die FRIDAY DECRMBKK 2G, IPOU SIITE3 & tMttor aad NUTTINQ. , lrirtrlr. local iti:coui. School Rcrokt of District No. iS, of Linn countj, Oregon. The pub lie school In the above named district closed (ur the canon l'jth, iSio. Whole number o( pupils enroilcil,4 5; average dally attend ance of first month, 25; last three mouths, 40, The follow Inn U the roll of honor for the said term: Annie Marshall, Clara Bond, Amelia Zuhisdorf, Leonora Cary, Mamie l'roprt. Vallle Cary, Jeannette McKrchnle, Kdkh Clem, 1'aullt e Zuhis dorf, Lucy Marshall, Winnie Wilds, Nella Marshall, Annie Cox, rie(e Cox, Otle Knlghten. Frits Zuhisdorf, Lulls Knlght en, Nam I)Ictnon, Rosa McQueen, lUi U Jordan, Tabltha McQueen, Willie Mc Queen, Johnny Knlhten, Richard Clem, (ieorge Dickinson, Robert Clem, Darney Itond, Ashley Dickinson, Frank I'owcll", Ralph McKechnle. Oft ho above names those whe were neither absent nor tardy during the (our months are as follows: "Annie Mirrtll, Edith Clem. Amelia ZuhUdorf, Clara liond. Frits Zuhisdorf. Thoe receiving the most rlas credits In spelling are as follows: A CIsss.Ralph McKechnle ; 1) Clans, Annie Marshall ; lC Class, Ik-rtie Jordan and Edar I'lcktnson; 1) Class, Ro McKechnle. At the c'oc of the term an ' Elocution ary Contest" vrashrlJ, it which Annie Marshall received a gold medM as first prlie, and George Dickinson received a silver medal as second prize. J W riiiLLirs, teacher. Bad Accidrxt. Lewis Anderson, a young man who has lwen working in the Red Crown Mills, of this city, for a year or more, stent to Ilarrisburjr a few davs ago to take charjreofthe Uouring mill, owned by L lHMigLis of that place. Yes terday morning he went to the third story of the mill to look after some of the machinery. After he had been gone a short time the engineer heard calls for help from that part of the building. He shut down the mill and went up to the third story and there found Mr Ander son with bis leg broken just above the ankle, lie had been caught in the Wil ing of the mill, which resulted in a broken limb. He was removed at once to the residence of Mr L Itouglas, when l)rs Davis andMendenhall were called in and set the limb. The young man will 1 taken care of by the Odd Fellows of liar rishurg, of which order be is a member, having become a member of Albany Lodge, No4, only a few weeks since. v Tin Milk Maid. Convention to be presented by the ladies of, the M. E. Church of Albany, Tuesday evening,lec. 30th, 1SVK), at th? Opera House, promises to be a treat. Following is the program : Music, "Milbirie Overture, Link's orchestra. Solo, Mrs C O Lee. Music, Selected, Orchestra. Select Reading, Miss Moses. Music, "Crecent City WalU," Orches tra. Milk Stool Drill, by nine of tho milk maids. The laughable Farce entitled, "The Milk Maids Interstate Oonvention," rep resented lr twenty-six ladies in costume, will then be presented. Admission, 3 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents. Gba.ioi Klsctioss. The following Grange elections have taken place: No 10 J II Wallace, master; M Henshaw, overseer; F Feebler, lecturer; Bodine, steward : G Froman, assistant steward ; O Fry, chaplain ; li Foster, treasurer; Miss E E Wallace, secretary; J I iodine, fatekeeper; Mrs L Fromnn, pomona: liss M Froman, flora; Miss I Bodine, ceres; Mies K Foster, lady assistant steward. Harmony (irange No 23. II C Powell, master; I) McGregor, overseer: J Clem, .lecturer; E E 1'arrlsh, steward; M Ar rant, assistant steward; J W I'ropst, chaplain; M Y Dawson, treasurer; Miss 1) L Marshall, secretary ; John Hardy, rstekeeper; May Powell, pomona ; Nelxa Marshall, flora; Etta Suttle.ceres; Itosa Marshall, Udy assistant. A racitiA Accident.- On Tuesdir Dr. E. O. Iljde was cat'ed to dress a wound for Mr. IJ-nry Crabtree, who re sides two or three miles southwest of town. The wound It a severe one and the pecul iar manner In which It was Inflicted Is or dinarily next to impossible. Mr. Crab tree was engaged in vslng s broadaxe, and In hewing a timber he st-uck a blow with such force the axe passed betwen his legs and around and up and cut a gash about five Inches long, to the bone, in his rlht shoulder, he still retaining the handle In his hands. It required four or five stitches o properly dress the wjund. Sck Press. E G Camekox returned Monday from Union. During his absence he has vlsl ted Colorado. He reports dull times gen erally throughout Eastern Oregon, and says agricultural prospects are not at all flattering. Benton Leader. As Mr Cam eron was through the country on a foot racing expedition his familiarly with ag ricultural matters is quite significant. We believe though, that he only lost one or two races. The Ji-vtxiLKR. The Wallace Juvenile Company plavs to rtibt In East Portland They arc rrporled to have hern doing a fair biulrcss, more thin pitln esrwnses A contract has been mad.- nli a 1-ii-rtMle variety tr.ralei fur a live miuiM-i fn.igf rrent of thj company 11 u f;iir sd;trv. As the company composed m-wtt .f I inn county people their career will be watched with Interest. Several Albany toung men who started wt'h them have all returned, A Packed House. We refer to the warehouse and store of Fortmiller & Ir ving. A big car load of furniture, just received, did it. consisting of an elegant live of stands, bedroom sets, parlor sets, chairs, lounges, etc., it offers a fine as sortment to select from. This firm keeps probably the finest stock of furniture in the valley. Purchasers have a big and fine stock to select from. A Tancknt Burglary. Last night the store of Smith & Moore, at Tangent was broken into and quite a quantity of knives, razors, and other merchandise was taken. The valley seems to be full of a thelvlng element and people need to be on their guard. - A Rcmor. Someone says that another man told him that a friend had heard a rumor that Mr C W Watts had been ap pointed P. M. for Aibar.y. No appoint ment has yet been trades but will be very soon, the prospect of which will no doubt keep the air well filled with rumors, which are always fu'.l of Interest at least. Tni Mines. Dr Barkerof the Golden City Mining Co., came down from the mines Tuesday. He reports arrange ments being made to run eight or ten men daring the winter getting the com panies mines, of which, they have about twenty claims, ready lor a twenty stamp mill, with a capacity of forty tons a day, wuicn win oe put in in me spring. - Died. A dispatch from Owosso,Mich. announced the death of one of the child ren of Mr. T. P. Hackleman, formerly of mis cur, ana mac ne would immediatel leave for Albany with the body for buria New Cakpets, new carpets, now car pets ana new styles, latest patterns, the best in tne market, lust received at A. 15, Mcllwam's. The stock is large and choice, selected for this market, and peo rle wanting the best carpets at the low est prices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. At Kenton's Cash Store. Datea, figs bananas, choice candies, nuts, mince meat in glass jars, oondenaed mince meat in packages, mixed pickles, sauer kraut, best quality raisins, citron, lemon peel, orange peel, dshxl currants, and a general assortment of groceries, all cheap lor cash. Nothing Small abnit Matthews A Washburn. Ni-e the necessary article that si newly married people want (shortly), t;at thev 'T,-r to l;!v; to every couple -.i....... .!".- 'J tM'ik-'.jvlns and Mew A Remarkable Old Man. John Stipp, an old sulwcrlber to the Dkmochat bids farewell to it in the following manncr,ln a very elegant handwriting: I shall not renew my subscription for 1S'.1 ns I am now too old to read news papers, I being in the Kith year of my age, I have been a subscriber for five periodicals; but only one political, the oilier four were religious. Two of them wore published in America. One, called the "Signs of the Times," Is published in Middletown, New York, and the other in Greenfield, Indiana, called the "Prim itive Monitor." The two English peri odicals are Imth published in IonUon. one called "The Gospel Standard," and the other called "Christian's Monthly Record," but for the last three or four years I have not read one-fourth of them. I live a very lonesome life entirely alone. I am company for no one, and no one Is company for me. lam nearly deaf. I do my own cooking, washing tnd iron ing, saw and split my own stove wood, feed and water my horse, travel and preach for three churches, hich occupies nearly all my time, so that 1 have Imt littlo time left for ; reading religions peri odicals than I do political. So I bid the Statr Uiuiits Democrat a last farewell. Affectionately your sincere friend, Joux Bnrr. Soio, Oregon. A Rubber Stamp Pii.k. Not only the preachers and plasterers arc sometimes vis itedby Im posters, but even the lawyers arc not above being taken In occasionally, a lent generally supposed to be Impossible, Recently a man claiming to represent the Portland Rubber Stamp Co., (not In exis tence) was In the city and look quite a number of orders for repairing stamps, and for new ones, partlculailv some fjom a few prominent lawyers. They were to be delivered In six days. They "have not yet appeared and never will. As It only costs a dollar or two In each case the matter is not very serious. The same fellow was In several other towns bilking people. A Test. We are Informed thai a prac tical test was mde at Cottage Grove on the question of petitioning the legislature for a $250,000 appropriation for the Co' Itimbisn World's Exposition. Two peti tions were placed side by side one asking for the appropriation and the other against No effort was made to securs signatures to cither. Within two days the petition against the appropriation had 9a names attached to it while the otUer had but one the peopu generally, we believe would favor a moderate sum, but we do not believe they tre In favor of a sum that partakes of a job and junketing expedition. Eugene Guard. ATraij Wrkcksr This time the Or- egonlan gets the wreck. It happened yesterday. As a mixed trsln was runnlrg from Coburg to Woodburn scar Crab tree, five miles north of Sclo, the rails spread and a couple of freight cart were thrown from the track, one being badly wrecked. A box car loaded with wheat was t hi own from the track and Is In the ditch. The trucks of the o"tier left the track. The cars that went off being to the rear of the train, the balance of the train went on north. No one was hurt and the ecldent Is not an expensive one. A Home ExTKREO.-On returning home Sunday night from chur:h Mr and Mrs W F Orooby heard a noise in their pantry. On going to it Mrs Crosby discovered a ma.. In it about to help himself lo its con tents. He jumped from a window with t;reat alacrity and fled In the dark. He had entered the hou by cutting through a screen at a window. 'He was discovered just in time and nothing was taken. The Willamette at this city is slowly ising, having come up three or four nches In, two or three days. It is now ten nches above low water mark. At Salem It is said to be 27 inches above low water mark. Basts will soon be running, an event anxiously awaited by shippeis, as It means generally lower rates. A larger number of boas will run than ever before, several new ciafts being ready for busi ness. The Man About Town realixes bis own awful puerility in the following item alout the strongest man in the world: A New York athlete, Louis Cyr, at a re cent exhibition lifted a dumb bell weighing ZY2 pound and held it oat at arms length ; he then lifted 4) pounds with one finger, and linally accomplished the extraordinary fat. lilting a platform bound by iron, on which were IS men and a 232 pound dumb bell, with bis lack and band. The Asiilaxd B. St L. A. A small sum of money was loaned at only 11 months interest In advance by the Ashland Building & Loan Association, at the monthly meeting Jlonda; n'ght; but money dcesn't seem to be lo very brisk demand here, for a larger sum was left In the treasury to go over to next month's loan, there being no bid for It Tidings. That's getting down to bed rock. Ax F.xplosiox. This morning Ed Schmeer, a clerk at Mueller & Garrett's, was at work among some Christmas hens and turkeys, when a lantern, by which he was illuminated, exploded. lie ex tinguished the flames by throwing bis coat over them ; but in the operations one of bis hands was burned in a pain lal manner. Price Raised. The Albany Electric Light company has raised the price of in candescent lights In stores and offices from 80 cents to 5' for 9:30 lights, $1 50 for 1 a o'clock lights and $J for all night lights. "A Ll'theka 3IeKTt.s'i. The Lutherans ot Aitwny an 1 vicinity are ;nci,y re- nucn'ed to meet at the Hi tt Presiivterian church, Dec 2!th, at 11 its for the pur pose of organizing. In the aitrnnin at 2 o'clock service by Hev Gust E Meyer. Black DrshsGimius 1 make a spe elahy of keeping a f.iM line of hUck silks Silk warn Henriettas, wool uenriciias and all the late novelties in black dress goods, and trimmings. OAML'EL . IOUKO. New Blacksmith Suo. G iV Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc for repa rs. Go to Samuel E Youjmj for your boots and shoks. ITie largest siocn in me city and best value for the money. Don t be deceived bv offers of discounts, or big ad vertisements You will have to pay some one a profit. The question is who can afford to sell for the least profii. Carpets. I lis ve Just recel ved forwl n .er trade some of the nicest patterns in extra super and 3-ply carpets ever shown in this city, also a new line of wall paper and decorations. Samuel E. Young. A $70 Music Box; given away Jan. 1st. With every dollar worth oi good you buy yon per ticket on the box. I. A. CUMMIKG. "ilACKMETACK," a lasting and raat perfume. Piiue 23 and f0 cents. fra- Bossies and Iloehs. The best makes are to be foundln Al bany at Price & Robson's, who have just recived a carload of the finest hacks and bugglesto be found. Their prices, con sidering quality, are remarkably low. It pays to ride in a good buggy or hack. Keep this tact In your head and when get ting one call on Price Si, Robson, who have the largest variety to select from. 894. That is the number that drew the nickel plated stove at Hopkins Bros, Who holds it? Albany'jMarket. Wnont-fiOj uta-4A-. Butter 20s prii. Fggs 20r Uy ,0O. Poieto 75 ota per buahul' Beef on foot, 8!t A pple75 cents per bu, Pork per lr. 0reaf d, Rocons bftios.lHo shoulders s'.'ieslOc. . r1 9i por lb. V(itf-A.'2H por bid. till kfins'I.DO por dr7,. Mil i cii l r 1, 14.i:o jx.r tori' 0l.tl 4A riKSOXAL. MONDAY. Mrs Ruder, of Portland, Is In the city visiting friends. The daughter of J J Duhruilie i lit with scarlet fever. Miss Sadie Cohen, of Portland, Is spend ing the holidays In Albany. John tVebbcr, of Portland, son of Jos Webber, is In the city on a vUtt. Ued Wells, the Corvallls wheat man, was In the ctty to-day on his way home L'om a trip to California for his health. Dr Clinton Cook,' who caused a sensa tion by disappearing from Chicago re ccntly.'at rived In Salem Saturday, Mr Merrill Fish, who has been working In Portland, will begin as foreman of the Herald in a day or two, succeeding Mr Piymale. Members Bayley Chapter No 8 will meet at hfcll promptly at 7:3a o'clock this evening. Work In P. M. degree. GE Chamberlain, II P. J G Gross, of Waterloo, was In the city to-day. He stated that the water had re turned with a good Row to the rods spring and everything was serene In that respect, notwithstanding the many teporls In reference to It. E E Pennington, of Lyons, Is In the city to-day, John Yates, who recently assault ed him, and for whom a warrant was Is-' sued, ha not yet twen captured. He Is said to be somewhere In the wilds ot Mar lon county hiding from justice. Mr Pen nlngton has not ben disturbed for several days. He Is a steady, reliable young man who shoulti-bc left alone. Mr L'eaton, representing the North American Review, Is In the valley giving a page writeup for every twenty-live sub scribers to that publication at f.oo a year. He was In Albany to days but no definite arrangement was completed. The Re view is one of the old and solid publics, lions of the U. S. G'orge Howell.who has been a resident ot Sherman county of late, and Margaret H Woodbury, of Harrlsburg formerly, were yesterday granted a license to wed by the Marion Co. clerk Their marriage w ill take place to-morrow morning at the residence of J A Sell wood, and from here they go to Harrlsburg to remain a slu.tt time, then return to Salem lo take up their residence. Statesman. Trs-suA. Wm M Hong, of the O. P., went to nn Francisco last evening. Mr Uobert Foster, of the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, of Portland, is in the city. Frjm a source which we deem reliable it is now conceded that Mr Thomas Mon teitb, Jr., will bo Albany's nest post master. Licenses to marry have Iteen issued to the following: Schuyler Oerton and Annie B Drinkard; J W Oliver and Lin da Grime. Mrs E J McCaustland, who bits been visiting in Salem, is now in the city, and with her husband are residing at Mrs liridgeford's. E C Barrows, of Shedd, was in 4he city o-day on bis way home from Hitlsboro,, w here Multnomah is in training under Mr Sawyer. Mr Bartows looks for a 2:23 tecord next year. Jos Webber has s M bis barber shop in this city to William Mack, recently lit bis employ and an experitmeed barber. Mr Webber for nearly forty years a resi dent of Albany, the life of its fire depart ment in its early tUstory.wiil make Port laud bis home. Last evening the members of the Apollo Club, with their wives, tendered Mr George Keeney a surprise party, which proved not only a musical but a very social a Hair. Mr Keeney expects to leave in a few days on a trio turutiiih California and Arl.onia, and the party was intended aa a good will ouering pre vious to bis departure. WIDXEStiAV. SWRtccc, cf Green Basin, is In the city. D V 8 IU idsnd family, of Portland.are In the county for Christmas. Judge Strahan went np to Coburg Ibis noon to eat a Christmas turkey. Hubert Huston and wife went to Cor- vallis this noon for Christmas. Melia Ewert has returned home from a several months visit at Oakland. Recorder Davis and family, and J It Wygtt, went to Harrlsburg to-day to Spend Christmas. Jos Watson, of Tacoma.was in the city on his way to Newport, to spend the holidays with bis parents. Frank Craw, recently on the S. V. be tween Portland and Junction, baa been engaged as engineer on the Lebanon branch and will begin business to-morrow. Mrs Craw is already in the city. Notice to Farmers. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash ot, In 'exchange for goods. o. w. Sun-so, Albany, Oregon RIAL KSTllK HALTS N G Rice etux to Trustees McIIer gue ceraetery,sma!l tract in tp 14, 8H2 w .$ J II Robb toT R Hibbard, lots 3, 4, bl 2, She) burn A J Hodges to F W Spencer, lota 7, , bl 7, F'sA, Albany....'.... Henry Cyrus tt al lo Nimcy K Croft, S E cr of etc 31,tp 10, S 300 i It 1 1 j Prank Crabtree to Nancy Croft, same as above ... I JO Johnson etux to Lee P.ilyeu. 10 Tarc-ls In Sclo W II Hohson et al to J A Maag.lot 4, bill, IPs A, Mill City.. ... Virgil.Electra and Estella.stites to J J Baker, 1 acre, Harrisburg. Lee Bilyeu et u to N 0 Myers, lot 28, in Scio G D Peebler to C Goan, lots 3, 4,bl 25, J M R's A, Leb A I) 1 iorner et ok to Anna 15 Berry, 40 acres sec 31, tp , S It 3 R. . 1400 23 C00 400 27 ' . $3098 The Reason Why. Why i It that Klein Bros, can afford to sell boots and shoes so reasonable? Because they are both practical shoe makers and make partcf their expenses by working on the shoe bench, any boot or i hoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it is man, womans or childs, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose they repair them for you free of charge, and as they do all the woik them selves, tney don t charge you 25 to o cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay some shoemaker to repair them for you. Thev also make a specialty of repairing rubber boots. Jackets and Wraps. I have lust re ceived for the Ho'lday trade a new line of Diagonal and plain Beaver and Stockinet jackets, The popular thing for winter wear. Samukl E Young, Kid Gloves for the Holidays. Th argest assortment in the city for gentle men, ladies and misses. Every pair war ranted at Samuel E Young's. Hometltlag far tlie Hcsr fear. Tbe world renowned success cf Ho tetter's Stomach Bittrs, and their eontinoed popu larity for over a third of a century as a stomachic, is scarcely more wonderful ths ths welcome that greets tha annual apprat ance of Hos tetter's Almanao. This va!uab medical treatise is published by the Host ter Company, Pittsburg, Pa, tinder th . own immediate supervision, employing f i bands in that department. Tbrv are ru Ding about 11 mouths ia tbe year 01 this woik, and tbe isrus of same for 1891 wi'l be more than tea nisllions, printed ia the Eng lish, German, Ifreooh, Welsh, Norwegian, SwedUn, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, liefer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concerniug health sod numerous testimonials as to tbe efficacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bittets, amusement. varied information, astronomical calculations and chrom logical Items, 4.0, which can be depended on for correctness. Ths Alma nao for 1801 can be 'btaiiied free of cost, from drueiet and general country dealers in all parts cf the country. e .xnvs cough i C . s ntnption fl. Tt vr,. SOMEWHAT MI'MOBUm, A Iturheje's ('neriHlon ef fruit 1 uliurr, lrute snsl Tito people of OuUvilk1, in this county, are paying considerable attention to the raising of fruit, and very naturally com mune with their eastern friends on the subject. A prominent man of that phtco did sd, getting thft following bright let ter, which he hands us for publication, in order to benefit frult-ralscrs generally: "Your kind letter of recent date Is at hand and contents noted. Am glud to hear of your bright prospects. When you speak of setting out llHK) fruit trees my mouth aluiotst shapes itself for shed ding tears. You also mention something about grubbing the ground before plant ing to trees. This reminds moot my boyhood days in Ohio, when I used to earn my grub by grubbing. I never en joyed it very much as a past-time until the time was past and the pay was In sight. Extracting roots Is a painful 11 u ccpslty, and never was ot great pleasure to me. Since leaving the limber country I have had "occasion to let a small con tract for taking out somo old roots, and although 1 was right there ami hud an easy scat, and was not asked to Assist In the work-in fact was reiucstd to keep hands otf yet in some way 1 felt for the fellow workman and my interest In him was such that I think I sweat fully as much aa he. it Is Hlmlllar to "tilling a long-felt-want," and the more nerve one has, the mure nerve one iwn'ds. Hut, let us return to the orchard, I like that move. I think it is the thing to do with that laud, and I almost wish I had an interest In that fruit farm. It might not injute tiro frait and would help to'Tlum" my "Currant" extienscs, 1 do not wonder at you being "Cherry" when you contemplate the results, w hich is shown by actual "Eig"-ureg to lx so good as to 'Seek-Bo-Euriher." A "Pip pin" to the matter would make a "Mai den Jvhuli," however much she want to "Pear" with "Talluianswcet." who is constantly bo "Cider." Ikith being in the "ltloom" of youth, should, with he as "Roman-Stem'' the tide together for roils and rods at least. Every "Sheep- nose" that a "Kauibu" Is "Juice " right in the fall. ltut later Pro. "Johtietban" and Miss "lull rlowei "are in great demand by all pie-us pcoptu. TUy are solid friends, good keepers and wear w ell by aequaln tance. Miss "Siltsria CrabU," being a draw f, makes a fair show, ltut notwith standing her "Trunk" checked entirely through, free of charge, she brings her manager very little else than "Sauce." Sometimes there Is a "Jam" that centr ally end in a "Pickle." The "Willow Twig" has produced less "Salubrious Sweet" to the "Young's I flight" than the "Candy Red," yel I think produces better result in Vouth than is always admitted. This "Twig" keep well in all clitnaU-s, house, and Is a good thing to help keep the young from souring. tt lien properly "AiiHe"d to the trunk or liniti it invigorates and elevates the human race, and make the race more swift. This should be attended to at "Prune" lug time. Miss "Jennet t" remain crcsn durlmr her sunniest days, but, although riot a "Greer ing," she "Clings" to the idea that she must be cn"Gage"d to every "Ik'Butr." Place her war the kiUbsn and wash house where the reflection will have a healthy influence on her, and then her fruit will be in good taste. Don't plant any "Chestnut. ,r Well really I have no right to advise yon about fruit culture. I am only a l'llucktye," as you know and never saw Oregon, and of course what I say is cheap ana tinn, and don't cost anything, but if 1 have my health ami can so "Orange" matter here, will try, al some future time to team more of fruit and fruit cul ture, even if 1 have to go to Oregon." Hisrm. sssssaaas An Kastern tnagaxine Just rweived. under the bead of "Six Pritish I.Iors." illustrate Ojtieen Elizabeth, Prince of Wales, Martini of Saliitbury, Gladstone, Psrncll end Lord ltandolph Churchill. Appropriaudy the bending should read, "rive Urilieh Lion and one l.ioncp." Christmas eve tonight. Children's night. The night of giving, when men are made happy and women and children receive, v erny n it more biessci 10 give than to receive. The happiest of all mortals at this time are undoubtedly tho men who give and can afford it. Mrs Charles Davis died atVossill a few days ago, after giving birth to a child. Mrs Davi was only 13 years of age. A a license cannot be ivsued to a person under 1 1 there must have Ken some false swearing. Albany' local building association lends every month amount ranging from $1500 to fJ00, aay the K. O. The Pen dleton building association can do the same under proper management. This institution has done a great deal for Pendleton, but the value of it has not been half shown because the interest it deserves baa cot been given it Judge Deady decided that there were no grounds for the appointment of a re ceiver for the Northwest Insurance com pany. It might not have been a bad policy, though, for the Judge to have ap pointed a guardian for the man who made the application. This is a very excitable world, and the following from the Bilverton Appeal I a good sample! Master Harry Cobb shot and killed two wild gees3 a few days ago which were lost in the fog. In bis great excitement after they bad beenbrought to the ground, be broke bis gun stock over one of their heads which still showed signs of life. A railroad company in buying two bits worth of mdse in Albany recently went through a dollars worth of red tape. Hail road companies generally nse crow bars with which to pin their clothes. For two large reasons, Danker Shupe, of Hlllsboro, who gave $5,000 for a bogus gold brick, deserves his loss. In the first place, because a banker has no business dealing in goods which the swindlers led him to think had been stolen In other words, he should not become a ' fence for swag" and second, because he I one of those superior hayseed chumps who don't read the newspapers. Welcome, ' The Eugene Journal published an item to the effect that Jones was in poor cir cumstances. It retracts a follows: "We are Informed by a relative of Mr Jones that the item published in this paper re cently that he Is in poor circumstances financially was Incorrect In that particu lar. Un the contrary he is worth about $40,000, and usually makes a present of $500 annually to each of hi children." Poor Jones. . The only people who know how to bring up chtldrsn are childless; the only men who know perfectly how to run a railroad are those who never had a chance to try; and the fellow who knows hdw to run a newspaper is tho fellow who never did it. . I tret pass CE Brown 1 wan( (olive eoonomiwlly. Jest owe 1 prices guaranteed. ore if j on 'joods and SHILOH-8 OATAliUU REMEDY positive cars for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Just arris ed a full line of ladies, cliil drens, men's and bey 'a foot wear at O W Simpson's, which will be sold st bottom prices. HORN. RAIFfcCtTNFTnT.'T On IV ,!. TW 23rd, 181)0, near Albany, to the wi'fo of iurueuua xiaiisciinciuer a girl. HULIN. In Albanv, on Saturday.Dec. aoth, 1890, to the wife of S. A. Hulin, the druggist a girl. I1EI. BILYEU. At the residence of his par ents, in Scio, on Saturday, Dec. 13,1890, George Franklin Uilyeu, aged 30 years. Ihe immediate cause of his death was hemorrhage of the lungs, but the real cause was being thrown from a wagon loaded wilh lumber, a portion of which fell upon him, 13 yeais ago, causing Inju ries from which lie never recovered. - 11018 AM afSKOAO MONDAY. Th Hnlln oi.ly hs jme lilihtwatcbmsn, Aimllier is wii" e l, ' Tlioi'l'h'it lifts taiiifd oortslilerably lh rivur at this city temaius almost stitiousry. n, track tr Solo from Hie Oregoulan It it Itus l. en Wid into Hum, sid l rarty tor IrsUi. I" will he big thing fur that iity. Tiia tcbs if a hear slmw arsap.ead near t'ta fJRSoiniAt ellloe. The besr, mostly small, rs trained sod perform tiicks uum eroualy, The pari ameiit try blcetiixn in IruUnd to iiy w.ll seal ths iU"tiim wliothsr IV usft Is to cuntinu a l .lor iu ths HumnHate party . ilsra you made up youi mind to btgiu Kuw Vsirswilha etesi eonscttiuee. Noth ing like Hi but it is bolter uot to wait for Nsw Vssrs Keep ft clr sll tlis sr lOMUil, Ths i the Dbmocrat's polioy. Among tlr estates being proUtad In thlt ehunty are thixmof K W tlrovsr, valued at 1.40'); Jerusr.a Moore, valnsd at f 047) Almou Moor, vatuwl at Id. .'120 and Jams Diekr-n, vslusl at 1C 1X5.5. Wm. JsoVhoi Armstrong Is lecturing tiifuilgh tlis vsllev no ths itassiaa Nihilists, Th 1 Amwiitso Niliili' U al.o need to Is shown up Tlir are im Nihils in Ah t4 n y P i,uU!h'1 do snp bu't to Uliead. A Por1 ActuiaJST.TId afternoon while bottling soda bottle exploded, hit ting Walt' .Montague over lite eye, cut ting a severe gash, TUESDAY. Moiehat.ta report good holiday trade, Fred l'.l.iuut a d Norris Morris will open a fe4 and cm minsi'11 slut, at th corner ef first and bskar streets The WiHsmntU University Losrd met ia Portland last night; bat silj,,urnrd to msot st Hslem on WJu.jsy f iii,aa th meat ing ia Portland wiJl brill(l. Tli,nptist psrstiSK is now eowplcled, and lo morrow l;v and Mr Hill will move Into it, li is a very pretty residsuey.sni fa credit to th builder ani olinrel Two uw additiuu liv Ihoii filed wilb Ilia tUcurders Hut nun's 2 I sdditiuu to llrownsviile, conuiuiiigat'. forty blocks, and Wilhsms addition t hhami, eunUin- lug tWrt bllH.'l s. ' Tb) Mo'ofcrsm fruit stid candy plso will I open in tlin tritiltiiiig Willi ttia flnest lit) of csr.ii.rs, nuts Slid fiUtts, gr, oral ges, l'i.lilri.U and Japan, utra lluo CWly Iiiicm and li. niit lnmi.f impurfr wt Kt ) west aoweslia eijists in lit illy. ,'kWK.SsOAY. A Mmry Cbr uttnss. Tb schools r sll o!osd for iH holiday. Last Saturday th O. P, paid ep for Sep tember. Ths City t'i'Uiii il u.et last svuong a adj'xirued until Monday tentug, No Dkmothat to-wrow btsibt. Christ mas iaoea day on abica tv print rt r atiow4 to eekbrslo. Th MaKaihUa farm f.rsr Lotwnoa w told to-day at ittrv I. W H SUut, to Julm Curl, U 8 to, fr ftJ5d, It ein sisUd of I1K aciss. Mr s.d Mr Wrn l!Uiimr m4 tbeir JsujjhWr aClfi!ni prswntiu lb way it a fins J rVunr Ac Ct, un , bought from Will ii Link. A IV MtCtsiB aio rcmcm rmt bis fsonly by purchwnig a flu Mg n f. ftbstrj frujn ths same bans. . WjlUs n 1! Wryr u, lUrpr Crsnor hsy Ir.w.-d th Albsuf Orr Hoes ft lo year and will brgia basns a Ifssop a -'sbusry tt. Tliay ar insUars.ara go.d Judgoa of wh.t lbs f ubho waau In th ihnltiiud line and will no doubt do a bi bnsmets, graduaby itiervsaing. ItKRKitW CKKAT WBlt. fcllks Hark sjre4 mt mVafat af te Irars Slaa4laC Km Mr K St rtrre was Brr4 aus Mas Way U.U,t Cregotilau; For twenty 7r I have eti gradually growing doaf. so eoaipaniwd with all s -rts ol ringing noU in my sans. 1 bad de-pslre J I evsr t Ing reiiavtii un.il soma of my neighbor bad IrUd Ir iMrrin and bu curd. 1 bat ev oie eurgn, ami me lo try him. If hs restored by 17 hoaring and stopped the noi4 w lib s;ertrS?v, tnoJt. pi ud sutH4l treat maul. I Hya tdre mile w,v f pcrtUnd, on tne tirte road. PuoloiUcj, Portland, tr. MIKE J AI'.KEV. Mr. fcditon For flftwuo yr I have brn ief, u t gr lus-ly urowing worst uutil tl paat ihraa years I ran d 1101 faasr my watch tick r sny o nvrsailon. I csn t 1-r lJf rln and regivr-l t e ro trie treUmer.t, and am nowabeio hnsr a watoti tick, and feat ovarktyed with tbe cure 1 have rrclvad. I live In Albin. and my plaoaof bus.nessisln the maikot on liusll sirtet, t.r-ar tha Cootmotiusl ho-el, KUPlKUCli. 4 Jraalass arrd mt Kkla Disease. Kdlior Oregsnl n: For A.teen yaf I have been troub;l wtln skin disease. lr l arrln hat cured ia. Kfnr to me at Ssdlwocd, Or. J t) JCNMSU", Pr Dairies r'prrlaliirs a ad Flare af HasiarMr Pr Irrin make a speo'sly of disoawa of tbe Kye, Ear. ISuse aud Throat, and alt nervous, chroi.lo aud private dixases, ucq ss iiots oi Dl'DDOOil, iiiOOa '1AI0U; oyph'lls, (Jieet, Uonorrboe. Ktrletur. 8prmalorrbooa, 8emtLat Weskneas, or Los oi Leaire of Sexual Power In man or woman. All fcullar Female Tr-uble. Irregular Menatrr lion, Dlsplaoement, etu, are cor.fld!iiUlIy and successfully trrated, and win undor no eircum-Unooa rsae a ewe that tboy cannot cur or ben ell. t'onnulUUtn fr. Chare; reaaon bl, Cures of privw dlsaws guaranteed ami navr puLl'sund In tbe paptt.s Cifru im an I oinxilotj blank anut irve, Uncjss, "n4 tRHblwgnu st, Poitlaud. Or. Isecutor.i ioticc. flJOTICE H IIERrUY OIVCN TH AT 1 the undrlned has been duly ap. pointed exmutrltc of the last will and testament of Oeuram V Svivster. de eKel,by the honorable the eouoiy court cf IJnn county. Oregon. All inraon baying claims sgalnat tbe estate of sstd dnceaaed, are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to me In perao.). or to my iioroey. ueo w right, at his isw olll(! la Albany; Lion couciy,Oregon within six months from this date Dated Uoo 2S, 1H9.). M. A HI All 8YLVETER, Ex cutilx of the last will and tettamentof Geo W Hvlvester, deceased. 12 29 Notice of Pinal ment. Battle- IN HIE COUNTY COURT, OF LIN M county. Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Mirlsm llurrnl. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the nndeisljned, tLe duly appointei), qusllflad and aotlng ad mlnistrator of ihe estate cf Mil lam liar rel, decased, has thU day filed his final sccour.t in the matter of said estate, in the abve court, and tbat the court has appointed Monday, the 2nd day of Feb ruary. 1801, at 1 o'clock, p m, as tbe time for hearing objections to said final ao. uount, and for the settlement I he roof. Dated Ueo 23, 1890. J L MILLER Administrator of tbe estate of Mirlsm Marrel, deceased Ukwitt a Irvins. Attys for Admr. 122a Notico of Pinal ment. Settle To all persons having claims against the estate of James Walsh, deceased, sod to sSJ other person whom it may oonoern. You are hereby notified that tbe un dereigned ex eoutor of the sld estate on th 24th day of Uecember, ls'J , tiled in ins county oourt cf Liua county; Oregon, hi ileal a coo tin tin said estate, and sud court has appointed Mouda. the 2nd day Of February, 1891. at the hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day to bear and settle all ohjeotions to saia nnal account. jjacea nis .uio uay 01 ueo isuu. 0 WCLINE, W R Bilteu, Attorney. Exeoutorf TR UEO W GRAY having sold his j r ubuuh KuniuoM), 10 give possession. dnuary j, i'Ji, mcst eurneRtlv remiest his many Men J who may wish him to put tcoir toetti m good repair bafore re 11 ring to call early. AH who find selycn Indebted lo hfm,' are expected to K3a.il HUH OttiO BUUU Will be Found r at the Square . s Dealing Stove House of SMITH - EES. TIIK llttE J1H I4IT JZHtS. tlditon Democrat,' f4eelng two small Items in yctir paper about these mines, the writers must think alt the old setthrs are dead ; but, stop, there is. one pioneer left that crossed tho plains in 1815, and was at the lost camp or stinking hollow, as some' called It, on account of the dead- cattle sua saw the nugget of gold that Henry Marlon found on a gravel bar in a dry branch. fctephen Meek, a brother of the re nowned Joe Meek, was our pilot, lie had been leaving at each ono of his tamos a note staling the distance to the next wnter. The note was covered with loose dirt and a stake stuck down by it. lie staled that there was water In ten miles. We traveled all next day before we got to water ; a spring that ran about forty roils and stink into the ground. This was tho lout camp. It was at or near tho sand or sago desert. Our pilot then started out to find more water, lie was gone two day and ono night, but found 110 water. When he got back bis tongue was black and bo dry ho couldn't speak until he got some water. , . 1 was In the second or third train that got to tho spring. When we got there the water was a little thin. By the time two hundred head of famishing cattle got to the spring the water was too thick to stir with a slick, lly this time there was excitement in ramp, and most ol the men rushed out In every direction to see if tiiey could find water. We had to find water or perish. When a man came in the ones at camp would meet him to know if lie had found water. Henry Marten went to look for water. The wagon he drove Wiis closeto father's. When Marten got back there was three or four of us near his wagon, all anxious to know if he had found water, lie sale ho hail Wn tip the dry creek to every bunch of willow in search of water, lie then took out ol his pocket a yellow Jump of metal which was passed around to each one to look nt. Ono said it looked like gold: another said gold was not found in lumps, but in fine dust. Mar ten then look the iron wagon hammer and, pliU'ing the lump on the waton tire, hammered it. It was mailable like all virgin gold. He then put it in his pock et. Our next thoughts were water, water, or we would perish. I did not see any clear water for four davs and nights, only what ran down the cheeks of the pitiful-looking women and ror little children begging for water. Tbe sick and poor creature that were dying did not have a drop of water to cool thir parched tongue. After seeing these heart-rending scenes and suflWini myself, I forgot alwut the lump of yellow metal until the fall ls4H,wheu I went to tbe gold mine in California. There i found nuggets of gold, just like the one that Henry Mar ten found near the lost camp. I ham mered them and they were just tike tho nugget that Marten found; I was satis fied that it wa gold. The lilue Bucket uiino got it name in tltiss way. Kome men were talking alxmt gold being found on the "Meek' cutoff." One man did not btdieve it, because be had not wn the gold. 1 le said, to make it look unreasonable: "Yes, the gold was so plentiful the women and children picked up blue bticktt full, and hung them on the wagons, w here the tar buck ets had hung." Another asksd : "What did they do with the gold?" "Oh," said be, "the rixuls were rocky and knocked he buckets to staves aud lost th gold." Hu-uht-n Meek said this dry creek had had running watr in it until that year, it being a very dry summer. PioNrtn. BKOVf 1 still. E. December 22nd, ISW. Items are scarce this week. All are in for a good time on Christina and do but little that th correspondent can get bold of. Our electric hxhtshtve long been com posed of wind but are now a thing of reality. On last Thursday they were lighted and the coal oil lamps were rele gated to the shade of the past. The Infant son of li L Illanchard is on the improve and is considered out of danger. Church meeting at the Baptist church next Saturday, when they ill again try to elect a pastor. Success atu-nd them. We notice some sulsttanllal improve ment in the (ialbrailh addition iu the shape of a new sidewalk on one of the main streets. We learn that Hev A Lettoy, ex-candidate for Sunt, of public instruction, is meeting with deserved success at La Grande. Home of oar cilixens talk of going to Fall-m next month and will join the third liouse to try their hand at lobbying. 0101 LLC, Saturday was a very unlucky day for mail carriers. Mr Shearer, the contrac tor, on arriving at the Post Office his horse became frnthtcned and started to run with the buggy, Mr H. holding to tbe reins. He broke through a fence break ing a barucd wire ana drscKWK Mr r, by the reins, which he held on to nntil tho horse was stopped. The buggy was damagea some, so was M r s., so much that he could not go w ith the mail. A Y Smith saddled a horse and took the mail, but didn't get half way to bis destination when his horse fell, rolling over on the rider. No bones broken. Tbe tin can brigade went on an expe- ' dition last week. They found the object 01 iticir search standing out by his barn weeping. The leader asked him why this grief, and he said lean not match any more. Little IWe Iid made a great mistake about th number of prune trees planted out in this vicinity. She says 13.000, but that shows what she knows. There have been over 25,000 trees planted. Mr C R Allen, of Crook county,! viait- t v I. t I . l. lf.. ing bi vuKYii'e. ne is looaing ior a pardner, one with capital preferred Good looks no object. Little ltose Pud is badly mistaken when she Bays that I will come out under a new nom ue plume, Hhe thinks that Amicus is an old person, but there is where she is mistaken. Mr Gerald McDaniel la visiting his sis ter, Mra J B McCoy. X JLATK hixn 1-B03X HA YES. Tbe Correct I vo Properties ef the Jaleeis of California' Vegetable Alteratives Almost Sensational. A lady formerly ef 1221 Mission St, bat now OI 400 Hayes St, a F., writes to tbe lwia W. Jot Co, as follows; " Urs. II. T. Uovcrly, of So- sttlo, resided with me last winter. She had long been asnnerer from dyspepsia and waterbrash. Her stomach was so weak tbat for months at a time she lived principally upon milk aud the Walt of eggs. Among other things the tried on of tbe mineral sarsaparlllas only to find that It gave her pains la the bead and weak ituking spells. Having taken Joy' Vegetable Barsapo rllla myself with great benefit lu stomach troubles, I Induced ber to discard tho potash preparation and try your Vegetable compound. It began roinvlgorating ber stomach aud in short time helped ber astonishingly. It im proved her appetite and strength to thet extent, tbat just before sho lejt, she was beginning to return to solid food. Bbe authorized mo to write you this statement oecordinRly." TEN- Beautiful Pieces of Silverware to tie Given Avajv At F. M. French's Jewelry store, co mencing Nov. 1st, I will present every one purchasing $1 worth of goods, a tick et entitling tho holder to a chance to draw one of the following pieces of silver ware: , ' 1. One large dinner castor. . . .flO 00 2. " fancy fruit dish ......... 9 00 3. " silver cake basket. . . 4. " silver card stand. .... ... 6. " set silver knives and forks 6. " double pickle castor. .... 7. " silver butter dish 8 00 7 00 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 single pickle cnator. . . . . , Seth Thomas clock, , riilver cur. r . . ...... 9. 10. 2 00 I 00 OUR LADDER THE UKiP si I C3 S O S MS C3 II A HDW ARK. M rs CLi CUTLERY, I o zr. V3 CARVERS, 10 T T3 rt LANTERNS, H COPPER, & l-j W H w a r I Q W H3 IS R ASS, 22 -- S GRANITE W3 S3 E AND N c t STEEL o D WARE. o O o E p WATER R d o d m tn FILTERS, S WARRANTED. ALBANY, OKEGON. Stoves. - and- l Etaters, c DC a c K l-s 1 O ' X . 5 fW vV - . A--..N v s fs rs ,s r S ff Smtfta Toiir. '.Iffervrit psr.tsTj r. 0 siia ;. !(' 1 t')a0 t .'' iu!l k-. v, scut ptist-itd ja recelft oi Is) i FERRY S Ti1 i Lcnco.:. f-Vi.zi. U. 8. Olflcs. Cii) jrrajvjy. rei V; Assignee's Notico. Notice is hereby give.) that the noder sigued has been duly appointed and quslilied as aseijjDea of the estate of Earl Race, ao lasolveot debtor. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tho asms to the audersioed at Al bany, Oregon, within three mouths from this dstc, propirlv verified aa by law required. November 5tb, 1300. L. C Marshall, Assignee. D1 IS?OLTJTIOT!I NOTICE. Notice Js hereby given that the copartnership of Obllng A Wallace has been dissolved by mutual consent.' All liabilities vt-yi be assumed by Henry Ohlirg, to whom all accounts shoulii be paid. - . HENRY OHLINQ. FRANK WALLACE. Albany, Deo 24, 189a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe annual meeting of tbe stock, boldera of the Farmers A Merchants In surance Company, of Albany, Oregon; will be held at the office ot said Company In Albanv, Linn county, Oregon, on Wea ni)"day, January 7. 1801, at the hour of 2 o'clock; p m, of'ssid day, for the purpose of electing nine directors of said company to serve for oueyear, aud to transact such other busines as msy regular ly come te fore said meeting. By order of ths President, J. O. W rjtj!'mAN, Kecretarv, A!'. T.Or.LVe 1st, 18:, i.!S3) "1 J REFER5KCES: 1 jfiamiae Oira WOU& I I PAY f ?0r M u Ton TLEASE. P PLUMBING !j By Contract, I (-BT- t?,Good Workmen. M n m u . yOSi I. UflTIL JANUARY 1ST, 1891. C3r. . ' Jl!am 'jLzz Wlm jim Vill M il all his Holiday This li a genuine offer, and a good ntitc!i low figures. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE OR Ml THEIR Plinn Block. r LiL THOMAS ..We want TilBEO BUTTER AND EGGS, cash Blackbm'ii & Pironi, Corner First, and Wrehington Streets. . Albany, -- Oregon. WE WISH TO TO- And Vicinity, TLst e lost have the Isrgettt acd most craplela eloclc cf Loots and thces evpr shown in AUsr.y. Our siw rinjfUl of Men's ar.rj Boy's Kip and CIf Bocts std Shoes is con p.f'r, si r we can fit any Uet, le it lesn cr ft. Oar lite of lubtxr boots and sbces is LARGER THAN ANY IN THE CITY. -AXD LAST YEAR'S PRICES. OUR HOLIDAY SLIPPER Line comprises ren i lilosh, Rarxi clf in ebr , i $1 CO to $3 CO. Oar liaecf - LADIES - SUPPERS Cooipiises ail iht latent ocseHies in oomVnnstioa sni colors, ia Ml, p sod velvet, rsngirg n irico. from 85 cents tr $2 50. Our lice cf Ladies and' Misses Dress ShoeS Iu hfcnd and m.cl.ice trwrd.sreia the moi-t Standard rsakes ia tha Ucittd Slates. We also havr a f !l Has of calf-Hcfd t.d urlined. n lu'tou a. d ioe of :' Mens' and Boys Dross Sliocs, Is com plots ;n ail stjles and at Lowest Puicks., Our goo-is are si! dpsii- ab'e styles sud latest nctv itla a!l the OtforU, Turns stid Y elts. Also Sjriog ILsels f;r the little ode in great va riety in cusign,ih latent; in material, of ail. It is our i.ur;o&e to catry a lice than auy l.otise in Albacj. LET US 0ILL Y0UB ATTESTIOrl To the fact that prices of boots and (enits under which thev are sold. Our expenses are lower thsn tho"e of au house io AlhHcy the result is LOWER PRICES TO YOU, far rsb. Give oa a trial and be convinced. Ih5ur OTTO" " """i Never Sacrifice Quality for Quantity Sell Fewer Eoot3 and Shoes and Sell them Right. tSTALL GOODS SOLD BY UR THAT RIP OF RUN OYER WILL BE REPAIRED FREE OF CHARGE. VERY RESPECTFULLY, KLEIN BROS. JUST THE THINGS Don't bo in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as WICKER ROCKERS, THOMAS BRINK Will have the nicest assortment that over came to Albany Cf! CO -Don't pness at weights any Many faiaier loses 3unl.W longer. enough in that way in one year to pay for a g voil fcca'.e. uo to siewsn a ox sua price (htir t cftlte of all kinds. PHOTOGRAPHER Cor t-tcoi d ar.flieny f-t kA.itany, Or, fUPF.IUOR werk.'pu k" branch of ihe art. aranteo.1 In every Jtalargsg ol aii k 9 A) Goods at FIRST COST. rare piJrtvnity to obtain Retail Grocers, CHOICE FHUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES. SEASON. ALBANY, OREGON. It you want the bosl and most durable furni Ef ' ture that ismanufjiclur ' La y ed in the city go to BRINK'S your. .. ,..Wc will pay you............ or Trade. ANNOUNCE AT- snrtmci cf aa's etubriiJered velvet asd :litt-.ra and facy clf, rAaiai ia price fr-:in UJiea and misses ril eraic, dtj train, l-ce, st E vSTERK FlilCES- Our attrsctivo c.imbinstior.s in Boots and th finest; id woikiuarisliip, tbe best f bouts snd shca contaii;is mi shoes are Urgelr coverced L tbe ea MID SICE CMURS, -FOR- OTKAYED About tbe 'Mt of June KJ from my frrm near Tangent or e rala red heifer, two veara old las; spniw. marked with crop off the riht ear and swa'iowforkin Kfcear. Any information regarding- he? will be amply rewarded. -EL Bbtan. rSUlLDINtr AND LtA s!0 pharos in 2nd aerie f. for stile. Inquire at Bsnk of Oregcn. 9 lsrce si lour.ts, i; l,ve u'iSi oil (..ll'Ti ! O . J I HI