The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 21, 1890, Image 3

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    SIic gcuwttat.
srirE3 &
K.lltar aid
L.O C A I,. It HO OKI .
tittRssixt;. The Pun Frauoisw Exam
iner gives a list of tli of o winning prio
in Us prize guessiiiii content. All tin
rioso guesnon on imit'in were uy v au
foruia inen. (' K Dingle, o( Woodland,
Cftl, came within tun guessinc 312.500,
una lio received the SiiKM bull, w 1-.
Osborn, of Sacramento, Cul, Mini Out-lav
Ol tll.i., Vit
laud's population ut 47,31
6. J h Carr, of San I' m
l.icskc. of !San Incuo. enon eucsstiil 1 orl
,3w, being willini
rancisco, k'tiosseu
Astoria' Kpulatiun at 7,0.", within 121,
getting a lot tn 1 raver; hdward W viler,
of Salem, guessed closest on I'.ugene,
3,t).")0, within , and received two lots in
Palermo, (. al. Joltn Clarke, of Sun
1'iriro, guessed Salem's population ut
l.'.'Sl.and tho Kxumiuer gives it as I.St.R.
A mistake there of course. t l'ark.of
Jr.ugene, gets a lot in New I hivag", gues
sing The lalles population ns 3,175,givrn
aa3,0l5. Augu-t rvessVr.of OaUand.t'al,
was closest on Wnxhington's population,
guessing S-r.i,!S7i,withln 70. L 1, Hurlcn
shaw, of Ashland, put Kllcnshiirg's imp
utation at 2,soo, within and gets two
T raver lots. His father lives at Ix-hanon.
Mr Hurtcnshaw also got first prise- on
Port Townsend, guessing w ithin 1,
getting a lot in South Sacramento. AK
Cate, of Fallbrook, CaLgncssed Tucson's,
Arizona, population ns 3,2'M within 6,
and got the lot in Y heeler's) addition to
Albany, prvsoiud by Wallace C'usick.
IV).l Raxaar. Tho ladies of the Uni
ted Presbyterian Church will hold a
Doll Bazaar sometime near the middle of
Deeeiubcr, Full particulars and details
will be given later. A large and hand
some assortment of dolls lias leen pur
chased in His'iue, rapier Mache, W ax,
China, and even tho traditional "rng
baby" will have a place. Every child
can be accommodated, as both ilreswed
and undressed dells will bo on sale, the
prices ranging from 5 cents to t-". Every
variety of costume from the "old short
gown and petticoat" to the handsome
party dress will be displayed. Cloaks,
ulsters, hats, caps and bonnets.also extra
suits of clothing and underwear, will be
furnished. Any lady preferring to pur
chase a doll dressed to order, can call at
Mrs S K Young'd and select her doll and
leave her order. Those wishing extra
uits of clothing can have them made by
ending an order to the same place.
Com. or Akiiasotments.
Halkky. Messrs J It Hone & Son have
just completed the erection of a large
water tank and wind mill. Messrs Ho
dine lira., of Albany, .nit up the mill.
It is a very fine one and w ill Ik? a great
convenience t the proprietors of the
. Mrs L K Hlain, of Allury. was in tt.wn
Wednesday in the interest of the W t T
V. She delivered a short lecture to the
ladies of the Union. Three new mem
bers were eurolii-d, and the Union now
promiaL'S to ln a helpful organization to
Anion? the institutions that go to
make up a city lialsey has a real estate
office, a barlier slu., a tile factory and a
dentist, beside the r.-gular l'u-ii.ts
houses. News.
TiieCacsr of the railroad accident It
going to be prtttr thoicughly dicticd.
It Is a verv important ono. B.-ihSal-m
papers declare that there Is nothing In the
story that the rail haJ been removed. Tns
Statesman say , rather emphatically : '-Tlie
slory of the rail be In- rt moved "localise
the wreck is a very thin one. It will not
scour. Whatevci cuis-dt'-e first break in
the timbers of the trestle and resumed In
the fearful disaster, it ai cciUiulv no 1
the removal of the rail. The writer ex
amined the nil incl Cl and iiiibeJJeJ
spikct very closely.anJ the fjcts do not at
all support the thcorv. There ii a variety
of things that may have ! tried the break,
but allep"d removing of the rail i not one
of them."
Tn FiKEMEN'd r.ALt.. Nicely gotten
up invitations are out for the firemen's
ball, to take place at the Armory on
Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 27th. t iood
music has been secured an J a big time is
expected, firemen appearing in regulation
uniform. Follow ingare the committees :
On Reception. (,'apt O II Irvine, I'r M
II Ellis, J N Hoffman, Judk'e I) R N
Blackburn.C II Stewart and Geo Humph
rey. On Invitation. Will II Warner, J R
Wyatt, L Viereck, II I, Cranor, D J lu
bruille, U G Hale.
Floor Managers. T J Overman, Walter
Tarker. Y S Wood, Jr.. Thos Monteith,
Jaa Callahan, M l I'hiliips.
Askixo Damages. The S. I'. company
has settled several s null claims for dam
ages. Larger claims are brginning to be
presented. One man who Iot a foot
asks for I2.VX). It is anticpated the big
claims will be contested. Salem people
generally are antagonistic to the railroad,
caused, somewhat, by the road refusing
to run s local train during fair week.
Yet the papers claim that alter unpreju
diced investigation, the theory pretantcd
that the train was maliciously wrecked
ia not justified by the facts.
Anything but Kashas. Just before
the late election Benjamin Mitchell came
to Washington from Kansas. He haijust
received notification of hl election to the
legislature from the Tenth Kansa district,
but declines to return to accept the office,
as he would rather be in Washington with
out office than be governor of Kansas.
Walla Walla .Statesman.
The DcMoca at ha received a copy of
the Farmers News, of Akron, Ohio.which,
we suppose, is sent us on account of the
first page picture. What Mar Happen in
1892, is its title. A farmer is riding a bi
cycle made of two pumpkins riht up
towards the white house, while the Re
publican party it goln up .Slt River with
lis nead coming out ot the little end of a
horn; the Democratic party is up a spout
and the Prohibition party ft dancing f. jig
ai me source ot ?a't Ktver,
Thsib Shake. Recently, while in Sa
lem, one of the children of Mr. Lauulf
bead, residing on east First street, was
taken with scarlet fever. The other
child was sent to Albany, Mrs. Laugh
bead remaining in Salem to take care of
the ill one. A few days ago the one in
Albany was taken with the same dis
ease, and the one in Salem beiinr nearly
well, Mrs. Laughhead has returned to
Albany to nurse this one.
High License. Mr Charles Metzgcr
has sold his interest In the saloon of Mctz
ger Sc Moessenger, to a Lebanon man, re
cently the partner of Mr Myers therc.w'io
will move to this city. On account ol the
raising of the city license in I:banon to
$1200, It is said that only one saloon, that
ot Mr Guy, wilt remain.
Into Small Farms. Mr Risley has
had his 200 acic farm, lying on the north
bank of Thornton Lake, one of the prettiest
spots in the world, U.U1 off by Surveyor
Warner into s to 20 acre tracts, and will
place the tame on the market. There
ought to be a good market for small tracts
ot land like this,
More Placer Mines. The following
placer mining claims were filed on Friday
inov 13:
J O Slcgmond, 20 acres, Santiam district,
Located Oct 13.
II M Myers, ao acres, near same. Lo
cated Oct 13.
Will BS Here. The Ladies Ail Society
have received a cablegram giving no ice that
the Peak sisters cf Alaska will be here on time
for the entertainment lo be given by then on
the evening of November the 26th, at the Ope'
ra House.
Sportsmen, Read. Do you want
trst-rlass bird dog, choice English pointers
and English L,leweliin setter puppies
Also a thoroughly broken pointer re
trieves t hand and stauch on point. For
ale. Write fesf particulars at onc ; ad
.Ve,, J. W. Vineyard,
Corvallis, Or.
New Cahi'etb, new carpets, new car
rets and new styles, latest patterns, the
Vst in the market, just received at A. B.
tfcllwain's. Tho stock is large and
stSioice, H'!ecf d for this market, andpeo-
; , 1 -. 1 - 1 t f --f I a fi t lit fow-
Kiformsrs. -The Kstorm Journal, of
Portland, ono of whose editors has been
through tho valley, gives the following
names ns anions those interested in re
form movements in this connty.
Oakville: Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Pain-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morgan. A. Y.
Smith, Johnson V lute, It. (i. Junkin,
V. If. Crawford, etc. It. A. lUmford
has clear ideas on finance, taxation, land,
lanor ana outer retortns.
Shcdd: V. W. ltohinett, N. lfalver
son, Win. Uolwrts, James Al.iv. Mr.
Craw ford, J. C. IHivis and F. M. Hine-
hart are among tho many at Shcdd sevk
incfrixul Kovernntent.
lialsey: J. U. Lame, S. 7. TavW, 11.
1 Kemston, J. W. Wright, ami the
1'mucihhua are substantial nu n in this
locality w ho vote and work for tho sepa
ration of Uncle Sam from the firm of
l eeler & Skinner.
llarrisbiirg; ti. W. Isham, Pr. II. A.
Pnvis, Walter Huston, lr. Ilendrix, and
others are aubst.iutinl workers in tl.o
work of reform.
Hskk is a Sroav fMm the Chicago
Journs', of the trials of an hnmlgiaiit party
nlhe early (lavs, that will be read v.iih
Rteat intcics1, particularly bv old seniors,
"In iSit, a merelunt on' I.tVke strei t, one
tore west of lc4il'Oin, uiganie'd a paiiv
to go over 1 he n-o. Mali,-, to Oi koi. It
was late In the l!l before I hey e..t under
way, and were caujht in a leniiu ru.-
sUirm hi the Uccky mouniuluk. For t'ay
incy wandered about staivii.''. At last 10
save ths party it was decUIeJ th u someone
must die. It were it, nud Ch.olex
Stanton drew ll.c f.ita! ballot. He opened
a vein in bit ,lmo, and the oilum catching
the blood drank tt. They funHil ife
voiued his remains. Il "was r .-ported et
the time that the nivv ate him, but utS
wss not the ease. Mr Ruiiev end otiiers
kn-w him wvIL"
Only O.nk Pai'sk In Oregon stands up
for ti e tecer.t census. The I'eedleton
Tribune, edited b; supeiiuleudent of the
census, Stange , "What Is the sense of
the ontinued "klcklna" S'ahut the au
thenticity of ihe cen.u. 1 1 was better
taken than any prevlout census.nnd though
net absolutely will be the found
ation of all data concerning population etc,
for the next ten scars. This helm: the
esse why shouldn't lhoe dit.-.tis!icd w ith
It stop butting their against a brick wal'.
Thev citinot by any p.v.stMlity have it
changed. "
funny mistake occurted in the Ore-
gonfan the other day An advet tisement
read, Dr I'rentice will beat Astoria Nov.
9 and 14." Of course their should have
been a psee between the be and at. Pa
pers with whom the Doctor docs not
sdverllse are considerably elated over the
Several ci'e ot throat dUeasa of OitJ
ferenl kin J are reported arounj the city.
rrosty, li.;i;y mornings are severe on
young childitn in this rrpert,and parents
should be careful of tho litlie otie. "An
ounce of prevention I worth a pound of
Hints to Hoi si ii-trKK.i. Always set
the mouse trap ln-fore re irh-g nights.
Keep the best elans of groceries you can
buy and use only fresh pr-!tiee. Trade
at the lest grocery stores, a:i 1 bv the wav
there is none K tti r thaa Conn A Heti
lriesoirs. Ti.ey keep the l-st in tr,
market, buy their pro-lint of the b ;-t
gardeners, keep the- freshest fruiti in
season, and carry a line line of!
groceries generally.
Tne Mo.-t Caki-kts. Fortmiller A Ir- j
ting have greatly enlarged their carpet
t iparttmnt, anl now carry one of the 1
isrgest ami finest slot k of carpets in the j
Valley, embracing a ehoico variety of 1 y
Ihe latest leitis. This st s-U i.i n st'di 11-
4:d one to select from, i'ic!ulitii; all
- ... . .
grades foe all kln is of r-xiiu-j up to the
mcjst elegant parbir. C.tli on them fur
ttnrgains in carpets.
Jackkts xa Wbam. I am now receiv
ing my full and winter etock of
misses and children jackets and w raps
which are of the latest style and pol
value, anil as eheaj as standard good
can It- bought. I have 011 hand a hit
of ladies New inarkeis carried over from
lai:t year, which I am soiling at cot to
close them ont to make room for
arrival. Samvii. JS Yor.
DoK't Res Arh-ni Every steamer
lowcser fojjjjy the bar, brine;- "to All anv
an Immense tpiantity of fiuii and prt
rfucc. The best and largest vaiictv al
ways goes to 1'owet; ii Co's. Titeir
ttands are always full of Just nuch things
as the public want. Save runirg around
bjr calling at their store first.
One Hi'mhieu Wagons just receivtd,
which I am going to give away free, one
with each can of Forest ('it v I'.uking l'ow
der, Conie early. ; V. l'-itoM;i.r,.
Evkkvbohy Savs So If the wild
jraves coultl talk llicy would say, Go to
fowell ii Co's for groceries and pro
lace, for their stock Is large, their prlcct
Vw and quality the best." This is the
universal verdict of their customers.
Wall r.risn. -l have just received
o:a tli3 east a l.trg-j inv nei f w.tll p 1-
oor, imraere, decorations, etc., incluiimg
the plain ingrains which arc becoming
Tory iiojiular. These good.s are better
rtyits and cheaper than ever ln-fore.
SSSMCKI, r. iolno
Rooms to Kent. Two furnished
room pear the colleee. .nquirc at ibis
Novrnts ut Wa--ii Farrics. I nave
just received direct from Chicago novel
ties in wash dress good. The new thing
for fall and winter wear. I am receiving
the largest line ol staple and tntiry ttrct-s
goods ever brought to this market Those
needing their fall and winter supplies
w ill do well to give me a call.
h.isii rt. j:. Ttut'Sti.
Onina a Fink Tlkkkv
or Mt-kXLF.R U GAitRi.Tr.
Tbrea columns cf sdvtrrtisi-d lctttis in s
wcrk iu Seattld vv.r, in.lic.t that that
city is becoming metropolitan.
Koteb or Albany Ciqak Factouy. If
you want a real choice smoke try our 10
Why smoke a Chinese made cigar now
that you can get a fur superior one atJ
Joseph's cigar factory, inado by white
Itttior 1
Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled
white lalxir cigara.
We make a snectalty of selling cigars
of our own make by tho box at factory
Fine Meerschaum and Briar pipesand
a full assortment of smokers articles,
Do lint paas C E Browneli's to;e if oa
want to live cenoounically. IUstj!ocds and
awest pries (;u-rantocd.
SHILOIFS COUUil snd Consumption
Care is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares
contutr.i ticin.
Remember lhat Bishop Becker will aasiu
leutuie in Albany, attba Opera House, on
November 27th and 28ch. His topics will
bo "Egypt, her pyramids, palaces and ruined
temples nf glory." and "Eloquence of the
pn!pit and platform .
If rs. C. C. Stnart, of 400 Hayes Bt, writes, ul
have for years bad spells of indigestion and dls
pepsla, and tried nearly everything TIdhHj I
took a well known EartapariUa. It caused pim
ples to break out ou tny face without helping me.
Uearlns that Joy's VejoUblo Sarsaparilla did
not contain mineral, and might act diCcrently,
I sent for It. Tho plxnples disappeared immedi
ately, and I had no mora returns of tho old
pells." Although the abovo was written a year
S'-o, Mrs. Stoart now sttetta thepennanency of iU
The last WTct Shore gives a pttge lllus
Irsilon ot our live neighbor nt the end of
the Lebanon branch, mid speaks some
uood words about it. Tho Information
ttiat the Lebanon load will be extended
across the Cascade into Kattcnt Oregon
and Nevada, a.nli oln the C 1'. at Wlnnc
mucca, Is f particular Interest to Albany,
which will becntno the terminus of the
new overland route. The news Is excel
lent. Here Is the article:
One of the most progressive towns In
Orceon is Lebanon, in l.lnn county. It
has a iopulatlor of a'niut i.txto and I
givwtug ut a rate that wilt double this
number very soon, ltesutifully located,
having a healthful site, sui rounded rv a
lure nrca of that fertile laud that has
made the Willamette valley so celebrated,
with limitless forests of limber at its door.
ami wiih mines of gold nud silver but a
few miles distant and now being developed,
with nn ubundaucj of water power and
(Kissessiug i-velieiit railroad communica
tion with other maikets. It ccrlululv basal
the tlcmentsof pro-peil;y. Natural gas
lias bun discovered within the city limit
and is scld by experts to tvUt In great
quantities In t'V voy'int hinnedl.itely sur
rouiulliiK the town, l'xpci'imenlal boring
is ikiw htluj; done. Coi.l n.e.i-uics hsvc
been l!c)veicd mar by, and the work ot
developing them bus been eonitncnceJ
These twn risouiee are destined to iilav
an iiti-ott.tPt pnt In the woik ot built. lug
up the cltv. pluiuhao and tiro clay are f und in tin; tlclnity, nud will be till t
Isid m.inufactui'lni;. A tre,c paper
mill, to cost $ its-Mi!,! in process of erec
tion. This ii.destiy will have n monthly
pay roll of about ' $,r.oo, and III tyend
large muds ( ' raw uateiials. It has line
water power, but a canal will sot.n tic built,
at a cost of, for the purpose of In
creasing If, preparing for the industtlcs
that will naturally tpiliig up there as the
woik of development proresMS.
An Idea of the present general appear,
aiicc of Lebanon cmi be obtained from the
engraving on the last page. It has bust
nets ir en of activity nnd en.eiprle, and
Its people are Intelligent and refined. It
has a number of good churches, and its
sihool facilities- ate excelled The Lx
press Is an nhly conducted we. kly that
looks well aitcr ihe town's interests."
Lebanon lies on the line of th Ore-v
nlan railuay, recently purchased bv tho
Southern I'acllic and converted 1mni
nairow guae to a standard guae. It ts
to be cxtei.dcd aero the Cascade Into
Kastcrn Oregon and Ncvads and join the
i-'entra! I'citic at Whincniucca.thus plac
lug Lebanon on a new overland route
shorter than any other. In the region be
tween the town and the mountain- Is
much valuable land open to settlement,
whiic much mote can be purchased hi the
surrounding country al (turc that enable
any man with a small capital to secure a farm. Fruit land may be had at a
very reasonable price. The "development
of that pcctlon and growth of the are
prtrc.ssin together nl rapidly.
IVuUill ilsUi:KtW.
1 j A' 't.
.1.1 r;..v
1 tr ,-,s ist'ro.,.1
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.n tits.
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(Vl .-rut
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I'j tii, 1 ijr
1 1 u l.lVf
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It Itl.U'tii ll'-J
c. l
lVv.i.! A.
A popular J.t4-: I. Vi-.-ek.
hsir tlrrs-i:. y. rl.-t,
TliS .ii.l .!-. ;.f t,.,f.-,;t
- tug :i.i
u o.iii i.i.a a; .-l.a II) -.,..(,
CI-. .-( IMtvrj c'-jimis
1 very ii-.'.rttit) -. 1; J-; f,, !
i-i,' l-iriin;-! Lidi-s mi.-l , i,t. ! 1
S-'.d iiiio I waUh'.s at F l Kr- .
A - li. iKi i,Iii) f ,r sil.t r!t-s; , in j;.K.t
Cliutllll.-!-. Write ttJ P. hue, he.
It-sl St'w-k f si'. r HAiS 111 A'll))' at
t ill .V ."( tik's. No d-ubt t.f ;t. So.-.
Mens, y-.uihr.' l.t.j t! ,!
fiiii-Lliiii,; iLlAtl W Stii.;-..!,,
A Ii t clai lie !ur oi:iy IS ctti lI 1
Vu rvckr, .y- l,.ii..u-! hit.-ek,,), (),-.
H4VC yon ttiu-it ..i!..-rt., Init T
I'.ii:, has juit r .. tur i Tl.r are r.i.-..
I! ) "U n s ,t 4 !;: t-.i .,: ,.r i Il tin ot
on Suo.n i('n 1,1,, l iti, :.-h it,.ro "
F-r ti.fv;tS I 'l.n 4'..,r bv tl-8 N.-.I.I..I
St'in.: Fil-et-.r ! M,tt!i.-tis Wjslr.urn.
thr bs"ji!ia ir. neiaaiitViits. I.ei.ltt iii,
tc, fot.i Kun k A.-!iMfio. .t:i..-.!ty,Orofcoa.
Lol.ui cill sn-t -i tim lit-ui n J.alti j in
dress f-t.od st i; C Seirls.
Vou slioulil ca.l ko tbf- tir o libtsry
lamps at C li ItrowncH'i lubtie boui) tUc
wlmre. If Jim want tol ii! j uinhrtdlt with
gvlJ or ;iv-r baiulle go t Frrueb's jswtlry
'.o e.
(J.tahty ia w litt,bt lp Matlhc Wsb
burn t!l tl.c niott itcvi-s tf an v boose iu Al
bauy. Cail r.trly mi I t;ivn vi,ur rij.b-rs t Mrs
II men for tin Juvenile I! ok. so tliy will
b lo-rt for X'ia.
Hay far j-w. hy at Fre-tcli'a Jjwrlry
Store. Kviiy do:Urs w.-ith $;eU ticket to
tlni ihswin.
Ti:k:ts fur ALL fist-ru nin!s, ovr
ANY r .iite, for stlu by V. l'. J..tcr, st
S. 1. tike tollies.
For colli i.ijjl.ts l-tiy Thos Ky'rn mid
bluiki'.-tt, ctn ap-t in town. Kursalo by (
W Simp-iii, ac.ti.t. Abity, t'rf n.
nt!ii. rusutonss,
Tuesday eveninir, Nov
At a special meeting there were pres
ent, the Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and
eonni-iliiK-n French, iH-voe. Tabler.
,,11. 1.. .. - '
liuraiiurt nni iiarrett.
Tho committee on streets and tutblic
property reported in favor of letting con
tract ior latteral sewer connecting with
Kail road street sewer, between First ami
Water streets, and that the other-bids
for latteral sewers be laid on the table
until tho sewer being hailt by James
Laurent lie accepted.
Tho contract for building a latteral
sewer to KailroaJ street sewer, between
First and Water, w as ordered let to Jas.
Laurent, at (18 cents ier foot, work to be
done in 10 days; contract to lie signed
ami bonds furnished within three days,
w ith forfeiture of 5 a day.
It was moved that hereafter a dailv
forfeiture clause be inserted in contracts
for sewer work.
Fon tiic IIoh-ital. The Ladles Aid
Fociety will ive a New England dinner
at the W C T U ball, on 'i lianksalvinc
day. Meals, adul's, 50 cents; children, 25
cents. Family tables can be secured for
any hour by leaving orders with Mrs L E
Tiik.v Have Come. A large and cle
gant assortment of suitings, never surpass
ed in AIba.iv, and can be seen at W K
Graham's. The designs ere very pleasing
and will suit the most fastidious. Mr
Graham appreciating the desire here for
stylish goods in decant patterns has taken
extra pains to bring on a-stock -of -such-
sutiinus as wld meet with ceneral favor.
If you would see the best stockof eoods in
this line ever brought to Albany call at the
tauor Bnop 01 w iv (jranam.
No Dancer. No one can ever te
wrecked financially who buys their groce
ries of Parker Bros. You are sure of good
quality, low prices and first class treat
ment. Their stock Is always up with the
market, consisting of the freshest vegeta
bles and nest groceries tp be found. Their
fcaltery department is in splendid hands
and their baked goods can always be relied
morning, Nov 17th, 1890. at the residence
ofMrs. Mills, In Albany, by Rev.-S G.
Irvine, D. D Mr. G. C. Morris, of Dun.
dee, Yamhill county, and Miss Ella A.
Bowker, of Linn county, -
Accompanied by the groom's mother
left on the noon train for the east on their
wedding tour. Mr Morris is train des
patcher on Ihe West Side Oregonian R R,
while the bride is the accomplished niece
of Mrs Mills. , - . .
-On Sunday evening, Nov
aoiiiL ami itusoxal.
Senator Mitchell left l'ottla.ul for Wash.
Ingttm on Saturday,
Chtts, Montnue, one of the '.lye mer
chants f Lebanon, has been hi the city
A. Hitcklcmnn lefl n few days ago for ft
months 1. 1, to I.Lliat.tctn (Jiegou stock
farm .
It. T. lledilck, now conductor of a con
struction train on the OiCLtonlati It, U
was liithe city this furennou.
Mr, and Mrs, Itt-ch Nlckson, who re
cently located at Milton, K. ()., ace In Al-
nnny ami expect to make arrangements to
leluin permanently and make this their
home, as they prefer It to Lantern Oregon,
l r. Scmechi hn made arrangements to
go into the hardware business In alive
Idaho town nud will leave In a few thus for
bU new field of action. The Doctor
behaved himself well In Albany, nnd we
commend him to the Idshoans.
M-. Kphralni Turner leturned on Satur
day fioin a eonpltj months visit In his old
home In Mismuil, l.'o left hi a snow
norm, Mul I to be back In this land
or sure ci ops nud i,od weather IK- I
ColisMcn.bly elated uVi r the nii!!-.l.-.,l
yeh-ite tiut swept over the Last,
Mr. i hum Thomas ilellvered two lectures
nt the New I'enrct Memorial church at
Albany Inst .Sunday, lie was nccompsn
led by Mis lioiitia Thomas, who has hi'ily
arilvcd here from Leesburg, 111 ,snl who
h.ul come to the conclusion that Oregon
was made up of rocks and mountains, but
thr? I ao huntbe.l mile rlda thriuijli ths
wbrftt Ileitis f the beautiful Willamette
valley caused her o cininir her mlud bt
that pattlcutar. While nt A'btnv they
wcie the j-.ties-.s ot Dr and MrCC Kclley.
Tt sst.AV.
MeCatistlaud and w ife are in tho
(ico Humphrey is in Seattle on busi
ness. ,f. W. tinttlm r left for tho Santiam
mines this afternoon.
Mr 1J. Kutu-r, traveling salesman for
IL Ia.'vi & Co, was in the city yest.-rday.
Capt. 1-:.. Lttiuing has returned from
his coal nuno up north, bringing borne
some lino sp.-cimens.
J. W. Comptoti, one of tho nulldot
farmers of tho county, of Scin pn-cinct,
has U-cn in the city today.
K-lilor Hugger, of the Scio lVss, was
in the city today.
Al. I i.ty, of I'oi tlaiiti, n former resident
of Albany, is in the city.
Mr. Fred IH-kh-y, t 'presenting the
Salem Journal, has been in the city to
day, rustling fvr that well umnngft (ta
per. Mr. Martin, the rtl:tnd architect w ho
drew the plans for tho U. I. church, is
in the city on business in connection
w it It the matter.
Mrs. Amanda Renter, for several yesrs
a rrsid-.-nl of Vuiiiiua l'av, has moved to
Albany, ami will make Iier home with
her si.;tcr, Mr. 1 1114 Lunm rtcr.
T'.i l.ils tf the Call ie ctu-rtti tsill i;ie
-tsl al ih.t ri l- to .l y,r t't nisd
MeVer.tiii B -t I l.wrs.U; cr. lOt;, N" ih
"uiijr il lc s. rtt l i,ir thn n,. 01u , f
2i runt. Tfcw 1 ul he stw e r !tlij 1 tn 1 . - t
1'r.dOo. ti, I'tirllaml fjHeulator, is
in the citv. Mr. O's-U ui i. U- jut u
citiuiiiitii butcher in AlUmy, n few years
ago; but, by handlinj; Alhiua and other
property, jmlieiously, has risen ttithu
lieiithls of the speculator. His fricii'la
will rejoice at his good fortune.
K j-iin.u lux to Kli.xaK-th Rulelier,
b t II, l.'s A, N io $
JtA V l'ij"- to C Von Iran, lots 7, ,
LI 1, i"s S A. Albany
II II Al!-n to M it r.a-t-atsn t li .
Sulbird, LIS, K Iisy A, UA.
rev ,
JOWiitMimtt et al t- WS Iien
buui, tract in I! I'J, Alltny...
Ci: V.olvertoii to A M Aehson,
-t).4ncies in DLL' of John i
Al'bie Metiter ami bus to L II I'rti-
bhaw, lots 7, , bl VI, M a S A.
K L ISrvun t tux toj K fenks. Ml
U'-tes tp 11 at:l IS, S it li w., , .
John and Lmily i'owell to Coltitn-
hus I e.lliij acres tp in.S II 1 w
It A I'urss et nx to J ii Mtirdorrt',
l'.'l.7t aeres DLCof A Uu.lon.
It A I'.urss t ux to W A I'auI.H.H.'
acres ill tt 1 1, is H ' w
J A Ik-ard and DC Holt to L Foh v.
tract in hits I, 3, bl 2, Ub....
UHiatttoLJ Wallace, lots 4, 5,
It Hialt to J I Wnllace.lota 3, bl J,
also lots 3, 0, LI '.. li'ii A.U-b..
J O and J II Wilson toNiajjara Mill
Co, -4 int a-iU arn U.S It I F,
U II Job et ux to Niagara Mill Co,
K int in W aeres it. a.S It 4 K..
IJ U lob ct ux to Niagara Mill Co,
1 iiit 111 j; .
fl.S It 4 li
ZJobetuxto Niagara Mill Co, b
int in sec .",tp ,S H 4 K.... .
Z Job i t ux to Niagara Mill Co, '4'
int in 320 acr-)s,tpll, S It 4 K. .
M M Davis tt ux to Niagara Mill
C,?B int in 60 acres, tp l, S 11
4 F.
M M Davis t ux to Niagara Mill
Co, .t int in 3-'0 9,S It
4 K
'A Job tt ux to M M Davis,1,! int in
HO acres iu tpii. 8 It -1 K
Z Jobet ux to M M Davis. J4 int in
320 acres tp 51, S K 4 K
Z Job et ux to l; H Job. 4 int iu
320 acres tp !), H U 4 I-i
Z Job tt ux to it It Job, 'B int in SO
acres, tn l, ts It 4 10
J d I If Wilson to Niagara Mill
Co, int in 80 acres tp i, 8 It
4 10
Jonathan Wassouito L'essio Archi
bald, bl 4, W's A.Lcb
W II Ooltra to F Hivcl, 1 acre, sec
United tftates to John J Clark, 320
acres tp 14, 8 U 3 w Patent
TIIK ;LCr.!i Kti-K U.IZ.11B.
Has now a complete lino of Holiday
goods, dollii, doll buggies, boys' wagons,
clociiH-des. nnd many other eoods w lucii
go to make up a complete line for Chrst-
in as, U'Sidcs a complete line 01 lamps 01
every description. Uliina crockery, lancy
decorated ware, ulassware, bird cages,
plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets,
antoeranh books, scrap Iwoks, children's
A B 0 picture books, and all goods that
are carried in a Bazaar storo, including
Itouc-r Bios. 1817 silverware. We wish
to call the attention of tho public in par
ticular to tho Golden Rule pmc Laking
powder and tea, put up expressly lor
this t-ade, which gives the liest of satis
faction, as is attested by the hundreds
w ho have s.ised liotn tlie tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
Golden Itule Bazaar. Each package of
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prizo in the shape of a line piece of glass
ware. Be euro to call, when in Albany,
at the Golden Rule Bazaar, ns you will
be sure to lind what you want, and w ill
be shown over tho store and le treated
kindly bv my clerk. Mr. Miller. My
goods arc all marked in plain figures s6
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one pike to nil.
Yours truly,
Julius Gbadwoiil,
Oct. 18, 165)0. .
The largest stock of spectacle snd eye
glasses in Lirn ooonty at F M Frcnah's.
SSi .
CATARRH CURED, health and sweet
hreath Shilob's Catarrh Eemidy.
Tries 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo-
shay AC Mason, agents. ,
- a
Albany Siarbet.
Oats- 40.
Butter 20o pr it, -
Ilsy ,00, " V
Potatoes 75 eta per t-,u.-.!- il
Bsef on foot, Vio
Aprleft 75 cents por hii,
Pork VAc par lb itrossod
Pr.s bsms,12Ho .
aides. 10. ' ' ' -
I rd-80 per lb. , .' r .
eiour 4.26 per bid. j
fcickens 4.00 per do. -.'Ul
Feed bran, 14.00 per tow '.
; iliorts, 16. '';.- - ;
This I'kak Sistkiis wlllglvo ono of tltelr
popular entertainments Novomlier 2Clli,
ut the Ojicra House. Adiiiisslon,5Ucents;
gallery, 25 cents. No extra charges for
reserved seals. Tickets on sala at Will
tie Link's, 1'rococds to la) used towards
the Orphans Jlomu.
An liitoiVNtliiK fifrlit is Kolng on be
tween tho MllUiu and FreewaUr peojile
relative to tho iiostofllee at tho latter
place. It set-ins tho Milton peopl have
sent a petition to tho poslamster guneral
to have it discontinued. Fret-water Its
self-dcfotisu is turning heaven nnd hades
tooso to retain it. No doubt tho longest
polo will dislodgo tho persimmon. Jlut
who gets tho "persini?'' K U.
A young woman, performing In a low
theater, in Han Frtuu-iseo, recently re
solved to reform. Ilvr mode of doing it
was to unit tho business and open n sa
loon in lis Angeles. That tunv ho Cali
fornia style, but in Oiegnn It will find no
Hero is the way Iho ('orvallis Times
writes 11 pi'isounl: "IJiielo JUlly n turned
from Sun Francisco yesterday and the O
I1 boy are promised n pay day soon
perhaps two po;i-ib!y three,"
The Cameron lxys returned yesterday
from trip through Fastcm Oregon nnd
Washington. J M made us a lutseut of
ono of tliu Moscow opuls lately discovered
in l'alotise courty. Somo of lu siii-el-meiis
of this precious stone found up
there are said to bo very valuable. Time
To-day Is tho birthday of n 1i:mo:rat
man, who is now exactly half the ago of
his father, and yet the latter is said to
bo alMitit as yoiintr In feeding and actions
as the former. Tho idea ot temaiuing
youug-us lung as possible is a good one.
Most farmers are pretty good kind o
men, hut tho Wulla Walla Statesman
tells of 0110 we would like to net the
champion kicker after: "K 1 Stone, a
farmer who ha Is en residing near John
son's siding, in Whitman county, is iiiiss
in. He is supposed to have taken w ith
him nlmut r.issl iu cash and a servant
girl. He lefl U-hind him a w ife and four
children, a farm partially paid for, a
mortgaged ihreshtr ami debu approxi
mating :I,.Vhi.'
F.veu the ttkc if it.llk has Ik-cu raised
In I'orlUtitl since the passage of the Me--
in in ley iiu.
There Is one Ihlujr oar Itiha'dUiit dis
like to we colng down the thermoinvtcr.
tnc of the greatest convenience In the
present ngu Is the rlrctrle Ds-ht In your
bou.s. A Di m-h wvr tii4 i is ready to
wi lie out a putt that will lav in lbs sit-.ile
the most rlulmi.iti-patrnt ou-.lli ine testi
monial l be funtl ut the column of even
Ayer sin.auae.
Two Astoria rditnis rcccnl'y bad a
fl'tit, wliit li cost ihe Columtilan "man Sir.
a rrniarkiiblt; occurrence, for mot rdltots
Can only lijjht Willi their pens. The great
est myth In the woi!4 is the fighting r Jlr,
lilU c II itiisci ttie As-.ttl 1 men sbitfily
clawed ihe ntr.
The etelteincftt in lU-rilnovcr Dr Koch's
roiisuinpiion one is l.iiriie. There are
tjoo forrljn doctors already there. Tht,
supply of Koch's lymph is temporarily es
hausted. Kx h so!tj-ts that the fcoicdy
ic called 'paiatoloid" in preset Ipliotis.
WOWairen. of Warren county, tells
ihe l endlelon Hast Oregouho, tbat there
ts at that station Jo.uvo bushel ( wltest
awaiting ihlpntcivt with only to cars a
week to ship it in. At this rale It will just
take four years and live Weeks t-i cairv It
to market, and the Mint report is general
through IC. O.
The New Yoik Times, of a recent date
savs, th; epjiHcadou of the Far ncrs' Loan
sr.d Trust loiupany ,) i.-jVc the Orrtton
I'm i lie Knl.wsy (vmtpany and the Wit.
lamtttc Valley anj Co-t' Hallr rail placrd
In the hands 'of 4 receiver was the rctult
of a default In the interest due Oct 1st on
the Oregon Pacific bon Is, The same in
lercs' owns Utt!) companies. The p tit Ion
for a receiver wssl-ned by the hoidci of of the Uind(and It was at
their request that T Fgenton Hogg, presl
dent of s,t!t com; ante, was appointed
receiver. It is probable that the financial
uf.'airs of the Oregon I'acllic system wiil
be rcorganli-eJ.
Dr Fields, of England, It is claimed
cures every case ol diph'thrrla he oiiemnt
with powder of sulphur and a quill, lie
puts a tabJcspoonful of flour of brimstone
Into a wine flas of water, and stirs it with
bis finger, Instead of a spoon. When the
sulphur Is well inlscd he elves It as a esr-
gle, and In ten minutes the patient I out of
danger. Instead of spitting out the gar.
glebe recommend the swallowing of It.
In cstrcme cases, tn which he hd been
callcljust in Ihe nick of time, hen the
fundus was nearly closing to allow the
gargling, he blew the sulphur througn a
quill into the throat, and after the fungus
had sunk to allow it then the gargling. If
a patient cannot gargle, take a llvecoal.put
it on a shovel and sprinkle a spoonfi.l or
two of Hour of brimstone at a time upon
it, holding the head over It.and the fungus
will die, or fill a closed room with It.
filvet ton has the broad uutieo now ami
will soon have electric liehts. Probably
iu no other state can so many towns lo
loumi ante to support electric lights as in
Oregon, in proportion to its population.
Hnzlett. the nilirrim nrinter. is now
making bis 22nd annual iotirncv on foot
northward through tht Willamette val
ley. Kime years ago he worked for us on
the Goldendale Gaxutto a w hole week
without getting drunk, tho reason losing
mat ne nan not a cent nnd nobody would
I.I.., -A.,. -f. ;
i-ivuv huh, t ',11ms itemizer.
A boy with a new $1,JS0 toy engine and
snoes in snreus, ins heels and toes sport
ing in the frosty atmosphere was a spec
tacle a Dicmockat iiandid not contem
plate with urbanity. The world is full
of it.
Drummers brintt most "irairs" to town.
Like the bee theyijather the pollen of
joke in town after town and spread it
unoui,. uno 01 vnein in 1110 eny says 1 lie
Bag now.when a man Is "laying anything
1. I 111 ! . 1 ! 1
down" to you is to say, "Oh, 1 don't
know" to every remark. Gradually ho
win worK niuiseii into a storm.nnd there
in lays the fun. Tho idea is veiy bril
Pix Chinese pheasants turned loose in
1880 in the valley have increased to
1.000.000 bv careful computation. Now
if that is the case here, will some student
tell us how many pheasants there woula
now bo in China if six bad been turned
looso in the days of ConfusciuB, and in
creased at the same rate, which of course
they have not lor lew countries nro so
prolific ns this.
Ten years is not very long; but it
makes some difference so far as the rela
tive population of the states is concerned.
New York was first in 1880 and likewise
in 1890. Pennsylvania was second both
times. Ohio was third in 1880 and fourth
in 1800, Illinois having jumped up from
fourth to toira place. Missouri retains
the fifth place. Massachusetts has
lumped from the seventh to the sixth
placo,Indiona dropped from the sixth to
the eighth.Kentucky has fallen from the
eighth to the eloventh.Michigaa remains
ninth and Iowa tenth, Texas has increas
ed from the eleventh to the seventh.
Mississippi has dropped from the eight-
teenth to the twcnty-llrat place. Minne
sota has come up from tho twenty-sixth
to the twenties, uregon dropped from
Wasnincton increa ed
r. i j t J t , " .
seventh to tho thirty-fourth.
Linn County Council.
Owlni to
prevalience of diphtheria at Taneent, the
next meetine of Linn Co. Council will be
with Grand Prairie Grande No 10, Dec
6, J890. ' , '.
, Clara Swank,' ' Vice pres.
A slhlB tolstjsst Corrallls, it is olsimrd
W8ihs 8 pouiMis snu 1 ounce.
Curyslhs uw has 10,f(tS feret of slrcnt
tailwsy. Will Albtay, with its ViOO ft,
plessstske notius.
Bsluui neople now o'slm that the fil -fated
eniiluo was nut reversed st all. the euuiussr
only baying time to blow the whlatis,
i'lia MossHite is ths iisms of a unt little
1 hurt Ii pspsr cot leu oat by tlia ptstnr of ths
tiaptist ciiurelii ii V riiuipK, pnotur.
On VV(lnisUy ( this wvttk Mr J N Dua
eau 1 1 M K iirli k Slid W Hlm, bis
Uw oiliueaiiil 1 it, A stuel; eensidoislioit, j
J.MU, l't iiius 11 Iu ruws.
At lint it was thought tlis ilo.'iio.iiids lit
been ttesteu ill all ths eiiigri-i(iii districts
in California, but it nnw sppfsrs that tliey
sleet two ooi gressiiieii, Uosry Mid t'siiiiimttt,
a kin of one. ,
Dr T W JUriit.of Fiismtp, fniinsrly of
this city, psvs tutus on I-V73H, im-tinling so
llsoduard. Tie lnsVisat tsaiiiei.t tasiiaysr
iu l-siio enmity is O It 'hrisinsu wlii r,tys
onmuii C W Wssbburue is nxt, with
-'H,"2i3, us tlia tintircl.
'I he Oregon I auk, of t L Li city, had a long
dtnn otirisin fi 1U0 l itf front window of
Hoar bank, nn thn ill fittd trsln that was
wrecked st Lake I.abi.l:. li baa anlvt.d.
'i-l hit.ks as il it bad I cm atiuuk btf au
Iowa eyolniie, being brnki n in two Slid spst
ttred with bbwtj.
Satuitlay, the swill CulustisI li-itited the
tisapprarauu i.f s Iiom frtm hi lisrtl, near
last Albany, . 9 fouiid tuio, dtsitsl, ia
aoo'.btr C'sltistials hut, with bis trads mark
u II n i-iu, I n bd tits thitif Sflsslcd Slid
1 1 tint tfveitinu Jusiice lltn i'hrnv orlrd
m bi-ld iitttlfi $'Mjbi.dtoswaltlbseiioa
of tii (jrslnl jury,
Jit Nlkt I, iiintliey.
Mr L Ju '.ton b j..s'; t-o-t) J a meal tnar
k t J 1st east i-f Mull, r & liifrt U.
At suotio.i said of lioiaes this sftnruoon a
spsn ul gras, b'vs atttl six years cf age. sold
for f 11
Marsbstl Ilnlfuisii has put into lbs city
puuli.l sis or sevin lira lot cows, heiftrs and
sur akd a roam liorte.
City i-lt. tt inn hv, 1. It prmnbes to La
vmy tpnt. As the salary of ths Tieasursr
lus Imni iMtvasid (o f '.IH) a ytsr thei will
be mors f a couttst for tbs cilice.
Yestnaily sfarii,tu K-lwarJ C'aats rrooived
s (ins of !-5 for Ulug i!rsi;k an I disorderly.
Asi' is spproschiiig New Years it would bs
coed tinm fr Cae sad some cf tlia other
Ixiystn l-ecm lcsotution to uuit the
bifamuus habit.
Arm nl Hiiro Vfta t tis )ar O W Mj
LsiikIiIio baa Ibis aaoa raised 1, 000 bushuls
of tatMS, Win, Huthrrtard I MSI. C 4'
Woils 2,OOi1, fi A Wellr, 2 ttlO. Fiank liround
3,000, II W Morp'sy it Hon 8,000.
Poi.h k News. A 'man too drunk Ut
walk, tumbled oft the sidewalk this fore
110.n1, was tumbled into Mueller A Gar
rett's delivery wagon, nnd thence Into
the caliboose. As be is a 200 rouhdcr,
muscular ami from Htayton, on tho Kan
tiam, w refrain from publishing him to
the world.
Two wood choppers from across the
river came to the city last evening, tilled
up on fermented corn juice, got glorious
ly drunk, and were cordi-d up this after
liooit ill the callhooac,
1. H. They have jut broken out of
tne rear end of the building and skipted
t SO St lio.iL IssTiTtuc. The Bap
lit.1 Sunday school institute is to convene
in this city this week under the direction
of Rev L G V heeler. The following
program wiil lie carried out:
Wednesday afternoon 1 :30, Ievotion
al services, led by Rev J C Richardson.
2:KI, Ad.lress of welcome, Rev Geo W
Hill. 2:15, lU-sjK.tum by Rev Robert
WhitiWer. 2:i. l-.nrollment and organ
ization. 3;tJ. Ri jioi t of schotds. 3;3),
The school Its luaiiagettietit How todo
it. Tho duties and responsibilities ef
officer. Discussion opened bv .Supt 15 F
iKirris, futlowed by f-Uipt W S Thompson,
T 8 Child, Rev Ww Wells ttn4 others.
4 M, The class -a normal U sson conduc
tor. Kvening ":.10,rralseaml prayer meet
ing. !:J, Addrnsse, Rev J U Travis
and Robt Whitiker. Tho Importance
and power of the fr-unday school.
Thursday morning 10:00, I'ravcr for
pastors aiiij supt riiiti-ttdeiits.Wll'f hoiup
soii, lender., rier,Mrs M Bailey.
10:45, Address, The r-unday School liar
vest. Rev U W Hill. II :15, Taper, Mies
Rose Trumbull. 1 1 ;30, Gaueral diacus
siou. Afternoon 2 ;00 Braver for teachers
and scholars, Miss M Harlow .leader. 2:30,
Practical teaching, normal lesson Con
ductor, 3:.'k, I'njier Work among
young iieople, O 1 Coshow. 1'owerof
perMotiul example, Miss Ad-lie Williams.
4:00, next Sunday's lessop laiiKht liefore
the institute- to a class o! little ones by
Mrs K G Wheeler. 4:1X1, Question meet
tug -Condvctor.
l'vening 7:30, f-'ong nnd praise ser
vice. 8:uo, lecture How we spent our
Stinditys 011 the continent of Europe lost
Pesell & Co.
Have Vit n ck ihv yoi.
liuy your grocerias of Parker Bro'a.
Saunr krsotat C K Krowcel.'j.
A good Fuuutblu po.-i at V M Freu.h's f r
Ch.He cIk-cso is the best. Try it. C E
Fresh Now England niiaco meat, on sale
at V l(rownl, a.
SlO.OPOtoloan in mat two weeks. S N
Steele it to.
Call at Iluhn 1). arson's N-iw Drag Sto.e
fur fresh iuti,.
I i aha Si Dj son, dracist's, with F M
Frtneh, tbo j'Wt-ler.
Nice blesehrd cult-iy every nviruinff at
Blmlgotl's & Sou's atore.
A tusrrfl tf (Caps Cid craubsrriea fast
odeoed st BlodgCtt'.
Thn O P special arrived from tho steamer
at 8:30 last evening.
The S-s'o Atrricnltuist atSJtlatkn has rc-
elootcd tha , M cflict-rs.
Ten Waotiful piuci-a of silveware aiven
away a rrtnub s Jewelry Store.
Physician's preseriptluns carefully com-
ponDded at lialin & Dawson's drag store.
W11 sie telling five ono pound lars of
.Savon Soap for twenty five cents. Blodgett
& Son.
Eastern oysters nr.d rauur kraut last re
ceived at S)utllt.r t& Uarretv's.
Good snlieitar and salesman wants position
Addrres llustli-r, care o tins ouioe
Tlio pnblio cclitKils of lialsey have boon
I cloned for a sihite on Rcconut ef diplithtr.i,
wtnen is prevaieuiinruugn me vaiioy.
Wo have just openod a barrel i f choice
ucmixoJ pickles wlnuh will be s M in quan
tities to tmroiisser. UloJgett Bi sou.
S N Stt-t le Si Co., can cct you loans from
$2C0 to 10;000 for 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 0 nd 7 years
nn good real estate security. Call early.
A new brick oflbo is being bnilt f ir the
Albany Farnieis' Co. The old office, one of
tho land mailia of Albany will be torn down.
Thus. Kay woolen mills b)aitkets,11anDfs
men's, youth's and boy' clothinp," for sale
by u V simpaou , at;Mit, Albany, Oregon.
List snived a full line of ladies, ohil
diuus, men's aud bey s foot wuar at G W
Simpson's. liich will bo sold at bottom
Snccial matters ot importance will be
considered this evening st the reenlar meet
ina of Albany Lodce No. 4 I. O.O. . All
members specially invited to attend.
A Qne din. lav nf cluldrens school shoes on
center tab! a at C K Browneli's are going rapid
ly at less tban hrst cost. Call sua seleot a
pair before they are all gone.
A little darkey in A bany, yesterday, save
month orsan cooeerts ia the stores that were
marvels of skill in the manipulation of that
W II Slielbnv. of Nevada City, eeoared
while vis i Li i)2 Oregon icoently, twenty rsir
of Cbiuese pheasants, for widen he paid ?5
eaoh, tor twenty birds, snd $130 to one
vouiiff man who furnuhod him with ton pair.
I Shelby took tho-n with him to California
) where they will bo turned loose.
A Sci0 Case. Scio ia being treated to
11 raofl rifivelonint? into somewhat of &
- 1 hi' 1 isiii 1 11 11 1 . 1 a-n i.r- iiiav s-s wminiiu w o.n
- I , V--s.,lw. M rAi.i.nny -,,
issued outxif Justice Williams' court, at
the 1 that citv. for the arrest of Bal O'Fellows.
I - . 1 i .1 A . 1 I V 4 i 1
an luueruub uucior , oui octboir suuiv u un
Brick Dust, of Chicken Bristle, on ac
count of a Bill Nve style of letters pub
lished in . the Democbat. off and on for
Notice. 1847 Rogers Bro's knives
forks and spoons at F M . French's, "The
f nrnrr i-j-fMrv store. nrrarued A No, t
JfMt.iHJJMU.1, . '. , ...AllLiJU'.JJ1. HHL'U.'JLi!
several years. The charge is lewd co
habitation with one Miss Krengcr, a
uerumn giri living at ricio. Ueputy dis
trict attorney Wyatt went to Hclo yes
terday fttiernoon to attend tlie case.
Fellows was arrested this morning, taken
before Justice Williams, plead miiltv to
the clmrire. and was held to await the
action of the grand Jury under f 200 bonds,
In default of which he wa brought to
Albany this afternoon by Constable
lillyeu, and placed in tin) county jail.
He ealled at the Dkmoc-hat office and de
clares ho plead iruiltv to shield somnone
else. Fellows is a nephew of one of
it. 1 ... I t f ... . . . .. Sf . -I.
mo lenuniK lawyers 01 new loraeii-y.
liity attorney at one time nnd a promi
nent Politician. He is cons mumble of it
genius ; but geniuses often get urresti d
on such charges. Ho has a wife in the
A Picnic A passenger who came on
the Oregon Pacific special yesterday from
the Bay, reports that quite an cvltemcnt
was 0 rate j on the train, by a wife hi un
angry manner slapping her husbund In the
face. No one sccma to have learned what
the trouble was but it looked ipilu- stormy
for a white,
Tiik Tail' CniuuTW,-Dr. Dobbs, nt
ihe W. 0. T. U. ball, last evening coin
iitoted his journey n round tho Dead sea.
l'ltu trip was an iuterestlnir one. It is
safe- to say no one In Albany will have a
desiro to go around tha Dead eta, and
brave the robbers and Karkers nnd Sfxl
omltes, of that miserable country. Many
though, wosbl like to tnnko tho trip
through Palestine.
Into a Hoi.b. Ist evening Mrs T G
Hopkins fell through a bole in the side
walk, near the eonicr of Uroadalbin and
First Htreets, very nearly making a pa
tient for the city hospital, for the estab
lishwiit of which she has been doing
such good work. Hheescaiirtd with some
severe abrasions of the ankle. To-day
two new IxiSrdsnmv be seen lit ll.e iie
of the fall.
DiDM'r GaT Away Fhom lieu. Among
the liasscmiera arrivintr lust i-vfnir,,
from Han I rancisco. by way of tho Oregon
fnclfle, wa8 a ine looking man, flegnnt
ly dressed, and as nicely a costumed wo
man. The centlcmsn ia caitl tn U,
of tho liest known of the Golden Gate
city's doctors, a big advertiser, and the
woman is in wiie, arm therein bangs a
story, which, as told to a Dkmocmat
man is alsmt like this : The doctor whs
trying to run away from his wife, and
boarded tho Willamette Valley for the
purtiose. The wife eot w ind of lb aflV.f
and succeeded in reaching the boat hist
111 time hj imsro 11. iiieu she staid with
him, watching him closely and coming
from the bay on the same train but on
opposite sides of the car. They put on
at tlie same hotel in this city, and this
forenoon were out riding together, which
makes it look as if there had U-cn a
Owing to the weather, which has Wn
cold and dry. quite a number of students
are on the sick list. All this w ill cease
however aa soon as the rain starts in.
In Ihe minute speeches of the Vesper
tine society Friday n'ght every variety
of subjects were discussed, from the dis
covery of America dow n even to dudes.
Amid much applause one young lady
gave us somo desired information about
"boys." Thccvilcflsctaof the "masher,"
as often seen here in the school. v. eru also
The numls-r of students has become so
large that they can no longer be accom
modated at boarding ball. Rooms too
have kecotne very scarce.
I.ast week the motor raanintr between
Monmouth and Independence ran over a
cow belonging to a Monmouth man. No
damage done except to the bovine.
The "Jubilee singers" of Palem iravc an
entertainment last Salurdav. The pro
gram, which was well rendered, was list
ened to by a large audience.
Tlie Kurt-ka society last Friday kindly
invited the VestH-rtien society to meet
with them. The literary nnsram was
excellent. The U-st feature of the even
ing was tlie debate. The question, "Re
solved that prohibition is more profitable
to the country than high license," could
not nave neen handled better. The two
leaders, 1 L Blnckcnby, affirmative, and
WAGihnorc, negative, became eo en
thusiastic that the president, who would
do honor to the name "Speaker Reel,"
was obligsd to limit their time. The
judges decided in favor of the affirmative.
The vou nn ladies in the dumb 111
club have attained a fair degreo of suc
cess. It is surprising that not all the
young ladies will avail themselves of this
opportunity ol obtaining some good
physical drill.
A laree numlier of students went from
here to the railroad accident Sundav.
Scio, Nov 16th, 1890,
Editor Democrat :
I am in search of information upon a few
questions that disturb me. Will not some ad
vocste of protection condescend to give 1 igh
when it is sought?
By hat right doc government lax consum
ers for the benefit of producers?
Show me the justice of laying aa import
duty on any commodity produced in this count
ry for the express and avowed purpose of tom
relling the consumer to pay a largtrpiiceto the
home producer.
The larmer sends his nheat and other farm
products ab-oad and thev are sold in the
markets of the world. Why should he not be
permuted to fully exchange them m the count
ry where he is compelled to sell for sum pro
ducts as he needs without being compelled to
pay a lax of 75 per cent say, on the amount of
his exchanges before he can land them here
Is not this a tax directly on the farmer and not
on the foreign manufacturer. Why is not the
grangers motto to "buy where he can buy the
cheapest t'J to sell wheie he can obtain the
best price," sound Ti-oliucal economy. If it is
not sound wherein lies the error.
As a matter of abstract rieht between the
citizens of the tame country, why should the
law protect certain favored classes cf the com
munuy ana nor. nuora equal protection 10 an
others equally meritorious?
Why should the producer 01 sugar receive
out of the treasury of the United States a
bounty ot two cents a pound for each pound of
sugar p-oduced and tha producer of wheat,
corn, oats, potatoes, fruit, cattle, Horses and
many other commodities, be cntueiy neglec'ed.'
Are they not all produced by labor? Why
this faoritism?
Is not this class legislation the bine of our
times and is it any wonder that the favored
classes prosper while those who are not favor
ed, must become borrowers and ere long hew
ers of wood?"
Why should this rank injustice have been
perpetrated, and why should it be continued,
and on what ground can itbedefenced?
OS! TUB KOrrsfr.KR
Mr Wallace, of Lake Creelt, has moved
to Walter Brown's farm on the Boundary.
Misa Lizzie Kennedy, of St Tanl, Ma
rion county, has become a resident of
thia locality for the ensuing year. She
will assist lier brother Jamea 111 the man
agement of their father's farm.
Six ear loads of cattle have been taken
from Mr Swift's band to the Tortland
market, in the last ten days.
Mrs Jessie Willoughby has been quite
sick the last few days.
Mr Swift and Mr O'Shea, of Tortland,
were up after cattle yesterday.
James Taylor and family, of Eugene,
were visiting at Mel Taylor's last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Wm Baber, of Junction ,
were in this neighborhood recently, the
guests 01 Mr ana Miss ward
Mrs Tressa Cochran and children have
been visiting at Mr James Curtis'. Mrs
Cochran's home is at Arlington.
A social dance will be held at the resi
dence of Mr Wilkes next Friday evening.
A general invitation is extended.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining
tn the post offioe at Albany, Linn comity,
OreKon.Noy 19, 1893. Persons callioa for
these letters must -give toe data on wmcn
tbey were advertised. -Bart,
Mrs Minnie Case, W W
Csrden, David Houstiou, D '"
Long, LA . Halfpenny & Mann
Jones, L 15
.B. TnostrsoN, P. M
A large stock of oil cloth and linolenm juet
received at Fortmillar & Irving'.
Fresh Toilay,
Fat Turkevs.
Celery, Cauliflower,
rwet'i j-..nuioes, v-ranwrries,
runups, Beets,
muht rsraui, j'arsmps,
Fine Chickens,
Pigs Feet, Pieklwl Pork,
Maekeral, Klnclair Hams,
Figs, Oranges,
JiCtnons, Comb Honey,
Htrained JJoney, I'tart.
Crentit Chccsi-, Cbipied Beef.
All (if the above nice and fresh at
Mtieile A Garrult's.
Highcit cf all ia Iavcaing Powers
My entire! f-tock of Dry Goods, to make room for a large
lino of Hoots ami Shoes and Gent's Furnishings.
OSxTCall early while tlie selection is good.
2E5. 0. BB hJZ&a .
First street, -:- -:- -:- Albany, Oregon.
Grocers and Bakers;
Opposite lh BTere Reaa.
Kcepa nmeinss Htock of Groceries, Trcslace, and Baked Goods. Bottom prices.
Was nevr so Cheap in Albany as it has been since
njien'-d with their
are also selling immense quantities of Boots, Shoes
ami Furnishing Goods, at greatly reduced
price?, quality considered.
Come on with the masses,
away harga n?.
: Cheap for Cash:
if T .f?'J--' 'lrfcasis?f1
fsST yv:;55?p. wi wn
F2G4 f!Se KERBS,
Notice to Tax-Payers.
Notice ii hereby given that I, or my
dtpoty, will meet the tax-payers of Linn
county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a m, and re
main "until 4 o'clock p in, at their respes-
i tive places of voting in tne several pre
j ctncls, at the follow I ig times and places,
ior inc iui('u!; w w.w-ii.s
the year of 1890.
Rock Creek, Monday, November 34lh
Fox Vallev,
Tuesday, Nov ah
Franklin Butte
Wednesday, Nov 25th
Thursday, Nov 27th
. Friday, Nov 28th
Saturday, Nov 29th
Monday. December 1st
'Tuesday, Dec and
.-. Wednesday, Dec 3rd
Thursday, Dec 4th
Friday, Dec 5th
Saturday. Dec th
, Munday, Dec 8th
Tuesday, Dec 9th
Wednesday, Dec 10th
. Thursday, Dec nth
Friday, Dec 12th
Sweet Home,'
Brush Creek,
Center, .
East Albany,
West Albany,
Saturday, Dec 13th
Monday, Dec 15m
Tuesday, Dec 16th
Wednesday, Dec 17th
Thursday, Dec 18th
Friday, Dec 19th
Prompt pavment will be required
your taxes and save costs. -.
; Sheriff sr.d Tax Collector.
Dated Novembers, 1890
tt ARTIES wantinsr pasture in the Mon
? (pith TiaHture. weat aide the ditob.can
ceuio it at f Ipar mntb , by calling cn
i 8IO W. liLCMBKF.
CarvsBl Evtat.
Everybody remarks at the splendid dis
play of fruits and vegetables at
Powell JcCo's, where they get what they
want In the first place.
A large supply of shelf goods, the best
In town, at Powell & Co's.
All kinds of rdcknscks at Powell k
Cold weather foods, picnic groceries,
stay at home rroceries , every variety of
groceries In the market at Powell & Co's.
B C Saarlo, 1st tallies U entire stock of
dry goods si cost, to (taks lOom fur t larga
line ol boots sad shoes.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17,
Mammoth stock.
inspect our stock and carry
CI STKA.T KOTICX -Strayed from my
Pi rwidnen,two miles east of Oervallis.
auoat ifaree weeke mo, a bay pony uisre
bout v years 01a. Kewsra for return or
Information aa to whereabouts. Address,
' -.. CorvaJlia
EuOMH TO LET. Fornlshed or he
f uridaJMd. Inquire at tiiiu'oflSce.
I STRAY KOT1CK- Strayed from cay
!i farm one three rear old steer, bind
limf crop froau each ear. Suitable reward
to uiy one wno -will inform me or us
w&eieeboute. tho 1. asx-krson.
By Toraera bridge, on Caiapooia.
RON HAHHSWS harrow nnV lyoa first
call on Stewart A Sox. It wilt pay you
not to forget thia.
Se&utiful Pieces of Silverware to U
Gircn Away.
At F. M. French's Jewelry store, com
mencing Nov. 1st, I will present every
one purchasing $1 worth of goods, a tick
et entitling the holder to a chance to
draw one of the following pieces of silver
1 On luTtM dinnPF castor t10 fMI
fancy fruit dish .. . .. 9 00
" silver cake basket 8 00
" silver card stand. ....... 7 00
" set silver knives and forks 6 00
" double pickle castor. . . . . 5 00
silver butter dish . . . 4 00
single pickle castor. ..... S 00
eth Thomas clock. . 8 00
ailvercur-s- ...... 1 00
F. M. French.
ITIOUND. Three m.iuth organs. Call
; at the Democrat office. (1G7)
LOST. In the Masonic cemetery or tie
Albany cemetery, or on the way from
Albany to them, on Sunday, Nov ltifci,
ladies open faoa silver-watoh. Finder
will comer a treat favor bv leaving at
this office. (165)
Executors Wolice.
the undersigned baa been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of ldun
county, Oregon, executor of the last will
and testament of M Q Hill, deceased, late
f Liun oounty, Oregon. All persona
brving claims against said estate are bete
by notified to present them duly verified
to the undersigned at his office in Albany
witbin six months froas this date.
October 24, 189. .
T. Ji Stti-bs,' Executor.
Y A tty for Executor.
ed. Those who thick they can at
proent orin the future furnish live Men
erolian rhiaaatn or theic eggs will 1
I well to eorrsspond witb
I . murvt! tL -C-A T?T'Trr.T-
n 1-lVUi vs. j. ......
;.. . PerUaosl, to.-.-:"!-