The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 16, 1891, Image 3

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    FRIDAY JANUAUY 16, 1891
fttllr a art rrprlelor.
Why Din III Foliow Ut Refer
ring to part of a case mentioned In the
Democrat SaturJay, the Portland Mer
cury ajJ
W B Down, employed packer with
Old & Summer, It minus the female por
tion of hi houehold. During the week
Mr Down, who U the mother ot three
Children, left for Albany, A Mercury re
purler called upon Mr bowr last Thur.
day morning to ascertain the truth of the
matter, lie was very reticent, at he due
not desire notoriety by publicity In the
matter. He admitted that hl wife had
deierted him and hit children. The
couple were married teverat year aijo In
Ohio. Mr Down I but 2Jyeatof age
and somewhat attractive. She often coin
f lalntd to her hutband that he wa not
satisfied with her manner of living. In
fact hi ealarr wa net sufficient to keep
,her In the ty!e ahe desired. Mr Down
consider the departure of hi wife a a
bene lit. and wilt not exert himself to bring
her back. He bear a good reputation
and I an industrious man. Mr Down
pike vrr highly ot hi wife, and re
marked that he I most poattWe that no
man Sgured In the case of Mr Down.
Tbb Merry Mwstkui. On January
tOth Goodyear, Elitch A Schilling's Mia
trels will appear at the Opera House,
offering an elaborate program, embracing
all the ealient features of sensational and
refined modern minstrelsy. When the
curtain rises on the Grand Monte Crieto
Itoyal Court, First Part, seen of splen
dor catches the eye, over MOO yards of
velvet, plushes and satin in draperies
and curtains. Cocamediana dressed in
green and cherry colored velvet, blue.old
gold and lavender satin. Vocalist as
gay cavaliers dressed in pink satin.
Musicians as Mont Cristo fishermen,
stressed in bright red and sold satin
suits. There are a number of clever
people in the company, among them
Chas YV Goodyear, ChasE fk-hilluig.Ueo
xl Awards, Albert Leech, Clivette ex
pert equilibrist, juggler and shadow
graphist. Brothers Leondor.the Southern
the Bent ley Brothers and a number of
other well known people, and an excel
lent Dana and orchestra ol 12 people.
Sunday Schools. Sunday wa a
very fine day, which, added to good New
Years resolutions, caused a large atten
dance at the Sabbath Schools; about like
this: Baptist,! 50 : Methodist, ill: United
Presbyterian, iafj; Presbytcrlan.tGo; Bap
tist Mission, 100; congregational, SO;
other aOO. estimated. Total, 897. The
following officer hare been elected
Methodist J B Cougilt, superintendent;
F II Koscoe, assistant superintendent;
May Rldeout, secretary; Mrs Dr Chatn
berlln, temperance secretary; Mr AM
Hammer, treasurer; A M Hammer, chor
ister; Emma Couglll, organist; Lliile
Starbuck, assistant organist; Winnie
Chamberlin and Maud Ueyoe, librarian.
Congregational Edward L Thompson,
superintendent; W K Blain, assistant su
perintendent; Qulncey Propst, secretary;
F L Kenton, librarian; H W Young,
chorister; Catherine Althouse, organist.
Horse Shoe Some btonzed horse
hoes may be seen In many place In Al
bany, This 1 the way they got there:
An old man would enter a place with a
horse shoe wrapped In a paper and pre
sent It to the proprietor, saying It was a
present. Just as he started for the door
he would temark that he wa hungry and
hadn't had anything to cat lately. Of
course he would then get two bit. He
made this a business through the valley
reaping quite a financial harvest In this
novel sale ot horse shoes.
Portland Courts. Jame Petty, of
Salem, once of Albany, wa tried In Port
land yesterday on the charge of having
counterfeit money In hi possession, and
found not guilty.
A divorce case being tried i that of Mr
Schmeer against her husband John P
Schmeer, former reslJent of Albany.
Son. of the testimony wa taken here.
Her grounds for a divorce are habitual
drunkenness and crueltj, while he asks fr
one on the ground of desertion and cruelty.
During six year tour divorce auiu were
broeght,aIl settled.
A Lost IIorsc Ah Swill, the well
known celestial hog raiser, left his horse
standing near the depot this forenoon.
For sou?e reason or other he could not
find it. A Wells Farg3 driver sent him
towards the 0 P depot. He rushed wild
ly over the city and at one time was
within fifty fret ot it, but found it not.
Finally h run across the 8 P bepgage
man, returning from a trip down town,
where he is reported to have tried to
tell the entire outfit. Ah Swill was pro
fuse in his thanks for the restoration of
the swill conveyor.
Gbowwo ni Iktebejt. The ( revival
services at the M E Church are increas
ing in interest and power. Laet even
ing Rev Boyd, of Lebanon, preached a
very powerful sermon. Evangelist James
Connol v. a orient looking young man.ol
fine reputation, from Canada, arrived
in the citv this noon nnd will take
charge of the meeting to-night and here
after. Hervicesat2:30and7p. m. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
A Corvallis Failure It U reported
that Tas A Cauthorn. the well-known
. wheat buyer of Corvallls.ha failed. Ham
llton & Job and Ladd Bush were ap
pointed assignee. Mr Cauthorn' liabil
ities are placed at $14,000, and hi asset
at nearly the same amount Ue paid
higher than the market justified, 60 and
fo cents, followed by a d-op to 00 and bi
cents. Some of the Albany dealer are
reported to have been caught a lltttle also;
but not er1ouly.
Samo Well. A eood sized audience
at the opera house Saturday evening sx
pressed their appreciation of the splendid
tneintz by the Swedish MghllnK&les. A
greater musical treat Is rarely offered.
Their rinsing, bell-like voice, charmed
the audience, earning for them a success
ion of encore. Mr Uay Is a fine elocu
tionist ot the comic order of the better
class, dolig tome good work without the
tramp and old maid appendage.
A Good Ihvehtiox. Mr N P Slate, of
Tangent, is the patentee of a hay prcus,
which promises to be heard from. The
patent is dated June 17th, 18U0. The
leading merit ot the press is its great
rapidity, pressing hay a well as other
presses in half the time. Those who
Lave seen it work say it actually accom
plishes this. It is so arranged that no
time is lost while it is being run.
A Good Rxcoed. -During the year
1890 there were three first In Albany and
three lalte alarm. I he total lost wa
only f5oo; fully covered by Insurance.
Found. A pocaet book in Wheeler't
lumber yard. Owner can have the tame
by calling there and proving property.
The B Ik L A. The. building and Loan
association meet on Friday evening of
thi weak at the Oregon Dank. There will
be about in cash to loan, and mem
bers wishing money should be on hand to
bid. Several blcKer are reported to be
ready for the contet.
Wakted. A
for a short time.
place to do housewora
Apply at this office.
UHs Yr Horses and Cel Tswr ah.
J t, ; T:
II rramlenslein, from Fan Francis'
ill he in Albany, buying horses,
i 5 C! . at I. r cmler'a siab'e, de-
t. t'.'" f.-i.Iowir horiM-n. linrn
Was OvaaeoMR. Mr George Humph
rey, Eq who ha returned from Portland,
report that Mr Joseph Webber was great,
ly affected on being presented with the
elegant gold-headed cane, heretofore men
tloned In the Democrat. Mr Humphrey
md the precnUtlon peech. After a
long silence In which the cx-chlet wm
overcoming his Intents feelings, Mr Web
ber made a telling reply, beginning wait
old Germany, coming down to New York,
thence 1o San Pranctsco and Portland,
and finally to hi many happy year spent
In Albany, The Oregonlan give the fol
lowing account of the a flair t
Every old fWman ot Portland remem
ber Joe Webber, one of the "way back
fire boys who run with the 'inasheen.' "
Joe at one time fllleJ the responsible post"
tlon of chief engineer ot the Portland
Volunteer File department. For many
year Webber ha lived at Albany, and
alwava took a lively personal In fire mat
ter 'in that city. He alo filled the posl
tlon of chief engineer there. About to
week ago Mr Webber removed to this
city la relde. Friday a email delegation
ot Albany lies came down armed iih an
elegant go'd headed cane. They found
J at the Hotel Perkln in the evening
after a short search. The delegation con
sisted ot Captnlti Lanning and George
Humphrey. They proceeded to ''hold
Joe up" and to'ane" him after the most
approved style. Mr Humphrey made the
presentation Joe wa greatly sur
prised, bur toon managed to find hi
tongue and voice. The cane, w hich I a
beautiful one, Is proptrlv engraved, and I
a gift ttem Joe' many warm friends In
Thr Citizens Meetinu In response
to the call luej by Mayor Cowan a
meeting ot cltlient wa held at the court
house Saturday evening, to confer to
gether In reference to the proposed
amendments to the city charter ot Albany.
. . . ... 1 . .
Mayor Lon called trie meeting to order
and on motion Judtte L Ftlnn wa elected
chairman, and J R Whitney, secretary.
Mavor Cowan stated to the meeting what
ha J already been done bv the member ot
the council toward the prepaiatlon of the
charter tor presentation to the lenUlature.
Judge Flinn, A lUcMe.rtmi and U R Wot-
verton were appointed a con.mittee to
confer with th) council's co.nmittee, U W
Smith, C G Burkhart and B F Tabler,
over the proposed amendment. On mo
tion of O r Simpson the committee were
directed to make a written report to a
meeting ot citizens to be ctlU-d. The
matter of the expenditure ot the $75,000
was discussed by J udge Fltnn, Maj Casscll,
W I. Vance, O F sHmpson, Mayor Cowan,
A Hackleman, John Schmeer and II li
Hewitt. Some favored using the money
for sewers and the bridge alone, leaving"
the city hall out for the present. Mr
Vance favored $1 a the amount ot
the bond. The meeting adjourned sub
ject to call.
A Qceer Highway Robbery. Julius
Pott and I N Baaey were bound over
Tuesday motnlng In the um ot $750
each, tayt the Heppner Gaiette. to await
the action of the grand jury, on a charge
of highway robbery, preferred against
them by A S Shephard, familiarly known
a "Old Shrp." If they arc guilty ot rob
bery. It must be taken In decidedly a tech
nical sense. It appear that "Shep" owid
Mr Basey and Eli Keeney, and a he wa
apparently lea lug the country, wa Inter
cepted by Mr Potts, who la in the employ
of Ell Keeney, and Mr Basey, at Lexing
ton, last Monday. He claimed to have
only a small amount, and the boy think
ing that they were being deceived.went
through hi clothe finding some mon;y,
which they offered back to him. How.
ever, he refused to accept It, and had the
boy arrested with above result.
YAqt ISA Bay. --Within the last ten
"ays sale have been made aggregating
near 150 lot.
The significance of the sale I that they
Indicate the confidence of the people here
In the success of the new enterprise.
Portland capital however is considerable
J W DrasfU-ld left for Alsra yesterday
with a party of engineer!. We will have a
fourteen mile railroad on the south side of
Yaquina Bay the first thing yr-u know.
Didn't we tell you so. Republican-
As Old Pioneer Gone. John M Ba
con died at Oregon Citv Jan 10, 1S91 He
waa one of Orcron early pioneers, aij
was postmarter at Oregon City for the j
past 20 year. He a grand secretary of j
the grand ledge of I O O F. of Oreeon. i
for the same length of time. Mr Macon
wa a man of stern Integrity, bet gener
ous It. pulses; he wat about 70 year of
age. Peace to hi ash.
Circi latino Library. Mr Joe Tall,
who organized a circulating library a year
ago, and placed JOO books at the store of
C E Browr.:'.!. has started out to Increase
the number cf book by getting new mem-
he rt xt only costs I1.5O to become a
member r.i rsch me mbei ha the right
to read all the book in the library. This
I . very cheap way to secure reading
matter. Remember each member has
the right to read any book In the library
or any that may be placed there by Increase
of membership. C E Brownefl I libra
A Packed House. We refer to the
warehouse and store of Fortniiller & Ir
ving. A big car load of furniture, just
received, did it. consisting of an elegant
lire of stands, bedroom sets, parlor sets,
chairs, lounges, etc., it offers a fine as
sortment to select from. This firm keeps
probably tn nnest stock of furniture In
the valley. Fnrchasers have a big and
fine stock tn ict from.
Oats Straw. Loose oat straw for
ale by F G tturkhart, one mile southeast
jot thi city.
For flame back, or .rlnhff. me Sftiluh'a
Porous Plaster, Price. 23 cut.
W. F. Read keep the bestf assortment cf
fancy good in town.
ii m m 1
Maaey to Loan,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on two to five year
time. Call on u at orr office, opposite
the Severe house.
Bvrkii & Keeney.
r teti
My dear, said she. when vou 00 out
I Be sure to send me some saner kraut,
1 ou ii una 11 gooa at m. si u.'s.
Who also keep that fine Swiss cheese.
Chow chow, pickles and mackeral "
You'll find displayed at their front door;
Teas, coffees, spices and sugars without
For cash thev are selling cheaper
Than any other stand.
iheir clerks are kinuvand pleasant,
Ana greet you wivn a din lie;
And ss for waiting on you
Its just in first-class style.
The concert to be elven In the oner a
house on the evening of Jan 33d, by the
x MAwiiiM.oi interest to all lover
of music
No Flies. There are no file on Conn
k Hendrlcson's new clerk, that face their
customer on entering. tvery body
treated the same, a smile for all, and the
best groceile In the city and bottom
prices. See their brands of tea, coffee.
their canned roods, etc. Smoker ret let
f catlsfaction out of the famouiPrppoosc
En a oiner cigar.
Notice. 1 have moved my millinery
tore across the street In the BHimberz
block next djor to J A Cummlngs' drug
store, where I will be pleased to meet my
ft i- -..,1 . .
Ida M Brush.
Letu-r List.
Following i the list ot letters remaioin
lu the post othce at Albany, Lmn county
Oregon, Jan. 14, 1801. Person calling for
these letter mast give tbe date oo whi
they were advertised.
Berry, Miss Eddie Dertbick, Miss Lillie
Kverbart, C J Fuller, A A
Oeorge. Fred Jlilmr,Mir Cie
Harrington, Mintla A! cvleliand, Robt
McLeod, Kolt
Thoma & Nell
Ksnb. Miss May
I'sUeraoD, John
Reiry &. Co,
0'Brin, Lewis
Reynolds, Mr E V
Jiorjey, John
Utter, Mrt, O
,y. T...n
j Hoe, George
Mr Ed Cuttck came up from Salem
this noon.
Mr Jo Tatt has returned front hi trip
to California.
Riley Bllyeu and Jo Carey, ot Sclo,
were In the city today.
Mis Joy Mealy, of .Sweet Home, ha
been In the city visiting with friend.
License to wed wa Issued today to Hen
egcl Whaldron and Bertie S Brandon.
Cha Watts, ot Albany, U in the city.
lit I a candidate for assistant clerk of the
scntte. Statesman.
License waa lt'icd at Salem Saturday,
for the marriage of V R Downt.toimerly
ot Albany, and Tilly Johnson.
A toclat wilt be held at the Masonic
Temple to-morrow night, to which Ma
son and their families are Invited.
Mis Annie Farrell went to Tangent to
day, where she will he employed as a
tUunt teacher In the school ot that city,
Albert Schick and John Weber started
for Albany to-day. They wilt spend a
few day hunting stubble ducks. Browns
ville Time.
Mr N B Hovt, of Oakland, Cal.jnother
ot Mr Rev G W Hill, accompanied by
her daughter, arrived In the city a few
days ego on a visit.
Mr Geo It Keenry left this noon on a
health seeking t.lp to California ai d other
flaccs. That the change n.ay bring to
dm renewed health and vigor of a perm
anent nature Is the universal prayer of hU
many Albany Ii tend.
Mr Kd (Join, of Sclo. Is doing Albany
J II Malln took the noon train for
Hon Tbos K Cauthorn, ot Corvallif,
went to rale tu this noon.
Jennie St Germain has begun a suit ot
divorce against Frank St Uermaiu.
More men get married in Marion coun
ty bvtween Si' and 35 years of age than at
any other period ana more women at St)
years of age.
In an Oskalooea, Iowa, paper, just re
ceived in Albany, the following item ap
pear : ".Mtm I.iihe Robertson, of Albany,
Or, is in the city.
J A Beard, of Lebanon, and O P Co
show, of this city, received complitiifn
tary votes by the Democrats for Clerk
ships in the Senate yesterday.
CaptO II Irvine and lieutenant TJ
Overman and Jas Mcllargue returned
this noon from Salem, where they had
h?n to attend the election ot ofilcers to
till vacancies in the 2nd regiment.
W A Cox and family returned yester
day from Oakland.Cal., w here Ihvy have
been reaiding several months. The cli
mate did not agree with the younger
members of the family.
FM Daniels, of Rio, passed through
the city today on Jiis way to Salem, lie
says he is a candidate for Railroad Com
missioner and that he has no desire to
ride in a palace car, but would like to
look into tho construction of railroad
Mr Ralph Davidson, of Corvallis, is ia
sue ciiy.
Mrs Jas F Powell is in Portland vist
ing friends.
Mrs It A Irvine is lying seriously ill at
her home in this city.
Rev A J Iluneaker and wife, of Inde
pendence, are in the city.
Mr Cinch, of Medford. the rustlim?
special agent of the Farmers it Mer
chants Insurance Company for Southern
Oregon, has been in the city on business.
J W Bcntlev returned last nlvht from
Falem where he had been since Monday.
It is thousht that it waa throtieh his
scheming that Joe Simon was elected
president of the senate.
Last evening after the meeting of the
council, the ollicers and members of the
council voted on who should furnish an
oyster supper, and Councilman Garrett
bt'ing elected, a tine repast of Yaquina
Bay oysters was had at the Citv Restaur
ant, a Democrat man being one of the
company to do justice to the occasion.
M II Ellis et nx to The Ladies Aid
Pocicty of Albany, bl 70, G's
A to Albany i
i D lledgcpeth to Mary F Hedge-
pctn, 4U acres uul Col Kl
uier Keee
Daniel Rirer et nx to J D Iledge-
petii, w acres in ULU of ti
mer Kee
J A McPhee to C LCray .undivided
i tnt in 100 acres in tp 12, S It
2 E
LA and A J Allen to 8 C Van Horn
ami J C Powell, 112 acrt' 10,
H It4w..
Mrs KJ Avers and bus to Peter
Powell. 875 acres In tp 13, 8 It
1 Kandl w
J F Bankensto to Peter Iwell, part
of D L C of Jas McDowell. .... .
Josephine Forward et al to Peter
Powell.part ol thoD LC of Jos
United States to Jas McDowell.
320.92 13,fi R 1 w. . . .Patent
U S to J L Williams, 315.85 acres
in tp 12, 8 It IK Patent
FJ Blount et ux to Annie Price, w
1' V V I.I I 111. II
. n n ui tii,ii a, Al
bany R Hint to J G Boyle.lot 4,bl 2,U'a
A, Lebanon
J W Miller et nx to II J Hadley,
lots 1, 2, bl 3,8helbnrn ,
A McDonnell to J II Mullnn,15acrcs
in D LC of Andrew Kees
M J Hays to D 8 Busey, 4 acres in
State of Oregon to II Ward 40
acres in sec 3o,tp 9,8 IW E. . .
Tearber's Heeling.
The regular monthly meeting of the
teacher's of Linn county will be held at
Halsey, Jan 23 and 24, 1891. Following
is tne program :
FRIDAY, 7:3!!, p. m.
1 Music. 2 Sone. 3 Address ot wel
come. 4 Music. 5 Response. 0 Music.
7 Recitation. 8 Music. 9 Lecture, by
Pres E N Condit, of Albany. 10 Music.
SATURDAY, 6:30, A. M.
1 Music. 2 Trimary physiology dis
cussion, dv miss t,ilen vvuite, ot llarns-
Durg puuuc school a Music.
SATURDAY, 1 :30, P. X.
1 Music. 2 Methods of teaching US
history, by Mis Ida Maxwell, F M
Mitchell and Z T Truelove. 3 Music.
All teachers, school officers and the
public in general are invited to come and '
take part in these discussions, s
OF Russell.
County School Sup't, I
jnotice to iAEMEHg. wanted at once
chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried
fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce, for which I will pay the high
est price in cash or in exchanze for
gooa. . - ti. w. Simpson.
Albany, Oregon
Sheep Lost. At Oakvllle, one hcep,
left ear cut off, rope round neck. Return
to farm of Wath Coon.
John A Albert.
Notice. Parties desiring a cab will do
well to call on Trites Bros, who connect
with all trains. Funerals and weddings
a specialty.
0 W Simpson bs received his full slock
it stockinette and aaalet jackets land three
quarter sealot cloak, and have complete
assortment ot all tbe latest styles.
For bay, oats, straw or chop .'all on Mor
ris & Blount, corner ol Biker and first
street. Deliver to aoy part of tbe city
without extra cost.
SfllLOH'S COUGH and Consumption
Cur it tola by usoo a guarantee. It core
coniamption. Koshsy & Mason, agent,
The ONLY place io tha ty whera East
era tickets can be purcbas is of W. L.
Jester, at the Southern I'aciCo Co' ticket
cTtrrnn'S CVV.Vi will immediately re
M J Downing was arrested and fined al
Salem for canvu ing tor a book without a
llceme. Under, a new ordinance these
bxik agent have to have a license,
Tho Albany Democrat quote Shakes,
peare In thU fahloni "Uneasy He the
head ot the man who owe the printer."
Uur experience ia that they lie very easily.
Salem Journal,
Hay Is hay, particularly for the Willam
ette valley. Just common every day
cheat hay I fio loose, and $11 baled;
timothy 16 loose and $18 baled., With
oat at 50 cent a bushel It cost tome
thing to Iced horse flesh.
A great many people In our city lay
side clothe plenty good enough to wear
a long time yet; but being able to buy
better one deem best to do to. There
are other people In the city unable to buy
the clothe they need for comfort, hera
well a everywhere else. The Democrat
suggest that a bureau be formed or the
Ladle AM Society take It In hand, fur
collecting these thing, and leaving them
where they csn be secured In a quiet man
ner by people needing them. '1 hi I lut
ing done In torn place with good results.
Children-,, boy and older people's clothe
should be Included.
The people ot Pasco have originated
another plan to "boom" their cny, and
"Keen your eye on Pasco" will again be ¬
come the watchword. A contract has
oeen entered into with CE Mayne, a
prominent San Francisco real estate man,
who boomed Ogden and Omaha, to adver
tise Pksco. Mr Msyne I to receive $50,
000 worth ot Pasco property and In return
must scatter t .or 0,000 pamphlets portray.
Ing Iti advat.taue, send out 300,000 per
sonal letters, and aJvertlse In 3,000 newt
paper In the United Statee.
One young man at Eugene deserve the
education he la receiving. The Journal
say! Carey F Mtr-.ln.ona of the students
ol the CnlvervltT. spent the Chrtstmt and
New Year's holiday vacation In running
log down the Middle Fork ot the Wil
lamette at $3 a day, realising about $40
tor working In the water mostot the time
up to hi shoulder. During the last two
or three summer vacation he ha spent
the whole time as chief cook for a gang
of loggers and tswmlll men, making
enough to pay hi college expenses. In
addlticn to keening up hi studies and do
ing much outside work he I now learning
to set type and spending considerable
time at that business.
A Spokane Falls man has dona a great
thing by inventing a hoot blarking ma
chine that does (he work in fifteen sec
onds. The greatest friends a county or city
has are those who work for improve
ments whorever needed, though they
cost something. The greatest enemies
are those who oppose them.
Albany did not get a smell at Saletn in
the principal oflkes, but look out for the
PO. That is one thing Marlon county
can't get.
The average mortgaged indebtness in
Linn count is about 60 cents an acre.
In Kansas it is $16.39. No wonder Kan
sas people want to come to Linn county.
J Miller Murphy, the auccesaful editor
of the Ulympia Standard, baa just open
ed a new theater to the public. It cost
hint (30,000. Mr Murphy has been pub
lisher and editor o'. the Standard for
more than thirty years.
At a meeting of taxpayers in Toledo
the vote was almost solid against incor
porating as a city. Quit right. There
should be a state law allowing incorpor
ations as cities only when the tows has
a population of 1000 or over, and when
the state increases sufficiently larger
than that. It is ridiculous to call every
little collection of houses a city.
Littlo things often take a man back
into the misty past. An Albany Iran
seeing a Democrat man's buckeye watch
charm said, "That reminds me of when I
waa a boy in Virginia. I was At a horse
race one day with a string of buckeyes
around my neck. Another boy bantered
me to bet on the race and I put op the
buckeyes, all I had, and lott. Great
horse races they need to have in old
Virginia." ,
According to our exchanges Pendleton
has an opportunity to do some whole
sale bonus giving. An eastern capitalist
oilers to expend ilOO.OX) in the establish
ment of a woolen mill, a scouring mill
and grading warehouses, a beef packing
establishment with cold-storage depart
ment, a sawmill, soap works and a elue
factory, a paper mill, a tannery, a steam
isunary. orewery will) capacity to
furnish beer for all the trade in Kastern
Oregon, and a broom and basket factory,
provided he is given a subsidy of 175,000
and a bond for eighteen months upon
property valued at GO0,0O0.
The Yakima Herald tells an incident
which rather surpasses anything of the
kind yet reported: "Ueorge Wharton,
of Brown county, tells a blood-curdling
snake story. Mrs William Huxelly liv
ing in a log cabin, was making soap in
the back yard, having kissed her sweet
litjlo six-months baby to s'eep in thi
cradle. Presently the baby screamed,
and sue rushed in and was horror strick
en to find a hideous blacksnake of enor
mous size trying to swallow the child.
It bad engulfed the hand, swallowed it
up to the armpit and was writhing in its
contortions and efforts to make further
progress. Grasping the hideous reptile
in the middle, it seemed to relax its hold
and disgorge the child's arm.then turned
upon its mother. She dashed it to tne
floor, and in her wild frenzy stamped it
to death. It proved to be of the black
racer species, seven feet two inches long,
and measuring six and one-half inches
in circumference, lne babe lived, ana
the only inconvenience it suffered from
its terrible experience was that its arm
ana nana were biisterea as u scaiuea in
hot water."
Bell ana1 Pentland have already dl
solved partnership In the West Side, of
Independence. The Corvalll Time tar-
castlcally give the reason a follow
"Bell refuse to ntav unlet he can be the
ring master and Pentland says he won't be
tne met muie." . .
A couple year ago Hen R A Irvine in
troduc-d a bill to do away with a horde cf
unnecessary clerk lor tne committee in
the legislature. But it wa defeated Thi
year a like resolution hat been pasted and
only fivs committees In each house will
nave one clerk, apiece. A sensible move
The editor of the Tillamook Headlight
ha published 820 timber land notlset and
330 homestead notices. At he receive
$10 apiece for the former and 5thelatte
hit income hat been a pretty lively one,
the cott of getting out the paper being
If Itema at first "setup" were alwavt
published there would need to be fighting
editor far certoin. For Instance yesterday
two item adjoined eacn other In the copy,
one, about three young men returning
from Salem and the other about a man
and hi family returning from California.
Here Is the way the item were first mixed
up: " returned this noon from
balcm, where they have been spending
several month. lhe climate did not
agree with ome of the menber ot their
Albany AarKet. .
(at 50.
Butler 860 pt ID,
Pajra 26t
Hay-o.00. ... '
Pota.toesOrj ota per bnabei
Bosf on foot, 8Jf
A pplas-80 cents per bu, .
fork '0o per id. uressca.
Bacons cams, lie
shoulder 7o
aldoa 83 .
..ard 9a per lb. - "
Flours 1.26 per bbl. 1
!"blckena 5.00 per doe,
Uiil Kcdbioa, 14.00 per ton
abort,, 18.
TATE LeUftLJltftt,
BpseUI te Dsmocsat.
Salem, Ogn, Jan ia, i8yi.
orrtcKRS or the iiousK.
Caucus officer of the house are TT
Gecr, peker." tt R Hay, chief clerk.
Frank Dvy. first, and O D Hutchinson,
ccond assistant. J M Stott, jrgent-t-rm,
Salrm, Or. Jan 11, 1891.
Joe Simon, for president ot the senate,
ha a majority in the caucus.
The Elate Legislature was 'organised
Monday afternoon by the election of
the caucus nominees published In the
Democrat, Jos' Sltnnn lxlng ducted
permanent chairman of the Senate: O P
Miller, ot Clackamas, chief clerk; OB
WaUon. ot Clackamas, assiatant clerk j
I It Eddy, of Pendleton, reading clerk j
M Poiucrov. of Columbia, sergeant-at-aruis;
J It McCormick, of Marlon, gate
keeper. In the Hon so T TUeer was
elected speaker; H K Hays, of Tilla
mook, chief clerk ; Frank Davey, of Ka
le m, aflsintant: 110 dolman, of Baker
City, reading clerk; TO Hutchinson, of
Douglas county, calendar clerk j M
Stott, ot Portland, sergeant-at-arms ; A
W Dragor ot Marion, doorkeeper; KM
Hniltli, of Polk, assistant doorkeeper;
Guy McPherson, of Salem, Chester Fox,
ofAstorW. and Carl Gray, of Portland,
pages. The usual rules about postage
stamps, jack knives, paper and news
papers were pruned.
S(Ia) to Psatwasy,
Salem, Or,, Jan. 14. Governor Pen
nnver took the osthot oflice at 1 1 a, m. to
diy and then delivered a very able mes
sage to the joint convention and a large
assemblage of citizen, It I a masterly
state paper. The two house are now at
work. PaooREkK.
The first bill introduced In the bouse
was by Jennings, for the creation of
precinct assessor. Several bills appeared
on asse-Mment and taxation, and there
will be more. A bill by Klllin provides
that employes shall be paid not less than
once In 80 days. Bills were introduced
fixing rate ot interest at 8 per cent, dis
playing Oregon's retotirr e at the World's
lair, a resolution In relerence to the rail
road commission.
In the senate Mvera introduced a bill
appropriating I'iuuo for the establish
ment of soda springs at Ktdaville. Mr
Myer aiM introuucea tiiiis amending
laws of Oreiron. tk-tlnliic and tninishina-
criminal negligence. Bills were Intro
duced bv catch, repealing the R U
communion law; byCrosno, authorising
the O P R II to issue bonds ; several ap
piopratltig in all about (40,000 for wag
on roads, htandlntr committees were
announced. Weatheford, of this county,
was placed on elections, federal relations
and enrolled bills committees ; Myers on
claims, mines and engrossed bills, of
course, being democrats, at the tail end.
In the hone Welsh introduced a bill
making licenses to sell liquor f 4C0 and
200; also making legal rate of Interest
o per cent.
Thr Reason Why. VI by Is It that
Klein Bros, can afford to tell boots and
hoes so rcstonable? Because they aie
both practical ho maker and make partcf
heir expense bv working- on the shoe
bench, any boot or shoe you buy of them.
no matter wnat mid it ss man, woman or
hllds, that rip, run over or the sole Hp
loose they repair them for you free of
charge, and as they do alt the wotk t hem
ic I cs, they don t charge you 35 to 50
cents a pair extra lor a warrant to pay
tome shoemaker to repair lhvn for too.
Thev also make a specialty of repairing
rubber Pools.
HoLUEB BcsiMtt Collkor. of Portland
Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesoo, the
leading penman of the coast, has berotne
a partner in this school and will make it
U10 leading business collctie. Send for a
Chakgk or R R Tiw.- Railroad lime
fets been set ahead three Minutes. Set
your watches and Block with rrench
regulator and men you will gel there on
Tho. Kay woolen mitlsTlltkts, fUootl
men's, youth' and boy' elothuig, for sale
I-y U w Simpson s, agent, Albany, Uregon.
"HACKMKTACK,' a lasting and fra
grant pefum. Price 25 and SO cvbU. Fo-
shay S Mason, agents.
A 1S4SAL INJECTOR free with aaah
bottle f .h loV Catarrh Remedy Price
SO osnt. Fushay & Mason, agents
fWe W F Road's line cf dm f xd sod
ilk before baying elsewhere.
WmtaEto UbtTmem. When wanting
mi organ or plana eall on G L Blackman
n you can select from a first dsn
Cheadle cbecae is tbs beat. Try it. CE
Browuell. ,
Eattern evtUrs and ssuer kraut lost re
oeivtd at Mueller Si Garrett's.
Rons high in Albany at Fosbty & Ma-
ton drug tor or Hystem Uuilrlsr, sa
everybody ia nsirg it for Catarrh f th
Sinrnacn, uyatwpsia, constipation ana im
par MoOd. Try it 1 cd Ull your friend
about it as it mast toss'twon'lirful murits-
Wbeo a I rpesk well of U
W. M. C. A. Mates.,
The members will please remember
the special meeting which the president
lias called lor toniuht. at 7 o ciock. it is
very necssary to have a full meeting,
t lease do not neglect this.
Noonday meetings will be held in the
Y. M. 0. A. hall every day this week,
from 11:30 to 12:30 o'clock. We espec
ially ask our business men to drop in, if
only long enough to say, "Thank (jod."
The Y. M.C. A. ball wai too small to
seat the crowd that came to hear Kobt
Cairns at our gospel meeting, last Bun
day. . Truly God bas sent a power
among us. The man who can sit and
listen to the practical, ecatning talks 01
Kobt Cairna and not heed the warning,
must have a heart harder than the rocks
of the old Granite state, and is to be
pitied, ' . .
The Association received, this week
an exceedingly fine oil painting of Mt
Hood. It has been our pleasure to see
many paintings ot Mt Hood, and beauti
ful ones, too. But we never saw such a
beautiful and artistically arranged fore
ground to Mt Hood as the one in this
picture. The art displayed is something
to be admired, and the Y. M. 0. A., ot
Albany, wish to extend many thanks to
Mies Martin, of McMituwille, the donor
of this beautiful and acceptable gift.
If W. Yovko.
General Secretary.
Something far tbe Kew Year,
Th world renowned success of Hostetter'
Stomach Bittnr , and their continued popu
larity tor over a intra 01 a century a s
stomachic, is toaroely more wotidtrfnl tha
tha welcome that greets th annual appear
anoe of Hostetter' Almanac Thia valuab t
medical treatise ia published by the Most
ter Company, Pittsburg, Pa, under th
own immediate supervision, employing !!
hands in that department. Thev are lay
ning about 11 months io tbe year 04 this
woik, and tbe ine of same lor 1891 wi 1 be
more than ten nisllions, printed ia the Eng
lish, German, Freoch, Welsh, Norwegian,
Swudinh,. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish
languige. Refer to a copy of it for valuable
and interesting reading concerning health
and nunieron testimonial aa to the efficacy
of Hostetter' Stomsch Bitten, amusement,
varied information, astronomical calculations
and chronological items, io, abinh can be
depended on for correctness. Th Alma
nao for 1801 can be obtained In of cost,
from crugsutsod gensral country dealer
n all arte of the eountry.
New CABrsTs, new carpets, new car
pets and new styles, latest patterns, the
Dest in tue market, lust reoeivea at A. a.
Mcllwain's. The stock is larije and
choice, eelectpd for thiB market, and peo
nle wanting lb beet carpets at tha ow-
est prices ghoultl call and inspect hia
et,. -i;,? po.v. Jt w!a botis'ht low and
0Mfl ARB) AHAs)
The State LsgUlalura now nil,
Prof J tt (4il H, f lloak Creek, ha ba
granted a tats diploma.
Several Albanian are lu Sslnin looking
aftsr oiorkamp in tne Legislature.
Th onumltt.s on the oil uhtrter mt
this morning and adjourned till to-morrow
Th f)oilyr mintrl are hooko.l fur the
Oim l!uue on tho 20 h instant and tbs
HiU-rara Comedy Co 00 tbe 21.t itutant.
(j O Rwliiu says that he was net a
msmhsr of the AGO lately 01 Manfswt in
thii city, and by wbiuh tbe memburs wrs
A n.wtpopsr I to be atsrted at Mill City,
it i reported, Uodsr tha law it would got
oaarly all of tbe land notices.
Tha Railroad street sswerkaa Iwan tvrm-
plotod, aid the owntnltce 011 stieuU and
nublio property to day are sasmiuiiu it
orilioatly. ,
Iterwtthe proprietor of tbe Willamette
llotsl at Malum $30 M for having runner at
tha train without a 2icnt. A new oi'dl
naeesdid it. Wwjusr ismsd. , '
Khedd ha a lUadlni Clrele, with tbe fol
lowing oluovra, reesntly slaoteH 1 Z T Trus
tors, nrmridsuti Mrs Ootavia Havaas. vivs-
S resident 1 Mim Lara fampbal', asm rotary;
orge K OavU, treamrer.
Among the Pottmaater whose term of
service navs or ill sipire daring th first
three mouth ot th yar 1991 are tho at
linsebura. Or . on January 6th: Aentuia.
Cat,, on Frhrnarf 14'.h Aihauv, Or , on
Fabraary 3'd, and Kurvka. Nsv.. tin March
Itnftirrina to tte Pemocbat's item about
the Wallace Javsntta Co the IlrowBivllls
Times ssi "We uka the above from the
I'KMrx ttAThy tennosi, but isb to add that
Miww Addle and Yeuia Git lr. wt o atartod
with tbe onaoanv. ara now bare and no
traveling with thtrw.'
Thers were 129 fsilur la Orenn daring
IStK). Astts.K40.UX): Uabllilict.l744.OJ0.
Th ousea are iutorcstlnvt laeompvtvoo-.
23( incsperiKaex, f)( iaiuflluient capital, 30;
granting credit recklotaly or wi bnut proper
txiutdrtiofi, 0; sornpliostion tf indebted
dxs. (owing to failure of apparently solvent
debtor.) 2; personal exlravaganee. (UvtBg
beyond laooma.1 81 SMtuloet of baaloea and
doabtfal fcabiu, Hi endue eompUtiou, 6j
eofyol.U oircnmstaneea, (flood, lira,
d.prtasioD, ete.,)14; frwoduUnt dwposili jo,
20. .
'Chu Willamette liysr bas dropped to 1
foot 6 inch above low wator mark.
Tbs ebsrUr avmmittee did soa e bu.inss
this morning and attjoumsd antil 8.30 to
morrow. a few pair of blsnksU U ft and will
il them for Itws than oust to close. E C
200 lks to b sold a eoat at 'V. F,
Head's. Come and seeare be gains white
tne aaaortmaat i large,
Mr Esnn.of Eajaa ii Aabaaon. left vais
terday for ttiMuibarg to take ekarge of their
new marble shop at that city.
Tbe lt-etit.n t.f Capt O II Irvine as Liea-
tonant tlmudof tha Zad rea'msat. wit!
DeoreWtaU tbs eleatioeV-f a Capt.for F Com-
pany. m-vsrsl are tneauooed for tbe poi-
1 Tb ert tb mrary bas frottea tof f
mis year 1 auoot 19 dagrea aod It wat iUta.
thia iiorsieg. It smsl, tboogb, muck
At the military letloe ia Ralsm yester
day, Lieut Lovsfl wo eteeted colonel of the
Sod rtmimect. Capt O II Irviss, r.f this
elty, waslet4 lieoUrtsct, sad C T Blam
artitbsr. of Bsndon, mtjor.
The Satcm bridge Is doc awl will prob
ably be accepted, fort a oata iUlam. It ia
piaaaing to eot (bat there was no opposition
to tbe bridg from otber part of Marion
At tb city coo noil mawtiog toolgbt the
mayor will deliver bi sDDual mosssgx, nlgV.t
watchmen, stiwet co&iSiieioosr, elty tar
veyor sod city attorsay will b elflctsd. and
other important bttaioeaw will eoma ap. It
ls tb public ootbiag to atteed.
Mr Eliwbetb Weitoe, lady over sixty
varrsofag. arrived ber from thaaUUof
Ns York on Tueadsy. Tb old lady tun
to Y socio on tb isvitatioa of bsr only son
Harry Wstsoo. whom sh bs sot sea for
tbirtj Jr. T led I'oti,
Oar cooU-mporsry says that la tb trans
fer ef Cha Mettjwr from tb Albany to tb
Salam madepwtm, wbat is 8olia' loss
ii oar gain, anJ yet on would bay tboagbt
from tb great demonauwtioes mad by th
gentleman a aawuvUnt furemaa of No l's
that tb dpartmot depended 00 him for
Excuse. Evangelist Cairns, who ia
preaching to reat crowds at th- Daptl;!
church every night, will apeak to-night
on the Eicusc men offer for not being
Christian, lie will undertake f,o answei
and explain any excuse commonly urged.
All a-e Invited to come and hear Mr
Cairns t-nlght. lr. hi sermon he ad
dresses the reason of men. Many are
(.o.mng out ror vnnsi, and a great Out
powerful work of graee 1 aroint- on In the
city. AH the churche are feeling the In
fluence of Mr Cairns work.
Tha Vtero cf 1312 Friday night.
Bay yoar grooerUof Farker BroV
Ssurr kraot at C E Brownell's,
Cloaks at cott at W F Head's.
Ilelia & Dawow, dmsgista,
Fta grooris s Cono & Hmdrcsoa'a.
Tb 'Thre Sisters" will beyio ruonina
The i set cost ot th Sslara brulit ii
Bsrgains la library lamp at C E Brow
An oil ttriko is reports! from llabbard.
in Marion oouuty.
A bargain counter of children ana misses
shoe at .Jrls;
Oeouine Iowa torithum on drauubtfat C
K Prownell S.
Delicions crane cider oa tan at C E
Call at Hubo DD't New Drug Sto.e
for freth drags.
Call and set "a pair of blankata that Searla
is selling fol lets than eoat.
300 bntbalt of s Ibid whea wanted imme
diately at Morrl i;a Hictit.
- TaUeta, pencils and spongoj, at Hulia &
Dawaon , French a corner.
Smok tha celebrated liavana filled 5 cent
olgar at Julius Joseph a.
Geo Humphrey, Esq., wa admitted at
Salnm yesterday at an aturnsy at law.
Do not fail to get a pair ot obildrent or
mitte hoe from SoarU bargain eoontor.
Tb World's fair bill by Moore, of Bantoa
oounty, ia about right. It wouli rats just
about $115,000 for the business and thstU
Good year, Elitoh & Schilling' Minttrelt
bay a great acquisition to their oompany to
in famous European amietea, the Brother
Leondor. Tbey ar called th litheat,
Strongest roeo on earth; they ar simply
marvoiou in tneiruraes and Koman glad
iatorial ooutest and cliasio otturiogK, rep
tesentiog mythologioa . hittorioal and bibli
coi siotusry
Contract Let. The contract for
building the foundation ot the U P Church
was let to day to Mr U V Chamberlain,
There were five bidder. The contract for
the remainder of church will be let In t
hort time. Architect McCaw. of Port
and, wat In the city, assisting in the work
Tue City Chabtkk. The citizen's com
mittee and the council's committee com'
Dieted their labors this noon. A written
report is being prepared and will be pre
sented to a citizens meeting at the court
house on baturday evening, probablv,
The committees agreed substantially on
i . , V
! the amendments tieretoiore given. There
will be some changes, thoueh, such as a
provision r oing away with the taking out
of indebtedness in the city asseasmenta :
tho appropriation ot tne syo.uuo first to
sewers and bridge, before using for city
hall; and a few others of minor impor
tance. The report 'will be published in
iuu, prouaDiy tomorrow.
A Divided Train. Yesterday after
noon the freight train going south became
divided jutt atter leaving thi city in aom
manner, the caboose and two or three cars
remaining behind and running slowly af
ter the main train. The engineer and fire
man were luoUng ahead and could not be
signalled. They went to Tangent before
discovering their loss, and had. to return
several miles for the conductor and brake
men, all of whom were in the caboose at
1 the time,
A MuntiiMa Blaze. Tblt morning' a
bout 5 o'clock a bright light In the di
rection of the Callpooi bridge annouced
a conflagration In progress, A Demo .
crat man Investigated the matter and
learned that the chicken house of W R
Graham wa entlnly consumed. I. was a
large structure tlx 12 feat and wa Insured.
The lot of life wat considerable, twelve
fine chicken being roasted alive, being be
ing unable to escape from the burning
building. Mr Graham take hi lot phil
osophically and announce hi Intention
of rebuilding.
Bahic Elections. Yesterday at 4
o'clock was the time fur banks generally
to bold annual elections for the selection
of directors. In this city the First Na
tional and Linn Comity National bank
re-elected the old directors, and the of
ficers will remain the same. The Oregon
bank re-elected the old directors with
one exception, Mr John loom being
cboson to succeed Mr Hub Bryant, who
bas disposed ot his interest in the bank
and will retire. It is understood that
II F Merrill, now vice ' president, the
pioneer banker of the city, and one of
tbe most competent banking men In the
valley, will be elocted president by the
directors at their rneetimr to be held in a
day or two.
Ukrrr mim rkllic iitemx.
r Ike Hslel rnlaad-aw Save Wat
torse f BfeeasMUasa ly Bn
Dart-la's Electric Core.
ACakd. I have ben Buffering for a
long time with rbeunstlam In my r'aht
shoulder and arm. It became to bad It
was with great dlfOfulty I could tiao my
arm. It was beipleav and plnful. In
this condition I cam to Urn iMrrin for
rotlof. I wsnt under treatment three
week since, and a n row btpjy to y I
am perfwotly cured by elriof v. Can
be rferred to at the htl Po.tlan 1, Part
land, ur. Nellis Kowk.
Am Oprm Letter.
Drs 1 I now take
the pleasure of writlcg you that kfier a
full eourae of yottrelrotro magnetio tieat
mem 1 am entirely cured of pain in my
choht, which ht troubled me f-r overs
ytwrs. Having been ander treatment of
doctors of Liverpool, Uloagow. ClenUa
and Ban Fran i-oo, none of Lbeai did me
soy go xl until I came under your treat
ment, which 1 am sure has permantly
cured me, for wblcb, gentlemen, i beg to
remain yoor gratefully,
William Littlb.
tattle, Wuh.
eafwea Care4 la Tew Mia ate.
Mr Editor Dar Sin I reeMe in Kortb i
Yakima, Wash. 1 eonsalUd Drs Uarrta I
for dafeas over three ysr ago My left I
or was toUlly devf. With one operstioa
with Or Damn's cleoUa care, of
tee minutes. I was mads to hoar a well as
evsr in Buy life. It remains permanent to
this da). I was also cared of a flaaby
growth over my eye. Can be referred to ss
to tbs troth of my statement.
Drs Darrta can b eonselted frea at 701
Wliston stmt, Portland, from 10 a ot
to 8 p m daily. Tbey treat all Iambi
chrome, accte and prtvalt dUossea, sad will
send ib'r areolars, qaattoa blank and
remedies to sdv snail or iimhi address.
lr Darritt bav been practicing their pecu
liar tie air io treatment for th paat tweutv-
sva years, and tbat tbey do ear wbtr all
otbtr nieUied fil ta tbowe bv tb bov
remaitabi cure,
A Good Besolctioii for New Years or
any other time is to buy your groceries,
otutea good ana produce 01 1 arker uroe.
One of their rvaolu lions Is to keen the
best la the market, to sell at reasonable
prices and to treat everybody with cour
tesy. If yon want to know w hat store to
point your tracks towards for a whole
year look towards Parker Bros., where
you can always una the goods you want
Out Hckdbed Waoohs just received,
which I am going to give awav free, one
with each cau of Forest City llaking Pow-1
der. Come early. B&owhkll.
ian 1 tail to so oor men'
w .
clothing before parchaasDf ltwbr
ell th beet clothing lor.tb least money of
any nan 10 tn ctty.n look and tt con
vinces, u w Bimpaoa.
Pretty fine winter weather.
ADAMS On Tuesday evening, Tan.
1311,1891, In Albany, of membraneous
croup, jonnny," son ol Mrs John Adams
agea j years, 3 montnt.
A VOlCt 1TROB roT T.
A Lady Bctatea two Aatalaklag
To wV.oro It may eonoern: I bare tried
ercry coneelvabi retaedy for bUlousnes. r
tn? tb past nv year a 1 am of a billons tern-r-erawent
and sutler much from stomach a
Urer tr mblo. Bat notbtog ever tve ine r
reKef tht I obtaiued from tulng joy's Vesctabh.
SsrtrilU. Ia fact I thluk lta cere tor tUcs
ailmeat. At th Urn 1 wa uslcs It I had
httle f trt II ring In my Umlly whose neck waa
seriously oflceted by a tarj open sore, ad w
tried a great assay klmU of iotioVts, salve snil
blood puriflet to bo avail. I gave her some of
any aacdlela (Joy VecoUbl fararri;l)
tblaklag It mltht benefit ber and aa it waa
finely vegetable, knew It could do ber no barm.
TO my attoaltbment sb becan to Improve, a us
within tw weeks It as eutlrel- brad and sh
U MW a wall as arte.
Wr. R. L. WHXATOit,
") Tost PL. Baa Frmaoiaoe
Will & Link,
mn douse tarsic stoke,
aawn'roa Tuc'cauiaaATBiv
If. F. Miller
And th Fsrorlte
Palaco and Earlmil
JloxisoXxoof Organs
Blttrailp B. and Ks Eoaa
Sewlois; Machluei
Ulsr O !s aeinoMfa
the leacHrte: rem!" fo'
U ha oriv saie remedy tot
I Drescrib it ood leel
l-tiree 111
usm auwun.
safe la recronmenaiog it
iTHEsUHf"'ir!f. to all sufferers.
a A. J. 6XON EK, M. S)t
1 Bold TOy IKrwtrsriatsl.
E HAVE ON HAND at our nursery
on ihe Corvallis road, one half
mile from town, as fine a lot of frult
trees ofallkiads ss can be found any
where on the coast, tf you contemplate
planting tress it will pay you to fee our
too1 and get oar prices. Catalogue ti ee,
filltsd by Albany W, O.T.tJ
Arrangements are in 'progress to re
sume the scries of monthly open tem
perance meetings which were conducted
in this city with eatltdactory success last
year. On Monday evening, Jan 26th,the
first meeting for this year will be held at
the W C T U Hail, when the exercises
will to commemorative of "Crusade Day,"
the observance of which was deferred
Inst month. Hereafter the fourth Mon
day of each month will be devoted to a
meeting designed to set forth in an inter
esting m. in ner some one of the various
pliaws of the temperance work. Let all
friends rally to the support of the cause.
Windsor a beautiful drink
ing fountain, flowing for man and beast,
which was erected by the W C T U in the
fiftieth year of Queen Victoria's reign.
It was tlHr contribution to tbe tjbiiee.
It was suggested at the late National
Convention that it would make a Jubilee
in tiie Ignited Ktates if every local onion
should undertake to provide such a com
fort for it own town.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union bas devised a nniqtie plan of com
memorating Washington'- birthday. A
special membership card will be prepar
ed for the occasion, to be used by the
crusade callers all over the country. On
the 22nd of February they will start out
early, to call upon their neighbors, and
solicit members for tbe union. Tbe wo
man who gets the most names on her
card and the most ''duee" in tier pocke
book will be- amonntod the sweetest an t
Highest of all ia Leavening Tower.
Lsf id u
"Will cUgs out tis entire stock of
.Winter Clothing, consisting ot Suits, Un
derwear, Overcoats, Etc., Etc., Etc.,
AT -
G rea tly Reduced P rices,
In order to make room for his'
of : which ; he : will : have
City Livery, Feed and Sale
-S TABLE. -Pan
geyl Hack Uae- to an t from
Cotvnlll. Beat rig anr chaap it ra,tM
la th elty. VpacUl atleotltn givan t
tranaient stoek. Fourth atrwea. btwa
E IswonU and Ljon, Albany, Oregon,
Frlfloj ETdEing, Jan, AM; 1891.
I McPbenson Post, No 5, Q A It, asai6ted
by lbs bo-t local ta'ent, will reprj
due tbe tr rilling military drama
". OR
' Kssiali anltiiB Scout."
rrononneed by eomnetoat lotbres to be one ol tb
neu plays srer produced en tbe amate ur stag ft.
Cmcksta on sals st Will a Link's.
0ALLERY.... .... .
.... tAess.
:S, Curlala at pranptly.)
(Doors open at
Th aallra preeMtls w n o tbs rsllef fund at the
While trying to Crowd their
Store, where they alwa s have on hand
the largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved RIHea and Shot
Guns: an Immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description j Tent,
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousand
f other things too numerous to mention
Repair .Shop
in connection with the Store, and one of
.He best workmen in the State to do any
ind all kinds of work.
Come one, Come all; No trouble to
ihow gocds, "Small profit and quick
W is oul motto.
Cor becocd audreny fet, , Albany, Oi
O UPi:?.IOn wrk. rsr;ifs-l In ert-r'
t3 br-l ofi'-e ari. ji2iialnj o
V WstalaV
prcttiest,and most winning in her union.
The stilts which makes the greatest gains
in membership will have the national
prize banner to hang in the state head
quarters for a year.
A n- care for tbe whisky iisbit; Dr
Uviai(stui's Antidote for I'runl enness will
ears say esse of tbe liquor nabit in from teu
to thirty days, from thetrodoratedriukarto
tbs drunkard. The Antidote ero l) civet,
in 1 cop of coffee withoat the knowledge of,
tbe person taking iv. Th Antidote will not
injur th bsskn in any way. Msoafaotarsd.
Ly tbe Livingston Chemical Co., Portland,
Oregon cr from J A Cummiug, ,ola agent,
Albany, '
Baeklen's Amies JRs! re.
Tha best St In tbs world for Cnts,Bratn.9org
Vlem, Molt Rheum, Fsrsr S'rr, fctWr, Cbspp
hsiHls, Cbllblsin, Corn, and all Skin Erntrtt s
posmrsijrcurM Him, or no pjr rsqutrsd. It wen
utesti to sir perfect sstlifsotlon, sr money fefji
ifsotlon, sr monejr rer jnd-
a. Prloe zt srat on box,
ror sua uj I otbs and
' (are! tt tearafala.
Lottie L Deream, East View. Westhst-
--onty , N Y, write:
"I bar beta a great sufferer with cams in
tbe brek of my bead, worse tbao any bead-
aane. 1 aouid not resell it with lotercal
raedictoM at all, and daring tbe cold weath
er 1 bar suffered excraciatingly. I finally
thought I would try ao Allocck's Plostar
sppfied to tbe nape of my neck. Ia less
than half a day tbe paiontireIy ceased."
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S&9,
1 PI
El L A
: a : large : and : choice : stock
STRATID About th W of Jane
fro on mv frrtn near Taacwnton nals
red heifer, two year old loot apnng,
vaorked with crop off tbe right esr ar.d
wa'lowfork In iefteox. Any inlbnnatton
fguiiog bar will b anspiy e warded.
Imiij, Jaanarj 20 1831.
Goodyear, Elitch &.SchilHngs
Royal Court First Part.
Jobn Elitch, jr. Proprietor.
- una is scuiiiiDg, Manager,
jTKverything new In the program!
jawew vxMtnme!
Hew Scenery!
fle.OOO in gorgeous wardrobe and Drap
eries for the Great First Part.
Comedians, as Monte Cristo Jesters.
Voewltat, as Gay Cavaliers.
Hnalelaiitui Monte Cristo Fishermen.
The only Original
The Uniqwe Artist
The Tgro Delineator v
The European Fi"Br Shedowcraphlst
The Famous Comedian
Sj monds, Hughes and Rastns, Bentley ;
Brothers. Brothers Loondor. The I
Southern Quartet, and a.
host of others. '
Lower Fleer - ............ ....i 01
Fiist Row Gallery (Reserved) 75c
Bkuacon Gallery .M 60r,
sReserred SeaU at WU1 tt Link's.
f OlIET TO LOASf.-In small and
ivX lsr8 amonnta, from mix months to
five yetrs, on rood Albany sod Linn
eourtty real acuta. Call on or addrss V
E Morherson, First St., Albany, Or.
STJILDINO ANDLOAN.-.10 shores ir
2nd eerie, fot ea'e. Inquire at Bars',
):. . .
hereby riven th&t the copartner whi;
of Ohlii te Wallace h been dlaeolvei
by mutual conaent. All liabtlUlaa wT
be aaav sed by Henry Ohllrg, to wkos
alt acoo iwts should be paid. - f
frank Wallace. I
Albany, Iae 24, IS JO.
acio, Kuao-r.
Vsce l'reeji eiit .
.... J 8
j sirTr