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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1890)
THE DEMOCRAT, 'New York World and American Fanner Ono year for $2.80. R y Wry Y 1 ! S i VOL XXVI. i - w If J, I. I DR, HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Spcciflo Remedy for Each Discaso, W RruERS HYDRASTIS RESTORATIVE, stimuli, natritioa. rurirt th C rs ljsi, ioyuus au 1 l.unl IkVjuiIo . A prfart U-uIc am strength bull Jar. pff. mum's knti-biuous stomach and uven cuflE. rucmoi mm mt Mi Ur ltwibU Ctuu auJ t, Uiuiol tuxui, uij all T j'lioU condllloti, CS. naifU'S CATARRH CURE. Curs Acute Ctarrh. Oironlo Cstsnr. snJ dtsrthat i saniist, ImM la n kM suci esse vha dirsvliufts m MU'Wod, r jitiuc) ru'uuJutl. tft. PIUER'S COUCH CURE. Ctorw Co! is llivmwoc, Com;!., Tirom-hltls, rtout Uj-sml fwwnvsta, h4 rwisiss cimmuwhm. CeaMn ueOplsUs. Cure Crwpln li uilmitra. Trj IL ns. mum's DiPHTHrRU and sore throat rune. m,,, ,na ? tithttoruk 1 Jl pus.Ui.ijr cur sujr sur luivai ui (ruui S Wi4 liwura. lum (jiUnf In S lUy. BR. KILICR'S FEVER CURF. Ia.!iH-niblo la all acuta disss- stt.nilml wllh tut-r. rrar.nta ai cuts temriiK JuUtiuv ih1 Iktilca. llj'-bcis uouU tfc.Ar t!4 In UilnX DR. HitlFW X NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. cm Nor. Wwine., and l of lwit Sent Sail. Kwa lur 1 i.u ciuuUr W IlUScr lrui Co.. S.u l'wuUio, CSL DR. HltlER-S RHEUMATIC AND NEURAlfitC C'JRg. car. iam,(U.. Rnurvf, CKut, LtuuUfo, o4 6cuuu, l uuirlU.u4- lirs luU .'."ls bi.i cmu Ihciu. PR. HltLER S TFETH1N8 CURE. Aid, th. gwwth JrlPpn,; ,f thillreo riartn U wtlili' wilui, ciMim laiulcx ttwihlne mj rim.l llh. ami prev titi uit cure epmiM, tltcHU, liralu TrvuU4 uU lk'Wl Coiunt. A blr u UU laUivr nU clilU. DR. HlttER-S WH00PINS COUGH CURE, l-mco ,4 Curr, WUepIn' Coh. Korm.-W!th th cxrpf.o of lr. ltlllt'rt HrilrMin lintmt!v. Vr. U.:U-r Kh.oinutla Mil NraraJ!l jtc. r.d Ir ILllrrtn'mith l ure. Ih. !i.:v mw'tamn i,ui uu .n lUk i lurni aj. it t obtatMM tioui jir doitat, ai U khi Inia tjf Uuui. un rviwtiit ul iit. St.OO per Package. Six Packajas for S3.C0. Thm rriHNlir w tho reiult of tn(y Hvo J tn rf prartlral rrNvi)onKl xrorlro.- aluiuirmnlreJorurvhii:rUpihl(v lr. IllUrr 01 U k 4 iUm't:un f. kuow UmuumiI, cwiuuiintf aluoUti uulrucUuu M to Ii) iauo uui dt, ku t rui on ilkktlua HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, U. S. A. Ftiliay uisan,Ajjea All).my.Or?gon. 2dW iTOISJ2.- MITCHELL, LKWIS sutxew aoons. CO. Agricultural iniplemeuis & Vehicles -OF -:- ALL -:- KINDS. ln id S23 nt AlBAKY, 0SE53N. PlIPPIITlilKS d in the cil rant tho best lu r able furni manufactur led in the city go to Thomas Brink. mm L CUBES ANY HEADACHE Vh2sYtaWaiC EUT CWRCS NOTHING ELSE. P When in (lie City, Call at th- llU and inspect tho immense stock, consisting of Clothing, DivtcR!iiriKi FAHMiNd. The proupcr oui In r mo r In Oregon In tho future wilt be the ono who illvcrilflc hU style of farm- Init, mul hutoad of reiving on whont loic Di lon lo wrkc: norij every nun,:, line ttic one mentioned by the Corvullln 1, wIiokc daughter, by the wnv, U ic.Ulonl of Albany ! "mlrcw Cielrtt'y I one of the profpcroiu ami well-to-do fitrniftsol Iknton county. Hut tinlike ninny of our tgranifcr MrntU he icUloin comet to town without loiul of nonielhlnii to tell. An drew ilocnt't conaldcr that hi hauling in uono for year when hi f.tllrrop of whvut li In the warehoune. hut tnuiuigcii to hnvc load of marketable pruduue Hie year ixninl. Saturday wa no exceitlon to hK m'in. weekly vUiuand he brought In 3o luuhcl ot ouiot' and Jo hunhcU of apple. Tho former he old for $150 per bushel and the latter for f.s cent, aiiirc gating for the load just $4.1. If other would follow hi Idea of farming our country would bloom like a iokc."' Tn.itiiiT Hu Timk Had Comk. Sun day afternoon Mr and Mr Win Al'en re lumed home from a to HaUey, and when Mr Allen had up,er uboul readv, Mr Allen thouuhl he would kharnen til appetite lv toklng a d-e of n. olivine which he hud been uing during the nun irer, before he went to ll.lwv. Ke hail hardly taken the metllclne wden he ex perienced a peculiar burning nen.atlon all over hi body and hi hand and feet began iwelllng. Medical aid wn ftummoucd liniiH'diutcl v and Mr Alkn wa toon re stored to hi UMial state. The peculiar efTcct of the medicine U nttributed to the bottle having stood some time, the drugs had become separated and eld not perform tliclr proper luiiclton. Mr Allen' first impression was that he wa poisoned, nod that the time had come for him to don white robe and go I ritcc. He say his greatest regret at that time was that he had just arijvcd home ami had not yet had time to see a;ul shake hands with his many old friends here before being called away tor good. Pilncv tile New. Dkntox Co. Tax Paykr - Following are some of the heavy tax payer of Ilcn tonruunty, whose assessment will he of interest to I. Inn conn' y people, and all of over jo,ooo: II I. Arnold, $17,700; Ja liruce, $11,411; J U tUllrr. $!i,Sio; John llurnett. fn.4o; V," R '(.'allow v. ttl.47; lieo S Coe, $60,000; Samu'cl t'ase, j?,iyo; E V Fisher, $33,.7; John Foster. SU;.; 11 F Fischer. J.oiS; Max Frleudlv, -..t3; T E l'ogg..Ji,ooo; l K lltnlges. $7,oi; Wilev Holman. JH.n?; Hamilton, job - Co.f 3o,S.?o; Win M lloag. $i6,hSo; F M lohnwin, $10,410; II R Job, $.?.71l; Kline, fJj.oJ; Sol Kliiu. I7.I7S: IM Nolan. St.TSt: Or. Dev. I'o, ii)r) 1 McCaulev 1'ortrr, 33, 3JJ; t M Read. $9,551: ' L Such.f.1.110; Si I It K Co. $S.H: Mi Mrv Stewart. J.$,44S; John and Mary Smith, "$54141 ; J OandJ .V Writsinan.$i 1,3 i; John Wiles, $19,150; W V C It lt,3HJ5i. SoMt SiENsr. is Ir.- "Last Saturday the bids for constructing a new county jail to cost about $iq,o. weic opened by the t!ounty Judge and Comtr.Usioners.says the Kogetie Register. The intention wa to let ttic contract to the lowest responsible bidder and go on with the work. I.N Itoney was the lowest bidder for tlic tone and wind work and J II Van Ujrr:, of ClcvcUnd, Ohio, for the Iron wot k. The county court rejected all bids bccini.e of a threatened injunction In case woik was commenced. Amo.igthosc win appeared before the court and argued ag-ilust carry ing out the plans were nine of our prom Incnl and inlWiulal cllUens, the principal argument bcirg that tli county ought to buy tip the (loath g bonds before going to ibrlher rxpcnse.and that no jail should be built until a court house I. built, and then to coinhlnd the two."' There wa some sense in that, but not In psvlnu $414.31 tor the plan bilore knowing w hat was wanted. II tKi'.iKiu nr.. Tho Ilarrislmri; l.utnUr Co. hnve hull a million lit t ol W tliut ri-ni-hctl tlu-ir n. ill ilii week. They ure getting out a gnat ileal of extra line hin.-I.t-r thifi ciiiioii. Mr4 Sinilli. iiinthcr if our toimlnr Irugv'iNt, Damon Smith, Hold a line (arm to N Martin lant week. The property b Hituutcd alout nix inik'n went of town. The llarrinhurg LuiuIht Co. have rea ttons to complnin, for they rannot pnrure half the earn they ncwl to (ill tlieir onier. nnl have already toat the alo of kevcrai thuiinand feet of lumber for that renon. To fay the leaHt it ia very inconvenient. Cor. l'tlot. Mi mno ExtiTitMKNT. Early In the 6-j' there wa a big mining excitement up in the Santlam country .say the Salem Statesman. On No 33, 1S60, there were numerous filing in the North Kantiam tilsirlct. The first claim filed wa that of Henry C Small. On the same day claim were filed by I -.ham Uurnett and Charles W Scriber. During the lame month claim up there were located by Robert McAlpin, I).-J W Savage, Elijah Smith, Milton Filxgerald, E L Smith, Matthew Small. Joseph li Cleary, lieo Ill-he and Warrcu Cranston. In thi county also quite a number of claim were filed about then; but until now little work wa ever dene. Rather Funny. Last Saturday the West Side passenger train had to return from Independence, tirough some nii tmlrrstanrting. I U Warren, wife, two son and daughter in law, cf Astoria, had arranged with the official in Portland to come up on the East Side to Albany, cross over on the O V and take the West Side for Portland, In order to view the Willam ette valley. When they arrived here the train had gone, but 011 telegraphing the fact to Portland, the train wa ordered to return for them. Corvalli Time. A City Directory. A mall book of general Information, containing name and addrcs of every resident of the city, of nciai tabic 01 ail railroad running Into the city, with rate of fare and distance from Albany; postal law, church direc tory, telegraphic, postofTicc and exprces rule and regulations; list ot station on all Oregon railroad line it the tate, and much other valuable Information. The bove I now belne (rotten out by C W Watt, the printer, and will be ready for distribution in two or three weeks. Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, 3SB4l?Cl? 1 -1 Bought for cash in an eastern market, at such prices as will unable us to offer bargains, in tb above lines, that will attract attention. Call and seo us. L WALLACE & CO., strahan piock, Albany, Oregon ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 181)0. NO 12 Dkauaku to Death. Mr E Ilarnca who arrived hero the first of the week from 1'il.icvlllo, report a terrible accident above McKcnxlo bi t Ige. A (amity named Hull, who were on their way .from Ilakcr county to Coo Hay, were coming across the mountain with liitn. Last lliuisiliiy evening at a point about four uilie above the btldge, hit Hull's wagon were about loo yard nltcai of his, mid Mr Hull' little girl, aged about 11 years, wn riding a horse ard following Mr Itnrnrs' wauon. They heard the kIi I scream and loot Inn n round saw that the horse had thrown her and wa running hack up the road The girl had one fixit caught In the stirrup and wa dragging. Mr Itarne nt once look chase and alter going some distance, he met the horse coming bak, hut without the glil. He caught the linrso and went on until he found the uh I. which wa at point fully a quarter ( ( a mile from where she wai thrown from the horse, Hhe wa dead when found and wn terribly man gled. He then went buck and Informed her folk of what had occurred, they hav ing been so far ahead at tho lime of the accident that thny did not know of It. Mr Uull and family stopped at the hili'g w;icre the little girl wu sli angrt land and far from the home of anv of her friends. Eugene RegUtcr. iitK MINKS. he Lebanon paper say that new fmm Uuailxvhle repot t the mill ret up and ready tor operations a soon a the water pipe I laid xhlch Is to carry the water from the ditch to the mill. A soon a the crushing begin, the secretary of the Albany Ml dug Co. think he will have no trouble In disHing of $15,000 stock In one hour. II Marry jut returned fiom the Q iaru vllle tlMriet .ind reports some dirt up there that will ko (nun 501075 cents per lb Nunc red oxide liom the Krd Hull mine will go fully that, T' o five stamp mill will be running this week. I roin pros pects of ore In ledge al sight they now wisit a 200 stamp mill hatl heen put up. "t.olden rleece Is a new mine belonging to Portland capitalists, which promises well. There are same parties thlnklui! of jumping the claim .Slay ton Sun. A KicToa'aOrrii :, Dr. J. P. Wallace iSiiow locatctt in the Twccliilo llock,nt the I lend of tho atuira, on tho arcoml floor ; w here hu lm a very nicely furti iahctl un 1 to of roomn, with three apart ment, for ititn-rent profcniiotinl pur Ihmkh. Whilo in Kew York, recenilv, tho doctor iiuiilf a piM ciallv of the Ntmlv of the none, throat nnl earn, at the poxt graduate aelKxil, am) hrought with him a complete wt of iniitrumeiita to ! ti I in the treattueiit of ilineasea alffctutsr tlieHC parts, a well a other valuahlu in strument!. A Dkiiih-kat man who vifiit- el Ilia rooms was Very mui-ti pIchh.-.I at the appearance of things, nnl the farit ittea tho diM-tor im.'i- for treating all tuaniuT of diseases, for which he ha a reputation here already well estnhlisheil. AsoriiKK Cahk. Heceiitly we men tioticd the fact that in a H.1 f.x .1 wi ll near Vlhany, the water came to w ithin 17 feet of the top, an. I remained. Hcrv in an other casw like it, mentioned ly the Monmouth Deiuocrut ; Mrx. Sarah Davis, w ishitt to rteeu'e more water in her well, hired a wcll-hor- er itii'l they went dow n ti.1 feet, making tin? wi ll now W feet iletp. I ho water 1 w ithin feet of the top, ami ly Uring f)t)orUK) het further we an? iiielimd to think that U could U hroiigh.l to the top. It would cil hut little ami might prove to he worth thousand of dollar to the town. SlIK Coil.l tstt 1I1C WO'IO ltjx. There Is a tradesman In this city who oc casionally gcs off a cJ thing. The fact that he is Innocci I of an Intent to joke adJs foicc to his comical satlus. 1 he other day a lady called at his place ol buslnr.-. and - lave vou any .pit. toons?' "Kh! - said the merchant, pUk ln up tils cars. "Can you show m? a spit, loon." repealed the lady In a higher key. '"No," said the inetcliai'it, "I hae nothing of ttic kind, but, he added ho.pltalilv, v;u can spit in he soul box The lisincr chuckled audibly, the lady soiled nd loo a hasty d. pariure for Matthew s ; Wa.hburn's, where she bought what he wanted. A IiKA! Ltvtit. Thia Wn't a j :ilviit medicine. al. hut a aeinloir for the novvs- pnjer b'lnineHM gem-rally, particularly up arouuc" Walla Walla. From the Journal of that city we have chopped the follow ing: "While in the newspaper business we uiscovercu iwo imiiciii iucih, which are not generally know n. One in, that uiohI men will miWribo for n paper early during spring ami usually promise to iniy alter they .Il their w htut or kill tlieir hogM. Then again, immt men w ill quit a paper about the time the editor wan to hi money. To dun a man for a subscription alway ai-eum to give olTenne but there in no earthly Mcnse lit that. On the contrary it' a alight indication ol a narrow imnd and a UiHeaed liver. ' 1'i.t'MB.iuo Asn Fiiik Clay. A tnnn re- ttiding a few inilcH BotithciiHt of LcIjiuioii brought to Albany hoiho nticcimenit of plumbago and lira clay, ho pronounced by those who have aeen them, which ap pear to be of a remarkably tine quality. A tent in lwing miido at the Albany Iron Skmi-Occasionally. Trains ou the Narrow Gauge now run most any time, in fact Bcmi-occaHHonally. One man who went to Brownsville waited ciiilit hours at tho junction. No pretense is made to running by schedule tune. Any time during the day. or next day. is the or der. As the road is being changed to a standard cauire there is a little excuse lor the business. We mention it simply to warn peoplo going to points on that line to look a little out until the gaugo is broadened. Then there will bo a new program. A Road Cask. For some time Mr Frank Wood, of thir city ha been trying to get a county road to hi quarry across the river: but owing to a difference of opinion about it location it ha been fought and defeated every time. The Leader say: The road cae which ha been be fore the county several tim, and wa again tried last week, met with another defeat for the petitioner. On examina tion It was found that the remonstrance contained the name of one more legal householder man uiu me petition, Fine Yield. Mr. F. C. Hoffman, who lives about three miles from Albany, lias left at this onice as one samples 01 Uur bank potatoes as we bava ever seen in the valley. From a quarter ol an acre he raised. 4929 pounds. From ono rod square he dug 205 pounds. From one hill seven nounds were dug. Less than two bushels were planted on the quarter acre. All Over a Man, The despatches say that the United States marshal of Oi- TIIR IIBKKATI (0.1 (EBT. For tho information ot holders and Intending purchassrs of tickets to the LI bora U concert and ball, to bo given by the Knight Templar, of this city, on T. 1 rint Quit. - ... thoaixed to publish the following regu lations iu do rueogniseu oil mat oc c tut on. A concert ticket entitles the holder to admittance to tho seat designated by the ticket, for both concert and ball, but doc not admit him to the dancing ttoor. Holders of 111 tickets will be admitted to the ball room at 7:30; each ticket admittinu gentleman with one lady to seats In the wings of the hall, during the concert. Gentlemen with ball tickets, escorting more than one lady to the concert, will please procure concert tickets for them. At close of concert ball tickets admit gentleman with one or more ladies. rrursnmi, part rmsT! 1. Overture William Tell, 'Uossiui.' 2. Invitation a la Vatse, 'Weber. ."I. Soprano Solo Cavntine Kolcrto, Meyerlmcr. Mis l'arcpa. 4 .ol(,,f,,n Mlllns a. b. e. d. e. f. Itriuhtly (ili-nuiM our Banner. 1 leant if ill I Valley of Eden. i ho Home Over There. 1'uk Mo Not. One Sweet, Solemn Thought. Triumph llye and itye. Uefugu. To the Work. Yield Not to Temptation. Tell Me tho Old, Old Story. What a Friend We Have In Jesus, Whiter tlitui Snow. Cornet Solo Ketneinbratice ol Switzerland, 'Llla-rati.' Signor Llbcratl. . Reminiscences ol Uounod.tiodfrey. r.iuT kkconu: 1. March, 'Wagner.' 2. Hit and Miss (Juadritlc, 'Heron.' :t. Waltz Illue Danube, 'Strati.' 4. I a Vultigeur lancers, 'Flan- qtiette.' a. Fertutna Sehottische, 'Al.t.' . Amusemeiit iadrille,.TickoftV i. i 1. 5. Wox His AVus.-F. I Miller, of 1'ortlaud, made a wager that he could walk from MeKenxie bridiie to Kugeno. a distance of fUV miles, In two day. It is not much of a walk, hut Mr. Miller weighed 810 ounds until he went to the Mckenzie alxnit two mouths ago, since which time he has reduced his nVah 40 pound. Me bit the bridge rrhlay morning of last week, arriving hero Sat urday evening, winning by half an hour. iiiard. Tits Kisi Nkkik!. A live, Industrious class of farmers is settling in thi country. The Stavtoti Sun U-H aUiut one: W I'.irehard, reeetitly from Dakota, who iMiiight the Price place three mile up the Sauimiii. has cleared oil lietwct-n live ami six acres of timlsT and sowed the saute down to w inter oats. He has done aluut a$ much In four w-ek a we generally see rrformed in as many years, and at the pn m tit rate w ill kihiii have a nice arm. Couv.w.m. lion T K Cauthorn offer his businis for sale. John Spanglcr, says the leader, engin eer at llio steam gnat mill, severely crushed his hand a few 'lays since by getting it caught in the machinery about tho engine. M A Canau has renomed charge of the Occidental. The attendance at the Agricultural college is overrunning all exectattons and J hcr Is no question but that there will K 'J1) flu. lent during the winter iionths. Tivisr Mr J I Moxev. of Yanuin City, is visiting w ith hi daughter, Mrs (UreI P.lcvins. JJIVard, AjOhling, Mr Mills and wilcniul Mr Jinioe ami wile aitetuieu the exNNiiion this week. The M K S S is to be reorganized to morrow. Mis Svlvia I law ley was champion in the spelling match this week. T11 a Thomas Kay Woolen Mill of Sa lem have apiHiinted i W Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and hovs clothimr. blankets and llannels ana all articles manufactured by the mill will be kept )nsto:k. ineso gooas are tne best in tho market and will give entire tatiMluction. IXSUhTTO.lNJUKY. Republican tell us that already evidence of the benenu of the McKlnley I net IT bill Is coming to light in the shape of Increased prices. Of course an increase In price will benefit manufacturers or producers but where it the benefit to the consumer Take the matter of woolen goods. There I to be an increase In price from lo to 35 per cent. ThU will give American man ufacturer a monopoly In woolen goods, and they will be largely benefitted, but where Is the benefit for the con sumers who constitute the great mas of '.he people, Every man, woman and child In the country(65,ooo,ooo) must have woolen clothe. The poor, the rich, the old and young, ail alike must have woolrn good. They are a necessity. Put how are all these people benefitted by being re quired to psy Increased price for these acc essary good. The whole truth I the few are benefitted at the expense of the many. Thi I the object of a tariff,. If it did not bcrcfil the manufacturer more than the consumer, then the manufacturer would not care a fig whether he secured a pro tective tariff or not. A the Orfgoiiinn say the protective scheme I a game of grab, and In such games the few unlveitally get ail and the many none. To admit that the tariff scheme I a game of grab I to give the whole case away. No govern mer.t, where equal right to sll and special privileges to none I a caidlnal rule of leg. Islstlve action should ever tolerate any game of grab In congressional legislation. Of course the Increase In price will benefit the few. and some one class must nav this benefit, and that ctat I the consumer. Uut the people are waking up to a stern leallty of the fact that the tariff I a tax, and the consumer must pay the tax every lime just a tiuely s the consumer or user of an article ha to pay the freight for transporting the article. The only conso lation to consumer I that spoken of by Jay Gould wlwj.whcn dilating on the beau- tic of the McKlnley tariff bill, said: If the McKlnlcv tariff Increase the cost of Mime article people will simply uc le.s 01 innn. I axe wool, fur Instance, li the iff on wool mke clothlnir cost more a person will get along with one suit where he would otherwise luvc two. That is about the slc of it. It applies qually to carpet, blsr.kcts. women' and lldren's clothing a wed as men's. We may be sure that Jay Gouid and the tariff ord will nt be Inconvenienced. The pedal featuie of the new tar Iff bill for 01 king men to consider I that the In rcascd tsxe have the moil effect on the lowe-g adcs or cheaper qualilh of good, such as the poorer classes require. There fore, a Jay Gould say, one suit of clothe yesr Instead of Iwo, and the same 0 to ankel. carpet and the wearing apparel of the women and children. Dut a we salj be fori people arc mak ing up. Those protection orator who have been shouting for protection may now take a rest. Ttic tariff Is now talking for itself In a very authentic and audible ay. There I no danger of misunder standing. High priced good to the poor ill make Its own argument. TIDSMOIlltOMINJPObmcS. Works of the lire clay and tho plumbago rill be sent away for examination, the ilumbago is a line looking mineral, and egon has asked the census office for the original copy of the letter which charged that the count in Astoria had been padded to the extent of 3000 names. He says the persons who are supposed to have signed it deny snch action. He thinks he has a clue to its origin. The census bureau will make the request for the letter through the department of justice here. U undoubtedly is the genuine article. Its appearance is ahead of the Monroe spe cimens left in Albany. If these prove to be tho minerals mentioned they will rove a fine thinn for the county, as they are found in large quantities. Lebanom. Rev. U. S. HanlcHcr will accompany He v. J. M. Price to hi home In North Carolina. Married, Oct. 0, i8n, by the Rev. Mar tin Hickman, Wm.T. E. Wilson and Miss Ucrtha J. Stephenson, all of Linn county. A petition asking for an early morning and evening train on the Lebanon road was circulated quite freely latcy. Wr need them and should by alt means have them. Mr Snyder, who came down from the Calapooia and Blue River mine Monday, gives a very glowing report of these mln- ngcamp. Air Snyder Is a practical as- sayer and ha made more than a hundred asaays of claims in these districts, and he give It as hit candid opinion that near the headwaters of the Calapooia will be the greatest mlninecainp on the Pacific coast. Express. Surgical Operation, Dr G W Mas- ton, assisted by Dr Wallace and Davis performed a difficult surgical operation to day on the person of Mrs Ehret, wife of It fc.hret, of this city, a lady aged 57 years. The operation consisted in removing a polycystic ovarian tumor, weighing 30 pounds, ihc operation was most skill fully and successfully performed. The lady stood the operation with great forti tude and there 1 every prospect of an early recovery. This I the second opera tion ot tne kind performed by Or Masion sines June, the first being an entire success Another Man's Wife. Louis, the Italian Count, who run a peanut stand in Albany, Corvalli and Salem, Is reported to have appropriated the wife of Mathews, a junk dealer, and gone to Portland, while the latter is residing with his children at Corvallis. This seems to be a lawless kind of a world, and one full of people with curious tastes. Think of running off with Louis, the Count. Albany's Illustration. The Demo crat man to-day had the pleasure of see ing the sketch of Albany prepared by Mr Lawrence for the West Shore. It is double page and is very artistic in its make up. The general sketch is from the top of the St. Charles Hotel. There will be smaller views of the Oregon Bank, Baltimore brick, Woolen Mill, Central School building, Sis ters School, College and Court House. (reach Tawsy Wafers. These for all kind remove all obstructions clfl 111 wafer are a sure and safe spec' nd of female trouble and 11 ouairucuons 10 tne monthi periods, no matter what the cause. They are just what every woman need. nfl can be used with safety. For sale by the Livingstone Chemical Co, also from our .-.I- ....- ff . I I J . . ... -.v -, J n v-u,iim.iig, uruggisr, Ulllm. berg block, A Ibany, Oregon. A o.I yet this position is not to strange eith er, when we icmrmlxr timlrr the Mill bills, (m which every I icrooerat in the "rouse voted, the duty on sugar above 10 was very n.uch higher than it U to be uatlcr the new bill. The Mill bill piovided that all su gars hum .-so 10 to iNO 20 should pay 3.40 cent s jkjuhJ, and above No 30 they s'jould pay 1.80 cnta. There is a wi le margin be Iwccn 3.40 cent and 0 60 cents, and yet the latter U '.be late of the party of protection, the former the rate of the psny of free trade. htountiriuur Thi all come horn the bet ilia in (he in- cepiency of thi McKinlcy bill, republicans de termined that, whatever tl-e might be done south should have free t-ade while the north and west should have protection- Had the T At reflected it need not have beta muddled a- bout the matter at all. This Trade Mai k on a stove means It Is the best tht ex- pcrunce and skill can con trive. Bold only by Smith tenners. Brook- Tcsllnaay mt m ralalcr, T H Rsckus, 103 Csr enue, lyn, N Y, writes. "Alloock's Porous Plter.ra nndouhbsi! ly the best external remedv manufactnrad. I make thi assertion to th nublio from mv perrtonal experience of their wonderful vir tues. Sufloriug from sever pains la my side and chest, contracted thtongb a asvsr cold, I applied a roopl of All-took' Porous Plasters upon going to bed st sight. The results was that in sight hours after apply ing them, I could t op aid walk about with very littU pain or aohe, when th night previous I could nsitber net ui nor down without help, nor stoop to remoy my shot. i nave sinoa used tbeni la my family for various ailments, and have never known then-, to fail to Hive almost immediate relief, About called Satisfactory Itesalt. four year go my tatte ntlon wa to Dr Hitler Cough Cure, since which time I have used it with old and young with the most satisfactory results. Ia fact 1 seep it always on band. H J Trum bull, 0 Trumbull & Besbe, Seedsmen and Nurserymen, San FranoUco, Cat. Foraala at FoRttay & Mason's. When wanting the best grooeries la th market at reasonable priees.oall cn Fowoll & (Jo Whereto Get Them. When wanting n organ or ptana can onbL uiackman A-he-e you can select from a first class ttot-si. . Excitement :', ' Runs high iu Albany at Foshsy Si Ma son's drug stora over System Builder, s evervbodv is usioa it for Catarrh of the Stotnsch, Dyspepsia, Cooatipation and Im pure Blood. Try it' and tell your friends bout it, as it must possess wonderful inorits- t when all speak well of it. Itucklen's Arnica Salve. Th best Salvs in tha world lot Cutn.Brulsei.Borr Ulcers, Halt nneuin, raver lores. Tetter, Uhapp nanus, inuotainsl voros, suu mn dsid crnrnio, a posltiveiycure i".io,or no pay required, it is o-uar-uteed to give perfect sstiifactlon, er money refund- d. Frtoe 25 cents per box. For St'. by Foshsy and aiason New Blacksmith Shop. G vV Willis has just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done in first class orde Bring on your plows, wagons, etc., etc, for repa rs. Beware of the Threatening Danger. Do cot ceeleot a cough or any affeotlon of th lung. Delay ia fats). Holdeu'a Ethe real Cough Svrup will ear 50a if taken promptly. Large size $1, small 60 cents. For sale by J A Cummtng, druggist. Don't fail to our men's and boy clothing before purchasing elsewhere. W sell the best clothing for4the least money of any house in the city. Look and be con vinced. G W Simpson. TlltC UEAHoV. Secretary Hester of the New Orleans cotton xchsnge has issued an official report coveting the first three weeks of the new cotton season The report shows a deciJed increase in all movements compared with Isit yesr, the a- moui t brought into sight being over 135,000 bales more than during the same period last season. Of this increase 5 1, coo bales has oc cured during the last week. 1 he statement shows receipts at all United States ports sine Sept I of 37 1, 03 J bsles, sgainst 356,906 up to this date last year. Overland, acio the Mississippi, Ohio snd Potomac Rivers to Northern mills in Canada, 9941, against 7774 last year. Interior stocks in execs of those held at the close of the commercial year, aS.- 977, against 30,675, Southern mills taking 30. 1 16, sgainst 39,808, making the total n mount of new crop brought into sight thus far 440,058, sgainst 315,163. Exports have been 149,023, against 96,345 last year, an increase of 8377 bales. The total taking of American thills North and South thus far for the season have been 104,750 aga'nst 83,314 last season. These include 74.643 by Northern spinners, sgainst 53,406 since the close of the last com mercial year. Stocks at American ports and wenty tine leading Southern interior markets 'have increased 186,286 against 135,700 bales during the same time last year, and are now 58,663 bales larger than they were at this date last season. Including stocks left over at ports and interior towns from last crop and the num. ber of bales brought into sight thus far of the new crop, the supply to date 1 5ii9ol. a-. gainst 378,636 lor the period last year. Judge Goodwin has been foryesrs wag 11 g an open wsrfare against the Mormons To him more than to any one else are gentile Indebted for the foothold they have secured In Utah. Ills ready pen hat ex posed Mormon villainy time and time a galn. He has never swerved, never fal tered In performing the duty he allotted to himself, the duty of exposing Mormon rascality, the duty of hunting and bound ing to death cowardly Mornr.on asaln( making It ssfe for citizen of the United States to feel as safe in Utah while en gaged In the pursuit of lawful enterprises as they would be elsewhere; and In alt this he has asked for no reward, sought no f moluincnlsnly asking the good will and cooperation of hW fellow-men opposed to murder, rapine, lust and bloodshed. The paper he has edited with so distinguished ability has been and I now consistently re publican, but he dare rebuke Id party for practices he cannot countenance, and re publican papers who are fond of quoting the judge have not a word to ssy about hi recent scoring of Wyoming republican. He accused them of having entered Into an offensive alliance with the Mormons In order to carry the state. The Cheyenne 1 Sun denied the accusation made by the Tribune. The TtHhm in reply ssys: "Do you not know that every Mormon voted In Wyoming for the legislative tick el? And do you not know just as well that when the legislature meets It Is ex pected that every member elected on the republican '.tcket wilt vote for Judge Carey? Of course Judge Carey can say thst he has no bargain with the saints; so can the Sum. Uut mny a man hss pleaded not guilty In court and still has been convicted on pure ly circumstantial being so plain and conclusive that no jury could come to any other conclusion. Now, put this and thi and thi togcther.and let us see. Judge Carey, when presenting the constitution of Wyoming, refused to have anything like a test oath Included. Lie fought Mr Dubois on the same proposition, and did what he could to defeat the.admisslon of Idalio. In the national convention he did not want word said about Mor monism or polyg- smy. Now, every Mormon In Wyoming has voted for a certain legislative, ticket. It I expected that that legislature, when It convene, will elect Judge Carey a senator of the United State of Wyoming. When all that Is done doe not the Suit expect Judge Carey In congress will be the fast friend of the saints; thai he wl'l oppose all legis lation hostile to them, and support all leg. Islaiion In their favor? And If It U all true up to date, and the arrangement I auch that it will have to continue In the same channel with Judge Carey, wa It too harsh for the Tribnn to ssy the he would go to the senate of the United States w ith Mormon collar around his neck? We tske it by the tone of the Sun that It Itself sees nothing very serious In the Mormon question, because it refer to all those who have been fighting whst Is Illegal and un clvi.ixcd In the creed as out and out fanat- . If thCvVssj knew half as much abou. Mot monism a some of the rest of us, It would not take that view of the case. If Wyoming had a few rich agricultural val ley that could be peopled by saints, three elections would not pass until It would be very much more frcnsled fanatic than ny who arc In Utah." What I true of Wyoming U alto true of Idaho. The republican carried that state by the same offensive alliance as wa form ed in Wyoming, and to attract attention from that transaction are claiming demo crats, not republicans, are the allies of this hated organisation, an organization op posed 10 all fice Institutions, an organlzs- tlon whose members vote as thry are told to vote, and who will not vole at all unless Instructed from Salt Lake. The Mormon element I an clement which should b eliminated from American politics. Re publicans making use of these men who obey nothing but piiestly mandate is proof that that party is not to be trusted Power 1 sometime purchased at too dear a price. The libet t; vouchsafed by the constitution ot the United States was not Intended for persons who set at defiance our law and who acknowledge r.o head of government except the head of the Mormon church. Missoula Gaittx. V :r OIVI5 TSPiJOYg n.tli the iiirlLod and remilui w,cn Byrup of Fig is tak en ; it is plensant nml refreshing to tlio fasle, and acta jrontly yet promptly on tboKidueyg, JVivflr ftii'l Bowels, dtnnsf-s the eyo tem effectually-, ilifpela coble, lieod-nrlii-a anil fevers ninl cur habitual constipation, Brup of Figs is the only remedy of iu kind ver pro ilueei!, flensing to the taiste nml ao cptfiblo to the stomach, vrotnyt in i: tw;tioti ami truly ltficiai in iu M'-eia, iis nmny excellent qualities rr,tisinTtl it to all. It for sale ia .Vic rn! ii bottlcn by ail leading S-'NWACTorirn MM.VF.V TWS CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. at mAricijn. cn. new romc, n.r W It BILYEU, ATTOHNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery ALBAJVT, . ORCCIOV. Collection promptly made on all po'nt ns negotiated on aonablterma. I. n. DUNCAN, ATTORBEY AT LAW AND MAM PUBLIC, In Strahan' Block, No's- 1 ALBANY, OREGON. and 2. PAlCTSand 01" I Is. brush, eoal oil, lubricating- oils, oxUgra, Jtc First National Bank Or ALBAR1, OREGON . l t- Ifl.lVM Vios Prssldsol ................ 8, K, YOl NU Owhlr....-. .K. W. LANGUOR. TB AH 8 ACTS A OEKERAL Wkine Iftutnsss. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to slisck. 8IOHT EICHAHOB snrl UI vsptile transfer, sol a Ms York, Dsn Frsncisoo, liusgv and ri rsfrrm, COIXIOnONf HAD! on farahl tones. siaacToaa J. It. Yooa K,W, Laseoo t K Blaw, t. run , Edvssp V. box. Lino Go. National Dank, ALBANY - - OREGON. CAPITAL arocK noo,w. Prsslfisnl, ,,.. ..J L COWAK, rlM-PraUUm. , ...1 M RALSTON. 0 tkif OSO K CHAMHEKLAI.V, Ast CsshWr m O A, AI4CUIUOLD. D BBwmx, I h Cowan, i M Rsfstoti, Gen K CUmhsrlsIn, W LfVl l, W H Man, i A Craw ford and O A ArchifM. TKAVSACTSsssnersI banking tnsf.ness. DRAWSIOH'I fSArrS(m Kw lot'. Un asl t I Oregon. LOAH MOrfETun approved sscarity BH.BlVKdsyositasutilsct cWs. Bank of Oregon. tttfiflY, - - - CRECOM. oapita.!., $bo,ooo. lrejlent H. BHYANT Vic President II. F, MERRILL Cashier . J, W. BLAIN niBKoroaa. H Bryant. 3 Vv Elsln. Geo Humphrey,, JLDaiog. H F Merrill, Sight exebana; and telegraphic train far sn 5w York, San Francisco a id ad all principal Mints In Oregon and Washington, oil Actions fndtt on favorable terms s L. HILL, Physiciai and Suifjeon, Offlee cor, i and Frry Streota, ALBANY- OREGON Physician and Surgeon. Office opavsst the Desswrae. EH. fl. A.VVHlTfV, Physician and Surgeon. GraisaU of Bcllevoe Hospital Medical Allege Now Yrk City. Disease of womaa a specialty. frOlEo Imssi'i Brick, Albany, Or, Da. W U. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office no alalia In Strahan' Block. be ftand at bl otSc a ay and night. Soec JL ial - Announeemeut -Of- W. F. READ. My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC"- -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of LacHes Underwear, in Knit Ribbed and Muslin. My Pkices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated . S. F. H0SIEEY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison John Wanamaker is one of the apostles of protection, but John's speculative, busi ness turn of mind is stronger than his political. Hence we are net surprised at seeing the following advertisement in the Philabelphla papers, adveitlslng his busi ness: Tinrare Is advancing in cost and very soon the manufacturers will have their way and you and me will have to pay very mucn more, in vlewot this state ot things we made some time since a large purchase of kitchen tinware at what was a low prlee then and would be far lower now in the face of the two sc vances in makers' price lists. Joust Wanamaker, John says "the manufacturers will have their way and you and me will have to pay very much more." John's statement of fact is much more accurate than his grammar. The tariff law was so constructed that manufacturers might have their wy That was the design and intent when Mc Klnley framed his bill. SENATORS WHOSE TERMS AKE EXPIttlXQ The terms of United States Senators expire upon the Jrd of March, 1891, and there are two states -Idahs and Wyoming which are as yet unrepresented In the United State Senate. The list of senators whose terms end in 1S91 is as follows: DEMOCRATS. Alabama.... fames L Pugh. Arkansas James K Jones. Florida Wilkinson Call. Georiga Joseph E Brown. Indiana Daniel W Voorhees. Kentucky "Joseph C S rilackburn. Louisiana ..Tjame a tustice. Maryland.. Ephralin K Wilson. Missouri ueorge U vest. North Carolina.... .Zebulon B Vance. Ohio Henrv B Payne. South Carolina. . . .. Wade llampton. REPUBLICANS. California Leland Stanford. Colorado Henrv M Teller. Connecticut Orvllle II Piatt. Illlnol CUrle B Farwell. Iowa WlilUm B Allison. Kansas .Jcthn f Ingalls. Nevada :...John PJ ones. New Hampshire. ...Henry w Blair. New York William M Evarts. North Dakota Gilbert Ashland Pierce nreeon. . , John H Mitchell. Pennsylvania James Uonald Utatron couth Dakota uideon c Moody. Vermont .Justin S Morrill. Washington watson u squire. Wisconsin John C Spooner, Reelected tor sis years, beginning March 4, 1891. fSucceedcd by Edward Douglas White. Succeeded by Calvin S Brlce. :To The Men: Call and Look at My values jn Furnishing -:- Goods, I have a Large Stock at the Lowest Prices ever o Core J in the Valley. . Q W Simpson bss received hislfall stock sf stockinette sod sealet jacket and three quarter sealet cloaks, and have a complete assortment ot all tne,latest styles. Smoke th eelebrated Havana filled ei gars, manufactured at Jul us Joseph' cigar factory, uaiy 0 centa. 1 cwry a full line of tbe world-renowed BR0AD3EA.D goda, unexwllaJ for wear and finish. Large stock of EuBaOtDERiKS and FL0UXCIXQ3. Cl and be convinced tha'- Albany the best trading point in Oregon. . 3EV 3S2ES -V:E2 INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS; Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative QHLIIMG & WALLACE Grocers and Bakers; Opposite the Revere Hons. The plunder of the consumers has al ready begun, A general rise in prices of manufactured goods, accompalnled In I Keep: nrstciaso atock of Groceries, Produce, and Baked uoods. some Instances by reductions of wages. Is occurtlng. It Is now a condition which confronts the people. There is a tangibil ity about a rise of 10 and ao and 50 per cent in the prices ptid for neccessaries of life which all can appreciate. Bottom prices. The tariff question is "settled" by the McKlnley bill just about as much as the slavery question was settled by the repeal of the Missouri compromise and the pas- cage of the fugitive slave law. L. BLACKSIAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST JLJBJLJSTST. -r- OBEGON- DRU3S, MEDICINES STAT lONARMG If a "nation grows rich by increasing taxes and marking up prices, this country is on the high road to prosperity, THAT CAN Ilii UbiO tVfcitV iX' V is the kind that pays. Scores young business men, and hun dreds Ot book-keepers ana sien- ST M 'IS ifVV V vs s - - . . r . ru.u otiit their success to a course at the Portlan J tsusi- When wanting tosee how you look in a I olloo-o Portland Ore--on. or the Canital Business College, Salem, permanent forrp, get a photograph of your- I iirL. -joth are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have sanie courses ol self of Wilcox & Conn, who are doing some I V"f alme rates of tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanshtp and yi-- b network in tbe business. Ishpwrtoieatsf Wiila tcjeither.for joint Catalogue mid specimens 01 pumuatu