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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1890)
!. I i FRIDAY OCTOBER 3!, 1890 8TITE3 & Millars aal NUTTINO. rraarlaiar. LO GAIj ltKCO III). Scto Items.- The first shipment of paint from the Orepon (Metallic l'alnt Works, of this city, ww made Thursday to Win. Herron, of Salem, and Stewart A Sox, of Albany. Our paint mtlla are now turning out nn excellent quality of metallic paint. The bank of 8clj la being decorated with a coat of It. Mart BUyeu, of this city, hat a vard a short distance above town, "from which he gathered between 15,000 and l6,xo pounds of first class hops. Wednesday he told the crop to Vv. Ilerron, of Snlcui, 'or 35 ccnlt er pound, amounting something over $5otKi,or a net pruit of near $Joo per acre. Who cut) bea. tt. Mr. Mori-head, who hat charge of the Cleaver Creek Coal Mining Co's. mines, brought lown fiom their mines several hundred pound of fine cowl Wediu-Rd.iv, leaving it at the Meta lie l'alnt V. works In thtt city . It was hero used fvi fuel, though the engine U a wood burner and not well adapted to burning ct-al hcv kept up team without dillicul'u, with all the machinery in motion. I'resl. K sink's Siccus A large and re markably appieclatlve audience gathered at the Opera House Snturdiv evening to witness the rendition f Miliard 111 by Thoa W Krene and company . I r roved one of the greatest lli.-aiilcsl tie.itsevtr given in Albany. Kcnc U a master At tragedy and a marvel as Kichard III, the tnott consummate villain in hUtorv. Ills tupport wat remarkably good generally, but particularly In Mr Frank llennlng is Henry VI, George Learock as Richmond and Eugene Moore as Hue Wlngham. The closing scene In which Richmond and Richard III fought to the death of the latter wat masterly performed, and was pronounced the best fight ever teen here, being fierce and rells:lo, calling forth haud applause, to which Keene responded. Learock should alto have presented him. fit A Ficyctb AcruKST. Wednesday young man was riding a Iiigli bicycle along Second street, on the sidewalk, in front of Pan Wa's, when hi pedal ir foot, or fortieth ing, hit little Suey, who was standing there, knocking hint dow n and catting hisfa-eand shoulder a to make them Meed considerably. The young man fettled the matter in a eatia , factory manner vith the Celestials upon twicg called upon by a delegation of them, headed by the marshal. Tht marshal requests us to state that hereafter, owing to the reckless n.anner of riding, by tome of the bicyclist of tht city, they w ill have to keep etf the sidewalk in the future, or subject them selves to a fine. A LesoTiMi Coming. A postal card addressed to Gen Mart V Brown and mailed In the seventies, so long ago the date cannot be exactly traced, hat jutt reached the Dcmocrat olli.-c. It is from Quincey A Brooks, Llnkville, Or., and askt for two extra copies of the Dim ca at. Noc having Qulncry's present addrett the papera have not "been tent. Seven or eight other postals were also re ceived of ancient dite. It happened this way. In being placed in the Democrat's bos, a bottom one, they slipped through a crack underneath, and there they remained. until found whin the boxes were being re paired and new ones introduced. Eastward. A man recently from ban Francisco uyt the tteel rails btlonglng to the Oregon Pacific, for some time in bond there are now on the wharf ready for ship ment to Oregon . A big railroad contract or, it it reported, ) s he has made ar rangements to extend the road eastward ' to a connection with an eastern road, and the contract will be tinned in a short time. Next t ear, there U note little doubt, will ee tome O. P. railroad building of a char acter not yet witnessed here. liar Shipments. W. J. Ilerren Si Son ycsterUay shipped two ca'loads of hops from Salem, or.e being billed to New York City, and the other to C'incinnaii. Mr. Ilerren, Sr , was up to l'.rowi:vii!c yesterday, where he loaded three cars with the baled product for shipment to the cast. During the pal week thry have filled 25 cait and tent them on their jour ney eastward. At DutlcvHle yesterday the price paid for hops was 37 cents Statesman. Tangent The Cist month .f the tchool under rrof. I-ooixy was i p on Friday. It hat been successful. Tl;s en rollment it 58, the average lor the month being 48. At the regular wet k!v spelling match there wat a tic between Wade Blevlnt and Eva Ncwrnmh, on the first trial. On the second George 'tcard 7s the last up The new M E Church a 1:1 be dedicated next Sabbath, Nov 2nd, to which the pub He generally it invited. No Authority rca Ii. The Depart mcnt of Agriculture makes the wheat average this year in Oregon 15 bushels per acre, that of Washington 23 bushels. This It entirely unreliable. Anyone who knowt anything about it know't there is no tuch difference In the two ttatet. Any way where did the department get (it flguret. Probably isst cuesaed at them. The matter of wheat acreage It too ter lout a one to be trifled with in that style. FakaxtticStiioke. Mrs Haight, moth er of G. B. Haight, of this city, was ta ken with a stroke of paralysis w hile coming to Albany today w ith her con. Knox Haight, and is lying in a critical condition at the home of Mr. G. B. Haight. Being over 70 years of age her recovery la uouutiui. 11 D Mount, the enterprising hop grower of Pudding river, this week shipped to London, England, 90 bales ot hop. This it the hrtt lot ever! shipped from this section 10 England by a grower. Hops are worth in London from 45 to 80 eta per pound and the scheme will undoubtedly pay. Sliverton Appeal, Not Tbub Bills. Today in the case of the state vs Thos Anderson, bound over to await the action of the grand jury, on charge of penury, and Isaac Banta on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, and Win Mispelt, assault w ith a danger ous weapon, the grand jury returned in to court not true" bins in cacti case, Issank. Mrs Ed Nixon,of Harriaburg, was brought to Albany to-day, examined by a commission ,touna insane ana taken to Salem to-day by Geo Humphrey, Esq Hhe was accompanied by her husband. The cause of the present ailment was child birth, and it is thought a few months treatment will cure her. Notice. The contemptible cur who has been teanna my posters down ia known. I have proof of the same, and it it la not stopped At once, win prose cute him according to law. W. L. Jkhteb. A Social. The Y. P. C. E of the Christian church will give a social at the residence of Mrs. Rhodes, next Friday evening. An interesting program and upper. Admission, 25 cents. All are Cordially invited to attend. Djino Well Mrt R Ehrct,from whom was removed two weeks ago an ovarian tumor, by Dr now out of danger, The Dr It having great success in this special line of turgery. Kid (jLoves i handle. uur Uwn, a renulne kid glove, warranted at $t.$o per air. The celebrated P Cenlemcrt at $1.60 erpalr. The Mather In button and string fastenings at &i.7 per pair. 1 he genuine Fotter hook at $2.00 per pair. Also Mus- auetslr. Sued and Glace finish. Samukl E. Young. Dok't Run Around. Every tteamer nowever foggy the bar, brlngt to Albany an Immense quantity ol liuitt and pro duce. The best and largest variety oi ways goes to Powell Ac Co's. Their ttandt are al way full of Jst such things at the public wantt. Save runlng ound by calling at their atore first. Watch Will & Stark's. Will & Stark have received a new line of at elegant, as well st reliable watches, gold and tilver, far ladles and have ever been offered to the uuollc in Albany. They are Bitrm-thi': considerable attention, and buy- Crook County. S M W Hindman, of Lebanon, it here attending court. Several wagon loads of Wcbfoot fruit were dlsbosed of In town this week at two dollars a bushel. A R Lyle recently bought 200 head of young cattle In Wcbfoot, and lias taken them to hit ranch on Hay creek. W ii Bowman hnt made an assignment In favor of his crcditort.nnd Geo, Kumti.eis has been appointed receiver. Lark Iiilveu was the first mntt whom the grand jurv made happy this term, lie had been bound over for assaulting Bob Cannon, and the grand jury returned "not a true 1)111" last Mondar. Last Monday what might he considered a fortunate accident occurred In L.11111 Wood's taloon. Jerry Cochran ttooped to pick tomethlng off the floor and a pistol fell out of Ids side pocket, atilklng on ihe hammer and discharging It. The i.all struc H P Allen, Jr., iu the tleshy part of the left leg, Infllctliii; a slight around, and lodged against Jas, Cantrht't hack, though It t'ld not enter the flesh. Mr Al'cn wai called hero as a j .nor, and having nothing to do lit the afternoon, dropped Into the s.t Inon, nrohahl v f v the first time In a venr, and u'lool his firt Introduction was to catch the bullet from a pistol culilcly dis charged. Kevtew. SrKM.iNii. "If S.iU'tn steals march on Alktny by getting it road via Tillamook flrct, nays tho Till.tmook Uoadlight, who will have done A treat deal toward! es tablishing her prestige a the coiiuiH'rciul witter of the W illuincttc valley." SaVm already enjoys the tiroHtige of l.'Uig tho commercial center t( the iliuiiictte val ley, but to maintain supremacy ami it to a superlative degree, the railroad in iictioii ii almost a uiH-cssity in the near ft; t tire. By the way, what ha Ih'coiiic of the Stleiu t Astoria rail read company. Journal. Albany already enjoyj the presence of beinif not onlv the milroail but the commercial eenter.lieiiig the eli.xt rit'iittii point for the valley. Our neighlsir thou Id Ik Batinlled to be what it in, tho tato building center o( the state. We mention thin met the endeavor was made to teal f rum ng the credit intende.l by tho headlight pointing from the Tillamook. Clara Morris' ExOAOKMKNr. The Boston Globe thus speaks of Clara Morris, who opens her engagement at the Albany Opera House Friday nUht: "The appear ance o! Miss Clara Mori i In her new play, "Rence dc Moray," drew a large and bril liant audience to the Globe theatre last evening that crowded the house from orchestra to the god's gallery. It was a critical and npprcclt live audience, drawn by ont t f the fe i.rcat actresses this agi has produced. When the perspective of lime shall haxe made possible accurate estimates of those who an in and of the life today, there can be little doubt that Clsr.t Morris will be accounted the greatest histrionic genius among actresses that America has ever produced. In Forrest, the elder Booth, Davenport, in Kdwln Booth, McCullough, Lawrcnc; Barrett, and others that might be named, the list of actors Is lu'tabte; in actrt-vtcs few have reacked greatness, and of these, in native histrionic genius, that askt nothing of the decorative properties, Clara Morris must be conceded to stand alone. If she were to play on a hare platform, devolil of stage accesscrlet and costumes, she would make her hearers fcr,et every thl'g. save her in tense, magnetic, dranrailo lealism." A Politician' Onsiox. Henry Wut teraon, the celebrated editor of the Louis ville Courier-Jonrnul, talks about Clara Morriii as follows: "I regard Clara Morris as altogether the greatest emotional actress yet pro duced by America. Her profemtional position ought to hold its juxt relation to tier gen inn, for (die has earned the right to the lirnt place in importance among the actresses of her country and time. What Bernhardt is to the French drama, Clara Morris is to the KngHidi ; hc has letn iironerly named tho "American Kachel," lor none cave that great actress has ever approached her in the ability to sway at will the passions an 1 sym pathy of tho human heart." At the opera houfc Friday night. Tub and Bii.veis. Mr. Jat. O'Meara, In willing an article to the Salem Journal, wl'ho.t an warning branches off on to Linn county lr. the fol lowing Tanner: The machinery jt the pen'tcmiary i diiv.i: by a large ttuhine wheel run hy an ample supply of water force led through the toun U in the deep l.road ditch, led from the San'.iam. Here I rrcjil tl,c "Canada of 'he elastic region of Silo am "Iln- Foils," and think of the Tratiti ces and the ilih eiit, and the o'd tuners '.f the neighborhood wl.o were '.tort to guc to ken of w hut it meunt when (tree's met Greek, ai.d where no Homer ev:r ninide l withrmt cause ( s;oi learn Out there was s'linetlilnf the ina'tcr wilti his l-.eaJ. Classic "Stlo," roi.rh rcrowrscd f-r lcni ovracy and its U'h.'iigingt . CllL'RCH Plans. The plans for the new U P Church have been received as prepared by McCaw Jc Portland, and speak for a very handsome chuieh edifice. It will cover CiixTj feet of ground. and the tower will be feet high. The nave will be about 35x04 feet. The esti mated cost it ? 1 0,000 ano the money has been nearly raised among the members of the church. The old church wi.l be moved this winter to the west side of the lot and the ground prepared and the contract let so work can be begun at the earliest nossl- ble ,ime ,n ,he Prl"g. Fixk WoRKMAXhiiiP. The Oregon Bank building hat been turned over to the owner by thejcontractcrl haver &Tr liter. and ha been duly accepted hy nth ice i the architect. Tiie building i one Aihany ir proud of, as w ell as the owners, and con fers great credit on the sorkmanshlscf Die contractors, who have display ctl a skill in their line of business not often seen in Al bany. The work was peculiarly thorough ly done In all the details, true In the rpec- Ification, giving great satisfaction to the owner. The buildh.g is a to the skill ol 1 ha) cr ii i runcr. Halsct Miss Nellie Jester returned the ir.h from Albany, where the lias been visiting her brother, W. L. Jettcr. Two marriages, one birth and a death reported to ut this week. What percent hat our population Increased? Halsey now bat a large tile factor-. operated by Mr, Nash. He hat five acret of land, on which he hat just completed ttic erection of a building 40x400 feet. Most of the machinery i already In oper ation. Newt. Tcbxed Around. In our report of the circuit court proceedings in yesteruiy evenings Democrat, in the case of Deyoe & Robson vs I) F Letsinger and B F Par sons, it was stated that the case was continued as to Letsinger and judgment against Parsons, ft should have been continued ' as to rareons and judgment against Letsinger. Novetiks ix Wash Fabbics. I have just received direct from Chicago novel- ties in wash dress goods. The new thing for fall and winter wear. I am receiving the largest line of staple and fancy dress eoods ever brought to this market. Those needing meir lau tnu winter supplies 1. . 1 . . 1 1 1 - . , will do well to give me a can. Samuel h. xouxo. Black Dress Goods. I make a spe cialty of keeping a full line of blac tilkt, kilk warp Henriettas, wool Henriettas, and all the late rtoveitiet in black drett foods, and trimmings. ' New Cabpets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, iust received at A. B. Mel wain's. The etoelc is large ano hoice, selected for this market, and peo ple wanting the best carnets at the low est prices should call and inspect his sulendid stock. It was bought low and win uu eoiu tow. h 1 1 1 11 1 Jackets asd Wbafs. I am now receir ing my fall and winter stock of ladiB 1 .-I. i ii. 1 misses anu ciiiiureiie jitexeis uuu wrs in which are of the latest style and good value, and as cheap as standard goods can be bought. I have on hand a lot af ladies Newmarkets carried over from last year, which I am selling at cost to olose them out to make room for new arrivals. Samuel h Youao Everybody Savs So. If the wild m (ft It lk they would tay, "Go to Powell & Co't for grocerlct and pro duce, or their stock is large, their prices tw and duality the best," This is the ,-r.ivf rertl verdict of their cuttomers. THK KRIsiHT TRMTIAB, After the election of ofucora Tueidoy afternoon nn elegant lunch was served In tho banquet room of tho lodgo.opened by invocation by fir Knight Uev E II Prlchard. Upon Iwlng called for highly interesting tuterdiiuier speeches were made by Sir Knights R P Karhart, J V Kobtnson, S M Yoran, J M llodson, W U Bilyeu, J K Weatherford.IKiiittld McKay, SFGiil, ltd Whltehottse. ScthPope. (1 E Clmmlierlttln, E B McElroy and 1) P Mason. Among others present, many 01 whom were accompanied by their wives, wero tho w ell know 11 J U Foster.F W lial ti .1 W M Llimincott.F A Starr and others, of Portland, P II D'Arcy, of Salem, and Dr Hyde, of scio. Tho gathering in the evening at the Opera lioitso tor the LIU' rati concert and lull w as largo. Tho concert was a very choice musical nllalr, and Lllieratl will long have a tender place in tho musical hearts of our people. Miss Parepa was heard iu three vocal solos with much pleasure, receiving hearty encores. Thero were present at the ball people from manv parts of tho state, Salem and Corvallis being well represented in thu elegnmly attired dancers.moro full dresses iR'iug ohscrvcil liiati ettsioimiruv nereon Ntieh occasions. The grand march was had by Mr II J Hopkins, id this city, and Mrs Charles Kiley, of Salem, in a very nice manner, the t'liVct U'iug brilliant us tho party passed through many dillVrent pleasing evolutions. Besides the visiting Knight already mentioned, w it It their wives In niuiiv instances, a Dkmik kat iiiuii noticed the follow ing among the participants In the grand march: Messrs Tliurlow, Thomas, Roberts, ilackeuy. Hobkirk, Unutx ami right, ol l'orilaml; Ihas ltilev, Kd Cusick, Miss Cusiek, daughter of Dr Cusick, and Miss Miiuiie Coiwell, of Salem; Miss i'arepa, of Boston; Miss Maud llolluiA'!, id Corxallis; Mrs Judge Truatt, of Bay tity ; Hon and Mrs W It r.ilycti, Mr and Mrs W II Garrett, Mr ami Mrs F U l'h iller, Mr and Mrs Thus Hopkins, Mr slid Mrs Jas F Powell. Dr and Mrs Klli. Mr and Mrs Tims Wal lace. Mr and Mrs Oconto Humphrey. Mr and Mrs A B Seal.Mraml Mrs t. Vic reck. Dr and Mrs Maston, Mr and Mrs Oh Wolvertou. of Albany, Miss Paulino May. of Harrishurg, Misses I-ce Prather, Flora ftiMi,n lva ti,,itt.. Vu..ll,.v.t Mollio Wood, Bess Senders, Minnie and Minerva Monteith, Amelia Senders, Lillic Hacklemnn, Miss .aches, Miss Matin, Misses Bertha Kllis, K'lilonser, Barrett. Galbraith, Miller, 1 Ion Jett" Meyers, of St-io, John .aches, Win A Cowan, D P Mason, (ieo K Chamberlain, W B liarr, C BUinn, W F Crosby, F.d WJUs, DC Schell, W A Monteith, J A Cuinming, Al Boenike, Merrill Phi'lips; Konda tiray, John I torn and J O Dubrtulle. At the first chords of tho grand march two arc lighis placed in the opera house for the tsx-asioti (lashed forth, producing a very pleasing e licet, leaving tho many incandescent lights previously illuminat ing the ball somewhat in the shade. Tho supper for tho ball was burnished by Mr Govts at tho Ivlmonico and was pro nounced a very fine afTair. TUC OBKCO r At Il ls la lbs Hands r ttsxrlsrr. The Oregon Pacific Railroad Company and the Willamette Valley At t'onnt Hail road Company, were yesterday placed in the bands of a Receiver, on the jn-tition of the Farmers Ixmiu Jt Trust Co., of New York, representing the bondholders. T. E. Hogg, President of lth com panies, was appointed Receiver. The order was made by Judge Pijx's.of the 2nd Judicial District, on tho a plication of Mr. D. McClure, of the linn of Turner, McClure & Rolstou, of New York, the counsel for tho Fanners Ian A Trust Co. The lle-cciver has duly qualified and is in tMjsscsaion of the property of the rail road companies. It is expected that the employes of the road will Ihj continued for the present under the Receiver, in their reseclivc duties. I srrftl I. vents. Kverjbndy rrmsiksat the splendid clt p'.ar of fiul'.s and vegetable at I'owe'i Si Co's, where they get what they want In the fiist place. The best and largest supply of pcathet will be found at Pow'eli & Vu. I-cave your orders there when you get ready to "put up" peaches. A large supply tA shelf goodi, the best tn town, at l oweiKvtos. All kinds of nicknacks P L-1I& Cs. Wanit weallier goods, picnic groceries, lay al lon.c groceries, every variety of grocciict iii the market at Powell & Co't. t'erseu, t'orsrt. We make a specialty of ladles and misses fine oriels and waist. We tlso have a drive in a French saline corset at 75 cent Extra good value. Samckl E Yoono. Lakoekt ix the VAtLk-r. Will & Ktark have received the largest and finest dis play of silverware in tho valley, aa their elegant display of novelties in the line will testify. They invito the public to call at their store and see their tine me tropolitan stock. Tiiiy II avs. Costs. A large and ele gant assortment of tuitings, never surpass ed in Allia.iy, and can be seer, at W R Graham'. The design are very pleasing snd will tult the most fastidious, Mr Graham appreciating the desire here for stylish good in elegant pattern hat taken extra paint tobiing on a stock of tuch tuitingt at will meet wllh general favor. If you would tee the best stockof good In tht line ever brought to Albany call at the tailor shop ol W K Uraham. No You Don't. It can't be done, be cause we ain't uutit that way. vve bought our best heaters on long tune ami will not pay a cent, and can and will fit your pocket book. No odds what price you name, a good heating stove you will get. Don't order by telephone, you can't bet on that w ay of doing busi ness in these days. hMITIIdl hKNDERM. Klkih Pros are practical Jk, a maker?, and all good they sell that rip. ran over or the solus come looce, will be repsired free of charge by them If yea hays a low instep go to Klein Bros for your boots, as they have boots for the long, lean and lanky feet, aUo fur the short, fat snd chubby, at prices fiom $2 CO to?0. Klein Bros re snin agon's for C M Hen derson & Co's IteduSebool House shoo, Every pair warranted. You can find any stjle of kip, ealf o grain boot for men. boyt and youth at Klein Bros, at Eastern prices. Hon Biuger Hermann passed through Al bany to-day for bit home at Roiebarg. ' A VOJCi: l'iti31 POST 1ST. A r.aJy Uelatcs two Awtoblttn ' Ej per it arc). To whom tt may concern: I huv: every coucolvab'.ti itnal lor bliloiiciw - . lug tho part flva yeai as I am of it L::i;r- te perarnciit and ufll;r much from sioiruntj sir liver troubles, but not!ilr.;f ever gnvi i;ie ! rellei tlint I obtulned fruin iwiiiK Joy Vt t 8orsiipnrilla. Iu fact I think ita curj i...- i. ailmon',3. At the time I v. aa U;!in;; it I i; n llttlo girl living iu lay fmnily who: eertously affected by a Jnrj-s npeu tw, a'i-1 3 tried a great many kliuisof lo.U.iis, fAlvej uvA blood purifiers to no avail. I gave her ;;:; 0 t.f my mcillclno (Joy's VeijctcMe gai-3iLir;iliij IhluMng It might benefit her an-I ns It war. partly vegetable, knew It coitlri i!o her !io h.n m. To my astonishment sho bcr.n to Improve, mid within two weeks it was entlrvl? healed anil s'as Is nuvr u well as vcr. Km. n. U WIIZATON, -n ro.t ml. Ban Francisco D830LTJT105I N0TIHE. Notlos is hernby gtyeD that tbe firm of 8. N. wteele A Co, has been dlsrolyed, Oal fiurkbart retiring Tbs business if lit bo continued by B. K. Steele. Al bany, Oct 20, UU ' . S. N. Steels'. CALBTJaMaw. MIMFITH. Good bye, Mossbttcklstn. Wo arc having a storm of amusements. Having Lihcratl In Albany wna worth th j price paid for him as an advertising cnemo; nut 01 course that had nothing t ) no Willi getting luiii here. Mr A J Fox, of Hits city, has Invented a lire lighter w hich promises to light the local (irmniieni at leust with his name. It is mado of a pervious material not affected by heat. You soak it In kero sene, place it under your wood, light it and leave It long enough for tho wood to get to uum tug. J B Mahnna. of Union, has Incorporat ed n single rail railroad company, with n capital stock of if UOO.OtH). If the writer is not mistaken this is the matt who tried to start a creamery in Albany, and be cause we didn't iiito sakl we hadn't enough enterprise to pack a saddle. He located up there somewhere and is orna mented by the same name. The new census report of religious ls dies In the United Slates shows that there are IIU sects, with '.'n.lRlO.lMHI mciii lers. The Methodists nuiulier 6,000,000; the Baptists,4,000,000; the Itoinun Cnth olie, s.OtHI.OOO; the Presbyterian, 3,000, 000; and the Episeopul.'-'.iKhlHiO.approx-imately. Our contemporary this morning spoke attout the affairs of tho O. P. "11s nearly us con Kl be learned in a most satisfactory condition," and tho Dkmikhat used stronger language in tho same direct ion. Toduy the road is iu tho hands of a re ceiver. Well, Ibis is aiiunr-crUin world, and even the newspapers don't catch on till the hammer falls. There is really sunshine ahead IxtaiiHti it probably means that the road will 1st sold at an early day, to men who can extend it rrtrd. Sj nude it be. A brilliant social event was anticipated the other day at Astoria, a city that gets its styles right directly from Paris: "It was whispered alout in certain select circles last evening, that at an early hour mis morning hukhi woiul im spilled on the other side of th Main street hill. In other words that a duel was to be fought between a gentleman from Portland and a well known resident of this city. All efforts to learn the names of the parties were futile, those in tho secret refusing to disclose them or say w hy the parties wnnted to resort to the field of honor to settle their dilfen-nces. Tho authorities have been apprised that thero is a likeli hooj of the atfair taking place, and prom ise to arrest the principals and seconds. Now that Col Hogg Is In Inc valley tli public may look for some live O P"newt." At least it can bo said that the press of Oregon is aliveJournal. Thanks. When an Oregtmian goes East he w rites back : "Oregon is good enough for me." Verily Albany is metropolitan. Iieaidea having Keene, Liberal!, Stevens and Morris in one week last evening it run teams all night clearing First Street. That is the way they do in Ittdon, Paris and New York. Some people think newspajK-rs get com ps for everything. The Democrat is certain this is not true, for a lawyer in a distant city who collected a fourteen dol lar lull charged us just half for bis in fluence. Some one has discovered that a watclu is a rename commus, ana a I'kvk-kat man who has tried the follow ing finds it to ls a fart, and a very interesting one. Point the hour hand of the watch direct ly towards the sun. A line midway ! tweett the hour hand and XII will txiint due south. This w ill not w ork nights. All'Riiy knocked Salem out on big souanhes and cabbage : but on big girls for the present we gently succumb to the hom of the convicts and insane. Snvs the Journal : "Salem ran boast of u little miss eight years ol.l, w ho tips the U niu at HO m,uiii1s. All aiiy has U-en crowing over us on big productions but Salem ran prixlttee the genuine article to engender prid.1 ami admiration, a grow tli of pleus- ing humanity that is rurt-ly seen. Come oir thebiiib, Mr Albany Democrat, and surrender. Verily, tha growth of the W'i'.lamette valley product in wonderful.' An Albany man hands us the following, with a smile, and ssvs publUh it. It is cor rect: "The man who went out to milk and sat down on a boulder In the middle of a pasture and waited for the cow to back up lo him, wat the eldest brother to the man who kept store snd did not advertise, because he reasoned that the purchasing public would back up to his place when it wanted something." Mr Gerhard hand the Democrat the following ss an Instance of a man who ought lo have a pension for the remainder of hi life : l-eotlor-von-r relmann.a vet eran of the France-Russian War of 1812, died recently at the age of one hundred and fifteen years In St Petersburg. He served In the Russian Army twenty-five . ! years, anu rcccivcu a cros ot m ucorgc lor hi bravery. At the nire of ninety nine he married a I7ycar old girl by whom he had two children. For (lie 'ait fifty year he had made a daily practice 01 drinking a pint of cognac just before going to bid. A very unfortunate family is told of by the Goldendalu Sentinel, four of whom have died from fatal accidents : The first victim was a li.tlo daughter of Ed Knipcs who was drowned In the Klickitat some seven or eight years ago. The next was Benny Allen who was drowned in the Yakima river three vears bko whilo al tempting to ford the river. Ed Snipes was drow ned in the Columbia a year ago last summer near Tho Dalles. And the fourth and last on the list, Mr Wm Snines. sot on a wild horse bareback which he assured was gentle and started to round up some horses. The horse bucked him off and he struck 011 the hard ground on his head, breaking his skull open just above his forehead outof which the brain oozed." Klein Bros bought their entire stock of rubber boot and shoe early in the serine and direct from the factory", and v.111 teli boots and shoe cheaper than any htuse in Linn county. Heaters of the most trtittio and intromits patterns, known to the srt ot the tnanufao-' turers, may be found at Smith & Benders, ith bis doors for bta wood, small doors for small wood, direct drafts for warm houses. return flue for cold homes, all nickelod for proud men, without nickel for plain women. The piauo that will h played Thursday evening at the Upeia Uouse it an Artist Uraod, 8 ft 10 inches long, the Unrest sizs of piano manufactured. It is from ths factory of II V Miller t Sons. Button. Thi pianos are the favorites of many of the beat artists of E a rope sad America. Will & Liuk are agents for these pianos and keep tho up right in stock . , i. . m , For s. mething nice in dsnciag pumps gnlto m..! I!..... i . 1 . ..;e.,n.fma;.i- G W Simpson ha received his fill stock tf stockinette sad seak-t jackets and three quarter stalet cloaks, and have a comphte assortment of all the latest styles. Lost. On the street to-day a small pair of clsiors. Finder please leave at this olhce. Rooms to Kent. Two furnished rooms near the college. Inquire st this otlice . . Fiuo silk umbrella's at 7 M French's jew elry ttois. . I have last received a large in voles of laoe 1 ourtains, tanging io pries from one to nine ' dollars a pair, sorim,Jurtain nets, etc. Also a 1ms ot curtain poles and furniture eovar- na. . Samuel E Young MCUT t'OfJHf maCBKDIHCa P J Porter v John C Elder, partition. Continued. Thomas Jefferson vs O S Montgomery attachment. Continued tor tervlce, F Dlttenhoffer vt Perry Smith, recover money, ('ont! lucd, State of Oregon vt Jamet Bunnon, bur glary. Continued. Topllli ft Co va Mary Couglll, recover money. Continued, C F Cromwell ct al vt Dasle Kecney ct ali partition, Decree at per stipulation. Geo J Braner yi Mary Couglll; recover money. Continued a to garnishee, John Grlslisin vs II N srd A A Dcrlh Ick; suit In equity. Dismissed at cost of pi IT. Cap Nat Bank vt W F Crosby ; recover money. Continued, Esil Hoc vs Scarlo & Doanej attach ment. Continued. Moonev, Valentine Si Co vs Mary Cou glll; recovery of in Jtuy, Continued. 1) M 0hornr& Co vs R N Morris et al; recover money. Continued by agreement. Cora L Young vt J C Young; divorce. Settled. The Albany Farmers Co vt S H Mc Fadden; recover money. Continued. Ella II Mcmlcnhsll ct at vt K II Bel thaw; partition. Decree J naritiljn granted, Angcllne Kced et si vt A B Bond et al; partition. Report of referee confirmed Dundee Mortgage Co vt T S Thomp son ; foreclosure. Uecr.c granted. Jolie Mcl'row, guardian, vs II B Cole; recover money. Zimmerman & Garrett vt Charles Par- kr; attachment. Judgment for want of answer. In the mailer of the assignment of Cha Parkrr. Continued. P W Spink vt V. II snd M P Newman; recover money. Judgment against W II rsewman. Ellen M Mack vt Frank Mack; ulvorcc. Settled. Board of School Iand Com vt fat Riley; suit to correct deed. Decree. Deyoe & Robson vt G G Stsht; recover money. Continued. Martha Pierce vt Mallnda Hodkln; tult In equity. Decree granted. Moyer Bros vs Robinson & West; action on note. Default, judgment. W it Gultra v Charles K Elchtcr; r. Cover inouev. Default, Judgment. F M Kler vs J T and C K Cavcnl.s; to correct title. Default, decree. D I) Campbell vt W A; recover money. Default and judgment. Marx A Jnrgenscn vsTBIew; recover money. Default and judgment. Stewart A Sox vs W II Mlllhollcn; . cover money. Settled. A II Msrshall -vt Earl Race; recover money. Default and judgment. Mails A Kauson vt Chas J Stewart; re cover money. Continued. Dcjoc Ac Robson vt J II Potter; recover money, continued. Devoe & Robson vt I) F Lctsinger and U F Parsons; recover money. Continued as to Lclslngcr judgment at to Parsons. Deyoc a Robson v Win Reeves; ie cover money. Continued Slate of Oregon agt John ) Boyd; sell ing llqucr without license. Three Indict -r.cnts. Dismissed. Josephine Summer vt Wn Surt.iiurs, coufirmaiioti. hale confirmed. Goldsmith Ac Rankle s Far & Mer Ins Co ; recover money. Continued. A MUler vs Schooling & McDaniel; Dismissed without prejudice. A F Gone It vsSantlam Lumber Co; rc cover money. Report of referee confirmed Given vt Given; divorce. Con tinued. James C ltardln va Carrie Hardin; di. sure. Divorce granted. Board of School Ian I Conit vt Smith; default and decree. Martha R Schooling vt S II and C It Couch. Judgment lor want of answer. K A McAllister vt Che City of Albany: damage. On trial. dr. nnm am At t mmlr Sjalrb-ly fctertrlelit. Hal sre rrrwtaralt Trra aseat ailar4 -Tbra Mara tte enarahbl sarr la Striate. r.HToIt Oasuoaiais: For six vwar. i-.t I bavn I em a.,ic)y sfllirHed with rheuma tism Slid ci urslgla Ol late I hava l aaii Inaimoht oiri'-lul t.sin in ne-v mu,l t.iul i..rt of m v tx.tly. Had to walk the floor al Itlslita. and bad but I'ltlaaltifo for f n ibty l ast. Last Tuaia I came ti Dr Dariln for teatinent bv alMstrcitv and to my treat h.y end satlafstnlou I am about cured and f o Iioms rejoh lng. I reside at Burna Viata, Polk county. or. MSS. WM, DAVItmoR. Aaatarr Krtuarkable Car af Psafarss. To Whom it Mat Conor mm: For aara I have been troubled with chronic catarrh. 80 troublosoma bad it txeonit) tbat 1 could scarcely breaths through my nose. iita entirely lost sense) or smell, ana I became almost totally deaf, aeoompanied with ringing In my ears. After a ram to of electrlo and surglsal trsatniant by Lr Iiarrln 1 am perfectly cured or my deafness and bulging- noises. Itofer to me at Ktlama, Wash. JAMES FLAN N AO AN. lasiaulljr Cared mt Drarar, Editor Ohkoonian: For elirbt nars prior lo culling on Dr Farrln, 1 bay been near, accompanied, wild 1 Initios noises In my ears. Catarrh was a great aouroe of annoyance-so mucu ao that I could aecreely breath a through my nora at Hints. Dr Darrin cured ray deafness in ten minutes and the calarib is nearly wen. J. il. UOILBR. Oaborn Uotel, East Portland Tns DaKRIN can be consulted dal'y -'at the Washington building, corner Of Fourth and Washington it reels, Portland. llours, 10 to 6; evening, 7 to 8, Sundays, 10 to 12 All chronic and acute disease, blood taints, loss of vital powe rand early Indcscrotiona permanent y cured, though no references are ever made lo the press concerning such oases, owing to the doll cacy of the patients. Kiamatlons free to all, and circulars wilt bs tent to any address. C b a rges for tret t men t acoor d I n g to patients ability to pay. The ridb and poor treated fret of oharge with electricity from 10 to 11 dally. All private diseases eonuuentiatiy troawa anu cures sruaran teed. I'atlents at a distance can bo cured by home treatment. Medicines and letters sent without the doctor' nam appearing, N. B. Dr. Darrin baa a branch office at the Umatilla Hotel, The Dalles, Nov 3rd to 8lbi ' A I busy Market. Whoat-62Ja Oats-40 a Butter 20e prtr. Ppga 20c nay ,uo, Potatoos 76 ots ier busbst Beef on foot, lle A pplos 75 cents per bu, Puifc 6Jio por Ih itroasoil Keccna hams, va-tc. shoulders, So. sides lOo. uard 9o per lb. Flour 4.26 per bbl. '"bickons 4 00 por doa. 1J reed oran, it. 00 per ton shorts, 16. middlliiKS, 20 Chor W MAURI ED. NEWLAND-STE WART. Oct. 28th 1800, at the St. Charles hotel, ia this 1 city, Rev. J5. R. Pnchard ofllciating, Mr, ltouert w. jNewiana ana Miss Mary R, I Stewart, both of Linn county. " , KENDALL SPAGHT. On Sunday 1 evening, Oct 26th, 1890, at the residence i of the bride's parents, in Albany. Mr E B Kendall and Miss Bessie pa grit, both ot Albany, Kev bhangie othclatlng. BOKN. MERRILL. On Monday tnomincOct 37t), in Albany, to the wife of MrHF Merrill a boy. All doing well. UOMK AMD ABROAD. MOSDAY. Curt week, Julio D Rookafellsr, the cial nil iriillidti airs, it lo the northwest. Mrs Martin 1'ayus has returned hums from a trip to San 1'rsnciso.i, Mrltiohatd Nail, of Portland, spent Sab bath in Albany with friends. Owing to increasing business 67 new lock boxes bars been addul at ths post ((lice. Mr and Mrs Lnnis V iilor loft this noon for Spokans Falls on a ssyoial whka visit. Tilman Ford and Goorgn 11 Birmlitm, dis trict attorney of Salern, V A Chanowoth of Ctrvaliis, Judge Tsndy of Harrishurg and Mr Woodward of Portland, attorneys srs at tending circuit court to-tiny . A oiosly executed oil paiuling of ths "Willainttto Valley," pasting out of Ya quina Bay, snav h tern in nns of ths stort windows of 8 K Young. Miss Haiti H isi was ths artist. lUiiismhur that Bislinp Backer will aaaiu Irotuis in Albany, stihi Opora liottse, on VovaaiUr 27ih and 2N(h. His tonics will b ''Kgypt, hr pyramid", j.slsoes and rained temples of glory," and ''K.uU' xcsof ths pulpit and platforin." Mr Alfred llulman. fjrniuily aisoaiaU editor of tht OrKoiiUn.iiiiw gsusral nutisgor of tlio Hssttl. Post-Iutulhgotieer, ia to N marrieil tu Mist Durlirow, ol Sn Fraaolsoo, osst month Ths wtilding will Uks plaus iu Sau Franoisau, The llslsy News spiears with Morin & I'hslpsas puhhsheis. His well g.tieti up and probities to l a oiodit tu oi.r thriving oeiglibur. Krxno was kivcu a hiif hi. Dsn. I.IUriti will I a an ImiuoiM. cruwd, Nnslly Stevens will pity ui a largn ho: so ami the liouss will b tSokwl for Clara Morris. WilKVLiuk soil a linn Fisnohhurl wil uut fisno tj county turveyr, ET T Fisher, U.t wtk Mr A II liiiil.ll t son. of JafTeratMi. sad Mrs 0 N'ash, of llalsry, bnaght organs irom this firm 1 itegulsr meeting of Ui Y's Tuisulay even ing, Oct 'JMih. All memUrs are rsnutstd to ti tirsseut. as it is ths tints for tha alnetion tf (ifllesrs, and thero is bosioessto b brought ikiois the society which only those who sre 1 s can decide. Mr Ralatoa Cos. of Cor 1 tills, was in ths oity to day totoobow Mr Ani)lu was pro gressing with tho r.c- itrcot car fur ths Cor- vail Is line, and found it going a boad io a vary aatitfsotory wannnr. Tb emnpany tkers has over two miles ,f track reaIy for ths cars, onset wbiub baa Icon in oporatioo for sometime. Clydo, tli)oung sun of Mrs C II I-aug-bssMl, of Albany, Is ill at ths home ot Wiley A Mixirtt, scarlet favar being his ailment. Mr l-aughead and Mr Mooraa are utrs, and the form was vi.ilir.g here with the boy wli-nbewss taken ill. I'ivcry pis-sutioa will btken to prevent s vpicsd of the id li" S.Irm ,HtaU-iharj. Tits O I attaebra appeared ;a-dsy itt their new uniforms, very baa Isom-s sffsi.s. Ths cloth wa msoufietjrcd in Albany by our woolen mills and the suits nsl by Mr HebifHor. snrx-riiiU-tid-ut of L K Blsiu's tail oring department , The company bss reason to be promt of tha line apprasalias presented by its employes. (iAM Jtay.-At the convening of Cir cuit Court to dsy tt noon, Judge Boise pesldlng the following granj jury was drawn: ! II Pierce. E S Marslers, J R Bone, Samuel Nlson, tohit Millard. C W RkhsrdMfi and F M KUcr, the latter bc Ir.g spdntcd futcman. Col. T. Kiinstos Ukm, Presldcnl, and Win, M. Iloag, Manager, of the Oregon Pacific, arrived In Albany vesterday, and went lo Coivallis on a sjtecial train. Col. HKg 3"ly comes Ui (iicon on business, and It is 'said that Is what is meant now. w. r. rumor 'isve generally proven un reliable a (Talis, henc wc gle none now; nor doe the Col. generally hit plans. Revelations are looked for of a very encouraging nature. Col. and Wrr. , M. were accompanied by Ju;lg McClure, who is Interested in the road. TCSSUAV. Cons: day. liilyru, tJiols it its inter, y IwoPcndlslou tlriril bavs lust md s- unmffuu. Miss Clara Pbilpot, f Iftrrkbars is in tb city visiting ft lends. The Oregon UtnV boaua basins lo- lav in their n l esTtq-4r;ir. I. C Mtrsltrn hft a day r two aun 'or Ohio, v-ha-e hi fjtl,ct is lying; -h ng-..orI ill. Mr and Mrs t'uUoti. f I.iwa. w hnbtve bn visaing thrirton, J ,hn Ito D. left yirsti-r.loy f r bom'. Mr 1 1. 'lo V II Siwnet T. ninth I ls I'Sirrr. HbI.o, tHaoutyebild ofihrt lto Chsa 11 Stenear, hfltbts int.ii fur their fu'ure home ooir hills', n. Canada Mn, II A I. -Tosii-I c''n arr;vd in the Itl last rva uiij frum Cliail ittr. Micl imn- ! inrf Mr lx)Vt, a bo has Uoii a rl tit t.f Al- ! bany tvveral tuoutbs.eroneibititMi elrrk sti'.h O I. Blackman. At a mretinff of the memWra of tbe Cm - crrgationat church l.t evening, Ilev Abirl ri ngni, ol I'lVtlstxi, bUina, wa orJerrd formally callrd t i resca for thst ul.nrch. Ua is highly tpokej ol. This eoit Fii.lav evening will bea cood opportunity for any young man to join the 1 v4 ennor a active or associate mem ber. Hand your came to S N Steel, chair man cf the membership oommittee. Stewart Si Sox have rrctivod a nice aaanrt- ment of tcboggsna. Anyone wanting a slide HI no wr.l to call os them. Tlirv eun clrnos their oa n plce totlide, down stairs, ofrtlia house top or into ths river. Albany nss co te in t an way. Naw Citizsns. -Thlt morning In Judge Bolse.s court Mrs fohanna Newoulst. a former cltixrn ot Swcedcn, and Walter Gilderman a former cltiaen of Holland. were admitted to cltUenshlp. Col. Jlooa and Judgo McClure came over on the Oregon Pacific in n special :ar ana icu on tne overland for ran Francisco. They w ill soon return when no doubt we w ill lie treated to the sur prise Mr. Wm. M. Iloag mentioned. A large amount of iron in San Francisco will probably 1)0 taken out and sent to the valley, for use in the construction eastward. WKIINKISIMV. Powell & Co. T L. Wallace & Cu . Go to Klei.4 Dros. Boots at Kliik Bros. Shoe at Ki.eis Bros. Rubber goods at Kleim Bros. Ladina fins shoos at Kicis Dros. Foot holts at Klein Bros. lUvo Vlereok shave yot. R-piiring done at Ki.ei Bros. Daitcinir pomps at Klein Broi, Mist Edith Mitchell, cf Portland, it in the city, the gnett of Dr Klits. A large ttock of oil cloth and linoleum jutt : .V.t r-iiii.. e. r. ' .WiVHU an . Ul lUll.l Jl AK.IUa. Mr E II MoAUitter, of ths Sjattle Tele gram, is ia the city on a vittt. II E Hayes, master of the State Grange, was tn tne eity yesterday. For your BuokinghiuV& II edit boots go to Klein Bros. Go to Klein Bros at they will save yon money on boots and shoes. A full line of. Hsnan & Sons tine shoes at Klein Bros at lowest puees' Mr Cary Buck, of Eugene, of the firm o Hayne Si Buck, of the two cities, is ia town Kleiu Bros can repair your cum boots. your leather bo.its, or the finest of kid shoes A I . . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 in ine uoesi manner tun an wurs warraaieu J K Saling, of Umatilla oqunty, raited 6000 buthoU cf potatoes from 25 aores of land. Mr Carl Ludurtnan, of Buker City, is in the city, lie reports considerable typhoid fever there. Hon Jas Conner, of Kings Valley, Benton county, was in the city to-day on his way borne from Corvalua. Mr Ileniy Ohling.clerk for Ohling Wal lace, it lying ill with typhoid fevr at the home ot his mcther. Col Hogg returned jesterdiv from his trip up the SPKS, not going to San Fran cisco at reported, only to Eugene, Look out for notices for bids for Its! or and material to build the railroad from Niwpjtt to Arlie, says the Ytquioa Republican. Tbe cecerat opinion in refennoeto the Oregon PaoiHo now is that it will bj add men who will build it eastward. Tickets for ALL eastern po'nfs, over ANl route, tor sale by vv. Jj. Jet ter, at- S. P. ticket office, For oold nights bay ThosKsy woolsn mill blanket, cheapest In town. Fortale by O W Slmpjn, agent. Albany, Oregon. Ths sals of sosts for Clara Morris Friday night has been largs, and ws are promised tha theatrical treat of tbe season. Hevrral doer wore brought to Albany to day. On one the notlo was potted: ' "Der stiBKon ulcssas Nov 1 . Last ehanoe." Thos, Ktv oolcn mills blank ett, flool man's, youth's and boy' olothtng, for tsls by (J W tJimptoo't, afi)ti, Albany, Oregnn. Just anlved a full line of ladfes ohil- druut, men's and boy's foot wear tt U W Sinipsou , which will be sold At bottom prices. CO Huikhvt and Cant IwinbinR rstorned yeslrrdsy from the miuet. W F lload rs itiBintd to bs nrrsent al a cleans ri to tabs ple in a dy or two. A line display of children school he on CBiitor table at C K Krowoei: t arc snlstf rauid- ly t lest than first cost. Call sod selects pair Ufore they sr all goo. Fveryone that bas children takims i.isno luasoit should tta them to hear Arimriua' oelul.rat, d pit nit Thursday, Out 30th. Itu suived svsts.73 Will A; i,mt' muste sture. Mberati's band went from Albany to Cor- Vsl is, ahors they give a cooueit toiiiuht. 1 lis laet that Cvryallu can tach an i.tertiiimt and H.lcm wa afraid, to try it, o.,k volumes fur tbs former place. bis car loads of a very Uautiful pink santi- ktoue, a part of a largo shipment, passed through Albany to-day for Portland, aher it is tu bj usd in ths new Oregouiaa block. Tht stuns spnskt for a htudtums buildiog. Mr H M (iarland, of lbaooa. who ha recently located thrrs for ths prsetic of law, w ia the oity -dsy. Aoetinpanied by Dr IS.trker b left OQ tbe afearuo.ja train for Qitaruville. Jim VVettfa.) and other Celestial of Ibis city, hv preteatsd the Orum Bank, with a handsome slge, enslaved and tiecuUd by an Albsnchitiainao,wbicl) rsads.wbsa trsnt- iskki: "teoyoa have any money to d, or wsnt any China tsebanae. no to the Baok of Oregon." lUn.tmbcr ths Neally Stsvsus nisoo reci tal, aat.stcd by ths beat vocal talent. Mis fcuvoti stand foremost among tbe bsst tr ttstt ol America. This will be s rart treat and a I rue auditnoo will ureet this aifte. piaeist. staii KsTAtE mm Daniel Ilridiffs to Jas Williams 7.41 acres Tn 10 Hit 1 W 1 "00 1 1 naiorHiiii 10 tsancy 4 naiurailli lots 1 and '2 blk 27 Albany. . . . V H to Christian Troxell, 100 acres TtKU4K 4m 400 1700 Jane Stlmson to (ieo V Stimson SO acres To 12 K It 2 W II Bryant to ilanuah A Bir.ithaiti lots 4 and 5 blk 10 Bryants Ad to Albany 600 J V PijK) to Hannah A P.inghaui lot 3 J.Ik 3 Pile's South Al Wny Ad J V Pie to A J Fox, loU 3, 4,9,10, II and 12 blk 2 Pipe's South Albany Ad Geo W Htimscn to Peter II Julius M acres Tp 12 Hit 2 W I) V Adams to James Vincent, 1C0 acres Hen: Tp 0 K K 4 K Job Simon to Martha Bodwell, 145 acres Tp 14 K It 3 W Job Simons to Alonzo Bardwell. B W f-i Sec 20 Tp 14 S It 3 W. . . unw ;onn roweii, 31a. j acres Tp 10 and USUI W Patent U K to I B McCartney, lOOTp 11 SI W .'. Patent tj W Gibticy to h M Wheeler, sun dry lots in Iebanon Kiwocsl Ih-sn to II C Moran, 1 acre in I L C of J T Ames Israel Wood tt ux to Steward Kvans, 0-10 of an acre in I) LC of J T Auiee ,.. T A Morris et ux to II (5 Moran, 1 acre in D L C of IT Ames J B McCartney to Joab Powell, 100 acres in tp II, 8 It lw Luther A and Km ma Tucker to Al bert Uaiiim, 40 acres in etc 11, tp 11,8 U2w J It Kirkpatrick to W W Carlile ct 1, K's 3rd A.Lebanon.... J J Kendall to Frances B Prater, 1 LCbiKtS jt Jas liose et nx to ltobcrt Cary. 40 acres in 1) L C of Nat Crank. . John Powers to Kmily Powers, w 1. ; I LC of A F Thompson. . . . A K Ball to J S Antonelle, part lot 2, bl V, Albany Ktuaituel Nixon et ux to Jos Nixon, lots I, 2, 3, It's A.UOmnon.... Hugh Nicki-rsor, etuxtoj V Pipes, lots 2, 3. M's A J5 25 1420 123 1200 1! J C Porter e t ux to A V illiams, K lots Sr.,37, 3H,39,bl 3.A's A 300 A lltivck to Win Patrick. W) aer H sec 3,tp 10,8 It 3 K 1000 J M I'-Bhli t elux to T Turner. int 1C0 acres, tp lo, SKU... 250 !as MiOmiI t t al to J h Miller ,h N m i sec 25, tp 10,8 K 2 w . . 50 C I Montague to Ktuuia l'ttrrioli, lots 1,2, hi 4, V'n A, Leb 2501 ?.,010 .$2,054,994 Total for year. HOI1 II -MI0r.BI1G. Powell & Co. Gold eaoes at Will Stark's. F. M. French keeps railroad time. New cream cheese jutt received'at Conrad Meyers. For artists supplies bo to Slanard, A Cotick a. Kgau & Achisun are selling monuments at l ottland prices. Aa brej sires eaa for the psiolcts eitract- ion of teeth. Fresh kettle lard at LUuht Uros.W ranted U be good. touhtvea big stock to select fiotn at Poaell A CV A popalar placs L Viereok. ahav ioa and hair dresaing par Ion. The piano that eivos nerfeet satUfaetion you can find at Mrs Hymen's. Choice sweet Delaware cranes received fresh every morning at C E lirownell't. Big bargaint in ladiea and ui uts cold and gold filled watches at F M French's. Best stock of silver war in Albany at 1 Will & Stark's. No doubt of it. See. Mens', youths' and boyt' clothing and furnishing goods at ti V Simpson's. A C, st class aliava for onlv IS cents at L Viereck's, Salttnanh Block, Albtuy, Or. Have you seen those parlor as ita that T 1 Brink baa jutt received! They are iiioe. If you want a fine toilet or hath soap os on Stanard & Cutiok, City Drug Store. For perfectly pure water buy tha Kstural Stoue r Uterer ot Alallhewi ti Washbaro- For bargains in monuments, headstanes, etc, goto Egan & Achison, Albany, Oregon. Ltdies oall and tee the lttsst novoltiea ia drest goods at E C Searls. You shonld ea'l and tee those fine library lamps at C E lirownell't before baying else where. JJ It. M. J. PATTON, Blumberg Block, AlbanyOregon. Femalo'aod'private diseases a speoia'ty uocsuiution nee. Albany Opera House. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31ST. The Great CLARA MORRIS! -ra- America's Greatest Emotional Aotress, Supported by a Talented Company. to CAMILLE ! Kc served seals oa sale at Will Unk'et Notbs or Albany Cioab Factory. If you want a real choice smoke try our 10 center. Why smoke a Ch tnese mada elirar nm: that you can get a far superior one at j f?roeery business for Conn Sc Hendricson, Joseph's cigar factory, made by white'0' ting city, where high prices sre nn labor ? t known. They keep a line line of groce- Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled fjtP'-o'l'Jce, etc., and doing their ew white labor cigars. work, sell at bottom prices, g car , We make a specialty of gelling cigars; i our own make by the lxx at factory prices. Fine Meerschaum and Briar fdpeg and A full assortment of gtnokcrg articles. - Umbre!', flnssamers suit rubber boots snd thoet f e lowest at 11 C. 8carls. Highest of all la Leavening Tower. We yant BUTTER AND Wc will pay you Cash or Blackburn & Pironi, Corner First and Wf shington Streets, Albany, - Oregon, 1800 fj)) where. Wc handle everything in the way of stoves' tin ware and hardware. . Matthews & Washburn. SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! For .All the Leatlixisr : Newspapers - and- Magazines Kucelveu at - L. KENTOM'S Cash NEAR THE POST OFFICE. Dij Goods, Iiotion, GiLtsFurB ishiii23 and Our stock of boots and hoes Is njr complete in all lime for spring fade. We wltl save ou moocj n ba ir:g of u. Ladies, misses ai.d clil'-dtin's Hue shoes a tpecla t y. Excluvite Agency for tbe LUDLOW SCOLS Blumbary's Now Bltyk. ALL TALK!! D Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. ets, Children it 1 Tis a Feat to Fit tbs Feet, But 6rs YEGETABLlf PANACEA PRERARtD FROM ROOTS T HERDS, FORTH: CURE OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATEoftss STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. ,1 FOR SALE BV ALU DRU&iSTS St GENERAL DEALERS. PHELPS. Job Printer, Jst. Sb.ExprJofflcsAlbany PARTIES wanting pasture in tbe Mon teith pasture, west aide the ditch, can secute it at 1 per mouth, by ca.ling on L LGGlEsS and TAG05S, - Vf have a nloe line on band and can give you good prices. STatwjT A gox. BOOMS TO rwmiahed or ftirnhibsd. Inquire at this odes. Mini ua - Tub Duns Gone. Adve rtising do wonders. It hns most effectually 'ban ished the dude from the United States. Jt has also helped to build up a live easily learned by pricing their goods Meaey to Lasa, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Calif on u at our office, opposite the Kerere house. DURKM ART Si KtSNKY, - . U. S. Coy't Report, Aug. 17, 109. im 10 ua your EGGS, Trade I CM tag fcoiu asain! ! But we've just re ceived a fresh lot which can be seen on our floor any day. We are talking ahoul stoves. If you are thinking of buying one, come and inspect our stock and get posted on our prices, for wc are quite sure they are from 1C to 25 ier cent lower- than else Grocery Store. ALBANY, OREO. A fine line of Sealelto Jack s Hoods, etc., Sc. He Can clo it and do it eat." Your j, I on Dr G. y's sale I1 I I of regis- Kkep ' y uray s saie 1 ' I 1 ot regis tered and high JLa JL a 4 grade Shorthorn cattle, well bred troting and draft horses, thoural bred small English Yorkshire pigs, high grade Shropshire Cots wold sheep, &c, &c. Sale to be on his farm near Oakville, Linn county, Or egon, November 7, 1S90. Terms cf sale, all sums under $10 cash; over $10 one vears time without interest, with bankable notes, or 10 per cent discount for cash. Will & Link, mix 1I0USB MESIC STORE, -AosKTS roa tbe celkbrated- Ha F. Miller, -And the Fsrorite J. BAUER & CO.'S PIANOS. Palace and Earliuff . Moiue Proof Organs SOLZ AOC.VTS PO& THB- EI and New Hum Seisins Slae!ilae. Organs - Cr-EANtn - and - Repaired ALBANY, OREGON. s