The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 12, 1890, Image 3

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    lie gaiwitai
-8TITE3 &
Edltara mm
Tut Fikkmkn's Electiok. A 11v con
tent m worked up Monday In the fire
man's election. No l's rolled 60 votes
and the other two companies 6S. The
candidate of the former, for Chief En-
ffinBAV t)l.I...K uoj ml.. ...... I artAinat .1...
candidate of the Utter, Mr Stewart rt-
HAL Co toeloct him by 7 luaforitv.
The best of feel ins; prevailed and cU
were used In regular city election stylo.
Following was Uie vote:
rom cuter enoincer.
O II Stewart
J R Wyatt
Stewart's majority
Walter M Parker.
Glllctt'a majority I
Crook Ccu-jcty. Linn Wooda is inak
ing preparations to build a large brewim
entalilishment on the IVschutea, at A j
Tetherow's place.
The horse belonging to the Trine es
tate sold at auction last Friday and at
urday averaged 3l.t2', a head.
On Tuesday of last week a trainnly oc
curred on Ixer Trout creek, which came
near resulting in the death of A J lhriday.
The circumstances of the case were as
follows: Douglas McGrath was in the
employ of A J Friday, and on Tuesday
morning hitched up a team to start for
The lllea alter a load of freight. Mc
Grath was whipping the horses when
Friday undertook to make him ouit
Friday had a spade in his hands at the
time which Mclirath took away from
htm and with it struck Friday several
times on the head knocking him down,
McGrath was arrested. Review.
Orrictas Elected. At a select com
siuntcation of Corinthian Lodge No. 17,
A. F. & A. M , held In the Masonic Tem
ple In this city Saturday evening, Dec. 6th,
the following othceia were elected to
serve the lodge for the entuing masonic
E. W. Lanedon.W. M.
F. M.RedfieW, S. W.
II. 8. Walton. J. W.
C B. Winn, Secretary.
David Frotnan, Treau'vrer.
Peter Anderson, Tyler.
More Reformers. The Reform Jour
nal, of Portland, is Riving a list of re
formers, we suspect subscribers to the
paper. Here are some more:
Jordan valley has several enthusiastic
reformers: among whom we meet II B
Irvine A M Shelton, T P Goodman, Jas
BheltonandJS Thomas. John Bryant
is also one of the faithful. Stayton lias
many well posted men on economic ques
tions, who vote for axhange. and they
are: O P, T C and Samuel Darby, M 8
Brown. H K Wiles, M M Milhoon,
John W Thomas, Isaac Bates, H P Miller
Rev W Hulbnrt, W B Adams, J B Urier,
and many others. At Mehatua there are
several substantial citizens and reform
Wyatt, Wm l Abel, Jos Cox, P N Lath-
rop, ana others.
Well LiOBTkD. Albany wilt" now bo
remarkably veil lighted, nearly every
part of the city being reached under the
new distribution of lights. The city will
nave iwenty-iour sum candle power arc
lights, and several incandescent lights
for council chamber and engine houses,
the total cost of which will be $2t9.50 for
the city and $23 for the county, which
pays tor the two lights at the Court
House corners. Of course other parties
would have set some of the lights on
different corners from those selected:
but with lights 45 feet high the field
covered will be a big ooe,and there should
be little complaint.
Tut Doll Fair. The ladies of the
United Presbyterian Church will bold
their fair on Tuesday evening, Dec loth.
Every little girl in the city has been re
membered and a doll will be in readiness
for her. Besides the dolls there will be
doll carriages and bedsteads, with mat
tresses, pillows and covering, all ready
for tucking in the dear dollies. The
boys will be remembered too. They will
find tops, balls, wagons,
knives, ten-pins and many things just
suited to boys, besides toothsome, home
made candy, cuts, pop corn and other
good things.
Went Home lUprr ir Locke, re
siding near Corvalli. came to Albany to
be treated by Or J P Wa'lace for a di vase
of the nose. The Doctor removed twelve
or fifteen large polypi, and Mr Locke
went home quite nappy and rc1lved,for
he had just spent $300 with a Portland
doctor claiming to be tkll'ful In the treat
ment of such diseases, without being ben
efited at all
A Reminder The following Item In
the Newberg Graphic, U a peculiar one for
Oregon, snd we give " reminder for
old eastern people: One evening lant
week a company of Mil, slather, d at C
S HotMns to partlr,ale in ail r.l.l f.-ikhKm-ed
corn hclliiiir. A iawni time wa
had and about fldren lurv. I tcrc slieMid.
Though the Cob fW ar-oui-d lively no
greater damage wr.i done than a broken
pane of glasr and a skinned fjee for Geo.
Too Mccm Liquor. W. F. Lewis, of
Junction City, Linn, county, was placed In
the asylum Saturday. He Is of German
nativity and 1 54 year old. Excessive use
of alcoholic drink I the cause of hi de
mentia. He I only affected at time and
Imagines he sees a strsnge man in his
house, alto hears pertftis singing snd sees
other objects that do not exist. Statesman.
Come, now, what had you been drinking
Mr Statesman when you placed Junction
City In Linn county.
Scio. George Sutherland I aid to be
the posse sor of a soda spring on hi land
near this city.
Mr E Goins of this city will perhaps be
somewhat surprled to know that, accord
ing to the Albany Herald, he recently sold
his hiterett in the Jefferson flouring mills
to his Darents.
Married, at the residence of the bride's
psrents, Mr and Mrs J C Johnson, In Sa
lem, Oregon, on Tuesday, Dec 2, 1890, J
. (J bimpson, ot this city, and ttta A John
son, Rey J D Johnson officiating. Ex
Kind's Daughter Ektebtaikmext.
On Friday evening, Dec. 12th, the King'a
Paugnters, a society connected witn the
M. E. Bunday School, will give an enter
tainment. fair and social, at the W. C. T,
U. Hall. A nice program of songs and
recitations has been gotten up, and use
ful articles will be on sale, alter which a
lunch of coffee and cake will be served
All are cordially invited to be present,
Admission, 10 cents. Program begins at
7 : JU p. m.
In Place. Frank Wood, who built the
Oregon stone for the Washington monu,
ment, says the stone I in it niche there
and ha been for sometime, a fact we are
g'.ad to record. Our correspondent, who
claim 10 nave seen me item in an eastern
paper, must have been mUtaken. The
tone was a credit to the state, and will
lose none by a comparison with othe
also in tne monument.
What Winsicy Did. We regret to
say that W. A. McPherson, one of the
oldest newspaper men in Oregon, at one
time State printer, and in day gone by
one of the mctt Influential politician in
the State, ha been cent to the Multnoma
county poor farm. This I no time for
moralizing, but for action. What will tl
Oreson Pre association do to save thi
unfortunate old man the deep disgrace of
dying a pauper? Welcome.
A Bio Radish. A radish sent in to Dr
Q W Gray, from his Oakville farm, meas
urea eighteen laches long and twenty
n Inches in circumference. That is so
big for a radish that the public and par-
Marion county in inviieu 10 oeav 11.
Souvenirs of Albany. Parties wish
Irtir Crawford Paxlon' souvenir ol Al
I simv. (or Christmas presents hould call
r,il" h ave their oruers immediately so
tt.evr.ii r-t them completed la tun
Shipped Out. Saturday Fred Wotley,
the man shot by tflghtwatch McClain,
because he refused to stop when ordered,
screed to o to work for the Frankll
llmiao. riHHntlv the Waverly an
agreed price, as cook, to begin business
next morn na. Instructions were Riven
him howto proceed. In the morning he
arose at 4 o'clock in responso to the alarm,
which went off earlier than usual, prona
hlv intentionally, built a fire in the
kitchen stove, and, good bye, Mr Tramp,
he was not heard of or seen afterwards.
In all probability, as heretofore cUteU
by the Democrat, ho was not a cook at
all. Who was he? A German paper tak
en at th Frank! n House cave an ac
count of a man's eocnping from a Jail in
Michigan on Nov. 6th, who description
corresuonded exactly to Wotley'a, so
much so as to have excited comment.
Wotley had seen the paper. When he
disappeared the naner also disappeared,
Tho man who had escaped had lieen a
woodchopper. Wotley lookea more une
a woodchopper than a cook. He will not
be seen here again in all probability,
which of course discontinues the case
against MrMcClair, as he was the only
A Store Birolarixed. Saturday
night the store of N A Illodgclt Ac Son
was burglarized of $ 30 or $ jo worih of
goods, in about the following manner.
Opening the g,e. t,cd DV roi,e j"'1
west of the store, the burglar entersd and
placed a board against the door. Going
to the rear door he made hole beside the
catch by boring with a bl and then en
tered, "ill was (hen very deliberate and
methodical, evidently not a professional
burglar or tramp, but some one residing
here, for he only took a few thing These
were some underclothing and white shirt
part of which he put on, leaving hi own,
consisting of a checked shirt, good but
dirty flannel undershirt and red drawer.
He also helped himself to eight or ten
knives, three raaors, a dirk, a revolver,
taking the knives from the inside of the
boxes leaving the samples and replacing
the covers. He left a fresh looking whisky
bottle wllk Max Haumgart's stamp on it,
and a screw driver with D. C. Schell's
name on It. The electric light on ths cor
ner flashed plainly In sight. The case Is a
peculiar one and la being Investigated,
There are clews which It Is hoped will lead
to capture of the burglar.
Wanted to Die. Saturday evening a
man appeared at the county jail In a de.
mented condition, and asked to be taken
care of The Sheriff took him In, and It
was learned that he was 53 years of sge,
though he looks younger, that four days
previous he had taken two ounce of laud
anuin In order to end hi mortal career.
The dote was too big and he recovered
without asslstance.though he had gone off
in an out of the way place to die. He
continues of the same opinion that he doe
not care to live longer. He gve the
name of John Curtis and says he went
through the war, and show a leg mutlllat
ed with bullets A brother felt dead-by
hi tide, but he escaped with only wounds.
The case is an unfortunate one.
A Naloiitt Joke. Mlsse Mattle, May
and Susie Bjrnes and Rova Dodson, who
are attending school at Eugene, played
quite a practical joke on thvlr parents here,
ays the Ochoco Review. They spent
Thanksgiving in Salem, and while there
vUlied the penlten'iarv. They got tome
of the warden' letter head and wrote o
their parent that they were In the pent,
tentlary and wanted help to get out. The
information excited Mr Dodton consider
ably, and It took considerable argument to
convince her It wa only a joke.
A Carbolic Acid Item. Monday
afternoon, Grace.the five year old daughter
of Mr C E Brownell, secured Utile vial
of carbolic acid out of a vest pocket hung
ap at hi home at tlte corner of Washing
ton and Eleventh streets, which he had
bought for a tooth ache. While plajlng
with it the bit It in two; but Immediately
pit the liquoid out so that it only got on
her tongue and lips, which It burned In a
serious manner; hut prompt action pre
vented any fuither Injury.
Birr Can' Vote. Junction City list a
young woman who should be allowed to
vote. The Pilot says; "Mis Minnie Slrrr
went to Eugei.e the first of the wek, for
the purpose of proving up on her pre
emption claim, situated on the Mckenzie.
Miss Slarr, who also became the posesor
of a limber claim a few month ago. It Is
said ha tw as fine claims a can be found
In that region .
The Reason Why. Why I It that
Klein Bros, can afford to sell boot and
thoc so reasonable? Because they are
hot 1 practical h- rr.aker and make paricf
their expenses by working on the shoe
bench, any boot or Sioe you buy of them,
no matter what k'.nd It Is man, woman or
child, that rip, run over or the tole rip
Iooe Ihev repair them for jou tree of
charge, and a ihey d all the wotk them
selves, they don't charge ton 25 to 51
cent a pair extra for a warrant to pay
tome shoemaker to repair them for tou.
Thev also make a specialty of repairing
rubber boot.
Rev. T. Abbott will preach in the
Pearre Memorial church on next Sunday,
Dec 14th, at 11 a m and 7 :30 p ru. Sub
jects morning, "The Divine fovereignty
and Moral rreedom." fcvening. ' I he
Salvation of the Lost."
A $70 Musm Box, iciver. away 'an. 1st.
With every dull' worth of good tou
buy you get ticket on the kx ,
J. A ciMMian.
Ilaiso Them Jack The parly who
took a set of jenning bits from mv shop
known. To save hlmte f from disgrace
and the clutches of the sheriff he should
bring them back at once, A word to the
wise Is sufficient. F. S. Ingram.
Go to Samuel E Yoi'ko for your boots
and shoes. The largest stock in the city
and best value for the money. Don't be
deceived by offer of discounts, or big ad
vertisements. You will have to pay tome
one a profit. The question I who can
afford to sell for the least profit. .
Jatt arrised a full lio of ladies, chil-
rsns, men's and boy foot wear at G W
Simptoo's, which will be sold at bottom
The Indian War. People generally
do not anticipate anything serious with
the IncMan in Dakota, A more serious
natter Is that of getting the best groceries
at tne least price. A sure way to learn
how is to call on Powell & Co. Their
prices the lowest. For a complete assort
ment to select from, they stand In the
front ranks.
Nothing Small about Matthews A
Washburn. See the necessary article that
all newly married people want (shortly),
that they offer to give to every couple
snarrled between Thanksgiving and New
Years, '91, who purchase a cook stove
ef them. The article I on exhibition in
their show window.
On Dec. 7th, 1800, at the residence of Mr,
John Gum, in the "Forks," Mr. William
Gum and Miss Mary Sylvester, and Mr,
William Saltmarsn and Miss Nancy Uum
Rev. Martin Hickman officiating. May
they all be duly blessed by many of lifes
VAN WTKTCT.U! Tin MondflV "nilfht
Dec. 8lh. 18'JO, in Albany, to the wife ol
Mr. Jos. Van Winkle a boy.
COHEtf On Dec. '4th, 1890, In San
FrancUco. to the wife of Mr Manny Cohen
a oaugnter.
IOSX Aboot Sept 1st. 189U, 2 miles
A north ot Albany, on, brown yearling
nlly, e(DtDrI pacer, with star in forehead
and Daiter broke, when left it was w?th
sorrel fused pony. Any one brioging them
to ms at Albany will bs reasonable rewarded.
John Echeemer
Assignee's Notice .
Notice is hereby givd that the under
signed baa been duly appointed and qnalilied
a assignee of the estate of Earl liace, an
Insolvent debtor. All person having claim
against said sstat are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned t Al
bany, Oregon, within three months from this
dt, pioperly verified a by law required.
soutt asp rMtaosAt,
Rev II R Trie-hard preached at
pendence yesterday,
F E Allen and wife have returned from
heir bridal tour to LnGrande.
W. II. Warner, David Link and M. D.
PlTilllps are acting as judges at the (lie
men' election this afternoon,
O. C. McFarland, ol Pendleton, ha
been In the city to-day. Mr. McFarland
Is employed In a grocery store in that
Mrs. William Wright came upfront
Salem Saturday, and with her husband
ha btgun housekeeping tn one of the
Cundiff residence at Broadalbln and
Third street.
Mr. T. F. Stubblcfleld has been In the
county a few days while on hi way t
lalltornia for tlte Dcnctit 01 m neaun.
Mr. Stubblcfleld remained In Walla
Walla, where she I one ol the teacher Ir.
the Commercial college.
Mr. iVm. II. Garrett left for Portlrnd
this wornlng to personally select the deli
cacies for the holiday, ana tne largest
best and choicest assortment ot candles,
nut, all varieties of fruit, fancy and
staple groceries In Albany will be found
at Mueller & Garrett'.
C. E. Brownell and fame V. Pipe re
turned Saturday evening from the SantU
am mine. The Albany quarta mill wa
running In fine shape night and day and
that will be the program during the win
ter. Not much wa being done on any
other claim except the doing of enough
work to hold them. The colors were
howlrg up In good shape at the Albany
Justice Ioiiglas. of Harrisburg, is In
the city to-day,
Tho eleven year old daughter of Sheriff
Scott has the diphtheria.
John P Kchmeer, of Portland, formerly
of this city, is it) the city on business.
Miss Lillie llftrt.who has been visiting
with her parents near Lebanon for some
weeks, returned to Albany to-day.
Licenses have Wen issued lor the mar
riage ot Elmer E Gordan and Carrie E
Roberts, and Olto Adrian and Margar-
etha Walter.
Mr Thomas Drink, the furniture man.
went to Portland to lay In a supply of
holiday good. Wait until they arrive
before purchasing.
" George Humphw went to Salem to
day with John Curtis, the man who at
tempted to commit suiciae uy taxing
laudanum. he having been declared insane
last evening.
Father White, of Haleui.was in the city
this foreroon.
A B Wood in came down from the Fan
tiam mines yesterday.
J O Crawford went to Green Basin, nn
the O P front, yesterday to take some
views. 4
Mr Cert VanCleve has accepted the
position of advanco agent for the Wal
lace Juvenile company.
Johnny Murphy, Eagen & Acheeou'e
right hand man, left this noon for Ogden,
Utah, on a visit to a sister.
N P Crume, the new proprietor ol one
of the dray companies, has moved front
Brownsville to this city to reside.
The Misses ttaker have returned to Al
bany and are opening a dressmaking shop
at their old quarters in the Thompson
A few days ago Miss Maud Huffman, of
Corvallls, was given a party in honor of
her twentieth birthday. Mtm Flora Ma
son was present from Albany.
The Democrat acknowledges an invita
tion, beautifully gotten up, ton grand
masquerade ball to be given on Christ
mas night, Dec 2oth, at Job's theater,
Corvallis. Gentlemen masker, $1; la
dies free.
Some one from Spokane Falls says Mod
teith & Seitenbacb are now in their new
double store and that thty have as fine,
if not the finest dry goods store in that
A man wearing a big for coat was seen
at the dejxt this noon. Old Webfoota at
least said to thetriM lves'shoot the coat."
It is not needed hi this salubrious cli
mate. There are only two men In the Stale
penitentiary who do not ue tobacco. .
Ir the matter of the estate of L 11 D
Bordy, deceased, George W Smith, the ad
rr.iiihlialor, f-rvsente-f his Inventory to the
probate judge showing the total value of
all ptoperty to be J, J J3 16, Statesman.
The liaise y New get sarcastic a fol
low: "The Brownsville Time presume
to tell the business men of that place what
kind of advertising will pay and what kind
will not, a though the people are not In
telligent enough to decide forihemseive.''
A a matter of fact, though, It takes study
to know howto advertise to the best ad
antage. It I not always newspaper
men who know how, as they generally
have '.he'.r hand fu'l v. 1th other ma'.ters.
Keep it in votir mind for several wes
that it is mnre blessed to give than .to re
ceive; Iut first pay yourdebts.
A vounir woman in Kentucky has been
Iremting as a man because sfte can get
better pay for her work. She says: 'I
iscovered a good while ago that it doesn't
pay to be a woman. Women are no
A cow insurance is a new kind of an
arrangement. At Iron Mountain, Mich.,
is a cow club. On Joining each cow own
er pays into the treasury 75 cents for
each cow in bis possession, and when a
member's cow dies an assessment is
made, and $40 is paid to the loser. After
the initiation fee the assessment are all
the members pay into the club.
K Thomas to F P Devaney.lots 1,
lots 1. 2 and part of 3. bl l.W's
A.Bcfo ."..I 000
Sarah C Yan Horn to J II Mullan.
w hall tl OS, in Albany 3000
Geo W Gray etux to Margaret F
roweu. k ar sec 10. id i. h
R3w 3500
Mary A Hughes to Ben Cutler, lots
5. 6. bl 3. G's A.Crawfordsville 100
0 & C R R to John Bryant. N E ar
sec 35, tp 0, 8 R 1 E 440
Caleb G ray and w if e to W H Cross.
1954 acres in tp 14.H u 4 w.... 800
J II Lame et al to Caleb Gray. N
nan lot z, oi , iiaisey iuu
Caleb Gray to F E Gray, 154 acres
tpl4, bUtw
Caleb Gray et ux to J N Gulliford,
04 acres in tp 14, hliiw zo&u
Caleb Gray et ux to J CStandish.
17.67 acres tp 14, K K 4 w, . . . 883
M S Burkhart to H Bryant, 25.50
acres tp 11. 8 U 3 w
G A Wilson to Mrs M E Wilson.
lots 1. 0. in N Brownsville 1
FPDevaney to JK Thomas, tract
inW'sA.rlcio 800
J Harrison to Mrs M E Wilson.294.-
oh acres in tp 13, h hzw auuu
A Hackleman to II frvon et al. lot
4, ui j,, 111 oro a, Albany twU
Geo Plan to R Ehret. 8 w qr bl 7.
in Albany. .... 834
XJ hareby eiven that the partnewh!
heretofore existing between J 4 McNeil
and A K BUI. In the blacksmlthlug busi
ness. has Leen dissolved. All accounts
due the firm will be paid to A R H 111 at
tne ota stand. mclnkil hill.
OTKAYED About the last of Jut
O from my frm near Tangent one pale
red heifer, two years old last spring,
marked with crop off the right ear. Any
Information reg&rtMuj; her will be amply
rewarded. E L Bbtaw,
ONEY TO LOAN. In small and
large amounts, from six months to
years, on good Albany and iilnn
county real estate. Call on or address W
E McPberson, First St., Albany, Of.
DK JEO W GHAY having sold bis
dentist laiHineha, to giv possession
Juuary I, 1891, inctt esrneRtly requests
his many fiionl who may wih bim to
put their teeth In good repair before re
firing; to ea!I eftrly. AH who find lhm
IMS t-Ol'NTV tOl St It.
Linn County Council met whh Grand
Prairie Grange, No 10, Dec 6th, iSyo. At
the usual hour the council wa called to
ordsr by Prcsldent.F M Klser Secretary,
Mrs Clara Swank, also present. All pres
ent found correct. Roll call found a largt
delegation present. Minutes of Inst meet
ing read and approved. The Agent was
called on for a report, and responded with
many remarks which were of inuc'i bene
fit to those present.
The report of a special committee on
the matter of the state appropriating the
sm ot $jto,boo for an exhibit at the
World' fair at Chlcairo, wa thoroughly
discussed. Some thought the sum entirely
too large, that the it.ost of It would be
used to further the Interest of speculation.
am1 other scheming parties, more than to
the benefit of the slate. The report ot the
committee was adopted. Council then ad.
journed tor dinner, which wa an excellent
repast furnished by the sisters ot No 10.
Council again called to order, The leg
islative committee offered a resolution
unfavorable to the report of the commit
tee appointed by the last legislature, upon
the question ot assesament and taxation.
The bill, a the report make It, I un
doubtedly aimed to throw the burden of
the taxe upon the farmer. The Idea of
taxing chicken, bee and fruit, and every
small article on the farm, while money,
mortgage and everything else of real
value wilt be allowed to go almost free
certainly would be very unjust and une
qual. The resolution declares thst we are
not In favor vt any such a law. It wa
unanimously adopted,
A committee of five wa appointed to
give certain reasons why Ihe mortgage snd
usury law shoulJ not be repealed. Sug
gestion for the good of tne order were
made by of the ablest brother pres
ent, A vote of thanks wa tendered for
the use of theha'l and repast furnished.
On motion, the next meeting will be In
the hall of Knox Dutle Graage. Council
then adjourned, feeling that the day had
bee.i pleatantiy and profitably spent. Such
rrectlng are ot vital Interest to the mem
bcrs of the grange and are looked forward
to whh deep interest. If the farmer ex ;
pect any law to b psssrd, that Is of In
terest to them, they will have to be up
and doing, for Portland and the monled
ring will get In their work and gain their
points It possible, regardless at to whether
it I rlhl or wrong. S.
(I'atiL ktoista.
Tuesday- evening, Dec, Mb.
Present French. Tabler. Rurkhart.
Smith and Garrett.
The following bills were ordered raid :
John Maxwell, fi2.M: Fire lcpartment, 1
Hoot lirown.ts: r Jrhpinks.)7.0U:
Train A Whitney, (U; AO Helleiaocher,
M; N J Henton, :I7.23; Etectrla Light
Co, 1194.60; Geo W Hughes.ttt.30.
uili of A Kumrei. as, for board of
Harry Ward, was disallowed.
The committee on fire ami water re
ported in favor of establishing electric
lights at the following places; At Jeffer
son and 6U1 streets, Washington and 7th
streets. Ferry and 9tb streets. Ellsworth
and Snd street. Vine and 9th etreets.lA-
layette and Kin streets. Main and 1st
streets. Also that light at t'alipooia and
filb streets be moved to Vine and 6th
streets, that the Co. agreed to furnish
one of the extra lights free. Adopted.
lights not to be less than 43 feet from
ground and lights to be running in ten
in matter of prenarine charter for Leg
islature committee reported progress.
The recorder reported on city election
as heretofore published in the Democrat.
Eill of Judges and Clerks of city and
firemen's elections. 12 each.. total 132.
The petition of Mark Hurlbert and or
asked for sidewalk along east side of
block 42. Granted.
The sidewalks were ordered repaired in
front of. l-altmarsh and Frushaw proper
ties. Street commSawioner was instructed to
put railing on both tide rf ditch at Vine
and 6th streets.
The Recorder was directed to write
Oregon's members of CoiigHks, request
ing them to push the posxage of the bridge
bill through the house of Representatives
the present session. The committee on
the bridge was also authorised to inemo
rialixethe State legislature in the matter
of the bridge. The bill has already
passed the U 8 Senate.
The health inandahoutTangent is gt
ting good again, and most all the sick
patients are about well.
Our public school will not commence
liefore th first Monday in January. For
the primary department we hear men
tioned Mrs. Jennie Caldwell.
Our new and enterprising druggist, Mr
Davenport, has his complete slock of
Irugs and is now prewired to supply the
want of the people in his line. He lias
hi drug store fixed up tn a nice style.
Mr Powell, who hes been very low
with lung fever. Is able to be around
again. He baa been sick 4 or 5 w eeks.
Miss Adaline Ilogan. from near Cor
vallis, is visiting at Tangent, with her
brother, Mr v. slogan.
Mr Geo Cochrane 1 fixing ur his resi
dence in Tangent, p eparalory to mov
ing here.
Born, Nov 2. 1S90, to the wile of Mr
Loran E Lupcr, a daughter.
Who shot the dog. is going rounds of
Tangent. '
At the M V. church, south, it was voted
to have a Christinas tree by 13 to 6.
Oraafe BlMasm.
Edit art Democrat :
Last Wednesday evening quite a num
ber of people gathered at the pleasant
home of Henry vVatson to witness the
marriage of his daughter, Ross, to Mr.
Charles Denny, of Corvallls, The bride,
a charming young lady, was attired in an
elegant dress of ;rera silk and cashmere,
white the g-oom wore the conve.ittonl
black A beautiful and very impressive
ceremony wa performed by the Rev 8 G
Irvine, after whicn an elegant supper ws
erved. The guest were highly enter
tained by Mr and Mr Watson. All ie
turned home at a late hour, wishing the
newly -wedded couple a long and happ;
life. They were the recipient of many
nice presents. Guest.
Christmas Candies,
Sabbath Schools Supplied,
At Extremely Low Kate.
Administraf rix A' of ice.
1. whom It may concern that or the
8rd day cf November, 1890. I was duly
appointed administratrix of the estate ot
Jamaha Kaara. daoAaaArl. hy ha e nnntv
oourt of Linn county, Oregon, and all
persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the samo
to me witn the propur vouchers, at the
law office of W R Bilyou, in Albany,
Oregon, within six months from the date
Dated Nov 28th, 1600.
MARY 3. BE A. It D.
(1128) Administratrix of said estate
Administratrix Notice.
XI alt whom It may concern, that ou
tbe 8rd day of November. 1890, 1 was duly
appointed administratrix of the estate of
Aivin Moore, de eaed, by the county
court of Linn county, Oroaou. And all
persons having cl situs agvinst said estate
are hereby notified to present the same to
me witn the proper vouchers at the law
oiSce of W B Bilyeu, in Albany, Oregon,
within six months fiom the date hereof.
Dated this 28 day of November, 1890.
AdiniiiiBtrntrix of said estate,
w, p.. Btt.tkt,
The Walla Wal a Statesman I thhtv
ysats old.
Tbs HsUy News says there is no dlpb
theris iu that eity.
Wheat is 6 eents and oats 60 cstitr,
That is gvttiBg pretty close togethst.
Mr W .lis Lynn ha rs-sstablishsd ths
Staytnn Nun, whioh lias bn dorpiaut for
aevira! weeks,.
A Chicago paper not that ths price of
ins inaaBiiesoant tamp has buan rs
duced from ti a lamp tj 44 seats.
The sewing tnaohins team of Frank Msr
rill bsosm frightened in ths western part
or ins city tin lorcnoou and ran awiy.
Uolng along Fourth ta Uroadslbin, thoucs
to Watnr, down Watsr to Hsksr and otlitr
parts of tbs eity art followsd up by ths
bxMOcaaT. IhfWoet articles wer soatUrtd
long the streets, but ths damage don ws
not great.
A fcswBiIrs under an M4 name-, "Th
Abrttism," has ben hwatsd in th (Jalipnola
district by Fred I' and A F Aycrs.
Mai Hsumgsrt says hs sold hut ens but
tls of whisksy oa the bight ttf ths burglary
of lil'Mlgett's store, mud that was to a
Th sorew diivst found in th Blodgett
store efter ths rscstii lurglary was stolen
from Mr D C Scheil out of ths lUititnor
blook some time Saturday ,
The WillamvttsValley arrived at 8 o'ulook
thi morning at Yaqttloa By and a apwiat
brought ever pnrishabls goods and pssea
gsrs, arriving about 2 e'ulock.
It F Dodd. oi of th vioti-is f th Lk
LaliUh disaster, died Maturdsy svailng at
0.30 at th41Md S-wriU!i bospilal in Port
land. . Mr 1 tdd but on foot badl orusbod
and bis ankle was brokso.
Ths editor of th Jenntlnn Pilot yi
'Wwill taa cos! on ubaorlptioui if you
bavs ou coal w will tak dry wood, erean
wood, total., bstt. ouiona.or even euh
just now w need wore cash than anything
le. '
Th twn bitr N1m mill will liav on
manager, Mr Wilous, though th mill ar
sid to b oaned by iiilTarut compni.Tb
Capitol Flouring mill jut having ohsngsd
band at a oontideralma ef t.W,0(X), thnugb
th eaaomd valu cf th mill U J.113,000.
Consrots baa votnl Portland f 101) OOO for
a pubhe building.
JttJa Cm 11 Williant I lecturing en
Tovtoibl Ferees." .
fihsnft Soctt hu cwlhttUd alxut tin 000
of th coeaty taxis.
Cox 4 Box, groo-rsof SUm. bsv mid as
assifc'uravnt. Liabthtit, MTi.
Mrs M F Rhoados is bow prepared to tak
boardsra. eornsr ftrat sad Main atraat.
Tbr block aat ef woolen mill.
Mr ftobt Ilbttoe, raccetly of lit Una,
Man, bas opened an mple moot otfjc in th
Thompson block, where h t prprd to do
a general Lusine in thst lii.
Pry WiUoo at rived ia Pr!!o;to from
lb Jito Hay vttUr.Uy with 349 head of
eatlle, whkh were sold to A J Hplawn, and
hipped to In houod. I'rtjdletnu K O Mr
vt itsoo 1 a frmr una eoeaty bub.
Th fsilnr f f!srkr Itro 4 Co. of
sdclphu, ia bow CMxIitod ta the shtibksc
of sleek ia the Oregon PoiHo, of which they
bad onnsidprmhla in tl.tir own nani sod
about f ",0O0,O0 f. r their friend. So asys
ta lUeofd, of that etty .
asrtfciBg ft lb w tear.
Th world renowned success of ILwtettet's
Stomach thttr. sod their eontinsed boon-,
larity for ever a third tf a tenter as
stomaehie, is scarcely mot wicdrftl thai
th waleoifce that groet the annual appws
ane ef if ttf "a Alms-,. This vaiual If
medical tra:i is poWihd by th ttoshRs
Ur Compasy, Pitubare. Pa. eadcr tbflfl
own immcdiat supervision, e'rnblounir n
DAiuis ia mat dupartmsot. They ar it
ning about II mtbths in the yar 01 tht
wuk, and the lu of aam for 1891 wi I b
mm than tea msllious,,trinUd la th Eng
lish, German, Free-, WIh, Nurwei(Un.
Mwdiii. limUnd. tohniaa rtd Spaniah
Uokiisgr itafer la a Cott of it tor vaiual U
and inlttlng rvadiag ontrnina hsaJtB
aadi nnmereaa Uillrnoniala a to ths sfHoscy
of liostatur Stomach IStttris, amuMmsst,
varied in formal ion, aatrentiiniejd calettlatioas
sod ehrea- I'sgiml itm, Ae, which can b
dvpsodM on fr ewretas. The Aiwa
as fur IS'Jl can b huiud frf east,
from t'rugguU and garal eouatry dalr
ia all part of th country.
boldora of the Frtnt-r A Mr hauls to
tirsr3 Company, nf Albany. Oregon;
wbl lw held at tb t.fflo of id Company
In Albany, i Inn county, Orktn, on Wed-n-i
day January 7, lVl. at thn houi nf 2
a'c 11k; p in, ,f ssld day, f ir Ihe purpoa
of eU cling 1 Ino d!nctoia of aald r.mpsn
to rmrva fot on ytar, and l tranaset such
other bti;nMi a iny rrguUrly 00 me be
for said meeting.
Uy order of th President,
J. O. Writ a x, Ncretary.
Alhsny.Or.Dee 1st, IBttO. (188)
Adnilnixtraforit Halo.
by virtue of an order of the Hon
county oonitof ike state of Orrgon. for
Polk ouiiniy, niadi and duly entered of
record at hue November term thereof. A
1. 1KU0, In th icauor ol the sMaie of
targsrl Booth by, deceMd. auiborlxln
nd tllrottlng Uh sal of the following
described ri property, belonging to aa.d
eauie, to wht '1 he north Lalf of the dona
lion Jand claim of Wm and Margaret
Mcfaddsn. noiifieatlon No 1193, claim
No 53. In Towiiabip 118 K 2 wer-l ef the
U iiUtnolio Meridian. Also lb north
half of luo following premlst-s. to wlf
lioglnnlng st tne aouibwest oororofthe
above described tract; tbenoe east 40
ebatns; lueice south 15 chains; th. oce
west s9 W-H)0 chains; there nortb Id
chains to th place of beginning. All
aaid land being situated In Linn eoonty,
Oregon, and containing 100 aorea of land,
according to government survey, be tbe
same more or less.
Now, therefore, I. W B Stouf, adminis
trator aforesaid, will offer tbe sahl prem
ise for aele, and aell tbe same at public
auction, to the highest blddor. In front of
tbe court bom.e door.lR tbe city of Albany,
county or Una and state or Oregon, on
A D, 181)0, at the hour of J o'clock, in tbe
aiwrnoou or said day.
Terms cf sal, cash In hand;
v t W. B. feTOUT,
(11-21) . AdBDlnlattator,
Kcfcrec' Sale.
In tht Circuit Court of the State, o Ortgan for
the Jointly of Linn .
W A KlmseysndiviV Eitnsey
nis wife, ttscnei m l eery and
Milton Peery ber ha.bsnd,
Mary J Peery and, W J Peery
ber husband, John W Qalnes
snd Harah Oaines hi wife,
Hamuei Vv Gaines and
Gains bis wife, Msrtha A
South and John A South
her husband, K L Cor
rls, J H Porris, Kate N Dorrla
and M L Dorris, Plaint IU'j.
- vs .
H M Daniel an 1 Vona Daniel
his wifo.Almona Daniel, Ltovd I
Guyer, M E Dorris, Frank O
r tor ris, a ioya is uorris, rc k
Dorris, Willi V Dorris M E
Dorris. L L Dorris, B L Dorris I
and E S Doisl. Defendants. I
by virtue of an order snd decree
duly tmae and entered or record in the
above entitled court, on the 27th day of
Ootobet, 1800. tne undera'aned. the lulv
appointed aad acting referee, in said su't,
will on ,
Saturday, tits 27th day of December, 1890
at the hour of 1 o'clock, p m, of said day,
at the court bouse door, In the c'ty of
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at
EubilJ auo:ion, for cuh in band, to tho
lgbestMdd(jr,tb(rel property described
in said decree and order of sale as follows
to W.t; . :
Tbe northeast quarter of tbe northeitt
quarter of section two, in township eleven
south of range one went of ihe Willamette
Merldla-?. iu Linn county, Oregon, con
talnmg 87 90 acres. Also lota numbered
and 5 of block numbered 2. in the town
of Rodaville, in Linn or.unty, Oregon,
And block numbered 12, in Wheeler's
addition to the town of Solo, in Linn
county, Oregcn,
Tbe proceeds arising from the sale of
said premises to be applied first, to the coals
and disbursements of said suit and
expanses of saie and the overplus to be
divided among the several panics to a id
suit plaintiffs and clpfandants.ncoording to
their lespeotive rights and iotorf sts, s
set forth in aaid decree and order of sale.
Dated Nov. 2-itb, l.nO.
cv -
Or Hot a? Yen
By Contract,
Cood Workmen.!
Is Prepared to Show the Pubiio as Fine a Slock of
In his Lino as can bo found
V 71
" MENTION. : : : : : : : : : : :
We handle everything in tho ixay of stoves, tin
v.TTo and hardware
li;riflf Sale.
In Uie Circuit Court a the State oj Orr.uon
Tii Daode Mortgagsand Trast
Iovsstmeat Compsoy. limited.
ys. ' "
T S Thompson, and Nroisa
ThomMou, his wif. J L Cow.n -
snd iK Cowan, his wif.. J If
Wsalheifurd sod M A Waul bar.
iwru, in. wiie, nmt ma n BubnoU
log aad W H Bilya,Defndaiit.
AOTlCIfi U hmby sivso thst by vlrta
of an esocution snd ordvr of sals Issued oat
i inssonve nsmiMi Uourt, in the above eo
titlsd attiou, I will on
atanlay, I be 'iaib day f lwrtubr, Hte,
At th t.ort liutt door ia tb eily nf Al
hsiv, Llaneottoty, Oreoo, at th hoar of
1 t clock p. m. bt said day. sail st pabllo
scotion for oaali to hand to th bluhsst bid
der the mal property in said execution and
ordsr of sal rfenorfbod as follow t- wit.
The south half of th northoa.t quarter aod
th cast half of th soatheast qriartsr of sec
tion tweuty.and th louth hall of th sooth
wetusrtri.f section twenty id. ant tl,.
north half of fli eorthwest qoarter of soj
tion twuty.liht. all in town.iiU tiiu.n
south raeus two wsst t,f ths Willamatt-
meridian ta Linn countv. Orcinn ui.lnin
320 acre more or loss. Tb roods ariainv
from ths sal of said prsmises to b applied ;
., mi ma payment Ol IDS coals aoiTdU
uprstiient of th abova ntitlt
at $40 80, aad tb accruing eost of and op.
eo said txoeotion. Mccntxl. intk. Aft vm An ft
ef plalothh claim, smoootio? to th um of
719-W and aoeraina iotret tfaton at tb
rat of 10 par cent per aatipmDd tb farth
er sum of $ I 30.00, Attorney's fees, fourth.
U, t,,p'J' ml th 0,im ths dofendant
W K litlveu. to wiL tha um M ton on
fl'th, If any balao rsmaia b paid to tb
defendants, T 8 and Narctis, Thompsoo.
uawa tbl Oib dy of Neysmber, 18'JO.
SherijTof Linneoeoty, Or.
uy V a Boil to, (Utility .
KefcrccH Wale.
the ClreuliCoarl nl Jam
tie County of Linn,
W II MnCuvanrt P.iU UnTU. .1. -If.. f 0
MoOy. aDtorrid. A It MeCay sad Clara B
MeCoy, hi wife, Uo J McCoy and Nsocy
J McCoy, his wife. Lillian fr.cch ami V M
Frtoh, bcr.husbaod, PlaiutilT,
James B McCoy aad May MoCoy.bis wif.
it s ii.n ..j t i ..' I . .. .. . . '
niiimauuua atnoiDUU. LNiianiianu.
ot order of aal and daere duly mad
and entered of record io ths above entitlei
Coort on tbe 27 th day of October, 1890. tbe
iurKUi OBIT sppcilDIM soi refr, m
theboveeotitid Court, will on
Oalarslar. Ike iathstsy r Deeessber, is.
At tbe boar of 10 o'clock a. m . aoll at ths
Coort Hottaedoor io tb city of Albaay.Linn
eoanty, Oregon, at lyubiio aaotioa for cash
ia hand to tb higbsat bidder th rssl prop
erty described to said order of aal a fol-
Jowa, to-witi
Th South half eftha TlAnafinn T -n.l
Claim of John MV Coy avnd Borah MoCsy
ou who, nitiuoauon nomtwr 2032, claim
outnrr 50, in township 12 3, K 4. W of
tbe Willamette roaridian In Linn county
Th proceeds arising from the aal of
said prftatik to be applied first to tbe
payment of th eosst and disbursement
of suit Used a 17.75 and tbe eosta and
expense of a!o wnd tbe overplus to be
uiMuuuM. smnns vam several parties to
aaid suit, plaintiff and tJefeodenta, c
oordinx to their rpoUv r'.gnta a set
forth and provided in aaid decree and or
der of sate.
November 12th, 1890.
Hole Kefert.
Admlnliitrators 1'otlcc.
In the Countv Court, of Linn County
nuuo or uregoj. la tbe mailer of
tb eatate of William Cod a, do
ceased. K0T1C1S is borvby alvca to all
having claim agaioat aaid eatat to present
th Mote to m with tb proper voacher. at
the office of YV It Bilyeu, to Albany, Oregon,
wflbia ais mon'.hs from dat hereof, for tbe
ron that I was on tb ISib dav of Novem
ber, 1890. rlulr sppoioUd adminiatrator of
said nuts by tb abov namsd coort
Dated tbi 21st day of Nov., 1S90.
SanitL Cox,
vVRHtLVKt, Administratcr.
Attorney. ; (11-21)
Administrator's b'alo.
Notice I hereby tlven that thedulv an
pointed qusllileiatid actina; adminiatra
tor of Ibe eut of Kutb Bradshav. t!.
ceased, wi;I hy virtue of on order of the
oouniy court lor Unn county. Oregon,
dulr made and entered of reoord at tbe
November Term thereof, I81KJ, towlt;
vu inetxu asy or November, In tne
matter of thee tats of Kuth Hrarf.h.w da
coaae-t, autbo iaing and direoiiag tbe sate
of tbe following descilbM real property
belonging io aui estate, to wit:
Beginning at tbe n w corner of Jobn II.
Kduionson'a donation land olaim.Not. Nr..
2008 and claim No. 68, In tp 12 a R. W,
running from thence Ham 81.89 chains,
thence Hotilb 84.49 ebsins, tnenoe West
SI t9 chains, then." North 14 49 chain to
tbe place of beginning, containing lit)
ecr . all in Linn County. Oregon.
AUo beginning in the c-nter of tha Cal
apota oreek on tb east boundary line of
i lie ssld John 11. Klmonaons donation
lend clultn Not,No 2108 and claim No. 18
n tp 12 1 114 W and ranninRlhous south
12,50 ebsins to tbe autbeateornorof the
iioith half of the aaid donation claim,
thence West 25 chlos to tbe oaoter of the
ni tin channel of aid Calapoo'a creek
thence uo the center of the main channel
of said creek to: he place of beginning,
containing 20 acre, all In Lino County,
post, Therefore, I William Clemen ad
mlnlstrator cf ibeesUte aioreaaid, will of
fer tald premises for sale at oublio anctlon
to the bigheat bidder at the court house
door iu tbe City of Albany, Linn County,
oregon, on me era asy oi January 1891 at
tbe bour of oce o'clock p on. of aaid day
Terms of sale cash in band.'
Atty for esuie, adatbiistrator.
T Executors Notice.
Nutioe la hereby given that the noder
signed was this day by order of the Coont
Coort of Lion eoanty. Oreson. duly appoint
ed executor of the last will and testament
of Preston M unit era, deceased, AH persons
having i-bums agaiostthe estate of said de
ceased are hereby notified to nrearnt the
same duly verified to the his
reaidenoe near aoio, Una coentr, Oregon
within six months f rom this date.
November Stb, 1800.
TM Mvkkkkv
Hewitt St Irvine, Executor.
Att'ys for Executor.
in tho Valley, consisting of
Sold again! But we've just re
ceived a fresh lot which can be
seen on our floor any day. We
are talking about stoves. If you
are thinking of- buying one,
come and inspect our stock and
get posted on our prices, for wr
are quite sure they are from 1(
to 25 tier cent lower than clsa
rr a-iJ. .
i x. 'J a; i a-
-And Vicinity,
That we ucn have the UrKert and most ctmplete stock of Loots acd shoes j
ever ho i ,n Albsoy. Our assortmeDt of Men's and Bo)'a Kip and Calf
ISKAh snd fchoe is corop.ete, i,d we tan fit any foot, be it lean or fat. Oar
lie of itibher boots end shoes U
Llot comptlws a beanliful assortment of men's embroi'Jere.l velvet and
plnsb, Rnrsia eIf in oI.jr, alligators
$1 00 to $3 CO. Ourlineof
CVmpiiM-s all lb? latest covelti'e in
sn vtlvc, ranging In rices frcm 85
ladies and Misses Dress ShoeS
la hiud and tnactiine sewed, ar io th
Btatss. We also bjv a full Ha of
calf-Hoed and unlioerf, in la ton aid lace, at EASTERN TlilCES. Our
MeriM and I3oy Dress Bhoes,
Is complete in a!l style and at Lowmt Pkicbs. Oar good are all desir
able ttjles and latest nov. I ties-- all tbe attractive combinations is Boots and
Oxford, Turns and Welt. Also Spring Ht for tha little one la great va
riety ia design, lb latest; to material, tb fiot: ia wot kmaosbtp. tb best
of all. It is our purpose to carry a lice
then anj Lous ia Albaoj.
To the fact that pricss of boot and sbo ar largely govrnd by tbs ex
pense under which thev are sold. Oar expenses are lower than tbose of any
boose in Albacy tt result ia LOWER PRICES IO YOfJ, fer cb.
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Never Sacrifice Quality for
and Shoes and Sell them
Ma3 just received a superMineJof.....................
Fall and Winter Clothing,
The largest in the Valley, carefully selected for the trade
here, including an elegant line of Overcoats, all Jof the
latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship.. .
His Furnishing Goods Dep't
Is complete with all the novelties of the season, llis
Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade
novelties. In his
Hat Department
Will be found all the latest shapes of the season........... . .
His Boot and Shoe Department is filled with a choice
lino of goods....
His ..Tailoring7 Department
Under charge of tho expert Mr Schiffler, is well stocked
witn a splendid line of suitings.
Strictly One ' Price.
' , , Largeand Choice Display of
Drv Goods, Clothing,' Boots, Shoes,
Etc., Etc., Etc., y .
Including many novelties. A fino line of Sealette Jack
ets, Children's Hoods, &c., &c.
Tis a Feat to Fit the Feet, But
ct a i n m s i
.We want your. s.
....Wo will pay,yoU.
CiOIJl. Ul
Corner First, and V7f shingtou Streets.
,. v .'- ' : '
l-rrocers ana ;
Opposite tlie Kevera Ilaase.
-flaw stock of Groceries, PrcK!'.ice, and t
Keep a
. t 1
and fney calf, ranging in price from
camWoatioa nd colors, in fe!f. plnth
cnts to $2 SO. Onr line of
fnost Standard makes iu ibe Uoitcd
Udiea aod misses U Brain, dry eralo.
of boot sod slot eontainiatr mt.ra
Quantity Sell Fewer Boots
He Dan flo it and do it Esat "
a rironi.
i rade.
1 1( L v "t '5