he flmwrat. FRIDAY .DECEMB151'. 19. 190 8TITE3 & KJltar a4 NUTTING- LOOAL RECOUP. 11b Bought thk Bkrmks.--An Alhany professional gentleman tells tho 'ollow lng good joke on himself. Last similiter during the wild blackberry sowson ho was approached, bv a man who wanted to sell him mte liWkherrioa. "How many have ) ou and what is the price?" linked the p. g. "I have ten gallons ami sell them atCOcenta per pullon," said the blackberry dealer. "Hring them to my place," said tlm p. g. Shortly the dealer came lugging a coal oil can well tilled with berries into the domicile of the p. r., who paid over the 5 to the dealer, who ent bis way rejoicing. Tho little wife of the p. g. soon made her appear ance, when the hushaml, who was glad to give her a plca.ant surprise, informed her that be bad bought lier ten gallons of berries. "Where are they?" she asked. "In that ran, "said he. "Where are the rest of them?" she asked. "They are all in that can," said be. . "What.ten gallons of blackberries in a five gallon can," asked she. For the first time the truth broke in upon him. Ho had paid 1 a gallon for bis berries. The dealer in cold blood bad swindled him. Physi cians as well as other people may bo taken in. A Bi'MNKwj CiiAsoc Jas. F. Powell A Co. to-day completed the sale ot their Flinn Block grocery store to I.. A. and S. A. Allen, two live young buxiness men, and they have already taken charge under the lirm name of Allen Brothers, with the prospects of building up a lniye business. The Allen brothers were old residents of Linn county, residing here and at Syracuse precinct a good many years, until a few years ago, since which they have done the const pretty thor oughly, being in business in Astoria a few years, for the Alaska Canning Co. two years anil lately two years in San Frar cisco. They have come to the con clusion that Allwiny is tho In st place on the Coast for a location, and hence have settled here w ith the determination to make this their future home. Popular, reliable business men they promise to take a prominent place in the grocery trade of the city. Ax Otn Albany IXhtor Or Alex ander, now a rcIJent of Pendleton, pub lishes the following c ud In the E O, which may be well consiJercd by the resl dents of any city: "There are now three w;l). defined canes of diphtheria in the city. Would it not be well for the city council to have the city cleaned? There are hundreds of sources of J mom: that should be abated and purified, such as trash plica In back yartls,treet draint, the slums in the rear of Chinese wish houses; in fact, all the back yards In the city should be looked after'and cleaned. Par ticularly should alt pools of stagnant water, garbage heaps, etc , be removed. Such nuisances are sure sources of disease, es pecially of diphtheria and scarlet and typhoid fever. Let some one be placed in authority to attend to this business It fl out delay, and thereby keep the children out of the graveyards." A Remarkabl Printer. ES Warn er, a compositor of the Oregon City En terprise, is 73 years of age, and has been setting type for 6i years. The Enterprise tTS, and everybody should read the lines: He continues in the profession to which he has adhered since yo"thhood, with an activity, an alacrity and a seal that would do credit to one of hatf I. is age. He walks nearly two mile to his home night anal morning and is always prompt.accur ate and comparatively rapid. Tobacco or strong drink ha never entered Ids ntouth, while the lower societies and vices have always found in him an unconquerable enemy. Printer of this age and standing are very uncommon and we tike pleasure In championing Mr tVarner against the Mate. Umatilla Cocnty Stvlc The girls of UmatUia county stand no foolishness. The E. O. sajs; ''Middle Cold Spring is excited over an episode hich occurred not long ago out there. Fannie Ewlng and sister and a young oian named Fred Lang attended a ccrtal.t Cold Spring school. Lang received some very unlaJy like -billet doux,"lo which the name of Miss Fannie was forged, and thinking she was the author, insulted her. One even ing just as school closed, Mr Ewlng drove up to the door with his todaughters,who alighted with blacksnakc in their hands, and when be came outside he was given a most terrific "bUcksnaking" bv the sisters, who showed nc mercy to the victim until Mis Fannle's ho'.or was fully vindicated. Billy Chinook I)eai. Mr Jason Wheeler inform the Democrat that he ha received a letter from his son-in- law, Mr Walker, of the Warm Spring aeency, announcing the death ot Uillv Chinook, one of the best known ot Oregcn Indians, lie was burled on lat Sunday. Billy Chinook, or William Parker, as he was listed, was Freemont's guide In 1847 on hi trip from Oregon lo California. In 1849 he mined In that state, Mr John Mc Coy, now deceased, of ll. Is city, being in the same party. In 1S33 h went back to St. Louis and went to tcnnol for awhile. lie was an Elder in thf I' P Church at Warm Spring and wa a 'pare an In dian as one oiten mi-cta- A liEMM.'RATic paper lor Salem causes about a much t!k a one for Portland Here Is some more talk by the Slatcsinrn: "From his frequent vUiss to -S.ilcm, which seem to be searching tours of examination, the rumor Is in circulation that L, 11. Mc Mahan, of the Wood bur 11 Independent, ha In contemplation the establishment of an evening daily, independent in politics, In Salem. Mr.McMahan has a very fine newspaper plant and should he decide to come to Salem he will probably make things lively." A New Bsewebt. Mr George 1'Iau bat begun the erection of a brewery, on his property at the corner of Lyon and Ninth streets. The main building will be a frame, 33x03 feet, arranged for en largement. A cold storage warehouse will be erected, work on which has al ready been begun by John H Morgan. An ice machine will be put in with a capacity of one or two tuns, and enough ice will be manufactured so that 1500 lb a.day can be sold. About a Cow-Mr G W Willis, on complaint of a yonng man named Camp bell, working at Schmeer llverv ; stable, was arrested this morning for assault ancH batterr. plead euilty and was fined SC. Campbell had driven a cow belonging to Mr Willi Into the city pound. Mr Willis crave him a shaking for it. It was a kind of a case that usually nevir get inside of the recorder's court. A Growing Industry. We refer to the raising of Chinese pheasant for the markets. These wonderful birds are be ing raised by quite a number and shipped for breeding purpose In pairs, the demand being greater than the supply. They sell readily for $10 a pair. A laree number of farmer are making a nice sum from the Business, a pertectiy legitimate one. An Oregon Earthquake. Last Tues day night there was an earthquake that shook the wlnduwns and doors In the old lighthouse occupied by Opt. Babbldce, It did not last but a few minute Ya- qulna Republican, Are you sure It was a real shock from underground. MiNcto Claims. The following claims Lave been filed with the county clerk : A JIalversen, The Democrat, Bantiam ami, located. Dec o. filed Dec 14. W Kane, placer mine, Santiam diet located Dec 12, filed Dec 14. tEW Carpets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, th best in the market, just received at A.B Mcllwain's. The stock is larire and choice, selected for this market, and peo ple wanting trie Dent carpels at the low est prices should call and inspect bis splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. A Bunch Gram in Am any. Mr Henry Cleek, of Crook couuty.located in Albany several mouths ago. His experiences were new and great. Ho recently ro' turned on a visit to PrlneviUe, and tho Heview gives him away as loiiows: Henry Clock is up from Albany on busi ness. He savs be cnlovs llvinii in Al bany, but it is dilllcult for a bunchgrasser to become occuBtomeu to city ways an 1 occasionally bo's somewhat put out by tho simnlicitv of his actions. One tliiiw. lie says, that is dilllcult to get used to is the electric lights. One of them is locat ed near bis residents in tho outskirts of the city, and of dark nigbta.wben bo has been down town to tho postolllee.ete. ho dcnemls on that intht to guide nun j home, but that sometimes proves treach erous, .me evening lately lie started for his home, and seeing, through the fog, a dim luminary, be took it to be his beacon light and Btarted toward it, lis traveled on and on until bo was far out in the country, but bo seemed to be ns far from bis light as when lie started, yet he could see it in the distance, and bo pushed on until ho was exhausted, when tie sank down and in the language of Cap Humphrey when lost in tli Cascade, cried out, 'Mo my eves deceive uio?" They certainly had, for what ho had been following was not an electric light but tho polo hew moon showing through a Webfoot fog. When Henry discovered his mistako ho got up and kicked him self a few times, and wended bis way homeward, muttering as ho went, ''it is blanket v blank straugow bat a peculiar otfect these Allmny 'cigars' have on a bnnchgrasser who is used to nothing but 'Princville straight.' Wants to Debate. Mr Alvln J Car others, of this city, request u to state that Rev Alson W Steers, of Zena, U will leg to debate, at a public meeting, In Al bany, with some mlnUter en.loised by the denomination, on the following subject, In either form desired: "Doc the Bible teach that man Is wholly moital and un conscious between dcaih ar.d the -esurrec-lion." He to affirm. Or, "Does the Bible teach that the soul td n.a.i Is Immortal and conscious between death and the resurrec tion?" He tc deny. His plan is for each to choose a moderator, ami they a third man, who shall preside. The ilclwiie to last two evenings, three hmm each even ing, In thirty minute speeches, the affirm ative to have ten minute to sum up In. An admission to be charged and the pro ceeds to go to a charitable 'object. Does any Albany minuter wlih to meet Kev Sleer? II so '.et him notify Mr Ca-other. Lookinu lp the Route. Mr Pcngra and Mr Thielson, so It is reported, are no looking out a route from Astoria to Tillamook bay. It Is presumed they are In the interest of the Southern Pacific. From Tillamook bay they would connect with the Southern Pacific's line at Sher idan, going through the Grand KonJe pass. It is about sixty mile from Sheri dan to Tillamook hay. Tli Is i'k natural route from the Willamette valley lo deep water. The highest point of the pass Is not more than O50 feel ahote the sea. Salem should keep her ecs op;n, and make arrangements to connect with this line at .Sheridan, thus securing a direct line to deep water at two point,. Statesman. Albany lit had her eye oen for a year or more on the route, 'and is certainly In terested In the matter also. Look out. A Cold ii.Tii.--Eyer since a Demo crat man took a blcyle ride into the rag ing Santlam ditch, he hat had a proclivity for seeing other eople In the same fix, and is always on the watch for such Items !lerc'onc." 1-ast evening Walter Monta gue was coming from the Ryan-Davenport wedding In the southern suburbs of the city, and was trying to U ad hit horse, a Itvtly young animal, up so he would crews when the horse gave a jump knocking Mr Montague off into the chcetlew waters from the Santlam, He was wet all over and forgot the tune of the wedding march (or sometime. The Calipooi Mikes. Very encour aging return have been received from the ore that Mr. Rose took toTacomaafcw week ago. That taken frrm the Lucky Hy, assaved at S& per ton. The ore from the Poorman average $41 per ton, and o'.her mine go nearly at high. The officer of the la com a went up to the mine last week and were well pleased with their visit. Several mill will put In next spring, no doubt. These returns are thought to be reliable, one reason for which is t'-e fact that three ddfcre.it asaar show that the Lucky Boy goes tGo. Browns ville Timt. At Harrimh.ro. 'ihe drama "Better Than Gold" will be presented at Harris- burg on r ildar nleht ot this week with the following cat of characters, amateur ot that cit v : Fcter Merchant. lawyer.Chat Hawks; Gilbert Murdock.Geo McCulloch; Tom Payson, Walter McMeeken; Richard Gordon, Tho Rogers; Asa, a colored servant, 15 May; Mrs Garfield, housekeeper, N May; Anna Garfield, Gis.-e Ioham; Bell Goidon, Nellie Sullivan; Jennie Joy, seamstress, L, LSrlggs One Paid. Only one Lina cjjnty cen sus taker, Mr. II F Tab! er, lias received bis pay for tho June enumeration. The others are receiving letters, requesting them to correct little errors, immaterial and only to satisfy red tape rules. Kid Gloves for the Holidays. The argent assortment In the city for gentte mcn.iadlet and 11. me. Every pair war. ranted at Samuel E Young's. SOtlAL ASP rKKSOSAt, MONDAY. Hon S A Dawton wsnt to Portland this noon on business. Mr John McChesncy came down from the mines Saturday, Mr L W Devon I confined to bit home with the typhoid fever. Mn I T Brock and daughter returned Saturday evening from a two montht visit with relatives In Idaho. Mr I B Trask, of Fox Valley, and W M Smith, ot Brownsville, both cx-candldates for sheriff, were In the city to day. Mr Bert VanClevchat lust gotten out a handsome satin business directory, II fly of which will be left with the advertisers and public place through the county. Reports from Conductor Conser, who wat Injured In Ihe LabUh wreck.are to the effect that he Is getting along very Will. Telegram. Mr Lafayette lPighcs, the well known and prominent real estate gentleman ot Ihl city, leaves to-day for Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit hit aged mother.who la now yo years old, says the Portland Mercury. FA Cox. who ha been learning tele grap'iy In the v. U. office at this city, left this noon for Roseburg, where he will have charge ot the Postal" Telegraph office. He Is a pleasant, reliable young man, who will fill the position well. Remember the doll fair at the Opera Pouse 10-morrow night. There will be dolls and dolls, and doll clothes, and re frcshmcnta, and it will only cost 10 cent to get In and see the show, an elegant dis play of thing 1 that will please old and young. Tt'RMUY. Ihe dance at the arinorv laxt evenlntr la reported as an enjoyable affair. Tho Spanish students furnished tho music, which was excellent. Tho lxMoriiAT is glad to know that Miss Carrie Pfeitfer who is sojourning in Oakland at ihe home of Mrs John Har rows, is gradually Improving in health, tho tine climate of that city greatly ben etlting hcr.- Tlio irrepressible John Shea, of Sweet Home, is in the city to-day with an im mense load of ouioiis. Shea raises the largest and best onions in tho state, and always remeinlcrs the Democrat with enough to smell. Mr. J. 8. I'olheuius, who bad charge of the government works here for several years, and family, sailed for Ctxm hay on the Gen Wright, lust Saturday, where he goes to take charge of tho works at that place. They w ill he minned by their many friends on the bay. Yaquiha Re publican. I.clie James, the young man killed near Coyote Station last Friday in the accident, caused by a drunken or sleep ing engineer, was in Albany last summer with a son of t hus Wagner, of this city. After leaving hero they went Fast and bad only been home n mouth w hen tho accident happened. They were btcaking together at the time. WEDNESDAY. Ir H A Davis, ot Ilarrisburg, is in the city to-day. WJ Kibelan, of Halsey, was in the city to-day on business. II S Williams, ot the North Santiam country, was in the city today. J R aches leaves to-morrow for Port land, thence for San Francisco, and pro bably finally to New York, possibly. though, locating in cue. ot the former places. Mr CP Thompson is canvassing Linn county for the genuine Stanley work on Aim a, and is now in the city, the work is one deserving a place in every household. This bos been a very ood year so far in the marrying business in Linn county, in fact the best on record, a sure sign of a prosMrous year and a steady grow th 111 imputation in tne imure as wen as in the past. During the whole of laii'J there were 145 marriages in the county. Al ready this year there have been KM and several more are to bear from. A rBKItillT TtAI wtmuKtt. - Word was brought to Albany lantTucs dayabout 4 :30 o'clock, just as the Dkmo crat bad been given to the carriers, that the South bound freight train bad gone through the trestle at tho Jewish ceme tery, two miles north of Albany. A Democrat man Immediately went to the socne of tho wreck and learned tho' fol lowing particulars. The train under charge of Conductor Tynan. Jack Mo Quade, engineer, and Mr Fish, fireman, w as two hours late and w as going at a rapid rato. w lien it struck couple torpe does and the engineer saw the signal ling, just nortli of the trestle, Tho trestle was Imlng repaired under charge of Mr Hoblnson, w ho slated that it would have been in a safe condition In a very few minutes. Surmising what was the trou ble, and seeing that bo could not stop, the engineer put on steam and tried to carry his train across; but the trestle went down, as tho engine and tender nearly reached the south side. Three flat ears loaded with ItimU'r ami rails dropped with the trestle about twenty feet and all wcro broken about as line as kindling wood. The engine rested on the rails on a slight slant, and Is tinln- urvd. Tho llrcmnn jumped without in it rv ; but the cnclneer remained at the throttle. No one, very fortunately, was hurt at all, though had tho engine dropH'd seventy-live feet north the engineer would In all probability have Won killed. Tho flag was placed 1000 feet north of the brldiro and the tnrini- does altout 400 feet farther, the bridge carpenter iiys tho customary distance. MisriT. People say that a lightning express going a mile a minute ought to be able to top in a quarter 01 a iniic. Rome one will be appointed P. M. for Allany now most any time, and Messrs Mitchell, iKilph and Hermann will name the lucky man. The olllce is becoming more important every year and probably during the next incumlHnt's term will become a free delivery nmtir. noma and adhoad Laeccortiiu-! I,sc-curuin-! Altr;n sorlinn.t fii.m $1 t 'J .r,lt HllllUrl YlUCg.S. At Kenton's Cahii Stoke. Dates, figs, banana,, choice candies, nuts, mince meat in glass jars, oondensed mince meat in packages, mixed pickles, sauer kraut, best quality raisins, citron, lemon peel, orange peel, dried currants, and a ;eneral assortment of groceries, all cheap lor cash. Ik Hi'ktiko around for something to remember the children with on Christ mas do not fail to inspect the large stock of holiday novelties at Conn & Hendric- son's, lust the tilings the children want r r i .v i . 1 . 1 tor enjoyuienv, vnirigs inas canoe pur- nlioanil wa i 4 email vytlVfit lvn 1 at ah f A viiaovu tt s ixa nijjawii iuvac tswmtff luio thingcr, useful things, all kinds of toys. And while you are there observe that they carry a fresh stock of groceries and produce, and that their prices are bottom ones. A prize is ottered lor the person who doesn't get good trtatment at Conn Hendrtcson's. KotniNO Small about Matthews Washburn. See the necessary article that all newly married people want (shortly), that they offer to give to every coupl iv i'-vtk, III i. r. I'm, . r CfKlnt. -. 13 v. .,: U . Mi:!i.' Osk Hi niii:ki v aoons just rictiwd, hich I am going to give away free, one ith each can of Forest City fluking Pow der. Come early. C L Bhownell. ' tl (StSTY HiaUC atlVIV. The annual business meeting of the Linn County Pible Society wat held at dice of Dr. G. W. Gray, on Saturday eve ning the iv.h, with Rev, Mr. Prlchard, president otitic Society, in the chair. The report of the depository showed that bibles and testament have been sold during the tear to the value ot $55 45, There are on hand book valved at f 5) So. The collection taken at the annual meet ing for the bible cause amounted to J4 35- The following persons were chosen as officers of the Socte:y for the ensuing year: Kev. 1. is r isner, rresiuent. The resident Pastors, Vice-Presidents Rev. James F. Stewart, Secretary, John Foshty, Treasurer R. M. Robertson, O. P. Mason, I. B. Couglll, L. M. Montanye and W. W. Crowder, Executive Committee. A resolution wat adopted asking the var lout psttors to take collection In their respective churches, during Wit year, for me mine cause. The following stathtlc show the gen eral work ot the American Bible Society Volumes circulated In 74 years, (In more than 00 longer ages) 5 1,730,075. V olumet circulated during the last year. . M9S.057 Of which 561,717 were in foreign isnds. Faini'ic visilrd during the last six er. o,3ic-,o. Fsnu'ir found without the Scripture. . . 757.S8' Destitute faml.ie supplied 473,804 IniUviduH.s supplied In addition. . 2'j,o53 The foltowlni; work hat been done In Oregon and Washinetou during the latt seventeen years: ami let vUited So J 34 Families fsund destitute 5,844 Destitute families supplied 4077, Destitute person supplied 6,399, An effort I being made to put a cop' of the bible In the hand of every child that can read, that I not already supplied, a well as a bible In every destitute home. The Brownsville Time offer a year' subscription for the best article on what snake lad on during Ihe winter. t are often. pu'cd to know what some people feed on dutlng the winter and arc tempted to offr a prUe on the subject. Our citizens are circulating a petition to the Slate Legislature for an appropriation with which lo assist the building of a wagon roid lo the vast timber belt and our rich n.lncs. The petition Is being very freely signed. A kkh1 wagon road as a'sked for In this petition would be of Inestimable value to this entire portion of the valley. Time. The Poittand Welcome tells of the greatest Cke rf gall on record: "A painter named Johnson, who deserH-d his wife In Pendleton and obtained a divorce unknown to her, had the Ineffable gall, on marrying again, to offer bis first wife a situation as servant In hit new home In Tacoma. That man should not bide hit mighty nerve In a place IlkeTscoma, but should rent himself out at a tide show to seme European circus. 1 It Liater, who recently committed suicide at Colfax, Wash., first wrote a new simper a long and deliberate letter on life and its failure lo meet the de mands of bis nature. He said : "1 have lived a life at times eventful, at no time interesting to me, and now it Is my own business if I choose fo look elsewhere for the happiness I failed to find here." iktlLLK What is the matter with Amicus? I guess he is likely to get into trouble by UeiDK too ouiaiKJkcn. ills ideas are all good, brjt the people don't like to have their sins brought belore them in print. the people 01 tin community are busy setting out orchards. In - miles square there have been 15,0uo trees planted; mostly prunes. Air it A IiainloM. i.uu-iiere-4 nta lal hogs last week, the largest one weighing 345 pounds, dressed. Mr B fattened ten nogs on corn, tho smallest ono weighing 1283 pounds. Mr f. r. uordon and lite new wile were out at church yesterday. F.h.er nev?r was married before, but be seems to know as much as older people. Iiarton x Leonard are planting out a large amount ot peach pits, and they ex pect to supply prune trees to the people of Uakvillo in the future. Amicus may appear again, but if be does itwill be under a new 110111 do plume, as everyone knows him. Now, Amicus, you lirnl belter go slow, and not write everything you think. Take this alvice from one utucli younger than you. 1JTT1LE lioSE UCD. ml fcsTtTK tr Carpets, I have just received for win ter trade tome of the nicest pattern in extra tuner and 3-ply carpett ever shown in this city, alto a new line of wall paper ana decorations. bAMuEL E. Young, A fins line of lowelry, beat la the city, at Will ol Soark's, (or the holidays. Jackets and Wraps. I have iutt re ceived for the Holiday trade a new line of Diagonal and plain Beaver and Stockinet jackets. The popular thing for winter wear. Samuel E Youno. Holiday Books. Ladies, call at Mrs Ilvmen'a and rive tout order for the Juvenile Cooks, for Xmaa. The latest ont. , Men like useful presents on Christmas and generally get them. Such things as neckties, silk and linen handkerchiefs. and slippers are always in order and are very acceptable. L a 15 lain carries a large and fine stock, and his prices are bottom ones as can be ascertained by an examination of his stock. Besides he has many other novelties suitable for the holidays. Co to Samuel E Youko for your boots and shoes. The largest stock In the city and best value for the money. Don't be deceived by offers of discounts, or big ad verllsementt. You will have to pay torn one a profit. The question It who can afford to tell for the least profit. pt; r In Albany December 6th 1893, J K Kirk pal rick to trustee Lcb. Cong, u r ctiurcn, lot 7, in, K's A, Lebanon I Frank Wallace and wife to John II Wallace, lot 1, bl a, and part ot lot 2, IPs 3rd A.Albany. . . . W B Smith to Henry Moore,2J7.48 acres, tp 14, S K 2 w Aehby Pearce to PP Donley,lot6, bl2S, H'a 2nd A.Albany 0 How ell etux to J N Gulliford.lot 4blk2inS W and S S Hayes add to Halsey U 8 to Conrad Miller, 152.20 acres 1700 CS00 600 350 Sec4TplOSU3E. ..Patent C W Crow Ji etux to S W Crowder blk 15 oodles' Riverside add to Albany 1300 Joseph Nixon etux to Joseph l'uhl lot 0 blk 12 Ualstou's add Ib 1700 Total tales. . f 11,351 Baggie sad Haekt. Teachers' Heeling. The best makes are to be foundln Al bany at Price Si RoUon's, who have just recivcd a carload of the 11 nest hack ana bvcglesto be found. Their prices, con sidering quality, are remarkably low. It pay to ride in a good Duggy or naca. Keep this tact in your head and wnen get ting one call on Price fc Robson, who have the largest variety lo telect from. The attention of the teachers of Linn county is respectfully called to the fol lowing program tor the local institute to be held - at Lebanon, Dec zoth and ziin, 18U0. The public Generally are most cordially invited toattend and encourage Dy their presence and neip me most im portant work of the common school edu cation, teachers are not only most cor dially invited to ottend.but are earnestly requested to be present. FRIDAY EVKNINO, 7 :30 P. M. Music. Recitation. Music. Address by O P Coshow, Jr. Music. Short speeches by teachers, school officers and others. SATURDAY, 0 :M A. M. Music. Frimary Arithmetic. Lewis Barzee, Bodavillc. Music. 1 :30 p. m. Music. Scope of tho Com mon School, by A J Garland. Music. Miscellaneous. . G. F. Russell. County Supt. New Blacksmith Shop. G rV WUUs has jutt completed hit blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first clat order Bring on your plow, wagons, etc.. etc, for repa r. No Danger. No one can ever be wrecked financially who buy their grocc- Ics of Parker Bros. You are ture of good quality, low prices and first clast treat ment, ineir ttocx it always up wun me market, consisting of the freshest vegeta bles and best groceries to be found. Their bakery department in splendid hands, and their baked goods can always be relied en. A S70 Music Box: given away Tan. itt With every dollart worth of goods you Duy you get a uckm on me oox , J. A. HUMMING MARRIED. RYAN-DAVENPORT. On Sunday Dec. 14th, 1890, at the residence of the bride, at her tuDuroan nome, by tieoree Humphrey, Esq., Mr. Ed J Ryan and Mrs Annie G. Davenport, both of Albany. The groom It a popular employee ot John Isom, Jr., and the bride it a wealthy citizen, a renaem 01 Aioany tor about a year. HORN, POWELL. To the wife of Mr. Hor ace Powell, at Peoria, an eight pound boy, on Saturday, vec 13m, IS90. CJTKAYED About tbo last of June IO from my frrm near Tangent one pais WON DAY. Lii m Jew, a CtUtttlsl, was btptlsed at tli liaptnt eiiuruu jostenia) also thrs young pjoplr. Tin nn.ri.iiig Marys Ptak wasobssrvsd to bsctivmetl with snow, and we may look rorani espuutii tn warm sob or J una plorou it. It1iy's tulilio school ia in a flourlsliinu condition Three r.nmis with a littls list than lou tvihniais I a good rtoird for our thriving mils city.' Nw. Mr J'lin tilg hat hamlod us a weather report lor thsentire coait, whitili thowt a geiiersl insullkinnoy of isiu. Ths oa U tliH high Utituilo i.f (lis easterly . moveinsni of oyiloolo aroat from tli Pauilio'Uucau. Tli match klmot Saturday evening tsrin Instid with tat h cul.testMit tliuutlng trvra timet making the following aori Watt Montcitii, 0) Hurr Sloan, 6 Total II, Iisrlan llulburt, 61 Frank llullnnt. 3. Total H. Tlitj lutni. r aula winning llisf 40 pun. Warren llulburt wat arreatail Saturdav evening for righting In Hi city limit, and this morning on a plea of guilty was Hnd $5 snd ensta. Th lluht inu wts dons at the gist ball iitmot sinl rnf nvnr a dispute abiiUtgUsa Lail with William Urailiiutoo. Th funeral of I. S Mad wa Imld va terday f!rumu. Rev J II Fisher presorting n saimon, aim in remain weft liuil iit lu th city caoivtery in th prtweitoe of a lar numlwr til oomrailD and old frlnidr. Mr Mnad was 62 yai i f aue, and snrva.l thre ears la U Co , 12th III. II w a rosi doi.tof Albany fr twoWt or fifteen vetrs nd wat well and favorably known. B W Cumliff it liuiMinit a laalJanoa an Ida Hrnatlalbia ttrett troneitv. One would think from retdinu tl.e JeSVr. 00 llrviow that it ht atirrod what it calls the whiskey crowd. Young uu'u of Ilusidiurg, I ask ion to psana a moment and rttb ut upon Ilia course you ar pursuing. pfalmlealer. Tho wtriiinu a good m.a fur tl.a youi.g roea ot any town. The Quarterly C.nf.irono fur Lebanon circuit, M Kehurnh south, will b convent at Labamm .fan Sand 4. 1891. Th ataward and other olliofve mambar ar earnestly r. tjuancii 10 1 prrsoiil. U. M. llAMLKItEtt. I'aatol. Ii. C. Mt KASI.AKO, p. K, A. wind slomi stiuck the Bay yesterday nMjruibff about 2 o'clock, aud it tiroceodcJ to let people know it wa hri oo time and in good health, say the Post. It reminda of lhaolil familiar howl which old Hurra let loo alonif th coast at time not Strom enough to di any rfimago, but mad th cote door dealt and th window ralllo. TClllAV. lkrt Van ( leva and C W Watt ar etU ting but their satin Pusinri lYendart at Cvrvaili and Ibanon. Th term of the t,rtent fViWrnut, r Itufu Thompson will ti ire iu alt or rL't wl. bi n a new man will I 'siioou.led. Who Will It be? (Jure. On lit;U boy iu Alluv tnav be seen with a new suit of clothe, cap aed tubWr boot, a holiday re.i.ftnbrsmw from aeoupla of philaiithrnpie young men. Two or three suit hare ri-coMW been lit- gun at tl ia citv bv agricultural hoaae for th price tit mat'httia tinrehaaed. Man farmer should study th ul jt of duauo. bhnrllv lirfi.rn hma ia.l.,,li rll l.t ecttoUbf th tet brida-a aero the Wjl- smette nver here auiwiiRi into rvtaitiim. Tins complete ali Ihe Ui I work and l.n's out all (ear rf denaua ti tl toana on aa- eouot of hifcb water .Statesman, O FT lor. Juho Murphy and II Ht,fl man returned Saturday afternoon (mm a severs) lays Mint to tba moutitaiua near Xewtuv Tbry ki!M twelvadeer, ten of w hich they ueoafc-nt oratii wun ii.rm journal. Kliher they wer doe.) or th law wa violaM, and s may oe turmiael Ilia latter wa th owe. WKtiyEMliAV. Anli twesr en If Lnttonaat Will -V St.l,'. Just th thing fur an Xmaa prea. Lt. For nnvcltr in their lice Will k SUrk tie aid to show a suprriur stock of goods. A K Pike, of tl.a IUI Lrowu Milla. hat a band crushed in a e i yeatorday at tb mill. Beautiful Sold watchea far la.be and een. tletnen at Will Ac 'J tar k's at won fortuity low prior. People ai talkina alh ut th l.i atnrk l holiday gnod at Will Si MaiE'a, the Jeweler. r.rr)ioios imaginable. Fur frreh meat of alt kind 110 to Ju,U.,n l.latr, opl'-xl! Schairor'a hvarvstible Order taken and prompt dtliTrry. A larg Iioe .f fancy crockery tup and Saucers, muifa, vase, tahd di.liet. cracker Jrs, card rccaivcr. etc., will b cold at re- liaordpitce to cioe I hem oat. at Kamuel K Vuotm't Proa nsyille' new eilicera, all low licer.tr. are: h r Itsby. rrrcidrnt of the Counoil : 1 W A Unno. recorder i 0 K Stanard, treaa- i orer; J epgr, marshal; J C lllijco, J P t'ooley, J K McIIargueand Jat Shet, oouc ciloif 11. Tb ooutott wa a warm on. Tt. thermometer early this morning rcr iatered 31 decree ab v tcroou t he tomb tid of Kits street aod 35 on tb north aide. ocioro in ton had appeared. That dilfer- oe I genorally observed. Th Indian tmn bid teem to ba full of rumor. Um report I to th effect that forty or fifty white men aod a larger number of Indians war killed yesterday, tbe latter being repulsed. A couple companion piece, in oil, tb woikof Mistllsttie Ro, may be teen at tho real att office of S N Sterle. On ia a moonlight aoe.ua on tho fVandywin acd th other a mounii)ht teen on Tower Creek. TbeydirpUy eoaai lertl.lu skill and would maka tin Christuus ptesent Hi not o ceaaary toeatl the atleutinn of nnr reader V the hi holiday ad. of T L tV allace St Co., .n the third pag of oar weekly. Th tiriii, reoently eataidiahed,! e Carry-in- a )rKe ami frost stock of 000 It. aud purchaser should eatt ou them and see th 'irgootisand get their price befor buying. Tub J)oix Faih given by tbo ladies 0 the U P Clmreh last evening was a suc cess. A big crowd was present. A short program w as first preHonted, consisting ot a piano solo, the Dolls Fantasia, by Miss Laura Tate, heard with pleasure ; a dolls song uy s class of girls; a -recitation --TEN-- Beautiful Pieces of Kilrcrwaro to be Given Away. At F. M. French's Jewelry store, co menclng Nov. 1st, 1 will present every one purchasing $1 worth of goods, a tick et entitling tho holder to a clianco to draw om of tbo following pieces ot silver ware : Ono large dinner castor f 10 00 " fnncy fruit dish 0 00 " silver cake basket 8(H) silver card stand , 7 00 set silver knives and forks tt 00 doublo picklo castor 6 00 silver butterdish ,. 4 00 singlo picklo castor 3 00 80th Thomas clock 2 00 silver cup 1 00 F. M. Fgrwcii. I. 2. 3. 4. 6. . 7. 8. . 10. 1 k R 5K J I dent KO TV OKAY bavins ftold hi tint bmdnoMs. lo clve poMii:on January, IH), tnr at eanirtly reriiioal hl intnv MenJswho may wlah hi in to put Ihclr loolli In good repair kufnro re tiring to call early. All who find them elves IndeiiUil lo him. are eanecUiJ tn ell and aettle soon, KNIYESCAND RAZORS .Tff ley hill raise lb value of tilery considerably, but we have a la atook a 1 man bought ana pnnoa will emaln the same a usual nntll It la aonl out. Coin and what we have and learn our prleoa. Htmwart A Mox. NOTICK IS IIKrtFBV OIVKN THAT tbo annua, numtlntf f the atiek. holdnra of the Partner t Mnri haul In suranee Company, of Albany, Oreuon: win be bold at tho oflloa ot Maid Co.Tmanv In Albany, Linn county, Orokon, on W:f- mt'dav. Janiiarv 7. IH1M at rf.n hnuiff2 'elocki p m, of' a aid day, for the purpoae 01 eieeiing nine urn ciorn or aain rt.inian lo aerve foi on)yr, and tn traoaact aiicn other liualnna a iny r gularly come be fore said meeting. Uy order or the President. J. O. WmTkA!. Srelar. Albany, Dr. IHO 1st, 1H1W, . -8) Aditiini.trafor'ii Male. NOIICK IS HKKKBY OIVKN THAT by virtue ot an order of tbe Hon county oouit, of Ike tit,f Oregon, for Polk county, made end duly entered of record at too November term thereof, A 11. 1MW. m tbe matter ol tbe ot Margaret Itoothbv. dwsiwl. authorixlnjr nd directing the aal of tbe following deaeribed rot proporty, belonging to said fteUte, Ut wit; The north Laif of the dun a. lion land claim of Win and Maraaret MoKaddon, uotlfli-ation No 1195. claim No 63, Iu Township 118 It 2 we ,f the willamntto Meridian. Alao tba north half of the follow loir proinlaMt. to wit- lUiginnlng st in aouioweat corner of the above ilewsrlUnl tract; thenoe east 40 chalos; theme aouth IS chains: thtnee weal su W-loo cbeina; tlienoa north 14 rbalna to the place i f brilnnlng. All atd land bnlng aluiated In Linn county, Oregon, and containing PM acre of land, oominK o government survey, be tbe aaru more or lea. Now, Ibt rtfote. I. W I) fttou. admlnl- IraU.r aforeMaid. wiii ofter tbo aai I lirem- IM (..ratio, sud aoll tbe same at nubile auction, to tbe biicbeai bid Jr, in front of the eaurt bouve duor.tn I he cit r of Albany. county of Linn and t of Oregon, on eJne.lay, the litih day of IHMmb r, A l. IhUtl, at tho hour of J o'clock. In the nrnoon of aahl day. lei 111 or a!e, rau In band. - W. U. ftTOUT. (I1'2I) AdKlnlatrator. APPLIANCES FOR ELECTRICITY When Tholes, one of the seven wise men, about the year oo B C. observed that when amber had been rubbed It ac quired Ihe property of attracting light bodlct; when In Ihe y'ar 1751 that Amor, lean statesman and plill'isoplit r, Benjamin Franklin, made valuable discoveries re garding elecirlclty, by mean of kite and key; when In 18-19 Sir Humphrey Davy discovered that an electric current might be maintained between two slicks of car bon when (hey were teparUed ay a thort spaces when even M one and Edison Lc gan applying electricity to practical uses, little they knew or Imagined tho founda Hon they were laying for dlccverlct and inventions that wou'd prove of the great est valm' to the civilized world. That Drt IJnrrln have discovered bow to apply electricity to cute the III of suSWIng hu manliy I beyond any doubt, by the well Informed, 'i he thousands of cure per formed by them amonKt our very best cltl.en of Portland and throughout the United .Slates la convincing proof of the of the tupt-.rloilty of etcciriclty over med icines In curing disease. As a proof of the abevs statement we piesrnt the fol lowing list of name: iseafarea ('sired la 8 If laaies, EdlUr Oregonlan-Deo 12: I cams from tn homo in Hubbard, Marlon county, Orel on, ti e moult lJr Iarrln and hi new m.Hle of curing deafnoas by lectrlcity I wa half skeptical about a 4 ton minute cure." but my doslre to bleared over omo my kpclclm. I took the traot mmit and paid tny money and wa cured In 8 win 11 to ao I can bear perfectly. J A MILLKlt. rrt Hade la aa rraarlsr 4 Tear A. O A Voreo, Atitlooh, Cal, deafnea S3 years, could ararcoly bear anytnlng; cured In tn minutes. Mr M Hanly, 80 Oa Grove Av, si Iral trouble and general deblllly, cure J 12 years ago. had t o return of It sine. MraC It I.uny, realileaoe I22 Misnlon at, H r. aaihma. dtarnea aud headache 12 years: tired 2 years ag,). Miss Kale 2NorU,n, Hotitb Fan Fran. lm.-o conatant pain In atomacb two year; cured and remains permanent. Mrali V lialley. Uerecla, C,1. UUI dnafnoa In one ear 'i veara, caused by catarrhal Iroubloa; cured lost Mi y smd remains pormtnont. Mr K l)Mon, Freano; Cal. cured of femalo weaknoaa, falling of the w.,mb, and ehange of life, also liver and kidney complaint. rMlR LIU. DAftRIN ro erowded wltb .. ratlrnu froa 10 a m to 8 p in. Tbe nvei large country praoiico and end their electric retnodlea to aayonedeairinR home treatment for any curab'e cbronlo, acute or private diaMaoa, which are kept trlctiy o mhdenllal onieo, 70J Washington e'r!, Port land Conaultatlon and examination frew All clasaB treated free from 10 tr if . ,n dolly. Charce moderate, t elng only f20 a mouth lo.4 each dimaae). or In that pro portion, a case rray icqulre. hend for circular, fro. " Ileft'rrc'sj .Male. In the. Cirtmt Court of tht Stair 0 Orrgon fur Iht t-'oaay of l.n t W A Klmwy and M V Klmaey nl wire. Kachel K I'oory and Milton Peery her hu.baud, Mary J Poery and W J I'eerv ber bukband, John W fjaine and Harah Oalnet hi wife, Matnuet v Ciaine and Oalna bia wlfo. Mar. ha A Moulh and John A gouth her buaband. K L Dor. rla, J If 1'orria, Kato N Ikuria and M L Dorrl. Pialnlirr. v H M Daniel an t Vona Daniel hla wifu,AImon iMniel. Lloyd tJoyar, M K Dorria, Prank O orria, Kloyd K Dorrls, K K Dorrl. Willi V Dorrl M K Dorrl. L L Dorrls. H L Dorrl I ani K S Dot sit, UofundanU. J "VfOTICE W HEKKBY GIVEN THAT Jul by virtue of an order and decree duly tuaoo and entered or record In tbe above entitled court, on tbe 1.7th day of uciouet, isiw. toe underaKued. the aialy appointed aod acting refetee. In said su't, win on Saturday, tits 27th Jay of December, 1S00 at the bonr cf 1 t 'clock, p ro. of raid dayi at I be court benae door., in the city of Aiuany, uuin county, uregon, sen at pubilj auction, for ca h lu t and.to th hlaheat bidder the rel tironerlv deaerlbed in said decree and order of sale as follows to W.t; Tba northeast ouatter of tbe norlhovt quarter of section two. In townnhln eleven south orranice ono went of tbe Wlllamet'e Meriaia. in Lion oonn'y. Oreson. eon taming 37,00 acre. Aiso lot numberad 4 and 6 of block nutnberol S. 11 tbe town or Nodavlile, in Linn er.ut'y, Oregon, And block nnnibered 12. In Wbse'er'a addition tn tbo town of Solo, In Linn county, Ore cm. Tho 1 rovoeda arlnlntr from the sal of aid prr tulae to be applied flrat.to the costa and dlsbiiraementa of said suit and expenaes of eaie and the overplus to be Ulviuod amnnic tho several narles to a Id suit plalnMOa and tlefflndanU.aocordlng to uioir lespeoiive rights and interests, s sot forth In said docile and order of sale. Dated Nov. 2llb. lilH). OKO. HUMPHREY, (It 28 Keforee. Administratrix Notice. "IJ m CK IS HKnEUY GIV KN TO A LL iy whom It may concern that or tbo Srd day of Novmnt er, IK1W, 1 was duly apoi tiled adu.inletrairlx of tbeealateol Joiuaba Moore, deoeaaed. by tba county C urt ol Linn county, O re-iron. And ail penton havlpa cUuns asaioat aald eetaJo re berebjr notified to present the aame to me with tbo l r.iinr vouchers, at tbe law t.tQor of W K llilveu. In Albany. Orogon, w libio alx mouth from tbe date hereof. Dated Nov ZSth, DM. MARY J. BK4RD. (I I 28) Adrulniattalrix of aald evtate. Adiniuislrnlrix 1'otice. TSJOTICE IS HEREBY GtVUN TO i all whotn it may concern, that on tb Srd day or November, 1890, 1 wa duly appointor! administratrix of tbe eatate of Aivin Moore, de eed, by tbe county court of Linn county, UroKot,. And all IKtreons l av!r?el.Imairk.nt aald estate re bnrnliy iioliHod to preaont the aame to in wltn the p-.pr Touchers at lb law office of W R r.i yeu,ln Albany, Oregon, within six montba fiom the date hereof. Dated Ibis 23 day of November, 190. MARY J. hKAKD. Administratrix of aald estate. W. R. Rit-YKtr. Attorney. (1 1 28) WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO- B 01 --And Vicinity,-- Tliat w t'l'H have iI,h la-tf-rt and most cirnnlete stock of Loots ar.d ah ever shown in Albany. Our assortment of Men's sod Boy's Kip ar.d C'! 13)Ots atid rihots is ccm p.eie, sA we can fit at y foot, be it Iran or fat. ( lire ol 'uibber boots and shoes is LARGER THAN ANY IN THE C!TYS ASM AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES. OUR HOLIDAY SLIPPER Line citnpt hp ian i soitinent of men's embroidererl velvet a! (Juab, Kmnia elf ia c l r, alliivirs snd fanoy calf, ranging in price (to $1 00 to $3 00. Oarliaeof j LADIES - SLIPPERS 1 Compiii all ibi1stet noveltie in combinatioa ani colors, in felt, p! and velvet, tanking in ptices from 85 cents to $2 SO. Our line cf ladies and Misses Dress Shoe lo bnd and machine sewtd, are iu the moat Htsndard makes ia tbo UtiitJ States. We also bate a full lt of ladies aod roiwses ol grain, dvy gratr calf-'ined aod imiibeJ, in I a ton ar.d lace, wt EASTERN TUICE3. , Oil line of McriH ixikI Uoyn Dress SLiooa, Is comidet in ail atyles and at Lowest Peicea. Our ccwi art all desi li t at) lv and latfst r.ov. !ti-s--all the attractive combinations in Boots ar. Oaft rd. Turns and Welts. Also Spring Heels for tbe little ones in treat t ncty m ilratL'ti. the iatet; in materia), tbe finest; ia workmanship, tba bet of all. It is onr 1 ure to carry a liae of boots and sboea containiag tttrj than any bonne in Alter.). LET US CALL YOUR ATTENTION To the fact (bt piicts of boots and sboes are largely governed l tbe ex prbM-N ni.ili r which the are acid. Our ezpor-ea are lower than tboc of an honee in Aibaey 1 e result i LOWER PK!CE3 lO YOU, fr .eh. Give as a trial and lie conviacsd. OUR MOTTO. Never Sacrifice Quality for Quantity Sell Fewer Boot and Shoes and Sell them Right. C3TATX GOOHS SOLD BY US THAT RIP OR RUN OYER WILT BE REPAIRED FREE OF LII A ROE. VERY RESPECTFULLY, KLEIN BROS. It A'ou want the bes anrl mnst rlnrnlilo film! H I ture that is manufactu j- n 1 .1. . .:i x ycu iu uiu city gu uj THOMAS BRINK'S ldniinittraforM IVotlcc. In the County Court, of Linn County ntaie ot ureiroa. in tne matter or tbo eatate of William Conu, de cai(t. NOTICK i hereby given to all perjeua baviog claim against aid etate to precct th same to me with tbe proper vouchers, st the office of W R Hdyeii, ia Albany, Oregon, itlno six month from date hereof, tor tbe reason that I was on th ISth day of Novem ber, 1S90, duly appointed adminiatrator of said f stats by the above named court U.ieJ tins'.' It nay ol Kov.. lb'JO. Samckl Comx, vV R BiLVCi', Administratcr. Attoroev. (U-21) The Reason Why, Why Is It that Klein Bros, can afford to sell boots and shoes so reasonable? Because they are both practical shoe makers and make partcf their expense by working on the hoe bench, any boot or ihoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it is man, woman or child, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose they repair them for you free 01 charge, and as they do all the woik them selves, they don't charge you 25 to 50 cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay some shoemaker to repair them for rou. Thev also make a specialty of repairing runner noots. nicely rendered by Mabel Williamson, entitled, "Which of my dollies do I love Iwst." It proved to be tbe much abused Topsy on tho bnck atens. A dolls lullahv by Flo Nutting; a recitation on a boy's -if,, ...... JV11 1 1 1... i.i.r i'n.itiuin,cj wen rvuuereu uy joiiuny French, and "Simple Simon" by the Apollo Club, which Mas heartily encored. The display of dolls and other articles was a choice one, and many were sold A few remain, though, and will be on sale at tbe WCTU Hall next Saturday. xne ice cream was exhausted. sale of Dolls The ladies of the United Presbyterian Church have some dolls, hats, bonnet, bedsteads, underwear, etc., icitover iroin tne fair, which they will acll on Saturday next, at the W. C. 1. U. hall. A the ladle do not wish to have anything left over, these thlncs will be sold at reduced rates. Any one want ing a well dressed doll for Christmas can get It at a bargain. There Is vet aulte a variety of dolls and all be d Isposed of at tne lowest prices uoors open at 10 a. m and during the day batutday, Dec. ao. Committee. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured.by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy 1'rioe 60 eenta. Nasal Id lector free. Fo- shay Sc Mason, agents. mm m Farmers will be interested in learning that sisal fibre has taken a fall.so that twice is promised next year at a reduced price. FRED IX. ULXCS.EB. VmwI TT TtlnoVfvv. an nlri H-Tlfi nWSTBT)T and theatrical roan, writes frora the Baldwin Hotel, A. " No ordinary occurrence could induce ms to a!lrw ray name to bo tisefl, but I liav been troisbli-d with dyspepsia In ita worst form and indlirestlon. Before I tried Joy's Vegft tiit)l Bxrutfariila, X speot Jiiuny a floHr on Assignee's Notice. Notioe i hereby uivj that the nndrr- signoil baa ben duly appointed andaaalilied a assknee cf the estate of Karl Race, an Insolvent debtor. All persona having olaima agsiust said estate ar hereby required to present the same to the uuiiorstKiwd at Al bany, Oregon, within thre mouths from I hi data, propei ly verilird a by law reqairtd. November 0th, IbUO L. 0. Marshall, Assign. lust ariiveJ elfull areas, men and boy a li Simpson's, which will Le prices. lina ot ladies, chil foot wear at G W sold at bottom Something for the New Tear. The world renowned suocess of Hostetter Stomach Bittars, and their continued popo larity for over a third of a cento rv as stomachic, ia scarcely more wonderful tba th welcome that greets the annual appear I tl. A I r.L!- .V 1 lira VI AiuabUbtci aAiiiiauau. XUlBVaiUa04 medical treatue is published by the Hosts ter Company, Pittsburg, Pa, under the own immediate supervision, employing Yd hands in that department. They ars ru ninir about 11 mouths in the year on this woik, and the issue of same for 1891 wPl be more than ten mallions, priuted la the Eng lish, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish laognsgea. Refer to a oopy of it for valuable and interesting reading concerning health and numerou testimonials aa to the tffioaoy tr u,n...u ij:t..- T varied ioformation, astronomical oaloulation and chronological Items, so, which can be depended on for correctness. The Aim a aao for 1891 can b r-btained f rae of cost. from druggists and general country dealers in all parte of the oountry. Administrator's bale. Notice ia hereby given that tbe duly ap polntod. qualified and aotlng adminiatra tor or toe eataie or nutn uraasnaar. oe- ceaaed, will by virtue of an order of the county court lot Linn county. Oregon, dnlv made and entered of record at the November Term thereof, 1SW, tow It; On tneatn day or November. In Ihe master of the eatate of Kutb Bradabswde ceaaed. autho. icing and directing tbe sale or t he roi lowing detciibed real property be'ouging to said estate, to wit: Itexinmng at tbe n w corner of John II, Kdtnonson's donation land olaimNot. No. 2b08 and claim No. 68, in tp 12. S. R. 4 W, runnitiK front 1 nonce lst 81.89 chains. thsncn South S4.49 chsina, trance Weal 31 b'J nhains, thence North 34 49 chains to tbo place of begmninx, containing Ho acrfa. all in Linn Co'inty, Oregon. Alao boctnnlnor in tbe cuter or tne Cal apoola crw k on the east bounder? Hue of me sua jonn it. fit mon sons donation lend Clulrn Not.No 2008 and claim No. 28 In tp 12 8 R 4 wand running thenee south 12,50 chsins to the southeast corner ol th north half of the Raid donation claim, tbenoe Weal 25 ehaina to the center of the main channel of aald Calapoo'a creek thence up the center of the main channel of said creek tojihe place of beginning, containing 20 acres, all in Linn County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, I William Clemens ad mlnistrator of the estate aforesaid, wl!l of fer said premises for sale at public auction 10 the highest bidder at tbe court house door In tbe City of Albny, Linn County, Oregon, on the Srd day of Jsnuary 1891 at tbe hour of one o'clock p in. of aald day Terms of sale cah In baud. J K W EATB K RFOBD W M . CLRM ENS. Atty for estate. adnilaiatrator. EGGS, "We want your. .. BUTTER AND Wo will pay you cash or Trade Blackburn & Pironi, Corner First and Wf shington Streets, Albany, - Oregon. E B LAIN Has just received a superb Une'of.... Fall and Winter Clothing, The largest in the Valley, carefully selected for the trade here, including an elegant line of Overcoats, all 'of the latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship....;....... -AT- 0. L. BLACKMAN'S, -FOE- US 16 His Furnishing Goods Dep't . Is complete with all the novelties of the season, llis Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade novelties. In his Hat Bepartment 'Will be found all the latest shapes of the season.. ........ .. choice His Boot and Shoe Department is filled with a line of goods... His Tailoring Ocpartment. Under charge of the expert Mr Schiffler, is well stocked with a splendid line of suitings of which he has a large and choice stock, consisting of Plush Goods, Musical Instruments, Novelties, Gold Pens, Pencils, Books, Toilet and Manicure' Cases, Etc JUST "THE --THINGS Don't bo in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as E -FOR- Strictly One Price. U. F.W'l-K'r : h Prepared to Show the Public as Fine a Stock ot; HOLIDAY GOODS, LOST About Sept 1st. 1890, 2 miles north of Albany, on brown yearling flit v, a n&tcral pacer, with star in forehead, and lialtt-r broke. When left it was with . THOMAS BRINK. In his Line, as can be found in the Valley, consisting of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES OF OTHER L"2ADTXG KIX MONDS, GOJD HEADED CXSl, COIDAXDHIV! .