The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 14, 1890, Image 3

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    tyfa Democrat.
8TITE8 &
KJIIsrs itaJ
Mini no Notks. Tho air U (nil of miiv
lug prospects, and tho marc of It the better
lor Albany, just so It Is loiioweu tip i
practical remits, which there I now no
doubt will be the result.
A K Woodtn anJ II W Warner hae
recently paid for half lnieret In
the Golden Fleece rnlnea. A $t 0,000
wa wanted for the other hall they did
not bvir. A mill ban been ordered of Mr
Tremaln, larger than the Albany mill, and
will be put In In the spring.
The owners of the Taclflc Mine, of
who. n J W Gardner Is one, will soon in
corporate and put In 1 mlil In the spiing.
The prospect are now good for four or
five mili bi the spring.
A mining city wl.l be laid out at the
junction c( Curial Fork and Dry Gulch,
to be known as Canal City.
The Browns lllc Time says: "m
Robe, superintendent of the Ciilipooia and
Wus River Milt and Mining Co, is In the
citjr. He savs he think every thing fa
vorable for a bhf rush to the mine In the
spring. The tunnel on the Poor man claim
ha been run until a depth if about So fret
hat been reached. The ore continue to
Increase In richness a depth Is attained
and tgere seem to be no doubt that the
mine w'll par. A mill will be put In
next spring.
As ExAUtiiRiTioN. A writer In the
Reform Journal of Portland, successor to
the Taclfic Express, write a letter on the
valley, including A.banv. Reform jour
nal ought to tell the truth; but It Is a pe
culiar fact that many of them are run by
impracticable men who never look at a
thing with straight eye. Albany has
never had a boom. Spokane Falls, 'Taco
ro and Seattle had booms. It ha not an
Indebtedness of $75,000, and it I not and
never ha been tun by speculator. Hut
here 1 the article: Albany haaeiperienc
r j of late a bjotn. a result of some railroad
jsldlng and some extraordinary effort of
speculator. It Is a pretty town, with elec
tric lights, ttrcet cars and water work,
and alio an indebtedness of $75,000, re -cently
voted for public Improvement,
Some of these days the sperulatois will
have the place and the property owner
will be burdened with taxe beyond en
durance. Boom area curse, destroying
legitimate enterprises, leaving In their
track plenty of iiotes, and mortgage and
exorbitant municipal taxes. Dew arc, there
fore that the next legislature dors not
vote an appropriation ot $J50xjo for the
World' Fair exhibit, to be' levied on the
homeowners for the benefit of the town
boomer and monfy loa tiers. Among the
substantial men who vote about right are
the Knox's. W E Kelly. Rev Kuher, A J
Carother,J M Archibald and others.
A FasMrit'u Miktakc The first of the
week as a well-known f.inrsr residing
bout fifteen miles west of Corvallii was
returning borne from Independence in
an intoxicated condition he stopped at a
farm house and undertook to enter with
out the usual formality of obtainind per
mission. The man discovered that the
lady of the house was alone and redo-ib-led
his efforts to gain admission, all the
while using insulting and obscene lan
guage. He was endeavoring to make an
entrance through a window when the
lady seized a shotgun and attempted to
discharge it toward the intruder. The
cap failed to explode, but a second at
tempt was, more sncceggful. Tho charge
of shot grazed the aide of the man's face
and he lied. The offender has a respec
table family ar. when sober is well
behaved himself and the incident is ua
fortunate for all concerned. llenton
Tub Cai'sk Focxr. Last June Ala
Thompson, son of Dr Tho'npMJu , of Cor
vallia, by an accident run a piece of glass
In one o'f his legs near the knee. He
called on a Corvailis doctor who succeed
ed In getting some of the glass, all he
thought, out, Mr Thompson's knee In
stead of improving got wow, and became
st Id causing him to walk stiff legged. As
It wa Insisted that the glass was all out
and the trouble was probably of a rheu
matic natur, Mr Thompson let the matter
run, until yesterday, when he came to
Albany and had Dr Maton examine his
leg. The doctor look out a piece of glass
about three-fouith tv one-half inch,
with a sharp point, and Mr Thompson can
tee a big impi overrent, I sit night sleeping
without being kept awake f the first
lime since the accident.
Scio Paint. Sclo is fortunate in
Ing a natural paint factory located
here, ays a correspondent of the Journal. The
mine I located seven mil's south of Scio.
A good deal of very satisfactory work I
being done with It. A visit to the factory
brought forth the fact that thev are turning
out seven different colors. The ore, of
which one hundred and five tons is In the
factory, is of a deep brawn and very greasy
to the touch. Wherever a seam occurs on
the lock a slight coating of iron is observed.
The ore by chemical analysis recently
made shows sixty per cent of iron. The
different colors consisting of brown, natur
ai, vermilion, slate, lead, vellow and a
lightest thade, are produced largely by
difference In the decree of heat to which
they are subjected. This paint ran be man
factured very cheaply and will prove an
addition to the many resources of Oregon,
Attbb Poetby. R R Parrish, of Port
land, has been in Ashland this week in
the interest of a publication project be
bason haad. It is not a real estate
boom paper this time, but a boom in
poetry, He is endeavoring to make up a
display of Oregon poetry for the World's
Fair, and hopes to induce all the poets of
the state to take an interest in the
scheme and join him in the publication
w a complete collection of poetry by Ore'
ton authors. Ashland Tidings. Mr.
rarrish was recently in Albany, where
he got track of several poets. Of late
years, though, there has been very little
produced, lhis ts not a very j oelic age
At tub Court House. A notice of 1
Sheriff tale of personal property is potted
at the tront doors announcing that on Nov,
18th In the suit of Ah Koo gt. 1 L 1 lolllda
near Halsey, certain attached personal
property will be sold. It I not often that
a celestial I interected In a civil suit.
The first suit placed on Ike docket after
the adjournment of Court wa that of Mr
F B Prater against E li Kendall, for specif
lc performance of contract. A family "af
Am Ox Tkam. ' I Iello there, Dkmocbat,
com out hers, quick," frantically cried
some one at our front door. "Look
there, will you," said the man pointing
to an ox team going by. Suro enough
and right on the streets of the gem city
of the valley. A very rare siaht here
sow, but one which was directly the op
posite in the early days of Oregon.
Lector. Rev T G Brownson, Presi
dent of the McMlnnville College, will de
liver a lecture before the Linn county
teachers at their meeting; to be held
Brownsville on November 11 22. The
lecture will be delivered on the evening of
the 21st. Mr Brownson't lectures are
replete with Interest and we bespeak for
him a large audlsnce from the general
public of that vicinity.
Tub City Election will take place in
about three weeks. It promises to be a
quiet one, the only officers to be elected
being marshal, treasurer and three covn
cllmen. The present efficient marshal will
undoubtedly be continued in the office.
The councfimtn whose terms will expire
are F M French, of the 1st ward, 0 G
Burkhart, of the 3d ward and L W Dryoi
Of the 3rd.
Thb Most Cabpbts. Fortmiller & It-
srfrtr have srreatly nlarted their carpet
lispartanent, and now carry ons of the
(a rfFpat and finest stock of carpets in the
Valley, embracing a choice variety ot
the latest designs. This stock is a splen
did one to select from, including all
frades for all kinds of rooms up to the
most elegant parlor. Call on them for
bargains in carpets.
EvBitTaoDY Sats So.If the wild
riven com Id talk, they would y, "Co to
...e'l Co' tr jm-rettis and ;
Ciiook County. J N Duncan left on
Thursday for hi home at Albany.
Johnny Nutting, who helped to lighten
the labor In this ofllce during the term of
circuit court, returned to Ncwsome creek
last Sunday,
It cost the county $1,500 to prosecute
the case of the state v John Flock and
$800 to prosecute the case against Gott
fried Broe.
Judge Shattuck left last Monday for hi
home at Portland. While here he made
a host ot friend, and nil who hud btii-lncss
In court conccvto that he Is the nhlest
judge that ha ever held court In Crook
The Orcgoe Pacific has beon pheed In
the hands of a receiver. This tuny cause
tome substantial company to take charge
of the road and complete It to an caste i n
connection. Future dcvclopcmcnt arc
anxiously awaltcd.Rcvl
Qr AttRiatsa. The Eugene Guard mid
"Clara Morris uiUHt le conceded to stand
alone. It the were to piny m a bare
platform, devoid of stage nrce ssurlos and
continues she would make her hearers
forget everything save her intense, mag
netic, dramatic realism." Then the
Koschurg Review took it up and cried
out, "How t iara would blindi were she
to read this criticism, and how the very
modest Iowa editor iff the Salem Journal.
who has lieen so shocked at the "nudu in
art" at the Portland exposition, will hold
up his hands in holy horror." This made
the Journal mad and it declared the wit
was coarse, and "judge, ftom tho low
Juste expressed by the Review man he
is noi in the nattit of hmiiji shocked at
A IscaxAsic. 15 rush land along the
Fantiam Wtwecii Albany and Scio, is
selling at $"0 and iTftPlui acre. A couple
ot weeks ago a gentleman Uucht a farm
ou the Santiaiu, unimproved, paying .'I0
an acre for it. A few days ago he told it
for an acre. They will licar of the
bargains offered on Yaiiuiua Hay ere
long, w ul visit us. when our rich lands
and magnificent cliiuato will capture tho
new coiner without an effort. Toledo
Post. The 1kmwkat has been unable to
trace the matter up, but expects, b'jersy,
that it is true.
On Robrkts Crekk, Douglas countyi
and within a radius of ten miles, are an
Iron mine, a lime stone quarry, a marble
quarry and coal in vat quantities. It
might be worth the while of some capital
ist to make an inspection of these proper-tles.-Ex.
Items like the above can be written
about many of the counties of Oregon.
Take Linn, for instance, and we have gold,
silver, paint, plumbago and coal within a
small rsulus. This is a great country.
A CfHiosrrv. W A Hansen, an em
ploye of W D Fletcher, the jeweler, has
quite a curiosity in hi possession, a
watch whose every portion except the
case was manufactured by himself by
hand. Mr Hansen is a native of Pen
mark, and made the watch while at
Copenhagen. It was a three months'
tediops job, but he now has as good a
time-piece as any machine- made watch
in tee land, and one that any man w ould
lie proud to carry as a curio. Pendleton
K O. The man would be more of a curi
osity than the watch.
Scio. Work was commenced Tuesday
at putting in the bridges, cattle guards,
etc., of the Scio extension of the tlrego
nian railroad.
Cilly Garrett, of the rustling firm of
Garrett k Mueller, of AlUiny, wa in the
city for a short time Wednesday.
Win Brenner, T W pilley and other
returned on Saturday from a hunt near
Indian prairie. They bagged nine deer
rule there.
ine water is r.iiain so low thai our
streets are shrouded in darkness even- cause why. therein no iower to
run our electric i:glita. I-.xpress.
I.alsex has four churchis, the M. C,
Christian, U. P. and IJapti.t; a W C T I
and IOOT lodge.a lodge of Masons wiih
the following oliiccra: W It Garrett. W
M; W II Sheppard. S W; las A IVail. f
W; S A Smith, Treas; R. Andrews,
5ec; A S Ila-sctt, S D; J II Lan.e, J I).
nd WE Cither.., Tvlcr. A lotljje of
OJJ Fellows, with these Mlicrrs: (; J
ackson, N G; T E Sloan. V G; W J Ribc
n, sec, ai.d r uresler, trcas.
Not Th Dkkt. A Saturday's d'spatcli
says: "Wendell isaker, a crack sprinter
01 me iserkeiy Athletic club, broke the
reconl for 21X1 yards this afternoon, do
ns it in 2U seconds, at .New 1 ork t ttv
One-fifth of a second bctUr than the
previous record." Thin is a mistake.
The best previous record was made tv
George Seward at Manchester, England,
on Sept. TO, running 2 yard 111
Mining. Claims The following claims
were fiUd to-day :
jonn MCLtinnrr, Cnanre.antiam
istrict.located Oct nth.on Sanllain liver.
mouth of Canal Creek.
D S DoJds. Placer Minim: claim.
m district, 80 rods from Santlam river
nd 70 from Canal Creek. Located Oct
Tub Albaxy Democbat clips an article
from last weeks Review and gives credit
to the West Side. Ion't do it nsain.
Jefferson Review. Wrong. We clipped
t from the West Side. It is a very seri
ous matter and you should sail into that
paper. It is a sign of greatness to le
aeerated by such matters.
A CoSTBAbT. At the late term of court
n Linn county thero was no criminal
case on the docket, although the county
iias a population of "Ji.oou. a strange
contrast is presented by Umatilla, w hose
an is now full of Inmates, and w hose
criminal docket U always k-iiuthy.
rendition u.
Tn BY IIavb Comb. A large and ele
gant assortment of suitings, never surpass'
ed In Alba.iy, and can be seer, at W R
ursnam s. llie designs are very pieaMni;
nd will suit the most fastidious. Mr
Graham appreciating the desire here for
stylish goods in elegant patterns ha taken
extra pain to brlnjr on a stock of such
suitings as will meet with general favor.
If you would see the best stockof foods in
this line ever brought to Albany call at the
tanor snop 01 w k uranam
liners to Housekeepers. Always set
the mouse trap before retiring nights.
Keep the best class of groceries you can
buy and use only fresh produce. Trade
at the best grocery stores, and by the way
there is none better than Conn ii Hen
Jricson's. They keep the best in the
market, buy their produce of the bsst
Hardeners, keep the freshest fruits in
season, and carry a fine line of standard
groceries generally.
Kid Gloves I Handle, Our Own,
genuine kid glove, warranted at $1.50 per
pair. The celebrated V Centemcri at $1.60
per pair, lhe Mather in button and strin
fastening at $1.75 Per Pair- The genuine
Foster hook at Sa.oo per pair AlsoMue-
uetair, Sued and Glace finish.
Samuel E. Young,
I bar just received a ease of SUnard
riota which Ilwill sell at 23 yard to ths
leUar. Sahvil E Youko
Resolutions of respect for Georgie
Whebeah. It has pleased God in His
gooa providence to remove irom amon
us our dear little mena ana schoolmate
Georgie Pearl; and
Whereas, He was one of the few whose
characters are such as to gain the highest
respect of all, therefore lie it
Resolved, 1st, That ths school at Cen
ter has lost one of its most loyal and be
loved members, aad that the school has
sustained a very great loss.
Resolved, 2nd, That we extend to the
parents ana relatives 01 the deceased our
heartfelt sympathy in their great sorrow.
Resolved, That his desk in eur school
room be vacated and draped in mourn
ing tor a penoa 01 so days, ana
Resolved, 4th, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to cash of the county
papers for publication, and that a copy
of the same be presented to ths parents
01 tne deceased.
. Signed in behalf of the Center school
' - , HUBTOW, ,
I '. PAMHON, ''
. i Ui'I.TH,
Several Stilled aait Many Weaadetl.
Wednesday night tho south bound
overland tr.ttu went down with the tres
tle over Lake Ivbish, five miles north of
Salem. Tho trestle giving away the
whole train went Into the mud below,
fortunately all the pnituciiger ran (ailing
perpendicularly with tho trestle and not
overturning. Tho engine was overturned
and the tender, mail car, twgungo mid
express cars tipped over. Tho result is
the death of alnnit ten persons. Among
tho number was John McFadden, the
engineer, an oil hand, Flu Neal, tho
fireman, a tramp on a bronklR'niii, and
several others who will probably dio
from injuries.
The day and smoker were full of people
and moxt of them were injured. About
25 were In the tout Ut car. and all Injured
but three. In the fust pull man there was
17, all Injured hot three: In the second and
tear pullmau were 15, but 4 belnn Injured
Shan Consor, the conductor, had one leg
broken, P li Heckley, of Oakland, ribs and
back broken. Wan'cn Gilbert of Saturn.
broken, nr.d fully 100 other had
hi and sprain nnd breaks, F.vcry
body wa thoroughly shuken up and the
scene begttars description. It was the
wort acei.lout in the lilstoryof the North-
iu a on in .imra.
Ikrtr Urvrlupmrai, froaprrt. lie.
The interest in tho Santlam mints con
tinues, every new report Increasing the
prospect for rich results. In tho devel
opment ot the mines tho Albany Mining
iV Milling Co. have taken tho lead, recent
ly introducing a five stamp mill, whose
trial ran was very satisfactory. A 1000
toot tramway has just been completed to
the mill from the mines, aud tho mill
will start upon Monday for a winter's
run. The name ot tho men at the head
of the company assures its success. Fol
lowing are the present ollleers of the
company; J L Cowan, President; Nil
Allen, Vice President ; LI I Montanye,
Secretary; tj W Maston, Treasurer; A
Halversen, general superintendent; C
Kendrick, mill foreman; II II Ames,
time keener and rlerk. What is being
done with the Ilonanxa will eventually
be done with the ether mines. Ily re
quest we give the following list of mines
w ith their present development, as furn
ished us by Mr J W Gnrduer:
The Ronanza Located June 28, ISStf,
by A B Wnodin, A A Rhodes, RoUrt
l.rown. 11 II Arjes, It M Huston and W
F Read. IVvelopment, two shafts and
open slopes, a tunnel 75 feet long, now
connected w ith shaft No I, and in work
ing order. The tunnel wjil be continued
to shaft No 'i at once. This is the mine
now being worked by the mill.
The Red P-ull iVvclopmeat, 2W foot
tunnel, in lcdt;e.all quurU.tinc specimens,
cross cutj Ito feet, showing main ledge
1".' feet wide. Another shaft 33 feet.
i UK) and 5iXj ore. t ncd by A 11 Wood
in nnd others, and recently litigated.
Wiiite Hull Adjoining above. Devel
opmetit.years ago ore wor'svd in old mill.
White Sulphur iH-vclopuient, 3 tun
nels, M to '.tJ feet long. Quartz and
gaiigue of good quality.
Cora Ann Ievetopiiieut, 40 foot tun
nel, tine specimens of free gold.
Abe Lincoln IVvelopment, two tnii
nela 40 and 30 feet, splendid concentrat
ing ore. Owned by Albany Co. (.orated
June 17, ISH7, by A II Wooditi. A A
Rhodes, W F Read and Rlert I'ruwu.
The Albany Two tunnels,? feet laeh,
galena, silver and gold re,- excellent
quality. IKa'.ed by A U Woodin and
Whitu Priuct Owned by Albany Co.
and located by Mike Cowan and II M
Huston. IVvelopment, shafts and open
cuts, large amount of ore of average
The tti.f n ljcatwd Julv 2S, IfKS, bv
C K Hrovuiell, P P iMnlay, A Rrowm-Il.t
II Rhodes nod J VfeChesuey. A O0 f.t
tunnel has already Uen built and 150 to
17" more will lj built. An inun-nse
ledge of galena.
Manimotli Ou Cural Fork mine.
OjH-rated by ohl mill, 400U U-itig taken
out. .ISO foot tunnel. Another l&i foot
tiiuiul t j be built.
IhcOregonian, Record Union, Exam
iner and Alta California, located beneath
Ixokout mountains, show good results.
The Examiner has tunnels and shafts, ore
showing gold, silver, lead and xinc. As
say of Oregonian at Salt Lake City
bow ed 4') per rent lead, 30 ounces in
silver, 1 10 in gold and 13 pr cent zinc.
i he Lomstock andOphir, twenty foot
ledces, showing a good iiuality of ore for
ork done.
The Moraing Htnr and Fveninn Star.
connected by 100 foot tunnel.
The Mountain Kintr and Mountain
Queen were discovered on June as,
n show good prospects.
The Portland has a 1X) foot tunnel.
Ore valued at ISO per ton.
The White Kleohant and Kclioso were
located in Aueust. J McChesney.
P 1' Donlay aud C K Rrownell. Ore, 40
to $50.
Lcadvillt located by J McChesney, A
Rrowncll aul N A ChunilM-rs. A splen-
lid prosfiect, Iteieg 55 per cunt lead, 60
ounces silver and 10 gold.
Grav K-.vAa was located in AtltriiKt.lSH'.
by V, f; lirownell, N A Chambers and J
McChesney. GKjd showing.
The King Solomon has been well de-
eloped with oiK'ii shaft, tunnel and cut.
Large string ledge ot thirty or forty feet.
The Cannon has a 40 fxit 'edge in
The Golden Fleece has a 15 foot shaft
n ore of excellent quality. This is own
ed by the Albany company ,and is on the
banks ot the hantiain.
The Fantiam mines are properly divid
ed by the mountains into three localities,
which are easily understood uy those
who have visited the country.
t'arrent K veals.
Ever) body remarks at the splendid dis
play of fruits and vegetables at
Powell K I.01, where they get what they
want In the first place.
The best and largest supply of peaches
ill be found at Powell A (Vs.
Leave your orders there whan you get
ready to "put up" peaches.
A large supply of shelf goods, the best
in town, at Powell & Co'.
All kind of nicknackt at Powell It
Warm weather good, picnic grocerle,
stay at home groceries, every variety of
groceries In the market at Powell & Co's.
A Finb Trouf. A fair house greeted
the Heart of Oak company last evening.
They were given one of the finest theatri
cal treats of the season. In their field few
troups have done better work In Albany
than the members of the Hearts of Oak,
a thrilling play full of pathos and comedy.
Every member is an artist, even the ten
months old babv. Little Hazel Regan is
a marvel. Mr kerne, a double of Con
gressman Carlisle, is' an old ttager, and
Clark, Chippindale and Kerncy teemed to
be born for their parts. Ntllie Regan at
Tawdry wa the greatest tervant girl
was the greatest servant o-lrl
ever seen, the mere sight of whom caused
Order a Fine Turkey
Fob Thanksgiving
07 Mueller & Garrett,
better lilst.
FolSowira is the list of letter remaining
in the pnst office at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Nov 12, 1890. Persons calling for
these letters mast give tt.e date 00 wtucn
they were advertised.
Baker. Mi's Niua
Reck, AZ
Dunn, B '
Dcrethy, P M
Fen too, II
Kline, ML
Murrsy, Mrs Maria
Regan. Patrick -lb
n, Henry
Cote, R L
Derrick. J C
Esgsn, W P
Lyle, Lcunel
Nap, Tom
Kuhic?, VV. S
Soead, Wm K
Shtley, W r
'S'u Urr, n J
Juiit), 1J;:-
Vendor, Miss A
When any ono asks you how you feel, It
not well,you should say bo J, and not badly,
a I the custom with ninny, an adjective
ana not an acveru being proper.
The Drmochat ee Item from every
part of Oregon about medicine company'
that have been doing tho town. They
give flrst-cla enlerti Inmenlst but their
nostrum cie generally dubious affairs
that shout 1 be handled w ith tongue.
V S Grant.postmitster at Dallas, Oregon,
Informs the Miilem Journal thnt George
Wasl.luglon of thnt place ha skipped out
to part unknown, George should have
haJ more r:pcct fur the fa'hrr of hi
country than to throw such a stigma tin
the familiar name of George Washington,
The ashlsunt postmaster at Dallas is Mis
Nchlo Grant
If any
one thinks thnt street railway
sio not tiny, lie can do some nit-
uring on the following: During the monih
the Portland exposition wa open '.he
Washington street car line canlr-u 351,600
patisrnger at live cents each, which would
amount to $l7,r,yi. That company gave
$1,000 towards the expenses of the Eiih
The Intel leent compokltor Is some
times wiser than he knows, savs the San Kxamlncr.and that wo recently
when seltlnu up a list of person whose
claims against the city had been oroerrd
paid by tho board of supervisors, ho substi
tuted a k for an I and prefaced the state
rrent thnt "the following bilks were order
ed paid." God b'.css the Intelligent com
positor I lie ha bad heart, but his hand
1 true.
Of the thirty-two all round athletes In
a New 1 ork club ot live p car ago, three
arc dead ot consumption, live have to wear, four or live are lop sliou'ilcreii.stiu
three have catarrh and partial deafness.
A inr a general health and longevity no,
tho dry good clcik outdoes tluj athlete.
These fact give us renewed energy to
pusri ahead with our great undertaking of
getting out a newspaper without being an
Some ono ha estimated that there are
1 ,000,000 Chinese pheasant in Oregon
now. One mluht a w c 11 guess at an old
tt.ald age.
Crook tounty certainly reeds a rail
road bad enough. Tho Review, publish
ed on Saturday, says: "l'p to the time
of going to press, no nows bad been
received ot tho result of the elections
w hich were held in the various states
la;it Tuesday.
The man who tiled tn bum the .star
brewery mut have been nervous or very
green, for Instead of placing hi coal oil
and paper under the building or on ths
Inside, "s he easily could have done, be
started the fire against the building which
is built to the giuuiui. lie ws probably
the fellow who has fired several barns out
ot pure cucJne.
These are frocty days in tho morning.
Tho man who set fire to the Star I'.rew
ery was up with the times. The paper
used was an F.xauitner just received on
the morning train.
No more shoddy jot says the Salem
Journal. It U a "well to le hist as gen
erous in public matters. Salem K-opl
are altjg;ther too generom with fraud.
An item in the Aibany 1'kik usr is to
tho point anil relleets back ti n a gow
deal of the sower building contracts In
this city.
Nearly one-sixth of the total popula
tion of our forty-four states and several
territories lives iu thirty-live rities, and
one-sixth of these cities is supplied by a
aiatflu state. New York. In Oregon near
ly a third of Ihn population is in six
There are 2.)0,f00 women in lhi Wo
man's Christian Temperanre, I3'.),ikw in
the J inn's Daughters, loo.ixxi in the Wo
man 'a Relief Corp;; and .".',' in ths
Fastcm Star, an nKgreate of nearly 5i;o,
(ssi Imndeil t'jjjetber uader various namts
for loyal service to all manner of human
The City Council last evening was in a
dilemma, ln-side a Inch the McKintey
bill was nothing. It was over tho Rail
road street sewer. Residents along it
desire to connect with it before too late
in the sea on. The engineer repotted
that the man holes and catch basins were
not according to contract. latteral sew
ers need the main sewer in the brgianinir
ot their construction. To connect before
the main sewer had Istcb accepted it was
claimed was dangerous business legally.
v nat should tic done, ah hour s "go-as-you-please"
did not settle it and another
attack will be made Tuesday night of
next week.
BI4t ESTUK ftitfa
It II Liggett admrof Geo II Liggett
to Samantha K CofleU, N ' I)
LCof A II Peterson except
100 acres $
Kamo to same, l-D acres in sec 10
tp 11 s r 1 w
Ham to L Foley, parcel in Ieba
nou Hiram Smith et al by sheriir, to
Perry Hyde, F. lot 3 blk I
Samantha K & J M Coflett to H II
McElmurry, 129 71 acres sec
lOtplIsrl w
u II & L A to II V Moyer lots 4, 0
Ac 0 blk 7 Gal add to N U
Same to James B Long lot 3 blk 3
Gal's add to N It
Hatne to I li ISoyer lot 1 blk 3, Gal
. add to N B
James Elkins to Rufus Thompson
BWJi blk 3 E'h add to Albany
Richard A McKinley to J C Cooper
1)2 acres sec 3 tp 14 s r 1 e
Chas Singleton to Peter Schlosser
undivided M lot 7 blk 15 in Al
bany Win Meeker to Edward Meeker 70
i acres in tp 10 s r I w. . ;. . . .
Isaac Meeker to Edward Meeker
same as last
Isaac & Edward Meeker to Win
Meeker K int in 88 31 acres
in D L C of John Meeker
It W Fry to Wm and Martha Hol
loway, 40 acres in 1) L 0 of
Thomas Faulkner.
Masonic Cemetery to A B Mat
thews, part of lot 19, bl 1, Ma
sonic Cemetery. .'
J 8 Morris et al to J F Sims, bl 11,
Kouth's A to Scio
Joseph Ruhl to A It Hall, 5 aeres in
J Ralston'sDLC
Frank Crabtree to LA Tucker, 20
acres in tp 11, 8 R 2 w
BB&LAtoJK McCormick, lots
7,-8 and O.G's A to N B
Jeff Myers to Mary E Smith.parcel
in Scio.
Wm J Stewart to John A Clem
inens,5o acres in tp 14,S lUw
R W Gillock to G Y and E A Heat
on. lots 4. 5. sec 10. tD 14. S R
I i
D W King to J N and S A Wright,
g8.35 acre8 in tp 14, S R 1 w. .
John Prichard to A Hamilton ,et al,
lots 2. 3. biz. t,vons
Liberty Cem Ass to J N Wrighi.lota
40, 40, in said cemetery
f 14,234
Tea Beaatlral rieee f Silverware to be
Clvea Away,
At F. M. French's Jewelry etore, com
mencing Not. 1st, I will present every
one purchasing fl worth of goods, a tick
et entitling the holder to a chance to
draw one of the following pieces of silver
1. One large dinner castor $10 00
" fancy fruit dish , . 0 00
" silver cake basket 8 00
silver card stand. ....... 7 00
set silver knives and forks 6 00
double pickle castor. . .
pilv'r Vn.tter dish
5 00
4 00
tii. Ann r.EoAL,
of Corvailis,
Banker Job,
was In the
city to-day.
Miss Sophia liocust, of oreg;.n City, Is
In the clty.the gusst of Miss Tony Miller
Ex-Distrlet Attoracy Hamilton, of
Roschurg, was in the city to-day 011 his
way to oorvaius to aitenu uourt.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
Miss Mamie Tvler at the rcsidunrs of
Martin Payne Friday evening.
lr Gulss, of Woodburn, Is In the cltv.
He reports a good business there. Ills
son, J D Guiss, Is now in a drug store at
LIsonseM to marry have lieon granted
H 1) Pickens and Mary Shea, of Hweet
Home, and James 0 Hurdln and Ruth X
Mr Curt 11 Winn, Wells Fargo's aircut
at this city, left this noon for Han Fran
ciseo, on a two week's trip, going by way
of Yaqulnallny.
Saturday evening a pumpkin plo social
was given at the G. A. Hall. It was well
attended and proved ono of tho most en
joyable of tho popular socials Wing given
Mr. Thos Alplilno, of Millers, eitmo in
to the olllco to-day to tell the iismocuat
that tho Mckinley bill would soon be
cooked. Ite is very hilarious over the
recent "Waterloo."
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fick, ot Iowa, who
have Ih'cii visiting relatives in this city
several mouths, li ft this noon for home,
accompanied by their aophew, Mr. Ira
Cox, who expects to be gone a couplo of
months. Being a native Oregonian he
will probably have an opportunity to
learn what real winter weather is.
Miss Mary Myer went to Portland this
Win Mack, the barUr, of Portland, is
In the city, prospecting.
Mrs Walter Wiles, of Corvailis, is in
tho city visiting friends.
Prrs Brownson, of the McMlnnville
college, has been in this city to-day.
Mrs Rev Harris, of Salem, came tip on
tho noon traiu to visit with her Albany
Mrs Conrad Myer went to Mt Augsl
yesterday with her son Iwrenco who
w ill enter the school there.
Mr J F Davis, a prominent carriage
dealer, and wife, of Oakland, Cal. are in
this city, the guests of Mr R F Price.
Geo p Harris, of ths Golden City
tfl..l ..!., . , It,- .,( !
iii iniiig ro, w hich win prouauiy run tins
winter, aud II W White, of tho Dry
Gulch co, are at tho Runs House.
To-morrow for noon, at Tangent, the
wedding of Mr Rickard, a son of the
weatthint of Benton county farmers,
and Miss Jenka, daughter of one o(JTan
geut's popular citixens, is announced to
Uko place.
Mr J Jordan, Vicc-Pres f the White
Bull Co, of Snlem, passed throt'ich Al
briny to-day from the mines. When
questioned atmut tho plans of the
coinpnav, a Portland institution, e
stated that they would put in a mill in
the spring, and that it is proponed to put
a Kttiig of men t work developing the
mine during the winter and prepare it
for business.
Mr J N Ihtncan arrived In this cltv
last evening from Prineville, having.
come over the mountain by the Mc
Knu'io route, coin inn froi, Coburg by
the N. G. and lyrbaaoii road. He was
accompanied by Ir Trowbridge, a patent
medicine vendor, and hence arrived in
good health. While cone Mr I'uncan
assisted in defending lirowe and Flock,
each arrested for murder, tho former of
whom got eight year and the latter two
years in ths pen, light sentence.
Mr 11 C Watson left for Mlsstss npl
vesicrday, to see her sister who I lying
i.l there!
Do not forget the chicken pie social
given by the ladle of the U K Church to
night, at the W C T U hall. Supper any
time after 5 o'clock for only i cents.
lion. Jfl Mers pi.seJ through Albany
to-day for Vaipilua Bay to look after bl
400 cr farm, on which he contemplate
extensive Improvements,
l,l Monday several of the ftk-ndsof Mr
Tho. Jones, the barber, desiring tj get, cailrd In a IkkIv at
home on Seventh strctt, and m ide things
warm for Mm with a hanJoome cold head
ed sat.e, which he accepted promMng
never to have another JS:I blrth.lav.
Mr Julius GraJwoht and wife returned
this morning ftom a trip to San Franr.l.
co, and genrtally after an ab
sence ol 1 1 tree months, lacking a day. Thev
report a very fine time and reach home
In the enjoyment of good bcillh.
TearkriV Mrs-Mas.
To the tcachert of Idnn county:
At the teachers meeting held In Albany
Nov. 1st, It wat decided to hold monthly
meetings, and to add In ibis Important
work I have appointed Vice-President
and a Secretary In each of the following
Vice- Pre.ld-nt Prof G A Walker, of
Albany; A J Garland, Brownsville; J II
Jewctt, Harrisburg; RE Michener.llalsey ;
R N Wright, Lebanon; V A McGhce,
Sc!o. 7. T Trulnw Kho.t.1
Secretaries Abble vVrleht, Albany! L
Y ftalley, Brownsville: F.llen Whlte.llar-
rlsburg; Llnnle Ramsey, Halsey ; Fannie
f;rlKK, Lebanon; G I. (Sutherland, Scio;
Lura Campbell, Shedd.
Mra A J Garland. W K Robb.Mr Vena
Kearn, committee on program.
The next ineetlne will be held at
Drownsvllle on Nov. 31st and und. The
following program for the occasion wat
arranged bv the committee:
Short speeches by teacher, school offi
ce r and other.
SATURDAY, 23nd, 9 Jo A. SI.
Primary Reading.
School Law Discussion.
All are invited to attend both night and
i day sessions.
G. F. Russell,
School Supt.
Notes of Albany Cioab Factory. If
you want a real choice smoke try our 10
Whv smoke a Chinese made ciirar now
that you can get a far superior one at J
Joseph's cigar factory, made by white
labor l
Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled
white labor clears.
We make a specialty of selling ciears
ot our own make vy ine dox at lactory
Fine Meerschaum and Briar pipes and
a lull assortment ot smokers articles,
Do not pass 0 E Brownell's store it on
want to live eoonomioally. Beit cocdt and
lowest prioea guaranteed.
GIDDINGS-HYDE. On the evening
of Nov 10, 1890, at the residence of "the
bride parents In Albanv. bv Rev S G
Irvine, D D, Mr H W Giddings, Supt of
the Dry Gulch mines, and Mies Nell'e
Hyde, daughter of Mr M Hyde, of Albany.
Thev have the Democrat's best wishes
for a life full of wire gold happiness, their
prospects for which are good. -
NICHOLLS-On Wednetday morning,
Nov. ii 1890, in Tangent, c diphtheria.
Mist Winnie Nicholls, aged 18 years. The
parents of the deceased were dea, the be
ing brought up by Mr and Mrt A J, Olin.
She was assistant teacher in the Ta.fgent
school, and was a bright, amiable young
woman beloved by all.
HUGHES Mary A Hughes, wife
E.B Hughes died Noju iBT?c.f nneumo-
nla,one wee's: s-J'tr J'r ; "' . .b. They
were boih "7 a w "-
r.f '47, ti-om t
lbs stevmor poiI earns in Urdy
af corunon.
Toledo it to have a dnjiot, aa syeut long
worked for.
Twenty -five Umatilla eoanty potatoes
waiuhing just a bushel were rcouily sent
Host for xhiFtion.
There inT.i Vsllsv In Grt,t uoouty and
ons in this couulv Ouly ns name should
bu all j wed iu a stats.
Tlia Apollo Club will plus tnet at Prof,
Lev's rosiddiio to-n'Kht H.'.V), Bring ynur
tanrd tiiumo. By or J ir of the pillrot.
It is reporUd that ths 0 1) Co hat chart
ered aanther stcsiner 1 1 tssist Iu oarrtlng
away wheat soctissulsbd at Yt'pitis. Post,
Tbars mast b heart ou in the Creeu Bo-
tin country, judging from an lmineno steel
trap thipied by Htowirt St Hue to that city
this afteruoou-
Reineniber the sntertsininout to ba ivn
by ths I a1 lee Aid Society at the Opera
lions on Wsdnridsy evetirff Noveml-er
Out of 125 Usehsrs in Hamboldt 000 otv.
Csl., ons wss missinv at ths meo'-iog of
the tetchsrs' Inttitots at I urska. a remtik-
abl event
Dr. Gray's tale of stock at h.'t Uikvill
farm, wa wll attended. Osviua to lb 10
thst fartutirs ujiivrsliy bsve at tsnoh ttoek
ahey can eairy oyer ths price brought
wore low.
An entcrtirisiria oitixso at ths corner it
Madison tud 4thstrit. hsta itn o tbs
o.f tier ut hi hnusn giving the nsme of the
trcta. This onuhTsMily t dou all ovr
thoity and would bo a grrat o uvnltDce.
Ths Janctica City Irast bau 1 lisv sesin
nrganiuid sad h sasiied tb service of
P. of. .Sibbktls tmr auoUiar yr. and will
nnoe mot attrmpt to ga'n the repatatio l it
ones bad. that of being the Lrvt band in th
UL'ltiniua next Kuadsv I ha overland will
Usv Portland ao boor later than at present,
at 7 instead of J o'clock e m, trrivisg bars
bout 10:30. The nortb bonus will not
sli p her fur breakfast, guiutr through to
l uriiaoo rMobing thsre at 9:3d.
It uiiiibt bo iror to ssv as w mu
that 0enn tbi fall bos oa ber host "bib
sod taeksr" to far as tba weathae I. .
earned. It u brlttht. too shinty and tool
ohverina whoooiptrd with b fressiog
tnowy wstthrr in the saat.
Wbst To CottVALbts. Circuit Court
Is iran business In Corvailis tMtav svlil.
Judge Pijws on the lnch. This noon
Judge Whitney and Frank Wood went to
that paco to prosecute an ejectment
suit against the owners of Waukeeney,
Geo il Keuney and C K Wolverton also
going to look after that side of the ease.
O II Irvine left to look after ths case of
Beardsley against Conover, brought for
libel. Mr Beardsley spent Sunday in
AlUny and also went that way. Judge
Flinn accompanied the crowd to attend
to some legal business that will cotno
To tiw n.ioea psamd down tbs rood
Hi's nioroitJK I jr ore ou the Oregm I ,o rail
A 1 3f kciKht of Plbu baa bro
orsanisua at dilwrton with twvnty Bism
Mr I W Ri.',lt- V-i dsy rvcaived an order
irom vstoti)na .,r a uair of sbooi f.,r "iha
si teed viil wliuux-d '.uhvsla Harrisburg,"
mr nm lis inii savsral )a-r ao.
I tba pingrarn ut th ti'br mratiog to
ba btld at bruwovillo th list tinl '."J ad ut
Ibis oioiith wbieb dabhshad la yestodsy'
IUm.h sat the Dm t1 I'ruf . Dsn Ixtmey
yio prmutnt for Tauicot omitted.
A Fias ilco Early Ihl morning
Nlghtwatchman McLaln, while standing
on Second street, near Baker, heard a
mlc In the direction ol First street, and
Immediately saw a man dUsppearlng from
the rear ol lhe Star brewery lot, owned
by the Col I logg syndicate. 'Hastening to
the bullsllng he found a fire against the
rear part of lhe old brewery building,
which he quickly extinguished. Home
wood and paper had been satura
ted with coal nil and Bred. In the mean
time the man had disappeared and there
is no clue to his Identity, As the building
i In Ihenclghborhood of a large number
of frame It wa evidently Intended for
a big firt; and but for the" prompt action
of tlie nlghtwatch would have been Tills
I a cat: where an extra nlghtwatchman
was ol grjat worth In a very emphatic
Have Vlercck tbs ve yoi.
ftO.000 toloan in next two weeks. S N
Steal Ai Co.
There is a big crash io Walt Strert, a tcr
riile Bjiht between boll and bosr.
I. 11 I) Brdy, a well known merchant
Mill City, died at bis benie at that plso
yosterdsy afternoon.
S N Steel tt Co., can get you loans from
fJ00 to ftJO.OOO for I, 2. 3. 4. 5, C and 7 years
fu good real eststa security. Call early.
Tbo, Ksy woolan mills bUokcU, flannels
men', youth's aod boy' clothing, fol sals
by U W Simpson's, sant, Albany, Oregon.
Jast artisad a full line of ladies, ehil
nreos, mts'a and boy's foot wear at G W
Simpson's, which will b told at bottom
N. G. should now bo wiittsn B. G. Tb
Ni row Gangs is a Bread Osugo resrly, and
the first tisin took a spin a few Billet south
from Wood turn yesterday.
A fins display nf children tchuol sboes on
oeuter table at C E HrownaU's aro going rapid
ly at less than first cost. Call aod select a
pair before tbey sr all gona.
Aoeordioit to tho BrowoavilU Timet Mrs
L E Blald, of thit city, was ia that eity Fri-
osy in ins iiiiri ni toe vv v I U boldiog
a meeting at tiie uapusi t nurub to to after
Ths school assessment for Saloin tohuol
d is tret, just oompleted, sbows total taxable
property amounting tof2.331.GC9, aa against
a little over tl.OOU.WU lost year, lhe levy
is nv ant ent-nsil mills, on account of im
Remember that Bishop Becker will aoaiu
Ootuia in Albauy, at the Upera lioata, on
November 27th and 28th. Hi topic will
ba "Egypt, ber pyramid,palaoea and mined
templet of glory," and "Cosuenct of the
pulpit aod platform .
The Stst Board r.f O mnieruo and com
mitter ot the State I'rett association mot in
Portland yesterday . It was decided to ask
the stato legtslsture for an appropriation o
1250.000 for tbe Columbian Exposition and
lor ten acre ol land. Mr Geo. W VVrlsht
reprdseotea too Albany noard olrade and
was iiibii a, uiemoor 01 100 oonimiiieo 10
represeut Linn ard Crook ooantios.
Tun beautiful pieces of tilvewara aiven
way it Frenuh's Jewelry Store.
21 Puzsli. Don't fool away your time
munkevlne' with the 21 nuzzle but ro to
Crawford & Pax ton's and get your photo
made, rneirs are ine dosi.
Referee's SaJto.
rt the Circuit Court of Jie SUUt of Omjon for
tht vounty of Lttm.
VV H MoOov aod Ella MoCoy, nis wife. J F
McCoy, anmarried, A R MoCoy sod Clara B
MoCoy, hi wifo, Geo J McCoy and Nancy
J McCoy, bit wife, Lillian Frenok and F M
French, her husband. Plaintiffs,
James B McCoy and May MoCoy, hit wife,
H F Merrill and l J Trumbull, Uetendauts
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of tale and decree duly made
and eutered of record in the above entitled
Court on tho 27th da of October, 1800. tbe.
onder.iKoed duly appointed sole reterea,
the boya entitled Court, will oa
Saturday, the ISthdoy f December, ISM,
At the hoar of 10 o'clock , m.. tell at the
Coart House door in tbe eity of Albaoy.Lion
eountv. Orecon, at publio auction for oasli
in band to the highest bidder the reil prop
erty deteribed in laid order of sale as fol
lows, tO-Wlt!
The South half of the donation Land
Claim of John M Coy and 8arah MoCsy
his wife, notifloation number 2032, claim
number 60, in township 12 8, R 4. W of
the Willamette niarklian In Linn county
The proceeds arising from the sale of
said premises to be applied first to the
payment of the coats and diaburaemenia
of suit taxed at $17.75 and the costs and
expenses of sale tnd tbe overplus to be
distributed among the several parties to
said suit, plaintiff! and defendants, ae
cordlng to their respective r.'gnts as net
fortn and proviaeajn saia aecrea an i or
tivt of gala. -'
November 1-
C9CHCIX rBt)ClalIf,
Thnrtday, Nov 4.
Pretent. Mayor, recorder, rnarshal,
ttreel commlstloner, and all ths council
man. The following bills were ordered paid:
O W Smith M 351 V H Darr $213 50;
Kantlam Lumber Co 17 79; G W Hughes
$9 90 J Robt Drown $2; N J llenton
00; J jhn Maxwell $24 62; J Livingstone
$J ilenj Cowan 75; Electric LITit Co
$W 5'
Hills of I n Huuhe Sloo tt for borlnc
for bridge, wat disallowed, also bill of N
Matter of application of S P Co In refer
I ence to tewer connection with depot, wat
cununuco wnn power 01 committee toaci.
In the matter of an extension ladder for
Rescue II ft L Co the committee reported
in favor of such ladder as soon after March
1st a the finance of the city will per
mit. Matter of purchasing hoe for the fire
depattment was left to the committee on
fire and water.
Report of Engineer Darr on Rsllrotd
street sewer was read and placed on file.
According to It the tewer had been built
practically according to contract except
tnanholct and catch oaslnt, which are not.
Petition of W A Humphrey and oth ers
asking for sidewalk on the noith slJe of
7th stieet, Jackson to Jefferson, and cross
waik, referred.
Petition of II F Merrill and aS others
asked for an electric light at" t and Fer
rey or nth and Ferry. K, f cried to
committee on way and meant,
Petition of G W Hochstedler and others
for arc light at 3rd end Ellsworth streets,
referred to the same committee.
Ordinance No 31 1 providing for In
creasing the salary of the city treasurer
from $100 to $300 was read three times
and passed unanimously.
'lhe folio alng judges and clerks were
elected for tho next city election to take
place In December at the customary
First ward D Froman, Martin Paynt
and W C Tweedale, Judges. F M Red
field and A J Ansyln, clerk.
Second ward L Sender, Ellis Knox
and Wa'tei Ketchum, Judges. C G Raw).
Ing and J R Wyatt, clerk.
Third ward W II Goltra, John Isom
nd P J Baltimore, Judge. W E Gil let t
nd Pre Marshall, clerkt.
The matter of letting contracts for latter
I tewer connection! with Rali'oad ttrcet
tewer, was brought up producing a warm
debate. Matter referred to com mlttte on
streets and public property to report at a
meeting on Tuesday of next week .
Geo I) Barton A Co are preparing to
ship trees to their customers, f bey have
been very successful in selling prune and
plum trees.
MrTIIMcGill of the Northwest Re'
form Journal, of Portland, made this
place a flying visit last Wednesday and
Thursday. He is a thorough prohi
bitionist aad opposed to monopoly in
every form, and especially the McKinley
bill. MrMcGiil baa been a resident of
Kansas for 32 year.
A letter came to the postofTic at this
place, addressed to Harry Cusic "Otil
becnie Orrigin." It was readdresacd by
an expert at Chicago to Uakvilte. but the
expert at this place after carefully spel
liaitths word over called it "Alhanv."
and forwarded it to the latter place.
Mr James G Jonkin, old pioneer of
Linn county, died on the 9tb. He was
an earnest Cbristiaa aad was never ab
sent from the house of God on the ab
bath nor nrayerrieeting oa Wednesday
evenings,aithough he had a mile to walk.
He was among the first and always ready
to take an active part. He was bitterly
opposed to the liquor traffic and was 011 1
sjMken on the subject ot prohibition.
There will lie a vacant seat in the church
and in the home, but the name of James
Iuakin Is one that will .be remembered
y the people of Oakville tor many years
to come.
Mr Clark, of Corvailis, is tryiag to pur
chase a piece of land suitable fur frnit in
this vicinity.
Messrs Smith and Morgan are talking
01 starling a real estate aad loan otlice on
Main street.
It was decided at the last Horticultural
society that the codlin aiotb is a bug;
not only a bug but a humbug, and the
sooner he leaves here the better for him.
die fanners are gettiag along splendid
with their fall seeding aad some have
started to plowing. Fall wheat that is
op looki well.
There are hardly houses enoueh in
Tangent fur the people. Three families
are living in one nouse.
Miss Fannie Baker, a sister ot Mrs J J
Beard, will leave for her future homo in
Iowa in a few days.
It is reported that Miss Winnie Nichols
is dangerously ill, at her home in Tan
gent, with something like diphtheria.
The school has been closed for two week?.
Rev Elworthy, of Shedd, delivered a
very interesting sermon in the M k.
Church last Sunday.
Mr Earnest Gilmour. a nephew of D
Turner, is visiting with relatives here.
A family by the name of Mills, from
beyond Lebanon, have moved to Tangent,
We understand Tangent is (coins; to
have a doctor, to locate here in a few
Grandpa Beard's new dwelling is ne ar
ing completion, and it is an ornament to
langent, being tue nicest house in the
J M Beard has almost come to a close
in his dry house. lie has had a large
run this fall in drying apples.
Yoi'KQ Amkhica.
r Datrla SOU CeaUaaes Astealfc ths
rabtle fcy Bis Hew Mode r Treat
neat by Eleetrlelty eftke
Daelar Urn mm fflce at Pea
tetoa, Mev. le t 1, aw
Baker tats.
A CARrY: I take freat pleasure In
staling that Or Darrln haa cured me of
deafness and ringing noises In mv ears.
The cure wat done oy electricity In ten
minutes. Refer to me at the New York
hotel, Front and B street, Portland.
Peter Murphy.
Case or Cress Byes Made Straight.
This Is to certlf v that m v wife was ODer-
ated for cross eyes by Dr ibarrin with suc
cessful results. Her eye had been crossed
ever since she was a child. We can be re
ferred to at any time.
.... .
310 South 35th street, Tacoma, Wash.
Aaalher Case f Bealaass Cared.
Thit It to testify that Dr Darrln has re
ttored my hearing and stopped the noise
In my tart that has caused me great em
barrassmen' for the past year. I cheer
fully recommend him to the afflicted, at I
know them well and their tuccest and
reputation In San Francisco and Portland.
A &.ASB,
Haltted Hotel, Tacoma, Wash.
DRS. DaRRIN can be consulted dally
at the Washington building, oorccr tt
Fourth and Washington streets, Portland.
Hours, 10 to 5; evening, 7 to S; Sundays,
10 to 12 All chronio and scute disease,
blood taints, loss of vital powerand early
Indeacretlona pertnanant'y cured, though
no references are ever made In the press
concerning such eases, owlig to tbe deli
cacy of the patients. Xsasoatlona free to
ail, and oircnlara will be sent to any
address. Cbargefortreint according
to patient ability to pay. lhe riob and
poor treated fre of charge with el act He! ty
from 10 to 11 daily. All yrivite diseases
eonfldentlally treated and carea guaran
teed. Patients at a distance can bo cured
by home treatment. Medicines end letters
aent without the doctors' name appearing.
, Jackets ahd Wbats. I am now receiv
ing my fall and winter stock of ladies
misses ana cmiarens locKets ana wraps
which are of the latest style and good
value, and ebeap as standard goods
cn 1 '- I have on hand a lot
1 . -! 1 ( ,r. - f ;VtV!
Poi't Rcm Abound. Every ttcamer
Zrtyth'!ulr',htnV t0.r.Albtnylat received direct from Chicago novel-
sin 1 m r-iarBa "iict rtf ! I w rf feiilfoi tflti AM IT. . . . .. 0 . .
an immense (piantlly of fruit and pro-
luce. The be.t and largest variety al
ways goes to Powetl Cl Co't. Their
lands are al ways full ef Jt such things
a the publl-; want. Save riming around
by calling at their ttnro first.
Nbw Cabpbts, new carpets, new car
pets and new styles. latest patterns, the
best in the market, just received at A, P..
Mcllwain's. Tho stork is large and
choice, selected for this market, and peo
ple wanting tho lwst carpets at tho low
est prices fihould call and inspect his
splendid stock. It was bought low and
will be uoltl low.
Highest of ail ia Leavening Power,
Largo 'and Choice Display of
LDrv Goods, Clothing,! Boots, Shoes,"
Etc., Etc., Etc.
Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealette Jack
ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c.
"'Til & Feat tD Fit tba Feet, But Ha Can do it aai fla it Meat."
C. Searls,
fry Goo '8, Fotiou?, GantiFnrn
ishings and
Our stock of boo' and shoes
Is nov con-.plete in all lines for
spring radc. We wiil save sou
tnonci n bu Ing of us. Indies,
rolufi ard chidn n' fine shots a
speda 1 e.
Kxeluilte- ARrnrv lr the
' "' " t
where. Wo handle everyhing n the way of stoves, tin
ware and hardware.
For -cVll tlio Lefitiinfr
iceceieTed at-
' ' F.
fv -3:
Hoi-ses for Sale. 1
TIIE UN DEKSIGK E D has for en) e a
bis placa near Albany a let ot pood
well brofee bor 'ei to-wit: A spau cf sor
rels. weight 1420 pounds -ach; i-pan a
ttrrys, 14i)0; gpnti c!'k!TJ, 2CK spaa O
Novarnt m Wann rAnmrs. t i,av
ties in wash dress goods- i he new thing
for fall and winter wear. I am receiving
the largest line of staple and fancy dress
goods ever brought to this market. Those
needing their fall and winter suppliea
will do well to give me a call.
Samuel E Yorxa.
Black Drkss Goons 1 make a tpc
cfftlty of keeping full line of black silks,
5ilk Warp Henriettas, Wool Henriettas,
and all the lute novelties In black dre
good, and trimmings.
SAMrBT. E. Youko.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, t&
P.lnmiK-r'a Mew Bls.
seen 1 I
And evurythir.g else in the
And jewclery line, for, the
HOLIDAY'S, at the
lowest prices, at ; "
Will & Stark's.
MOTTO "It abetter to sorre
the pa'olio luu cheat itv
Sold again! Bat we've just re
ceived a fresh lot which can be
seen on our floor any day. Wo
uiu lauiiig auuui OIU1 13. 11 jvu.
are-thinking of buying one, 1
get posted on our prices, for we
aro quite sure they are from It
to 25 per cent lower than else
Matthews & Washbuks. T
Grocery Store,
It you want the best
and mostldurable furni
ture that is manufactu'
0ed in the city go to
Thomas Brink.
. . farm of 240 acre, near Lowsou
aoot on tne JN arrow uauge, j.u idiibs
from Albany. All in culUvation. Fair
hous and barn. Good watar for stock
and doroeatio porpssesi. Fine oak groy.
Also another farm of 128 acres, three miles
rroj. Lebanon, All In onltlTation. Fair
hou6 Good water. Both good wheat
fa-ms. Also bouse and two lots on FiftU
and Joffarson streets, Albany. For forth
er particulara can on umpnrey,vouoi t
preVinot. or on Hewitt & Wf
-jj. A, USciFH.Kls.x- I
City Meat Market.
8HULT2 B&QS,i iTOpriSuors.
Vosp a full Un of moats of all kinds,
In a cool pltoa, oomplately pro
tected; and always frasU.
all the time embracing hood, paraao
canopy tops, and ranging in Pfio
IS to 40. There isn't a nicer lot of
rinjonial fruit baskeUMin tfce TaUay
mo hare a fewthat .
If you wish to have yonr watch cestly
aod promptly repaired and wrrsoted?to rua
for one year, take it to