The first few day ol the coming session ot congres will thow Whether Tom Reed till consider hlmtett to be a bigger man than the American people. Mr Reed, of Maine, made five speeches in New York during the late campaign. The Were In five different congressional districts. The result was democratic gain of five congressmen. I , In the lower house of the Kansas tcglw lature are only tour lawyer. It la said there ar fears that man laws will be passed that ill not stand the test and that lawyers throughout the. state are expect ing a rich harvest to grow out of the leg Utatlon.cnacted by this new legislature. Tinware, carpets dress, goods, tools, boots and shoes crocker, g'.assware, lum ber and furniture will be marked up in price or scaled down in quallt. The plague ot monopoly taxation Is upon the American people, and shut their ercs to as the may, den it as the paid orgs' orators ot the trusts ma, the will feci Its cruel oppress'on more and more keenly from this lime forth. The rolbery is In progress. There Is only one question : Will the people submit to it? ' The most overwhelming victor In the late elections was in Harrison's own state Indiana. The democratic majority on the state ticket was 19,579 and on the total congressional vote the majority ia 34.9JS. The democrats elected 11 of the 13 congressmen. The legislature stands senate, democrats 34, republicans 16, In the houie democrats 73, republicans 37. The democratic majority on joint ballot being 64. J A McKay.oI Kansas.has never studied law, never been admitted to the bar, never served in any capacity In a court, and yet the farmers elected him judge ot one of the district courts. The Faimer'a Alliance will send him to Ann Arbor for sixty days to fit himself for the bench. This sliows that all the member ol the alliance want In a candidate I honest, and they will do the rest. Earl In the present generation of busl nest men there wne but five millionaires la this country. They were John Jacob Allot and Stephen Whitney ,of New York; Nicholas Long worth, of Cincinnati; Ste phen GIrard, of Philadelphia, and William Gray, of Boston. Theie are now 500 mil llonaires in New York alone. The legislature of Illinois Is so nearly tie on joint ballot that there Is no telling who will be elected United Stales Senator, In the senate the republicans have 27 sen ator and the democrats 1. In the house the democrat have 77, the republican 73 nd the farmer mutual benefit association 3. These are Jame Cockerel, 1 1 II Moore, and Herman Tanberack. The lattrr has pledged himself to not vote for Palmer, Moore ran on the democratic ticket and will support Palmer. Cockerel, although a vigorous Jacksonlan democrat, run a gainst a democrat. Democrrls count on his voting for Palmer. If two of the alii ante men refuse to vote with the demo crats there witl be a tie on joint ballet. A Washington special says that politi cians m Washington, who profess to be posted, say that the movement looking to the defeat of Don Cameron is a formidable one, and that the senator U badly frightened at the outlook. It is a so said that the man who Is likely to come out as a candidate is Postmaster-General John Wanamaker Trusted friends of Wanamaker's freely admit that his ambitions are to become the controlling man In the republican party of Pennsylvania, and they are not sure bu that he cherishes a desire to occupy a seat In the senate as a means to that end. Quay I friendly to Cameron and Wanamaker, but owing to recent events neither of these gentlemen seem particular! anxious at present for the active support of the chair man of the national co.vmilter. No better argument in favor of changing the mour of electing the U S Senators can be ad dared than ; the muddle into which the election of one in New Hampshire has thrown the Legislature of Hat State. The people of that State voted on Nov 4th for a lower tariff, but they will not for months know whether a pro tectionist or a man representing their semi ment will be elected. The same is true 0 Kansas sad S Dakota. The people of Illinois have declared at the polls for Gen Falmer, but aa rccident or a death of one man may send a Repubt can back to the Senate, as was the cat when Logan defeated Morrison in 1885. The Democratic states of Connecticut and New York are misrepresented in the Senate because of this infamous system. There are men in the Senate who would never be thought of by their constituents if tbey bad to submit their chances of election to the people. Gerry mandering is the offspring of the present sys tem of electing tbe U S Senato by state Leg islature,' 10 WA'rf OFFICIAL VOTF. Official returns of the election for state offi cers received from ninety-six counties, the re maining three counties having been reported unofficially, show the election of the entire re publican ticket by pluralities ranging from 366 lor railroad commissioner to 3.800 for secretary of state. Tbe vote it at follows on principa offices. Secretary of State McFarland, (rep)!92, 061; Chamberlin, (dem) 188,261. Auditor of State Lyons, (rep)lO!,356; Wit ters, (Jem),i88,47l. Treasurer of State Bceton, (rep), 190,992; White, (dem), 189 339. Riilway commissioner Luke, (rep), 18, 93 1 J Dey, (Jem), 189,565. , Attorney General S'.ooe, republican, his 3,779 plurality! Kuthrock for Judge of the Supreme court, has 3,290; Gray for clerk, hat 3,047, and Uaymond, for reporter, boa 3,448. The total vote is the largest vote ever cast cut side of a presidential year. The democratic majority in the state on the congressional vote U76S0. SOME MISTAKE. The Mercury in its additional pjge makes several mistakes. It tayt the republicans re tain contrul of the New York legisla! ure. The democrats control it. Again it lays the politi cal complexion of the New York delegation in congress ha been reversed, that in the present house there are nineteen republicans and fif teen democrats, while in the next house there will be nineteen democatt and fifteen redubli cans. This is another mistake. - The deligat ion Jnst elected has 23 democrats and II re publicans. It tayt Ex governor Foster of Ohio wat elected to congress. ,.IIe was defeated. Again that paper sayst The new tariff law is emphatically the poor man a law, as it flukes all the neccssarica of life practically free, and . imposes the duties mainly upon the luxuries i( rich ai.d extrava gant. If the Afercary wputj ljj Vind enough to name the necessaries of life placed on the free list by the new tarifT law the people would then know ho correct the above statement is. TYEMUI. Republican leader are seeking in all directions to find crumbs of comfort for the mast ot republican voters because of the overwhelming deft-at of that party at the late elections. One ot the chlcl crumbs Is, that with few exceptions, the adminis tration part during the last fifty years has lost congress during the middle of its term. But when this historical fact Is full ana lysed there Is precious little comfort In It for the follower of McKlnley, Reed, and Ilartlsot. . . William Henry llaritson lost congress in the middle ot his term. The. demo crat elected James K 1VIV the next presi dent James K Polk !ost congress In the middle of h's term. The whla elected Zacharlah Taylor the next president. In 1S56 Buchanan lust congress In the middle of his term and the republicans elected the next president. In 1874 Grant lost con gress In the middle ol his second term and In 1S76 the democrats tier ted Tilden pre dcnt. Garfield In iSSj lost congress in the middle ot his term followed by the election ot Cleveland in 1984. Here are six prcsl dents who, during the last fifty years, lost congress in the middle of their term, and whose part was defeated for president the following presidential election. Franklin Pierce was the only president in the last titty years, who lost congress In the middle of his term and then succeeded In electing his successor from the party o his own political faith. In the off years of 1S6J, i860 and 1S70 congresses were elected In harmony with the president then servlr.g. So, that In every Instance, except one, during the last fifty years, when the president in power lost congress In the middle ot the tcrm.thnt has been succeeded by one of the oppo party. So there Is none but the smallest conceivable crumb of confoit In this 'off year" talk. It Is highly paubable that if this is an "off year" for republicans, the presidential car will be an at one for them. KOI till ON KEEU. One of the best of the best of the election stories that are coin? around is the one about a dispatch sent on Wednesday, the text which b said to have run as follow:: "The Hon Thomas B Reed, Portland Me: If you want lb e floor at any time du ring tb Filtr-sccond congress, sue mi quick. Amos J CI'MMINGS " While not reckoned in the lut of aspirants for the speakership, Ir dimming is likely to have a good deal of influence with the success or of the latter-day "Man from Maine." The difficulty experienced by the New York tepre enative on several occasions in c-itching the eye of the speaker when he wanted the fkor gives keen point to the magnanimous offer of congressional facilities after M-inh 4, 1S91. New Yoik Star. . "TWELVE APOSTLES OF liEKOUM.- It is proposed by the St I.ouis JiniUk to have a bill introduced into cuncrcts malic provisions for I. Free binding twine. a. Free cotton tics. 3, Freeo;sted lor men an. I worn clothing. 4 Free agriculti-ot implements and e-lged tools. 5 Free blanket s 6. Free coal. 7. Free tin and tin pbte. 8. Free f i!ver-lring lead ore to re cttab. I'sli our trade with Mexico. 9. Free lumber. 10. A reduction to the "revenue only" La- sis on table and kitchen ware. 11. Free white lead and jainis. 12. Free barbe 1 wire and wire ro-ls fences. for Just these "Twelve Apcstics of Reform" as congressman Springet calls them, would be ar greater benefit to tbe twiner that all the boasted legislation in th? McKinlcy bill that class of citizens. We woutd suggust an other little apostle, f'cc grain bags. It would pass by a Urge vole. WHY HEiMIIVr MOVK. There lives out In Joe Cannon's distiict in Illinois an old farmer who Is a xealou republican, one o! the red-hot partUa tripe. When he heard of Cannon' de feat he said to his wife, who is one of those women who oey their lord and master blindly: 'Mar, pack up everthing. I'm going to move " "Why?" asked Mar. "because Jo. Cannon is beat and I won't live In a democrat district." "Very well," snid Mary, with a little re signed sigh. Then the old man went to town to sell his farm. There he heard all the election newt. lie returned home, and entering the bouse said. "Mery, you can qujt packing op. I ain't a-going to move." "Why?" Inquired Mary. "Dccause," he replied sadly, "there' no place lo move to." The desire of the public seems to have been to "give th democratic party rope," History is nicely to repeat itself a usual. Oregon Blade. You are very right. In 1874 the people rose up in their majesty and elected a con gress with democratic majority of 71. Two years following they elected Sunue J Tlldcn president. In iS3j the people desired again to "give the democratic party rope" and the result was that the democrat tecured congress that year by a majority of 67. Two year later they elected Grover Cleveland president, thus repeating the history of 18746. Now then in the year of grace 1S99 the people again desired to "give the democratc party rope," the result of which desire l excru tiatingly fresh in tbe mind of Reed, Mc Klnley, Harrison & Co. to be followed In two year by the election of the man of de.tfny In hi law office In New York City or some equally sound, able democrat. Of course history will repeat itself as usual. A peculiar breach of promise case has bfen decided in the clicult court at Lima a verdict for the plaintiff of $1000. The cass oilginated al Tauldlng two years agojust prior to the presidential campaign. Miss Mar Sliull was engaged to marry a prominent young man named Albert Lehman, who wat an ardent republican. He wat helping his f arty raise a pole In the town, which wat witnessed by Miss Shull, who was a strong democrat. Dur ing the pole raising the hurrahed for Cleve land several times. Thlt to angered Leh man that he refuted to marry the girl. She brought suit against him, and after several trials of the' case, It resulted at above ttated. Senator Dolpn, of Oregon hat expressed hit vlewt on some of the leading pol itical question. He wat asked if he thought Lodge's election bill will past the senate. , lie tald It would not. He teemed to be quite confident on that point He tald the reapportionment bill would probably be the meature of the most ab sorbing Interest In congress thlt winter. He thought the house was too large and unwicldly now, but he could not tay what ort ot a oiu would pats. The tenate would be apt to concur In whatever the house decided was best. TASIUNUTO!. from our rairular sorratpomitnt.) Washington, Nov. 10, 1890. Mr Harrison iias shut hi eye to the re. suits of ths recent etectlons,and made up hi. mind to urje la his annual message to con gress the passage by the senate of the Force bill and by the house ot the notorious ship subsidy bills. In short, he has, In spite ot ths protests ot some ol '.lie most far seeing members ol his party .Including Mr Jllalne determined to cast his lut with the radical wing of the republican party. That liow- ver does not mean that the Force bill will be passed. All Indications arc against Its passage, aa It U certain that more republi can senators would now vote against It than would have done so at the last session ol congress had It then reached a vote. Mr Harrison will also, It Is said, strongly cn dorse the McKlnley tariff Act In his met sage. Detr.ocr.vs fenr that these thing re too good to be true. They can Jhard 1 rcalUc tliAt their opponents should be willing to do so much toward dctit'icratlc success In There are good reason for believing that a soon as congress meets bills will be In troducd by republican senators from the northwest, modifying or repealing sections ot th new tariff law which bear down heavily uih.ii the citizens ot the states they represent. It Is believed that bill placing binding twine on the free lUt, and reducing the duty on rend made clothing would receive the votes ol every republican sen ator from west ot the Mlllppl rlvei and there Is some talk about a combination which In return for the votes ot several re publican senators Iront the eastern state for these measures, shall repeal all duties upon raw material. Such bills could easily be gotten through the House as it Is a fact well known here that at least twenty-five member qf the House voted for the Mc Klnley lt!l under protest, and only because they lacked the moral cou.age to aland the? lashes ot the party whip which was ;lvcn ihem unsparingly whenever they evinced a disposition to kick outside of the party traces. Mr Blaine Is now engaged In pel forming hts celebrated reciprocity act. lie hopes to save the moribund old republican party by hotdlng out glittering Inducements to the people of what will be accomplished in the future, and by Ignoring the Injury In dieted upon them at this time, which tbty have resented so effectually by their votes Mr Blaine has a long head, and his Is an active one, but he cannot bamboolc the American people, who know that real reciprocity with a string tied to It, pro. vided fur, or rather alleged to be provided for, by the McKlnley tariff law, is a fraud pure and simple. Uli no, Mr Itlaine, the people have been juggled with too long In the Mprolccl'on" lnc to be caught by the false glitter ofour "reciprocity.' The treasury surplus has been reduced so low lately that it i said completed pension cases are held up in the pension ollice because the treasury wanted a chance to get In some more money before honor ing another draft of the Commissioner ol Pensions, who drew $iv,h,ooo lat month. It becomes plainer every day that the deficit prophesied by the tlemocrats at the last session of congress lor t'ic next fiscal year wilt cxUt. Not satisfied wl'.li having served notice upon Senator Quay that he must vacate hi position a chairman ot the republican national committee, there is an clement In the republican party that wants to tlrc speaker KeeU Irorn tlie Icadei.l.ip ol ld party In the House, and the proposition lus been botdly put forth t!.t the compliment ary nomination for Speaker cf the ncx1 l!oue be given tasome other republican. There might be siimiMng In this l' there was anbody else to lead the repub licans, but Reed l about the only promi nent republican that was re-elected, and the chances are that be would have gone with the test If the election In Maine bad not taken place before the Ui Iff b'll wen Into effect; and they will have to follow him or nobody. The joint congressional committee to Investigate violations cf the Cidncr Immi gration law, left heie fur t?e Pacifx .slope Saturday. Sessions are to be held at Spo kane Falls, Tacoma, Seattle, Tort Tjwn- find, San Francisco, Lot Angeles, and San Diego. The committee expects to re turn about the last of December. Secretary Windom finds It more diticult than he supposed to abrogate or Interfere will, the privileges enjoyed by the Canadian railroad, which cross sections of the United States. When Mr Bayard was secretary cf state he decided that these p'lvilegcs were protected by a section lu a tieaty be tween England and the United States. Senator Spooner steins to have thrt in side in the race f r the vacancy upon 'he bench of the Supreme Court. At the next session of the legislature another raid w ill doubtless be made on the state treasury for funds with which lo build wagon roads. The people of Uaker City should be awake ti-is and secure some of the money to Improve the road leading to Grant county Ortgon HUtde. Cli Indeed. o you want to oin in in is raid on the treasury do you? Well, we commend your frankness, though we de precate the fact lha: there is one newspa per In Oregon that will justify these raids to deplete the treasury of the state through unconstitutional and un-called for method. The ISLuie is telling how lr.or&nt peo ple are as to the provisions of the McKln- I Icy bill And then tells its readers thut the duty cn white lead was reduced ecven cent per pound. Hut no reduction, at all, was made. Try again. UBOtEHV BIT t.UH, ATTOUOS. Wo mean Lusincue, and will soil groce ries and produce cheaper t!i?.n any other store in Albany, a statement we will verify to any one buying goods nt our tore. This will be dine on all gooda.and not on one kind to be made up on some other. A trial will convince the people of Albany that to get groceries at tl:o lowpgt prices titty will have to buy of ua Powell & Co. LaG a utreet co'ninitfsioner who it not afraid to earn his talary.sayt the local paper there. Albany hat one who it nut afraid to earn hi salary, and is thereby for- tanato. : Kstcicle and Kaekt. The best make are to be foundin Al bany at Price & Robson's, who have just recived a carload of the finest hack und bvgglcsto be found. Their prices, con slderlng quality, are remarkably low. It pay to ride In a good buggy or hack. Keep this tact In your head and when get ting one call on Price & Robson, who have the largest variety to select from. - , Corset. Corsets. We make a specialty of ladies and misses fine eorsets and waists. We also have a drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents lixtra good value. , ... -i Samukl E Young. Hargiioa tf lead's. , ; . A $70 Music Dox, giver, away Jan. 1st. Wit!) every dollars worth -of gootU you buy you get a ticket on the box, . - J. A. Cummino. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A (! Rernioa, Skatti.k Nov IS The Rev C Davis ras- tor of the Mclho.lUt l'rostotniit church aircst cd one of two men who wnylnyeJ and attempt to rob on the s'reet and handed him over to the potlce, Mr Davis was proceeding along tlie Uark street ftom his church at l'me and Third streets when Ills foois'epi were dogged ty i tie iiigtiwaynicit. lie tuinej on his pur sues and Jtntthen the lights llned forth in all their brilliancy. The scouiMisls n.ade a break for ficedom but on was collared by th plucky minister and turned over to a police msn. Tbe Urert 4'vuanniitlun t'ure. 1 .UN 1 hn Nov acDrs Cheyne and llcrron who are the only hnglish physicians who hav been fortunate enough to obtalna supply of Koch's lymph will give detnonitratiuns of its application ut the medical school ol Kings col Irge hospital on Monday and at Victoria hos pital lor children Wednesday, It is oprcled uiai me clinics win he crowned witn nractlon crs of London, A rtlaail l ire. POKIXANM Nov SS The Noilh Pacific ho. tel whs consumed by lire at I o'clock this mor- nliift. 1) IKtnan a loardcj when called found It impossible to escape by the stairway and leaped hum a second stoiy wind-tw, He was badly shaken up but it is thought not seriously lIMCU. 1UIU1IUSS ? ISO, OOO. The nllvrr iirllua. Washington Nv 35 Orover Cleveland Intends to cleclaies for fue coinage Senator Vest who bitterly assni'cd Ue ex president in the silver debate a few months ago has receiv ed a letter f oui Mr Cleveland in which the ex resident announces that he has been wrong in iiis attitude upon the oucsiion heretofore and prodofe at an apnertutin lime to announce his change of base. 4'harlleRaa Agala. M:w KK Nov a The moinliiif Woild punts o tlmtccn column story iliat C'lias Ross the bug lost boy !cn found. I Htective at Nes oik seem 10 tliink they have discover eJ the bey in Mccuctl town, liryncs ! noising on iiic case. A BialKobbrrr. M11.WAfKi-.1t Nov aj WmClaik owner of he tlectiic light plant r ne to Milwaukee to-ld.-.y and ditw $.-o,ooo fiomthe bank. When near the drpot be wns knocked down by two men who naa iicen lolkmmg lum and telieved ol liie money. I ne loUbcrs ctenped. A Double 1 Tiairdj. Dayton Nov 34 -Our ut citv was throw into a stale of excitement this morninc over a double tragedy. One of the participants now lies Uad at the morgue and the other is ser verly wounded. This morning S Marquiss came to town to have a settlement with A Mc Call tver harvest w Oik the digereuce lieing only a lew dollars After some words Mar ipius doew a five chnmlicrcd JJ caliber revol ver and fued at McCsil. The first shot struck McCall over the tight nipple the bullet passing through the lo'y; another shot was imliedded in the shoulder, and the nest three miucd the msn. McCall wallied into the house, nrt cur ed bis weapon, tired at Marquit and sank to the ground. liatcly after the shooting Maiquis die a locket knife and thrust the blade once over his light lneat and four times over the licmt. Maiquht nied within an hour sn.l a Ua'U aficr the face ly. Dr Van Patten !io it wsitbg oa McCall gives little encour ssjemenl. An lmrorsi ('allure. New Vokk Nov 34 Ii was stated today an I nut denied that the Oregon Improvement C , would apply u have Jfi,h Simon of I'jtlljn l Or appointed lecriver. The ap pointment win t made at reliant, u is stated that tlicintctest due Dec I will nut l psi.l. The Company trouble is due lo the fact that loans which it pmcuied to carry on woik on its extensions have bctn called and the company is unable to rsy them. The pickident of Ibc company t-.h h Smith is ill and confined to his tiousj The ptot:citiescnntro!led by tho company com nc the Tactic Mail Sleaunhip Coocr tin five miles on the Notih i'ecitic ecu several railways anil a large amount ol roal lands and real Citaic. Ike ladlaa Trcublr. I'lKkkt'. Nov 3 Parlies returning from Cheyenne agency today s'tte that hardly any Indians arcfolw seen llwieit being monthly ! ,atl,.r day. This is a suspicions tircumsunre j ' 'he authorities as t! -y all 1ujw op on ration aP. lliU lay. A nun n.imr.l liitrlirld who tuns a tia.ting stoic on Whi'r tivrr arrived today and t,-rts that a band ol In liant bloke in end 1 iibced l.i. stoic duiii.p bis alwtncc. He come to Pic-ie fr safety and alo did a nrih- tui raiclinian. raraell str!sr1. Iisiion Nov 24 I'aincll informed several mcmbcts of the naiiooat liberals yesterday Ms intention to resign. I licit was a rivate eotifrrence In the afternoon lc!wcen l'arncll Davitt an other Iruh Iradeis at winch it is undcrttcod that the consennus of opinion as the rontrovcisy over the divorsc srsndai would cause a split bctiiern ll.e li'eiaU and natioc- a'Uts. t'frl Jlosi fa urtlf Skatti.k Nov 24 The trscV ol the I ake Slio'c toad lias bcro complete ! as farts Scdio and the pi it ir.iin a wuik train ran lo that town on'.iy anil was ouickly followed by a matciial train. At lo o'clock this morning a t,ccial tram Ictt lor Anacoitcr, A treat Baakrr Uratl. New Vokk Nov 24 August Uclmont the banker died early this morning, lielmont was in his 74th year. I le contracted a cold which tlcvelopol itito pneumonia ami caused his death, while attended s iccznt horse show, Ihr IniiluH Tiouutr. Ciiicai.0; Nov. 23. General Miict this afternoon received a iclcsrara from cue cf hi oflkert at Hose bud, saying that information had been receive! ilmt the hostile Indians are moving bom Pais Cieck toward Tine Kid tie, in two parties. This tic comes from Indians who have returned bom Tine Ridge, and is believed reliable. It is retorted they ore eoinc lo Pine Ridge agency to net the Indians there lo talk to the commanding officer in tlieit behalf me intention being lor Chief "Two Strike ' to stab the general as a signal lor a general attack by his band. .The officer adds there seems to be bo doubt tint the leader mean war, only using the prophet Short Hull as a pretest to keep the Indians together. A Craxy Mag Bead, The Hague, Nov. 23 The King of Hol land died at 6 o'clock this morning. His illness took a sudden turn for the worse yesterday morning, symptoms of uramia appesring Jucen hmma was at once tummoneJ. and remained with her husband until his death. The King's lad houis were peaceful, life ebbing quictiy awsy. Immediately upon the announce ment of the sad event the palace and other public buildings were closed and notice! were posted of the cessation of alt businest. The ministers were tummonsd and held a council at noon, fare if Cunsuinpllon. BERLIN, Nov. 23. An English patient with lupus was practically cured after five in jeetions of Koch's lymph. An English phyi icinn charges Koch't assistants with telling lymph to doctors in great quantities without the knowledge of Koch. A Itlz Mull fcinriii. AlduijUeuque, N. M., Nov. 23. Wotd has been icceived here from seven Laker, in the Galiinas mountain, that four slc:ephcrdcrs weie killed recently by a hailstorm. Others and 1600 bead of tlicep are missing. The messenger says it was the severest hailstorm in the mountains ever knewn. Fast BuunlDK, San Francisco, Nov. 23. Robert Mc- Arthur, of the Olympic Club, today ran a half mile in two minutes and five seconds, beating the Pacific coast record. S. V, Cassady ran 250 yards in tcnly-seven tecondt, lowering the Pacific coast record on; second. gaow In (lie East. Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 23. Winter weather prevails along the Upper Hudson val ley. Snow fell throughout tbe night, and the ground is covered from two to four inches deep. The thermometer is, however, around zero. Rooms to Rent. Two furnished rooms r:nr the college. Inquire at thlt office. Letter Lint, I'oii&B irg is tbo list of letters remaining in the post ollice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nov 2d, 189 J. Person calling for these letters must give the date on which tbey were advertised. Cathoirt, Mary J Elliott, Mr Nora Gray, Nathiin Hess. Geo. W Renshaw, F W I Smith, Mini Lena Spady, Ludwii Donaldson, William Gates, Columbus .. . Harrison, I lUgsdals, Mr Olson, An viran '. Schoel, Miss Alvina Wheeler, Mrs Charloty Womer.Miss Minn'xe Worntr, J DR. A BORN It NOW AT POATlANS, ontaoN. FOB Til ON K WHO CANNOT POKHIBLT CAtt MCH ftONALLf.UOSIK TREATMENT rLAtlCV WITH 121 THM UKAt'H Or ALL THAT WILL UIT1 MSTANTANKOt! UKLIKf AND A rt:itxANt:T tunic Tim most atweclr. ooaltlve and fertna- Bent cure for CnUrrh of the f lead, Anthma, nd all Throat, Bronchial, Lung. Heart, fitoniach. Liver and Kidney Ailccttoti. Ncrvotw Debility, etc. CoumimpUon, in tta varlmia ttitc'ra. fttrtllRllCtltl V CUrtxL Dr. Aiiorn'ii original tmx!e of treatment nd his medicated Inlialntlona Rlvea In tautaneoim relief, builds tip nl revltal txes the whole constitution ami aystcui, thereby nrolottcintf life. Weak, nenrona. debilitated anil broken-down constitu tion, old and vomit'. Invariably until from ten to thirty pound in from thirty to ninety dny. Dr. A horn's phenotnenal skill anil mar velous cure have created the greateat aatonlahmcut on the I'acific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the part twenty-five year. Asthma, Catarrh of the 1 lead, ana all Throat. Hroti clilal ami Luntt trouble 'nntantly relieved. and Deafness often cured permanently at fimt couatiltntion. Dr. Auorn'S raaay on tbe "Curability of Consumption," and a treatlae on 'Catarrh of the Head." with evidences of some extraordinary cure, maiiot tree, lait or auurcM DR. ABORN, t'earUi aa4 Xarrlsoa Mts I'ortlssd, Orvgea. Kerr. Mom trsatmtnl, srurty paeVtit, sent ty txprw la all (uiru ol lh f w45c Cowl, (at UkoM who Smii4 poMiWy call In Mnoa. 411 INVITED TO CaU fOB f REE COHSULTATIOH Slirr.fltj Kale. a tht Cireuti Court of the Stati oj Orcpon fur the County of Limn, The Dundc Mortgage snd Trust lnttmul Oumpaoy, limited, Plaintiff', V. T 8 Thompson, and Nsroiss Thompson, hi wif, J I. Cowm and n K Cowan, h! wifo, J K UValhei ford and M A Weather ford, hi wifn. Math It Kchool, ingaed W It Iblyeu.tVauilanU. KOTICK w hireby Riven thst by virtu ol an titcolMio ini rrttrr 11 ssa ImucI oat of thsslMive nsniad Court, in ths atnu-sen-titled action, I will on Saturday, !Sie 151 li day f tSrertutxr. 1SS, At tb Court House door u tho city of Al bany, l.lou county, .,n, at the hour of 1 oVIov-k p. in. of 4d iiy. sell at poblio ai'ttioi, for CAih in hand to tbo bilil bid der tli rrl proonity iu said t-seiuUon and order iif tsl do(.-rt!n aa f,.l.i ti wil. The south hsif of tha northeast quartrr and th east half of ths m.tlirt quarter of arc lion twenty, and the south ball of th south west quarter f section twenty -on, and the north I a. 1 ul th oorthxe.t quarter ,.f ao -tioo tt-ut) iuht. all in to lliiilMii, south rani two wet f tho WilUmello meridian 111 IJnn county, Otri.n.cintaiinrjj J.J acre n.ore or i-l The prMvda arisinu Irotn thaaloxl sid o aam to be arilid : Kirit, to tl:s laytLart ot tha cut a ao.l ilu- bursuu nta of tl,a abov rutit! mit Used at $40 60, and tit ccruing eo-il of and up on sll t ecu lion, fttcoii.l. Ml In symci.t of i.Uintitr rUiin, arn-untni!J to tha sum it tTlDiOaiid ccrumit interest thereon at tl rate of 10 p.-r ernt p-r antium.and tha furth er an,n i.f I .lit Xl. Attorney 'a fur, fourth. to th rytrirtt ol the c'nin of tha defendant W K Pitmen, to it. the ii Hi t 1 $U7S.V3,atj huh, If any faU" rnniaio hn pa d to th difrndjn's, 1 S ai:d Narriaa Thoin o. !UU-d this C h dy cf Notimher, IS'.K M, StVJTT, ShrriiT f l.iim county. O.. By I) H .Smith, riei utj. KclerccM Xalc. . Me CirrmtCourt o,' .t!e af Oriji t far th- Cfunli of Linn. W II MuCoyae.1 K.U Mefl.y, nU if. J Y McCoy, anmartiod. A It McUiy srvl Clara It M' .r, his wil. UmJMut oy an I J Met oy. hla wifi., Lillian cn I p M Y lencr, h-;r hustMiul. PUiuliUi, va. Janus B McCoy and May McCoy, his wife, ii r Merrill atd I. J Tiuu.l ull, Uvfandabts NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtoe of an ordnr of tale and decree duly made and entered of racord in th lmv entiUe.1 Ciurt co th 27 th day of October, 18!K). the nudersiknod duly appoioud ie rtfree, la th .boy entitled C urt, will 00 aalarday, I he IJlb rfay r Derrrober, I KM. At the hoar cf 10 o'clock a. m , sell at th Court lions dooi in tha city of Albany, I jnn county, urcgnn, a: pnlillo auction lor cash in hand to tha biubeat bid dor tho rl prop erty described in said order of aalo as fol lows, to-wit: That-'onih half of Ilia foDStton Iund Claim of John M Coy and Sarah M :Cy hla wlfn, 11 itlfloatlon natnbar 2T31 r'nm nutnoor 60, In towuahlp 12 S, K 4. W of ths Wll!am9tt4 mtridian In Ltnn county Orr-ir n. Tim rmceoda arlslnc from tha uilt of aald p ointHoi to Itn atijillrtl flnrt to the payuicnt of tha -oata and llnbureinnl ofauli taxed at K7.75 and tha cosU and fixpnnaoaof ato knit Ilia overplu to ba din ributd am-init tha atveral narttoi to sa'd suit. tiUintitri and defondonla. ac oordinx to their roro:lva r'ttnta as set rorth an-i providea In ani l decroo an-i or dcrof aab.t. Kcvi-mber 12th, 1S!K). UHOKUE HUMPHREY, Hole Keforoe. A(!miniKtrTtor'i Walo. VTOnCE is HICKKBY OIVENTIIAT 11 l v ylr'uo of an orda" of the Hon ooiititj c nit, of tta Mator f Oregon, for IVik 01 imiy, inado and duly mitered of rt'O-ird at tun Wovt-nibtr teim thrrrof. A D. 1M)0, In tua matter ol the etate of Maritaret I loot 1 by, uocoaxod. authorlzuj sua airmiiiiic 1110 or too roiiow.nir do ribed rnl proporty, bolonjrinR lo aald cHtHte. to wit: 'i lie nortn Lair or the don tinn land claim of Wns and Margaret Moi' MWion, notinnation tio J I us, claim No 63, In Townahlp 11 S It 2 west af the Wills motto Meridian. AUo the north half of tba following prnmiaoii. to wit- Ileinnlng at tne aoutbweut corner of the above oNorlbed tract; thenoo eaat 40 I chains; thaice south 15 chains; tbfnco wext 10 uO-lC'O clialnn; thonce uortj 15 ithttlui. to the place of beiclnnlnR. All aald land bains frltoated In Linn connty, Ori'Kt.n, and containing ISO acre of land, acourduiR to government survey, be tbe same more or loss, Now, therefore, I. W B Stout, adminl- trator aforesaid, will oiler the tald prem Uea for.aalo. and soil tbe aatne at public auotlon, to the hfgboat blddor, in front of the cent it bou-e door. In tbe city of Albany, county or Linn and state or uregon, on "Vpdneadav. the 24th tl:iy of Decemb-r. A D, lS'JO, at tbe hour of J o'clock, in tbe httornoon or Mid day. Trims of sale, cash In handi W. U. eT0Ur, (11'2I) Administrator. Administrators TVoiico. In the County Court, of Linn County, Htate of Oregon. In the matter of tbe estate of William Conn, de ceased. NOTICE it hereby given to ail penoua having olaimt against said estate to present the same to me with tha proper vouchers, at tho office of W R BiIyod,to Albany, Oregon, witliiu six mouht from date hereof, for the reason that I wat on the 18th day cf Novem ber, 1S90, duly appointed administrator of said estate by the above named court TUted thit 21st day of Nov., 1800, . . Samuel Coa.r, W R Biltett, Adminittrator, ..... Attorney., . . , (11-21) STRAYED. From tbe farm of the suit aoribed, on or about tba 2uth,ono bay mare, 16 hands high, five yaars old, few saddle ma.ks, little white cn hind feet, shod in front with smooth shoes; and one black ftily, three yesra old. Liberal re ward for Information leading to return of same. . . I.D.MILLER, M ( H rn , p ",.. Rcfcrec'11 Hnlo. In tit Circuit Court oftht Stair, of Orrgon for iMi ouniyoi bum 1 W A Klmwyand M V Klmney Iiim sun, iiMuhui k I'enry ami Milton 1'wrr hnr htubsnd, Marjr J J'wtry and W J 1'nnrv hnr biisbsnd, John VV Ualrioa amt Harali Oalnn ltla wife, Kamunl W Oslties and - Oalna hl wife. Mar, ha A Houiii and John A Hiiitli hor liualwnd, li D Iior rla, J II l orris, KilsN liturK and M I. DortU, l'lalnlllN, va H M Danlii) an t Von Danlnl hla wir.i, Almoim Danitd.Llovd Ouyer, M 10 linrrln, Krank O rtorria, ri'iyn K Dorrlw, K K I rrU. Willi W IX.rrU M K itorrw, I, Ij rmrrla. II l, liorr In and KM Uiiirls, HofH.idiiiiU. I XTOTICK IM IIKUKBY CHVKN THAT i.1 lir Vlrtun of an imli'r tml tU-trtm duly liMna and ttlorod or rrtrxird In Lbn above nntittod noun, on I ha V7th dy of wou.uiii, mini, inn uiiiinra'gtieil, lh 'luly appointed and noting roferoe, In mmIJ au't. win on StiturJay.lltfi 2?th day n Jhcemhrr,lS00 at tha hour of 1 iV:lo k, p in, of wild day, av 1111 ciurt UmiHt) a,rr. In tha olty cf Aiiiany, I, Inn couuiy. Ongon, aoll at ihjuiIj aun:lon, for o.wh In hand, to tb blulunt I lildiir.thn rail iironnrtv ilraxrllmil in said Omtm and ordnr ofsa'e a follow to w.r. Iho noribnaxt ijiuilnr of tha riorthetsl quarmr of m otlon two, In township n'ovn arm m or ran it a 0110 wnt of tho Wllk innt'a Aioruiia'. m Mint conn y, Ortgon ton ta(iiliitt37IM) Aim lots nuinborod ami o 01 mora niitntxiio J Z. i'i tiin lown or Hoiiavlllo, In Ilnn er.uf.y, orison. Ann oiock mi 111 btptil J2, In Wnsamr'a itddttln.1 to tho town .f Holo, In I.lnn eounty, On : 11. Tha proroodn arUlnx from tha aalo of aal I pMinlaoatobaepplind tho ooata anl ilikbiirnrtncints of aald auit rnd oxpftiiHi a of pmtm and the oviirnlua Ut l divided anintiK ta povnral par.lea lu a Id ault p aiutUT mid dxf itilaiili.ncniirdliijj to thatr ijiitiv right and iutttrtsta, m sot forth In aald ilwrw and ordir cf aalf. Datid Nov. IMtli, 1H1K). OKa lIUMfllttKY. (II !) )tfon.e. Atliuiiiiittrafrix iliec. VTOTl CK ! H Kit EH Y O I V TO A LL 1 whom It may concern I bat ot th 3rd day of November, IStK), 1 was duly apiHjInted kdinlnlntratrlk-of llm tauia oi Jaiuaha Moore, rfsestaed. by tba county curt ol Linn oounty. Oregon, and all peraoita Havlnff claim aualaat aald estate are hereby notified to present the tame to tne wttn th pr.)pir voucher, at the law oMo of VV It ltllyou, In Albany, Ore-ton, within alx inoiiths from tbe data hereof. Dated Nov 2Mb, IktM, MARY J. HEVItf). (II 2M) Admlniatiairta of aald estate. AriiiiiulHtrnfrik Police. VTTICE IS HEREBY GIVIN TJ all whom It may concern, that on Ihn 8nl day of November, 1'J0, I w as duly applnu! administratrix of the eatate of Alvln Moor, do eaaed, by tbe county court of Linn county. Orouoi,. And all lroiiM having el tm euiot aald estate aro iierrtty notiilod to pieaenttliaaatns to inn witn tho p-oper voucher at the law orn f W R ttllyau. in Albany. UrKn, witMn h'.x uiontb fiorn llin data liernof. Iiatixl th 'Hi day of N tvoinber, I WO M A KY J. ItKAItlK Administratrix f aald estatn, W. It. liit-vstu. Attorney. (11 2H) i:rtutorH iIIce. Notice I hereby circa that tha ouder sitie4 wsa thia lUy by order of tha Coanty ( ourt el Una county, UreipMvluly appoint ed cseeutor of tba laat wiil and testament of Pietton Mnnkera, docisael. AH perton liatiiiK. laiuis against tho esUt ol said d oraaod ar hervhy notified to pteaent tha samn duly voriried to tbe nodi rirfnc l.l hi real. tour near acto, IJnn omatv, Orrgna within ais months from thiadjte. Noveir.berSth, ISUO. TM yi'.xt.K l!rilt Si Irvine, Ksecutor. Ati'j for l'se.'otor. Lxfcutor 'otico.' roriCB H HERK11Y OIVEN THAT l the iindxa!u;iie.t lias bi. cu!y ap p,ilnied by On County Court of l.l'in Miur.ty, Orttton. r-xscuuir of tbo last will an I t-.Htainetit i t M li Mill, 1 tcec -il late ef Llin e?ounlv. O.eon. All rer..n ht vlrg claim agMnat sasd e4o are hr-re ny tiouiied to present them dulv venllnd t tbo utderlKiiKl at Ida ofllort in Albany Kiwiiii mi x inr ni.'ia ttavr (tua ital. tK U.l erSl IW't. J. I. HIM. T. J. Sin rxe. uttr. AUy lor I X' cv.or. Assisneo'3 IToticD. Nutioit is h.'iehy nive.i that the under lignwl baa l.'u duty appoiuUd and qo.bliud as aaviriv . f the estate of Earl Race, an loaolvei.t debtor. All persons haviotf claims agaiuat said estate are hereby required to prereot th'i sain lo th undoraitfui-d at A' btny, Or-ni, aithin three moutha from 'his dt prosily venlied aa by law reijuirtd, Novtmbrr Sth, 1.V.H). I- C. Mahsiull, Assignc. STRAY N01ICeT.-Stryd from my J ratidono", i miloa eat of Albany, about tho laa: rsf thttoljar, ono u-d and white cow, 3 y r old. ulvlnir milk. liaa one dioop horn, ntrap w tu ring around borna. A liberal reward will be paid aov ono leaving Infoimxtlon In I'ortOtUcoof ber wbereabnuta. Address, GEO tV ROGERS. I STRAY NOTICR-Strayed from my J farm one three year old steer, bind half crop from each ear. StilUbla reward to r.ny one who wilt inform me of ita wbereabouta. Tito I. Akpkiuon, liy Turner'a bildge.on Calapool, STRY NOTICE -Strayed from my li realdenoe.t wo miles east of Ccrvallld, ai.oui turns weets aro, a imv pony uitre about 0 yeara old. Reward for return or Informal Ion aa to whereabouts. Ad'tress. Z LEO N A It D, Cor vail la Notice lo Tax-Payers. Notice is hereby given thut I, or my deputy, will meet the tax-payer of Linn county, Oregon, at 0 o'clock a m, and re main until 4 o'clock p m, at their respec tive places ot voting In toe several pre cincts, at the loiiowt.ig limes and places, lor the purpose of collecting the taxes foi the year of 1890; Rock Creek, Monday, November 24th fox Valler, Scio, Franklin Butto Sanltam, Lebanon, Waterloo, Liberty, wcet 1 lome, rush Creek, Crawfordsvibe, Brownsville, Center, Syracuse, llarrisburg, Halsey, Shcdd Tangent, Orleans, ' Peoria, East Albany, West Albany, Tuesday, Nov aeih Wednesday, Nov 25th Thursday, Nov 27th Friday, Nov a8th Saturday, Nov 20th Monday. December itt 1 ucsday, Dec 2nd Wednetday, Dec 3rd Thursday. Dec 4th Friday, Dec 5th Saturday. Dec 6th Monday, Dec 8th Tuesday, Dec 9th Wednesday, Dec 10th Thur8da3', Dec nth Friday, Dec lath Saturday, Dec 13th Monday, Dec 15th Tuesday, Dec 16th Wednesday, Dec 17th Thursday, Dec 18th AiDany, f rlday, Dec 19th Prompt pavment will be required Pay your taxes and save costs. M. SCOTT, Sheriff ar.d Tax Collector. Dated November 3, 1S90. g;;;BigaaiBiii!aM y . . . . THE CJEZEBBATMO . . . . jlj y SMITH & WESSON I tin ma urn sn um. mm H raj ffEVDLVERS- mm wan V UI W Stt 1 W ffj The Flnoet Small Arms Evtr Manufactured. n Bt Unr!va!eddb tj for fjfiTS B EXCELLENCE l W0HK!t.31UP en p! cr.rENiNCS i r2 lOADtrJU ana SAFETY. Bewara of ehaan Iron Imitations I ii Ssed for Ulustrattd Cataiopao and P.lcs List tod y SMITH A WESSON, . OlSMrsintawwl tL J 1 Our stocks in plete, and we are Assorted, most Attractive- Stock of Goods in this country. Our Specialties are too large to give in full; but following- are some of them: DHtSS SILKS, IN CHEAT VARIETY, SILK WARP HK3IETTA3 in l LADIES, CIIILDREMS AKQ MISSES CLOAKS AHO V5AP3,' FAKCY DRESS PATTERNS. BLACK AND FANCY FASCINATORS, aho siu handkerchief:. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILD3EHS FINE SHIFTS FGii UOIES. FIHESaOES, m LADIES, MISSES AN 3 CHILDREN. FANCY SLIPPERS, PLUSH, VELVET AND OXFORD Tito POa LADIES, LACE COlLftRi FOR LADIES STAMPED LINENS, CONSISTIKC CF UMBRELLAS, WITH COLD AND SILVER HAKDLES, BOUGHT EXP2ESSLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Many of thoso Goods woro bought Gznre33lv for Hclidav trade, and bought in quantity, and of tho host kind. Parties wanting cannot buy too soon, as n3ar tho Holidays tho assortment cots broken, and in tho rush, as is always tho case, you cannot gee tho attention wa would liko to give all our customers. oamue Tbe Pasteur 0:1 exhibition in o:ir arrived, anl cm by si; ed and Unfiltered w.itjr main direct, or we will have them for well water. They take out all Disease Germs, and are per fect filters, mt strainers. Fully Warranted. ...Laa,!.. . ., rjt fe Li 4, in f; If-' ffl "ia I I SIWITH & SENDERS, A LB AMY, OREGON' And They Pay the Freight. LITTLE Spills. 00 NOT CRIPE, SICKEN C3 CONSTIPATE. Sunt Cure for Sick Kexgache, ana all troubles nrlaing fraia Indigaatlaa or Cntiption. Th doaa eaa b Blalr adiaowd to suit tha raaa, aa on pill oao nar ba too tanca a doao. hUir to tka aa ao mneb auaar. 2 pilla put up In a atrons vial arhlcnmn bsrarHad la tm! norkrt. a flrvsi I'nTen. Iitara la Trawlora mm4 RaalaM M.a. Knaa GfUMln with awl 'Crl,,Tr4r. Ikl InrjohnvUM tetll. aaii-iB vuaa aaa uhiai buvk Kir a, ia auuapa. UK. HHRTEH a IRON'TUNIC. S TORIKIItStha Rl.lH)l; KI'dlllATES (be LIVFUt and HIDNKVStCd UKSTHKKSIhp:KHIlJTiTl'l ! to HBa.LT 11 nd VIDO'tOt'g HTHkNDTM of A'nml THE 03. HARTEB MEDICIKE CC. ST. LOUIS, KO. ALBANY-NURSERIES' W i u. visual xiANUtttonr nurssry oa vlia CorvallU rod, one-half mile from town, ss flno v lot of fruit trees ofallkiaja una be found nay where on th oiitst. If yoa contomtilate planting t:es it will pay yon to reo our stock and get onr prices. Catalogue fiee TI-YMA.IT a BUOWNELT,. FortmiKer & Irving. 5.V ' '.r -mv""! -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Arterial Embalminf; Dona Scientif ically. 2nd Store. Hesl f.(ook or 2r.d pS" ;oods lu lha Vn ley, and the most reasf io prices, both n b celling. I bare ou hand all k'Uua rtlRNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUHKSrOOOKS, FIXTURES CLOCKS, CRGCKHHY, ETC., ETC. wast of S E "Voucg's ol( tt.ore V ?s. liillUllii ovory Department are now com ready to show Mack and Oi'iia, TADLE COEilS, and colon". TABLE SHAWLS, LADIES F'JJS, EM333I3ERED, FINE BLANKETS. WHITE AKQ COLORED. TF.UHXS.PLATED KNIVES, FCRKS AND iPiJONS. A'iDCHiLDr,Eh JEYELHY. ETC.. ETC. BUREAU AND TABLE SCARFS, SPLASHERS, TIDIES AHO TRAY CLOTHS. Water Filte Show Window, hav throwing both Filter- Can hi attached to ??arh?nd, Sold 5 onitor and truierior The best assortment. Beautiful good.?. Water Supplits, Plumbing Good?, are GHAS.'H. D0DD & CO., IKPOOTERS OF hardware, Jron, VJteel, AND FARM MACHINERY. r'I?C!TT. FIEST AND Vni2 ST22ET3, P0STLA1TD, 02E!50N. Sola Agonta for Orcson and Washington for DEERE'3 NEW !. Dauhlo. or Trlpnlo Fnrrow. lion, tlutt those wlio liavo nsod their praiso. Wo Aim Beat avtaolimcnts are extra. 2EE POWEE IiUPT BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN Di-NLL. , ii -: kt-yo Hoe Tress Groin Drill, Buckeye Seeders, Bnekeve Sprine Tooth Harrow 5M,i.,. Grain Drills, Superior Scodera. B AOOln Jarro w Supw.or " CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER Th. improved tr Tho Wo alSo have a Tall .JJJ.j Itamtal, ' Wac. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. , L,,reuco & ChaPla'. Hsn SolenUflo Feed ' ( IIAIS1I 33A.III1 "WIIU3. ETCW 33TC. v SEND FOIt SPECIAL CIECVLARS AHV PIUCK tISTS. E. THRALL, AGENT, ALBANY, OREGON. where. Y'e cr1 h t v-r vl f m C 1 K.a RU the Largest, Best SCARF D, LAM3REQ'jlN3. L.CE CBBTAIHS, riLLOV SHAMS. CB?ETS, CARPET SWEEPERS. RUGS Hi CHEAT VARIETY, TABLE CLOTHS AHO NAPKINS. PERFUMERY, FANCY CR0CXE8YJEA SETS LAMPS. STANDI KQ AND HAN CINQ. Young 5 1! - i X ' 'J 'cm, ArgantSj Cooks, Heaters and Ranges. - The lowest prices. Reliable dealers in Pumps, DEAL PLOWS. . -1C" . -f , . a .. -a v . . - - .-. . tL m?SwT af r. They aro so slmplonnd moso near Absolute pcr.'oo sort t hum -or aeon tbem work can not say enou 'h lT rni!i ihemwUh or without seat attachment. eTJIiK-S" PLOWS. Sold again! But we've just r& ceived a fresh lot which can bo seen on our floor any day. JWe are talking about stoves. If you dvo tliinking' of ' buying one, come and inspect our stock and get posted on our prices, for wc are quite sure they are from 1( to 25 per cent lower than else hinT in ; the wsv of t .-T---