The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 31, 1890, Image 2

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The Brownsville Timt$ verjr erratic.
There It no tuch thing at confining it to an
Issue oi Its own creation. It set out tome
time ago in a verjr rath way bjr saying that
the north part of the count wt taxing
the touth part of the countjr more than Ht
due proportion of taxes. Of courte the
DtMocHAT denied this foolish statement
for the "north half of the count" docs not
nor never has Imposed a tax on the "south
halt" nor on an other locality or section.
We showed that when the appropriations
were made for biMgea on the Santlam the
south half of the count had one mc.nbcr
on the board and most of the time a ma
jority of the board . The building of bridges
In a count; Is not a qucttiun of locallt
The question Is, Is the building of abridge
a public necessity. It so, It should be built
without regsrd to the locallt. If the court
his neglected or refused to build bridges
on Mudd orCalapoola creeks ihry thnuld
be called to public account lor It. The
Democrat will not b: drawn In to defend
It b the Times or anone else. And we
aay, once for all, to the Timtt, that the
DcMocRAt Is broad enough In Its con
ception of Its duty to the taxpayers of
Linn county to favor the construction of
good sate bridges on nil the streams of the
count. This means that we favor the
building of bridges on the Catapoota and
Mudd with as much earnestness as the
building of them an w here else. The
Timtt docs not occupy this ground for
has announced In Its columns that it would
champion the Interests of the a-aWis for-
tion of the count, thus Ignoring all the
other paits of the count. And It Is the
standing on this narrow platform that
causes a'l the trouble and annoyance to
which the Tines finds Itself subjected In
trying to treat of this matter. It says In its
last Issue: "As we expected when we pro
pounded the questions In last weeks Timtt
to the Democrat that paper declined to
answer them." Of course the Times knew
that the Democrat would not answer
questions to furnish It proof to sustain Its
own allegation. The Times man Is the only
one In the county probably that would re
tort to such demagogy. The Times seems
to be groveling In Cimmerian darkness as
. to the rules of debate and adducing of
proof which require the one making an
allegation tu prove it and he who denies
only rebuts the evidence of the affirma
tive Observing this rule we have called
upon the Times to prove its proportion.
The Timet complaint that we said Its editor
was down and made a seaich of the records
It says it was not. Well, we were misled
by the Thmrt man because he had promised
his readers that he Intended to investigate
and give facts and figures "next week."
Uur mistake was In relying on the Timet
man doing as he promised. We make al
due appologlcs for this error of ours and
promise never to be guilt of the like
The Times says:
The Democrat says: kI I the court has
neglected to repair bridges in the southern
part of the county, upon them mutt ret
the blame." lleie we call upon our C'rsw
forilvil!e correspondent to testily and
challenge the Democrat to refute the tes
timony. Not only can we give the follow.
Ing testimony to dispute the Democrat's
assertion, bjt if necessary can call upon
Mack Sawyer and Norve Rice, who were
road-supervisors of the district In which
the brkiue broke do-n last spring and
crippled two women lor life; II Band Ed.
Moyer who logged up the creek, and tr.anv
ethers, to prose that time and again the
was court notified of the dangerous condi
tion of the bridge.
But whv in the name of common sense
do you want to dispute cur proposition fur?
Js It not true that "if the court has neglect
ed to repair bridges In the southern pa. t o
county upon them must rest the blame?'
Why ca'I upon Nove Rice, Mack Sawyer
or any one else to dispute that the court
would be to blame in such case. These
men will not dispute the proposition. The
Times says the Democrat Is on record.
Of course it Is. And a recoid thrt every
right thinking man will approve of. Uur
record androsition as before sU ted is: The
building of bridges is not a question of lo
cality. We Ai not believe that just as man
dollars should be spent in one locality as
an another. We believe that all localities
In the county should receive appropriations
in proportion to their need of bridges. 'Die
Democrat favrrs bridges In the north
part of the count if needed, and favors
them In the south, east and west part like
wise If needed. The Times, not standing
on this broad platform is very unfortunate
n finding itself hampered by such narrow
limits as It has surrounded itself with.
Finding the limes will not discuss these
public interests except from a purely sec
tional stand point, depending upon section
al predjudice existing, or to be created, to
sustain it, we therefore dismiss the subject
A strong effort Is tying made by the
Oregonan to secure the repeal of the mort
gage tax law. The taw should not be re
pealed. The correct principle of taxation
Is to tax a man for just what he is worth
If capitalist loan money, the evidence cf
the debt due him should bear itt just pro
portion of taxation. The Owgonian and
the smaller fry shriek that such a cour-e
will keep capital out of the state. So let
it be. Money is a good thint;, but its use
can be bought at too dear a price. Just as
certain as wreckj and ruin followed the
boom In Southern California, will the day
of reckoning come for Washington and for
all states where capital dictates the law.
Oregon't growth it not phenomenal nor
of the mushrcom character. We have a
tate of magnificent resources and our law
makers should not give way to the fever
ish desire ihat mone must be secured at
an price. Tax mortgages and tax every
thing that represents wsalih. This Is the
current Idea. Roseburg IitvUv)
The plan and rcsle adopted, will make
the cost of the banquet at least $10,000.
Covers will be laid for one thousand guests.
Tickets will be $10 each. An elegant
souvenir containing a finely engraved like
ness of Judge Thurman, the speeches de
livered and the names and addresses of nil
participants In the banquet, mIII be a
feature of the occasion.
It is a curious fact that the Avit' lady
bug, which was brought to California lo make
war upou the cotton cushion scale, h n become
extinct in its native land, and that Australia is
to be supplied with a new stock of the useful
parasite by our State board of horticulture.
The lady bug, known as the Veda'ia, has been
worth millions of dollars to California ia pre.
serving the orchards from threatened destruct
ion. The revenue from the consumption of
bacco in France t ow reaches ?8,ooo,ooo
ri n
The experiment of tanning leather with pal
metto roots has been successfully tried at Ap
alachicola, Fla. The leather was as soP. and
pliable as the finest ralfxkin.
1 hi prairie fires set by the Indians cf North
Dakota bave done a great deal of damage to
the properly of ranchmen and small farmers.
(From our rcftilar correspondent.)
Washington, Oct. 20, 1S90.
At usual, the republican administration
sad part are soiling under false colors. It
has been decided by the bosses to have Mr
Harrison Issue a proclamation calling an
extra session of congress to meet after the
elections next month, and fearing Its effect
upon the voters they do not dare tu have
the proclamation Issued until It will be too
ate to call the attention of the people to
what It meant. It meant that having con
troi ot both the cxectutive and legislative
branch's Of the government the republl- j
cans have fully mad4 up their minds to
enact laws which will enable them to con
tinue to control them, It means that, tor
the first time In the history of our govern
ment, congress Is to meet in extra session
tor the sole purpose of perpetuating the
power ot a political party the republican
part 1 It means that the Force bill Is to be
passed and that the negro, backed by the
United States Army, Is to be put on top
In the south, notwithstanding the remon
strances ot thousands ot northern business
men who have Invested tnclr money In
southern Industries; It means that an un
just apo onment blI making It piactl
cally Impossible tor the democrats to elect
a majority In cither the house of.rcprescn
tallvcs or the electoral college ts to become
a law; it means that hundreds of millions
ot dollars of the peoples money is to go into
the pockets of a ring already formed in an
ticipation of the passage of the ship subsidy
bill; It means that the U. S. treasury ts to
be emptied ino the pockets of the schemers
who have supplied the corruption fund
used by Quay, Dudley , Clai kson & Co., to
buy the election cf llanlson and Morten
and the republican majority in the present
house of representatives, by means of ap
piopilatlons of one kind and another. And
that Is not all It means; It means, If suc
cessful, the sounding ot the death knell of
the republic.
Mr Huston, of Indiana, who by the
grace of Mr Denjamln Harrison, of the
same treasurer ot the United States,
drawing a salary of $6,000 a year has pub
licly served notice u;on Mr Benjamin
Harrison that he must not expect the sup
port of the Indiana delegation to the re
publican national convention of 1S9J. But
perhaps this notice will lose some ot its et
feet when It Is learned, as I have reason o
believe it soon will be. that Mr Harrison
had previously served notice upon Mr
Huston that he must turn loose that $6,.
000 government tea'.
Attorney General Miller has gone to ln
diana to see il he cannot placate the republl.
can opposition In that state to his going upon
the supreme court bench as successor to
the late Justice Milter. II he can quiet the
"practical po'itlcians" out there Mr Harri
son will tend his nomination to the senate
as soon as It meets, if not, he gets left, as
Mr Harrison's spinal column isn't strong
enough to enable him to go against the
One would supise that the civil service
commission had suddenly gone out ci ex
istence to see the part taken by the big re
publican office holders in compelling the
small fry to chip in their assessments to the
campaign funds of the party, l'ublic
meetings of the various state republican
associations arc held almost nightly at
which speeches are made by goverment
official, and published in full In the local !
papers, which are punishable under the
civil service law. If the commissioners had
nerve enough to sre that the law was en
enforced. There Is an open and public
rivalry between the state associations ot
Ohio and Int Una to see which shall suc
ceed In raising the most money fur cam
pain uses anions employes of the govern
ment, and the names, not only- of those
who litvc contributed, but of those who
must contribute arc openly lead out at their
meetings, in the meantime commissioner
Roosevelt teems to be spending the most
of his lime since he r-turncd from a six
weeks vacation, during which his salary
went right along and hi travelling ex
pense weie paid by the government, In
telling fish stories. Many republicans
openly express their disgust at ttie present
condi'lon of things in the departments
Commissioner of Pensions Raum hat
left his duties here. Refrigerator com
pany and all, have gone on the stump for
g. o. p. I; would be in equally good taste
to take a burglar from some state's prison
to deliver lectures on honest. Why not
put ex-postmaster Wheat, of the house of
representatives, on the stump?
A New York inventor has completed an s'r
compresting machine whereby cars compress
the air which moves them, and allowing for
friction this can continue losg enough to be the
next thing to perpetusl motion. The cars in
the first place have to be started by horses, but
after going about thirty feet the compressor
gathers air enough to keep it going. We
trust the inventor will stop thort of attaching
such an arrangement to men and woman, or,
for example, to tome tuch organ at the tongue.
We have sometimes fancied that such an ar
rangement was always in use.
Careful observations and comparisons made
by scientific Americans prove that :l.e hottest
region on the earth is on the southwestern coast
of I'ersia, where Persia borders the gulf of the
same name. For forty consecutive days in the
months of July and August the thermometer
has been known not to fall lower than 100'
night or day, and ofiei run up as high as 128
in the afternoon.
Prof Orton, while urging the imperative ne
cessaity of taking action to restrict the wasteful
use cf natural gas. admits that even the strict
est regulations cannot prevent the exhaustion
of the supply in a few years.
Brkks boiled in coal tar are rendered hard
and durable, and machine-made brick, if boiled
for a long period, say tweaty four hours be
come watcrprsof. Bricks thus treated are well
adapted for sewers, cesspools and foundations
of buildings.
frof Colin of lireslau, Germany, has found
by careful expeilment that th heating of damp
hay to a temperature sufficient to cause
spontaneous combustion is due to a fungus.
Electricity applied to locomotive headlights
is among I he safeguards proposed for rail way
travel, and a recent simplified apparatus is
thought to he the most satisfactory so far intro
duced. Of the 4200 sptjies of flowers now cultivated
in Europe, only ten per cent give forth any
oder. Therefore it cannot be said most
flowers arc fragrant.
Bricks for artistic decoration are now made
of old bagging.
Dried Frw
I am prepared to pay t'le highest mar
ket price, In trade or cash, for choice dried
fruit of all kinds. Sam'l E Youno.
Wall 1'apeo. I have just received
iom tho eait a Urg3 invoicaof wall pi
oer, borders, decorations, etc., including
the plain ingrains which are becoming
very popular. These goods are better
styles and cheaper than ever before.
... mm
The ONLY place lathe ty where East
ora tickets can be purchat is of W. L.
Jester, at the Southern Pacific Co'a ticket
That the whole scheme of protection It
based In false premises It clearly proven
by the jangling discord among Its pro
moters when attempting to defend It a
galnst the fcarlul assaults of democratic
analysis and logic. When a democratic
consumer complains that I: Is a great In
justice to require hi in to pa an Increased
price for the things which he has to buy,
John Sherman says the (arid docs not lu
orease the price ot goods and commodities.
Cannon, Dlainc and others say that while
the duty Increases the prices of goods, the
foreigner, and not the American con
sumer, has II to pa, McKlntey, Reed
and others, frankly admit that It Is true
that the tariff docs Increase' the cost of
goods, but then brazenly that they are
opposed to cheap goods, that high pi Iced
goods Is better for the country than low
priced goods. Thus there Is no agree
ment between the friends of protection as
o the kind of prop necessary to sustain the
"robber tariff edltice. Hut the most
shilly-shally of all arguments Is the jldlc-
ulcus subterfuge resorted to by the Orego-
mUm when attempting to explain the ad
varices In prices th.'.t are being made all
over the country as the direct result of the
passage of the McKiuley bill. It says
these people who are advancini: prices are
swindling fellows taking advantage of the
passage uf tho McKiuley bill to mnkea big
profit when there Is no call fur an advance
In prices. This may deceive for awhile
but meichaula of nil classes all over the
counti are JJall v receiving notices from
eastern wholesale Louses announcing an
advance in prices In certain Hues of goods .
In business there Is no politics, and re
publican houses of the highest repute In
the lund ere sending out these notices dally.
Business men In Portland, Salein, Albany,
and everywhere else, arc receiving them.
They are not swindlers. The arc busi
ness men of the most scrupulous Integrity.
These facts must be admitted sooner or
later: Flist, the passage ot the McKlnle
bill will necessarily result In an increase of
price on a large number of aril, tea on
which the tariff has been Increased. Sec
ond, the consumer wilt have to pay this in
creased duty. Third, it will work a great
hardship to consumers, especially the
poorer classes. Fourth, Ike of-Jett nml fr
fse of the MKinley lull ti ere to tarn
ajtince in ft ices, cthcrwlse It would be of
no advantage to manufacturer. Fifth, It
is much better to have cheap goods for the
poor than dear goods. These propositions
are conclusive of the whole subject and
sho. the Injuilous policy of protection.
The 1'emocRat editor has received
limitation lo attend the "Old Roman Ban
quet" to begtten at Co!unibi:, Ohio, on
the thirteenth of next month, In honor cf
Allen G Thurman on his 77th blilhday. It
is with the keenest regret that w e find our
selves unable to attend this banquet given
in honor ol one of the greatest of Ameri can
citizens, a man whose life has been
typical of that ideal American manhood to
which so many aspire and so few attain.
It Is meet that the public virtue and integ
rity of private life of the ' Old Roman '
should be held up before the young men
of the whole cour.try as the great bright
example which thry should follow If they
hope to be both good and great,
Ex president Cleveland has accepted an
Invitation to be present and will deliver
the principal address of the' evening. Sen
ator Carlisle, of Kentucky. Roger Q Mills
of Texas, S.-nator Daniel, of Virginia
Daniel Doughtre, ol New York, and Sen
ator Vooihecs. of Indiana, h is been Invited,
and are expected to be present. Toasts
will be responded to by many other dis
tinguished democrats from different parts
of the union.
Oct. 2Mi, 1S1K1.
Wo may not le mtirojxditan enough
to get LiN rati, but we liuve a cniie ahow
occaiiioijally. week kouic lya from
the country around here gave us an en
tertainment of the kind above named.
Such show men would do more towards
their own and the community's advance
ment if they would go to chopping wood
or making ruila.
We learn, by private rorn-fponilence.
that Mr. K. W. Orelmtigh, who left here
witli tier liUHimnd. in hept., for iieoruu.
in hope of better health, died in eight
days alter their arrival at Cedar Town,
Hotel do Senger wan well patronized
lant week. One wan tho old charge of
crunk and dittorderly, ami the other was
lor violation of an ordinance w hich re
quires boy nndc-r 13 yearn of nge to go
homo at 0 o'clock, p. m. Wc doubt tho
propriety of euch law. It is like our
school law, requiring all children under
10 years ot age to aUend school three
months in each school year. Tho laws
are all right if properly administered :
but if not they are all wrong. Koine
have other things for their children to
do, and sounds to much like prohibition
for us; and we doubt if they are not
F. M. Jack and It. A. Sunders will
open a hardware store this week in the
building formerly occupied ty Waters
Sam. and Joe. Temnlcton delivered in
Brownsville, last Wf'tk, 19,000 pounds of
hops, at 30 cents. Jos. White and Tycer
uros. are to deliver Zj,000 pounds, tins
week, at the came price : more than our
salary, eh 1
Fayette, Mo., Oct. 23rd, 1890.
I don't know when I will leave
I have not seen all of tny old friends yet.
I will leave for Adrain county to-morrow,
where I will visit some of my old neigh
bors that I have not seen for 20 years, and
will visit Lergeon. in old Boon county,
and spend a few (lays there.
There is considerable excitement hero
about the election. Tliey have the can
didates in the Held for Congress.
The weather is fine here tit tiii-i time.
Fall sow n wheat looks flue. Tho corn
crop is light. Times hard. Fork is
worth 13.80 per hundred cross, and beef
about the same.
I spend my time liuntiriir emails and
a j ti so. nit . iiuis uiiv mtnn ii 1 1 a uiJl u
ing for breakfast. I take breakfast with
my youngest sister. Khe looks well, hut
san iita anri T Knil a finri rrsnucs t ) in m --.
is some tuty years old and a ljttlogray
ikc myseii.
If I should live to reach Orccon once
morel will stay there the remainder of
my days. I like tho people here very
much, but the climate I don't. This
country looks more broken than it did
when I lived here. Die laud looks badly
worn out, but the people are satisfied
with tho country and live very well. The
worst is the negroes, poor, miserable
creatures, borne of them I feel sorry for.
I met one that my father raised and she
asked me to give her 0 cents. I did so
and she said she would keep it as long as
she lived to remember me. It made me
feel sorry for them, but it ain't my fault.
Now I will say that we have the best
country in North Anerica tha. I have
everseen.and when I return I will spend
the remainder of my days in old Linn
My health is still good, have not been
sick one minute since I left home.the 14th
of September.
There was a little froet here this morn
ing. The nights are growing cooler.
: E. Tubneb.
IIolidat Books. Ladies, call at Mrs.
Hymen's and give your order for the
Juvenile Books, for Xmas. Tho latest
O'lt. - . ' .
Valuable Cargo.
Astoria, Oct, aS The German ship
Kcnco Kickner this evcni.ig linislied loading
the largest and most valuable cargo that hat
left the Coluinpia for over a year. It consisted
01 20,791 cases of salmon, ao.aso s.icks 01
floor, and 33,565 tacks of wheal, Ilia total
valuation of the cttgo bring over f 437.000.
Nmo Idea of Hie iimiicsity ol tins cargo can he lions the fact that It would require to
transport it by rait 340 cart, tarrying 3o,omi
pounds each. 1 he salmon shipment on Hit
K'ckncr is the first to i;o foreign this year t nd
will he followed by a similar shipment in a few
A 4'vnltUral Itallraail Man.
Waua Walla, Oct, 38 (J v Hunt re
lumed this evening from New York rily, where
ha 1ms hern since Inst spuni; in the Interest ol
the 11 & W 1 Company, A reporter inter
viewed I nut on hit arrival, and found him at
home, suiroundcu by tils family, lie wm uu
commur.icative, eml.ecin:d very coiilidenl that
he will v:iy soon he ht a position lo let the
world know that he is prepared lo miry out
the gicat prospects for the benefit of Walla
Walla, I'ortlnnd n ul the Intermediate coitntiy,
which he has already planned,
A Cical Matter.
New Yokk, Oct. 38. T I' GUI, a !clrgale
of the Irish paitiameiilaty parly, said tu-niilit
referring to llie ttatcmciit made it some papcis
that the Iiish paily was ImlilTcrcnt on the
fain no question, that nothing could be more
erroneous. "The feign of diMicss wii form a
leading part of Our programme," reitiaikcd
Oil), "but we a so intend to appeal for the
means of advancing that policy whiih aims at
ending forever this periodical occurrence of
famine, this pciiudiral thiowing of our rounhy
upon the chuiity of the nations, the policy, ii
a soul, ul I allied and I. lactone
the Miar Raid.
Spokane Falls, Oo:. 2S. Two huge sales
of mining piopcrty were consummated in this
city to day, Until nines are near llurke Ida
ho, in the 1'irur d'Alcne dittiict, A half in
Icrcst in the Union mine was bought I y J II
Grant, of the Omaha and Denver smelters, for
$100,000. A half interest is the C leveland
mine was sold to S Sichciling, of Akron, Ohio,
for (75.000, Itoih properties tic undeveloped,
but adjoin paying mines. The sale meant the
advent of $500,000 into llurke.
killed by a t ailing Trr.
SKAt l t E, Wash., Oct. 2S.-Ncs was re
ceived here toniclil that JOtin A Mooncy, a
lucecr at I hclan s camp, at At p'Utc C ove,
lost hit hie Monday, lie idled a small tiee.
which ttiuck a',stumpinfatling,anit intchound
ing hit Mooncy, killed hint instantly.
A rend Irion Fire.
I'KSI'I.ErAN Oct 27 Al to last night fuc
broke out 'n warehouse! in the llo'cl I'cn.lle
ton and the Association block in this city. The
loss will reach, with hardly any insur
ance. if there had been any win! much of
the business torliun would have lcn destroy
ed. I'.y daid work the fiicmcn saved the
Hotel I'cndleton and adjoining buildings. T
laigest losses are: I'cndleion Hardware Co,
$9000; insurance f $00. I) limn, fi5uo;nu
insurance. Hotel I'cndleton Co 85000 no in
surance. A Nye Sooo; no insurance. Much
dairt-tgc wss done by water.
A l4law M'llraiaa,
WAMIismt'S Oct 27 I be Indian l-ctciu
has received fiom Agent Mil-aughlin at Stand
ing kock Agency a ie(ort upon lhcgiojcctive
out wean among me mobs in consequence
the coming ul "New Messiah." He says in
I do with to be understood as considering
the )resent excitement tottainitng as lo indi
cate any immediate uin tunc cr icrious out
break but I do feci it my duty lo icport ihc
present "crac'' anj nature of the cxtitemcnt
ciitiii amoni the ".Sitting llul1" l.c.ions of
the Indians aver tl.e "Indian miltenium," the
annihilation of the white man and the supicm
acy of the In lians, which is ed for not lat
er than nest spitng.
(rsalll firm.
C.nkvai t.'s tXt 37 The street niUay ex
tension will lc completed this week. I he
business of the loaJ is si easily increasing.
A sym.icste this week purchased loo teres
. I I I I . t t f L .. H I .
vi ini noriii ui town wuicn wmi ic c uu in
prunes at once.
Ttta Hay II W.rks.
Sam KfcN isco Oct 37 The ateamshln
Zcahn lia whrh sriivcd t'iis morning fm:u
Auvtralis brought 8,oOo,nOoin F.nchsh tOver-
j eigns wniiii will tc received at the mint. The
money is in return for American produituhij
ilc. I lo Auttra.u.
Perotd lawrtrd.
IMjKI'CMiknck Oct 37 lumhns great
team liclle Hamlin and justina again loaeied
their record today doing a mite in 3:1 j. Justina
broke and horsemen say that had it not been
for this the team would have done belter,
Talal Wilis falaia f'rsp.
CuiCA'ioCkt 27 The rimcr review will
say litis aeek Ihat according to statistic c-
ccirr.i ine gtano loiai ol ire ixwato nop uitlils
Country for 2 S90 will 1 ii'xjut l33,7Jl,ooo
t.u. lie is against 233 701,000 in (SSo;nd 210,
646,000 in tSh.l.
A u:a 1 1
M01111.K Oct 20 Fire lgan aUut 12:40
this afternoon and retutted in the most disast
rous conflagration that Mobile has had since
the war. The fire started in a shingle mill
and factory just outside the northern boupdarp
01 the city limits. I lie losses will, probably
reach f7 50,000, wjth an insurance of $400,000.
There was no loss of life but many firemen
were overcome with heat and smoke and had
narrow escapes from falling walls.
Hlaalrjr ("omlag.
New York Ocf 26 Henry M Stanley, the
African explorer is expected to arrive in this
country on Nov 5 with his wife and M-e Ten
nant, his mother-in-law. He is to sail from
England Oct 29 on the Teutonic. In New
York the party will slay at the Everett house.
No public appearance will be made by Stan
ley unlil he attends the reception at ttie Met
ropolitan opera house in this city on the eve
ning of Nov 11.
Dr Cooke Back la lilrago.
CnioAcoOct26 C T Cooke the young
physician whose disappearance saused such a
stir, is back in his rooms. His attending phy
sician sayt overwork has broken him down
physically and mentally, but that he will be all
right soon.
Indorse Ibe Inilrpec drat Ticket,
CoLUMMAOct 26 The republican slat
central committee issued an address tonight
indorsing the independent democratic ticket,
headed by Judge Haskill for governor.
Hermann Home,
Portland Oct 26 Congressman I5inj.Br
I lermann acrived home yesterday and is at
The Portland, , Congressman Baker of Koch
ester N Y came with him. Congressman
Hermann looks well and is in good health.
A Citeat Ce serai's Bliibdoy.
Berlin Oct 26 I he celebration of the
ninetieth annivvrsary of the birthday of Von
Mcltke continued today.
Edltsd by Albany W, 0. T, V
Tho ideal citizen ia the man who be
lieves that all men are brothers and the
nation in merely an extennion of hia
family, to be loved, respected and cared
for accordingly. John Ilnbberton in
Ono of our lecturers, w ho has been
working in the Nebraska campaign, gays
tiiat never before has she seen so many
white ribbons in men's vests and lanefs
as were viniblo there. She considers it a
symptom that the men aro making com
mon cause wiin ttie women in this light.
The Japanese irovcrnment sent a com
mission to England to study the work of
tho Church of England with a view to
t t . i .... i i . t j .
making n me Hiute ciiureri oi japan. An
advene report was made bccauso"Chris
tianity had not saved England from be
coming a drunken nation."
Tho Illinois WCTU now has a mem-,
bernhip of over fourteen thousand, having
added over twelve hundred new members
during the past year. G7,000 havo been
expended in local work and fifteen hun
dred thousand pages of literature dis
tributed. There are 25,000 children in
the Loyal Temperance legions.
Mrs L M N Stevens, president of the
Maine WCTU. Is one of the two lady
managers of trie World's Fair chosen
rora her state.
Uoad Matthews Si Washburn'
this' week . "
new d
Skoriff's Sale.
th Circuit Court of Ik SMt of Oregon
for I'm County of Jink ton.
PE1CKY It Y D1C, rialniHr.'l
W. II. MYKK8, DnfondantJ
by vlrture ol an asroutton and ordor
of sain InmuhiI out of tho abovo iiainnd
court In tho abuva entitled notion to mo
Olioctrd and delivered. I oil, In Ltnn
oouritv, Orp)oii, on the 3rd day of Oitto
bnr, I8IW, duly In vy upon a t the rluht,
lllle and 1 11 tores t of Iha above im nihil do
fetidaut, W It Myers, in and to tho real
proporty hereinafter duiorlbed. and i
will on
Saturday, Iha Rib day af Novrmlirr, IH0,
at tho o.mrt houso door, In tint itlty ol
Albany, Linn county, Urouon, at f ho hour
of 1 o'olnok, p 111 of kulil day, null a
ptibllo amnion lor ci.uli In hrtud to tho
hlu.bMt bidder, all thn right, liilo and
mtnrtwt ul thn said di'f.itii mt In oud ta
the mill propnily so levied upon, tho
same boiiiK the real property dMrllmd
In Mihl ixiciitlon and outer of sale as
follows, towiti
lloulntiltig at a point 10 ehsln . w.t of
t'l corner 10 suction 'Jit. V7. 31 aixl !.", To
11. Nil 4 W, and luuiilnx thuiitt wost
alorg lha nortli linn of anld . lli ii 31,
111 holna. i tiKiH'O sooth 40 oil in j lhiti-
KlUtiiMiiisand 10 links; them-a i.orlh'io
chains; thenen west, 10 elia and 70 link;
tht'Uco north 'JO elm to tlia p!a of brgln
n 1 111,'. "'oiilaliiliiu 70 40 I DO aiTcM, mom or
Ii sh, in Linn o miity , Or. 'I ho protsmd
nrlning front tlin aal of snld rtMnlHta lo
ba applied to the -llrotloii i f tin ; mix
uml dlxl lileli!r)U of I ln art Ion, IaaimI r-t
thn nt eruliiic e.t upon nald ex
rnUoii, and to Inn payment of p ulntltls
junvtnii'iii atvoruiutt 10 win terms iiu ri-ot
liuti'd I hit tl'ti day of Uotolmr. I :.
M ho.ifr,
Nhi'ilII i,f I. Inn tottm', Oregon
lNotico of Guardian sSalo.
NotlcvrU holeby gtvuii lo all w hi. 111 It
my e.iuMiin:
Ian l too iierson and nstata of Kver
oil V, Ihiwulnir, a minor, wl'l utiduraiid
bv virtue of an ordor of the county court
of Mai Ion county, Orogon, ma to and
ontoredl of lecord on the Kh day of Nor-
tftnbet A 1) I MM, mill at pul.llo amnion at
the north door of the county tourl hou-si
Im thn city of Altuny, In Linn county, In
the stale of Oregon, on
I'rlday, the 3lsl Day of Orlaltrr. . It las.
at on (I) o'o-otk n 111. of r.atd dsv. to
tho hiKbOMl bbhlor for I) N Koid oolll. to
bo paid at Ilia lima or !, rll the right,
lltlo and lnlrot of aal minor in and to
thn following described teal estate and
promises, to wit:
1 no a sum naitor iiioaoii.iiwest quarter,
soultiwest quarter of lha aouthnast otisr-
torof am-tion Z; and thn north hs,lfofj
tho noithwoktquiitor, and tl. nortliwosl
nuartrrof tho imrlln ant quartor of siw
lion ttt.snd all InT lis It 1 K of tho Hit.
lamella moiMlan, and In l.lnn rouutv,
Oregon; and t oltm a part of tho donatl'.lt
land cla m ot KJw.rd II Iiftus and wifo.
AIo the northeast quarter uf tho aoul
east quarter of wi-tlou so, f 11 M It I K,
and Iom 6 and 1U In s-rrtlon 20, and tola I,
2. 3, 4. &. n, in amnion IV, anl lot I In ooo
llon 30, T 11 M It I ICand all of lha fol
low Inn deacrlLxxl land nave and en-opt 00
aerna lu Itin northwmt corner thereof
horolnfW aold and conveyed lo Abraham
MylvoHtor. to wif
Parts of Ms 20 and SOT 11. Sit IK,
bounded and dosi-ribod as follows: it
ginnlna at a mjIiu 70hitliiot and 1H 07
chains north of llissuutawrst ronierof
aaltl lH () sod luord.ix thonro auuth Hs.'Ti
hslnt; thomo osl 20 chains, Ihoneo
north 7 chains, lh"tiro eal iit) chain.
Inonoa north 01 eha'.ua, ihoneo west
W.4'J c'jsitn. ,to Ilia plane cf beginning.
Alwi estininonrtiiK at It.osotlth Wnsl corner
of Klwaid II lottos donation land r'aini
notiiU-stion No Ttill ahuato In T 11 S It 1 K
of lUo WUismatto ii.nrldiaii, Drey. m, run
nli( lho1e st r0 rial, thonc north I'M
rxU. 1I1. so rods, theiio aoutli
tto rx!s in pis. ,( li.iyli.niiiu, alt of asld
land la siiomIo In l.lnn county, Stalo of
All tt o riKit. tltio and Intoirntof said
minor In and to thn kai l ral esta'.o and
premises, Iwdng su undivided onee'ghtb
(I.) Urnreof
lto.l this Hotnmbnr 23rd. l"ej.
MHs. M. J. iXlWrUNU.
Uuard'an i f lha ;iern and klt of
r.Vrrelt C". Downing, a minor.
In tin Vi.-euil 1'onri of iKe S'.tir tij Oregon
fur the Ciimty of Linn.
J VMK-i C. 1IAUMN', l'llit;ir,
idant. j
To t'arrtn Hardin, tha alxo nsiue.1 da
OtrKn. yru aio hortity roiiiirid to
'pHrand answer tl.a complaint of the
abovo plaint fl. In tun abovo otillthd
court, now ou llio ul h IhotUrkof said
cmrt. by tho llrat ly oftho tits' reRuia.
loriu of sl l oumt, whieh sniti t. rm lx
Ktn on MoniUv, iho 2Mi day r. i,t-;tr,
J', al tim trouil House In Albtnv. l.lnn
oounty, Or.K..n. .ml y u r :-ri by
fur l.W iiotill.'.l tint ju f, oap.or
ami snsm-rs-n. I compntnt. s h-r. l.v ta
qulro.1. tho plaint ir will tsk a d. rrct.
sKsinai you, a i ravd for In tho com.
i-int now on llio in al ismrt In said
cauao, to wit: l)ls,ivli.( thn Nnd tif
matrimony new ixi.tlnK bs-twoen vou
ami talil idalrititT. and irivimr i.islolirt In
Mhl ci o and pnstnlv i,f rim
minor child, Mary IVm.Io d for
blacnnUanU dlnl urst monls In this suit
J his summons U HUldlMlu.1 liv nnl.r nt
lha Hon It. I. HoIoh. Jsnls ol said cuirt
rnado at chsinlMtr lu Him cllv .f Slin.
On gon, on thoOlhd iy t fHrptf inlK-r, 1MW
w. k iwrvKf.
All'y for l'Lint.ff.
STBAYED. From .tha farm of 11 oaub
.imtiIhuI, on or stout tha iitb.on-i ty
Ui4io. 15 banil.1 hlh. It vo yrnr old. fow
sntld.'o m. kt, llitlo wblto on hind fret.
(hod in iror.t with ti ahoist and ot.o
bJstitR ruiv, tbrj join old. LiUr-ral re
ward for Information losdina to r. tnrn c f
ami, i ii mi x t.
Millers, Or.
I.1NTBAY KO'l ICE -Stray
Vj farm or.a Unco jar old
naif prop from ach sr. Suili
ed from my
d slct r. hind
Suilabla reward
to my nee who will inform nia of P.a
wbeicalouta. 1 tics I. AM'
ly 'I urntr'a Lildjja.on Calapoota.
.1 .
,-a w
The most speedy, positive and perma
Cent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma,
and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart,
Stomach, Liver and Kiduey Affections,
Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in
ita various stages, permanently cured.
Dr. Adorn'9 ongiual mode of treatment
and bis medicated inhalations gives in
stantaneous relief, builds up and revital
izes the whole constitution end system,
thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,
debilitated and broken-down constitu
tions, old and young, invariably gain from
ten to thirty pounds in from thirty to
ninety days.
Dr. Asokn's phenomenal skill and mar
velous cures have created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron
chial and Lung trouble 'nstantly relieved,
and Deafness oftcu cured permanently at
first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on
the "Curability of Consumption," and a
treatise on ,rCatarrh of the Head,"
with evidences of some extraordinary
cures, mailed free. Call or address
Faarth and Xarrlssa Bts Portland, Oregon.
Not. Home treatment, securely packed, sent by
express to sll parts of the Pacific Coast, for those who
Canst possibly call in person,
Public Sale.
can winter, we will sell on Hatntday
November 1, IHOO, at Mir faim on thn
Narrow Uanuo railroad, ii mhos south of
Talimnn , without rf serve, to lha hlghnat
bidder, a fine lot c,t yt ting horsca, consla
ting ol brood inarea In foal to Oneon and
Altoeo. rokdslur. workhorsoaatid ponlea
on thn follnwinir ternisi One or' tlme
wiihnut InteiKNt, with approved security,
'1 wt Ive pi r tet t (trior canh.
IIcU'iilKlit IlroM.
8 S- a.B--B.:SB
t xnt: :i:t.r.nn .
... .... ,.. . . , WiJ k, ua mv
' ' ihj fn,e t fwi.!! r'viCv;
ti lin.v,.:( j'----
... II HI, I . 1 -
...vr.v.f ..(!! ;,. i 7
u vni, : i - p j
i i I UAH no -)' tV.Sr'-'
ft f f I'l
-ii t':i.V
Executor's Notice.
In lht t oii' iy !onr, of J.inn (ouiity,
Mato of Ori'Ko.i. In thn iiisttrr of
thn ostato of Klijali Naltinnrah, de
X.TOiIC'1' Is hi nd.v Blvo.t that tho un
dorslnod I an Im ii duly apK.)utd
esiontor of said OHtato. tiv l.o t'outit"
fourt of Linn county, OrcKon. and that
an persins navinu cuiiua ausir.- t estate
am lierohv rooijirod to iirosoitt thorn tO'
unher with tho ironr vouchors and
proof to tho uiidor. luooi at my houso 7
mllu soul lii.aul ot Lebanon, on tho Mwont
lit ma road, In Ltnn county, oreKon, with
tu als luontha from tb dato boreal.
I4t I at Albany, Oregon this 2nd day of
uvmoor, n, , mutt,
. . 11A0 NALTM AUSIf,
J. J. V hltnoy, (.xonuuir
Atty for i.iocutor.
Executor's Notice.
K-tits is hernby ivcn tl.a tha undoisiua
til has this dsy been duly tJtniint"d rrcu
torsrf tho tt will arid tosUinentnf IVr
tnnita Jacobs, deceased. All parsons hsvina
claim sasinsl ssid doossed aro roquired to
tirossiit them t) tho undersigned or to J K
Weathcrfiird, attornpy for tho txecutor, at
aiaioy, urrgnn, within su niontli from
this ilsto, tlio ssmo to bo duly vcntlfd, as
rtHnirtl ly law.
I hit the 2i.d day of Spteinlr, lh!X).
i. A. TaVUiR,
Wsj. M. Waitos,
-I K WATiii:tiron, Kxccutors
Atty for Kstcatnis.
Executor's Notice,
Itio titnl. rsli.'iio I ia boon ou!y ap
p.'iu'.od by tha County fonrt of l.lnn
HiULty, dregon, c-arrntor of Iho last will
and Umtfiuiont ,f M il Hill, i'caiil lata
r I.hiti citinty. O,oon. AH ronton
hi viiiK claims axsinat said cUt are bor
by iioiifltii t, pitsrit thorn tlulv vonttiKl
t tha uiidorslniiod at ht oltloo l"n Albany
within alx month front this italr.
(Mot , r 2s, lHiiJ.
J. t. UILU
T. J. Mrircs. Mocutor.
Atty lor Rxtcutor.
Administrator's IMDtice.
tiia undorstKnl ha t n by the
C.itinty fourl f..r Linn county, tlrrgnn,
duly apiolniol sdminlstrator of tho e
ta'.o of Marl t'roWR, il. poaood. lata t f
l.lnn c uuty, '..'roou. Ail iwrsana bsv
ln claim ajfa'iisl asl.l o-ia'oarj hrri by
notiflr j to prt-Hoii. ihoin roporly Vnnilr d
wit: la sis month fr ut tbi da lotho
undorslKnoil st Albany. Oroou.
Oao IlrstrnaKT.
fhy.tmt rr.n rotntba (sraer Jemrtry Klera,
mm s , i, . .vi, j.-h at a psrysaa
iltkcr Laillts w titnt.
Pc-rmsi.e'illy ruird althuut cuttimr, bunilnj rr dU
lsll'if. A J.tirl. ctly ptsnless trtsitniont snd susrsn
UU cars In srery se, no tnsller hvsr lonir stsnilirr.
This troslmciit, f..r Nerictu o, of tlr Iloxsll' tbs
ffrvslrat clismtery knuan to medlctne. ltdlaiolves
slid eottiplntvly ri nn.rrs the Stricture without suuuy-
sce fir isin w tns patient.
IVrullsr w their spx, snl not pner'to rsmo hsrs,
Inchl.lihir sit dvlirst Inrlrminillessnd Wesb-
twas's, wliii ti thuy srnuld shrink from disuluslm? to
ineir Isiiil'y physician, psrnisnnntly cured In less
time than was ever knnsrn to Medicine hsfrra. by lr
lt'issU's "New System of Trastmenv." Itrajuvensta
i liti setilto-uru sry oru'sm and mska weak tiien strong
true i p.wnll.le, it is slwsys txt to sail lor ponsinal
consultation snd special ixsuilnstlon. Rut thusa
w ho cannot posslhiy call, should write, slating their
care rnny, sitruiuine sent oy mail or express, st-a!4,
Iroe tmm exposure, to all parts ul the tauUu Coast,
Win. A. Baxell, M. D.
Conaultlns riiy slclau
City Restaurant
Havipg been entirety remodeled, this old
and popular restanrant will be msrJa firs,
class n every retpect. The public will be
given gool meal as all hours for only 25
cents. Everjthmg icut and attraotive.
Private boxes. Oysters In every style.
V. A.McGm.
By all means o&ll on
PnHuco, : Baked Goods, Etc. Etc.
Tl.elr pooda are the beat at.3 their price
A sstistit V
(NOlViVHSNie , 99$
V 31V33N0l
83N0f " o
S. W. Paisley,
Albany, Orgo. ? .T - :
Maoco and Cigars. ' '
TIic Pastciii Water Filter
will bo on exhibition in our Show Window, on
its arrival, and can bo neon throwing both Filter
ed and Un filtered water. Can bo attached to
main direct, or wo will have them for well water.
They tako out all Disease Germs, and are per
fect filtcrn, int Htrainors. Fully Warranted.
- l ' '-;:;" " ' - IS?: J
" -J .......:. -!..... .,, I
.,3 .V u. mM.L f
. . 1.1 " "" .
L;r:-i-!BstMr!l.- T. i. ' '
.. s 1 .star-, - ' v . f. . (
ul ' I f t A (1 ! 1 I
And Th.ey Pay the Freight.
i s
ii t f !' i ) if, I'.t n-l Ww. IVKfv. ly
::k lr r.
.r 1 1 .r vv i.ifiify. imj not
1 1 s!-rtB. .-n r. '.Wii I c shn".
ls'os.iMi:y. I
SHU r.jM ii lu. :i?ji
aole Aa'at
33 ki
lt fr-4vrttaaj, I wlifn' aii f nm all
tsjf, t( fUAm. 'f ts1U Mf
9 IlM fc atfiiL 4 a I..
Bs U
r,wdr.loa.l6Ja!,r.U,rtri,tK..,!1) la, WUWlO Willi ail llie noveltlCS Ot tllO SCaSOn. lllS
iiiMiistt rMsaonabi. fljturssa iwi for ' Joy s and Children's department con?istsof hih crade
t us whan ynu come to lav In your I ,1. T 1 " '-is llIo11 blduo
Inlora supply of ammunition, to pruttMS inOtClUeS. Ill Ills ,
rour ranch from lb Inron.N of tbat ring J
lock til (-migrant. srtwj ut Jt mi
sr ini KMssrf Attn untmn in
irsrasf ftiia aaMi laatk. lirt-snf
m of A-piit, lnditfMttot.
Lwtt oi mnmffin n4 Tlru&
MUntf Mssaasil srswsi. fJoatM,
, nlaiHiaf Hmln lorsr.
A aaaasw sa aat aVm """""a s rum I ail IS t al
TONXO Mf avu1 mpmmdr or. isivtMinctflHir, mU
thrnititlcion. KnMitnt ftttasmrt at oottatrfit
in only n4d ta lh pafuUritr nt th oriRinl.
( xm.U!ibin, IJ
1 Uls. Ita. Mtrnvla
tusltiMl on rcmiA nt t
OIHsit"rtl-nt prt WKItsliU ttav VEXT)
. Lir Oumhlsatnt ni hit k
tp)o 1om ui Urtm liouk
I rual tsad on rtr41tl nf two cnt tit DoaUati.
Or. HARTCR MEDICINE CO.. fit. Louis, H
S. X. Steele & w.,
deal Estate Loan Broker.
Large list of goud farm bd1 eilv prontj
for sale.
Isns, inopey on real
aJjoiuing ot tintios.
estate in Liiiuan
Iuiurance written up iurei:sLU'co:n)i iea
Notary TuWie mid ccuvpj at:cer.
Call oo or wnto Die.
Albany Oregon
Conrad Mever.
Cottier Broadalbia and First Sts.,
:auail Crdtls,
!)rle fruits,
Co flee,
('Mimes! Jlletsin,
-ct everything that is kept In a gen
variety and grocery ore. nighoM
a rkst prion j' aid for
Poflmillef & Irvina,
Arterial Embalmlup; Don3 Scientif-
a v
Garland, Gold t'oiis, Argand,
Monitor and Superior Cooks, Heaters and Ranges.
The best assortment. The lowest ir'".'':v.
-z: beautiful goods.
Water .Supplus, I'lumbing (Joods, are
L. E. B
IIa3 just received a superb
Fall and Winter doing,
The largest in tho Valley, carefully selected for thy trade
here, including an elegant line of Overcoats, all of the
latest fabrics, and of a high grade of workmanship
His Furnishing
r ...
Hat Department '
Will be found all the latest shapes of the season
j His IWt and Shoe Department ia filled with a choice
! line of goods
Ilia Tailoring Oepaiiment
Under cliarge of the cxjert Mr Scliifiler, is well stocked
with a splendid line of fniitiivj; -
Strictly One Price.
Successor to Geo. C. Henderson.
Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac
co Etc. Etc.
Hardware, Iron, Steel,
Front, First and Yine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon.
Solo Agents for Oregon
BinglC, iJouUlo, or Triple Farrow. They srs to simple
have used
laem or seen uiera work can not
n or seen them work can not
IDEEIIEI I'O'WI?. Tl1h"V pyrrT.wrv PLOWS.
Buckeye Hoe Tress Grata Drill, Buckej-e Seeders, Buckcyo Sprh g Tooth Harrowa,
The latest Improved Implement for sowing summer tallow. The most complete and toceesdul tod tor tf
,'..--; - purpose in use.
Wo also hare a full line of Ilanles, Carrlagrea, Phaetoas, Iloontaia Wagons
Platform and ther Upriag Vehicle. . ..
lawrcnoe & Chipin's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Eotowi, ScionUfio Feed ilillB, FadEa Faoainff ilUla, .
EAISH BARS WIRE, ETC., fTR- -: r-. - !?B."Haim. rp,SH3
E. THRALL, AG E f 4T, : A L n a rl 'prnof .c;3..
KcliaVdo dealers in l'umps,
lina'of .
Goods Dep't
and Washington for
snj come so near absornt perfection, that those h
say enough in their nrsiss. we t
say enough in their 1
Seat attachments are extra.