The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, January 09, 1891, Image 4

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OF TOfiuac v uinuud.
INJ4 ac .!lud
Surplus ud prulit..
Intsnat allowed m caring d.rolW M rbllowst
Oa mlnry saving book .... pareanl p annum.
in Una Tln, book, .t par oent per annum.
On mrUflmoii ot deposit;
Fee thr smitlh ,,... per can! pw annum:
Fee Ml month , 1 per sanl per annum!
Fee twelve Balh , ir nl par annum;
I. P. THOV(" Vk rrasldarit, -
u. o, aruArrox, caaniao
Ibnk of Oregon.
MXASYf - - - C7.ECCH.
rrl'1it" BR Y AWT
Vic. Prw.tdent.. II. K. M KRRl I.I.
Cashier .awee a ' w v
Sight exchange end teltrrphla trail
fer on New York, "-en P ranelaoo d
md all principal point In Oregon and
olfaction m ad on favorable term
Attorney at Law,
fflee U Ik. tra-aw Meek,
rvM 1 1 p L" M -vSto wart A Sox
uLliUtJ I,lA01iuL0 ar aatimu kr
b. n.w Wbeetet ft Wllaoo No V,
S. W. Paisley,
Alaaay, .nira
Tobacsa an! Cteira.
Iff!) ICCl Ct -'VT.r. worth
i.ilB AM la St raul on Rept S4
am. aa to Stewart A Sox. bur .a
yfl.aairtaiatMhlB.s.d aaT.joorfiuit
TV?! rT?! Call 8t..rASox
,m4 l.'ljlby.Br.uppll. Ther
My a ftU ISa UN, w.d, al !.
aM, hm1 na, kaaad aaaa, froM.
SJlm:. BxttM.. . wood and Iron
i kit, tad by rat u. mm ataort
f eroaa ei
mm la ta. trail?
aad acMaatk lo
LOST About Sp Ut. 1880, 2 mile
aorttk ( AtUaf, on brown Taarliog
11. a aatoral mom. witkj ttar ta forabaad.
adbalwr broke. Whan left it waa wfthm
onal (aead Door. Aot one briagia the
mm at Albaa will be reasonable tewarJeil
Johjt SottMiut.
WE HAVE OS HAND at our nursery
on ihe Corral 11. road, on. -half
aalla from town, aa fine a lot of fruit
tree of all kind, aa eao be found any.
where on the ooajt. If yon contemplate
planting treas it will pay yoa to oe our
lock and get oar price. Calaloguo flae.
Pouiiiy Wanted.
All kind, of poultry, alive or dreaaed
at tbe WUUmetia poking Cora pa ny 'a
atote, Albany. Orgt..
v L. HILL,
Physiciai nd Surgeon,
Offloe oor, k and Ferry StraarU,
MnaMmmM. Bvikil
ta tm rMAiiu. 1 wi:n-.iai trim mil
rua. mi on .prHteMMn to JmC
a. Imu, Xf tUia in. tmk.
la hereby flvaa that tLe partnerahlp
Caratofor. exlatlna; batwawa Vf H How
Itiid, M D, and L C Mratton und.r th.
firm namo nf Pad do Me4ieal Company
baa been tbla deydilvd by ma.ual eon
aent: Fwn and after tbi. date L C
Straiten will collect all nuUtanding ao
eonnta and pay all debt, of aald firm.
Dated at Albany, Or, Ihfa ltib day of
2nd Ijj
Beat atock of 2nd pr ,'oode In tb. Ta
aty, and tb. moat rtmn iai. price, both
b Mlling. I have on band
all kiMtM
rcnrruHE, stcyes, tirware
rmm, ecoics, pictcres
Cour weat of S E Yonng'. elt amor.
-ev)uaLAW Ala aaraiw
Oreggistsand Booksellers
Ar u for John B. Alden'a publlcaUows
hl-h waeflllat pabllaber't prlaw. wlli
aliiaat. oitcuoB ,
H01I, LA5IIIX0 & CO., I'tOPB'S.
w raocTst ixoca icriaioa o
eonarnt lb. hrtnfor ziwiiii; flam
of Zachen & fan baa IhU dav diHwilvad
Krtn.rhfp,.lo:ri It. Zachra. Junior mem
r. retiring. All liabi'HIen and areta
will bo e.rtied by Jnhn Zachov
Nigned Teo 17, I8W Jobw '.a ram,
Jonw U aenca Cosnssllor At Lai
. ND-
lary Eub!ic.
. mxv: osecch
D?u G. A. VniTf.i-Y,
Payaiciaa aadCargoon.
Cra-!nato i.f Rvllcvua Hpit! Medico
Ool!S Now York City.
Diwa.eaof wonia.) a .pe'j'uirv.
esrOffi'j i -ni'i'i Briok, AlUn.i, Or.
I'K. ail'tlov y
( inn ,.I-.T,
Southern Pacific Rout o
Xiprao Tialna taav porlielitl Pally
I NrVh
Kr, a.
L t 'ii 4 a
Li i v. io r a
10 t II
W in a
An.iv tralua .top only at following stations nurtb
! KaMftbur. Kial I'tirtlaml. (Interim t'Uv. Wmd-
burn, Salens, Alhanv, TangoM, Wimld, liaUwy. liar-
riahurg, 4 auction vliy, Irving, t,ugon,
7 I l.v Portland Ar 4:00 1 M
ll:NrijLf Albany tvlx;0tla
tllifa Ar H.Mh.l.iiry Lv I A
tSSorn Lv furOaiid " ' Ar!AiA
!H0Mf Albany tvltooas
fcaaAKOtt MUKCU,
"mi a jC Albany ' Ar a a
1 1 r a I Ar lIhuiuh bv a
TIM alb Albany Ar :sr-a
t ii 4 a I Ar Uhnoa t a
Tourist Sloepinc; Cars,
far linaMMliun al rm-Vln raaaca
(cr. tlut.M avipraaa iraiaa.
.! ana wUUUa.
BgTVtKKX rwKTlAa AS ttiUll,
Alb .t4iaAU (CimvI Sanaa.)
IVirt ;na
i i0 r m
u 10
aaraaaa taaia (Kropl tunda.
ara L
lira Ar
M A a a a
Thronuh TloUetn
T all poliita
tot ran lutarnttlaa rtrarjlni lalta, aia, a
aaConipanr Arn a Al
iaat O. r. aa P. At
- gnu Development Company'. Sto n.
hip Line.
ban by any other reuie.
Ftrat-olaa. through naaseueor and
raljrht line from Portland and ail point.
a th. Willamette Valley to ami from Ban
rranciaoo, Ual.
Boata make doaa oonnecllon at Atban
with train, of lb. Oregon Pacific lUUroad
T. , H.titi. Receiver.
TIM I 8CIIKD17LK. (axaapt SniHiara.)
Lat.a Albany L i r. a,
Laav Comllla 1 : S r, a .
Arrlt Vaqaiaa, t.SA T. a.
tMn Vaqoina, T.t0.
Laava Crallla.tU:S A.a
Arrive Albaa;, 11:1a A. a
O. O. trains counect at Albany and
Oorrallia. Tho above train, connect at
Taouina with the Oregon Development
unmpanya un. or eKeamanip. ootween
Y equina and Sao rrancUoo,
raoe irm.
WUlamatta r al lay, Oct Ut ; Nov k ; U; U .
raoa aaa raaactaco
WUUaaitu Valla; Oot 17 Ih ; Kov Ma. Uth ; tSih.
The Company rmwrTea lb. ngnt to
basse aailiDR date. wUhout notlne,
K.B. Paaaeiiftera from Portland and
rTUlamett. Valley point, can make cloae
onnectlon with the train, of tb. Yaaufna
ront. at Albany or Coryell ia, and li dea
Oned lo San Pranciaoo ahould arrange to Y equina the evening before tte
eager aa4
V.ctahl Batra
alwaja tea
alio a apl; UAH Chapman, Fralgbt aad
Alb i. f. V.,.
U. r.w4f Am .
-Manufactumre or
ieam mzm CHisr and saw
tparlal altantion
da of inei'hlner
jaM o . rairlug
PiWrsi Kade on Short Notict
1890, 18Q1.
viral Teraa IrpUaaWrr It 11: , IMS.
A tull corp. of Instructor,
Couree. ol Kudy arrangnd to moel tit
kl of all gra-it of atudenle,
S fecial tmaurtmentt offered lo timjeti
from abroad.
Onr La3y of Perpetual Help,
Gondncted by the Klataxas ffekBenedlet
Tuition in aelectday tcbool range, from
Kor term. r Boarding Scbtot er any
prticilara apply at (be Acadejiv or id.
adeaa Slater Ha pertoreaa.
Conrad Mever.
Comer Broaualljia and first Sts.,
k.ned rrnlla, Cauueil Sleiata.
Sp'rt a.
rlen Frail..
-eiy thing that le kept In 4. .i
ttd grocery mc, tl!ho
t aid for
b rkatp
call on Stewart .t Si-t
not to forget thin.
)i.'i bti- an Iron
1 wunt' lyou nrl
' 1 will pay you
A4miuif(ratrix Police.
whom it niny conr(,rn that oi th
3rd dy of NovphiI er, JfciKl, 1 wt dulv
appoint d dj Inlftrairlx of 1 he entau it
Joiunba Morn, deueteed. by th c(unty
Oiurt ot Dun vninty. Un-nOn Aiirt a I
prua having cUiirm ftaiust i-ahl t. f
ai-e hereby fioiuled Ut present the ar nit.
to me wiUi the priwr voucher, hi tLt
law -fti! nf W it isilyou, in Albai.y,
Orecon, within lx innrilha from lbtJa'
Dated Kov 28th. 11-93.
(1128) . Adrnhrfitialrix of end aitH!rj,
all whoui h
th 3rd davf.f Nr.v l)r. lH'.XI, I whm duly
nppolutfi ailaiiniMtrairix of tlm ntte ot
Alvin M.mrt", do eved, t y the eounly
conrtof Linn county, ornm,. And all
porxoiis I aviiifr ''! i'ii.-j t;..riHt Aid u,tat
are herl-y noiiii-jd to ptosent the name w
nie witts Hih (,'utwr vouch(r t law
j of tv K I i:.veu. in A Ibany. Orpgnn
w inin bix tnotitriM liom ttig i!to ijpiedf.
l'atod this 2H day of Novnnjlisr,
Admti ihtrtlcix i.f a-ihl esiUi
r. Tt. litl.VKO.
The value of the European rolato crop
la $600,000,000,
U It futlmatcd (hat onc-iourUi to cne
thlrdof the wheat grown In the northwet
It U11 in farmer' hand.
. . j I
The cckbrated atar, Aiitol.hat a dlame-l
tcrot 1.116.000 mile, or a? timet 1
sreater than our tun V .
It hat been demonttratcd that manand
probably mot,of Iho ttart ae tunt.greater
by far than our tun at divert of both light
and heat.
Muchtuderinc It reported to t xt.t a-
mnnll,.,i.l k'.n.aa n.t
"a,.'" (.",,. v. - , l
the rallo.vt have agreed to carry provlt-
lont free of charge.
e..Li, -j. ..J. ... .; i
Tho' larget wavea to be found are off ihe
Cape of Good Hope, where, at tlmet.lhere
arv not over half a dcaen twell lo the
mile, but they arc not al all dangerou
compared hh those of other watcrt.
Remark by the Kaneat CUy Star: "A.
Green county farmer who deeded all hit
property to bit chiiuien la liaultng raua tor
a living. A father can eupport twelve
children, but twelve children tomcllmet
find It qul'c dttlkult to tupportone father f
Although whalet grow lo enormout iU,
tometlmet clgtity and even ninety feet
lone, the throat ia to tmall that the ani
mal could'nt twallow a bite at large aa a
tea bUcutt. Tl.U applU-t to the common
whale; the tpermaccti hat a mouth large
enough to twallow a man.
The reaaon why wool and wolen good
felt and aoliJity more readily than any
ttralght-fibied furt,le owing to the natural
curt or frlxx'e coaactaed by wool. Each
and every bend ot every indlvual Alainent
or wotl ajmet an Inclination for travel
ndep endent ot each other and of the gen
aral Inclination of the perfect fibre.
Tbe whalebone that the cheumakcrt ted
otlie'rt flud to uatful it wbtt may 1 e called the
law sf the common whale. It hat no teeth
and live on animalcule , little auiniaU, tha1
float in creat number on the auifuce of the
water. The whalebone it uaed at a
through which tbe food it attained.
" "
English journalt ty that the custom of Ire
planting by tchool etiiidrcnon a certain day in
each year hat bee. imiwied front America into
Anttralia, in tccordance with the deciaioa of
tbe minister fur public Instruction. ' There, at
here, Ihe day wilt be known at Arbor. Day,
Tbe whale ia ao more a fiah than the ha
U a bird. Itt young are bom like th kittent
aud the puppie. but only one at a time, Tbe
young wbale take its nourihmeq.t from itt
mothet't breatt, juat a tbe human ba iy doe,
and it ia jutr a carefully wotched and gti-J? i
by itt parents.
Tbe wiie iO) oed in the tunnel at Clav
gow, ScotLnd, t the krgett,and Urgett wire
cable in tbe wuiid. It wa made at Cardiff,
W't, in 1SS5, and ia J4-0 fathom, ia length
01 about two mile and loS )ari. it weight
a Iji tont and hat nearly I0o,ooa f jthomt of
wire in itt make up.
Tbe mott expensive therrnometer in tbi,
couatryi i, in u-e at the Juba Ilopkin U-lei-tity,
ttuknoanat 1'rof. Rowland' ther
mometer, and is valued at 1 10,000. jt a aa
absolutely perfect iiutrumrnt,snd be gradu
ationt 00 the g!au tie to fine that it itscccat.
ary to uv a microscore to read thetn.
Judge Hall a republican judge ef Con
necticut hat tliclik-d that the blank apace
placed under the title ot "Jui!ge of pro
bate" on the prbhlbitlou s.t:e ticket make
tbe ballot Illegal under Ihe Mate ballot
law. Under Judge Hall ruling thla would
throw out 3S prohibition ballutt In. the
atate and elect Morrh. democrat, by t large
majority. Judge Haifa tlccialon I mo-e
alnificant, at It gave a democratic can
didate for ofiic in Esit Lynn dlatricU
The fast fi.l.ea, according to Prof G B
Goode, are of pointed build, wllhcloaj-'-Ing
fin, and are frt.ently predaceout.
Food fiahet.on theother hand,arcoftcn alow
and eatlr ciught, but are eorrapnd
innty prolific The actual vpeed of fiahe
I not a yet welt known; but, a dolphin
have been observed to twim round and
round a tlcamer going at full speed, their
pace ! estimated at twenty tntl.-t an hour
or more.
When you tee the bat darting about In
the evening, he 1 taking hi tuppcr. He
live as the awallow doei.on IntccU in the
air, and, altliough hi tight it very oor,
hi touch and tmcU are to aenaitlve that he
haa nj difficulty in catching hta prey, even
when flying to yery fat. When cold
weather came on the bat ceae to fly
about in tearch of food. He doetn't need
it. He tcekt a weli-sheltercd nook. where
he i not likely to be dUturbed, and quiet
ly take a nap till next apring. '
I'BIZE " VrajiEKS AT FsKNClt's.-
Istj rize, No 1273.
2nd prize,. No .r2.
iru prize, roi3ij,
4th prize,
6th prize,
Cth prize,
7th prize,
8th prize,
Oth prize,
10th prize,
No 707.
No 1 387.
No 1421.
No 207.
No 14U2.
No 1350.
No 1.
rbrari'l ono ny of hw, " By Henrea thffa
palntwd i ' " Yea," retorfd ne ludlnaatly.
"and by hraven only! " Ituddy heaitd
tlfd bor cheek, yet thlg beautiful lady, one
thin and pair-, aud aufforinir from a dry, ttaolc
Inu cough, niKbt-awmtt, and spitting of blood.
aeomod dfatined to fill a consumptive's frrave.
fliMii inuin Dunarcnsoi aoiiurfl on SMiysi
Goldon Medical isoveryj br lmprnveiBcnt
was soon marked, and In a few month sh
whs plump and rosy aifoin, a perfect picture
or hralth and E!.rnn(ffti.
This wonJiifnl "Uold'-n Ifedical Diseov.
ery," now worid-faiucd oa a remwlwrw n.
ciuiia, wii.iiiiui iwnont, gne triia Jjr. rUitan
aurnption, whloh is really luntr-cnrofiila, Is not i
OnlV Nil RIllTinlAH(rrl mmtAur ts.m . L., ' 1
bly fatal malady, whtn takrm In tune and
given n fair trial, but also for ell forms of
Scrofulous, RVIn and Disensnu, as Whit.
Hirel.intcs, Yevvr - sors. Hip. Joint IMrwibo.
Sait-rli;ura, Tetter, E ziiiia, Bolls, Tarbun
clr., KrysipolBS and kindred ailmonts. Alt
ecly, cruvy, itnhintr, troubhaomo eruption
yinld rvndily to ita curative powers. Itinvii
ora( the Ilvor, cnrifhtis the blood and pro
mote all the bodily functions. It U tho only
liver, blood and lunir reme,ilf, sold by drutr
rffn. under a io.Uivo ;,rmitoo thnt it
wrtwioall thnt ft ia recommended to, or money
paid for It will be promptly refunded.
fJKW-ffJ3.T.SJTT?-5CSllO. t
j ;r- d for an
of Ottan-li In tia Iitn4, br
tho )IK,il'jotr,t of'if'm
. " Otuy Ui e-n;. P'S-i "
Aa Old wrrgaalaa. '
WAshinotik, fan. a. Samuel E Mai
who wa aocretar' o alate In Oregon from
tool lo 1570, Imi been In VVathlngton tor
two or three weckt pat. ToJay a mln- o
later informed the member 01 tue uregon an
. lhBt w . ln. point 01
...u ucni.c... w .ri.w. .mii
mor care,
and It wat believed that n.
wou not live more than
three dart,
The mlniater alto took up a collection lo
4 - . I
W hu ho'cl bll, w,,lch slr Mjf.wi un
able to tettte.
Bold Hlsbway Kubbary.
Tacoma, Jan. a.- The boldeit cae of
highway robbery reported to the police
occurred right In the center of the city
about e rto thit evening. Henry r uaiiey
iou"K "'. 8'" "P C'?l.n "ref
. . ... . . "I. . 1
uiree men, one ot wnom preaenieu a piaioi
and commanded blin to throw un
hand a. Th robbert tecurcd $7 In cath
and a valuable gold watch.
A lerlaat Mailer.
jan. a --wa comp.aini 01,1 ,
, -A I
ih .jj.iuvm, Dviijniuiii u iisirika, a imuirri
living neir Silver creek falla,wta arrealed 1
I . 1 11 !-...!.. n 1 1 - .. L .. ... I .
and brought to balem to antwer tu a
rharee of rape ot hi own 14-year-old
daughter, Minnie. About a month ago
the gave birth to a baby, and tutplclon
pointed to her father at the aent who ac-
compitaned tier rutn. iterrlck wat re
leaacd under bond. of $500 to ap
perr bti.ire a tu.tlce 01 the peace here
Monday for examination.
Ueuiaae4 la.
Washinoton. Ian. a. Maior-C.cocra!
SirhoHrUl hat received a telegram horn General
Miietat I'lue Kuij;e agency ttatine teat the
tiooj't are gradually but lurely hemming the
laJiant In 00 all aiact front lint KiUet at
a central point be it in peiaon diiecUi,g opcra
tiona. Tjoopi bow available lor tervice conaiat
of twelve regiment! of infantry five rcciatcnl!
w cavairy ana teverai batterlct 01 aitlllcry
A BarrlkM alelde.
Anaconda. Jan. a. r red A. Litter, of
ihit city, conimiiicd tuklde in a allocking nun
oo ty
ncriouay. 1111 wuc and two children retult
til Helena, and be anked to be qreniitled lo
una -o mat city, wnicb wat not cranted. jutl
tt the trail ttrted be kid oa the Hack, with
bit ueck oa the rail, and be Curt he could be
rracneu me irain paiacd over Win, tcverine
bit bead ftom Ihe ojdy. Aletiet found ia bit
cfat allowed that the act waa premeditated.
framst J.tllte.
Ntw iOM,Mi. jan. a. Fainter Fox.wl.i! re
I uming trow Meridian, wtt held up and robt ed
op a a nue man named ;hrn and a negio
named Ilutnutl. 1 h iTm ih.
nix 10 and a mod hani ii i. u
woieil thel Sbaro wa Ltrr eantnrad and mob-
Aa Earibaaake.
Sam Fxancisco. ian. a. Two dUtinct
eortiMiaaae tbock. uh but a few tocoedt ia
tervtuinc, occured bere at t0 minute natl
nnontivday. The ,hockt were of uhuiuat vk'or
Vibration were nearly north and south.
A Jail Break,'
CiiRMALis, Jan, 1 The tccond jail
break wkhln three month occurred latt
night from the county Jail, and five per
ont succeeded In effertlng their ctccpe.
They tucceedrd In cutting a hole eight and
a half Inches by thirteen In the jail floor,
which i nine Inches thick, u.lng a tmall
ti'e obtained while working on the chain
ing to make a taw out of old Iron. Once
through thla floor It wa an eaty matter
to dig down below the Uls ot the outtide
wall, which are only four feet below the
ground, and burrow along the out.lde.
A ladUa war Inevitable,
ri kiixia Acuscv, S. Dt Jan. I.
Tbe Upper Brulct ar now ia ojcn retc'.liott
After two month of nnreat and uncertainity
theSioua have thowa their band Three
ihoutaed of titers, under tbe leadership of tucb
cunning fellowt at Dig Rod, Kicking Bear,
Little Wound, Shott bull and Jack Red Cloud,
and even old Red Cloud bimte!, bava lamed
epos the govcrnmeat. Amraan ilorae it boat
the Only remaining loyal cheif, but hit follow
ing la trnali and it would make no dilTirence
whethet he countcled wtr or peace. Sjuadt
of InJiani have been leaving for the warpatb
Will Teat ike atiltlatry Bill.
CuiCACksJan. 1, Marshal, Field & Co,
Uie wdl-known drygoodt men, have be.
gan tul: In the United Htatet circuit court
for the recovery of duties paid under pro.
teat under provUlon of ihe McKlnley
tariff bill. They began action on the
alleged unconatitutlonallty of the act,
and ar they wbl carry the cate to the
cnitea otatrt tupreir.e court.
' .
A Kaaaa tUlnurd.
Kansas CiTV, Jan. 1 A blizzart tet ia
Uat nifcht and continued with great tcverily
rfurirg the day over northern Miwouri and
Kanaaa. Ktna i covered with a blanket of
now bom fourhvhe to a foot Ibkk, which
ia many place bat riited to tuch an extent
at to eriou,!y cripple railway tralTic. All in
coming Irain from tbe wett are delayed, stmt
unir noma.
Death af Al'ra M Tbawaaa.,
oalkm, jan. 1. Alien jj. ITiompton,
the brother of I) P Thompton, ol Port
land, cued si nit home in Salem thlt
morning at 11 Vlxk of paralytlt after a
long lllncii. He a about 50 year old,
anu came 10 uregon in 1&59 trom Ohio.
1 be Stale Aaaeaaawe.,.
Salem, Jan, 1. Since Multnomah' ataett.
ment hot been completed the tax levy will be
made at soon at tbe abstract of multnomah't
asemcnt arrive. Including muttnomab,
the total taxable property of ihe tftale it 1 ia.
77.783. The levy of taxet for state purpotes
w,i, m uiau; 111 a uny or ao,
A Printer la Treable,
Walla Walla, Dec. 31. A gentleman
arrived thlt morning from Dayton and re
ported great excitement there. A young
man, a printer, named Burrlat, wat ar
retted there latt week charged with par
tlclpaiion In the burglaries ao prevalent
there lately, lie wa tried Monday In the
tuperlor court and diachsrged on account
of lack of evidence. Lea, night a band of
vlgllantit wut organized and took Ourrltt
outside the city and demanded a confettlon,
and on refutal ctrung blin up tilt he wa
uncon.ciou. Thi wa done 'hree time.
Durria claiming all the time he wat inno
cent, and begging them lo let him go Or
iil him. He w as given r coat of tar and
feathert and rvarned to leave the city in
twenty four houia, lie it tllll there and
defiet them.
Halrnt Flgaira,
SALtK, Dec. 31. The New Year ed
ition of the Evening fnpilal Journal thowt
the total recorded real cttate sale of Mar
lon county for 1890 to be $3,250,000. The
total Impiovement of 1890 In the city of
SaWm were $967,000 The outpnt of
manufactories wa $050,000. The average
. -"" i'i-i " nat vwciuy car
39.35 Inche. The average annual
mean temperature ft r the tame period
I wa 51.9 degree.
atopijr Wirlt, -
&iw Ycbk, Dec. 30. A tpcaial from
St. Louis tays: It was lecrned here today
uSat the fim official net of the American
liar ester Company of Illinoin, a conolld.
atlon of eighteen harvester companies of
the United State, with headquarters In
Ch icag., will discharge about 10,000 em
ploye, whose service, are tendered un-neccet-ary
by the consolidation of eighteen
sepcrate ftnd distinct companies into one
monopoly. The new monopoly, which
control the. output of harvesting machin
ery of thn United States, has a capital of
Thelndlnn Trouble,
Omaha, Dec, 31.-A blinding snowstorm,
wJ.ich Is last assuming the proportions of
Hiiizard, is Valng hercand at the agency
"ince 9 o'clock this morning. Advice, are
.MM a desultory fight was kept up nearly
ni night at the battle ground within a few
titles of the ngency, until by reason of the
awpicloiw actions of alleged friendly In camp near the agency the .roopt
wtere called in from the field.
I Wauls lo IxtufTon ilory.
j Washington, Dee; 31 Captain Jamet
J Crroli,wio is in V.'tt(iiitngtoT for thepur
1 pute of securing a terrltorrlal government
I foir that fjeat country, Alaska, promises to
; bequile a unique figure In the short session
jiif congress, and especially if he should
' succeed in belnp allowed the privilege of
fbeiloor b a delegate.
' a his efforts to secure a territorial gov
i errtrt r.t, Cart.iin ('.-. '
During the'latt two or three yean there
hat been great deal talJ at to the locatl.
tjr ol the Ulue Ducket Ulnet," Thltlt
place where train ol emtgrantt coming
Oregon in 1845 l tald to Have found
abundance of gold, though at the lime
they did not know what Ihe mineral wat
..l.n....i. .,,lw.,t I Km
. v. . .
mouth 01 Malheur river where they were
met by Mermen Meek, trapper, and
. . A
brother to Jo Meek, who claimed to know
a thottcr route to the Willamette vauey
than b The Datlca. He iicrauaded them
to follow hit lead t.nd lie would lead them
direct loth, head of the valley by Ihe
McKlnaey route. After traveling with
nun tome cutanea iney conciujeu ne wai
bilk and threatened to hang him. lie
left them. The
loir, many 01
lllCir ItUltlM
;fied and they loat a uKd
deal of tlock. It wat on the loat trip tSat
they were tald to have found gold. The
following It Bit eitract from a diary kept
by Mr llcrron, father Of VV I lierron, of
iialem, and of Jf R lierron, a former Sher-
1 in - a w 1 . , a
in o( L.lun county, ine aiary wa 00
111 01 aUlim COUPYT
. . bv ,unn Wh.-Ie- ot .i.ia'-itv.lrom
1 k Hrrron and ropted, Mr uerron atier
ward hitt the original. The following
. . J ' . . .
were cantalnt In the train, that crottct!
onthltroutet Sol Tetherow, Owenaby
Sinclair and McNary. Among thoae in
the tralnt were Samuel rarkcr. Mr iter
ron. Anderaon Cox, tilram amead. John
Bull, Judge Stewart, Matt Scott, Mr ler
wlllluer. Ilaman Lewla, lienry Marlln
flhe man who found the uold.1 Cant King.
II 1 1'eteraon and Wm A l' of
tnitctty, 1 ne uiarv runt irotn Atigutt
13rd to September bin, ibaji
Autfuat 3Jrd
Thlt mornlnir our company wat called
touether. for the mirpoae of hlrlne a pilot
to conduct ut acroaa the bend in liolae
Klver and over the Olue Mounialnt.dow
to the Dalle, on the Columbia Klver,
Tlilt route will cut oil the bend ot the
road that lead, down Uurot Klver, and
tald to be one hundred and fifty
mllce nearer than the old route.
agreed on with Mr Meek to take
through t.e new route wat fifty dollart.
So we eot up our oxen and atartcd about
9 o'clock, and traveled a northwett courae
to a betutiiui eiretm ot water called mai
heur, about twelve mile from where t
croaaed the river, found plenty of grant
and tmall willow, to bull
illd a fire
to get
"PPr ,lh. hwat no grumbling
Auituat Jth.
More oien mllnir thla mornlnic. ti
o'clock before alt the wagont were out ot
camp, traveled anoul ia miiea, o nrai
mile north wett, then changed our court,
to aouthwett until we came to tame ttream
ot water that we encamped on lat ni,ht,
and found plenty of i'r and trratt and
&ry wlllowt to make Are with. The route
I t .1. k.. ku. A. ..n..ntU
1 duaty, and entirely dcatitute ot timber or
I vegetation ot any kind, except wild tsge,
1. ..... ...
I and it it dylna very tatt fr want of rain:
I country toierantv level but not ni 101 cut
i tlvatlon. the Indian atole one rtorae
I latt nlaht within thirty yard of our en-
Autru! a sth.
Started about 8 o'clock and encamped
about 4, Traveled over some very rough
road to-oa , me lord ot me deck very
rough and rocky, the country very poor
and broken, no timber only along the
water courses. There are some willow
snd grata It very good on Ihe low bottom t
near he creek, course to -dtv generally
aouthwett, distance about ten mile.
August 26th.
Started half past teven. Still keeping
up Maihiur Creek and crossed It the sec
ond time, then we kft It and turned Into a
cap Into tbe Ulue Mountains, over tome
tolerably rough road near our encamp
ment and on lbs east ot It wo a hot Ing
tprlng that afforded water enough where
we found Arct-rat wster and graa and
willows, and a kind of soft wood called
Hal in. Distance, eighteen mile.
August J7th.
Late atari this .nomlngs nine oxen
mlaalng. it o'clock before all of the
wagons were out of csmp, then we moved
off a southwest course about (ten mites to
the head of the tame Jhrsnch that we
camped on last night ; had some very
rough road to-day. pasted down one very
rocky ravlne.ihe valley of the little atreaea
wher. are are lo. night, and had it very
dusty down Ihe branch, found plenty of
wster aud tome willows, grass not good.
very much dried up, mountain entirely
barren, no soil here,
" August aSth .
Made an early ttart thlt mornlnir. Our
pilot told ut we had 18 mile to goto grt
ana water, so we traveled oa at a quick
pace but found no water, only a tmall
spring that did not afford water enough
to drink, to our poor oxen, cattle and hor-
et hsd to sutler for wster another night
after a hard day's trsvel over some of the
worst roan that they nave traveled over
yet, tor It was uncommonly rocky and
hilly. We paated up one mountain to-day
lhat was about three mites hlah.bea!des
several lhat were from to J' of a mile
hlghnd down some that were very near
a mile !ope. Patted some cedar, though
they were mall ; grass good ; courae lo
oey sown west.
. So miles from Boise River.
Ant-rust 29th
Thla morning wa left our dry encamp
ment and traveled about i of a mile a
northwest course, then turninir. a north
east coarse one mile, then north of a
mile, then we turned northwest about 3
miles and passed tip mountain about
one mile high: hert we changed our
course to west about one mile to the top
of another mountain, here we diacovered
water and grass sufficient about 3j miles
off, so we turned a southwest cnur.e over
some as rocky road aa ever I want to
travel, for our wauons were off one rock
on to another all of the way down the
siope 01 tne mountain, which occasioned
a mighty jolting and rumbling with old
wagons, for both men and cattle were in
a hurry to get to water. We found a
beautiful little stream of excellent water
and plenty ot grass, and willows that
were dry and some cedar to make a fire
with. We passed considerable cedar
timber, but it was low and scrubby. We
had considerable rain this evening. Dis
tance nine mues.
Aueuat 80th.
This morning very wet and rainy, late
Dreaaiost. o'clock before wo collected
out oxeu together, 10 o'clock all of the
wagons on the roll again. Traveled
about 5 miles a west course to the stream
that we left the 20th. Here we encamp
ed lor there are mountains all around us,
and we have the Blue Mountains to
climb over again to-morrow that are said
to be 25 miles across. Urate very good
and plenty of Wtllow.Alder and Balm on
the mountains. Borne cedar, but they
are small and low; the mountains where
we are now are covered with grass ; it
grows up under the snow lu winter and
dries up with the heat of summer, but
does not rot like, it would farther cast
where It rains through summer, for it
seldom ever rains here in the summer.
The cuttle and horses eat it as well as
tbey would well cured lthy. Wild sage
growing Scarce 100 miles from Boise
Started about 8 o'clock with the ex
pectation'of crossing the mountains to
day. 7 oxen were missing, so we had to
leave 5 wagons that did not come up
with us until 2 o'clock and would not
have overtaken us then if we had not
laid by for them, so we traveled only 5
miles to-day and encamped south of a
peak of the mountain that is about 2
miles high. We could see it five days
before we came to it. There is on its
summit a rock that isaboutone hundred
feet high, and has on its top some beau
tiful young pine. Our course to-day was
about west over some very steep bills
and some rocks. Grass good and plenty
of dry willows and Alder.
September 1st.
Made an early start. 7 o'clock all on
the move again ,about a southwest course.
Soon crossed the little stream called
Malheur for the last time I expect that
I shall ever see it and unless it was better
traveling on its banks than it is, I hope
that no other emigrants will ever be
gulled as we have been. On leaving this
stream we traveled up a hollow or gulch
that was I expect as rough a way as ever
a wagon traveled. We had to remove
some ten thousand stones before we
could pass near the head of this ravine.
We changed our ourse to south and
turned down a dry hollow about 2 miles
to where we found first-rate water. Some
took dinner here, and then continued
our course south down tbe branch about
1 mile.then we began to climb the moun
tains ts?ain, pasH-nl ovfr em vrv .".'
mall alrenin running noiithwcut.and rn
enmped about half pnnt nix ; fouud plen
ty 01 gniKs and tome dry willow. JUlf
tance to-day 15 tnlleg.
KcptcmTwr 2nd.
8tarteil almnt 8 o'clocfc and traveled
about a iiniith courae 7 mllei to Hie tonth
branch 01 waiiieur, and waltod for one
WRUott that had the toneue broken out 1 the
01 iw ; A o cioca waiton up Willi tue coin I nil
pnny. iiere we turned aouthwrat
eourno to ft brunch of the a a ins atreain
we iit at noon, it naa near v dried nn. u.
vjriina tbi j ww uniiae, enn a lew Mm
willows. Our road In the .forenoon wai
very good, but I11 the afternoon the route
wat very hilly and totna stone. The
mountain Rtlll continue covered with
grata and tome aerubby cedar, but a tree
inrco net in uiameier will not lt over
twenty-five feet lilxh. Tho country ap
pear: to 00 getting more level. Diatanco
to-doy altout 12 miles.
8ttcnibcr 3rd.
We aUrtwl tl.ia niorninir abtiut 8 of
o'clock, and travcltsd 11 aoutbwent courao
over aoiue vur ranirh mmintairia and I
rocky roada to another branch, of th
Malheur that afforded tin good water and
wiim gran, though not nulllcieut. and
plenty Ol dry WlilOWS for fir WOOd, end
anrne vmall edar. Wunaaiuw! a...un ninn
timlipr tiwlav. Wenthor vrv uartn anil
drv. -There la notblitir here tophei.rour S.
. ... . . . . . !
Iriuiiilfii an rlla. Wa ramaknv alow I
bemiwsy, tue country here ta no broken
fA tilPBV itiltt- WA 1.1 Ik ... .I,.iiM .. t
Mil". VV. ..IWV V VW...1.I. WVki HIWI IM.t,
ant we are miueruouutiui timt our pilot
ia loat fur ho Ima beeu aoen daya longer
Setting to the water, of Jay's river than
0 tola ua he would 1. homo talk of
atoning and other iy bang him. I can
not ten now tue auuir win u-nninate
yet, but 1 will inform yoa in ha proper
place; fitnilea to-day eoulhwett and 5
m I lea went. Total to-day, 10 miles.
There la conatderable cedar on the moun
tains here, but it in low aud has limbs to
the ground. .
B-ptemler 4th.
We started about 8 o'clock and travel
ed a sooth course about 4 miles, then
turned aouthwett about 2 miles and
pattMid down a very rocky hill or moun-
I.U llllltlkll I'.lill. ..I l.n'i UU.. I ... V A
will iiiw HI., .I.I.V v, wJ m .I,M, IIVL
we torni-d a went course alxnit 8 mites to
a Ix-nmilul litllo rivulet ot water but no
wood except (small willows. (Iran, is
veryt'ood. This valley is on the river
that we have been iisomng lor the urn
seven days. I hope the grumbling will
cea now as our course appears to be
west and the peak at the moulli of Jay's
river.near the Columbia, is visible, and
our pilot says It is about one hundred
miles distance. To-day 14 miles.
September 8th.
We ttartcd at 8 o'clock and traveled it
eouthwet course acroas tiie valley of
Crookol or Jay's river, about 15 miles to
a branch of Crooked river, hicli afford
ed plenty of grans and some fine dry wil
low for firewood; the water very tad,
hardly fit for use. We passed over some
very rich look inn soil to-day but no litn-1
her. This valley ia covered with wild
sage. Ttie country looks level aa far as I
we can see to me west, vtt) nave wen 1
In tilul.tnf II.a lniuM,,!.. ihahiiI .in. frte Iha 1
lat twenty miles. The night are very
cold, daya pleasant, looks like autumn
Beptember Cth.
We started almut 7 o'clock and travel-1
ed about south 13 mile.. Here we came
to it lake wbtcti caused us to turn to the
west about 10 miles; trying to get water
we traveled until about 8 o'clock at
nighMnd encamped without wood.water,
fire or supper, or any thing to console us,
so we laid down and took a good night's
sleep, widen revived, us considerably.
170 miles from Boise river.
September 7th.
We started at -7 o'clock and traveled
through a poor, sandy valley 11 mile to
a small stream of water about ten feet
wide and nearly as many feet deep ; wat
er good and gross first-rate ; no wood on
ly twee. Course to-day went. Distance
15 utile.
fSepletuber 8U1.
, Wo started at 8 o'clock and traveled
west about 10 miles over some ot the best
road that we have had since we passed
tlie Uocky MounUtina.btit in the evening
we bad some rocky road for a few mites;
here we turned about two degrees north
of west for aUut o miles and fonnd no
gtats and had to encamp in a patch of
wild sage, where it was a high aa our
wagons. About one mile south of wher
we are we found little water.enough to
cook supper with.
11 A - f
that etavmt n Utat tiii-lit rim a nnt nf
a MV V V , Wft ItltkVf
.1 1 ii T . "T " 17'
meeiueoi a mountain turouu a note
about six feet in diameter ; there is water
enough within ix feet of' where it run.
out to drown a horse. Passed some
plains to-dav that were covered.
N. It. Here the diary wa torn and
mutilated ao that 1 could not proceed
wun 11 any farther.
-No. of mile traveled. 210. 228 miles
from Boise river, 40 mite west of Har
ney Lake. Bex Walkrk.
What will the millionaires do with u,
will be one uf the quettlont of the day In
a few year,
The Dkmockat resolves mildly all the
rear round, without much "fu and
feather. "
Jan. 1, and no P M aonolnted for Al
bany yet. Tbe tgony it intente. The
great moguls at Washington have no Idea
what a euspense the y are causing.
In face of the fact that the revised ren
autonly thowt atwut 7,000 population for
Salem and 10,500 for the preclnctt, 8x15
mile the Statesman ityt Salem hat J 3,000
population. . v
Summary of Meteorology for Djc, 1S90,
from observation! taken at Albany.Linn Co,
Oregon, by John Briggs,vol. observer for the
Signal Seryioe, U S. Army.
Highest barometer on th 7, 30.04.
Lowest barometer, on the 4, 29.62.
Mean barometer for the month, 29.63.
Highest daily average of bar. 30 01. .
lowest daily average of bar. 29.63, .
Highest temperate. re on th 1, 66.
Lowest temperature on tbe 17, 27. .;
Mean fur the month 43.16.
Higheat daily range of tber.on tha 17,21.
Lowest dally rangeof thar. on the 7, 1.
Mtwn temperature at 7 a, m. daily 40.
Mean temperature at 2 p. in, daily 48.3
Mean tempetature tt 0 p. ni. daily 42
Prevailing directions of wind, S. i N.
Max Vulooity or force, 3.
Total rainfall or melted snow, 4.02.
Depth of snow at tud of mouth, 0.
Number of days on which .01 inch or more
rain fell, G.
Nambor of days of cloudinett average 8
teals of 10, 18. , .
Of 31 dy t observations 1 were clear, 18
cloudy, 7 tair, 5 foggy mnniingt, 16 rain, 0
baity, 0 overcast, 0 smoky.
. Light frost on the moriiogt nf 3 days.
Temp. 3 05 on average ot 12 years.
Rainfall, 2.30 on average of 11 esrs.
Avet isgo rainfall for Doo., 1 1 years, 7 S1.
(ireatutt raiiifnU for Dec. in 1887, 14 21.
liast rainfall for Doo. to 18S8, 4.28.
Mean temp Deo. for 11 yearn, 40-11.
lltihttemp, IVr 1884, 49 4S.
lowest ttuip. for Dea. in 188, 31X10.
Farmers cue thU out and prisarv. fur
refera "
New Blacksmith ShsU'. G tV WiElia
ha just completed his blacksmith tliopat
the corner of Second and Railroad streets
where all kinds of Iron and wood work
can be had and done In first class order
Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc.
for repa rt.
A su-e cure for the whisky habit; Br
Livinetdu's Antidote for i run's runens will
euro any case of the liquor nabit in trom ten
to thirty days, from the a oderaie drinker to
the diiiukaid. Tho Antidote o n be given
ia 1 cup of cofl'ee without th-i kbowledge of
the person taking it. The Antidote will not
injure the healm in any way. Manufactured
by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland.
Ortfcon crfrouij A Cummiug, fole tgent,
lincklea's Arnicii Solve.
Tha boit Salve In tbs world tor Cist.s,rjrais,,Sttre
Uliiers, tilt Kheuin, Pover surss, fcttor, Uhapp
hionln, Chilblains, Corns, and all hltio Ermrtio. a
positivlj'cure I'ilen.or ihi pay required. 1 1 is eusr
uujed ta iriv'o perfect sutiafaction. or monov iMiund-
d. Pri ea 25 cetiw por Ikix, For by i osUay An-S
Mr Orant will praaeh this tynioi and tn
morrow evtiiliia in the Y M V A hill.
Saturday evening he will preach in the W
CTU hall. 8uWwt Comma Evitnta."
what wa ttiav Inuk tut biftwisan now and
eomlna of Chrlat. aud what be will do at
tk. iTi.(,..d nn. u i,tt th.
riini u,, dm iu,... n.,ur B A
tr...A iit, i.t.,..
1) S Buw-y.ohaHaioi Ueo Alfonl tw
trdl Dave l.uin, aamatant atewtrdt E K
Upniaytr, tmaattrert Walter MuMeeten,anc
ra'arys Wallace Hawk, gatakaaport Mint
Kloranae Hutey, ceret; Mrt Alloa Crimea,
immona, Mi Mannia MoMktn, llura;
Mrt I) laom, lady ataward.
Amothxr TloMiKK Goa. Dr. It. C.
Hill died at the rctidence of hi ton Dr. J.
Ulil, iu tbla city, on the evenl.ig ol lie-
cember jut 1800 at the the advanced age
83 vcart. Dr. Hill came to Oregon in
w'r nJ h btn u"r Identified
wun me prorc ana growiii 01 rtioany
nd turrundlng country, lie wat born In
Tenneec and moved with, hi family to
Oregon in 1853. He entered the n.lnUlry
ny anu inrreancr wa a otweo uainiav,
HI aired wife died only a few month auo
He wa the lather Ot VV. IAW II 111 anu u
Ill!l ot Seattle, Tavlor illll of Crook
count V. Lr 1 . 1. 1 iu or mi cut, nira, n
....... illil .1 .1 I. .(... 11. .
r, ware n mcminnTiue nu wn
Thomnton of title city, A more e.tended
obituary notice whl be nublUhed later.
The funeral tervlcet of Or K C Hilt
will be held to-morror at 1:10 at the
Baptlat church.
I RlDAr,
Tfe firm of Vloo & Pnn. photograph
ers, has been dissolved, Mr Couu retiring.
About Nov 15th, lion B F Boo ham b-
eame aaaeciatad with tbe taw Una of lloiroet
& Hay den, of Salem,
Tbe total Luaineaa i.f the Salem poittfliue
dunoa ItiW was tl5,OOU21. imU
of street railway are iu .prtion.
Marehant olark are baay texiay waabing
tbe soap off their windows aud curiotf tbs
boys who wrute lS'Jl ia soab poor hand
Mr H N Ht! tlie real estate man, ha
moved hta onto two doors -est. Muji Id
IW-uab ha rented th room vacated and will '
mor her millinery a lore into tbew, littins
sp in good style for bai wall established
At J A Commlng's yesterday eyiiing
ticket No 415 drew , tbe large must bol
offered aa a prise te euatomera, Virgil Par
ker, i K Towateod tod Free Marahall were
Tb .following ol!3oer of Lubaoou lodge,
No 41. A tt A M, were inatal'.ad at Hat
arday: J Warac-m, W M E K Uamrnock,
8 V; i C Gordon. J V: 4 8 Coertaey.trea.-
ereri Y M Miller, aaereUry, John Morrir,
A Urgootiooar of peopl. attended tbe
funeral of l)t U C Kill tbi afternoon. Tbe
fanara! diaeairwi wa preached bvRavJC
Uwlrdoo. f Kagact. by speeial reqnatf
w aececo.
A Haljuy. Eight or ten of Albany's
Ithiee linker went lo HaUey yeterday lo
attend thi Installation of officer ot yu
dcy ldge, Po 65, I O O F, In that twn.
Large dcleiratioo were In attendance
j from Harrlsburg, Brownsville and other
I point, T hu.tdred person at at the
J repat, which wa gotten up in good tty le
P Wrsxaaa. Mr W R Blain drew
the handsome fruit basket at F M
1 trench's prUe draw inc. Dr Wallace the
pickhi dish, and E Thrall the babys cup.
The other have not vet bocn cal'eJ for.
MrT J Overman wo the possessor ot No
413 at J A Camming' drug store, draw
ing tue large ana bne music box
Cowstssf iablic. Tbe director of tchool
district No. 19 art determined to use all
reasonable mean that may be used to pro
mote the Interest of their school. They
nave it seated with, tne latest Improved
patent seats, well auppited with maps,
chart, globes, etc., and now they have
added to these an organ. Thi I in the
right direction at the children with It use
will all learn to sing, which I a heaihful
at welt a: moral exercise.
Whim. In view of the highly exciting
contest now going on among the repubii
t can In referet ce to the appointment of a
I I-" V t It PUVl IV V !-
: S-Wtatta-vaetailAiia aa ll.ia ula S m. a
I n.... . 1 I.
I . .. """M"lu,, '"".v aic ,.,u.r.nK
I wncn wr Thompson term It up. Mr
Tnmini,v.m. ,...u.i.
f .n o ?ss- Z hn a Ira
& SS& wa. co,
, U,..,,.!,
aa reported,)
confirmed Feb
3. 1SS7 which la the date of hla commission.
lie took charge of the office April 1, 1SS7.
A. O. I. W.Isstalation. Last even,
ng A 11 Barker went t. Lebanon to assist
In the Installation of the oRicert of Honor
Lodge No. JSAOU 'V The following
'were elected: O L A exandei, P VI W ;
E E Hammock, M W, EJ Miller, F; G
W Rsy, O; I F Hde. Recorders P L
Wallace.'Flnanclcr; Z T Brvant, Receiver;
ti W Walton, Guide: E G Crr, I W; V
II Reed, O W. After the installation the
"boys" repaired to a rcttaurent where
supper waa served and a pleasant social
time wa had.
Buy y oar groceriit of Parker BrrA.
Sauer k rant at C E Brownell'a,.
Cloaka at cost at W ,P Ret-I't.
Halin & Dawson, druggist.
Fbe groceries at Coon & HeBdricann'a; .
Bargain iu library lamp at C l! Brow-.
Cheadie cheese ia the best Try it. C E
Genuine low torgham on drangktjatj C
E Brow null .
Delioiou orange eider on tap at C E
Call at Uuhn Dawson'a New Drag Sto.e
for frech drug.
W, F. Read keepeth heat' assortment of
fancy good ia tow d
Tablets, pncila and apongea. at Iltt'in A
Dawson a, c ranch corner.
See W f Read's line of dress golds and
tilks before baying elsewhere.
Great reduction in men', furnishing goods
for tbe next 30 days at W F Read's.
Tho Observer give the building record of
Dallas fr 1390 as $133,764, a tioo showing.
One hundred iew baildiog in Lebanon
during 18U0 it a record that city may well
be uroud of.
The Scio Bank t in splendid hands. It is
building up a larite businee", and auy thing
entrusted to it will be io eafo hands.
200 cloaks to be aold a? cost at W. F.
Read'. Come and secure bargains while
the assortment is large,
Thou, Kay woolen milla'blankets, flannel
men's, yorth's and boy' clothing, for sale
by Q VV Simpson's, agent, Albany, Oregon,
For fresh meats of alt kind go to Jadscn
A Slaters, opp osite Schtnrer's liverysttble.
Orders taken and prompt delivery.
A fins display of ehtldrens school shoes en
center table at C E Brownell'a are going rapid
ly at less than first cost. Call and select a
pair before they are all gone.
Money it tave.l by buying a good article.
Mathews & Washburb' long experience en
ables tbem to give eoatomera the best goods
that oau ba bad for the least money ;
Daring the year 1890 there were 140 mar
risgea in Lana county, while in 1889 there
were 135, a net gain of 8. Tha divorces
granted in Lane county were 19, w hile in
18S9 only 14, a net gain of 6. Guard.
The students at the College are rehearsing
Tbe Oarrotera,' one of- Da, n Howell's
brightt8t productions, for an entertainment
to be given in the near future. This is a
very h amorous farce given iu the
number of Parpera iu 1SS4 and it presen.
tation will be a great treat.
Tho vote for the most popular young lady
and gentleman in Eugene ended last Thurs
day evening at 8 o'clock. Tha vasa for the
most popular yoong gentleman was awarded
to Cljde Patterson, who received 332 votes,
and tha other to Mis Nailie Straight who
received 383 votes. The total number of
voteacast waa 1,250. This will net tha li
brary tbe sum of 1125, which will he well
ueed. Guard.
?Live und lt live is Maihewa&Waemburn'a
motto we put only a fair margin on our
goods and have what thn people waut. Call
and took over our stock and carefully com
pare all the points of our stoyeg and ranges
and we will have no trouble lu selling you
Quality for tha money ia whatLiun coun
ty people seem to want. Ami that is tha rea
son Mathews & Washburn e!l so many
stove. They ask a fair price for tbeir gnoda
1 r ' r '.-.-X iti-y ih - f!?t
oombs, mr)ay purwit, box paper, face pow
ur, and, Irj fact, every tnin f und In a first
claaa dreg store, for tale at bottom
1,...... .a .
timin JMttaoa.;dru?gti, -
Whiskey,-Head the. Item "whiskey"
a man to a Dkmockat man. a be
pushed his way throuirh a larir crowd at
corner of First and Ferry street, this
aiternoon. 1 wu saloon keeper, had ptit a
man full of whisky out Into the ttrcet In
in cicctrtcai matiner.that was all. A mix
of liquid at dilf.-rent placet bai
cauaed t.lm to be htlarlout.
OstTiif, Riveh, The VVlllamutte at
this place today is t ftKit II Inches above
low water mark, and boat, it it reported
wilt beuln runnh.rr on Monday. The
Manzariiilo came up the river to the
mouth of the Sanilam , but returned north.
It la an inpepcrdent cralt. txirno of tlu
O P boats, of which there are three, w I
probably go north Monday, and will r;iu
ret(Ulariy. ihe .Man.:inillo and .Nati-in and 1
new boat wl'.l di s promlacuou buiino.
The Union I'aclfic boat will only run oc
caional!y, '.a rc,ont! to order.
Livkly SAtrta, ThU aftcrnoune S.Fro
man, rctcrce, sold the Sileids estate in
this cltv, at public auction. The bidding
wa quite aplrlrited and retulted at fol
lows! One lot in the eastern part of tbe
city on the rallr'tad wa aold for $3111 to
Mr Hhlclds. One and a half lot on block
It, f;:lnz Third street, belnif on the north
wet corner of the block, on which the
E church, south, l situated wa, solJ to
Vr Slilcld for $950, Lou 7 and 8 In
same block, sews th (itreet Iri.n the
Shield, reid"!rice, was sotd Vt H Young
for tij:?. Fractional lot 1, aC L'
mldatetv rant of the Shlrltl residence, wa
wild to Mm .Shield fur $505. Lot. t ond
a, being the home properly, wa bought
by Mr Shields for $3000, Mr Shields
ha a dower Intereiit in alt the property,
coitnlierlng which the property o!d well.
The admliiintrator of t!is estate rf Mr E
C flradshaw old no acrraof farm land at
public auction to Fred llolcitapple for
12700 and 20 acre to II M Stone i SMSS-
The record slow the real estate sale
of iSoy to have utcn $1,313,34. Had
all these been given the actual consider
ation, or estimated consideration, a is
done in tome counties, it would have been
more than double, as there teem to be a
great "fad here for making 1 to io
the consideration for everything. The
total sales for 1889 were $1,846,409,
The tear 1800 treated Albany welt,
though there wa no boom; but. consider
log the generally reported quiet time the
growth wat a nattering one. liie uho-
csat doet not believe in exaggeration.
The figure given in most titles are simply
a farce. During the year approximately
12? residence were erected, of abetter
cUt than ever before, at a cot of at least
$150,000. The Baltimore block, tfcree
stories high, and one of the handsomest
In the vailev, cost nearly $35,000; the
Oregon bank bulliling, S25.Q00; the
Strahan store and waichouse. $3000; the
M E church, $10,000; the (.rants fats
Sugar Pine Door ii Lumber Co s. brick,
$6000; I'fau brewery, $5000: Urphan
Home, $3000; Cranor-block, 1500; Pet
erson brick. $1000.
Improvements to street, building, etc
of which there were manv, mill approxi
mate f7t,ooo. This include Increase to
electric light plant, enlargement of Burk
hart and ottur blocks, sewer, etc ine
total la Jin As treneraliv eiven it
would rouai $ too .000, which the coming
year,we prcdictt not double
The year of 1S05 wi'd ahow a record of
I79 ' marriages, it a few for w'tom ltcenc
have just been H&ueJ are manico, tne
biggest in the hlstorj of the county. a
This is what you ongnt to bavn, n Ixat
yen moat bava it, to enjoy life. Thousands
are searching for 1! dally, and n.ourrjing be
cause they lli'd it not. Tb(.awunl upon
tbfttsabd of oollara are sptnt ai.cua'ly by
nr H tli in the hope that tbey tuv tti
tbiaWoo. Ai.d vet it insy l by
Wa f Of ni.tea that Lleetrio Bitter, if ant'l
aeeoidii-e dircu.:i-a and tt.o ose peristtd
in, w briDg yoa gtito u;e'iSon rt( cua
the fhmnn IHetietta aud iitali ii.steati
Efpty'. We lcc-mtnrt.d Kiectric B.tters
for Jvi-Dti ,a at.d all ilise of liver,
St,n.ach and Uldueta. Sld at 50e atid $1
per l ott! by lohy Si Mason, diuut.
Cur is sold bv eaon a eaaa s.te. It cures
Eutero yter and saunr kraut
oieil at Mueller 4 li.rrelt .
UIACKMErACK.' Ls i'g aadjjia
rant pjrtutno. rri-e 23 a-i t o-'OM.
WHY WILL YOU wtH ka Shtl. b'
Care will give; lo'uf. Po
eewtr, 50 Ceutt td $1 .
A tine Una of jawulry,.bst lu the otty, at
Will Si Stark's, tor the holidays.
1 have been troubled man v years wh h
disease of the kidnera and have tried
tnanv dtiferent remedies and ha
annght aid from diflerent phyiciar.
wilhout relief. About the i.slh of Apri'
I waa suttcrinsr from a very violent
attack thnl klutoat nroatratcd tne ia
aticu a uiauuer tnat I was beut o-er.
Wkrn I at dowu it waa almost impossible for me
to get p alone, or to put on my ciomc. wne
kind lrok1euc sent lr. Henley,
' hotel. 1 immediately commenced
using tbe tea. It bad aa almost
Btlraculoua effect, and to tbe aston.
iahmeut of aU the gueata at the bote).
in a few daya.l am bappy to state,
that I waa a new man. 1 Willi
Mcommend the tea lo all afilictett
a 1 hava baeo.
c a. TCTsaa,
IhMaauaar OaraaasUt Kotd.
Delmonico Restaurant.
Orrosrr Blcmbscrg Block.
iVeuf Rooms; -:- Seat Service;
Good Meals, l'romptty Served,
. -for-.
Twenty-Jive Cents
Oysters in ttll. -t- Styha.
Vourt-.oui Treatment; First chssOooks.
la, brushes, coalioil, lubrir, if oils
xlo grsaw, &s. s'rtsv.var AS Sox.
PCCriO All kind or grata aeads, pnra
ULUJ tnj o!ean, are sold by Stewart d
iox, Prices have ohaugeditlcM last .sa
lon. Com. and see u.
Fitted uo In firnt-class stylo. Tables
supplied with the biwt in the market.
Nloe sleeptner apartments. Simple room
(or commtircial" travelers,
nart la &al fnim the
on trad
rs or
anyone wanting tnything in lb hard
ware linn will do well to call oa Stewart
ilSox before purchasing. Thoy keep
nearly everything iu t'ledueof builders
hardware, und a magnificent stock of flue
Thoso v:Js!ilttsr a ftrat clsui InMiruuient,
tha I est u'f.ds to st.vivi tha cliioato of the
Oonst, can to suited by ealSiiig at Mr3 B
E liymas's, oppotut tLa Masunic Tem
ple, on i irst street. The latest voinl and
Instrumental musia kept for ra1o,u!ko tbe
h TgftHt assortmetn of tiwuiping p-tt ms
til select from this sUls cf 'iTisuo. Ls
tons given iu pauiting andembrot ii rn
In ler studio over Liou (X.tnty Hank.
Civi her r-jtir ordr . nd yoa v 1 t
'', u . Vi
-W a -aj
tli the liifth'xl ami re 11 1 u wncr.
'f k.Xh 1' 1"! 1. tnken; it is plfnaant
aaa t'ifrwhuig to tins tante, 8 ml tela
f'tjotiyet promptly ri tJto K'ulur.y,''
AJf,i iioti floc!s, cl-fiimH th; bjs
' ;:; c'.rctualiy, dirpcls xMi, IjfikI
litbea m-A fa urn mh cures Isaoitual
''.oiistit.-ativii. f?yrup cf Flg is tLe
.'. ;lr mntiAj of its Jtfntl vtr irt
'". r'iii,tj to llo taute aiulacv
lo tho ftlomaclt, p.'nij.tia
son ;-.!l truly li' ticJicial in its
, i'.3 :.;.;!, 'fcvwtlcnt o.ualities
U f 't ;uL It h for rnlo in
?t k-i'.llyn f ail Icadisg
cAi'r-'cVi!! m smup co.
j at'. - ' fv : .r-
of v fu?ru, near Lows n
be I arrow (ianc, 10 tniie.
, Alt In ru 111 valine, fair
and b- t.. -.. f.r atoe.
and ttonUo pnrpeaoi. Floe owk gr
AiJfaiithrfu.rinot 1 JH acrtw, thra' . ,n
rro n Ltaaon, All io cu'.tivait Fair
houo. (Jood water. BkU r wbee
fa rna. Also houxe and two lA on Fifth
aad it fTir,o tr)t, Altmoy. Kor forth
er parth ular call on .. Umphroy .Cental
oeurfuct or on Hewitt dt Irvin, Albany
jU A. UM I'll KEY,.
HrADAOKl. A-. itv .
TlsCH';r: ? , 'r
rj.s'jir.- l ot) z -i.
$500 Howard I
WT. wm fr th atxrr tr-'.rt) ror ary m th
mtUI, jrVU. SlCS ilWlarlM. l4UUaMlM. o
trwLfm ar Cwtkm wa eaaao mir vtta W
Lt'.r In la. tm tta tmetturm nHmUMf
.m it 1 r ar v.,.aitia. aa. aaraa
. t impri'o.Ml Larva Ssv
aamv '- -. St caata. anu af reansawaww
Itt. aa ,in.e floa leftfal V
iJt-. ivt.X (' WS.f t,VfcFAaI.ClUtA00.1AAV
AlttttUC.l .
a-a: Bis or job :a
CSLI'SItSTEXt .... sj
Li SP..ITH & vEsson
atrtr s m pv m 9 m tmm m jaa,
m ff ss os: no
f? Thi CI ft ..I Kire'.t Ara-a r Vi.nlp.M. EI
UaUl a mJI U s3
k ihrjvakfgw .p war y
yC'tt.!.CEel -y- wr 1
ii CCS-.t!t.rM-E In J ) ti
u-a-.ii i sArtrr. V a
SJr-.vjre cf erhcr Iran Imitations j. i 1
4 I-.f.J f.r. H;' Vii Cs'ilnjtit tri Prrt I A tt
f-?r.i:iorii:j.i, mass.
r..M.i A VAV..V. Axt.lnAA. a aX Pat,
act busfrte eondocted for Keeerat Fee.
Our CSs to Opposite U. S. Patent Ccef
and ire ran iire patent in less tlma tlian l aaaa
remote frc a WasbinFton.
feend rnoi el. drawing or photo-, wtttt flesertp
ttrm. "We ndviae, if pateotabls or aot, Irea o4
char?? . Oir fee not due till patent i, aeearai.
A fmvh tt. -How to Obtain Patent," wilb, of tuid clients in yoa: Suue, County, w
town, sent .tie. Address,
Ortfies'tB Pttsnt r"ca, Wash!rmew. D. C
Physician and Surgeon.
tiffice oj ptiasto the Docmx.
HH.n. .lATTO?l.
Btumborg B:ock, "Aloauy, Oregon.
r enisle an 1 private dtstase epecia'ty
Consultation fieo.
1 8"
""1 i! '
li R. K . C. WEST'S Kerra and Brmln Treatment
s iruarantetd spetUto for llvataria, Pizsueas, Coevul
moo. Fits, Norn ns Neuralgia, Hvadacba, Nenou,
Pnistralioa esmsi by tb iu of sloobol or Ipbaoea,
Wak-ctulnera. Mental Depreaaion, Softening ol tb
Brais, reullinsr in insanity and leading to misery,
d a iii deah, twetnatura old as, barTenne, los
ot l I i caul by over-exertioa ol tha brain
Each la. -ntaiiKi on month', treatment, SI a boa
or six box is tor S. sent by mail prepaid on receipt o
case. Withwaeh enter received by ua for aix boxes,
scciuupanied with 15, we will send the purchaser our
written Ruaraatee to refund th money il Uia treat
ment dws not eBet a cure. Guarantees Issued only
by J. A. Cummin?, Druggist, role agent, A 1 buoy, Or,
City -Meat 'Markets-
SHU1T2 3?vOS,r Proprietors.
a full li if of meats of all kinds,
in a cool j Itc, completely pro
tected; and a! way frosu.
Uoburg Luraber.
I sell the Ktst lumber iu tbe ceunty; also
dr posts, ehtniiles, latha doors and win
o w moulding, etc. Prices from $3 to 22
r thousand. . Yard at Lowaon, on th
Narrow Gauge. ,; Se ins before purchasing
e!.es,vfber. '
T W W Cbawtord.
Adras,P O Tallmau, l
Peiroai.ently cored a fthmit Cutting, Burning or DU
liiti'ig. A rerfe ctly pi Inlits treatment and a guAran
t'.d cure in every s s. , no ciattrhitw lonir iat;dirg.
Tlib t-'outnient, for Bt.-ictu-a, ot Pr Boxeli , is tha :
srr atest dUcovery ki own to motli.ire. U-dis.slTea
"rut cumjiloteiy re'mov s tb Suictur without annoy
I or pain to tbo pat cut. .
pa r f wa f if
i I Umi l
Teuliarto their Sex, tu not prnfr to name here;
iDt. 1 iu i 1 th w d lu af a I ifr n" ta s i Wt u
nees. wMt h ititvwmU fehnnk from disci-sHi u
tane thsa was ever Jiuof in ,Ma1:t:
Btixeli's tjw fevstteia c i lTtmen.
i btrf'trt.
If , t
tien rnirwii
Jt. it is ai fava K
ut t i
! ) v a H f i
t ii ii t it
p a 3 1
t c f
&. 4w " u
Kir f !.
Nr V V'