V AXOTUEU B03S "DOWJCKlh1 Thst corrrtr-t, tUnrcrott political boss, W E Chandler hss bailowned at will b letn hj lit following dlipatchj Th defeat ol tht republican atlrmp(fo"fia' tht neat VcUlslur la. a decided victory fo Conj;reuman Gallinger and a broad deleat fo' tht Chandler faction, who wert committed fully to tli schtm. Now that the lcglsUturt hai adjourned and tie amoki cleared away tome idea f the com plexSoo of the next house can be formed and to the evident saiifaction of the democrat. The result of the extra teuton wat aolcly tha election of the new itpnblican clerk, who hat the making of the roll of tht houM. Tht passage of tht majority report by tht house simply initructt him that he must de pen J on ISt constitution b4 itatutt for his guidance in making tht rolls I Now there art 40 "if eniMevT members t lectof tht new legislature, that Is, members elected from towns assumed to have o in cmst of population, under the census of 1890 over that Of 1SS0, sufficient therefor. Of these, ; art republicans and 13 art de mocrats. From towns formerly classed, but because 0 tht classification system, assumtd to htr the rictit to individual representation and consequently known at pro rata towns, there have been JJ representative elected. Twenty-two of these art democrats and It art re publicans, la 17 of these pro rata towns lademoerats and three republicans wert elected under the apportionment bill passed in I S3 1. Should alt tht "if entitled' members be ex cluded from tht roll and all tht pro-rata ad ded, tht democrats will have a majority. The present law distinctly states that the census of iSSo must be the basis of represen tation, and despite the action of tht republi cans instructions that tht clerk enroll them, he tin only follow tht staHaea. Tht new legislature is aa independent body and fy attempt to teat Illegal members will be eaisly remedied by tl new body Itself. The democrats art jubilant. , There la to be quite a spirited contest for the speakership In the next legislature that convenes next mcnth. lion. Geo. L. Story, ot Multnomah, Ceer, of Marlon, Faquet,of Clackamas, McCoy, ot Sher man and Merrit.of Jackson, are candidate. While we are not personally acquainted with the qualification of all these gentle men.enough I known ol Geer.of Marion, to justify the remark that he Is entirely unfit or the place. lie I a mere narrow -mind ed politician, and a very cranky one at that Speaking from a party standpoint, his election would strengthen the democrats In the state very much for he could safely be depended upon to make some very grave misUkea. The probabilities are that Mr Story will secure the prixe. The report Is out tbat Joseph Pulitzer and hi fellow owner have sold the New York VforU to Ceo. W. Child, proprietor ot the Philadelphia LtJgtr and A. W. Drexel the great banker of Philadelphia The price I understood to be in the neigh hot hood of $3,500,000. The property Is to be transferred on January 1. The sale In clude the new fourteen story building the presses, engines, machinery, etc, the Evtming World plant and the good will o both paper. For lame back, or aide cheat, aa 8niloh'a Poroa Plaster. Prion, 23 eut. .on r L o If ym Contemplate Parcliasing Superb new stock. Come and sec We Guarantee our clothing to be the Best Make in the World! We are not jy 1 1 Ml Ml The. Votary tells us that tht Untied States grand jury of tndlana hat Instituted an Investigation ot the right of paupers to vote. This can not be. The right to vote la determined exclusively by the state, and the United States has no more authority over the question oi the right ot a man to vote in Indiana, (except In to far at to tee that no man' right shall be denied or abridged by an y state on account ot race( color or previous condition ot servitude, than England would have. If the law ot Indiana confer tit right to vote upon pau pers, the United State can not Interfere with tbat right. Under the constitution ot Oregon a pauper may vote. The policy may be a bad one, but the federal govern ment can not Interfere. The Onyinwm, finding that Mr Clcve land U Invulnerable to it bitter attacks, now open up, by Inunendo, the stale dirty stories circulated on htm six year ago when he was elected president. It I evi dent that that paper feel the great weight ot the necessity ot doing something to stem the overwhelming tide that ha set in favor of tht ei-presldcnt. The OrefonMis thinks that Cleveland' view on the silver problem will stand In hi way tor the nomination tot the presi dency. But trut paper seems to forget that it 1 said that Cleveland has changed hi view. 00 that question, and doubtless with more reason than that paper changed its views on the tariff question. Mr Mitt, the well known republlca n con gressman from Illinois, advocates the re moval ot all restrictions upn commercial intercourse between the United State and Canada, That Is to sav Mr Hilt wants to have tree trade absolute with that country What, with Blaine pleading tor free recip rocal trade with South America and lint absolute tree with Canada, are we to think ot the alarming tendency ot republican leader to the doctrines of the Cobdln club Shall we not conclude that British and Braxilian told are having telling effect upon the leaders? WUT DID HE DO IT. Sclo, Dec. 5, 1890, Editor Drmccr.!: Here I an amendment offered byllon. R. P. Bland, ot Mo, to the tariff bill lately pasted by congress: -That It shall be lawful tor the farmers of each state and territory of the United State to organise or establish for the-r- sclve such aeenclc as they may ueemex nedtent for the ouroose of exoortintr. sell ing and exchanging the product oi farms of the United Mate In foreign market and to Import free ot duty into thta coun try all article of commerce produced In uch foreign market by the sale or ex change of the farm products of this coun try: fitvuiea, that ail subjects 01 trade or commerce so Imported free otduty shall be for the use and benefit of the farmers so Importing the same, and lor their own consumption and shall not be sold In the market of thU country In competition with like article on which a duty shall have been paid. That It shall be the duty of the secretary ot the treasury to make aU useful rule and regulation to properly carry into effect the foregoing pro v Lions relating to the sale and exchange of the product of American farm in foreign market. Thl was surely a measure of relief for the overtaxeJ farmers. But under the lead of McKlnley, it was voted down. Was It a just measure? Can any good reason be suggested why it should not have been adopted? I am .Informed that M Herman voted against thl measure. Why did he do It? FaKmxb. Jo nfl a That's straight talk, gentlemen, and wo are right hero to back up tho assertion, not only with tho best material, faultless shapes, and most skillful workmanship, but we are confident that you will bo satisfied that wo tell the truth when you sea our goods. Every garment you buy of us is new, stylish and good; warranted to fit equally as well as your merchant tailor can fit you no matter how good an artist he may bo. Wo havo no old moth-eaten shelf worn chromos to work off oh you at fabulous prices, representing tho sami to be new and stylish, but will give you all now, stylish and servicablo goods at such prices as will absolutely defy competition. merely talking to hear ourselves talk, but Our goods were all bought by experienced buyers direct from the tho largest Importers and best Manufacturers in the Uuited States, has proved a blessing to the people and has opened a new epoch in tha clothing trade of this state, IHflMfT isj MliUluM S We Bt'SlNEi3 DEPKKHHION. " . . Sclo, Dec. 6, i8o. Editor Dmocrt i Financial depression seem to rest hcav 'ly upon the whole country, and one after another ot tht solid house In the east seems to hove been driven amidst the breakers, But It Is useless to look so far, Our condition at home tell the story, Every kind ot business Is depressed. Mer chants complain that they can make no collection, The debtor skt tor an ex tension. Tubllc enterprise halt and linger lor want of capital to carry them forward. In the mean time no ships visit our shore to transport our surplus farm products to markets abroad and the home market so-called Is so Inadequate that sale for turn market would result In actual 'oss. Commerce is nothing but a system of exchanges. It, by the McKlnley bill, we have, to a great extent, ceased or at least greatly abridged our commercial relation! with other countries, I U ny wonder that our agricultural products, which constitu ted our exchangeable commodities, re main In our warehouses, uncalled for? Uow can the farmer be benefited by such legislation? Must he be driven to sell In the market ot the world, competing with the pauper Ubor of every country upon 4he face of the earth, and then if he take t few commodities for hi own use In ex change, be compelled to give up from one- half to three-fourth ot them to the gov ernment, and thl for the benefit of some "protected" Industry at home? Is It not t & . 1 . 1 ... . . auoui ume mat me tanner was r,lng up and looking about hi in to sec how much profit he Is to drtve from free fiddle strings, skeleton, acorns, salted guts, nut meg and sante cut rants, for these are tome ot the thing put on the free list by the McKlnley bill for our benefit. lo these 1-eck.iei and daring men think we are loots r 1 lie late elections are only a foretaste. The next time they will think the fountain of the great political deep re oroacn up, FaKMKR, A law hat been promulgated at Uardatt er, in Norway, to the effect that no glr, shall bt eligible for the marriage stale un. til she I proficient In spinning, knitting and baking. 0l'l'03ei TO If. The Linn County Council P. II. held Saturday, Dec. 6 18911, adopted he follow Ing resolutions and authorised Hon. R. A. Irvine to secure their publication In the press ot the state : Whereas, there was a special committee appointed In 1SS9 by the Senate In the state of Oregon on assessment and taxa tion with Instruction to report their con clusions In the form of a bill at the next S'ss'on of the legislature fur It considera tions, and, whereas, said committee has mad it report, and, whereas, if the orln. clplcs and recommendation In regard to taxation by said cumnilttee should be a depted by the legislature, the burdens ol taxation would In our judgment fall much heavier on the laboring classes and farm el s of the state than under the present law In regard to assessment and taxation, there fore, be it Resolved, that the member of the Linn County Council hereby request the mem ber of the legislature to use all honorable means to defeat the adoption of said report and enactment ot It recommendations In to the form of law. Will be Pound at the Square Dealing; Stove House of SMITH -& - SENDEES. M 1 Yonrsclf a Fall Suit or Overcoat, we invite Every man and young imn in Lixv and Adjolxlvg Coutii:s to for Youkself the Newest, Best and Host Fasiuouable Stock ever brought to the Willamette Valley. that fills every Mother's brain is "What shall tho children wear Winter?" We'll solve tho problem for you when it comes to s wear, big or little No trouble are offering the noveltiesand now TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Car I Mavt Wheal. Kkw VoRKliee o 1 Could tald in refer ence about the U P debt that the Co had to ay too,0oo for new equipment and then tht 'people wanted their money that all wilt l ar ranged. The Co received 130 locomotives and 4000 or 5000 height cait which will ena ble the road to mnvt the wheat In the North west vthlch could not be hanulcd for sCarcit) of cart. A Mlaj Tax levjr. El'UKNK Deo o The commissioner hat a levy for this year of m lit lax for county stale aud school puryotet. Tills It largt and made to defray expenses in building bridge that wos washed out last winter. It was best to psy uu instead of carrying outttan ding war rami uotit they wore away A valllbla lverle). Skattlb Dec 0 I Camnlicll 1 timber scent ! skipped to Victoiia wlili J Wilson and C 11.. 1 .. '.1 .1 . 1 . neou inn 91 joo in casn u opened an of fice a month ago on JtiTerson St furnished it hung mapi and received tucker. Hit con federal worked tht hotel train and brought tht would be settler to Campbell to bt be guiled. Aa latxmrtant DecUloa IIiLlNA Dec8 An important timber steal ing case was decided today in the u S circuit Court in favor of tht N V R R Co, Tht crtd. itor of a firm In Deer Lode seized fi80 worth of timber cut from Northern I'acilte land. The company brought suit against tbt sHerifi who had possession and recovered. This it tht fust esse of tht kind decided and will prove a warning to other offender. There are many case of the kind in Washington and Oregon which will bt vigorously prosecuted. A Dewegoc) Plaas. Wash inoton Dec SSinator Quay will propost a substitute to tht fores bill now un der consideration which is intended to tun plant and kill the pending Jmeature. The sulOitule has been prepared with torn cart by in boat and will be presented by him. It will 1 1 more radical and proiiose to tnd the domination of tee whitt race in tht South com pletely, Sklratt.htag. CuiCAiiu Dec 8 Miles received a telegram from Buffalo Gap taylngt Ranchmen and Indians had a skirmish, The situation is becoming serious. Can you send fifty rifle and ammunition to tht seUlerh cas defend themselves? The Gen will letvt tor tht scene of the t rub le tomorrow, A t4 M r4er rase. AstoxiaDcc 7 M llenilrickson a farmer from Deep river tie dying at the hospital who a bullet throngH hli lung the result of the care Ictaaess of J llillborg. Yesterday llendrltk son two Russians and 1 Metlin living on Deep river wert up the river a short distance from the landing looking over the ground prepara tory to building a road. They were crawling through the dense brush a good part of tbe time. At tbt aamt time llillborg was walk ing aton) the road wl.h bit rifle in hi hand. 1 lis dog begin barking at Something near tbe road nd bcn liillborg looked t that di reciioa he aw a daik object crawling along a log. He thought It wa a black bear and im mediately fired tht bullet Striking liendikkson in tbe left lung and breaking t rib and crush ing into hit shoulder, Tht bill fUttencd out unl'l it was at long at a quarter ol a dollar. It it hardly poiU that the tnaa can recover al'.bougti he bat a magnilicient physique. stafld JaMlre, NP Junction Dee 7 Fred Cook night operator for the Nortiseta Pacific hat been sestenced to prUoo for sUatipg f iooo worth of through tickets over the St I'avl & Duluth and Northern Pacific hoe making them out to Sao Francisco Portland and other points and disposing of them to scalper, lie confessed his guilt. Tbe crime was discovered yester day, lie at taken before the grtod jmy, in dicted and sentenced. II il in mini 1,11 II II I I jJWPi 'f.'.T T---'-Y'-': .t ----- r-.-.---v. . . -:..7-.. . . ... r f turn rTl T Tfi-'-r - - .- -,..---7. .... ..m -IB Plush and Leather Albums, Toilet Gases in Plush and Metal. Elegant Perfume Cases, Manicure Sets, Sachet Bags, Gold Pens, Etc., Etc., Etc. to show goods if you will visit our store. designsin'fall and winter suits cS-O TO BF.E TIIK LAR0F.8T AND Mollday Santa Claus 1 1 CON8I8TIXO OF Plush Goods, Toilet Cases, Albnms, Fancy Ferftimeries, Novelties, Art Supplies, Etc., Etc. JUST THE THINGS Don't bo in a Lurry for your Holiday Goods, such as " WICKER ROCKERS, AND NICE CHAIRS, .FOR THOMAS BRINK Will have tho nicest assortment that ever camo to Albany STANARD ii ra ill i m ) MAI" . mean everything we say. this Fall and something for i til & overcoats 11 mi TOO &. i'S 1UWT 8F.LKCTED STOCK OP Goods. Headquarters. , m 0U. HOLIDAY "at the lowest possible spot cash price, hence wo do not hesitate to say that opening here in Our stocks in plete, and we are Assorted, most country. Our full; but following are some of them: DRESS SILKS ,M CHEAT VARIETY, dILft WAKP HiNJiluTAS, io black aud color. TABLE SGAHFS, - LADIES, CHILDSEKS AND MISSES CLOAKS AND VBAPS. UmSEQU JS. ' FAKCY DRESS PATTERNS. LAC OJJRTAIHS, BLACK AND FANCY SHAWLS, PILLOWSKAMS. .un e.. u.n,,rB JJ?fINATC3S WD,ES Um CARPTS,;CARPET SWEEPERS AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, RUS3 IH 01EAT VARIETY. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILORENS FM3, TA1LE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. F,NEHlTSi0mD,ES' PERFUMERY, FANJYC33CXERYJEA SETS r.sss J1?, rurt lAU,t5 FANCY SLIPPERS, PLUSH. VELVET AMD OXFORD TIES FOR UDIES, TR'JNXS.PLATED KHIVES, FORKS AND SPJ3HS. LACE COLLAR FOR LADIES AMD CHILDREN, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. STAMPED LIKENS, CONSISTING CFSUREAU AND TABLE SCARFS, SPLASHERS, TIDIES AND TRAY CLOTHS. UMBRELLAS, WITHHOLD AND SILVER HANDLES, BOUGHT EXP2ESSLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. tlany of these Goods were bought expressly for Holiday trade, an 3. bought ia quantity, and of the best kind. Parties wanting cannot buy too soon, as nsar tho Holidays the assortment gets broken, and in the rush, as is always tho case, you cannot get the attention wa would like to give all our customers. ROPE AND CHAIN'S. eld Io tbt taarkit. W curry aon but pur tnaotlla, and can Ki you anv alsa from H to !. All Uof chain from 1-tO to K- tTawakT A Sox. KKIYES AND RAZORS,, ley Mil raiata lb valus of cultlery oooldirbly, but wa Lava a largo stock alrwsd bougbt sod f.rio !!! rmaln th asvona m usual until it la aoM tmu 1 Coot and m whsi wa bavaand ffarn our rio. HtasraRT A hex. GOODS.-- & CUSIC 1 There never was a Furnisher in Albany before that could touch us with a Ten-Foot-Polo when it comes to showing a line of Furnishing Goods, and when it cornea to Neckwear and Dress Shirts we lay theca all in tbe shade, not only iu assortment of Btyia and quality, but in Low Trices as well For bargains in Clothinp, Furnishing Gooda, Foots, Shors, Hats, and in fact everything usually kept in a Firet-clatis Furnishing Houso come direct to 11EADQUAUTEUS. every Department are now com ready to show the Largest, Best Attractive Stock Specialties are too Uack ami CJw TAOLE COVERS, M,5t3 mi CHILDSW, LAMd, SrAN31N3 AND HAN HI MS. EMBROIDERED. mi BUHXETS, WHITE km cnLQSFQ Samuel E SUBSCRIPTIONS Ml For tl 5 T-.eaIInpr New papers - and - Magazines Itecei5vecl at F. L. KENTON'S Casli Grocery Store, NEAR THE POST OFF K nn n of Goods in this large 'torsive in Voung, r ALBANY come and sec our Albany 1 MS, i If t L ft Mill an B loot Albany, y ii llllcOl li b. G f C3 D D r i 1 n MM uw Liu n u 13 b.. V. Ui ki Or, Boo A r m LJk