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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1891)
:'2";".'-"g.!;.' S. W. Paisloy, (.Altkaay, TTnOL.l3 4.LH OBA.LEH I!v EAST AND. SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Rout SHASTA LINE. Kiprona Trains tears FortUud Dally, a it Paul ob Rea H. mm. to Ssawwr Scoa, buy wwleiwufaa; rusobla aad T ycctr frutt IMP. H. 14 f S f II 10:16 TV 'CI f TM Call oa w tt A So IL....4 iaitrbo-yeai'svrylt. err e foil lla of . w-i !!, .. asawl trage, bd aaaa, feee. . t?-Uf korwi. ), wood ad Iron tsW4 !, by f t 0 assort. -.... M aKWMI ta Iba TkllV. LwwA of the toot H tries Mi lowest. Above trains (" only at totlowitur etatlnns nrlh (4 Hnnoburif. Pml 1'orUand. Oresun Otr, Wood burn, Smlem, Albanr, Tanront, Shmld, )UUT liar- ruburg, JunoUun vit-jr, Irving, Kufeus, aasssraa osis, Stisr. rmKsruT v 1 J f S.r.-.IHI IB(L ... : . .airs .. T. 5 M HLia. fU v' mi - m If DRUGS' rnrrnrr nan n u r irw 4 : -jrf - ...t - ICIhf I'll ' 7 YTVOLUTION SOTtCEv-Rf nautoa XJ consent tho heretofore) exiatln (Urn f Zachea Son baa title dav dlaeolvod Mrtnihlp,Jon II. Zachea, junior mem bar, retiring. All llabhltle and uiti will b eerried by Joan Zachea CUgaed Daa 17, 1?V0. Jons Z sen an, Jons- 11 Ziriii r.r Ar Twieiiu Albany Saa FranclecO n Nrtk 5 s&" m ;V A Af Lt hi ;oot :H) s a l a 0 r a l.T Lr Ar Portland Albany Ilarliur Ar .eB Lt I U.0 a It I SO A alssst lx l Mar asuar Iidt) Mr a Mm Lt Ar AIHrT Ar I ,i Lt 1 m k a Hrl so a inn tr Ar Lt Ar AlWjr Lbnoa AlbM. Itwnua AF Lt Ar Lt Vik 4 :MP or rULLMAri E'JFFET SUEPCRS. Tourist Sloopinjr O&ra, f ar Ateoamatatiaa. at oa A- ) raitaa tara. aaaaa a .r Traia. ; TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. TUKCAUSKOr IT, li.,'UJ.IUU a 4 ilda a,Tl,la. tTTIUI rBfLARa AA CtlTilUI, M4tk ia (AMI (l!Mt otJ "rrlnJ Carvalht Republican newtpnpcri d republican eadert have been perltoiUly telling Ihelr Rrty faltowera that the tatlu bill and Force bill had nothing to do with the do feat oi their party In November, At a mete parilian, we ltut the rank and file of that partr may bo made to believe U. The democrat, teel that they could have no better Utue to go before tho people on In than the MtKlnlcy bill and tho Lodge Foreo bill. Hut a tcndlf.g to ihow the hallucination under which the leader ol that ratty hat been cast we publUh be low reaolutlona pacd by the farmer alli ance of Minnesota, eight tenth of whoe member were lortnerl republican "Wo demand that the war tariff, which hp too Iwtf urvlvcd tno object )f It cieatton. .ball bo radically revUcd. giving very material reduction in the nccarlc otltle.and iUcli raw material on the tree IUt, to the end that we mi compete with Hie world for a market, and that tucn luxurle a whUkv and tvbacro thall lit no Matt rigat ar Mrraader. 1'iNg Ridok, S. DM Jan. p. Yeterday afternoon all command Ir, tho field wer ordered to march (rom three lo flvo mitt nearer the hottlle. Late lait night the order wa put Into effect. At Interval of two or three day the cordon will be drawn mora tightly around the rtoatiie until the aaree either to come In peaceably or b whipped tntoiubmiMion, iiie,aipo:uon they dUplay to accept the overture of General Ml; t aro uceptlble to but on Interpretation, and that t that they pro- rote to turrender and reta'n their arm or die In the detente. Anuria A laath Cat I'oRii ANH, Jan. 9. President Oowlby, of tho Attoria A South (toait Railroad V..& KJ?.f 7 rotitTf rot at r ArnMirM. n. ft. W. niukham. JtirliMt B. W. Caaaaraad 1m. Rambaugh,(mBtiniair. Bill of Lee Brown fc Co., i9-8, con tinued. Petition (or dlvtiion 0I dlttrtct il dla allowed. Dill of J D rttawater, aid W A Flu water, dltallowed. . Tho Treaturer wa Instructed to pay alt warrant ouutandlng under $ 1 S3. John Duncan wa directed to get neor ary material for Idlnir for Robert brigo. V ... Tho following bill were ordered pald j C D Mantaaue.ald poor.... IS 00 O P Ccwhow, aid poor, , . . - 1 1 . v j i.noicr iiu poor i non Ann abkaa fflOBSDAf. Pnorla II A Powell. A L (Jnnnrr, Z It Rudd, J A UcBrldc, g 8 Mycri, 100 Bliepard, Sweet Homa W W Ilowea. Wm Mo V Innnn DrUtriln I'lfVfiM II fl Muran. Thomaa Towla, U W KambaiiKh, Thomao Why du t tho beta 0.00. Morria, rank uurnvtt, U 11 Uuiaull, A JT Tbo WUUmetvo todiy 1 3 (t 0 iuohea Hamilton, bov Uw waUr mark and atationarui but Tanennt-M O Oaloway. J 8 Archibald. '' Jaa It Jenki, A lMovlne, J)an llouck, J J Tbo UU taa Wey wa made )ttrdt at HyarU. Henry Frotrkun,L F HmUh, ueo 4and 12 M milla, wakh will ria a tu of fo t a U tore ar Arl l .to r a hUii 4. K. "V7EATHEET0SD, 1TOHNEY AT IAW AUIIT, OIUO!l c L. HILL, Phyciciai nd Surgeon, OiB-or, t and Forry Straota, ALQANY- OREGON jUL x limn . v'su. r T - i-t -11 1 -"-ay- 1 11 -- Oavaak aaa TraOa-Xarti eVtotaaA aaOair aal awiaaM aa4ac4 fat Owaw fata. r m at Oaaa V. . aa4waaarara aatoal ta laat Ua ibaa 1MB Mot fraai WHkUrin. - w4 wxJ1. aravlaf ar pkntak. Wit liwtr tlaa. Wa 4tU, U aainUMa ar aet, IrM at aaaa lilt aatoat ta awaraa. rva. Oaf fM 0 PaatakM. -1 aetaal tittiU la rw BUta, aoanty, a A faaiAM. -Haw ta Obtain Fataa!," with wan af ae tava. aaal frta. AAdiata, o.A.cnowaoa - taaaeHo f altivi OS at. Waaalnalaa. I. & "IVTOTICK OF ClH0Hrn05-5otieo rl ia karoby glvaa that tho partnarakip (ratofora oslaiinc batwaao T H Koer Uftd, M D, enl L, C Strxton under the Arm naraenf Paalfle Metteal Company haa bean thia daydiaanlvad by mn.ual aon aaot: Frm aod aftar tkie data I. C StrsUaa will eollact all outttaoding m aoaat aed Lay all dabu of aald Arm. - Dahl at A-lbanr, Or, thU Itatt day of Dac, lS3a W II f.OvtL4.Nai, H. C. VVATS09 Attorney at Lw, ALBANY. -,- OREGON. 5lee la taa Blraaa Aiaali. Bank of Oregon. AUAST, - - - CSECQM. FraaMarst...... U. HRTAMT TUsa Pr.!lont U. T. MSBBIIX Oaahler J. BLAI N Sight ax;ian;(i aa l tolecraphle trai for on Near fork, an Franctaco a d and all prtnetpal pointa ia Oregon an4 Waablngten, ollaetlooa in adaon favorable form P RTLAXD YI5fG!9 BARB, OF roarrXAMD. OREOXlir. riiaiilal. aarplat aad pruflM. eyjoo laWraat allovad on ntnn drcntlu u follow: aanltiiary aTtnnbook ....4 pr ernt pr annum. oa una aartnia book per cant par annum Oa artifleauw of ocpotlt. Tar thraaavrntha... 4 par cant parannam: far alt nvsntht ( par anil par anoum: far twaira moath..... a pcnwnt per annum. PHANK I'KRCM. lYtaiJent n. r.THOaWiX Vk PraaiJent U. C, ariiATroS, Caaoltr. First Nstj i aal Ban or AI.BAH1, orcatioji Pratlant. Tim Praritiaat , Caalrtar a a a a La fl, B, ,.C, W. LAM TSASACn A OiaSKALbanklni'batleea. ACCOUNTS KIPT robjact to (hack. Btarrr KXCnANOg and Ul nphi trusafer, a a htrw fork, tan rranetaoa, wcaf u and Vot CW.LKCTIOWr ADBoa forl.l. UriEt. ataaoToaa. 4. . Tooaa ' E,W, Luaaca L g Bun. L. Fua gswtaa I. 8oi. Linn Co. National Bank, ALBAMY - - OREGON. CAPITAI, STOCK raH-t Va-ral4ant C-aMr ton Caahlr.. D aoorota, I 100,000. J L COWAJf. J M It ALSTON. Obo E CIIAMIIKKLAIM, O A AttCUlbOLD. L Cowan, i M RaitViti. Oan Z rmharlain, W 8 Larfl, V7 II OoUm, J 'a Craw ntAHSAOTa a eanaral bxnklr.f b tut near. DJIAWaioin rmAtTSon Kw Twk. ag il .vi Oregon. LOAS KOrfgy on tpptcrad lacarity ItSf ErTBdrpoaitaaofclect ehack. ROPE m CKAIM A great dl ol I cliarn rona ia Ixi'r. ar-JJ In thla mrkt Wo larry Iml pr.ra aia'illia, and can clva y.ii tnr iw r3n lv AU aUetnf el.a'n from t 11 to . . TKWAr.T A Sc,X. la. r Li,, cit a;ia . V'U oil, I l U, 1'. reo a mi j a.o A S ix. CCCflC-MI klirfai of era oilt. pure ara Bold br Htavmrt A anx, Frma hv ha-i.alra lata, ant tev IVii,ui,Iuiu. ever. -r-i.Miirr-, vSTAlt BAKSvRY cV.icsf BrczSaftia and first Sts., DKAl JCli IK aaTi Frita, ttiacia, Kfsr,, ar ('Ran rxl SJeata, 1'fKHra. &., vrriLlr.g tbf. Is kept In a nen r,d i;ryvtry ,rc. Ulgbcot Jd for , j j 4 airaatt taaia taut (Eicipt Sunday. ra I ra i Lt A' Ptniaut M.'tllnnTti: Ar I '. M a r 1 A Lvl T at) pulntt EAST. Alio SOUTH. Foi roii lnKraallea rarantlr ralat, a aa OumpanT Aaaal at Aianr. a, oautaa kfaaaaar a r. roocrs AattO. r. and t. Ar THE YA11UINA UOUTE goo Davalopmaal Com)ay'a Bto a aaif uao. 225 CHLES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIDE a an by aay other radta. nmt-e'.aaa Lhrouaa txaaaraawr aad Taia-bt Una Itooa Portlaad aad all potoU at tbo WUlameata Yalloy lo and rtoia nut fraaclaoo, UM. Boata make eloaa ooanaraton a Atbaa wUk traiaa of tbo Oragoa Faelflo K-Jtroad Till acggoULB. oat luadara) kaiTaAlaaay U. r. a, Wtt Coarallla I :, a. aitlr Taqaiaa. . r. a LTa t aiuua. t ft A, a LaaTa Corll,lU 4,1 Antra Albaaj, 11:1 A. a O. d) O. taalaa ooacao aa Albany aad orvallla. Tbo atov trail) ooaoeotal Faoulaa wlta tba Oragoa llovaiopmaat dnmcaina'a Ma tT Mtwi;ulJli.a natwaaa t aaiaa and rtan fraaviaiv. AILIXU BATKM , raoa Ttat'is. AUaaati Tailay, Os la ; NaT Ha ; 0a; loib . mm a ra4aciai70 rukkaaata Tattaf Out Via i HA. Uvk j tH k. The Cam pa wive tbo right to tbacr aaiaoa data w-'tbout not'.ca. K. B. Paaaangara from Portland and 4Ulamotta Valley rxdalo can make eloaa aanoertljn witk iba traiaa ofthaTaqulna ronra at Albany or Corvallta. aad If doa- Inad lo Saa Franciaoo aaould arrange to rrlve at Yaqulna Vbo evening before : f Bailing. Ladle Aid Society, aid poor 1 Hart, keeping Co. paupm.... W ECurl, talary G F Ruttell, talary II B Moyr,road aceotint Browntvlllo Saw Mill Co.lumber gentleman have arranged for tho payment Jh" Oeltendorfer.road account. . . !r n-l-rml.lrm iiiiam Hrnl ilia turn I "'"" ...... $50,000, thl being hi entire claim agalntt the corboraiton. "The building of that road wo now con tldef an aaturcd fact," tald a gentlemen Company, and Augutt C Kinney, of A torla, a gentleman largely Ititeretted Id tho tamo entrrnrue, have been In the rlty tlnce Thurtday, and aro tiaylng at The 1'ortiana. ' .During their short tolourn here then 10 00 6 00 10 00 10 00 6.1 03 Cochran, Joaepb Siiiipton, Jamea Mor gan. Waterloo J w R ation. Ron Parrlalt laitao Bftltnmrah, Dan Slmono, VT W Par nan. niaiiTa. AU Orcein bank show Increaaed le- ronlia. Tho mortgage lax law ii not ruining tho dptiuri, -Journal. manner be relieved from Internal taxation rxmmen .y connectca with tno company 11 th M-h nrntcllvo tariff ha been P1 cvn,n eagar aa4 V.atkl lata alwaya taa Lawcat atla 84H!y la A K Chapaian, Prl hi and Aluaay, V. C. MUil k. U. t. ard r An . tt.rt.1.1. 11111 THE BEST. u. M. raaat to a lllaatraitd, UaacnpliTa aad TrieK Seed annual For laai wilt ka au!Ud FREE ta all appiicaata, aad ta laai aaaaoa'i icaMoawti. 11 ta aattrr thaa aval XTry eanoa wiina Grdn, D.M.rtRNVACO. W OtTNOIT. MICH. X 1 Ijirr'.l SwJwm In ,ha wwbl J holly rtd of Ita extortion. We etnectal- ly denounce the McKlnly bill attho crown. lug tniamy cl protection. "We denounce the foice bill now pend- In congrct at a daniitrou and revolution. arv meatiire.devlaed for naiiman purpote. It will open the wound of the war and retard the harrv day of regeneration and peaces tut we hold that one ol lie grvtuen aim of the alliance It tho retiorallon of fraternal feeling and Hue concord among the people of die republic. Here la Indubitable proof of the terlou InroaJ which the campaign of education It inakhiK Into the whilom tcrrlcd rank of that dying party. i , .. 1 j1 i.;1 T1IK K A UM f.KH AbulANCE, Tho farmert' alliance I the product of indignation and detpalr Indignation at the mcrcllctt exaction Imposed on tho agri cultural Interctt by tho republican party and dctpalr that the other national party would ever be able to obtain the uprcm acy and riyht tho wrong pepetrated by Ita powerful tdvertary. That thia Indignation wat originally well founded la beyond quettlon. It I doubt ful If tbo all-important Industry of agtl culture wa ever tubjcctedlr.anv country, except perhapt In feudal France jut be fore the revolution, ta to many cruthing burden a the republican party heaped upon tt in thl. It ta alto bejonJ question that the de pair of the democratic, party ever corr.Ltg into power wat aho otllnally wcil found' ed. Thcae who organized the alliance aw nothing between them and eternal spoliation but the i.nuldcd ttrength of the farmer. Since tht vista wa pretcnted.tlmc have altered. The pulley of the republican party ru been changed only t Intentify It, and the indignation whi: h wa original ly justified by that pulley ha now more juv location thait ever. Thowrelief that party pretend to give l merely i".iw,yj the burden ha in reality been ritvoutty augmcnted.and the hypH.-riy which eek to tugar ovrr the u;H:radded wrong la a freah motive for new t'cte.laUon. Ui:t mi the other tide of the picture there hs Uen a genuine a."J diclJJ chtnge. There l no roon nv f dctpalr at to democratic uprcroacy and tlie perman ence of the cupreinary. The republican party ha had i' day ana mutt go,. The exigency which calltd It into exUunce It over. The grral perty cf the future In trita country I tlie Ucuiocrailc party, and no oppreed popular interrtt ever looked lo that party in vain. New Yolk H'orlJ. TMJiGS WORTH I EHEMO t C!N(J. The aeaalartbla. Olvmpia, Jan. 9 There wa let talk about the tenattahlp today than any day tl'.ice the Tight began. Ikith tldca have counted. vioaea tnu are now worklir for gaint. Squlre't filci.dt claim It.ty-five and the Calkin men forty-lour. Neil week the fight wilt begin in oarnett. Sheriff McGraw, Squire' manager, re turned to Seattle today, and wtll be back In a few davt. E --CTCMJ1"" M'W MM mi iiiiiiiimi.i Willi ur f n.ii'.-rffcw'iiiiii'iniiaiMn ta.miiwiflw tai. Will & Link, CPEL HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AaixiY rot II. F. JUiUcr, And Uit rtrwrfta J.BAUEU & C0.S PIANOS. Talaco and Earlmfl Moti5 Proof Organs aoit loitjrit rot tin HtattgB B. and Ha Homo Scwldg FfaMblflira. OkCAKa - Clean eo - akd - Rkpairbi. ALBANY, OREGON. ' Coatha, CaMt. Influtma, CreirrMtt, 1 rlsrnit. rVheanlna Ceuoh.Cmun. Eor. Thiort, AtK. and evtrr afitiion of tlia lihrotf, tuner and Chtiri.inclidin? Cotuir.ption. ;redr and permanent, Oenulna aiiwd "I. ButU," ju ui jn TOHAY MACON,.. ''"..aT. A"it AkJ aVaW Av'at esi u ft,r Johi ii. A'U-ro'a v al-ilTtf a, t!f'n w. 441H a'. tLvhiUiikt'', , r-i witb k.AH, feeacciiA RedGrownMills ftOM. LASKlX'i & ( ()., lOPH'S. aw iww ru'PH acrxaMa Troa PAxiuai 41) fcAxaua csa. S roJlAGF FACILITIES. ?s t Store, KrT, and thu tnt rwa i urbwa, t-ott b ' arlling. x rra ru l.aitfi !l It'..,., f FUSKSTUSt, STCYES, lX$Xhl mm,, psirresEs ETC., TC. d'.r west of t K Yuiie'a "r - L. C0TTUL3 9tY!V'f ! f PL!VPPStwaTt A Sox l.irtbr.l -.4.0. Kr, auonta ki bo uw Wheeler A. Wllaon So 8, . TboAtriaa. Salxu. Or. Tan. 0, The biennial report of tbo Oregon ttato intane atyhim, I)r. Harry i.ane, tupci nitiwtnt, wiu mow many initrett. tng 1 ten. 1 ao year ago tit inttltutlon had 516 inmate, 358 male aad 1 69 female The number of admittioa for two year wa 444, and the dltcharreil. daathaand etcana. ui. Thor under treatment number 444 malua and I84 lemattt, a act Incicat ia lao ycartw IOJ, kh ttt allaa, Tacoma, Jan. 0. Stm Drinker attemDtd to commit tuicid Uvt night in the rear of Pott- mttttr IloguetreuJrnc. Mr Drinker U a aiece af Mr llngu and ha beca Maying al bif kottte. Emetic itvd lbiultr't life. Urioker and bit a if aero Carried ia Ohio. whera blinker waa doing a good butiaeat, lie let bia butinrtt run down and got to drink lag to that hi wife aa left without auppcl and the left Mm. . Ita Haaa Left, HaxBNA, Jan. 9. Tba legUatlve tltua tlon tonight la tomewhat different from w hat it ha been. Yetterday the outlook for a rompromUc wa appareot:y favora ble. Today It appeara very unlikely that the dcnociat will agree to any plan that can be tuggeated. . Arradtrttaal. W AtiUNOicK, Jan S. The I'oat will to morrow ay the thapo in which Die finan cial bill will paa the tcnaia can be pre. dieted. The aropo.lvlon lobuy 1 ifioofloo ounce. 01 tu ver win d ttricken out and In It place will bn Senatoe Stewart free coinage amend nent. Tho aectloa pro viding for the 1 eduction ol $1000 of tho amount required to ba dcpoaltad by aa- banka to aecure circulation will bo reulueda will alto the tec t Ion which Impoac charge for converting gold coin Into bar for ahlpment, tho object oi thia change being to ruin the a 1 port ol gold. The bond wll' be Urickea out. Silver men In the llouaa aald U at not certain the blll'wouid not be paaaed tnrre. awat Ksatawlao,. Sam raairciatt), Jan. 8 An exptoatofl occurred at Pownlng atatlaa thl after ruon. In the mlllo ,! iho California Powder Hoik. Half aaVao ahlva man anj two Chine were warklnx In lha mtlta at the time. Of thrta one Chinaman wa llter- Geo W Iluehe. aid poor Ia & Prudhonime, ttationary . . ( V Slmpton, mJe.. W J riurlburt Electric Light Co G W Simpton, mdto... N f Payne.eamlng Intane J P Wallace, ox Intane M II Elite, ex. Intane N P Payne, ex.lnane. )V HDavla,x.lnane i w M Baton, a a. innana John Krute, janitor,.............' SPRRCo,acet pauper. Oliver Chetneyjicct a road up. , I) II Ambroc,acct at road tup,,. John Sndnci,acctaeroaaup.... J R Balttmore.acct aa road aup. . , , A Saltmarth, acct at road tup A Summer, acct wroad up...... E K Gordon, acct a road up G M Geltendorf er.acct a road tup K A Evana, acct a road aup Geo W Vllne, acct road tup.... Farmer Jonoo of Marion county cer- 81 33 talnly Ii having a checkered career. Ilia l at ao laat wife having left him be in titeouat- ing with agraaa widow of Denver to unite fortunea, principally hie. aa at I ' - - 0 OO 1 a m -1 I rrt , 1. ,.. l ... ,11 1 col ana annual receipt at tne aiubiit 87 00 1 poavoroctj a auown ty 1 winmuwr I . A t I , Ih.l 1 OO I inoinpwm 0 aonnai reuri, are fiu,"". 41 00 I Potng " greater tnau laat year. nc 10 ay 50 1 1 ana inutcatea a uigKr uuainewa n it than Portland. Kan VrAJicltvo lo the j 1 ; . . , . 00 only other city on the coaal doing a boot- 5 00 1 nee of 7lrJ,2W aiar 5 00 4 00 1 Cotno Mnnte have a habit of aaylng 5 00 overytlilng ia dull and quiet on alt wca- w oiona. llicy would do It U there were a 1 5 d fight on Firat Htroet. a drunken row 4 75 In an alley and every atore wm crowded. 13 OO I T la a iirv tirarl'ira In lia that wa 3? 00 nnaweeruarily. Thing don't have to bo O OO j wliita htat to ba movinir. It ian't neeoaaary for homo people tu bo trading property at inruuM price m order to have matter atlrring in the proper ahaie. $495,432. SX Ctiintaa fdiaaaU ara rtxirtod wild and bard to oatoh aow. The whrat Jut coming op give in em an opea Rein to work If fteoind fbclmeat will hold ao rlrotlon at Stttm Moodav. A colonel aod major will be looted, and Albany .will probably gat 011 i oinam. 947.474 61 wer tl. roeint by tlia oHy Of Mala laat yiar, J lt ditburt. maul r $1 543 fcS. The city' indeUerioati i f 048 10. Th flon'a are zoiou tnwrlt Salam. There tra ylanty of hungry men for th bllicc. j it Miti bell will tutduulit. adly ba ra-olactad ti th U H Mntto, and vea tbo Uregoalaa I aot lighting nun. L W I,r. the general paatank-er aoant of lha Union 1 aolllc, bat beea promote to bo aitfnt g nitrtl paasaitecf aKcnt 01 the n ti' Uuioft I'aeifla yftoi with beadi tartar at 1 oitl.i.J. Small piece of ice taken In the mmt'h a HI often allay vomUing and quench thirtt. Soak the feet, and bind on bakir.g coda da-npened, and in the morning you will be torpriKd lo find the toicneu all out of coin. When anyone tuna a tiaii or wire in the flesh, hold the wound over burning tugtr a Con aa potiil'le and it ill p-event twcntH. Procure horn your diuggut a small lOltle of Tincluie of be'iiiamejand apply to any fieth woaed;il aiil heal immediately and not ge( tore. If aisy one m ilie their linger or loe nail bore a imall bole cloae to I he toot of tbe nail with a pen knife unmeiliately after It It hurt anr the throbbing will be checked at once. Wliro chil'lren have tnken rold there ia nothing better to n'v them than molattn. batter and vitiejsi jto lalf etipuf molattaa take a tablespoonid of butter mid two table tpoonful of vinegar; cook a few minute and give a little frequently, C2uite 3 oung children can take thia. . How rapidly the rural population of the country are ih'ifiing to the riliet it thown in the fact that twenty five citTes of the Unit d State have 9,692,384. p-rtont. being nearly one fi fth of the entire population of the union. When the full centua return are made it will urprie many to tee what a large r-'opor-tion of the people of the country live in ciilet and town. Crcvr Cleveland ha lott terenty five pound i i flesh of lcte, our he it (till qnite big enounh . make the g. o. p, anvkro feat bo fall upon it. Senator Inbuilt it a accond couiin of Grover Clevelaad't grand moi her. The relationship it instant, but not at distant tba manner cf the tu 3 men to each other. . ' .'-I-ttW- V f O Drlnkard, acct aa road aup.. . . W W Poland, acct aa road tup.... S Hariee, acct a road tup J W Gardner, aca aa road up. . . . W S Churchill, acct a road tup. . S W Klnier, acct a road up tt Wallace, arct at road tup.. .. , M KUer, acct a road tup C Butchner, acct a read tup..... J L Arnold, acct at road p. ..... 0 M Burkhrt,acct a road tup. . . 1 N wamtotn, acct at road tup. . . II II Phillip, acct aa road aup. . . . S V Barr, acct a road aup toha Cs. acct a road up "rank Trite, acct a road up.... Guttave Kranger.acct at road tup. ohn Uuddleton, acct aa road up i W Klum, acct to road aup B F dodge tt, acct at road tup.... llCMoran, acct aa road aup.... . j B lluddleon,acct aa road tap. , . I M Phllpot, acrtatroaJtup..... Chaa S bmtth,acct a road tup.... (II Lame, acct a road tup lamilton tt Andrw,Orthard lam. $ O F Crawford, Roberta family.... mate v W A McClaln Slate v Tho llkklln.... A Summer, acct road.... State v E Pennington W WCrawford Geo D Barnard fi Co, book, etc.. Hall & O-Uonatd.booka, etc Stat agt ttatafuaa A Uolxfua Henry rrecktenaccl a read up. . P W bplnk, lusher... ..... Train Whitney, printing, C M Burkhart. road acct . . . DavU Brea, acct road.. . . . . E C Phelpt. etatlotiary. L 0 Jlarthall.acct road M Scott, tiatlonary R R Humphrey, acct road.... B F Dlodgett, acct road....... E T T Flther, aurveylng Mr eati. aid poor...... G W Young.acct road. 1 1 S Marri, acct roada. N Phillip, acct road..... W V Kichardton, acct at road tup John Gatnea, acct a road tup II II PbUlip. acct roada Foahay & Maaon, etationary. .. . ..... L. I. W.I J ...... . teuU H7hr!?,! I . 1 I A T Thornpoon, acct aa road oupt found. Ot the white. Fred Lran wat I w nnmhaneh feoa terHbly burned about the arme and body nw tSEk and may dl. t, J Campocll u burned I E 4 Et. ' . V 11 a mbroao. acct roada, 34 00 II 00 ao 00 S 00 44 00 50 00 94 00 36 00 3 r ja 00 13 00 it So 48 00 54 00 8 00 y 00 70 3a H o 14 00 10 00 ao 00 54 00 40 00 40 00 74 00 30 00 S3 00 4a OO bo 6 00 31 00 H 00 10 00 10 00 at 75 10 IS it 07 7 4 ja 30 a a ,$0 a 75 aa 00 aO 57 3 50 31 00 15 3 I 00 .3fi aa oo 16 37 3 as 3 S' 6 00 s$ 4 5J VO 30 00 ia 00 a 50 CI 20 100 00 44 00 25 00 11 20 Uncaty ilea the bead of the man who awe the printer Shakespeare. The Farmer' Alliance cf Walla Walla county, Washington, at'er a ttilrlted dlt. cuaalun. annroved of a SjeO.OOO onproprla- lion lo the World t r atr tor the stale 01 Washington, A Street Committloner will be elected by the Common Council at It tegular steeling next Tueauay evening, me olllce la an Important one. lt M peculiarly a position that should be biled by a man willing to work, even to cleaning crass walk In muddy weather, when other work t light. Let u have a worker for raiDAV. Th itrsmsr Chamiiion waa auuk at Lam bort Hloukh eixbteou uiilas baluw S.'tm yaaterday. One i-f B M Hu'.u A Go's dray hora 'a kakaa Hi teat evening and auccninWI to the taavitama. Ha war iva tbo uoa boat rbaajuia thia Rioruiug. A Kicrxaraar TMisr. Ijiei ftalorday Mr YA Davldaon left two hammer. drawing knife and a eouipaaa in McNeil' Macksiijitu o aiiop. lor a tew tiioinirntu During hla absence the ihop waa vacant, On retnrnlng the toola were gone. Yea terdaynoon a etranger returned them Lo the eliop ami left ttiem wltho-it leavln hla card. He Iia-i tried to well tlifiu but had failed. IUptikt MaxTraoa. Great inkrexl io ting awakened by the evangelistic ser vice being held at the Hapllat Cliurcli by Mr Geo R Cairn. Mr Cairns eu- iaioed a aevere fall Thnrwiay morning, but waa able to apeak at all the meeting yetterday. The afternoon meeting has grows until tho prayermeeting room is entirely filled and litble students are en joying a great least in listening to the liistrnctive and stirring expositions of the evangelist. Last night Mr sura Thompson and Hart sang effectively. "Ttiouga your sins be as scarlet," and Mr Cairns gave an address full of con vincing argument and telling appeal on ri ne Blood." To-night the evangelist is lo preach on "The Unpardonable Sin ; Who have Committed it 7" Uibie read- testation of Chriit in His People." AUo ! at 7:30 pin; Subject: "What must I do to tie saved." Sunday school at 10 a m. Y P S O K at 6 i'M). Come and worship witn us. ah arc welcome. Meals true. At the M K ('Imrch tomorrow will oc cur the rk-cond Quarterly meetlnir for this year. Love feast at l'J a. m. .preach ing at 11, alter which the Lord's Sup per, htinday school at 2 :"M p. in. Y. P. M. A. at G:: p, x.' in this tmrlors o. the church, and urcaching at7:l0. Kvcry- bodyjwelcoine. heats free. The evanyiclislic services at the i;ar- tlst chureh will tw continued throuKh next week. Mr Cairns Riiilremi lust injlit was 011 tnt "'noardonauio sin, ami who rjiniiiit'.trf Iho linDiirdoimhic Kin was heM ne continual rejection o( the ofler 01 salvation until tho rpirit censi's (outlive w ith men. Tomeiit there will lie a abort service, then a testimony meeting will be held, after which then will Imj hitptisin.' Hunday morning th $ evangelist will Hpeak esfi;eil!y to Chr.e tian K'Opl and desires the incmU-' j ol Hits church to bo present a ouni; Peo ples meeting in the evening at o M. Two WojiKH.- Two l'ortlund mnrried women have tacnjn the city for the pur pose of meeting dandcstinely with a couple iiiert hot their husband. This did not suit their husband, who got wind of tin affair, at all, so they followed them to the ge;n city of tho valley, and this forenoon succeeded in securing thein after a dodging gatne t and do n the road, and by tfiltf liuie they nre probably in Portland, where, no doubt, tlis icr cury will give theut s!l the notoriety tin y wiali. Their sir imined Sk-k'su with Vnu third and fonrtli letters f thu (jlj.lmLet. As the men were anxious not to have their nntoe in the ja,iej, we retrain from saying more. J i I A ' ft ,4 rr :' Mid reutt abti. ; i t the tast, r.nd k-u iiUvytil jrorrtj-.tljr ihi tl Kidneys, tvr-r r-.ti'J J5ovld, tk-anw the iv HJ,i Ir.l'-' I' . ', .11. !s coks, Lyid- -.-t rf.i f-:vev tsud ciir'S la!,UuJ !..! ff.-kn. rur ci Figs la ihe ly tctcily of its' lied evar iira cJ, f:!i':.".rlng t'. tl.O w'MrU fl(lar rt (m truly in lid ,ti- t A it t-i I t w for sale Li i n .ir:-! i )xi.IUh hy all Ulu v.vf -v! cw v ev rwi vufop.m no $m? so. inj;::i:m , r". HIM rCHK .t- 1 tng from I to 4 except on Hatorday. Pendleton undoubtedly ha a very In- Prayer rawtlng 6:45, song sarvice 7:13, telllgent home: but hardly more so than ipreacuing Mr E A Parker Oregontan horae of thl city. Tho EOtsyt: fc Missouri John,' who ha been chief engineer ol anexprcs waton in Pendleton tor lo, these manv years, wilt ceaae, with hit old hore, ta become a familiar object on the street during the day. He ha donned the star and biau buttons of a night policeman "Missouri" ha infinite faith in hi old horse' Intelligence. He disposed of hi riir to Mr Sit.nh, and the otlter day Smith aaksd him where a certain customer lived. John renurked: Just tell the horse, and he will take you there; he knowa the way." I The drummer have organized. A Portland paper says: "The Commercial Traveler' Association of th Pacific Korthweat held a meeting at tho Hotel Portland lat night. First vice-president E II Averill preaided. There were about aOO commercial men pretcnt,and seventy five new member admitted. The princi pal object of the meeting was to discuss the matter cf waltlnir upon the various railway companies with the requst that they maVe a reduction In their tariff for member of the organlxaiion. this Is becoming an era of organisation. Every, body orgsnii ,- against everybody else. IBBMga 4AtT TAWS. and mutilated about the head and body. fit injuries are consider! certainly fatal, aa la Be Wats. Nxw Yoa x, Jan. 8. Ttic prtferty In thl ttate of Geor Hnnt,ol Walla Walla, Wash., haa beca attached b order ol Judge Patterson, of the supreme court, In the suit brought by L M Potter 6c Co., stockholders,!!? recover $ioo tor Hunt. alleged failure to carry out a railroad ao curity deal. Clew ta Merger. 1 XHM.1TO-, Or..Jaa. 8. A da to tbo Bwfdeset of Weary brown, whoso dead body w fbuad aear Cys ttstioo, bat boca d s rovered. Two Strsago character war ia Kcadietoe about th liana Browa wa aierdqred aad talked ia a tnyxeriov tsshiut vltb Jsitxrt Meaaa, who asst ike) ia a aolooa here. On of 1 beat told Mas of fcsdiag a cap with a beUet hole iaitaed blood oa a) while coring dowa Ike raibewd track aoartbo otatioe. Ho secaaed to have pWa'y of asovey. Taosas pected tsea Ui aero as the dlrectis. oi Wolela. 12 50 6 CC 10 20 SOtl 00 24 00 ci.h a. .1 nuiiiu n rvuuv, a, ....... Inquest Nathan A,Kuell M rolt, sheriff Udies Aid B'c'ty, for f perry fam The following new road, supervisor were appointed, with the number of their district: A Blackburn, 30j Frank Thayer, 49; Alt Wilson, 3. a But marsh, 51: Arnold I Summer, t: George Brattaln, 34; S Froman, 1 Ji K A Evana, 31 ? W C bettlo mlre. 15 C? kard.ja; John Duncan, ic; N 11 Ilestman, 51; John Ma.tofletd, 1; John; Henry ingram.17: John 1 Thompson. 18; It Fierce, 36: S Brooks, ia; root McClaln, $; 11 11 Hurkhart, 94; JIM Smith J7i Oeo i II rm mer. 36; J M South, a; Steve Powell, 11 Wm Blthop, tOi G W Klum, aS; Jamea Nctter, 30; A r Iiamlltonuii fcd Carroll, 43; Isaac Stone, J; J II Lroe, 3V, Jo Hume, 49; Henry vyru, 0; Mart Miller, 47; Scott Ward, ao; A R McDonald, 9 John Crimea, 44. A T Thorn noon wws aenolnted snaer- visor 01 oisirict no 00. Guy A White and Frank McMoekin were granted scliolarships at the Agr! I eoiturai college. Tho following names wort drawn from I which to select jury men , daring the Kassai Cut, a. storm of tbe arsaoa rsgsd all day aad conthv sootoaight ia Kanaa aad aonbwoawra Mia, can. Tko si at as saiawrls all wov tao wool of tbo ajsnsar aiita. Sstow aa fallra fross sit to tea isclMS deep aad bsgk wiads have drited it to aach aa extent aa ta seriosaly isspede .. aww aa very Bcaincair 1 , iv.. r v k. v.. o-v un IO Wialar Wacal. I niwy-w nwrua, awim otiiuit,, n Alien, mranaer jt roman, f vr tuaicx, m lutroiaiaaa Atarss I M Pennington, C G Burkhart, Waltor Paais, Jan. 8.Ditfny .old ortalber pra- fna rvid RnikhaA ZlVuu vail, aero and is sauting mack dietrsos among ri?,11,!' F p-!err l hn Swank. Jas Walraoo. froxen So drain were an lm h ...wl West Albany Frank Trites, James tin morning. I Unnter. Ubbe Peters, M Sternberg, O P Invaasi.. i-Tk.' ' J. Y VV' WO Morgan, Mark J aw cwaw v 4 vat XVS, STlf Ilral Yn A I A 1aal-t M aw I I sat UK waa weatbar on th contmest contiswo. In Aus lrri;n. ive. u u t-t w t says snow has been ufiy hour. All several person (sow, . . at, a vt.a, ea,.f eoatiaaoasly fcj wVr - 1 f Tt v " VI tf4 ' tbo .aiboaJo aro delay I, aad W Hjlfr'8 '?,I,r)m'l . JB,,?Pe0 ksM Ibeir Uv.t is th. if.,1ir?ndor? W G" KdCox, Ld Chambers, Bi Ice W allace, 'nnk, J E Knox, SnyCorrjTbt, A tOTKLT WOKAK everbeerd one ay of her, "Br ITsavea ihe'm its, ' ratortaa sse infiirnantir,. painted 1 " "and by r'aven only!" Kudily bealtlt msn- tied bar eheek. yat thia beautiful lady, onoa thin and pale, and suffering- from a dry, back- ing couco, Digncawaat, ana sauting or blood,.' aeomd deetinad to fill a consuraetira's gTava.. -Altor srendine kundrsds of dollars oa pkysl cmns. without benefit, ska triad J3r. Finrct's UoiJen Visdical DiscoT.ry; bar improv.manl wns soon marked, and in a few months she. was plump and rosy aain, a perfect picture- Of healtU and stranrth. . This wonderful "Goldaa Veilrtl Diteor ory," now world-faaird as a reraaey for con sutnprion, which is reslly liirja-arrafula. is not only tr.!-'Jpl reinady for tkat terri bly fatal ruaiad'-. wkart takaa la tin and n-lvrn a fair trial, but alo for ail forws of Sorofuiouo, Hkla aad Scalp Disassvs, es W k!ta gweliinsr, I'STfr-sores, Jll-Joist Dlssae, fJalt-rneum, -Tetter, Kcsneaa, fell, Carbon Cles, Erysipelas snd kJBarei aJlw.s. All S-ly. cruntjr, itokiiif, troutleaoaia ar option yield readily to iu euratira powmn. It Inrlow orntes llrer, rarinhes tsa bi4 aad arc motfis nil tho bodily funotioBa. I is tao only livor, blood and lunar rainesy. sold by drur-g-isu, under a wotttilae gcuanbaUea tho ic will do all that ft is roeoromende o. or mouey paid for It will be promptly ref undid. OC?$500 Tbo Proper Way. Seattlx, Jan. 7 About 1 o'clock this morning 0 merchant, whose name could nut be learned, was held up by a footpad at the rorncr of West and Battery streets. The robber ordered the merchant to throw up his hands, but the merchant drew a dirk and stabbed him In the breast before he could dodge the blow. The robber fell, but picked himself up and crept away io the water front, leaving a trail of blood behind. The merchant reported the affair tQ the merchants patrolman and went horn without giving his name. k I'ecallar BIIIC Wasiiingtcjc, Jan, 7. A unique meas ure wa introduced lod.iy In the senate, In the shape of a bill by Senator Teller, at the request of some colored people's as sociation In this city. . Itdlrecta the ec retary of the treasury to pay to certain agents to be numed hereafter $50,000,000 'x secure land In Lower Cali'.ornia for per manent snttlement bv colored nconle of jl the United Stp'tes who wish to establish S i colored conlony there, the money to be returned to the government with Interest fj In fort years. ! ni,al to be Shed. jj Omaha, Kvb., Jan. 7. A Br e special Some hostile were seen leaving their eamp Ut night Rnd making toward the various igencies. Whether their errand sixjiliies dUlntegration of an effort to sect-; rejrt,it U not known yet. There Is eKer v indiaiiiuit a great fight Is :losc at hU, tuid from unusual activity In army r.iiicilest would teem there ar some fears L'uWr'riainea Hint cch an engagement will ocestr btforo the army is fully ready for it, Just wer aright, '.w Orleans, Jan. 7. The r.tllroadt CouWlng here are making preperationa for a Urge influx of excursionigts who areex pciAot tiere to witness the great fistic ball'! which is to be decided on the nlsrhl t of laauiiry i4,at the rooms of the Olvmnlc Athletic Association between Jack Demp nteyMid Bob Fltztimmons. of ared for aa. a v.a "r jnaurDiaoaaw aurrn iiemen.T. only lj ceata. Sli Uursists everywhere. ,1 .A hlz till. . ' Sam Francisco, Jan. 7,- Judge Levy , tot'ay rendered a cleciblon awarding-AU uad, T tcrney John A Wright a fee of focooo for fkid by " . . ,c"ut"7U !aie 1 a rvoaen, o t ' I N WoiKlte, W C Davis. 11 A Crowder, lis tl low, - Brownsville W T Washbtian. W Oliver Cheaney, Joaoph llume.D M Wal ters, j w bwanx, j At Moyer. Brash Creek-H T W Hamlltrf, J N itice, ueo vi Pugi), U is riplawn. ; Fox Valley Press Berry, I W Gard ner.J B Potter.W E Potter,!! F BodikoT Franklin Butte John Curl.llenry Ray, A R McDonald,. R D Calavan, John Bry ant, Wm Brenner, Isaac Gnflin, Newt Crabtree, Thos Allison, John Cyrtts.John Bilyeu, jr., Enoch Shelton, Chas B Dea kins, M W Miller, A W Gaines. llalsey A L Cannon, H C Davis.Thos Brandon, J II Lame, 8olomon Bond, Frank Frisby, Job Bimons.Robt Andrews, T F bmith. narrisburg John Sommervllle. John Hayworth, J F McCartney, Ilugn Din widdie, ll Bishop, O M Alford. Crawfordsville II B Derrick, Milton Washburn, Robert Glass, Wm Ireland. Center Isaac Whcaldon, Moses Park er, f W Swank, Alex Brandon.M Snyder, WK Temple. Rock Creek Thos II Butler, RMays, E 8 Barzee, T B Barnes, W J Turuidgo. . Liberty. Thomas Arnold, J D Ar thurs, Cyrus Barr, John Wright. Lebanon. Chris Hardman, G W Cru son, John Denny, A J Adams, J R Feeb ler, Jos Elkias, N Bridges, F M Crab tree, Ed Mvers. P Kester. W B Donaca. Jonathan Wassom, A M Wilson, Frank Moist. ; Bcio. Samuel King, T Munkers, Hen ry Shelton, G W Hnnsaker, G W Phil hps, G L Sutherland, G W Arnold, W E Arnold.Henry Bhank, jr.. J L Croisan.Ed Goins. Clel Daniels. A J Johnson. Cora Titus, John Montgomery. . Santim. W A rani. Allen Charlton. J M South, J Michael, Albert Savage, W D Miller, John T Bilyeu, J M Haesler F B Powell, E L riummer, W E Ray, t C Rico, J D Lay ton, 0 J Leever. Shedd It II Wright John Duncan ,C J Shedd, Peter Either. Bcott Ward.John 0 Davis. Syracuse John A Conger, F D Lever- ich, Isaac Moekrjr, S T Crooks, J J Grsn. ham. Orleans Johnson White, W H Piigh. -r t . -,r .v. , ... I jos 1 att'g, m Acneon, x aui iviiiiwsn- mier, ha rctOAy. Tho Man About Town suggeota that some heavy nails should be driven In tho city charter amended by tho coming Leg islature 00 that the city will have tho tower so build and repair sidewalks, when not attended toby property owners, and have a lieu on the property for the cost of the same. As it is now property owners do as they please, a sauipld of which may be seen on the west side 0! Washington street, near Kccond street. God ctlisena ought to do their duty without any strict laws: bat there aro plenty of people who seem to think they are specially exempted from all demands ol all natures. ravag af eara!ta. Lottie L DetOam, Eat View, Weetobeei- anooty, fi y, writea: "1 have baan a eraat utfarer with pain in Ui brek of bit Ymul, woraa than any boad a'bs. I could rot rwxob it with tutemal medicine at all, and during tbo cold weath er 1 have saffsred axeroeiattngly. I finally thoowht I would try ao AUot-uk'a Plaatar at pliad tj tbaasoaot my neck. In tea inatt halt a day to pain eoturaly Cbaadl ohceaa it th best. Brownest. Try it. C E linchten'a Arnlea rJalve, ThslxMl Wts la th world tH CaU.Bratnaa.flore Clear, Htt Khuitui. r.ver ra, rlar, Chatp kamla. :h'lhlin, Unrns, aad all Skin Krnptla 1 pgaiUvalrouia tilM,or no nf requiri!. lib ruar. BUvd la cm rwrlaas satlitMtlon, ar money lul jad d. J'rioa ii on.m per box, fgaitslt by fosnay aod kCsstto a The Swsdah NUihteegaU to-ainht. Boy year grooeriiw of Parker Bio's. Batter kraut at C E Bee Ball's, Cloak at east at W F Read's, ilalia & Dawson, druggist, lisogrooariso at Coca & Haadrtcaaa'a. Bargaina la library Uu.vt at C E Brow aall'. A bargaJo eoootee of children r,) miaaaa shoe at Aeartoi fleoeio Iowa aorahona ia draaubtiat C E BrowncU S. Dalkintts oranga culer Oa tati at C E Browosil a Call at Ilatta Dsaaoo's New Drag .tu-e for Irwin drag. W, F. Read keep kit ' beat' &MMrt:nnt of lancy gnod ia towa. Tablet., tjaacd aad s pongs, at Hitlio A Dawson a, rravcb S oorn?r. Smoke tho oslebratad Oavaaa filled $ eeat cigar- at J alias Joseph a. Doactiail togta psir of oUildrr:.s or ausaeo shoa rroia Meiru bargain coootrr. There war 102 marriage io D eminty is IS'JO, th lr-t ernnbrr Ueig in rfoiy. . 20C) cloak to ba s,UI at e at at "V. F, naua vooia ants aeoara rt ui'a wnila tbo aaaortoiat is faiye. Tba Legislator will ba akad b tab tba salarta of Cour.rv to $5 and Coaaty Joitgo. OAiiaa gaua aly Tbo laat published state at ant of the cord i- Uoa of the Urat Pa. .Ntinul bank shows its depvaiU U ba gS.023.SU en le3 21st. Juhn Mioto. i f MHn, will !. the oldest Kepieaantativa, oi tho LegUlatuao to meet aeat week, blo; f3 years, and J C Carson, 01 rorvaoa in ouitst rcatr. Reoordar Davia and W M Kirnaey bava cv ma at work makta a complete abstract of tbo retards of tbo c uuty uudrr a new tystean, eomplet aad reUabla. Money is aav.l by -a iog a Biod article. klatoew jg Waaatmrn's long txi enmct c-i) allies them to ftiva cobmers tba beat goods taax can oa naa lor ins laset mooey . L D Carlo, aunilsl agent of tho Fartue.-s & Mereba-taltisanoca Co of Albany, baa gnaa to Coo roaoty to adiast tbo loe by me earning Of mo bouse of J U Leaav at Parkarsbnrg rooeotiy. Roaeborg Uctic A bow ctim man dory of Knights Templara naa oeaa ..rgaanwri at Aatilaart, smb. L U Kesmat, vf Jaoksonviilo.aa eminent Cm mander, and W 11 Atkinson, of AshlatnLa ueneraitaatmo. Kst and let live is MathowsAWaahbsra's root to w put only a fair margin 00 onr good, and bav what tba people want. Call aod loos ovrr our stock aod carefully com Oneol she .oUm liU iy to miic f.Oio the pau.ige of die fore" bill it thl: Wlutt shall it profit ill republican party to k?e liiii oi an l not gain Ku,b Carolina? ;xrllriweat Ron -high in .lUiiiy t l'ohy & Jia sod's dreg note ecl hylrm 1'titldir, as verUdy is osiig it for Catanh -I the Stomseb, Dysiitia, Consriiti4.B r,d Im- poro I loud. Try it . td Ull yrtor frii oila about it as it roost pos sonat tlul iu-nU wbss a I sj-tak well of i. wemtj 'oisirzn;. F. M. Freoelt ker; tjAiruni liwe. liew cr"sra chr.mK j lt icv,ived at Cubrad My era. IV 10 & Acbison ar selling mia.uii.i nls at Portland price. Frsh New Irt!sd irdae rues, on ssle at U E Brewttir. Mos', jontl-' ai"! bfivj" o'lotKitg aid furnlabicg jjOwisslG W 2iiopsoo'a, , fists yoa sotii th je pirlor sui's tbi T Drink baa tost rocved? Tl.e ar Grsst reduction io oufn's furuithiaa awA for tbs next 30 days U W F lU-sd . J W Beotlrv, bft Ijwit sod sh:ie u:s.r esty, ior Oonr north of UCMK'8T oi-loe. For lariraio in ni!nuntnt., hefUt nes sto., go to Kgsn A Achtson, Ai:.ay,Oi- xon Yoa should cs'l aod thw lina library lamp at C E iiroa bill's bef-ra baying elc- wbere. 1 'xf .yzil -. 'litWlaMaWBAW, : 1 y:- 1 1 -fann Of t0 , TA TK TOR 8ALB I bav of zM axrra-, tvar Tuss ,0 ne t.arrrw ,Taw. 17 twwrm trm . AH a cttdivawt. ratr hotisa aod Lai Ui - j" and domeatio porpaoa, Flaa oaA gr Al0coltirfrra ol 123 aorwa, thr jm fro n lrbaoa. Ail lo colUvatl Fair hou '. IVwb vhowf fa-mt. A:o hoaaa and tw Mo r rifth arid J' Rrn alrMot, Alba iy. t"th ar partiirulars rll on V Umphrsy.Owuie pm-i ict, or oa Hewitt A It ow Ai sjiy. Tiekota tvf ALL eastern point, over AN Y rtxita. fnr al by W . 1L. Jeatar, at 8. P. ticket OlSee, Forficrb nwfct of all kiod.i go to Ja 1 n A Siatr, oppit" Svboeeir. I vrj!Ul: Urdrr tak and fr ujit drl.:Try. For cold rtubto bus TbvKv wuolea mill blanket, oispt ta town. PorvUn by G W HmpTn, it, A'ttitiy, 'rg'-i," A fine diet.l7 nf cbildrrn rvhn-l thnea oa centar til' at C K r".r-r.en s sre guiug rsptd- ly at leas tsa I.rtct. I. t l twl ni'ct i pair tlore they sre ail gsco. Prerh drui, pafoiH?ry. hslr brasbt elelh bnrs, uiutb I ruUti. iicch b uaiies ooinbe, oioitey parses, bi papnr, f pw der. aat. in fact, avers tbirsr f uni toalirst elaaa drag atore. fur sale at botU-m i we,t Huitu Ji lwson. ur4-gist. Albany IRONWORKS Hsour"Cuieni nf 1EA7J EKCIXIS CRISr AMD SAW mi I III rttf tTAti frtfitt r "-r m AU KIH0S CF HEMTf m LI2HT WCSX, KI m KSD BRASS CASTINGS. imiA o -, alnn(.' I tKseh is da of PftWrns K&da cn Short Kotfee A sots core for tbo whisky habit: Vr Livingston's Antidote for iTnat ennesa will cure any ea of the liquor nabit in from tea to thirty days, from tho moderate driuker to tbo dronkard. Tu. Antidote c n bo given in t cap of onfTeo without tho ktiowledgo of tbo peraoa taking it. Tbo Antidote will not injur, the beiltn many way. Moufaotured Ly tho Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon tr from J A Camming, bole agent, Albany. WnxRKTO Gxt Thxm. When wanting n organ or niana call on G L Blackman h-e you can eeirct from a first claaa ttOCa. For Unit back, or side cheat, use Shlloh'a Poms Plaster. Price, 25 oents. , Blelghlag Aretdeat. Scrantok, Pa., Jan. 7.' A sleigh con taining thirty tx young people from Scranton overturned 011 a htll at Tcndham this morning. Thlrty-two members of the patty were hurt, eleven of them seri ously, , . KAURI ED. McCUNE-McBBIDE.-Jan. 7th, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John M. McBride; near Shedd, Mr. Joserjh M. MuCune, of New port, Benton county, Oregon, and Miss Maggie McBrido, of Shedd, Linn county, Oregon, Itev. A. M. Acheson, of Oakville officiating, EARROWS GREEN".-.On Thut tday, Jan. 7, iScjt, at the office of Blackburn & Wright, by Judge D R N Blackburn, Mr Frank Barrow and Mis Mattle Green, both cf Shedd. They have the Demo crats best wishes for the prosperity and happiness they deserve. ACHESON LEAR On Thursday, Jan. 8, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents In Albany, by Rtv, E. R. Prich ard.Mr. Ed. W. Acheson, the rustling and genial marble dealer, and Miss Sarah Lear, a young woman of many estimable qualities. Tho hnppy oouple left on the noon train on a two weeks bridal tour, going to Portland and other places, taking with 1 hem the'best wishes of many friends. MEn. SWIFT In Gervais, Friday, Janu-ry 9, 1S91, of. quick consumption, George Swift, aged 36 years The deceased was born in Linn county, In 1855, and had been a resident of Oregon mast ait of his life, . , . IVY. Near Jefferson; on Sunday, Janu ary 4, Mrs Nancy Ivy, aged nearly 60 years. , Mr Ivy was a very old settler of . Linn county,havinf settled r.ear Knox Butte in 1845. She was the mother of Mrs S I Khars of Scio. $500 BcTrard ! ' Wg wiU 9f tJtA aVv f-r my tTTJ-C gkf tntTAui., tyii ti k.v, fraat Ew .iw .mU? .,brn. Cast t"fus vr Cuat fnat tf firit" v triia 't fisLJr.r rT i.tvrrihot dli-sCtttfTW rrtrUHly owifitfd vuk. Thrf r nfly ' nod newr Ul to rT AoktafA.nio. liarr c 2 Vnre- b.vsM, 7ft. ,"" " " t5 ?tiL tlvmm ct Ttn6Tf9t ao4 ta.....a .a rrrnulnoj mMuiwMcrM eofj t tVA-a SUM V. nsl, VVaJtr i , ViAAL4aAUUa 1 1 rTfi j.A.rrniiiiG,.. SOS end EETOLTEES,, idea baa got ont that w par all tho point of our stoves aad ranges! hro disposed of thl part of our buMnca. aod wo will have so trouble ta selling too I That's a mistake. nVar in it now deeper nice lino of Martin selling you Qaality for tbo money io what Linn coun ty people soara to want. Aad that is tba rca t-A(L L air .a Boajuamawsa wastiDUm se 1 so manv stoves. They ask a fair prioe for tbeir goo,i. and will not rvaomnieod any tbiog that is not of the bi.t Tbo a proms court of Orciroa Tutadav rendered opinio reverting the lower court in tbo case of tho admtautrator of tbe estate otd W Miliar and E QGutbria, tho ODgioeer and eraiaan killed at Lebaaon juuotiou in Jul v, 1539. Mr Miller reoaived a verdict of $3,000 and th Gathri. estata NGIX). Tno Otm . will bo triad a-jaia a oalem. A Small Fmx. A small liouao belong ing to A Hackleman. located on Seventh street near Maine, waa discovered on lire at 12:30 o'clock this morning, and the department called out by a general alarm. The house, recently occupfed by Mr Thomaa, has been vacant for several weeks. It was undoubtedly set on fire to create a Diaxe. Damage, $ 50 or loss. Lnm's Mkmbbrs. The state legislature meets on next Monday. Linn county wtll be well represented. A short sketch of the men who will look after the inter ests of Linn county, as well as the state Jenerally, wilt be of interest. Senator K Weatherford was bom in Putnam county, Mo, 40 years ago, and has been in Oregon since 18C4. He haa been speaker of the house of representatives, and senator, and mayor of Albany. Sen ator 'eA Myers, of Scio, waa born in Linn county, and is 20 years of age, be ing the youngest member of either house. He is vice president of the Scio bank, mayor of the city, and hns filled one term in the lower house. Representa tive F C Hansard, of Lebanon, was born in Knox county, Tenn, and is 63 years of ago. He came to Oregon in 1871, ia a farmer and filled one term in the house of representatives. Representative J F Henry, of Brownsville, was born in Har rison county, Ky, and is 45 years of age. He came to Oregon in 1870 and is a phys ician. This is his first official trust. Representative C J Shedd, of Shedd, was born in Mercer county, 111, and is 13 years of af e. He came to Oregon in I8C4, and is a farmer and stock-raiser. He has been school clerk for five years. CncRca Notices. Perviees at the Con gregational church tomorrow as follows: Morning subject: "Prayer." Evoning: "The Srength and Weakness of Young People." This will be the first of a ser ies of addresses to young people. The first sermons are introductory to the laat I which will be on 4,Marriage." Sabbath school, 12:16. Endeavor Society. 6:30. The church extends a genuiae welcome to these services. Services at the Presbyterian tomorrow at 11 a m aad 7 :30 p m. Subiecta.morn- ing : ,lCo-opration the Necessity of the Times." Evening: "Seeking Happi ness." fcabbath school at 12:15 piu; Y P SO E meeting at 6 :45 pm. All will be made welcome to these services. Preaching tomorrow et tli C r"' -.vrtb at 11 a m, (' ? tban ever. " e I a and Wlnebtw.ur rltlea, and brseoh)oadin ow i. u na ranging in pncfirro'i ?12 io sea, Also aii ine Jate lm proved revolver. Stewart & Sox i ease OMOOwfolh; trevtloo wtrV hoeiik. To stock mltkefan OOvto seattla a JU foevtn too fan atttitalto aad ootratl f ell t at, oitlt kind satst hao adsw t wtth. Tkt ssafltlM sainat txltt sattos tbo pkytloal sals it la otrrtot worklM ordtr, aal Ikl to Inlbl'wkM two Hrse asst salsta ara tarsia, thst skstras. 11 tbo searatiaaa, oaitltf ladlgtstloa aad i.hhk Hh all et tkalr aeeoaw avarlt aorraaa, - H. H BR LEY'S Itglh BsRttsIisn TcrJs aartt a sr.- to hteeac anw th ih?, OceHot N v, huiOxj tate, rtsetrae b cKioak) tayirpcrtsia, ms4 preM aerwoa I oaao bsflgseii! ajai eBaw A n.wa. akaraawo tho arKa. tSBa sa ii 1km mUm SMaVaea. aad aaVu liLv - - 1 ' . " . mvirm iWaj ron umm call on Stewart A not to forget thia. n't bif an iron b -t wunf lyou first 9ox will i-ay jou Oil. e.WATSSiASTOi Physician and Surgeoau Utfice Oij)oaile th IVsa-x-rai, U. H, JT. PATTOS, Blumberg Block, Aloauy, Oregon. eomalo and private diaaa&ea a epecla'ty ConaulUiloa l:os. laJljVi s . $ Sind Wffin.1iin0 onwssr 1-.- J Ti ii6rMtHne. Twwlmnniftiiifririn All ;V on ftppliration to Vrot g sWradiU Umu. Mil JuUiAva. ti-g W It BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aad Sliciisr ia fharjccrji AliBAHY,', . . cnos. Colleetiona promptly made on ail po'nl otatanescoHatod on eauonafclatoi-isia. It SV Pf r-!ir-r.-,V.ete.-.oii h. uiiini.iai,i'j a Ur -e aArtm4 ait tno time emcriicnii; urn catinr' liifs ssd r a i ? f i to i .J. 1 1 ei i -mi r , (i 1 fr t 1 " i la r.ri i rr TrkTr t'rt STEEL PtRS A g Sarnwl P?r, dlffervat watWwaa.,!; I Ss ISl. A' I riatwA BXaSrkl X-S, eeat poatpaiO. m racaays ox i t AIXa. PEfBY Ik CO . ltffas. fcAsKtu. U. x. Cika. 1 .sr, ktw York. ll a. , r mi.j'.. v x. mTtl OATAnnn R5ttamRt!sn, Hcnr.t's'- Cr BEA3ACHX. 1 U r W. Its CaUfersl TbsSIt act t.fre S1ZCTRIC CO'Jfll! Cf It iOXtl CCiCA CICBP. Ci.T.': -"T.C. BslilysUfrictUu. ttct :::.. 1 rr . Frwc . Laa r(,Nlt, t Oraasli Revere House; 4LBAKT, - V OP.EStS CnAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIITOR, FUrc.d co la Crrt-claffli asyks. Tebiea Mtppllexl with the boot la tbo avat-kiA. j,-;?o rleoptao apartuesta, Para ( srooa tjr coiarnerclal travslrra, a faa-a ta aat rvea saa tSaOesyTJI CAfl?ENTPi& ELHL0ER3 Ccescasj on f axyoco wanting tnythiee Is tkrd- wara lino wrill do well to cell oa CSrvrcsa A i-pj leforw Dorchaainw. Tbew bwea Dearly erarythtng ia t'-a aoo of b a lit Ian ttard warj, and a raagolfleaiM stoefe of Am tools. HEALTH IS WEALTH! fr .. i . NJ ; t....r?- - A. 4 . - ..." .- . r DR. K. C. WEST'S JVerra n4 Krmtn TraaSaaat a marantel tpraflc for tiTsMrta. IHrameaa, Oanl won, ti a. Nerrout 'tlrtia, Haadaeha. FarraVal Pnotrt;.a rauatl by t! a u -? aleoaol ar Siriiaeea, WaWuinvas. Blenui I!fasa, hMminj of Csa Brair-. re-ultine in ioamnlty ai leading ta rtiwwT' (n 'd Aaa.h, prematara oM , karraaaaaa af Is, earned hy OTar-eario of b fc-rv Each t oe tains ens munth't traataaut, St a kaa araix be,js Ir SS, cent bj mail prajwid oa neaipt a prioe. . we or as NT a six no i it to ctjba aji asm. W:Jt evh order rarairaj St wa tar aim baxat, aceoaifwiiiad wisk OS, wa will aaa. Sa imnkiiawr aaa writlea a-nara.itee Sa rafnaxl tka owmm; tt Ska taaea. meat aoea not aSaet a ear. Caaraataas aw wat aoa by i. A. Caranlri, Drries, sola ajrwt, Alkajar, Or. IS t.TjC crxiESjirrD . . . . b ?5!TH a WESSON TH CUas'l t.s! r.A. M...I a fi .... - vriK riii,ttt.if E. k ( I , SC, rwjw. . v K tlor.i.i 3 UHrlTSir-JJ?' Li for ffi ll fi'S.'i!ii.;r?. W EXf.iTU.E'iCSet kl 0S!Mh$KI iwl M tOfsi'thltKCE in Li LOAOijlQas i SAFETY. ff Beware of cheap iron lestta: Sf fftrlCwtrated Csts-'.jfue asi Piics li;t y c;'S.: n.; e:.: KWifi : a ceo STRICTURE ! Pt'nnanen'.l.r owd T.ithou1 Cttttlat, Burning- rr IH. Uii")t A cftcily paiiileaa trUenl and a guaraa tee d euro In ewrj , no cutter bow lonp sianaing. Tbia treatment, fcr SSrietu a, of Pr Boxall , is the atest discover known to mcdiaire. H ditaolTe nd oomplately rmoTca the Stri-Va-t without annoy. or paia to tbti )ticnt. SEA3ES OFMEii! Peculiur to their Sex, un I not proper to nana keaa, includin all these dolioate Inflrmitieii and We nes, which they would thrink fnto disekatiw to their lAiniiy ihieln, permoenUy curad ia loas time than wu ever known to Mudioine befora, by Dr Buxell's "Nuw Sjstam of Treunnl." JtrejuTaualas tbe seuito-untary irriui8 aud makes weak men atrtwa V hon posaihla. It is alwaja bt to eail tor personal oinauitiitiii and ipeetal examination. Bui thoas who cannot call, should writa, stating thair case full)', Meuicuie sent by mail or ei-preaa, aaaiaa. rree rroin exposure, to ail pans of the rso Audrtifg, Wm. A.Boxell, M. D. St Pant l Uoestarv. Porttnad. on Corner Firat aau i"in streets, ovsrPortlaad Nation! Br.s, S I S, i. SSULTI BEOHm' Prcpriassn. Vfep a full 11d of meats of all knfl a cool pi toe, eoropjiiy pro tocJed; a ad always frevj. ' Uobuig Lumber. ' j I i'! the best h mier i tl- eset; t'm dar po', tkialss, lath ehwia and Wi ow mi-ulditic, te.- Prices from $i fo'tS ar I !.i!ti-: .1. - ; .1 tl X . .. y f 1.,. Harrow tlftegs. . Kl 'f-'-v-ro atci!wi &f