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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1891)
1 li : ; -f iitff A' f I'' 'i iliiS-'1 ilr i;"1 ''!"7!S!Z!I v. . An ad. In the "DEMOCRAT" licaches the Most Tcople, and brings BIO RETURNS. New York World, THE DEMOCRAT" and tho American Farmer, nil one "year OK?' FOR 80. Weokly St.' Right loni.Hrt, $2 00 per yr, VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OliLOON, FRIDAY, JANUARY iG, 1891. NO 24 ttnter4 at to, PoatOfOfMi at Alban y, Or egon, aa essoin das, mail matter. 1 I J 1 STs A R7 . ii Jly-vv' kyMy rlNSf: TEEOVYTBCE i fa m Iff :E is fV I ! ?H I VtU aStr ilk Uh4i r?mUtth & oC h'f,a.h ni Ttr.f fIRtftHMv4jrinr4, Flo., anaax'i ftttd ntrv rwtt i4 iv - atria ntM-iiji rrxitn tnvittMi m 10 ft Mfeu1 Wr ir ltww e.,t iU nr tt.r d4 to tit botulrtlv of Ih oiJ ft r Bt lit IHiwt r KAATtH MCOIOIMC CO., S&.W VEGE1 BLE" PANACEA Kf tRco rnoM ro( rrsrncni3fj. .3: ..;:sM;.l.ftx.t"?. ALBANY KURSKRIES 1 lf E HAVF.ON IUN'it our ui.rr ft on ti CrnrtUlA rcl, onn-IjY IVom towo, , fln, Ji.t nf ?r! lfi of ,11 klada as oiti befiUiu.) nar whnrooa th, tyxMi, IT yon (vtnumplfti, pUnlns tres Ii wU! py you to o our (eck nj gt our j f !oo. Catalouo f. UTMAS, BROXVJfF.tU j AND ALL OTHER DISEASES AR1SIN9 FROM A t DISCRD SIRED STATE or the STO MACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. rem SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS a ClNERAL CJ-ALEHS tm cttt roAsrca Albnny'i city charter la blng thor- oujslily mired, under th, i ipcrvUlou of th, city attorney, Hon. J. K, Weather ni? Wanted. A'iklaU of fMul'rv. I!t nr driuntrd ftt I ho U'ilU'imU Kicking t'cmpny'. GHAS. H. DODD & CO,, hardware, Iron,; $teel, AND FARM MACHINERY. TEST A2D TIKI 1731173. Kllinn, 0233:7. LOOAL IlEC OLID. AiAt Two.Albny, h w,ll i Ku gen, and other tUey town,, h ,11 A. 12. O., Dr Wefttherbe, hlng organised will mora tflVctlvoly wrt, a lil(9 tier, with jwetnUi ahip of It, purpose. Pcvcral atncndtuentt are tweuty-eight and laltlatba le, oi being provided, aoni pun ly to trenKh 1 irll7,omy wcu' n th, provlaiona ot the old dwrtor. The clent Egyutlau Order. Th, clauua tut 1 A 1 .1... 4 .1 '- t u , rr,V 1 1 s 1 li" V'ry acl . 'i'o proyUa for th, eufo rcriumt ' lkt. m '.J'. Uea.i,f ;o?io uponpropo'ty fur atrwt tuipruveiu, nta, mfTn ""''K'yntlr 'y ti ttn wrk it-,. jmprovtiuenu to b dona vcMitlvrful fuvor. It naw tranapirca tat 'Xo nty he .ty fof M3m not MWIn1. mriw i 110 L'rsua iixinv, or in ivct any n. mm tu.ii.mj i,.i... btf,f f rl tru n nT1M 'T' ,0!ii ngotiat intyrtut Uarlmc ionda ovtrand met in tliu U A K Hal . Mr Arnleri;r iaf .....1, i. .... 1 .1 , grand mauler. Ur Uiuwinf, -'"". $75,000 forth, purpow f huildii.g a r. v; w -1 Khtmi. 1 r it lire nrMi turn wiiiunit in run, n if oarnvr. jonn atiien. ir.. ai!m,.:.. t- i.:n -..1... iui i t Tnl v" lttp.vem.nui. nor ahall It extract My f 1 ... . ... . . . . I IUOUUIK iiuuui. mriuiMi auuiucr uiciin win m lieui. 1 '-r ...T..... ... .1.. ftnnrtt nr lint mrrt v in r,ita Twimt I' . . . :. . v L".- ""' "" 1 proirir lor me cciinirui-tioti 01 iwotr C . V 1 r .1 V'VrJ" "7 "'VI through earn. tiavatsad th, worth of their nonev al-1 p.. 1 . ....). I 1.. ...... .,., .'.1, W Pl'lHHIV 1WUUIT -"W'tvi 19 (46r (I n t , . "eaincrinffi quj I il'.ncss ot Kecorder, aaw mi.eta tot not g-t much th, Vrst of them. on pr6p.rt Blln rlu on Frb- A C1.0 CAUL.-Ar ftltcMcatlon at re!.r-r. Khig enlnrged power, for SpilngBeld Sunday morning beiwe.n Will To ehMllM natn.of atreeteutt.iui-.lonw a 1 t 1 l a . . " " " ". " iuii'Er.. m lomi martnai, 1 10 eurer ntendent oi atiect. caro near auitlna in th, death of Ten-I TanrnvIiU Ini nrnilni uo ,., e w irarn mm, are i ing fiog, ".na poultry ruuning at large, that Sumlay murnlng 1'er.gra turned eul I n chane, in houndar lin, ol citv. hit honea to go to water. . Mulligan look I To protid, for th, office ol rwundma- umm up gnu rui intra in IK raunj. Itr. iji l!rrlM fir IhiCntmril To provide for the tearing down of buildintt, erected within the fir, limit. of the city, In addition to fin, and lot' prwonmtnt 01 tiie oiienicr. To fine and punUh panic ,!!! un wnoieaoin, proviaiuna, intata, etc Sola Amenta for Oregoa anl Tf aaMngtoa for P"irmwa - t" L,L'"t' ""' r(j ijr-!-t :" 1 f iVv'' V'"'" " '" . . DEERE'3 NEW DEAL PLCWS. . . 5.t-. TVrebla, or Trlrple Fnrrow. Thy ar o Implo and tm no tfr bH. :.iij r'fv .int tbl lbo no te wmmI t!ri. r -n Uu m work rnn nut y :ouli I u the'.r pr!. We furnlij tln-m 'th or without au aiuclttueul. hrat attaL'Uiania are extra. ' . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DHILL. w ' t-r Rot Vr-mt Grata tjri!, Parkcy rWdcr. Bu-ker Pjrtnc Tooth narrow. TSuTr-rf-t liriiia irliia, huportyr H(iera. . CORBiN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER. " "um IraproTctl Imptfitiont nr aowt r anmraer fallow. Tb, moat 'oripii t a4? anctMful tool for tiila parpoaa to nc. nr aU9 hara , till Ua of Basgiet. Carrlac. Iiatona, Koaataia Wi ti. Platform aod oLbar ttpring Vatuelaa. SCHUTTLER FARM VAGONS. yed l'n OLaplB'a Sjrlag-Toh TTamowti, pr Harrowa, 8claU3 raciao rauniuj uHi, IIAIBH Wlllli ETC, LTO. O-l-Vr lOU F.FTXiJLL. CI&CCLAR8 AftiD YUICH USTtm E. THRALL, ACEP4T ALBANY, OREGON. Penara found them there aoo.i afterward and wa going to turn them loots when .Mulligan interfered. I her H1 10 JI- nutlri: over the law In rcsard to the cae and went over to lhi recoruer'a oltice to look it up. While thete they got Into a warm dinnute and Mulligan aeued a to bacco cutter, wciKblng about eight or ten pound, and atruck fcnirra on tin top ol the head, cutting a gah about tour Inche iffig and naif an Inrh deep. Fengra wa, unconckiui (or kCtnrtlfrte and waa In a critical condition, but ha recovered to a t'j be around. Mad tha cah been much deeper It would have resulted fatally. No aneot followed, Eugene Guard. Intai.i.atic. Lt ek R A Aa drswa, I) D G M. of lUKev. Indalled the olScer of Albany Lodre No 4. 1 O O F. loltowa: C W Sear, N G. G F Kuttcll, V G. J L Undrrwd, R S. E A I'arkcr. PS. ' I C Littler, W. TV . rt4ki J K Thoma, to Wrn Eilyeu, part of mi, .ntio 1 A J iiodgea. truatce, to John law m.. 1 1,1 A V'.l..l.l A J Uodgea, truatee, to John Iaw wmjut 4, Pipa'aA Lucy A WoudI, to harah J Knapp. wcat half hi lO.W'aA K U ltarker to GoklenCity Miuluir Co. Old Ahe and otlivr uiluca. D M Jone, to Emma A Baltimore, part of block 4A Crownavill, BALAto ATltu- aell. lot S. bl 1. (i'a A J L Cooey to A U Cyraa, 9 acree. It w 2 jouathaa Waaaoni to Joai-ph War anin, acre,, utimuou J M Kalaton to J J Hwan. 25x139 feet. Lebanort... J L Cowan to T A 8wan,30xie3 ft. di 7. Lebanon... W'm Ral.ion to Mr, A 6wan,132 mlC$ feet, Lebanon Minnie il Ktlia to U U Durkhart. power of attorney to eell land, U S to Trveton Maakera, i0 acre. mw 1, dauM .Nov :n, im, eign.t by Abraham Lincoln, preeident .Patent 750 175 ISO 10O0 300 1300 60 S10 900 1300 300 8S0 Total for year. 17.515 I-.-2.6S8 inPSnOiTFFn It you want the b KM 41 I I -I W L Wand most durable fur ill 1 5' I OHr "turethatismanafac-.1' hest THOiVlAS BRINK'S fH.Vt CAN EK t'SEO S DJKV it " j i-iai pays. ot:urc "jf y J'omsf 1;ut-iucs luerj. and bun Zs dreila orbook-Leettei a ami &tr-n. Srapber, cftxrth soccs, at'rihute their auccv; to a rotlrsi at the Portlan J BusW- n88 Collogre, rortiand, Orc-on. or tb Capital Dusfno3S Colleye, Snlew, Orejron. Both are under the ci-natjetneut of A. i. Arrastrorij;-, have tame courses cr.'. ctody.aame rate of tuition. Huxiticsa.iihGrth.ind.Typcwritinff, Pcnmanihipand Enff Writo to cither tor joint Catalogue and apvciincna of pe-unaaahit Htlte, R S N G. til Btackman. L S N G. G W W'rliiltt. R3VO, R Chamber aln, L S V G. J Kendall, R 8 . G Cherry, L S H. I Broder, I G. If Barney O G. After the tod,;, had completed k bul- ne the newly intlallcd N G announced that a urprle awaited, th, member, la the library , and repairing there they were met by a table loadtd with th, moct pala table viand, prepared by the better half oi the new N G ajwUtcd bv Mr lledrick. Ample jutke wa clone to the repatt and a vote of thank wa extended to the la. die. , Rich Finds or Box. When Hon A if Crook, representative from Curry county, came to Salem the other dav he brought with him a large nugget, and a very beautiful (ample, loo, of the borai new being mined In the vicinity of Ellen burs. Tide borax, or, more proprtv peaking, borate of lime, la found In eav in? quanttlic about Ultera mile outh ol Ellcutburg. it come In pocket and the nugget found weigh fro-n a few pound in a hull 'I h. mrtnrtr nn ifchlrlt Ihttt tirtrav la found baLinvfttaSin FranclftCi I elevator valve inechaniara : lleinrlch. panic and the are devrloplng It, working Sacramento, Cat, combined match hut L-om tweniT-'five to fortv me all the and eiirar punch : A McDonald.FrankUn, time. Lat y rar they hippcd 400 ton of Cat, atraw dump attachment lor com- borax, cndlng It to Kan Franclnco, where b.aed harreatera; J li Miller. Pan Joae, H fird ready aale al nine cent per pound. Cal, or, concentrator; W 11 Rowland. Mine of Iht kind are acarce, there being Albany, Or, device for Injecting medical onlv one extcnalre one In the world, aa far powder, ", J P Smale, Paaadcna, Cal, tX- a. known. It U lit Europe. teneion ladder; C P Tatro, Fpokane .... 1 1 yvmmmtj , unto, i.uit,vi, fkriO. The Old CCmnCU at COinK OUt Ol I ,u.hin fnr nnintlno rnM r.;kla II c. office leave, the city in debt, wilauf. Ix Antele,. Cal. netrolenm aooov ma ww. I burner: TC Wilkin, Independence, Or, U lf..l T . , Tl I tm ...I. I. n.l .ra . 1 Will T,"., - Monday and tpent a fear daya with "tbe I reka, Cal, atreet aweeper; F J Woou.Lo, old loika at iiotue." Mr, Geo Humphrey, been viaitinf 8cio thie wee A petition ia being circulated asking Linn and Marion counties to bridge the North Santiaut at Mill City, B F Bccler. of Prineville. arrived at A T Powell'i on Tuesday of this week with tO head of boreea that h, had brought over the Cascade. The animal are in Cne condition rATKKraGaairttf) to inventor in th. rajifle.Htates during th, put week. Re ported by C A Snow A Co., Patent At torney and agent, for procuring patent,, opn. u Patent Office, Washington. I) c : (J r Atkinjn, Kan it'ranciiK-o, Cat, pin cushion ; J Clark, Tacotna, Waah.device tor protectine pile, or other timber, : L Craig, Pan f rauciaco. Cat, apparatu, for ? pa rating and grading orea ; J Farn j ham, Ban Franciaco, Cal, aea water etof aire tank; C I Hall, Is an Franciaco, Cat, A.JL IT. A T T7" I V ACOIJT n nnHfiafinaift My a of Albany, ba. relative, and friends-in Angelc, Cal, pnanrnatie door check and pnng. Wm Oiambcr mad, a drive from the depot to the aiylum and back I hi after noon In 17 minute. A gentleman from Portland intended to meet hi daughter a! the overland train and both lake that train, but by om, mUunderttandlng the daughter wa not there, but wa (till visit- ng at the atyium. ine gentleman ouer rA five iloitara to any rihmin who would nu rryvTm uu. o luvuc. mtkt tre trip in ume to cttcli the Eugene Of anow at the summit. Freua. Tub Ei oks poetoiSce receipt, for th. year ending April i,t, low. were io.wo, 18, an increase of 705.5 over tbe pre vious fiscal year. ForlsiK) the receipt. were: Quarter ending March 31ot,ll. 235J)3. (2uarter ending June 30th. Il,- 401. 11. Quarter ending September 30th, $1,303.87. Quarter ending December visit T ' j vv7..v. iwkvipit ivi bug junif fo,7W.b. liuard In tbe language of one of tho Eugene Largo and Choico Display of Dtv Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes,; -EtC, IStO,, iiitCa, Including many novelties. A fine lino of Sealetto Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. expre. Mr i.hambera accepted the offer and got back jut aa the train wa tuning, but tt (topped and tojk hi paenger. journal White section hand, work on tho rail way running past our door at 11.60 a day. They pay 15 a week for board, their net wage thus being 117 a month very near ly, iney are KanKns men, who worked on the railway in that dry and beerlcs. state for 1 to $110 a day and paid $3 a week for board. When they came in papers, compare the above with Albany's Oregon they believed they were aaking record of over $7000 in receipts, and the big pay when they offered to work for result epeaks for itaelf. $1.M per diem. Thus laboring men cut 1? trviv ivn Tliuiina 1 rirrvairLAr.rlAf1 1 I . o ar wabva.a a-iuai7, a wt ivrj'VMMV', fi"T at Chcmawa writes that banker Long' t . gtii, b rsaaoiiax, TtltBSJUr, I P Faull, the railroad contudaolcner, wa in the city jettenlay. ', Tr GuU rd wife, of iVooilhurn, ar I the city t n filnd, Mr hi li Preblrr hai returned fr.xti health acrKltig (.J-'tirn In iHogtiirrh l ah- fornla. llnh HrmMcks the llvii editor of the Stiitrman, ni Salem, went up the road to A cU of ten or twelve v l!t be formed thin evening the tfs (arte vtem of ltHrullott 4 cnlUlheidck, mfrtlnjr with Ml Mies bnrtt, the uiinnln, w,o win na? i tne ani-. : ': HUI'AY. ' Botial daaci at the Armory tfinlaht. Char,. Prkr, lli hlawkmntili. reccntlv a rk!t!rnt of llil thy, U now on iliu Sand. wich Itland. . ... r .. Lleenao to wel wm iMUcd to-dav to J H htiiiui and Miaa Ion, Arthur,, of urownivtll, prirclnct. , Mr K n a finttle einlialUt. I In tb, city, kutkitiK alu-r bin relative. Mr Mai l ava r-raltii will soon tw the eircemcl tity on th cwit. tha, J Fva-ik.f a Milwaukee drtimmf r. was In the citv to-tlv. In voiiiif from inai'pt-ji.Knce to Mticm hi hack wa. tiprt'd over, ana Mr Frank met with a- very cloait call to a arrioiia arridcnL hnt Iprtunatrly Juet eaeaped bmg Injured. Al MeCn v and lefT Gulnn. of city, went to Altwny laat nlKht, and from there they will go to Corvallm. Th, for mer wilt U flrat tihitinecr on th, ateamer In M I'cwir and tha latter hiaaa aatant. This fact would Indicate that tho Orgon I'm! fie boat will noon reaum, operation,. rHatramen. Capt E J Lattninrr. Geo Ilumohrev and Win Falter left t Inn noon for Portland. They took with them an Iraant fold beaded cane, which a Pkmoout mau In. pected at the atom of tl Kwert, thi morning, wl.lcfi will 1-e preaentad thia evenlcx to tb, pcreon for whom it i, in teinlmi.fully ei plained in the inacriptlon, which read: "lo, Whlr. ar. Praaent. etl by hi friend, of Albany, Or, Jan 1st, IWIi A claea for th, study of th, Del "art. system of elocution wa, onranixed laat evening at the riaidmi-, of Mr I) P Ma on, with Mia Alice Mone, a instructor, Mia, Mi- bring , pUclrnt Uacher in the system, which evidently ia not only Cue drill, but good phytic ,r.rciaeAi early a, the I)i.m aar can learn. Tha clan, i, eoutpoecd of th, follow in,: MiaaeaGard. Brink aad Morria. of tha Cotral achool. Mtaa IJelea Crawford, of th, Kindergarten echo!, Mies Lee Prather, of th, Collee. Mleoe, Uettl, Miller, Lora Vance, Flora and Vu Ma- a)D, Jeunie MaUo. I lora RedfUkl and Mr, F f Nutting. Th clan will nmt ooc, a week fur twenty week,. Mr Jack Smiley recently retsraed with Mr 8 W Palaley. from Ui, east, and will travel for hi, whole,,!, tobacco Imeinee. In hi, boot, paper, the Danville. Va, ItegUUr, th, PsMocaar find, th, follow ing "acadof," ,udr th, head "Goo, to th. Far West." "Mr Jack Smiley, who for tb, peat year occupied a reopooeibie pocition with th, fob printing (tout, of Graham A Walter, in thl, city, left last night for Albany, Oregoa, h,r, h, will embark in the wbolesal, tobacco and igar busiau. Mr Smiley 1, a aenttv-! man who will do to tl, to, active, ener jrotic, intelligent and sxiuar, all around. There I, aUay, a bright fotur, b,(or such a young man, and th. Register pre dict, that Mr Kmilry will nrak, hi mark in trie far SAnnnAr. J I Phliit.d. a id wife, of Cobur. are In the ctty. . ' Gcorse Munre ha, L-un a suit againatMaryJ Monroe for divorce. A surprise party waa tendered Mias GuMiIe Palmer laat evening at tho hoot, of her mother, Mr, llegcle. Mis, Puaie Martin has gone to Albany. to continue her studies at th, school there until th, June vacation. AaLtand Tidings. Mrs PheU. of Corvallia. la viaitlnff her sister, Mr, P Hchtoeter, of thl, city, fche I, well pleated with Albany, and, w, are informed, would move here if ah, could sell out in Corvallia. A church sociable will be givari at the Presbyterian parsonage, under the au spices of the Yonng People, Tuesday evening, the 23rd. A nice program ia being prepared far th, occasion. Dcnnl Wat kid, who leit here laat Oc tober, for Loncmont. Calo i eturned to Jeflerton Tuetds; . They went to Colo- moo ior Mr watktn' healt", hot finding that Colorado's climate did not agree with nermcy returned to vvebfoot, Review, A letter received in Albany from Frank V Prormt. attending Princeton College, from which he will graduate in unc, tells of a Chrintma, dinner with rwident Patton, and several day, spent inrntiauciphia and isew ior viewing the aighti. We understand Mr Proptt has a place In the lit clasi.a great honor. Th, clo rrtti publuhei an artlct, r m the Amtriatn Ecomtmlrt, (a protection sii-et who, circulation It being putheet ic luly by the protect Ion league of N Votk,) In which th, writer itate that the arlcuUurlt li more Intere-ti-J In hav- Ing high prl'-c fpr w hut be ha to tell than In having low price for what he h to buy. llil I Intend-d al an argument In favor of the McKlnfey bill. At the Pun pubiUhc It In It edttorUI colutnn without comment, we take it fur grati'rd that that paper ndor.e the ,'tkl:!. It I true that ih frmrr Is Vffy much Interest. ed in getlng'ahlgh jttlre l&r tie baa toI!, but the protrctbin theory, that by mean of a rolfftlve tariff th, home market t, mad aecure to our fannera and that they thereby get belter pike for their product! an exphidd one. Tbe farmer ba I m? lnce learned tint th duty plared upn cifn, wheat, fliiir, pork and bef I Of mt bet'rfit to libit, H-S h f -j rek a fotelgn market fr tliowj article bctaue there I more of earn produced In tbla country tUait can be conumed here Henc, the duty ha no tffect upon the ;rlce of thee article. But In the eae of core of article which the farmer ha to buy there i an h.ertaie of the price be cause we have to go abroad for thm, tt not enough I produced at home to anpply the demand. Thl Is true oi kuar. wool. woolen goods cotton geoda, tin, and In fact very many of the articles of necenliy, thl article which the Prm em to e- dot yi . 'Pikeaof readv made tlothhta- are not affrcted by tbe bl!l,, Till Uiment I not true. Tlie duty on ready made cotton cU-tMug haa been raited from 3j to 50 per cent. On ready made woolen clothing tbe aTrg duty ha been lncrccd from 54 per cent to 84 per cent.' W, tmt th, rri will correct thl patent error which It pvbtlthed. It I due to tt, reader, that their mind should be dltabwcd on thl point. To (how what n enormou tat th, peop!, pay on wool cnJ woolen good w, have only to state that the Importation cf manufactured wo for U Bacal year amounted to th, turn of f s,6St,a8a.54 upon which tb, enerrrou 1st or duly paid waa $35,373, 47.c. And th, men, women and child ren who uted thete good paid tha' fas Think of paying a Us of thirty-fir, a- Hon dollar on f fty-two million o-Uiawa worth of g9od. This wss tha duty wnoer rtilrALNrws 8tiM,Jo.o iftpf, E lifori Pnmorrat ; The 8th of Jtnaary pa4 off without "mi!." Thiityyeat t9, thele!ti;n wa chrscirbtic of th, time. Tlin ihe Salem litjMf oa a oscatiou h id their Jr!m Sup pa. lMnnit "hm r ov-r," j-oonrg filter 4iHi into one iMthrr bi. Ami? on ti tO'ijicr t,tb; wit igi.'imite atit.zt. la tho-, olf lwn;l, cnii tiic etilj in tuve been otlierwri. The! fr'ii'lpo' wen the firt jfirtit5eiie0 of (''. if Bjt fifffl of lliiiti line be;u U S, Stit.r', two of ihein mem iei r(C.igiei, vvrl of thtw Juj,;c, en or m.ire ! ofikrrt, on I n-sr'y all ccf!ed topol;iooftrut am! 1 wi,!th, Tbooe esily df wer tbe pioneer dy of the boyi." Ce' da it n. Tify ihedHrivM w! are living ra rigid in ni! reritif Bkw a if tlitte w nvrr any f m in Onv"". With all ihfs loiiocent p'tk t(.oe wie the djyi, the m1 to the ll.ed ."vru Oteg,m.rt. S"hy the i'h f jtnuary ha eeed In be uiienlif cie'.nttrd ia t! Uaiii Siates by the rovwrry m iy be liund a the bsty and -,tatiiB-l nmh of the preeut generation ia tlr-ir tra)e and commercial pur nit, thut far want of ilmut tflTW f be tradi-.tona of tne Jicktooian tleistnt to drop out. It i all wrong. Mi , or D'Arcy k ttrutk tke popalar no;. For a kwg titn tb enquiry wai ratde, "how does tfte city iuad financially." No one koeaa and ao on, could trlU Even with th. Mayor earwett efTvrt to fid oes tke real financial con iiiiaa of the dry It canoct be kaowa without a fait invettigitioa by tbe proper utlori:y. If the Myor U not btadi- capptdjliy ibe Coaasfl, which roiy 1 tbe c, the nec.lef refotn be retommeod may b made. Th progrew of tb, city i( staured ad a cjcocb that will Ubor ta t!oruuh'y mixtb atoled reform with pcadent ecoootcy ill add roterially l, that prngrcat by leduring taaatioa that tbould aot ti' ia this city. Member of tb, Lcgiilatore ar coming ia. Caavatiig i going on fur the tcveral officer. It ktoka aa if Joeph Simon will b, prtwdeet f lb nat. Froaa good atkority h ) claimed b baa tb, ciacaa. It ia potaible to break tbia date, trat aet vary prbble. T, T. Geer, of MaHoa wiU aaak, a foraudab! caadidat, tot Speaker. Il i M likely that Multnomah will claim batk pradding oriicer, bene tb, Caadidat, from Portland for Speaker, though a competent anember, maat stand atSrt. Otbar candidate, ray appear, Tbe boiling point kai not bewa reached la tS, po An Awful Sore Limb FleiU a Mas, of Disease. Condittoa uopeies,. Cured by the Cutlcura Ketalle. HfZ r'V 1 erlppkd wlUb a fk'? T oun.lf ,om. an4 tha fih fx et Bua of oiM. H'm.o r'hyldai t.roiMtKd II kmur.1.1.. Ji bad aUMf.hU about o. third thi hin4rd f dollar, from mbu-h I gut 0 relief tur, I wu pntuuU4 u try your Cunctrna hrM J notlwd a 0wrldd tot IhtbX fair, ftrwl .t t h. mj . . . 1 ii u.7 '"''""" 1 wa eoiplt!r punned, and Um bon (whlf fc attxiMd for mr a yar) ro( aoaad. The lu io grow, and kMlay, aod for nearly ta , air k-a la aa wU mm t,r It wu. and not a dn of dlaeaaa to b en. JUf. 6, Q. AiiJilt-V, iutla, LxjiCoQi Dad Eczema Cured '"'fi5r?cr, K"V; wroo,MawoB4rftj wra (am,,. I wm troublwl rreatir wiuj a antra . of aima, aad .li-r rlrl,,, Httto or o from tbe treatment of acna of Iba laadlca pallet, hora, I p.acvrid aTof IS, uf riBm&4 tb Curiccaa Uxti,i( ae tb bail ' -; .. Cooaid, YaH Cutlcura EcsbTvent Tba sew Blood nd ftln V-a,, ht bt Hamor hemadie., (jeexue iht blood o .il f IreparltU. Md polwiou; atameawVaod Ittw r Cure, and Ctm.ira Hoat. an etqulMut i P in? t.t ad B.IW, elaar tU tk of "er, wJSof ,wsc w ucriecaa li,i ii eared, bed ben t Seek year, vor; iXBASI C0LLE8IM2 IISIilUTE aldany. oneuon. 1800,1001. flevt Tert 4p4 8!ailr ttt ; A full corp of laMmncr, . CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFiC, LITERS HY, CCLIMEHC1AL AHD KfiEMAL ; -'i CLASSES. (lotirwi Of "tudy arrtsrtgftd w UtfrA ih ed of a; I irra-loa of Special tuaHcmttent (,Jt.re4 to tludi tli . tLzntr srwvitf AOADEMV , Csx.' tadi sf Pigtail Kelp, tjonfJ!iji by.tb, Ur.U, ,. (M, fc-uefSi-t Tnfi'-irt In dy c!itd i-a fr;,jj f.4toia. tttttATtU lr.lriK P-ch ol T pnir l4.( at vf lb Aead.ji .r alra Hiter "uftrea. r:"', """TT 01 ta kis. ealD.aul win km 01 an,, rou tunila to tufaav T '.', II. rrepared by the Panaa " Ho to Cor 6kla !a at twee, XI tamtrauoa. and IMP laUawtaI I i. IVHITfaEY, km.2 Am . cmzwsi It AliA;'l t?xW 03. G. A wnmzi, I Ph'ysislaa aadSargaaa. flB?.'&i' of .BliM ntaaoital Md'lcal aate- assaaw.sswa aia-a-..---- af 1 KarW Yftfk Clt. - w - - - - a - -i p Vmm BACK ACHES !i . B5 Aha, K34n7 Pelcj, asd Waak- Dt-e of wcraaa a piiftv. rOj r-a'a Brick, Albany, Or. TT Anno mcemen SdscM - , OF - W. W BEAD. the old la. Th, duty under th, Mc!C!n- PP mJ Saad.y aight. lb, goveiaof cnage is looked for with great latarwat. Ptocaass f aijrrnt. Icj bill on this same $5t.6f 1,471,35 worth of goods would b, $ t!,i8i.3?l 73. Think ef thft and then tail th, peoplt that price of ready made clothing are not affected by Ute IMrKlnla.l Mil. It U rnrH.lkl In the eitrema to thua A.,. iha rBU " m7 """ r'" rr.-. . uk .A I 11 ' 1 K.t- .j e . , u. vi-l it .-a "The extra tenor Efteen cnta which ! . " . -fc". " th, farmer will hav, to pay on his yearly ta aaot, aM avwy Ugat-ftUaf gameat shouW purchate of tinware will be many time I b, Irjoceaer1. Thca k, sewald b fanned in the mad, op to him la the advantage wh. ch .r or by a wiadew, cold water should be win come irom tree sugar. MriakWd on. him. aaA b- uDta, Lathed TlkL. ..L...I.I.I...I.1 . .1 - I k.l . . I . I LI - I " ' ...... w.,T fi j.ra mm rc un, k.. t.,K M .;-! k.t. ... k.U t....,k free clothing, free coa, free .alt, free lum- . Vk ra. , . . ber, free binding twine, free sack for wheat I Let the protectionist answer. KtWTOKXIS !. biaa !. Uifla!M baa deep oae. an cmm ol ittr snay ba adasial ttd, tk. feet ad haadt barbed ia warn waUr, tb sole, of ika laet 4 bated, aad aaaatsrd applied ear tk, heart. UpM coating oat 0 tk faiat Ike patieai aboald tiil pretsev, tar a tiaa, th. rccUaiag or revumbeat poaitioa, o j bewld eriak a Uttle cold water,' , brsady aad valsr ia tb, proportie of a tableapeoafat of braady ia a Ublapooaral of walar, or a littkt sromatic S)4titi of stBOaia, ttn drops every Gov, Hili's friend have repeatedly laid tree upon the eahlbit of iSSS U New York a Indicating that he I there much stronger with the democratic party than Grovcr Cleveland, who lott New York In that year and olot a re-electUn. Friend of Cleveland hare gone to far at ta attert f" eaiatte ia a tabSeapeoafal af water. Dr. that Hill manned the Influence, at bl I akaa, M. l. co?rn-an Jo entirety In his own Intereit tnai ne negiecxeo me tnterett 01 tne na-i The gawnlict hat besn thrown down. tlonal ticket. From this charge of atro-The proponltion ha been officially made clou selRahneta tbe Buffalo Cimntr haa I that large um of money will beatked tor steadily defended htm, and with a heart! to build wagon road. Let the tax payer net which created the lmprelen that It I keep hi eye On the legislature. It a pltln tk t Ti8 a Feat to Fit tha Feet, Eat Ea Can do it and da it Icat," Don't bo in a l.urry for jour Holiday Goods, such as., VAfXER RQOEBS. MID HICE -CHAIRS, FOR THOMAS BRINK Will have tho nicest assortment that ever came to Albany j ri ru M h u a ti 1 - te-j8 st.s,ujaL.Jai Of. -.,-j3 ' P k U ! a. Ta Jf m mining inn n,t him mm '"m. bj n j?! a 1 a n n inn wa m m M ; i J f.j p i li tj I 1 worthy, of 8t Louis, whose leg wa, bro ken in the Lablsti wreck, has received from the Fouthern Pacific $1500: Mr P.rown, of Canada, for a bruised back, 1 l HI.. I n -nn Int. hi 1.,H 1 bruised back. $!00, local doctor bill and expenses at Cbcniawa over $200 : beside. vimtiEtr doctors, etc, all of these Items bcina promptly paid by the company The company also presented the Indian school f hai as a Christmas present.-Guard.J Too Mccu roa Hkb. A woman with Couple of children was going towards the Lebanon train at tho depot, intending to go to Lebanon, when she saw a green flue, which had been placed on the plat form as a train signal. Turning pale she quickly turned, with her children, and rushed hack towards the city. A friend meeting her asked what the matter was. "Oh." she ejaculates, "tney have scar let fever or diphtheria out there, and I'd rather walk to Lebanon than to have my Children catch either of thein." Ihe matter was explained and she took the train on time-. Lbbakow. Work on the paper mill has teen suspended until spring. Mr Oneil. Dan Wheeler and several others returned The saloons were closed on Bunday and also upon Monday, which was elec tion day, and it occurred to ui that if the government could clono a business two days in the week that it might also close the same business seven days in the week, without digturbing the harmony of , society ot upsetting the republic Express. ; A.E. 0. A Dr Weatherbe8 recently organised a lodge of A. . 0. at Eugene, claimed to be so absolutely secret that no one should know the meeting hour. II, received $7 initiation from each of twenty five members and skipped. The whole affair is said to be a great fraud.""" A Prune Coujttbt, Thl premise to oe a prune country alter all, and Linn county will play. lt part In the prune drama. 35,000 trees have been- et out at Oakrillc. Hon. J. K. Weatherford and Tho. Kay are setting out 35oo tree on their Waterloo property, and other are doing their duty on the prune question. Children I',Rj7 Tho I'leoMkiit fliVCT, gentle action! 4 ajniiaooth injz eCf?ei of Syrup of wherein need of a iaxaiavo asj if the father or mother be , t I eoattve or biuea, th moat gratifying remits " I f Jiuwiue it us?, ao 1 the best lam 1 ;'r v-xly" known aad ejery iamily should Niw Blacksmith Shop. G rY Willis hi jut completed hi blacktmlth (hop at the corner of Second and Railroad ttreett where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first cla order Bring on your plow, wagon, etc., etc. forrepar. Ejan A Aobiaon bsr.dl tb celebrated Portland cement wall for cemetery lot. The walls can b furciahed at half the eo of any other and ar far superior. L 1 ding Pbotngraphers A any Oregoa. W hav bought all thentrcativt t id by L W Clark ami W 11 Ureepwood ap to Nov 15th. 1880. Uuplioatc caa be bad from hm only of u at rodued 1 4 tea. W hav aiao about 18,000 cetativ mad by onr- aalvc. from which dun'.luat can be had at lik ia. We carry th on ly full lin of viowc c.f tbi atate and do enlarged work' at low;t rtea for first olaaa work. VV e ahall be pleaaed to aes yon at onr Btadio in Froman'a block, next door to Maeomo IVrople. to rrt raes u urowtieir (tore if ton wart to live economically. Beat good and .low pr of a guaranteed. tub cnu trti stisatK, Ha, a large and complete line, of goods, doll,, doll btigglei, boy,' wagons, velocipedes and many other goods which go to man, up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such aa albums, toilet seta, autopraph booka, scrap books, children'. AUl picture books, ana all goods that are carried in a Ilaxaar store, including Roger JSros. 1847 silverware. Tve wiiu to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prise baking powder and t a, put up expressly lor this t-ade. which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and caking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws, priae in the shape of a line piece cf glass ware. Ho sure to can, when in Albany. at the Golden Rule Ilaxaar, you will brsure to find what you wtvat, and win bo shown over the store and pe treated kindly by my clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are an marked in piain ngure so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but ono prico to an. J CLICS UmaDWOHX, wa overtealous for the governor. But the Courier will not be nnjutt to Cleveland and explain, tUtactortiy now It earn. that In New York Hill had 14,(47, more vote man tier eland in 1 ev3. Warner Miller wa left outtlde th. breaiUwork, to ne th, figure In Harri- on' sympathetic dUpatch,on a state latue, the liquor flection, Th, Courier cite the vote In Erie county, where Cleveland re ceived 39,54a votes for president In 16SS which was more than tha full party strength. Hill there received 3,508 more voles than Cleveland. "Deducting the, j money on mountain wagon road. nut exceti in trie county from the total violation of th, constitution of th, state cf Oregon to pa (pedal law providing for laying out and conttructlng wagon road. A million dollar, would not bubd the roads needed. Let n member of the leg' lalatur, who It a friend ,f the peopl, be deterred from doing hi, whole duty la defeating tuch pernlcioua legislation by the ham cry f moatbackiem A liberal, (not profligate,) appropriation for the World's fair will meet approval from tbe people, but political death awaits the man who votes to aquander the people' UAiAiuttt l uitEU, health and twee breath ecured,by Shiloh'a Catarrh Kemedy rrioa do eont. hiatal Injector tree, i'o shay & Maeoo, agenta. The ONLY place ia the tv wher Eat em ticket can ba pnrche i of W. L. Jester, at th Southern racifio Co' ticket ode f-BILOH'B COUGH aad Consumption Curt ia sold by us on a gnataatae. It cures conmmption. Foshay & Mason, aganta, A fine liu of jawolry .fbent In th city, at Will JlrCt..!.!. .1. t - 1 : I FOR DYSPEPSIA and .Liver Complaint yoa hav a pricta guarantee on every bottle of builob Vitaliaer. it never fail to cure. Fosbay & Maaoa, agent. SHILCri'8 CURE will laimodiatelv re liev Croup, Whooping Cough aod Bronchtti!, Jo-!hy Masooj agent. , excess, 14,647, In the state, the Hill exceta n the other fifty -nine countlet wat 11,139. Who doubts that the republican liquor vote which wat cast for Gov. Hill as a- galnt Warner MjUer lit these lift y-nln. countie wat fully eauat to 11,139? If thl true and who can reatonably doubt UF -then whut become of the assertion that because Gov, Hill received on a atate Issue in iSSS a vote ci 14,647 In exect of th. presidential vote for Mr Cleveland th, re sult wa an tndicatlan cf tha urpopularlty of Mr Cleveland among democrat? Thl question Is falrto.Gov. Hill, to Mr Cleve land, and to the democratic party of the atate and nation. The whole ajuettlon is one which Gov, Hill can gain nothing by agitating. The democracy of th country were giavely disappointed la iSSS at the failure to secure In New Yort. the tucceat of the national a well a the ttat ticket, but after some exhibition of Impatience with G,v. Hill they were content to accept th, explana tion which wa then urged. The reopen ing of thl matter will n,t advantage HHl. Chicago Tim. Capons-.' Tbi I what you ougnt to have, n fact you mnat bav it, to enjoy life. Thousand ra searching for it daily. aol mournlnn be, cause they find it not. ThousnmU npon lhuana ot oonar ar, (pent aonnally by our people iu tpe nope that tney mv attai this boon. Ana vet tt may be had bv all W auaratite that Eleotrio Bittars, if osed aocording directions and the ose persisted in, w bring yoa good digestion and east th demon Dyspepsia and install instead Euprpay. We recommend Electrio Bitter for yspefii aad all disease of Liver, Stomach and R-ldoey. Sold at 60a end $1 per l-Dttl, by fosbay Maaon, drogglets. Eastern oystera Dd tauor kraut jul re cetved at Mueller at uarretl 1. , 'HACKMETACK,' a lasting- nd grant perfume. Piioe 25 and CO cent, ahay & Mason, agenU, fra Fo Just arrived a full drena, tncD'a' and boy' Simpson 'a.Jwhioh will prices. . line of ladies, chil 1 foot wear at G W bo aold at bottom SHILOn S CATAERH REMEDY positive cure for Catarrh, Pipbtheiia and Uanter-Mouth, fosliay it ilaaon, aent Th Michigaa Slate Graag hat panel re el ut ions ttrcagty opposing th, policy ,f loan tng money to tamer by th general Govern ment. This probably fairly represent tb view oa thi su!ject that will be generally taken after people hav taken their ecco thought about it. The few demagogues who have gone, ia for thi policy, under tbe notion that it will rotke them popular with farmers, have made a eriou mistake. Tbi is the us aal fate of demagogue. When their designs are eea through, they became despised, wbil those who bad courage betimes to apeak the unpopular tiutb receive du honor. My Winter Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the latest Novelties in D ress uooas Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of La?ie3 Underwear, in Knit Ribbed and Muslin.; My Pbices are tho LOWEST and mv Goons the Best. -Am sole agent lor the Celebrated L E. H0SIEEY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison :To The Men: Call and Look at My values in v Fujnisliiiiff -:- Goods, J have a Lrge Stoci at the Lowest Prioea ever oferad ia tbs Talley. I ctiry for we-ar al and be cot (t line cf tha wort ! -renowed BItOADHEAD gooda, oneierllevd finihh. Large s'.oci of EaBBDiDERil, aad FLOcxcixca. Cal ced ttat AJbanv U the beet trading point ia Oregon. 'e late' ' XZW UHl jm JLJi INSURE IH THE - ALBANYf FARMERS AND MERCHANT Insurance Company llueller & Garrett' cash prices are do ing the business, Money saved by deal- Jb'Sf with therrt. WHY WILL YOU ooagb when ShUoli' Cure will give immediate rslief. I'rua 10 ceata, 50 stits aad $1. Foahsy & ilson, agenta. fYe are walling patiently for om la boring man to rise up and inform the public that his wage have been increased aa a result of the passage of the McKlnley bill, - - ' "; ; It Is stated that tlnce the aunflower ha been cultivated on certain of the Potomac malarial fever has decreased. Similar result ; have been observed in, Holland, at the mouth ef the Sheldt. Bishop Blyth of Jerusalem aays there sre now In Palestine neatly 70,00 Jews, whereas In 18S3 there were only ajooo, and in I84t only 8000, e!i'i : t : : Fronoaaeed HoprlesslTf Saved. : From a luttr written by Mra Ada E Herd of Groton, S V, we quote: "Wa taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, coughs aet in and finally terminated in Cuo sumytion. Four doctors gave m uy saying I ceuld live but a bort time. I gav my self op to my Saviour, determioed if I could not ktay with tny.frisnda ou earth, I would meet my absent om above. My husband wns advised to get Dr Kins'a New BiiseovBr ery for Consumytion, Cough and Colda. 1 guvs it a trial, took in' ail eight bottles; it baa cured me and tlick ( Jod I am a well and heajty woman." Trial bctUe free 'ti Fo shay & Maeou's dr2 stor t -.lar a :s The Caar is tke iarjreat ail living landed propneter, ewaing aa aatst which m nearly equal in are to tHe whal of Fraace. Tlie population of Russia, 77,00,000 ia I S75 has b:ccm a population f t890.' ....... .. .. Section a, Article 4, cf the constitu tion ot the sftte provide that the legisla tive assembly shall not pat special or local I laws in any of the following enumeiatcd cases ". .,! 7. For laying, opening and working o I highways." How can a man vho awear to suppor thtt Instrument vote to approprU I ate money to build wagon roads?. Safe, Sonnd; Conservativo ciarij Cigar Fact i e J. Jcseji. Propflgtcr. 17H0LES.UE& HITA1L fhim 1 ahoiStmpto The excavations of .Mr Petite have shown that up to now we have - known nothing, or next to nothing, of the archae ology of the Holy Land before the class ical age, and if we are ever to learn any thing about pre-esRic IsreXl on the toll of Palestine Itself, it mutt be by the help of the spade. leaking . It is estimated that water through a hole just Urge enough to pass a needle through, during; twenty-fours, at a t4-pound pressure, would be sufficient to supply a bou for a day. Tbe waste throueh a one-Inch pine under the tame conditions would be 1140 gallons. . It Isirtrft-d that the latest Invention 1 clothing in which fine threads of cork nr Interwoven with silk or wool for the fabric-, making it hnpoasible for the wearer to sink in water. , : Gxxekai. Satisfaction. A.ll the per soni; buvinjr their irrri; at M n 1. 1 a Si JT3 , , ,f- i-L VS . . ' r . a r i I J i J KJ 1 i t V V I t ti aw 4iAr a j Af3Y ADAGIIE Tt!li lit TUT CUHES ' NEWSTOKE.T3I kOTfEW GOODS. MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. PSALSR, In - Afc3 licolfiiral lanlemcnts li Vehicles Gariei; f rures a re we 1 1 f l.ify are at t ' -i . .:, r " ." 'i ; - 4 c r