The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 05, 1890, Image 1

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    New York World,
An ad. in the
Reaches the Most People, and brings
nl tho American Farmer, all one yv&t
1 1
El il PA m U m H . 1.1 1 111
Wewkly 8t KIrM Democrat, f3 CO
pr year.
-Manufacturer or
LiCIlT V.aiK, 1
incH and b;iass
tMikl tto;it.)ti .!! o flrtii V
d of liia'lilntr
PaVvi-ns Made on ShorV Notioi
Dfl. W H.' DAVIS,
Physici-tn and Surgeon.
fS Oftloa (10 atalro til Mrahan's Nlook.
May b (bund at his o:Fo oy an. I til-bu
priTllip -lt-th rubher anl Iwihsr
DLL 1 1 iU hulling wvi on listi.1 a
btesrart 4 Sox's. Alo rulior, lieinj and
aabretora lacking.
OrBggistaand HooksdlffM
f.g.u.U for John U. A I don's,
btru wt sail at oublialier'a prV. if s:
HM14MV. itu
Was nevr so Cheap in Albany a it lias been sincu
opcii'-d with their
We are alo sc-liir innr.enso tj'uantitie of Hoots, Shoes
ami Furni.-hing Good, at preatly reduced
j riccs, tjuality considered.
Come on with the masse?, inspect our stuck and carry
away barpa m.
mmMAm urn xn
: Cheap for Cash :
My enVire stock of Dry Goods, to make room for a large
line of I jots and Shoes and dent's Furnishings.
UTCall early wliilo the selection is good.
First street, -:- -:- -:- Albany, Oregoa.
Agricultiirnl Iniplcuicnts & Vehicles
n E5 j
1 f
Insurance Company.
Safe, Sound;
' sauno xna
iVMi lini rii:ii U . I
1. 'MAiiVii. 1
! r-T
Two Men and One Roy
While trying to Crowd their
Siorc, wlioro tliey lwss have on hnnd
lha largest Stock south ol Tortland, of
the latest Improved K I lion and Shot
Gtm; nn Immense stock, ol l-'Uhin
lAckle ol every description; lent.
Usmitiocks, Camp Chain and thousands
ol otner things too numcroui to mention.
m con licit ion with the Store, and one ol
ht let woiknicn In the tatc tv do anr
ind ail kind, ol work.
Come one. Come all ; No trouble to
ihowr Ocd. "Small profit and quick
" it out motto.
SOM, I.A3MXG & in., tlUPR'S.
raw raocsxs nova si'rmtioK rox samim
i ill
Mammoth stock.
-:- KINDS.
ALB JlU Y, 0i?3)
F?3 n 11 j-ou want the best
t i Iv? Vri Han most durable fumi
d 9 if.i if ture Oiat is manufactur
W li SEaQcd in the city go to
lomas J3rmK.
. . iihh i ii iiii i.i. 1 1 H i ii intern iMumu px vmmrvpBvii
Was II e 1;ohmbd. A. A. Dunlior, an
agent ol the Singer tewing machine coin-pan;-,
avi the Eugene KegWtcr, repot ud
to the uluilft lt week that lie had been
robbed ol about $Jo In money, by two
men while crowing the Iluvdcn bridge on
the McKcnxle.hui nlnlt. He
ald tluy hud billowed him ome ilUtanic
on houhack, and kuipectlng omct!ilii
win wrong he toj)icd at n boue above
the bridge and rut lontr of hli nione In
hl hoe. While be wn at the home the
meo rode bv. He noon went on and wlivn
he waa in "the brldgv, which U covered
and dik,one iiian wUed hlhoronnd
another jumped into hi back and ruitglit
him around the neck and cautioned I'tm
to keep quiet. The limn then went
through bin pockeU,and after relievlii);
him ol hi change, utarted hi hore ofl
on a run. lie mid he noticed two liorc
at the aitpioach a he came out ol the
bridge. Two deputy thcrlff went up the
rcxt day to nearcli f-r the men, but the
people residing nroiinJ there had ccn no
one but ha.bor around and did not believe
he bad been roobed. One man who llvet
near the bridge unl.l he heard Uahor drive
through the bridge. Some row I; Ing on
the biidt-e ran through and l!.iloi' twain
topped jam long enough lor the cown to
get out ol the way. It anyone bad gone
through the bridge ahe.l of HaiUior tiiey
would have driven out the cowi. On
learning tbec f ictn the deputtca gve up
the ncauh.
Kohiikii ok t IW. h II UoynoM, of
Oregon City, w ltocine here on ttniU r
l.iiul btisiiuKu, was robbed olf imiTniH
day night- He timdo the tieiitiaintanee
on the train of 5 gentleman claiming to
renido in Albany. On rnuhing K..w
liurg Keytiol'U complained ( h:iving the
toothache and thi nvw made IrieOvl Mtg-geisti-d
drink ufwhinky as a rcmuly,
prmliu ing a tlitrk tit the Httme time. Him
victim drunk and when he wokeupnev
eral hotirn later he was abort f H'O, and
hid companion haddiHiippeared. Alluiny
whiaky tiittbt be inlty tough to knock
out a'tlmln-r land umn. Koneburg Ue
view. Tln man in ail probability wiw
not an Albany man ut al1. UobU r do
not generally'give their true reuidetiee.
If any tiiuU-f land man baa U en rohlx-d
he tihouU te put on exhibition.
Flax Ciltikk Some bujuirr having
been made about tl.ix culture in tld coun
ty, the DeMuCRAT on Impdiy lear, tha'
there arc (everal who raUe the I'.nx for the
need aero. the jantlam, eatily cccl')!e
from Albanv, which i til:ied to the
Portland mill.. Ihi Salem iniiU, with
wbum there a coritiact.bave been di-
continued four or Ave year. traw
or lint U thrown away, a great Iomi to the
rai-r, a it U the line.t In the woriJ, I Hat
ing the IrUh and Au.lralian, being larger
and liner.- At the Centennial In 176 Linn
county I'.ax took the lir.t premium, a fact
many do not know. etc there an
lUhment here bv wliich the Hut could be
u.ed to any extent, a place in tle Sautlam
rorkt are tb.e bctt adapted, without tnv
quriitlon, for it. culture of Ptiy In the
Aftfr Cm. Stonk. I' U no nip-
ptwed that W l
.SJc and Win Moore,
'and ojr".tioi w:i r?
w boc kwhidliinr
portej In the r:.d.itnnn n-ve
rrl !at a,-rt.
are none tlu.i the ni'iic cou; ;e viiio
endeavored to defiaud the gtern:nr.t
out of land at The Dalle. slu iUf Mr.
Kail am! on Monday received a til.gra-n
fioin The Dalle iiittilrin-4 for two n.eis
named C I'" Mone and F llai i.einan. '1 he
ckcription given answered t'ist of Saae
and McKjrc, w ho have left here, bet w boe
whereabout bave been dlcovcrcd by
Sheriff McKarland. Tb! mori fng Mr
McFarhind te!t for l.labn to make Ibe ar-
ret. He expect to hnd bfit'i crliii ia tt
Mocov, where be tc-iefraptu-d to have
them arreted Walla W.-.l'a Stateitnari
KiSDCtifJAtiri.:: Fxrr.nT vimknt . O n
Friday evening, Iee. ., MiH'-a Wheeler
and Crawford will give a Kindergarten
entertainment &t the opera Iiouhi-, with h
promsMcs to be a treat, ibe children
mve Ijeen eiven thorough rth-.irnl:i for
their part and arc U-coiiilng quite pro
tieieut. The program will eonniit of
horotiHei". recitation, gift Bongs, Kin
dergarten gatnt-H, a flower operetta, inel
O'lieii from Mother iooe, wit'i trut-ea-
ion In coHtumi'. AdtntKiiion 2" cents;
hildrin 10 cents.
A Tajik Wii.n I)K tii. A few days ngo
near .Mcbuiim, the daughter ol Oeo. r.
Terrell went to drive the rows home,
when she found a two year old deer with
them. The animal went along w ith the
cown into tho barn w here it witu canny
captured, and nt'cnni to want to live in
civilization hereafter. For a wild desr.
always on the nlcrt, to takecucli a freak,
it in a very peculiar circumstance.
A Live, One night lat wctk
while Litcien Ward, who live near Co-
burg, was away from home bl wife heard
tome one outnlde and went out quletiy to
ce wbatthev were after. She found a
man Mi-Hn,: down a tree wi'h a fine large
turkev and just a he wa haiullng It to bis
partner the tcppcd up with a hot gun
and told him to drop It. lie dropped it
end the two made for the brunh a rapidly
as potable. Eugene Register.
Tub Y's Elect ion. -The Y' have
elected the following officer for the en-
u:n year:
Ml May Kldeout, I're.
Mr J E lirown. Cor. Sec.
Mis Mettle Hurkhart, Rec, rr.c.
Mint Nellie Richard, Treasurer.
Elrcteo. At the regular meeting of
Albany Lodge. No 4, I O O F.held Wed
nesday evening the fcllowlng ollicer w jre
elected for the ensuing term :
C W Sears, N ..
( F Russell, V G.
J L Underwood, R S.
E A Parker, I' A.
1 Gradwohl, Trea.
W M Ketchu.i., W C Twccdale and T I
St lie were elected trusters.
Died. In Goldendale, WohIi., on Oct
22nd, 1S!X), Kev John Ostrander.of pnea
luonia, aged C3 yeara. Kev Utrandr
emigrated to Oregon in 18.54, and renided
on a farm east of .Lebanon several yearg
in the '(iO'h. where lie wan hiuhlv remiect-
ed. Ilia wife had Ixen goue but a little
whUe from bun 011 a trip to the BtaUn.
Two Sales. Mr J R Douglus has sold
his residence property In the Third ward,
conslKtlng of one lot and a small cottage, to
Mrs Mary Crouch tor 1,300. jJr Jl JSyrant
lias sold two lots in hit audition within
day or two for $600.
Corsets, Corsets.
We make a specialty of ladles and ihlsses
nne corsets and waists. We also nave a
drive In a French satlne corset at 75 cents
fcxira good value. -
Samuel E Youno
A $70 Music Box, giver, away Jan. 1st.
With every dollars worth of goods you
ouy you gei a iicact on tnc uov.
J. A. Cummino.
Sloney to Lohu,
We have plenty of money to loan on
real estate security, on two to five year
time. Call on us at our office, opposite
the Reverehousc.
Basttle and Kaebs.
The best makes are to be foundln Al
bany at Price & Robson's, who have just
rvcived a carload of the finest hack and
bt'ggiebto be found. Their' prices, con
sidering quality, are remarkably low. It
pay to ride In a good buggy or hack.
Keep this lact In your head and when get
ting one call on Price Si Robson, who
have the largest variety to select from,
Tiie OSLY place ia th ty whwa Eist
n tickets can be pnrohat is of W. L,
A l'oRi-vriNK. It U to rare that 0 por
cuplne U kilted or iccti In thU country,
that whenever the event m-curi It U con
sidered worthy of notice. The Okmoihat
only remember a very few Imvlnj; been
killed In lli In county. Another cne U
now given u. A few night ago the dog
of Mr II L Kudd, at I'eoil.i, run mine kind
of an animal do'Vn, with whom It wan
having a fierce fight, when Mr Hudd, who
It now 70 year of age, went to hi al
tance wilh a gun hi hand. He filed at the
animal in the dik and killed It the find
hot. Il pi-ovcd to be a large porcupine,
weighing tevcn'ern pound without a
hirge number of M li U, which It left In the
do's bind, it took two pernon everal
Ikuiih to leifeve the canine of them.
A (k'TK Wav.-Oii the cuv Jii' n fioni
the train lal night a rccklo pacnger
dropped a four-bit piece Into the lol and
the driver told htm "there wa no way to
g?t It out," "Never inlnd,"ald the chuer
f ul Individual, "1 will collect enough fare
of the puwcngcu to get tny change back."
He would have made it al' right enough
but nearly all of the pnciigcih were
ktocklioldcra, oiiicci of the meet car com
pany or reporter, and he only got back a
dime. Journal, lie would have utccced
eJ better In Albany for hcrc.very properly,
no favor arc hown rcpottcr", who pay
heir way a they go.
An Oi.n TuAvetru. t'lielo Cob I'.lalr
will li-nvo for I'enilleti'ii vo-timrrow on a
vinit to relulivea. He l rntitb l to tho
vinil nn lot hun only bceu nut of l!enbn
con n '-y twice allien ho c.imn here 117
year ago He id now iihottt ."i year of
abound Ima leeii bailiirin tho I '.int.n
County Circuit Court every 't rm for th"
pant -."i veur atxi he lUHiiri ntiH he will
I! on huml fr 11 few
tvfiua yet. Cor.
Ilol.lOAV 1' -ChtUlitia will
miiii bo here, and neailv every line want
a holiday pretent (or a fiieud.' The mokt
elegant, tatv, enduring and attractive, U
the Hume Manual, for the borne, a work
nicely wiltten, and full of jnot mli mat
tcr a nol h:inr need. It U Kmtlkome
'y gotten up, llne'y t!lutrated and deervr
ap'jccln every boiucbeld. 'i lie book Is
a (;ulde' ln, doUir'.li: and buili c
Hie, a treasury il uoelul Information,
touching 011 r!!ticttc hi e,li-ne, hui bold
economy, bueaty, care of children, money
making, fancy wotk, h:ic decora'.lon,
civil a-rvlce, history, g'og'apby, plivlol
ogy, art, etc. Mr A. M. Talt i' how can.
vaulug for tWU 1mm. k, and every tubciibcr
lor It gc'. a yeni kubcription tu the
Home Magajdnc, a monthly journal.
Hints To IIikkm:i-i:u. -Alwayn act
tho mouse trap ltfore re.iring iiightn.
Keep the Itcat class of groceries you can
buy and use only frth iiroiluee. Trade
at the ln-nt grocery atores.aml by the way
mere is none ituer ilia's v 1.1111 ,v tieti--ricsun'1.
They keep the bent in the
market, buy their produce ,f the b"st
ganlenera, keep tho frenhest fnittii in
season, and carry a I. no liiij of titandard
groceries genetafly.
;t Ih.M klti WaOo'.'H just reeeivid,
which I nui going to give away free, ne
with each can of Forest Citv linking I'ow
dir. Come early. C L' I'iiomm?!!..
W n p. mi. Hi C.fcT T11 km When wbntlng
mi organ r ;0j:..i cr'.I 0:1 G L Hiackman
1011 iuii from a firit ca
t'uifi'n ht.ffrad'i.
Kv !i :i ittrr ld iwf kmit jot re-cf-ivrd
fat .Mj,,,l-jr Si ;jrrti.
I'i.AeK Dm , Cimiit --1 malic spe
cbdty "f keeping a f i'l line of black silks
.Milk Warp Ifinrtettn, W ol Henriettas
and aU the la'e liovc tie in bUck dte(i
good. 8nJ trimming.
fA.-.:ri 1, r,. 01 no.
sutnlju d' 'aoumpllon
n.!,!!"!!! J Miarpl'i, I'mt llrxm, Mirrl
County, J J, w rif 1 .
"My buniticttt Is tlistef l,if pe:ilni IPIne
Inl!', ami I ion li ciiod to kn mnl
gsa. AHut lhr-e years ' I o. gm to have
a bad coujih, war. ritntdtraMe irili,eticn
sir! t ain iu my chttt, Ms 1 tiy:etn ti
mo I bad , niptnrn of enastiiul'tion. by
thn a'lvieoi f my, a rbl frienlif
Hra-dre'ib' IMlii I eonuitei c, 1 tiling that
vslushlo rrnifly. I'.y 1)10 time I bad got
thrnuiih tin? tec'ind Ikx I began tu p- a
vrry diagreratd tiant r or ) u. I b.'an
to improve yery rapidlv after this, od grew
trouper and bttr typr v ilay. My e iniih
it now vll. I ! ivtll at niklit and bsvr
no mere indigcition.''
Itm-kirn's Arnica JSalv,
Ti bite. SVV In tho w-irl-l t Cat .rtriil9.Rrs
Lrh'er, Hill Ithiien. t'jvjr m iro, r'atr, t'hipp
hurta. l.'lilll.;lii, o,ra, n 1 all UXia Krnj'llu
sMtuvclyrura I'i lv.i,tr ii-i ny r-j'piirti I. J I U ur
iitml l ifin tnrtotti i:fv tl in, or uinnsr tcljna.
(I. I'n 2., cent imr box, I'or .' )r Kiuluy nd
A ni euro for lb whisky Inbit. Or
(.ivinuntoii' Antidohn for l)un!.i inio-i will
care any easn of tha liquor hsbit in rr in ten
Inrty IV, from tha miMlrato iliiulcer to
drunkard. The Ant-.doto eju he iven
in cup of CofTue witlmut tho knowledge of
the person taking il. The Antidote will tint
injure the htaUn m ny way. MaritiUcturei!
by the Livingaton Chemicsl Co., Portland,
Oregon, ( t from J A Cuimning, sole aei.t,
Trarber Kxauinatloa.
Notice U hcrenv iriven that the reirul a
public examination of teacher for Linn
county will take place In Albany, com
mencing at I o'clock, on Wednesday. Nov
ember a6tb, 1890. All teacher desiring
examination will please be prcent at tb
beginning. Teacher desiring state cei
tificatcs should present their recommenda
tion from district toarcis at the noovc
G. F. Ri sspxl.
County Scnool Supt
When sr. the ht rocoiies In ths
mirknt at reaoDs'li priisescall on Powell &
Uo w
I'.ror iliiti immediately relieved by Sbileh'a
Mi Hi.iN UMrr.nneAit. In great variety
at styles at bottom prices.
Sumuel Y. Young.
Holiday J5ixkh. LadieB, call at Mrs
Hymen's and invo your order for the
Juvenile Looks, for Xnias. The latest
For Is mo back, or kl chest, aso Shiloh't
I'orous 1'lasU.r. Price, 25 enots.
Fine n!k nrr.tifeila'a at F M French's Jew
elry store.
Holmes Busivhs Collkoe, of Portland
rpr will finon slfnf. laf. .T A Wtaaon tho
leading penman of the coast, lias become
a partner in this school and will make it
Uk) leading business college. Send for a
!,This i what you ougnt to have,-( n ;faet
you most have it, to enjoy life. Thousands
sre searching for it daily, and rr.oumlng be
cause they find it not. Thousands upon
thousands of dollar are (pent annually by
onr people in the hope that they may attain
this boon. And vet it may be had by all.
Wa guarantee tht Electric Bitters, if used
fCoordit'B direction and the ess persisted
in, wilt bring yon good digestion and oust
the demon Dyspepsia and install instead
Eupepsy. We recommend Elootrio Bitters
for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Hold at SOe and fi
perjbattle by Foshay & Mason, druggists.
J W Bontley, best boot and shoe makerjia
city, throe doors north of Democrat office.
i?rnb- sf h
r!??.Bn -M
famine Tows porchnm on
fttMlaL ASO rr.RMO.1AL,
Mis Lulu Clark went up lo Eugene
thli noon on a visit.
Geo 0 Will and family, of Salc'n,
spending Thanksgiving In Albany.
There are report of a prominent bus.
band and wife of Albany having parted
and tedded to live alone,
Mr and Mr A It Sh uou, of Portland,
came up thi nonn o cut turkey with their
father, Hon R A Irvine,
MUs Oille Th'impwin wa In Albany
this week whliltvr she went to take part
In a conceit plvvn on Monday evening,-
CorvalSIs C.a' -im.
Mrs Fast left this noon for I'endlelon
for the benefit of her health, and will reside
there with a daughter, who returned wbh
her. She was al ) accompanied by Iter
son Waller.
Nona W H Lilyeu and Geo K Chtiin
bcrlaiu went down tho ron.l this noon.
il, Savrgti is In tho iiioutttnlns on a
bin 1, dirtMg l.ifi tlmi m e J A Mi l'i run
in ruiinihg hi.i dray.
Mrs John Conner, of I'm Hand, la In the
city, the gtict of Mm Oil Hurkhart. Her
iimtiy friends hero are glad to bee her In
Albany again.
Wedntrdav evening the incmlwra of
thi Kvaugelieul church nirprlsid Uev 1
11 r isher, its pastor, nt his hotue in this
city, w ith w hom they Hpentii very en
joyable evening. They did riot go empty
bandeJ, but were well mippUcd with
many things that go to keep a minister
and his fiuuily in a rtato of health, n
well tot with a purse of money. Served
lii Ml right.
Min l'riehard is avrtotisly i'l nt
home of hi r broth r, Kev l'richnrd.
Mr II L Kelso, of Siihtiiwii prreinet,
paid the Ih norn ir n rail to-day. Mr
Kelso resides next door to the
Licpusc to marry have been issued o
Chaw Ih nnv an I Uo K Watson, tl K
Hond and MaeviuK Hoeiiian.W J Dawn
Otid Jennie hhepurd.
C I; Wolverton left this toi-m forllalla
to attend court, lie wus areompunied
by Mrs Volurtn, who will visit with
friend nt Monmouth.
T1IK Htl Alll f TOIV.V
Mitrrinu-e U iiii! a lottery the M A T
hirtrs the iiistiou nsked whether it will
liilikMl t'i n-nd n i rommal through
Joint S ut,iuiii,aker'a tuuil.
Diicp in a while 11 ray of sunshine, the
M A"T observe, flit acros the life of
even an editor that makes bis la lor a
moment a pleasant one. The FuueiiB
Journal man has recently bad aiich an
cxN-rtetirc. lu-ar bun rrow : Wo have
received the follow ing Invitation toot
tend the Wedding of his daughter from
mr esteemed friend and former associate
and fellow clsrk of the V H St-nate, Rob
ert i I'.laine, botber of H-ereUry of
Statc.TJamea (S Hluine. We world have
gladly been pre-ut but regret having
U-en pri-veiited by cin-tiiintain e and
the aldi!?hiueil of the free pass system.
This is a queer world. Iet come man
lie eitii)g tliistli" ai d le wilt Imagine
everybody else liii:.g on thistlra. He
l i-oiiu a i.e e sideil pessimist. He sees
evil in every movement. If he run
against a rvUrn board in aijewalk
every sidewalk In the rity is rotten, and
so he continually makes bimi'elf misf-ra-ble.
One such fellow U the blind jcsi
mitt who h.-tsU-en doing the valley, in
the interest o( the Keform Journal of
Portland, for wt-t.m th M. A. T. has
great pity. I:; re-; to his Htatemeiil
that there wa a ted t'.i g in In.nt of
nt tirly every store in Lugene, and that
laboring men could get tioihing t.j do.tbe
Guard say : "tlniv one lirm in Fugetie :'i-d t"hat not on weeount (
a pour (.lit-i:.-'-. as they imve 1oik a
SJmnl In;!': lor venrs. Tho red llaifs
seen by tin-1 dilor - the Ueform Journal
were probably the ones uted by the
niert'hatiis to rail delivery ngoin. Tho
merrhniits f Kugeite have larger Btoek
Uid hav - d"".e a better business than
UMi:ii liu fail. o Cessation of business
in Lugene has U'eti cxi-crienecd nml In
loti!ig men have not lieen idle ex cent
irnm their own choice.
tin Lsitic sin
P J HiiltimorotoWCCiisiel.27 fet
front on First Street, Idoek fi,
iucludiug inches of the west
brick wall of the Haliimore
li!H-k, itiet erected t
J C Johtiaoii toS t Shore.l lot.Kcio
A J Johnson to S I hhore, block V,
t-outh A to Selo
I M Lruce to C H Montague, 124.1KJ
acres. l'J w 1
Heard to I) C Holt.lot , LI I I,
H's 3nl A. Li.bnnon
. ir.o
J It Klrkpatrick to John Ungor, 80
X-2IH feet. 12 w 2
J C Gordon to T A Hennett.lot
17, U'sard A, I Ah 150
Has now a complete lino of Holiday
goods, dolls, doll buggies, lioys' wagons,
velocipedes, and many other goods which
go to make up a complete line for Chrst
mns, besides a complete line of lamps of
every description. China crockery, fancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cages,
plush goods, such as alliums, toilet sets,
autograph hooka, scrap books, children's
ABO picture lM.ks, and all goods that
arc carried in a Lnzaar store, including
Uogor Hros. 18-17 silverware. We wish
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular to tho Golden Rule prize baking
powder and tea, put up expressly for
this t-ade, which gives the best of satis
faction, as is attested by the hundreds
who have used both the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
Golden Kulo I'.azaar. Kach package ol
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prize in the shape of a line piece of glnss
waru. Ho sure to call, w hen in Albany,
at tho Golden Utile Hiuaar, as you will
he sure to lind what you want, and will
be shown over tho store and be treated
kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My
goods aro all marked in plain figures so
as not to deceive anyone, and I bavo but
one price to all. .
Yours truly,
Julius Gkadwoiil,
Oct. 18, 1S0O.
Runs high in Albany at PosbayJiSt Ma
son urug Biore over nysrem isuiiuor, a
everybody is umg it for Catarrh of the
Stumscli, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Im
part) 151 ood. try it and tull your frieuds
jtmutit, as itmuHt possess won ieiful merits-
woen all speait well of it. .
qniukly )i r 1
0 COUGH ca
lob's Cure. W
Masoj, agent.
Ibe Batcaueer of Old
Flaunted tho fckuTi ro dan s"bones, their cn-s-'go,
defiantly at the masthead . Your mod
ern pirate, not on the high ea,butupon tho
high reputatiou of standard remedies skulks
under vnrious disguise. Hut hole aud
corner tiatlic has never to any degree ffect
ed Unhtttter's sitomach Bitters, although
that standard inv!g,irant and corrective has
louj b?eu the shining maik at whioh his
shafts hve been uirnoted. Cheap local bit
tors, composed of liery uureotitied tima
lants, with an infusiou, or extract possibly,
tu some tonio talk, ere still sometime
recommended as idontical with, or similar
to, or possessing virtues kindred to those of
America's ehnstn family medicine. These
perita speedily, while the great subduer and
preventive ot disease pursue it successful
4 oareer, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, ner-
TuusntBs, niuney ircuoies, constipation sud
rheomatio ailmeutp, t.ct only on this, but on
Jwany continents.
It would be wise for tlwc Pennsylvania
protection! who are peisusdd them
selves that the recent republican defeat wo
due to "local cause" extending over the
whole country from New England to the
Rocky Mountain! -to take note of what Is
thought upon thl subject in the west,
They are not talking much about "local
causes" out there. Here Is what the St.
l.out 6YorV Drmoemt, the great republican
organ of tho touthwest, say;
The defeat this year has not only been
severer than the party ever encountered
bcfore.but the cause go dertier than official
Irregularities arid factional feud. On the
lea.ilug lues of vital concern to the peo
ple the republican Sn congrc have gone
wrong. On neither the election bill nor
the tariff has congress met the detlres of
the mics of the republicans, and the
ballot hot merely gives a formal manifest
stlon of the popular distilUfacllon ,wblch
the condui t of that body ha calmed.
In the North west, tho Si, Paul Pioneer
Ve declare Ibe roult "a deliberate re
buke from the people, who believe In pre
lection, but not In protection run mad."
The country, It says, hn repudiated "the
odious thing known as McKlnleylsm," root
an.l branch, and ''the question now I will
the party leader lake to heart thl painful
and conily lesson, and bring the party
policy into harmony with l' past, before
a worse thing Omc upon Ihetii and upon
the mighty organization wboc fortune
they have so wofuliy mismanaged?"
The Chicago Tfilmue equally attribute
the result to Ihc dUgust of former repub
lican with the paily policy, and It akt;
What do tin- republican ccugreksmen In
lend to do? Do they wlh to make thie
republican who have bolted for the first
time stay with the democrat? Do they
wish to keep from the boll two year
bene thoe whom they drove away last
Tuesday? Have not 'they done mischief
cm ugh? No matter bow garni their ln
teiitlons were, have not they shown that
they mUrrprcscmcd their paity when they
veted for the McKlnley bill? What can
they do now they have seen their mis
take except to undo It and repeal at the
short rioii the Increased duties of the
long one?
We make these quotation to show the
character of the demand that I certain to
come ujKjn coiigre 0! nncc.and the dangc
to Ibe w hole policy of protection In a fool
ish persistence hi the grr caricature
which the country has so vehemently
repudiated. 01 not t ic election of 8 rc
si'l hi favor tif the democratic pai ty .there
I no MkeiibooJ of the tide setting back
ward toward the party f high taxr. The
fanner ah ore in rcolt may not become
denio.-rat, but they c.-rtalnly 01c not com
ing bark to a party mat ha ailowd It
policy to becmne identified w Ith monopoly
ard if we Lcrpon prodding them wish
high taxes we shall oon pet them Into a
very daugerout frame of mind.
Pennsylvania ha much at stake In thl
eill. it is poib!e to ae protection bv
pron-ptly abandoning I: caricature. Hut
H McKlnleylsm i to be made the Issue Int
another campaign there will rot be much1
left of the Pennsy lvania idea by i!hj time
western state j;et thruugh lth It.
1 he li'rtitU P3:
There ill be one tct ,-f the sincciit v cf
the democratic partv lit congies that ha
not cl Ik.-cii aiiuded to, which will never-
thekft W applied. If the democratic
leaders were sincere In their accusations
again! the tariff la, they will let the law
tana as it is, a an ethct.-nt campaign a-giilu.-l
the republican partv. if on lh
other baud their GCCusaMons have been for
partisan putpoM' onlv, they wilt endeavor
to repeal the law. In order not to let II re
f ulc lluir atement nnd prove Itsett a ben-
eincent act. J he pi-obatile nrnt move ttial
t e will me will be tu reocal the law
II they whl let It stand the republicans will
ak no greater favor of them for the law
will work out it own salvation.
Ourcotcmporaiy' vlsw a to "test of
sincerity" seem to be a sadly demoralised
and biuntcd as Its views on the tariff since
the election
the test to which the deir ocratt In the
house w ill be put will be just thejopposltcof
what the IItrul.1 tate it to be. The dem-
cral were never more sincere on any sub
ject than In their opposition to McKlnley
Ism. Of thl there it no occasion for
doubt. The test of their sincerity will be
thcl.- repeal or modlficaikm of the McKln
ley bill.
To let the law s'and a It is so that it
might be used as campaign capital against
the republican would be evidence of the
very grossest tnslnccrtty. The highest
ambition of the democrats now is, to mold
the policy of thl government with regard
to protectionism, and not to cnp'.ure the
offices. The wrenching of power from the
republican U a tint tcr of secondary Im
portanee, hence democrat will seek the
repeal or modllicaibn of the law at once
without regard to it use a campaign cap
Fostmastcr General Wanamakcr's an
nual report will show a delic'.ency this
fiscal ytar of ubout 56,000,000. Aan ex
cuse for the depaitmcnt being r.on self
supporting, he said It is burdened with the
duty of carrying free mail fot all the other
departments, besides paper covered bocks
and 'sample newspapers," widen latter are
really fake advertising sheets, go at legit
mate newspaper rates.
lie says the railroads should reduce the
charge for carrying the malls commensu
rate with their reduction of so per cent
made to freight shippers during the last
Jo years. This, he says, would effect an
annual saving of $4,500,000. lie advocates
he adoption of the postal telegraph
scheme, bat is averse to the reduction of
letter pdstage to 1 cent.
News comes from Central Africa that
Tlppo Tib is at last on his way to Zanzibar
with 7000 porters carrying an enormous
quantity of Ivory. When bis present 6tock
reaches the coast this greatest of African
traders will have sent to the sc-a within
the past four or five yean about $500,000
worth of Ivory . Ills present caravan
the largest ever seen In the equatorial re
glons. A he left I'jijl before September
1 he will soon be due at Zanzibar. It will
be Interesting to hear w hat he has to say
about the Emin relief expedition. His
opinion of Maj. Barttelot and his manage
ment will be lather piquant, for It is well
known that he regarded the major as en
tirely out of his element In Africa.
Amos J. Cumming, member of congress
from on; of the New York City districts has
been interviewed out in Chicago on presiden
tial probabilities and says that Cleveland
stands no thow of carrying the delegation
from New York..- He says Hill and Gray are
most talked of. . He rather favors Carlisle
himself. It might be well to bear in mind
that Amos was for a long time one of ; Hie ed
tan of the Sun, and nny . ba his mind is
somewhat warped by the fervent heat of that
hirrri-iori' " ' '
The carlfness with which the new
secret ballot law of Connecticut was drawn
ha led the way to serious complication
which mar result In the election of a re
publican governor by the legislature In
stead of the seating of a democrat, who
was elected by the popular vole. Under
the lav any party can piovlde for Its own
ballots. The voter I required to cat It in
a sealed envelope, and therein He the
secrecy. This paved lbs way for serious
trouble at Bridgeport. One hundred and
twenty-six ballots were thrown out In the
Fifth ward for the reason that they were
so marked that 1 hey could be Identified,
It I understood that the democratic city
clerk, Mr Mullin, who wa one ot the
party managers that day, learned tlmt re
publican were hiring men at two dollar
each, and furnbhfng them with msrked
ballots, so that the purchaser might deter
mine, when the count wa made at nigh,
whether "the goods hid been delivered."
Mr Mullin. took a hand In the counting In
the ward that night, and detected Ii6
straight republican ballots, ten "scratched
republican hallo, and one "scratched"'
democratic ballot. These were throan
out of the counr, a republican counter,who
wa a job printer ond, joining
with Mr Mullin hi noting on Ibe package
that the vol-s were marked. All the
Cduntcr present absented to it.
Late In Ibe evening the chairman of the rommlttcc, who had heard
of ibe affair, came to (he poll and Insisted
(hat the marks on the ballots were nothing
more than "speck due to misprinting, a
piece of the roller having broken off and
caught on the electroplate from which the
ticket were printed He produced some
unused ballots, on which there was a small
elongated mark ctoc sftcr the letter "v
in governor, Mr Mullins lnttcd that on
the rejected tickets, which were not shown
to the republican committeeman, there
wer- vatbms mail marks, evidently made
with a pencil. On one of these that he
remembered there is a Cot following the
list Ictlcf In "governor" and a small dagger
after "1" In Samuel. They are smtll
mirks, but would be perfectly plain to the
republican counters, who could readily
keep a la'ly of these ballots and report to
their town committeeman. They Insisted
that the matks on one of the ballot he
produced were In ink mark only. Mr
Mullin borrowed a rubber and easily
eraccd the mark without disturbing the
adjacent printed let'er.
Upon th- rejertlon of these ballots much
dcpvndcd. By It Judge Morris, the demo
cratic candidate for governor, has a ma-
joilty ol Iwenty-four. If they had been
counted he would have been over too
horl of a clear majority, and the election
of governor would have gone to the legis
lature, which I republican. AU the other
democratic on the state ticket
arc elected bt afe majorities. The repub
lican will endeavor to have an InvesUga
lion of the I id ballots, and to have them
counted fot General Merwtn. But the
legblat urc alone can revic icturn of a
state ticket and order an Inveitlaatlon II
must be ordered by concurrent vote of both
houses. The senate is democratic, and
will not agiceto ltd. The democrat have
elected their governor on the face of the
return. They hold the fo:t, and don't
propose to open a gsp in the wall. They
claim that if the Urblgeport ballot box Is
opened, and cicn If It was found that the
ballots sere propcily thrown out, there I
na know log how many ballot boxes in other
place will be called for: and thev sav the
votes In the boxes may have been "fixed
since the republican have found them
clve in the minorltv.
It U necessary that both houses of the
legislature shall declare the election of
state officers. The democratic senate,
basing It action on the majority of Judge
Mortis or. the face o! the returns, will be
ready to pas a resolution declaring him
elected. The republican house will tible
the resolution nd demand an investigation.
Hence a deadlock Is expected.
The republican are talking of legal pre
cced'ngs to secure the opening of the
Bridgeport box, but It is doubtful whether
they can reach a rolutlon of the difficulty
In that way. The legislature, not the
court, panes upon such quedions and
orders recounts. The managers of both
parties are stubborn, and the democrats
especially so, because their candidate for
governor, while having only 34 clear ma
jority, had 3,6S6 more voles than the re
publican candidate. Hence, they are not
disposed to yield an inch of their advant
age. Whatever happens, Gov. Bulkeley
will hold office until the s flair is settled.
The unofficial list of the members of the
hcust in the fifty second 'congress which
ha been compiled in the office of the clerk
of the house Is as nearly correct as any
list can be until all the certificates are le
ccivtd. Even then it Is not likely to 1-e
changed as the list has been prepared
w ith care ar.d in nearly every instance
from official returns. It is Interesting, be'
cruse fot the fust time it gives a really
definite idea of the political complexlcn of
the next house. It shows that 226 den.Oi
ciots have been elected on a straight ticke
the number of republicans being SS.
gives the farmer alliance a representation
of 17, but of this number 11 come from
the louth and will act with the demo
cratic paity, thus swelling the lotter'i
aggregate vote to 23S, The democrats
majority over the rcpudlicans is therefore
13S or 150 counting the 12 alliance men as
The great photographic atlas of the hetvens
will begun next year after the directors of th
eighteen chief observatories of the world have
met at Paris on March 20 to make the fisal ar
rnneemenW. 1 heaths will contain from
1800 to 3000 leaves, representing 42,080 largi
squares, which comprehend. the superfiices of
the ce'cclial sphere.
In observations with kites and tollcons
Frof. LeonhardjWeber has found that the at
mosphciic is negatively electrified up to
height of about 100 yerds, beyond which it is
positively 'electrified in a degree increasing
very rapidly wilh the distance from the earth
The negative electrification of tho lowe
strata of the nir is attributed to the ptesence o
germs and dust particles
A mortgage was recorded a few days ago on
the handsome residence of Postmaster Genera
Wanamaker, It is for $50,000 and drawn i
favor of George T Crawford. There was a ru
mor that such a mortgage had been given two
weeks ago, 1 ut at that time it was denied.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspcpu
and lavcr Uompiaint r anilou s Yitalizar
guarantood to cure you..
.VO 18
From IlrrnJ t t V.'ulst a m.nn f DIs
eue. MnfT.ji in;; Terrible. Cured
by Cutleiira. Remedies.
I r mvrrA wl'.ti (wr-ifi-.W f;re trim my ha4
to my n'uf. iii, tiut I eoal'l not .iwp
liiK'-i", fci.'l i'"i. I Jv ti'it-ii out v,l(!i Ht'Htwg v.iulrr
It'' urtun. li ,- I; t't tit i;,,, 1 j cuiiM not
t " i"l I -ii-i' .--;(-. I 'i , t i .n yulMr.
b.-i!.i, mti wi.-H a if . f .t li-fli!i;, r i un tny
h.K'1. la f ut, I -.-.I .1 .!..;.. .;f r tvit to iHtVn
ml u, , Ait'--f. " S lt tii y,..,,
III." t. "I l.i.jol-lllll. ii, ..). , l.,Ktrft ,-f'Vl If WHOM.
! ih ifi.-.j, 1 I.U.J ,;; .. :, ,; , tt, ; . . , ,,.
wl-,i I ...v.. --,ur -!. ..; :;un Sitw ill l
i-.c t pre-ir-l a 1, t,,h . mm i;itl:- luitb In
Pi" h. 'I it. J.'(, f I, h' 'f, ij.pj in rtjfli mmt
mi .. H i f .'.A. Put I in ( lhi,- , unit
!-:r. : r ., :t.t . 'if t, , I M!t t.pj.y Ul tuy that
1 rili ."ii:.! I'lii'i, Ail'!- Ihi' ,rifin;i,;,t lm.
(11 II ; 1,1 f. iui, IB 11, r..l utOUUll l l lliiiil-M lil
iutittff inv fc'',-jr.
tii.-(i;.j: a. v.-.:r. r.iM.s, iidnika, 1:1.
Cut.cura Renietlics
l'-t at.;!5 1-,--rt loll tM St'iry
I r'ii:i n-it, 11 '.-iitid luiyiiah, hf
t'-.i i (ii-l.;'iili:i ,i, uri tt lh-l.
ii;.- .ii-i .. " ily ei '''), t,)r tin
'' i'-. u-,.t iU, t.'urrs.
t-'t Ki.u,f ii'isv. -li tli Hktn'tJ
1 !t: i n ;-r int, the rw
tiiii-i- ,.i:'l w .t, tti hum,, rm
1 111 i.ii-'il i.( , !i li :;,-jii;l!n , t
' '-'i 1 I' '""' !!" ' ! UK,
,li',"i-. I r ; 111 , 4, I 'j-flll yx
sn -flUH-P. itmr lt, l:i
r,tt kl 1 bye
r.-.--,'. ; )....,
i I
1 1
M'M , K'l ' "S
11 e ;r a-.:t.:
I I'Ji'. . II ',. ttl I'lTI-
' t;ftU (if ptiuiriuif
:.;i ';, P' l.iy. t.i ii pimni)'
. ,u. i,,,j, ;i;, u ot
il 'Ht I': ;,;'.!;, .-r,M..
i- ':it.V , r'-'ii'-'c, tti
. I ' 1 .i- Si.r.n k: J 1.11 1,(:. ,
?;!-v..r;i.iwrf. !,;,..
I ; titCKWinr, 4S i'i--hi;iv
aji- t :ir.wi'.j. Ci.i;,-
j-f -inl r.,r l..v f,
l.zrt Us iiitr.iriit.m,, i.!J 1-
: nt rr. Me.; Pnr,
rul f.y t)i I'liTTtji
i:,-jlTI.Jt. !;uU!l.
. . ! 1 lArrit," U
i I'l. KjS, bUr iM-.t.. M... V
ill fciiy liin iu.-. t y i.Ti
V3liS ' 'tn y '1 I li .' T-ll... anil Wrk
y't'l "' "ii-vi-i In n,ii,.i:e by it,,
IH'l mif-nt a AMlt Cai.i I tH-lt-r. t.'u
II ii 8 fifl iiful or.'y ji tlii ii:-ili3, nltcunthetiisii
Real Estate Aganl3
Fsruur r,d ltauehu for lu.
Also city brojerty in Albsey
sud Corysliis.
anyone wanilnjr injthinc in tb hard
ware lini will do well to call on fUewart
A Sox l.forrt purchasing. They kep
warty fvutyttilug in t'i ine of builder
hardware, an I a miEnTiiut stock or fin
My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all
the Latest Novelties in
Both in WOOLEN
-To The
I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, m Knit
Hinr.KD and Muslix. My Prices are the LOWEST
and rnv Goods the Best. Am sole agent
for the Celebrated '
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison
: To The Men:
Call and Look at My values in
Furnishing -:- Goods
I have ti Large Stock at the Lowest Prioea ever offered ia the Valley.
1 cm ry a
ill lino ,f tho worU-reuoweJ BROADHEA.D BsJs ua?xwll8ii;
tor wear a '
and l c cot
fitiisb. Large stock
ced thtl AJbai.y i the
A T.BA3STT -s- ' ' OEEGON-
Entered atlhs Port Oflios at Albany, Or
egon, a second eiase mad matter.
First Natioeal Bank
C AtBilfl,
PrssMsnt........ r. n.rf
Vies Prwtdaut . v.. Vol Kf;
Cwsbler... K. W. LaKUIajS.
TRANSACTS A CKKERALbiriklnf tiushiM.
ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to tlieck.
SIGHT IXCRAKOE anil Ut ifcU Inmt.
Kw York, S0 FnotcUeo, demgo and Put
COJXKCTIOHr il Atton fa.nnW tenr.
E. Yotma E, W. Lsxesfca
V K Bbsia, h. rum ,
EavAavP. Hot.
Linn Co.National Bank,
CAPITAL TOCK tl00,003.
JfssMsnt j t, COWAS,
"k-lYiiluetit J il RAhSTON".
shlsr 00 E CHAMIiKHhArS,
"lCMhir o A AUCiilliOUi.
Diuwmw. I I, Cnwu. J If Bltm. c-n V.
Obsiabnlsin, W H LwM W li UoKra, i A Crsw
iwro M A Archied.
TRANSACTS utiml Unkln knslnss.
DRAW 8IOD1 liKAfTSon K York. Hab
il Pi-iU- I Oregon.
LOAM MOtfET va apptovsd seenrttjr
KE(.eiVEdcpitasabt ehack.
Bank of Oregon.
Vice F.-esldent II. K. MEP.HIU
Cashier J. Y. BLAIN
If Bryant, JA Blaln.
Geo Humphrey, UHrlswiit,
KJXu)bing, li r Merrill.
8iabtescbsnzD and telearraphM trai
fer on New York, San Francisco a d
and all principal point In Oregon wad
ollectloaa ro 5cn faversl le Icitr.a
or ronTLAMD, onaoost.
. i,0W
Surplus sod profl .
latrest siIowm! on mHdz dsooslts as follows:
Onar.ilnsrjr mtlnn bwla ....4 pr emit pa uiimm.
On term inn baoks psr cant ir snosai
n oeniftcmuw ol dip wit;
Pin- thre mnth 4 per etnt par snnaa::
ftt six montas I per cent per annual
For twe'r, wmiK i . .0 per rent per aaaom.
t'KA.VK rP.KtM, PrtBJmt
H. P. THOMrsO Vu l'rwU!t. .
11. C, STKATTOV, Cutiier.
We keep nothing but Ibe
famous barrel churn. Tbere
Is nothing so good, and no one can beat
n on prleea. mewiet k box.
Ladies,- -
of Emdsoideriks and Floukoisq3. C
best tradio point ia Oregon.
Albany Cigar Fact yf
J. JosbuIl -:- Proprietor.
ahor Employe
sLACKiVIAN, ..':;
And verything else in
And jewelery f line, for tlj
HOLIDAY'S, at the
lowest prices, at.
".y J OTTO "It is better to
t ha pulilio iuu .o cheat it." -