1 Oil? rimortat. sar Tit ceUbralcd star A'ol has A diameter of 1,116,000 mile, or 156,000 timet greater thaa oar sun. It has bw demonstrated that iLanjr, anJ probablj most, tli star art lura, greater lr far than our tun giver of both light anJ heat. The wavtt to be found art off the Cap of Good 1 lope, here, at limes there are not over naif a dozen swells to the mile, but they ere not at all danceroui compared with tho of other waters. Berlin aorgeoM extracted recently from the no of girt, atven yean of age, a button which had been Vxlccd in that part lor three nd one-half year. There were over 8,000,000 Leg of nails produced lair year la the United State, ol which one half were cut tteel, lets than on fourth cut Iron and more than one-fourth wire, Dr. Leonard J. Cordon, president of the Jersey City Board of Health, has mad a tug gration that all telegraph pole on whku live electric wire ar strung be painted red, that the public way be able to distinguish ihera. Although whales grow to an eooimou site. sometimes eighty and even ninety feet toog the throat is so small that th animal couMnt swallow a bit at larjji as a tea biscuit This applies to th common whale, tha sper maceti hat a mouth Isrre enout h to swallow a naa. The correspondent who furnishes po llllcal new from Montana to the Ortgomi mm deserve a crom ofor being the most bigoted, narrow minded partisan that ver pot pen to paper. Be ha nothing but abuse tor the democrats and seasons that abuse with an ample suppl jr ot false hood. He U a model Bourbon. Jllll , ., 1 MUM! , , I One thing la sure. The Farmers AMI nee can never win on the sub-treasury scheme. It I contrary to reason, sound legislation and that principle ot equality before the law which la the only sure foundation for the permanency ol a re publican government. It la not only In New Hampshire and Connecticut that tha republicans, left V a minority at the recent election, are try. log to wrest from democracy the fruits of victory. In Illinois the legislature being close, they threaten to oust four democrat- k member ot th arnale, which body controlled by them, fhla la tor th pur- noM of re-electing Senator Farwell. Th contest promise to be long and bitter. In Montana, alto, there la like to be a legl tlve dead-lock, a a result of the crooked nets last year. Tut LEOISLATl'KE. Salem, Jan. 6, 1890. Ed Jort Dtrntccrmt: Member f the legislature are coming n slowly. By the last ot the wek they wlUbe here en masse. Every thing I bngdone up la good order at the capital for the reception ot members. Mr Mitchell will be re-elected withou. hindrance, and the usual Introduction of bill will follow, At the present time scheme, If any there are, do not show up. The legislation -all be confined to political code,taiatlon,etc Ther will be an effort to repeal our usury and mortgage tax laws, and as there are strong arguments pro and con concerning these acts, the Jbate will be edifying There will be legislation asked to favor the building of railroads. As a consider atlon the state's use of the roads, In con- reylng prisoners, Insane etc., the roads hall be excrrpt from taxation for five year after completion and while In building. As :hls Is intended to favor roads projected to open up our coast line. the richest part ot western Oregon In nat ural resources, there should be no oppo sition to the measure. The OPRR was made exempt from taxation for twenty year. The present request la for five year. Thl exemption wlil aid very much In the rapid completion of these needed roads. And a railroad once built will In crease property value all e'ong It line and bring to the state a revenue Urgel In advance of the lax that is exempted under this proposition. The stato would be great ly benefited by this plan for Jn opening up her avenues, property and population would Increase rapidly,, nd thus each new location for home of the thousands that will cwne to Oregon yearly for the un limited future. PaccRlgs. THE J-ORCE BILL The Force bill is practically defeated. Yesterday fin the senate when the bill came up George, of;Mlsslsslppl was pro ceeding to make a rcech against It when Stewart of Kevada, republican,) moved that k be displaced by the financial bill. The motion carried by a yote of 34 to o. The following republican voted with the democrats In favor of displacement: Jone and tttewart of Nevada, McConnell and Shoup of Idahe, Teller and Walcott of Colorado, Stanford JJ,of California and Washburn of Minnesota. The result was a gieat surprise to the republicans and the democrats were cor respondingly jubilant. The scene when Grandmatherss!Ioar, I law ley, Sherman and Edmunds saw their little pet nursling ruthlessly driven from the august presence of grave senator m ust have been a deeply affecting one. The Bourbonlstlc spirit which, of late years, has come with such overshadowing influence over their political dreams must have suddenly as sumed a materia'.is'jc form a it (aw the last hope of another bloody shirt campaign fast fading out of sight. The financial bill was th.-i. U ken up Stewart offered hfs fre coinage amend ment. This Sherman in true Bourbonls tlc st; le denounced as revolutionary It Is to Le hoped that the beginning of the endd the Infamous Force bill has been reached. THAT Utile AT FPKF.CH. Lat week we supplied Our readers wiih Voorhers great speech on the tariff. From reports we learn that it met with a most hearty reception from our readers. There has been quite a demand for them. V have a limited supply left which may be lisd by tho who would 1 ke to distribute them. Call at this office or send s' amps at the rate of wo cents a copy. Knprpsv. . This is bt you oognt to hs, a fact yno must l.svo if, to enjy lifa. Thousands aro searching: for itdsily, ami mourning be cause the' find, it not. Thousands npoo tlionsnd .f dollars am spent sr.Dos'ly by r.tir pfj,U iu tha hopo tht thev rr.sv attain this boon. And vet It may ho hil r.y . W snnratiloe- that Electrio BlUars, if ujd according directions and the era pcrnjed in, w lirintf you jriol digestion snil out lifl drmnn Djsprosia and install jn&tesd iiip.r.iy. We recctunwrid IClecti 10 Hitters (or Dyijffi is and ail nisearev of Liver, ;ittiit(;H ao1 Kidcey. Sold at 50a and tl !. 1 n;'J by rohay & Mason, drusjiuts. v., c t v- ' 1 ! ner i'er Sc UarrvU'i krsx juit re I it -.3 ti TUE MOKTUAISRTAX LAW. The hue and cry Is heard throughout the state that the mortgage tax law shall be repealed. Tlios who aro calling loudly for the repeal are making known through th press the reason fur this demsnj. The first Is that th law Is of no benefit to the borrower tor the reason that the mortgagee always stipulates In the mortgage that the borrower shall pay the taxes. Herein Is much weakness In the case presented by those who demand the repeat ot the law. The mortgage tax law was not enacted tor lit purpose et promoting th Interest ot th borrower fr any other particular class ot people. After some years ot ex perience In the state, It was found thatag rlcultural communltet whoso greatest wealth Is In their farming lands, are the greatest borrowers,and that capitalists who loan money on these lands do not, as a rule live In the communities where the lands are located, but live in th money centers Now, under our system of deducting In debtedness In making tsssessments.a very great Injustice was done under the old law to a large portion of the tax payer ot these agricultural counties. It happened In this way t Assessor tor year have been as sets! ng lands at from one fourth to on half their value. This In the face ot a law that require that lands shall be assessed at their true cash value. A man having farm worth 13, 000 bono 0.1 mortgag )3Pi.o from some capitalist outside ot his county. Shortly atler the astrssor p pears an J assesses this land, placing the value at $3,000, where upon the owner claims a deduction ot $3,000 on account ot the mortgage on the place. This being allowed It leaves the owner with no taxes to pay on thl land. The mortgage, owned by a n an In some other cour.try would, fit the mortifsire tax law were repealed,) be taxed In that county and thua whatever taxable value there waa In the taim was transferred another county to the grert Injury of the 4tax payers ot the eounty where the land 1 located, for, to that extent, it would Increase the burdens of the tax pay er of the eounty In which the land wa situated. This Is the principal reason why the passage of the .nortgage tax law was demanded. If the mortgage tax law shall be repealed It wl.l leave all mortgage to be taxed In the jurisdiction where the owner ot the mortgage llves,for being per sona! property they ould follow the per son of the owner. Then all parries living out of the state, but loaning money In the state, would escape all taxation on their mortgage In the state, thus putting our own money lender to great disadvantage, a they would have to compete with those who pay no taxes, when they themselves would have to bear the burden ot state, county ani municipal taxation. It la a fundamental principle of the goverment of the state that all taxation shall be equal and uniform. This applies with as much fore to commur l.lc and countlc as to In divlduals. Any law by which the taxable value ot one county are transferred to another la violative of this fundamental principle. This was the principle object- ton to the law as it stood before the pts- sage of the mortgage tax law. Until something better than the old law or the mortgage lax law ts cfTercd the mortgage tax law should not be repeal d. t kOTUlKDPJUTY. Tresldent McGrathuf the Kansas Farm. er Alliance s.: "The agitation In the south over the Lx!.e bill precludes the possibility of any Independent third party movement at thl time. While In Ocala I Investigated the conditions thoroughly as my limited stay would permit, and I can.e to th conclu sion that more lime was needed. It will come about la time, but the time I not this year. "The delegation of editors, which has returned from a tout through the south, having made a thorough Investigation of the farmers' movement there, found that a large majority of the southern farmer believe In working for their reform within the democratic party. In 1-ouUIana, for example, the editor found few, If any, ad vocate of the third movement. The pres ident of the alliance In that state, Thomas S Adams, Secretary of the Slate Board of Agriculture. In conversation with a cor respondent who accompanied the Kansas delegation, said: The political condi'ion In this state pre clude this pos-iblllty of an Independent political movement at this time. With us K is a battle for white supremacy, and any movement which will divide the white people politically will not find favor. "The editors found that Mr Adams ex pressed the sentiment pretty generally held by the southerners, and for thlr rea son they also concluded that it would be Impossible to do anything with the near movement at the present lime. The party in Kansas, however, 1 as determined as ever In Its fight against Senators Ingalls PEMMOX GO-BETWEENS. It dow appears that in setn.ing to recom mend a reform in the matter of pensbn attor ney's fees Commissioner Raum slyly sought to serve the attorneys rather than the pensioners. What be recommended was the passage of a law reducing the attorneys' fees ''in all cases ol increase ol pensions pled after the passage of this act," As there are already, 300,000 claims psnding, Mr. Rsum's qualifying words, if inserted in the act, will give the sum of l, 400,000 to the attorneys which, without these words, would go to the pensioners. No wonder the attorneys believe in Mr, Rium and are ready upon occasion to indorse his notes. But why should Congress potter over this matter? Why should it not at one stroke adotish the whole system of go-betweens in the Government's deslings wi'h i's pensioners? Why should these men be licensed to levy a tax upon the pounty of the nation? If-liy should srey be er oi'te 1 to take for their own use anv ?art of the money the country gives to ita di nbled veterans? Eve.7 honest j en jinn claim can he as well presetted and as pro aptly allowed without th assistance of a pension attorney as with it. No attorney is required or can be useful unless there be fraud to be forwarded. Tb blanks or pension claims might be placed in the hands cf postmasters for delivery to pennon claimants upon application. Anybody can 611 out such blanks, and the Pension Bureaa, if honestly and capably managed, can and wil adjudicate every claim in its order and upon its merits. Hortst claimints peed no attorney in the Pension Office. Dishonest ones are not prop er objects of Consideration. The go-betweens should go." Unction' Arnica Salve, Th bort fill's In tho wori.l fm Cu',!lruio",Rar-, Ulcers, Suit Khsum, Favor s irs, ttr, C'bsip rwniis, I hi'bislns, Corns, and ail tlkln Knij twi xif velycuref Pilfs.or no pay req-iiruU. it Ja cuar titsed to rivs psrfoot sstisfaction, ar money rslufid d. Prioa 26 cents per box. For ss'.s by r'uslmy and Mason A sure can for the whisky habit; Or Livinttcr.' Antidote fnr 'ran cnttwj will cure any case of tUe liquur ftl.il iu from ten to thirty dy, from the n odirat t diiukr to the drunkard. The Antidote en be given in 1 cup of o ffeo without ths knowledge of the person taking it. Tho ,' rjt:dcte willuot injtiie the heal tin in any wsy. MsnufiicturEd l,y the Livingston Ctn-mical (V, I'urtland, Oregon ((from J A CuK'iji:u;t, ole ageht, Albany, , l.l&x.Otl 1'K.NSiOamiM When the new disability pension bill was passed by th last congress, It was confidently asserted there could not be over 300,000 claims of all kinds under It. Like all pension blils the tacts double on the estimate. On the loth ot December titer were 53 39 claims died under the new pension bill, and during the week preceding the date named the number of applications re ceived was 9.173. With claim Increasing each week, all calculation I at fault as to the number ot pensions that will be claim ed under the present laws Wt have now about 500,000 pensioners on the pay roll, and the number ot pend ing claims one week ago was 1,151,041, with the claims largely Increasing each week. Th last week reported, ending on the aoth Inst., recorded 9,173 new pension clalma received, and 578 disposed of, ot arhlch 5,3(16 were allowed and i,;ia re jected. It the 1,1 53,04 1 pending claims and the other hundreds of thousands crowding in at the rate of nearly 10,000 a week shall be disposed of by allowing nearly eighty per cent of them, a the record ot the last week reported show, our Tension list must soon reach th appalling number of 1,500,000, and it will require much more than $aoo,ooo,ooo annually to pay them The people are Just beginning to wrestle with the pension problem, and when they get down to a hortxot.tal view of in annual treasury deficit of more than $100,000,000 to rav pensions, mora than one-hail ol which are unmerited, there mutt be fear fulteai Ing up of the whole profllgati and shameful pensbn tys'em. roil EST COMMlsSIONrit Editor Democrat ; Whilst there to sn elTart being made to squander (150,000 of (Orrgon't money on the Worlds Fair.lt would not be out of the way to call attention to our forest fires, In the hop that they may be prevented. We should ere ate th office of Forest Comm;ioner. The office to be regulated by a law of rigid penalties andjfair rewards. A law that limits slashings. needed camp-fires, and all other fuel to their legitimate and economic ue. Our great wealth lays largely in our timber, and the time ha com when it should be protected by the State. It can he done and should be done, Not to exceed ttoco per annum will sav millions to our state and commercial revenue, This ia vastly of ereaier importance than the Wortd'a Fair or the Railroad Commissioner to Oregon. The latter we can do without, the former, the protection to oar forstt, we can not. Now ia the time for our lecislalur to act. The timber weatib of Oregon runs Into billions, shall we not protect It.? . Tiuiixa, Henry A Brown of Massachusetts, the noted sugar tariff reformer, has been here conferring with the leading oficlals and members of congress about the t:rcrt tut In the duty on sugar to go Into e ffect next April under the tariff law, and It effect on the revenue of the count ly. Mr Brown insisted that the lost of revenue from making sugar almost duty free, together whli the bounty to be paid to augar, pro ducers In this country, 111 amount to $70, 000,000 a year. He is clearly ot the opinion that it will be found advisable and that It will be the duty ol congress to re store fully three fourth of th present or otd dutt on sugar and discontinue or re peal the bounty feature of the new law. He has no doubt that the rapid Increase In the production ot sugar in this country will very soon cheapen permanently the price of that article to American consum era, and that a sustained duty on sugar would be a powerful factor In treating with sugar-producing countries for recip rocity. Mr Brown says his opinion and view on this are shared by leading republicans In and out of congress conversant with the subject, who are not unmindful cf the de mands that are likely to be made upon the treasury to meet the large Increased gov ernment expenditure for pensions the new navy and other In the near furture More money will have to be raised some how or ctber to meet thl Increased gov ernment expenditure, and it need not be looked for,he sayt,ln the custom revenue 1:1 view of the reduction of the tariff taxes on many article and the extended free list found in the McKlnlcy law. TBE COLDEIS Kilt BAZAAR, Ha a large and complete line of goods, dolle, doll bugglea, ioya wagons, veloctpcdea and many other goods which go 10 mane up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, elassware. bird cascn. plush ifoods, such as albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's adu pictnre oooks, ana an gootis that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Hoirer Bros. 1847 silverware. Wo wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to ine uoiuen uuie prize linking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade. which itives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Kule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Kule Bazaar, i you will be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and l treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. , . ' Julius GturjwoiiL, rraaawaeed Hopeleay.ll'et Saved. From a letter written by Mr- Ada E Ilurd of Oroton, H D, w quote: "Waa taken wiih bsd cold, which mttlrd on rnv Lnni. coufths set in and liually terminated in Con sumption. Four dcclors give ma oa saying I ceuld liva but a short tim. I give my self op to my 8viour, dterminrd if I could not stay with my fiisnda tn earth, I would meet iny slnnt aiis fi'mve. My husband waa advued t t." Dr Kina's New Dicvor- ry for Cotisu.-nyti.tn, Uru,h abd Cold 3. gave it a trial. Wxk In nil wglit bottles; it has cursd ma ad th.nU Oct lam a well "d beany woman." Trial littles free at Ko shay (c Macon's dra store, regular sio, 60c and fl. ' I'xrltemrnt Runs hiyh Albany st rV-hv & Ma son's drnv or 1 er R, Klein Builder, as verslmdi 1 usiig it for Catarrh of the tjt'rniach, Ljiiii)e)ia, Co-istiju.tioo aud Im pure t I..-.1. Try it .nd t!l jonr frieuda ab hi' it is it must (. 1 wnn 'trfal merits wheu a I pak we'd of 1. For Inmo I ' k, or s.do rha'. us f biloh's Fornus i').ittr. Price, 25 cents. A tti: t'r-.n ot j vVr,', b. t, '.a tl r.ily, nt "sViii U. A fcrk'x, Juj itie holidajt. WHY WILL YOU -o..Kh when Shi'ch's Cure will give Immrdiatu ro'ii-f. Prifja 10 eeiit(, 50 oouts aad f I. F(-ah3y & Mieon, aganw. ' . I blltlrcn Cr'Jujr Tho t lcasant (l.vot, tnt'e aoiiou srd r-olh intf tffect cf Syrup of Fi, uheoin need of a Icxalive and if ths father or iii'ilher he OouMve or I-iiiou thn rr.cac gratifying reoalts folluwing its ue, co that i ia the beet fam ily remedy known nod e.ery fsnii'y should hsyu a bottle, FOR DYSPKl'SIA and -iver 0-rii.'a;i,t yoi h"v a rriute t;o.rr!t?i. ve-rv 1 otiln of Mhiloli'a Vitaliz-r. It i ttsr fail to oiirs-, Fo-hay & Maaoo, rgetili". - . BBW.1VILLB. January 6 tit, 1801. Tho pastor of tho M E Church la hold ing rt protracted effort. He expect a- luinncu unring tit coming week, whom utu not learn. The new city oflkcra have amumed inetruttuea ana we nmy expect tuingi to go on ni uijun . tho Tiwoa to the con- 1 . . I vrary never mo ii'aa. Wo look fur an Improvement In tho nine now mat 110 isa nmrrioa man. Succeed Mack, Tho little son of It L Blnnchard litt- rovea very alowly and Mra B Is not well Ly any mean. Toll our Eastern friend that tho cor- respondent of tha Dkmocxat enn pick wild strawberry blootna in Ida yard on thlat tho 6th day of January, 1891. Thla wo nun it wouia m encouraging to those who are Dicaoeu with mow alormo. fill ! 1 ,t 1 I 111, iniinui ibis uais rausu mc river I o toga nave wen running ana trie taw , . . ... 1 uiiiia win aoon 00 ninnmg. Weliko to read audi correspondence aa Juttico write from Crawlordavllie. (Join Jualice in tho tntercata of fair dealing. OFCoahow la 01 th tick Hat. lie exooctatoatnrtforl'alifurniaon.irali.iiit tli Htti Ol llila. month. Ha ia trniilili.il .. .. - . " . " 1 with hia lunira and hnrwa tA Imnxflt ).! health by a trip. May iucceaa attefid him and may lie toon return to hia homo ound aud well. OtaflLLB, Thswtek ofrraver wIUIm observed by prayer mer-tW at 2 o'clock . m. each day at th u P Church. Roinoot our farmera will i.knt from one to ten acre of peaa. Thla ia a new mtalncaa, but will probably be remuner ative. Mr O S Acheion and family were vlalb- tng irientt nero during the holiday. lorn again ueorge. Mr John D Young, of Loa Angr-Jes.Cal-1 Itornia, ia vlaiting, hi aUtcr, Mr I N Htnlth. They had not met for over twen ty year. Mr Y like the look of our country, although It i not a dry aa Cal ifornia. A Y Smith went to Palem on tho 1st to aee hia brother, J (J Smith, who I down with the typhoid fever. A Y returned Haturday mJC wa celling along all right. A Y ha loU to talk about now, a he haa teen the atreet can and the telephone and tho new bridgo and the Mate house. Mr K V. fiiil-iliin rarrlea 1la inn tn a sllng.caused by jumping out of hi wagon in too uiucti iiaste.ttira n its' hi wr at. LrrrLK Rosa Bf. 'sw scawpvraar auiasr. The executive eornniitti. r.f tha Or. gon 6tato Temperance Alliance met .t tho YM OA rooms fn Portland, Jan 6th, ml (..r.riil.l it, f.,llnwlr. .01.1. 1 call for the next session of the Alliance. Tha tint llx-d 1. sh.Mti.tltr.tLn. via : Tho third Wednesday of januarTr- which falls this vear.on tho 21at In.t. 2: na sin n Stt.t-. Orecon Oregon. Tho baai of representation is act forth in Article 2 of the constitution, which read as follows: ' "Membership. Tb Alliance) shall bo enm posed of delegate representing churches, Sunday schools, and temper anew organization. Each ouch society within the 'l ahall be allowed one del egate for each such organization, and one for each fifty member or major portion thereof; and all life member hitherto known a such shall bo recognlxed a member." An earnest and cordial Invitation I la extended to all temperance and christ ian pesplo of tho state of Oregon to send delegates, duly accredited, to participat in the deliberation ot tho Alliance at it forthcoming session. We desire a large attendance of those who are pledged to tho protection of the American homo against the vice ol in- temperance. V, C. Bats. K. L. MrKtxxar, Irestdont. Secretary. a n laMU k urowoeir store if too Wait toll eeonoitiicadJy. Beat gooda and .lows 1 r cec guarantawa. C ATAP.IUI rUnED, ,r4tb aod sweet breath aocarad.by iShilub'st'aUrrh lUmedy. rric) um cent. Aaaal injector Ire. to shay it Maaoa, agent. The ON LY place ia the ty whera East rn tickets eau be corchaa ia of W. I. Jsstcr. at tha fouthero I'aciOe Co's ticket orQca f IlILOH'rt COUOII aad Consumption van u son ty uaon agnatasie. It ceres coB.umi.tion. Kosbay Si Maaoa, agents, are4 mt aralta. Loltia L IVie.rr, East View, Wtstchest aniinty, N Y. wr.tes: -I bava bera a grrat tuCerer with paint in the brcx of my lead, worse tbse aoy hoad-a-h. 1 could M,t seaeh it with internal madiclnaa at alt, ai.d daring th cold wsatb- ' 1 " ssiletKl orinoiatinirly. I flnall thought I would try art Alleock's Plaster appiisd to tbeo;.--f my reck. I a loa man nan aoay tha pam entirely aascd. WniRiTo Get Tn rm When wanting -n organ tr piana call on u l, uiackman nf-e you can atlert from a firat etas ttoca. IsW BLACKSMITH SllOi'.-G JV Willis ha just completed his blacksmith ahop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class- order uring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repa rs. Ejsn A Aohison bacdle' tne ctdcbraUd Portland cement wall for cemetery Iota. These walls ean I furnished at half tl oral of aoy other and era far superior. t 1 dlag Photographer A any re gon. We have bonubt all thencgatm mad by f. W Clark and W II (ireerwood itp to Nov loth, 1880. DurdkaUa can be had from ham only of ns at reduced 1 a tea. W have also about 18,000 nr-tative. Ingje by our selves, from which dupllaalaa ean be had at like ia:ea. W carry tha on ly full liua of viewi i f this state and do eolargr d work at loweit rates for first class work. V e ahall b pleased to sea yon at our Studio in Froman'a block, next door to Matoaio rrmple. Bumethlag for (lie Kew Tear. Tho world rennwnr-d toooesaof Ilostatter's Stomach F-iUrrs, and their continued popu larity for over a third cf a century a stomaohio, is scarcely more wonderful tha . tlit welcome that grei-ts tha annual appear snca of Hostetttr'a A'inanso. This valuab.' medioul treatise is jiublwhed by the lloste ter Company, Pittshurs, Pa, under the own immediate snpi-t vision, employing bands in Uat d pan moot. Thev are ran niuK aboat 11 mouths iu the year 00 this nnk, and the is. us iA same for 1891 wi 1 ba moie thin ten tnillioiis, printed in the Erg iih, (Jirir.an, frecch, Waltb, KorweBiD, 8 tdLn, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish Ui-RH:i(;ts. Refer to a copy of it for valuable tT.d iutsresting reading eoniarnfng health (.1 d nutmrona Ustimoniula aa to the rfHojcy of Hostvtk-r't Stomat'a Mitten, suiuscment, vai - 1 ii.fonn.ttion, astronomical calculations ai d chrou-VMioi items, Ao, ahich can be d.fCided on for CurrectnakS. Tho Alma nac foe lSil can be a-btauisd In ol cost, from (riiiu)tud general COrntrj' daaiers si.il rrt of the cousry. 4 'H A CKMETACK," a Jssting and rant perfumo. Piiae 25 and 50 oeats. siisy & IiJaion, sgpnta. fra-Fo- Ji t arrived a full druiis, men and boy' Siinpson's,hic!'i will nrioes. lino of ladies chi! 1 foot wear at G W bo sold at bottom SIT I LOU'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria aad Canker-Mouth. Fcshay & Mauon, agcote. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Vrasklnat tfelslalare. OLyMPniA, Jan. 6, Both houses will meet at noon tomorrow, aud the indication are that they will be fully organised beiore muiif.or at least beioi noon Thnrtday. It 1 settled that titM... r l:.. ,,vhili.. til I.. ..!. Uem 0fU Mng i,, e,i,ershlp ofihe U0UM , mvoveJ Jrl dottu; C. M. Barton ..uttii, ITIinFIUVI rtlllllMV, Will M, in c.r WU ,ecr.tsrv of the senate, and M. 1. Smith, of Snokana Falls, serecant-at-eims. EX snenn Lesh. of Yakima leads lor seroeant- at-arms. 1 lis senatorial situation i bciu talked to death. All day the lobby of in uiymp'ita hotel has been filled ith membetl discussing H, 1 hey are like to many member building a tower ol Iiabel, Their talk is an at random. A Carious Mlt. Baliimomk, Jan. 6. Juan Koalle, the Dutch consul at Glasgow, ha brought "ii mhiiisi j allies oimiiiv, mm tvvivifli J ...i. 1...... ri s 1 1 . nf .1.1-ii.- iTniti Kiai i 1 w .tntv v. v I'll m 1 a 1 iwi v tuu a .ram. plaintiff bouitht Stu.ooo of negotiable coupon bonds, Issued oy the' southern state, at data and confederate states bonds jointly. On tho date named above, Secretary of state Seward Issued a proclamation proclaiming that all such obligation wer void. Plaintiff contend that litis wtt an Implied admission that ..til a . a. . l 1 1 . 1 . t at.-. . I . t. a ..lit wnnous sucn vroiuuiuun ins ueui or gun- tation would b good and valid. He al- h Stewid't proclamation waa an ,l,e'n, interference with tne right 01 plain- tin a a citlxen of ureal Britain and llol land. atosidt rusted, Taccma, Jan. 6. It wat remarked on the street last evening and today that GeoeeeW Hunt, the lallroad maoiiate of the VU Walia valley, had at last float ed yv juIuio ot Oregon and Washington Territory railroad bonds In London, the money reeiixeu from the bonds to be used in extending the Hunt system of railroads. a'esaMae Against ('ambla. St. I'At.'L.Tan. G.A P from Farco N. I)., aartr Arraeeement ar being mad to fight th collection of all notes now held by th Harvester companies In thit tat, it I (aid th amount is about $1,000, 000. Th ground of th contest Is that the note wer give tor binder, with a contract that repair would be furnished free. And tit recently combined "American I iarvestt r Company" bat made rule that all repair must nereauer r pam fur in cash. CaM Karat Wrslktr. London, Jan. 6.' out Eamp baa beeon The weather t hrju ali as becoru intensely cold. The railway between Altoona and Kiel is blocked lth snow, and traflie ia enttratv snmended 1 Navigation ia the Elb it impeded I y ke in ",B"7 pwcet, ureece is an axcetlion to the a"""' ,u,- n weatner in that country 1 1 hi i, a iu jitcatsui. I Srll...j ai,jan. 5. -At Bllverttn trunday hh Gently widened narrow gauge Ore- 8nu"? ground, i no City had refused to lei them widen ih 'jsrk running on Warier street 'i" T,n ". p,"' .urprU.dTeTeool. 0 s '1 bv" C'?.Au?rr L,.ibi PcoP,e. 01 M'it by raw v r.r jvr. a. vs IeM re,iufd what was going , the job cuinpicieo. it 1 expected there win be litigation, as It I claimed the right of way wat never granted the railroad to run . wi if aitr street. frsalla AallHaateal. Oar aha, Jan. 5. The Bee's correspond ent at Pin KMce tclesrapha aa follows: All Is one continued round of escitemcnt here, and an attack from the Indian I almost momentarily ei pet ted. At to the situation here, considered In It entirety, Indication that tho greatest battle In In dian history ia almost at hand are increas ing. 1 ne reports 01 every sccut add new and strong support lo these Indications that were only mphalxe4 by the bloody uuir on svuunoeu rsnee. Am Arlrwas kVM. SLT Lak, Utah, Jan. 5. Emma Ab bott,the opera prima doniia.dled In this city thla morning Irom pneumonia. Miss Ab- hott waa one ot the wealthy women ot the United States, her estate being estimated at $j.ooo,Kat principally In real eatate.she wat born In Illinois about thirty eight cars agej, Taa Waeaaa Batse Colfax, Jan. $. Tt wheat situation in Whitman county it very different today fiora what U waa lour weeks ago. Th blockade haa been broken, end every shipping point ia empi) supplied with cars, a very small propor tion being for eastern shipment. The price ia Chicago is, however, at present to low that ther it a longer much object in shipping caai, .. A Itsf f orealasare. oCATTLB, Jsn. $. Colonel J. C. Hainet at attorney tor farmers' Loan and Trust Corn pony.olNcw Yerk.today filed a bill la the Uar.ed Males dia-rtct court lo foreclose the tnortgage he!4 by that company against th inrgoa tmprovcraeai lemtaDy lor 54, 500,000. TheMsaiaaalMddlr. Helena, Jan. 5. At nocn today three different bodies of men met in three different places and organized as three serrate brancbet of the Montan lefjiclaiBte. At the law allowt only two branches, thit proceeding ieavet the legislature in aoout tn aame situation at it wat last w.ater. Halls fur the use of the iegilslre were rented and Cited up by (ov- emorTool and Maie Treasurer Hickman, Promptly at noon the ten democratic and tia republican senators took posesaion of the senate chamber, while twenty-nine rept blicao memucrs 01 tne rower nous met in the Iwute "reach Taasy Warer. The for a re mot wafer are a aure and afe 1 7 , clfl. klndcot female troubles att ! all obstruction to lb ir.onu ly perloi no matter wnai tne cause. Hit are jt tiwhat every woman necu . ai 1 can be uid with aafct v. lor sale L tin Llvinstoi Chemical Co., also fron v. 1.."... S 1 , . , oie "t no, j a wummmg, arugetsl, Bj t berg b hi, Albany, Oregon. Orrgaa Past wUleesi Win.voTOjr, Jan. 4 The figures ac- comrant Ing the annual report ot the post- masior general ahow that for the year end ing June 30, 1880. The groat receipts of. tne t oniano oiuce were 9133,01490, and the total expenae 135.39a 96, the balance being the earnings of the office or the government, - - - fealcm ia the second city In Oreeou in gross receipt, $14,333 37. Astoria coming nesi wim 910,47504. I he total postal receipts of Oiecon for the vear were $3S,7J 60, and the total expenditure, including all expenses tor man service in tne state, .04,874 eo, so the state services is yet far from sclf-suttaln- Lo. the poor Iadlnns, Dkn vek, Jan, 4-A Pine Ridge special says the army of Indians now surround ed by General Mile's soldiers on While Clay creek number over 4000 men, wo men and children, most ol them from the Upper Dakota reservations, wlt chost dancing, and will fight as Big Fool' men fought. Shots were fired by the pickett neoriy every hour last nieht. banishlne sleep from all eyes. Fire arrows were thrown Into the acencv about midnight from a ravine near by, but fortunately tell narmicssiy. I ntler Territorial taws. " Helena, Mont., Jan, 4. Tbe second scfklon of the state legislative assembly will meet at noon tomorrow. The situa tion In thit atate at the present time ia un precedented, a.ld nowhere In the history of the atate can a parallel be found. It begins to assume a serious aspect, to say the least. Although clothed with the mantle of statehood, Montana is plodding along under the old territorial codeof laws A Tragedy. Missoula, Mont., Jan. 4 This morn Irg witnessed the bloodiest tragedy which ever took place In this city. Lew Simotids, brother of the proprietor of the Mascot theater, shot and is supposed to have mor tal!; wounded Ofticer Houtchens, and was ir. turn shot dead by Sheriff Wilt H Houston, AneraUaakravtt'a.. San FRKcisco,Jan,4.--Arcport1which received considerable credence at one time, was to the effect that the Northern Pacific was maneuvering to obtain pos session o the Oregon Improvement Compay while it was in an enbarrassed postlon. Now it is said that the Union Pacific will make the effort to swa'low the bankrupt concern w hile it is in the care of Receiver Simon. LADDER o TI1K s " wmm & 3 to t-s C3 eu r O HARDWARE. U2 M -1 w pa sxa CUTLER", En I O - ts CARVERS, DC S-4 Cm T ID 7 T3 LANTERNS, s-s E3 2 - COl'PER, C3 & w Ed BRASS, s O o o La GJJANITK Q W i-3 E C3 Cd AND N BTEEL o 3 D O o 1 o o o WAKE, E WATER 5 P R d o tn w FILTERS, S WARRANTED. ALBANY. OllEGON. StCTCS. , Ha.nge8 ; and Huters, - o HEFER5KCES: Q .Eiamina . Our o u ct en WOKK. PAY Not a Too PLEASE. I TLUMBING e8y - Contract, DT Good Workmen Notice of Pinal mailt. Settle- To all purrona bavins elaima aiainst the estate of James Walsh, deceased, and to all other persons whom it may oooeern. Yon are horchj tiotified that tbe nDdersicued ex ecotoi of the said estate on tbe 24th day of December, lS'Ji', filed in th oonnty ooart of L4nn County; Ureaon. bit final acoonntin said estate, and Slid eoort haa appointed Mondav the 2nd day of February. 1891. at the hoar of 1 o'clock p m of said day to bear and settle all objections to aatd Una! acoount. Uated thta 2G',b day of Deo 1S90. W. R.Itilytu. O W CUNE, " Attorney. , Kxeoutor, Executors IotIcc. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been duly ap pointed esocutrlK of the laat will and tostaasfnt or ueorf?f w Syivtster, de1 otasrri.bv the honorable the oount v court cf Linn county, Oregon, All ptraons bavins claims atrlnnt tha estate of raid deceased, are hereby notified to present the same duly vsriliud, to in 8 la peraoj, or to my ttorney. ueo W Wright, at his irw otlioeiu Albany; Linn county, Oregon within six months from this dato Dated loo 25, 189a. MAKlAH SYLVESTER, Ex culilxcf Ihe Jb&I will and testament of Geo W Hylvester, deoiased. ' 12 29 Notice of Final ment. ' Settle- IN THE COUNTY COURT, OF LINN county. Oregon, In the matter of the estate of Miriam Hnrml. deceased. Notice is hereby glyea that the under signed, tie duly appointed, qualified and acting ad mluintrator of the estate cf Miriam Har rel, deo'ased. haa thi. day filed his tinal account in the matter of said estate, in the abeve court, and (bat tha court has appointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb ruary. 1891, at 1 o'clock, p m, as tbe time for hearing objections to said final ao oount, end for tbe settlement thereof. Dated Deo 23, ISiKh H MILLER Administrator of the esiste of Miriam llarrel, ciftoeased. IJeri-tT Ihvinr. ' City - EcBiaurant. Hiving (i)cn entirely ramodalad. this old and popular restaurant will be made fir fit class a every respect, lb puiilo will bs riven uowl meals at all hours for only 28 oeots. Kvar) thton neat and attraottva. Private boxaa. Uyttar fa vry sttls. s sw 1 saMaiiis iisnaisnawiBaiisiiH nsrnnimnn m saaaaww-asawis s ,- aaaa STEEL PEI3S- ' 4 C Pamela Venn, fi'.ftmnt tiattcrna, tn I rt a Nli tc t t'lalod jrnt n ti', tout jt-MUd ja rwtiit ot 10 li.vix. U. t. Offla, 010 jtotimi, M- vik. GlXSsrinEVCLVLlLHr! a lis out that w hv (llaposwdof this part of our businasN, 1 list's a miaiake. Wo am in It now deeper than sver. TV have a aim line of Martin and Wlriolioatcr riilas, and breonhloadlnh shot fctiriB ratijtlnji In pricarrom to Alto ai. th late Unproved revolver, fit. want A tiux. iron mi STEEL,r;:v.Se slrxik of band, strap, oewnmon and Nor way lrn; l ui soLins, tool, pick end plow sleol, 'i d. a. y.BUcssi'Rtr, oeo.w. wtstoitr, BlACKOOmi & WRIGHT Attorneys at Law. V Will practioo I all the Courts of th tata, lVotriptaUtatioo given ta all last. aotiostod tooar ero. OUloaOld r!la Tanjit il'ttt , Or MJ!MUKITIDN.ETC.)l,a.'Kj; sjowder, loaded shells, rartrldgos, ete.and will sell at reajsonabl figures, iron'! for g us wbsn you come to lay In your winter supply of ammunition, to pitrt votir ranon from tn inroad i tiiat tinse ksckod emigrant. Hrtwart AS x. im iui ns.'iv(lin rm s ley bill raise , lb value r tilery considerably, but we Lave a la stock alread bought and r-rk will euialn lb sari) aa usual nntil tt is d out Com ana see what va have and lrn our price. ... Htawaar Jt box. 13 ' ALK On essy teiu.a, a aaw 1 mill ctb!o of cutting lttCCO ten per day. Apply at this office. (170) BlGGlEiscd TOWS,-:, lava a like line oo band and caw ,lv yen cood prlc t5TaWlT4( fir:X. BABY CABHIAGES.tK-;. all th time mbrecins; bood, parasol aa rwnopv top, and raneinac In price fron in to MAO. Ther lan'i a ulcer 14 of '-tnat- HtronlaJ frmt tMakeuinth vahey We also bav a few that we rent. frrawAKT A Kox foitniiliei k Imiiig, fori C"0 4 lfi t i V .s lain , MmjyJJ, ' --Vf iT -FUNERAL DntECTOnS. Arterial Embalming Dona Scientii lcftlly. Delmonicfl ReslauianL On cuts litt siriKsa Hlwx. Neto Roomi; -:- Seat Service; Good Jfeaf$, Promptly Scrml, for Ttetuttf-Jlce CerUt. 0 litter t tt -:- kII - Stylti. Court out Treatment; First chitsCook. LAD?ES, ATTENTION, mi have tbe beat ahear and svUa.) ant to hatwa lt-thia city, and we can prov It lo yon time, Kvery pair warranU1. and returned if tbay do not giveastiat Th Is no br-2 or biuatr; we mean w say. Stbwsbt A 8 ,nT bo v. PrUlSK w kP nolhlng but lb UHU'Hts), famou tarrel churn. Tbere la nothing so good, and no one can beat DSOn pttoa. STKW'AKTdtBoX. ALBANY' OR. fSIfSMlH & HULEEEu EROS., Real Estate Agents Psruie and IUnuhea for tale. Also city broiierty in Albany and Corfsllis. PHELPS. Jo Printer Ist.St.Es llbany OS. W H. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeon. fmTOmcm un stair In Rtraban'a Rloc. May be found at his olHc aay and nlKbt. TWO MEN AND ONE EQY FOUND DEAD!! A While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEY0E a FOOOAriBllOS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifle and Shot Gun; an Immense stock of Fishing. Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chalra and thousanda of other things too numerous to mention Jlepair Shop tn connection with the Store, and one of h best workmen tn the State to do any md all kinds of work. Com one, Come all; No trouble to Aw goods. "Small proBt and quick mlaa" la out motto. FEED CUTTERS -eaT0 oaa thlrd oslng a feed outter. Stewart .fe Sox i.ava oar knda for sale. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor t?tccr.d sndFeny St,; i Albany, Oi QUPEP.IOR work, guaranteed In ever branch of ahe art. jpTKolarging c ail kluds a specially. laiios. Tuoae wlshlntr a first olass instrumptit, (he test mde to stand the climate of tbe 0o3t, can I e suited by calling at Mra B K Hymas's, opposita tfea Matniulo Tem ple, on First Street. The latest voual and instrumental musie kept for salstalBO tbe h rgoat assortment of stamen g j rns to ieiect from thia aida of i . i I ao ns gsvon iu painting an I r ' , ' i , i !-j lar studio over Liau t r t: ; ; c?s iril . . at.-. . : V.i 1MX T. L. Tallaco & Co.'s If ,1 in H EMU M 3 For isucli our would-be FOR TVO January and February. -.. We kick over tho traces and cast all business rules to the winds, and do business at a loss. Every overcoat '11 have to be out of the house, at the expiration of that time. READ THE PRICES: Which '11 have a ilcrnoi a'tl.lrg effect . on our o called competitor. - A 812 OWnchiUa overcoat Tho vriiolo stock of overcoats will bo closed at tho samo ratio. All woolen Kcods will bo of ehirts, underwear, A GREAT REDUCTION ill GLOTIilllQ: Fine all wool suits, worth $15, and cold at other places for $15, will ho cold at 1510, Fine dress suits, warranted to fit in every respect equally as well &a 3'our tailor-made, worth $27 50, will ba closed out for $20, at an actual loss to us. AGENTS mi TUU lOtf$Y IVOOLEH r.lILLS GOODS Solo Asent3 for IIAXAN & SOX'sJ Flao Shoes. Everything T.L. WALLACES CO'S, THE BirjnPLACk OF GREAT AND HONEST BARGAINS. Strahan Block, aUiaWe&l WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL GROCERS, CIGARS. TODACCO. AND KINDR, ITi LARGE. OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, KWf 3 Don't be in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as t WICKER ROCKERS, THOMAS BRINK Will have tho nicest assortment that ever, came to Albany aisisu AUOtlT- 19r Largo and OhcicQ Display of Brv Cioods, Clothing, Boots, Etc.. Etc.. Etc.j Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealctte Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &c, etc. ;; uTis a Feat to Fit the Feet, But He Can flo- it an! da it Heat." SUBSCRIPTIONS II I . - For -All tlio Lemlimr Newspapers -Ai -Magazines, Xeoeivccl at V'. ; .. F. : L. ' . JKEP3TO WO U i MM 11 1 1 U THOMAS of bot h se- , c f '" ""T ill ill 1 1 CI mlhm competitors will find it . MONTHS, will go for only $8. out cold at cost; consisting otc. Warranted -AT- Albany. CHO.CZ FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITISO, SEASON. :- ALBAJ3Y, OREGON. THINGS' AND SICE CHAIRS, -FOR- liiid all Shoes, Grocery Store, 3rou want .the besl 1 L W and nd most durable furni 1 n ture that is manufactur" ti La D ed in the city co to BRINK' sa istheknultbat" itV j. Y ore 1 (" I; J