MAKES A SPECTACLE tf HIMSELF. The Brownsville Timm man U making a ludlclout spectacle of himself. 1)U course dlsguit hit friends and he becomes a aughlng Hock lor the public lUayii 'It, (the Democrat,) affirm that the Times cUlma that the north part ol the count la taxing the south part at a greater rate han the nortn part." This the timts say 'la as false as can be." We will see whether our statement "Is false as It can be." In one Issue that paper sail this: "fcor the last ten or fifteen ears the northern hall has been managing affairs la their own wajr, tuning ths walker Kit! wsVAoW its having rrfrtsrniation. This the Times can not deny. This proves that part ol our statement which alleges that the 71mm said the north hall was taxing the south hall. Now as to the other part ol the statement. In Its Issue ol October 3rd, It said: "We lh to prove, first that we, (the south part,) par more than our just proportion ol taxes." In Its Issue ol Sept 19th, It said: "It, (meaning the Dam ockat,) did not den that the clilscns in the southern part ol the count have been paying more taxes In proportion to thetr actual wcaHh thin those In the northern hall." Again It said: "The (act that the tax papers of the south hall have been, and are no, paving more than thci' just proportion ol taxes remains the same.1 Now sum alt this up and see if the Dm CftAT Is not right. II It be true, as the Timet ays, that, (or the last ten or fifteen years the north half has been i.txing the south half, and that the south balf have been, and are now, paying more than their just proportion ol taxes, then the ccnclu loo Is Irreslstable that the north part of the count Is taxing the south part at a greater rate thaivthe north halt. If the Times chooses to dispute this It must faltlly Its own words to d It. Now what becom ol Its uj start, fllppint charge that the Dc ocaxr falsifies about. We could sav that when the Timrs man sars a Democrat man said to him that "if Albsn did not take the steps she la taking the would not get the brlJge as the count did not want it," or that "it Is a common evil that Salem and cities all over the United States resort o In order to get bridges," the Democrat man referred savs that the Times m;n fal sines, ave, worse than that, but then ve are loth to Introduce that style ol billing- gate which appears to suitable to sume newspapers. The Timrs in quoting from the Democrat savs we "whoop It up for the Alban bridge and sa notiing what ever In behalf ol the people who have time and again petitioned for appropriations, The Times hnrw when It made this state ment that It cut its quotation in tv an that it did It for the purpose of deceiving It left out the words in the Democrat that would have convicted It of open.dcllbcrate falsehood. This Is what the Democrat said in connection with the quotation mad b the Times: And we sav, once for all, to the Timrs, that the Democrat is broad enough in li conception of Its duty to the taxpayers of unn count to lavor tne consti uctlon ol good sale bridges on all the streams of th county. This means that we favor the building of bridges on the Calapooia and Muddy with as much earnestness as the building of them an w here else. Thus does the Timrs stand convicted by Its own words. Shame on the newspape that will attempt to create prejudice against others by malicious, premeditated, wicked misrepresentation. What language could be stronger than ours, that we are in "lavor of the construction of good, safe bridges on all the streams of the count. Tits means that w favor tht building of bridges on the Calafom'a and Muddy tvitM as much earnest. mass as tht building of Hem any uiere tin, And in the ver face ol these words the Times sas the Democrat said not h In whatever In behalf of the people who have time and again petitioned for appropria tlons. It Is no fault of the Democrat if the Times editor U too stupid to understan such language or too knavish to admit Its fairness, the consolation the Democrat has is that its readers in th north, south, east and west part of the count do under stand It, and are not to be misled by the misrepresentations of the Times SEHlOlat'MAUOU The Brownsville Times has been at lacking the count court fornot re pairing bridges In the south part of the count. These criticisms have been re garded by nine tenths of the people of the count as the fulmlnationa ol an eccentric mind. But in its last issue it makes a charge too serious to be allowed to pass unnoticed. It sas: "The, (the people of Alban,) should teinember that the long list ol delinquent taxes is headed by some of the most prominent citizens ol the north part (ol the count) who have been alllowed to escape paying their taxes be cause of favoritism until the delinquent tax iUt aggregates the enormous sum of $30,000." Now, this is a most serkrtis matter. Illsune of great public concern. Now, how could this favoritism of which the Times speaks, be shown? First, it could be shown by the assessor by placing a far less value upon the favorite's propcrt han he doe upon those no't favored. Does the Tunes mean tosa that this Is the war the favoritism of which It speaks was shown? Second, It might be shown by the equalization board in not Increasing the assessment ol individuals when it knew their propcrt was not proper! as sessed, mr bf reducing the assessment o the favored person when It was assessed atread low enough. Does the Timts mean to make this charge? Third, this favoritism might be honby the sheriff not collecting taxes from the favored In dividuals. Does the Times make this latter charge? Come now, it is our duty to speak specificall and direct!? Name the officer that has been guilt of showing t'le favoritism you refer to. The revolution in Massachusetts is a bout the mot complete and slgnifirant o an that occurred in the elections, The jur of the people In that state is high! Intelligent and deeply interested In the tariff. The contest was made square! on this Issue, both upon the stump and In the newspaper. And whereas the republican majority in the twelve congressional dis tricts 1888 was 24,794, the democratic plu rality now is 8,614 a democratic gain of 33,408. Upon the issue now before the country Massachusetts has fairly taken a position among the demooatic states. II Crisp, of chosen ipeaker ol the regenerated housc.the selection will be in one way the moit appropriate that could be made. Crisp was the orie mm on the floor ol the last house cl whom Reed was afraid The Maine Czar could neither bully him nor silence him, and he was Reed's master as a parliamentarian. How would Reed feel to find that calm acute, satiric and powerful eye turned on him from the chair? Kid ur.oVES 1 handle,- Uur Own, a genuine kid glove, warranted at $1.50 per pair. The celebrated 1 Centemcil t $1.60 per pair. The Mather in button and string fastenings at l.75 per pair. I he genuine Foster hook at $1.00 per pair Alao Mus- quelalr, Sued and Glace finish. Samckt. E. Young. A BTltON'U liOTKU. A'bany, Or,, Nov igih, lSjoT Editor 1 Democrat.' Circumstances have arisen In consequence of which I have concluded to write this arti cle The passage of the McKintey Wriff bill, and the discussion arising therefrom, have caused me to give the question thorough in vestigation, a tiling I nevct did before, aud it has resulted in satisfying me clearly that the views I entertained not a great while since on 'ht tariff were wrong. My researches have caused me to believe beyond a question of doubt that our goven ment has no legal right to tax, directly or 'adiiectly, any Imlivnlual except for public purposes O'iiy. That our government has no legal right to impose a tar UT duty for any purpose except for public iev enue on!) , and that, whenever it places a tar iff for the sake of pioleclion, it is then unjust ly lenJing the strong arm of the goveinment to build up private fortunes for the enrichment of lew private individual. If the government had used the vast millions collected by tariff dtics from the consumers of the country, in government manufactories, owning aaj operating them for the benefit of the gen eral public of this country, then it might claim the protective tariff was or is for a public pur pose, but when class legislation is enacted, and the government taxes the general public to build up'mivate cntcrnrUes. it is unjust, l he Supreme court of the United States in the case of the Citizens Saving Association vs Topeka, deculeJ that the government hits no coixtitu tional light to tat any individual txerp. for a public purpose, and the late eminent Justic Milicr in deliveiirg the opinion ol the Supreme court m that case said: "To lay with one hand the power cf the goveu ment on lhe property ol the citizen, and, wi'.h the other, bestow it upon favored individuals to aid pri vate eaterpritessnd build up private fortunes is none the ls robbery because it is done un der the form of law and is called taxation. Beyond a cavil, there can be no taxation t eept for public purp"ies." The Supreme court of Iowa lays down the same doctrine in the case of Hanson vs Vernon, Judge Thorn as Cooler, kwmtrly of the Supreme court of Michigan in his work 00 ' Principles of Con stitutionsl Law" uses these words: "Constitu tionally a tax can have no other basis than the raisirg of revenue for put lie purposes, and whatever governmental exaction has not this basis is tyrannical and unlaw ful. A tax on imports, therefore, the purpose of which if not to raise revcaur, but to discourage and indt reclly prohibit some paittcular import for the b toe fit of some manufacturer, is not warrant ed by constitutional principle." At this is the law of the land the tariff monopolists and The combined capital of manufacturer, seek to make it a deaj letter br the passage of tariff laws that are both wrong in ft. and uncon stitutional in principle. A tariff for revenue U al:galtax. A protective 'aiifl tax is illegal and unjust, and is paid by the consumer, to en rich the pocket of lhe capitalist and miru lacturer. vt nere protection begins, revenue is dmiiuiihed, and as protection advances, revenue contintus to diminish, and wben pro lection is prohi iitie, revenu.-ceases altogeth er, and then tbe consumer is impnvcruhed an.l the government is not aided . Shall this sys tem, that permits the American manufacturer to form combines and trusts, fiee dom outside competition, be allowed and continued? The millions of men who pretee'ed lhe country in the hour of sore peril, and the desrendants of those who established this Iree government be cause of unltui taxation, rlcmxnj tint this question be answered Our soil is free, our men are free, our thought is free, our speech is free, and our trade and commerce shonld be as free as a tariff for revenue can make it. The tariff should b placed only on the luxuries, and all the common necessaries of life should be free and as rheap ss toss&le. I do not be lieve the tariff protects American labor. A mencaa laborers viiually bave no protection. The laborers of other countries come here Iree, an J underbid our native American laborers, and capital will tuin American labor out and employ me cheap laoor evertime. 1 here is free trade in tabor. Why should American laborers pay a protective tax to the rich man to enable him to hire foreign labor at his own price? The price of labor has been constantly de creasing. Where men in the eastern states, twenty years ago, received $j.oo per day, they now work for ninety cents and board themselves. In any new county labor is paid bct'er than In old and densely populated countries, and the tariff has notMrfodo with It. The great law of supply and demand regulates the price of labor. We have had a protective tariff since 1867. Why Is it that the prices paid laborers have been decreasing all the time? Again, it la said that goods are cheaper now than twenty years ago. Thatjis true, but It Is not caused by a protective tariff. The cause l, the new patent and methods In machinery. Steel rail under the Bessamcr patent can be made and sold many times cheaper than they could have been made and sold twenty years ago. If the protective tariff had made things cheaper !n this country .then why is it, they, the tariff men, fear outside competition. The fact Is, that free trade England and all other manufacturing countries have kept pace with the improved methods and can make and sell goods cheaper than we can to day simply because they are not taxed on their raw materiaf. I believe the American manufacturer has been pro tected long enough and hi plea for pro tection Is a pretense, and that, as a matter of fact, with our free raw materials and Improved methods in manufactuting we can successfully compete with any nation in the world without one cent of prJlection and payour labor as good a price as they are paid now. Under the seduc'Ive influ ence of the tariff, every man who has a Ittle capital wants the government to pass! class legislation toprotect he may grow fat at the expense of the farmer and laborer who are unprotected. .The duty on the farmer's corn, wheat and pork, does not protect him any. He exports those and need not fear from importation. The tariff is selfish, operated In the interest of capital and private enterprises, and not In the interest ol the government or people. As I have no hesitancy In giving my pist political action, I will add here, In brief, that my first vole was ol no political significance, being cact at the city election, at my native city, Huntsville, Missouri, In May, 1882. In the November elections of that year I made my first political speech, and that was for the entire democratic ticket, which ticket, I voted at Huntsville. Mo., in Nov, of I ha', year. I located at Ileppner, Oregon, in i83j, and was secre tary of the.CIeveland club at that place, in 18S4. The first presidential vote I ever cast was for Grover Cleveland in 1884. I lacked two months of being ol age when Hancock ran in 1880, and, being a student in the college at that time, took no part in the campaign ol that ear. In 1886, 1 was elected by the democracy of Morrow coun ty as a delegate to the Democatic State Convention and assisted In the nomination and election ol Judge R S Strahan, His Excellency, Governor Pennoer(and Hon G W Webb. In 1888, 1 stumped Morrow county for Cleveland and the democrat! ticket, which ticket, I voted as usual on election day, although, I then had no sat isfactory Ideas on the tariff. When the returns came In and we heard from the men who had wool In thetr teeth, it dawned upon me that, perhaps, I had better let politics and the democratic view of th? tariff severely alone, but lately I j """1 have been giving the subject Investigation, and have concluded that the democratic part has been right all the lime, and that I was lhe one that was wrong, therefore, as a man, when he gets on the wrong road, turns about to the right one, so do I with all due regard lor the friendship ol iny republican friends, hasten to adhere to the party ol the pcoplo and against tariff monopoly, I would lather be with the democratic party on this question and in the minority the balance ol my days, than tj be with an overwhelming majority party jthat advocates a high protective tariff. I therefore, stand i 1 my old posldcn straight and plumb on tho democratic platform and propose to remain with It, until all class legislation, high protective tariffs, unlawful combinations are banlhcd from the land, and the people oncu more have n voice In legislation, and In stead ol legislation being frumcd Kt the clamorous cry of capital and protection, that the laws be enacted with an t,ye o the principle ol " rights to all and special privileges to nvno " Geo. W WNimiT. YASIUNt;ttt. (Frum uur rwuisr cmxiximimil.) Washington, Nov. 10, i5yo Senator Cluay has by unanimous con sent been selected a the republican Jonah, and there eNt the bcr.t ol reason for he llcvlni; that lie will be asked to retire, not onlv from the chairmanship ol the reru! liran national committee, but to resign his membership It woidd have been dune before now, but that the question )f what to do with J S Clarktan ha not been de cided. Claiksou I vice chulrmnn id the committee and ha always been an humble tool cl Quny's, and there U a feeling a- motig Influential republicans ngaint hi being made chair man of the committee, as he would naturally expect, when Cjuay retire. At toon, at a tatMactory solution ol that difficulty U reached, Mr Uuny will receive what the boys call the "grand bounce." Quay la now In Florida, and Clarkson I also down south somewhere. They both thought It a good time lor d! appealing lor awhile. Mr Harrison Is having a terrible time over the Fcrcc bill, Mr llUlne, whose pre diction about the tariff have m.ttcr.itUfd so soon, and a tew other prominent repub licans are tr; Ir.g to persuade Mm to let the Force bill alone In hi message to corgrrs, which he Is now preparing, and the radical ehmcnt In Ida party which etnbiace nine-tenth s of It recognised te-sdern, aterivi! engineer K A llalerham lVittand; W urging liltn to lnslt upon no insl.t upon the Immediate paktage by the senate of tho bill. Mr liar rinon I very badly f. IMcncd at the tor nado of popular tli.i, probation that ttruck hi administration and party on election da, and would imt wlliln;;! take Mr IJUliie's advice.but for the fact that ho had committed l.lmulf In fivor of tli Torcc bill last iimiiiier. Senator Iackburn has made public a scene which took place in a senate com mittee room las', summer whir' he was the only democrat present, and whetc Mr Blai'ic stated In the plainest language that if the .McKlnlcy bill, which was tnen before the senate cn.niltue, was aM;d it would ruin the republican party and pre vent it electing the president In i&jj. He became so excited during Id '.enunciation of the measure '.hat he amathed a new silk hat which was l)ing before hlin c n a table. Mr Llalne ha not changed hi itilnj. It will be many a day before the demo crat get through enthusing over the recent election. Every train bring in prominent democrats, and every arrival means a freih jubilee. The local democrat Tired a salute of 5 J gun Fridsy night, altliougii C'ol. Ernst In charge of public buildings arid grounds, did his best to prevent It by re fusing to give them a permit to flic them In the same place that the republicans were granted a similar permit two years ago, but that didn't prevent It nothing could. The guns were fired, and close enough to the White House lor Mr Hani son to enjoy Die music. Under this adrnlnWtrathin, frd- ral cm ploys arc stave. An estlma'ile lady ilerk In the Washington City Post-office l now under suspension , because she repeated a jovial remark of a fellow clerk to Dick Quay, a son of the senator. Dick present stnted an order for the senators mall at the general delivery window and the lady went back In the office and Inquired where the senators mall was. -Uh he's dead, and hi mail's gone to the dead letter bftke," said one cf the clerks laughingly. The lady walked back to the window and thoughtlessly repeated the remarks to Dick, who, by the way, she did not know. He went to the post-office department and reported the lady as having insulted him and his father, and an order was Issued to the City postmaster for iter Immediate suspension. Mr Wanamaker hat not made a popular official, but now that repo.'t of the pending failure of hi big Philadelphia firm are cir culated, a great deal of ympathy I ex pressed here for hfin, and it I hoped that the claims of hit friends he it not here that the rumor wat originated by Jay Gouid for the purpose of injuring Mr Wan amaker's credit, because of hi persistency In behalf of a poitat telcgrap'.i system, to which Mr Gould is opposed, may prove to be true. It it not often that the leaders cf a polit ical party have tj complain because they are giver too much by the voters of the country, but that's about the conditionof the democratic leader. They fully ap preciate the emphatic endorsement of the principle of the party given by the peo ple, but they wou'd have anticipated far lets trouble had their majority been about a hundred less in the next house it is now so large that It actually cause arxlely. The feeling that the short session of congress will, In its anxiety to pass politi cal legislation, neglect to pass all of the regular appropriation bill, and thus make an extra sjion of the fifty-second con gress, in the spring, necessary, to provide for the need of the government, has pre cipitated the campaign for the speakership and the o'.hcr officer of the next houto. Henry Cabot Lodge, n member of con gress and author cf the election bill and t close friend of Speaker Reed, is credited with the following utterance upon lhe re cent election: "I attribute the defeat In Massachusetts to one man and one utter ance, and that man n republican, more than to any other one thing. The declar ation of James G Blaine that the McKln ley bill did not Ccd a market for barrel pork or barrel flour did more harm than all the assoclaled democrats together, A party discredited by a party leader, and one who has been looked up to as an oracle. There are men in Massachusetts who believe that Blaine proved utterallr indifletetit to the success of the party candidate. Blaine is responclble for our defeat, and, while I prefer not to be quoted now, T shall before long seize the opportunity 10 repeat in public what I now say to you in contence.' Tbe excavations of Mr Pctrie have shown thtt up to now we bave known nothing of the arrjiieology of the Holy Lnd before the class ical; age, and if we are ever lo learn anything aboiit pre-exiltc Israel on the soil of Palestine itseil, it mnJhJXrJ,c'ajr,)Ul;"-"-'-,s TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Betrayed by a Weaiaa T1.C0MA Nov 18 M Sullivan of Thiols De tective Agency made an important arrest today that of A C0I1.1 who is alleged to be one of a gang who has been woikini; hanks on this coast and who vktimiek a t'althaven business house to the extent of tjooo, Colin was traced by a dispatch sent by a woman tu this city ami was arrested in her room this evening Aixnii fiooo was loumi on ner norson, It Is expected the baliince of the wilt be ar retted tomorrow. Kesutt r the Maasn merlins). Toi'SKA Nov 18 Complete; unofliclal te tuvns fi jin Kansas slow tlie election of the re publican tkfet with exception of the attorney cencral by majorities of hum 3000 to 800 1 h rrmeis Allnnce candidate gelt the altorney gcncinUliip by a plurality of 43,000, liwnlnn ta Ike Mrnate, Ari.ANi'A Nov 18 Gov Cordon was elected U S sctxiior today on the Tint ballot. True liahiini all RIrM. .san UtANCtscoNiv 18 The Jury in tht case of Sidney Huntington one of the princi pal arrested dur ng ttta glove fight at the California Utiu Inst September returned the veuliil "not guilty this afternoon. This virt ually settles I lie question 01 the right of otlile lit iiuu iu now (Move exiiiaiiions witlioul no- i!..- :..... 1 A Rrgalay , Ann .Kuoa Nov 17 There is little a' at incut of tlie ruiteiucnt caused by the death 0, f 1 student Dcntiisun at a result of the lludeut. militia 1 kit. Eleven town boy were arrested, 1. u 1 were nitcrwaii icrste l lor want or evi denre, The town hots shawed their dip pwM.ui.iw hi u,e luayon a:iiun uy lunging li.tu 111 eiiie,y yeterdy. Warrants lor the arreat oi twelve town I.ujsjii.I students bat bcenisurd Mrbranba Ilnnsvral.'u, 1. 1 scot N rov 17 Official returns Irom tvciy county in the state give 0y& (Jem) a plurality vl 144. The balance of the republi can slate ticket it elected by pluialiles ranging from 3000 to 5000. 'i'he independent con liol botli.bkant.hat of Ihe legislature, wi'h Hit republicans and democrats in about equal pio- portiun. A Ba4 Aerldeal KEAixNO Nov 17 A bode etploiioa and loss ol lilc occsred at the topper works of I inter ISrothertat Muttown this county at 6 o'clock this morning caused , it is said py a detective twiier. 1 hree men weie killed and citil severely woundca. Ktasalaiag the Urltlgr, SaifcM Nov 17 The Oregon state railroad Comrni4ionet, li V Cblvic. Kubeil Clow and ami J r raull UHay began the examination of witucstrt 111 connection with the Lake l.aln.b tinaster ot but Wednewa y niht. TUccom motion naj maje an investigation of the wreca ami is.-. undertaken to Jtecure expert to .y have invited for,r. m l.l.-.i examine i: and Th this purpose Mr 1 tank Miller, mechanical engineer ol Albany and W I! Hair of Albany S .T i'-1 !.bnJ.L. l,ofl,. K VVake- cu ) jciny ami amgcil ol rortrand aie A UerotulI.M titled. I .a l.iiu KiAn Nov 15 Advice etivrd frum iloujuia Itiat Soncliri nave re- has bees capture I ,y llorant force after a struggle and mc revomncn ai en enn. 1 lie ronu'iav is i ncl sn.t the people are with ikgran. Most ol .Nanmcs men eie killed. Sanchr and a few of lira "(liters were caplured were ilutiis.l to t ic puti!ic S4juare cud shut w ithout any de wy. B B Talk. .Vuku Nov 15 At a meeting of directors of lUcNcwiott A: Kinc Valley H li Co lust tirlj a tcvu!uii..n was adopted I hat will extend the corporation from the present terminus to Salem and I cyond via Independence and King vai.ey. An ttiori wt;l oe msile lo nave a sar vrv iif il, r.,,,1. m.i. ......w. ... - una 11 a very icai;i.i iet. Ta KtAt-lNt; Nyy 13A iownbi. clcol in a t'.ittiut ol this county is (assessed of a prodigy of a teacher in the 1 cun cl Clara Grcens4sald IJ yens old. She has filled her post ably ant) aci-eputi.y since llic rail term bejjan in Sep lCfIHCT, leaiaaaea Ilia tTarMlh, Ixi An..i.i.i;s Nov ij A special from Ua venna sa)i: Three Icaliant em il.e warnalh killed Mr t aemer and shot Mr Clark. Kvcry body it out 1 hey have a clue. h'lerill Auipctrc and coue left on tbe noon tram for the scene. Mark l-xrtlf metal Ntw obk N v 15 Stocks ooened Luoy. ant. I'he firm in trouble ycsteiday arranced itt difficulty. A scene of excitement and ran- ic cxijtcd, Stockt wre thrown over in a iccklest manner. Lours in the first hour exceeded anything since the decline began. I'.vcryoucis trying ( fell out their hoUlingt Dealings are enormous and lhe rapidity with which quotations melted away is something un prcccdciCe 1 bcitig no halt in tbe ciowowrrd ibovcmcnt. A (larlsllaw alllaarc, .Clt icaoo Nov 1 S First rcnion of Christ- Ian Alliance concluded today. I'rof Swing was eieciea presiocni. 1 lie constitution set forth that believing a better and more spirit ual interpolation af t bnstianity it everywhere needed ami there ought to be more fellowship ana union 111 me spun anj work among liber al Christians. I he association is formed for the purpose of piomoting these end. It is to be undenominational not interfering with tbe ngiii 01 privaic jungcinehl in interpretation and light of private concicnce in action and rchgtoj. Are Dr. I)arrin Cures Per manent. Tiiia fjm tian I' cfioa atko-J, a many of ths cures are done an quickly. That they are permanent no ona will attempt to deny, aftflr roadlnff the following Hat of name our tenorlcr mot at Dr Darrln'a oflloo, who had been curod (wo or three year ago, Mr William Tarrolt, cf Middlotou, Or, waa almobt totally dear for yearn, cured two yrara ago. Key M M Baabor, of RrookH, Or, cured of nanai and throat ot- tarrh three years ago, Mrs F A Morrl, Nowlxirg, Or, aayt abe is cured of aatbmt and fcronchiles of ten years' alandlng. Sae wan tured three years ago. Win M Colweil, tkamokawa, "Waeb, sciatic rhen inatiMM end livtr c jtnplaint, restored to health; alto bit brother, Geo L Colweil. (Skarr.okawa, Wauli, wascured oft numb n-H of tho arm two years slnoe. Mis Q Ahlf, 1U3 North FotirtenntU strret, Port land, cured three toar bko, aftur nine dootora had failed, or painful inenatruatlon and womb trouble Iu every conceivable way. general debility, pain through the heart and lunt" Hundred of other pitlcnla could be named had we pacj to jitit IIhIi them. The doctors are irowded with pttlent from 10 a m to 8 p m. J)rs Darrln are bo doubt tho hardt'isl w rkoJ meu In Portland Tbe doctors have a larire country practice and send tbelr electric r: inedies to anyone debirlng homo treatment for any curable obroulo, acute or private dUeaass, which are kept strictly o-Dfldentla, One of Ibe doctors Is vbilting different towns In tha stale to better aecommodate 1 hose who find It impossible to come to Port and. Cue of tbe doctors will beat tbe Waahaner bote, Baker nity. Nov 17 to 22. the Uinatllia house, Tbe Dalies, Nov 23 and 21; the Oregon ho el, aabland, Nov 2(1 to 30; Kugeue City, Deo 1 to 0. The besd office ut 70J, Washington St. Portland, will run as usnal Consulta, tlon end examination freo. All cluskea treated free from 10 to 11 daily, Executors Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed wan thi dsy by order of the Ccunty Court of Linu oonnty, Oregou.duly appoint ed executor of the last will and tests merit .if Preston Munken, deceased, AH person haviun "Imiih aaitst the estate of said dc Rtasrd are hereby notilitd to present the tprni duly voiifiod to the mid. ruined. it bis le-idence near iJoio, Linn county, Oregon, wi' bin six month front this dite. November 8'.b, 1890. TM MumtiRg, . Hewitt & Irvine, Executor. ' Att'ys for Kxeentor. f ONKY TO LOAN.-In small and J larce amounts, from six uiontbs to five yeaie, cn good Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or addresa W 3 MsPberton, First ait.. Albany, Or. W good woven Apply at T wire niatressiweaver. DR.-ABORN It NOW AT FORTUANO, ORCOON. n g w 2 r FOB TRONIC WHO CANNOT PORRlDtt CAM VtiU OIULLT.HOXK TltttTHKJir I'liitTD WITM IX th unt il or am. that will uitb MsTAJrTASUOl'H UMJUT AND A rtmuxKMT unit Tli a moat needy, ooaltlve and tnn Bent cure for Cautrrti of tbe I lend, Asthma, and all Thrrmt, llroncliim, i,uhk. Heart, Btomach. Liver ami Kidney Affection, IScrvoua Debility, etc loiiauinpuon, in It a various ulnars. tertnittietill v cured. to. A born' original mode or treatment nd his medicated inhalation gives iu- tautaueous relief, builds up ami revital faea tha whole constitution ami system, thereby nroloncliiir life. Weak, nervous. debilitated ana irocn-iowii consiuu tlons. old and voitntr. Invariably cnln from . ... . g i' . . - .1. - tn in tltlrtw vtimda in from thirty ta ninety dava. Da. Auorn'8 phenomenal skill and mar Tcloua cures lave created tho greatest itonlahtueut on the I'acihc Count ana throughout the American routiuetit. (lur In the riant twenty-five year. Asthma, Catarrh of the I lead, and all Throat, llron chlal aud I. une trouble 'tiKtantly relieved, and Deafueaa orten cured entmncnlly at first consultation. Du. Abokn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," aud a treatise on "'Catarrh of the Head," with evidence of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or auiirest . DR. ABORN. rswta aaa Sorrtsow KU I'ortlssd, Orsftm, NaTs. Hem lialmiu. wen rely Mck.t, SMt try Sspsts la all iwrts Ilia Paeiiie Coatt, tor Uwse who sibly ca caU In parseo. ILL INVITES TO CM! f Q9 FREE CDOlUTiCX XltrrliTa In th Cireuil Court of tkn Stain 0 Oregon fur th County of Limn, The Punde Mortgage and Trust last'mmt Comptny, limlUd, Plaintiff., T S Thompson, and Nsroiu Tbomjv,0 bis wife J I. Cottar) ?n'' B.W4"' .".J1'" . K Weatheiford and M A Wtthr- ford, hi wif, Mai ih s R HvbHl. iagastd W U Hilya,UaUndant. NOTICE H hrrfby ctvrn ttt by virtue of an x:ul on and order t f ' Uud ea of thaabuvo nme Court, t:i the aVi" tu titled actio 1, I will on Saturday, tbe UlU isy f trreuber, 1 .90, At tbe Court HtMiM dxr U tlia oily .,f AI baay. Lino onunty, U(i4n, at the hour of I tt'clook . in. of (id day, !) at i.ubl auction for cash in hand to the bichtwt bid der Ibe real proonrty in said etrution ai.d nrr hi OMtsrlhetl a follow t wit That aonth bslf of tha nnrthcast UrW and the taal lall the .iir.he riaartur of aae lion twenty, and the suuih ball ot tha sooth wtquartrcl sactica twenty -one, an1 Hi north (.allot tha northwest quarter of tioa, all in township ibtitecn south tnufm two Waat of tha Willsmelte meridian in IjdO county, UrvKon.eontainmg 3V0 aorra morn or Icaw. Th pi-ommhIs ariatna ,'mn thetwleol said pranda to U applied s I ; ' - nini) w I ltirm.U of the btirmt.U of the sIk.vo entittrd oit taxed I $10 HO, and the accroin costs of and op hi aaid tteeution. hoeood, to the p)rneot f bUmtld rlatin, unouoUoa to the aunt of 1719.0 and aecrniOK inturvat thereon at th rate of 13 cr eicnt fft aaaum.and th furth er mm M 5130 00, Attorney I ret, foartb. ut the paymeot of ths claim of the defendant W R lldyttt. to wit. the om of T.S. W.and ll'lh, If any halftone remain I14 p;d to the drfnodsn's, 1 H and Narcma Thomroon. Ite I this C:h day of N'oyeenhor, 1S'.I0. M, Sixnr. Sheriff uf Linn county, O.-. Uy I) 8 Smith, deuuty. KelcrecM alc. 11 1 tie CireuitCourt of the of Orsj I fo T tmn Couny of Unn, Wl1 McC.y aod Ell McCoy, ai wifa. J K 'oty. oomamoU. A K McCoy sl (Mara li McCoy, hi wife. Ueo J Metjv and Nancy J McCoy, lit wtle, Ionian rreoca aoJ K M r'roncl , ber hesl.aud. I'laioUffa, va. Janie IS McCoy and May MaOy.hi wt'e, II r Merrill and L.J TiomLuIl, Utfoodanto. NOTICE i hereby itivro that by virto of an ordur of sat and decree duly made and entered of record in th above entitled Court 00 tht 27th day of (Jobber, 1800. tbe undertiMned duly appointed sole rofvre, the aboye entitled Court, will on in salardny, Iba 131b day af Derrmbrr, isao. At the hoar nf 10 o'clock a. m,. sell at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Unn eonoty, Oregon, at oblio auction for caaa in band to the highest bidder the real prop erty described in aaid order of sale a foV- low. to-wit: Tha Mouth half of lhe Donation Land Claim of John M Coy and Sarah MoCty in who, notinoation number sou. Halm numher 60, In towDhlp 12 H. It 4. W of tha Willamette meridian In Linn ounty Oretrin. Tha proeoeda arising from tha aula of am p-miM to be applied nrat to tne pay Oil lit of tha unata and ' dlsbuiwemanta ruil usad at H7.75 and tha cost and xpennt of sale and ihe uverplua to be distributed among the several partis to aaid salt, plaintiff and defnndenta, ae- cordlos; to their rovpeer-lve rijrnts as set forth and provided In said decree and or- aeror ai. Kovember 12ih, 1800. UlflOaUK HUMPHREY, Hole Keferew. AtfiiiiniKlrutor't Sulo. VTOriCB II HEREBY GIVEN THAT L by vlrtne of an order' of the Hon county cunt, of Ike state of Oreton. for I'olk o nir.iy, made and dnly entered of record at tne November terra I be roof, A f), lh'jo, In the matter of tha estate of Margaret Hoot h by, deceased, aulborta'ns and dlreiting the aale of tbe following deacribud real rronertv. bAlontrinir lo il ealHie. to w it: The noith Lai f of tbe don. lion land claim of Wrt and Margaret McPadden, notl (lea tlon No 1105, claim No G3, In Township 11 S K 3 west ef tbe vTillruetto Meridian. Also tbe north half of tbe following premises, to wlf Kesinnlnc st the southwest corner of the above described trad; tbenoe east 40 chalnr; thence tooth 15 chains; thence weit tt U01CO chains; I bonce norti 15 'ibalns lo the place of beginning. All said land being situated In Linn county, Oregon, and containing 100 sores of lend. according lo government survey, be the aame more or Jess, Now, therefore, I, W B Htouf, adminis trator aforesaid, will offer tbe said prem ises for sale, and soli Ihe ssmo at public auction, to the highest bidder, in front of the couit houe door.ln tbe city of Albany, county of Linn and atate of Oregon, on 'veunesfiay. the 24tu aY or uecemb r. A D, 1600, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock, In tbe afurnoon of said day. Jtnun or sale. au in nana; . W. B. fSTOUT. (li'2i) AdmlnlBtmtor. Administrators Notice In the County Court, of Linn County, estate or uregoa. in tne muter or the estate of. William Conn, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby clveo to all persons having claims against said estate to present the tame to m with the proper vouchers, at the fllboe of W R Bilyea, in Albany, Oregon, within six months from date hereof, for tha reason that I was on ths 18th dav of Novem ber, 1890, duly appointed administrator of aid rstata by ths above named court Dated this 21st day of JNoy., 1800. Samcei. Cow., ' W R Biltett, Administrator. Attorney. (11-21) s rt 1 .1 1 . l . . 1 1 III J 1 1 1 Li STRAYED. From the farm of the sub scribed, on or s bout tbe Sloth, one bay mare,. 15 hands blab, rive years old, few saadlo me.ks, little white on bind feet, shod in front with smooth shoos; and one black flily, three-yean old. .Liberal re ward for Information leading to return of same. i. u. milljik. ALBANY NURSERIES' WE If AVB ON HAND at our nursery on ihe Cor vail la road, one-half mile from town, as flno a lot of fruit troea of all kluda u oao be found an, whereon thaoiMt, If you oontraplat planting trees It will pay you to too our atook and got our pilots. Catalogue fiae. IIYMAN nnOWRBLL. LADIES, ATTENTIOM.;' ::i!it w have tho bout shear an.l aiaanra n this elty, and wooati nrava U ta ron at any niup, j'.vury M r wasiantnfl. arul nn im rntuined If luey do not etva aaUataotlou. 1 uw ia uo or or btuatxir; we moan what w" txty. blkWiBT A No, r-H-ll r ITCBC.-nvo one third o kfcV WW S I kliv four bora fod by ftiewarl dc 8o havtr alitf a f.wid etittnr. OUT Ktl'14 l)f Slip, RnilFSTi""''' goaas at wclKhta any Many a fanner I '.on "kfcv loiiKxr. uotifth iu that way Li one year to pay lor a K Ant !. tie to rltowisrt A Hux and prtue th. ir 1 calca of a'l kln'le. trKwIH MV itif'fiH'H.1 trrWinl f-.f Mil MUfi )t tfvCf (Vs?i ft! lW(ctwtltt,ft'H IU Ptt-u t.?, iMjIfrtx.ttMtf .Vlf yt1aflon - .( ;,nr.'t riif? WHIl Wttsrt'aj VjrUtllsil,ivMf I'tilai, . Iw th ciirortJ-mn ttf ntPltHlr POUlJl4t Hb Yht r t"" I VtMf"tJ.lf, StM'J haf gta. ui if iv sHtiurv.'tifn. hutfrtr 'utUi Lri ', fvfcUltiMtf a lUt. ti ri4lp iewtt ut it trJ mim H Juiu V' wtvnr cviw'A v, va.cAwu, iiw PUELPS, Job Printer, i st. St. KsaAlbany s iss.s iu siw v.a..., wh, y,,n wnut Jja li. bruklie), o.ailoil, iubilotUiUK oils oxln Krcaao, An. cTaWAHT HoX. fartfniliei k Iming. -FUXFsllAL MUKCTOruS.- Arterlal Em balm I ug; Don Ssisutif- Ically. Conrad Msver. -lH I'HsTi OK jiT.iR BAKKUY ;rncr Broadslbin ud ririt 113., -DKAIJCK 1- 'etnnftt rrntfw, ,jt Rean. etaaa.rc sjawsiawarw. JHtm rtslls. frrtli, Tcbareo, 41s;axi. agmr ', CoOer. Teat, r.le,, !.. .. t averyt'jlni that la kept ta non is a varioty an J groewry ora. Ulgtxwa a rket prio4 patiJ for Aii.KIHD$ Of PRODUCE. AMMUNITION, ETC., We carry u'oellnaof b powtier, loaaaj anetis, rsnr.-i(ii, :.aa sod st rosattusbla figures. Don't gnt us when . you come to lav In winters auprdy of ammunition, to pr your ranch from tbe Inroad of that tecs ut emigrant. KtawamTASX City Restnnrant Having been ntlrely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant will b made flirt class n every rwpct. Tbe pnbllo will b given good meal st all hoars for only 23 eents. Evert thma neat and attraoUvo Private boxes. Oyster In evry style. Beat atK it of 2nd r ;oo1a In the Va fey, and tbe mnH rease .are price, both to h frlMpr. I have on band all L'ue flWHITUaS, STOVES, TIKWARE TRUNKS, E00X3, PICTURES CLQCKS, CS0CXF.RY, ETC., ETC. Vir wtwtofS K lonng's ob' store. L. COTTUcB 5 trlLL 4 C Hnmplo I'ens. ilfiVrertt ri.ttema, ta I S a Ni. k' I Ilatn MctrrU f ox, tent post-paid M rcotdut of 10 t SM PERRY & CO , Lcnte e. U. 8. Cfflcs, 810 jrnidKaj. rcw York. lIEALTa IS WEALTH! iW'aHr.'-lMpTt; IT S mTJt., lift. K. C. WEST'S Kerr and Brain Trestmeat a irusrantMit nwdfle fir Hvsteris, Dlzsine, Convul slons. H- , Nrrrous Neuralgia, iladaho, Hervsu -ritrllon paused by th ns nf alonhtil or tobsooo, Wsketulnoris, Mental Depressien. SntUDine of th Brain, roultlnsr in insanity and lesillnij to nilrsrr, decay and dva.h, prematare old kgt, barrenness, ins of Voter, caused by over-exertion of th brain Each box contains on month' treatment, VI a box' or si koxu tor 15, sent by mall prepaid on receipt o. price. WE CCARANTEK SIX BOXES TO CURK ANY case. With each orrior received by ns for six boxes. accompanied with f s, werwlll send in puronsser our written (rnarantee to rotund the money if Hi treat ment doe not etiert a cure, uuaranwes Issued only by J. A. Cummliig, Druggist, sole sjfont, Albsny, Or. PHOTOCRAPHERS. Cor Second and Teny ft, Albany, Or, SUPERIOR werk. guarantrel In every branch of the art. carKnlarKlnir of an a luaa a specialty, Horses for Sale. TIIE UNDERSIGTvED Las for sale a his place near Albany a let of good well broke bore.i to-wit: A rpan of sor rels. weight 1420 pounds rach; span o prys, 1400; span ol bays, 1200; span o drivers, 960; one family carriage horse large and pood style) and two good aaddl borBes. Prices reasonable end term easy, - JAME ELK1N8; ."J K. 2nd pT Store. The Pasteur Water Filter will bo on exhibition in our Show Window, on its arrival, and can bo neon '( throwing both Filter ed and Uiiflltored water. Can bo attached to main direct, or wo will have thorn for well water. They tako out all Disease fJerniH, and are per foct filtorH, mt Btrainers. Fullj' Warranted. - mi huj ' 1 1 -' r- Hum, 'i -, . .v- . SEV3ITH a SENDERS, ALBASMY, OREGON. And They Pay the Freight. win rvfy ns nj. ta-.i:..i vf srl Umr n1 si-f tht I saolltiif ia-U-;l, eerrv. r, tnussrU sHn vt m f-;r. t.i ta mwi tut i l.naa itr.i ft i t. I A II IN 3 (stiliwtatlM w.!i . j UMU l&W in V t I s ,lsv f sUi'l C n. , , ... r. I (tat JalV S14 tO th liOuitrilr .1 ('..AM.! ::-,(. rfpf. HAI m l ure I lltvAltwtl rtsftl tsv! IM frt i' rim tit tJKTf'I ii. MAR TIER LiTTVC Li Vt HU.;'. fitsiifeUUxt, l.;wr Atu-til "nsx rni: inm ani .-. , ;m- j it.a rrtM .f (auMti'.i in 1'.' if Or. MAHTtrt MCOIClM CO., luU tt S s a a a iw s & Ttti: CEKKUKATLt . . SMITH & vEasori LVERS Ths riitl SallJtrm Ettr KEEttKturea. tas. H ACI.atf.V. outubiLnr. ri(riui,.;.iL. etrcti n.:t it rT., Wiiri'MrM.:P tJ CCVVEhil.r.e in 11 M lOAyrWUar.e S.'.f KIY ,.t 1... . !.-lj cm it: 1 S L 2 it ; Zi t: ml all the time caibrachig hool. MfU"! and canopy top, and ranh-m In prl-v frota pi to ftO. There lnt a nicer lot of in-.t-rlrronUI fruit baHkeU''intbe val.ry We a ao have a tnw tUat wo rent. TWAliT A fox. Pianos, Tlioso willing a flrat c!at ln';rtiir!Ti, lhe I exit rr.-Mle ti ataul the cil.tiatn ifth. OosMt, mn t e suited b calling at Mrt l UjtnsVt, oi poHtt-s tU Msmnic 'F tu rile, on First Street. The latent vocal ami rmrnmtiritiil iu jhIo ktipt for xale.tWhO tl li xpl aortuitjtit ofMlatniiluK pnttrrt to jMieiH (rom thin sidi cf 'Frisoo M.H suns (ttvon tn iiut!tKnt!en.hroiitrliiii In er studio over Liuu County Hank. Cirbor yoir order and yau will I. pieaaed. Albany IRONWORKS -Manufacturers or UAM ENCIHES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IROM FRONTS m ALL KIK03 OF HEAVY AKO LIGHT WORK, IU IRON AND CRASS CASTIfiCS. tctM alteotioa ht la of uiaeblnor 1 pairing til Patterns Made on hort Notict City Meat Market. SHuLXSi EB.0S,, Fraprletnrs. Voep a fuH Hoe of nwt of all Uinda, la cool, oomplotely pro tected; and always freab. , 11 yon wisit to have yonr watch i.eaily and promptly repaireil and run for one year, take it to MEAD TIIE JEWELEPv S. W. Paisley, lllbany, Ortgan -WnOLtHALB DEALER IN - Tobacco ani Cigars. E STRAY NOIICtC. -Strayed from my reaidenoa. 4 milnn mitnriik... about tbe last ofOotobrr, one red auJ "" oow, a years old, dlvln millc. Bas one droop horu, strap w'tn ring around coma, A liberal reward win h mi,i one leaving information In Tost Ofllce of uwr waereaoouta. Address, , GEO W KOQEUS. TA'l'K FOR SALE I liavo S acres, near Lowson oepo-t he r.arrow Gauce, 10 intles from Albany, All In culUvatioo. Fair bouse ana bara. uood water for stock and domeatio pnrpeses. Fine oak grovf. Also another farm ot 128 acres, three miles 1oji Lebanon, All In cultivation. I "air hoaso. Good water. Both good wheat farms. Also house and two lots on Fifth and Jefferson streets, Albauy, For forth er particulars call on A. Umpbrey.Centot precinct, or on ttewui t, irvine. Albany. eUSSanUEYOLYEaSAt1 h ve disposed of this part of our business. That's a mistake. We are In it now deeper than ever. We have a nice lino of Maril and Winchester riiles, aud breeohloadin ahot gniio raogiri" tn prioa fro.jn f 12 to 05. 4A (invhnulo CSoM oiu, Argand Monitor and Superior Coolv3, Heaters and Ranges. a Tho best assortment. Beautiful roods. ' Water Supplied, Plumbing Good., arc HKADQUAIITERS S' Oil . v.fc-'N i J tZ-. f3-'V-s where. We handle everyhin h way of stoves, tin ware and hardware. Matthews & Washeues. SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! . For VIl th i Ijendinjt- New )Paprs - and - Magazines ., Keeetored at v F. L. KE KTOPi'Q Cash Grocery TrtLt FCST OFCC. AL3ANY, CREO. POWELL. & CO., successor to Geo. C. Henderson. Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Stc. hardware, 1 AND FARM F201TT, FISST AND .VINE . AE?szazsasas Solo Agents for Oregon and Washington for itiumujix t-. sZ' -o. . DEERE'S NEW . .lp. Houble, or Trtpplo Furrow. They are so simple and 'feme so near absolute neribe. lluu, that those w tio have used t houi or awn them work can not S? Smmah . their praise. V. e Airntah thmn with or wUhout t tukafr E . : beat uttuouments are extra. DE3EE POWEB LIFT STTXiSTZ- IIiOWS. " BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DWILL. V fcL-vo IIoo Prcea Grain Drill Buckeye Seeders. Buckeye Sprite Tooth Harrow.' Superior Orain Drills, Superior Seeders. - I"' CORBIN'SDISC HARROW AND SEEDER. i 1 Vh latest improved Implement tor sowlrff summer fallow. Tho most lomrleta tad suoeessful tool for this purposo tu use. . 'a rviso have a tail line of Buesries, Carriages, Phaetors. Mountain Vaeons, . r . Platform and other Bpring Vehielss. v . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. X.-.v. tvnoo Si Chapln'a Rprlng-Tooth Harrows. Dwre Harrows, Beiontlfle Feed KJiti " : 1 Paciflo Fanning Mills,. - 1IAISH BAKB WIRE. ETC., ;2TC. - V;D TOM 6PKCIAI. CIKCCtAKS AKT f KICE XJSTS. " ... -sa - s-' y r ysj--jr' ' j s - r, . ) .... -u.-t- ;j Tho lowcit prices. ' Kcliablo dealers in Tumps, Anl overythir.g cteo in they WATCH, CL0 K. And jcwelcry line, for tho HOLIDAYS, al the lowest price?, at Will 80 Stark's. ir toteive :s fis. .0 thiai it.' old again ! Uut we've just ro- ceived a freeh lot which can l i seen on our tloor any day. Wo : are talking aloar stoves, "if you -are thinking of buying one, come and inspect our stock and ported on our prices, for vp f are jxiito sure they are from li Ui 2") l:er cent Iowpt than pIso. tore, ALEKS IX- I. D0DD & GO., I-SPDITCKS OF Iron, Steel JL MACHINERY. STSSZTS,' TOSTLAND, C2E5C1T. - 'sere -' Ai-V. DEAL PLOVS. J