The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 26, 1890, Image 4

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    J. fl. DUnCAU,
mmn at law ako mam
JTOfllN So Strahan's n:uck, So'a 1
end 2.
r'r..i rvAiiTP The uiee has
tb.t.)fcA4 ftLivtiLUO, (otonithat we I
ve 4 topoaeJ of thltpart of our butintws.
Tin a BimaK. l ara in it uiiw .r-r(T,,
n ava kM e nl Itnanf Marlin
Ml Winchester riflea, aud brecchloadlna.
afcat t ranging in prieerrom sis to r.
A.) a all lue lal improved revoi ei.
"Revere House;
Fitted up Id firet-claita etyle. Tables
aur,nlud with lbs beat In the market.
N. Bleaplnaapartmenta, Sample room
ftyr eonatuaroiAl traveler.
raaek ta aa) feat. t
City Meat Market.
SHUITZ EBBS,, fropriators.
Vp a full lln of meat of all kind,
la a cool plica, completely pro
tected; and always fraatt.
have the boat sheer and eelwi
ant to
bat wa
It thla
etty, and waoan prove It to you
Mat. F.very pair variant!, and
returned If they do uot give ettUt
Thla la no brag or blustet; we mean
ar aay. trrawaRT A 3
',V -vj a--
la. B . C. WHirj and Brala TrwtitMut
a rMnnUul Mwi'idj tlyatarta. biMiauaa. Vuaul
atnoa. Ft', Xrvon Nxinklyia, llUrh, N.nrou
PmtrUua oiimU hy lh w. ol k.l4 or Mwo,
Wikrfulian. U.aUJ tyrMini, IMIauinf ol th
anue. mniliina la umbbii and KadiiiB la BHasrir.
amM d h.a, immn U a, aarrannan. Kaa
Kara i "xvttain. ona h'a treatment. II a ana
ar all aaaa) kr a ami b awil pntd ea ranti a
aw, WithL-a onlar tMilna by a lur aix baa,
aeenaiMiiwd wila $5, UI MM Um Pari'hur our
vrtttaa Bitaranl to rvtund tb bomt II tba tnat-
ml um aot Ifaci a ear. UtnnaUM iattJ enijr
b J. A. Cumain, lrufM, KO agani, Albaa) , Or. ,
City Restaurant.
IITio beaa Bbiral ramoda'ad. ibis olJ
aad yopular raataoraat will ta mad Hrat
claea n aaary rmfaaa. Th yablla will ka
give food maala aa ail ara for ooly X
eanba. aWerytbra aaaa) savt aaaraatt.
Prrtwaa aoaam Oiilaa la awaaf aaaba.
JLr oonaant i ha barctoTora ax!lng flam
of Zachaa A Son baa tbia day dimlvad
partaiarshlp.-'on li. Zachea, j a Dior mem
bar, retiring. All HabiiiUeaand aaaeta
wilt ba earned by John Zacnea
b'gued Deo 17, IS'JO John Zacbes,
Jokbt li Zacbeo
T) RENT. A t-toro room ZliVi feot,
aaltablafor buvlaefus centrally locatoti
For particular call at tba Dcmockat
omoa or on Ja v t'ipe.
nau dsal of
I cheap nipan belna
o! 1 in tbia muknt. We carry uor.e but
pure sianilla, aud can give you any else
from W IS. A.:i (luiur obam rras
S-Jd to K- VTiwtut A Sox.
10ST About I.i. 1S30. 2 n.iien
J north of Albany, ou browo ntling
II y, a natoral pacer, witu aUr in furebnad.
nd halur br4a. Wh Ml it waa a'thm
orral f tod pony. Any one briang th
o me at Albany will be reasonable raaard!
Physician and Ourgeon.
U3ca oppoa'.ta tba rwttx:rat.
JR. n. J. I'ATTOJf,
Blumbargr litoclc, Albany, Oregon.
female and private dieeaeea a apls'ty
CoosalUtloB fiee.
aoak o bao l, atrap, nammon aod Sor
way Im; aiatmaakina, eawl, pkK aad
pi aw atoei.
all the time embracing hood, paraaol an
canopy top., and rangint in price fro a.
fltolW. There Inn'r a nl'Wlotnf ' raU fruit liaJtkeU'Mnthe Wa
ao bve a taw that ws rant.
SrswAkT A Sox.
Deimoiiico Restaurant,
Opronrrt Eixmdkro Bukk.
Neva Rooms; -:- Seat Service;
Good Me'tli, Promj)y Served,
Twenty-Jive Cents.
Oytters -:- in -:- all -:- Styles.
Court ovs Treatment; First elassCooks.
Perraai.antfy mrtd f.houl Cutting, Itamlnf tt DU
billnif A rarfrcll paiiiUai tnatniant nd a goaran
wl ciira In rrt jrw. no Diattar how lonr ttandi"a;
Thu tremlm.nt, tut If.rlcta . ot l)r' , U lh
JT-oloM dliouTary knoarn lo OMdicino. ItdUoulrM
b4 "tiiji!tly runoTco lb Htrktu' witboutnooy.
of la to th patient. '
fulimf to their Hx, an I nut pncr in name here.
lolullrc all ih m drllcte (uflrmlliM anil Week'
luwee, r,kli th.r wouM ebrluk lr.o dU I..l.,e to
their f.nil y liyl Un, permanetiU cured In Ion
time Umh .rer known to M.ei.sne lwf,ra, hy r
"'"' "Now HyeUm at Trot" Ilrr linennte. week nwnetrona
w he i r'"H.U, It I. alweye bet to cell for Kir n.l
eoneu'tatUn end .iiej in,ln.iim. UuU thi.e
mb -t rilr rail, ehould write, eUtinff their
fully. Mediuine aont by null or exprw.ii, ueuM
trot fn,m exHjeure, t-, ell art. of ibj lv:ille t'oeet.
Wi. A. Iloxell, M. D.
Paul l t.pra.nry. I'ortlund. irr(lia
Cir.icr Kuvt aul I'n.a trcu, ovcrH'oillanil
frtfa yon
Ilrlnj; ;'our '
what we an do
,f r!iiF W.hava three
ib f .) r.t 3;u will like
i la'f"aiGund and are
BT & Sfc.X.
F03HAY & fvlASO,
. - 'ii.K,tse a aareiii -
i" t for John H. A Men's i--i.b!:elorja,
hira . - m-il a. oji):lt.ri jr.--o'. wltb'
tMltVI. UCCuJi
Ali'.tKy Hte Works,
- Mini Manuritt;ii!ierp- t
lr rr aow prerierff to ai: at wl.ol
. alwaya frenh at I'.trtlt ail
, n. d;ialr. IV ('w kop a fui
to ai:3 Trrpfcsl fruits,"
4 !. "
4 litaUiwfU
U Uitu pratitedt
State of Ohio TWO,
ury Sept, Columbus,
i hr uicd n. ttr
eobaOl) la my family
for years, and find It to
It li a rxxl, honett taedictn sal honest mea
Will not hesttatt toraeeromend It to tuffedni'
kixmanilj." JOUS F. abEMMOJi
Evary Bottle Ihera la Cur.
Avery Api'Hrlloaj tttollef.
n i v..r' r
J a aw sua a-
gun Uovotopmant Corcpany'a Kt o.
ablp Llue.
20 .lUUilS LtU I ImIC
a WIS.
an b an other rJU.
thrnuirh naaaaiiKdr ana
ra'pht hnafroin TorUand and alt jioliiU
n Uia WUlamotta Valley to ad fiou Ban
f anclaoo, Cat.
u... ..v unnvUnn at Alltan
mlth ttalaa of Uia Oregon faoltto lOallroad
TIHC aCIICDl'LR. (owpt guntUyt.)
U.. AltMiiy U i r.
Ian tiqiuiis 7;0,B
LeaTa Cortallta.ltl.M A, a
Arnre Albauj, ll:U a. a
Leave OorealUa l llr, a
vrrl Taitulna, I So r. a.
O. at C. tralaa connect at Albany and
(Wraliu. Tho abora tralna concoct at
Yea ulna tritb tha Oregon Dceiopmani
OomreaoT'e Una of Klwtuiablna boiween
Ya-juina ant san rranrwco.
rana Tartaa.
WUlametU Valley. O j 1;Nj lb t tOlb; Hb.
taua a. a ratucieto
Will. tie Valley OA SHh ; MoT Mb. 1Mb i t5lb
Tba Cooiui.'e .AM-xYea .he nznt to
ilitniM aalliiii tlittM er'thout notion.
X. It. Pawnitera from Por.Und and
4 Ulamatte Va.le noinu ran make oloae
tfinr.ectl n with tba tralua -.V tba Yaqulna
rontaat Albany or Corva'lte, and If dea
tined to San Kranciaco ahould arrange to
rrlraat Yaqulna tbeeveuiiiK bafore te
f aauing.
iiur aaat r.elahl Batre alwaje l
or lalui nation VV'J U A R Chaprttan.frelgblaoa
Ucket A rtnl, Albany, f '. MOe.1 a..
O F. ard r Area .
Southern Pacific Route
Ktne T.alna Irate Portlard Ualty
t ' a a
Ur n il a a
L ; i r a
7; Jr. a. L
Kan fruitier
lour a I L
Abutre t aiiia at-1 only at lolloatnff ataliona norlh
ut kiieebtinc. Kaa tort and, Onvm ('I t, W'iral.
barn, Haletu, Allaiiv. T.nrnt, S'n.ld, iilwy itr
rtahurv, Janeuoa City, lniii, lluj-iw.
a-eB;aa tut, .it.r.
1 Gci
I Lr Portland Ar 4 ue r a
l.'.MraL Allien. Lv I 1340 a
S:f; (Ar lt.hrx t.ri aaoaa
AUtaXT U-l BilLT IXCart SrtBAT)
i A) r a H v ' rVrTbuKl Ar3a
J:00 r a A.' Albany I a:0Q a
taaajioa aaaarn.
t.Mralb Albany .r :Ht
IziralAr Lebanoa Ll : a
7:MBL Albany Ar 4:(ra A a I Ar UbaRoa L I t:40 r a
Tourist Sleeping Oars,
Far A eroaaaa4alea ef aral- lnae Faaaaa
era, aliacbad la Capreaa Tralaa.
tt aide tVlTlalea.
MaiL -kAiaaaui (Ki.-ept Konuay.)
7 Jo a a I by Port end Ar I t.Mt r m
110 a Ar Oenrellle In U ra
lire la. njirn Daily (Exero. 8irday.
4:4l r a I La- Portland Ar I a
TiM.raAr ' WcWInn.ille It I ,m
Thronp;b 1'lclcetM
To ail polute
Iji. kuforoutloa rererdlhg ratce, an a.
oaOoenpeny Aut at Al evr.y .
Aaa't 0. r. d P. Ar
i-,tt..6j An2 Ccnnsellcr At
Ail Stlieitor in Chantcry.
OolHctlona promptly wade onal i po'nl
caaa negotiated on aaaonablaterrca
First National Ban
PrealJont .. L.
Vioe Praakteiit 8, K,
CaaMr.. K, W. LAS
TBAltfACTS A GENERAL Unking bualneea.
ACCOUNTS KEPT auhject to (beck.
BIOITT EXCHANGE and Ul Thie tranaler, '
a New Tork, 8an Krancieco, Ucazo aad Pol
COLLEiTnOVr HADE on favoral.le tenrj
a B Tocre K, W, b
L B iiAi, L. Flib ,
Edwaxd F. Hot.
Linn Co. National Bank,
Fraaldent J h COWAN.
ice Preeidetit J M KAI.8TON.
Chier ...Glo E CIlAMBKHLAIN,
Aart taahlcr...... O A AUC'HIUOLU.
D BIKTriRJI, I . Cowan. J M Hiil.Ulll. Ooo X
ChamlMirlain, W H M l. W II Joia. 1 A Craw
lord and OA Arcliibold.
TRANBACTRairenoral Kanklne htteinuea.
1 1 ' v 'Jreflron
LOA5 MOiVET on apprcred aeciirtty
REfEIVBdep.Mlteitlteot chat.
Bank of Oregon.
ALBANY, - - - C7.EC0M.
C1,AlXXTC,A.E., 0530,000.
V:f Preaident .. H t f E K RI 1 ,i
C'blur J. 'V. BLAl N
II nnant. J W Blain.
Geo Humphrey, 0 H (,
K J linii'K, Sf Morrill.
Hiubtrotiilinti an I ta!crrrpli!n tra a
for on Nvw Y trie, San Kran.dao'i a d
and all principal point in Ore' n nl
Waeblngton, ,
c1.cji..vj ut iu ii.itii.1 it iiim
OF flirr.ND, OIIKH II".
Paid up capital
Hurplua aud prctli. ......
- fl .(HO
Tnttirest iflnwod on ra .inf j de"oaila a follows:
O.ior. innry 1vin-il..H,i.a ....4 iwr cent cr milium.
On term wiving UoniiH 8 par cunt jr aiiuuni
On conifitule, ol
For tlireomotitha ..4 pvreent peranmim:
For aix mo.,tha 6 n:r cvnt r annum:
r'or twoS'e moiith 6 Hir cont ger aonuui.
KKA.Mi liKKOM, Preaident
D. I'.THOMiNOM Vi:w.p,cidcnt,
U. C, BTUATTOJf, Cannier.
ho new WI cekT A Wllen 'o r,
rw4V :..
Bill. lTil K SAI ! a
L A RnJ 8 A Allen to J 0 Towcll,
60 new in to 10. r K w
S A find L A Allt-n to Vnnlloru,
M acres in tn l. HU4w
United fcUUtoJolnHiUli,et ux,
73 nores in tp 12, S 11 4 w, .l'ntcnt
Samutd Wilson it ux to MargRrvt
Wilson, parcel in N ISrowiiH
T L Wallttco ct uJ to I.l!e Kiln,
lot.H, bill, W'a KIyithUIu A,
Allwny ....
T L Wallace e ux to Surah llcd)jc,
lot 2. bl II. W' Kivcraldtt A. .
W 8 Heene to 1 (J Mc FarUno ctnl,
lmlf hit iu S I- qr rcc U, tp 12,
II T Mlaon to M i: Wileon, loU 1,
6, h tt, in Not th lt'villo. ......
Ututca Mnica to v a imit, n r. ;a
acri'N.nco 33. tl 0.S H 4 K I
Harriett J Maple to M lloitick.l .5
acre, tp ll.S It 4 w....
M Holt to Kllit It Mcndeulmll, 8.1
acrc ti 15. It 4 w
M K d J F UroM to i Wcrts, lot
2, bl IS.K'a A, rHxIrtVllle
A C llauKoiimu to A S MclHmald
and r V Hiuul.mi.l.iy.U't
A. N Brownvillo,
A Condra to K N Tndy,5 acrva, tp
15. It 4 w
J B Roilucract ux to K N Tandy, 5
am-n, xcc o, tp u, it w.. . .
J M fluughcr to Willie I'laughcr,
bcc 3-', ipn,Hi(i
Albany Ceni A to cot ot Joseph
hiie, lot Si7,bt '.".', u ata com
ctery (J II iHirlmui.iiiatiter.toS H Myers,
377.77 lf." H4W
C A l'.illa et ux to C II lUm, N K
Tutal lor year.
Hallo tt
etr.ii, whmt la It
"How I four moihar, thla moraine r"
"Vary tnuch ttu-r aba bad a rwal rnttful
aep but atabt t aba I aUmoat rid of b-w niaU
eaiia. ooueh and rwrvouaneaa. and la Brow.
lna quitei abeewtuL Iiow araleful wa ail are
to you roe that txittla of KM0lr!rie,'
- Itoo t apaaj ot arautuda. Vt bat doa tba
doctor aay f" . . ,
n - .ea ha amt aaw ao wooderful
cJiajajra U uh a aartoua luti troubta. H
etiUUilnlu wa ara giving bia ocUjcUm, 1
aVont Uka U tpll tdm."
T.U . riht. lla'a en old friaoiL yon
know. I'm aura your motbor will t wall
now ; bat ynu won t torvl tba lutma of tba
n..iiM. will voyl1
navaei iir, rwrcai iwneow ewiiw . .
eovary " ara laouaekotd worua already, and It
haa eoraa to etay. lo coma and aeei what un
a&aa et ba brouakt aimody, aud Kl i I liana
you aain for iC'
'-IwiU. tJoodbirr.-
faa forewutat la a fair reprreentaUcn of a
wry oorenioo ooeurraana. "OoWen Aiedkml
Itlaexrvwry" haa eurud evveta, UnaaruiB couaba
atl arnatnl Cnnaumpeioo, or Lunf-ecrofula,
la Ux.uaaa-1 ot caeea at tar doctor bava faiiew
and ot ti"T mniiuuiia havn bran trtad and aban
rknr.l aa uat-i.-aB. The " Jilewvery " u ar.
aaM4 to baeteBt or cure to every raau. If
tak-a ia tirae aad a4vn B fair trtai, or Bout;
wki ba ratuadwd. ,
wurta teat wore eaaca, nu titutK-r oX lw kHag
W nrit., vy aruKtfia&a.
I J-s
Will & Link,
ocn;tj tiis itaiiaatttB
II. Fa iililler.
-And the rvor'l-
Palace ami Karhtifl
rvIotiHO Proof Orgntw
. oui AoesT roa ma-
Eldraiia 3. and Hj
Nwlae JlBcfiia m,
Our ANs-Ct-itANKn-am - Repairs!.
Wliilo trying to Crowd their
Store, where they a'.'.va;, have on hand
the largest Stock tomb of 1'ortland, of
'the lateat improved Ride and Shot
Gun; an Immense stock f Fishing
Tackle of every deacilption; . Tenia,
Hammock, Cain? Chair ami thousand
af ether thing too numerous to mention.
JOtopair Shop
ia conttvctlon wlih the Store, nnd one of
ha bctt workmen In thu State tu do any
irU ad kind, ot work, - ' .
Com on, Otiue all; No trouble to
thaw fcocd. ntmill pio.'it ai)d quick
in OUI rifitt.
filjfjrO Csuahs, Coidt, I
bllritu Hoaritnces, Vh
tiora Tiirost, Asthma, and
. Induemu. Cronohltls.
, Whooping Cough, Croup,
and every fcf.ecunn of the
throat, l.fif'j crsf;5iwlu.:u'c Cen'jRi;tlor.
tpeca autipcruiiiuvM Oenuiaa uuei "I. Sattl,"
Administratrix Notice.
V oTi ce is 1 1 k 1 : E a y c 1 v v. s n 6 a rx
3( whom it may concern that op the
vtd day r-f November, 1SD0, I wia duly
uppoiutui uli it)itiir'x 'T 1 im mltu 01
Jeiut.ha Mo .rt-. d, u. 1 y tu- .t.untj
c urt ot Linn oouuly. Or. gou, jiiua.j
persona bavn-g c'nii asrlcst r,nl f-eiaie
aro tn;rotiy lu tineu in present il.pKainu
10 ute wiiu th-) (prjp'ir vouclitj, Ht tbe
law . lHct of V it . Bilyijij, in Albany,
Urpon, wiihin six uiombt fnia the date
Dated Nov28ib, UO'J.
(1128) Admlaisttiairix of MAid o!a!o.
niioi TTonon naiioiu
' I sa-s
R J - rat
A Bit Exeatlaa.
ltLKNA,',Monl., De:, 19. The execu
tion o( (our Kootenai and Flathead In
diana at Mlatoull today aa a remarkable
event in the criminal lilttory of Montana,
It wat the nrat leuai hanuitittol that char
aster ever held In tha noilhwenb Four
very bud Indian were the victim.. Eor
acveral ycnr myiteilotia murder have
been ccinmlttcd on the reservation. Until
thla vear there were 110. very icrtout at
tempts to llnd the murdcra. Lent itunmer
Sherift llouiton crtiriUed a potte and af.
tet a haid and uangwroua trip returned
wlih four Indiana known to be murderer.,
They were Anlley and I'aicale of the
Kootenai tribe, and La l.a bee and l'icrre
I'aul, who beunitcd to the rend d Oreille.
They were tried at Mleaouli and all were
Ww Bllttag Ball Itutdeird,
Uibmanck, N. It., Dec 19 It la now
bt Ina claimed that Sitting Hull wai mur
tiered in cold blood, Corporal Uunn, ol
the ICngiUli cavalry, who wat wlih the
troopa that went out In aupport of the In
dian police, n v the Indian police did not
like Sitting lAill. Every Indian at the
agency envcpt liult'a (oMowcra waa jcal
out ot the latter' prominence a chlcl aud
w;re only to clad ol an opportunity belim
afforded under govern iiititt protection to
am iiim.
A t'rarfal Aerldral.
Tacoma, Dec. 19. A tearful accident
occurred lhl morning about 11 o'clock at
the coal bunker. I r Curren, Rang tore-
man on the pitedtlvcr, wa ttandlntf near
the pPcdrlver with a piece of timber In Ida
hand to klip under the gin. I he rope
wa tiacx ana the frame came down with
a ruth. Uctore Curren could dodge one
of the cornet atruck hl-n on the back ot
the head. Ilia akuli wa ctuahed like a
nut hell. He wa knocked over the aide
ot the bunker and tell tome forty teet to
the water, ttrlklng the timber a be patted
each tectlon.breaklng one arm three timet
and both Seg.
Barglsry at Baceae,
EvtiENR. Dec iQ-nunjlara entered tit bak
eryoiiiuioeitiiioa.iBii night by forsmg an
cmrancc tnrougn a oaca window. I hey piled
IS cent, which they took, logiilier with a
good vetcoat and aunie eatable. The failed
to 0ea tba aafe, evidently being novice at the
buaiecu. There it no clue to 'In burglai.
Aa attempt wa aio made Sunday night lo
eater the drugttor of K. M. Wilkin.
l aderaa Avalaaebe.
II a i Wi a ivr r, Cal . , Dec. 1 8. - A rc hy M c
Nabb arrived thla morning, from Lundv,
blinking additional new In regard to the
death t f William Hobinaott and facob
Weaver. They were killed by a (now tilde
Instead of an explosion cf powder, a at
firtt supposed. Weaver waa found alive,
burled under the broken timber and de
bt la of the cabin in which they lived. Both
IrgtanJ one arm were crushed by the
limber and were ftoten. He wa con
ciou when found, and ald he thought he
had been ao confined for five da, since
the tilde occurred. During that time he
had gotten held of a handsaw, and while
trying to tree hlmae f ol fallen timber had
near y tawed bl f town arm from hi body
without feeling It. 1 he rescue parly t ti
ed with him to town, but be died before
reaching the foot ot the mouutain.
Ike Albaai Brldfa,
Wasiiixcti k, Dec. iS. Representative
Herman ttdav secured the passage In the
bft-.t; ol Mr Dolph ' bill for the conttruct
oi of a bridge over tha WUIamet'e river
at Albany. The house amended the bill
on aci'ometidatlon ol the war department
. i it ..a . .a... ...
a luiiowa: inai ine city of Albany tba'l
build and maintain at all time, a acce
aary wotk to tbebt Idge.auch booma.pler,
dvkct, guard fence, or similar device at
may be ncccsaaiy to insure at all time a
permanent channel for a auflicicnt dis
tance above and below the bridege atte.
ana tor guiding el raits,, itesmboats and
other water cratt aafct v under or throutfh
tuld bridge; that in case thelriilje should
be contracted to proviJt for railroad train,
u',n an raiiroau com paniet desiring louse
the bridge shall be entitled lo the same
equal rlKbU upon payment ol reasonable
compensation for auch, ard equal privi
lege shall be granted to all telegraph and
telephone companies.
Harder with m Sulk.
AsiiLAxn, Or. Dec, 18. Partlclr come
from Sam's Valley of the killing of the
man named Roberta, by cne Stacey, yes
terday III feeling haa existed for some
time overs land matter. .Macey' saw
mill it on tbe hndof a man named Barnes,
for whom Robert wa woi king. Robert
wa lttlng on fttaccy's engine, when the
lat'er atked him to get tome Blabs, lo
which Roberta replied that- he did not
nave to. Stacey tald he would not and
an J more ol hi Insolence, and picking jp
a hand tpllte struck Iiim acrota the head.
Roberta walked about a mile tu a ttnra at
(Sam Valley, whre he wa taken home.
He died two hours afterward. Iloth are
men with families.
A Balartea Moa.
Seattle, Dec. 17 Charles R Ham
mond wss convlc'.cd In the superior court
today ol grand larceny, and I now in the
county jail. Hammond It notorious for
hi connection with the well known Eng
Hth (.obtliiy teandala, Hammond claim
that there It $150,000 at hi disposal on
dipotit in the Uank of California, and
other banks.
faracil Cruised U.
Di BLise, Dec 17 Though rarneiUuf
fered Intense pain fiom the tflect of the
lime thrown In hi c) t , esterday, he wa
able at midnight to addrt from the win
dow of the Victoria hotel, at Kilkenny, a
large crowd. Duiing the aJdrc hi Lee
wat covered with bandage. He detailed
the event of the day, and the crowd be
came exasperated at the manner In which
he had been tieated. Many threat of were made.
For t Land, Dec 17 Last night the
Albany expreta on the Southern Pacific
line, which leaves at about 5 o'clock col
lided with the Portland Si Vancouver train
at the crossing at the Intersection of J. and
Firtt ttrcet. The engine ttruck between
the pateng-r coaches, turning them over
cn their ldc. No one wa killed.
A Brave Haa.
DakerfipLds Cal , Dec. 17. T A Dak'er.
tha county trearurer, wat attacked by five
or tlx strange men, near hit retldence,
about 7 o'rtook tlil evening, evidently
with the intent to rob him. One of the
party came close up and put hi arm around
Baiter's peck, and tho other doted In and
commenced to hundlts hint roughly. Ba
ker drew hi pistol and thot twice, mor
tally wounding one of them, who gave hit
namcaejamet McQuade. Three other
were captured and are tn jail, but refntc to
give any account of themselves.
Children Ea Jay
The ( leaaant (itvoi, gentle aotion and sooth
ing rtfi-cl .f Myrnp ol Figr, when In r.aed cf
a laxative and it tho fattier or mother ba
costive- or hnioui thn most gratifying reculta
following its one, ao that it i tha beat fam
ily remedy known aud a, ery family thonld
have a bottle. .
CATARUU CURED, health and sweet
j breath SLiljli't Catarrh Remedy.
( Pries 60 cent. Natol Ioiector freu. Fo-
;hoy &l Maoon, sgeute.
day evening, Dec. 18th, 1890, at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, in Albany,
Uev. E. It. Pricliard officiating,
Mr. Wm. McCulloch and Miss ICtta
Ktroupe, both of Albany. The groom h
a rustling reporter on our contemporary,
who by hia faithfulness and attention to
husiuesa lias earned the estimable wife
be 1ms secured in tbe daughter of Mr. G.
li. btroupp. They have the Dbmqcbat's
bust wiahes.
b() UN. ;
CRAWFORD. At Lowson, about
Dec. 16. 1890, to the wifif ol W W Craw
ford a boy. To'al, three boy. All do
ing well.
YANTIS. To the wife of W W Yantia,
atShedd,Deo 17, a boy, J V Gaff, M D,
C, X T.T. A H A V li"fini- milna cool 1' Al.
"bfiny, Dec. 20, 1800, the 19 months old
child of E N Callahan, of paralysis.
Bbowsbvimb, Dec. 13th, 1800.
We were compelled to forage for it live
lihood for the patt two week, hence we
have mlxaed our correspondence, but Rre
at our post of duty ftgatn.
Hev J lioweraox In holding tnecttnga
herewith come corndderahla bucccmi. lie
la R good, logical talker.
Had colds, with nymptomi ol pnemon-
la. am tba nnlor ol tba duv.
The littlo ion of Mr and Mri fl L llan-
chard la ntiltn aick. Bob. an he i com
tnonly Cttllcd, wrb telcgrsphed to your
city lor and came home on Kaiurdny.
There ia one now cane of acarlet fever
in town, at the homo of Mr (Jrttnos. All
hud thought the fever wai gone, but waa
mlutakcn, and folka would do well to be
on the guard agalnat it.
We had the honor ot aliening petition
to the legialature aaklng for money I to
build t wagon road up the river to the
mine and timber. We signed the paper
and at the aame time were thinking it
but another evidence of the corruption
of the ruo. Alt look to the government
for aid in any Rnd r11 thlnga they cannot
do tingle-handed. Thla, we think in but
r chattle. that the Linn county repre
aentativca may Bfl I their birthright for a
nieaa of potngo. W 111 they do it? Hball
A t. ... i. ....aHlaii.l team 1 ,1 4 Bi A afala I II
were ua u u,nuitvu lam uu m .w
to get money for finv and all thlnga legit-
liuate or otherwise? We don't like thla
Rind ol procedure.
Ptepa are being taken looking to the
reoreanUatlon of the town of Houih
Urownaville. tinder tho old chrter, with
aome amcndmenti. (Jood for theaouth
City election today.
JefT laotna' teRni ran away thla Bvenlng
going toward home with J II in hot pur-
THB earTMER f BBtBf ,
. 4c. 15th, 1890.
Mlaa Clara riillnot lias Kone toKueone
to continue Iter aludlea under the inatuo
tlona of Mrs Laura Klncald,
Mr Rod Mrs John Grimes save b trite
dinner party on Sunday the 7th, in hon-
or 0f t,e,r relatlvea, Mr and Mra
Md daughter, of Coital, VRh.
lllntin and Willis Curtis intent! to re
turn to I'orttand directly after the boll
days, to 11 ti lh the course they began at
the ituaineas college.
Mr Longlmltom closed Ida term ot
school In district 03 last Friday, and will
begin a term at the HomerviUo achool
house this week.
lion M Wilkina was ouite sick when
he arrived home from Chicago, week be
fore wat.
Mr and Mra Amos Wilkina returned
from their trip to Southern California
last wee.
Mra E J Wiilotiuhby Is stilt very alck.
Mra M A E Pmllh haa gone to Wash
Ington to take Mi lxl llarger to her
father there. i
Mr and Mrs Felix Ibtrger will give b
reception this evening in honor ot their
son. John, who waa married to Mis
Vedder, of 8tetn, yesterday.
Mr Miller, of Portland, was out at the
Coleman ranch looking after his cattle
' wHeXTej.
Prof Vincent, tho phrenologUi, ha
been visiting u t'.a patt week, lie tried
to orger.Ue a cl, but wa ttnauccesttul,
the nudenta, although Interested in all
studies, have their time at present so oc
irupicdwlth school work it it Impossible
tor them to have any outside.
Tba Mlae Addle and Lena Gibicr and
Matter Major Wallace, the Juvenile Com
pany, played at Monmouth Dec. it'.h, to
i a lair audit nee.
The t-ndlca Aid Society gave an enter
talpment Saturday, Dec Ijlh. A ihort
program wat tendered, after which an ex-
"I'-'nt arpper wa acrveJ.
I A large number of the ati'dente being
I obliged to remain here durirg thv Holiday ,
and tbe senior not wUMnj to loae any
more lime than la auaotuteiy neceatary,
the faculty have decided, a "ha hereto
fore been'thrlr custom, to have the reop
ening the Monda following Christmas
and not wlt till New Year.
The students of the Normal are arrang
Ing for a literary and social entertainment
of the three literary societies, to be given
just before the disbanding of school tor
the holiday. Ail are looking forward
with pleasure to this happy way of parting.
Rev Mr Prlchari, of Albany, preached
in Independence last Sunday
Messrs Stiles and Van Clcve.of Albany,
were in ibis city yesterday.
Cha Wolverton, of Albany, vUlied the
Normal last week, and addressed to the
student a few word ot encouragement.
Doth the faculty and the student sre glad
tti hear at anv time from ihose who have
gone from the In.tltulion, and also any
others w ho so kindly by their visits cn
courage us in our wot k.
W A Gllmore, while excrcbdn,r" In the
gvmnssium, fell from one of the bar and
sprained his wrltt
Tillamook county is one of the growing
sections of Oregon. The population in
1X00 wae 03; in 1870 it waa 4S0; in Isho
it was IKK). The last census showed UfWS.
Tlie alleys between Firtt and Second
street should be cleaned out and f u' In a
better condition for the winter. An alley
should never become a ttorchouse f r de
cayed good, old boxes, etc, t. .tae
brteder. f
Over inEatern Oregon Ihey tpcak of
people promltcuoualy a tram the WiU
famette valley, a "Mr lohn Smith, of the
LWIllamttte valley, i in the city." Thl
valley la bigger than Connecticut and
Delaware together. In face itjutt about
the size of Mattachutetta or New Jersey,
big enouji'i to hold and aupport five mil
lion peopl.-.
There ha been at least a prune
tree shlfped into Benton county within
the past week that will be planted thl fall.
Thl means about 300 acre of ground.and
we belleva a conservative, estimate would
olace the total acreage to be planted this
fall a, about 4C0. Tlmca. Thit valley
thould be made the fruit orchard of the
coast, if net of the U. S., and Benton and
Linn countiet thould be tiie center ol the
Note op Albany Cioab Factory. If
you want a real choice snioko try our 10
Why smoke a Chinese mado cigar now
that you can get a far superior one atJ
Joseph's cigar factory, in ado hy white
labor ?
Try our celebrated S cent Havana filled
white labor cigars.
We make h specialty of selling cigars
of our own make by the box at factory
Fine Meerschaum and Briar pines and
b full assortment ot smokers article.
rrencb Taaty Wafer.
Tho wafers are a sure and snfei y 11.
for a Mndtof female trouble!, aucu'!'
re mot tail obstructions to the morrr ly
period t no matter whut the cause. Ti t
are ji nwhat every woman necoi , oi
can be ised with tofety. For tale r. th
Livingstone Chemical Co., alto from- u
sole a gent, J A Cummlng, drupgit, Hit
berg biXk, Albany, Oregon.
positive cure fur Catarrh. Diphtheria an I
, Letter btat.
Fullowirg is the list of lottnrs remaining
tn the pott ollioe at Albany, Lion oouuty,
Oregon, le.t 7( 189J. Portont ctlling for
these bitten muit give tha data on whiob,
they were ad vertited.
Alexander, Win J
Backer,., II M
Edmonds, Samuel
Hialy, Kate
Kiliuitiswoith, W M
Lindiey, MS
Moore, CM
Brown, Cheater
DaaKhirty, Dat
Oallegher, Johu
Joycti, William
Kuapp, Ed H
laureuee, John M
Jlloore, A O Z
Mason tield. Mrs C E Mtthawi, Harry 2
martin, 13 t
More, James
SloDunald, P E
Noloo, Joteph
Kivtits, it R
Wil&ou.Mra Clara R
Moore, S E
MoCrebeu, Peter
Nichols, a E
liialey, R S
Skirvin. Fted
Wi. tor loo, Lena
' Wcd' K
R. Thomfsojt, P. M'.
Lit Stttunley tlie Oreuon Psuiflo tmiil tin
Tha rotlit at tba doll IAt lant evaninf
were about f 100. ; ,
Tho Spokana National Hiok bu fulled.
Itiyentmnnt in poor mining eourltii did it.
Pnvaral patHir ar ramarklnc that it i
against the law to kill tlm-r now, Una my
b killed wiflit January It, but not huuk.
Mr Clarndoii CMoUride. formarlv a reU
dent of Shed'l, baa nunned a H""rl mer
chandise toro at Littla Kik, on tha 0 P, be
yond th Summit.
I.ut evftiing tha Albany Kgoret collided
with the Vano .avar Narrow itig, eaing
a delay of four honn. M A Utwatit and A
liHaal, ef thUeity, and J A IW.l. of Ub-
anon, were ea board.
The Wilhtmett sttlii city i ix inehe
above tour water mark. At Helem it ltra-
purtod to ba fourteen ionha above low
water niaiK, wa ar uoai.ia to u.ilrtDd
why titer ii that diUWiiioe.
YaaUnUy evanliu the YMOA com
ploted tha puicliataof tha Clark photoKtafih
corner, iiow iecuitd hy WHoox 61 Conn,
and will mm it for Y M C A 1 1 all. event u-
ally arcoting a tine building ou it,
lha pricaof bn.lue property in Corval
"a a . . a
it may oe aalimateil froia tne fnllnwlrtff
from tha Timeni "J W rotr bmight of N
n A vary lt week the ba.ine property
oceutiieit by Cd'horu mtruniil atere,
eonutiaraiioo, s-taiW."
A Mowrv Matter. -The board of
manager of the Willamette Unlvenlty of
aaiein were up an urn nignt nguring on a
propokltion fiom Portland lo move the
Univeraliy there. A a real entate pceu
lation it may be a big thlngt but tt dUplay
a aiu "pirn to move a college lonu uo-
ported juat for a bigger bonu. ,
Tub Roiiuerb ARRRsrcD. Miraha
Hoffman received a telegram from Con
stable Cochrane, of Eugene, that he had
arrentcd the two met. who eroke into N A
Utodu-ett & Hon' toru recently robblnir
ii 01 aeverai anive, etc.
llclea being found on
Some of the ar- I
them, Mr Hoff- I
man wliS leave pn tonight train after
them. .
Coxiract I.s.r. The contract for do
ing the work on Geo Pftu't new brewery
to be erected on the corner of Lyon and
Ninth street, wa let today to Shahan &
wampocn, wno win begin work in tbe
morning. The main building will be
45x40 teet, two stories high, a frame. The
Ice work and cold storage will be of brick
one story, 33x63 feet.
The Saeet Home trail to tie 8ot,iam
RiioeS is now completed.
C C Haman, a 8itiam farmer, haa 00
buabelt of potatoaa'tm baud, tkd they prom
Ua to be ft a batbal.
Al Boeukka ha rented the Ravtre honsa
store mom aal will move bt confectionary
storo into it. It wilt be one of tha eaateat
places ia Ut city.
Chili) thaaasBt bava taa taen la tha
Neatnoea country, tbe firtt heard ot weat of
th C.aat nioantaina. They are vary oleuti-
lit I la tba Oraada Rondo raaervattoa.
Schmaert eab team I an away this noon.
UrttBK eear tha depot, Thay were eaasht
near rrauk' roarbla abop by Ed
Schttmr before aay dmaga bad bteea dose,
About tbra week gi a load of woo.1
fell oa Wm Pament, breaking hie foot near,
tbe ankle. lr Applewl tt waa called aud
eel Uie broken bou, fcul the f.wt tuts been
getttug worse iatUtd cf better. Tha pbvsi -eiao
Us now deetdad taat amHitatiot will
be ntvJatar) to tar ht. Corral la Timea.
11k BroLK Aoaw. Marshal lloftman
returnetl thU noon frutn Eugene, wliere
ho went to arret the nun who broke
into the store of N A lllotlgeit, at this
city. Tha constable there was shadow
ing him, and had evidence that would
prolmhly have lead to liia conviction.
Last night a store there wa robbed, an
overcoat be in it taken, and this inornirsii
the man waa tuiaaing with no clue to his
hcrealtouta. The description was that
01 1 ne man oucy, shot ,by uigbtwalcli
McCUtin, at this city. ,
A Lvoxa Appair. Tliey Iirvb been
having a great time at Lyons, over the
matter of a license to sell Honor there.
E E l'cnnlnston ia anti-w hiskev and has
ben persecuted continually. Last even
ing deputy sheriff Htnith returned from
that place.where he had been with a war
rant for the arrest of one John Yatea.
whom he failed to find. Wednesday
night Yates waylaid Pennington, who
arew a revolver ami kepi mm otr, Amos
Hyatt, a boy about 18 years old, came tip
and said something, when Yatea attack
ed him, hut Hyatt turned the table on
ittm and gave hint a good whipping.
YrIcb made ao many threats that Pen
nington and Hyatt got out b warrant for
hia arrest to keep tbe peace.
A BRAKKMAx'a Tt'kt nut. This morning
Mr Mwkin.a brakeiutn on the overland.
when the train wad about a mile this
side of Harriaborg, going about thirty
miles Bn hour, stepped down onto the
first step of one ot the platforms.w hcn in
some manner lie lout hia hold and fell
off, being thrown heels over head along
111a emu ut too triti n, niri.inT On Ills
. .. .
ueaci, which was nruiseti up in a very
serious manner. The train waa atoppeU
as soon as pomihle Rnd the injured man
taken on board and conveyed through to
Portland. lr Maaton was telegraphed
to be at the depot lo attend him ; but the
message was not delivered untilafter the
train panned. The injuries to Meekin
are reported to be of a very serious na
ture, though it was thought he would
recover from them.
Holiday good at Franch'a.
Have Vlereck tha v Yon. your grooeri- of Parker Bra.
J-tti-r krantat C E Browoeli',
Cloak at coat at W F Read's.
Boy your holiday giods of W. F. Road.
A fine lot of holiday eaodie at Parkrr
Liulin & l)tw.o, draglat't, at French's
94 votes were cat in tha llrownsville
Bargtins In library lamp at C E Brow
Chcadta oiteeta i tha beet. Try it. C E
Geuaine Iowa rorgbnm on draaghl'atjC
K l'ruwnell a.
Dtdicioua ennga cider oa tap at C E
Call at Halm Daacon'a Now D.-ug Sto.e
for freth drug.
W. F. Rtsd keep lha beat aaiortmea t of
fancy good iu town.
The ttetmer Willamette Valley arrived
at th I ay )at evening.
Ten beautiful present given away at
French' J-welry Store,
See W F Read' Hue cf dress gocds and
ilk before buying elsewhere.
Croat reduotion in men's furnishing good
for the next 30 day at W F Read a.
Phvsioian'a prescription carefully 'com
pounded at Hulin & Dawson' drug ttore.
Antt swear cuff button at Will ii Stark's.
Jutt the thiug for an Xmas present, "
Holiday good at first eot at G L Black
mao's. See hit d in another column.
Tor novel tie in their line Will & Stark
ara aid j to show ainperior stock of goods.
200 cloaks to be told a cost at W. F.
Read'. Come and ttcuio bargains while
tha ataortmeat is large, .
For yartety snd beauty of detinue, Will Sc
Staik's stock of riugt take the lead, and
Chi'istiua i coming.
Buy your Chritn,as presents at French's
Jewelry Stoic, and get tickets to the draw
ing to tak place New Year' day
Vhelargoitand most aUraetivo dinp'ay of
Christ ma good in t he eity is at F M
Freuc'i's, The Corner Jewelry Stt re.
Thot, Kay woolen mill blankets, flannels
meu'ti, youth' and boy' elothinp, for tale
by O W Sim peon', aent, Albauj, Oregon.
Buiutiful pold watches for lrdie and gen
tlemn at Will & Statk'e At windertnlly
low prices.
To-trionov will be the shortest day of tha
year, the exact figures beiug 9 Lour 13
miautea from tunrke to lunaet.
People aie talking about tha big stock 0
holiday goods at Will &Staik',the jewelers.
Every thins imaginable.
For freeU meats of all kinds go to Judson
& Slatt iF, opposite Schmeer'a liverystable .
Ordere taken and prompt delivery, ' .
Remembtr Dr Cray will only be found ia
bus,inci, duricg the remainder cf this mouth.
Parties shcald govern thetntt-lves ancord-
IltrrUlarg i to have a ChrUtma abip
made by an old Bailor who apent twant y
year on the ooeaa. It 1 &id to be perfect
in all It dUi!.
A large Una ef fancy crockery top and
natteer, mugs, vatoa, aalid dieha, cracker
jar, card rcoeiver. etc,, will ba sold at fa-
daoed it lots to clots them out, at Samutl
K Yeuug s.
A fins display of uhildreht school shoes on
center table at C E Brow cell 's sre froing rapid
ly at lets than firtt com, Call and relicts
pair before they ara all gone.
Fortmiller of Irving will keep their store
open night until after Christmas in order
tn toootiititUle holiday tbuupeis, who with
to Invest la thi )r large stock of furnitore,
csrttets, sto, -
Tby hays plntv of ears at Union and
other E O town to haul th wheat, bat bow
that thay have th -r no on wants to uo
them. That is lb way oi th w .rid,
Th Corvallis hotels havs mads arranira-
inent to aarry their guntts on street ears to
and from tba depot. That is business and
it helps support ths street car e itnpany that
Beads it. Aa a Hurt was made to do tbe
tsmathlog bare; but it failed.
Hera is a warnings II1IUW0 is Iteina
agitated by a suit for damtgea againit tha
eity. It teems that Air Uarnngton about a
year or mora ago sprained hi ankle Potn
a tapping cn a loo board in ths sidewalk.
After short consultation the jury returned
a veruiot awsraing nint (-too ubuishq
Aa esohang gives the following values
Dr Doaud of ureoictus metaU.whicli at least
ia ths ease of gold ts erroneous, without 10
ounoo is called a pound) (Johl,930S; plat
inum, 1124: silver, 10( nickel, tics intn-
guea, 67cj tin, 24ot copper, 13-i, i -j
load, 4nt ctst ttaeHSe; imn, 2-.-; alnmii uut,
Tb Helen) J out ft el pullithesarticle from
the correspondence la tb Dkmot bat end
pivestham as the uttersooea as tha .spsr
itee'f. ThaJonrnal know better than to
do that. Tha Dxrocrat abaotutaly rtlusa
to father tba remark of soma of its corres
pondents, and tha Jaurnal, we notice, ia
gtnerally particular as to iu owu ootre
About a mouth ano Hale Back en. to riaid
I3O0 tor s year's liquor lioroae. As tha ra-
salt of a trial in tha circuit court, ha, forfeit
ed both tba been and tha mouey paid, la
accordance with a petition, baarioit 107
Bamea. the oil v council latt Monday eveamu
irnewed his license for oaa tear, he paying
t3tJ() in advacoa. Thay bava been pttilion-
ing to remit tha $300 tot fait are and bava
taaaa tba mattaraudaradvUeutent. Ul aa
wbbib reaair.Kiu.
P. M. French kaepe railroawl tiutt .
l.'ew cream ebeasa jnst ieeitved at Coi.rad
Meyer. .
Kao & AcI.Uoa at selliag tntmnraiott at
Portland price.
Fresh New England mince meat, oa tale
at C II BrowatH'a.
A popalar place L Viereck't shaving sud
hair dressing parlors.
Choice aaeet Delawara Rrapta reoelvod
fraah every morning at C E Brownell's.
Man', youths' aad boys' clothing and
furalabing gooJe at ii W Kitnpvoo'a. elaat shave for IS cents st L
Vlereck'a, tiajtmarsh Block, Allutoy, Or.
Have you acen those tatlor 1 aiu that T
Btiuk has juat received I They are nice.
J W Bantley, best boot aad tho nuker'ia
ciiy, ti.rao aoor nortb ol Ukmocrat
For barkTaina in mnearueoU, hefl.tonea,
eta., goto Ks-an ft Acbiaou, Albany,OreKoa.
You ahould ea'l and tea tlioee fiua libra rr
lamp at C E ttrowaeU btf re buying el.e
wbere. By all meatta a Will A HttrW .l-caot
line of silver ware for tha lloltdaya. Fineat
ever brought to Albany.
Tickets for ALL
ANY route, for aaja by W. 1.. J cater, at
ti. P. tu t et office,
For cold night l ay Thot Kty wcoh u miil
blank t, cheapest lo town. Foraaio by (1
W Mitipin, seat. Albttiy, Oxr-o,
O W him.n has ri-eit4 hi,fll stock
a stockioelte and seal, t j tekttt u t hrea
quarter atalet cloak., aod have acomplrta
aaaortntent d all tha Itttst at) lea.
Don't fail to cur nttm'a and b.t '
clothing before purcbaaitie clueahce. We
aell tba beat clothing fi th leaat money of
any house ia tha city. L-..k ai.-I U coo
vioctd. U W Siti..n. .
Jollas Grajwnltl a stock of holiday godt
u now oomph , snd i undoubtedly the
largest and bett raaortcd cf ac iu th vjllev
All be wantt i lha tople at this patt of
Oregon U call at.d exanttaa li t gootU. The
vvioty ts smijdy immeute.
Ia Ht KTiso around for something to
remember the children with on Chrint
mas do not fail to inspect the large stock
of holiday novelties at Conn & Hendric
son's, just the things the children want
for enjoyment, things that can bo pur
chased witlt small pocket books, cute
things-, useful things, all kinds of toys.
And while you are there observe that
they carry a fresh etoc of groceries and
produce, and that their prices are bottom
onea. A prixe ia offered for tho person
who doesn't get good treatment at Conn
& Hendriceon'a. ;,;..."
Tl.i ia what Jcu ongnt to Lave, n f act
you o ut t have it, to enjoy life. Tht.utaods
are tea'thiny ft-r 1: daily, and n tiutnlng be
cause Ihry tiid it tot. lb. u-eo.ils nptm
tboutai d cf t'ltdlar ara t6t ani.ual!y by
oer rtnpla iu tha hr pa that they may atuit.
thi I . Ai d vet it may be bad by ad.
Wa 1 narst tea that Eltctno Bitttra, if o-d
acvoidn g dirt et ion n.d the u HrtiaUd
in, w li htinj? ji u gmd dictllon and catt
tha dtntt ri PMfiia and inttall intuad
Kept . Vr ire, mmtid Electric Bitter
for .ijttit 1 ;f aid all oiM-asea .f Liver,
J)U.rrach tie Mdcrye. S-ld at COe and $1
per 1 mie by 1 cthay & Matt u, dru,gite.
Fur lama back, or cheat, ute Siuljli't
Porous Platter. Prioe, 23 oratr.
lltasuplea Hardlert
A A Jordan, champion burdltr of Amer
ica, and holder of tha American reor rd for
running 120 yards over 3 foot 6 inch hurdles
I have fur a great many years used Alt
cock's Porous Plaster, particularly daring
the training season. I find that if I am af
fected in back or loiua with any kind of a
pain or ttraiu. that Allcock'a P01 oua Platters
instantly afford relief. For pain in tbe
body, the irault of a bad cold, nothing can
beat Ahoook'a Platters. I would certainly
recommend tba plasters to any athlete whs
is suffering with soreness or stiffuets while
e e.
Haaey tu Leaa,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on fwa to five years
time. Call on us at our office, opposite
th e Heverehouse.
Burkh s 4 rrnby.
J. 1 ding Photographers A any regoa.
Wt have bouuht all thene ativt t ma la by
L W Oark and W H Green ood tp to Nov
15th, 1SS9. Duplicates can ba had from
bom uly of ns at reduced 1 tea. We have
alto 1 1 oat 18,000 ocgatives 1 sda by cur
selvet , from which duplioat toao to had at
like 1 e ies. We oarry tba 01 iyfu)l line of
view. f this state and do a largt d work at
lowet rates for first data w ik. Y e shall be
pleast d to sea you at our Stu lio iu Fromau's
blouk, next door to Masonio Temple.
Cblldreai Raved Fran Revere Slckaeas.
Dr Holdeni I notice by the paper that
you ara placing year valuable Ethereal
Cough Syrup before thr pablio. It in a
charaaabla aot. I hay a tad it in my family
for raaay yeart, to my aatUtfaotiou: I believe
a n.e of it in time, Bt my cbUdren.has
dtb em siokatasa. R BLANK.
rg f im malldOaaata. '.fr sale by
Cn to wing uggitt.
Runs high in A.I any at Fothay & Ma .
aon'a drug stora ctr System Builder, at
everybody is usint it for Catarrh of the
Stora ich, Dyspepsia, Constipation aud Im
pure f lood. Try it 1 cd tell y our frieuda
jbout aa it must postttwondtrful merits -when
rpcak well of iv
$u"e cure for tha w
toy's Aetidotefo
1 auy case of the Uquo
1 irty day?, from the tn
drunkard. The Ant
enp of coffee without
itky habit: l)r
irnnl enness will
oabit in trom ten
deral e drinker to
lit oi n be given
tl (knowledge of
Antidote wiilrjot
. Manufactured
Co., I'crtland,
tbe person taking it. Tht
injn 1 cthe healtn ia any wa
by t te Livingston Chemio
Or a en , cr from J A Can
1 v .
or7i$ iwicvvfo
Until tlio hh;I!hmI ttiKi rvsuhs tvLct.
Syrup of J'' '14 lak en ; it is jilcftfasi
ainlrcfrw.'!iinpt tlietiilo, nut! sets
pc!:!y yt t promptly on tli Kidney,
I;v:r and JJowc!?!, cliimtRf-a tlic rp
Umi f''l':tt!:tUy, tiiKpt-is cold, lt"iul
iu! h nnd fever and csiiea lir.oiliiid
i;o,i,t'ifllioii. Syrup of Figs h tla
t.iiiv r3-:e ! of u kibd
ever r,n
i'm''. tiifittdr in t.fift t'iBtft ftSidnt
Ivi.tnidij to i'ttt dUM2ch, pr.
lpt W
ijtiint atjt.'lfuly hc.Rfi.tial Jit it
(.n;);!f!!,5 it lo u!L
Hi 7 a" i v 1 iXt "li: i
It h Pit
&H h--
lmugpam i.e. srnui
4,!V SrAt.3 ;.,
" nut t-fw yorr
Fortmiller tei
Ve'- U i -
Arterlal Embalm! t Dana Scicuih
I bird o
fewd by
tmina a fid oiitiar. fnewaft
& tox ,',ave
emr kind foraatei.
famotia birral churn. Thir
Is nothing ao good, and no on it can beat
uaonprii-ea, hTr.wae. i & M .x.
mum & HULBBB.I B103.,
Real Estala Agents
Farms and Ejoches f-r rale.
A!t tiy brn,trty 10 Atbary
and Coryailia. '
i DDrtlTf ? DII'I fiCC? -Coctrse
WAitt Hi I tn PUil-UUtti,, o r or
anyone wanting tnythiug In 1U1 hard
ware line will do welt to call on 8swart
S.x befora porchaalng. They Kp
taeatlT are tblna: tn t - '.ine of builiWa
bard ware, and a magnlflusut atock of tJo
toola. - .
Toj w'sbUij a fl.t. cla Inatrumant,
(be t eat ' da t stand tn rtlitBi'a of th
Coewt, can I 0 m j!td iy catlinat l Mr B
E riymKe oipwit tL.- Mttiii'c Teui
pia. on Fir 11 HtrorH. The lat.t vex.! aud
iBBtrnrnenffd ra'il. tapt fr a!e.ttlt tbe
b Kit aort!.nt of ta:orn!i pattrna
ta .from tbia M lii 'trit-o Is
tons givai) It pvtitin antleu.brobb.'ri'ia
In beratudit over Lattt t'oanty Bank. hr v tr l-r at l yia r; b
pi aaaa I
S. W. Paisley,
AlHaay. Oreaew
M tiAatV W a.
pri T IJfJ 8rfh rubber and Soiber
DkL 1 1 no, batting aiwava on ban I a
Stewart A box's. Al rubiwr, ben:r and
tsbmoaa picVIng,
DB1E0 APPLES.' la tl fa at oa Spt S4. go to Stewat A Sox. buy an
yilei-ariogrcscblneand Mvyotarf.oit
T11JCCR fftM Call 00 Stewart itSoX
lltr.DtJi iiiiLI,r,kryoratrplta the?
Carry a fnll Una of ax, rade-a . ale Ifs,
Buauia. nsaut nog, brnwd axes, fr. ps.
6iOUog horae. pentv. wootl and iron
kvJa btnafta, and by far tua bat acairt
oaaot ef emu cot aawa let tba 'rail ay.
ttooda of tbe beat anj prteaw tbe) ioweta.
Mannfttcturrtr o'-
IE am mm SHIST AS 3
f- 6,ti-
CK htid ERAS 3
c.!al attesition
da of inach'.nar
PaUe-ms Ifiade on Short 'Notict
PCCnO-- All kinds or grass sends, pure
ttliu nnd oloan, ara sold by .Stewart &
Prlosa have ofcanifoJJkiuu last aa-
Cotua and aee us.
UttO. W. Vt BIUHT,
Attorueya at Law, -
Will practice io all tbe Court of tha
ttto. Prompt atteotiou giveu to ailliiti
ess entiuated toour care.
Offioa Odd Follows Temyla, Albany, Or
; on. 17 11. 0AV1
Physician aad
JeTOfBoa up utaits lo Strahan'a Block,
Vtay be found at bis o!9ce oy and uight.
ot x.u acres, near Low sr. 11
depo ce X.arrcw uaujjrfi. 10 111 ilea
from AH ia cultivation. air
house and bai . Ovw for stof
and domeatio pcrpsset, Floo oak gr ,
Also another farm ol 123 noros, t bro- .es
fro.n Lebanon. All in cultlvnti . Fair
house. Good water. Both r wheal
(fe-rns. Also bouse and two lots on biftb
and Jeffleraon streets, Albany, For fnrth
er particulars call on A. Uinphroy.Ceuie'
praclnot, or on Hewitt A Iivina. Albany,
' Eel Estate g Loan hkn:
Doin? a Innii-siia bmlnoia. rartlej
OlirVij Intorvtc will t'o well to roe thum.
Aetna lasnranre Cdtnitan-, Inewo'iratad sma;
cli peroetual. Loa-ea in ;o veara,
00,000, Asctg,5,S7,715-&i,
ClHr,liitn Int. t'oir.pnnv, of Lonilns, Easland
EsUblishtid 18!1. C-ijiital, $3,01)0,000. lotol fire
logics pnu over yujtuuo.
Amnrlean Fire la, firaiasar, of F-mladetfihia,
Omniseil 1810. tain tail, J.sia.Utni. l.vsii
puiii, $ii),5Wi,'ii.
fl s
f't-Ht stock of 2tid fP3 -oodslntbaVa
lay, and the mwt rnj mie prices, both
'fi t tcllii g. I hive oa band
ill :".
ETC., ETC. WBttof M Ji Young's olf lefort,
mm C0LLE5U1B mmm
I rat Term Opened Brpteaabrr tilt, 19
A lull corps of InstruotoM,
cc-o.vikT.ciAi akd nrm
Cr-arwit 01 atud.y arranged to dimi lb'
n I ,t j'l fifi'lun of KMUlfatita.
S(ixiiil uutHfciAtntt offered t'itujcnt$
from ubrjiid.
St. t I.BKBT II 4 wftBJT
1. in 1 r r 1 1 11
:.-or- ef Perpptsal Help.
ALBANY. - '- onEQOfl
Conducted by tho fti-t- I Nt, Banedi
Tuition in soled dy tchoA range frft.
fitoflO. V
fortrai of IVwrdltig Hch ol W ibt
prtict lata appiy at tba Acavdetov or id- '
adea Sieter Hurn'rloreA.
Uoburg Lumber.
1 seli the !-t lutnbey ia tha ceuoty; also
4ar p.rtit, t hin fcdJ, ltb doorj and win
6 w tnMddintr, etc. Price from $5 o 22 '.
r thfiotiatid. Yard at lyiweoii, on tb
N arrow C-ioc. Ste ma before parehaaisg
W W Crawford.
A5reiM,P O Tall -nan, O-
Pniiii'iv AVahffiii:
awwi-. ,1 eiovyi . j
All kinds of p mltry, alive or dreased
at tba VVilUnttitla P tcking .Vimtany's
ta A! Ortrrir, -
V I' l tV3
ji u 'J
i i.-.: Arcs rar B
t A m
1 v
-t"v. T:
1 . ?
.5i ana
.ia. vjzrt.
? a-; fvr Sl':.h4 CataVeas and Pr; tut ts ax Cu wessc:.
Physiciai and Suieoa,
rtsfice cor. V and Ferry ta-atda,
Ct'-etW. and Trtde-Markt cMaJneA i aar st
em hcnicr eondncted for Momenta Fee.
Our bftie is Opeetite U. S. Pattat 0c.
and we ean temre t.atent ic lest tune tUaj). tafitl
reir.nta from Wanhincton. -
b--jid Biodcl. drawics or photo, wittt fleeerta.
tifir. We advlee, if patenttbie or not, fte el
ctis: ot. Onr fee not doe tlil vatent la teeurad.
A Tsrsahlet. -How to Obtain Fatent. wUk
nan e vf attoal client is your bUXe,
lovra, cct tr-e. Adiirt,
On?c'r Patsit OT.ce. Weriihtstoa. 0. C
7 II HAVE OX HAJ5D at oar nursery
on the Jorvaliw road, one-bair
mile from town, aa fiao a tot of frak
trees cf ail kinds as cm be found any
where on lb cvwt. If you contemplate
planting trees ft wi'.l pay yon to re our
tools m l get oar prices. Catalogue fiee.
Btjaa. ajerj? ls I, -X- -JaStlii 11 IIB siii.liii.'. m
& TH i"B EST.
U. m. rxKRVetcot
rJtittrated, DeseiptiTC aad Priced
t ) For 1831 wiU be mailed rKU
Ita a 1 applacana, and to lastaeaaoa t
1 cusmnen. it w Dcrter man aver.
fceery penoa esmg X,rdm
f lirwtr er t'u.d Sttdt,
thould tend far it. Address
1 Largest Seedsatea io the world ;
w .'.'.wnwiswiwi 1.1 in. i.ii.
803, LASKIXG 4 C., llOPR'Se
WE WW r.ijr ih atxwo reward f 'r c-r we ef Lteea
(lomilMet, lysiKpsia, Sick Headache, ladiwstioa. Coo.
etlrwn.i or Ccirer.e:ia vq cannot cere wlttt Wsata
VtfJjMble Uw Pii U. when th dirertlc.ns are tirictly
eomylicd with. Thiijr are unly Veirftable, and never
flil fe nv. ntiti if.tinn. Rntmr t'oa.tod. LuviIiaik
I fenrtai ;.. ; " -, U cent. Brt of eouiieerfeist
and in,,.. JIL-. ' fle prouine mannracturi-d caly of
J. A..vruI.U.-at, Albany Cr.
V" 'i
T 1 un
. ScTtiT '"til
? r,i..tIKS ft: LS
3 AS VT?n
t" n
.Iff i -w
s r
1 '