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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1890)
ifi'h m jit (I ' ' itf 6 Nett York World, "THE DEMOCRAT" and the American Farmer, all ono year FOR 82 80. ' An ad. in tbe "DEMOCRAT" Ileaches the Most People, and bring BIG RETURNS. Weekly per year. 'Stat Right Iiuoort, fa 0O VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1890. tVO T- EnUred at the" Ah any Pot Cfilee, s Second class mil matter. ( i! II K y I H ICC.WIicn in jibe City, Call at the Eton Clothing and inspect the immense stock, consisting of Clothing Furnishing Goods, Bought for cash in an eastern market, at such ai will suable us to offer larj;air, in th" alow line will attract attention. Call and ?oe u.-. m t win Strnhan Block, THE SPOT CASH Racket -:- Store, Is still in existence: It only removed, Oct 1st, 1890, one door treat of Thompson & Overman's Harness Ehop, on First stroot, vihora everybody can ffoct a siting of from 15 to 25 per cent by buying any article sold at the SPOT CASH STORE I Come and examine Prices. . Respectfully, BERNARD LEW. Oct. 11, 1880. $J -G. L. BLACKMAN,- LEADING DRU2S, MEDICINES OHLING Si Grocers and Bakers; Oppeslte (he Eeepa Crgtensa etock of Groceries, Produce, and Baked Gooda. Bottom prices. EliiMTiM U IUIUUUUI II HUE. Tho Store, Shoes, Hats. lZju Jul. UJ. prices , that Xfl? Albany, Oregon. Albany Cigar Factory; J. Jcseplt -! Proprietor. WHOLESALE & RETML. SCO,, Mn'y White ,atio! EmplQjed DRUGGIST OHEQOIT- .STATIOHARY-&C WALLACE Ilcvcro lionnn. WWWMIW AHY 1EADAGIIE BUT CVRSS E RfiTMINe ILSX. I It you want the best and most'durablo furni ture that, ia maTinfafitiir- 0 ed in tho city go to . tas raiK TP". i.ooai. iieoohd. A Popular Insurance Co. rt"c call attention to the advertisement In till Issue of the .Farmers and Merchant! Insurance I o oi Albany, ay lite s-orvain lime. I th itntlon, ami make It the nitwit Impor Unqucdlona'bly ml company I growing taut In the state ouUhle of Portland The In popularity and Willi a capital lock ol $500,000 I a in in atnc rock 01 oiuraitcr. it hut loaned more money to the farmer oiurcgoit, secured uv nmmor weon llmt it U Impossible for a single lire, no matter how treat, to crlouly affect It llnanclal tandlng. Many of the hre I holder are resident of thi city and the director are lion K S Strahan, lion John lUirnctr. lion J K Wcalherlurd, llr I. Folev, J O Wrttninan, O F Slmpn, M Sternberg, W F Head and J I. Cowan. Only the hotter cln of farm and merenn tile rlftk are accepted, and they are doW larvcr bUNinco In UrtKon tnan any other company In the Mine llcld, which I a teot of it 1 popularity. 1 he name or '.he director are uHictcnt Kiinr.ii'.tce that It patron may count with afcty Hint all loneiit claim aralntitlhecniiipanv will he promptly paid. I (), a nutlvc on ol iienton and well a. .J uvnrably knon, I manager and ecrwtary,and K A Milner, (evcral year county .iicilntcn dent of tliU county, l conlilcr. We hear tily cnnimend the company and recom mend It 'o oin tiilcn i aic and reliable. A Sciiol.MSLV Notu.'K. '1 lie following ay tl he Ilakcr t lty Reveille, l uld to be n literal cony of the rule potcd on a home In the lili' Ucnd country, Wttkh. ' K.uh pupil l required to make a 1hw on enlciin the School of moinlu, alio on Icvlni; of the School Room of cvenln. There hall be no protanc laniuat:c ucd hi School nor on the olavuround nor here hall he no plnllckln, nlnchln, Ki ralchin, nir nil tt-cln, nor no uneaay Whleperln School. Io pupil hall leve the School hou.c without pcrmNoion of the Teacher. No uneasy moven from caI to cat. No titln on the road tr School nor no Nick namln. Every piipll ocr ei;ht year old hnll be kuhirlo the rule, and the IVacht-r U to make ullow nc for all pupil under eiylit and rnforc the rule accordrn. If any itholnr biake tliee rule I ha ha'l be puiiUhed by luitclien.'' A Narrow Kscapk. I lUtory and ro- aunce coi.tnln msny iccldcnt of the arri val oi pardon and rrpilevo jut In time tix.ivc ome HHjr wriche life; hut It w trit for the Lebanon Lrc to perpetrate the follow lug : A few day ago a Scotch collie dog catnc Into our town at rr.llic trancr, hiving mima.tcrnnr irlcndsand a a natural con.eucnce the animal iound It way Into the pound. A no claimant appeared, the mar.hai declared he mutt die, fixing the day of execution on Tue. day. A few hour befo'c the cc?utlon 3i to tke place The l:ion.vl'le Time arrived, in which a reward of $1 km of fered by H V Child of llronn.ville for the recovery of a do) whote d.ctlpilon an werrd exiully to the roridcmncd cur In the pound. Thu a valuable dog wa re turned to it ma.tcr. Tub Journal in in receipt of n rumple of a ral.hac from the fjrin of lirnry Silmltr., at Stiver, Polk county, itwaa entirely Ftrijipcd of Rreeii leaven and utalk, and then weighed V8 poundM on the poftollice Kc.-ilc. ItinaKrand enui ple of the favorite litrnmn vi-Ketablc,aiul th youit( fanner who mii-ed it idiould frel proiul. Salem Journal. No tlouht that wnn a Liu fahtraxa in the even of Salein' : but it would iml draw a crowd in Allmnv, and we are no rahlmtre head. One leltat ('. K. Urown tH's, ly Mr. Jinkti, of tin- Suntiam, wtit n (-tripped of leavea and ctalk. ready for al hy the jwanid, wciifhcd juxt pouiuin, and wan not con ride red irutuctiHu cither. very iiARKini'K'i. IIrrUburK ha a bank, a aw mill and a flouring mill. Not many town in the valley the lzr of Ilarriaburg can nay a much. Foi orr.c reaon or other the po-ital tel. cgraph cilice In llarrUburj; ha been dU continuid. Tie citizen nil It very much. On account oi lllnet, Pruf Jcwl'.t had to nivc up hi cl.i Monday noon. Mhi hiie, oi the primary department, took the Pro'cMor'i place, and MUs Nora May took the primary department in charge. Cor. Pi:ot. Not Paid Ykt. The Albany Ccnou enumerator have not been paid ret; but, having contltlcrdble conutlence In Cncie Sam are not kicking at all. One recently received a letter that hi. check would be int as toon a he had tinted how long one of the men enumerated had had the rheu matism, which he proceeded to do, and will begin looking for the check in a few oay. . Afraid to Tut Ir. The new Salem City band entertained omc thoughts o ringing Liberatl to Salem for a perform nee at the opera house next uht, but hi term are too high. I.J i'chell tulegrapned lat niuht that he could be kccurcd for f 400, but the band I a!i aid to make the venture at these tig- ren. Stateman. Albany pav him fso nd is not frightened at all about it. Our I ilizen wid support a good thing every I hnc. Looks Well. A couple mining ex. icrts, one from 15utte, the ottier from .'ortUind. were in the city and examined pome of the ore from the Albany mines. Thov rimnnnnrrd it. extr.i. Oiui rif them mined lor years 111 central America ana . . - . J t . . . . .1 he other has h&d cbarjio of some Mon nna mines near liutte; nenco their ninions amount to something. There is an increasing belief that we are on the eve of a big mining excitement. Tns river at this city is only eeven inches above low w ater mark, not enough yet to bring river steamers tip the river; though they could come with ease if the I government would do its duty and give by farmers in this section, w ill soon a r us an open river. It wouldn't take very rive. Mr. G.I). Pcchler has received much to pare down a lew bars so that travel could be carried on even w hen the river is uown 10 low water mnra. it would mean several cents a hundred to shippers. Give us a better river, JIoms vVokk. A JJKMocrtAT man no ticed a very fine piece of woodwork at the shop ol Kichards & riiuiips, which confers great credit on the Ingenuity of uieurui. auBwio nro jiueo luniiiuro 1 for the new residence of Mr. II. II. .i - n 1. ... 11.. ! ... : . Hewitt, composed of oak, manzanita and other material, and will bo a very at-1 tractive piece of work. Ah Embalmed. Mr. Wio. Fortmiller, of Fortmiller & Irving, has returned from Portland, w here lie spent a week attend- ing lectures, and. making a stucy ot the subject of arterial embalming, lie also secured new apparatus, and the firm are now prepared to do scientific embalming aa well aa can be done anywhere on the coast. Fell rucKWAuna. Wednesday C. B T,r-i .. 1 1 . I i. ii. hefoTk bade from HsTrin K on his farm near Shedd, when one of the ropes broke, and ho fell backwards off the load, partially turning a somersault, and striking on his forehead on a rock. bruieing bis luce, and, lie thinks, coming 1 , .. .1' 1! l wl very clogo to breaking his neck. Home Fhom Iekland. Mr. John Fagan j of Tantrent. an old resident of Linn coun- tv. is noino iroin a trip tu iiih iauieriana. . . . , i. l . Ireland. He found everything in a very bad condition, extortionate rente de manded, and starving tenants. He pays he was lust as bad as u'Erien and union . .i T - j. i ai a n : only iney am toe taming. A uood jiooK. juage cnenowun, o Benton county, one of the pioneer law yers of Oregon, who helped build ud this great vaUev, ia in the city soliciting for ''Kings of the Platform and Pulpit." a f splendid boon, deserving a Dig eaio. MoaTLV Smoki. The many friend of Mr ticorge r.sic, mo arcoininouniinif agent of the a l' vo,, will to pleased to learn of hi promotion to mo noltlon o train roaster ol the Iloiteourif elation. The number of trainmen running Into Urmcburg now U consl.icrauir over a hutulrcil. 1 lie naw annolntmcnt. also, raise the emtio of only other station outside of that city having a lmilarolllclal in Ashlnml. Koe- burir Review. T , , , t , n,,mniI Item that really Indicate little. i'he num- bcr ol trainmen running Into Korburg,tlte IDuvkk iiat U Informed, U about fifty In .ten I of hundred, and the li'.tlo act of approprlatlnir a train ma.tcr doe not make Ko.cburg 11. e moil Important In the tato out.nle of rortlund. I he oiulur of the Albany office I approximately three time that ol Kocturg. i.ikewi.a Salem and Eugene I conldcrubly larger. A a matter of fact Alnanv 1 the most luipor tant ktatlon In the tata onUMo of Port land, the number of railroad runnluu Into It easily making It uch, a well a the Immense buslnet of the point Rntcburg never had clcht train stopping there at one time. Albany has, ami every noon the number I from live to eight, and It I the tcrmlnu oi live regular trains. lioitis Sknsi. It I a natural far n elgh boring town to pick t each other a It I for school bnv to lluhl. That I the way the world I made up It I Chicago v St Louis; SI Paul v Mlnneapolls;Tcoir.a- v .cattle; Salem v Albany, ana ocrval va Woodburn, The (Jervl Star tlve the Gervai tand;olnt: "Wednesday fter- noon a line span of horse came on a drad run Into t iwn, with the front wheel of a wKon. 1 hey were cauuht and blanket ed and rated for until their owner, who proved to be Mr K lly, of the country east of Woodburn, came and took charge of them. Mr llav had drvlen them lo rV'ooilburn, where he intended to do sonic trading, but the horse having a proper regard for thrlr owner' Interest, ktiuck out at a gieal rate of peed and never topped until they reached (icrvnl. the commercial center of the Great French Prairie, where they knew he could buy gooo at price that merchant of neigh-- j boring town do not pretend to compete Willi." I 1'oMTi. and and Sulein nro the moot rar idly growing Oregon citien, nivording to the ceiiHU. Journul. lAt'a see. hulcln j tin V n!niply doubled her population, w ith four big precinta to do it with, whilo Albany incrt'imed from l.Ho" to 67t2, according to Kelly, Porter not Itavitiir been heard from. That kIiow Albany to U much the inont rapidly growing, and will continue to, atiouhi l ortcr oven cut Kelly down a couple thotiHund. Put, cakiiig of the ceiiHui, a material unjamieioj U otmerved. r-'alcui get credit for the ipulation of it four biir iirerinct: whilo Kuircne only gfla credit for iti actual city liinita. That' a liuni. The cvnuua whow a Sa lem to Iw tliree time the rizcof Kugeno. In fact it i only double that city. Ax OucooN Ixvexnux. For ievcral yenra pant Chua Ingrttham.of F.ight Mile, Morrow county, ban been experimenting in chctniitry w ith a view to producing a bright, cheap and portable light, lie now claim to havo w-rfected a eoinrxwi- tioii, which moulded into Mender slit k and placed in n lump of hi own inven tion, burn with a oriiiiaucy fully equal to the electric light at an extremely low runt, lie ha applied torn pateiit.nnd u noon an it I iter 11 red w ill begin iiianufac taring latno f-.r wile. If the new light i all that lie w ill take the place of kerosene and na. i( not electric ity, n it I clicajicr, aaier and more con venient than cither. Whstshx Oaroos Hoi. The Wit- lamcttec valley will turnout j,o(k bales hi year, aualnst 30,000 raised In Vah- iiiuton.aud w hen the people ol the Wlilnin. etle do go Into the hop business, thev will astonish the natlvcs.say an l.x. I here are fifty-six men In t lie vicinity of Aurora and Itullevllle who belonir to the hop grower association. About 2000 bale arc rabed around Silvriton.Jooo about Urownt- vllle, 5000 about Eugene, 3000 about Sa lem, 1000 around Independence, and 6600 Ixjut Aurora and Uuttcvillc. Lebanon. Julius Uoitcof, of Pwect Homo, wu In town Tueiflar. nnd In- furiucd us of tho dincoveiy of a rich vein of gold Karlng quarU mar that place. F. M. l'owcll called on ua a few day ago. lio infortna u tlmt he ban told hi farm, lying totwrcn I.buuon and llrownHVHle, and that ho linn liought property in the latter town and w ill tako potntcHMion d'xjn. An ordinance won proponed at the mctting of tho city council Monday eve ning, w hich, if panned, wilt raixo the luiuor licenao 01 tho tow n to 1J(K) and the bond for an orderly lioimo to IIOOO. The law will probably pan ot the next regular meeting. hxprenH. Farmer Jokes, of Marion county, who has bad ao much notoriety about being buncoed out of tr000 is having eomo more fun. The old foHoil got married and now hia wife i already tired of the miaerly old fellow and is try 1111; to leave him, which lie in trying to prevent. As she probably uot raid for marryinif him it ia noHdiblo it in another bunco uuine. and if so the public generally will euiilo at Iiih biitng taken 111 again. Klvcpj of the l'latfoim and Pulpit" is a book of rare merit, the ihhciico of wit and humor, 100 year in one voluuic.liiH 1 wry eoiiuunnuu. nn iuihmht ui iu it. 1. 1.-..- .1.-... . . 1 1. ....1.. ,. . . 1 1 rr' 1 . . :i . i book have done to history w hat the pi ens has done to tho cotton hale, reduced it to one-sixteenth the h'iku without injury to tho substance. Judite Chcnowith, of Pen ton county, is canvasHinjr for it, and deserves a liberal patronage. Llnn Co. Wheat. The carload of Wil lamette valley winter wheat, of the Win- terarecn and Kurnriso varieties, ordered notice from Tallman, Oregon, that the wheat will bo shipped as soon aa a car can be obtained. Tuirtv bushe s of win tor bearded wheat havo also been order- I ed, and will be given a thorough test, it is to be hoped with satisfactory results rcudieton is. u. Claba MonniH, who is to be in Albany next week, is iust 44 vears of acre. This 1,. . . . ... ig t0 bo kept a Becret.aiul our friends will confer a favor bv not informinjr Clara that we cave the matterawav. Her real name is Mrs Frederick C llarriatt. and her husband to whom she was married in 1875 travels with her. In Camille she is probably tho best in the U. t5. raoBABLY the Same. A few week ago there was a man in Albany claiming to be a converted Jew. Ills description 1 the same as a man who just skipped from waua walla, leaving several debts un paid, and iroing by the name of Edward. lie teems to be a professional bilk, chang ! ttif tila nanin nt fvtru n!ni.i ' K.w-PAP.n Changs:.- The Pacific Ex Pf"o1 Portland, me prohibition paper I has been discontinued and its place filled I by fie Northwest Reform Journal with J I II MorrU and T II McGill editors and pro. prutor. i- u jvicui'l haa ticen editor and f. .. . ,.i pmprieior oi me oiayion oun wni;n will liktly be discontinued. Nonets. Parties having books out be- longing to the Odd Fellow library will plc-Hse return them to tiie library, G. F. Russell, Librarian. ExcUcmeat -Runs high in Albany at Fotbay & Ma son s drug store over Hystem Buiiaor, as evervhodv ia oainir it for Catarrh - of tha Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation snd Ira- pare isJood. Try it snd tell your friends it and boutit, as it-mast possess wondcrfol merits- when all speak well of it. WOSTIl rOKtlBEBMU. Puwll Si Co. Oold can at Will At Stark't. F. M. Frcuoh kwp railroad lima. How ureatn elm Just itoaivad at Cobrad Myer. 1 For artist' tupplir go to BUnard. i fjuaick . Kn Ai AohUon art lailiug mobamioU at I'oi liana price Awbrey giv go forllio pslulu x tract ion ef lite ill. FrhkUln lard at IliUdHrof.W ranted U bo good. 1 ou litve a big itouk to mJovI from at ruwvll At IV A nonalar plaoe L Vlornok't ihavluif and hair dressing parlortt When yon want atylUh tnan'a or bin hat go to U W Simpou. Tba uiaiio that kIvm nmfoot atikfxitlnn you eu Hod at Mr llymnu'i. t'lmioo wet Ielwr eraiHa reuicd froth every morning at C U lluwo!!'. tiig ImrKain in ladiv and g uta gold i,d (told niiei watun ar, r l rmnoh'i. IWt Mtuek cf silver war In Albany at Will & surk'. No doubt of It. 8m. Men', vimth' od boy' clothii ir nd fumUhing giodtatU WHtmpoa'. A It si elan hv fur only 19 etbta at I. Vioreuk'a, tUlluirsli Block, Albany, Or. lUva you ten thoso parlor anil that T llr 1 11k hu just reoivd T They ar nice. If you want a fin toilet or bath op oa on Hunard ft Cunck, City Drag Store. Fur poifctlly Dura water buy tit Natural Hwn Ftlterrr of Matthew Si Watbburn For lririii lo fiionooicnU, holstuoc. etc, go to Kgan & Achison, Albanyregoa, Isdi1 011 ud o thu Utort novellio in dross good at E C Seil. Ijilio' and niUac' jaoekry eaiM. InfaoU ctaDdiia.t4, sill inl Imt of luftot' wear t(J W Sin,m'. You ihoald e'l and re ttioa Mo library mps at C K itrowoeU't befor buying tle- wliere. If ou want a enod silk orobrella with colt! or tilver iikndle go to Flench' jewelry to'. Ouslitv i whet hi lo Matthew k Wash . bum !! th most stove of auv housa In A bauy. (.'all -tly and ttiva voer order to Mr IImoo for ihaJur.ui.'e lljjk, so they will be her fur Ila nut pas C K HrgWDtir sUii if oq wnl toliva roinomioa!ly. Ilrtt ;ood and lowest prio kUarbUx:d. Uatale aad Uaefe. The Oett mike are to be foundln Al bany at Price it RoUon', who have Jul recivrd a carload of the finest hack and t-pgglcsto be found. Their price, con lderlng (juallty, arc remarkably low. It nai to tUlc iii a k'mhI buggy or hack. Keep this iacl In your head and when get ting one call on Price fc Robeon, who hac the largest variety to elecl from. Hot mk Ilt niNh CoLLfcoa, of Portland Or. will oH-n rn-pt. lit. J A Weitco, tb leading h-iiuiuu of the coaitt, ba become a partner in thi nchoul and will make it the h ading htmineii college. Bnd for a catalogue. I'.srijsil. stHrkd', F.u iS: Ai bison basdle tae oelebraUd Ponlsod crcitent wall f,r cetnetrry lota, rbtse :! cu U fnuutbtti at ha!t thacoet of ny otbtr t.d r far operlor. Mt hum l'MkttaAa. In great variety of rtyha at (bottom pricc. Famuol E Young. I bv juut reeeived a caaa cf Suaard j.rint viiteb I will tell at 25 )rd 10 ibe Ju!!r. f AKirt, E Yovaa. Hrwaie mt ! Tkrralralag Daager. Do not aettlect a ceogb or oy alloc I Ion of tho lung. DrUy U latsL Iloldeu' Kthe- rral Couh Sjrou will cur you i taken prrniplly. lrge ir , rmall SO cent. For sale by J A Cuniming, drocgit. D.-ti't fail to cor meti' and U v' cluthing b'or I'ortliasiiio elsewhere. V soli the bcal clothing for,ibe eat moory of any nmw in tit city.QixK and be cod vmcid. O W Sunion. Ilurklra' Arnica Halvr. Tli. bet Sate In the world fm Cut, tlrulsos. Bursa L icere, nsit, raver a..roa. T.tlar, Chs p hsnils, I blllilaln., Cora, atut all Kkla trnol lo. a pmiiK'sljctiri- Pile,oraoryr)ulrad. ItUrusr nUwd to ai'e liorfeot MUsfsoli'.n. er money tefanil. d. Prica M cenw uer box. rur m's bf rtwhat and naaup 1 - - New Blacksmith Shop. G vV Willi hi just completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad street where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order llrlng on your plow, wagon, etc., etc. for rcpa r. j Finr : Dhkhsed : Chicken j Pheasants -;- IX'cks -: - and -:- G ii i -: For Sunday Dinner, : - at Mi kli.kk OanRETT's 5. Take Care! there I Daaser t In allowing inactivity of the kidneys ito gr w throQKh neglect. Tha deadly skoal of Bright' iliscam and diahetea will wreck theiioudlv btrk cf bxalth if iti all wed to drift rudderless upon them. Tbe bladder, too, if insutlv. and judicious medication dues nut p(lily direct Ihe helm toward tho tort of snfuty, will be whelmed by the quicksand of disease. In (electiue a diure tic, lot yonr choice fall upon HoUlter' Ctomach Hitters, which ttiinalate the renal organ without irritating and exciting thum, two iifTuct o be apprehemded from the an incdicate l itimnli largely resorted to. The havo a tondeney to react prejudicially. The Bitter invigorate the kianeys and blidder, n enmmoa with the nerve and tha die ivoorjan. and so atrord lasting aid. It 71 o slfnrd dual aasiitaoee in preventing and oring intermittent and nmittent fever iliuuineRS, constipation and rheumati m to subjugate. Ryrnp of Pic, Produced frua tho laxative and nutritions juico of California figs, combined with the meilmmal vi tuesot plants known to be moat beneficial to the human system, sota gently, on tbe kidneys, liver aud bowels, effectually cleansing tbe system, dispelling colds an headaches.sni curing habitual conslipatio A Denver batber has made $200,000 in few years shavicg notta mostly. A YOJCii IfilGH rtlST f3T. A Lady KelsvtcH two Atoulc.:a.-i Kinirlcaitii. To whom It may concern: I hnvo t.l -0 '-. -i., trey coucoivanlo.-.eucdi' Iur biUincimi v lilft tho yn3t Uv years nt 3 am of ft b!lhn tcrtv pcramyiit ami auflbr much from :oranch r liver troubles, lint nothing ever gavs rae t. relief tUat I obtained from using Joy's YtfctAbis Sarar.pariUo. In fact I think Ua care tor tl.'o silmcutt. At the tlrao I wo uln?:t I he.4 a little girl living In my family whose nock was sertonsly affoeted by a largo open sore, and tr trlod a great many kind ef lotion, sSlves ir4 blood purifier to no avail, I gars her some ef my medleino (Joy's VegotsMo eamparirhy thinking It might benefit her and as It was purely vegetable, knew It coald do her no harm. To my astonishment aba began to improve, aad Within two wockt It was enUrly healed ao lb is ztow as well as ever. Mrs. B. U WrXIATON, 701 root St.. Boa Francisco SBveiiK liuT mtmiruij akkaionmcnt. Got. David 13 1 1 ill of New York made speech at Cnton, Ohio, Tuesday In which he arraigned the republican leuder In the following severe but truthful manncri "An 'mportant political campaign I that upon which the country hi entered. The qucatlon prevented to our voter i not whether the next house of representative be republican or democratic, but whether the nature of the federal government I to be radically modified and the Integrity of our Institution ucccfully threatened. The great Issue I the record of the repub. lean party In It brief control of congress. No party ha more recklessly defied the precedent, more flagrantly disregarded principle, more boastfully overturned tra dition, more seriously Invnded private right, more arbitrarily encroached upon prerogative of stales, or more tyraulcally Used the power of a pai tUan majority. The animating motive of It act seem to have been only perpetuating It own power. The party hat Increased It majority in the house of representative by arbitrarily e- jectlng democrat from their scats, tolcn the representation of one state admitted to the union of states whose only claim to admission I that they will help swell the ' republican majority, denied representation to democratic terrltoilc much better qual ified for statehood In point of, population and resource, Ignored the right of the majoilty by tyranlcal method and ruling of the speaker of the hou.c, squandered the treatuiy suiplus by extravagant appropria tion to conciliate party Interests, enacted a tariff bill which will supply corruption fund for the election, conducted a ccnu which I denounced everywhere a worth less and manipulated for counting the re publican population up and the democratic population down, and lu threatened the enactment of a force bill which will put an end to slate authority In certification In federal election and make congress not a representative of the pcoj le, but a creatuie of whatever the federal oflklal may chooe lo count In. This I the record that con front the people." After dls:us.liig the tariff so far a it re late to the Interest of the farmer, the governor cr.tlnned : "Hut not only ha the republican congrct stooped to sharp trick to hoodwink the American farmer in the matter of taiifls on hi pio.lucts, but It ha made his living inoic expensive than it hlthcito has been." The governor nientl inrd several article of luxuiy on which the tariff ha been le duccd and added thai the people are lo be taxed $60,000,000 f 01 ten year in order that a few manufacturer may experiment with the tin plate Industry. It you think thi I a partisan statement, read what a member of llairlson' cabinet say about It In a recent adveitlsetncnt: "Tin ware is advancing in Ihe cost and very toon manufacturer will have their own way and you and I will have to pay very much more. 'In view of thi state of things a large purchase of kitchc.i tinware, at what w a tow price then and what would be far lower mw In the face of t to advance in the maker price thi'.." !.jncd, John Wanamaker. All over the country the effort of uch legislation lias been to increase price of dry good and other household necessities. Not alt of this Increase I per- hap justifiable but sharp merchant have been quick to take advantage of the op portunity, which McKlnlcy offered them. and the poor consumer 1 the victim whether justly or not. The McKlnlcy bill ha defined sharply the Issue upon which two partle divided. In It enactment the republican party ha demonstrated more clearly than the ympnllilc of it leader are not wl'h the great mass of people but with certain fkvorcd classc. Economic doctdne, which the party now support, I one it would have repudi ated 10 year ago and which some of It great men, like Plainc, are cvtdntly de siring to repudiate now. In conclusion Guv. 111'! tpoke of Ihe contest of the (iCth) congressional district, urging every democrat lo vote for War wick, the democratic candidate. For Mc Klnlcy personally, he said, he had the highest respect, but there never had been a partisan outrage attempted against the democrstlc party that jMcKlnlcy had net suppoitcd. If r L SrmtieUol the West Shore top- pose that hi selection as president of the Oregon Press Association, authorizes him to lun that organization in the inttrcst of any particular whim which hi Imagina tion should dictate, lvt him undeceive hitn self. His mind is not to great a to In clude all the thinking powers for the press of Oreijoii, nor I the Press Association or ganized for Ids special use and the Interests ne may advocate. Ihe WorM sees no good cause for his special meeting, snd It altogether piobable that none ol the members outside of those who desire to fl by the tall of hi kite wbl be in attendance It may be that tbe World tstheonly kicker gainst thi proposed raid on the ctate treasury ,but we give notice now, that when the time comes It will kick hard. We pre pose to retain our membership in this or ganization, but do not propose to surren der our Individual right of Ihot-.ght and ex pression on any subject. Mr Samuels had no authority to call an extra meeting, nor was there any necessity for one. Port land World. Secretary Thomas of the State Farmer's Alliance, of Kebiaska, has made public some fact which, tf true, will settle all re publican asplrntlons In the coming election According to these figures there are i,8oo sub-alliances In the state. The work of polling has been begun, and returns from 1 50 show a total membership of 9,450 or an average of 63, Of this number 5,800 were republicans, 3,750 democrats and 900 from the union labor party. Taking the average membership in the alliance at fifty, though they claim It will run over sixty, it will give a total membership of 90,000. Of the number polled 90 per cent are for Powers for governor and the independent ticket. This would give 87,300 votes from this organization alone, of which 60,000 will come from the republican party. The Knights of Labor and the grangers are yet to hear from. Repnhlkan leader- have begun to thing that this is an off year for them. Steel pens are destroyed by the acid in the ink. If an old hail or old steel pen is put in the ink, tbe acid therein will exhaust itself on them, and. pens in .daily use will remain in good oondit ion much longer,. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian and surgeon AJbany, Oregon. Calls made in city 01 oountry XOTTKUC The Capital Sumrnml iitt! "The great farmer' organization of ?he nation ashed for the very legislation which the McKinley bill give them, and h one wllj complain but a few democratic stump spcascr. . Will the Journal kindly Inform us when the great farmer organization of the country asked congrct to Increase the average duties on woolen good from G7.15 per cent under the old law to an average of 91.6$ per cent under the McKinley bill They never did It, and when farmers read your statement above they know you are uninformed or willfully attempting to deceive ttfin. When did thete organiza tion ask legislation so largely increasing the duly on tin, jute sack, paints, llntced oil, olive oil, lime, atone ware, hoop or band Iron, pocket knlvet, razor, table knives, wood screw, quicksilver, sink In block, wood and manufacturer of wood cotton good In general, boot and shoe and scores of other articles which we might mention on which the c'utle hate been Increased? No thi ttatement ha been made by the iournal quite a number of timet, but it hat never attempted to ad duce proof for the simple reason that there I no proof. Farmer doubtlett smile when Ihry read tuch attempts to deceive them. An amusing bat instructive anecdote U told of Senator J If Mitchell concerning the effect of the McKinley tariff bill which he supported with to much zeal. The other night the Sen ator walked into a cigar store in Tacorna where he it visiting relative, (and help laying the wire for the Washington electioo,) sod called for hit favinite brand. He quietly lighted one, and, a he began to puff away, put two in bis fine cigar case, throwing down a new tilver dollar. The dealer banded him fen cents in change. "Have you not made a ttight mistake, my friend' asked the Senator omewht emphat ically. "No sir," urbanely replied Ihe boy. "These cigar are thirty cenlt apiece. "I ntver paid but a quarter, and have been ba ing them, sir, for ix month at that price,' replied the astonished SeostO". "The McKiuley bill went into effect oa Monday, Senator, and we had to raise the piice five cent on each cigar." Tbe reply w a king drawn out monosyllable, for which thcol its o'.it tulxtitute. liut in thi case the Senator was com;cIled o lie on llie bed be bad himself made. IIINMTO IIOCSRPCRS. To remove pot oa velvet, tbe tihuning must be t'npickcd on one tide, and put over hot water to steam; then brush op the nap. To obviate the shiny appearance of silk. Sponge with untwecfened gin. When washing fine white flannel add a tablcspoonful of pulverized borax to a pailful of water. Tbi w 11 keep them toft and white. To banish red unit fioin the pantries, strew whole clove alone the shelves. The tame t alio const Jcred a gl moth exterminctor llait jour aiice trap with pumpkin seed, at the mice are very fond of them. Camphor i yjiy ol.jcctional to them, and if r laced ia drawers or trunks mice will keep away. Careful housekeepers will find tbe ravelled thread from old linen the most talufactory means of stopping liny break ia tablecloths or napkins, although linen Sets from the draper's may be procured for this purpose. greasing your cake tin, sift tome floor into them snd your cake will not stick. Always serve oyster in hoi dithe. Cook the oysters only until they cuil. If cooked too bug they are indigestible. Kqital parts of ammonia and turpentine wil take paint out of clothing, even if it be bard and dry. Saturate the spot at often as neces sary, and wash ou with soapsuds. 1 WUICtOr TfltMAKK. 1 he action of the supreme court of the ttste in throwing out Governor Tennoyer's railroad coramisMonet's case on a technicality, is a very thoughtlut snd gisceful wayof letting the Gov ernor out of the muddle, for before another hearing can be Lad upon tbe matter the leeis iatiue wiji h!lTe evened, and probably by its action will have relieved the situation. Ihrald. The litrtdd, following the mistake made by the Ortgomian, speaks of the case as having been before the supreme court. The case came up In the circuit court before Judge Boise where it was Instituted, and, it appearing that th delendant had not been served with the summons, the court could do nctbing else ba continue. So there was nothing graceful or thoughtful about the matter at alb Tbe Gov enor needed nothing of the sort. Hut, then some f Iur must be made against tbe Covemor for being a democrat Ul ST IMPOSfD ITO.N. This is what Roger Q Mills said about year ago. before congress met: " Ve demo. crats of the house do not propose that the re publican majority shall pass a sincle measure without our content. We propose to exercise control of the house st much ss though we were still tbe majority." Wonder what Roger Q thinks new? Statesman. Some body has imposed upon the States man. Kocer J Miller never said snytbing ol the kind. No gift to man is better than a good friend and none is so generally in reach of everybody, It is in men's power to make tneir own friends. snd only those thus made are worth havirg, To a superficial observer friends olten come ss they are attracted by wealth, fame or beau ty. These are all evanescent, aud so is Ihs friendship which is attracted by them. The true fi iendthip that will last is founded on re spect and cfTiction, based on the character of the recipient of it. The character which draws 'riends is the best possible guarantee of suc cess in life; by which is of course not meant the possession of those qualities that attract the self seeking, and which nearly always results in failure. The successful butter maker, or, ratht the oric who realizes the most cash for hi product one year with another, is he who markets his butter as soon as it is made It is the frcsh:v mads, sweet, aromat butter tnat commands the highest price, itis never oeuer man me day it is pro duced. Cold storage, cold cellars, deep wells, tubs, crocks, never Add to the flavor and quality of choice butter. The con- sumer does not want old butter. To pro per the farmer must strive to please hla beet customers. . When wauling the best groceries in the. market at reasoualue pnocs oall on I owell it m ECZEMA 17 YEARS OwrM fa f, -ks. One of the rat Cat dec J'.rjTj'crformed by the Cnl'Mttrft Itemodte. At Lie apt nt ibtm nonlb ros'i (! h afirr. ! proril W t.i h ia-u, or it iIm-h,,,) fnal It ptrfi) in my tar. 1 :yi,, mfu.r rln was csilcil. Siu.te or i.Vm .) ,l in B' t II, l,iu ms.ln m vmv. 'I mt dwem ewiliuud iittalavo; it (. my rn'. mk! !, llil I wa K.. J ii.'i.iiT,y,ii,. If om ron. limm!!)' sl'tiftji i),., r,,K,t r,n a .III'., my limn eotitrs'-U'il t:i til it I l s!l .t,trol c, tt'-tii.Mii I v.vntt-riy hrlfk.'M, i'y lu iilwr,J li.v- lo li't Bin M.t kh't Into t-d. 1 rou ij B 't nr'jun l tha lions on my hr.l n I feet, l,ut I cwild not tift my clothe on at all, and isd lo wosr a sort of dri saltif. Si!. MylmlrlMd nllmstu-il ila or fsllfn off, and eiy li.-:il, 1nrfi arid ars arre oi,;. real., 'i in Afpur,ti c'ilintirj In thti i.i:,t-r un 1 HiruV'cn V'sr. ..i.L ,..! ..... f.y li .lniu.iry, I nod smt.1 11. th 7'ti""'lyoiir'UTl fas Uiiv.rutr. lidm;rt!H my rnsii ao ttart'y, I li .xn'iii, a. a lt rf-ort, to Kirn Uii-m a trial. Win n 1 f',.t spp.J ihvin I i sll r anil t"-t-lu. r:i r. ,trh.u my. if, Lut I tvi-H ali-p ftliuixt l.n'--,..:lut;, soinn. l!ii:a I kml not d mhi for .ir. In- fjn-i tn 'rffiiii, la ftljoot tao v,-ti I could aland .tiulitM, Lot not wnlU, I n ,v rmW; l.nt n; s'.rp. wre nir'y (!. As m -r v-t I cn judifc, ! a Ci.tiii;b I.i.-mi;:k cir-l ma In aoot:t n to flailit it, ' ! t'i IMs iUi. (. r., Iroin Jan. iiiey, MJ, lo .tnn.iary, 1,;) 1 Irava U'A l.n al'S In -V i) , or Inln lm-1 iliu l.jni t.;,t of tli (ii. Uu hi.i,.;m ii oa iu j. r. .1. MiiK;.f,i, fiZZ Ihzr'Mi-n f :., I :,; Iii., Jutia SO, '8T. Cjticura Remedies Am t'rt! only )-,ri.i:i! la r.Hi and'd I'nriflra. i rt- . hen-. IM-r. I't ric i r.A.tlwriist Hklii l''r , t('Tif'''iA Ho.'.:, fsii'tiaitc kiti I'mt. iur i.. b.i,iiiM-.c.;i u: fas l;aM.vcT, the i" II:',-. I Pil'lli- r, I, -i. ;r,r'-l I y Xm I'vI-lKa liv i 4U) iikii M'iiieo!iTi', liKton. S-C-iid fir" lliiur iir fkln InnnKt," tl p i. t, 14 tiluatrati'm.!, an I Vr) Imttliaonial. MOW ftlY 8'QE ACHES ! tehti, at-a Uvk, litis, YMr.ryt r-JIvj fti - m.nntsw ly tb Ctitl'-niai iluil-juln fl.tetr. T.ti iri mnk only UitUwUbi&u J.a.u kllii;- (.laUUr. First National Rank OF ALRAI1, OREGON. Prcakiant.. L. FLIflJI Vie Preeldaal S. K, TOl'KC Cwhiar ..I. W. LAM U DO.. TBaJISACrS A Cr.HEfULbak!ntoliMa(. AOCOUim KEPT eubject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and let Tinkle Us infer, sol a Hew York, Baa Frsnclaoo, dcayo aod Pol eron. COfXECnOXI SAUEeo fasunhl Una. siaacT(Mu E Torse K Cuua. run , Kevats F. Sox. in, Special - Announcement i"-' i or W. F. READ. My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC?, -To The Mako a Snocialtv of Lat5i3 tTndfirsyear. in Kxd Ribbed and Muslim. My Prices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y.&F. HOSIERY,:-;' Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison :To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods I have a Ls.rge Steels at tho Lowest Prices ever offered in the V!!ey. 1 entry a full line cf the world-renoived tor wear and finish. Large stock of and he convinced ths. Albany is the INSURE IK THE ALBANY - FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. ; Safe, Sound; Oonservativ NEWSTOKE.-l "JfEW GOOD: MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. , . DKAUSIU IS Agricultural lEiipiemeats & YefetcSc TToCj . i-s misy - lit z-. m j -OP -:- ALL ajill 33 us. - I oesaT&as-e of bota aexee, attribute their IIOSS tJOIiege, roraaua, ureoa, or u vcj.'xi uujlii.jj vv...w&, Oregon. Both are wider the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same co-irj t Btudv. same rates of tuition. Business, Shorthnml Typewriting, n-amatrshrp a ; City Drag Store, Stansrd & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicalsancy and toilet articlcfl.sponges, brushes, perfumery, school aLd ar tiBtSsupplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. Revere House ALBANY, ORECCS CHAS. PFEIFFER i'ftOPRIETOI. ntted tip in firt-elas s'yle. Tablr supplied with the bet in tbe markc Nloo sleeping: srarttnntM. Ham pie room tor com mercial " traveler. OTTr aarl ! ! tram the Hotel."? Libs Co. National Dank ALBANY PRCGOW CAPITAL STOCK flOO,000. President J L riOWAS rtoe-PreaMent J M KAI.KTOK 0 abler -....00 E CHAMHEUI.AfN Asst Caehltr O A AUCliJKOLl Dikimi-I L Cowan, i Sf Balstmi, Cm ! Chamberlain, W 8 La.11, W 11 Ooi-ra, J A Cr4 lord and O A Archibald. TRANSACTS -stierJ babktaf bcair,". DRAWBlom DRAFTSc New York. est fUr I ' Orefon. LOAJf MOrf ET o appicred aecnrUj RECKIVZ deposit suMect check. Bank cf Oregon. AlBAST, - OSECOH, 850,000. President .H. BRYAN'J II. K, ME P.HI LI 3. W. ULAIf. Vice President Cashier DIRECTORS. n. Bryant, J W Blaln. Geo Humphrey, O H tlewsrt. Jlsvoaing, ur Merrill. 8!f bteschanee and teleerraphie tra) h fer on Sew York, Haa Francisco a h sod all principal points in Oregon m wasniofrton, ollectlons made on favorable terms Ladies,- BROADilEAD &jAi, uaSj8lI- Eubroidekies and Flouicixg3. C best trading point in Oregon. yr -:- KINDS, AlBAHY, OH :.. THAT CAN BB USDKVJiK.VtJi " ia Vim lril liotnotre .irrT. f"7 iyoune business meu, and In ; W S 3 j. 1 . 1 : success to a course at tae r-ori.ia.nj l,u