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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1891)
f fe tr- oil? pMflrrat. Torvjua U a tongue fHow but It take man with a head on htm like Joe Simon to secure tlx prtalJtner of tha senate, Another ill tfTect of the McKtnle) tilt hat Jmt com t light. It haa mad: a democrat ofllerr Taul Shuke, afTacoma. Wtkem Ye, let u hava tha Australian ballot system. It la admitted on all aldea that It will prevent man fraud. Let ua have h, w eajr. An appropriation of $100,000 I about tha rljlit ona to make for the V.'orld' Fair. Li than thl would not enable u to make tha proper exhibit before tha world. Mora than thl would run oil a leakage. Too much tongue and not enough head defeated tha "farmer republican In their choice for the prttldenc of the aenate When )oa Simon aald thumb up, the thuirba of homy handed republican granger at once auumed an emphatic perpendicularity. Senator S'.mon' political chicanery gave Orctron a democratic auprema Judge, a democratic governor and will go a long way toward giving tha atate to tha demo crat in 199a. c4M Journal. That may hava been a very bad thing tor the republican, but It wa a thing for the people. BEAItPINU THR LION IN IMS l)tS. The Dehrlng Sea aeolcriet conlrovctty came up In the LiuieJ aiotet tuprcme court Monday, on a motion which ha In vlew'a judicial determination of the (lit pule between tha United biatet and Grtt Britain over the teal fisheries, Joseph ClKute, In beh.ttt of Thomat Henry Cooper, owner and claimant of the British schooner Hay ward, whkh a tcUed In the water of Detain tea by the revenue cutter Rush, hat petitioned tha cuurt tor a writ of prohibition to be directed to the udge of tha district court of the Untied Statea In and for tha territory of Alaska, restraining him from proceeding with tha condemnation and tale of the veel. The object I to have the court take up and past upon the question of jurisdiction over thete water. The chief justice made an order giving the attorney-general two weeka to file an antwer to the brief of Choale, giving reatont why the petition ahould not be granted. Washington, Jan. s,' 1891. Mrllarrlaon and Mr Blaine In their ef fort to make political cnpltal for the re publican party and to aid Mr IlarrUon In securing the republican nomination next year teem to have made a bad we a of tha Behrlng Sea trouble with Great Britain. They have place! the United Btatet In a most undeilrab'.e position, where we thall either have to fight England or become the laughing ttock of the world, The BrltUh minister hat It l tald Informed Mr Blaine confidentially that hit government will fire upon any American vessel that attempt during the comlngteallng season to search or telie vcttelt engaged In aeallng In Bth ring Sea under the British flag SIGNIFICANT. The total number of atart, of which tome knowledge may be obtained by the optical appliance now available, accord ing to Fnjt Lockyer,! from 40,000,000 lo 50,000,000, Of the only about 6000 are visible te the naked eye, equally divided between the two hemisphere. A few dT ago a meeting waa being held In New York City for the purpoe of raiting money for the Gen. Grant mem ortal fund. Ea-president Cleveland waa presiding. Rev. Dr. John Paxton ad' dressed the meeting and In the courte of hit remark tald: I congratulate the chairman on beln good I vw- mUch alive. In spite of hi modesty - ' -1 - . k- 1.1. 1. Ilk- .. t. n.ft won t down. 1 tpeaMnir a a republican, I think I the 11 vet tee him lead my rrt to the fronticre and dismiss ua to a long exile. I am much afraid that I thall vot for hlin." Mr Cleveland amlled and the audlcryce broke out Into loud applause. Some ho straw a will pcrUt In telling w hich way the wind blowa. One of the mot excellent of recent In ovation I the Introduction of metal eelU In j In place of wood and platter. Thete eelltng do not ahrlnk or burn like wood , they will not etaln, crack or fall, off like platter, but being permanent, durable, fire proof and ornamental, will evidently u pereede both wood and platter, betide be tnar In the end far more economical than cither. A new enterprise ha been averted la Chi cago for Ike purpose of transporting cattle from the great raachea la Wyoming, Utah and Montana to Philadelphia, where immense ab attoir will be erected. It is Intended that this dressed beef shall go to supply the Eu rope a market. It miU cost lets to ship live cattle to rtuladctphia and kill them there than to kilt them in the west and ship the dressed tof to New York and Europe. Linn County ha 135 mile of railroad, She is deeply interested in railroad manage ment. If the railroad comiaaoa it to be continued Linn thou Id have a ancmbcr 00 that board. II should be an active, energetic qsick-sighted man. I Ion T J Black of I lalsey b jutt inch 1 man. The legislators should concede tbi much to Una Caunty. Let Mr Black be elected. A writer In science tar that while a yet we have discovered no way of avoid ing contagion which cornea to ua In the air, we are jutt beginning to find out tne extremely Important fact that the air doe not become contaminated with bacteria antes they are allowed to dry. Recent Investigation, he add, have shown mailer number of bacteria In the air of a well-kept ewerthan In that of a poorly ventilated tchoo'room. Day by day evidence accumutatet that "a combine" it to be formed among those ' who want large appropriations by the leg islature. In southern, eastern and western Oregon large auma will be asked for tD bt lid wagon road. They will combine with others wanting appropriation for other purposes. The tax payers should be cat the alert. If the republican party of Oregon wou'd tte strong -will the agricultural masses. It mutt cease layme Ita trophies at the feet of Joseph Simon or any other corpoiatlorv- ist republican Utt personal end only. For once give the political dictator and manipulator a back teat and let the wilt of the people prevail to -a blgh extent at least. Cii Journal (Rep.) The trophies are usually lld at the feet f the chief. And Joe la the Big Chief of the republican party of Oregon. aye, he la a veritable Boss. The democratic paper of Washington are advising democratic members of the legislature of that atate, that under no clrcumstancesjthould they vote for either Calkins or Squire for the United States Senate. This Is right. Democrats can fain nothing by deciding the contest be tween two republicans. They may gain much by permitting the republican to quarrel and wrangle among themelvc. Let them vote for Carroll or tome other equally reputable democrat. The sign of the timet now point to the pataag of the free coinage ilver mettore in tbt senate Wednesday. It is now believed that it will pas the house. The only abstscle it the paker, Red. Amjor.ty of the bouse I Li favor of it Will Harrison veto it ? We believe he will. If he i a Bourbonistic about the silver bill t th election bill he will veto it He Itemed nothing about the (entiment of the people concerning the Force bill from Ve late elections. Why should he about the stiver issue. Why, after all, wou'd it not be good policy to tr the scheme of permitting no deductions oa account of indebtedness in making asets eatnts? Let us have that, and precinct aets ti, retsin the mortgage tax law, hrve a state board of equalization and run matters that way for two years, and if it does not work well then repeal and adopt something Letter. The e'ght or ten million takea out for indebt edaess in Multnomah county with th equally iberal amounts taken out in the other counties wnuld t4d a Urge sum to the Uxsb'e property of tbe stat. Rtroau. If congress should pat a free si vtr coinage bill it would be the means of placing Harrison between the "evil one" and the deep blue sea. Whatever courte he may pursue it wjll most rcrtalnly de feat hlin for rtnoinlnallon . If he vetoes the bill the west will have no more use for him, and If lie approve it the east will cast him off. Query: May not Reed let the bl I pas the house for the purpose of putting Harrison in a hole? Reed hate IlarrUon a he. does Blaine. 1 he matter of the state goinjj iuio tbe bus (acts of publishing school books will, we are told, b brought Iwfore the legislature at this session. That the supply ng of school books is a monopoly, caused by the states adopting a uniform series of )ooks. This is not entirely true. School book are copy-rihle nl no one can publish them but the lgnl owner of tbe copyright. The riht itself is an exclusive one and, therefore, a monopoly. Tie estab lishment of a well equipped plant for publish ing a full line ol chool tet 1kkj!.s is a large on V-rtaking. It is estimated that sucb a plant, including all the material as type, cuts tic would cost n't les-J than $175,000. Mrn exiertenccd in this buincs slioitH le consuit e I ttfVe taUo; t.L tmor!Kt vi. HASHINUTOS. (Fruin our rsvuisr eorrttpnndtnt,) (Men raB.&8ix. rrmcnt Mayor, Kucnrdor, IXarahal. Ptrcct Commissioner, Treaxurcr, and Comicllnien French. Burkhart, Hawkins, Tttbler, Butlth and Garrett. Mayor Cowan appointed tha following enminltteea for tho cnenlnir Year ; Wava and Meant Smith, Burkhart, French. Account and Current kxpeneea Bnrkhttrt, Rinlth, liawkina. htreeta ami ruuuo rropc-rty lauicr, rturkhiut. atitti. Ordinance llurkliart, liawkina, uar- rett. I.lccnavB Garrett. ilawklna.Frencli. Fire and WaUr French. Garrett, Ta 1W, lioaUtt audrollcc llawkini, Garrett Tablcr. Mayor Cowan ntnde a fw rontarka slating that ho did not oiler the usual This information Ut, It It believed, written rneasnge. aa tne tjounuii was ai- I etABiilta ta-fit-Witt!) in lian I nil liaft aavntilil ln 1V1 a lleaflttii te Ami aatiiliri Ita In I . " wmbm 1 a iimri'vi) iwwvte eiMitii as v I congres me corre.ponuence oetween Mr Th. MarHhal Mtmrted that the only r,i.i 1 iL. n.1.1 1. f , ! . . . . ......... uiameanaine oruwn toreiKn omce ana nu aanceataua waa mac ot w y urow hi menage of explanation, all of which der, the others paying no attention. waa ready a wk men. Mr llarrlsnn U C'lltl'l J'.ncltlOer Btewart read Ills an f.,i -mi .w.. vi. ......... 1 nuai Tenon niiowinif tne apparams 10 ue f,KHV .... -....iiirauwii ,(.wllH UI, 9.lit I l r. taa awv vv ttwii a n ivn swv -v- v x , v viceable boeo; that tlm II &L Co had ordered an extension ladder and fire ex tingntalier. lie reported a letter from the I'aclfle Const Board of Underwrltera, refusing at the present time to lower the rale lor reasons entirely unsatisfactory. He recomtnetidtHl the purchaf of an bp gallon lire extinguisher, and that four elate rna be built, t in tbe east ami 2 In the weat end of the city, and that tbe old ITS OBJ KIT M l TO KJttSK I'llU fcR, Men, when viewing thing from a busi ness standpoint see matter In quite a dif ferent light fiom that when viewing the tame thing from a political. A business house tn Portland, In a circular giving notice of a clearance sale says: A large stock of sterling value.all bought before the cha..tre in tariff, which, togeth er with our reductions, mtana value at no other time obtainable. The firm that Issue thl circular I com- poted of republicans, and, doubtless, have have been sayir.g when talking politics that the McKlnley bi!I did not raise prices, but when they come to business they sin g a different song. The truth U that near ly every butlnesi man tn the country hat received circular announcing an advance In price on account ot the McKlnley bill The truth Is that Ita object was to raise price thould be the cause of stirring up the antl British feeling, but he hctlutee to go to rongrett for an appropriation ot mone for a real war with England. He fctrt that congret might brush aside the ad ministration tbeorlet and authorise the ai titration which it hat refuted. Certain- y we are net in any condl tton at the present time to fight Great Britain upon the water, where we vould have to fight and the Idea of an American backdown i not a pleasant on to contemplate. There may be tome congressional mutle on thlt aubjret a little later on. A democratic conference. Including both Senator end Representative, wa held today for the purpote of considering way and meant of oppotirg the nwly an nounced republican mettod of trying to force the Force bl 1 to a vo'.e In the senate TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A stla: acntea. I Portland, Jan. 13. Harry Carton, of Astoria, waa yetterday tried in the United atate circuit court on acnarge 01 tending an oUcene letter through the msil. The letter wa written In Auautt last, and wat addreatcd to John Fierce, an actor In iow variety (how. canon when nrtt ar- rcttea denied that ne wrote tne letter, When arraigned he acknowledged that he wrote the letter, but claimed mat he tsu not put It In the mall. He tald tnat he placed It In the drawer of ,hl table, and that It wat taken out by tome one during the night. The content of the letter were very vue, t ne jury atter ocing out oniy a short time returnee' a verdict of guilty. Dr, Keek DIsgeiUsL ' New York, Jan. ij. The Sun's Berlin pecial aaya Dr Koch It so dUgutted with the course thing have taken, that he re futes to have any thing more to do with the distribution ol the lymph. In future phyttclant in tearch of the healing fluid will have to get It if they can from Dr. Liberia. Indian tn Maataaa. lliUNA. Mont, Jan n. The report from C'l.ii 00k, in Chateau couoly, say four tamllici csme in todt retorted that a band DR. ABORN IS NOW AT POATLAMd, OKtaON x - y jsr , f - 8 (V a uf 3 M 19 c n o rt s 3 r OUn LADDER W T. L. Wallace & Co.'s 93 V3 GJ O One of the mast singular facts about tbe growth of London it its regularity. It may be roughly taken that every month about a thousand bouses are added to London. la August of this year 765,577 houses bad to be supplied by the water companies with water; ia Septemlicr that aumbcr had increased to 766,797. Ia August of last year 754,464 houses had to be supplied, or 11,11 below the number ia the same month of this year. In September of this year the companies hsj to supply 10,976 bouses more than In .Sep tember of 18S9. This exlrnt:oo is not con fined to any one portion ul 1' capital, but a preference ia (till teing hua foe tbe north a"d northwest suburbs. oittcrua be cemented. Annllcntiona were read from 8 W Reece and W A McClaln fornlgbtwalch, I'arker, M W Orton, I W Anderson and W K Kelley for atreet cotumln8ioiier,and l, J Mcvaustland for city engineer. On motion the aalary ot the night- watch and engineer was plaoed at 7U, that ot nightwatch at tW, and ot sheet commissioner at $G6,for the ensuing year The vote for street comntlaaioner re suited aa follows: First ballot Hunt, 1". rarker. 1: Orton. 1 : Anderson. 2 iant war raiding the county, killing cattle, ttealing horse and committing other depreda tions, (.hinouk it ill prepared lor a oeicnce against aa ludian attact. At a meeting of the cititeet it was decided to tnaM a feult.tum t , d invariably gain from on thet:ov.rrf.soo Jt of tm with V "i,,,. 'nauuKtL i frotsi tbirty to ammunition. IiZ J. v . j " c , .... m - Dm. nMOm.sH B pnenornenat mmu auu uuu- vv ... i.iv vim. 1 1 1 rvr, 1 , urHia. t , aiiuenuu, -1 by holding long eontWIuou elon for Kclley, 1. Kecond, Imllot eame, except .k-i r:.t ... .1,- .1.. lieo liurklmrt received Hunt'a I. Third It wa determined to resist to the end any and all effort on ihe part of therepultcan Since Mr McKinley ha introduced a bilj appropriating f'S.oco to psy duties oa plit gtas imported for the lighlbcute board it would be eminently proper lo include in tha measure a provision stipulating that the duty must be baoJed back to the "foreigner who pays the tax." And it might also be well to suggest lo the author of the scheme entitled by enraged republicans "Protection run mtj" that, tbankt to this iniquity, there tie many bouses sway from the coast which need glass sad wLosc occupants would like to be embraced ia the tame appropriation bill. The Ortgoniam It tpending great deal of time ar.d space in dlscutting democratic candltatv for the presidency. Thj chaotic condition of Ihe republican party aeemt to render all dltcuss'on of republican candi dates at unnecctsary. It It highly prob able that the national democratic conven tion will select a candidate without refer ence to what that paper may ay. - The largest reservoir or artificial lake in the world it tbe great link of Dnebar, tenty mi let southeast of Udaipur, Rtjpootana, which covert an area of twenty-one sqoare miles. Tbe masonry d.itn is 1000 feet long by ninety five feet high, fifty feet ide at tbe base and fifteen feet at the top to force a vote, lust what form this re sistance will take whl depend entirely up on circumstances. If the republicans get a quorum of their own member, which they are working hard lo do, it will settle down to a question ot phytlcal endurance' If they fail to get a quorum., ur to keep one piesent it will be easy to bUck thrlr game the democratic senator have only to absent memtclvet, thut breaking a quorum, without which no vote can be taken. Ihe repubiicana have temporal iiy a btndoned their gag rules, not to much be cause of opposition to it In their own rankt, though there I some little, a because, after counting nose, they believed that they could paw the bill without trucking the large eonseTvatKe e'ement of ihe country by anything quite at revolution ary at that gag iule, but they will not hes itate to adopt it If their present plant mis carry as they are likely to du through thr stubbornrts of the democratic opposition. The democratic tcnaiort hat every little hope of republican help In defeating the bill, at it It now certain that not mere than four r-pub'.lcan will vote against It, and If theU vote would defeat the bill It I ; doubtful whelhet they would cast them. they have tn deference to the wiahea of the constituents, let It be known that they are oppoied to the bill, but I do not be lieve that they will cast their votes against It, unlet certain that they wilt not affect tha retulL. In other wordt they are op posing the bill for effect at home, and in the hope of getting democratic votes for certain legislation in which they and their constituents are more directly Interested. It Is generally conceded that the jolct resolution offered by Senator Canlsle au thorfctng the appointment of three com mitsloncrt to act with a like number ap pointed by the Canadian government, in Invettlgating Ihe commerce of the two countries and devising meant to promote and increase it, it a step In the right di rection and yet Mr Carlisle say he it cer tain that republican tenator wilt not allow !t to be acted upon. t lie aya he Intend offering It again at the next session. The republicans who have been shout Ing about the reciprocity treaty which had been or would shortly be negotiated with Mexico were either Ignorant of the tab jct or else were attempting Intentionally to. fool the people. The Mexican minister here say that no treaty has been negotia ted and that none is likely tj be negotiated at present, because hi country will not grant concession to an administration that ha lost no opportunity to get the best of it weaker ller, - ballot J W Anderson, 4; Geo Burkhart, Mr Anderson waa declared elected. The vote for special nlitlitwatclt re sulted aa follows: A W McClaln, 4; Geo lavage. 1: H W Heece, I. Mr Mc Clnin was declared elected. lolm Jonea waa elected nlirht watch and engineer from No2'a and VVmN Miller from hoi's. The vote for city surveyor resulted as follows : V B Itarr.4 ; K J McCauetland 2. Mr Barr waa declared elected. Tha ilecorder waa directed to advertise for bide for gravel and dirt, keeping prie- ouer, lumber ana ctty prtnucg The bill of James Laurent for $3980.30 for building Railroad street sewer was read, and on motion waa allowed, the aewer being accepted. Bills of member ot the Council were ordered paid. Bills referred, J W Glrvln & Co, 600 feet ot hose, t76, and others. The Ilecorder waa directed to advertise for bid fjr latteral sewers heretofore pe titioned lor connecting with lUilroad atreet eewer. fvtrsoti who caiwot rowiiBiT an. rra. S9aiM.T,R0ii TsaitattST rxair ww U Tfll KlaCM Of ALL THAT WILL IdTI tXITAITAHKOt'l ttSLICf ARB A rittaUlUHT tt'BK. The moat apeedy, eoattlve and perm Bent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and ail Throat, Bronchial, Lung, man, Stomach, Liver and Kidney AUectlone, Kerr out Debility, etc Conautnptlon, in T", "T It. varloue ateeca. wsnnaitenUr cured, iron ansae ween anu i . . nBM,, -.1.1 mMm f treatment 101 about VMoait a- 5 w medi(.,tci nil(ltions gives in- j . I ..II 1 . .l I w S0. 2 er En atanUneoua relief, build up and revlul- j fce the) whole coottuution ana sysretn, thowhw orolomrina life. Weak, nervous, t f t . j ..... aeblliUva ana uroiten-aown comuuf tn A Big lltwl an. sBATTUt, Jan It, Koia Christianson. e ilxieca-vear-oid girt, brought tuit lur 1 15,000 dtmtget against the lostlntclllgenccr today Me base tne uii on the puliluation 01 a ttattment made by her father to the polic tnat tnewti living tn the bouse 01 a negro atmed rs. r . uutts, who runt a saloon in Whitecbatict. litis publication led to an in vestigation of factt by the city council, and a a result liutt a liquor license waa revoked. II then caused the girl to sue Ihe paper for . . - - - 1 lit!. -53 vtloua cure have created the greatest astonishment n the I'acific Coast and throughout tbe American continent, dur no tha tisst twetitv-five veer. Asthma, CaUrrb of the Head, and all Throat, Bron efcltd and I.umr trouble nUntlv relieved. and Deafneaa often eure.1 permanently at Inl rnnaultntion. DR. AnOSM'S eaav OO tbe "Curability of Concamption," and a treatise 00 Catarrh of tlie Head," Yl with evklence of some extraordinary care, mailed free. Call or adores DR. ABORN. rearta aa storrttsa Stu, Perttoae, Ortf J9T.-Hom tfstt, ewly ptkd, sM by la sit urt M U lcUiCwt,iarUwWM Uvea iAmTiiuC If a box six feet deep were filled with tea water, and allowed to evaporate under the sun. there would be two inches of (alt on the bot tom. Taking the average depth of the ocean to be three mile, there would be a layer of pure salt 230 feet thick to tbe bed of the Atlantic That is only an infin tesirnat effect of the passage of bill McKinley 's McKinley Bill Thousands 9f republicans all over the country have been (.riven out of their party on account of it. But we thould tty the effect it not III. it is Bill himself who it ill. Senator Quay hat Introduced a new force bill. It confer upon the president the power to (utpend the writ of habeas corpus when It It necessary tn elect the republican ticket. It's a dead duck. ' Gov. Russell, of Massachusetts, (dem.) recommend the repeal of the law requir ing payment of a poll tsx as a qualifica tion for voting. Let tax psyers keep a vigilant eye on ihe coining legislature. Various schemes to raid the treasury are on foot. , The people will be astonished at ihe approbations made at this session unless the raiders are watclxd. Meoeo'g tariffcf 82.50 per hog bat failed lo tnpprtss the American imports of Unit article of food, hut it hat tent np I lie price iatHe City of Mexico from eijjht to twelve ccnttper pO'.in.l. The largest sheep tanch in the wor'd is in the counties of Webb and Duminit in Texas. It contains upward of 400,000 acres, and yearly pasturet 800,000 sheep. . BLI! An exploring parly has tculed Mount Elias in Alatika, and discovered the largest glacit r in the world. It movet fifteen feet a dav. V TfOKirj t-ouiDCKixa. K, M. French keep railroad time. i9 cream eh jaat leoi'sd t Cnf.rad Meyer. E?s Si Achisoa are tailing inonambBta at Portland pnoo. Fresh New F.nland minee meet, on sale at O E Brownell's. Went', youths' and hoys' clothing and furnishing goods at O W riiinp-on'(. Have you tcu tboro parlor suit that T Brink hae just reooived t Tbarnio. Grntt reduction in men' furaithing good for tbe next 30 dy at W F Ktsd r. J W '.lentley. beat hoot and shoe makeriin eit7, doors north of Dkipjcbat oirioc. For bargain in monument, headktonr etc., go to Kgan X Achitou, Albany, Oregon Yon elmuld et'l and sea thone flue library lamp at C E Browneli's before baying Ue where. Tickets for ALL esstrn iioint, over AN Y mute, for slby W. fj. Jutsr, at 8. P. ticket office, . ForfreiS mats of alt kind go to Judsou ' Slt rs, oppoiit') SchmrAr' livcrythle Unlurs taken an 1 prompt delivery. For cold ti;;hts buy ThosKsy w.kjIoii mill blsnkotp, e'nepe-t In towu. For salt by G : W Simpin, agiiit, Athsny, t)r-y-i. - A fine display ! cbtld. n n hiu l t lircs ou center tahlw al C E llrowiiei;' t r nii e rspid ly at lest than first t. Call tn1 seltct a pair hefori- thy die i-ll Rono. VrthU ilra.'t, " prfuuiwry, hati" l.rurhst clt'lh brushux, liMitli ItiibIio'-, llnrh ti ushi oombt, rrio.iev ir,4, box paper, f.o ovr dor, ami, in fas, evurj Uhiik t 'imd in a Hrst class drng (tore, fur tj! at bottom piicc.Kj Haliu & Uiwson, drupgists. Mi Minnie Couey bid the people ot Oakville good bye laat Wednesdav. On Toesxlny evening the member of tbe Y I' 8 U 1 . gathertnl together at the resi dence ol H A Ilamford to enjoy the pleasure of Miss Minnie for the hut time. She never looked prettier. At a late hour the young people kissed her good nixht tor the last time and silently ended their way home in tear. Mlse Minnie is oaa of our best young ladle and ie a member of the United Presby terian church and an active member of the Y 1 8 U E. In which she ha done a great work and will ever bo remember ed in the prayer of ail of th young peo ple. Good bye Little Rose Bud. Mia Grace IUddell, of Waaco county, ia visiting her uncle, J Hamilton. Arr-hio M'Trtaon ie able to be ont at church again, although he 1 not so fleshy a be w a before. ilev Achcson preached at Shedd Sun day evening at7prn. He will preach twice a month at Shedd the reat ot the winter. At the annual meeting of the congre- Sation it A Ilamford waa elected Preai ent, J K Hamilton secretary, W Keg) treasurer, las 11 row n, W Eagy and Her man Holttlne, trustees. Anicr. fr btslsr Hearst. Washington. Taa. ia. The consultation of Senator Hearst's physicians, it it atd. reached the decision that th senator it suffer -ing of cancer of tbt colon, or large intetti, and iht there it al tolutely no tope of recov ery, lie may dii in a few dtyt or an linger for month. A rat4 AeelstoM. O aco! City, Jan. u. An accident occurred thlt mornlnt about 10 o'clock by which George Blessing lost hi life. He wo hired a a wet dchopner bv Parker li Laurldton, ho have the contract for furnishing wood for the paper mill. U testing was sawing down a tree with a man named Dunnlgan, and aa ft fell he wa struck by alimb or part of the tree arc anocaed turn down, the tree laiiin; on him, killing him Instantly. Blessing Is late arrival here, and wat about 31 year old. Kjuisra Weather. Nsw Yean, Jan. ia -Tkll.ig of a severe stot in on the New England coast and Inland htve been received from many point. At Birmingham, Conn., a freshet In the HouMtonic (Tver broke up the Ice and swept It over the medo and under and through bridge. Oreat damage done and railroad communication inter ruppsd. The ladlaas Wtabesileg. Pink Ribcg AotKcv, Jan. 11. Up to aoow lodsy the bostiict had aot with the es ceptkm of a lH of squaws, mad a move to ward coming Into the agency. Shortly after oroken and ; , rapid I advance wa. made low.rd 'TOX M.'- thUpotat, This afternoon about looo of them I esaioo. am, !,; ,7 u.ra. bad airived to within about a mile of lb ptckctt ootttde the tgeacy. Tha LestrnaKt aotl.e ia tiiu city at Comad M.yr's. joe Simons said "wigwng" and the repuUi can ptrfy of Oregon lo rl olirA'-eicc in sub missive bumiliiy. Joe is a real boss. The legislature of South Dakota will ballot for United Stales Senator Jan. 30. Cuangb in Bcbinerb. From Jan, 1st, 1391, we w ill change our business to a strictly caah eyetem, thereby enabling us to buy for caah and get our discounts, whereby we can, and will, kito our cus tomers the benefit. Our Mr C II Muel ler, wMIj east, made arrangements to buy goods direct from the manufacturer at the lowest caah prices, and we wiil sell pure coods at the lowest caHh figure. Relieving that the people will appreci ate a stors where they cm (jet good s at cash ligarea, we remain, respectfully New Ci-acksmitii Snor. G V Willis has jul ompleted his blacksmith shop at the corn. 1 of Second and Iltiilioad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can I nad and dune in fint class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repa rt. Ejan Si Acliisi.n hacdle the ctlebratid Porllui d cement wU K r oi nt ry' lott , ri)'e va'ls can I fun tt half tl e cctt sr-y 1 1 itr hi. "i . 1 lur tLpei :r. TUB Ce)LC Bta.B WltAlU, Ha a large and complete line of goodn, dolle, doll btiggiee, boy wagons, velocipede and many other good which go to mate op a complete assortment beside a complete line of lamps ol every description, imna crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cage, plinth goods, stu b a album, toilet seta, autograph book, scrap books, children's ABC picture looks, and ail good that are carried in a tlazaar (tore, Including Kogcr Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put np expreealy for this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, a ia attested by the hundred who nave used txna the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the lioklcn Rulo-Ilnzaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draw prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware, ue sure 10 can. when in Albany. nt the Golden Bule Bazaar, you will oe enro to una wtiat you want, ana win be shown over the tore and le treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are, all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and 1 have but one priee to all. Jt'Lii Gbadwohi., ly caii tn Mrson, 111 tXYlTlD T3 CAU fCS FIS GNSyUATlC mmr I.AJ IS-.'., IJJm.UXJ 1, Delmonico Rdauiant, OrroMT BLCMBKaa Bloce. Good MeaU, J'romjilft Sirred, ' for TicentiJic Cent. OyiUrt in -:- mil Styht. CourUou Trtattwmt; Fint ttmtCovbt, TOWIISEND & WILSON, "Real Estate g Loan BiDkers Me a rsMirai nitr.nt basinsss. Psrtist siHt)( InsursMa wid, )! W km Us. -AoaxT roa- rreaewaresl alaprlesB. Vet Raved. From a letter written by Mr- Ada IS Ilurd of Groton, 8 I, w qootet "Waa taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lang, eongh set ia and finally terminated in Con rnmption, Fourrlnctnr fisve m op Osjiog I ceuld live but a abort tuna. I fcr my. self ap to mv Ssrionr, determiatd if I could not stay with my fiisnd en eartb, I would meet my absent ones above. My hatband was advised to fctt Dr Kiog'e Now Ui cover try for Cousamytion, Cmihri and Cold. 1 Itave it a trial tok in ah t ight lxttles; it ba cored ma and tht,k (Jed lama well and hearty woman." Trial bcttlet fm !t Ko alvay & Maiou'sdiua ttoir, regular tiae, 50o and L lout pas C E Ilrnwneir ttore if yon wait tolive eooQoiriically. Beit uoodt and alow pr u-t gu tranteud. !!' ... -. " C ATARRH CURED, Isslth and sweet breath Shiloh's Catarrh Uemedy. 1'ric 0 cents. Maaal Inieetor free. Kn. thay 61 Mason, ageott. FOR DVcTEFelA and iiver Complaint yon have a prime guarantee on every Lottie of Ehiloh' Vitalioer, It never fail to cure, Foshty & Mason, teott. Mueller & Garrett's cash prices ore do ing the btttinest, Monej taved by deal ing with them. SHILOaS CATABR0 EEMEDY a poitive enre for Catarrh. Dipbtheii and Ciiiikei-Mouth. Fosbay & Mason, agentt. ti i.Jing I'hutograplirrt A itrij- rcgon. Ve have bortT't ail tl.cnri ativ rrr.d hj L W t'.l.rU ami VV it Oreor .i-od up to Nov 13th, 1889. Duplicate! em) te liiiit from hem ouly of nt at reduced it3. We have also about 18,000 nejji'.tivc made by our selves, fruiii winch dnf.lio.tfci etc be had at like la.tai. W cany th no y f:i!l line r.f Ttcsri ( f ti:is siat iiud lo :;dur; 11 woik at lowed ite fr llip.t c! wOili. V. . (if j;'i.';rt to ntt j ur. st rti.rSiudio in' WHY WILL YOU ooKgh when Shiloh't Cure will give Immediate lelief. Price 10 omits, 60 cwitt tnd Ft thay & Maeon, iSllt. Jutt arrived a full line of Indies, chil fuct's, meu end ,ley's foot wear at O W &i!iips(in't,nhich will be sold at bottom puces A fine lint of jewelry, best In the city, at y it) u a-nrn , tor tne holidays. The for a remoi perlocl are jt can be Freueh TBy Warcrs. wafers are a sure and snfefr clfl. kir.dtof female troubles ane w!1 all obstructions to the mom. Iv no matter what the cause. 1t.t 1 ".what every woman neca , ai 1 icd with naft:tv. For sale t tl Tontcht there ia do certain! as 10 what th I adians will da. General Mile bimstlfitia duabt at to what locspect ot them, but cocfi dtatfy lookt now for a settlement of the mat ter witbsul luythet bloob'bed. fbaa Kewsawpev BM. O AJt LA a D, Cal , Jan is. Dr Kaufman, th specialist, who was to teverly writtca up la tbe Chronica! a thort time ego, commuted tuicid todty. II had been complaining that tbe Chronical expos ruined his tusioeM, and in a iet'ar published several week go be made vgue threat to kill M II de Young. A lw rartwastcr. SOKAt Falls, Jan u.Toaigbt the iicht were turned off at the post office because of L'acle Sam's delinquency ia paring bill kr the tame, and ibe force are wotkiae bv htmps. Tbe bills have beea owing for more inta a year. Celtiag Thtr Blw4 Km. rOBTH takima, isa 12. I here It now no question but what tbe YaMma Indians are dancing in good eat nest, and those who art qualified to Judge tty that it is more than'tbe custo-wory winter danc to ask the good spirit ia iavr- oi otenty or grau tor Ihe 1 good rua of salmon. What Will BUppsa. Pjh RiDoa Aoikcv, Jan. it. -Not withstanding the report received at head quartrit last night the hostile Indian dldnl come todav. Titer haven't reached the mission, as wat anrounced by scouts last nleht. Inueed. to far as the best In formation obtainable goes, the only relia ble ibgi is mat ine mutant nave ttarted, ana mat w an. At to the time of coming Into the agency that It a point which doesn't concern the Indiana. The coming of the hoatllea and the un easiness of the to-called friend Vs nilt everybody with alarm. General Brtok't command It close behind the hostile, and General Carr la pressing hi line cloer every hour. The force here I now In creased lo 700 men, wlih four three-Inch cannon, four Uotchklss and two Gatling guns. eaalor lagan. W.'ii:xgtoj, Ian. 1 1 .Senator Ingallt hct tniti unced hit Intention of talking nextTui-oday. lilt remarks will presum. ably be directed toward free coinage. In cidentally he will support that measure, but in the main he will probably devote hit tpeech to tvttematic roasting of Grover Cleveland. It It tald that he hat been laving up extracte and preparing hlmstlf to deliver a veritable philippic upon the tubject of the ex-president. U Well Bead HlaMer. Tortland, Jan, 11. The Interest at tending the lecturet en the Bible by i)r. unver are growing wltn everv ter vice. and although teatt for 5011 men were pro vided yetterday, many had to ttand up. The doctor tpoke for an hour and twenty mlnutea on "The Interpretation of the Bible," and wt ll.tened to with profound attention, and sometimes the audience would brake out In applause at tome good polrt wat scored. Dr Driver undoubtedly Csisrallaai la. Cssstnaar. l Knttaul aubtlh4 IS4 . 4-U4WI, s$,MX,0u0. T"Vul Srs lou. bud atmr BM njU Ata. Ansorlraa 'lr las. faswtusar. rtiltadrliibla. fmk, f iOOt.tO. ColattaVlat firm 4 atari I a a. rosssawaf, " r muml, or. Amu. tJ-xi.Sii.aa. Taw Is ou of (Oregon's tKt auaiiitM, DR. PATTON, Blomberg Block, AItaaiy(Or. !?Br tha moot modern and approved toatboda euro d of wotuxn and children, and al! private dliaAof either sax Catarrn our! by a outck prre Oonsultat Un 1 tVe and ererstblng atrirtlyormfld -ntial. OfDcehour. 10 to li 3 to , 7 to H. t-enldene Or. Third and Lyon etre tt, . SUMMONS. . a lA Clrtnlt Court of ikt Stat 0 Ortfon for the VtntHtg of l.iMn s GEORUe MUNRO, Plaintiff. V MARYJMU1SKO, Dfetdant.J To Mary J Muuro tbe ahove nrtned defendant: IN THE NAME OF THJ5STA1EOF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anower the com paint of the above p'atntifr. In the above entitled court, now on tlie with Ihe clerk ol aa.d cotitt. wttblu ten dava fro at tbe date of the aervloe of this aummona upon yon; if Sfirvwi .n Unit ojunt, uregon, but ir at.rved id any olhnr county In tb atate of uregon, tbfn witnm daya from tbe date of tbe aervloo of th in summons upon you; if aorved by publication, ttie.t on or bfor tha first day of the neat regular term or tne alovo entitled court, to w iu Uoadsjr, ihe 9ta star f Marets, !!, and sou are notified that if yo.i fall to appear and tnawer Bald com plaint, aa herobv required the plain tirr will apply t-t the ojurt for ihe relief demanded in th-s complaint, to Witt For a dinMlutlon ot tbe boudaof matrimony nowexlmlng betwon plaintiff and de-ten dant, and for such otho dH3ree aa may be Juett and equjtab e. Thl nummon U publlnhed bv order of the Uon U P IVitw. Jude of the above entitled court mad, at Chambers In tbe city of fcti' tin. the lOtti day of January, 1801 J K WEATUERFOR'). (116) Attorney for Plaintiff. KOTiCE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. To ol) poraons having claim agtiutt the estate of Jamet Walsh, deee.ttsd, ted tn all other percona whom it mty concern, ' Yon aland bead and .boulder above an v man ecntor of 'Uie ,d ,uu on th- 24th d of on this coast In his wonderful ability to iwmhr ikh . r,u tn th. oUi.t. nnn,tf Linn County; Oregrn, bit final tooonntin ttld ettate, and tiid court haa appointed Monday the 2nd day of February, 1891, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m if said day to betr and aettle all objection! to laid final tocouut. Dated thi 2ath day of Doo 181)0. : W. ll.Hilycu. G WCLINE, Attorney. - Executor. expond the vital quettlont of tha Bible. aeaator Beartt ) la. Nkw York, Jen. n, A Washington t;cclal toys that Senator Hearst it at dea'.h't door. Hit family have given up all hope of hit recovery. Ills relatives have been summoned to his bedside. They say he is liable to past away al any time. Hit malady, cancer ot the ttomach, hat grown far more tggravated within the past day or two. The tenator tuffert Intensely. aw en the Boatbera Paelfle. Uax Am ionia, Tex., Jan. 11. Snow fell last night at Del Rio, 150 mtlet west of here, on the Southern Pacific road, the nittlnfour years, and the fall was-the deepest on record five Inches. The storm is general ett et mere. free Cstaage Ahead. Washington, Jan. 1 1. Before the sen. ate adjourns on Wednetday night free coinage will have been adopted by that body, and indicationt are that it will also go through the house. There Is no way of stopping the free coinage current un iett it runt against a presidential velo. Livingstone Chemical Co., Io Kcpeiitr. This it what you oognt to have, n fact yeu mutt have it, to enjoy life. Thonsandt tre tetrchiog for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thr.utanda open thousands of dollars are spsnt annually by oar people ia the hope that tbey may attain this boon. And vet it may be had hy all. W guarantee that Electric Bitter,, if used aouordiiig directions and the una persisted in, w bring you poop digestion ami onat the damnn Bjispf peia and ir.stail infstnad Eupt-ty. Wo rtomnif n-i EIwtHc Ihtters EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap pointed executric cf the lust will and testament of George Vf Sylv star, de eeafd,by the honorable the county eonrt cf Lion county,1 Oregon. All persons havinur claims, airtluat tbe estate of tald deceased, are hereby notified to present tbe same duly verified, to ma In person, or to my ttorney. Ueo W Wright, at his law office In Albany; Linn county .Oregon within six months from this date listed Doo 25, J 89!). MAHtAll SYLVESTER, Exientrlxcf Ihe la&t will and tettamuntof Geo W hvlvefeter, deceased. 12 28 THIS BK4T s HARDWARE. M CUTLERY, I CARVERS, T LANTERNS, H COPPER, t3 Cm S-9 I ET 3 S3 o S3 o cz: C3 RRPFt fThtVsl El IB ill llUllJ t & BRASS, S GRANITE a E AND N STEEL D WARE. E WATER R FILTERS, S WARRANTED. ALBANY, -w- OREGON. jstoYes, Eanges Htaters, REFERENCES: -or- FiainiiiB Car WORK. PAY Or Rotas Ton PLEASE. PLTJMBINO By Oontraot, -BT Good Workmen. a is 1 Jimt and a fine stock For hucIi our would-bo comretitors will find it FOR TWO MONTHS, January and February. Wo kick over tho traces and cast all business rules to the winds, and do busineia at a lo'sty Every overcoat '11 have to bo out of the house at the expiration of that time. READ. THE PRICES: Vblell '11 have a 'emoral!zlng effect on our to sailed eompatltort. A $12 OhtachiUa overcoat will go for only $8. Tho whole stock of overcoat.3 "will bo closed at tho eame i-atlo. out hi in 7m All woolen goods will bo sold at cost; consisting of shirts, underwear, etc. A GREAT REDUCTION IN CLOTHING: Fine all wool suits, worth $15, and sold at other, places for $15, will bo sold at $10, Fine dress suits, warranted to fit in every respoet equally 1 4 as well as your tailor-made, worm ou, win dj t clofied out for $20, at an actual loss to us. iT f p W i-3 s 03 O a CD o Ul Ul ACEHTG FOa THE ALBANY IVOOLEFI F.1ILLS SCODS Sole Agents for IIA2CAN & SON'S Tine Shoca. f Ever tiling Wanranted -AT- T. L. WALLACES GO'S, THE BIRTHPLACE OF GREAT ASD HONEST BARGAINS. Strahan Block. -:- AlDany.f; ALLBJI BROTHERS, ; Wholesale s Retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Flinn Block, ALBANY, OREGON. CD Q c u. a c t-3 5! CD ..J:OOST!:., My en're stock of Pry' Goods, to make room for a large ine of I ots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. ' JT SEE 1 XOW SOME OF Tui LINES THAT AKfi uoiau a.t war. DAE GOODS, CLOAK, RIBBONS. GINGHAM, GOSSAMERS. CORSETS, FLANNELS, LINEN, CALICO, BLANKETS. (fcTCaU early whib the selection is good. irst street, -:- Albany, Oregon. now w j n svj ii a We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, j and are therefore usually pre pared to supply it at reducedT rates. We are selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the mos pop- ; u!ar stoves made at present. If you want to sve money oa all torts nf hi-infVinl 1 hn 'm nf n A Va te make that our busineaa. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN- SPECTACLES, generally, aa Jwll as jewelry, Watcher, KOTICE CF FINAL SETTLEMENT. IN THE COUNTY COURT, OF LINN county, OreRon. In tlie matter of tho estate of Mtrinn Harrel. deceased. Notice la hereby gives that the undersigned, tie duly appoiute1, qualified and acting ad raitiietrator of the estate of Mliiam Har rel, deeossed, has thi. day flleii his final acoount in the matter of said Estate, in the abeve court, atxl that the court has appointed Monday, toe 2nd day of Feb ruary. J891, at 1 o'eiock, p in, as tbe time for hearing objections to said final ao unnnt, bih for th sottlernent thereof. Imted Deo 1:3, 1U0. J L UILT."-.rS. At?trte!w!rf.r of the c - t clocks, etc., at P. II. French's. City Restaurant. Having beea entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant wiil be made first, class n erery reapeot. The poblio will bt given good metis at all hours for ouly 25 eantt. Every thing neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oyttsra ia ivory style. Will be Founa .4 rtV 'v"t at the Square ( ;H!f;''!l Dealing Stove House of . SMITH n ts .-.1 G. L. BLACICiVlAW,- I LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY-aG r- SUBSCRIPTIONS ! I I For JSA1 tlie LeaUingr- NEWSPAPERS - AND - MAGAZINES, icecelved. at Cash Grocery- Stored i ALBANY OR. 17MTSMA1. & HULBEET BIOS.; Real Estate Agents Farun and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albany and Corvallii, Fortniillei i'lmiGg, 0 8 0 tt A on. n ii. DAVis, Physicinn and Surgeon. jEfOfflr.e t p atalra tn Strahan'a Block. Uay be found at hla otflc aay and night, i OHEhPS, Jo h 1 -t. ( OrerTh ua JOO.IJU. Xpres Oa Printer Tlio w'sbliis; a Inssroi (be t tr ade to staid tfee elioiaie osn te toiled by callinr at ' 13 Uyinsm'e, o;poafta iLa Biaoeoi" p'e, on First 8 ret. Th iatest v. ipgrrttmental t lusia feent for pa's, i tufas Bort(iont of r"5trir r