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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1891)
iX3 KV1 12 aj?-agfy"Bj jsfritrarrrir New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT" and tlio American Fanner, all one year FOR S3 SO. An ad", in the DEMOCRAT" Reaches the Most People, and brings BIG RETURN'S. ran Weskly "Sta'a per year. Rights Democrat, $2 CO VOL XXVJ. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, 'JANUARY. 1891. NO -25 entered at ths PostOfllee at Albany, Or egoo as seootid elasa mail matter. lift (fir s iiy itiy n I. ! H Mr Y LITTLE DO XOT CRlPt, SiCKIX C3 CONSTIPATE. ... . SunCiiroSiSKrDeni, N. X sua all troablaaariaina fraa IiMlMnOoubMtini ft tnlt)i' KIM TfcsSnsaraa fcantlr djn.t4 to rait IbftMaa, aa aaa pill tn b toa Israa S -Im. In tnka HKMKkMiu. 44 pill ul p l oironoij Whir hararriwl I fnok-l, A Gfmi I ....... II TiwW wlaii Wm.Sm "O l"Twl. lMrbtn,Uu fcM.fe, Ulrn Swas a4 ui soot kr . tm T-r-f.1, sf MARTirS ISfOSI TONIO, V Sa4 SU".T .el S..4TVK ik. .HIH ITTK.B to MIAITH vk;.mi nru...iTii.F The gb. kahuk iudicini, ho. ALBANY NURSERIES TEHAVKON HaXDsl our ursry f ? on the Corvsltis road, one haif mile from tow a, as fine ft lot of fruit tree ofstlklads mem bo found any where on the coast. If you contemplate planting trews It will pay yon to m our leek and get or price. Catalogue tie. HTM AN BROWN ELL. m i YEGE1 BLe" PANACEA REPARED f ROM RO( intk HEUOS. .htnk cuwc or II AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO rnoM A DISORDERED STATE qttut STOMACH OH AN INACTIVE LIVER. row SALE sr ALL DRUGSISTS & GENERAL DEALERS 1 m U..C LOCAL. HISOOItD. Tuts Vktkraji op 1812, lor the benefit of the Ci A 11, wan given last weuk at the opera house to a good-nixed audience who were much pleased at the line man ner ir which It was prevn ted. The cast of characters had been considerably changed from that of a ycur ago, If any thintftotlie play'a Improvement. Jit Wyatt did the part of the Veteran with Kol effort, w W Iteece iURlainod hie former ivloiulid repuUillon a Hill Jones, apart for which he i peculiarly well fitted. was euoUiniHl in Kplciutid form by Jennie A Clayton, an Kcxiuh Weathe'rhv, bin sweetheart, tieo 1'inh, now of Corvallht, did tl villain, Jim HainvM, well, aa did Mr Walliteo llaldwln the part of tiherltf Klawnt. Tito sheriir wna completely backed by a company of thorouKhly miutpped bultwhavkera. Hit parts oith'o darker alave wore likewlne uttamed to the entire enilHmouoii or toe amlieneo. U Fux, aa old Zibe, and V W Maeoon. aa Ivto. were in the riirh noichea. 11 t Tabl'T, na Capt Hardy, Jake WhUvakcr. J V Whit intr, as C-oriHtral M.iion, and Mrs II lUrknecH, as Mary Morrison ram up to me spirit o( t tie play. Neverui wntitnui Ut bleu ux were prewntted at intervals. refully examined the lln (Jco E Chamlx rluln wailn Ralrm burltd. ' That the senator from Washing- pie oY the vtutt stato to pay tht tuition Hlmeit. ?otha old M(M Ells Howard re-urncd to this cl.v "1!a,(chre nd ,c,"- Eve the can- few son. and daughter, of eIM. inch amendmt nts to on's noon train, having spent ths U for governor, whom Governor men who can send such a ay from h City IJcslauranf. Hivina becu eotiruly ico.oiUltd. this old and lpulr rwUurtnt will l mads firp elms a evry repet. Tbs poM.o will U jtvrn jjixvl nifU i all doors for only 23 ct-nU. L.ri thuii srxl sttrao'ivs. I rtvts bote. Oj trs io svery atfl. a m COST! My enVjro bUx-Ic of Pry Goods, to make room for a largo ino of I lots and Shoes and dent's Furnishings. par SEE 1 XOW 80MK OF TUB THAT Altrf HOINU AT COST, jrf D.iESS GOODS, CORSETS, CLOAKS, IFLANNELS, RIBBONS, LINEN, GING11AM, CALICO, GOSSAMEK3, BLANKETS, ICall early whilo the selection is good. 33. O. iSIEl-SLlIXaSj irst street, . -:- -:- -:- Albany, Oregon. GHAS. H. DODO a CO., wsotmss oe hardware, Iron? teel, AND FAr3M MACHINERY. ' SECIIT, FILST A27D TIIT2 CT2SET3, PC2TULND, 02S3C2?. Sola Agents for Oregon and "Washington for . , '. c f . - VC A Bui Suit. During the past two years Marlley A Dunslan, professional abstracters from the hast, have u-en milking a complete atxttract of the titles or lseitton county, al Corvaine, ami per fecting the titles generally, the lnioks Having ttevn in rattier ot a iai itae. At the last term of the County Court, having completed their work, they pre- seuteU tltelr bill, wliteh flmireU up l-W Now comes Juda Burnett and brings a suit against the County JuiIk'o and Com mWioners. and County Treasurer, tn- joining them from paying the county warrants, which had been iMued In favor of Mark ley and DunsUn. The comtlalut alleges that the whol transaction was unconstitutional and that said sum was more than the work, performed was worth and the county commissioners had no ritfht to enter int such contract under tits present laws of the state. The ca- is an important one and will 1 watched mills great interest. FaoM Klamath Indian Agkncy. A tetter received today from the Klamath Indian Agency says that lite weather there hat been fine but rsthcr cold lately, but Is now fretting warmer. The snow Is about six Inches deep.tnd the thcriuomrtcr aas marked as low as U degrees below sero. rite lake has froscn over and ihev now have splendid skating on a clear stretch ol Ice about 30 miles long by from S to iS miles MtJc. In the hoarding school they now bare 51 girls and 45 boys. Mrs Moan, formerly of Albany. Is one ol the principal employee In the school. Enoch Sloan ha been very buy for th! pat three months running the sawmill, cu'tlng out lumber for the Indians. The new sgent hss taken charge of the agency snu me employees an seem to think that he will do welt. The Indians are fairly well fixed this winter, ss they have con tiacrrble hsy end not much stock. As Example. Eugene has set a good example for other cities, as well aa for counties generally : Mr K Stewart refuses to pay city taxes on bis land that lies within the. city limits, and three years taxes have ac cumulated againct the property amount ing to I-T3.S0. Wednesday the marshal commenced proceedings to enforce ay- mctu Mr levy ana sale. 11 Is exneefted that Mr Htewart will resist ana it will TIIK ITT C H tKTEK. To tie wsoroWe, Ms Ci' Co7, is tk CiUrnspf th tity of Albttny: We, your committee appointed by the city council and by a meeting of the citl- reus 01 1 lie city, to tiler together and to examine the changes proposed to U mado in the city charter, beg to make ttie ioi lowing report: That wo have carefully examined the city charter, na prepa council 01 rtto city ol the uroposed anient! charier, and find su be substantially as follows: Ft uk r. That street Imnrovcments h nona ami periormea iy the city; but that tho costs ami expense of such Im provement be assessed to the abutting property, owners ami made a lien Uon such abuttiiiK properly for tho collection ui such assessments. McroNt. inai lite eity council m au thorixtnl to Issue $7o,UtK) interest learing oomis, lor the purjK'Sis 01 citnelructina a sewerage system, for building a bridge Siljititmt to tho city of Alliany, across the v iiiametlo river, and it any Iwlunce re mains to te expended in the coustrue tlon of a city hall. Titian. To condemn tmvain nrorert for the purpose of ottcninir or wldeninK a street or alley within the city limits. or jor tne construction oi sewers. Ful'HTil. I'miMiwerliij tha ritv reenr. .. . uer 10 apoint a ueputy to assist htm in makinx assessments and flxlnir the time at which the valuation of property shall be taken for ansrssmcnt at March 1st of eacu year, Ftmi. To nrotide for the nunlshmeut of persons allowing liogt and j oultry to run at large, Sixth. To change the name of the street commissioner to that of surriif tendrnt of streets, and creating the of fleo of pound rjaster. And your committee have added 0(11. ADD rMUONAL, OLUHALKM LKTI'KU, A K'.MAUKlBhE MfJ4f AOK. TIIl'UHDAV, Mrs L I iljcu and on, of In the city. Ett Salsm, Jin. 15, 1891 gene, ate The" message o Governor Per.nover is a tuiuon utmetrn: , I remarkable one. In hmtrth It ha. h,i I or dSVS nreeeedlni ilia en.aveiiinn nl I .,. il.. ...... .1 ....... 1. 1. it. ... ' ,. Mrs A U Slsuson, of Portland. Is In the .ul t ..... I ' IV" ' " " m "17 " " u,e ur" P'"cc " city, theguc-t older lillwrrilo,ilU ' 1 1 " remarkawo In antagonising a great Irvine. I Bn nnio tine, me puouc were as-1 many pti interests mat will be pot for. ...... . . . .u -. I ..... J at... I. .... 1 ...l.l. . I . . ... . Hons 1 K weatiterioru and 8 A iJawoii "rcu ; wss incvnaoio tnav joe 1 wara tor recognition, 1 ne governor retui nc.l this noon iroin galem, 5linon was to be then and there politically would havs no further taxation M Hi nn. lln Geo E Chamb. rluln was In Ralcm builtd. That the senator from Washlmr-lnle oTths ti'WeiiUH!Ujnflihctililn ami in I ted to-do home pt three "months In 1'oriland snd fSalcm J nnJf completely demolUhed, was to svhool. There Is much fuod for thought vtMting menus sno rcisnves. early I., the field battllna for the suprema. and reflection here. "No tax fKtDAV. icy of the settslor fro.n VVastdngton. The should be levied which Is not for the gen JF Henry of Brownsville was In tha OBU,e cam ,n ai:rtnt great contest I erai oentiif says this remsrkable docu- elty today. 'be result for president of the senate was I rnent, This I getting down to fit si prln Hon Jeff Myers is on the committee to hi,on 14. sceslcr of Colu.nbla y, and the clptee and Is a vigorous stroke at cIsm teg- Visit the public works at 1 he Dulles, senator ol Wsshlngton 1, v.h?n this su-1 U'atlon License has been Issued for the msr. I nour.ccmsnt aa maile rune tha hfl I Wtih imn-x.A.A .....1 l u, ....!.,. .......... . . . " -"' '-v w rw Him ,v k iiigitvuu uu j'.us thai 1 in irntlir i,f W.l, m u ll..l. I j .1 ... Kelsay - . n.w mimiirw 1 h..i, mruiv vn uur ucirgHiiufi ii cun Mr Wat MonteUh. the Will known 'T. . " I""""' rrapn w Kture in sppro- pronrletor of tha Ucm.tion saloon, went ou'rOT0'n're w' want I votes prlstlon to build a boat rsllway at the north this noon on a several days trip, j to b,ft almon, who when the "deadest," dalies td the Columbia river, which he Pr w 11 Rowland and wife returned i" liveliest corpe ever found In any says will lake ttilrtv four .ears to bull. I yesterday to Albany from their California I political cemetery, Joe Simon, for he Is when they might secure an anpropriatlon inp, aucr itcmg in I'.ugene several weeks, known by no othe, name. Is vear. ef uu.t n n-u ' M Mr brtMiMH.' I..I.m Iwrn -,ti. . . . . '.. ...,.,. ,...,..v. lfRuhfn tl.a7.i.' -e 1... ....Li lm' ""wul " ,w anu u,r" ,,M:ne" ,n I constructed In one year. The clerkship with Allen Bros., who are for. r,c,8'"anU,IM nhlln 35 lunate in securing so popular a clerk. I po""". He has been btate Senator from Mr J W AndiTsoii.the new street com. I Multnomah for taelve .tears, and talce missloiier. who has been coiiIIiiihI to hla I itome lor several tiays. is auiu to lon I ..i...m. l.. i... u . would have the Mate buy the lock at Or . a a 4 m . J egon wuy. n. very large numurr 01 tne Ux-pavcrs are opposed to this. The governor would rule the icvrnue for the Uie streets sitain - I mKr """"'- wniy 1 ia;e directly from the people, entirely In I I lnl II I a I aaaara at. 1,1. Sol .1 a-,1 u. a.., I. s a . aa. . Mr GSKteohen.. lbs w-ll ki.n !!. "" rs,tCTi ocnenoeiii 01 county Uxslion. This he road contractor, lain the city. Ho re-' Uor bl M V have often J would do by Imposing a poll tax of $1 on poita the grsilmg on extension of the I ocked the feebler nerves of his frlerds, I every male per ton over at years of age a Orcgonlan It U to tkibure as completed, who ilwiii admired his drawn lance, that a Br.,.,1,,1 ... .n i .1.-.11. 111 1..; 1 1 - - ...w..f.- ........ ,w I".mho mil win 1 ,l,lch itrn.lilnl li-a kill. .r.1, 1. . I M.I- .1-- ...1 1. thKn. Notwithstanding this rece.pts.of express, teiegrsph, le.ephone Mr Butler, who recently arrived fror, 'e bit of "harmony - swel.s to the dome and Insurance companies. The eovernor Iowa. They a 111 he the clients of Mr I0' M c. ttjal. and oefore an adjournment I will find It dfflicult to induce the IccUla- 01 the iiou e Is had a bill I. Introduced to j ture to adopt this recommtndntion espec- amend the 1'oilce force of rortlsnd, as I laily the $a poll Isx expressed In Its report, to ?wn Joe He thinks the mortgsge tax law all Simon," W hat lovely harmony, I rk'ht. If 'dcduellona lor lnrfrl.le.lne.. are in ihe popular senator from Iar.a, air I be retained then there should be excepted euch, Introduced the first , bill, one to do such Im'ebtedness as is due to national away wtih the R R GommlMion. This may pass, it seems that something ol a Railroad Commission should exist, but . . . V. 11 . . I ".. inry ij iut funis 01 04T urther amciidmtnt to said old charter, Butler'a sister, Mrs Dr Hendrex, whom he had not acrn for thirty-live years. EiaiiTit. That no deduction fur in. I t. --i... r .....t.i. ... 1 11, 1 . . ,, , : v. I v-una .uuiiiriiii mumm m ills r J!i , luwe,, in makh,l nte at Hpokano V alia yestertlay. Tuea- j luay evening ha was tendered a surprise The proposed amended chatter, as now I recent Ion at the reaidenr ol MrTtim prepared, contalna all the above changes, Hopkins. Twenty live or thirty of bis and no other essential chsnise or modin-1 friends were, rrnwnt. and tha rrnort ia cation of ihe charter now In force. that an enjoyable eveninit waa passed. Your committee further represent that I The public I about as much interested they believe that all of such chsnces and in who ircta clerkships at the leeislatnte. modifications will be of general aj,antage a tn tht legislator thcmeclvra. Here unfortunately the present Board has not to the city, a id that most of them arees- areaomeof them, unfamiliar names to impressed the public mind favorably as to sentlal and necesssry for the proper regu- Linn county people, who Rencrally get .h.m, t.n- f . o- ... .ki. latlon snd Rovcrnmeot of city aff.hs. S..d soup at HafeuV Helen It McCowaii, W ,h of or necessity for this com al . 1 . ... S . . . . It 11 l . . 1 ..a snKal .aw llaJ aft L a .a. t I it. 1 a.J mat tnei t lmeu. 1; a Bcntt. Aimer ualnes. A II l r '""" 'aw anu Morgan, Miss E E Williams. Mrs Lulu I confined its reports to those It is required D Sampson. Miss Josle Hnowden. Maud I Ia RI.1. t t.M t.H LUl Mr. . . .1 I. . , .. .. t . ... .. I ... . J. M"t.l W .1111 ,V V W W season, vainerine u .eti, iteicn i-ar- rish, A Meachen, T W Royal, Mrs Lydia Barrlsh, Emma Dickenson, Itura B Myers, Mamie Tavlor, Clara Pelbet, T C Smith, Curtis L Hawiey, I A Mets. W J Knoilitraas, Geo Htbbert and - Ida it liaincs. we, therefore, recommend amended charter be adopted. Dated this itth day of January, tSyt. u r lAULta, C G Bt BKIIAaT, G W Smith, Council Committee. L F1.1!, A llACKLSMAK, C E WotvraTov, Citlxen's Committee. tegUl, Inves' lssiion Into the cause of the disasters It would have cscspeJ the censure wutca It has received for twin 2 over ofEcxms wltliout doing any good or Imporvng a banks. This for the reason that Ihe state is permitted to tax only shares and real property of such banks. Opposes the re peal of the usury law. Favors the abol ishment of all commissions for the en forcement of state laws. Recommends the adoption of the Australian ballot sys tem of voting, and a registration law. He seems to overtook the fact that the supreme court has decided that a registration law contravenes the constitution of this state. He opposes any further appropriation of public money to pay premiums at agricul tural fairs or to mske an exhibit at the i An Awful Sole Limb Flesh m Muss of Disease. Conditio nopciess. Cured by the k Cutlcura Benedict. Tor Uirwt yesrs I waa sfmoat srlppted with aa i. L. " "oa 10 my anal; Ww sklii wm anuly ,r ar4 tha fl.h . oni "" ''' elrwurw, Kim pfiyrtdaits tronmnml it tiuntrnhUi, It had dimlrtl.tu! alx-ot oum Uiird tha -.",7 was IB s nnpabHHi aiimllttoo. Si ndrJ. of alis, from wbi-h I got !Tr iiJ hsaamsa, ana tha , rasuit , 'follows! Ar thrss day I mrt s d,-ild rhutixm tor Um lv rT?.L.Uy """r," parllied, and tha bona hl,i had Itmn sxpoand hit ovnr s year) (nt sound. 1 hs fimtb lxKo lo stow, and to-day, and tnt nearly two ymn, my Irs la aa wall as er It wsa, aomod in very tnp-x, arid not a sljrn of dlaa o na aeeri. llf. U. (i. Lulwls, lJodg, CoUa. Bad Eczema Cured Tha CwictntA Rstrsi-iss wiwieht s wooderfal etir. on m. 1 was tro(.ld sr-atly with .,7,,. sfltl from tha trwiOnsot of soma of ths leading wdallrta dots, I proenrad a aet of thm and ba. fyra Uwy won. all bmI Uw diaesaa bad laft ma. I mammmi lisa :uTiTfS4 Uaacmsa as Uia taxi CosoordVa. Cutlcura Resolvent Tha saw Blood srxl PHn Portlier, and ynnrnt sod .r.,,""""". ". u l4oodof.U impuritlr and wisonoua alemanta, and thru r. C..ra, and CtTtwaa Hoas. u esqaislla ik pBrt! Bj-rand UutlrW.iear ths skiaof ZTnatoi disease. ilrua tha ftmru '..I'-" fTT; iUfT? i"lm' " th skin, ao.lp.Vnd Lkd, 1Uj low of hair, from jruoplas to scroiiis7 F;; Jwsoi-yss, ft. Prrard by tha Poms t -Bend fur " Haw to t .'nrs Hkin l inn... si p., W MujiUattoM, and lug tesUim4aS!T' RON HAEHOWS L sell on Ptewart A Sox not to forget this. nl boy an Iron (wnnulyon first 'twill pay you on.Gai7ATSsrar.iA5Torj Phyaician and Surgoon. OfSos opposite the Ihisscrns. It. M, M PATTOSf, ' IiJumberg Block, Albany, Orcgoa. f emale and trHvate diaeaaos a spssU'tjr Cotisu;fcsi.) fSes. RedCrownMills fcOM, UMtlSG & C&. 1 aUU'R'S, . nrw saooxM rxotra srraaioa roa. rasrr' tsta aao sac xbs ess. REST STOtUGF FACILITIES. S5G0 Bexrard I TvO jisy thsha Mwsrd fr any k ot t.fM . , OyMpRia, l.ia Hadarha.iH4tc94 Cno 4taiu.n -v cV'irvenara wa raanot euro wits Weal's Kfkb4s.I7ri'i ls,ba tha d.rwrttans aiestrtdry --plkawuh 7t-yara purely Vtatl.s:.l narar mtl to I ra tiU'lt fon. M jtfar r'aaicd Lai-ara bona, aaca ,a. :.. ot ro ino-rj.ib. aaS ta. i. rnnvitut mnntnutr4 vnif by OT JOBS ft F.rT t-jMr-JLa t. ttltAlX, 1L. J.l Cjtf III ti .. IT,Ka, bltbaads, ml.rmieh, eBappcd.asd oily skin cared by Cimtxii Boa. Until IIU nan u Jsek Aehs, Kidney pans, and Weak nm, fersw., Iawma-s, (Strains, and I atn n-llevrd la ooa mlaat- by tbs , tf Isr-es rest A I X. t first and only UMtaataxuxKi lia-klilcr plaster. . L.IIILL. Phyeiciai nd Sui,;on, Ones oor, r and Xerry Strawss, ALiiANY- OftEQOrj Special w. Announcement -0F- SATVSrtAT. toe nix a lot T Tart a. There will be a social dance at Arinorv .... ... nan tonighf. word of Information to the public. Their I own opinions are no protection to them or Columbian Exposition or World's Fair. any satisfaction to the public. If, when "One of the first acts which should be the Board concluded to sit as a court, j performed by this legislature should be swear Its members, and take testimony ad the repeal of the law providing- for a board H L Dlnnchsrd moved his family tJ I imSuUmm for which there was no law. it I ot railroad eommlaatonera Thla Is luat AilutnvTnMliiv llw Mill .;...;.!,. I . , t ...... . . . I JosPurdom. a form, All-n, - . r - w w.w., . could maxe it uui me recommendation Webfoothas not been lUelf this winter afterwards sherilT of HoutfIaseoutv.nn I Owonvl warranted by this testimony wm aot be heeded. He would hive laws when it cornea to quantity of chuck. I of Oregon City, is a candidate for the PPo,"',7 considered It might have dls- passed fixing the maximum rates to be IIWuisj.len.lup at that city, just mads I slpated this dltpostilon tc eiltklse their I charged by the railroad and telephone vacant by the death of lVstmaaU-r Ba- official conduct whUh has. lessened the companies. Gives Judge Deady a few FREAD. My Winter Stock is now Complete, Embracing all" the latest Novelties in ress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS D The se are Unit s for men to search their consciences. ihe Man Aitit lon wot people that this is the hoe month of the year, that is, the dull one. Home people woaiu nave uie air mil 01 mrors. uw con A conversational social will be ttlven at the residence of Mr J L Cowan on next faith of the public In the necessity oil having such board continued. It was the raps over the head for assuming lo pass I upon the constitutionally of a ststute ot probably require the supreme court to I iethe time for merchants to work tip the I Tuesday evrninir, under the auspices of I testimony the public wai.ted.snd inasmuch J the state, and reiterates hi, former ex-1 1 ; 1 1 . , . I ....... 1. I 1. ...... . I..,. .......I I . 1. . I. kJ. ... i . .. m.I It.. H...I.. ... .I.n I... .... t.f . . t , I ........ ,,. I decide whether or cot taxes can be col- ?P" business, lectcd from property that has been made w vatuaoie by the town. uuard. OxivSRvaN Larr.-Il hi.s been over L Bome. ne r,morkc'? ,t,:t "e I tston tStlt mt tlltlftl VlVaAtW lt Is si at 1. i Uisa . . , , a a uw s- as-iWS- V eves sf s If lt VI9 two month s,nce the overland passenger lact., or .,mtU it ,,..d trsin was wrecked at LabUh, more or less work now to pay meat bills, as it ia tak painfully injuring to passcne.-rs. To- inif everr cent to save tho nrunertr. If aa) , asiue irora uie resrueni victims M ine 1 so men Stioukl learn a lesson and there promises to the C L Hociety of the rresbyterlan as the publ'c was as much the judges as pressed belief tt at only a legislature cao church. A short literary ami musical m. ,mu.i u.h,. .n... I i-,t..-. 1.- .,.i ...i .t... I " - " " ' ... af B WSl w. w aa ww If not a kgal requirement, should have I by repeal. I st a program will be rendered during the eve. An enjoyable lime Isamtcipalctl. come and see. DEERE'G NEW-DEAL PLOWS. . !. IotiM, orTrlppUr Kurrow. Tliry are so simple and im so nrarabolul ;x r ? tU.n, that thoa who iiave iiw.l ilir ui or m-n tliern work can not say -nougli I 1 their praise. We furnish thorn w'lli or without scat atlathutciiL Scat attachincnis ars extra. wreck, mere rvmatn In salrm but seven of Ihe unfortunate who were aboard the Ill-fated train. These are: Dr. an J Mr. Uammiit, of Phlladephla, both of whom sustained back and spinal injuries; Mr and Mrs u l. Klmberlv, ol Meenah, WU,, both injured In the back and the former's lei? parlatzed; Mrs WT Hewltt.Menasha, wis., wrist tractured; I b IJartholjme Boston, back Injured: W A Creek, from near Grand Junc'ion, Col., leg broken- statesman. sfcculate beyond their means. POWEB II3T-r EJTJ"Ii3C"3T V.-a BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN D.-JILL. ki- e Hoe Prcas Grain rr'.!l, rnck-j-c Seeilers. Tltirfcays Spring Tooth Harrow, Bupsrlof t.rsiiu l'rtlla.tsupenor teeacrs. . i CORBSN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. . iaUt Improved linWnrnt lor sow! g snmmsr fallow. The must -oinrlotJ gr.f soi-i-easful tool lor tills purpose lu usa. t.lso have a roll line of Bnzcias, Carrisaes. Fhaetons, Mountain Wigoris riatloriu and other bpring Vshiclss. ... . , i..i ... .. mm . , 1 .,, ,, 1 vr.uuauif m ilk vt imiiirvstion, i 11 a newspaper were to snow op an me 1 i...i. . . .1. j . . hrinuinil ituntnnl itni r.f a r,lla ... r . 1. . I I' ..... m - "'" tint. I think 1 mast bsvs tnd orsr twee It it reqecsted, . the M. A. T. ob-orves diirBttat r.msdi-s. which wars rscom- utai u woum oc in as not water aa me n9M csrtsm cores by lovlog frisods, oeoiiie tnemseivcs. it niiuin ue nieasnnt i ... .1 ... 1 .... t; t.i 01 ill .. . . " . . rai is waa uu lira, ai lass innount ,i 1 i-:r -iii f Aoursu-y ior tne man wnoae noraes were tacn to imttM uk, , .jw1, C(,0 0f purgatkn 1 his saloon Will lie closed until the round and after oavmpnt of tha tea -i.v . j.-.u.. . . .l. JL. 1. . t . , .1 . . . . . .. . 1 . . . . . . . . . t . 1 w.m w, a s ilia. rur a mi. tne newiv tiecien conncu meet a in ren- 1 tuni.t looan iaiurn im rnnhi wot im ,i rr 1 1 ..... . m . t. ... :t 1 - - . - . r 1 ion. 1 wo I'll,, a vara DnrnLinra wua l'ii . lui . ... .. . . ,. ... ... them, to save some one knifed ; but it ia ifcirty Ut,. i. th.t time I eaioed three Pr"naii.y mat marts , arm men a cnt-1 Lehaxon. A little damrhter of Mr Goodrich accidentally chopped off a fin get a short time since. hr Negus ureegea the tucmijer. last a IK the ne ruary. SCHUTTLER FARP4 WAGONS. Focd s M.Us t Laaruce A Chspln's Bprlne-Tooth narrows, TWrrs Harrows, Bcler.tlflO racino Fatiniog Mills, IIAIHII IIAItll W1HE, KTC, XJTO. J ' fVD mtt IPKCUL C I I1C f LA IIS XD PRICK UBT. ' E. THRALL, AGENT ALBANY, OREGOiM. Died. January 8. ISfll. little Genevieve. I no fun for the M. A. T. to feel the lonit lajuhter of Mr and Mrs John A lkard. toe of some ones foot, hence a scneral re- The bereaved have the sympathy of the 'Baal to mix op in all petty matters enure community express. r t .... : .,,,1. 4.i.ta The Man About Town calls the alten and misery without you; and yoa know "on wcr,eu.uo' pie wno bite at when I asked you to be mine yoa fld .windle that comei along, to a Vi"ltl SS-iSl II iff T aa, r-vaa 1,1 1 .A aa rm iwwlwill give you tilt tomorrow' noon who may Im looked for at Alban most to make up vonr mind, and if yon do not V , " ,''""4 f "" " ..a...' .. al ilnvnri in nam it, m f . t I haait na rtsji im marry me 1 win kill vou and then end -"v now wtcjnuvitm nut We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and are therefore usually pro pared to eupply it at reduced rates. We are selling tho Jewel stoves anu ranges, tho mos pop- u !ar stoves made at present. If jcti want to sve money on sll -orts of botiseh'Jd toy 'rm of us V te we make that our be.btr csi. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. -G. L. BLACICRiAW,- LEADING DRUGGIST AT. BESTS' OIIEGOIT- DRUGS, rilEDIGillES STATIONARYJC JUST. THE THIIGS Pon't be in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such a3 f! -FOR- THOMAS BRINK Will have tho nicest assortment that ever came to Albany Murder will nearly always out. The M. A. T. learns that the chickens report ed to have been burned alive in Mr Graham's suburban chicken hotiee were stolen before the fire, no bones being found, the thief sct.lng fire to the struc ' I ture in order to cover up hit villainous conduct. Koticb to FiaucBi. -Wanted at once chickens, ducks. iree?e. turkevs, dried iwv. r tn I fruits, hotter, eetrs, and ail kinds of farm produce. lor which 1 win Par the inch est price in rash or in exchange for goods. II. w. Mxi-sox. Aiuany, uregon given the testimony to the public, which b atways the sate and conservative criterion in everything. The duties of the Com. mission la cases that ailse on petition to settle complaints of patrons against com- He would have the legislature by joint! resolution instruct our delegation In con gress to labor to secure more stringent la ws for the exclusion of the pauper hordes of China; the Imposition of a graduated -To The Ladies,- . Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, m Knit a Ribbed and Mcsux. My Prices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y.S.F.HOSIEEYr Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely . . fast, and Free from Poison Headache aal trjayeswla Wi i:m E RockwsH, No 512 Wist 67th Slrsrt. X York, sstt: fcIhnvehaqs nartvr to bilious fcasd scbe ard dyspepsia. S ih.l!.,.bl' 1. J... ....f .ll .H. A. ...1.1 bsfUIowsd mon carriers are very different from those I Income tax law by which the wealth of Incase of accidents In the latter case, I tha country now entirely exempted will when the Commlislon has reported Its j be compelled t bear Its just share of the own examination or investigation It has j public burden, the further adjustment of fulfilled the law. Recent experience of our revenue laws by which all tariff taxa- the Board offers nothing to sustain Its life. J tjon shall be removed from the necessaries The Impression l. that It should go Into 0 ufe mj pieced upon luxuries, the forfel- wloter quarters. It ha now ail the power ture cf all unearned land grants to rail- that can be conit'.tutionatly given to It, and and If properly understood it I enough. The message of Gov. Pennoyer Is very rcnerslty discussed and approved. It will take root and receive the support of every Independent mind that reads it, The only answer to It Is that It Is Pennoyer'e strong pounds ia weight, and nsver bsvs bsd aa 'clm be PPe4. When jeHerson setts or a pain siooa. Due la one part land Jackson laid down the constitutional roads, a postal telegraph system for the use of the general government, opposition to all subsides, unyielding opposition to th Force bid, abolishment Ot Inferior federal courts, free coinage of silver, providing for the loaning of money by the general government upon Improved farm property It Is remarkable for the great scope of its recommedatlons. for the ra ileal in novations It proposes for the courage and : To The Men : . Call and Look at My values in - Furnishing -.- Goods, v ' '--' f have a Large Stock at the Lowest Prioea ever offer! i the Taller. I catry o tor wear a: and he o-n ill line of the world-renowed BROAD HEAD gids, unexsellad Buin. Large s'.ock of Esbboiderie3 and Floukgixgs. Csl eed tbs. Albany U the bn trading point in Oregon. El siSsa-Oa. t'(9-idJr;Wil1 VBtB,Ujr 611 Ufeguards as the rules that shtld govern c,ndorof !t, aulhor ,nd the amount of body with dirsase. Every year or twosome . . . . . . tk- , , . , , psrt of ths system grows wssk and bruins to decay, boon psrt should be rsmovsd at once, and new mattsr bi allowed t take Its pises. Thsrs's nonswd of cutting is aot with a sargeou's scalpel. Farce swsy the old, dtssssed and wore cot parts with lirao- ureiuariiis. antagonulin it will arouse, we regret that we have not space to publish it In lull. placed inlamps will make anunrt of oil list a year, out it takes about two ciayi or them to cot thoroughly to working. I fong enough time for tho swindler to work a town and get away. Strong minded people do not bite at such bald headed irauus. the man did a big busi- tny life Thus wrote a Sweet Home young man to his best eirl. according to a corresnon dent in the Lebanon Express. The old lady .cot hold of the letter and eave the younir fellow short notice to leave town. and he left alive, and on going to press nose in Salem, it ia reported. iiau not yet 1 nt;u uimnt ii. 1 . Among all our exchanges, but two (the nr West Shore and Brownsville Ttmesibave I lTJ .r..?f. tl,e I)ewJroP ealwon' condescended to note our progress as "'l' ""Y , , ahnwn hv th f!rnraa whir-h uscr.vsiwA Frinevillo is becomincr metropolitan. weeks oko. There were $110,288 expend- 7? there was no photographer in ed in building in Ilranon for the vear the place, ana now there aro twoliist- liw. and we want the people to know . " Btres. l'lease help us sing it. Express. I Our merchants and dealers in produce On the contrary the Democrat waa the r nw paying cents a dozen lor eggs, .... r. ... , .. .. .... . . j.,,. Ths beatlrnatt eoffvs in ths city at Coat ad Myrr's. New Blacksmith Suoi, G V Willis hss just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Brine on your plows, wairons. etc., etc. for repa rs. Euan & Achifott bscdla ths c!ttraUd l'ortlsnd cemeot wslls fur cemetery lots. Fheto walls osn be furnished st half ti s cost of any ether and sra far superior. our nation and warned the people of the encroachments of federal and corporate nower upon their rights Federalists of the old school lost no time In denouncln and ridiculing noin jeuerson and jacsson stllUell of Tillsmook has introduced a bil until tney maae 00 in presidents .01 tne fot bulldtnc two brWces. ons across Nehslem United State. Pennoyer is no le the .:.,.. other one serosa the Bur Nestucca. people's champion of their rights and lib- Xbe honor.We cenllemin f.otn Tillamook ernes, and his ooid ana tearless presents- j, t Ter modc., man lu on) wantt S0OOi lion ot tne rights 01 states and ot citizens The nt 8tep will be a bill to build a school as against an usurpations wi.i suojeci mm houe fof Kme KhotA dislrict Verily the to the same amount of detraction from bis ,etr;beri the prjrStnt ccisi4ture think our enemies as wss neaped upon tne neaas 01 ,ute COvernment a very pstemal one. the early ppost;cs of democracy, these 1 things bring their rewsrd, an irresUteble t There are 5000 Indian living on rctervuion reward that finds Its virtue in Ihe triumphs I ia New ork Stste The Seneca sre the ol the great masses of the people. His-I largest tiibe, having a 000 members. They tory Inform us that we had Jeffcrwnlan-1 have buried the hatchet, smoke the pipe of lm" and Jackonlanlm," that saved our J peace, and inteaoof having ghost dances at least tw ice. That place has reason to be proua 01 the snowing. JiABRisBi'Ko. Kills are out annonnc- Little Hattie J., datieliter of Mr find Mrs J F Circle, aged 6 years 0 months .1 1v A 1 1... I . . 1 . ing a masnnerade ball at Mcndenhall't 5 .":"' KTS. L7r. "CU",T hall, Jan 30. 18'Jl. uaj B4lc.r, i nmra vno VA v-j ..,i. s: 1 i t,a It. . ; ' 0 J.v t.iuw, n liu .no llliuivu ll hi. I I'rinpvlim rlflrlOrfl. i.l.. ti:..u 1 1. 1 v.. io Avuuieii wrci;H,iiHa utrcii afjeiiuijig the holidays with relatives in the city. The Mr Anderson who bad the misfor- A Successful Organization. Anion e fortune to break bis leg in the flouring the most prominent minstrel companies sloilv B 88' 8 imIrov,n very this season is Goodyear, Elitch & ling's MmBtrels. When tho curtain rises on the grand royal court first part, a scene ot splendor catches the eve. Walls of silk clueh.draried and ftHtnnnr1 with heavy silk corus.tassels and Innireg, The first end men, Goodyear and Ed wards, are attired as Monte Cristo lesters with Dine satin unee breeches, bat and slowly, D 8 Buuey has purchased of Mrs Mays two acres in the eastern part of the city ior a consideration ot f'AU. mot. won f louu. M 11 vtaipoie. the man who was put in the caliboose at the city, a few months airo, for vngrancy, who. 41.. 1. I .' . 1 .. . i " 1 I f . 1 r,'""J " e "T'f i'Y.'JiT Kf, dippers to match. The second end men ricn a tew nig tits ago in little tfackensto's MHMaaHHaassasasasHaaHaiHBEisBaBHMaBaaaaHB CDarjBWHsnEHassssnsMiwaBaaBaMsaaBawaaGnaBKiaMaa t :i Li U L.1L-H . , p.-, sm sma rri ra n a J-a saloon at Pallas, winning tlGCOat draw poker at one sitting, off a drummer and three others. He will probably loose it as easny. Bcio. Two if not more bricks will be etected in town during the present sea' son, Mr and Mrs Geo Allen, of Kansas.son-in-law and daughter of James Morgan, of near this city, arrived last week. They come to make Oregon their future home. Frees. A R. R. Sued. Mr Emll bchnclder has attached 2 o cord of wood belonging to the O. P. along the track near Mill City, on account of a claim for $304 and $0i.7 costs, and notice are posted for the sale of the same by Sheriff Scott lo the highest bwderon Jan. 27. Officers Elcced. At their annual meeting the Ladies Aid Society elected the following otlicers for thecnsulng year: Mrs Dr Keller, President; Mrs h E" Bla'.n, Vice president j Mrs C W Sears, Secretary ; Mrs John AlUiottse, Treasurer, General Satisfaction. All the per- wear canary colored suits, while the third are dressed in lavender. The Quar tette and also the sextette of singers are dressed in beautiful pink suits. Tho in terlocutor is richly dressed in white satin. The musicians are dressed Monte Cristo fishermen. The list of specialists comprise both American and European artists, shadowgraphists, ath letcs, ltoraan and gladiatorial contests, representing mythological, historical and biblical statuary, dancing and gym nastic teatures.grand marches and every: thing necessary to make it a perfect entertainment. Vi ding Photographers A any t'regon. Ws have bought 1! thenrgativt smads by L W Clark and W II Ureeowood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates csn be had from hem only of as at reduced 1 ate. We hsy also about 18.000 uettatives made by our selves, from which duplicate can bs had st llksia;e. Ws carry tbs only full line of viewi of this state aud do enlarged work at lowstt rstes for first class work. W e shall bs pleased to see yoa at our Studio in Froman a block, next door to Uasonio irmple. Iroxtared Uoprlcs,.Yet Savtd. From a lettnr written by Mr- Ada E Huid of Groton, H D, we quote: "Was taken with a bsd cold, which settled cm my Lungs, oouulis set in and Dually terminated in ton sumption. Four doctors gave me up saying I ceuld live but a short time. I gave my self up to my Sayiour, determined if I could not ktav.witli my frisods cn earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husbsnd was advised to set Dr Kine's New DUeover- 1 ery for Coubuotv mod, Couth aud Colds r t. . ; .11 .;t.i l. 1 1 1 . . . 1. KBVV 111 a ilia., u oiiib uvikicre, IB ha cored me and thank God lama well and hearty woman." Trial bcttlos fros !at Fo sbay & Maton'sdtag store, regular size, 50a and ?l. A Pleasing Concert. The concert by the Hild-Park company at Concert Hall last evening was a very pleasing enter tainment. Mr Carl Hifd is a fine violin ist, and Miss Anna Park a brilliant cor netist. Mies Ella Jocelyn, contralto.aud Mr Fred Gillette, baritone, contributed to the pleasure of the audience. Buffalo Commercial, Oct 10. 18J0. The Hild Park concert of last Wednesday evening was a delight to lovers of music Dans ville Adveitiser, October 10, 1890. At Opera House Jan 21st, . ' FOit DYSPEPSIA Bd liver Complaint yoa have a prints guarantee ou every bottle of chilolr vitalizer. It never fails to cure, Foshay & Mason, sgeats. Tho for a remot period are-jv can be r reach Taasy Waters. wafers are a sure and safe tf' ci6 liinc!fco female troubles er.t v". all obstructions to the mor.i. ly no matter what the cause.. Ir.i 1 1 what every woman neca . at iscd with safety. For sale t tin Livtnsstone Chemical Go,, also iron on sole otent, I ACumming, druggist, Bn j berg bock, A ibany, Ortgoa. INSURE .III THE ALBANY FARMERS AMD MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Sonnd; Conservative Safe, nation in Its hours of depression and peril, cannot we not in these last days receive Pcnnoyerlsm" of equal merit with the lms"to which we refer.and fight It out on that line to the achievement of every re form?. Progress,' this icnsoB, they have Christmas trees, just ke the pslefacc. HINTS TO HOUSKKEEl'EKS. Fcr names. lay a little pouoded ice on the back of ihe neck. Four parts ruin wster to one part of raolass ti, wttt ome ewer vinegar to ei it worain, will make nice vinecar to keep cucumber pickle. ' The use of the tooth-brush tn connection with powders, washes or other , treatment of the teeth should be gentle. B'eedbg of the gum is always a danger signal. U shows that the skin ha been broken, tnvitinff the absorption into the syttem of any poiMtioug or foreign matters which may, be present in the mouth. If the gums are very tender, a solt brush should be used, and used very gently, till they have hardened ufficiently to with stand more vicorou treatment. Even then ths liability will be to err on the side of hfuth net. Many gool houskeeptrs who have preserved strawberries, cherries, plums or almctt any preserves which have begun to ferment, but are not mouldy, add them to the mince meat before it is scalded, in proportion of a quart to the quantity given. The finest furs come from those animals that inhabit the coldest climates, and the season cf the year in which any of them are killed greatly influences the quality of the fur, a summer skin of some of tnese animals being comparatively valueless, however exce'tcnt it might be in the winter season. The greatest meat eaters in the world are the people of America, whose; average consump ti a is 175 pounds per annum. The English come next, with an average of a little over 1 10 pounds. The French eat only half as much meat as the English, and the pjople of Ger many, Austria snd Italy still less. Hoar has succeeded in getting the Force bill placed on the senate calendar as"unf unshed' business Let us hope for the wellfnre of the ereal business interests of the country that it iniy remain "unfinished". It is amusing to ee the parrot-like way in which the small fry republican organs through out the state take up the matter of Governor Femioyei's being a candidate for president so elaborately dwelt upon by the Ortgomau, and in a very imbecile way attempt to imitate the big organ. There is a united effort all over the cour.try among the organs to turn aside attention from Cleveland. But that, as they wilt find, ia out of She question. j IThe senate has passed the tree coinnge silver bill. The vote stood yea 30, nays 37 Of those voting for the bill, 24 were demecrats and 13 ware republicans. "Of those voting aeainst the bill, one was a democrat snd 26 were republican." Senator Wait of Multnomah has introduced a bill to allow mother to ap'ioint guardians for cMrren by will. This is a good bill and should pass. It is just as safe to allow the mother to appoint a testamentary guarJian as the father. If one wishes to cool a hot dish in a hurry it will be found that if the dish is placed in a vessel full of cold, salty water it will cool far more rapidly than if it stood ia water free from salt. US j 1 . o v- : 1 j Albany Cigar Fad jv J, Joseph. -:- Proprietor. WHOLE SALE & RETAIL QiOnly White 1 ahor Employea 'SwlB II ill 'ii.ii isr .illst '.Vj ""rsm. ' isHlsl s.1 i aWlVllalalaWSSl r I I i ' MSjSaSwaSastSMtWSSSl AFJY iIEADAOIIE "UiilsYcaWait," BUT CURES IMOTHING ELSE. j NEW STORE.-a SNEW GOODS. MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. Imoiements ci VeliicI mm. -SW M sriGQitiira t i Use flannel to wash the children wiih in wintsr' and they will be good ratured whi'e ba-hirg. i