T ia 1 ExssssEiSw An ad. in t "DEMOCRAT" . Reaches the Most People, and bring; BIG RETURN'S. Nw Tork "World, lla THE DEMOCRAT" anJ the American Parmer, all ne yenr rOU S2 80. rums TO J. i.y vy ibva Weakly "htu't lllht Im.ctat, U 00 per year. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ! 5, 1890. NO 15 L. E. B LAIN Has just received a superb lino of Fall and Winter Clothing, Tho lnrrost iii tho Vallov. rarefullv selected for th trade hero, including an elegant lino of Ovkucoat, all f tho latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship His Furnishing Goods Dep't Is completo with all the novelties of tho season. His Boy's and Children's department consists of high grade novelties. In his Hat Deportment Will bo found all tho latest shapes of tho season His Boot and Shoo Department is lino of goods His Tailoring Rcparlmcnt Under charge of the expert Mr Sehifiler, with a splendid line of suitings Strictly One Price. filled with a choice is well stocked POWELL & CO., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. DEALKKS IX- ilSillB KM Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Is?? in y PP ..Wc BUT want your ER AND EGGS, Wc will pay you Cash' or. Trade. An Orphan. In view of the general Intercut In bridge we girt the lol lowing from the Journal In reference to the present condition o( the so-called brldue lit Salem: The destruction of the central pier of the promised biKljfa over the Willamette river at tlila city It about completed and the de trover have began drilling and blasting on the wot pier, and It fate I concede! to be similar to that of lit associate, work was begun this morning to drill holes for the so called cylinder piers that are to be set up on the old remnants of. ruin that now stnd Mitr.e fifteen or mote feet above the water. From what one cannot help but learn on the streets It aeecma this bridge has but few friends .and how It ran stand and face a fair city and be the ridicule of her people Is hard to understand. It wilt surclv endeavor to drown Itself In the first high water to get rid of the dcrMoii that Is hurled at It Two heads of deer horns Kicked together may be seen at Horn 1'alne gun shop, They were secured In Crook county by Mr. "(J co, Mllllcan, who found two lirgc mule deer fastened together by the horns, presumably alter a desperate con lilt t. One of the deer was dead and was being dragged about by the live one. Eugene Uuard. Mining Claim, The following mln Ing claims have ueen filed recently: O W Tre main, Red Jacket mlnc.Santlarn district, located Oct 34th, claim filed Oct 3it. O V Trcsnaln.lhe Black Princc.Mintlam district, located Oct 24th, claim tiled Oct 31 -L II Vanbltcr and I' Vanblber, Dmnflno Gold and Silver mine, Cal!oola UItrlct,lo caied Aug Jtiili.cUl.n filed Nov 6. K C Roue, Nena (iold and Silver mine, fallpoola dUtrlct, located Aug aSth, claim tiled Nov 6th. A Hanks II Vanbiber.Tacoma.Callpool district, located Aug jMh.clslin tiled Nov 6, Mr J W Gardner, In consideration of $500, has sold half Interest In the Palo Alio claim In Santlatu district to Martin Kane and J II Howard. La sted Sept 4, tSyo.and filed Sept 8. Transfer filed Noy Clh. M011K Likk It. From reliable data the Oregon anther bureau estimate the following average yield for the state: Wheat. twenty-six buhlnpracre: oat. fortv-two bushel; latrley. thirty-eight huxlu-ls ; ry. twenty-eight hushe la, and hay, two ions ier acre, except alfalfa, rlnch averagaa four tone. eat hhore. That sound moro liko the facta, and offer quite a contra! to the report of lUiei . agricultural iW partnicnt that the average in Ormoa wa flUru bushels and in Washington twenty-live bushels per acre. lb V H A I) the next time will please take the hayseed oat of ita leva aad have a mule kick it into sensi bility before making an estimate on to important a matter aa wheat acreage. T11 a Hat'oRit 1!ate. Komco and Juliet w ill please take an attic scat now that tho followine lias ix-currcd : V It (iore, of Portland, and Mi Sophia lab, of Jacksoaville, wire married by Key If A villiam at Med ford on V edncsdnv. Mrs ( iore one year airo waa the wealthiest lady in Southern Orsvon. Iiavlii!r Inherit ed from her father, the Inte Jacob Iitli, a fortane valued at 1 100,000. Mr (ioru waa pec uniarily or. but rich In all the at tribute of honorable manhood. Mrs tiore'e relatives objected to the match an account of the difference in the circum stances, and she deeded all of her proper- ty to her relatives an. I married the hus band of her choice. They lad for their , home in Portland. A Kxriots or Sl-iKrrfAl.isv. Mr. and Mrs. ilill, living on the bluff, nnder the guidance oft. Mr. liek wern initiated in the spiritualistic circles of Portland, and faithfully attended seances for several weeks. The mental strain thus brought on resulted in 1 W of trance lasting three or four days. The couple broke up some of their furniture and tho wife's hair was cut off in an uneven way, Mr. land Mrs. Ilill evidently "rwled" with spirits. Oregon City Courier. Kem itio Works. Denver people are to build a reduction plant in linker City tocost .V),xn) and it will be kaown aa the l'.aker Cily Oil Concentrating and Snmpliag works. It will consist of a ten siamp null, rock crushers, Ittiviation plant and C nlcy-Kfersoo oil concentta I tion plant 11a 1 all thiags riuired in the ' loNtua Eclipsed. People have been wondering what grand Junri are tor. The following ii a part ot the report of the grand Jury of l.ane County, James Ca-np. bell foreman land will In part explain at least what one Is for. For saitre It will take Its place at the head of the process ion In Oregon. "We have examined Into the condition of the county jail and denounce and con dein It as a (Hsu-race to a civilized commu ntty and an outrage In the administration of justice. It Is an unfit place In which to confine even a hardened criminal, slow polslntng by sewer gas being a punishment bio long Indulged In by the county, and unrccoanUcd by the laws ot clvllUcd peo ple. 1 tie Jail ol Lane County is not only unsafe, as evident by frequent escapes, but It Is unsanitary and a severe rcllcctlon on our people. Prlsoncti are forced to cn dure poMnlng smells that must be expert enced to be understood. We find that the affairs of the sheriff's of. flee have been Investigated by a commis sion uuder direction ol the county court. and books ot the late sheriff were kept In a rccklcts manner and a delicti of several thousand tiollart was discovered. Hhcrlff Sloan has made good his dcflclt to the county and paid all claims demanded of hlin as they have appeared. The records ot the sheriffs ollke disclose Incompetency and Inexcusable negligence on the part of the ex-sherlff. The records ot the office at the present time seem satisfactory and intelligible. A'-oai)iso to rowiaTioK. "In a re cent issue of the Albany 1'kmihkat one o! our items, to the effect that according to its jKipulntlon Monroe was the best trading point in the valley, waa printed with comment that for bluster Moitrmi was nearly equal to Itoseburg, etc.. etc." Cor. Junction City Pilot. In its original article the correon- dent snld Monrno waa the best trading point in the valley. "According to pot ulation" waa not in tho item at all, and tho Dkmih rat of course took It tin, not Intending to Imply that Monroe is not a good trading center, and aa changed with the word "aceordiig to population" we are half inclined to believe the statement would be correct. Tho correspondent gives the following facts to corroborate it: "Tho general merchandise store of A Wilhelm A Sous employ live men all the time, and their average daily salea are over io0. w hieh in a year would amount to upwards ot 120,000. The store of 5. U. Thompson also enjoy a largj and prolitablo trade and seel Inretj men employed most of the time, but. we are unable to say what their average sale amount to." Tim Ha aTT Twi. Cheat things are not al way the cheats est. a paradoxical saying. 11 aoeen't pay to buy shoddy goods nor to limply think about what a thiiif ia going to cost. This is trao of sewer likewise. It will pay in the long run to have onr tower well con structed. W want no ihoddy jobs, if a tew cent are savca. - sa Tho Man About Tu-vb woatd sataost that the West Hhore leave eut it regular Illustration of Indian scene. The Indl aa i no loRver an important factor in the Northwasl.and of all they are the last we want to advertise, it give Kastera people a wrong Impression of this great coautry. Hut ever nan to hi taste. The air la full of . Tha M. A. T. hr men daily telliag about what they could do in the future if so and so. The men who succeed are they who ig nore the ifs and dash ahead. If they trat on top we hear aliout it and il thtfy don't that l tho last 01 lb Tho Man About Town ha always ob served that people, a a rule, Judge cf things, according to their own success. The man doing we I. and making heaps of money think the climate of a swamp purifying; the oy who beat at marble declare it tho most fun on thi mundane sphere, the sure catch and hard striker says there Is nothing like baeo 111, and so it goes through life, all over the world and ia Albany. There are even moos bock here who declare that whittling dry good box la fun they do it so well. r.1 1)awh a Moral. The editor of this per has been sued for damages. $5,000 1 the extent of the Inroad alleged to hav c been made on a reputation by the pruning knife of the tiAxarrg. We are surprised to leara that the value of an advenUmcnt in the Gakttr I so large. The alleged Influence of an advertisement ot the plain tiff's character. In this paper. Is worthy the attention of the advertising community. It one local advtrlUmcnt ot a reputation Is worth Stouo, what should be the value of a whole column of business advctlls- mcnts? Ciajtctle. The I) a Mot rat knows Hut In the case referred to the plaintiff believes In printers Ink, and while In Albany was a very prompt business man ; but like most people he wants a hand In spreading the lok on. A Ukckitiok. Last Thursday at tho Haptiat Church a formal reception waa given the new pastor, lUv. . W, Hill, and be certainly must have felt that be waa welcome Irom the wurtntli and good will displayed. Itcsitles a sociable time generally a jirusjrain full of interest was presented, w Hit Mr II F Merrill in the chair. Key K N Cundit nix-ned with prayer,tollowed by a finely rendered quar tet by Cha lUrt.Slierinan Thompson, l'r rJol Bltt, Stat 4TK ALK C W Halaave to J N (Jilllford.lot 4. Central A, Albany I 7 A J Hodge to Lucy McAllister, 1 lot.Fairdale 100 I) II Puttnan to Christian Church, tW fwt front, flrownsvllle 100 Harlem Hurlbert to Joe Hume, 0 lot, hi 1. 1) A K' A. Albany.. CH0 I) II Pierce to A E Norwood, 120 acres, 15 w 2 240 ranci J Dnrier to Jo Kiggs, 2 bl, ltrownsvillo 800 Hatunsl Conn to James Cona, 100.17 aeres, II w Z 10 L Milter to Henry LIU1GI.&5 acres, 0K2 1200 M Pcery to Italph Ohling, I lot, bUfl, Albany 1800 It AbUy to Mr KKCUaUe,loU 20. 21 aad 22. A'a A. Albany. . 275 TJ Wallace toKI Upbaro. loU 7 and H.bl II, W'a A 500 II 8 to (J W Klum,4.1 Marre. . . .Patent I D Driver to Wm It Hhepherd, piece land tp 13 and 14 200 Blackburn & Pironi, Oornor Firtt and Wf shington Streets, ALbany3 Oregon. NEW STORES SSTNEW GOODS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. -, DBALaaa In Agricultural Implements & Vehicles OF LVmnl S9B us. ALL. -:-KINDS. INSURE IH THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. ' Sound; Conservative Safe, af:y HEADACHE WhiSsYcaWait.' BUT CURES ' NOTHING ELSE. THAT CAN BE USED EVKRV Ot' ' is the kind that pays. Scores vnr nr tiiici nuce tnitn a tt A Uhn. ef yjr SXStSXsC.Wtr IS dreda ot hook-keepers and sten- r.Tejlir of both xes, attrihute their success to a course at the Portland Busi neM College, Portland, Oregon, oathe Capital Business College, Salem, ' - r if'1 r th f.-tint'rnent of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses ot ' :-vt f !.'';''''. primmw bin ami I'nrr JF reduction of all kinds of ore into balllon. Albany will soon need a reduction work as larg or larger. t On Tits RivER.Several of our valley exchange are trying to flenre out how uany ami that boat will run in the river this winter, but the moro they Ijr ure tho more mixed up they get. In fact they know nothing about it. At the present time the river is nearly at low water mark ; bat the prop-cl are good for rain during the winter. 5eedh a Special Law, Joe Suith was tried at Eugene yesterday for killing Ambrose Ott. whom be bad shot for a deer, ard was fonad not guilty. There' inc irouiue. iiiioai a sieciai law tor audi rase no one can ever be convicted, lor it is easy lor the man who did the shooting, he generally being alone, to prove that it was purely and cxcusubly accidental. How Named. The name of ShelLurn, a new. town cm the O. P. in thi county. is a compromise, being the the first part of the name of Hltc-lton, and the last part ot the name Washburn, the foun er of the tow n. Harmony ought to exist. .Should a dispute ever arise, as over the same ursgon. this can be rcfered to a authority. after tiir r ruit l'EST. Ihc nursery men around flatcm are considerably agita ted over the order ol uen. las, A. Varney State Inspector of fruit pests, to the effect that young tree In the nurseries that are tnicsted with irutt pests must not Le ship ped until the pests are killed. As orders have bten taken all over the state It will materially effect the business A Crrat Scheme. The Scott family now doing the valley have a great scheme. J hey give a tree concert, ana inen oner a cheap picture to the handsomest lady in the room, charging ten cent a vote, allow ing people to vote as frequently at they pitasc. 1 ntir receipts are generally large in this way. The Notorious VanAlstine. This U the verdict rerurnsd in the case of Van Alstlne, charged with an assault with a dangerous weapon, not guilty. Ills wife, who caused his arrest and on whose testi mony he was bound over to appear before the erand iury. told a different story in court and secured hit release. Register. Cheeky. Some time ago we published a leltei from Illinois in referance to Chas waters and Claud Keed, the runaway painters. Now they write back that the same, which had been tent them, was not true, declaring that the to called detective wat only a sidewalk repairer. Deputy District Attorney. Mr J R Wyatt hat been appointed dlttrict at torney for Linn County, by District At torney Uingham and will begin hit duties at once, lie hat tendered his resignation at Justice of the Peace for West Albany precinct, and a succeisor win be appointed by the next county court, A Xew Industhy. Mr. G. W. Willi the blackamith lias just burned four hundred bushel of very fine charcoal in the eastern part of the city, and pro poses making it a permanent industry according to the demand. Bomb Advice. -The Rosalia , Rustler offer this advice to farmers: "Hold vour potatoes and oats and sell yonr - . . m. . . I 3 i . . wheat, ine two lormer are oouna 10 o while it bas been dtcreed by the railroad companies that wheat shall not advance Oats will be worth tl 75 before next harfpst." , . AMinister Arrested. Rev. T. D. Driver was arrested Monday at "Eugene charged with cruellf beating a boy named Jones, who had been In his apple orchard. He was in Justice Kin6ey(t court be- . - ..... . , 4 , Auorey aim i 1 cosnow. .nrJoiiti to- shay delivered the address of welcome to the new pastor, which wa responded I) by Rev Ilill ia a very happy but can-est manner, leaving a good impression on tho mind ot those who listt-ned to it. A luct was sung by Mr Hart and Miss Uo e Trmnbull.a solj by Miss Trumbull, a couple songs by the quartet, and re- mnrka were made by Kevs Irvine. I'rich- ard, fchanglo and HtewarL A very pala table lunch of sandwtches.pii'sles.chueso, coflVe und cake wa partaken of, and a sociable time followed before adjournment. Lebanon. Ben. Darker I building two house near the rallro&d; the frame of one wat up at early at Monday. At a meeting of the town council Wednesday night an ordinance wat passed placing the taLon license at $1200. Some Albany men are constructing a boom on the Santlam just above the bridge, the object being to prevent a repetition 01 the damage done by the high waters of last spring. By confining the river to the main channel the danger will be averted. We overheard two business men talking about Lebanon future. Both of these irrntlemen placed our population, a few year hence, at from five to seven thousand. One ol the gentlemen and by tne way he hat no interest here that we are aware of placed the imputation at 1 c ,000 In the event that certain conditions are fulfilled, and these conditions are not Improbable by any meant. Lxprest. A Cayote Hist. One of the liveliest cavote chase on reeord i reported by the ocrvais fctar: -vveancsuay some young men discovered a cayote on the land of O. Thibadeau west of town, and at once eave chasel Tbcy followed the cayote until their horse gave out at which moment 1 etc Aiictei, the ijrvais butcher, mounted on In gray charger, with which be ha run many a bovine to earth, arrived unon the scene of ac tion and at onco entered the race and followed the fleet cayote for a distance of about four miles, when he succeeded in ending tils career by a veil directed hot . ' Total for year. ,.2,072,427 Tsarhrr BaaaataaMaa. Notice is hereoy given that the regula public examination ol teachers for Linn county will take place In Albany, com mencing at I o clock, on Wednesday, Nov ember inb, i&jo. All teacher desiring ismlnaiion will please be present at the beginning. Teachers desiring state cn . tllkatca should present their recommenda tions from district boards at the above time. G. K. Ri'skelu County Scnool Sunt. Maaef to Sxhib. We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to Qve years time. Call on us the Revere house. at our t(Uc. opposite Hvrkiiabt Si KftCKSV. Notes or Alhamy Cioa Factory. If oti want a real choice smoke try our 10 center. Why smoke a Chinese made cigar now that yon can get a far superior one at J Joseph's cigar factory, made by w hite labor ? Try our celrbrated 5 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We make a specialty of selling cigar of our ow n make by the box at factory pricta. Fine Meerschaum and Rriar pi?c and a full assortment of smoker article. Wall I'aiek. I have Just received torn the e.nt a Urg-a invoicoof wall p.- oer. borders, decorations, etc.. including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. These good are better rty les and cheaper than ever before. Bargains at Read's. New Blacksmith Siii. G AT Willis hat jutt completed hit blacksmith shop at the comer ot Second and Railroad streets where all kinds oi iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring on your plows, wagons, etc.. etc. for repa rt. Caa Well lb CklMreat' Health. EX rUKSIDKNTCLKV'gLAMI'S YlKTVfl. To in Associated frets rqorter, on the re sulttot llis election, ex-President Clcvt'and taldi I am ilelighttd, and challenge the right of aey man In the country to rejoice more benrtl ly than I over the results of yesterday. My gratification it that of an American, proud of my fellow countrymen, who, though Ud away for a time by party prejudices and blind confi dence In cunning and selfish Icadcis, could not be deluded to their mln. They have demonstrated that in dealing with tlicm it it not safe to calculate that they ar stupid or heedless of the welfare of their country. The necessity of tarilT refjrm, with lit consequent reduction in the cost of living, and lb duty of the democratic party to advo cate it, hit been fully demonstrated by the action of the people yesterdsy. Their decis ion bat been deliberately made and it it ill the mora significant because they hav voted upon thrlr reason and judgment, because they have proved protection jwerlctt as agsinst their ooovictfons. Of course there it nothing for the democratic party to do but to push on the bat tle at aU time and all piste' on tb tine which they Sav laid down that is to innit upon 1 lb wis adjustment of the taiiff taxation to the reasonable Meds of the Government, s opposed to lite plan which ha enriched tb favored elasact tt the txpentc of the masses of our pee pie. Unlit the victory it won, the question of tariff reform will not be tettleJ, and the pledge and professions of the democratic party to tb people redeemed. Our party has mad an honest, earnest fight. It bat planted iUelf upon its disinterested and unselfish devotion to lb interest of the people. Its absolute unity snd harmony on the question f tariff reform shows lit quick recognition of rue democratic principles and it embatiatm la the causewhicb involves the pcoplet welfare. Everywhere our people bavedon mtgnioceat . I), and the harvest they have gtthered bat been nobly earned. In antwer to an injuiry si to bit view on tbe operation of the ballot reform law, Mr. Cleveland sstd: i think there should be no more opposiiioa to th principle of ballot reform, Tbe evidence Of it usefulness and benefit to tbe people I re- girj conclasive everywhere. Every honest man should congratulate himself that we have law that protect our voters Irom corruption d intimidation, when once adapted it will aot be luirtndeied I1-.J . i.-J FAK1 HINTS. A paint brush Is a bandy Implement In olilni: harness, if mere U no shade In the pasture, put some there. It I not a good pasture without It, The buggy and but-house should not be built against the ttabte. Ceiling that have been smoked by a kerosene lamp should be washed off ll. soda water. Over-working butter makes It whiter as welt aa softer Don't. If we breed our colts in the Autumn we re duce their cost, at the mare can do team wo'k atl summer. Tan some lamb skint to put In the bottom of the carriage for warm feet. It take the best kind of brains to make a good farmer. If you have a dull boy educate hbn for a profession. It Is a good time to dig a well when the water are tow, tor If found the supply will be per manent The man who grows Into any special branch of farming I more likely to succeed in it than the one who goes in to I'.. Many a fence Is maintained to pro tect crops from stock, the combined value of which would not equal the cost of the fence. Teach the colts some useful lesson every week thl winter something that wilt have a bearing uron their life work. isever "break them,'' Kemembcr that a colt Is only a boy horse. If atl the grain tackt are put into one and then suspended by a wire from a joist overheard, the mice will not gnaw them. The turest way to renew an old pasture is to scatter manure over It In the autumn and tow the teed right afterward. Red top and blue grass are the turest to grow and be permanent. Leather may be blackened with the follow Ing: Powdeicd fine extract of logwood and blcromad of potash, each one ounce, In half a gallon of boiling rain water. In a corked bottle this mixture will keep safe. l""L.'ll!!ili!Lll.JJ.llL alJwJg!llll""Jl1 " A YIMOU. K prominent democrat In Albany ayt n Ust Tuesday afternoon he had a vision. He stood In the awe-Inspiring presence of Bunker Hill where the blood of patriots, one hundred and fifteen year ago, wat tpltled freely to water the tender root of the young tree of liberty jutt then secur ing a foot hold on the rock-ribbed coast of New England. He taw a British ship hovlng In sight outside the bar of Boston Harbor. He taw the liberty-loving people of the town gathering at old Fannlcl Hall Ho make an united and successful re sistance to the last and worst measure of administration," (referlng to a recent act of the English parliament In placing a duty of a penny a pound on tea Imported Into the American colonies.) He taw the brave, ,tal wart lovers of liberty leaving the Hall and congregating at one of the largest churches In the city. He heard them solemnly declare by vole that whoeve thould Import tea Into the province should be considered an enemy to the country declaring that England had no right to tax one man for tbe benefit of another. He aw these men who had Imbibed the spirit of freedom from the very air they breathed, go forth In disguise, board the vessel load ed with tea, saw them throw every ches of the taxed article overboard, and saw It, like McGintr, go to the bottom of the tea He taw the whole history of the country, In panoramic view, patt across his vision and on th ever to be remembered 4th day of November I890 he was standing on the very verge of Boston Harbor surrounded by a teething ma of the dlscendant of the Pilgrim Father. They were holding n election. They were passing upon the merit of another Import tax bill that also taxes one man for the benefit of another. It was a solemn occstion. Oa their ears faintly fell the dying sounds of the brlls of Boston that tolled on the firtt day of Nov ember 1775, at a solemn warning that the English tax law went Into effect that day. It seemed to Inspire them with fresh re sistance to oppressive, needless and unjust taxation. At once there wa a great heav ing and trembling of the earth a If a mighty earthquake wa rending the sa cred soil ot Boston Common. The very waters of the Bay heaved and surged a If moved by a mighty supernatural power, and were suddenly darkened by the mighty upheaval of the Identical tea that had been thrown overboard more than a century ago and swallowed up by the sacred water of Massachusetts Bay. A healthy .stiff breeze ct up from the north and It had the effect of quieting the mad clement, the waters were restored to their normal condition they were clear a crystal. Shouts of vic tory were heard On all ld. The election ballots had all been counted and Massa chusetts had again solemnly set her teat to the verdict that no government had a right to Ux one of her citizens fur tbe benefit of another. She bad solemnly recorded her protest against the McKlnley bill. The vision wat a remarkably true one. SCROFULOUS SOSES from IC.a.l t Hoist n in:ir.s of Ils eaac. Hurt. ri;i 'I ei'i Ibis;. Cured by Culli'tir Kcnu-diea. - I wss eowrn! with s;ffu!.f 6irr (ran my hni to my waist, Mffi.rfr.jf ti i...v I rwiH tt i- p my arms. My lu i .n .'.,--. , 1 -Mt,M oi wsr s hat-i mui U'mir tj,.fi.: I .j.l .H hflfhli, 'l (! S V it M. l I;', .H.f -,. I.;, I, J b'Sl. In fwt, I tf'iM ''f i. ..; ( f t;, ... asd o tnfmlt. .W"..i . , vn.,hhli shet i)iy !sn t , i.:i,WMl sil th tlm, I ,-,v. , ;.. tr :;. ..'.M-,;:,,t whw I saw your ( 1 v (. I . A ' f4 prwril ', !,.! -r St "s ..Hhi j ;,. ,', thitfn. Th f1it (, ii-,-.-! ;,'!) r, ., t, s smirtint r.f .., .t I i !,; , ,! th.-ic M non, fi. r nam? tmt H, I w li.-.;y (o wiy Uit I rn M!r ly -ur.-.!. ,r,y ,f ft. .i.,:jni.i-,jt t,u.. ncs mrn sui titnuur In :J rui.l 1 iii,h. iJ luilur" inv !'ljr, Oliulwii A. m-!C;Kf.M.iX, I'-siaftsW, 1.1 Cutfcura Hcmc4ieo nirndMt wi err'-.-fi-.t Irrsru tha tnr) Of Crrat Kvl:il rir-i'. i f i,u ;l (w.jr.ij.h, l.J ri'(lr,n , lnm:r,-:i,g sik!ih'!lr.!t? It, siwl 1,1 liii-pul t.wl dt, hK'l'Kf s-itt f.jKwi.iy tulxf , ty i' V'-rinn: KrntM.t. tim i;r-..v. fii, :',r.- r.lwi riiri!i--,,ai, l ili!i:.r,r i:iij.-ili ihr orM li-, r !.,'. ,,. ( 1 tx 1 KA li !. t wT, lij lii'wjfl an.l i-t i., f.rj.iii. -t jrrmu -t of l.nm-.r r. in l,l.l!Oi4 , ,,M B,j -j,,,, f,.,,,,,;,., !), , h.U.1 .'m i, vtt a. ti' tfti rkiit t-'irft, uwWt rii rrt '!, a-i , jti-i!,. .,, l-. iii.ij. r, t ur tlw W. anl a-.i!i ui,i f .ii.r uit. i,iic, 1ln r th 'i ti. run liicftti:. r-itm -..-.-y t,t , vf mstri?UtK, 'fjtffttilUtii'M'. Jl-hifli(, tfniiif, rrT-lv, Rn1 tfiuiitij diarSMO t tSm skin. (!,, : lji.l, viiii :w i,i hair, an l a!! ii.jtn'.r., 1 1.;-1,--., c-.o(.:lt,, . aeaU-c B.l eroata, whi-lhcr ,;r,rj,ii-, ,c,o,,, t eunlax i,rli 1)10 tnl ,hyA? ad u!i r.iiu l fm- I 'll- irnU lul l.Kw:l,iah t,J(rt iU'M Bank of Oregon. ALBAKY, '- - CRECCH. OAPIIE'ik.I., BO.OOO. Prealdont,.,.- ,H. BKYANT Vice Presidents H. P. MERRILL Cashier....... J. W. BLAI N II I'm ; UKti.tttHT, tl Vr-wtl by lb.- l'wtli Jmu-u tan i ut.nu At. Omftthtrnta. Itnaton. trrinj for ' f:k! liK-sK," Ci p':a. Mi tiluatrsllona, !" tllmiliii. PM''i,;h' ''la' s r-vt.Tfwih.cbiij.titd ,utut I I III oUytkm enr.d by (ii:i ua M.ur. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, k'iiliwy an.l I Un-U I'alna, and Weak Kwa nlicvrd in tmv niimito by In. Kllrurm Al.fl l-nln llui., .. VI flrai arid rmlv nain kiihni. piaster, Mw, Ifiaisuutiuiuua, li.j,ll;bl. CARPENTERS BUILDERS, Con'rao ra or anyone wanting lnythlnjr In th- lird ware line will do well to rail on Stewart &9x U-ff.ro purchahiutr, Ihev kn nuerly evoiy tbiiiK ia t' lue of tul!Jnra hardware, and a iiin:Cveot stock of fins tooie. Whooping cough and croop instantly oared I think you of it? by Mode a Ethareal Cough Hy re p. I I question the integrity and rlghteousnett of WlUT DO YOC THINK OT TUB VUtDlfT- It It the desire ot republican! that the lie Kin lev hill be nlaeeti on trial before a jurj of of Americans hlle the democrat want tt tried betore a jury 01 Jirltun tree trader. rendition Jrwup. Well, the bill wat submitted to a jury elected by It friend and the vedlct is overwhelmingly against the bill. What You have no right to infallible in ita effaots.and piaaaant to take. Lanr atxa f 1, small 60 csnts. For aale by J A Camming, druggist. Frearkf Tasjl Wafers. These wafers are a sure and safe tpeclfl. for all klndt of female troublea andw'! remove all obttructlona to the monthty periods, no matter what the cause. They are just what every woman needs, and can be used with safety. For tale by the Llvinastone Chemical Co- also from our sole agent, J ACummlng, druggist, Blum berg block, Albany, Oregon. the verdict of the jury of your own e lection. More Railroad Talk, Railroad talk It cheap now. We were giyen the fol low In ir latt week at coming from head quarter!. When the work in Low i,recK canyon it completed the torce 01 men there win be put to work extending me west tide road to Junction, right of way for it being atready aecurcd. Then two overland tralna will be put cn between Portland and San Francisco, one to ru down on the east tide road and the othe on the west tide. What It now the Rose burg exprett will be made an oveiland train, and the present Albany e.prett win run to Eugene. Eugene Regltter. llARRiBBimo. Our young people have organized a literary society. It is styled the Utopian Society, aad ha already forty member. The following officers have been elected: president, Mies Ellen White; vice president, Clarence Will iams; secretary, Chaa. Levis; assistant secretary, 0 Briggs; treasurer, Miss Edith May, and marshal, F Krusel. The Utopian Journal has been established, and with ttarney May at the helm, assist ed bv Grace Wood, we nredict the Journal will be a success. The society ' J W Bentley, bett boot and ahoe makerlin meets every Thursday evening and will 1 eity, thre doors norm 01 uemocrat otnee. be the means ot having the members Corset, Corset. We make a specialty of ladle and mlsaet fine rorseta and walstt. We also have a drive In a French tatine cortet at 75 centt Extra good value. Samuel E Youno. lExfliesaeal Bunt high in Albany I at Fothay 8t Ma ton 1 drug store over system uuitder, at everybody ia using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dysneptis. Constipation and Im pure Blood. Try it and tell your frieuds bout it, as it most possess wonderful ments- wben all rpeak well of it. Vt hen the late congress wat about to vote to untcat Breckinridge of Aikantas, he stood up and declared to the republl cant that he knew It wat a forgone conclu tion that they Intended to oust hlm.but that he would go back to hi people ask for an endorsement, and that he would return to Uke a teat In the next congress when they would be utterly powerless to deprive nlm f hit teat How well hit word have been verified I told in the election return. lie was reelected. IlirtSCn inCII,ruryourufplioa Ihey Garry a fall lino ol axes, wede , sledgr. maul, maul rings. brod axes, froe. afalaallng horses. wood and Iron taekle blkn, aVid by far tt a bfctt assort ment af r-roas cut mwi in the valley. Good of tbe bet and price the lowest. First Nation.il Bank ProtMsni .U FI.IVN Vjo ertmima .......... 8. E. YOV N'i Chir...... W. LASUUO.N. TSAXSACT A CKMERAL tauilrfni Vtwlo ACCOt'XTS FT subject to shsek. mOUT EXCHAKOE and Ul Tmi.hio tnnfr. an a Sw tork, San Frsneisco, ncsg-o snl fro WJUJECriOffir SAUK 00 la.urabl. Vnnca. ; efstnosa a. f. Torsa E,W, LaMV.a V t Huis, h. fun , Ebvass V. Sox. . Bryant. J Blaln. Geo Humphrey, O H (tow at, J t LoBlug, U Y Merrill. f.iehtexehaniie and teleeraphb? trai fer on New York. San Francisco a id and all prlooipal point lo Oregon nd vasuingion, ollectlons to t3 on favctable ti Linn Co. National Hank, ALBANY - - - OREQOK. CAPITAL TOCK 10O,00O. L ...Gso COW A. as jsx n sT) 1 , K CIIAMOK.kl.AI.N-, .O A AUCiUbOLLi. L Cowsn. i H Salsfm. (in K 8 Udtl, W H Uolm, i A Crsv ProHftt.... rlen-lrvaidat siiisr AastCssfalrr. tt xscroks. I ChsnherUln. W turd and O A Arcbikvld. TRANSACTS a ceosral baaUr-c bostness. DRAW 8IOD1 DRAFTS oa Xsw York, 8m aal ffUu 1 OraguB. LOAJf MOitET un aprnorsd ssevHy ' RECEIVE drpwU xabtcct POltTLAR S4TiaS BkMM,l or eomvAmo, oaaaos.' Paid oa caiHal... Sorslas sad prwt Jttr,VX InUrcst sJImrsd en as ring dsenaits as follows: - Ob ordinary aaflngs bnfks ....4 fjr cent per ajnavfa. On Urm aaaiags booka par cant par sutiui. on ocruSfsiM of dspustu Tot three uuhiUm...... ..4 per esot psr soaa: For six nufutaa 6 per oatit per armaw; For IwelTt awatha.. . per cent tmr ui&as. F11A.SK I'KKCM. President t. V. THOMfSON Vfc-Faidant, u. c. mnxrvx, ctxim ALBANY' OR. ' fElfSM & HULBEEI EED3..' Real EUte Agt's Farm and Bancbe for stle. . Also eity broperty in Alblcy and Coryal'ia. Special w. Announcemeiit -or- HE AD, My Fall Stwk is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in niABCSDS, ress Goods The atrtrld's ctoak of die. morula haa i creased enormously In the last fifteen years 878 the output of the African mine Both in WOOLEN and WJLSII JTABRICIl.. In wst about 1,500,000 karata; latt year It was over 4,000,000, and the great trust which controls all the principal mines asserts that It has 16,000,000 karats in tight at the pres ent lime Meantime the demand for dia monds has greatly Increased, and they are higher to-uay partly Ucaue of tbe trust but also because ot the increased demand than they were a year ago. In one respect th diamond Industry ia! different from almost all other It pro duct that Is. of gem I never consumed. Of gold and ill vera much larger amount han most people would believe I literally consumed In the art patt recovery, but a diamond once cut goea Into the world's stock and It liable to come upon the market artmy time. Hence to the world' annual taking of diamonds, which appear to be steadily Increasing, even at advancing prices. Is an Index of bow much of it ur plus earning It cap afford to expend yearly In this particular form of luxury. The romance of diamond mining Is all gone. It Is now a matter of excavating vast beds of blue clay by machinery, wash ing tt, and sifting out the diamonds, which, after being roughly sorted fortlie, are told in bulk by weight The men who do the actual work are mere laborer and their pay ia small. -To The Ladies,- a Specialty of LafMes Under vTear, in I Make Ribbed and Muslin. 'My Prices aro the LOWEST and my Goons tho Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated L F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Freo from Poison Knit :To The Men: Call and Look at My values in , Finishing -:- Goods, r A I have a Itrse Stock at tbe Lowest Prioea ever offered ia tbe Valley. The retribution I a fearful one, but the republicans h the next house will not have enough member to make a call of the house under the rule adopted by the latt houte making it neccettary to have one hundred member to move a call of the houte. A decision of tome Interest, construing the law prohibiting the mailing of envel opea having on the outside worda calcula ted to reflect injury on the character of anyone, wa rendered by Judge Wheeler of the United State DUtrlct Court for the dlttrict of Vermont, recently. The court held that the act wa violated by tending through the mall letter contained in en velope bearing the words "Excelsior Col lection Agency" printed In large letters a cross the upper half of the envelope. The printed word were separate from the dl rectlon to return If not ca'led for, in the lower left hand corner, and the court held that they were obviously placed so as to attract attention and reflect delinquency In making payment upon the persons to whom the envelopes were tent. I cairy a full line of tbe worU-renowd ERIOADHEA.D gral, uoeiselied j j for wear and finish. - Large Block cf Embroideries and Flouscisos." ... QJ and be convinced tb. Albany U the beat trading point ia Oregon. . "WIT. 35- 3E& jES .L - Bncklrn's Arnica Salve. The beat Salve la the world for Cut,BruUea,8ores Ulcers, Bait Kheuin, rarer sores, Tetter, Chspp bands, uminiains, uoras, ana an earn crnm 10. a poaitivelyouras Plles.or no njr required. It Isfraar. uteed to irivt porfeat sstisfsotlon, or money refund. d. Price ii cenU per box, For st'.t by Foshsy and Mason Mrs Anna Baxton wa elected county clerk on the democratic ticket at Cartage Missouri. The county It republican. Hun dredt paraded the street all day singing "Annie Rooney." Mr Baxter it the firtt woman In Missouri to hold a civil office. The larcest itock of piotacle and eye giatre in Lion county at r M irranob . Many republican admit that the real cause of their Waterloo defeat It the ob noxlou McKlnley bill. This it candid and honett for it 1 the truth and it 1 the I hcee8t folly to deny It. spenS a pleasant hour during tbe winter. -Cor. l'ilot. A Petrified Potato. Tho B. P. depot is a great place for uriositiea, peculiar events, etc. Thia noon a Dkmocbat man was shown what was declared by the bftKirneeman to be a petrified potato, and informed that a Santiam man in digging his yotatoes found them mixed up with his potatoes promiscuously. There are evidently several petrified Eli Perkins in this country. Heads. At the depot this noou two men were talking about heads, and they came to the harmonious conclusion that the size of heada had nothing to do with the amount of braint. At one of them wore a 1 Mid Hie other a ( hat It wa the natural conclusion to come to. The golden mean it just half way between. ""n's s-- ripr Ahem! Beat roast coffee in MeyeiAs. When wanting to se how yon look in a uermanent form, eet a jpnotosraph of your self of Wilcox & Conn, who are doing torn fine work In tbe bunoes. , Soiok the oelubrated Havana filled ci gars, manufactured at Jul n Joseph's cigar factory. Only o centt. A ture care for the whisky habit: , Dr Livingston' Antidote for Drunkenness will our any case of the liquor habit in from, ten birty day, from the moderate driuker to t e drunkard. Tha Antidote can be given in a cud of coffee without the knowledge of the person takiog it. The aVntidot will aot i.y tne unuiiBwu hcujiuw w., ivnimu, Oregon, cr from J A Camming, sole agent, Tbe Bareaneer r Old ; the city Conrad Flanutod the skuhrodau boues.thmr en s;ao. deflsLtly at tbe masthead. Your mod era pirate, not on the high soas,but upon the hieb rxputation ot tcanaara reineaiet tsuint under various dieguiaea. His hole and oorner trsfflo baa never to any degree Kffoct ed Uoatetter's 8tomach Bitter, although tbat standard invigorant and corrective has loan been the shining mark at whioh ' his shafts have been directed. Cheap local bit ters, composed ot tiery UBrectihed stimn lants, with an infusion, or extrsot possibly, of tome ton io bark, are still . sometimes recommended as identical with, or similar to, or possessing virtues kindred to those oi America' chosen family medicine. ' Those perish speedily, while the great subduer and preventive of disease purtuea its successful career, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, ner vousness, kidney troubles, constipation and rheumatio ailment, not only on this, but on many continents. THE Racket SPOT GASH s tore Gov. D. B. Hill a a United Stale Sen ator from New York, to succeed the slow- going Everts, the tprlghtly tariff reform democrat, Gen, Palmer ol Illinois, to take the place of Farwell, W F Vilas, or some other friend of the people from Wisconsin to succeed Spooner, Maj. McKlnney or Mr Jonea of New Hampshire to take the place of Grand mother Blair, and a round reform farmer's alliance man to take the place of Ingall's of Kanat and Moody' of South Dakota would be adding an amount of ability and respectability to the aenate that rarely happens at on time. Is still in existence: It only rumored, Oct 1st, 1890 ' one door west of Thompson & Overman's ' Harness Shop, on First street, where everybody. caneffact a caving of from 15 to 25 per cent bv buying any article sold at the SPOT CASH STORE !T Come and examine Prices. - Respectfully, - ? r BERNARD LEVY; Oct. 111890. . The latest advice make the democratic majority in the next house about 119. This I Is less than thev had after the election of 1874, which did not work a political revo lution Oregenwny Truth pleads In vain for recognition In 'he columns of the Orezoma under cir cumstances like the present. The demo crats hid a majority of about 75 in 1874 j and it worked a remarkable revolution the election of Samuel J Tilden In 1876, though republican leadera cheated him out of the office. - J J Albany Cigar Fact- J. Jcsepli. -s- Proprietor. I WHOLESALE & Only Whice 1 abor Ernp tr-" : Murat Halstead predicts that governor Pattison elect of Pennsylvania will be the aext democratic candidate for president, Murat it a poor prophet The next cam paign will be fought on the tupreme issue of tariff reform and in that case millions of tariff reformer wilt turn In the direction of a busy law office In New York City to find - G. L. BLAOICEIIAN, - LEADING. DRUGGIS: DRUGS, MEBSGHIES STAT IOIIAOY-u Albany. . a fit leader for such a rig-ntceut etc,