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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1891)
4 i 1 New YorkAVorU, nTH DEMOCRAT" An ad. in the "DEMOCR'AT" Readies the Mont People, and brings BIG RETURNS. and lhe American Farmer, all ono year 10 U S3 SO. 31EJK53 Weekly "St' RlgUt letniorat, fa 00 VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 0, 1891. NO 23 altered at the Pr4itOlIl at Altmny, Or egon, i sooind e'ass mail mttor. per year. firy V-vv iy JMy fl l Hi M I . i i THS GVYTfiUE .! n i w, Rtt1 ktr tha trri!:ikM ttttv tt,i ttul of Aitts luiiitvt't!-. i-ru'fc of K!f'w h rul Tti-tM una rrt, iyv ar Butl.-riMi! frm fcntp'xifi 9U I Uw U xni, ft tut.w lON10Mf MM!? ,r. ?! r. bvtt , IUr ""itf. fc'mitmml Mmt-t . cs'tn.i i; Injf nljf cl4 to ib init'titnrit v ni ? ;- im.-tn In tiwinwnt- jp'f ( it HSU;'. Ki. RVO, Or, HArtTSA ft LlTTl- LlVfr p jj l ur U'nUtMltin, f jvr t uliij ut'nt u4 ."; ? 1 tit.l.)Ch ttMptt h0t u4 I ' lkn I1 maiiotf rt restt 7 twrt intu in v.k r Dr. MAKTER Mf DlC4HKCO.,.ac ..:.. 3 THE BEST. i, m. r piit a Co i SEED ANNUAL lor 1691 wi,lWK.ttl FREE it all appiicani, and to tol ei i cvroucre. it it Mtter thanvr. i tftrt pencft utiR 0re, should fKl for lU AtklraM D. M. FCRHY A CO, DETROIT. MICH. j Lr?t SHnsm in th world J GHAS. H. DODD & GO., hardware, AND FARM jfiCST, FXSST AKD VI'IS I Solo Agents for Oregon . DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. . ! :n;;!.'. Iotil!p, or Trlpi'lo Furrow. Ttn-jr r to !mp!o nd -mm. n nnr ntwoluto crA-o-I ion, tiiKi tlicMM bo Ji!ve n.'l t Iipiu or fuftt Itirm work can not Mjr enough la Ihclr pratoe. H furnuli ttn-m w.t li or wlttioul Kal liaebiuent. bcal atiucbmcuu wo cxtr. . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DrlLL. . ki j-e Hoc Praw Grain Drill, Biickey Pdcru, Itiirkr Bprlng Tooth narrow, Roperlot Cirain l'r.ils, Superior tseeuura. . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Tim latest Improved Implement wwl jf lommn fallow. Tb most "omplot antf o.-.rul tool (or Uil purpoK In umu V.'- alio bar tail lin- cf Bujrgle. Cfirringo., Fhaotona, Mountain Wagora. Pittform and other bpring Vebiclea. . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. . . l.ivr'MO k Chapln Rprln-Tonth Harrow., IWr Harrows, Bcietttiflc Teed ttitl l'acls Mnuilng MlUs, ixaxhix iiAitis Avxxir:. i2xc 3t;xo. ' roe spcciax. cikcclaks i'rice lists. E. T RALL, AGENT ALBANY, OREGON. ,' .. AT COST! . ; My eD'je stock of Pry Goods, to make room for a large ine.of I ts and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings. fm- 8 EE 1 XOW SOMK OF TUB LINKS THAT ARK OOINO AT fcoST. jet DtESS GOODS, CLOAKS, RIBDON3. GINGHAM, . GOSSAMERS, IKLT" Call early while the selection is good, Fir3t street, -:- -:- LEADING A T..T3.AJCsr"Z" DRUGS, EDiGiilEO STATIOHARY.&G n n Tr n n s n n rrMP n 11 yu want tn kesi I i() "J I HJ '3land most durable furni I ni it I I ill j ''' J wUlluUB U U 11 La D ed in the city go to THOMAS of cow wo c n atv y i u ., , ii NIJWSTOIJK.-a mitciiell; -DAX.K9 Ijf Agricultural Implements & Vehicles r P VEGE1 SLE PANACEA tlCRARED FROM RO( ,IJ iiciias. TH K CUNC OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISiNd nOM A DISORDERED STATE or thsSTCNWCH VR AN INACTIVE LIVER. rOK SAIC V ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS W R HILYKU, ATTOltNKY AT LAW Ail SHriUr- ia ChAncerj, tLNAItt - OKClittV. 0no'Un proiu-t!j nixie on t) vuunv'ut i on onblurB. Iron, tee MACHINERY. " C72SET3, P02TLAin5, 0SE3CIT. and Washington for CORSETS, :flannels, LINEN, CALICO, BLANKETS, Albany, Oregoa. DRUGGIST OXEG-OISr: BRINK'S We always keep our eye on the indicator of popular demand, and are therefore usually pre pared to supply it at reduced rates. Wo are selling the Jewel stoves and ranges, the mos pop ular stoves made at present. It' cu want to Hv8 money on all rorts household ariicibD 'am t f u. W we make tbut our bueiucsK, MATTHEWS & WASHBUIIN. rAEW GOODS. & lewis co. j Tin Hub Crtr. The holiday Oregon' inn, a magnificent edition ol that great pit per, gives Albany a good wrltoun. It npprotrmUIy invs AHmuy is entitled to bo called the llub City, aa It haa more railroads than other cities ot the valley. After mentioning our railroad facilities, con), mining, agricultural, manufacturing and other interests, the article gets down to business aa follows : Albany certainly haa a very bright fu ture, tor, first, situated as it is in the in ik t of a tine agricultural country, ot whioh it is the chief market, and supply stntion, it will always rank as a first class husins point. Next, as a manu facturing city, it is hound to take a lead ing position among tho cities of the northwest. It already possesses largrr manufacturing interest than any place of eimiliar sixe in this section of the country. It is surrounded by and itn mediately tributary to a country poss essing nn Intlnite and almost endlesa va riety of raw material for manufacturing purposes. Last, but in it least, is its water power laciiities. J.kuakok. City election next Monday. i'.d. Houston, our conductor, moved to a many Aionuay. Minn Lena CJray, of Albany. s visiting Mian A-tjrieu, oi una piuce. The Covenant Mutual Courting Asso ciation is the name of a recent organisa tion, the object of which is plainly'lndi- coicu vj uie iinme. A carp fit) calculation shows that the sum of $110,(00 have been expended lirf u uuing m jx:uttnon ine pnnt year, and that mote than one hundred houses have been built, including three sturs buildings, a tine school house, a church. a machine shop, a planer, and other en- urirse just in gun. The foltowlnir "Peonle's ticket" waa nominated Tuesday niirht. to be voted for at the city election next Monday : 1'resi dent of the council, J. A. lU ard; coun oilmen, ( V. Cruson, (1. M. Weatfail, K. Ti. W right, Jos Llkliis: recorder. : marshal. Ernest Cano : tress- urer, J. A. Roberts. As vet there is but one ticket in the field. Express. Crook CiTt. Mr. A. Lvtle has added to his landed poarlons on Willow Creek by purchsting the ranch of loe Crook. W have not learned what this lt nur- chse cot Mr. Lytic. On Mondsy morning of this week some n.en were engaged In roping unbrokc horaea In a corral at Mr. Carton's olaceon Crooked river. A. Caraon, a voung man sbout twenty vearaof age, was In the cor- ral lending his ai.utance, which br some mean a rope which had been thrown over a wild animal caught young Canon about the leg and threw him heavily and at full . il right above the knee. New came to Print vllle vetterdar that a shooting affray occurred In the town of Mitchell, thl count about mlJnlcht, at a dance that a held in that burg on CnrUt4 nis evening. Le Ami received a bullet In the groin, and Matsh and Bill McUee did the shooting, the former fit'.ng two shot and the latter one New. Moa Naws Conrcnin ttw riot In Zion at i am a leader and ubcribcr of yoor paper I have bin reading genearal iiomt concerning the riot in Liont I think It I all one !ded the! have blowed up young hlatt till hee think be I one sule vsn two men or to act a wsv with one and hare a club to help then out as far a hlatt nee cant whip one tide of vates and as far a hlatt I concerned he will take hi grog a quick a yste t have-not taken any side nor dont wish to Let them fite there own batcl Plee copy. xnucwtite an unknown ent from Lyons. Comi.vo. The star coune entertain ment at Trcmont temple Utt evening ws extremely lntetelini. and waj emaved throughout by the Immente audience of patrons, the program w contributed by the National Mwedith Indies Concert Company, a double quartette of good voice, and the several selection of Swediah mutlc wer finely sung. The company appear in the national sostume and presents a very picturesque appear ance. Botton Ifcta'.d. At the opera houte Jan. to. t A Wa Hoo-On the day before ChrUtma, Frank Doughton and Crill Burkhart, who livo a few mile south of this city, came upon a wltd heg that been een quite often In that locality. The hog wa o fat that it locomotion was slow and tedious. They caueht it with a dos. hauled it home, killed and dred It. and found It weighed 500 pound. After try ing me iai 001 iney louad tney nad 270 pouuu. j 1 could not run and would oj?ly fight when one got In It way.. Hareihdlro. The following o(n:cr have been elected for thecomlnar vear bv Thurton Lodge No. 38, A F & A M : S May. W M : M Cunninehsm. S Wi EN Tsndy, J W; I) Smith, Sec, Perry Hyde, Trea ; 1 E Bottcrmsn. S D: I A Holt JBiGW Brandenburg, Tyler. HarrUburir Chsotcr. AF & A M will be pi elided over donng the ensuing vesr by the following officer: S May, II Pj Jerry Hay,- K i W F Mendenhall. 8; M Cun ningham, C of II; Oliver Hyde, P S; Chat. Grime, St David Fiuey and J E Bo.erman,M V: W VV Briggs, Sec D Smith, Tres., and G II Brandenburg, G. A Run a wat. Mr. William Vince ws riding in a dog cart In the etitern part of the city, when his hore became fright ened, and suddenly turned sround, throw ing Mr. vance in the mud, dragging him some distane and then ran away, doing lit tle damage otherwic. FroBawaeed prless.iTet Saved. From a letter writtoa by Mm Ada E Ilord of Grotoo, 8 D, w qootej "Was taken with a bsa cold, which (cttied on my i.nos. coaiths st in sod finally tsrtniuated in Coo umptiim. Four doctors gave ma op saying I ceo Id livo but abort time. I gava my self up to my Saviour, determined if I could cotktay with my fiisona cn earth, 1 would meet my absent one above. My hatband wa advmed to t Dr King's New Ditcover- ery for Cousomytion, Coukhs and Colds. gave it a trial, tnok in all eitiht bottle; it ha eared ni and Ihmlt uod 1 im a well and hearty wmn." Trial bottles froe at Fo bsy & Msson'sdrag store, regular si& COo snd f I. ExrllemeBt Bon high in Alb-.oy st Foliy fi Ma sons arag smra cerrtytem nui icier, everybody i eiitig it for ("atarrb of the Stomach, Dyioepda, Constipation anIm -pnre Flood. Try it tr.A tell yeor friend about it as it matt pos. wonkrfal merit When sU (peak well of i. For Urn? baik, or stderhesr, one Sniloh's Porout Pinter, Price, 25 ceot. WherrtoGbt Tiirm. When wanting v organ or plana call on G L Blackman -h-e you i:an select from a first clas ttOCL. . French Tasty Wafer. wafer are a sure snd ife tr clfl. klndtof female trouble!, at.i 'v'l1 all obstruction t3 the moni' ly no matter what the cause. TI.M 1 '1 what every woman need , at ued with safety. For sale t' th The for a rerno period are ji can be Livingstone Chemical Co., also f ron Tt ole agent, J A Gumming, druggir, Bit n berg bock, Albany, Oregon. FOR DYSPEPSIA sod liver Complaint yon have a prints guarantee on every bottle of Rhiioh Vittthzr, It never fail to QJuit anived full line of ladies, chil drenit, n!cn' and bry' foot wear at O W feimpton's, Vi hieh will be cold at bottom prices, CATARRH CURED, health and swtet breath Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent. Nasal Iaiactor free. Fo shay & Mason, agents. 1 m a ... Tho ON LY place ia tha ty where Eat ern ticket cm be purubae ia of W, L, ' "' ."- -. -'-!-.."n TV-ine CVa ticket ISfiS'S MATKINOaiAl I.OTTKBY. A Vaod Rkswlng Mr Llaw C.wal, JANUARY. 1. J J White and Marv Ifartley. I, J It Wirt and Ella Wirt. 1. F A Haylor and Hester Ward. 4. Sylvester Cochran and II Fowler. 4.W 111 Hunter end Martha Hunter. U. M V Eriut and Emma Michael. 12. I M Khelton and Alice E l'.llviui. 7. Alfred lawson and Augusta Bridge- lorn. 7. Oil Pouth and Eva Crahlree. 19. O l Derthick and M Klser. 14. Koht Andrew" andJcnnie Cotiper. 1, v r atcra ana iva r. ainore. 17. F M Powell and Karah E Tcdron rKtlltUAUY. 2. M L Eskcn and Melara Bhelton. 8. 1) A Lymh and Mary (Uiamllvr. 0. John vVii'te and Alma FHimlson. 12. Henrv Hhanka and Koxov Uav. lvf. Franklin Wyatt and Armiuthia A Clark. 13. John Ppringer and KlUni Eldor. 17. J L eihelton and Ma Howard. S3. John Cans van and Florence Owcn- by. X W A Williamson and Milinda C Morgan. 25. M II Bingham and II A Warren. MARCH. 2. W W Croft and Lydia V Crockett. o ft u waw andiiroceiil'ummtng. A. Smith Cox and Anna Arcltlbal.l. 6. Jas 8 Coney ami tieorgia 0 Keebler. 0. (5 W drove and Jda Potter. 0. VV T Cochrane and Harah Swank. 0. Jas F Nixon and Mary H Hoiloway. 21. AH Frum and A K Williams. 10. Chas U Bruce and Nettie Huddle- on. '23. T J Follis and Itufina Shelton. AfaiL. SO. J U Bellinger and K II II Nengunt. 27. A V Williams and KisietiUhl. 27. J N Ualbralth andCuatnev I Wed- dle. 20. Anthony Moore and Hattie Walton 20. A C Foster and Retty Brown. 15. Fred Hhult s and Lucy G ban. 3. Famucl UoeU and Ottille Bensel. IX U W Pugh and Ktmlra Fter. 0. U W Keeuey and Minnie Towne. . MAY. 7. I M Wright and S A King. 10. Loo Sing Hung and Gee Sin. 10. C A Sims and II L Hunt. 13. Wm II Bond and Anna LColline, 18. T W Blew and M J Brown. 18. W II Rowland and A M Gilbert. 25. I 8 Iavidson and Alice Walton. 22. II A Palmer and Augusta Schmeer. 2. C WGibaoH and lona Fmlth. Ti. Henry J Bowers and Marv aches. 29. T F Hickman and Mary C McCune. a . . . nag. 1. Jerry 11 Keeney and Sarah Makme. 4. A M Hammer ami Francis ( ;il. bert. 4. I C Le filer and Ianra J Foster. 7. Hans Kuch and Helen V Thom son. 11. Frank Kirk and F.mmaShaltx. 10. A J Mervin and Mattie Shield. - 12. Jas O Garrett and Alice M StilwelU 18. E B Couey and M K Morgan. 15. A Henry Bojrgs and rankle B Hottscworth. x 23. Wm It McNeil and Mary B Kerr. 21. Joe Andrews and Alhe-B Parkin- eon. 20. Hugh McKay and Carrie Marquia. . Amoa II Howard, Jr., and Maria C Holley. Kit. 2. J W Swank and Clara B MMokin. 9. Green B Cotfey and Kva J Biiyeo. 13. Klmcr IVnhaw and Mittie U Neal. 13. Douglas Taylor and F.thel Lame. 10. A IV li lark burn and Helina J Iu brnille. 18. John W Bright and F.lla Swain. 23. C D Montague and Kffie Miller. 23. Jas L Hansard and Rosa Brown. Atm'ST. 2. C B Willson and Anna Moore. 7. M D Klnm and Rosa Dnggert. 13 Ed M Shockley and Fannie Gott. 13. Robert Katon ami Charlotte Crane. 17. L L Welch and Anea B Golns. 18. Israel Wood and Eva Ames. 19. - Wm Brandenburg and Carrie Cartwrlght. 24. John New land and Via Banta. 20. W A Bay and Nettie Mouser. - SEPTEMBER. 1. 1 II Copeland and Anna Q Wilds. 3. Jt W 8 wink and Hattie B Powell. 8. A G Propet and L Mand Dickinson. 3. Jos W Day and Irene M Ansorge. 10. Geo Finley and Ina Rice. 3. F-d Hughes and Nellie A Caldwell. 3. Henry J Had ley and Lizzie Fal soner. , . v 7. I A Bennett and Ida Roliert. 14. U W Drinkard and Mildred fpreak er. 9. AutjuHt Costel and Virginia Cnutl. 15. John Schmeer and Pauline Kolder- way. 1. raaclial Donky and AlniiraB Burk harU 21. B F Simons and Kimna J Fronk. 22. John II Dick and Tilla Parker. SO. Kdmond Hmith and Ievina Matde. SO John II Waters and Mitry lxive ivceco. OCTOnEat. 5. John Zink and Polly Ann Hodges. 3. Geo R Baker and Grace Bouslog. 8. D T Stewart and Florence Pearl. 3. William J A Davenport and Betsy E Mills. 6. Geo Wana and Rath Scott. 8. Sherman Wood and Jennie Snyder. 8. Walter T vVilee and Mary Brandon. 8. Jag F Powell and Maud P Van Horn. 8. A M Simons and Lizzie C McNeil.- . Willliam T E Wilson and Bertha J Stephens. 1. Chester D Harris and Sarah Ullrey. 13. Jesse F Cochrane and Mahala G Robinett. 15. J B McFcron and Eva Mortimore. 15. George Pugh and Elsie Davidson. 16. Harry A Slee and Annie M Reiner. 16. II B Myers and Thelyssea C Clark. 22. Klias T Ilamon and Ida Bell Miller. 25. E B Kendall and Bessie Spaght. 12. WHPollock and Marv EKvniston. , 22. E J HcCauetland and Cora 8. Hoi- ma. 28. Robert W Nswlnnd and Mary B Dtewari. 31. D C Moore and Emma de Lorme. - KOVKMBEK, 2. T A Richardson and Sarah Shelton. 2. W H Mills and Addie Jenkins. 2. R M Percival and J C Davis. 9. Herman Bulow and Henrietta Krnmrei. 11. 8 D Pickens and Mary Shea. 9. JasC Hardin and Ruth T Turnidgo. 10. II W Giddings and Nellie F Hyiie. 19. James Davis and Olley Liles. 12. John Henry Rickardand Elizabeth AJenks. Vi- & T (Join andAuirusta Kuhale. 12. Albert TPulliam and Dora 8 Hopps. jiuim d jubuii miu wuruiiiie jviug. 17. G C Morris and Ella A Bowker. 19. Jas O Caloway and Mary L Simp son. - 23. Edwin L Tandv and Marv M Good- lin- - 19. Rolf Cotral and Opal Scnville. 24. Clarence Stockton and Amanda McBride. 25. F E Allen and Rachel Dumond. 2t. F S Campbell and Alice Whitesldea. 1. Owen OsUurn and Addie L Cush mui. 27. Geo C Myer and Alma R Powell. 26. Wm Baroour and Minnie Beall. DECEMBER. 3. B F Bunett and Dora A Weddle. 3. Charles Denny and Rose E Wataon. 3. Newton H Cummings and Maggie iiosserrnan. 11. W J Daws and Jennie Shenard. ft- 3. Geo W McKnight and Helen M Laa 3. F W Holmes find Lillie A Davis. 7. Wm Saltinarsh and Nancy On in . I). Otto Adrian and Margaretha Waltt r. II. Elmer E Gordon and Carrie K Robert. 10. Francis M Gevres and Initio A Basset t. 1(1. Martin L Tucker and Junta E Wood in. II. W M Sawyer and Hattlo Archibald. 1.1 Asa G W'hotstono and Emma F Stellmawhr. 14, EJ Bryan and Anna ft Davenport. 15. Wm J McCulloch and EttaSttoupe. 2.1. J L Gentry and Etta J Settle. 24. Fred Trltyen and Lucy Costel. 21. Charles k Swank and Luclla Had- den. 27. Harvey Maxwell and Francis Snod- grnss. . . -li. u a wamer anujennie u oing Tlio above shows a total of !". The returns on five licenses issued during Dec have not been made, making a total of 177. During the year previous to De cember no returns wer made to four licenses, one of which is known to have leen followed by marriage, and is Inclu ded In tho above. Followlna is a list of those by whom the ceremonies were i- "rtned : Geo Humphrey,.-rw .5: Rev E R Prlchanl. 11 : Rev H G iTvine. 10: Rev H V. emmlnger, 8; Kev Jas Y Ktewart, 8: HevThos A Yo,?; Rev Martin Hick man. 6 kv(!(5 Suerrv. fi: I I km if Ian. j P, 0; Rev T J Trumbull, fl; RcvIT Mtrnmen-llie, 0; fcin X V tiooiman, 4; ite? i nt isher, ; isev f urr, 4 j Rev A B Wade. 4: Rev 1! B Ellsworth. 4; Rev A F Lee, 85 G W Pugh, J P, 5; Rev I N Mulkey.3; Eld I-eedy.3; Rev OA McEIror.a J H Peery. J P. las Williams. J P. Rev 11 Gould. Itev W L Mulloy, lU-v H Robfl, Judge Blackburn. Rev II 8 Hhattcle and Rev W 11 Howard each 2. Rev ll F Fuller, Peter Hume, J P, Revs L J Bailey, T H Calder. A 1- Roy. H P W,bh. G isllnnlciter.T J Wi- s"! G VV Gihmy, Geo L Southerland, N riew,j rvirapatricK, A aiarcenns, n r Vi!aon. K N ('.unlit (imt K Mever. Dan. h i Bridges, 1) Atkins, A M Acheson. M M Marling, and Justice U Glass. VV A ; lesson, V 8 Wiggs, Albert Havage and nenry i.yons, eacii 1. seusL asd rrjtsosAU TIUBWIAT. Mr. C. I Brjih. of Portland. !s ot.nd. Ing New Year's In Aibary. The matqucraJe ball lat evening was attended by a large number of dancers, Senile many "iookerton." A number of victor were noticeable from different Part of the valley. Titers were rich and gro tesque eottumc, prlaces and clown. It ws a great succca at a mask ball. Lat evening at the college the young men students gsve a watch meeting party, which proved a Ucllshtful affair. Twenty or thirty were preant, and all were en:er- uincd in antic that did credit to the young men. At the proper time a fine lunch of he cream and cake wa served. The New ctr wa hailed with cheers. FRIDAY. Geo i; FImIi. of Corvallis. waa in the city this forenoon on business. Mr Hoi man. superintendent of the Al bany Iron Works, has been on the tick list for several days, but waa able to be on the streets this forenoon. George Waggoner. Ir.. of Baker Cliv. waa in the city this noon on his way home from a visit with his parents at Corvallis. Mr J It Abbey, formerly of Albanv. for several w ee train despatcher on the Ore gonian R. R. has been in the city on UUSlliCftM. , The Y's gave a New Year's reception at the W. (5. T. U. hail lat evening. ,A largo numoer 01 young men reondei, resulting in an evening of great sociabil ity and general enjoyment being spent. At Mavor Cowan's residents veater. day afternoon a New Year's reception was given to several fricnu, fifteen or twenty being favored. The nertv waa treated to some choice holiday viands. Mr. J. ti. Crawford caneti Ida father. Mr. G. F. Crawford, yesterday ia a hand some manner. " It was because Mr. Crawford was 73 on that day, and, thongb naie ana m-arty. a cane was thought to be the proper filial tribute, as Mr. Craw ford is gradually approaching old age. A family Catherine' was held at the residence of Mr. S. E, Young, last even ing, that proved a nice affair. Dinner was served at fi o'clock and the evening was passed in sociability and tramea. Thirty-two were present, including a policeman, representing ten families, the age of the oldest corresponding with the last two figures of the new vear: two others were over seventy years of age, nu oniy nve unuer uitcen. SATl'lRAY. Dr E L Irvine and fatnilv. of the Stale Insane asylum, are in the city. The Doc tor recently returned from a trip easL Mrs A Dodder, and son and wife, left last evening forOttumwa, Iowa, which they will nuke their future home. v Miss Lizzie Conner came nn from Port land this noon and is the tcutst of her sister, wrs. ual Burkhart, of Oaavillo. A Y Smith, returned this noon from Salem, where his biother. Dr Smith. has been ill with typhoid fever, but is now convalescing. City Recorder Spaulding, of Corvallis, was in the city today and made the Dkmocrat a pleasant call. Mr Spaulding was formerly a printer. The first licenso issued bv Count Clerk Payne, in 1891. was for the mar riage of J M McCune and Maggie Mc Bride; the second for William 11 Burns and Ella M Collins. , Hons Jeff Mevers and C T Shedd were in the city yesterday.' They will be among the voumrest legislators of the coming legislature; but the interests of tne masses win oe watched oy them. . Mr Dalrymnle. who Is utadvintr law In the office of Hewitt & Irvine has been engaged to teach the South BrownBville school for two months, the present teach er having resigned. Fred Yates, who has been In the em ploy of the First National bank of this city since its organization, has resigned nis position in tne Dank, ana beginning with the first of the new year will in the tnture oe lounci during business hours at F M Johnson's law office, bavins been employed by Mr Johnson to assist him in ins oitice work. uazette. Last Thursday several of the frienrs of Mrs. Charles VVagncr gave her a surprise party at her home in this city. It was a nice affair, highly enjoyed by those present. They wero : Mr and Kirs W F Hearst, Mr and Mrs Wm Vance, Mr and Mrs John Brush, Mr and Mrs Cal Pnrk hart, Mrs Hegele, Mrs Palmer, Misses Pearl Vance.Nina Galbralth, and Minnie and Gussie Reiner. V 1 ding I'hotogrsphers A any t'regoa. Wa have boocht all theneeativc t made bv L VV Oarlrand W K Greenwood tip to Nov 13th, JSb'J. implicates etn be had from hem only of as at reduced 1 ten. We have also about is,uuu negatives mads by our selves, from wbicb duplicates cad be had at like istea. We oarry the on y full hna of viewt if this state and do eQiartrt d work at loweit rates for first class work. W e shall b pleated to tee yon at our Studio in Froman's bloak, next door to Mitosis rem pit. .. ' Cared of Kcnrslain. Lottie Ij T)eream, East View, Wcttcheat e county, N Y, writes: "I have been a great enfferer with pains in the brck of my head, worse than soy head aohe. I could tot reach it with internal i medioinss at all, and during the cold weath er 1 isavs suilered excruciatingly. I finally thought I wonld try an ASlocck's Piaster spplmd. to the nape of rr.y neck, la lets ti---. h-tf Atlv tha pain entirely !." VASIMNUTOM. Frmi imr ronuitr orrMniiitit,) Washington, Dec. 39, i Sort Mr tiarr'ton U no longer confining him self to secretly msnlpulatlnit tiie wire that are being laid to secure him a renom Inatton In iX)i. He Is now openly a can dldate, and no repub'kan of any promi nence who vUlt lil in leaves the White Iloute without being made aware of that fact, and he I losing- no opportunity of making deal to incurs delegates to the next republican nstlonal convention. Ex- Senator Bruce, to whom he gave the aeennit li-l tiel nfTii In the Tjil rlt-t of Columbia, ex Representative Lynch, whom he made one of the auditor of the trtsiury ,snd a negro name! Europe, who holds s poaltlon In the post office depart ment, are relied upon to control the negro delegate fom the south, and In hi own slste has thing feren msde solid for him by hi making friend with trea urer Hutton, A-ho tome time ago tendered his resignation In a huff because he thought himself and wife had not been treated, with suflVlent considers! Ion by Mr and Mrtllarriton. Hecretsry Rutk, who hts within a week taken occailon to publicly announce not only that he wss not a candidate, but hi support of Harrison, Is confident that he cao secure a solid delegation from hi state, and the other mcitbers ol the cabi net sre all working to do the same thing In their respective tate. Thl hss been msde much eatler by the fact that the re sult of the recent election together with the attitude of the republican leaders in cjngre or. the Force bill snd other mat ter to which he 1 opposed has removed sil dsilre on the part of Mr Blaine for the nomination. He doesn't believe that there I bar Jiy a polbl!lty that any republican can be elected, therefore he will Interpose no objection to Mr Ilarrlton's being vin dicated by a tenominallon. Senator Stockbridge, of Mlchlgsn, feels about a hundred per cent larger than he did a week ago, He U credited with hav ing had Judge Brown, of his state, nomi nated to the vacancy on the bench of the supreme court In the face of the active op potltlon of hie senatorial collctgue.Oeneral Alger and Secretary Blaine, all of whom supported another Mlchly an candidate. Old man Chrlttmas knocked the repub lican leader In the senate out In the first round. Mr Hoar refuted to even enter tain the Idea of patting the utual resolu tion tor a holiday rectss and stated that the senate would be In scstloa every dsy until the Force bilt'wss patted, but he reckoned without counting the strong home attract ions of a msjoity of the senators of his party. By Chrktma eve the senste wss short of s quorum and adjourned to Sat urday; on Saturday the number of sena tors had dwindled to iS and after a five minute session, devoted to prayer by the chaplain, an adjournment was taken until today. Today there I not a quorum present, but an effort will be made by the republicans to continue the debate on the election bill until a quorum gets here. It will hardly succeed though, as it wilt be opposed by the democrats, who will Inalat that nothing be done without a quorum. The JJoute I doing nothing for the same reason, and tt looks as though things would remain In the same condition for lhe rot of thl week. Attorney General Miller has made his contribution to the HarrUon boom In the shape of an opinion It holds good, will enable Mr Harrison to turn the World's Fair Into a mammoth Harrlton machine by appointing an army of politl cal bet let to do Imaginary work toward preparing fir the ex potltlon, white their real work will be for Mr llartiaon and the republican party. The anti-tllvcr republican, who are all In favor of the Force bill do not derive much satltfartion from the expected ar rival of two more votes for that measure, In the persons of the new Idaho senators, becsute both of those senator are under stood to be enthualattlc friend of free liver coinage, Thee antl-allvcr repub lican are opposed to any financial lcgltla Hon of any kind ct this scttton, and they only agreed to the financial bill recently reported for the purpose of quieting the silver melt In their party, and fully Intend lng to prevent a vote ever btlng taken wp On It. The til vcr men have at . last had their eye tipened,and they are threatening to make the fur fiy at toon a the holidty absentee get back. lommlMloner Raum has been com peted by Secretary Noble to write a letter In favor of the bill now pending to reduce the attorneys fee for obtaining an Increase in pemions to $3. The attorney's lobby still boldly and confidently announce their ability to defeat the bill. Railwsy companies in Auitrtlia, after ex perimenting with various kinds of "quick fene lng for railways, especially with s view to keep ing out snow drifts." have settled upon hedces of the " Rose of Provence." It is said that fence 6 feet high and 3 feet thick wi! check snowdrifts. The bios joint are salable and so the fe'ccis profitable. The value of the European potato crop i 5600,000,000. KB Ali KSTATSS HALES J S Morris et al to Wm May.lot 12, (j'8 land plat to Scio. ......... $ Jaa F Davis et xxx to H W Bilyeu. 1U7.UU acres in tp I4,s it 4 ana ftW s " '' VV R and 'E j Bishop ' to' John C Morgan, 241.31 ama into 14. SHlw W B Cook to the Santiam Lum Co, 155.29 10.S R E. ... -R Bilyeu et ux to Geo Bilyeu, 160- acres, Bee 13, tp 10,S R 1 w... C II McFarland et lis toG C Cool- 4400 1500 '800 :200 !204 ey, acres in lirownsvuie. . II Y Kirkpatrick et al to 0 Jtl Goan,. . lots 1,2, bl6, K!sA,L6b..... F M Miller to L Foley.lot 3, bl 8, im '.Lebanon.'.'. i ....... . T A Swan to E R Case, parcel in. Lebanon..... .;. G II Jones to Mrs D Brady.lot 4, bl 2, in Highland Grove. ....... , R A Ann Couch,. lots 10, 11, bl 7, Harrisburg. . , T L Wallace et nx to Ed Lacdia lot 4, bl 11, W'a Riverside A.- 300 ,'750 :200 'y 25 : :300 ' 450 Children Enjoyl ' The pleasant fltvci, gentle action, and tooth ing t fleets of Syrup of Figs, whenjin need of a laxative and if tha father or mother bo eoBtive or bilious thn moat gratifying results followiof? it me, so that it ia the best fam ily remedy known and eyery family should haye a bottle. . To lit paes C E BrownoJl's store if y watt tolivB economically. Best good od lower j rio- guaranteed. SniLOH'S CATAGIUI ' REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Di jhtlietia and C!iker-Mooth.J Hrh;(;KANTIiY.m8II0.K8T". ' Tramp a man's corn snd he will tques', touch a man's pocket and he will resent it. Suggest a financial policy for the whole country s sgslntt the tpecfsl Inter ettsof the gold bug, snd they quickly squirm. I he Vrtgonia replying to an article written by John P RcbcrUon. fav oring the hicreste of currency of tne coun try isyt that the motive at the bottom of the movement for such Incrtatc I "flag rantly dlthonest." That paper's potliiun la 1 1. If li. t. f ....... I , purchasing power ef s dollar will be rela tively decreated. If thl argument be trne, (and we have uo dUjwtltlon to con roveri It,) then the reverse propotit'on Is true, I. e, if lhe currency I contracted, the puichatlng power of the dollar It Increased Then the necetrsry conclution would be that the motive at the bottom of the move ment to contract the currency would be "flagrantly dithonett." How many lime during the latt twenty-five year ha the Currency been contracted both by Icgitla- tlve and administrative aetion. The motive at the bottom of the matter wa 'flagrant' 1 dishonest," Pld the Ort0im cry out against uch dlthonetlyf Not at all. And why not? Simply because contraction Is In the interest of gold bugs and the geld single standard, and the Ort tenia Is, far tctlkuce, the promoter and defender of geld bugs and gold bugs Interests. i)ld any one ever hear that paper protesting against the "flagrantly dithonest" scheme by which silver was demonetised In 1873 In consequence of which the circulating medium of the country was contracted? Certainly not. And why? Because con tracting the tllver circulating medium of the country relatively li.cieated the pur chasing power of the gold dollar which wa a direct benefit to the gold bugs whose organ it I. It viewed with complacency and satisfaction that ttat of things under which the gold bug might make from one to two dollars every time he manipulated a $ao gold piece, for silver, after demone tisation, was at a discount of from 5 to 10 per cent. This loss fell exclusively on the poor for they handled only tllver To this '-flugrantly dithonest" means of cheat Ing the poor the Ortgouie entered no protest, because Its lord and master, .the gold combination, was resplng a rich har vest. Then, when the democratic party la congreta came to the aid of the mattes gainst the "flagrantly dishonest" scheme of the clattes, by attempting to pa a bill to re monetize silver, the Orvj led by the gold beg ttandardt of the eatt joined In to defeat the bill. It has been constant in season and out of season In Its efforts to promote the scheme of contraction. Every one knows that the continual Increase in popu'atbn and the Increate In the trade and business of the country demands a corresponding Increate In the currency of the country. Tae Ortgmia under stands this truth as well as aay one, but It would not comply with thl demand because the special interest which It repre sents would be better promoted by con rscllon. ACIDITY OF TUB STOMACH. This conditio is due to germs, snd the cure lies la getting ski of the germs. Cerms of fer mentation in the stomach produce first alcohol. then caibonk acid, and then acetic edid. A pertoa troubled with thit of dytpeptia should be careful to take only such articles of food as does not favor the development o germs, and thus starve Ui'm out. Another thing to do is to wash the germs oat of the stomach by drinking freely of hot water liefore mes't. Il'lood it put into a stomach already sour, of course fermentation wiU be set up immediately. Some peisons notice that as soon as they eat their slomsch become sour, The third important thing to do is to stimulate the stomsch to make more gastric juhe, which b a natural antiseptic, and prevents fennen (alien, tad slso hastens absorption. The glands msy be stimulated by applying hot ostentations to the stomsch for half aa hour ramediatcly after the dote of a meal, or easier ati'.L by wearing a rubber bag ailed with hot water directly over the toaach for half aa beer r aa hour. Heat is a natural sumulaot, aad there are 00 possible ill effects from its Bsc in this way. The world I In no danger of stsrvlng for many years to come if its people aie will ing to give Intelligent culture to the soil Engltt't authorities assert that not one per cent, of the arable land In the Argentine Confederation ha ever been cultivated, Eeen the United States could double it present crop if all the farmers would till the soil as Intelligently, as efficiently and as the beat farmers In esch s'ste do now Six new pocket States, all far west of the great centres ef finance, commerce and trade, with xta greater population than the single city of FhiUdciphta, have 12 votes in the United States Senate, wHUc six other Ststes of the Union, an which sre alt the great centres of money end business, have only I a Senators to repre seat a population of 23,626,500. If a tuning ioitc, when vibrating, is made to touch any part of a spider's web, of the twigs or leaves by which thejweb is supported. the trembling of the wh completely deceives the tpiiW, so that, after rapidly finding which radial line is most disturbed, she runs along this one and attempts to secutethe tuning fork, and struggles in vatu to find a soft spot ia lhe armor of her prey. Remark by the Kansas City Star: Creen County farmer who deeded all bis prop erty to his children is htuling rails foi a living, A father can support twelve children, hut twelve children sometimes find it quite difihult to support one father." Tables of the density of the stmotphere, cal culated from telegraphic westhef reports, have been found to give a better clue to the move meats and origin of cyclones than the usual method of a comparison of the isobars and isothei met alone. ' Investigation ia East Indian watert by Alcock, the English naturalist, lead hiui to the conclusion that deep sea' fishes , light wp the arkness with a phosphorescent glow of their own. The director of the Breslau Ophthalmic U nivetsity alleges ihat in 300 cases which have come under hit own notice the affection of tne eyesight complained of has been caused by wealing tight collars. The pressure on the veins of the neck, he stys, disturbs the circu lation of the blood to the betid. " As a lighthouse iliuminant, gas has been found to possess the following advantages over oil: Its facility for increasing the power on the sudden occurence of a fog, absence cf the necessity cf trimming, and power to mats in sta.ataneous transitions font light to darkBcw, nr.-l the converise. iH ECZEMA 17 YEARS Cored la S T.w ks. One ol the great est Cure V. vcr Performed by the CuHcur liemedlcs. At tJw M thri-e month a rh (irJildi ftr. Wtrilt (iro.i'tl to hti M.cmo or Mil rhffum) insult ttt apfMwrtbM oa my fur, VhymWUa tfler pbyrt. n. ""'" " ' '''" " m any gTi at til. tal mail in wr4, 't hu tllKwt Mlna4 siuktted; It tprvkvi la mf ana ami tm 1 WM km up omirrly, !mm eon. tlnanlty on lhe Boor oa p!H', my ftintfli eantrtctcd tu tiwt i (u all control of thrti, ami wstotiwrly hiilplnu, Wy uiml.vr uroufci have to lift fiio out m.'J loi kri, I eon id K--t trnurfd tttt htmm cm my baud mid fet, but I eoiikl not fvt my eloU on t all, ami liiwi to tortrrt drMln. (" My Hair had ill tri.tu-.l diro or futb-a off, atvd my twil, Wo, and on wr otw trad. 'I in Ginaim euoHtiuMi In lUU mmum until I wm ., i',-,. '.,-,-(, v . -. ;. i & it tif in Jmiatry, 1s!i, f i, i-int in tho Tritiun of ytir i'ern i ts litMKuir.t. Itiliwerrucd my cum w ernvnly, thai 1 hi. a a iwt rraurt, to al Own a When i lira amilixi tbrm I til t and tksetliriif, iru:a . rali-hlng my. tlf, but I f "t W p aliiunt immnllttu-ly, mount. tlilnir I fcwl ut firm for )', th fft wm m fwMnf. la thout two wkt t eouid un4 airtight, bin walk, I wm weak; Imt my mmt trreim y well. A rir u I can idilK, tbt C'tTi.! Reveotr enrrd in In about tilt to licht wr-k, ai Up to o,u d.tie (i. ., from Jan. nmy, to nt,,iry, 1T) I have not bea mirt In any way, or bam bad Uw kaal tigs lit ifat dlt. rtai'jtctriuic mi km. vr. j.mtdojcai.o, ST22 Itaurbora fit., CLlcago, 1 U, J utu 20, 17. Cuticura Remedies Art the only Infalill.Io fikln tnl Ebwd PorlfUra. Hold orrrywbrr. 'rU, Cvrtcvat, lb trrail Kkia fur. UK.; "itk-cb Moaf, aneiqulaltclikla fori. 6vr r,4 licMitlftr,2&c.s i'TH.UB iDCxl.vtxT,U Bw Ulood I'ttritbrr. SI. I"fjfMl by tha f vma iBt' tna Cuzmi' al ConiHiKaTtoN, UtmUM. d- HmuI for " llow to Can, Kkin Ulanum M p3V, W iUiutratlooa, and luu tcaUmotilaia. HOW MY SIDE ACHES f Aehin fldoi d Bark. IHp, Kidney, ind LVriiM i'atna. and Ubaamuiam if.- - wHl Its ona minute by the IVJI talfetr Anil-l ain I'laiUr. The Irat tbd only liilBttt.eom pala-kiiiuig plaater. -OF- Special w FREAD. My Winter Stock is now ' tho latest ress D Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Kxi Ribiied and Muslix. 3Jy Prices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated . . . I.S.E.HOSIESI;, G uaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely . fast, and Free from Poison :ToTheMen: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- I have a Large Stock at the Lowest Prices ever offered ia the Valley. 1 catry ) .11 line of the world -reno wed BROADHE1D gd, un?xee!led SnUh. Larg stock cf EiiBaoiDERtES and Flocscixgs. . CS ced tha. Albai.j ia the best trading point ia Oregon. for wear a' and be cot ' -,jRyrm i ' jLz'm f 4, M;; igr$ WHOLESALE & BETAIL MfemOnP'1,116 1 abor Employed INSUREIN THE . ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, SoMnd; c Conservative . . .... . mmm,. 11 . ,!.. I ".I.JI inn jni)a 1 iili--.w-r- i - - - - ' 1 " "" ' -' " 1 - HEAD OUAR TERS FOR And everything else in IVATCn, CLOC'sC. And jeweler y line, for HOLIDAY'S, at the lowest prices, at . , Will & 0 ..1 OTTO "It is batter to' serve he publio tDnu o cheat it. Fin! HstiiasI Ban y Af,fSAKi. oer.Goiv t tot irtMnt .... ,...... S, E( ' Ctbitr.. ....., W. LAS THASSACTI A CCnEKALUnVlDtlutlnaw. Awocrrrs Ktrr uij.t t ei. STOUT EJf:HAfOS anil UI Ttfhl tmtufer, to s Himr Ymk, ttn tnumium, licaijo and Ioi te.nn. COUKCHOSr SAOEob Um,l Wrxw. . KintCToiw . K. Tcwse ' K,W, ttieb. I 8 Bttis, fc. Ita . gtettor, mix. hwn Co. N.ational Bank, ALBANY - - - OK-EGON. CAPiTAL STOCK tt.0f. fr.l.)-it .. .....J fc COWA1. I ' tct-pntklent JM HMM fDS. r bt..,,, .....(im B CHAMf.KKI.AfS, Attthicr,, ............. O A AUCiUBOLIt. tawTOM,-J I, Cwm, i M lUitUm, Oo B ClMinlKrlala, W Uu&, W it Uaitn, i A Crtw UttA tod O A Arebtbaid. THAKSA'-TS aetMTtJ banklna; hzanm. DHAW SlOIIl DKArraon Xtw York. Saa tit ftiiti I 'Jnttm. UAS MOKKtoa appttrtd teeortty B3f EiVE djw!U totioct (bock. JOHN CSOM, -pitoPHirrroEo- Albany. Boda' Works. , od ftlkncfacturera oP : 5H0ICS CQSFEDTIOIZUT. 's tow preparwi to at who,' a a, always frenh ent put at Fortitnd , a to doaleraw We tJo keep . a ful f finta asi TroptaJ jfmlts, CICAP.8 AND T03AC Monncement Complete, Embracing all Novelties in Goods, odds, 3E2 -SL J Albany Cigar Fact y, CfUBES AMY yEADAGHE . thil3 Ycls l21t BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. the . - , , , G CI - V j '