft,r it rerr.ot period are jt nwhal every woman necc , can be tied with safety. For tale t Livinsstone Chemical Co., u!ko fron sole si'mt, T Cn- . . . TJSLEGRATHIO NEWS. quire l&e; Halt. Oiynima, Jan. so, -Though Watson 8qulre received two more than a majority of the, vote of the member ot Ihe legis lature on the ballot In the sepvrate houses today, he failed to carry the senate, snd there wa no election. Thla surprises no one, si It was seen he did not have a ma jority. The ballot resulted! Squire, sen ate ij, house 431 total 58. Calkins, sen ate 14. house iti total 29. Carroll, senate 4, house 17; total at. Edward Eldrldge, house 1 1 total 1, Charles E Laughton, senate 11 hlal I, Total number of vote cast lit. There I no doubt but Senator bqulre silt be re elected cn the joint bal lot at noon to morrow, ttiUbeil's DiilHft-s. Washington, Ian ao Sanatw Mitchell today offered his proposed amendment to the sundry civil bill,' appropriating $6o,ooa for tlver, Ibht and fou siunal station on the Coquille river, Oregon, and fur re- pur 1 to the Yaqulniu bay light, Yaquina bay, Urrgon. mil las Maw. ALBANY, N V Jan so. The house balloted for United Stttcs senator to succeed Hon, William M Kvsrl. Vwn the call of the house, David I) Hill received 65 and William M Evart 58 votes, with five absentees. In she senate the announced that th tenftt would proceed to I'tuiot for united Mate senator In place or William M Lvaru Kvery senator was in hi seat and th ballot shewed 10 vote for FvarU and 1 3 for David u luiiior united s'ate senator. A stew al Washlagtea. Washington, Jan so. Bland this mom ing demanded (he reading of the Jourcul ol ytsterday in estenso. The cltrk hiving con- ciuuca ins reading, uiar.d mad a point that the journal wa not red ful'y, and demanded that a desctiptioa of the various communica lions, resolutions, bills end petition (which were referred under tule and not in o,)o bouse) be read. 1 he speaker ordered the cleik to read this portion of the joutottl. ltt reading wa not computed until o'clock. .1 ben ensued on of th wildest scene of confusion the bout ho seen during On pres ent congress. A petsunal contest came very near resulting, . Baa Tamers Be-lesrs1., Ps., Jan. ao. Senalor Csmeron was re elected today. The bal lot In the house stood: Cameron lit. Tair gart 7, Ur Flood 3. Judge White I, Chaurt ccy Flilack (d?m)77. 1" the senate it was: i-ameroti jt, Uiaca 17, cilb!eyr(dcm 1. the foresaid. WAsmsoTox.Jan, i The proposed caucus f-i republican senator to discuss the programme for disposing of the rule to close the debate on the elections bill is off lor the present. While no definite con elusion lo hold a caucu ha been reached ey the republicans, It wa believed by many ol them that it would be advisable 10 can erne lor lottigiii. 1 his purpose seems 10 nav oeen aoanuontd, Insuuctlans given repnbllcan members ot the committee on luies i.t the !st conference 1-cln.r dceme sufficient for the guidance. The trnubli can senator have no conception what the aiscuMtton 01 ine cloture rule will develop, Mils Arrte4 Ur LtbL CotAX, Jn. 19 Editor Taylor, of the r armlngton Gem, wa brought to Coif, Saturday, ott a warrant charging him with criminal libel. He wa placed under uonus ol k. which were lotlhcomlnj ihe tiUI wa set for Februaiy iS. Ti,e complaining witnessls A Cook, an old and respected clilscn I Fsimington, nqtn ine urm recently tsturd most s-urtllous article. a AltloaeeSU. ATLANTA, Jan. 10. Senator Gordon an IhotUes lb statement that he will ioit i) fsrmet.' alliance and champion its caux in tb senase He decUtea be was aiwa) ia favor or ine suiaoce sptmUplet even tkt Ibe ot ganuatiua came into eststooce. Hetirath CsMMraie4. . . - iorsKA, wan Jsn 19 TH executive contRiiitc of Ihe fartnets alliance, wl.kb ha been ovestigaimg lbs tnontciioa of Slat President Mctianh with the notec Turner tetter, tonight made a report completely txon crating MtUanh. The KarskrirM H4. KotEHURO, jaa 10. Telegraphic advices irora WaithlielO say that Ihe Coos Iljy.A i;u etn l.1 . i 1 . .1 ' ! . 1 ' . . . t-.xvwu vvwiiwHT w uibiiu!g me wota of grading a rapidly s isible, fifteen miles ol hith is now battled. A schooner bring- "S u iron ig fgpcciCd USiiy. K A wi.uoiu, superiniefjant w construct ton, ar- riveti today on the teamr Argo fr m Sao rrascuco. Draafc lye. AL1-A V ALLA, Jsn 10.-. Hudda Noling, the young lady who drank concentrated lye. HiwaKing it lur couce, snout iwo wees sco. . t. . . . . . . hcu, uie'i tooay ai 1 1 o clock. A" ojr ation was performed la t Saturday Thenu topay heU by Dr J E Bingham tonight shows gravs cuarges sgsinst m opersting physician. A Well Kssw Haa. Oa boon City, Jan. i3.St.ite Senator R I. Eastham died at Oregon City this morning. He wa Lorn on the Straham place, five mtles south of Oreeon Cltr. J January, i848,thl place being at that time .... . uvnaiiun iiinu ciann. his worm and abll'ty were recognized by all, and the community feel his death to be not only a public calamity, but an Individual loss a ell. Flag are at half, most, and a iceiing oi universal sorrow prevails. I he funeral occurs from the house at a clock Tuesday afternoon. arwseay KslablUkest. Havre, Jan 18. Dillion and O'Biicn, alter a consultation lor sis hours, informed an a sociated pres correspondent that complete accord hd been established, adding it was wie to py any mors at present. Cera ms a Maalae. LIKCOL.V, Neb., Jaa 18 Tbe long vigil of ex governor i nayer tiuiinf; the excilttig scenes at tne opening oi tite legislature, when be re matned in I is departments eighty hours for the pur-oe of keeping out governor Uoyil, hat resmird ia a dangeious attack of nervous prest-ation. Tonight the ex governor is a ravii:g iac. aud physicians ssy h s condi tion is a l iming, owing tolas age. Us is ntsrly 75 jeats old. - Late irrlpht tl.rts governoi's fiiendsdeny that his condition is serious, and say be will be el,oui as usual within a week. tan II nee Ut Come la. I'lNB RlDCB AGENCY, Jan 8. More guns were turned in to Agent 1'ierca torts y try the hostile They told him a systematic search is I eing made ia the tepees, and that all weapons found will be tuined over. TI.e cut todion said today (ooeuna have been surren dered, and at headquarters it is claimed tbe arms turned over e.ceed in number thof received in any ether campaign. Will Foree It Through . Washington, Jan. iS. It now looks as if a minority of the republican party In the renate were going to put through the election bill, r at least make a desperate attempt to do aa. ' Frsbably Went tie There. San lose. Cal Tan 1 8. All arraneements have been made for the execution of James Eubanks tomorrow. Todsy at least 2,000 men, women and children filed through the jail-yard to see the gallows . Eubank killed m utughter Ada, in Los Gatos, Dec 21 1 089. He believe he is going to heaven. Buckiea's Arnica J-;alve. The bout Salvs in tho world lot Cutu, nrutscSor: s Uluera, Salt Hlieuin, Fsvsr sores, fcttor, CUmpp bands. Chilblains, Coras, and ail Bkln Krnjitio luwltivelvcures Pilea.or no nav required. It Is truar- uteed to givt iwrfeot satisfaction, or money rciunti d. Prios 5 cents uer box. For ssts by t'oebay and Vision CATAKK.H CURED, health and awcet breath secured, by Shiluh's Cstarrh Fiemedy. Fries 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo sh&y Si Mason, agents. : lanos. Thoaa wishing a first-class Instrument, ibe t est rxsde to stand ibe climate onhe Const, can I e suited by calling at Mra B E Hymns' , opposit- ti.3 Masonio Tern. rJe. on Kirsi Btroet. Th latest voedl and Instrumental muaio kopt for aie,alRo tbe k rpe.t ROsortJaent of sutmrvRg psttcirns to ieleot from tiiis aid 3 of ' Fric. Ism sous given in pamtina; and otnbroi (faring J-i hor sl.ui' oi'fr ' " ; ' SUMMONS. In iht Circuit Court qftht Slat$ of Off gm far Linn wunry. JOHN DIAMOND, rialuUlT, Margarett K FlndUy, Alex- sniler ifindlor and Htman Initio v his wtfi. S4iit'i Find- ley, Jen uht l'onfsil and Hen ry l'ou latin hrr husband. Nancy Wllnon and J Wilson ur hususim, Hugh rinuiny, ICtta Klmller. list tie Fmillny and Kila tirird, Defendants, J To MsrimtoLt 12 Fmdlev. A!xandtr Flndlev. Nuann Flndlev. HNinuel Flndlev. Jennie Foujadfi Henry 1'oujade. Nanoy Wiaon.J vviltton, liuuh Flndley, lata Flndiey, Hjttle Findlsy end KJIa bu.foid. ineauove uamea ut'imi'anis. N THK NAMK OF THK STATK OF Oreirou you are remilred to pKar and answer the complaint of ti e above itsmed plain' iff Id the aiove enti tled court, now on file with tbe clork of said aourt. within tn ds from tho date or the sitrvioe of tois summon upon ou u srvi in i.inn eouniy, urorfooi uuni in sny oiutir onuaty in toe a'-sie ot ur gon, thon witbln twenty days from Hi date of llientti vl of thrs summons ut-on youi lfwrvd by pubilcatlna then on or before ibe tlr-t day of the naat fesular leitu oi the above endued court, to wlti Moaday, tbe th bayef Slavets. I!ll. And you are hereby potlfliMl thst Ir vou iau to r ppoar ana auw.r i i ompiatot . . . . " . . - m . a nerouy rt nuirwj. tno tdslntlir will ao piy io tne court ror Ibe rtdur deiratxlou in the ootrplaltit, lo wit. For th fur eloDure ol a moiigge on and, an order of sale of the following dosnribed p.omlaes to Will The NEW and the K 14 of tba www ami the N w W of the N W U ana the Mi Mi or the &K H or tKtlon SI Also the H H of the N'V M and tlie N U vi ute w yi rte.tion sa. all In Town ship 13 ti K S louit of Wlllwu.Btie Meridian In Linn couiity, Otcaon 1 he i' rout ed rilu from auoh ssl to lx sptiiloi: First. To Ibe f aynuntof IhetHiata and ( t,f this suit ami ihe aum of ti O m aiu rnya im-. and the further aura of (13 fur Uim adyanoed tbsrson, ami lite costs oi and sccruin uion sui-U a!i. rietMxtd. To the raiment of plaintiffs claim, amounting V tua sum oft and the overplus, If any there le, to be paid 14 tbe above nsnioi doibmlanla as Ihoir InUireaU way appear. And for such other ret b( av may in tqulty be proper and jut. Tn.s summons is publishod be order ot tb IIou It 1' Ikitse, iuds iff tbe above sotitled eout t, mails at chambers in the city of .".a tern, tb Srd day of January, IMH. J K. WKATHKUFORD. (1 S3) AUcrury fur I'Samttff. SUMMONS. lit M CiruitCifmrtgr Linn Count g, tiUiU 0 Ort-ii: My K. Kmcrsen, 1'Uintiff. s. Jobs Emerson, Dtrfwitdsut. To Juha K person, tb abov uatnrJ tlefsal ant. IK th asms of tks state t-f Ottifia, yoa srw hrby ritir4 to appssr aad answer ths ouotpUlnt of the above plaintiff, in lb above enutUd Court, stow on CU with tb Clerk ot aU eoott, oa or before tbe first dy of tbe out rgti!r term ot ssid court, which said term ecMnmsatea in Oih day ct March, 1"9I, ai tbe CouU Hoasa, to tl.citv of Albany, IJun totintr, Orstroo. Aad yea are berwby notiHt.l tks. if you fail to sppear and answer said 'cmf lsiot, as bortl.y roqairsJ, tb p'tiut.lf will tk a dcrea f said eouil r-siosl you, dusotving tb bntids f matrimony sow sxi.tmo; betweM you and p!iutfl, ani foe her cots sod disbursement of thss.sult, and chsaioit pUieUff nam, to tttst of l!ty K K Haffmso. This tnmmons ts puh- lisbrj laths ST ATS . ft Ki NTS , I'ltMOcaAT b order ol th Iloa. K. 1. rWso,j4dg of tba U eoart, made t ebstaWs a tu SOta day of Jsnsarv, ISV1. WUCittst?. Attorney for t'utnt.ff. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOIICE 14 IIEKFBY GIVEN TH T lH the nndrnlgn4 bav tb a day lxa ouiy atpc)intd and otiUnl admlota- tratvrand admintiitiittrlx 1 1 tbe cm ate of riDk Malona, late of Linn county, Ore gon, drasd. Atl persona having claim against aatd estate are required to present tbeco properly verified, within als months lr. ni till date, 10 the utidsrslgnod. at their puoo at Il-jMey, Lieu eeuoty, Ornton, 1 h a twb day of January, 191. h t.LRH MAI)NE. T J MAU)NK. J K WKATuKasitt, Admin Mrs tors, Attorney for (rute. (I S3) . SUss?MoNil. a t he Cirtttil Court etKe Stat ef O regon for tU Count j) Of Linn t UKQIUIF MUNKO, riaintlfT.) va v MAUY J MUV HX Ptfer.dant. To Mary J defeodut: Jf.tnr the a'ove muted IJfTIUI NAMK OK THE STA I E OF rvpn. yoo ar hereby required to st'isr and antwer the corn paint of the aiK.vif p'ainiUT, in tns abovtt entitled court, now on Ute wlut the c:erk ol aa.d emit, wtbin ltt days fro.H the date of Ihe sxrvliw of thia summona upon vouj If tervem n o.unti, oreiron. out if served la any other oountj in lUn nut of Oiegnn, tbrn wilbtn 20 daya from the date of tbn service of tb U aummons noon youi If warvod by publnstlon. tbe J on or ifiore tni nrt uy or me next regular term or tbe at ovo eutkiea court, to w iu , Maattay. the Slk tbiy mf Harek, Issi, and )ou are tiotlflo.i that if you fall lo appear and 1 wwer said com plaint, as beteby required the plain tiff will apply i tba ojurt for tho relief demanded iu 111- onm plaint, to wit: For a devolution ot tho bonds of matrimony now existing bet w on plaintltr and delen dant, and for such oifae diaros as may be Just and equltab e. Thts summons la pnbllnbed by order of tho Hon It 1 rVil.e. Jude cf the stititteu court maa . at ubambrs in tbe city ol fitlcin, thi lOtbdayof January, 1BJH. J h IVLt ltif.itl'UK'1. (118) Attorney for Fiaintiff. NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEMENT. To atl pcrsocs having claim against the estate nf Janie Walsh, deoeaaed, and tn all other persona whom it may concern. Yon ar hereby notified that the undersiunttl ex imtoi cf the said estate on the 2l:h day of 1 cetntcr, ISO , lilt d in tbe county -oourl of t-ii-.u County; Ureitnp, bis final cciui.tin ssid rotate, and a tid. court haa a r pointed Monday-the Snd day of February. J80I. at the hour of 1 o'olnck'p m cf said day to hear and settle li ohjeetions to said final account. ltii thi 2Gih day r Dee I8U0. W. tt.Hiiym. ' OW CLINK, Attorney. Exooutor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS nERFDY GIVEN THAT the undersigned haa been duly ap pointed executrix cf tho Uht will and tcstsirrnt of Oocrgu W Sylv titor, de ooar(',by tho honorable thu county court if linn county, (Jrrgon. All persons having claims rpilnm the aststo of rld decoascd, are hereby notified to present tne same duly vnrlllwd. to ma in porno, or to my ttorrrey, ueo W H'rlght, at his mw ollicelu Albany; Linn ooiuay, Oregon within Nx month from thU dato - Dated Duo 25, 18W. MAKtAH SYLVESTER, Fit cuUlx cf tbe last will and te.-tamtmt of Ueo W rivlvester, deceased. 12 23 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. IN IHE COUNTY COUKT, OF LINN county, Orefton. In the matter of the estate of Mlrlwm Harrel. deceased. Notioa Is hereby glyen that the undersigned, tie duly appoiatort. quilifled and actlnirad miulntrator of the estate of Miiiam llar rel, deo.ased, has thi day filed his final account in tbe matter of said estate, in the absve court, and that the court has appointed Monday, the 2nd dty of Feb ruaryjayi, at 1 o'clock, p m, as the time for hearing objections toaafd final ao. count, and for the nettleptent thereof. " Dated Deo 23, 180. J L MILLER ArtministraUir of the estate cf Miriam Harrel, dioouaed ' Hbwitt a Ikvins. . Attys for Admr. lj TOXICS TO OONTKACTORS.-C00- traetora ana tmliutrs d9s rlnsr to hi'i 00 the con.' Unction of tbo new United Freobyterian churob buihllog. to be ereot fed et tbo sito of tha old lniildfntf', wlil find the pUrm unci pfvoititirtn t',r the OUR LADDER 0 TUB BEST 2w3 63 s- O s S3 HARDWARE. ZT2 M 8- 13 cutler: 1 o aw-s SO a- CARVE R. T 09 'LANTERNS, a 93 km H COPPER, & i W BRASS, rj a t O o e "S w GRANITE Q W E AND N feTEEL CD 11 s D o 55 T7ARE. c O Q E P WATER R d o w FILTERS, S WARRANTED. ALBANY OltEOON. SlfYcS, Kasg63 . o REFERENCES: -,- Q Examine Our c u. a a WORK A Y Op Not a? Ten PLEASE. I rLUMMSfl Bj Contract, 1 n CD I Good Workmen rV'fl . . TO LOAN.-In small and 111 larra lmnnnli. rmm ur mnnihi in na yeaia. on Rood Aibanr snd Linn county rsal aMaUs. Call on or address VT c wcrDsrori, First St., Albany, Or. iTTTTTiTyriTT and it finestock onT?prpAn ACLES, oriiui generally, as Jwell as jewelry, Watches, : clocks, etc., at 'cncirsi 3 -.f i r A paniaMrt of Inform rtHon and SLractof tne las aliowmg jtiow to (Mi'.Hia l'u.t?rjts ( sreiim, 3 rita ftjiii, Ccii?rip'i'if.a, Bei t "i't,c. 1 GHAS. H. DODD & CO., IMPOrTTESt Ot hardware, Iron, teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. fliOlIT, mST AKD VIIIS ;STS3II3, reSTLAHB, 0EE35H. wmssra z Solo Agents for Orogcrt DECRE'O NEV DEAL PLOWS, 'a iililr'.r.rTrippln Fur ror, Ttiry r slrtlo and rn so nnr ftlxx.luto fertca, tout lhif iM li;ti'j iiwft lti'rmrs-n tl.frin work id not Mty noos;ii ! t!tlr ifiilM. V fomifli iticro ir'th or without wt aUachruent. i--ut altu.'l.Hii-nui urutxirii. .r-jzinn ?o?r32iz xLirrv oTJiii-CTr plows. f BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DrtlLL. . tt'K) frees OiaSn Iwllt. r.ts'krrftvdm, T5n-k'7Rpr!if Tooth llarrow, f50fcrlof Omiu 1rlHs, 4urrior Sccdrs. CORBIN'SDiSC HARROV AND SEEDER. " :i nf Improved Imt-bfoeiit tor ivowf x sumnicr fallow. Tha most complete ati un-eMtiul toiil for tbts fiurpoM lo nsa. i " hv9 a till lin of BtiK;; CsrrUaos. Ph an tons, Konotain Wsuons. rintfortu aul other bpring Veiilcles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. , o & Cbapln's rtprlng-Torth ITtwwrs, TWra Harrows, 8ciatlfls Facd M.'..a X'mA&e r'aunlDg Mills, iiaihii iiAiti Aviuia, irrcv ktc i TOK HVVAAAl. CIIitTLAaS D 1'EICK UXTSk E. THRALL, AGENT, ALBANY, OREGON. JUST THE THINGS Don't be in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as WICKEf! ROCKERS, - THOMAS BRINK Will liave the nicest assortment that ever came to Albany 0 we otti atvj Vila in i LEADING DRUGS, MDIGINES STA1 10NARY-&G 1 irmsiiiTii 11 ii issi iiswisBii sum amsiiss 1 1 us ssssmiassts "siitir- n 1 1,1 mmwi m mLmiimmHmmimmm4mmm 'ALLs TALK!! Hp UUrj Largo and Choice Display of ' Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,- Shoes, EtC,, E irC. j EtCa y Including many novelties. A fine lino of Sealetle Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &q., &c. ''.) . - ; '"lis a Feat to Fit tfcs Pert, Eat Ho Can So it and do it H3.1t," f JiliJll ill THOMAS Jrj? ojfrapliers of both sext-st, attribute tlieir ness VrfOiiega, ronuuiit, uro;;on, or tu Oregon, EotU are under the iiwnacemeut StudT, same rates of tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typcwritim, Penmansbio nndEm I'.sn . t'j.A.A,uA.jn:t 11.1 . 1 ' .- . 1 ST11ANEY & NAGLEY, raOPRIITOUS OF IHE Ciiy Liveiy, Feed and Sale S TABLE. Fun ceafral Ilauk lino to and frcwi Ootvailia- B-st Jigs anc chospest rats iu to cityi PrccUt attention giren U Iransiect fct. ck. fourth strfet, bctwsan bl iswo'th and In, Albacy, Orsgon DR. PATTON, 'HJMliLU ilinmbers Blolc, Albany, Or. "By tha mcst modem and approved methods euros d'soasas of woawn and children, aud all private diseaswj of elthor sex Oatnrrh curod by a quick prroess. Consultation In free ana everTthire attictlyenfi,Jmial. Cfa-?e hours. 10 to IS; 2 to , 7 to 8. i-.estdence. Cor. Third and 10 li a ad Voahington for ftND NICE CHAIRS, for - We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and are therefore usually pre pared to supply it at reduced rates. We are selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the nios pop ular stoves made at present. If j on waqI to bins money on all orts if a hold artic 'sbuj Via vt ns We ,if p make tl tl cor I uair.t a. MATTHEWS & WASIIBU11N. 'BLACKP.1AN,- DRUGGIST oimnc-oisr- ABOUT- WW mm fp H It you want the bes! Wand most durable furni I . ture that is manufactu' 0 ed in the city go to BRINK'S THAT CAN BB USiD KVKRV . is the kiud tliat pays. ScoesSsl busiuess men. and htm. euccess to a course at the Portland Busi ijapicai Liusiness uoilogo, Salcja of A. P. Arnistror t. have s.imp rrinr-coo n ALBANYOR. mmm & hulbskt ergs., " Real Estate Agents. FurtiiS and Ranches for ssle. Also city brt perty in Albany and Uoryallis. :dh. 11 ;:H; davss, Physician and Surgeon. . serOfflne no stairs in Btrahan's BloelL way ba found at hit office aay and cIsttK City;;;:Ec'Sfaiirnof. Hivicg been eutiraly reuiodefed. this old aud popular restaurant will be made first olaas n every respect. Tha pnblio will ht given good meals al all hours for only 23 cents. Ever) thing Beat and attractive, Private boxes. Ojbtira io every style.