The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 24, 1890, Image 4

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ia farm of 210 aero, near lowou
OapSt on th tsarrnw Uanirs 10 mile
from Albany. All In eultlvatlor. Fair
housa and barn. Good water fr Mock
ml Uomeatln pnrpe.. Fine oak grov.
Alto another farm ol 123 acres, throo nitlea
roai Lebanon. All In cultivation. Fair
house. Good water. Both Rood wheat
forma. A I no house and two lot on Ftfih
and Jefferson treet, Albany, For furth
er particular call on 4. Uniphrey.t'enloi
precinct, or on uewii or. irvirna. i'nj
gU A, UM I'll KEY.
Ml II ha.
10 Sample ren, dtftereTit pattern , fa
ml Mrtt'l flated Match lts,
seat post-paid, oa receipt of lO t U.Mi
FERRY AC? , London, E-.b.ic24.
U. S. 09c. t0 jroadwaj. N Yik,
aotd In tbta market. We carry none but
pur maoilla, aod can give you any site
from U to 1. All sue of chain from
5-Jfl tO X. STIWiHT & Sox,
WACUIUf? MirUIWCQ W have three
II Avill.lU mnuiUilLtf,
Mva Ton aomethlcff .hat ruu will like
Bring your "better half around and so)
wnai we can ao tor you.
Real Estate i Loan Bitto
Doln- a ean.nal Insurance bmlncae. Partle
dosUlnx. insuraae will t o well to tot tr.ou.
aoksts fob
Aelaa liumrt fMNir. lneorrra-.d 1S19
charter Hr)l Uw paid Id . t year, t,
OM.0C0. Ate,U,ii'.7lJ.i,
- la. of LoDl'. Enclanil,
fcalabUalwd IRA. 1 HUl. fSi.OlV.OUO. Totul Sr
to... paij over fs.iwe.wu.
iarHnl rire la- rasatmay. el rhilJ.Ihla,
Onreini 110. Cava ukU, l.'.HOM. l.jeat
OIbbbWU Fir M laf-Uels.aiiDay. ol
Finland, Or. AaMta. S--V,r:.lV. Tti. u
Oref on ' D-l cuoirwuiaa.
DrtLstsand Booksellers,
Aret.U for John B. Alden'a publlcatlona,
btch w aall at oubliaber' price witb
a lock of band, atrap, eminon aod Nor
way Iran; alao machine, tool, pick and
plora.eel, .
PpCnO' Alt khiAtof grave aeeda, pore
wLLU0 md olean, are old by Stewart k
Box, Prieea have changed alee laat aca
aon.Com and aea u.
Eheumatism, Neuralgia, Corns
To CU.'orni PoiUIt. aaa Vtativ
Boll ky ill Drsfgliti. Euk 25e, EOe tl
Craln(r A Co , Prop'. Lea Angel, OaL
FOR filEfl ONLY!
rwlllifcoBerli KERV008 IIBI1ItVi
fill If.TT wSJu, Bly.ii4 K,.d: E.'foet.
yf? of Error, or Eumaw ta Old or Tuc
'. BAf MfMil) tall. Kl4. IM . r..rr . i
in.ii, ptKmHiii:i..a riui boor.
Uto TKIliTIIUT-M Im m 4.1.
Tf 41 atM. T.rrlll.v U4 mMrtA.
Revsre House;
F'Ued an In flrat-clawi atylo. Table
auppiieuwun tua beat in the market.
Nice sleeping apartment. Kim pie room'
tor comruerdal travelers,
tarfr e Toara la B1 from the Molel.
Albany Soda Works.
And Manufacturer of
5E0ICE CONPEGTIOSEEI, aow preparer to ell at wfiolt
alwayo frenh and pine at Forth nd
U to dfalora. We rtei keep a tci
i f
Siits 223 Tropical Fruits, . .
cicrc k c Tcrc
Attorneys at, Law,
Will practice in all the Court of the
tato. Prompt attentiou niven t all bui
eaa entioited toonr care.
Ortlce O.ld Fellowa Tamp'.e. Alliaay, Or
Attorn9y a!; LawialTitle Examiner
Will practice in all tW court of the
State. Abatract of Title famished on
hort notice Ten year laerienae.
or. A.axnyxixmu
Ion Drnggltl.
!UKe drugs:
"Good and Honest."
la thai praised!
Stat of Ohio Trs
W7 lVpt, Columbus,
I bar used 81 Ja
cob Oil lamr famUf
for year, and find It to
bo th medicine of mtdlelnat
It U a food, hooest mtdloln and honsal sue
will not hcaltato to recommend it to u Baring
huaiaultj." JOUH T. BLEMMOS.
Every ItottU Thar I Car.
Kvary Application J 111 !
gon Developmont Company' Sloaini
ahip Lino.
am by any otber it ate.
Plrl.nlitu tlmtuirh naaaoncer and
rehrht line from Portland and all point
the Wlllaniuti Valloy to onl rroui an
rmsclaoo, Oal.
Boat make cloaa oonnei'tlon at A loan
lth train of lb Oregon t'aolno lUllroaxl
TIHB SOIIKOl'LB. crl Sumtajra.)
Lmt Aluany M r. a,
La Cimralho l:Wr, a.
irrl.'t Taiulna, t:30 T. m
Laa VaUina, ;,
Laav HnrvaiUa,10:3A ,
arnr Albauy. 11:10 A.
O. O. trains conuoct at Albany and
norrallla. Tbo abov train connect at
Vaoulna with the OroK' lHvelopment
CVimpanT Line of Mtnainaulpa between
Yaqftiua and San Frenrl.sco,
ran Taonaa.
WUIamoU Valley, Oct 4lh ; lSlh ; and S7lb
taoa aaa raaauaco
WillaaHtl Vallry (XI I3lo ; titxl ; and Sll.
The Cornpan rrwrvo the ngnt to
bans aalllnu date vitbout nolle.
V. B. XMouger from Portland and
nTUlamnU Valley point can makecloae
onnectbn wltb vbe train of the Yaqulua
roateat Albany or CorTalli. and tide
dnexj loSan Krnnrl- ahould arrange to
rrlv at Yai'ilna tb? ovcnlng bfore date
f Biulng.
aacsgtp aa
I'.rltM Kalra atwaja
r IbMmatli.n ta A R Chapman, Freight ard
rkol AinnL. Alhany. or ki C It llaaweil. Jr . U. t.
k P. Art., Or. Develop .! Co., MonUmurry
Ml IrtTOKJ, 141,,
A. O. r.arrfp Ac .
Corral. I.
Southorn Pacific Route
Crcai Train, letr r..rtla:.J Pally
8ou-.h I
I NorCh
Ar j 3l"a
Lt I 14 A
Lv I 9;x r u
6: our. a. I L
:lr I Lt
7:li a I Ar
Sat I'ramiaco train. t.t onlr a (..Huintiir atationa north
of Knaebunr- Kmc rurV'an.l, Ormrtfn I'lly, W.mmI.
burn, Silrui, Aibui.', Taiivmi, H!alJ, llalacy liar
ritburg, JuutCion Clt,, Cui na.
auaxai an mvil, haili.
Ar I.Kra
L I li f)
l. I n aoa a
It tot u L
&: 10 r Ar
. ataiir uy ai nttcT (KtorTbTspaT)
i:iVra I L
: r a I . .-
Ar I V O a K
Lt j 4:X a
.MiAxoa tanro.
r a
3 iJ r a
Ar I
H. Ki a a
A.Mr M
3:10 r a
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
For A traaaaaatlattaai al M-raad- laa Taaaca
get, ailarbed ta ti pro Tralaa.
fTf. 1 l4e Mvlalaa.
Mail Dam (Ei tt Suimajr.)
a I
ti 10 r h I
U.M p a
1J 65 ra
airauria bailt (Ecjp. Sunday.
4 tur a
Port laud
:30 A
.& A
rhrotipli TiclcetK
To all point
fni tail Inlurmatioa r7rrllrig rate, Biaf ,
all on Company AitsuV at Al lany .
Au't O. F. and P. A
Uoburg Lumber.
I act) the (war. lumber to the ceant) ; alto
edar poata, ahinloa, lath door and win
ow uiouldiua', etc. Prieea frora $5 to f 22
er tboaaaiid. Vard at Low.i-d, on the
Narrow Oaogo. i 111 e before parohaaiog
W W CiuwroRD.
Ad.t,P O TaIli.-.o, Or
Manufacturer n
TH)i4l attention
d 0' iua'hlner
ald 0 xtlrlng
P&Uerss Made on Short Notice
Attorney at Law,
Office ta (be Slrahaa Block,
Red CrownMills
80M. LAJiNINO & 03., I'&OPR'S.
BABY CARR!AGESI?arrntmaenndt
all tbe time embracing hood, parasol and
canopy top, and ranging in price from
(9 10 f4U. mere lan'r a nicer 10c ol"mat
riiroulal fruit baxketa" in the vahey. We
a no tave a tow that we rentt
8t&w.ivt& 6ox.
jtliVK AND UaiRS,-. B3EE
ley bill raise tbo value of cuttlery
contlderably, but we have a large atock
already bought amj prices will remain
the aarre a usual nntil it 1 aold out.
Come and so what wa have and learn
our price. Btewabt A Sox.
SRAI FStDo!1'' t weight
uuni.i.Ui longer. Many a farmer li
enough in that way in one year to pay for
a g-od scale. Go to Stewart & tiox and
price thtir icalta of all kind.
CHUrliiSTWe keP noth'ng but (be
uiiUiMta famous barrel churn. Thr
Is nothing eo good, and no ono can beat
u on price. .Stewart & Sox.
A dlapatbh from Victoria-. Ililll-h CoU
umbUaay the United Sta.ce cutler Pal
teraon paiicd down Tugct Sound ylcrday
morning, having rpent the tumntcr In
northern vnler. blic brouuht no Impur-
ant new a. Her aeaauti a w ork ha uecn ci
a uniformly oflktul character. Lnat aprlng
he .a'led for Alaska twm litis pott, ijrrv
ng as pasiacngcta .tnir' puity of live
artUta, icluntlati and wrltcra who wcic In
atructcd to vUtt nnd tec nil thnt vn to be
ten In that grout section of u:.knuvn
land Ijlng between the Alasknn const and
Oucot lite part v, P. J (iluve, tetunicd
by the Puttcmon with n buJct ol tender.
jut atorlca and a hiKik Pt akctehr thai III
delight the reade.a of l'rnnk f.oli. 'i Cm
many week to come.
After leaving VlctoiU the pailv mtulo a
direct run to Chllcat. whence they otrutk
Into the wlldcrne. They aacii ded the
mighty Yukon, to which they have hea
ted a thoitcr route than the one cncrully
taken, anJ found that it ttource U !) n
mlgSly glacier at leant fifty inilc wide.
Front thl tlupcmloua field o( kc the liver
How not tli nbng the Chilcnt range.
Taklnu' onlv a ituide. Glove crotaed
the great glacier and dUeoveied that an
other large river Uaued from the oiher
Me. ThU river, called the AUekh by na
tive, la ptobablr the aanie UUcovercd by
Scton Karr In Id recent lettct. For otuc
dlatance and between the two ilvcr, the
country abound In (utile And well timber,
cd taller, an.luluting plain and gray
tlopc, on which the game ha not jet
learned the fear ol man, Thl beautiful
country, a paradUe of the north, I. Inhab
ited by filcndly Indiana, In no way resemb
ling the coat tribe, cither In characteris
tic or pccch, and rrmaikalile chielly fur
attempting to till the land In a rude iilui -Ittve
fashion, pccu.larly original.
Friendly Indian wow mot with all the
way down the liver, but none ao highly!
civttUcd a thoac ufericd to. Glove left I
otner. 01 uic pa.iy M pu.aoe voa .. .v..e. ;
.. . . . .1 . !.
lurwcr. iiewiurviurnto .vu.. in ...e
- !
IHSASIUOl'si r.M'.t T.
. ..... .... , ,
A M Warner ot the hrm of A M auier
& Co., manufacturer and l:n p ortcr td I
New York City on being Intel viewed ato
Pie effect of the McKlnley tarin law .tv:
. . .
-What will be th: effect, of the few tar-
iff on tlie iulnc of New Tor tiiyfj
Their name I lcgl"n. 1 piedkt that In one j
year more than $100,000,000 of caphal i
wilt be thrown out of It puaont occupa
tion. A lrg number of employe wlil
b" thrown out of enip'ovniciit, and upon
them the firet cfTccl of the clli.istcr wlil
fall. The importer will be the niit (gauf
fer, but Uicy ore only the ti r at link hi the
chain bv which we all depend upon each
oilier. "Let me explain what I mean. Ac
cording to the Hoard of Fite fiulcrwii'.cr
tbe grand total of the !Cck of ,ncrchan.
diac on hand In the country will appioxl .
mate $5,000,000,000. On the entire a
inount 1 here lias leeii an ir.imcdi:.!c ad
vance In price of from 50 down to 10 per
cent, TM calculation will take from the
conumcr and tran.fcr to the holdti of
gocd upward of $vkmi,och, a uoi c
qual to the oth'clul r.'.lioatc of the revenue
fiom tariff tanea for the nct five t ear.
Thl leave cut of acccu .t a rie in price
of domcatic good lo le pro!uced w Phi . a
year. T:.i law la the inoat dcxtlc and
tvranlcal ever enacted by anv clvttied na
lion during miHlern tliiit ' I-ct me add 1
.k,. 1 . i.i:. ;i ..... :t..
" " ' ' ! tu.n ol the lilting cb.. to ti e b dance ol the
" " " j 'C ulotiuit, but i.ic I'UicSU tonjulcr that tl ei
So much mortgaged land In weMcin Hoi tulfkttet evidence of improper oun.era
Kar.ra ba come Into the l and, of the j lion to waiisnt any cniiie beirg thiowjout.
loan compar lc, through foretlomrc aiul ;
the exodu of farmer, that a ) nilkatc of j
the mortgages bn teen f-.i mtd, know n a ;
the 'Sy ndlcatc Land (."otr-pany" tod poe
of or cultivate the ur(endciTi1 acre for ;
he benefit of the onmri, Tl.elr
holding are a!d to be very large. 1
Hjrap of l ia,
Prtolaced from tho laxativ" and nulritioti. j
juice i f CltlfiTr.-a tfi, f.,n.l. Iliad w Itis llm
medK-inal vi luiaut plant, knoan to l.n mokt
beniHc'ial to the human yeln', act g i.t!,
on tbe kidney, tivcr ai.d boweU, .tT. ctually
cteanaiug the system, dupcUiii cnKU an
headacho.and curing habitual eoiiilipatio
I P O F. Albany lxde So 4 hold it
rnvular tnctlnrr f.lrir.l.i v fvfi.itu, rt I
r ry . . . . , ,
each week. VMiing brothet are comlally
nvlted to attend.
' Oh, rlri with the Jewelled flnirer,
Oh, fc-tri with tbe faoe rare 1 "
What are
laon worth
your and what are yonr
to you if, from undergoing the
al which faAhlouabl aodety lin-
iryina ordeal which faahtonntl an4M.
powa on It deynUy. enougli to tst the phys
ical atreng-tb and endurance of tbe ramt ro
buat, you breukr down, lom your health and
become a pbylcai wreck, a thousands do
from aucb oautv?
Under such eircumstanee yfra would will
ingly give all your Jnwols and all your laem to
retrain lost health. This you can do If you will
but resort to the use of that great restorative
auuwn aa lit. rinroR s favorite frcscrlptlon.
Thousand of grateful women blee tbo day
it wa made known to them.
For all derangement. Irregnlarltlm end
weakneaap pnoullar to women. It Is the onu
remedy, sold by druggist, under m positive
guarantee from the manufacturers, that It
will give satiifaotlon In every oaae, or money
will be refunded. This guaranty has liomj
printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully
carried out for many years.
An invigorating tonic, lt Impart strength to
the whole system. For fee-tile women gener
ally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la tho
greatest earthly boon.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets
, , . . . and cleanse
tbe liver, stomach and bowels. Ooo a done.
Sold by druggUt K5 cent a ylsi.
Real Estate Agents
Farm and Itanches for sale.
Also city b.-oi.erty in Albany
and Coryallii.
it may concern The co parfcordiip
heretofore cxistinz under the firm name
of Hoffman, Uayne A Co , carrying on a
gtnerai inauuiauiurinR 01 nrtiiicial stone,
aewer pipe, cte., in Albany, Oregon is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
John M. Iloilman, rethink. The btiwi
ness will be oontintied hereafter by U. O.
Uayno end C. 8 Buck, tinder tlm firm
name of Uayne ci Buck, and at tteold
place of business, Ttonew firm assume
all liabilities and collect all accounts,
.ated thi IStli day ol October, 1890.
JoaM M flOFFAf AN.
U. i. Uayhjs.
anyone wanting lnythlng in tbe hard
ware line will do well to call on Stewart
A Sox before purchasing. They keep
nearly everything in tVo line of builder
hardware, and a migmfiocm ttcck of fine
N W ImpravrHieMlM,
WasiiinotoN Oct 17, The project forth
Improvement of the lower Columbia and WilU
uiiictuc, the upper CoHmiliia and Srnke liven
nnd the Cdiullo have been approved by war
lU'pvitincnt, The improvement piopoaed at
Coo bay nnd Cliclmli river were toilny p
proved. The and the prtj-ci for the Im
provement of the mouth of the Cohtmhio and
Vauuina bay, nnpioved liot month the
only piojscU for Uicgnn and Wnililitglun Inr
piovcmenl tnal liavu reaciieu mo ciiici 01 en
gineer. A Kenaitnn ne.
iKAiTi.E Oct 17 -A ilamnge Milt brough
ucrc by Leslie liutlincll today in the mpetior
coin t rustiiiHt Win William ft capitalul
promise lo develop into the mot lenaatlwlal
t-nae that Seattle Im wMiicmciI in many Kduy
The plttiniill a piepoKMing youn, Kngli.h
woman of 34 and eoini'lainl alkgc e
ditction under piomiic f niniibge, and nk
for ilnmni:i' fui $jt,tHiO. He ia the owner of
propeity valued at fJoo,ooo.
A KlrU Hlrlke,
Tki.i.i-'riuk, Oct 17. Tcltuiide U l!a
with tikci'.emctit, lUig aie flying men ai a cliccr
iv. The Sheiidiin lutincl iltuik a vein nnJ
developed a l.irrc Uxly of ore ol 'high grai.c.
I he tunnel wan commenced in injj, I 3500
long and cost Menager Wateii
nsyi, cikuluting on the baU if what the mine
Im done In Hie paat tin attikc put $l,ooo,
000 hi tight.
Tfce lea.
Sai km Oct 17. Supciintctuknt Dmtning
today lilcd hi ftuai Icily report. It ahow 1
total 0(314 convict now in piiton, a decieate
ol 13 in iluce niontht: total ettprmlitu'et uur
ing Ihcquaitcl $11,761 t7 tarnine t-itia 14,
and receipt ?4 t6S 06: M convict are em
ployed in the luumhy, 20 in (he brickyard and
Hi j balance about the 1 iiiui. No women arc
in (he I'iNuit now.
A Kralua t'unaljr Knanrr,
SroKAa Oct 17 The weather and altem'a
ance at the race today weio g'Hil and poit
line. Jim Miller nnd tiegou l.clipae ran a
dead heat lowctinglhe lhicc-cight-of-a titilc
reroid a ipinrter ol a tecond fiumo;l5 to 01
IVMHa) Ivaula'a I'apulitllaa.
V. itiNcro.N tct 17 I he lobulation ol
the atnte of ren.iaylvauin t S.'ISWi incicaae
"f,S.o,ors3.5S per cent.
T Warrtrr.
l!i UK, Oct 16. Two colored aoldici de
.cited liom l-'oit Miaw night, Ilclor
li-jvii i' lite euiiiinn thev licked themutve lo
" - '
u.u Ufwt u,oni;iKl, ,0 Mf Koanch, agovetn-
mciilKuiit Koau .,UI,ucj ,lie ,,ccllc
an 1 tni.turcil them near Hardy lation, i
miie fit.m l'ande, and ttruik back with
them. They otiilic 1 no teiiitance when ar
reeled, but white bring led along the for J one
of ihcm au.ldrnly iuiiij.e I a.i.ic, pulled A levul-
yef am, Rih n w .,!(lomen. hc
out who wa aimed with a aholgun, itninedi.
ately letitrneil the muidctou. lue an-l 1iot hi
"": . ' hc ",,,rr 'J'"' cpJ
the bill wounded, on one (if the ttolcn hortc.
KooBcU woun, u aot doBjtrwtt(.
A KiiAUeaaaanJ
j Ni v VciiK, t t 16, At a late hour lu
aflern.ion Mayor tiunt act l a letter to Sujur
inirn.Uni of Cenit Potter, ttcmau ling an iccount. The letter wat accompanied
I y atatctuciit an l l.dcL hoiiig the ieu!u of
the j oiicc cenae.
Crrolamu Ike Br parted Karrraaer,
Na.iv Vosk, Oct t6 lbs Sun and Journal
hauc a reirt fioni l that th
president -a ill appoint (licVh.iin 10 the uptcmc
court in oider to rcinuve (mliticat tomjeutot.
Orn' t eatu..
W.vsiiisiitos', Oct 16 -The ccntu olT.ce
eij cct to announce the tabuUtcd return for
Oic.,-on in a day or two. The Saltm ictuint
Have been accepted prccialyn tliay wcic te
ceived fiom the recount. The clloce hs. te-
! timony that a latge r.un.!r of bop-pickcr
tewj-oialy vu.ting Salem wete inciu.led in the 1 itere 1 an emiic uiapiottw-
Cracti I'arla.
I'Abis, (M 16 "I he IiKh rcfi'ee O'biicn
Diiiuit and Cnncy artived here thi n.o. nllg
I l y al t hciUjutg )etct lay. Tiny
Chj; ol acioik'.iic Imiiili ilinnncl in a j nv a'.
yi'ch . fa ; loniii-ent I.itib!ln ci'ici.
A hlrf ..rrcllrf Aaalaalrl.
Nr,w (Jkll'ANS Oil 16 Chief of I'o'ic
Ilciinc.), wlio waa Uol at li own l.;otwny
'a;.! riht by an ur.known -.sin, died thi
morning. The lui not ) tl been p
j.ichenticd. X Terlttle t Ire,
SvRACf ;,K, Oct IS What proved" t lie the
! iot d-.ailiou fite that ba vl.ited Syracn
for m.niy year, wa. ditcovctcd in the Iceland
hotel al 12:30 tbii mcming. Iti now 3 and
the ti!l burning fiercely, although the entiie
fire department coniiiting of nine engine, are
wotking bard loat futtlice lot of lile and
limb. An eye w itiic of the fit ay be is
poki'ive that at leant twenty-five pciions hav
!ut ihrir lives and miny mote ate injured.
D reward la llie Mekrntlr,
Ft'iit.NE, Oct IS. A young man named
i'.'iy, aged 0 l,o. U 18, wa drowned in the Mc
Kenie river Monday. When lat ccn be wa
fording tiie liver in the vlcicity of the Dcmond
ferry on a boras. Not loi.g alter that biihorre
wa found tome distance down tiie liver, in
snanow water witn trie tadil'e turnsil under
liiin. Search wa commenced by the neigh
I oa and the body wa found lo-dsy,
Aaolbrr Urowoloj,
Tills iMl.l.ES, Oct 15. I-oat Monday Jay
Kobbin I.uckey, aged 2 year and 4 month,
the only on of J C I.uckey, United State In
dian sgect at the Watm Sjning teacvation,
wa Ji owned in the miilrace. The boy ac
companied hi father to the boarding school
building, and in returning home by t lie mill
race is supposed to have fallen in the water.
tiff Nuad.
Dam.ks, Oct 15, Wm Mi:lcr, who live
one-piar!crof a mile from town, yesterday
brought to one of our etorcs revcral bushels o
Uurbank potatoes fully one linlf of which
measured over one foot in length. A wat
aptly remarked in a rgti over them, Pretty
good an cIT year."
Kol Sound,
ClllCAi;o,Oct 15 The pclice and friend o'
young I)r Cooke, foimeiiy of Salem Or., have
not vet succeeded in finding any trace of bis
whereabouts. The impeession is growing that
he wandered away and perhaps commited ui
cidc during temporary aberration of mind.
Cracker Sou Iteiter-
San Francsco. Oct 1 5 The friends of
Colonel Charles F Crocker, fust vice president
of tbe Southern Pacific Company, will be glad
to learn that his little son Tcinpleton, who wat
severl) injured by a fall id bis fathers house
last Sunday, has shown marked improvhment.
and it is now believed that be will recover.
The chili fell down a stairway a distance of
twenty feet and fractured bis skull.
Ladies Sum wan Bi.ousitb. tbe lates
novelties, la it recuiveJ from manufact-
er by expreea.
Samuel E Youno
I lave just received a largo invoice of lace
cartsinv, ranging iu t.nco from one to nine
dollars a pair, scrim, J.urtoiti nets, eto. Also
a line of curtain pile sua mniture cover
eg, Samuel E Youno
itvi-no nr 4irr rn Tl.-a.lo rini
ill . J",AV. -VAJil uutDui;
16th, 1890, at the residence of and by
Klder V leexly, A li Myere ana Miss
Melygia 0 Clark, both ot Linn county. . ;
MANIS-On iWec'nestay, Oct. 15th
1890, Clara J ,10 months old daughter o,
b U Manbi he sewing machine mon ,0
typhoid fever.
Bovcml montho ako Hio Dkmochat
incntloncd tho fact of an Albany woman
giving her liUHhiind boiiio money to pay
tho contractor on the coiiMtructloii of a
new residence owned by Jicr.and that he
left without attondintt to tho bttmncNH.
Awhllo afterward it "onwitioiml artklo
HiiiH'iircd in the Portland Ttdoumm alwtlt
imw au Albany limn went to loriutim
ahead of hi wife and golnu to a liomo
owned by them there piepnreu a gravo in
tno cellar, ami limt everyiiiiiig nrrnnueti
for roolviiig Ida wife at n time bo under
Htood ho would be there. Tho Pkmochat
ha recently learned tho identity of tho
partic to tho gpnaatlon, w ho prove to bo
thu one interOHtcd in tho flrat incident
mentioned, Mr nnd Mr Pitvenport, who
enmo from tholOnut hero litut year.lHmuht
a lot tienr tho city and built a residence
on it. The vrrxltin of tho alHilr reported
to tie given bv Mr Imvenixirf. a moHt vn-
timabtu wcnimti tho 1'kmociut In Inform
ed, In that after her htiKlmnd ran away
Hho went to Portland to imtko armiiite
menu for aelllnu ahourioatul lot ow ned
y her there, lie fore her liiiNbiind left
alio hud told bint alio wait going alxnit
Htielt a time. On reitclilim Portland ahc
wit Miirprlncd to nee her himlmtul on the
HtreetH. BUiipimimr that bo hnd left tho
country. She nuoke to blm. cxprexHlng
a -a V ... . .-'
icr Mtirprlm. nnd trot him to cotiaent to
Nigiiing a deed of tho property ; and then
had a warrant intmcd lor in arrent. wo
titiderntittid for a previous attempt on her
1 1 1 0 . im going to nor iioiino whii tin 0111
eer alio foitinl where lio liad Ikh-ii aleep
lug, ami in the cellar dlwovered a pnir of
overallH, boiiio ol old letter, a Imteiie
knife, etc., and a cellar door hailing into
an ohMcttre tdure. arrunucil for iiniliiiir up
Tho uravo part wa a myth. Tho indl
entioim were plain to lier, tliottgii, wiiut
wiiM iiiu iitii'il. 1 in nwiio to tho Iiouho
dhurtly afterward nnd wu afterward
arrested, and, we understand, i now in
Jail. Mr liuvciiport etired a divorce
and Mold tier property there, hho return
ed to Albany nnd In now realding here.
The State enpitat Im it bund full of
bridge, or rather, that U tho itientlon
w ho hn their hand full of tho eli-tihant
Thu bridge, ha proven a failure and now
an effort in Jiving made to find out who Im
nt the head of tho matter. Hoffman
Pate, tbe contractor, declare that tin
have done tho work under direction of tl
county court, ami that they are "imply
working ior mo county, a any other la
borer might U and that they have no
renponaibility in the matter. It I nono
of the M. A. T' liitHim-Bji, he i princi
pally Interested in the matter Ucaune
we are to have a brido here; but it doc
look a if the mini who net the trap own
the Uar. There i nothing like having
lo ud to all t iiliTpricin.if only a pin bead.
Of course the contractor, w hogavo Umdii,
are rrapoiiiille to Home one for the botch,
ami tho M. A. T. hopc-a ty atP the peotde
thr-e, whonehw i great auyway, mt
wluit tin y are entitled to from the poor
Portland laborer.
Thi is a great world for making moun
tain out of molehill. Men who can't
jump three feel on the ground will jump
a tune at conclusion. 1 he presence of a
noted man tin-aim a thousand mile of
railroads, and Kilb-t tower nro built on
the word of dry good tux whittlcr. lotst
venr a t-ovcriitn.-iit atirvf'V waa infiili in
Ttlliimixdx county; but it was such a
poor job it bad to I made over, and the
Man A1h.hI Town is Informed that is
what wa tiring done by the gang of sur
veyors, whom the sensational Astoria
pnK-r said were follow ing up tho Ail-any
surveyors maku-.g a tH-rmanciit survey in
the interest of the I nlnn Pacilic. It a
man w ink at Astoria and the paper there
will make- a column aU.ut hi getting
drunk on n .i foam.
The M. A. T. bear of tbe agent of a
National Pudding A. Iabu AsH.-iation
c.iiiiir.g this way. Lx.k oat for him. The
connection with such associations, gener
ally run in the inu-rvst of thcollWrs.lia
alway proven very tinsatisfactoty in Al
bany. IJiiti't bo bocsiw inked, even if big
indiicciiu iiU are olfcred.
The M. A. T. ba noticed that when
considerable is ollVn-d for nothing it i
time to 1 suspicion. Tbe olfcr of dou
ble price from the Fastern advertiser is
always throw n in the waste basket, for be
is sure to lie a bilk ami many lute at him
Ueeenily an agent for a bf insurance
rompau v offered a few men free insurnticc
for the iiiflin-nce of their name. Always
steer clear of such snug. It means that
there arc bri-uker ali-.-nd. Cheap things
are generally 110 good. Tiie U-st way i
to pay for w hat you get in thi world.
That i the way water seeks it level.
uotttii 4 oidi am;.
Powell H Co.
Cold rsne at Will ii SurW's.
F. M. Frcech keep railr.wl time.
Hew cream cheese juat leceived at Courad
For artitta' kttpplic go t Stanatd. &
Kiiau Aahison a o soiling monument at
Portland price.
Aw-brey give ga fur the psiide citract-
ioil bf tlHlth.
Voahavoa big loe!t to select from at
Powell Ac Co'
A ioplr place L Vioreck'. aheving and
hair dressing parlor.
When yoo want a tylih marj's er boy
hat r'i to It W Simp in.
IV t stock of silver war in Albat y at
Will A: Stark's. No doubt of it. Ss.-.
i!en', youths' aod hove' clothing and
furiiUluug good at ( W Snnp.on'.
A Ii at via shave (or only 15 cent at L
Wreck's, Saltmanh lliuck, Albany, Or.
Have you seen tho.o parlor suit that T
Hriuk ba juat received T They are aier.
If you want a lin toilet or bath op c
oil Stanard tt Cuaick, City Drug,
For bargains iu tieinumeuU, headatjnta,
eta.,' goto Kau ft AcbUou, A I bany, Oregon.
Ladle' and inif' jaockry eapa. infant
cap and oil-'. , an I full lius of Infant'
wear at 11 W Simp.ou '.
Baggie and Harks.
Tiie bent make are to be foundlti Al
bany ot Price St Rob-son's, who have just
rcctved a carload of the fine! hack and
btiggleto be found. Their price, con
tidcring quality, are remarkably low. It
pay ;o ride in a good buggy or Hack.
Keep thl tact in your head and when get
linn one call on Price & Robaon, who
have the largest variety to select from.
Itrlrd I'ru I .
lam prepared to pay the hlghettmar
ket pi Ice, In trade or cash, for choice dried
fruit of all kinds. Sa.m'l E Young.
1Ioi.mks IJuhikhu Colleok, of Portland
Or. will open Sept. lot. J A Weaco, the
leading penman of tbe coast, ban become
a partner in thin school and will make, it
the leading business college. Send for a
Bargains at Read's.
This is what you ougnt to have, r jiot
you mutt have it, to enjoy life. Thousands
are aoarching for it daily, and mourning be
cause they find it not. Thousands upon
thousand of dollar are spent annually by
onr people ia the hope that they may attaiu
this boon. Aod vet it may be had by all.
Wa guarantee that Electric- Bitters, if aed
according direetioua and the nse periatcd
in, will bring you good digestion and onst
the demon Dyspepsia and install instead
Kapepy, Wo recommend Eleotrio Bitters
for l)yspepia aod all disease of Liver,
Stomach and Kidney. Sold at 50o and $1
per bottle by Foahay & Mason, druggists.
Egaa & Achison hacdle toe celebrated
Portland cement walls for cemetery lots.
These walls can be furnished at half the cost
of any other and are far superior .
Muslim Ukukkwisar. In great variety
of styles at bottom prices.
Samuel E Young.
With nil tbo mad it i not yet muddy
enough to plow. , .
A Hide m firm makes cabinet photo-
?rnph for 1.00a That In equal
0 a cabinet Hccno In ft show. ,
Tbo Piilein Journal i indignant bc
cnttHo tbo Oregon Inn wilt not tell it why
. 1,11 .. i ' i, i. i. ,. ,
miiiioim reniuuiiiiuy "KVM
- -' " - " ' j - fj - fj - - I (1 1
III It. itlH.UM4 MO lliailV liltn t'lltiU'0 lit
a . . A . I .1. 1 ,. 1 .
um;o moro man aiurti, puk-ui mm Ivor-
. " at. ..... til . 1 ... 1 I 1
I'.Utit: U llllrl Vlilt-U IHIHItllMJI T - I
TIIIB IUITV Vi'H'HIVI ri : IV rl "r j
,M1l. iHi.n 4o,r. l.i.f Ibiin it Imfktl
more, nnu it. iokc commieraiio ciono uy
tO do lllO btlijillCHH.
Tho Mieriii get fo a week lor ixiard-
Ing four primmer and bin wt
ifeek for 1
iHiardlng five. That In thu law, and it
take bruin to get up nuuh a law.
Prince iconic, a on of tiie Prince of
Wale, hint la-en in San Froneinco recetit-
ly. There are young indie in Albany o
inrtictilitr that even Prince (Jeorgo with
n royal Mood would bo rc-funcd.
Ml St I'.luu I not mo liiiflt a it ba re-
reived the credit for betuie for a ureal
many year, being only almut 14,000 feet
I.I..I. - I trt, All . f . II.. I
niH'i iiinw.-u vi w,iiwo. mi oi our inu
moiiiituin have M en gradually lowering
their bend by iuvcnllgutlnn, and ooit
mere wont. i- a nmn peak in the u. h
except .ill. iarui.
fbo fog seemed pretty thick this morn-
! I. ill mi 1,1 I .,11,1.. i... r uol.l If .. n. I
thin. In IOlldon lie hml (iflcn ent It InLn
ebiink. ami sUindiiig at tho fiK.t of a I
street light, tbe light could just bo seen,
lookluir a If It wt,r Mru-la nunv 1 1.. ro I
A morning fog always means a fine after-
Two big p.asU-ru base ball club are
coming to tho const, (jitite freUi-titly
men kicked out in tno i.u tiiy tothi
glorious country. Tho baso ball player!
oi tno proiCHstotiAi typo is no longer a
lion. Hi day i punt. Tbe public i
One year ago Tuesday wa commenced i
tbo first brick buildini; ever erected in
Junction City. To-day the econd brick
i receiving the finishing touch of the
aiiitcr's brush, and our little city now
a two brick business bouse that would
stienk highly of tho enterprising rlties
having four linn s tbe population we have.
11 lot.
The Oregon Pacific also asked to have
it itidcblt-dncsM exempted from lt as
sessment in Benton county. A the
assessment I l.'lM.'l.H.V it mean cons id
erablo. Should it I asked to refund
the tax paid for several years the amount,
a I'ical tiapcr say, would l alx.ut .H),
m. Tlio matter will probably be litiga
ted. In thi county the request wa
granted. People realize that the road
ba done an immense gixxl for this
county and are not dlsjwwcd to quarrel
over iKtu a year.
1 "
UI4L i.t ii a mir.
J J Imbruillo et al to A F Krumrei
Kbalf of N wrtrblkW, IP 2
A.AUmny t 550
OeoC'Moon e'ux t Marion FC
iiaines, 100 in DLCofJame
M l'.Iliolt PJOO
1 Marx etal to K V, orgenacn,
small tract in I I. V. So 44.... 60
John P.askin to Wm Patrick, W.G7
acre in Sec 30,tp Hl.S U 3 K. . 1000
J K Kirkpatrlck to Kd KellenU-rg-
tr, lot I7,bl I, K' 2ml A,Ib. 125
Hufiis Thompson el ux to Win li
Thomjison.lot 7,S,W, to, II and
12 iu Kural Iht'.e. 3000
It lliutt t 1UI KellenU-rger, lot 2,
Id I. It's A, libation 220
Jia 1 Vail to Mary K Vail.N t of N
w '4, Sec 2:i, tp I2.S U.K.... 1
II W Co. 1 tier toSarahl'ooper.S bait
1 I, C of II W and Sarah Coop
er 100
L T and A 1 Icnness to Suna Pi-arce,
20 acre in Sec 3,tp lo.S U 3 K 200
S lickou to M Thomas, 19.23 acre
iti tp II, K li 2 w 500
T B Hopkins i t al to. CMo.n.3IO
acre in tp 11, S It 1 w 1
Thomas Hill toli.-ar Aiken, 100
acres in tp , S K 4 K fH)
1" ni ted State to Oscar Aiken .Patent
Ia-w is Kirkley to Oscar Aiken, lik)
ncre, tp l, S It 4 K 500
W 1) Tntes et ux tot'ynthia Trite
I2..35 acre in I LCo! W h
Pasye )
Total for year
12 mortgages recorded.
IUiier ian Gov r hn vr. NT Bonus.
The ordinary living expense of a family of
five peton, In the customary manner of
American people, amount to not let than
11 500 per year. It would require nearly
40,000 In Government lionet to produce
thl Income. Ten acre of land In the Wil
lamette valley planted to prune, with an
ordinary crop at ordinary price will net
moie than $1500. after paying for all labor
placed thereon. You can buy thi land of
1 lie wrccon Land Company ot halem. In
tract of ten acre or more at from $(,5 to
75 per acre. Adilrea IhefJrcgon Land
Company, Snlem, Oregon.
rVouunitrrJ llupelraa. Vet ftaved.
From a lnttr written by Mr Ada IS Htird
of Oroton, S I), we quobsj "Was takrn with
a bad eoid. which settled on my Lung,
eoiiiths set in and finally terminated ia Con
sumption . Four d 00 tor gave me op siy iog
1 ceuld live but a kb t time. 1 gave iny
lf op to my Saviour, determined if I could
not t-tay with my friands en earth, I would
meet my alunut r ta above. My hnaband
waa advised to get w King'e New Dicovcr
ery for Contumytion, Coughs and Colds. 1
gavo it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it
ba cured me and thank Ood lam a well and
hearty woman." Trial bottle (rue 'at Fn
bay f Maeou'adrng ttore, regular site, 50c
Gennioe Iowafiorghum on draoghtjat 0
K)Prownell a.
leading Photographers Albany Oregon.
We have bought all thenegativea made by
L W Clark and W II Greenwood op to Nov
15th, 1SSI). Duplicates can bo had from
betn only of us at reduced rates. W have
alto about 18,000 negative made by our
selves, from which duplicate ean be bad at
like rates. We earry tbe ouly full line -of
views of this state and do enlarged work at
lowest rttea for first class work. We shall be
pleased to too yoa at our Studio ia Froman'a
block, next door to Masonio Temple.
The largest stock of tpiotacles and Vye
glairet ia Linn county at F M French's", f -p
J W Buntlcy, beat boot and shoe makorjin
city, throe door north of Dkuockat office.
Beat roast coffee ia
the uity Coarad
Corsets, Corsets.
We make a specialty of ladles and misses
line corsets and waists. We also have a
drive In a French satine corset at 75 cent
Extra good value.
Samufx E Youno.
Dr. M. Ii. Ellis, physieian and surgeon
Ail-any, Oregon. Call mad in oity 01
A ue care for the whisky habit: Dr
Livingston' Antidote for Drunkenness will
care any case of th liquor habit in trcra ten
to thirty days, from tho moderate driuksr to
the drunkard. Tbe Antidote on be given
in a cup of coffee without tbe knowledge of
tho person taking it. The Antidote will not
injure the health in any way. Manufactured
by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portlaift,
Oregon, cr from J A Commiug, tola agent,
On, Yes, try J R Douglas, opposite the
R.U68 House, for the finest quality of east
ern oysters. Half dish 25 centt, full dish
50 cents, and for sale by the can.
r ao.
A man from JtfTcMon report teo or cloven
CI tlipniner.a more.
il H vi ruiney, 01 me Jicraiu, i oa in
,,r, r. i .1 .
ktreat again.
K L PoWfr, Wrownvill' iiarnca maker,
waa ia th citv to-day , I Pa
W U I. ......... ..I Vh.i... fi, l
thte city. It lyma Uaiirounly ill l that I
" .iy t. ......., ... ii,.nra, .... r
ia.. " I
L V .
H ilrtAtv ii tfH-ilf tin iinim iif Ifitl unrna 1 IV
nor Hnftptitoii. Wmu Ium thai, a tnr tun.
a '". . a af.a u J aVin iw..
IIUICVIlii"! "'' "V HVl -.m ..p. f'av.wi
na nsi vwn vmtrm iwr mm oiner
a , a !-. .a, t . ,i .. .....
lU VP ve, .imi i ui u ? j O
ThMll.M N W ulifl.. Ui
n. I)m.k-uat informed that Mr Nwk
T. k.. .,.1,1 ki. k..f..l I. ........ I. an.t
,,.....,,..,..............,. . .... .
lonn w air .-iimrie.irie car )nmr,wr,o win
1 . a m.M r
" "'" r""a """"""'
w" U,R v I
Uiahop J il Peek or i ia the city, and ar-
rr.natettieut ar being made for him to deliver
a lecture unilrr the auiiiiue of th V . M. (;.
A., on "600 Year in Pakntino." The lec
ture will be delivered la the oontume of th
people there, Date will bo given hereafter.
Arr.nurmaiit have '-ecu made fr the i-
paranca of the elebrated Amcrieau pianiat
Mi Neally Steven, tit the opera hoiui-.Oot
UOtll. Mit. ha. play l In all tha ur.e ciu.
of the f', with great aucoc, J(iirvtil
neattat Wlil ti Link' ii.uaio tori, at tli
the dul orieo.
Mr W 8 May bony, ono of Crook county'
aucocx'fut tacbr, arrived from A bany on
u .. .1 . . .. .1 . ,. ir.r.ii
IWod. wber he will take eharao of the
., l,w,l wintr. Wa arkm.wln.loB a lri.,wiiUV. .
-. .
rail lha tinihn, lan.l Bainil Ur. ahniu-
l .1. .I1..I.I t... I
L...t,.r..l h. I. ... .f.,.r...!. .m.ia,.H.d
in th eouotv iail at Kunne and ecai.Ml
from there in February, ba been heard from
....... u.,..ii i.... ... 1 . 1 i.. x -
Ti ftnti n t ttiavtttt ntt tit I Km fran1
niamlury of hr.iihU Tornptarof QtQjioa, mi
thimr b tubi.dkc.kr0i.n,U.ub.v.
Ika KniMi,. ItKoiafjF I nvit 1 it,a aia out
tn all Sip Kniuhti and their la.liaa in attend
the elaborate ecremnniea of tbe ordnr, con-
ducUd by Temple Con.inandery. L Uru'
famous band will provide w.uio foe th oo-
STaut-K it Rich II C Clement, of Ta-
coma, who ha been vlsltlntf relative and In flirt rv.itnfv .1 jl.iva r. I
...... 1
turned home lhl mum. Clem U now one
of the succeaaful men of that booming
city, with proaprct of becoming one of
tiie wcalll.leat men In the nortliweal.
Among hi fortunate aperulatiou wa 'he
Invealmcnt Jn some land at the altc of the
Northern Pacific car and machine shop.
near that city, before their location w
known, which will brlnir l.lm In hall a
mlllio.i ilone. lie ha the plan ready
for a two atory brick there that will I- 610
lect long.
Eiubt train at thl d-t-1 this non
it All any 'a style.
W 11 Tcmli-ti.r, who has lo .pendicg
the summer with lit. parnt near Craw
fordavil, haart turned to Albany.
Mr Julio I'iatfiobd, i.f CVbur,:, fjtr.e couti.
ty, was In the city irv-dy, aod tbe I)EMO
iiur 'canowledke. afrieudly call.
Tl.o Ctrnian Lothcists, ot Albany aod
vicii.ily, Wlil bv.i aerviee at the First l'loa
byteri.n charcti on Sunday, Oct 1'Jib 2 pm.
J Wnuinaf, Secretary and Manager,
an J K A Miluer, bMjk-ke-p-r, ,(the K Ac M
laa Cm, went t( oivailts to-day on Louneaa,
Tbe Navy Yard comiiiiaeion d-iig the
Northwest looking for a site for a great navy
yard were in Albany on We J.traday, return
ing bt Portland by the Wt tl le,a fact ftw
people knew at the time.
ltd Ihiwdlteb, o( AahlatHl, In Hard the
train to The I). Me, and, coni ouenlly, wa
Dot present to rcapond lo tbo aihtrea ,A ael
ooroe yetr.!v afternoon; but h's place
a well unci by lr J I. Hill, ol Albany,
wnii aeuvered an aide and tioquent oration
The Dai: T. M.
The Di.mociiat afat.d iu ye.tard.y even
ing' ppor that Nu.k Z mm.rmau bad sold
hi trnt-rl and saltsm, but wa are inlurmed
th.t h ha ouly sold hi hot!. It wa sold
to A K Kumret and Mr iiuiow. Th-y will
have charge of the saloon.
Th new rifiicer cf the grand lode of K
01 r. ot Urtgon. are, A A I IovaIao I, U C
II Wlackman. ti t s Jaa ti Turner, U p;
Ward S S!eveta,li K t.f K and S; W alter
B atuble, (j M . I K; C 11 Muntee, (i M
A; J A V addle, (; I C:Cha Kulioa. O OO.
lbs gr. a. value of the t,-ixsl.le pr. jK.rtv ia
IVrton c-i nt j, ahnwn by thuUtiniok
joat trluri.i l, ia j.i.OSfi.H;.', The total m-
del.tfdues 1. $1,067.2-13, and extmpilor,.
.'!. ,0, leaving II,u loUl taxaUie propt rty
at fj.ii7.9J7, the o-mntv levy ia been
fixed at U mill, or 1 J mill leas ihan the
levy last year.
Seven men ar lying moro or let injured
at tbe Catholic h.-epiul, in llc-l. n. a.ya a
despatch from that city, from a bad wreck 00
tbe Boulder branch of the Northern I'aciLc
railroad. The Fast bound freight paaand a
far aa bridge 19 and w hen fairly on tbe bridge
went down. the entire train falling a diataoce
of seventy feet. The train 1 badly wrecked.
Mary I lick man, wban arraigned in court
at Salem yesterday to aniwer to the Ciiui
efpdvgsmy, entered on of th moat re
markable pleat on recerd. She said tbe wa
oot guilty, for wbeu being married the lat
time the made answer of "no" to tbe u.luii
teir't ouettioii, "Do yoo Uk thi mao to be
your lawfully wedded husband?' Although
claiming to bave o replied to the rota to
whom be wa married and lived a year or
mora with him, and waa livirg with him
when arre-.'.ed.
The piano furl that Mi Nea'ly Stevens
will situs Oct3iMh is so Artiats Grand,
from the factory of H F Miller Sono, Bus
too. ItisaluKe and very superior inati a
me 06. Tbeae piano have bveu uet now
nine yeai in sacoeasion by the National Teacher' Aoeiation,at which place
they were the favorite of moat of the artista
in attendance. The instrument will be ou
exhibiti iu about a week iu advance at Will
& Link mnio store. They are the agents
for IhrieeeLbrated planot.also the "Miller"
upright pianot. the beat plsnn ever brought
to Albany.
Powell & Co
T L. Wallace & Co.
Have Viereck shave yon.
Fioe ailk ambrella't at M FroauU's jew
elry ttore.
Freh kettle lard at Haight Broi,
ranted t be good.
Two inches of tnow u reported at ;he front
on cue wrrgon l'acitio.
Seymour Meyer, of this c'.ty, is now rjoas
boy on the Koaeburg local.
J It Kirkpatriok bat filed witbjthe Record
er Parka addition t) Lcbjnoa.
Tbe heaviest taxpiyer in Aatoria ia Geo
Flare), who ia assessed at $145,934.
Mr Dr Irvine, of Salem, ia io the city the
guett of her mother, Mr Hoaek,
Choice tareet Delaware grapes revived
fresh every morning at C E Brownell't.
Wheat ia now C2 cent at Albany with
out protpests of increasing very much.
Big bargains in ladic and gtut gold andi
goia miea waicncs at t m f rench s.
For perfectly pore water buv the Nturl
Stone Filterer ot Matthew & Washborn
You should call and tee those fine library
lampe at C E Brownell't before buying else
where. If yoa want a good lilfc ombrella with a
gold ortiiver handle go to French 'a lawelm
Quality it what helot Matthnwa
barn tell the most stoves of anv hAiifl. I.. A I
Call earlv and oivn vn.. r.A. nr..
Hymoa for the Juvenile Bk th 1 will
be here for Xmat.
The honor of beinr? the first rhlt.1 l..,rn tn
Albany is now claimed for Meilssa Cox.born
in Maroh, 1847.
The piano that cives oerfeot satiafaotion
you oau find at Mrs Hymen's.
The eleven year old child of Prof. W T
Tan Sooy, died of diphtheria, at Jeffdison
on Thursday.
Mr John Diamond, of Cobm?, waa in tbe
oity yesterday. Hi brother, Thos, died on
Monday, at that place.
The C E aooiety, of th UP obureh tztve
quite ao enjoyable party at the residence of
L E Blain last evening.
Do not past O E Browncll'a store if ton
want to live economically. Beat cooda and
loweat prieea guaranteed.
Everybody should co and See Rddia Ab
bott, the boy wonder, on Tueadav and
Wednesday evenings of next week,
At a meeting of the B & L
last evening, $ 1G00 was loaned to B K
Obliog at 60 month interest in advance.
Mr and Mr I MeCltma- have ratnrnail
from a trio to IIodo. Idaho, whnr thsir man
T J McClung ia oonduotor 00 the N P rail-
,f "
Rev. Ilenleiter, of Lebanon, wa So the city
Mnnrl.o fo, ' o i.Z t, "
1 ono week from next
now lo th A.vlum
""' anu wni 1 nm
V r Harry M.llor. fnniiarr tot thm ftr-ifa
p.a S jiar I'ina and t.m,. r:....
waa in th city thi aforeaoo'o. He r
linpt. Iha Mn.ri.nB Jl.. .1.1. C..:
- . uvivi a mi uiiiiihw
A firi. .i.u, n MmM wi a
. . -y..j ..
ltsu than Mrt.fl,.at. f'-ll nA .
Vir baton lbv art mil uone.
. - -
1 IIIHRLH KIP aDaaldPn UM..I A. ..
aw x nmU. lor bv W I Jettr t-
u w.rntw
ti il i .
110K61 OHIO,
Th nsi.v ..i s. .l
. "V . ""..'""
oru ugaon can na till rr ha.eri la r.r vv i.
leater. at lha Hn.,l,a. iw, c.
----a- -j, v a aL JtWtVIIU V klUKUl
Woolen Millaaie lo rnnr inr
jn loom; and smM iti (j,, rnaebinery night
Inordi r to keep ahead of the order. The
A many latino are becoming rjnlte popular.
Mr Harvey Sbelton. of 8eio. waa ia the
ity ytiday, nd hart hi aix month old
cniid treated lor hair hp. lr MaaU.o tr-
lormed the operation, amuUd by lit Dvu.
J h DicMoriiAT take pleMur in inlorm-
lnlt reader of a very nneommoo aecidebt.
I ha train in eoinicif from Portland tii nw.n
ro into tbe d-ixd about on time. nicthi.iit
wmi oa oijiy 'jccurrca oa yery rare oevav-
ii'G rcci'Dti.
The time i t'rawina near wbnn fha lon
anlicipaud dramatio event of year will take
',a0 P"a boa.e her, lo tbe ouly
l'l'afnc oi lamou llar Morn ami
""'"I'aoy oi aniaia. in uei lormarrc win
)T , ., . . , - , ,
..n .
During the wu k liceiut were iaiocd by
' Couuty Cb rk for the marriage of J 8
froii an.l ha Mortiinore, (married on
ha Ijthj) (io YaaM and Eiaie iratioson.
I.....H10.1 vn me; uarry oice ana Ann.
ileiner, (marriwl on the 15th,) and A U My
eracd T C tlaik, (m.rriod on th ICtb )
('n"m,M! on I5tb:) Uarry Sic and Anna
A lbert KK.-At a meeting of the Y.
M. t.. A. lilst eVCllinif. P.ishott 3. If
Becker wa enaKed to deliver a lecture
next rnuay evening on "WU miles
through the Holy Land on horse back,"
which will bo presented in the costume
' H'at country. Admission 25 cnt.
Beacn Mwwo,-Mr8 J Iryiue.of New
port, wa in tbe city thi foretioon.on hi
tA'OV 1........ 1- f ' . I . . I .
" J """iv, nir irvino liurinir ll.U SUIII'
H;'',, liltle bench mining that panned
out fairly well. In six weeks bis net re
turn were about ) from the lals.r of
two men, which indicates what might ba
uone were tiie business carried on man
extensive scale
A Fierc e Fioiit. Henry Struckmeyer
and William Mistlt are two neighbors
residing on the Hcio road just thi ide of
the Sanderson bridge. This forenoon
Misttelt's lioKKot among Struckmeyer'
cabbages. Struckmeytr tied tbo bog to
tree. Mtstit-It demanded In liog.
Struckmeyer ordered him off. Misuelt
took a club and tsdaWed hi neighbor.
Struckmeyer clinched with Miepelt and
threw him, getting in ome good work in
return. Then Misuelt's twelve year old
bov appeared with a club and fiercely
attacked Struckmeyer.turning tbe table
on him.flinl when they left him be looked
as if be bad Wen run through a sausage
mill. Mrucsniever came to Albany ana
?;ot out warrant in Justice Wyatl s court
or hi assailants, and a worse banged up
looking bead the Dkmockat man never
saw than the one on bis shoulder. Ir
lhivin patched hi in up, so that be held
Tbe only remedy known wblcb will
Stimulate the KatrltlfB Processes of th
Kbxei Sjstem.
Vj th!s natural and simple means tt quickly
and pcrmancut y il'UKS All Form of
IlyapetMJa, Conatlpatlon, Mental and
Nf-rrou KxUuutlon, Genertvt Debility,
llraln J-ag, or any exhaaated or weak
ened condition of the system, from what
ever cxknaa, Ekta Kroptiona. Bails, Rub
Ding Sores, Rcrofula, and all Disease of
the lUood, Stotnacb, Uver aad Kidaeys.
8 1 .00. SIX BOTTLfS FOR 83.00,
Dr. milers At peirc book, dem-riptlve of fly.
draatinc lunt'irouve aud hi other " -'-
eut free by laaii.
EILLEB DRUG C0Saa FtaQClsso, Cat.
IRON HARROWS,iPrr;;,bnut
call on Stewart A Sox. It will pay Jyou
not to forget thl.
1 have been troubled man v vear with
disease of the kidney and have tried
many different remedies and haw
sottKlit aid from diflerent physician
without relief. About the islh of Anri?
I wa uficrin(f from a verv violent
attack that almost prostrated me ia
When I sat down it wa almost impossible for me
aucn a manner tuat 1 wa nent over.
io tret up aione, or lo put on my ciotnes, wbe
ama iTovmenc sent i)r.
nutcl. I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, aud to the aston
ishment of all the Ruesta at the hotel,
iu a lew uays,t am Happy to state,
mar. i was a new man. I will
recommend tbe tea to all afflicted
a a nave been.
i-roprictor Occidental Uctel,
Saula Koaa, Cul.
Two Men and One Hoy
Whilo trying to Crowd their
Store, where they advfay have on hand
the largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest improved. Rifles and Shot
Guns; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tents,
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of other things too numerous to mention,
-Repair Shop
In connection with the Store, and one of
the best workmen in the State to do any
and ail kinds of work.
Come one, Come all: No trouble to
show goods. , "Small profit and Jqulck
saW is oui motto.
RPITINRBoln bber nd lerrJier
ULLIIUU, belting always on hand a
Stewart & Sox's. Also rubber, hemr and
asbretoea packing,
City Meat Market.
. - SSILIZ BROS,, Proprietors.
Roep a full line of meats of all kinds;
Id a cool plaoe, completely pro- .
tectedj and always fresn.
: ' -OP-
Oar Lady of Perpetual Help,
Conducted by the HioU.i f St, Bvnediet
Tuition In aoleet day vcliool ranstea tfen
V to HO,
For term of Hoarding 8cbrol r
prtlrilar appiy at tbe Academy, or j J.
adea Sister sioperlore.
fir! Term Opened fceptefaaer lOitr, t AM.
A lull corp of inRlraetor,
(!onre of atodr arrnniced to rnfwt tbr
end of all grado of student.
S fecial tuaucrmentf ojertd (6 ItJfut
from abroad.
rrt. ri rrrt t oxkit
Pooiiiy Wanted.
All I ii).l ;t tuultty, alive or dressed
at tho Wllliitti Piicklrit (Y.rrrainy'a
htoio, Albany. im-u'-L.
Mla4a-Ttngen,4. BVtaraif
J .a num rAfln. Taet.miwial. tr.aa ad
ttrr1 ttt t.ia mUihm. Pw an...... in.
LMoU, tti i .la Arm. w tatk.
4. um.&j Ana Corallcr At Lai
Solars Public
ba new Wbeelee A Wiiaost 0,
have the bent shear and citor in tbl
city, and we can prove it ta you at any
time, hvery pair warranted, and -n be
rnturne l if tbey 'do not civ uiaactin.
ThUi 1 no brag or bluster; we mean what
we aay. arawaarr Az.
tblrd o
our hoitw feed by
using a fd cotter. Stewart A Sox bave
four kiid for sale.
TUoao w'slilui a flrst cla instraa
tbo I est ncde lo to.l the cliutssta of it
n nt, can I auluyJ by calliag at IBttt m
E rJymas's. opprnitf tut Max. 1tjs
pit, on Fir; 8treet. The ! voaaa t&4
instrumental muale kept tor naie.aia its
h Tgeat aaaortuieot of stantuiut; peasasda
to ieieci (rom tbisslJiof 'friaeo. Lew
on given It pmtinr;laQdnjbroidrlng
In her studio over Liun County Baak.
Iti iter yurorlor and yat. will b
oau J
City Irng Store.
Stand & GuM
Proprietors. Succeseors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals.fancy and toilet
articles.sponges, brushes,
perfimiery.sehool and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
Has noerrual f.-r F-;lc, Pit ?r-? vVsr. Posi'tivt !f
the best s.:C ia America f i-:tir !--?f-v. DTJt-t
be deceived. box en b--: t each sboe.
TaUe no oihor. I.eerv -sir w-c-rartei S.yiiii
aad equal to my-,-., - i in t-;- Vlcty
4. t. PEEPLE5 f;, CO., CKrOACO
3 JEX "3?"E U XJ 3- Bale Aeat
Wo earry a
I nc Una aifahnt
powder, loaded shells, cartridge, tc,aodj
will ae.l at reasonable fianre. Don't for
get a when you come to lay in your
winters supply of ammunition, to project
your ranch from tbe iuroadi of that ring;
tecked emigrant. b raw art & Boa.
Best stock or 2nd pgr roods tn the Ta
ley, and tho most roaw .aie prioea, bo Ik
buying and selling, i have oa ban!
all kind of
iMt wsat of S IS Young's ol. atora,
We will open our Annual
Clear AYCE Sales,
Cloaks, Jacka
apt, .and Silk Sealetttw
Our hoe ha a standard reputation whieh
never fade to attract general attention dur.
ing our cloak sales. .
, - " - - - : - '
Mclllca & McDonnell, ;
'61, 163, Third St., P0RTL1NB, Otttan
iaTLoadin Dry Good Store for first-elas
roods at eastern price.
O'Aeent for McCall'a
Vagaar Glove
Fitting Patterns,
If you wish to have vonr watnh
and promptly repaired and Warr&uted;to rnn
aha uud joai, iaa.i io
S. . Youn s,
bin Str
DHIEQ APPI Et? r6 worth "cent.
UUILU Arr Lk.3ir,(jtPaul an Kt oa
Farmers, go to Stewart fc Box. hnv an
apple paring meehim- aad kith yenr firet
- --
M Sk.'