The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 21, 1890, Image 1

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New York World,
and tho American Farmer, nil ono year
An ad. In the
Itoaches the Moat People, and brings
Weekly "Sta'a Rights Democrat, t. 00
par year.
Jlaa just rcocivoil a &uporblinoof
Fall and Inter
Tho largest in tho Valley, carefully selected for th trade
hero, including an elegant lino of Ovekcoaw, all Jf the
latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship
His Furnishing Goods Sep't
Is complete with all the novelties of tho season. His
Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade
novelties. In his
Hat Department
Will bo found all tho latest shapes of tho season
His Boot and Shoe Department is. tilled with a choice
lino of goods
Ills Tailoring Department
Under charge of the expert Mr Schifller, is well stocked
with a splendid line of suitings.
Strictly One Pric
d XI K J
Uli U
.Wo want vour.
.We will pay you
sh or ir
Maeidmrn & Pirom,
Corner First, end Wr shington Cjtrects.
Albany, - Oregon,
Agricultural fiiiiilcsaeBts-& Vehicles
Cr, anfl 33 lis.
albahy, mm.
Larga 'and Choice Display of
Drv Goods, Clothing,! Boots, Shoes,
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealetto Jack
ets, Children s Hoods, &c, &c.
MTii a Feat to Fit the Feet, Bat Ha Can do it and do It Neat,"
Lkmanon. Mr. Hamilton, of Sweet
It mc, toll. in lour member of Ail.
Nvc's family, including himself, are down
with typhoid lever.
A W Marks Ikis bought half n blotk in
the Wiuvoiii adJllion nml will build n
house Immediately.
Wuteiluo spiitiK erased to flow last
week. Should the sprlit;! continue dry, It
would he a severe Mow to (5 it Gross, ho
inns a hotel aiul .tore nt litis place.
Mr. ltoaoler, formerly fireman on tho
Lebanon In ancli, write, from the enst to
Abe l.ove-ll of this place, tint there U no
country like Oregon.
A cur load of over twenty Unis of iva
chliKry thr? paper mill arrived this
week, Wuik I. projircMlnur rnpljiv mid
suon will be heard the iden.aui mhiihI of
il busy machinery nt work.
We could put our finder on man in
Lebanon who hut spring planted about
three acres of ,oUloc,cullkittcd them wllh
his own hatuN,li the Interim of growth and
iinrvev-ttiir piled hi. trade as a mechanical
good wnm , and the harvest slums a net
profit of w for cvry day's work on hi
crop. lCxprvs.
in homo l tho counties of Oregon ore
easily obtained, Khowiiiif eowluxively
tlutt the law on the subject of their Imu-
nuctHliwrvc a more strict interpretation
iy un oiih-om ;r.iiutni( tho pt-ruut. I or
lii iUnee, tl Albuiy, t'riday, a divorce
w.u obuiiicd, mid iho ni'tt lay a mar-
ri.iM lioen o WH1 tainted. t osm of tho
tunic of tho divorce. Tho h.viuo tiling
ocvurred in Marion county a cotiplu td
lines recently. Tho hxw bavb mnui'tliin
about tivritotiit who lutve li-en divorced
nut Lt iuf; perniHieii to nmrry Byam uiiui
tho time in which an arH-l may lx ha I
hull l:V(- elagtiii'd. Hut thU id evidently
overlooked. The matter of Appeal u
waived, m.j t' upeak. S ileni tatt
man. tiuets if you look up tho !.w you
ill Snd that it U tho pnrti,. gett'.iia the
licciiKO n ir tj h!.i:n . Tho cteik
simply jj-MiitJ tliJ ll'-ntj on prnf o
proper riMldviieo an I w.
Mimno ti.i td. Tae f;llot ing tiiininj
lainm have b.-cn filed w ith tho County
lerk :
J W Gardner r.n I V. 3 McCntiHlLuid,
lisfotit i raeitle. fcnnliani liet. Xearent
laiiu, I'uioii 1'neilie. Jxcated tetober
lOth, tiled Nov 7th.
(leo J Met Htmiev, rueer
Iinit:;: (iruimd, .untiatii lit. ltrod
front .'-.u.ti.uii river, .V. rjU fr.mi Canal ,
revk. Itcnted Nov Cth. tihd Nov Itth.
II V White, twenty acre for pl.terr
initivr, Santiani Iixt, i.Vt h e, north dry
KtiVh an.l .Vxt feet cant of fanal Creei.!
I ated Nov 2nd. fil.-l .Nov ilth. I
J If I!oWurc by J Met'luhnrv. twenty
aerm f.r p'aeer luine, Santiani l;t, JdO
rKl!) from .iutium an I ftm.nt tyj riKlo
(m Canal Creek.
John iibiin, by J MeCln m:ey, twenty
acns lori'.aier miiim', iw roUfr-itn
antiam and Do ro-U from mouth f 1'ry
Gulch. l.Geated iet JUth.blcd Nov 13th.
A V.aAi Won:;. Mr -j Jlaih, of
AL-'ta vallev, ha more cnirai and nrcH-
nce of liitnd in the fare of lh dauuer
than the averas1' woman. It l n ty
iparcvly n-.ttlcl in that nei hb-.iii.;r
ami will nnimaU ure tiuite plentiful. '
One dav, not Ion;; tinre, Mr ll ifli wai
al si-nt frij:n home when a l.truv o.uLjiu
rue into ibc-ibjor yard of hi reMi'lenee,
iiTk the chii lren were plaTini:- Tiie
RtiiuKtl wn evidently hungry r.n 1 had
inau'in.'d that a s.'n.vll lioy would maka n
i tMie.are tsual. I'.ut .tr.i Ilaoh fitded
tho rtittitar when but a few fi t from the
hildrt n. She t-.'ik don n the Wine hcKter
tie itjii;Ver than it t'.k to tell it and
ut it thr i'K'h the hams. Tl.Udid in-t
iil lh anhiKil. b'lt for vl :l In retreat.
It e!iml.i a lrc jo ur bv and Mr lla.h
art 1 a faithful d V' tcpt it theri until Mr
tl isil returned nu l t:u:npU I'd the
iiif. It m nntire.! b.x nod u hall fect.
orvall;d ijiuttf.
I low Ir IyxEi. Hat few of our tit
renti could (5 a to Salem to nee the wreck ;
hut all will have nn opportunity to ir t a
iew of it through the ent'TpriifC of tho
iioiourapncra. ."Jr A li 1 axton rcturntl
at fvenint: with ab.ut twelve view
akrain a fi w momenta time. Thev
show a iiihm of Kirn in all ha)e, some
ling broken alioont into pplinterH. Al
bany men rtturnin front thtro report
the Kpeeticki as a cba'jtx one. Under
oe eujiine ih a holo w neic Mel udden the
engineer wa dujj out. A tramp who
had been helping to lire was uninjured
while tho engineer and f,reman were
both killed.. That doesn't look rtebt.
The di.-tancc which th train fell wan 10
or 12 feet, the topa of the cars being eon
iderably above the remaining tretttlo.
HiTrErfuI-ast week v.c ilatctl that I
I) Driver had leen arrested fr lieating
a Ioy who wan caught htcalitif; hi apple
hut lie wai ac'iuitteil, my 3 the hugene
Keaintfr. Thia week Driver had the boy.
a nine innocent leilow aoout nine years
"i nge, arre-atcl lor steulinn hi npplea.
The ca:e w; tried in Juntice Mender
fou'h court before jury and the boy was
pi.nnpi 1 uc'iuuieo.. in witir remnraa
to the jury the boy'a attcrneya hit it
retty cioho wlien they laid the caho was
orotmht Himpiy throui'li Bintc. At the
beginning of the trial one of the attorneys
anu uriver koi to (Jicputinir each other
o warmly that the Justice called in the
Buenii to preserve order.
Advertizb Alh inv. Kvery vii'uen ol
All)any ought to help lei the rest of the
world know what a fine city antl what
nice residences and charming Hcencry we
have.and there ia no way in which it can
be done ho well nnd no cheaply as by
tuig Borne Til Crawford & l'axton's Sou
venir Hook, with tho UncHt of views and
Bocheopthat everyone can afford thctn.
11 you want your homo or buflincBS place
to appear in these hooks call soon and
they will be taken. Call and see if your
piace ia not already taxen. it will be.
is the k Hid that pays, facores .
vorxz business men, and hun.
drcda of book-keeoers and 8ten
ograpliew of both aexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi
ness College. Portland, Oregon, or the Caoltal BusiriOSS Colleero, Salem,
Oregon. Both are under the management of A. J. Armstrong, have came courses ot
Ptuay, same rates of tuition, fiusinean, ShorthamLTypewriting, Penmanship and ling
lish Departments. Write to cither for joiat Catalogue and Bpecimens of penmanship.
sr.- . 'jr. Vr-" .
Di y 60033, Notions, GentsFiirn
ishings and .
Our stock of boo'.s and shoes.
.' Is now complete in all lines lor
spring fade. We will save vou
mone n buying ol u. Ladles, '
nilBe and children's fine shoes a
apeclaly. ,
, Vx-Umi Afroi!C fr the Ll'IH-OlV SHOK1
Two V KRHiovs. The preenv outlook
Is thnt thcie will bo a lori;o number of
hotly contested suit with the Southern
rnelile reultlng from tho recent accident
People living hi the nelhm" hood ot the
bridge all declaic It wax not. unfo as
nth a bridge nhould be. J C Ilakrr and
another men counted ninety place where
nuts mm uecn makcu oil, iniicin tcll-
fled that the motion of tho train shook tho
brhhjo and that parts were rotten. They
do not believe that It went down bccaimo
t.nnpcred wllh. The rnllron.I company
win ciann mm tno inns were Rpicnu by a
crowtiar, marns 01 which couui uo seen,
nuil thnt the etowbai was found In the
IhunIi, ami It It asuerted that a tramp rld-
tnn on tno cn(j:ne saw ine ran apart. n
aid the engineer nnd fireman : but the
tramp cannot be found snd tho others are
dead. The theory f Mr McAfee, who
lives directly opponlte the bridge, and saw
thcnceldent, I given by the .Stuletcniian
that "ihe trclle wn Ut 'ttW condition and
It has been repaired recently, but tho
ground about titer. wan growing sofl,
which fart wn noticed by hhnnclf and
some of hi neighbor. lo 4hluks it tnut
have been the slukhif of tho bents In the
soft Ktmind. under the hcevv weight of
the train, that Minted the trctlfc to Rlvlna
way, and once started there was no stop
pins; It until the whole Uruck terra tlrma."
HosEin im anu At.iusy. Tho fact is
that thera U a considerable over a hun
dred trainmen running Into ItoseburK,
and employed in tho yard here. This
station i iho terminus of tho Uosehurif
nuil I, and tho end tho end of all train di
viHions on ths S 1 w hich road wo icferred
to w hen wo wrote the nrtlch'. The month
ly receipt of thin ollice. will about if not
iuiti) C'iuul those of tho S 1 otlleo lit Al
bany. I or w hilo wo have a smaller town
there irt a biuiier country back of it to
supply. Albany is tho ternilou of olio
train iiihtea l of live, and the station is
mueh letis important than the local re
jiorter of tho DfcMofntr seem to think it
i. KoiU'burjf Uoviow on article in tho
D!MiH itT in reference to the appoint
ment of a yar lmniter at that city. If
the Ueview will cive tho flwure slmwlnc
tho biiMineHS of that ollke, tho Dsuocmat
will L'ivo llk'ures slioinu that the IhikI-
nes of tin? Albany r1 I oSlh o is two to
threo times as lar"0. Albany is tho
terminus of the local to Portland, of th
Lebanon train, of tho annum r..iv pass-
enKer train, Taiiiin Hay freight and
U.ites mixed. Total, live. In reference
to tho tiuuilier of trainmen Tiinmnir Into
Uencbutif and stowdmr ther. we trot our
Information from railroad men.
How to Gkt Tueuc Most tvoplo who
k'o t j tl.p S;tntlnm mines do so by way of
Gatedvillo on the O. 1'.. tho iititte Wtnj
aliout twenty miles from there, A map
reveals tho fact though that tho mints
aro only a short itutaneo from tho I.0U-
anon WMifon roa J. Tho Kxi.ress savs:
Considerable Interest U centered lust
now In a tril from tho waon road above
Sweet Home to the (JuarUvtHe tulnea on
the Sr.ntiaui. '1'hero was at ono time a
trail over this route, hut laving been
traveled b?it little, ,f hito year, fallen
timlier and a rank undergrowth l"ve
bli'kol tho war to 8 :no entent. The
citiens ofSwct l Home and vieinitv show
willin-nej'S to co-operato with intrrest
1 I'artu at this and other imiiiiIn alone
tho route and re-open tho way. The
lines nru distant from Ibanou about
fifty m!h . one-half of whleh dUtaneO lii travereil tn a cood waon road.
This seems to Ik; tho most Kraetieable
onto to the mines, ami a road up
if Soutu Santiaui would shorten the
sUneuaml ten.l to divert tho travel
from tho northern route ami would bene
fit too Uriner, the miner and tho mer-
WfiMKN !:!,r(.A OnIK
fio Kanta rccenliy purchs c J the In
man s milt. i:n twelv.- mile wcl of
Monroe, .m a correpon Jenl from that
lir to the Junction i'iiut. anj inov.J ojt
thris: V,'c.h;eiJay, m.-.kl;ij Llj eokulationt
1 reof.ijriinj; the mnl an.l JoIiij; a ruh-
in btilncM J but uikhi niti, 1m; at their
ledt.c!ion the women of the party organ
ized atlilbc and refuneJ to ttjy In ach a
fjrat.rn country, and even though they
list ootatned the properly at a barali.
With a xeal and pcracver'enrc worthy of a
etier caue, they arecd the cae to we'd
thnt the men of the party concluded to
Klvc up tl elr property and gn tlehcic.
Who navs that "Motuau's tll.t." arc on
thedechr.c i
I' I'aouoTeu. Mr Uwyn A
Lycll ha been appointed by Captain
iiymons, tin tod State engineer, to take
A 1jd showing. The best, way to
tell the erowth of a town Is by the amount
01 uusines transacted at the railroad stat
ion. During the month of October the
business of the Southern Pacific railroad
at this place was greater than ever before
In thebbtoty of the town, looting up
3m.035.73 t-ogene Kegistcr.
That I no doubt a big showing In Eu
gene; but tn Albany It li not ever, average
Here $15,000 lo J2o,ooo a month Is a
frequent thine. The yearly of
the 8 1 a! Albany will . nearly double that
01 tugene, w e mention thisMinply be
cause our prij;htly nci-hbor has claimed
to tie auotit m Iirjje as Albany.
As Old Time.. Old residents of Al
bany remember well of seeing Johnny
Mcl ndden, w ho was killed in the Itke
Inbish accident, come into Allianv bold
01 me, iiirowe on 0110 01 the lirat trains
01 IH,U. lie WH3 a Ifsnial faithful em.
ploye, popular with the public, and knew
every inch ol th9 road. Aa these who
knew liim would expect ho staid with
hie engine, immediately reversing the
machinery to etop the train.
Republican Lament. A stray letter
head of a leading republican law firm ol
this city finds it3 way to our table, upon
which is written ths lollowing: '
"fc'ince high protection's laid ua low,
Democrats eay we told you bo.
Mclvinley'a bill has done ua up,
A la strychnine does a pup."
A Mining Iuna.-The number of phcer
mining claims of Jo acres being filed In the
Santlam DUt. all In the same neighbor
hood, makes It look to the IEMocRATas if
there" wan to be a citv laid out there. We
Iare not mining expeits; but this idea
occurs to us, and we make the suggestion
I lor information, ' See list elsewhere.
A Steixin'g Match; Af a spelling
match held at Vvatson's school house last
Friday night, 6ome excellent spelling was
dane, Clarence Turner turning down Sev
eral young men and ladies, and Willie
Hollich, twelve years old, stood on the
pv,'."fr than any one else, havm
charge of the Koverntnent works at Ya-
mma Hay. Mr I H l'olhemu. who ha
Lad chargo of thc works since thev
were started, w ill start tho new work
for the improvement of Coos bav. He
w ill altio luvo s ipcrvisioti of the works
att otpinle, l.'iiipiiua and Kiustuw. Mr
A J McM illan, w ho was sent down bv
Captain Hymons to make a preliminary
examination of Tillamook bav. hascom-
pitieu 1110 wont ana is now busy making
out his report. Mr Polhemua should
have been kept at YaquinalSay.where he
understand matter. Tho Oregonian
calls tho chango a promotion : but we
laii 10 nee w here t he promotion comes in.
Frke Rii2 as-d Gata There arrived
At the Union Pacific depot from the cast
this .morning a carload of freight con
signed to Fort Walla Walla. John Carlos,
ol the quartermaster's department, upon
opening the car discovered that someone
had made free use of bacon, flour.crackers,
nutter, canned koocIs and everything of an
eatable nature. In one corner of the car
wa a tin can which had been useu as a
coal ktove. and near it was a small pile of
ccal such as 1, used on locomotives. A
pacc had been Cleared on the floor of the
car lor a bcd.and everv Indication pointed
to tne tact that 10 or three trampi had
occupied the car during lis liaofclt across
tne continent. I heir mean 01 egress
from the car had been through a small
window In one end, whereby thev took In
coai anu water, a large pile ot bacon
rlndn, empty can and refuse scraps ol
lood was found nrar the window. Walla
Walla Statesman.
An Albany man who exanlned the
trestle states that the nuts of the fmhrdat
wrere the engine struck, were unscrewed
something that could not possibly have
happened any other way than by human
hands. Yesterday a claw bar and wrench
w-c-o luunu in the brush near the place
ine ireMie was not Kept up by pllln!. as
all who have come from there state, not
withstanding the report of the coroner's Is yet too early to form an emphat
ic opinion in reierence to the matter.
There are decidedly two sides to the cae
ana omy tne court will settle the unfortu
nate affair.
A Coai, CoMiuxy. A new Linn county
corporation ia tho Carbondale Coal Min
ing Go, articles lor which have just been
filed with tho Secretary of State, with
John and f New ton Curl, Robert More
head and Abrulmm T Powell as incorpo
rators. The capital stock will be $800,000,
in shares of $1; Hcio the head oiliee, and
tho object is to own, work, mine and sell
coal, and to construct a railroad and to
operate it between tlip mine, which is
situated a few miles from Scio, and that
eity. The coal is of pretty good quality,
and tho movement promises to be an im
portant one.
One op tub Eaklihst. Wesley Shant'
non, one of the honored pioneers of Ore
gon of 1S45, died at his home, in Eugene,
j'yednesday afternoon, of paralysis, agsd
u.years, v montns ana 3 clays. Mrs .Eli
sabeth Shannon.towhorahe was married
in"1817, survives him. One brotherjudge
Mil ton Shannon.of Monroe,is the only re
maining member of tho family. Eugene
Peculiar. Accident. A couple ol
weeks ago while M CHUtsple was cutting
down a tree across the river a gust of
wind blew It over the opposite way Irom
which he expected it to lafl and It "fell on
his team and wegon, killing a horse val
ued at $i5o,breaking the wagon.and came
near killing Mr Gillespie's hoy. Eugene
Register. '..'
Mr Ilttyno, of tho Kugrito tannery, litis
been In tho city buying hides.
Mr Frod Mospelt culled at tho Dkmo
Chat ollice to-day.
1) 11 Montelth, 0 W Watts, A It Heal, A
H I'axtoii ami wife, and others went to
Halom on tho local thlu noon to view tho
seeno oftho wreck.
11 (1 Watson, tho lawyer, returned
from Portland last evening on tho local,
and hence crossing tho ill-fated trestle
just ahead of tho ueciJcut.
A yoang man visiting In Albany Imp
pvrcd to pull a history oftho Johnstown
IIikhI from a library, when ho remarked
that ho was as good a history himself as
ho was there in the midst of It. Ho Is
vitdllng nt Mrs Shield. We did not
loam his name,
Mr Yoran, Junior editor of th F.tigeno
Register, iaed down to Salem this noon
to attend hi father, who was seriously
though not dangerously Injured in the
Luxe'mii run roan nee men 1. a son 01
Prof Collier, of KtitfcMe, wa alm In the
wreck and Initircil aomo. Prof Collier
was aiso on tno 110011 train bound lor ths
Mrs J O Writsman and daughter re
turned from a trip to Seattle ou last
evening locut, They cau?o very mar
being U ft for tho ill-fated overland, and
only siiiteoiled In getting on tho local
after it was in motion. Of eourifO they
aro now congratulating themselves, in
which their friend will heartily unite,
that they wcro on tho l'.rt train.
Mis Flora Mason went to Corvalll to
day to her friend Mi Maud llotl-
Gen. Ja A Varney. fruit iniector.
went out to Tangt-nt yesterday to 'nspect
tho mr4'ry and fruit orchards there.
Mis Mary Uoirmai. duiuhter of Citv
Marshal lloirman. has been confined lo
tho house with a I. a. I sore throat and not
diptheria, a w as repotted oil tho streets.
License to marry luivo len granted
to K T Goin and AgusU Seehale, Allien
T Pulliam and Dura H liojn,, Jus S Yin
n and Cnrolino King.
Marshal Hoffman went to Salem this
noon to view the wreck. Als A l'-conicke
snd other. Among thoo who have
laken in tho sight nre Geo C StanarJ, W
11 Warner. W A Munteilh. If M'ranor.
Jos Kit III and wife.
J P Wscer. recently editor of tho Pen
dleton K o, lia-4 locate I at Hums for the
practice of law. A Mr Wager had been
designated a the cotolng r.litor of sevural
mg papers IMS new will lw n surprise
to hi friend thrjugh tl.o slate.
Dr G V,' Maston camo nn last evenins
front Salem, w hero ho had boon at tend
lag tho injured victim of the wreck, nnd
returned this tioon. Ho rrjw.rtcd hi
hand so full there that no time wa
given to learning particular. Tho Wil
lamette was lull ol tnjuml people.
Mr Johnson, of lioM-buru. 0110 of the
victims of the accident, camo to Albany
last evening an 1 went on hom on tho
overland that fame up by tho West Side.
110 wa in the first ynsei)ger car which
he rrawlr,! out of bv broakimr a t.aue of
glass. Ho was somewhat bruised but
not cr:-.iHiv,
Mr ("ha O Colen, an exin rt brick ma-
ron, who ha n sided in Aloany aevvral
years, w hero ho has mado many friends,
win go 10 i.ugeno to-night to aticttil to
soiiiO biixinei' previous to leaving tho
state for SajiUt t ru, Cal, by way of the
Yttipiitia, where ho will make hi future
homo, and j.robnbly 1? Rsoociatod in tho
biisinea with Harry IVrrfn, a former
resident of Albany and Kuaetie. Mr
Colnu snys it i his intention of return-
to this city when it has a th'tjulatlou of
u,m,qi. itroiiuses nul to im ions'.
Fraisier, the horse lmvtr. of Portland. 1
in the city.
Tho Mifsea P-ake. of Yooulna Hay.
were in the city this forenoon.
Mr. W. L. Jester i lvinz dangerously
ill ut her hoiue, in this city.
Judge Stralmn camo un from Salem
last evening to pcn! Saturday and Sun
Jos. Cook, tho creat lecturer. tasod
through Albany last evening for California.
At the Uanlistchur 1 li titnnrrou- lli v
Geo W Hill w ill preach iii tho morning
on "Itcyponsibility fur Bonis."
7. II ltud.l, of Peoria, was in the city
to-tlay on crutches, tho result of Loin it
in row n out 01 a wagon three months ago.
iicv. i-ainar. reeentiv of Kansaa. a
cousin of Dr. and T. L. Wallace, Is in the
city and exects to locate in the valley.
uo isaimpiisi preacher.
UMcConnell and wife, having whiled
away the summer in their handsome
cottngo here, left nn on Monday for their
winter Home in Albany. Toledo Post.
V.'ord received from Miss Carrio Pfei
ffsr, from Oakland, Cal, informs her
many friend here that she is much Let
ter and improving rapidly, havinggained
o pounus in uesn einco leaving here
Oscar Marshall returned this uioniing
from a four months trip abroad, going as
lur iuist as Indianapolis. For awhile
fired on a steamer on the Illinois river,
saw scTcral big games of ball and got
frozen out. Glad to get back to the best
country in the world.
HonT JT.lack.of Ilalsey, was in the
city to-day. Mr. lilnck congratulates
inmseil on not taking the overland Wed
nesday night at Portland da he had in
THEY rralt JI1M,
No belter evidence that the itpubllcsi
fear Cleveland a a presidential candidate
In 1801 Is needed than the mere fact that
they have now opened out all along the
line a fearful personal war u,on him en
tirely Inexplicable, except upon the hy
pothec that he will bo the nominee of the
democrats In 180a. Tho Intensity ot these
attacks teems to be commensurate with
tho extreme character of the fear. The
coarseness and low-bred manner of attack
made by the Orrvniitn U simply on a par
with tho coarse, brutal attacks made by It
on Tlldcn, Hendricks, Seymour, McCIrl
Ian and other democratic leader at the
very moment when they were about to be
laid lit their last resting places. The secret
of tho vlcloiisncs of this attsck upon the
reveicd tx-president Is to be found In tne
fact that Mr Cleveland ha a strong hold on
tho minds of thousands of decent republi
cans all over the country who admire him
for his Irreproachable Integrity, who be
llcvo with him that public ollice Is public
trust. The OregeuiiiH and other republi
can organs seek to shake the faith of these
broad ndndid, liberal republicans in Mr
Cleveland, knowing full well that Mr
Cleveland If nominated for the presidency
ran not l btittm If the above element In
their party be not alienated, They know
ho I the very embody ment 1 the strong
tecllr.g throughout the country In favor ol
tariff reduction so clcatly and emphatical
ly shown In the late elections, hence these
attacks. The sluplJity shown by the Or
rgtmiii In attempting to arouse a factional
felling between tho filcnJs of Hill and
Clcvclund 1 equalled only by Its blindness
to the factional hostility enisling brtween
H !u Ine and other lender of l' own party.
The late election plrjedsad havoc with
the republicans In more than one way. In
the matter of the election of governor, as
well as congressmen, they were routed.
The following states wilt have democratic
governors when the newly -ejected ones
are Inaugurated; Alabama, Arkansas
Connecticut. IWssj'r, Floilds, Georela
Iowa, Kentucky, l ullanq, Maryland,
Maarhuc!t, MU Idgan.MisslsslppI, M's-
ssorl, Ncbmka, New Jersey, New York,
Notih CtfuU'.a, Ohio, Ot'egon, I'cnnsjl-
4nta, Rhode J. land, South Carolina, Ten-
n 's-e, Icxas, Irglnla, West Virginia
Wl.con-ln and Montana, making 3'i In all
while New Hampshire Is In doubt. The
republicans have the governors In
states as follows; Callforuls.Cotorlds, I 111
noU, Indians. Kansas, Maine, Minnesota
N'evadj, Vcr-nont, South Dakota, North
Dakot'.Washlngton, Idho and Wyomiujr.
It Is an on yesr for democrats on trsp.
It Is an off year lor republicans, bnsuie
the people want the war taxes eff and
hands that hold bayonets kept oft tl.o -lectlcns.
StntlstUl show thst abliut thtrtre r j-er
cent, ol all railway accidents In the United
States arising from derailments are causrcl
by defective frogs and f witches.
: :r,?i:i:!j
Texas reports state thnt on lug to the
poor crop of wheat this season a great
many farmers ar turning their a.tentlon
entirely to cotton or reducing the acreage
of wheat.
Tl. banana plant has been tound to
contain a greater quantity of pure fibre
than any of the other r.umtrous vegetable
products used lor paper making,
It has been suggested that a good way
to rid a town of moths would be to set up
a powerful electric light on the outskirts
The moth hat an Instinctive fondness for
light, and cipeclally the electric light.
1 1 consequence cf large Importations (
Ameilcan cattle Into Delglum, a royal de
cree has been Insue J ordering thst the dur
atlon of quarantine be regulated entirely
by circumstances. At proent '.he pctlod
of quarantine Is ten dsys.
The deepest lake In the world I Lake
Dalksl. In Siberia. It area of over 9000
square miles makes It about to Lake Eric
In a superficial extent; Its enormous depth
f between 4000 and 4,500 feet make its
tolumcof waters almost equal to that of
Lake Superior, Although Its surface Is
35o fect above sea Uvelt bottom acreage
vcr 3000 feet below the tame level.
From 1 n4 t i-Vitlst n mass of IM.
euno. KuiT.'.i I; Ten ib'.p. Cured
ly CdtJcueis i;cmcd:c. -
I si r--5r.S v!ih ten.M f irmn my h4
U mv v,-.,Ui. fiHv.y.f t tt.,.4 ! t.::,l t,t.t (
llUbt. Mill !! i II li I ,'!) n,i ',! ;:'(,- K.v'.rt
' I'i ' t V ?.! . -.. ,1 I ,.n;,k ,,,4
l.a! ; u . I ui, s v..-,.,, (,,.., ,i , .i.,,,
I. vl, in Urt, I , . .. , ,,;.;
s-il toiHfU. Af--. : . , -,rx tb
UWl,,.,;,i 'r.n..-, ......... :,.,, .rM,
S.I 0, tlB.f, 1 t.J- r 1 ... ,. . ...i;.. ,, ) (1 ,. , i- ;; ,. . , ,.; ;.,.)
.(! ;r, ! a r-1, 1 . . . .it-- f.,ih 4.
J1"' r"i ". I : .' ! 1. -.. h 4
sj- . .t-t t i- !hI, e,,i i , .,,.,. 1 u,n, MKf
-.1 iv.-, ,.1:, r n.,t ,k fvirm, 1 u;t !,;-. ,y Uutt
1 tiUi - , i 1 in 1, my 1,; t!K- J l,nH.
n- fr, u, : ..(,.., t Ut.,...y, 1 t,.(i( y
U.,i., ; u -.!
The r pub.icans are said to be very much
wonted over the slate legislatures which
have been lost this yesr. To prevent any
gerrymandering, which they c'ahi. to fear,
It U sal J that I hey will try to pass Mc
Comas's atitl-gerryroandf ring bill at the
short session. .
The Utc elections lirgcly increased the
number of states which have democratic
legUUture. The following states have
democratic majorities o-i joint ballot;
Alabama, Arkansas. Delaware, Plor.da,
UeorjjU, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,
Michigan, MUlsslp;tl, MUsotirl, Nebraska
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina
Ohio. Rhode Island, South Caiollna,
Tcnnesee. Texas, Vlglnla, West Virginia,
WUconsIn, Montana, Illinois, Indiana,
Kansas, and South Dakota making :3 In
all while the republicans have majorities
on joint ballot In the other fifteen.
It I? observed that Rerdlsm received Its
death blow t'K. The speaker' field ma.
shall were all made to bite the dust in the
fierce eon. Hot over laiiiT reform. The In
solent Rowel!, the coarse-grained Cannon,
with Cooper of Ohio, Lacey, of Iowa,
Grcenhalge ol Massachusetts, Comstock,
Dur.rcll and others alt went down btfore
the Irrcsl .tiiblc avalanche cf democratic
The whet scab, an apparently r.ew dis
ease hi this rounds, is a fungus attacking
the wheat hcads.produclng a whitish cover
log ot the glumes and preventing the
lorma.lon ol the grain beneath. It hss
ppcartJ this vear in various sections,
notsb'y In Ohia.
If a box six feet deep were filled wllh sea
water, and allowed to evaporate under the
sun, tnerc would oe two incnes 01 sail on
the bottom. Taking the average depth cf
the ocean to be three miles, there would
be a layer ol pure salt Jo fect rhttk on the
bed of Iho AUantlc.
Modern metiiodt are changing continu
ally toward simplicity and rapidly In the
smallest things. The Pcnnylvanla rall
roaJ has Introduced the measurements of
oil by weight In Its supply department.
An odd number of quart can be runoff
much more quickly by weight thaw by
lading. OU average about seven pound
to the gallon.
The democrats In the next congress will
have a majority of 23 over the republicans
without counting a single vote from any
ol the southern states. The greatest gains
made by the democrats were In the man
ufacturing states of the cast and the agri
cultural states of the northwest.
tended, until persuaded bv a friend to
go earlier. Ilo etopned or at Salem and
was at tho scene of the accident the next
Tho Murranrrra ut Old
Flsu-.t d tho sknli 10 -Un s'b nic.s,thbir en
sign, defiantly at the majthosd. Your mod
ern pirate, not nn tlia high o,luiupon the
hiith reputation cf standard remedies skulks
under various divinises. Hi hole and
corner trallio bss never toany .degreo affect
ed Uostettr.r's Stomach liiiters, althouf(h
that standard inviirorsnt sod corrective has
lontr; Ix-en tho shining mark at which his
shafts have been directed. Cheap local bit
ters, enmpnsed of llery onrsotilicd stirnq
lants, with an ibfusion, or cxtrsct posilily,
el noino ton id barb, srs mil sometimes
recommended ss iduntical with, or siiniUr
to, or jiosnessing virtnr-s kiudred to thnsKof
Am,ni.,'. K.ui.n fnti.iltr niAiltnin. 'I-U
ptrith apt eilily, wlii.'u ihe great subduor and
preventive of iliresso pursue its suecostful
carorr, overo.n,ing inslatiri, dyspepsia, ner-
voususs, kidney troubles, oouiitipntinn tud
rheumatic ailments, t.ot outy on thlr, but 00
mctiy oonliutols.
The couii anic that furnish natural cas to
masuficturcrsat Pittsburg hav- lately raised
it pt ices. Their object Is to lessen the use of
this fuel by fctorics, and restrict its use by
private in lividual. Hut some of the large
factories arc equal to the cm.rgcncy. They
propose to set up plant! for the manufacture of
gas from rcfvise coal, which i abundant in
Pittsburg, nnd use made for fi'el
rather than the coil itself. It has not atone
beta the cheapness of natural gas that has
caused it to he used in place of coal Its
economy of management and the inferiority of
ro&ny kinds of work dune with it ere suffi
cient to warrant the experse of chancing the
coal into gas. . UcsiJcs, after making gas from it lesves coke, which has a considerable
value as fuel.
Well TaoviDED Fen. A settlement of
licauiug Photographers Albany Oregon.
We have bout bt all thonosratives made bv
L W Clark and W 11 Urottuwood up to Nov
13th, iMB'J. implicates can be had from
bein only of us at reduced rates, Wa have
also about 18,000 urinatives made by - our-
solves, from wbich duplicates can be had st
like ratus. We carry the only full line of
views ol this state and do enlarged work at
lowest rates for first class work. We shall be
pleased to tee yon at our Studio ia Fromsn's
block, next door to Wssonio leusple.
Betteb Tiiak a Gold Mink. Ten acres
when set to fruit in a hearing condition
will yield from $2,000 to $4,500 per year
and requires no expensive machinery to
operate it. A fruit raiser in the Willam
ette valley requires but a small outlay
has all the advantages of a civilized and
cultured society, has eood and conveni
ent markets and receives a better income
it l L J J, .
the estate of the late Chas II Spencer, . V fuw Bame nyeBneni man can ce
.i.!u i. 1 n -Y- ,.'ihadfrotn any other line of business.
unit" UilB OCCU Bill UlKliUCU IU Mr V... . '1!- 1J j-. a-K .
IT V Hfprrill, will leave Helen, the only You can g.elfh' land tr6m, 5 t0 73
' ' l r per of Tn Ore"on Land Company,
In the annual report of the Secretary of tie
Slate Hoard of Health of Massachusetts "la-
grippe" is treited cf at length. At a result of
his investigation, 'he secretary thai
human intercourse is as potent in spreading
the disease as atmospheric communication
He estimates that 730,000 wnge-eamert in that
State took that disease, that 191,100 of these
had to leave work, and that the lime lost was
985,500 davt.
The track milage of street railways in the
five leading cities of the United States is: Xew
York, 368; Chicago, 365; Boston, 329; Brook
lyn, 324. Philadelphia, 324, The milage cf
different motive powers is: For horses, 2351
electric, city, 260; cable, 255; steam, elevated
515 surface, 221. Three cities have elevated
roads: New York, 32; Brooklyn, 24; snd Kan'
sat City, 5 miles, Baltimore uses nothing but
horse power rroters, ana bcrnr.ton tits none
but elechic roads.
OrRegnanl, a famous French phys'cian
concludes from experimental proof that drown
ed bodies sinking to a depth of from 6000
7000 metres do not decompose The discove
r) rests mainly on the fact that decomposition
docs not take place in the animal tissues when
they are subjected to a pressure of anywhere
from 600 to 700 atmospheres, a pressure cor
responding with the water depth given above
Jacob Stele, near Unlortown Pennsyl
vania, Is a veteran democrat. lie is 106
years old. Ho was married in 1812, voted
lor Madison and every democratic candi
date for president Since that time. He
walked glibly to the polls the th Inst, and
voted for Pattison for governor. -
u acuta
I r.r.
' .1 -I
I'l un.l- Lt. Ill
ll V1I1 Vt-ll v J
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-s- ti'.i rt'.l rl(
'fas5.5 Prt.r
: 1 . j tl 1-imn
IlK-f. I,.
'in-,, I;.-; ;
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iJ.i-irr, I :;;.
wi;i. . -, .
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fir..- :-i 1. .
W i.
" d.oitd
-i V'e-U
ju r "; ":i-T"' i. iw
-'.-. i-.rftui
iUmUh, arm, ii.jju.Uj.c'a
an.y-n wanting nylh?ng Inthth'rd-
ware nno wi.i ,io wi-il to eaU on iftA.wait
Atx lforrt purchassnir. Thev kwo
ncisriy everythliiRln loo of builder
r?tr lwaro, an 1 a tnai'mOoeni stock cf fina
iVlDCsi mlKftr youreopplio. ihey
carry a full lino of tint, w !( , aiedae.
men s mam rings. 1roi.a list, Troea.
biiullng horse, j witm, wood and Iron
tackie block, tun by far tl.o beat assort
meet of rror.t em rawe In the 'valley. cf tho beit sna i-r!cM ths lowest.
The treasury department reluse all ap
plications lor permission to Import Irom
Canada Into the Cnlted States, without
payment ol duty, certain wagons, teams,
etc , for temporary use In lumbering, and
then return litem to Canada In the spring.
American teams arc to have the buttnfts
without the competition ol freight-owned
And now comes the news that the re
publicans have lost the legislature In South having been carried by the dem
ocrats and indenendcnls who will elect a
senator lo succeed Moody. If the demo
crats arc r.ot cheated out of their majority
In ihe New Hampshire .egishuure the next
United Slate Senate will stand 45 repub
licans lo 43 in opposition.
Rev. Joseph Cook ol Chicago, who de
dares himself a staunch republican, was
Interviewed by the Scottle Ttlrgram the
other day and gave It as bis opinion that
the tariff bill was largely Instrumental In
bringing defeat to the republicans In ihe
late election. Whl'e a protectionist him
sell he did not like the McKIn.ev bill as
t favored manufactures loo much ot the
expense of farmers and miners. Yery lew
men agree with the Orreonta lhat the
Mckinley MM was contrived In the interests
of the farmers as against manufacturers.
Systems for distributing power In cities
from a central station are coming more
Into use every day. Steam, electricity tnd
compressed air are the common ogenls.but
rails bss a system which is the reverse of
thatemploylng compressed air. The motors
operate by a vacuum, created by Immense
air pumps at the centtal station. The cost
per horte power per hour 1 twenty-three
cents, about the tame as wllh ihe ordinary
gats englne.whcn Illuminating gns is used.
First National Back
or ALBAm, erxcGox.
rnsttit..... ., t. rus?i
Vk l'rsddl . .. S, g, YOI KO
TT.AtfBACTB A CrKEJULWlringljnl!Hs.
ACCOUNTS BKPT subject la thsefc.
aiOBTKCOAlSOE and M ltlo trWff, to
tors, Bur rrsntUco, liauro nnd p.i
a.lXCTSOKf MA'Eoo b.aM Wrra. .
4. K. Joi E,w. Lsssmw
i nMn, 1,. ru t
KSYISB r. Hot. .
Lfaa Co. National Bank,
PrMH.Bt if. m,i
rfraiicat f KAljrTt,.
r,hi?r-; Oao K CHAMHRRLAIK,
Ajt thir. 0 a AJOJUlilOLD.
D acsrjsji.T r. p...n i i d.u. tu w
Chsiubsrlsln. W M AA or M i..i. , ,
fcra and OA ArelafcSd"' . ' " "
TJUSSACTS s tMrtl bnkjn( bustotst.
bRAWgloniIJLAI-ram S.w York. Un
twv I Oregon.
IANJfOra aptttsii Metirhy
KEttarg deposits sublect ebeti.
Bank of Oregon.
albahy, - - - mim.
Precldent H. BKVAST
Vice I'resldent 11. Y, If JC Rill TI
Oasbler..... ... , W. JiLAIN
H Bryant. 3 W Elaln.
Oo Uoosphrey.
KJLaatlng. If F Merrill.
Sbibtezebanze anl tsIesrraDhie trm
for on Kr York. Han trranelacn m .rl
and all pliant pel jKiattt in Oregon nd
oUectiona in tC cb favorable leraa
osr roKUsa, okjsoo.
Mil ru anitW
Sulcus Mad iuOtSv
Intcrcat sllowsd on mm. rr.em dMndu mm Cnttowi;
Oo r.ileai7 mtinrt Iwok par cent par win mm.
On tnu aasiuga iMuks par esut aar sotioia.
m oenmasias as ;
For tluae matilba S nar eit itar uinnm:
For mx nxmlaj f par Bt par annum:
Far Vaelsa sovalhs.w S par cent ear annum.'
rKSJu K llF.KCM, PreaMrat
V. F. TUOMelM.V Vlca-freaUcnt.
U. . felttATTOy, CsWrisn
mmm & mum
Real Estate Agents
. Tint and Bsauhea for sale.
Also eity brcperty in Alhaey
, and Coryailia.
My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all
the Latest NoYeltis in
Dress Goods
-To The Ladies -
I Make a Specialty of Ladios Underwear, in Kxi
Kiisued and Muslix. My Prices are the LOWEST
and my Goods tho Best. Am sole agent .
for tho Celebrated
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poison
: To The Men:
Call and Look at My values in
m 1
sning -:
I have a Lirgo Stcci at the Lovest Priaoa 6er oCiere-l I the VIley.
I cany a fii'l line rf the worl l-re.njjrsJ BROADHEJLD goods, uoiXie;tJ
for wear anit Coish. Larj-e s'ook of EatBaoiosxtei ud Flouxcixgs C.
st-itoconi ced tin' Albary u iIih hw,t trsdiuj loint in Oregon.
It I unfortunate forjudge Jliller's fam
ily that his death leaves thttn praclicaUy
destitute, but it can hardly be ta'd to he a
disgrace to the country .unless It was clear
ly Impossible for hlrn to save anything out
of his judicial salary, It Is to expand ex
penses so as to take up all earnings, how
ever large they may be. I a private Indi
vidual does this and leaves his family des
titute, no one blames the publh therefor.
The blame in one case as well as In the
other belongs to the man who lives extrav
agantly and saves nothing for his family.
The office of justice of the Supreme Court
piys enough to be an object of ambition
for any lawyer In the country.
arwlck's majority over VcKinVy was
308 " It is a matter of surprise, consider
ing the meur.s employed to elect McKinley,
that Warwick had any majority at all.
Money flowed as free as water. Ohio pa
pers just at hand tell of the schemes con
cocted to defeat Warwick.' One was that
republican managers would go a round
over the district and engage to purchase a
elven number of sheep, hoes or ether
stock ai from a third to a half more than
the regular price upon the condition thit
McKinley was elected- Tnis, wKh other
schemes, and the lavish use of money,
would have beaten Warwick had it not
Deen for the adamantine Integrity of the
indefatigable demrats of Holmes county
who gave Warwick 19S1 majority. .
There wlil be a quorum In the fifty
second congress and it will not have to be
counted with a gavel. 1
' A writer in the London; Spectator ihinks
that if parrots could be made to breed in cup
tivity, the parent birds might teach the young
to talk, just as the canaries teach !.lieir accom-
- Standard time has hrcn excepted in Asia
by not less than 40,000.000 people, in.Euiore
bv almost an equal number, on J iu .America
by over 6o,coo,coo. . - j
' . -o ' (
The course of stiidj in the "educhtiona
' campaign" is three years long, and a very
Albany Cigar Feci ;
J. JcsrrJi. -:- Proprietor.
HaaiEsaitTa retail
Only White 1 abor EmployEd
Insnrance Company.
Sound; Conservativ
- , . Vi. i ttf cs
fv; -' " U "
) . . Sk. 1
a bat
ran It vou want the best
L yand niost'durablo furni
i - ture that is manufact ur
L3 U ea iQ xne cnY go to
it i .Sfs