Jn.M. J.PATTOSf, Blumberg Clock, Albauy,,Oregon. Female'and'prlvate diseases a spec la ty Consultation fiM. . K. WEATHERTORD, a TTOIINEY AT LAW AtllAMT. KttS W li IULYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Wiancorjv tLDANT, OREGON. Collection promptly naadeonallpo'nl csuieuogotiatedon sjswiabl terms. ft. .K.BLACRrim, ueo. w. waioirr. OLACKBURFKV WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, Will practice la all th CourU of the bu, Prompt attention given tj all busi es entrusted to our ears. Office Odd Fellows Temple, AlUay, Or J. N. DUNCAN, ATTORKET AT LAW AND ROTARY PUBLIC, srotuce la Strahan's B.'ook, No's 1 and i. ALBANY, OREGON. II. C. WATSON, Attorney at Lstvr, ALBANY, -r- OREGON. a. J. WHITNEY, tauMj And Counsellor At Lai .otaiv Public ALBA IS OREGON , L. HILL. Physiciai and Surgeon, OlBco cor, t- and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON OR. G.WATSON F.1AST0N Phyaician and Surgeon. UflJoe opposite the Democrat. DR. G. A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Dellevo Hospital Medical College Now York City. Disease of wotnaa a (penalty. "TOffio rornao's Brick, Albany, Or. DR. W 13. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. BfOfflr up stain In Strahan's Block. May bo found at bia otttc aay and night. FOSHAY & MASON, Dreggistsand Booksellers, Ageuts for John B. Aldon'a publication rntch we tell at o?bilahr' prices, with osUgead.-W , - aLbamy. OUOt W kewn rm'.lilnir hut ih '"l famous barrel churn. There la nothing ao gooj, and no one ran beat ua on priues. Stewart fc Sox. PUTTS anil fill S m nd lis, brushes, coal, oil, lubricating oils, oxle grease, Ac. Stcwabt A Sox. RedCrownMills 80M, LASSIXG & CX, I 20 PR'S. www rsocms wtovz bcfeeiou roa. rivn tza A1TD SAKK84 CHS. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. CALIi UATARRH ELcamttism, Neuralgia, Coras HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Tie Callfunil Foiltlv. ni Itratlv ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUBta C0L0S. CROUP. C0HSUHPTI0H. Bold by ail DrsrslsU. Eaca S3o, 60s 4 tl Oraaslnger Co , Prop's. Los Angeles, OaL IRON AND STEEl,r8-:rt,.. stock or band, strap, common and Ncr. way Iron; also match Ino, t-jol, pick and plorseel. Pouiiiy Wanted. All klnJa of poultry, alive or dressed at the Willamette Picking Company's atoie, Albany. OregcL. . ' ROPE AND CHAINS -A UTPAt !! nf nhu. . k.l aoli In this market. We carry none but pure manilia, and can give you any size rrom to All sizei of chain from 8 Jd to . tiTKWART A SOX. Two Men and One Roy FOUND, DEAD!! Wliilo trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEYOE & FR0L1AN BROS Store, where they alwavs have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammock", Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention. .Repair Shop (o connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen In the State to do any ind ail kinds of work. Come on, Come all; No trouble to ihow Bocds. "Small profit and ..quick W Is out motto. Delmonico Restaurant, Offositb Elumbkho Block. Nsw Jloomt; -:- Sent Service; Cood Meals, Promptly Served, for Twenly-fi.ee Cents Oysters -:- in -:- tdl -: Styles. Court ous Treatment; Flr. t classt'ooks. r i acoos Gures IR11SES. S1VEU15C8, ttU 4 A brutssts a rotitutlen; swslllngs are In famtuatlunit cot and wountla aralU4l turlucs to luium acnau, inrousn wiuca lha v.lut ara ciorfaon. clrvulallua Imixucu, euuguaa tvts In suJ pains rnmio. Nuturs tl tmillUut 1 tries to rtitit Imlf and. pain In Ittsut u tries to r(i idf . llrulm Stid ti-o'ilk . llrulm Stid willn o a oat t . inUiiAnA eiui in em ous srouM pour a liquid rudv I in eui sua wuuaus doti a lluuia ruiuy imea h.lris fiurv and rurra rEOMPTLi Al) rERMAXEXTLT. Mr. Louts liu'h. ') Fwton ktrvsl Dtro! llth says: "fltchlnit ball I sprarnsd aoJ bruiwJ our arm; two applications of ail JacM Oil cured u." Mr. tiuslav Kaoirald, Jr. fTtvTdaleL rrt Srioksburg, Texas, wrilss. Attfuat M, liMi "I Sraa badlf cut with a seyti hlf Uoltls 8k JacoU Oil cured PH. lCUR E3. At Cauaosrs iHtTuLtu THE CHARLES Jk. VOQELEI CO.. Bsttlraws. Mi, THE VAQUINA ROUTE giu Development Cotupny's KteJtn amp i.inr. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME otn by any other rtute. Klrnt-clais throush pasaoliirtr and rels'ht line from Portland and all points b Lhe Wlllamotte Valloy to ul from ai rancisco, (."al. Boat, make close connection at Alban ith tralna of theOrcuon Pacltlo ltallroad T. V. HC.. Btrrlter. TIMS Si'lIKIU LK. (.xccpl Suml.y) LT.AIl" Uli r. a. Latv Comllla luSr, a. Arrl.-S Vaqulna, .S6 r. M L Vaquina, T:iO Umvh CurvallU.lU.Sla, .rns Alban jr, 11:1S k. O. K O. trains con not-1 at Albany and Corral lis. The above trains connect at Yaauina with the CrtRon Devempiuent unmpany'e uaa or Micamsiiips botweon Vauiua and Sau Franolaco, N1ILIKU DATEN . rsns T.oriss. WUUnwtta V.lley.Oct lrt;Nov ih;Mh; SUth. rsua sam r.AxctiKu WillAJMtt Valisy Oct 27th ; Ku 6th. lith ; 201 b. The Compaa? rmcnm the riRtit to loanee saiUuz dates without notice li. rastnnirers from Portland and TulaiDotte Valloy points can make clore onnecUon wi;h iba trains f the Yaquloa root, at Albany or Orvaills, and If des tined to San Kritnciwoo shnuhl arrange to rrlve at Yaquina the ovonlna; before ('ale i sautng. acrr aad r.rlthl Katea alnajs Lowest r bifurmatk.n spj !y to A R Chspmsn, Freight and Ucact Afftxit, Albuiy, '. 1'. Mttt.l t.. a. r. arH r a.i . CorTsl.l. Revere House: ALBANY, CIIAS. PFEIFFEIC OREGON- rROPRIETOR. Fitted tin in BrM-claos style. Tablne upp!lel with the be-it In the market. Nice aleeplnir anerttnenta. Haniplo iforrv tor commorcial travo'.era. tTtw e (aarb la ss l fraoa the VaUl.- City Drag Store. . Stanard 4 Gusick - Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and cLemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, rerfomerv,school and ar tistfl3upplie3. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. ALBANY C0LLE3JATS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OHEQON. 18QO, 1801. first Term Oseaed tepMrnaer IStt !. A full corps of instructors,-- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coursne ot study arranged to meet tb oJ, of all gra ins of students. S fecial iHUHcementt offered to ttudcntt from abroad. KLT. KLBERT X.IOSPST ACADEMY OF Cur Lady of Perpetual Help, 4LBANY, - - - Conducted by the SUlu.- OREGON f Ht. Iionedict Tuition in aeloct day sclio-d ranees from fStoflo. For terms of Boarding 80I1 -ol or sny prtlcclarsai piy at lbe Academy, or j tf. ailoa Slstor Ouperioreas, JOHN tSOM, -rROPniETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Mancfacturer of 3H0ICE CONFEliTIONESY, A e r.re sow prpsret to Mil at wholt , always fresh and pme at forth od I j to dealer. We ato keep f, 'f ML and Tropical fruits, ' CIGARS AKD TOBAC Uoburg Lumber. I sell the bt lumber in the eennte- also - , .. , ... . ' . uar posts, srnniues, jarna doors aod win- o w mouldintr, ato. Prices from $5 o '22 er thousand. Yard a'. Lowvn, ou the Narrow liauge. fate ms before parehasiug tlsowlirr. W W CrawfoRO. Adrtss.P O Tl Hii, )" lfllMIA S BIM amavsMA. . . IT. "'j or in Alciviu ley bid ralfs the vaiuo of cuttlery consldi rably, but we have a Icrge stock alread bought nd r'i',cH win remain tli samo as muil until it is soul ont. Conio ana ss what w have and Uarn our prices. 8ikvakt & Hex. CUSS aal REVOLVERS,-!'- as b ve disposed of this part of our business. we 1 nit s a muiakn. We ar la It n w deeper than ever. We tsva a nx.i line of Marll and Witicbeater riIjs, and breeehloadint shot , uu rnalng in price fro f 12 to 00. Alsoal tho la e improved revoiyers. fcwwsv J 1 o If you wish to have jour watch neatly and promptly mn,im and w.rraited to run for one year, take it to MEAD THE JEWELER- SEEDS All kind Of eraas snnrfa. rn I and clean, are vntri lv kiau,.. 1. Sox, Prices have changed sitoo last sea ton. Come and see u. SEWING MACHINES- -Stewart & Hox are utrentu 4. - he ntw Wheeler A Wilson No . DRIED APPLES,Tn?tr re worth Paul nn Rant 91 Farmers, go to Stowa.-t & Hox, buy an pple paring rxrchlnesnd "aveyourfru ft srsr h spiua vouoa. so iwn iiKtur VT IT t puts UifoUer. almost st (, I Cr;i I sk teelksa gstacops0ilsi l J I tl tujuml tlnsuM nd mhirsa. S I Vmrd avoordlns to dlrsoUuu. It lie IJmiiwat. THECOMUl LINK. I had started out to writs ct Washington street scenes, and hero I am gossiping a bout Washington's big families. At a matter of fact tl.c lurgcsts l.tmllict lit Washington iuc probably nlwnys v.111 be unknown to fame. They me African. At the census dike It Is s.iUl the colored pop ulation of ihifDlstrlct of Columbia Is con stantly gaining on the white population, anJ no wonder. Take a peep In some of tlic alleys of.llie Capital Cltv.aud see the myriads of pickaninnies running about therein. Where Ihey'nl! come from.whcre they all sleep, who enres for them, whence cuir.e their food and raiment, meager as these articles are, combine to form one of the mysteries of life. A Washington po lice man told me he knew of uno of thcte alleys In which, In a single block, there were 360 children by actual count. This scents Incredible, but It mul be rc memUreJ that the building of alley house I one of the most profitable Investments capital cn find in Washington. The houses are coops of bilck, ubout fifteen feet wide and gcticially three stories high. Each story may have a tenants an entire family,wtth ail the way from two to a uoactt children In each family, Imagli.e the ap pearance of an alley flanked by two rows of tenant house thus peopled, the thorough fare Itself being no more than twenty feet wide. So great a nuisance has this busi ness of peopling a! lev with colored fami lies become In Washington that a w estern senator has Introduced a bill forbidding the erection of houses In alleys Jess than forty feet In wldlX It will not likely pass, however, for among the men who have invested money In tlioc houses, and who are getting dividends of 13 to Jo per cent, a year thereon, tuc a number of I'nltid Stntc senators. Speaking of the colo-ed people of Wakh. tngton reminds mr of a novel sort of contest that I constantly going on In the city. On the street cars about or.e half the passen ger arc colored and about one half white. The population of the District of Columbia I only one-third co!o.-cd, but the street railway people ay a colored man or wo man will tide twice a often a a white man or woman. Four or five persons you ce on tne sidewalks arc white; on the street cars fully one-half, and I think more, are colored. Jut why the colored people give up j much more of tii.-ir money to the street railways than their while neighbors no one appear to know, but at a guess I should say It Is because the colored people have a constitutional antipathy 10 walking. At any rate, there are o many passenger of both color thut the cars are nearly alav crowded, and the men have lo get up and give Ihctr scats to the ladies. Here is where the war of race come In. In Washington a wnlteman wilt not rl.c and i;!ve his scat to a colored wi man. In retaliation colored men refuse to rle and give their seat to white won.cn. Thus it often happens that one will sec alt the scats In a car occupied by white women and black men. In ail my experience In Wash in?jon I have never s;en but three white men rise ar.d givctcal to colored women, and in one of tiles': cases the woman ws very old and Infirm, and In the other two cases they were young and pr-tty and stylishly dressed. If alt the colorrj women In Washington were of the working class it would not be such a delicate matter, but many of them are well bred, handsomely dressed.live In fine hojw,nnd are In every way as much worthy of ropect and courtesy as while women. Out w hat is one to do? As to women of his own he make no di.cri.nlnV.ion. lis rises to give a scat to any white womtn. young or old, rich or por. Ilul It Is ob viou that l.e docs not want to do this a to co'orcd wemen. There are few white men who w 111 carrygallanti-y sofjr as lo give their place to black washerwomen and kitchen maid. One feet tempted to show more courtesy to the colored women who sre evkWlly well Lrcd and of good station, bu, dlscrlmlnatlonr arc always dungcrous and bothersome, and the white men conclude therefore, that they will not discriminate, but will it while colored women stand The husbands and brother of the color ed women resent this hotly, and claim that a gentlemen who will discrlmlnalc against a lady simply because she Is dark or black I not a gentleman at all. In retaliation, therefore, colored men doggedly sit while white ladle are standing, ar.d nccne of this description occasionally lead to trouble especially when a southern senator or con gresman 1 unable to find seat for the ad les whom he I escorting. Walter Wf.llma.v. Don't fail to enr men's and beys' clothing before purcLsaiug elsewhere. We ell the bst cl.nhinit f.ir.the last iroripy of any house in the city. l.,k and be con vinced, (i W Kimpaon. PAISLEY & FISH, JOB POTESS FLIHN BLOCX ALBANY. Dried t raltHaafed, u,ta,u pounds of dried apples; 1.V000 U4 uneu pnimg. jiigiieHt market r" CELLEII & tAHKKTT This Trade Mai k on a tov mean it lithe betthr ex- pciunce and skill can con trive. Sold only by Smith K cnder. IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially .....VM .w .III 1111. Ceprrtsht, KISSED ANOTHER MRS WIFE, TlH?em2n'l Tt,M '""I Jacob Green a. hl,,xxl neldfibor BrownT f??..". Jr,f UPB the stract, I oufht to knock you Sows." "That's whera ynsVa wronr," cood Brown nnll4 In accents mfld and taetli " nDute But I klsiHKl bar en tb cheek fhi If!!? '?icu'J,Ah.e looked so bandaome tothI117oretCont?' be,ut"n'1 What .wen'" renlied Oreen "since you rwk It, I niahtT" accept your apology. Good iif,? "S.1"' wnan is rarely, If ever, beau tiful. The peculiar dlaeasea to which so manr h!u2JrS ubi?.'?t. ro prollflo cauan of f.Aif?U2,r.i,?ce' bltehed with uni(rhtly pimples, dull, lustreloM eyes and emaciated forms. Women so afflicted, can bo penna nefftly cured by tialns; Dr. lilerc'sFavorito fvi.rllon! fP wfth the restoration of health ooms that bnuty whioh, combined with rood qualities of head and heart, makoa women anrelg of loveliness. ' Mnvrlu Prescription" is the only medt S?ilS.Irjrom?n b7 oruirirists, under a SJhiT?, iteJrom ibe manufactur ers, that It wi give satisfaction in every case. peeAe for leucorrhea, painful menatruntion. unnatural suppressions, prolapaua, or falling of the womb, weak back, anteverelon, retro version, bearing-down sensations, ehronio cong:e.tlon, iaflammaUoa and ulceration of yDO woino. World's BrspiiHgART WaDiCAr, AsgooiA noa. Manufacturers. Buffalo, N. Y. CI PIEECSli Laxative, or Cathartic, according to size of dose. ZSy druggists. S cents a vudT iM- v j-4 TJSLEGRAPHIO NEWS An Opium NrUatf, SKATTi.it, Oct, 31. One of the lurgest opium sci.urcs ever mails the was accomp lished to day at Port Townscnd by United State Custom Searches Todd and Woudlcy, The steamer Olympian had no sooner reached run lownsenu irom victoria, than she wni hoaitleil by the vlyllsnt officers, who hnmedi atcly started to do their duy, After searching nl'Oul the vessel for some lime they cams a- cros a small Uoatd attached to the slote-room 01 the vessel, which appeared a if it hnd been opened, one of the screws beinu loose. Think- ' iiU something mysterious had tiansphed, the men numeuinteiy procured a (ctcwdiiver, and iwer removing the hoard to their smanemcnt ihcy tliscovcted 340 five-lacl cans of luettared opium very neatly stowed away. The opium was immediately scued and taken to the custom Imuss. '1 he t rew of the vessel was searched and on Night Watchman Adam was found 1 key which lilted the lock In the sloiciojm cx aclly. lie ha been put under arrest nn us pieiun 01 micuing iuc smueciint!. The opium is of the lincst grade and the value of it is J4o. The Census of I lie. V M, v AiUNinoN, Oct. 31. A bulletin latued lo day lay the population of the United State on June 1. I8, a shown by the lint count exciusixe ci whites in Indian territory, and In dianson rescrva.lo and in AUuka. I 6a. 480,540. These figure .nay be slightly chat fed 17 iJicrcompuiauuna. in lso Hie ponula tiun was So,it,78t. The absolute increase in ten years is u, 314.757; the percentage of increase is 34 .57. in IS70 the population wa siaisvia i,5j,37l. According to these figure the absolute increase between 1870 and iSUo wv 1 1, 4x7,41 j, th percentage sf increase lie ing 30.0a, laslaally hilled. Dklano, Oct. 31. Two young men, Vall ace and l.d Kay, aged rrsnertivtlv a and years, were Instantly killed by an engine, two miles north of this place this evenini'. The were riding a railway velocipede, and it being uaia, 11 in nut notice a rapidly-advancing en gine. The bodies wet found close to Hie liack slightly tltsligured, and the velochiede a few liumhcd feci limber on. The 1mIi have been removed to tins place. raaa trsmih. AsittNi;tON, Oct, 3t.-TIc growth of Ore- gon has Iwen at a rate of n.-mlv Soptr ccnt.du mg the past decade. The state has numri daily nciewscu 1J7.7". l Which over hmr-i.flhs has lern aciulied during the past five year. I lie atuiilion to its imputation are namely i the vallrys of the Columbia and Willamette liver. All f rame: at. iiuK.KYii.i-t. utl 30 I he family K l'aul wa j has been atllietcd by diphtheria which muui-'ti imo nc uouse in a singular manner About four weeks ago a stray cal came to Iheir home and one of the childien rlayed with if, All hough 11 wae noticed at the lime thai it ilischaigcd at the nose and mouth nothing was thought of it until soon ifier when the little boy was stricken down with diphtheria of the malignant king. The boy died. Then a sec ond son look the disease anddieJ. The fath er, n.olher and daughter were also stricken down but recovered Alien, the only remain ing son and the supworl of his paranls and who cared for Idem through Ihcir sicknes and who held one of the tjys when tpj wa dying, and prepared them for their last resting place with his own bands and wncn otheis were recover ing ministered to ib:m. was taken dots a and j died. Ray faille Tblrves. McMin.nmi.ik Oct 30 Fd Ktwiger anJ Cbas Snclling two boys about 20 were ar.cst eb here unit day ago for stealing cattle bc longing to 1) Kinguy. 1 bey weri raised in this county tti.d their arrest caused consider able ostoniihmcut. The cattle were driven most of the way to Portland and so'd to John Kctler. a butcher where tiicy divided Ihc money. The boy gave 500 bocds each and rumor ay they have ri.-.ij3rcd. Since the theft has became known missing sheep and cat tle have been counted to the numtwr of nearly 200. Resettles la lescierla. New Vokk Oct $0 From j re'-ent indieat ! ions another South American revolution is I rumixil, Piiuale advice received in thi city stale that Gusnian lllaco e presUlecl of Venezuela it in Antwerp buying aims .with wh ch to cjuip his follower for an invasion ol hi native tountiy. A Wasnaa'a Weapaw Al.T00SAOct 3 Iot night Iwo Hungari ans became involved in a fight, They were struggling on the ground when a womtn who was bulling clothes near by took up a bucket of hot water and dashed over them. One escap ed but the other was totally scalded. . The Wild Cast. CARTIIAr.e Oct 30 During the progtes of a country dance last night a bkxxlg row wa caused I y a young man named Moses Printy who wa ordered out of the house. Kifiy cou ple engaged in the affray anil brick bait, stick and chaii flew through the air. J Munson is probably falaly cabbed and Piinty wa also seriously cut. No arrest. Asalasl the Jew., Sr Pkikksbi:r; Oct 30 General Groctr.i has issued an order to the police commanding a rigid suherencc lo the letter of the anti-Jew law and saying they must compel the fimlies of Jew expelled from the empire or transferred r om one part to nnothcr to accompany ihem. A Train Wreekrd. Pf.nw.KTOS, Oct 29 A bad freight wreck occured la.it night about evcn mile west of here. It appears the train was an eai'bound freight with a double-header attached. An axle under one of the engines broke, pulling up voia engine anu a numiier ol car follow ing. No live were lost. It 11 impossible to learniurtuer particular 01 the disaster except that the track is badly blocked by demolished engine and car. A wrecking car wa cent from La Grande but the track had not Wen cleared by this morning and it became nece sary to end the westbound passenger vi Walla Wall. ("ol Beaded Cladslaae, LoNbON Oct 29 It irantpire that Clad stone had en extremely narrow escape while inspecting the new Firth of Forth bridge a day or two ago. While he wasecamining the dif ferent pari of the tructure, a train rushed by at a high rate of speed just grazing the ex pre mier hi it flight, end causing him to bling ic the girder to prevent his falling in the water, Though the gravity of the ituation would have unnerved a younger and more vigorou man he retained hi presence of mind and betrayed much le' agitation thon any one of those who witnessed hi peril. The I'sosl Gusue Accident. Vancouver Oct 20. Hueh Morrison a bov II year old living in La Center slict himself sccidenlly while out huntinir. In itumhlin through the bruih his pun was ditrharced inm ms rigni nana, lie wa brought immediately to Vancouver when a doctor found it necessary to amputate the arm aliove the wrist, . Thcboy is ooing well and blood Doisomns li not annci pated. "Washington ea Wheels." SPokane Oct 29 It was decided today a'. a meeting oi represenlative of different coun ties of the stale to send two car, one of min eral and or.e of agiicultural propucts of the tate through tlu LVt. Denver will be the nrat atop. St Paul will be visited on the turn trip. A King Deposed. I HE 11AGLK Oct 29 At today' session of parliament the qucstun regarding the fitnes or, uie king to govern in view of hi state of neaiin wa considered, liy a vote of 109 to 3 parliament declared his majetty incapable of governing. Kore of a Ceulleinan, Sr Louis Oct 29 Further examination of the book of FC Mehl the emLezzing book keeper of Mueller Bros, developed the fact that Lis shortage ha increased from $6000 to $40 000. The defalcation extend over a period of six or seven years, Mehl win jail. Syrup or rig, ' Produced from the laxative and nutritious juico of California fig, combined with the madminal vi tussot plant known to be mos. benetioial to the human systeir, act gently on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds an headache, sud cuiioc habitual constipatio New Blacksmith biKiy. "g" vV Willi has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order Bring oa your plows, wsjjor.n, etc., etc. for repn rs. imttAlKH BATE. 1'rcvlottn to tlio firo nt the corner of rot nnd Washington ulrectii, about nlno yeare ago, the Insurance rates in Albany tvero pIiuhhI under what In known its No. book, boinu on nn equal wlih rortliiml. Then thoy were changed to No. 8 hook, Increasing the rate from K) to 73 cunts, anil proportionately on all risks. n nco thtn tho losses dv nre nave nri'n nly nominal, leaking the Iih-H'hhoiI rate nn HIJIIHIU'U to our Cllir.uns. ixainuii 1 . 1 .1 ..'.! A .1.1.... was vircuhtttHt tixtuy mr tne cnangiug of the rato to book No. 2, and Kenerally siifttml. It sets forth the situation In coiivlee liwiguiig.', and wo give it In onh-r to show niiiintftidv how Albany stands on the subject. The change will nave to mo citv suverai tiiousauu nouurs ycariy, ami the 1'aciflo union, 11 11 regurux jus tice, will grant the petition. To Ike Pitrifie ln$ura Union ! Wc, tlio unuvrtilgnoil insuranvo Agents for the several lire liinuratico coinpttnics repres ented in the State of Oregon, city olllccrs, property owners and citizens ol Albany, Oregon, would beg leave to represent: That the eil v of Albany in as wen pro tected from loss by flro an any town In the state, having an abundant water gunnlv furnished by tlio Santinin water canal and ditch, and clMterns, well and favorably distributed throughout the city, one of the best water work In the state, fed and stipjioriea iy two very largo and newly improviM pumps, three well drilled and well equipped lire com panic, two excellent steam lire engine of latest nattern. it hook and ladde comnanv. and it most clllcient fire le liarluient. uiws very strict in rcitara to niiiiuing w iiiiiu nre limits, a very reei ni extension of the llro lliiills. Our fuell itics for extinguishing firo Indng superior to those of Portland and Salem, lxith of which are rated under rate lxok No w hile Albany is rnted under liook No. 3 that thero Is in contemtdiitloit by tin city authorities a provishm by municipal regulation Mr tno putting 01 norscs on our steam tiro engines, that during the last tight years our elm-lent lire depart ment line rdiowu itself able to cope with any and all fires that have occurred, and that the losses during that time to in surance companies doing buiucs here have Is-en only nominal. In view of these facts we petition the Hoard to make an order rating the city of Albany under rate Imok No. 2 Instead of rate book No. 3. Signed by every business man in Al bany, Including city olUccre and Insur ance ageutH.) MIStlT. I.ilwratl seems to lie playing through the valley for w hat price lie can get, charging ililfcri tit cities dillVrcnt prices. An exi-bange which was recently pul linhing a "Weekly Woman's l-eltcr" is now giving Its renders a "Woman's Weekly Letter." The world U always ready to put a wrong construction on things ; but we do not see a great dillVr rnce in a weakly woman and a weakly tetter so long as it U-rminat.'s in a news pater. These U tters though are not en titled to any misconstruction, for they are not weakly. 1'ob Johnson of the Times remark that the tariff has mmle corsets so high that the ladies will have to wear them for collars. A Johnson is unmarried be will not l coimideri d authority on the subject. Tho West Sido advertises for a neat, healthy girl alxmt 14 years of age for light houne work with n family of two. It might be all right to have a healthy k'irl, but we can't sec w hy she should have a family of two, Monmouth iH-nt-ocrat. It is said that there are only two words in the Lnglish language w hich contain all the vowels in their order. They are "alwtemious" and "facetious." The following wordit e l. nave them in Irreg ular order: Authorative, disadvanta geous, encouraging, ettieacious, instan neons, importunate, mendacious, nefari ous, pricarloits.pertinatious.saerik-tiious, silutaneous, tenacious, unintentional, ol jcctionahlc, unequivocal, undiscovcrnblo and vexatious. The Pkmockat is aWolniely in favor of bridges and other improvements in every part of the county where needed regard less of location, and alw ays has stated so eaphatically, many times recently. Improvements are reported needed on the ('ttlijvooia near Crawfordavillo and should bo made without delay. Our County Court lihould always be prompt in keeping the county bridges in a safe condition, and we believe has a pretty good record in so doing. When It comes to fall weather the Wil lamette will not draw straw with any country In the world. Mis Helen Parepa, of the Liberal I or ganization, staled to a Telegram represcn ta'ive that next spring she pffrposc heading one of the most arcompliscd con cert companies, with whom she Intends lo visit this city long before the people flock to the seashore. The Oregon Board of Information ha disbanded. That Is the slab that tried sev eral times to get Albany to pay $50 a month for an exhibit and the Board Influ ence In tending Immigrant here. The city did not wake up to the iin porta tec of the move. Two wagon load of wormy Linn coun ty apple retailed on our streets this week at $J a bushel, say the Prineville New, evident y intending to be sarcastic. A woman a. Florence, Lane county, ha a goose twenty-one year om, being re ceived by her on her wedding day. It would make a good fry about now. Horace Gieetev' daughter says: "When a man I so stingy a to borrow a news paper wnen he I able to buy, he will talk through hi nose to save hi teeth." KOTKH OF A IB AX Y ClOAB FaCTOHY. If you want it real choice smoke try our 10 center. Why smoke a Chinese made cigar now that von can cet a far sutierior one nt J Joseph's cigar factory, mado by white labor T Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We make a specialty of selling cienrs of our own mako by the box at factory priceg. Fine Meerschaum and Briar pipes and a full assortment of umokcrg articles. Buggies and Harks. The best makes are to be foundin Al- oany at Price Si Kobson , who have just recived a carload of the finest hack and eegglesto be found. 1'helr prices, con slderlng quality, are remarkably low. It pay to ride In a good buggy or hack. Keep tlii met in your head and when cel ling: one call on Price St Robson, who nave the largest variety to select from. HORN. AYERS. On October 31st. 18'JO.to the wifo of 0 W Ayerc a daughter. DUNCAN. Oct 29 1890, In Albany, to he wife of P Y Duncan, a boy. " MARRIED. MOORE DeLORME. On Frldnv.Oct 31st, 1800, in Albany, by Rev E R Prich ard, Mr 1) C Moore, bettor known as Al Moore, of Albany, and Mrs D DeLorine, recently of Washington City. DIED. MOORE. At her home In Lebanon Or., Oct. 1 7, 1890, after a evere illness of two weeks, of typhoid fever, Cl.ira, second daughter of Mrs S A Moore, aged. 14 years, 6 months, and 27 davs. The de ceased recently moved to Lebanon with her parents, from Gervais. " ARCHIBALD. At Brownsville, Wed nesdny, October 29, 1890, of heart disease, Mrs N H Archibald, aged 60 years. The remains of the deceased were brought to Salem by the 1 o'clock train yesterday, and the funeral held in the Catholic Church, after which they were interred besides those of her husband, in the Catholic ccm etry. Statesman. IIMTlT t'OI T rsacKEOiiica, The case of McAllister vi the city of Albany wa submitted to the lurv at ta m Thursday, and after being out about three hours they returned a verdict for the de fendant. At the beginning eight or nine of the junrft were for the defendant, end the other for a small amount for the plaintiff. The verdict will give gercral sutlsfnctlon. The cast of I D Miller nualnst the 8 V R K Co, a suit for the value of a steer and two calve, killed by the rolling stock of the company, wa on trial this afternoon. J K Weathci ford and ) It Wyatt appeared for the plaintiff, the latter making hi maiden speech in opening the ciisc. Uraad Jury Hr-part. To the Honorable Circuit Court of Linn county, we the grand jury for the county of Dun. and state of Oregon, for the reg ular October term of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, county of Linn, res pectfully submit the following report of their examination of the public premise and ouices, pertaining to the court of ju tlce In said county ilo-wll: rlrst, we visited the county jail and found the same In fair condition. We also visited the shciirf's. clerk's re corder , treasurer and school superln lendcnl ollicc and found them in fair condition, and the book and record properly kept and In fair condition. We, tho undersigned, respectfully rcc 0111 uu nd that the entire court house, of said county, he furnished with chctrlc lights, with a meter. We furt'ier recommend that a new et of township maps, In book form, for the recorder's ollUe be purchased, as the old map arc out of date and badly worn and unlit for use and a disgrace to the county We further recommend that the clrk and recorder of said county be authorized 10 purchase any and all necessary books for their oflices. Respectfully submitted Ibis 30U1 day o ..... ... .1 - WCU'DCr, A II, IW), V M Kism, J K Monk, Samuki. Nixon, li S Manhtkhs, imo A Millar n, l II PlKMtK. C W Kichasiho Mlmson & llrblewhlte v Far & Mcr In Co; recover money. Continued. M llosenhclin vs The Far V Mcr In Co recover money. Continued. W A Klmsey et al v S M Daniel; psr iiuuii, voniruueu. Samuel Mcrrlttv The Far k Mer In C; recover money. Continued. S Wlctorowaltx v The Far k Mcr In Co; action on policy. Continued. Jacob A Sicln v Far St Mcr In Co action on policy. Continued. C II Thurston, receiver, v The Far fc Mer In Co; action or. Oilcy. Continued. Jame C Retd v The Fsr & Mcr In Co; action on policy. Continued. Kay Hubble v Fsr & Mcr In Co; ac tion on policy. Continued. Joseph Wild ct al v Far A- Mer In Co; action on policy. Continued. A if Davl et al vs Far St Mer In Co; recover money. Continued. lllilcr ,V Hoffman v Far & Mcr In Co; recover money. Continued. J W Ualnes et al v Lin it Co and J M I Us.Icr ct al; writ of review. Judgment and order of county court allirmed. John Diamond vs Margaret K Flndley ; foreclosure. Continued . S Newburg agt Far & Mcr Ins Co. Con tlnued. I Franks ogt F M Ins Co; action on policy. Continued. St Loul Elecrle Power Co agt F M In Co; action on policy. Continued. Ruben TroUky agt F&M In Co; ac tion on policy. Continued. I D Miller v .Southern Pacific Co. Judgment for pl'ST for $45, Kolcr l 11 Bencbone v G W lilac, man; recover money. Verdict In favor of deft. Roxans M Harrison v Cha M Harri son; divorce. Divorce granted, Plfl name changed State v Polk Thomas; Continued. State y Polk Thomas; Continued. Frank Wood v IJ F Thayer and W J iramcr; recover money, un trial. THE ALDitt- Ml.r. The tttsl ( teaaap Make, a Mae ftbawlag. W. F. Read returned last Thursday from tne Santiam mines, bringing with him quantity of gold a the result of the first clean up, and though the exact figure are not yet known, there! a broad amtle on the face of the otlicCi of the Albany vnning v. Mining ui. They pronounce me cican up tar mote vaiuaole than they anticipated, particularly considering the fact that surface rock was used and the mill had not gotten completely down to ousiness. umv six ton were cleaned ui mostly s nn experiment A thousand fuol tramway l beleg built from th mines to the mill, and on its completion I a few dav the mll will start In for a long and steady run It I no longer a.i expe riment. It I simply business now.and the experimental clean tip Ufo flattering It I now proposed after running the present mm curing tne winter lo add a larg amount 01 new machinery In the prln and run the mine on a big tcale. Thl new will be received by the public with pleasure,, for It show that the mine are an cstaulishcd fact a a paving Institution Already the pay roll Is $1000 a month.but tuts I only a fraction of what It will be within a year. Thl I Albany' tyle,and 11 win not oe long ociore tni city is the center of the biggest mining excitement in tne isonnwest. fading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all thenegatives made by L W Clark and W II Greenwood op to Nov ISth, 1889. Duplicates ean be had from hem only of as at reduoed rates. We haye also about 18,000 negative made bv our- olves, from which duplloate ean be had at like rate.1 We earry th only full line of views of this state acd do enlarend work at loweat rtes for lint class work. We shall be pleaaed to see yon at oar Stadio in Froman 1 oiocu, next door to Masonto Temple. freaanaeei Hopeless, Vet Raved. From a letter written bv Mr Ada E Ilurd of Groton, 8 D, we quote: "Was taken with a bad coal, which settled on my Lnncs. coughs sat in and dually termiusted in Con sumption, i ourdootor gave me na saying 1 ceuia uve Due a snort time. I gave my soil op to ray Sayiour, determined if I oould not stay with my friamla cn earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr King's New Dir-cover- ery mr lonsnmytioo, Cottkhs and Colds. gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it ha eured me and thank God lam a well and hearty woman." Tria bottlea froe at Fo hay Si Maaou's drug store, regular ixe, 50c PUU $1, HoLiiuY Books. LadieB, call at Mrs. Hymen's nnd mve vnnr order for frin Juvenile Books, for Xmas. The latest O'U. Dr. M, II. Ellif. Ilhvsiuian and Albany, Oregon. Calls made in Oomitrv. urgern eity 01 E.'au & Achison hacdle tho celebrated Portland cemeut walla for nAtnnt.prv IaI.. 1'hese walls can be-fnrnished at half tl ern.t or any ttoer and are far superior. Muslin Unokkwkar. In ft. vnriotv of utylca at bottom prices. - : . . bamuel E Youngs Excitement C Rnns high iu Albany at Foshay & Ma son's drug tora over System Builder, as everybody is osing it for Catarrh of the Stomsch, DyMoepsia. Constipation and Im pure Blood. Try it and tell your frieuds bout it, as it must posse won 3trf ul merits when all speak well of it. ' Boeklen's Arnica Salve, , Th best Salve in tho world foi Cut.s,Bnilso,Sores Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever Borax, TeHor, Chspp hands. Chilblain Corns, and all Sltiu Erupt to. a jKieitirelyeures l'iles.or no pay required. 1 1 is guar ute1 tu 'ive perfeot satiafMtion, ar money refiind d. Price 25 cents per hox. F'" ' v v ' ssv.nB .111 lokti 11. 1 TucnsiiAV. Mr Jeff Glide, of Portland. I. in th ? Mrs L West anil dauvhtsr left this nana ... ' ' I fur S.iattl to Mr West, where they will spend the winter. Mr Trpniamit. shn li. li.f . n . I. n luarts mill on the Baotiam. and Mr Ken.lrlok. auperiutendHtit of I, tro la the city, ths lurmer on m way hoins. L Samnels, prssident of the Mists Press Association, has appointed a committee of lifueo, of which the local editor of the li- or tiAT i one, to meet in Portland no Nov. I, to tk si en in reference to Oregon's xhibit st lhe World's Fair. Msnsgar Writsman rnturom! to-dsy from trip down the Wtt Hide in the Intatest of the F St M Ins, Co,, where he nlseeil several new attsneies (.nd "lined air" old one, ife report. rapid (growth all through that see. uon oi sou n try. Wai.kkd 1m- fills forenoon, an Imm!- rant's wagon wa standing In front of T . Wallace Co huge cloth ntr store. wncn a young horse t unning loose with the outfit deliberately walked Into the store, .no doubt attracted by the large mock 01 doming ntsitie. lie wa gotten out without damage. FRIDAY. Mavar f 'owsn. flan. 1'. f '),., .1,.1 In .nd Vt J L Hill went to Portland this noon. Lieensss iisve ben issimd for the marriauo 01 1 A Jdohardson and Harsh K Shelter) Usrwmss for the nisrriaire of W If Mill ana miss Addie Jenkins was usucd todsy. Mr O A McDonald, of the P.rownavilli Times, i iu the city examining tb record Wm Coatea and Clio II rToefor located th li lie IwV, in the Kanliam district, on dot ZI, and bled lUir claim ou Oct 2Slib. Rev G w Hill, lh un nsatnr of lb JWptiat Church. Ins mnved to Albsny and WMi ucgto iii nuitea on next Kaoti.tti. The Oregou I'scilio pay tar pasted ovr the roid jettmdsy li(uidtin3 for July. Thi Is a good sign that matter will run slung in tni customary cuauMil. IsnicTBu. Tho grand jury yesterday returned into court two indictments airainst Polk Thomas, of Scio. eharirinir him witli selling iutoxieatinu; liUor to a minor. He was brought into court to day and plead not guilty. ATka Party. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mrs II L Thompson trave a tea jtarty at her pleasant home, at the corner of Ferry and Seventh street, In honor of Mrs Cha Brush, of Portland, w ho is vis iting mienus in ibe city. It was a very nice auuir. ADJLIX.EI) I .s a nr. To-day Joshua En dlcott, aged 16 years, whote falher lives near liairlsnurg, wa brought to this city anu on ocing examined Dy 1'rs. 1 1 ill and Maston, before fudge Blackburn, w a ad judged Insane and wa taken lo Salem by Geo. Humphrey. The young man ha been Insane about right year. The cause I unknown. He was In the asylum about two aid a-nail vcar irt Illinois and I in Improved considerably. Hi falher feel quite confident that he can be cured a hi general health has been much better In Oregon than In Illinois. He Is not violent though pretty rough with children at time. SirfKIUT. I'o.ell &Co TL Wallace &Cj. I late Vicr-Kk shave yo-i. Go to Kwt.( I'ttoit. Boot st KhKts V.tto. Shoe at Ki.r.ii Bnos. Robber good at Ki.ei Biio.i. Indies fine shoo at Klmm IIii-u. Foot bolttatKleio Bros.' Repairing done at Klcii Bhoi. Daticing pumps at Klein Brci. For your Buckingham & Hecht LooU go to iv.iio tiros. i- i . . , . - in .orsumui piece oi sureware kivea away at tn.ncb Jewe'.ry Store. r . ... .. .. no to jviciii liros a they wt:lsave joa money oe boots ana snoes A full line of II m.u .V S ut lii.o sh es at Klein liroa at lowest n,' A kreeatock cf il cloth and linoleum just receiver at rn-'mui t x trving a. Commsnderii. of Knight Templarhavs ecn orneeea :'Jiltie t at AiMsn l aud Pendleton. The populilina of the United Sutei, as shown by tr.e ocuu bulletin Issued to-day, IS 0-J,MJ,JSO. Buy xoor j-welry at Freoeh's Jewelry Store. Every dollars worth kel a ticket lo uie drawing. tickets for ALU r.il -ta uniat. over , . . . . ... w Art i rouw, ir salo by v . i.. Jo.tcr, at a. r. ticket omce, For oold eighu buy TUm Ksy woolen mil) blankets, cheapest In town, l'ursalo by CS .-tmpn, sgeut, -ioauy, urcon. The C ounty Courts of Marion and Polk counties have ordered the pier of the new urnige roooi.t i reeled no the cv. Iiuduoxi p!u Tho. Ksy o.len mills blanket.., fLui.eh men i", youth a at-d boy' clothing, fut sale by U W Jsiinpson , agent, Albany, Oregon. In the care of V U Shield ct al vs T J Shinld et al E Knox, Joho Cleveland and S Froinan were appointed to make pat tit ion. Just arrive-! a full line of ladies chil dren, moo's and boys foot wear at (J W Simpson 'a, w hicb will be sold at bottom price. Mnlttr& Garrett have already shipped 100,000 pound of dried fruit, and hays just received acar load ot sugar, that their wholesale style. A Sue display nf children school shoes on ceuter table at C h lirownel: are going rapid ly at les than lint coat. Call and select a pair before they are all gone. Klein Bros can repair your uum boots. your leather boots, or the lincst of kid shoe in the finest msnuer and all work warrauted. II Davidaon and wife, ot Halsev. were in DaIIb visiting heriff Wells and family this week. Mr Davidson is sn old pionaerof Linn count, bind this is bi first visit to )a.aa in 20 year; ho note many changes. Dallas Observer. Bert Lucas, the young man of Monmouth who made the $1000 trin throuch Europe re cently. pa a taxes on 4, 273. H will never mist the money spent. I.eon in hi moder ate oircamstance it is worth the pn; to any young man. An old bauhtlur called at a leading store in Roseburg and purchased two dozen safety piu. I have no use for them, be stated, bat 1 see thee are the only thing left untaxed by the McKiuley bill. It seem to nioe to buy omething that ia utitaxod nowaday. Capt Stone, the land share, who ouerated in Linn oounty a year and over ago. waa ai- rested in The Dille and held under big bond; bu) escaped. Ibe Capt was a vsrv bad egg, ot several looatod by him in thi county, have recently sold their claims for good pricet . Matthews & Washburn desire to say to the parties who are so kindly waiting the arrival of their stove that they have their third ear(load of stoves and ranges on the way and will have them in their salesroom about Nov 15tb. I bave junt received a ease of Stanaid prints which I will tell at 25 yards to the dollar. SAMCEt, K Younq. A Faukwkli.. Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church, assembled at tne pleasant nome oi Mrs. J. JU. Irving, in honor of Mrs. J. K. Elderkin, the president of the Society, who is soon to remove from this city to East Portland, her future home. An enjoyable lunch was served. All present expressed their regret at tne departure of the president, Clara Moekis. Tho presentation of Camille by Clara Morris and her splendid support at the Opera House last evening was probably the greatest theatrical treat . i . ... . .li n r : xr in vue HiBiory ot Aiunuy. .hubs morns in Uie part of Camille undoubtedly stands at tne bead. Without much to commend itself in the play itself it affords a field for emotional acting that is large, and Clara Morris tills it to perfection. In her superb elocutionary flights one forgets iLIU BUUUUUUilin, - VTbu biiv J4l.U blifti lacks the lines ofoeauty but so full of expression. Camille itself is sensational ; yet in the bands of Clara Morris it is di vested of much that is objectionable. Her suntvort is extra. Mrs Grace Gavlor as Madame Prudence was "immense," as sisted greatly by nature. Mr Colville is cultivated actor, little Abelone Barson charming aa 3Sichette, Kelley is strong as Count U V arviile, Uowam Coven y js a w avhvnks, L.at nignt t drunken man was arretted In the third ward aftei ' '""-'"H wme ngni. ana mis morning a drunken citizen wa the center of attra-inn "P Lr ,r" wn R"Un. Hrd with Him UjlTB Jlftt Sflu ffi&klfltf hi massif f onalri. vi.. generally, v erny, strong drink cap a... . li r 11 w . ..." ture tne nigh and low and ditcnthrone trie mind. . '"j" i"rrrruT-i'ursuant to no- lic0 T County Bcbool Buperintetit Kus- Bell the following teachers met In this city to-day to organise a, County Teacher s Institute: Mrs A 3 (iaruiad, Mrs Vena Kearn, Mrs Kearn, Misses Crossett. Ida. Maxwell. KaUQuinn, M H Lautthlln, istttwl firay, Flora Kedfield, Jane Morris anu audi v ngni. Messrs a. I Garland, n I A Banford. W I Robb. O A Walker. ZT Truelove, W A McOhee. 1) Loonev and V M Mitchell. The foliowinir officers were elected : O F Kussell.President, and t M Mitcneii, ec. uotnmittee on pro gram, Mrs Oarland.Mrs Kearn and W A Robb. The first regular meeting will be nciu at Jirowiisviiie Novcnaber T. nvitin cosiDKKi(i. Powell & Co. Gold canes at Will it HUrk's. V. M. French kevp railroad time. Kr craaiu eheeae just teoeived at Cobra! Meyers. For artitU' supplies go to Stanard. k Cuaick s. F.au & Achinon are selliog rrU'i.uim oU at t ortlAOd price. louhsva big stock to select from at Powell tVCV A pnpalar place L VioreckV sbrvini and I : J : " iwiT urcssiog pariors. The piau that gives perfect satuf action yon ean liud at Mr Ifyiuan . Choice sweet Delaware ersties reoelyed freh every moruiug at G K Browucll'. Big bargain in bvlie and iff tits sold and gold tilled watch at Y M French's. Ilest stock tjf stiver war in Albany at Will & Murk's. No doubt of it. Se. Men . youth' and bov' clothinc and lursnaning goods at U W Himpson's. A fi st cla shave for oolv IS eenta at L Vtereck's, Akltrnanh BUk, Albaoy, Or. Have yon aewu those parlor salt that T lirmk ha lust received I 1 hey are nice. If you want a tine toilet or Uth od ca on nuinaru it mates, c-tty Urug atore. for perfectly Pure waUr bav the Nlrl rtione r uierer 01 in suae ws OL Wssbbarn n. . t- - 1 . .. ...... For bargains in moouiucnU. healt jnes. etc., go to Egart ft Achiaoo, Albany. Oregon. Ldie call and ae the lataet noveltie in drea goods at E C Sear la. i OO thnold call ami sea those Una librarv t ....... ..... . amps as v- t. urowoell a bebre baying eh where. If yoo waot a good silk umbrella with gold or silver handle go to French's jewelry swe. Qiality U what tvJp Matthews. Wash barn (ell the most stoves of any house I t Al bany. I HEaOKIAM. At a regular meeting of the Ladies Missionary Society, of the First Preabv terian church, of Albany. Oregon, held (X-t. 25th, IH'JO, it was unanimously voted vu uiss uj resolutions oi condolence in memory oi Mrs. Helen (J. Simpson. v hereas: Our Heavenly Father In bis wise providence, baa called to her rest, after a season of suffering, our sis ter. Helen C. Kimpeon. Therefore, be it Itesolved : That this Society has lost a dear sister, who, from its Jucipiency, has been an earnest worker in the raoe of Missions, longing to build up the Mas- tcr's kingdom in the bearu of those w ith w hom she was brought in contact. I ne daily walk and conversation of this "Mother in Israel." was a lasting ex ample to us, tbst "The path of the just is as uie sinning iignt, mat shinetn more and more unto the perfect da v. Resolved: That ws extend our sym pathies to the sorrowing and bereaved children, brothers and sisters, in their miction, and commend them to "Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who hath abolish ed death, and bath brought life and im mortality 10 ngnt through the Gospel. "For lie, himself, hath told tbee Ot tribulation here ; Re still and let Him moult? thee For changeless elonr ther " Resolved: That a copy of the forego ing resolutions be spread upon the min utes of the Society; a copy furnished to the friends of deceased, and a copy to eucit ot uie papers tor pu oucaiion. Mas. E. E. Gorr. Mas. F. M. RenriKLD. Commit tee. LACKS, ATTENTION Teoa'th'.t'w bave the best ahears and Viasors In this city, and we can prey it te yoo at any lime, Kvory pair warranted, and ean be mumed If they do not give satisfaction. r ma is no org or bluster; we mean what we say. stkWabt A Sox. FEED CUTTERS,-; ave one third o your horsM feed by using a lel ouuer. Stewart Jfc Sox have four kinds for sale. Pianos. TuOM Wlshlnr a first olas tnatrn the test nude to stand the climate of th Coast, can I e suited by calling at Mrs B JS HymaVr. nppnMt t'ue Maaonlo Tern pie. on First Street. The latest vocal and instrumental music kept for aale.ale the u tgett aasortment of staniDin natterna to aeleot from this sida of 'Friseo. hen sons given in DaiutiniHandembroiderinar iv-s u jr yo-ir orJjr and you will b . ui nuuni vver Ail u u LHiU UlT ihbk, evo t. Beat s'.ock of 2nd fT roods In the Ta iy, and the most reave tale prioes, both 'n buying and soiling. I have on band mi .!uas or FUSNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUKKS, BOOXS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCXERY, ETC., ETC. dr west of S S Young's olr store. L. C0TTLKB DnM UtDDflUO -Don't ,buT an iron UUI? imililU II aharrow until vou Brst call on Stewart A Sox. It will pay .you not to forget this.; BABY CARRIAGES.Tusortment all the time embracing hood, parasol and eanopy tops, and ranging in price from 8 to 140. There isn't a nicer lot of " mat- rlirouial fruit baskets" in the vahey. We alsojfcave a tew that we rent. oTXWSRT 1 SOX. TOVilGEOD & VIL80N, Real Estate s Loan Bite.! Doing- a (ronersl Inurance business. 1'arlies dBairing tnsuranco will t'o well to see them. AOKSTS FOB Aetna Insurance Company, Incorporated 1810; charter perpetual. Logans paid in 70 years, 68, 046,000. Assets, $9, 780,716,63, GnnrtSInn In. Campany, of Londos, England, KstablishedlStl. Uaplul, J6.000.000. Totol firs losses paid over 13,0X1,000, , , Atuericaa Fire In. Ciimpanr, of Philadelphia, Urirainred 1BIO. cash asseta, fsi.Btz.euo. Losgcs tiaid, 10,506,266. . i i. Iff ji:i-ti I'lre'.V 1 - k&tr-s Store. J Both the ihciIkhI aiidresulu whea ftyrup of I'igs U taken ; it is pleaan mid refreshing to the taste, and aca) Rentlyyet promptly on the Kidueja, Ltvcr and Jowela, clcaueg tho ny teii. tfrcctimllr, ilismJn colds, nead- a'j!if;a nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. By run of Figs is tb only remedy of iu kind cyer nro- -ii.-r-A, pltaaing to trie ta?t aud ao c."l laiiio v) tlm elomacn. nroroM tn : ac tion and truly !f:nefic5al in iu ii-ri-!, m many excellent qualities con. n i H to ail. 11 1 for sale in .'.; ar-'l fA bet ties by fill 1'fidinir 11 1 '..' 1 U. ifjrsrtsrrvKO oner try Tt MUFQMIA FI3 SYRUP C$. tif.t tnnHom-jft. ol. inim.vntr. r. mw rcitf. M.r ALBANY OR. . nmm & eulbeei eros.. Real Estate Agents Farm snd Ranches Waaie. Alao city bricrty in Albany and Coryalli. 1s7 Parrple It3" J.Tnent .ttems, a Ob a M,k il-'ldiei cs.i. a Lion, tent pout-paid ja rot!n of lLM. PERSY & CL ilcafe.:. --.. U. 8. Ottlce, fi'.O jrrJva7. c;L MlDdwaaMngrmd. m - ' t is m nutat. TusamaslnaMl PV4 ul tha gJbm. rwss sua raaa. amis m atieuk s Yrof. A. Uj-oum, ta V Jm Ara. Sot T AMMUNITION, ETC,,, We carry w nice lioa of shew 1'" -J-J . Muoiia. cwrtrifiKes. bhlsd ImaJ -I 1 , .. ' . j . wtu sen ui reasonable rjuraa. noa't E tt! wt,n you come to lay in "Tnters supply of ammunition, to pr rour ranch from the in road a of that aecxed eoiigrant. Stswabt at g THE WORLD'SfeftT uniwepsi inr SMyie. r tl anil Wear, resiuyvly Uie best s ioe in Aineilct for the i.Kney. Ix cci u i. .im. ntump uu ct'izvm or earn sne Take no othe- Every pair wmt&ted, SiTliih snuuaJtoeryg3bhcuit!it!nuirkrt. Jfideby J. M. FEEPLEStfi CO,. CHXACti 3 XI SrOXraS'sES- Bele Ageat KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I bare j,,afarro cf 40 acre, near Lowwob aepoi ou mo snow Mauge, 10 ml lea from Albany. All in cultivation. Fair house and barn. Good water for stock and domestic pnrpeaes. Flee oak grove. Also another farm oi 123 acres, three miles froji Lebanon, All in cultivation. Fair house. Uood water. Both good wheat farms. Also house an 1 two lots on Fifth and Jefferson streets, Aibauy, For furtfa er particulars call on i. Uraphrey.Centet precinct, or ou Hewitt dt Irvina, Albany. CH A, OMPHREY. BELTING,-1 rubber and lee tier always on hand a Stewart A Sox's. Also rubber, heme and tsbretoes packing. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors. - Vonp a full Hue of meats of all kinds tn a cool pls.ee, completely pro tected; aud always fresh. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-To whom it may concern The co partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Hoffman, Hayne Co., carrying en a general manufacturing of artificial stone, sewer pipe, to., in Albany. Oregon Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John M. Hoflman, retiring. The bnsl ness will be continued hereafter by U. G. Hayne and C. S. Buck, under the firm name of Hayno A Buck, and at tbe old plaoa,of business. The new firm assume all liabilities and collect all accounts. .IJatsd this ISth day of October, 1890. John M Hoffman. U. O. Hatkx. Prescript loa DruggUl, VJAL U n U b J icrsr . ra r .' . THE CRY OF MILLION 81 OH. SV BKCKl . 8T0f IT NOW, SOON IT SVHL BE TOO LATE. I have been troubled many eears with disease of the kidneys and have tried mnny different remedies and har songht aid from diflerent phvsiciaa without relief. About the 15th of April I was suflfcrin f from a very Tielent attack that almost prostrated ma ia aucn a manner tuat 1 was oent own-. When I sat dowa ft wa almost impossible for sit to get up alone, or to pi t on my clothes, wk kind Provideuce sent Henley, wilb. C- O&lvGON KJDNEV XJi V, to my hoteL I tomediatety c mmenced . . -1 n 1 ..... rt iu Kill: l, .,. aiuiw, 5 miraculous effect, and to the aston- - ishmtnt of all the Rueets at the hotel, b A In a r.n A -m T m t .. - t . c.,A Jh that I tis a new man. I vnVy C:- recommend tlae as 1 lutrt btea. tea to al tffi.tie rs xr. vcs. rsra rr Vi STEEL VIM llaHfc aw. U i-'r- ,. Ial m 1 Lie f V t