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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1890)
WHAT LOti IC, (From our rseutsr ooiraspomisnl.) TELEGRAPHIC NEWS , WASHINGTON. HOME QUESTIONS. The Brownsville 7iW, following up It charge that the people In the louth halt o' Linn counljr are taxed higher In propor tion than In the north lu!( submit tne following queitlont to the Democrat for nawen, lit. What I the assessed valuation of real estate In Linn count f and. lathe tame aualttv of land In the northern halt assessed higher than In the tout hem hull? If 10,'whj? If a difference, please give the average hmucJ value per acre In the northern half, alto in tne aouthern halt, jd, What It the amount of Indebtedness on real estate, In Linn county? 4th. Draw Ing a line from east to west In the center of the count?, which half carries the heaviest burden of Indebtedness? and upon what Is It canted what aecurltrf 5th. Deducting the total Indebtedness on real estate tram the total assessed value of teal estate In the county , w hat Is the balance t Deduct ing the total Indebtedness on real estate lit the northern half of the county from the total assessed value, w hat Is the bal -tneef Deducting the total Indebtedness upon real estate In the southern halt of the county frum t'.e total assessed value, what lathe balance? 6tV How manr mills taxes on the dollar does Linn count v pv? 7th. What Is the total amount of taxes raised on real estate In the not them half of the count v, also In the southern "part? 8th. What 'is the difference between the total amount of taxes raised on real estate In the northern half and that raised In the aouthern half? The answers to all these questions, the Timtt supposes, would furnish proof of Its assertion referred to above. Such being Its belief, It Is an exhibition of check and gall without a parallel on its part to ask us to furn!sh proof to sustain Its side of the controversy. This scheme on the part of the Timet would be like a plaintiff Incv-urt calling upon the defondent to produce proof to sustain plaintiffs complaint. This Is an unheard of step. But really the Tim1 promUed Its readers that Ic would go through the records and obtain the facts that would serve as an answer to all these questions. Why has It not done so? Its editor was tloarn and made a search ot the records; why docs It not publish the result of Its investigations. No, we beg to be ex. cused from doing that fur tne Timtt wldwh It promised i. would do for Ha readers. Come, now .stick to the Issue that you made yourself, namely, that the people of the south part ot the county are taxed higher than those of the north. This we deny and challenge the proof. Ycu have no urnlshed a single proof to sustain thl proposition. Until you do to, It will bo of no avail to gooff Into voluminous articles about the indebtedness ot individual tax payers which has nothing In the world to do with your charge about the tax payeis of the south part paying more than their proper share of the taxes. easily satisfied. TLs Salem Jenmal is pleased w ilh McKin- ey't explanation of the" effect of a tarifl. It quote fiom McKin'ej's speech made the sther day in Holmes rounty Ohio, at follows: It it said the republican protective tariff puts burdens upon tne people, ibrre is not a rjin in this au Jience who knows any thing about it, for be duet not feel f he weight of federal tax ation. Tin tax it not pa d by consumers. This federal taxation spoken of by McKin- ley is the indirect one raised by the tariff. He tayt the consumer does not pay this tax. This it the absnrdest proposition that we bare ever known to UU from the lips of any intelligent man. To show the absurdity ot McKinley 's position: For tic fiscal year ended June 30 1 809 there were roiporttd into the United States wool and woolen roods to the value of 71,153,035,17 opon which a duty was paiJ amounting to $41,379,081,21. This duty was paid, of course, by the importer before these goods could be placed upon the Ameri can maikct, but the importer added this duty to the price of the goods when he told them to the wholesaler, just as be added the freight to the price of lUe roods. This duty to the re tailer and the consumer it simply a part of the cost of the roods, and hence, the consumer bears this bard of federal taxation, and he feels it in the extra cost of '.he goois. Does McKinley hope to get into congress by thus deluding the voters of his district? No, the proposition is too absurd for serious considera tion. To say that the consumer does tot psy the freight on goods shipped fiom a foreign country, it jutt at sensible and logical at to say that he does not par the duty on dutiable goods shipped from a foreign country, Uut the tact remaint that he pays both. So much for McKinley't logic It it tafd that there are only two words in the English language which contain all the vowels in their order. They are "abstemious and "fjcetious." The following words each bave them in irregular order: Authorative, disadvantageous, encouraging, efficacious, in siantancous, importunate, mendacious, nefari out, precarioui, pertinacious, sacrilegious, sim ultaneous, tenacious, unintentional, objection able, unequivocal, undiscoverable and vexati-ous- The majority of fatal lightning strokes occur in the level, open country. Trees, vil.'ages and thick'.y built-up towns by their numerous projections Into the air, and their net-work of wirct and rails, serve to neutralize or scatter the electric forces of the clouds, thereby protecting the inhabi tant from direct stroke. From geological observations on the Alps, vegetation on the higher portions teem to be re'.reatlng, and the poplar that at one time adorned the crest of the hill re uow nearly all dead. Russians drest recent wounds with a thick layer of ashes, prepared by the burn ing of cotton or linen stuff. This, simple, effective and convenient method has been practiced from time immemorial by the Russian peasantry. Durlnjr the past nine months 378J miles of railway were constructed In the United States. The total construction in 1890 will be about 5000 miles. The accumulation ot explosive gases in a room, miae or a ship's hold, can now be ascer tained by meant of an indicator. It consists of a porous cylinder closed Jy a thin meta' membrane, and the penetrating gases raise the membranj, close a circuit and ring an alarm. The fact that the waves in the North Sea differ in shape when caused by a northeast w nd untie' high pressure from those caused by a southwest wind with a low barometer, is con sidered at a proof that the air in an anti-cyclone is a descending current and the air in a cyclone an ascending current. I ake a quart of belt vinegar, two ounces of lump sugar, two ounces of lump salt. Boil these together for a few minutes and, when cold, anoint with a brush the meat to be pre served. The di'ngreeable effect produced on the eyes br ibe ruby ltcht used in dry plate photo twrm rn on. I. nv'iaA hv nlnrinir a rilfita rS fc' mt J " " ' V 1 - - r - ground glass between the eyes and the ruby light. ' ' A feature ol the Franklort-on the-Main In ternational Exhibition will be the transmission of electriel Dower over cormer wires from a distance of 140 miles. Sugar ought to he at least two cents a pound cheaper after the new tariff tnVea effect, ai the government wilt pay the domestic manufactur er a bounty of two centt a pound on all sugar made fiom beets, sorghum cane and maple sap. All foreign grades briow 16 Dutch standard will be free of duty, and on all below 90 de gree! by the polaiis cope and not less than 80 degrees, the duty Is reduced to I.V cents a pound. So tne consumer ought to have the benefit of the bounty i'Mmtnilrr, Suppose the consumer duct get Ins sugar two ecntt a pound cheaper. He yet bat the bounty to pay to that he it no better off. Thit bounty scheme was concocted expressly to catch tuckers aud It seems to woik well. The Roscburg l'Uimlmlr makes a long argument to show that, where a mortgage la taken upon real estate which Is not worth nearly so much as the mortgage, (at It often the cave when the debtor has no more security to give.) the mortgage should not be ascsscd at any moie than the land Is worth. Section 3737 HHPs Code pro vides that "In all cases the assessor shall assess such debt ar.d security for the full amount ot such debt, that appears from the record ot such security to be owing unless In the judgment ot the assessor the land or real property by which such debt la secured Is not worth as many dollars as still appears unpaid of such debt, and then In that case he shall assess such debt and security at whatever sum he thinks to be their real cash value." This we think makes full provision for the suppimltlovs case cited by the 'n'miAvAv. Dispatches from all large cities and many towns In Kansas state that many orlglnal-packge saloons have been open ed and are doing a thriving business, as the result ot the decision yesterday by the Un ited States circuit court. Several mass meetings were held throughout the state this evening at which the governor was petitioned to call an extra session to re-en act the old one. Ninety years ago the seven piincipat langu ages of Europe: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and I'ortugcse, ware spoken by 1 6 J, 000,000 eople. Only a 1,000, 000 or thirteen per cent,, spoke English, Now these languages are spoken by 400,000,000 people; and 125,000,000 of them, or thirty one per cent., speak English. The Chamber ot Commerce ot Montreal Canada, have decided to formally present to the government the advi&abillty of placing a duty of five cents per doxen on American eggs In retaliation tor the Mc Kinley Import duty. Last season there were shipped In to Canada 700,000 djjern eggs from the United Slates. A tramp in liitmingbam, Ala., while suflcr ing fiom delirium trcmsns, taw hit big tt protruding from hit wcll-wora boot. Imagin ing it to be a snake about to bite him, be smashed it witb a hammer. The corn crop ol the present year it cstimat eJ by the Cincinnati Price Current at 1,565, 030,000 butheU, or 548,000,000 bushels less than the crop of 1SS9. It estimates the sur plus in farmers' hands at eighteen per tent. The Russian government Is constructing at Noo KotsUlt an elevator capable of containing 1.08,000,000 pounds of grain, or bushels of sixty pounds of wheat. Utilizing scrap steel rod by welding ll and drawing ll lata fence wire is one of the recent successes of electric welding. The latest discovery in the way of cures for Drtght's dilate is a diet of fresh butter mi'.k. A Mlsasarl Vtllrr. Favitte, Mo., Oct, 14, iSyo. I will give you a sketch of my trip while here. I left Fayette on the 9th fur St. Paul. Landed at Mobcrly the same day and started north for Iowa and Minnesota, I had good chance to view the country, as I trave.ed the same road go'ng and coming; that part passed through during the nljfht going up, I pass over in the day time on my return, rrorn Fayette to Moberly It ! rather rough, portion of it being coal district . There i plenty of coal shipped from Moberly to points along the railroad. Mcbcrly Is quite a place of business. Some fine farms adjolnlrg the town. II Is good larming country In ail direction from Moberly. At Moberly I took the Wabash road ncTrtb, and reached Otturnwa about 9 p m President Harrison spoke there on the 9th and I saw a ialr sample of prohibition. The worst set of people I ever saw in all my travels; no law nor order, lhey don't have any wine to sell, but there was plenty of spirits there, and half or more of the good people tt I may call litem good were drunk, or so near that they could not behave themselves. I have been In a good many hard places but that was the worst lever saw. I should say that there were 10,000 people there. FromOttumwa nor.l. to St. I Paul there are good looking, well improved iarms, with good looking corn crops. Reached St. Paul at 7 at night arid did not get to see the much on account of rain. I met a lady here who said they were going to Salem, Oregon. She said she was a rela tive of county clerk Payne, but had not heard of his election. 1 left on the 7 o'clock train, Saturday, for my old home, Fayette, which I reached Monday. I found all well, but no paper from home. We have had plenty of rain here. Weather fine; crops are not very good; potatoes are worth 1 1 25 per bushel, corn 40 cents, and wheat $1, and a very poor article at that. Testable are scarce, having had a dry season Fall sown wheat look well, time are hard, money scarce. Election comes off In November. A few of the white people and tlit negro take the republican side, but a majority of the whites are democrat. I would 'like to have some of my republican friends in Oregon see the condition here. I think they would change and be something else. E. Tlrkhr . Bev. Hnoipbrrj Daraed Out Elmira, Cal., Oct nth, 1890. Ed'Uort Democrat; Truly are the vlclsitudet of life many and great ; and In consequence 'of being able to give my personal experience In support of this proposition I am again compelled to ask you to change my ad dress from Brentwood, as Indicated above. Tbis In consequence of being burned out on Sept. 4th, sustaining a loss of nearly everything we had. The heat of the campaign is upon us.and Democrat seem to be a much dissatisfied 1th Republican choice aa Republicans are with the Democratic ticket. Disqual ifying charges are made by both, aud It really seems that both parlies are about to make out a case. The season of the vintage is at hand. and everything is active along that line. The fruit crop for the season has been abundant,and prices being good ha yielded nanasoma return. In many respect I like thl country well, but have yet to learn it advantages over Oregon. Respt'y yours, , VV. D. Humphrey. letter List. Followirg is tho list of letters remaining tn the post ollios at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct 2, ISO. Persona calling for these letter most give the date on which they were advertised Bectoo, Mr w A Earing, Jarae Penton, H Oebrke, Ed Griswold, HE ' Haber, Kate Jones, Mis Annie Manaon, John Parent, John Dinger, Herman Evan, CF Grimshaw, Mrs H Oehrke, Albert Haber AD Hattbner, Mrs Saui'4 Joues, Mr BT Unburn, Mis E Wiao, Dr B. Thompson, P. M WABIItSOTON, Oct. 13, tSoO. Mr J S Clarkton,who aspires to be tojthc republican congressional campaign com mittee what Speaker Reed Is to the House ot Representatives, has. It It tnld, had a big row with ex-Congressman Carter, the particular ft lend cf Russell Harrison, and secretary of the congressional committee, Clarkon,aa soon as he went to tho aid ot the committee as the special representative of Meisrs Quay, Dudley, et a!., ot the na tional committee, began to "boss'1 thing around. He soon gave Representative Odder, chairman of the committee, to un derstand that hi only business for the rest ot the campaign would be to raise moiicy and turn It over to him (Out kson) to be used as he might see ill. This rolu Mr Ccldcn humbly accpted. Then Clarkson began to show Carter that he only regard. ed him as hi clctk, put there to blindly obey any orders he gave. Carter did not fncy this at all, consequently tlicrj has a been constant diction between the two nu n' which finally ended In a war of words, and Mr Carter has gone to Muittaua leaving 'boss" Clarkson In supreme control of the committee. The delay In getting out the democratic, text book hr.a been so great that no at tempt will be made to give It general calcu lation. It contains much valuable data for speakers and editors, aud owing to the shoit time leinalntng of the campaign, ll wll hardly reachjuany outside of those, al though the congressional campaign com mittee will fill nil oid'-is for tlK'in which may be received from local committees. Mr lilalne Is going to Ohio to speak In McKinley' ill. ti let, but he goes very much against his will, and only In deference fo the enormous pressure w hich was brought to bear upon hltn He Is aware of the absurdity ot his attempting to convince the Intelligent voters ot Ohio that his reci procity Idea and Mr McKlul-yhlgh pro tectlve tariff law mean one and li e same thing, when he knows that they are as wide apart both In theory and practice as are the north and south poles. It Is now an open secret here that Mr Harrison will unload commissioner of pen slons Raum as soon after the congress loual elections as he possibly can, and there j Is some talk about Raum's getting his back up and resigning before the election, just for spite, as it were. The Count of Paris and his party hate finished the tour ot the Virginia battle fields, and returned here tor a stay ot sev eral days. Since the bad break of the col lector at New York, who effusively wel comed the would-be King of France to the United States In the name of the President every member of the administration ha been as much afraid of thl representative ot def anct French royalty as though h had the smalt pox. The count propose calling on Mr Harrison this week, and three is a little ripple ol interest to know how he will be received at the White House. The new tariff law ha stampeded the treasury department loan unexpected ex tent, and the coiuphlnts hae only just be gun. Treasury c file UK hepe to escape some ot the vexation ar.d the responsibility which properly belongs to them, through the ridiculous order issued last week, slat ing that the decisions made by the collect ors of customs would be final, that Is to say, that no matter what an absurd Interpreta tion some ignorant or careless collecto may put upon the new law, the Importc cannot appeal to the department. He must cither accept ll or go to tha asprn.a ot carting It Into the courts. It It claimed by some good lawyers that the entire tariff law 1 void by rcaion of the tact that a clause was left out in enrolling the bill for the President's slg lature. Leal compll cations as well as wl olcsalc robbery of the people will naturally follow this law. Justice Miller of the Supreme Court died he.e yesterday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis with whhch he was stricken last Friday, and already there Is a scramble among the republicans as to who shall succeed him. Attorney General Millcrt who Is very anxious lobe fixed for life be fore his friend Ecn retires from th White ilouse, is, of course, a candidate, but there are lots more of cm coming In on every train, so as to be here when Mr Harrbon returns to morrow, and Mr Harrison's law partner may get left again as badly at he did when Justice Brewer went on the bench of the supreme court. AaiVllLK After Prcabytcry we have cot Hcttlcd down, not o many miniate, but more working men. Mr Mclirido and family, of Minnoiiri. arrived here iflHt week. Mr M. brought bin team, wagon and farming implemenU. He baa come to Htay. The Y P S C K met hint Wednesday evening and fleeted a delegate to tho State convention of the Y 1' C E, which meets at Balein on the 2Ut hint. Bpeaking of old coins and tho value of tueni. what is tne value ol a U n bank note bearing date 1811? Is it worth more than its lace 7 The Horticultural Bocielymet Tuesday evening. The meeting was enlhuHiastic and ttir-rn enrbiiHiiiHtir war wntrerf ,n the Codlin moth, but be need not be alarmed, for this war wilt only last through the winter and be can have the next apple crop. Amicus. Take Care t There I Danger t Id sllowing inactirity of the kidneys 'to gr w through neglc-st. The deadly sboal of Urighl' disease and diubutes frill wreck the Koudlv bark cf health if itn all wed to drift rndderleaa upon them. The bladder, too, if inactive, and jndicious medication doe not speedily direct the helm toward the vort of ufety, will bo whelmed by the qnicksand of diseate. Iu rtltctiuar a diure tic, let yonr choice fall upon Hottetter'a Ctomach bittern, which stimulate the renal organs without irritating and excitiag them, two effect o bo ftpprehemded from the uu medicated stimuli largely retorted to. These have a tendency tn react prejudh i.illy. The Bitter invigorate the kidney and bladder, n common wit'i the nerve and the dilut ive oran. nd so afford lattiug aid. It ol o ff)id do il assistarco in prtyeutine and niin? ititnrml'tfiil- and remit trnt fever itiouscess, const ipatinn and rheamaticai 10 sahjagates. The Journal calls the Salem bridge the "Orphan bridge," probably because it lias no father or mother.noteven a sister. Who struck Billy Patterson ? Mr M Bcemer, t f Iodnt eadi ncf, reccntb of Albany, has purcha-;td the harness shop of B F Wjfey, at ,Satem,id will move to tha' city ti retide. FBED VL. BLECXvKIt. Frc-t IT. Tlcckcr, n tlmo upwyvniwr and rt-i.n.rir al man, writes from tiio ilaM win Kolol, i. ".. "Ho orJliuiry occurrenns coulil Induce mo to aMow my name to ha Used, but I have rjcen troubled wltli dyspepsia in lu worst form an l IndletIon. I!fore I tried Joy's Vege table Hiirsiipiirllla, X spent many a dollar oil remedies without relief, i'r misery was so arrer.t at times it secmoU 110 if 1 rIi'iuM die Ju ibree (lavs I found Joy was In tliut bottle, and the Kgeond pnt jno on my feet. It will cheat the gravo of inasy a victim. Nat Rivaling IISkatti-k Octal There Is a war l.elween me uregon Improvement C o. and resident of Kenton, a town on I-nke Wash ruton. about twelve miles from Seattle. The cumpnny al leges wholesale Healing of coal from It cart a nu everybody In Kenton mum coal aud but lew buy it. Deputy . Sheriff slinten was on guard ann arretted lKiouton for robbing car. Gordon admitted taking coal but not stealing it. At a hearing hcjore Justice Klvcr he was discharged for luck of evidence, Wliiser being ucint lha tmlv uUm... a,,.,,,. l.l. a ...i r - vmii, I,. ,1,11,, ssiiumsr arrest wi.t made 'odny and Superintendent Cntr tried to convinc the man that Inking coal hum the cars was stealing. Intense Iccling ex lt agnldst the Co. at kenlon and the whole population it to aroused that it it fcaned that lurincr aiicsts may cause violence. Since the arrests little coal lias been stolen and sides at Kenton arc largely increase!. Wants A last Moaniolj. an rKANCisto Oct 21 C P Huntington president 01 tna Miiiliicin Tactile CO, in an in loiview expressed himself in lavor ol a consoll riaiiun of the great railway systems of the L'nl ted Slates intoOna company and Okiiil'IiI llmt eventually such consolidation Mould he biought alaut. One result of the coniclidalion ol luge railway systems would b the reduction of expenses in many ways besides saving in le bates now given. The rales could thus be lowered tnd at the same time larger dividends he secured. Uurard In a Horrible Manner UNION. Oct 21 Last Saiunlav the ilauthcr of Mr Hanson of Medical springs was pin) ing atotind a lite that had I ecn ued In bion.ling cattle when her dies caught fne. As soon as tier i lollies Uuk lue sheean madlo down the road, kindling the fujy of the flames and lend- eilng ai.l impossible. I Icr flcdi fell a ay so her bowels wcia exposed. She died todaJ at 4 o'clock. The It K font. Sale xt' Oct 2 1 In the ciicuit eouit today in the matter of W l!igu relator vs J Faull et- al a continuance was held for service. This vi'luaily knocks the case out of coutt. for be fore the nest term the Uai. wiit be out of exi stance as the coming legislntura will elect anew one 11 me law ts not reanged. Illll Alter Urhlnh-y, is.ii.iiM ji-i,ov iihi sit erected on his ainval here today by a huge Ihrtiiig. To nielli alter a urge loichlighl ptoceitn rd ticiiiiKiui cmie, ise poxe to a ciuwtl ! 3..0 people at the link. Many were unable lo ob tain ailmUsion, Oregon's repalt (la. Wahiimutn!, Oct 20 The census bureau to day completed the tabulation of ic'uins for jhe first district of Oregon. This completes the on the population of that state. The pop ulation as the bcrcau claims it is 312,4.(0. In 1SS0 it as 174.70.S, showing a gain during inc census jsr'o.1 ol 137,7, or 7S.8 ter ceni 1 ne popuu ir;n "i cuuniivs announced lo-uay . . it: Counties. lien ion Clackamas. . . , Clatsop. ...... Coos Curry lHjugtas Jackson. . . . . . Josrpinc f jnc t.inn I'olk Tillamook . . . . Washington . . . Yamhill .... Multnom.ih. . . Marion l8o .-. . &.(!) .-IS.9 -..9.95 .. .5.101 ... S.8j6 ....1,648 .. II.7MI ...11,3611 .. .4.S-M .. t(,iyt .--7.7 jo JSSS . II.S74 . ..lO.boS .7S.-57 .. JI.4S6 Increase 3. lid 5-93 .7Jo 3.i9 4,ooa 440 a, 19 a 3.S00 a. 3 5' 3.463 .!5 I.91S 4.7'' a.w4 5".4t4 Tkry Cal left. WAMU.oits, Oct 20 There is a painlul rumor in circulation here lo the cflcit that the mem! -cis of convict who wtnt into a A (ot the purchase of a large quantity uf silver before ho pirssvH Vsve been unshle to dirjxjse of their holding, and are likrly to carry them tome months I efore the deal reaches the quo tation of a month or six wctks ago. It is undcrstoiKl ihe jiOol reprrscnls (10.000,000 in silver purchased at prices ranging fiom 104 to llo. After toe patsage ol Ihe act quotations ran up as high as 1 10, tut the speculator in New Voik unloaded so rapidly, add so much metal was shipped into this country from Kttg -land, that the market flattened and the Con gressmen are unable to dipo-e of the Urge quantify they purchased. toad KhMtlBC, Tacoua, Oct so K S Mutlen of this city holds bcyobd challenge the nupnifitent gud trophy gotten up by subscription among the riflemen off over tha coast for the individual 200 yards, eff hand military jifle champiocthip, Today he defeated J M Bell, also of tois city, 1 . 1 .: f. . , auu inc uma iiiiiii 01 two years since it wat won expired on the 29 inst. Mr Mullen holds ihe bcauuiul trophy for ever. The shooing waa Ihe best on record in the Northwest. The steady rain blurred Ihe sights somewhat, but there was little wind. 'I he scores of loth Mr Mullen and Mr lie II were in excess cf those made by Ihe same gentlemen in the contest last month and wcie: Mullen, 392; Ilcll 355.. R S Palmer was referee. Mr Mullen used hit 4S-0i Sharpe, with a six-pound pull. l.r...!..r.p.l.Uo.. K3 Washington, Oct 20 The population o the state ol Wisconsin has been cortected to 1,683,679; increase 368,200. 13 A S lab s-rtranlis. ""7 "- T7Z Brumif.port, Oct 19. Another aicmber of the fcuicide Club has carried out the edict ol thatscciely. This time it it Emil Zicmske, who ended hi life by takinu iodine notash. iemke came from Ansonia and joined the only nine months ago, when it Wat without any member other than itt president and sec retary, harly last sunns Wm K Manv. Unit. ed States letter carrier, killed himself, W Iljura shot himself, and J Kopp followed by hanging himself. All were members of the Suicide Club. These last three rolled up the suicieet 10 neany a score ana reduced the membership ' 'c prcsiueni ana secretary, who are exempt from self-destruction. Zicmske with three others wat then plcdced to the tccret order. A ballot resulted in ordering Ziemske to de- siroy nimscii ociore the next meeting, Satur day night, Oct 18, and Ziamske hat fulfded hit vow. That Salem Man CHICAUO. Oct 10. Friends of IJr fvA. who has bten missing since Oct 7, learned lid b luuar. j an tnecrr. or Lnitrviriv ivas in ni ixuis Oct II and was approached by a man who carried surgeon's bag from which he took a card and saidj 1 expect you'll hear about me frorr. Chicago in a few days; you should tell people I have gone to New Mnxico. Cluing la Extremes. PERRY, Oct 10. Last summer Wm Killin. g-r and hit wife, who live three milct from nere, attended a tenet of revivals and became religion mad in a mild way. With them lived tilltngcr 1 mother, who hat been physically frail. It worried Fillingcr and his wife that the elder woman wat unbantizet. and vir. day they decided that the necessary relicious rite should be performed, although tae poor woman was confiaep to her bed and unable to rise. Tnkine watee to her room thev hrrnn tr. dash water in her face and continued it until. irom the shock and exhautlion, their victim died, Fillingee and hit wife were arrested and taken to jail at Corruna. As Usual, Kingston, Oct to. Crazed hv a prolonged sprei. James Morris giding his brother Josph in a drunken slumber in bed at home, poured kerosene over him and set fire to the saturated bed and clothing. The blaze flashed and awakei ed the sl?imn7 ma,. Oihert of the family rushed to ehe rercue and, carelc3 of burnt extinguished the flames and dragged Joseph to a place of tafely, although iheir own handt were tcorched. Joseph was in a horrible condition, and cA in hour. A Victim of Dime Hovels. New York, Oct 10. Preston Tumie. a youth 14 year of age, commited suicide thit evening by hanging himself in his fathers house. lie was an inveterate reader of dime novels, and it it tunposed that hit mind had become therjhy affected. ' FURNISHED room to let, on Ferry itieot, IcqoJre at this offloa. - DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the Arm of H. N, Steele fc Co, haa been dinfolved, Cal Burkuart retirins. lie buslneaa wilt be continued by 8. N. Bteele. : Albany, Oct SU, ItJSrJ. S. N, Steele. ' CXI, BUBKHABT. TEMPKBANCK t'OLl'MN. . Edited by Albany W, 0. T, U An order linn brum Iwmed by tho atijicr nti'iuli'iit of tho C'lilciiLto, Milwnttki'o c St. l'nul rallroml, forbidding tint wtlo nf Intoxicating llquorn in rallroml hotels locntea on the coiupnny g property. Mr. H. F. Jloridipy anyg in a recent ar ticle: "Woman liven longer tlittn uinn, Kx'" ItiHiino IfM nuiucroiiHly, commit mile Mo ono-thlrii nn often, iimkee 0110 tenth tho demand on tho jmhlii) purHO for miiMMirt la jalln, nrinoiiH and nliim- ImttHCH. nml In every regttrd iiuinlfvHtH potentially nlmvo that of num." Tho editor of tho New York Indepen dent ban Interviewed, by letter, neventy rniirouu mtpeririicmieiuti, who icHttiy aliuoHt without exception, that total nli aUnenco in required of nil employe, in immt euHt'M tiio prohibition applies 'either whllo on or oil duty.' Smoking Im nlao prohibited among the men while on duty by Home of tho compnnlea. Mrd. Alary UU-meni l-envltl, lit her hint letter to tho Union Slgnul, iiiukea a inoHt etirni'Ht plea for HiKtutturctf to the world' petition. She write nn follow n: "There ouht to ho n million, buy, live bullion, aignnttiriN in tho I inted K rules I hero w ere, noino year no, mix million of women in the ('lirintiiui church In the I'nlled Stttleti. Why not, then, at leant live million Hiifiiutitrea? "I know you are buxy. I know w hat It In to niniteh an hour from a day crowd ed full of homo diitlrn, to do a bit of temperance work. I know w hat It U to bo obliged to heulcc t Home thlnun of im portniico to nt'coniplihli Hornrthing of greater moment. An in the Hluhtof (iod 1 tixk yoti to take up thin work nt once and do It thoroughly, Unit the mm It will Iw all that we hope. And now 1 hIiiiU not npiuk or w rito of it luoro to my Atticrii-nn aintern." Public Sale. 11 can winter, we tvlll sell on halutda November 1. lttwo. at cuir fmitu on thn Narrow liauyo railroad, ml.o south of Taiiiuan, w-ttlioul rrvc to tlio hlflifst binuiir. a line, lot or yc uuk ht-rsea. uonsla Hoi; of brcMKl niiuta in foal to Om oo and Alti;o. roadsteia, workhnrseaaiid ponlta on Ilia fol'owinii terms: One- year's) time, without Interest, with approved kimiM). Twelve rr ceM tfT tor c-aah. MrKtilght UroH. IN otic 0 of Guardian Sale. Notice U hnirhy given to all whom It uuy c meeri.: rplt ATTHKUNDKUSIuM.liUKAlUr 1 Un ot tiio tr4on and nstalo or Kver- eil l . IKuvninn, a minor, wl l under and hv vtrluoof an unler nf U10 c loritv court of Mai Inn ro-jtity, )ri'u"in, inalo and entorei) of ireord on tha Ktb day of Kop Icinbei A t !'. "ll at pululn auction at the north door of tho courtly touit houi In tlmcliy of Albany, In I.tuti county, In too atato t,r Oregon, 011 I'rMajr, Ihe aisl Day mt OrUtsrr. 4. I ISM. atone (1) ,Vio(k p in, of said day, to the hlttbOHl blddrr for 11 M iroid coin, to ho paid at the t lino of stalo, eti tha right, litlo and lot-rest of aald minor in and to thn following described leal eatato and iirxitils. tn wit: The utli half of Ihe aomb went qnartur, south wtst ii:arir of I ho aotillioaat tiuar- ter of swM-tlon 21; and tho north half of tha ltorthwitqttirtr, and ll.o northwes; quarter or Ilia nr rtitrast nisrtror aon uon 23.and ali InT US K 1 K of tho Wll lametto iii-rtiian, and In l.lntt couuir Oregon; and t diiii part of the dormtlr.n land nam ol Klw.rd It iiftua and wtfo Alo tho noribtant iniartercf iho aotilH eaal quarter of xi'iloil 30, l' USUI K, and Iota & and 10 In frilon 'M, and lota I 3 9 4. 3. (t, In sretion and I ft 1 In wc lion 30. T !1 M It I K.and all ftf the fob lowing ilow-rllid land aavo and except 00 acr in tho northwest corner thernof lirrrtdfi re s i'il aud conveyed lo Abraham ayiveau-r 10 wit Parts of I, la -Hi and 2l T II N It 1 1' bounded and dnx-rltwd af-ilow: I'.o Kiiinliiji at point 7,tk,-baiiict ami IH 0' chains north, of tho aouluwrat corner of aald li.tiOaiidiuiiiiljglliooeaaoutli to Mialn-; llieneo esat 'la rlialna, thence north 7 ctialua. Ihoticss east 30 chains tnonoo north 01 i" ens' lis. thaoco w eal tw.-l'iojalns, ,lo tha plaoaof lirglnnlng. rtini rvMutnt-iirina at ll.o south wnt corner of I'M ward II Ix.fiua donation land claim notification No 7011 aliuaus in 1 11 S It 1 1. of th Wills nintto ii.crldian, Oregon, run nln Ihe-lca cast Mlroda, thence north 100 rods. vioiil ha rod, tlietiro aotilh liKJ rod to plac of llniiliiK, all of aald land ia situate In l.lno county, SuU of Orrf-on. Alt thn rluht, tltlo and Intorcft of aald minor In and to Iho aald roal estate and prumiaas, Iwltigan undivided ono eighth li.-' tnnroor. ltod thW Soplninbflr 23rd. lSia. MHS. M. J. JOWNlNtl. Wuard'an of tho jepwn and oito of I'.vareit t'. Dow ning, a minor. Summons, In the Cirr;t Court of the .S'nV ttj Orrgoa or rr Lounty 0 JAMKf C. IfAKDIN, I'laliif.fl. ihit'ifl', t idsllt. J CARRIK HAIU)!N', Pifoii To Carrlo Hardin, tho ahovtt rian-fnl il. lullUai.i: IN TIIK NAMi: OP lltfi STATE OF OteiritTj. vcu era horcbv tpoulrtil 10 appear ami anawor li s complaint of the abovn plalnt'lJ. In tnn abovo entithtl court, now on niawl'li tho clerk of said coutt, by thn firat day of the nexr regular term 01 bsij court, wiiioii sain term li ulna on Monilav. il,a "Til, Uw .r 1 I(1W, at the Court House in Albany. f.lnn eounty, Orcnon. And y.,n are lir-by rurthor notllled (hat ll you fall torp, or ami anawdraam comnalnt. aa licr. v rs quirj. the plali.ur will take decree againat you, aa t rayed for In the com pl.lntriow on illo In aald court in said cauae, to writ: Uiaaolvlng the bonda of inainionny new exixtina between you and aald r lalntllT. and trivinir nlalnlirf in aid cause, the care and cu.tody of the minor child. Mary Ifc-ania Hardin, and for urn rnataami aisMirsi mcnta In thin suit fhia auiriinona Is jiuljlUljwi by order of the Hon It. P. Il-dao. Judge ol aald court mane at disunions In thn city ofHaletn, uri-Bvu, on ineuiu aay rr nrptr ruber, It'Jj W. Jt IIilvku. Atl'y for l Uii.tifT. DR. ABORSM IS NO'JV AT POBTLAN 0, OREGON. fOB THOSR WHO CANXOT POSSIBLY CAlt PKB. BONALLT, II0HK TUE1TSIKKT PL1CED WITU. LEI THE BKA.C1I OK AI.L THAT WILL (UTS INSTANT ANKOUS KV.UK.T AND A PECUANCNT CUUK. The moat speedy, tositive and rertna nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various stages, pennanenuy cured. Da. Aborn'S original mode of treatment and his medicated inhalations gives in Btantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the whole constitution and system. thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous,' aeDtutatea ana oroKen-oown constitu tions, old and young, invariably gain from ten to thirty pounds In from thirty to ninety days. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal still and mar velous cures have created the greatest astomsument on me t'acuic coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble 4nstantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essav on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of some extraordinary cores, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, Fsarlh and Morrison Sis., Portland, Oregon. Noni, Homo treatment, securely packed, sent by express to all parts of the Pacific Coast, for those who Cfcaai possibly call in person. 411 INVITED TO CALL FOB FREE COKSULTATICJi 5 mm mM HATI1IUAY,KI?IT 37TII, We will open our Annual ii:aka,u: ms, ClP- Clouks, Jack Bps, and Bilk SValettva s Our homo hat a standard reputation which never fails to attract (nnerat attention dur ing our clonk tu'es. ( OHUKSPONHKNC'K HOt.ICTTI'.l). HtAIlcn & McDonnell, CI, lfil,Tblnl St., PUBTLAMI.OnEbo.s It i 1,. si! in Dry Om.ils Snuo for fi st el pMtds nt eaKturn prier. is tlTAiri'iits fui McC Fi'lii.g l'sttinm, LITTLE PILLS. DO MOT CRIPE, SICKEN 08 CONSTIPATE. Soar Ct( roaiiex Hi aoswi, rvwt mnmnt I ram lodlir(jo tt CsasUpatiea. m iiiia Tla4namia ba alMlr sainu4 to aaii ihaosv aa nam fill csa aff U Iao fsrs a 4aw. Km., to uh s nswIi Hnr. 43 (.ill. put r la a iron t J sthlcb pe twrsrruul la pocSM t iMi cM. w tiwwi SS Hm1mm S.a. Bwa, HS at (! starts boss s4 nssta simis h s la subm. D. HARTIH S IROM TONIO. V sss kiriMrvafc4 SKsroses is. i, ATri. I The dr. hast u mioicimc co. st. iouis, mo. H 11 M 14 . . T?ii: ci-j.t;;ittATr.! , . VV 9 V Is . O VOLVE! OS! Sir,:!attui(!.a l-.-tl -. SA i( : ;:t ' rtr.r :, ,v.t ss ASS, r. 2 Executor's Notico. In the Cour-.iy Conr, of Linn County, mate or un-ffo.i. m the matter of 1110 e-Msio or Kiijatt sUioar.,h, de raatal. N'OTICK la hrrol.y Klve that the un !or!cnitl ha brmn duly app .luted nai cutor f aald eta:o. by ,hs Counts Court of Linn tounty, OrpK"ti. and that all person having clalitia ajiata-t tsstato aro ln-rnbv rcfiilr.l to prewnt thetn to Kfihir with the proper vouehera aud proor ti tha uiiUeriptned at my houae 7 inline aouthcait ot loanon, on tho Hwrat lit m road, In l.lnn count v, Oregon, with Jn alx iiionih from the dale hrtof. Hated at Albany. Orrgon thia 2nd day of October, A I, lh'J.1. ISAAC NALTMAKMH, hltney, Kxeouu.t, Ally for Kxocutor. J. J. Executor's Notico Kutiea is hrrhy giv en tha tho utnlaisian. ed has Ihu dsy hton duly appointed en tor of thn .it will ani Irstauif nt of IVr meliaJsj...s, dpc a?d. All person having claima aint aaid Unerased are required to or osc n. imm ia tna umlrrsiiicil or to J K Weathcrf.ird, attorney for the caecutor, at lbany, Orrg.m. within six mottha from tbia dat-, tbo same to ha duly verified, aa required by law. This thc2ad dsyof Septomlxr, 1890V O. A. Taylor, wm H. Walton. WrATiiKuroitp. Executor. A,tty Kxtcutoss. WEI.X, Wliydnntynneotnths earner Jewelry Store. sua 1 M, i'EKNCU will r.Il yr.u e at a Urgsii?i and REVOLVERS.-!' h vo disponed of thia part of our buslneaa, That's a uilaiako. Wear in It now ftnAfut tuan ever. WO tava a nina linn nf Marl I and Wlnoheator rifles, aud breechloadlna ahot tuna ranginR tn price from f 12 to J05. ai. luo jui.o 1111 pro von revolvers. MLWf.AK'lO TI1WBPR MFM -Cul1 on Stewart ASox 1 1mus.1t lritiflforTOUra.,lmll Th carry a fnll Jlno of axes, vreduei, sledges, mauls, maul rmRs, broxd axes, froes. anlngllng horses, peavos, wood and iron ut"Kie umcus, ana by lar the best assort ment of cross 011L aawa in tha Tails v. Uoods of the beat and prices tho lowest. Delmoriico Rbstauranl, OrrosiTB BtUMBano Block. Nexo Rooms; -:- Seat Services Good Meals, Promptly Served, for Twenty-five Cents. Oysters ' -:- till i Styles. Court out Treatment; First classCooks. t IT STRAY NOTICEStrayed from my It farm one three year old steer, bind baif orop from each ear. Suitable reward lo t.ny 0D8 who will inform me of its whereabouts. Tito I. Anpbrson. By Turner's bridge, on Calapooia. Et. M, J. PATXON, Bluaib3rs Blook.l Albany, Oregon. Female'and'nrlvato diseases a nnaniatv Consultatioa free. . N0iWVH9Nia 99$ V'oA' The Paslcisr Water Filter will bo on exhibition in our Show 'Window, on ity arrival, and can ho Been throwing both Filter ed and lUnfiltored water. Can bo attached to main direct, or wo will liavo thorn for well water. They take out all Disoano Germs, and arc per fect tcr, int BtrainorB. Fully Warranted. gfY "-'--' KB!1r'''fr n ikbjt '" 1 li e Viiuanr lt,v ' t , i ' ' , I SIV1ITH 81 SENDERS, ALBANY, OREGON. And They Pay the Freight. Krtr Vota L I on DrC. W Gray's sale I ' I ' of regis tered and l.lghJLy JL lsf grade .Shorthorn cattle, well bred trotting and draft horses, thoural Lied small Kngllsh Yorkshire pigs, hlyh grade Shropshire Cots wold sheep, ice, ice. Sale to be on hi farm near OaKvlilc, Linn county, Or egon, November 7. iSyo. Terms ci sale, all sums under $10 cash ; over $10 one vcars time without Interest, wiih bankable notes, or to per cert discount for cash. S. W. Paisley, Albaaj , Vrsaw. WHO l.Ki Li: DBA LKR IN - Tobacco and Cigar3. TQHELPS, Job Printer, JL 1st. St. Otr Th Albany E 1 press I Ll S. r ' ft" ' & r" ; Py all mar. os.ll on PAIlKEll HIIOS, FOR T. OR - Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc. Etc. p'wxls aro tlia ixtat ai.J Hit tr pHct aoiai.:B. City ReSairanl. Haviog Wen entirely remodeled, thia old and p pnlar reatauract will be made tires claia n rvtry respect. The public will ht given ywil tneala at all hour for only 23 cm!. Kvcrj tlitng neat and attractive. l'rivss boxer. Ojstcrs la every style. W. A. McGzb Fortmiliefl Irving, v. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attantioii-First-ciass Hears Conrad Mever, ST Alt BAKEllY nni-iier Broadaltin ani First Sts,, -DKAI.KR IN- ' avuaeU Kruilii, ttlassrKrt, Di-Iea Frniis, Tobnrco, Etc,, Cnnuet 9Ieat, inceuawrrs Vegetable, Sl'.f M, Tea, Etc., T .-c( everything that la kept In a gen It i variety and grocoiy ore. HlgtaeM b rkst prioi raid for AIL KINDS GFGDiJCE. S. Steele & a., Real Estate g Loan Broker. Larue list of cood farm and cilv iiropeity for sale. Loans, money ou real cstato in Liuc'an adjoiuinK oountiea. Insurance writteu np iureliaUioonipasiea Notary Public and oonveyanoer. Call on or write tne. S. N. STEELE Albany Oregon O miles southeast of Scio, a four months old horse coit, bay, both hind feet white, little white in forehead. Howard to, any one who will return it to me, or give iuj lomifttion as to its whereabouts. T-JSff-x J. 4.. Pl-CMMKR. 3 M TjV t c -V Tha Place f3v Gai'Iand, (l$h Coin, Argand Monitor and Superior Cf)okf, Healers and itangwi. -' Tiio best assortment. Ar Beautiful good. Water Supplies, Plumbing Goods, are L. E. BLAIN Has just received a superb Fall and Winter The largest in the Valley, here, including an elegant latest fabrics, and of a high His Furnishing Is complete with all the j " v.nmini a ui 'ui f T 1 . 1 novumes. in 111s Hat Department Will be found all the latest shapes of the season His Boot and Shoo Department is filled with a choice line of goods His Tailoring Ocparlmcat Under charge of the expert Mr Schiffler, is well stocked with a splendid line of suitings. Strictly 'One Price. THE SPOT acket -:- R Is still in existence: It only removed, Oct 1st, 1890. one door west of Thompson & Overman's Harness Shop, on First street, where everybody can elTr.ct a saving of from 15 to 25 per cent by buying any article sold at the SPOT CASK STORE !1 r,. Come and examine Prices. Respectfully, BERNARD Oct. 11, 1890. CHAS. H. DODD & CO, IMPORTERS OF-O ar&ware. AND FARM MACHINERY, Front, First and Vine Streets, ::::::: Portland, Oregon. Sole Agents for Oregon DEERE'S NEW Single, Double, or Triple Furrow. They are so simple have used them or seen thetn work caii not saa at .',' - -iTs -i, ..?. v. .... wnu ot a isnous seas anaccruent. seat attucluuenta are extra. I . DEERE PO"WEE UPT SXTXiSTST IX.O"WS 1 BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN nRII I Buckaye IIoo rreas Grain Drill, Eucieje DEERE S DISC HARROW AND SEEDERS' The latest Improved Implement (or sowing summer fallow. The axat complete and successful t purpose in use, . Wo also have a fall lino of Bacsrlesi. Carrlasra, I'haptons, Mowatalr Vlatrorm and other Hpi-iing 1'ebicles. - SCHUTTLER lawrenoe & Chapin's Sprius-Tooth Harrows, Doe re mm BAS3 WISE." ETC.. ETC.- r -n ...... ' OL 1 -y"" "111 III HI'- 11 'J Tiio lowest prices. Iieliable dealers in Pumps, lino of.. carefully selected for the trade line of Overcoats, all of the grade of workmanship..... . Goods Dep't novelties of the season. 1 iinini ifii!;isiB ut illllll tllaUC OO CASH tore, LEVY; Iron. Steel and Washington for DEAL PLOWS. .M aa J como so mssr absolute perfection, ta tboM sf say enough in their praise. We furnish Shem i Seeders, Buckeye SpriEg Tooth Harrtws, ' f FARM UfAfiOMcr i Harrows, Scieu ifio Fetd atilla, Pacifle I r wn,, wr, Clothing, .s.BMi 7