Mali New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT-: An rj. in the "DEMOCRAT" lieaches the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. and the Amcrlcnn Farmer, nil one year FOIl 82 80. Weekly "Sim Bight Pomoorat, fi 00 VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OIMX20N, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER S3, 1890. so n Entered at the Post Offlce at Albany, Or egon, aa aeoond e.'eyia mail matter. per yesr. TAlK lOK SAM: -I lm0 H mrp, nrar lwnn n-i,vi ho rnrrow t.ieiik'o, 10 inli fmm AUnnv, All in ryUlvntloi:, titir Iiouka and brn. (IikkI water for nto-k end donimllfl ptuvese. Kino onk grov . Alo aiuthrf-m l I'-S aenw, thino mllon fro n Uil.mi t(. All In cuitie .Ui.m. Fair Iioiiwiv (ItMit water. Hutli u.kiJ whnat f nt. Aiao liousa and two lil on riMi nail J..cnr.iti stroiii, AILany. Tor farih rr particulars r'l on V. I'nijihrvy.CenU'i prooiuot, orou llewUl A Irvnm. lly. n; A, UMl'ltKKY. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers o" UAM EKCIHE3 CRIST AND SAV. MILL MACHIrttfiV IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KIMS 0? HEA.Y A!H LIGHT WORK, IN RON AND B.1ASS CASTIKCS. iclsl attcution jul.t o . naJrlnit sit d of mar-hium PaWr.os Mada urt Short No'Jot Ciiy Meat Slavlccl. SHULTZ BROS,, Prorrktars, K'4p a full llni of meat of, nil kind's In a eoel Jlue, c)uipl.l'-ly iro tectt-d; and always f.- . If you with to hivo your uatrh bct:!v and promptly rcpnirt-d an i ir j'lttsl to run (r one er, take i'. t MEAD THE JEWELER- L. It E Has just received a superKlino of .. Fall and IMsr Clothing, The largest in the Vallcv, carefullv wli-c(eil for ihv trade liere, including an elegant line of Ovkucdat.-:, all f the latest fabrics, and of a high ;radu of workmanship His Furnishing Goods Dep't Is complete with all the novelties of the season. Boy's and Children's department consists of high novelties. In his Hat Department Will be found all the latest shapes of the season His -Boot and Shoe Department i.s line of goods His Tailoring SJepailmcnl Under charge of the expert Mr SchHller, is -well stocked with a splendid line of suitings Strictly One Pries. POWELL & CO., successor to Geo. C. Henderson. DEALERS IS- Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. INSURE- IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Safe, Sound; r mum STRICTURE rvrroi.Ur rurv.l afthoul Outline, Purnlnj r b0tg A 'rtrfily I'tUul.' irvittiuMil ami a uunrau. Ity.l t urn Hi vrr u, no eMttrr hit lour slai'tlli Vti tirnlmrul, l.wr S.rliui o, ( lr HovD. . I h .atrt kl'i'Wi Wtvil uir. It illwi.lMia ml , rvm.v.s ina Nui.'lir iiikui sun.. I or xuu la ih 'lKiit. DISEASES OF M EN 1 IVniUnr (Mr tax, fth t imt 'Mvr to lmn; hurt, ttii'linht'C all tH t UtHcU InHrmltlw mid Wuttv hv-wv, which thov wituM nhi-luk from UIlWtiif itm thitu was vr mio to M tlii'lit I fir. by t lUikoli'N "Nrw htitliMU if TrttatnifiH. It rJil0ti h OAml )imiUJv rll, nhouM riU, tittlug hlr ph fully, Mrtlletti tl by mutl rr xiri?ta hIm, (rv fn.iu v nn, lo nil itti i( tlii i'nJtiic V it A'I'I'IM, Wm. A. llaiell, M. ! H rl It lpra.rr. 1'arlUnil. rr Corurr r irtl ami l it eatrvola, nvi r I ui t Inml CURES' $ir Turo CfiJo'if. Ciltf, Ifiliaf nt, flwnchttlt. luarrcn.J, Vihonplng loupi,lroup. Nirol. atlhfpn. rvty i. vi.i t( the Ihro.t. LnniiU Cl.tsl, ConM-pllcn. S. W. Paisley, 41ban;. 9 -wu i.Ks ma: vkm vu in- liis grade filled with a choice 1 uuxevi: '.iai-'- mxu uitv ctji T&u jbich Company. Conservative It vou want tho bes1 and niostjdurable furni ture that is manufactur Ocd in tho city go to B LAIN V ISlltlMllfil Thomas Brink. AMY HEADACHE IhllsYcaWaStr r.GTiurja ELSZ. A F.u'U v Tkuntmc. tnnt evening the Kui'uosul (.'oiiiiulsniiiierii at OropoM, nfter having hoard the ti'ntiitumy of thlrtj- two witnifsca on thy can hp ol tli Lake failiinh ruilrDud ixtlihnt, tnuml Unit llii'ii) wan no H.itiHUictory tvidenoo in mipiKirt ut the in'iuiiti"U that n mil lunl Imu ii rciiuivtd. Tlmt tins train wnu pitir at the rate ( nlnrnt twenty inik'H nu Inmr wht n the ulr hrak-s wero Hiiu'd,omiHiint the Hlriu'turo to ivo nwny im loi-t muith ol tht nurth iiii'omii. Iho lUmrd bh" l iiloii the ih h i tH d lh'trt'M us fwlitnvg "IVntw. cipiHiihTini tin' imture uf tht1 ground, it In'iiisJ hi'KU.v il"l Hi'ony, wore Ion far iipiirt ; ia were t w idi'l v epHeed : cti:rd rails were in ulate ir decny tint hut few properly l:mtened,nnd nu (rail its t) nlhrd im m( gnurd. That nineli of the tiniU'r in the lent, edpeeiul'y the capa and uilm hud inoro or leu decayed, and thnl the lents were not neerelv swny-hraeed ; that oino c( the pile mip porliiiK' ihe U'lilst wero nimonnd.nnd that many ol tne number ikuh iuhi neen ul loweil to heeoino loortelied." Tho eou ehiionii are thoae generally held hy the pnhlie, reimdlcHi of prejudice nk'niiiNt tlie mail. It l:tce the rernailiiity on hmad Hhouldera, and pruluthly w lii 're it Ih'Ioiikk. lliet the train luen w recked pnr- POHtdv only pure tnennnt su cunld have Lee n the incentive, ntel it in hurd to think o' any otto hcitig no depraved. Nki:h Um ohmimi. I( there U nnyune w ho neudn rcforinitiu it h the editor of the Kefnrni Journal, of Portland, who in writing np the valley. We do not know .thutit I'.u.'in' ; lint tlx1 etuU liii lit in the i-ilowin item, iiiiplicnltin; Alhany, i.i not correct. There arc no red Ilit here, mid merchant., generally, tell tlo 1kmi on r Hint Im.i U-en U-tti-r thi.i year than ever U-f-Te. Avreato ealen are luritcr and more cash in paid. 1 tt caiise people do not milwriU for a re form journal, thnt they prv-hahly do tint want, in no niti that hiiHiucH ia H.r, though aoine proluhlv tell the canvanser t in order to ir.'t rid of htm; a rr;U uii.take. Here in the item: To look tit Kinretie n perxon would think there w it: Kreat proHTify. Alter talking with mic ot the luerehantM and lahorim: men, we f..imd unfavorable re port. of the im-reliauta claim to 1m closing out hiifinetH, haviuic their red thn;.4 out iudicatinj; cloHinj; out mi'vh. Oiiu i t the old'-xt liruia in town told ua thev w ire w iud:na up their buainens n f:l8l n-l piwwible. Tho hll irmu men 'aim that there ii little to do in tow n. Of course thia condition not con tined to Lunelle; Alhnny, S.tteui sind other val ley towns are alMmt the name. I'tMi.crNii Srvt.K. The city marahal i-tiltd word to hlit di-jnitiea l.iat liiK'it that t!ie "roundera' mtiNt k . otilci ra I n rh i in, Cu! nnd Johuaoit tua hi the roiiteU of the fal'x'UM at !h!i aa the or der was received, and quietly Informed diarcputable rlntrjctrra, v. hocko out it precirtoin ,y preying upon the community, nt len-t the "aiiek-r" portion of it. thnt the city could easily net aton; without them their room waa l'r liiau their rompany. AIhiuI jht' t tl in nil were notified to leave '.Ml hv no. i iih: ;. SoiuV ola-Vf I t !u" or- dr, hut others yd retinin, M-ir-iloii I rilii h t j an K. O. representative that hin ordi r would he atrii ttv t nioreed. JO. O. The Ailianv in:rhal'a f lvleia to n!ii; them at once, 1 lore they accum ulate. CliOili I'ot'.N I V. Two K'tc'l.jl'. llUVC jeen mailt during the r-.l t .rcc cek lol.iur) iJat e KowAn'k aloon. About 3 o'clock Monday mofnle; C. Moutouicrt' barn, on Wiltow creek, mile i.orth of ii hie vi'.'e, wa hurned to the ground with ail it con'ci.u We learn from faille who came i:i to town Mordav tbat 'he r'a I over the aC i.! n:itiiit;iiti. i In linv- travehfj" eofdiiii" : hot Utile Miow .about four int'hc tor a . boil ui .lance. Tld Utpd'c iinu ,i:aJ for '.U U-r.ii of vear, . Citc'c A llack'eitian ardved from At- nany yesterday, Cnclo Ats eroed the mountain, by way ot the route. He encountered verv lidic rnicav andnav that the road U In fair trawtln coiulttio'ii. IMncviilc f aper. Em-.mii'!, or HuMt.s. .-'uch men a 'lal 0 Fellows, now hi jail for lewd lri!crourc wi'.ha ixteen year old girl, at Sclo, arc Che mot dac.eroua of ail n.cit to wtiety. If the charge, and other, reported, arc t: ue he cannot be punLhed too severely. Any man who will AsftUt In ruhiifi; the character and hope of any woman, can, not be condemned too severely. The dif ference between Fellow an J nevcrai in Albany U he hat been caught and convicted, while they iut a had are hoi 1'iteifert d whit, and .o;rie ijo in pretty t;ood society. '1 heir uiit nhouhl condemn them rcgarde. of arrest. A: Ust'Ki'.TAisTv. Recently en item appeared to the tflcci-t that ft Nebraska man had traded a larin then w till a Rrow nHvilie man (or kouu 15. & C. M. M. Ktwk. Inadvertently thin waa mistaken (or woolen inill Ktock, biuI cotumented on; hut it ih Bimiily mining iftoc. and there ia fluflicient uncertainty ulxjut any iiu.-iii! KiucK to luane tiie trananciioit ire tereatini. The owner of tho titock, thoiii!ii. L'f.ta more of mi uncertainty in getting a Nebraska farm, heaicgeu by cyclones, blizzards, nnd uroutl. Need Oct. Albany's alleyu are in jiiht about the condition o( those of Vi alia al!a. 1 ho htHtcgman ayn AI Ijwo, the tibi'itiitoua dravnuin. thinliH ficrtoiiHly of petitioning tho city council to wnien the alleys- 01 Una city lie litatc.s that there ih one ol two thiiiK", viz: he will either have to hire ft new driver or compel tho council to make radical change in gtrceU and alleys. It in very probable the council will recog- iu.u iiiH ileinaiidH. ' Tun CiiAMi-ioN Cow. Jos Wood, of Woods, Oregon, ban the champion eating cow in the United Htates. While camped in Mr Wood's camp tround thin cow broke into a utoro tent and devoured the following articles. One butdiel ot pota- tr,ca rot . tirol -,io.l,4i If ItnuK.ilu r.f .ld twenty potindH of bcana, three pounds 01 dried peaches, twenty pounds of llour.fiix pounds 01 rice and live pounds of sugar A Leiianon Fk.jit. Lebanon wa the ccnc c quite a fierce fllit, the first of the week. A young man named Whteler, rc-htdiii in that city , and Mo;j Wasnom living near there were the participants nome uioou wa drawn, vv heeler waa e cured by the city marshal and given 1 trial whijh vciulted In his acnuittal. Was mm not being a resident w;i not arretted. For he Woklis Faiji. Petitions have been received by G V.' Wright, ol mc iaie cunimuiee on ine uoiumbia tair, atkirs; the tate legislature (or the appro priauon 01 a uncrai amount tor Oregon' exhibit. Iheywillbe Kent to different parU of the county fcr circulation, and should be generally tdgncd. Oregon snouia snow ner coiorj in ioj or ol. A Motor. Line, -Ardclc lncorporat ine the Newport Improvement Comnanv were filed In the office of the secretary of state yesterday, with L E Blain, J is (Joop crandS G Irvine as Incorporators; capital stock, $80,000; object, to build and oper ate a motor line at Newport, Oregon. The Markets.-Wheat Is r.ow quoted In this city at 62 cent, with a lower tenden cy. Oats, governed by local mr.rkets mostly, are going the other way, 45 cents is paid for them hi bulk and 52 cents sacked. fortunate is the man with a big oat crop. In tub Cikccit Cocbt. Tho following two suits have been brought in the Cir cuit Court of Linn county recently : E J Daly against M Alexander.for damages A T Gilbert and F M Gilbert against P sevens, to recover money, . The same complaint Is m?dc here. But if Uncle Sam Is slow because he waits only four or five months what of the sub scribers of a country newspaper, who are happiest w hen tney wait fcuror five year and the editor is considered ti courteous , ' Camkhun HKArrKK. Tho Walla Wutlit 8tateauittn fity : "The uporting (rater nily, of Wulla Walla, mill rcinciula-r youns tirnv, o( Colfax, mho enino to Walla Walla lust June to filter in a run niiitf rare with lcn vViiitatd, of thiaclly and Mr. t'luneion, nhort diiitauce chain- tiioii of ()i i con. t)ti aecoiiul of the race not tlllini; it wait dectitiicd "oil." On Saturday, ut t'olfax, youmt (ray heut the w oi ld'n record lor 1 '-'" variU. I lid coutcHtunt waa Cameron. The inco in thu dearrilH'tl : The tiiatch wtia (or I'M yarda and '.'.0 a Hide, tiray won by six lect, in the reumrkalilg time ol hco otida, nlthoUKh he Hprained hi" nnkle tthout ten (cet from the HiiIhIi. The race wiih one of tho prettiest ever tcn in Col fax, lunl the ppoi'tH itro inont .nthiiaiaatie. Thia time, na it ntnuda Iniita the woild'a record for l- i yarda." it h t,dtj to mt the time una not correctly kept, (or i would make Catueron'H time 12 tteeouda or Icbh, and nuv one knowing him will nay he in ito Mich a uprlutcr. Coxtini'k ruoit. The mail aervlce at Yiiquiiiii hay la evidently n had au ever judKinK from the (ullowiii)! (roi.t tho (ia xvtlo : The people of Newixirt me ulTerin Rreat Incouveiii.'ncp (roin the inefllek'iicy of the mail Mcrvlco between that city and Yaquina Citv over w hich route altnoot all their mail la carried. A noti-rcnident aecurcd the contract for carryinif the iiihiIi between the plucea iiniued at a figure much la'Iow w hat it ii actually worth. Ihe ruMult ia that toe work waa p.Mirly performed from the !-jin tiinj and recently the contractor failed to pro- viile anv iiieana for the tnuiit ol loni!, nee which time podinonter A. II. Hamilton haa performed the ac evict aa heat he could. It how nppeara that the of the Hteaiucr J. M. lite hardiott ollera to carry the mail on achedu! time for ihi per year. Mki, Thau.-A company ltd Scct Ihiuio t-ik'Kid4V for Whltcoinb, a po.!ol!n'e In the H14 liotlom cou.iuy, to make a trail from there to the QaarUvtlle nimcH. 'J he pai'.v (mm here confuted of A 1' llaiolltoti, Mr llanlinvoi, ii W Kutn- haiU'li, llermati Krrhn, (u Kli ier and T li IwU. Ihry will he met it WhU coiiih ! (i IS Whltiiea!'. I) T l.ttkluerr. Mr Ittiuc. Mr Cmroil ami Mime o'hert. John liourfca uinl Mr Lucy nud tome other. lll ;. up Tnurtd.iy to help. A the mine, arc on thU proiti of the .Saolhnn river, wlili a from hrre they can paa hi and out of the mht, any li ne ilmhu the keaum l'h a. k 4:011, al. c r on foot, o I am tool. There l now a oo' l.all (ruin isweii Home lo Whitcotnb and a weekly null at j rceiit. -for, ICtjirc1. Lru.S'o - Ja. NJtm.ey ha boujjhl into a .atoon in At'.Mfiy. Wc larn that t!ic wife f J K C'harlic.11 U really Improved hi health. Set era! well hive none dry lately and the .S.ifiil.iui I. Ijwer tli4ii It ha hrcn for many )cai , ay one of our il:hii, K II Crouch I. now Imppv In autli Ij-alion of a free ritle and a hot of IIjv.hhu Mr Cl licit MrA(;erc.t a hou of cl4t with Ju.ljje Milter la.t aprlt. thai then would l.e tme liundird Ivni-xi hi.lit in I.cImooii In V. miv.i.i, one tu'uiinl ami live Iul V.ntg have been crrited. Kxpicm. Tnr. Champion Tach T.i:.--!'. S. lior'on, a lienl.iit county f irmer and fruit li'uner wno Io been in 1 cn.l.etoii lor .evtral week pa!, e'alii. tlie champion pen h free of Orij;on. Jt WA Martcd In tne Olfhatd fro'tl a il; live esr tt-o. The t'iii.1 a hnvliel e-f line pruflie were i;atbeie.l,ihe f. uith t tui.l-.r, and a half, and tid vrr,r the limb were loaded down with the fruit. It t-hii; i,ecry ta prp them. Pendleton K. ). WoM..i;n 1. Vai.lkv. Thirt valley is nndoiihtediy destined to lie the center of nttraetioii for iuimii;runt. It I.rne-K-es f.'aturen, natural mid cntuhllshcd. whieh t i tiiiii'.lid-i it to the 'eo)i!e of th world, lhuiie v. I10 vin.t it are (intolilshed at lit advantage. I'r climate, fertility f coil and (-.'iieial natural advantage) it is uiiHiirpacfed in the world, ihe scen ery in remarkable at Albany. The Three inters, Mt. JefFersou, and Mt. Hood, all snow-eftpped, may be seen on el ar days, and Mary's 1'eak is not without her at tractions, wltilt emr footdiihs loom up with pleasiuic familiarity. A Com pi-are f)uc td the nc ijtcur li'itcru wa displayed In the front window of Smith Sc Sender to dir. It U undoubtedly the tmt perfect filter ever made, being absolutely jcrm prjof. Water run thfouyii !t Ik pure hi every drop. Tlie fiitcr i a beautiful piece of fu-niture, and In Albany particularly, w lure our hydrant water U very unccilain a to nua'lity it khou'd attract attention. One only need lo ee tld filter to be convinced of its su periority to all edlieis. Tmk Cknsi's enumerator of Portland are Urea ot waiting lor their pav and called a meeting fjr lat night to take some action towards hastening payment (or their service. Those In tld city arc In the ame fix, only one ol them havlnif re eclved Ids pay and the others arc gelling uncany. They regard Uncle Sam ai a very slow paymaster, and arc determined to tee what can be .lone to haiten py- inei'.t. Astorian, rronnnared tliiirlrs,!Yrt aveil. From a li"r ritten by Mr Ada K Kurd ti Oroton, 8 l, w fiunte: "Wa taken with bud coiil. whuh settled On my L.unus, comjlis sut iii aud Ihmily tiiriniiiatd iu Con- nmvtinn. pour (loctors fjsve inn up styini I ccuid live but a short tuno. I eav my self np to my Saytw, d.jteriniiitd if I could not ktay with my frin:t r.n earth, I would meet my ' :nt ones abnVR. My husbard was advised tncut lr Kiiij s Now Uiecovvr- ery for Connumytion, Cmiiths and Colds. Kve it a trial. t'M.k in all ciht bottles; it has eared ine and llink Ood I am a well and hearty woman." Trial bottle froo at Fo shay & M isoa's drug store, regular six?, 50u sod 51, f'arain'. . .ua Well the iill.treii.' It. ailli. Whoniiiaffcmiifh and err.iip iiicisctly 0111 cd by Hoidua's Elhsreal CnUtdi Syrup. It is inf.diihio in iU tffwts.and plea-ant to Uke, l.arvrt sizfl I, Kmail 50 oct(. For lale by J a. Uuirirnini;. drDuist. beading PIiotigrailicrs Albany Oregon. We havn boatht all tho negatives by L W Clsrk aud W 11 Greenwood op to Nov 15th, 1889. Implicates can ba had from hem only of us at rsdnocd rates. Wo have also about 18,000 ncfcativcj mads by cur selves, from which duplicates can be had st like rates. We cairy tho ouly full liue of views of this state and do enlarged work at lowest ratoe for first elans work. Wa shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio ia Froman's block, noxt aoor to rJasouio ien.plo. Dr. M, If. tllis, physieian and A!l?any, Oregon, Cull, vnado in oountiv. aurgona oity 01 I5au & Achisoa bacdlo tho celebrated Portland cement walls for ceicctcry lots, rticro walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and sra far superior. PAISLEY & FISH, JOS Pi!ltlTSS FLIriH BLOCK fUBARY. French?.Tnny'iofer. . These wafers are a sure and safe speclfl. for all kinds of female troubles ar.dw". 1 remove all obstructions to the monthly periods, no matter what the cause. ' They are just what every woman needs,, and ean be tibcd with safety. For sale Llvinubtono Chemical CO- also from sole agent, J A Cummincr, drucrewt, Blum I hr'rciL. !rt ."'" n-r-.rr.' Itllll AMI rilKftOXAL. THt'liHIlAV. Chun Mctia'nr went to Salciu to day. C K Wolverton and J R Wjalt let! thU noon on a IckhI trt to haiein. Mr J II Ciii.Uk, of Spokanu Kullh brother of J W C'uxlck, U In the city. FE Allen went up the road ycterJay in the lilletcitl 01 ine wire worxt. l)r Scrouuln and ( nnlly htm led thin noon for tliclr future home at (te.unce. Idaho. Hon leff Mrvera left thU inion on biiitlncaa lilp to I'.aker ( cc whether It rtiilly II18 lHnver ol UrcKon, John II hluler, (orirterlv a I.ihinion boy wa elected proecullin' attorney of Ste ven county, Wahlii,;toii, oi. the tleuio craih: ticket, hcinu thi only dcmtjcntl elected, John, we congratulate you. Mr Mclilmutry, of Wclla, wa In the city to day. Mr McKlnitirry recently iuir cha;d the farm belonulti! til , C. Head, of thU city, moving from lVlk county on 10 it. I.lcetue have been granted for Ihe mar. riaue of K.lwln I, Tandy and Marv M (juoil'In.tHo of lUrrlhhura popular vounu; people; and for J O Caloway and ar' 1. W. ..I I.I - -3 iiiiioii,i w t ok i angeiii a wi.riojr oiufn. Rev ) It Whltmore.'tirand Lec'urer of tlie A U W, U In the cliy to day on hi way to Lebanon, w li -ie he Kc to put tiie IchIl'c ut that place una healthy liai ol woik. There will be 13 new member ad mitted. Ir Swecncv, the eli known doctor of ,-ian rrnnci'to, of il Bdvcr'l.m;, who arrived In Albany e:erttuv Iromlhat ctty, ly wuy ol v aquinn, Ir It on llic noon train aicompaiilcd by Mi Sweeney, The imM'Hit.M' liopr tlielr kaPlni; win he miH.ther than that reported t ice Ihrb Icav iuj; home. Mr A 1) darker returned tld uiori h.e from a tcvcral ino.iih vUit ut her old home In Ottiimwa, low. She wae. companled by hrr brother In law, Mr llrnrv Sanuel, and daughter, and Mr A I 'oilier, father of Mr (ieo Io.I.h-r, of I,U city. Mr Hanee! I a barber and Ml Ih. tier a patlrrn maker, and bo'li have come to make Oregon their home riiiiv. Miaa l.elle Sender returned thia main from a visit w ith friend in 1'ortland. Mr tieo I'iekiiiiion. of the tlreu'oii Ijtnd Co., waa in Salem yeaterday on huMtiena. It F Anhhy came upfront roltlninl lat veiling on biiHineH, jio report tho trrj;oii I'm ilie Real l.ataie cimpany aa loini a B'jo.l btlaineaa. iho comtiany wiil ao.ui put an addition to YaoiKita City on the market litre. The .icinl nivcti last evening at the !e:tiit reaidt ne o( Mr Conrad Meyer, V the (adit of the Catholic Church. wa ell attended, and waa pronounced a hire a'lair, iVrtidca a ('a1 Hlh'waneo of i-aima and a H-lahility a regular itiipper wa nerved for "0 centa. a amall price for "' g'KaJ a feiiHt. The cake waa drawn by Mr Andy Hunt, h Laving the lucky iittiiibcr. .Tl'hV. Gros e.atii'J up lUllop from Portland tl lis IIO..II Mrs hr II I. Irvine mid son return I to Salem thi iiih.ii. l'ro( lAxiitey and Mr Iv;ijuu went to :aleui tin liuon. Mr tier hard returiu.t this noon (10m a rii down the road. t'lillayiio went to Kti-ne this noon ottemt to some cetuent sidewalk wotk. I'rof Itcher, of the Stat; Agricultural 'olleec, of Cjrvallis, was in the citr to lay. Mrs Schlosser and dauchter. Mis Allie. o( Albany, are viniliiijr with 5!rs I'hihvd this city. Ih ntoii leader. Mr lave Froman.e hrk w ith EC Ht arls. is lying ill at the hunieof his father,!! few liitlea Irom the til v, with typhoid fevtr. Mr John Tall hit vesterdav fr New Mexico byway o( Yiiiiuma I5av. Mr 1'alt r i'!el there several years ago. U II Iloutoii hihI w ife,o( Alhanv.came over on Friday to attend the coll'ee club urty. ihey returned home Monday. i5en'.oti leader. Geo (' Will, tho swing luiu-hiiie man, Koe to Albany ami ( orvalhs to-morrow to spend a wee'k, taking hi family. He win soon open an ufUeo down town. Salem Journal. W W Mcfiee, o( Sweet Jloino.has ln-t-P in the city, lie reports the waem roan In good condition and free o( snow iu iom the mountains. There is very little travel though. Mr IVngra. ol the Huntiiurton roads. has been in the city severu) days. There are rumors that several dillcrent ronds arc trying to get hold of tho Albany line to Astoria, Hon .Ringer Hermann w ill las here shortly to tonka arrangements to build his house on Ins grounds overlooking the l'acinc ocean near Highlands, on the Yafiuinn Bay fc Seal Kock motor line. iiiiuinn Kepublican. Ijist evening Miss Mary CnndiiTgavea very enjoyable party at the pleasant home 01 ner lather, Mr It V Cundtll, at tended by a larire nuinber of vouuir peo ple, who passed an e vening full of unal loyed pleasure Mayor Cowan, City Purveyor Tlarr and Recorder Hen ton went to Portland this noon. Mr Harr toeik along a survey of the It It street sewer, and tho matter of connecting the depot property w ith it will he considered w ith Mr Koeblcr, of tho H. P. W H Hoskins, repr'c?enting lioyo & Lansings Musical A Comedy Co.,' has been iu tho city billing the city. This company has heeu in the city tw ice. It nun Heveiiii nuw ieiiiuren,Hiui ia one 01 ine finest troups ever on the Coast, playing to big houses. This Trade Mai k on a stove means It is th best thst ex perience and skill can con trlve, Sold only by Smith fi Senders. Jsotkh ok Albany Factory. H you want a real choice siuoko try our 10 center. Why smoke a Chinese made cigar now that you can get a far superior one fttJ Joseph's cigar factory, mado by white labor ? Try our celebrated 0 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We mako a specialty of selling cigars ot our own make by tho box at factory prices. Fine- Meerschaum and Briar pipes"and a full assortment of smokers articles. Tub Peak Sihteiis will give one of their popular entertainments Novemlier 26th, at the Onera IIouso. Admission.SO cents : gallery, 25 cents- No extra charges (or reserved seats. Tickets on sale at Will & Link's. Proceeds to be used towards tho Orphans Home. TIIvT HACKING COUGH oa ! quickly enreu ny nuuuii a v. autee it, Keshay & Maeoa, I . . . . . -i.:i-l-- Cure. W agents. . Ttio llueeuiiecr of Old Flaunted the akult re dau aliones.tlioir en- s'liii, defiantly at the masthead . Your mod ern pirate, not on the high eeus.but upou the hiKti rxputatiou et stanaaru remedies skulks under various elisguiaes. Hi bole and corner tr&tlio has never to any degree affect ed Uostetter'a Stomach Bitters, although that standard invtgoraut aud eorreetive has loner been tho abluing mark at whieh his shafts have been directed, Cheap local bit ters, composed ot hery uureoutied attmu lants, with au infusiou, or extract possibly, of some tnmo baik, are still Soinotimes recommended as idoutieal with, or similar to, or possessing virtues kiudred tn those of America's chosen family medieiue. These per iih apcodily, while the great aubduer and preventive of disease pursues its successful '. ''. . oarocr, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, ner ' "e I vousuets, kidney troubles, oonttip&tioa and Olir . :,',( . . 'l tfu 1.... I lUUlUB.IU niil,lobr U . ,k-jr vM bl,tr UUII U.t uixttu L it ws on KTIeii:MTE. If person ot greater age or higher rsnk than yourself desire you to step first Into cart lage, or through a door, it Is more polite to bow and obey than lo decline. Nu compliment that besrs insincerity on the (aco ( It Is a compliment at all Unmarried ladles may not accept pres ents from gentleman who a6 neither re lated nor engaged to them. Presents inade by a marrl-d lady to a gentleman can only be offered In the joint names of her husband and heiscK. When you cannot r.greo with th propo sition advanced in general conversation, be silent. If pressed (or your opinion, give It with modesty. Never defend your own vtews tori warmly. When you find others remain unconvinced, drop the subject, or lead lo some other topic. Look at those who address you Never boust of your birth, your money, your grand friends, or anything that is your. If you have travelled, do not in troduce that Information into your con versation at cvtry opportunity. Any one can travel with moner and leUure, The real distinction i to come home with en Urged views, Improved tastes, and a mind lite fiom prejudice. If you present a book 101 li lend, do not write Ids or her name In It unless requested. Vou have no right to presume that It w ill be rendered any the more valuable (or that addition; and you ought not to con clude beforehand that your gift will be S'-'O ('ted. Never undervalue the gift which you e yourjcll ollcilng; you have no busi ness lu offer it If i I valueless. NcUher say that you do not want It yourself.or that you should throw It away If it were not accepted. There Is an att and tuupifcty In the giv ing of presents which It require, a natural delicacy of disposition tightly to appre hend. You must not give loo rich a gift nor too poor a gift. You must ncvr make a present wl'.h any expectation cf a return; and you must not be too eager to makes return yourci( when you accept one. A gift must n--tbcostchta'.ju,but It should be worth offering. On the other hand, mere cus'.linc dun not constitute the soul ol a prc.ent. Never re(u a present unless under very exceptional circumstances. However hum ble the giver, nd however poor the gld, jou hou!d apjueclatc the goo J wilt and lii.enilon, and accent It Mith kindnc and thanks. Never say, "1 (ear I rob yoe," cr "I am really ashamed to take," etc. Such dcprctatoiy p'na.e Imply that you think the besiotcr of the gift cannot spare or af j (otd It. Acknowledge tin receipt ol a present without delay. Con v cise with a (orclgner iu Id own Isnguagc. If not competent lo do so.apol- ojUe, and beg to speak English. Member o( the famliji should not con- frsc together hi soclctv . j Do not smoke shoiily bedim entering the presence o( ladies. ItClUOaY WiU. SOT io. As ete-ined democrat, writing front Diownsvllle, saet: Ucpubllcan bvrealiout swear bv the Drrgonut and democrat by the Static Kioiua Drmx bat. Now can you give ussome s.Ntlstical information a to the t:ongrcs elected In 1S74 and that elected in I "xxi. I mean a to democralic iiiiori- ties, a none of us here have any,ar.d hear say will not do." The coiigre elected Ir. 1S74 wa ccir.- por,cd of 2fi member, of whom 179 were democrats, 10S were republican, and 5 in dependent. There were 9 territorial del egate of whom 4 were democrat, 4 re publican, and 1 Mormon. This congress assembled fer organization December Cih, 1S75, when Michael C Kerr, of Indiana, democrat, wa. elected sneaker over lames G P.lalne, republican, by a vole of 173 to ico. The congress elected toe first of this manth will have 331 members of whom (as nearly as the return now show) 336 are democrats, 00 are republicans, and 5 are Farmer' Alliance. The figures as to the congress of 1S74 arc taken from the World Almanac of 1S76. The figure a to the congiess just elected arc takon from tele graphic report published In the Orrn-ouian San Francisco 'fmiiier,New York W'crt'd Chicago and Philadelphia TiW and St Louis AVWe. POLITICAL LKillTM.NU. Our democratic friends will please re member that tint political lightrffdg e.f inyo win not sirnte in tne same place in iSyJ Mimnlainter , Well, no; It is not neccetsary to'strike In the same place in I So:. McKinley, Reed Cannon, Harrison and toon down, ihave been so effectually knocked out and dead ened this time that they will not be in '.he democrats way in 1S01. But demo cratic lightning will shiver to piece any man who run on McKlnleylsm In 1S91 The West Siore becomca quite sensitive because the Democrat called It to accoun (or crliicUin democrats for favoring the free coinage cf silver whea its own party in Oregon, Washlngton.Californla, Nevada Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the north west generally are just as much in favor of free coinage as democrats are. It does not seem to comprehend a plain criticism. The Dbmocrat finds no objection to the JTW Store flegelluting democrats. It ex pects that. But what we do object to Is, ts calling democrats demagogues for fa vorlng the very measures that alt the lead lng republican senators and represents Ives pi congress from the northwest voted for namely dee silver coinage. If democrats are demagogues so are senators Mitchell Jones,Stanford and many other republican leadies. Already we have the names cf quite number of republicans who say they have grown tired of the course of the republican party, especially Us espousal of Rcedl&tn and McKlnleylsm, and have determined to sever their relations with that party and unite with the democrats to promote tariff reduction and reform. These men will be welcomed by democrats everywhere with outstretched arms, for this great battle of the masses against the classes must be pushed to ultimate and complete victory Then let these men upon whose minds. through investigation, light has fallen, be encouraged to take this step In the righj direction. Well, It has come at last. For years re publicans have told us that a solid south meant a solid north, and the late elections verify the prophecy, for the north too is solid, but its solidarity is of such cttaracter as to make the whole country tolid and Til K M'KIM.EY ACT l00MBI. The senate hi the next congress will le very evenly divided between the parties. 1 hey may even be a tie. This Is the people's answer to the brazen boast that the roiten borough, would make the senate re. publican (or ten years. This unexpected revolution meats more than a mere purly victory. It mean re lief to the people from the burden of taxa tion Imposed by the McKinley lailff law. Republican senators like I'lumb, Paddock Petllgrcw, who have Indicated their hos tility lo the prcvaillrg tariff policy, whl now be joined by other ot their party. The popular verdict against the co-partnership with monopolies will sustain and en courage them. They must (all in with It In self-protection. A tariff bill passed by the democratic liouse reasonably reducing taxation and unshackling commerce will be accepted by the senate 1 lie people's victory has accomplished mote than was drcamcd of by the most sanguine. The national congrcs and that of the farmer's alliance both meet In December and both will receive messaecs from the president of the United States and from the president f the great agricultural order. j. The alliance claim that w hile president lirrlsem has Increased lite sectional bit terness through the Force bill indor.ed by hhn, that I resldcnt PoU has allayed seetkinalism, not only within their order, but among the people at large. The aili a ncc claims that it has opposed interference w Ith state politics and has refralncd.though repeatedly solicited, from taking side in any slate contest. It seems highly proba ble that the alliance feel itself now on the crest of the wave. They whl come out svllh a presidential ticket for ityl to consist of a far western man and a southern man, one formerly republic en and one whose fealty has heretofore been with the demo crats. At Massllon, Ohio, on Friday last, the munufailuiing firm of Kussell St Co. practically discharged forty seven work men, by cutting their wages 33 per cent, because they voted for John G Warwick, the democratic candlcatc for congress against Major McKinley. This firm man. ufacturer agricultural machinery, steam iginccrlng and similar articles, their im mense business being mostly in the south and wctt. The southern nd western pco pte should make a note of thl, and "pay ;crn back In their own coin," by declining to buy any of ihflr manufactured products. iluntsvllle Herald. Speaking from a party standpoint, no more encouraging words to democrats could be heard than those of republican leaders pledging themselves to stand stead- I'y to the McKinley bill. The democrat cheerfully accept thia challenge, being cn- rcly conscious that they are on the side of light on thl subject and that success immediate or remote, will crown their ef forts. To defeat protectionism and lay it low i a far greater victory than to wrench political power fiom the rcpubll:an party In the general government. Three of the late est roik-packmg tnstitu- tionsof Chicago, including Armour & Co, pro pose to leave that city and establish their busi ness at the touibctn extremity of Lake Michi gan in Indiana. It is said that a good harbor can easily be made there, and the bimness liith these thre establishments wiil bring OLst warrant a city of 100,000 or more within a few cats Tlie I'icst of the hornet is the first article of pajitr manufacture tbaf ever saw light oi day. The hornet takes the wood of a tree, grinda i assiduously into pulp, and forms sheets of psper out of which he constructs his nest. Alt ho', as you can see, the pancr is gray in it present condition, it is undoubtedly paper, of the finest kind. The U S have 776,500 of telegraph wire.and 1SS9 no less than 56,000,000 messages were sent through the country. Frsnce has 30, 890 miles of wire, on wnich in iSSfjwert trans mitted 30,050,000 dsipatchea. Great Britain has miles of wire, and in iSSosent 50,- 000,000 messagea. This country is reported to have 300 col leges and universities, against 94 in Europe; but the latter are far higher in rank, have 1723 more professors than over three times as many institutions here, and 41,814 moie student than our 69,400. Great minds are often found to be run ning iu similar channels. A great London physician states in the last number of an English maganizc that mankind eat more than is good for them, and Mr Gould has jurt remarked that mankind wear more clothes than are good for them. Before the elections the republicans! in a hedging spirit, contented themselves wtih the hope that the Farmers lllance might hold the balance of power between thc two parties in the next congress. But the result shows there is no balance power. The democrats got it all. Ex-governor Waller, of ConuectUut, ex press the opinion that the effect of the late elections is to strengthen Cleveland and Blaine as candidates for the presidency. During the past year nearly 19,000,000 acres of government land have been trans ferred to settlers. ThU of Itself is an im portant factor in depreciating the pi ice of farm lands in the older states. A Willie inslon (Mich) man whose well ran dry found that the roots of a willow tree had J grown a distance of twenty-four feet, coiled up on the bottom in a solid mass, an I were carry ing all the water into the foilage. v Sounding in the Black Sea show that beyond a depth of 600 feet the water is so impregnat ed with sulphuietted hydrogen gas, emanating from decaying animal and vegetable matter, that living organisms are not found the r. ' Compressed paper is now used as a tu te for wood in the manufacture of a nd wheels for looms, , substi shuttle Tbe Russians eat on an atersgt ears ia two hours. Climate and custom require this gorg- The leaders cf the Farmers Alliance in Kansas declare for the organization of a third party. There will be a Lodge in some vast wilderness of democrats in the next con- cress with nothing but a bruised Reed to lean upon. . ' SHILOII'S V1TALIZKK is whst Y'U need for Couttipatiop, Loss of Appetite, lhz- zmesp, ana ail sjmptoms or Xlyspupia. J'nee SCROFULOUS SORES From Head t j Waist ft mass of Dis ease. ttufleWn; Terrible. Cured by Cutle-ura Kcmvdlcs. I ws eovercil with scrofula svirn from my hs4 to my wnl.t, sufrnrlnic u tlmt 1 eouiil tn .lorn liticlits. Slid etiul'l lie il'iwn only with pillow uivir niy rms. My lw.l wn m una U,,it I ronUI nut w.r s hut J slid Im-Ihk ii fminvr, I ttm'.ti not go liars. hilJ, so , y ry mm iKiiiiUt r'-Wf tin my lwl. in fart, J ! 11 dirifiMiiiiK rttUl Ut (iliu m sail to lnvM.if. Aft dM'turtDtf t,,fW, year. Kith Uw be i)i) l.'Uii. In tbsfniiKt! r,.l 1; 'Unit or. II Um time, 1 hwj (rlvi-n oji nil of ; -itiiiif well when I saw Jour Cniri iai cdyerflmsj snrt pnu-iirixl it, h1ihmikIi i(tl lli'.Ui filh In lli. m. 'I u, flr.t lu l, (,.., ,1,1 ne. iurl It yant mouiH of a.m, that i eoi.iim:. ,1 their lw, bi,I flow, ifu-r ain four I mi b.jy to tny that I am witln ly rufwl, Auy of il. ,n,iiii.i,t buirt- rrifn mi furtuer 111 unil arounJ PLilofUd win liuivriu. my Rfory, VUAiVC A. JIKISHKLMAS, Ptsiiifiekl, VI Cuticura Remedies Itlaiflnir won! from eratefut fc-irti v II th ntnry ef areat .hyi, iil Btilo-i-litif, of ii.i nial nKiilh, ljr ri of l,iimii.,!ir.i; IUliiiiriiU'li, tav of thrnl. l iltiK Inoj.Uy i,l K,,.,iiy nilit, l,y th I'eTiei iu Kr-snuon, Uj Krn.t(w( ntlii ('urw, llloot l'nririi-ri.,aii(l llotnor llciocillt. tlio world huevnr kuuwis. i ctk ei: llr.aoi vkt, ih o-w llooU x.S'1 .tin jiitrliU-r puini of tnimirt- trm il, eU'inj tha Mini (if all l ii.uilll. anS pSmou clem ih, tlma nnnove ih iii .e, while CeTiei'n , itut emu tun .in, mat I'vrn ess Hoaih et'iojr .1.111 U'liiiMller, ei.r the rkin sri'l sflp mh r. tu,n tlm hair. Ileum tho i Itiu rea l:r. ar.iir run rwry n;.jM i pv.,nt',. burcllUuiiir, IttJiiiiK, t.iioih p, t,,iy , trfmply dlvluM.. ul thd .tin, ;,lp, atitl b!wl, wllh Umt ol balr, siul all linmor., l,i.,utu., eruUon, tore stbIm, and rrn.u, wln iher uLnplc, Ktota ini; t,i vtuiayimi; l.n tlw w .l. i .n. ud t: oilier rrnirdl, 4 frtil, i;raU.f,it I, nxiiuiiUaht IioB lUtiM UU-ui. in every p;i.- ta-iiinr., Pr'.cc, f '!Tr-riu, Mr.; Poap IV.; ii!.vitt, f. i'rriarMl ,y the purrisa l'UI-11 t IISMieAI. f olWUBATIOJI, JS.Xitoo. rf-r.n.l ror " How lo( or- pain liiaea i;., Ui illa.trationa, io,d luci testimonial. Of UI'I.KH, liUrk-hrada.rn., Wniyh. hsh'wd.acd rilll dlyat.ln tared by CiTieea .,ap. WEAK, FAiKFUL BACKS, KidrM-y and t'twina rains, snd ASVak tummr reikvnl jo one tnlnui ly th utienrn Anil I'aln 1'lut.r. o. ff firat arid imtv niln kildnir. ftirKL'Uurtir.. piaster, new, inauouiteoua, iufiUiui.. ALBANY1 OR. - mmm s hulbset beds.. Real Estate Ageits Kjrnj and IXaoches for sale. Alsn city Jimoerty in Albaiy slid Corval'is. CARPENTERS BUiLDERSrrr, anyone warning luythlng In tin h id- wars line win do wail to call on Htawart dtSe.x b-.foro purebasinsr. 1 bsy keep nnsrly evetvthlng In t'' ine of builder hardware, an. I a iugu 'leant stock or an tooic Special fi An OF W. FUEAD. My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all tho Latest Novelties in ress Both in WOOLEN -To The I Mako a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Ksr Ribbed and Muslin. My Piiices are the' LOWEST and my Goons tho Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, - Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison :To The Men: Call and Look at My values Furnishing -:- Goods, I have tt Large Stock at the Lowest Prices ever otTerei ia tbe Taller. I cat ry a '1 line of the w arid -reno wed BROADIIE1D food, uaexaelled finish. Large stool? of Eubboideries and FixUKCiN03 01 ced tha. Albany in ihe beet trsdin poiat in Oregon. for wear an and be c ins ! 11 an ir mT- J nn "" V -Q. L. BLACKR3AN,- LEADING DRUGGIST .AJQ-Bkjisrsr, DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIOHARY-&0 NEW STOIvE."&3 MITCHELL, LEWIS & DEALERS IN igriciiltural Implements & Veliicles j Kf" ; 'JV-"" 'rto- "vA ALL' r--T3 eaic! r29 us. Firsl National Bank F ALB A HI, SEG03. tSMwt....,..,... ft. rLINK Tin rVasidmt U...M. S, K, TOt'KU Caiir.... ..l, W. hASODO.V, TEAB 8 ACT A ORXKlLALbaaklngtiasliMas. ACCOUNTS KEPT ftihject to slieck. SIGHT KXCff ANOR and Ul Taphle transfer, a a ll York, Ban Francisco, iloago and tui rase. COLLEC-nOWf SADK on tavorstil terns. ataaeroM K. Toeao E, W, Lassv, L K BtAia, h. rum , . Cairsss T. Box. Linn Co. National Bank, ALBANY OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. Prestdrnl V COWAJT, ''ica-Pr.slaeiit J il RAI.STOV. O-ahlw ...Co E CHAHKKKI.AI. Aart Caahler... O A AUCUlUOhD. D aiSTrrnu J L Rowan. 1 M Ralatnn. Can V. Cbrobrlln, W S La-ld, W U Oolin, i A Craw ford and O A Archlbold. TRA!8ArrrSa.rwTl bnkin boalMiaa. DUAW Slum rHAfTgon Haw York, oaa til rViix 1 Oragen. IXMH XOdlT 00 apprcrsd security KEf EI VE deposits anbieet ebati. - Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - CRECOM. O APITA.X., SSO.OOO. Prealdsnt H. BRYANT Viee President.. II. F. MEKKI LT. Cashier ...... .-.. ... ,M TV. ISLAIN DIRECTOBK. H Bryant. 3 W Blaln. Ooo Humphrey,, ft. Jswitiogf ur Merrill. 8itbt exchange an I teleirrspbl trai a fer on New Vjrlc. Sao IfraneUco a .d and all principal points in Oregon and y asnington, o'.Iectione m id tn ave jal ls Isirrs POIITLAX0 fl4TI&d8 BAK, Or rOFTLAJID, OKEOO. Paid up eatiilal.. aeo.iy te-.oco Surplus aad pr,ati , Interes allowed oa ring dapotit a fotlowa: . Ouar.iiuary atvinn hooka fr eant per annum. On term asvinr book . .6 yu cant personam. On eartifieata of dil. for tbrtamaoth... 4 per cent m annum: For is motb S par cent per annum: For twa.ra noath.... 6 per cent par auanou Fki.VS UESrk, Pnaidme I. P. THOMItKIM Vita Preaiatlit U. C STRATTO.V, CasOiari PUIIDMC -We keep nothing bnt the U.IU.itl fmo08 barrel ennrn. Tbere is nothing so good, and no one rn beat oa on prices. Stewart A Sox. nounce Goods meut and WASH FABRIC; Ladies,- in Albany Cigar Fact y, . J. Joseph. -!- froprictor. M!6aTe&. RETAIL Only White 1 abor Emptoyed OTIEGrOISr- 6-aVEW GOODS. CO. KINDS. j many cuntieents. harmonious, . .'. - ' - 10 siiuj, a cci per bottle.