She gjmotmt. FRIDAY ANUAUY 0, 1891 STITE3 & NUTTIKQ- Kilters t rritprlrior rxaAi iieoouix K. or P. Installation. District lpu. ty Grand Chancellor, 3as. F. Hail, ac companied bv U. O. Havno,viniUd n idaa Lodire. So 3(1. K of I. of S-to. Tne dnv evening, and installed tin) following oiliccr for the ensuing term : PrKOllyde, 0. U. 0 8Mt,V.C. T W Dly, rrrl. T L Duwei, K. of U. and S. I. W Brown, M. of F. TlMunker. M..1K. 8 1 Shore, M. at A. Will M Abbott, I. U. Frank U ill, O. U. Thia lodge was onjiwmed In Incumber with 21 charier member and since that time haa initiated ntxxit 9 more, and re ceived 4 application Tuesday nitrht. which Indicate tho spirit of the K. of I'. mere. A SrA Coi'rki Coscsrt. Mnslo Hall waa ahuoat entirely filled with people laut evening, to hear the Swedioh Indie ainit. it wa an extreuieijr interesting and enjoyable concert. The Swedish la-lie are apparently quite young girla, with very pleaaant. fresh clear voices, combining among the double quartet an iinuienae range of tone. They are uiod est and unassuming in their manner, tinging with phenomenal sweetness, nioothness ana precision, and with a power of modulation that ia very won derful. Their number were nearly all in their native tongue, that sounded very aweet to the ear. They appeared in various native costumes, which were very charming, says an exchange. It ia evident that Albany is to have a rare musical treat Satnrday night. Uct your aeala reserved at Will fc Link's. F. A M. lna. Co. Tho Farmer and ' Merchants Insurance Co., of thi city, held ia annual meeting ihi afternoon, with a large attendance of stockholder. The report of the 1'resident and Secre tary showed the premium receipts up to Dec. 1, for eleven months, to be ijO.OOO more than the losses, including F.astcrn business, now discontinued, and assets $53,000 more than liabilities, indicating prosperous year, and that it is coming out oi the heavy losses ot the asiiing ton fires of laatyear in good shape. It ia now doing very safo and conserva tive business and is gaining ground fast, more policies being writteu in December, not in the report, than in any previous month. Our citizen .should stand by the company. It merits it The old direc tors, to-wit, were re-elected: tt S Strahan, John Purnett, (i FWimpsonJ L Cowan, J O Writsman, W F Kead, lr L Foley, M Sternberg, J K Weathcrford. Tux Lebaxox Elkctiox. A very hotly contested election occurred in Lebanon Monday. . The saloon license there was recently raised to l20f,reulting in high and low license being the principal issue. JosMxon, low license, wa defeated by J A Beard, who received 11 majority. Walter 0 1'eterson waa el-ctd Recorder, de'eating J W Menzics; Steve Covle, Marshal, defeating Ernest Case; A Roberta, Treasurer, without opposition. J W Croson, Jot Elkms and Milt West fa'l for Counciluien, were on the two principal tickets and were elected. A warm tight waa made between It N Wright, high license, and Ja Matcbet, medium license, the latter being elected Councilman by a small majority. A majority of the new council, it is proba ble, will be in favor of medium license, somewhat smaller than the present very high license. ISO votes were cast, and could the residents of the suburbs.really a part of the city, but not yet included in the charter, have voted, the total would have been above 200. Sktkbal QiesTioxa. A Califurnian asks a few questions, to which we give the following answer: The past year the price of wood was: Cr, 2.W to fJ.OO per cord ; ash, oak and maple, $3.50 per cord. The prices were about average. Ccrvallis, with a population of 2000 ia ten miles from Albany; Lebanon, population 800 to 1000, fourteen miles; Shedd.popu lation 200, fourteen mile; Unlser.popa lation 130, eighteen miles; Ifarriaburg, population 500, twenty-five miles ; Brownsville, popuUiion 7'J,ifteen miles: Scio, population 5O0, eighteen miles. All on railroad. A steam htun Iry.well and economically managed, with push and energy, ought to pay wf II in Albany.and would undoubtedly be enconraged. A Drawback Ovircome. It it a well known fact that one of the greatest draw backs to the town of HarrLburg, hat been th Impossibility of purchasing land at rea sonable figures. That obstruction h now removed. Last week a syndicate com posed of Messrs R A Ramp, May St Sen ders and E E Upmeyer purchased the in terest of Col Fleschner In lUrrUburg.con sistlng of about 70 unimproved lot,. The lots will be put on the market at low fig ure and sold to parties who will improve them Pilot. . Arrests Dcbwo 1890. During the year 1890 the Albany police- officers made the following arrest for tho causes given : Drunk and disorderly 51 Fighting 6 Carrying concealed weapons 3 Assault, simple 5 Assault and battery 3 Vagrancy 2t Obstructing street 2 Cows running at large 1 Resisting officer 2 Violating fire ordinance 1 Fast driving '. .. 0 Shooting in the city limits 1 Abusive language 2 Total ,...107 It is Rimqbed that eight brick store room are vacant in Albany. In Eucene every room, brick or wooden, U occupied. isoie the ditierence. Uuard There 1 just a much foundation for it a the recent statement that there wps a red flag in front of nearly every stoie in Eugene. There are a very few small fraTie store vacant here, caused by mer chant rushing Into new bricks. Special Mebtixgs. The Young Peo. pie' Society of Christian Endeavor will hold services every evening thi week at the Christian church, corner 5th and Jackson street. Tonight, Confession and Thanksgiving. Subject will be announ ced nightly. All young people In the city are especially Invited to come and bring their friend with them. Come and 1 us worship together. Com. The Salem B & L A. Ths director, of the Salem Buildlxg and Loan assocla' on met at the office of the secretary last n'. ght, in regular monthly session. The sum of $1000 wa loaned at fifty-lour months Interest In advance. Some 500 shares nave aireaoy Deen pledged lor the new terle. Statesman . Another R. R, Article have been filed Incorporating the Yaqulna, Seal Rock & Alsea Railway Co.,with principal office at Newport, Benton county; object to construct and operate either narrow or wide guge railway, wharves, steamboats etc., In Benton county ; capital stock, $150- coo: las W Dramicid, John Buckley, mi W B Staut, incoporator AN Immense Hoo. A few day ago Mr Jell Isorn, of Plalnvlew, ki'.led a hog which dressed 604 pound. This U the biggeat yet reported In this county and hows that Jell know how to foed for pork. Thinking It too gocd to sell he put it down for his own use. Brighthnino. The price of wheat has Increased one cent, and Is now quoted Rt 6r cents, with belter prospects. The cause civen me jnim.i was ium was tnonev matters were itn pri'vina unu uuau rial afi.tii jtier.iily are on the "look-up." f nt't 50 cents. i ". sn, t!iU M K Church, a t-.ilk uia 1 .. P.. RXAef-ni'ravedonl.aii ; , 1 t i v .1:1 2 Scio, John Berry finished repairing the Masonic hall last Friday, The first car ever brought Into the cor. f orate limits of Scio wa brought in last rtday over the line running Into tawn lately constructed by the ctilxera. The car was taken to the Scio Roller Mills and loaded with flour. Our better half received a handsome Christmas present from her eldest son, W J Henderson, ot Oakland, Cal., on last Friday, In the shape of a complete set of table cutlery and spoons ot the best quail ty of liver plated ware. William Hllveu last week bought the slock, bar fixtures, etc., of Thomas Bros looti, and then moved hi old stock from the buildtng adjoh.liig Daniel s store to the south side, thus making hut two sa loon In town Instead ot three as formerly. Scio Lodge No 37, A F A M.lnstalted the following n Hicer s last Saturday even Ing, Dec 27, to serve during tho ensuing year: I N Grllltn, Will A K Randail.S Y; L W Brown, J Wt M C GUI, Tieas; J L Milter, Sec'y : W A Ewlng, Sl)( J ti Morris. J D; E O Hyde, 8 S; Jcrt Myers, J Si Harvey Shclton, Tyler. Press. Swatuait Nii.itTiNCALts. Tho Swed ish Ladles' Concert Company, which charmed ail who were fortunate enough to hear them at their concert tome two weeks since at the People's church, has returned to St Paul, and will give a con cert to-night at the Newmarket theatre. It is a pleasure to praise tlice ladies, so charmingly do they sing. In their nation. il tuttgt there I the suggestion of the fiord, the elscier. the mlftitv mountains and the quiet, gicen valleys ot their native land. As they sing, one may catch In the refrain the expression of that never dvlug love to their beautiful country, which every Swede bears with him to hi death. The effect I enhanced bv the National costume worn br the singer. , The voice are clear, pure, and without musi cal conceit of anv Wind, 'they are culti vated a well, and sing not only the sweet old national ballad, but difficult passages from grand operas. Wherever the com. any ha appeared, il his left hundreds ot lend and admirers st l'aui uutiv New. At the Opera House Jan loth. Cbook Coitv. The verdict of the coroner's jury over the bodv of Lee Ames, shot at Mitchell, was: ''We, the jury impaneled to inquire into tho death 01 Lie Amis, una that the deceased waa named Lee Ami: that he came to hit death by a gun-shot wound indicted on mm iK-c'H. 1SD0. at Mitchell. Crook county, Oregon, by a revolver held in the nanus of Uotiert Magec. ami w e charge the said Uobert Magee with murder." Magee escaped from the couutv and fled to parts uukown. ' Something of a mining excitement was caused here thi week by A H Chase bringing into town samples of quart which he had found on Bear creek, 25 miles south of lrinevil!e. The first snow of the winter caniodown quietly and silently lust Monday night, and Tuesday morning tho ground was covered w ith, two inches of the cold, white stuff. A little daughter of Mr and Mrs J F Circle it lying dangerously ill at Mr Backus' with pneumonia resulting from measles. BF Nichols left last Monday for Cor valli on business, some say, connected with the Oregon Pacific and none need te surprised to see Mr N come stalking across the Cascades w ith the whole O P in his vest pocket. Ochoco Review. Albas y rosT OrrtcB. The receipt of the post office fot the year ending April 1, 1SS9, amounted to $ 5,450 J4, and for the year ending ApHI 1, 1890, to $6,365 J4, showing a gain for the var of $9151-4. The gross receipt for th Albany post office for the last four quarter are a fol lows: Quarter ending March 3tst $i6jo.. 5a Quarter ending June 30th $1751.26. Quarter ending September 30th $1715.47. Quarter ending December 31st $2013.77. Total receipts for the lour quzrter57ioJ. If this rate of Increase continue the office will soon become a second class office. The receipt must be $$000 per year to make the office a second class one. Miswo Claims. The following mining claims have been filed recently: C Marsh, A Strong, M V Bilveu. A B Woodin, Red Bull Mining Co., Red Bull Supplement, Santiam DUt. Jas Mcl'helin, Wm McFall and II S Warner, Silver Tongue, Santiam Dist. F W White, tioldcn Eagle, Santiam Dist. A B Woxl'.n. tho "Eagle," Santiam Dist. W.W White, "Baltimore," Santiam Dist. W W White, Black Bear Extension, Santiam Dist. II 8 Warner, "Compas'Santiam Dint. OMiTTtn.The following marrlges wxre omitted from out Septe.nber lUt 4 tnose contracted during 3j: 24?"Robert N Wright and Maud M Uel- toru. 25. John L Purdv. Vlnevard anj Rachel J 25. F R Asbcll and Fannie Bailord, 23. Samuel II Crow and Elmlra Good II n. 29. F A Spalirtger and Ora B Newman 30. J R Hall and A A Hall. 3 . N' II Bateinan and Hannah Chance. Good toe New-post. Plans hav been prepared for the new t"0,000 hotel to be built on the ocean beach, near Seaborne, a thriving suburb of Newport. The ho tel will have electric lights nd fresh and salt water baths. The fresh water sup ply will be had from springs. The lead- ng feature ot the hotel w ill he all out do rooms, and all kinds of entertain ments and nnmncinent can be had in the building. There will bo a motor line from Newport to the hotel and on to Cape Foulweather. These improvement win maae 1 aquina iny one 01 ine most populous, as it is now popular, summer resorts 01 tins coast. Corvallis Times. Kitr-T HtR Word. Mr D L Matheny wa the first woman to cros the new steel bridge, at about 3 o'clock yesterday after noon. She wa probably the last woman ! to cross the old bridge before It n. Hhe promised a .Salem lady that she would oring ner tne biggest head ot cabbage in her garden the first time the crossed the new bridge, and she fulfilled thi promise yesterday. The big bridge will be ready lor wagon the end of this week. States man. Seventeen Shoes. Yesterday several boy, among them being the sons of Mr Gallagher and Mr Mcrrls, were playing In the eaxtern part of the city along the S. P. railroad track, when they found a gunny sack containiug seventeen shoes, under a trcttle. The shoe were all new and evi dently had been taken from some drum mer s sample case, and left thre'by the thief. No clue has been found either to the loser or thief. . ' Notice to Fabmebh. Wanted at onco chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for gOOUH. (jr. W. fclMPHOH, Albany, Oregon A Good Resolution for New Yeart or (wiv other time is to buy your groceries, baked goods and produce of l'arker Bros, One of their reaolutions it to keep the beHt in the market, to tell at reasonable prices and to treat everybody with cour tesy. If you want to know what store to point your tracks towards-for a whole year look towards Parker Bros., where rou can always find the goods you want row that the holiday are over do no fall to continue to keep the fact In your mind that conn llendricson have on hand a fresh tock of grocorie ar.d pro duce, which they arc selling a cheap as any house in Albany, lhey make it an object lor anvone to trade with them by onering nrsi class goods and low prices and by treating their customers with that consideration due them. One Hckdred Waoons just received which I am going to give away free, on with each can of Forest City Baking l'ow' der. Come early. C L Brownkll. Mueller & Garrett's cash prices are do ing the butanes. Mone saved by deal ing w ith them . I.csr. Some time during n UIn Albanv, a fur t'nrv-t the three Flr.U-r - 1 coiNUt rftothKauiitft. Monday evening, Jan 6, 1801 Present. Mayor. Recorder, Strtct Commissioner and cmineilnien French, Tabler, Burkhart, Smith and Uarrett. Tht following Wilt were ordered paldt Train & Whitney. $10; Mueller A (lar rott, $1 25; John Cleland, $4 W B Barr 13 : K urowa, tia r vr r-pm. u oo; J N Hoffman, $34 20; John Maxwell, $15 64 j F Bender, $U ; llayne & Co.$l 25 j John Livingston. J; JRlatthcwt w son burn, $13 75; Electrlo Light Co,$ll 50. Bill of P 0 Andersen. $0, continued. Further lima ir mil ted on petition agninet removal of Tijht at Calipoola and I ifMi street. Renort of the marshal showed TO.SSl 7 collected on taxes, and tHt32.Ul dUn. qtient. The reports of the Recorder and Trent urer were read and referred. They thow ed tho following: Am't in treaturv Jan 1.1890. . , 450 08 Received from tinea. t"i r.n " license....'... taxet Roc'd from IJnn County Bank Ree'd from lumber sold Rec'd from Clapp & Jones, en gine repairs "4,830 00 10.M1 27 1,!15 31 1 33 04 00 Total,. .$17,235 03 .wtifnsE!rxTS. Paid on city warrants..... Puid Interest on warrant. , Totnl $16,047 07 070 61 $17,224 78 CltY.WAIlKA.Nr ACCOVKT. Outstanding warrants duo Jan 6,im $ 0.471 Ofl Warrants iwstied during 1800. . 10,874 IS Total... ..,$23.34.1 24 Warrants paid to date .... ... 1(1,047 U7 Outstanding warrants includ ing sewert ... 6,097 Z7 Outstanding for No l't engine. tkX) 00 Total ..'.....$ 7,297 '-7 Following are the purpMtct for which the city warrants were lotted: Mavor and council f 213 00 Recorder I,tx8 K) Marshal 1,217 02 Treasurer HW 00 Htreet couiutlioner 7H3 00 8urveyor. ... 751 0t) City attorney 2.M 70 Policemen 1,M 00 Fire department 1.941 33 Electric lights 2,293 00 Street improvements 2,990 93 Sewert 1,30132 Rent 73 00 Printing 405 68 Linn -Co Bank in payment of No I's steamer ....... 1,105 33 hrtnan bridge right.. 40 00 Livery hire, etc 14 90 Oil and fuel 30 90 Workonjsil 10 60 Stationary, etc 43 ti3 Elections..... "2 23 Boarding prisoners 62 60 Rope and harness. 61 W Care of pauper 02 83 Killing dogs 4 W Witnesses and jurors 13 20 Total $10,874 IS The report of J A Warner, survey or, on Railroad street sewer, showed it com pleted from Kixth to. Ninth streets. Filed. A communication from B Hermann stated that tho Albany bridge bill had passed the house. The bonds of the treasurer and mar shal were reported filed. The marshal reported that he had no tified J D Parson, Shield's estate and W W Crowder to remove nuisances ordered. The marshal was directed to notify frank Wood to remove stones fro to the street adjoining street, now obstructing the same. A crosswalk was ordered built from O P depot across street to A W McClain't corner. The new council was called to order, Mr Hawkins taking the scat of Mr Deyoe otherwise remaining the tame. The old rnles ( order were adopted and the council adjourned onbil Tuesday eveuing, Jan 13. H.E. M1K U BEUICVriD. Sunday was a great day In the history ot the M. E. Church, of Albany. The new church w then occupied for the first time. Both morning and evening it wa crowded with citizen of Albany, who united in pronouncing it an elegant struc ture, and an ornament to the city. Six or seven hundred were present on each occa sion, - the actual seating capacity being bout tit hundrcc. 'ine auditorium teal atHit 400 and each of the three clas moms co to 70. The Interior i beauti fully finished In sugar pine, fret off by tnanzsnita wood, with Intersection of frescoed celling. A handsome electric chandelier and pcndjnt furnish the light. The seat 0! sugar pine are nicely cush ioned and the floor handsomely carpeted. There 1 not a prettier or more conven iently arrangedfehurch edifice In the state. In the morning Rev J W Bushong.D. Ih, ? reached a powerful sermon on "Spirit ower In" Church Work." Rev S E Memlnger, pastor of the chuich, made a statement showing the cost of the church tc be $943i. Of this amount (4193 had prevlounly been subscribed, and $1500 provided for by the church extension fund, leaving $3741 to raise. Of thi amount $3000 wa subscribed in the morning and over $400 at night, leaving about (300 to raic. Mr Jas Elk ins,, who had already subscribed $coo,headed the list with $250, and wa followed bv George Hochstedler, G L Black man and a friend with the same amount. John Geltendorfer, G F Simpson. B M Huston, F H Roscoe and a friend each put down $too ; Collins Elkins, Ralph Ohilng, joe Chamberlain, S S Undtrwood, Robert Conn, Mr Coll Van Cleve, Coll Van Cleve, 8 A Hulln, Perry Conn, F E Allen, Peter C Anderson. I F lladley and a friend $50 each; U G Hayne, $35; J B Conn, Sjo; A J Hamil ton, 'I L Cowan, Mary Conn, Anna Bab- blngton, Mr Geo Ilochsledler, Frank Cline, J A McFeron.Emma Cougill, V R Graham, John Robson, F S Crosby, Ml Anderson, Mr G F Simpson, A Setilemier and two friends, each $2 e. Other gave mailer amounts, and most of the above had already ubcrlbcd liberally on the original suDscripuon, Rev C C Stratton' sermon in the even- nir wa a brleht effort greatly annreclated Excellent music wa furnished by a choir, sitting to the left of the pulpit. The church wa formally dedicated jnder of Rev S P WlUon, Presiding charge Elder. The Reason Whv. -Why 1 it that Klein Bros, can afford to tell boot and shoe so reasonable? Because they are both practical shoe makers and make partcf heir expenses by working on tne tnoe bench, any boot or hoe you buy of them no matter what kind It is man, woman or child, that rip, run over pr the sole rip loose they repair them for you tree of charge, and as they do all the woik them selves, they don't charge you 35 to 50 cents a pair extra tor a warrant to pay some shoemaker to repair them for you Thev also make a epecialty of repairing rubber boots. A Tacked House. We refer to the warehouse and store of Fortmiller & Ir ving. A big car load of furniture, lust received, aid. it, consisting 01 an elegant lire of stands, bedroom eetn, parlor sets, chairs, lounges, etc., it offer a fine as sortment to select from. This firm keep probably the finest stock of furniture in the valley. Purchasers have a big and fine stocK to seieci irom. Slooey to Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five year time. Call on u at our office, opposite the 'evere house. Birkh A -Ceenby. Holmks Businks Collkoe, of Portland Or., will open Sept. let. J A Weaco, the leading penman of the coast, hns become a. partner in this school and will make it tho leading business college. Bend for a catalogue. SIf ILOU'3 CUKE will MlfttlT. Tho heaviest tax payer In Forent Grove only pays (24.30 taxes. U II Uaber pays Tho local editor of tho Dkmochat occji slonnlly receives a letter from the Kiist addressed to him nt "Rev." That Is a mitlt fur certain.) ' Herman W Ine made hie annual dis tribution of Christmas prescnts.incident to mo icrmt 01 ma lail-w inter sales, al though sale had fallen ofl" fiom tho pre vious year considerably. Astoria lCx press. Doct thia mean that btirilnews uanemlly was very poor or simply Mr Whw'i business. Vltrtfled brick pavement aro bt'lng put down in tonis eastern cities. The tost is $1.73 to (2.10 a yard. Let Albany consider the matter of paving loins of her streets. An Albany ssys a good pavement can be put down for (20.000 a mile, which It very cheap, as tome kinds ot pavement cost nearly ten times that. Mr Mod 111. Of tho Portland Ihd.irm Jotirnal.vlsltod the iHnnoorat on Tuesday last. We understand that Mr MeUifi roiitemplntet ttarting a paper in Forest drove- We aro confident lie could nut find a better field. The iHmiocrat need help In tho great work of reforming the people of this conntv. and we will wel come Mr McGiil with outstretched hands. Come, and bring your lunch. Washing ton icitiocra. The Astoria A Pouth Coast R R bava elected the following oMlcere I OA Bowlby, president: lr Alfred Kinney. first vice-president: It Van Dusen. sec ond vice-president: I W Case, treasurer executive committee ir Alfred Kinney, chairman, 1) K Warren and K M (Jrlme. Many are wondering what will be done. The ministers of Astoria at a mcetimr formally requented that Monday morn ing papers be discontinued, at the Hab Iwlh wa desecrated In getting them out. Nothing wat said about Bundav Miners. The Astorian showed that nine hours were spurt en abltli in getting out the Monday paper, and eliiht hoar in vet ting out the Sunday paper, and waiiUd to Know why the distinction waa made. Rev May, editor of the Independent, of Pomeroy, Wah.,glvea a contemporary tne following auvctionate poke in the ribt: W Lave "walled" with pole- cats, lived on coon and 'possum, been puked on by vultures of the air, had the caotea to gnaw our shoes, have slept wun niggert ana votea the Democratic ticket, but we umat be excused from tackling and bandvina- words with the anti-cologne bottle that runs the Dayton swiii tut caiicu me Ciironteie." The reform journal, of Portland, tavt there should be no law fer the collection of debt. Save u from such rcfof mlnr. The business ef a post office I a good crlteton to go by. Albany 1 progressing at a tapld rate In lid respect. The Salem Statesman It the author of the following! Just how much the West Shore I "Interested' In catling the n.em bcraof the legislature who don't wear the corporation collar asses, and so picturing them, will probably never be known. But the West Shore U always 'Interested" when tt doe anything and It price I almost Invariably more than the service I worth. Allen Yocum yt that a follow he hauled In on the stage the other day, te marked after he ttrurk the main street In Mc.Minnvillc, It wa the only rough piece of road he had rid Jen over for many year and he had traveled all througn the Kocky mountain. Our opinion I that the fellow lied about it. Mc.Mtnnv'.tle Reporter. Luke McKern butchered hog a few day ago that weighed 67$ pound net. It Is seldom that a hog butchered In thi country that ha to be cut In three piece to be weighed on scale that draw 360 pounos. 1 hi hog wa of the Jsrsev lied stock, and three year old. Mr McKern challenge all of Yamhill to beat hhn. Graplik. Albany's retail trade in 190 was the largest in itt history, at nearly as the dkmocba? can learn. How many who swore oT on tobacco January 1 erenow smoking and chewing. The truth is tho tobacco business is just as good immediately after New Year at any nine. . The City Council is after nuisances in red hot manner. Look out for them and come a flank movement by removing the cause. lt ua make Albany an orna ment to this great tt iilainette valley. "An awful crime. An old resident of the Waldo Hills charged with a nameless crime," in black letters tavt the Salem Journal.and then immediately tells what the crime tt as followt: 'The lather 01 young girl who lives near Silver Creek Falls, is chanted with both incest and rape, a crime perpetrated a little less than a year ago." The case it really a terrible one. Min ie F Herrick, aged 14, gave birth to child on Nov 10. The father was ar rested, charged with being the father of the child; but the girl, though she had previously stated that he was. and swore out the complaint, now shielded her father by saying that he was not. He was held to await the action of tho grand ury. General Satisfaction. All the per son buying their grccerlet at Mullcr & GarreH are well released at their cash j figure a they arc giving better price than ever. Shbep Lost. At Oakvllle, one theep, left ear cut off, rope round neck. Return to farm of Wash Coon, . . Joim A Albert, Altaiiy:&rkt. Wheat-flls Oat-50a , Butter 85i prtb. pgfr:6t - May P,(W. ... , Potatoee 60 eta por tiunb!. Beef on foot, tf Apple-CO cent per bu, Pork 6Jo per lb. itireaaed. Kaoon nam, lie shoulder 70 Ida 9a ird 9o per lb. Flour.-4.i5 p' bbl. blcseus 8 00 per aot. till Feod bran, 14.00 per to short, 18. middlings, 20 - Ckor.w- Pretty fine winter weather. A VOICK VIIOX COST T. A Lady delates twe Astocishlns ' Ki pei-lcBcee, To wliom it may concern: I havo trtc4 kr?. very coacelvablo for blllousnori. en; Ing tbe past five years as I am of a bilious ten- j-ersment and suffer much from slorasch ar- liver trouWcs. But nothlnj ever gav ma tn relief tbut I oliUincd from uslug Joy's Vegutab Sarasparillo. In fact I tU'.ni its cure for those aiineutt. At tus uma I was using It I lied llUloflrl living in my family wbato neck wa eilouly af&ctcd by a largo open sore, aud we tried a (rent many kinds of lotions, sslvot and blood purifiers to no avail. I gave her some of my medicine (Joy' Vegetable Barsaparllla) thinking- it hi I if tit benefit ber and was purely vegetable, knew it could do her no harm. To my astonishment she began to 1st. prove, aud with in two wccUt it was entirely beaiod and she is bow a well a over. Km a. U WHEATOX, M I'ostPL. Ban Francisco TO X!F.NT. A-rtore room 2x90 feet, suitable for bosiiiesR; cntra!)y located i r r..,ti,,,,Inr3, r sr. the TlKMOCftAT tit Ann rm9nxt, MONDAY. Banker U A Rampy, of Harrlsburg, It In the clly today. CO McBrlile.of Elk City, wa In the city today. He reported flue trout fUhing on the aqulnii. One man caught 140 salmon trout In a day, targe fellow. pHivandtr Dawson tay he It not an applicant for the post office and would not have it were he appointed. There I much wire working going on about the matter of the ollhe yet. May the best man win, TUESDAY, Mr Jos Tyler, the well known farmer and chicken raiser, tit Halsey, i in the city, MrPBMontelth returned last even ing from Hpukane Falls, accompanied by his brother, Mr Chat Motiteith. B W Paisley returned last evening from hit trip to Smith Carolina, and re ports a plcnsant excrlciice, H arrived two days earlier than ho hod plumed. Mrs E Murray and Miss Maggie Mur ray went to la lias this noon on a visit. In a few dayt Mis Maggie will enter the (sisters school at bali-tu. Mitt Hertford Ptrahan, daughter of supremo Judge It K Htrahan, arrived In Haleni yesterday from Boston, where she haa been studying lntinlc and art. Mist Htrnhtin wl'l spend the winter in Hulem. HtutoBiuan. WEDNESDAY, S E Young went to Portland this noon. Mr Ira Phelps, of the Halscy Newt,wat in the city to-day. Mr J W Bell, the accommodating Post master at Splcer, we in the city to-day. J F Hall and It (J Hayne returned to day from fcfclo. where they had leen to Install the officers ot the K. of P. lodge there. ' A surprise part? wat tendered Mr Geo Keency laut evening at the residence of Mr CU Burkhart. A delightful evening was spent. Mr Kceney leaves to-night for California, Arizona ami other placet for the benefit of hit health. riT FILES). The number of city and town plats filed with the County Recorder during 1800 la a good Indication that our citizens were not tlseplng. Investor can find from the following list excellent oppor tunities now for speculation: Jan 7. Wright's Addition to Atbany,20 blockt of 8 1.!, east' pari. Feb 8. I M RaUton't 3rd add. to Leb anon, 4 block of 10 lots. Feb 12. Klrkpatrlck'a 2nd add. to Leb- anon, 3 block of 12 lots. reb 24. Manlewood add. to J J Dubrullle aud ort.,wct side,? block 01 a iota. Feb 27. J M Ralston't 4th add. to Leb anon, 7 block of 10 lota. Mar 4. Funnyide add. to Albany, by Willamette Land Co.. overdo block of Slots. Mar 24. Townaend't add. to Albany. south elite, 24 block of 8 lota. April ia. Kural Iale, hy It Thompson, 12 lots of 4. CI and 4 ti5 acre. April 19. FtJame Park add to Albany. 9 acre lota. April 2H. Wheelers add to Albanv. 13 blockt of about 8 lots. April 23. Katon'a add to Lebanon. 4 blockt of 8 lots. May 13. Ctttick's add to Albanv. About 8 blocks of 8 lota. Mar 21. Khelburn City. 4 Llorka of 8 lota, on the OP. May 21). Holler. 4 block of 8 lot: July?. Oaibrailh't addition to North Brownsville. -s block. July 10. Hettlemier'a add toTaneenL 3 block of 10 lota. Aug 9. Munker. 7 blockt of 4 to 10 lota. 2pt24. Klrkpatrick't 3rd add to Leb anon. 0 blockt of 6 to 14 lolt. Oct 2. Jones' add to Albany. 23 lota. Oct 14. Park add to Lebanon. 4 lots and 2 parkt. o 1. Vartrnthaw'a add to Lebanon. 18 tots. Dec 20. Hausinnn'i 2nd add to North Brownsville. 37 blockt of 2 to 12 lota. I Vc Itt. Williamt' add to Lebanon. 12 lots. BKl t.M1K BAH W C Castel), etu. toTJ f-tite,lot 6 blk , It's 2nd add 2000 Lebanon Lodge A F A A M to Geo II- Liggett, lot 20 in Masonic cemetery. Lebanon........... 10 R Hiatt to Annie Annie B Reed. lota 3 and 4 blk 3, HiatUadd to I-ebanm ISO Annie M Smith to Annie Reed, 3 arret near Lebanon 475 J Bond to Ang-!ine Reed, 150 acre. Tp 10 8 R 3 1 II T Kirkpatrick to Annie B Reed, lots 1 ana z 1.1 3 and lots I and 2 blk 4,Hiattt add to Leb anon 475 U S to Kdw Ixdlut 320 acre In Tp i.niii r. a ....... ratent H N NufTinger to T M Downing, etal 240 acres 11 El 10G II C Downing to J II Downing etal parcels in 11 El... 600 Mrs M J Downing to Everett C Downing. parcels in II El... C00 w in Isoflsinger etal to J H Down ing etal, parcels In 11 K I.... 1 Matilda and E Keener to T M and 1 it Downing, parcels m 11 r, I 1 M 1 Downing to J II Downing par cels inllEl Tho K Noffsinger to T M and J II DowningJvarlout arcc a in to Jat V Pipe et ux to O E Brownell, lots 4,0, till, P'tSAibanyA. 3UU Alice R Vanderhon to A C Bplr- lock ........ Power of Attorney T A Morris to T A Humphreyt and wm lost, parcel in tp 13, a it 1 E.-. COO DAOsburne etux toJohnMOs- . burns, int in 20 acres in tp II, fco w.. 200 (5644 Followirg is tli list of latter remaining in trie post clue at Albany, JUinn oounty. Oregor, Jaa, 7, lS'JI. Parsons calling for these letter matt give the date on which lhey were advertised. Brown, Mis Anoio ' Hour ret t, Geo R BoueyiOftoB ' Bolin,Conrtlaud W isarruen, ttunhard U Arnteu. Carren Coohrao, J.iho Card, Uavid Larmorn, John A 3 Rodger,A(lelhrtPL Dvi. All - ' Fnllw.UV r-'gso, Chr!es firo', Gttddel liamilton.Mi Emma Howard, Mu Ida Holland.' J V Haddn, W A Hys. Mrs A W ,,, i.Thornan, Cnarli Hendsrson. Jnlin llsvnaa. Wm Jobnuon, Vm' ' Kospp, Edward H - Moshy, Tho .'- ! . - Meney, Peter R. THoarsoK, P. M. Tho. Kay woolen milU'blanketf, flannel mou'a, yonth' and boy' clothing, for sal I by U w aimpson , agent, Albany, Uregon. I, ... . G W Simpson has received hU'fall (took f ttookioett and lealet jacket and threa quarter tealek cloak, and have a oomplnt assortment ot all th latest style. HAUR1ED. BURNS-COLLINS On Jan. 1 1891, at the Presbyterian Manse, bv Rev E R Prlchard, Mr Wm H Burn, of I Marion county, and Mis Ella M Collin. The happy couple went north on the noon train for ft hort wedding trip, followed by ine gooa wimei 01 ineir incna. UlEf). DORE. Amy E , little daughter of A C Dore, of Canyon City, but adopted of Mrs Clara Thompson, died at 3hedds, of typhoid fever, JJec 27th, 1890, aged years, t month and 27 day. Cease to weep for your little daughter, Though she lie beneath the sod ; . Heaven has gained another angel To alng before the throne ot God. Cease to weep for little Amy, God has called her as His own, To a life eternal to be happy, Singing praises round His throne. Cease to weep, you could not keep her, Heaven U the home for such as she; I we bad gone when we were like her Uh how happy we would be. ei.miiH in iivf"" r,verri;-.r!incc. I10M8 AK AI1MOA0 MONDAY. 8uhj"l books ar rattling aaia this muni in. ' Thr aretlifce aMeismriit li vi.d by the AOU Wttii month. Lost, at lb M K iiliiirch last sweieg a llk umbrsll, with K Rietske ngravnti on hsndle. Rtira to owntr at liorsld e'iW. - A Rasebarg papr givs s platur of th eoa.t tinois tlieie. It resctiiblt- a church mors than a eourt houi, and might well b left out. Th Orowuavilt Tioia ma, htvlog jast bao married, eiie nuts "VaeUhlc tasun on bUwIuUoii." That' what we all come t. ,: TbelongtxpreUd tieanibrats did'notar. rivs to-dsy, Tbe wtr, though, is tt a tin boating tge, btng 4 tout U inch to day. I Th vlmep inspector A S Puwcll y it w a mistake dboul his sheep U-ing scabby. II say all loahhy hp in thsooiinty hv boen cured, Th (toy ropts on th ferryl oat broke this morning, csusiug a tlifiht delay. The boat was g-ittoo to th north Uuk.aud th rope qulukly replscwl. T J Utiles La purcbaswl th nw hoase, and lot No 6, blouk 0, if W C Casll, be tween Montgomery and Itailroad street, on Seventh. Frio $2000. - Mr Julia Cushtnia, of Brownsvill, a fmoiti us thst tli report hioh was publish ed lo th Demociiat eome time tmce to th tfTttct'tiat th Wbllsce Jsvsail oompsny bail mad a contract with a Seattle varitty tnwaUr for a fhre month iugsginnt t aot tie. Th Juveniles are now makiair succful tour in th Ourthera prt nt the ttste. ' - PeoTa All to bERVKKi. A crl of meeting will eommence at the ME Church to-night, continuing for several week. Rev p Whon, of 8Iem, will be present this week and preach to-night. Neat week the celebrated evancclUt. Mr Connelly, I expected to be present Song service at 7 p m. Tne public I cordially Invited to be present. Week or Pbaver.TIiI week f prayer wilt be observed by the United rresbyterUn and Pi esbytcrlan churches by holding union services 'every evening with the exception of Saturday evening. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday even. ing will be held In the Prctbylerisn church. Thursday and Friday evening In the United Presbyterian church. Topic for thi eve will be Confession and Thanksgiving." All member of these church are especially urged to attend these meetings. Every one who can at tend will be made welcome. rfAr-risT Revival. New interest wa given to the evgcltstic meetin at the1 Baptist church by the arrival of the evan- i geltst, Mr Ceo Robert Calms, who preached yesterday to large congregation. HI hesrrr were delighted la the morn ing service by a unique and ttlrrlng ser mon on , -Bringing the paralytic to Jesus." At night the "Necessity and Method of the New Birth," wm presented with great platnnesi and power, and deep feeling wat manifested. Many went Into the Inquiry room, and several made public confess ion ot Christ, for the first time. Mr Cairns' manner very t leasing, ajd hi speech p'aln and practical; but hi r'L I lighted np with genuine originality aW Illustration. lo sing the g04, si flectlvely, Services every day from it oc'ock, and every night, except Saturday. Praise ervke at 7:15. Mr Cairn will be assisted in the singing by the male quar. icue cnoir 01 in uapiut church, uespel iiymn ro will be used. Even Uodv made welcome. tomuav. Jim FUk wm aaiat4 19 yr ago te ds y. Th -Vttrn f 1812" wilt agsla U pUymt at th 0r Hon, ia thi city, a Jj 1 6th, far th bttit of th U A U. DWk hare & TWpni L nude a ssuo SAcnt to F M RodrMd for th Unotiiof U!r creditor. AssUt f.XW. Llabtlilietaboot tbme. Mis Mary Sdgwhik and Mis Fsnoi (Said have hrea rngscrd to teb ia tb At hany sehmjil, the latter ecUog Mr Thrall, mho h riel. ruwsijtr and freisit rU have teo krcsUy increased en th Columbia btw-ft Aurtaand fortlsed. It will now tostt-W eh way. Norvand trip tickets. MsataCd cssU, Koon-dsy prayermaetiog a Y M OA room over Frach'iwlry tor vrf dy, fro 11.30 a m to 12:30. Week of ayer tot-to leader fur Wedostsy, Kv Uo W ililL pnlrr- turn MpeetaUy ar invit ed to aitee1. Drp ia if only for five mis ate. River. Tke river today wa 3 feet 0 Inches above low water mark, having faljen 1 foot 3 inchet since Yester day morning. River boats are looked for at any time. The fact is, though, rales are so low none of them are anxious to run. The business it a losing one, at least tuch is the claim made. The three O P boats and a couple independent boats will run during the winter. WRlIMAr. ' Buy year groceri- of Parker Dru. Sar kraatat C E Brewed!'. Cloak at cott at V F Heads. ; Unlin & l)awon, druggist, Fls gtoorrie t Coon & 1 Ivodricaon'. Bt 5 cent e:Har in tho market at Jnlio Josepa s. Btrgain lo library lninjM at C K Brow e!T. Crrir be; an delivrrieg mail in Astoria Itst rrtday. Cheadle tints ia t he best. Try it. C E Brownell. Getioine Iowa lore bum an draught!! C EHrownells. Ie!irioa ertnee cider on tap at C E Brownvir. Call at Kultn Dswsou' Now Drag Sto.e for fresh irutf. W, F. Rosd keeps the het assortment of fanoy good in town. Tablet, pencil od tpooge. at Hulin & Dawson a, rrenoh corner. Bee W F Rd' line of dr gocd aud silk before buying elsewhere. Great redaction in men fnmisliina uood for th nt SO dsysst w r Uoad s. , Tb total footings at th National Bank. of Hpnr, aro S133 7T4.41. It deposit a-e only 136.500. : 200 cloaks to ha told tk cost at W. F. Read'. Com and secure bargain while tho assortment is largo, For fresh meats of alt kinds co toJodaon k Slater, opposite Sclimeer'a liverystsble. Urdera taken and prompt delivery. Th ovrlaud train from th Sooth wa several hoars lata thi morning. Many re petitions of th offeose may be looksd for thi winter. A fine display of children school shoe tin center table at C K Browne!', s ar goin rapid- ly at less than nrstcost. Uail aud select pair before they are all gone, 1 Money Utsved by buy ins a good artiole. Mathews & Washburn' long experience en able them to give customer th best good that can be Had lor in least money. Tb (tor of I Blum & Co.,'wi burned at Athena reoontly. Loss, $-1000 . Insaracca, S3000. I Blum waa a resident of Albany lest year. His brother L Blum it well oil. Tbe County Court met this noon. As tlil is the time for aouaal report of road supervisors end th appointment of new su pervisors a long seesiou tu be tn order. Live aud let live is Matkewi&Wasliburn' mntto we put only a fair margin ou oar good and have what thn people .want. Call od look over our stock and carefully com pare all the points of our stoves and ranges and we will have no trouble ia selling you Quality for the money ia what Linn coun ty people seem to want. And that is tbe tea son Mathews k WsBhburn oU so many stoves. They auk a fair piioe for their good and will not rtoommebd any thine that is not of the bist. Fresh drug, perfumery, hair brashes, cloth brusbes, tooth brushes, tiesb b.ushfs, combs, mooey paraes, box paper, face pow der, and, in fact, everything found in a tirst irfas drug store, for s&lo at bottom piieebj Huliu & Dawsou. drnggtats. Th Pendleton Tribune eels oTthefo lowine fiine on an exchange: "J It N bull has purchcaed the hotel at ladeDendenco and the West Side remark that thn r-nue ia to changed, and s-ya that it is cc i st 1 rt j to divuic, it. It is too euphonious to bo I -pautiy hfllTotocl nwwd by a Religious Notiobs The anion meet ings held by the Presbyterian and Uni ted Presbyterian churches last evening was largely attended. The meeting this evening wiil be held in the main audito rium of the Presbyterian clinch and will lm conducted by Dr Irvine. Bnbject "Prayer for all in authority and for the abolishment of opium and strong drink trafllo 1 for all needed reforms," The Ladies" Boclety of the Pmby terian chnrcli will meet to-morrow at 1 :S0 p tn with Mr J 8 Turner. This Is the annual business meeting of the society. OUScers for the ensuing year will be elected. A full attendance is requested, ItaiBtit tKEBM.f. Having been visiting Lane county, I thought I would have to say a few words taut that county. I found everything in the way of business moving right atong. The city of Eugene I a nice little place. Many nice cottages going up. 'fhey claim It a little dull, but It seemed to me that It quite lively, They have rather a poor court house, but 1 talked with some vl the leading men and they tald they could do with the court house, but could not do without tne bridges, I took a day end visited the Springfield bridge. It I a fine btidge; built of steel and Iron, It I a aoj span built upon a solid stone foundation. It I not half Iron and half wood. I think If our county officials would visit that bridge they would be convinced that the cement pier ought 0 be put under a bridge like the Jefferson and Brownsville bridge. How when Albany take bold to biilld ht-r bridge, I do hope the wilt not allow any pile piers, but go to the bottom and nut In rock pier, f do not sec why Al bany and Linn county can't have a bridge when Lane county can build such a bridge without the aid of a city. I hope that we wilt tee a fine bridge span the river at Albany. Rake the moss off the back of the official and begin In time. 1 know that there will be lotto! mossbackt. In the country, tay : "O that won't do u any good!" But 1 tay It will, 1 live in the country and I say a Albany help u build our bridge, we should help build the bridge at that place. I know we have suffered with floods, but we have the break repaired. Do It up tight and have no trouble. The Springfield bridge I believe cost $36,000. If the bridge at Albany costs u 470,000, we are better able to pay it than Ijuie I to build all her bridge. I say it I high time that Albany should wake up and toy, a bridge we must have, and a bridge we will have. Not a Moss-Back. Nw Cabpet, new carpets, new car KU and new styles,, latest patterns, the et in the market, just received at A. B. Mcllwalu't. The stork is large and choice, selected for this market, and per pie wanting the best carpets at the ow- cst prices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It wat bought low and will be told low. "THROW PHYSIC TO THE D0SS.' lUeeirw-xUtaeite laflwvare mm4 II turrets lbs Bsas ajrstea. Ae lb world advance in aga and the people boeomee more enllehtened, the old schools of ltiaotoln) gradually giro wy to modern ine. lb Uod given pow er of electricity and tuagneUam supplant tbe dnuttlo drug of .be pharmacopeia Tbe "eottrmn internal" are only kept for human gargoyl. Among the moot prominent proles of th new curoUv age are Dr lrrin. Wondrous to relate they ore espeo'atly aueoatwfalln curiag ebrunto, acute and pilvate 4teo, deaf ntwa aud catarrh. It is not long since tne restored to health Mrs Oiind Olson, of Portland rthe bod tieen soroly afflicted with e'jronio rheumatism of th knue Joint, and not long since that Mr Goorgs II Pepenburg.a German, a resident of Tualatin, Or, who had uen slmiwt total deaf tea years, was eorod so be 0011 id boar at well a ever In his life, and the en re I permanent a shown by msny of bis neighbors visiting Dr rwrt !n to be enrwd of all their chronic dime. Tbe certificate of cute) mad by tbeoe eels hrated physleUns would fill voiumn. They e-n braes vary d ! to which ha man it y is otpod. The remedies are PKiuIoMt, almost p!nnt and lorslab! Ir frriu are emitted to grout credit for thkir amet tnlrwculou d I server ie ia tb art of elect ni bealior. There Is no known malady that tkey cannot eonquor If patient w ill at va tbe doctors a fair ebanoe. Their ofllce ?M Nvoshlngtnn stretrt, Portland, are bealnged with the lame, halt. ier ana blind. Iron 10 a in to 8 p ni. They give free examinations and cbargi about half the ordinary fees of other pbyvleUmi. Thousand are given n-ime iroAiweni rjy mail or expnrts. Parti, tiit !:. to 001ns oab teud fur question blank and circular free ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Saturday ETenIng, Jan. 10, 1891, NATIONAL SWEDISH- LADIES CONCERT, From -:- PJtoclcliolin. BKSFATIl IVCEl'M Cl'KEAl', Ml AsvbI Boston and Chlcsjo. THE COMPANY: MISS JENNY NORELIUS, 1st Soprano MISS T SUNDIUS. 1st Soprano. MISS IDA ItRUC 2nd iJopnoo. W1SS MA III A UEDEN, Sd Soj,rano, MAltIK S01ILBF.RO. 1st Alto. JULIZABKTH BRUCE. 1st Alto. INULEBURO LIN DBtJUN, 2nd Alto, AMEUE HEDLN, Alto. -ALSO MR. MF.LV1N Tb Favorite AY. iiuiaorist The ladies apper to rbs beautiful and picture-que eosturoe of the ir t 'it r loee. Thuir quartette slnaing has never been equaled ia thi country, thoir work beiog imply perfeot, ' : ADMISSION, t 1 t 60 tt ad fl Kesetved suits at Will Sc Link't, TOVilSEdD WILSON eal Estate g Loan Mm DolniF m tranaral lnirnoe bmlnnw, Psrtls asltlnpt lnsunuKM wlUVo well to see ifcmn. AOE-ST8 FOR Aetna lasaraaee Campaar, tncorporaiod 1819 tlnvh-r perpetunl. Losnt-s )sd in 70 years, oa 046,000. Assets, 0,7S0,715,U3, Cnardlan Inn f'nmnanv. of LomlftD. Knirnil fcsisblisheil 13 1. Oni.iial, $.0U0.0OO. 'iotul firs losses paid ovor J3,0JU,00a Aiiirlf an FJre las. Cnmnri of Philsdslphl, Oresnised 1S10. CaJh smsis, 2,612,eu0. Lowes paid, 810,606,200. Colnmltla Flr . ISnrtne Ins. rmtar, P.M-Uwid, Or. Aiweta, iO0,Sja.6i. This isons Oregon's best companies, ... X V -5 - Cuakoe ix r.LBiw. -From Jan. lt, 1831, we will change our boalneaa to a trlcllr cash yetm, therein enabling vh i my for cash and get our discounts, whereby w e can, and wi!l, give our cus tomer the benefit. Our Mr O H Muel-k-r, wl ili cput, made arrangement to buy good direct from the manufacturer at tho lowest canh priced!, and we will ;1I pure eood at the lowest cnh figure, lk-lieving that the people will appreci ate a tor where they can get good at cash Dgnri-B, we remain, respectfully youra, mleu.kb & UAkaarr. A M4S.lL INIKOfOa free with acb b-itl t b-h'$ Catarrh. Komady. i'ric SO ceote, l-'oy St Mason, asut Th liest roast eofT ia th oity at Cmisd Moyrr1. Dott't fil to : our men' aad boy' olotliirg hefor parohasin; tlsewber. VVe eit th best clothing for th lat money of any Does in the city. Look arid l con vtrtcd. W 8iuipoo. '' ' Highest cf til 1a Leaycalng Tower f t,' rfI fl nyjjy m DURING TL r 4 v. V t w xr 0 1 l?iiilMfliiy(iii Ij Will clos out his entire stock of Winter Clothing, conEistiiig of Suits, Un derwear, Overcoats, Etc., Etc., Etc., - AT - G reatly Reduced Prices, In order to make room for his SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. of : which : ho : will : have : a t In i A f ? f i3 WHeel and get MORE POWER and use LESS WoATER TVrite for onr New IllntTUd Catulorna or 180L. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 04 U.SJL DR. ABORN IS NOW AT PORTLAND, OKICO!. X M C o o n c ta X o X QH THOSE WKO ClimOT POSKIBLl C1IX FEB B0XAI.LT, UOJ3K TEtlTSETT FLACTD WITH IS THS KEAH1 OF ALL THAT WILL UITK 15STA5T AH EOCS BEUKF ASQ A m JiA.X5T a ss. The most rrxdv. ocsitive and tenna Bent cure for Cat-irth of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat Bronchial, Lung, Heart. Stomach, Liver ana Kidney Anecuons, Nervous DeWtv. etc Consumption, In itn various u!tr. permanently cured. Dr. Ahorn's original mode ot treatment nd his medicated inaaiauons eivcs in rtantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the; whole constitution and system, therebv Tirolonrine life. Weak, nervous,- riehllitAted and broken-down constitu tions, old aud young, invariably'gain from ten to thirty pounds itt from thirty to ninety days. " Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble 4nstantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, Fwrlh aad Ker.tsoa SUk, Portland, Orfa, Notb. Home treatment, securely packed, sent by txprsMi to all parts of the Pacific Coast, for thote wca CanirA possibly c-.U in person. 4UIXVIK0 TQ CAll FGS FREE CCHSULTaTICS B AXK OF KCIO, SCIO, OREOON. Presl'lent...... Vice- President. ... 4 S Mounts .....O S May John Gaines P O Smith. Cashier.. directors: E Coin9, J 8 Morris, H Ilrj-ant Trs renrral hanklne and exchsng business. 8'iifht drafts Issued en Albsnr, Ponlaud sad San Fnuisisc. DISSOLUTION ftUTJCK. --otlte is hereby given (bat the copartnership of Oblin a Wallace hs been dissoivpd by mutual coriprct. All Jiabtlities will be assumed by Henry Ohiing, to whom all accounts should be paid. . HlvNUY OHLIlsG. fkakk Wallace, Albany, Doo 21, Jh'ii). St to -2 --. .y DO. PATT0I1, i 'i ' " ' ; ' r -! f 1 ?!-on5pris F.loe-3x. Albany. Or. " - - i . n.. Ln".;i c:nn rt of wosut-n and j " lii-.,. t. : l i. y ' ' n-.oi.-f i !- r ) 1 j m - th nil c,i-i ! a ' i.u ;r " .M WSWWSWS '1 ml W WWWWr. IWi.wliMIS TVOSlIi tOJISIBKKIJSU. I F, il. FreDoh koeps rsilroad time. I Nw erearu ohees jast reoeived t Cotta I Mayer. j Kgan 8l Achis'ifi ai eiling tnonnmtrit at fortlsnd price. j Fresh Kew Kncland minco meat, on ..l 1 at U K BrowD.ll s, Cbolo wet Dulawar trap rewire 1 fresh every morning at C E Hrownell'. II 00', youths', sod boy clothiog arid furoIsbiDg good at J W Simpson'. Hav yo eeo those psrlor sniu tbt T Brink ho jast reoirsd f They ar nice, J W Beotley. beet boot sod aho makerin eity, thre door north of Democrat office. For bargain in mooament, headstone t., go to fCho & AohUoa, Albaoy.Oregcn Yoa should call and tho Co library lamp at C Brownell before baying else--where. Ticket tar ALL tr pointr, over ANY rout, for ssio by W. IL. Jester, t M. P. ticket office, ' For cold night hay ThosKsv wvhn mill blsokeU, cheapest hi town. For! by O V Simpjn, geot. Albany, Uregoti. - U. S. Got' Report, Aug. 17, 'tS5 PWfs Bm ft tur fubite La JAITTJARY LA : Iarpe ? jinrl rVimVa ctv - vwVV siVVa wlkiHU aa4a3 Mi' .1 tir.'V i k f ' r r ; i i tj als .3 J KM and a Cno'atock SPECTACLE generally, as Jwell oe jewelry, Watches. clocks, etc., at P. ill. French's, IBB Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC JSTCSE, o SKiroa TttseaUBajirm - - F. Miller; -And th FsTOrlto J.BAUER & CO.S PIANOS. laln co and EarliuH IMovi so Proof Organs sol AOBirm ro Sevrlax ISacfitlaee. OKOANS - Cl BAKKO - AND - REPAIRED, ALBANY, OREGON. V Will be Found tt the Square Dealing Stove House of Z, 1 -tt. , ' r SIBBSES. OKEY 30 LOAN. In snjall and fj. large an oucts, from six months to v Tear . oii cood Albanv una L,mn count-v real e at. Call on or address W E iclTbrxTO, FirM 8t., Alrxiny, Or. , STRAYED About the 'ast of Jaug from my rm Rear Tangent one pale red heifer, tvo years ' old eprir.v-, aisrked with crop off th-i rit.t ear ar.U awa'lowfork in -tsear. i-. xuy it formalrca regarc'icgr ber. wuJ ta rij"s.v r-rdt. : 11 L F.".ias. ? LJ1 3 I N n afc . -