Site iOcw0at. FRIDAY OCTOBlilt 17, 1890 8TITE3 & SMItors aat NUTTINQ. Prearlrtar. BnUrad atthe Post OAm at lttny, Or egon, m second o'eas mail matter. LOCAL ltKCOUD. New Fhcioiit Cabs. Pally several standard gauge cars pass Albany fur the north marked "Oregoninn It It." T.iglit hundred of them liavo been ordered, and they are all for what has heretofore been called theN. U., but which in less than a month will be in fact a standard gmiKO, when it will be called the Oregoniatt H U and in fact ia now. For years Narrow Gauge haa been a sneering kind of a word. In the future the road will change from a one horse concern to not only a good road, but within a few years will Ihj part of a great road connecting thie valley directly with the l'n ion rucilic at Ogden.whcn it will practically be rmrt of a transconti nental line. This mentis imu-li fur the towns along its line, which will then W given the best lui;inK facilities' to 1k secured on the count. It alxo Hiik.'p-M the perhaps now disagreeable fact that several cities which might have secured the insignificant Narrow (iuge years ago made a bad mistake. Yet whtu the road ia continued toOgdcn we will p't all the advantages, for its junction with the S. 1. at JHjer, owned by the same compa ny, will give us the samo privilege enjoyed by point directly on the lino. WoxDMrrL Tu Land. The follow ing items are found scattered over the Toledo Post, indicating that an effort is being made to boom the tide lan. Is of that neighborhood. " Yaqnina tide lands, h hen placed un der cultivation, will yield from 400 to 600 bushels of potatoes per acre at a clatter, one year with another. "The tide lands aboutToledo, properly cultivated, will grow the largeirt and most lucious straw berries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, etc. "Our tide lands, properly dyked and cultivated, will yield two crops of hay each year, averaging from four to sis tons per acre at each cutting. "The tide lands within sight of Toledo if properly and carefully cultivated, will produce annually from two to three hun dred thousand tons of sugar beets, worth between one and two millions of dollars at the factory." 4 Scio. Workmen have been rr aktng mortar during the week to planter the new church. John Berry of Albany ha the contract for putting on the plaster. Eleven persons were baptized In Crab tree Creek last Sunday by Evangelist Llndsey. Wanted. A good baker with nuall capital Is wanted in this city. A good oven with the latest Improvements l!i tc furnished him very cheap. Within the past ten days a genuine life sixed cougar has been roaming at his own sweet will on Hungry Hill just south of town. lie ha been seen by several differ, cnt parties. Last Monday Mr l)r Cole and daughter were riding toward Albany In a buggy on the Sanderson bridge road, an when near the Oukvicw school houw. some four miles from town.thev saw a large cougar, probably the same one seen by other parties in the neighborhood, in the road a shcrt distance ahead of the team. Press. j This Noox. At the depot one noon a, Dkmocbat man picked up the follow ing items, each possessing an interest for some. II C Clement, of Tacoma, passed up the road for Shedd. Bishop Ihibe, a fine looking gentleman, accompanied by Hevs pAwersx and Fo linger, arrived in the city, and the former will speak at the Court House to-night. Bishop Dabs has been in Oregon live time previous to the present trip, the first time fourteen venrs im Three eleeant lookine street c.iM.n.ade in Stockton, passed through for the So- l. 1 1 . I I . i r rri . aaneraiis cauie uue. iney were marKevI, 'Manroe. Cliff Ave. and 14th Street Some very handsome red sand stone hipped from Arizonia wad on the freight bound for Portland. The stones wer so large that only two could m carried on a car, each over the axles. Quitc Absent Mindko AWnt-mind ednes ha many illustrations, but the act of a tobacco-chewer w hich a told us the other day, surpasses any yet. A stranger left the Cmalilla IIoum: and went to (he depot, procured his ticket and came back to the hotel to wait until the passengers had taken their breakfatt. In h;s foiget fulness the lobacco-inait'cator had placed the ticket in his mouth at.d used his teeth "to a good advantage In cheating it in'o 'mallplece. When the conductor gave the warning all on board l.e tried to find Ills ticket; but hunted in every pocket to no advantage. Feeling some foreign sub- , 4tance under hi tongue be look out a l corner of hi destroyed ticket. That chew cost him $3.55, fare to Portland. Toe Dalles T. M. A Sicoxd Chicago. A small town down the river awhile aiM boasted that it looked like a" second Chicago, because four traina were there at once, owing to sn accident. Albany ia entitled to the sdeaignation every day, and is the only place on the east side, south of Portland, that ia. Every day from four to seven trains are here at one time, all in sight of each other. The number was seven today; the south and north bound, the Lebanon, the through freight, the Ya- Snina train, the Boise City train, and je 8. P. paymaster'! train, and another train was expected in a Jew moments. That's Albany's style. Did EtBOPf . Dr TC Smith has re turned to Salem after a trip over Europe, more deeply in love with America than ever, though be ascended the Eiffel tow er, taw Milan's wonderful cathedral, and toodat the bridge of sighs in Venice. Jiut in France lie saw men laboring for nineteen cents a day and that was gloomy. The effect of the Mc Kin ley bill, he gath ered from Lis talks with manufacturers, would be to work an injury to tho World's fair. They say they will not try to make one exuiuiisoi uicirmanuiaciureu gooas, since they can have no market for them in this country. ArriB Ilia Parts a. J S Antonelle.the railroad contractor, who resided in Al bany for several months last year, passed through Albany last eveninir ou the tracks of bia partner. J A Doe, who also resided here for awhile. It seems that Antonelle A Doe were contractors for the La Grande extension of the Union Pacific, and bad several other large contracts, Antonelle aara Doe has withdrawn inon ey that belonged to the Grm and skipped for the South. What Doo says is not known. A Good Start. Hon, Jeff. Meyers, Vice-President of the Scio bank, reports that institution doing a fine business Already. Scio is the center of a fine country which baa improved at a rapid rate in the past few years. With its coal, lumber and mining prospects sttr rounding it its future ia assurred, and its present prosperity is well voiced by the .success oi its new bank. Doubled thi Pbick. Early in the ea son some of the hop raiser of Foa Valley contracted their hop at 17 cents, which was considered a good price then. One of the producers who refuted to enter into anr uch arrangement was Mr Berry, who vii In the city to-day and sold hi crop for just double the price mentioned, gettlne 34 cents, a handsome figure. Hop were In It lor certain this year. The Actobia u u l, . At a meeting of the stockholders of the Astoria Build Ine and Loan Association held Oct $l,aoo wa loaned out to the M E Church on 61 month Interest In advance amount ing to $567, and $1,400 to Mis Maggie Grant on 50 month interest In advan amounting to $515. Atorian. Ma. S. II. Fbibdlamdeb, of the Mar quam Grand opera bouse, of Portland, is in the city making arrangements for the r,f niar Morris, who will appear i,o,n Oct. 31st. in the great play, "fienee j Mnratf." The play ia as Kood as the actress, whose reputation is world-wide. Lnm Cocktt Coal. Beporta from the Beaver creek coal mine, beyond Scio, tell of the striking of a six foot vein that indicates a big deposit beyond. The coal is of good quality and the prospects re now bright for actual results in the Tiik Salkm BRinoB. Investigation of the condition of tho central pier of the Salem bridge reveals the fact that it leans to the east twelve inches, says the Journal. It is evidently liecoming a very sorlous matter, for the Journal says the piers as constructed will not sustain their own weight, much less the enormous pressure of a steel super-structure. It anneara from the statement of the diver. who examined the structure under water Sunday, that the piling ia being forced up through the ttrilliige by the weight of the pier. It is timo (or the county court to call a halt, cancel the contract, which can now by no means bo saieiy carried out, and sue upon the liond, to recover the $15,000 alreadv paid on the contract. It would teach such contractors a salutary lesson and might check them in under taking contracts which thev do not scent to be able to manage, The damnge to the city and the two counties id already great. The present duty is to protect the taxpayers against further low and su tier ing of inconvenience. Anot:ikr I'lu.-r. In her historical oketch of Albany, read before t!io recent W.C. T. l fair. Mrs. Ileniirietlit It row n xaid, "1 HitppoHcd until ycHttrdtiv that August t I avion wa tho llrst child Uint in Albaiiv. but 1 f.nd that MiH Paulino Ilitckh'iimu untttluti'H him six months. She wa bom June lSlst, ho in June, ISoO." Now comes Mr. J. l. Lavton, a cousin of A. ('. I .avion, now a resid"iit of the Porks, who says he was born in AIlanv Udoro either of the per sons mentioned, anil ho knows of bin own knowledge, localise he waa present. I ho date of his birth was Jan. 2, IMIll, which antedates Miss Pauline llacklcinaii live Hum l lis. Ho also says Mr. lieorge Hughes, of this citv, mum lxrn in March. lM'.i.ahend of both of t he ones mentioned. The facts are Interesting ones. Nkvkr before in the history of our theatre-goers ha.-t there Ikhh such en thusiasm shown as that last evening, at the opera house. The attraction was the Eddie Abbott combination. The combi nation is a very strong one. Our lict liens were present. Tho performance was a most creditable one, pleasing in every sense, clean, rellued, and from a moral sta'ld-point, there never was a U'tter presentation. Carlisle (Pa.) Dailv Sentinel. At ojx'ra liouso next Monday and Tuesday evenings. How' Timk C'iianoks Tihxon. The fol lowing from ihc Walla Walla Statesman will caue o!d residents hero to smile at the pr.nksof 4 former Albanian: All old reM- den? of Walla Wulla ni l remember Paul d'lleirry, formerly a newspaper iiiaujol this city. Mi d'lleirry hut puna Into the agri cultural and slock ratlin ' limine .'.t DwnpWh, on the 'Sound, and a late Uiue ol one of the papers of that section contain quite a lengthy interview w iih Paul on the proper wa to make buitcr. 1 ho ri-aliili- tlcs of many o( his old fiicr.d will be af fected upon reading tliii lies, at he is about the last man who would he judged to adopt agricultural pursuits as a means of livlnood. Fi tx or M iKVKt.. Mr. Hill, advance agent of tlitt Mcrril'.-AM-A'obott combi nation, has been in the city making ar rangements for the appearance of that excellent troupe on Mmidav undTucsdav evenings of next week. The Philadel phia Press says of Kddio Abbott . Master Kddie, the Ikiv Prestidigitatetir, is certainly a wonder". He is onlv six year old, and there is still a trace of the lisp of babyhood in his talk, and yet he performs the feats for which Ktllar has become so famous with a dcxteritv and eas surprising in one so young. He is very bright and interestiu as well, and presents a neat appearance in his dress suit with knee breeches and biir buckled shoes. The little folks are especially de lighted w ith lii-t tricks. Take tiik Li u). A Mercury reporter with three jujes, called at J. M Moter Si Co' store for the purpose of a brtel conversation with one of the proprietors, Mr. 1. I). Cole. Cpon arriving at l!ie store it was almost hnpottiblc t i;ct throuah to the (llicc, o in to the i n - mensc i'tst f ciathiiiij received fiom the ,"n"1. Albany, V.e were u.U the oc r-' " a but a small poiti m . ine tail pi voice, and owin to the .ac ol room had to leave the rsinai;id.r la the bale until thlssmount sat sold out, which will require hu. a few d ty. Alter the examination Nil. slock was adiuJed the fi:,ct clothiie; that waievvr made i i the northwest. .Mercury. Ald.vnv's IJio Paktv. Iih Iiat! !i aic out i-jr a select concert arid c 'oe given at Albany, under the auspices of 1'emple Co.mnan Jry, No 3. Knihls Tem plar, In honur of the meetbtg of the utand enmmandry of Orison there on Tuesdav, the sSli li:st. Tiic commiitee in charge of '.hi affair have arranged wlih Sig Lit). eratf, the great musician a iJ leader, to furnish the music an tiieoccasion.wiUi Ids entire orchestra consir.ii.ig of til'y-one drilled musicians. Salem wi.lbe wed rep resented at the sister city on this occasion. Already many arc looking forward with great pleasure ta the date of the grand party. Statesman. Oct zStli Is the date. "Cap" Humphry Con v rate :.- "Cap" utnphrey ha been con vetted to the true faith. He related to a croup of friends thi morning that he had become a de mo rs t, despite his long ar.d faithful service the e.o. p. He had been presented Ith a wash b.ll bv an unfeeling China- an this morning, and he had concluded to join tnc rank of the great "unwashed nd untcrrified, v. herein the use of water unknown. "Cap" was immediately surrounded by democratic Iriendt and con- ratulatijn over his change ol heart. endleton E. O. Mixdio Matter. Mr. Massey, the Ikmo:bat is informed, recently s?ld his fifth interest in the Kl I'.nll mine, on the Bantiam, over which theie wis so much litigation with Dr. Smith, for $3,000., Some rich finds are re ported across the S.intiarn from the Albany mines, in what Is known aH the racnic ledges, where nn enormous quantity of ore is in Might. Men from the mines say the eyes of Ihe public will soon lie opened wide. Cot'RT HotSE Notks. The first ma- to pay hi i3yo-i taxe was V F For-t,t, of Seattle, on 400 acre of timber land. S A Crowder ha brocght stilt against Sarah A Crowder for divorce. Frank Wood has hevun a suit against B F Thayer and V J Traincr.the contract ors, to recover money. The Albany Iron Work and I R Daw- son have begun suits against J W Brown, the saw mill man, of the upper Santiam, to recover money. Enterprising. A B Seal, the T tour- st, also coffee and spices, returned thi morning from a jaunt hi the Southern region of Oregon. He ha never been known to coane back without a new gag, or something of a very modern nature. Thi it is a good sized toy bag pipe, that sound just iike a big one, the bag be ne rubber a little heavier than that of toy balloon. A It i quite novel Seal has proven himself the hero of the hour und the center of attraction. Siiedd Items.- List Friday night the residence of Mr Becker, the blacksmith, wo partly consume J by fire.w hlch caught from a flue, causing a loss of about $150. Insured In the State ol Salem. On Thursday afternoon some one enter ed the residence of J II Campbell, during a short absence ot the lawuiy, and com pletely overhauled trunk and drawer, emptying thlrig promiscuously Into one room, evidently seeking tor monty, wmcn wa not found, nor was anything else taken. Anothbb Fatal Accident. On last Wednesday Nelson Hadley.aged 21 years residing at JJayton, and brother to Air Hadley, the carpenter, of-thl city.wa out hunllitf in company with another brother when In aiming to hand a bottle of (hot to til brother INclson dropped It on the nam mer of hi gun, which exploded and shot the whole lower part ot m lace into a jelly. He died instantly. Thb Thomas Kit Woolen Mills of Sa le m have appointed G W Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and bovs clothing, blankets and flannels and Lall articles manufactured by the mill will W Kept Ail Bbo;,k. Atiunc gvwa ni a ,ud fcegt in the market and will give entiro latisiaction. Black Dress Goods. I make a spe- rfaltv of keening a full line of silk wrap Henriettas, all wool Henrietta and all the fUte novelties in black drew good. Samobl E. Yovkq. coixctt, PHot tt;tixt;a. Tuesday evening, Out. 14th, Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal. Street (Joiniuissloncr.Chlef Engineer mid Couneilmen French, Tabler, lturkhurt, Mnlth, Uarrett and Deyoe. Tho following bills w ere ordered paid U (I Hale, $11. 'Jo; U O Hayne, $13; W K Kelly, $4.25; ttantlMin Lumber Co., tl lit . I I 1 v.... ...... SI . M T II. ,.,,.. ill. t i. Wallace, $; John Maxwell, $10; J A Warner. $13; I W Holton. $3; l- Spalijht.$l.r). Albany vs Wnlpolo.$'Jtl.70; bills of Couneilmen ; J N Holl'uian, tele graphing, fli.Nft, ntid bills for nurses for Harry Ward, 2 men, $20; Electric Light Co, f lUI.JH). A new sldo walk, with cross walks, was. ordered from east lino of Jackson Htreet and along north line of Second street, on petition of I Beam and others. The survey made bv .? A Warner of 4th street, from linker to lUilrond street, was ordered adopted by ordinance. Petition of K W Lnngdon and or., J M Ualston and ors., J W Anderson and or:).. Frank N W ood and ors., ti W Smith nipt ors. and 1. W lHyou and ors., for latteral sewers connecting with Uailrmul street sewer were granted and work ordered done within ixty days, city to advertise for bldit for scwciis ucross st recta. A lat teral scu cr w as ulsi ordered In block ad joining property of it 1. Craiior. The proposition of J 0 Toning, of Sa lem, to put in an electric alarm system for $:t.MH) w us laid on the table. A new side walk was ordered built on west side of Montgomery St., adjoining lot 4, block 15. Itcporta of Kecorder ond Treasurer w ere read and referred, showing the fol lowing: KKi'MVKP. Ain't in Treasury Ju'y 1 . . From lines From license . From taxes. From lumber. 30.71 lO'.VHl l.aMi.M 8,72:.M l .:io $10,2I7.4'J IUMII'. City warrants paid . Interest ... Pal in Treasury (K-t I t,7 4A7.7H 72.71 $10,247.42 ,tu,:;i'.v7 4,.'.W1.04 Outstamliiig warrants June 30, Outstaiitling warrants Oct 1 ... Warrants were issued during quarter or following purKMtes: Mayor and Council $ MAM Recorder .... Sl-.i.'.D Marshal and tax collector (tf.'.t) Street Commissioner llWS.oo Treasurer 25.00 Policemen 45H.00 Klectric lights .VU.SO Fire tlcpartment 473.1W Street work and material . 1mi5.00 Sewerage W4I.U Sundries 2i4.Ut $l7tK.M A petition was read representing that A 11 bond was a common drunkard and that he bo declared such. On motion re ferred to committee on health und police. Chief F.r.K'ineer Stewart asked the Council to investigate the matter of terra cut '.a pics fur Hues, which are proviag very unsafe, and tho committee on ordi nances were directed to prepare ordinance providing for prohibiting the same. Ordinance No 2, amending several ordinances providing for the establish ment of the grades of the streets of the city, was read three times and passed. The matter ofnn extension Liddc for Itescui Hook and I .adder Co was present ed by Foreman J K Vyatt,and on motion referred. A notice was directed given the S P It U Co to build a culvert tinder the railroad ou Third, Fourth and Fifth streets. Notice was directed to 1 given the S P U U Co that a sew i r w as lieuig built on Railroad street, which at (ome point would pas under the track. The matter of cord wixsl in the rear of the Foster block, there It-ing about 100 cor Is piled there, was referred. The following committee, on motion, a us appointed to prepare amend menu for charter for presentation to next la-g-islature: Tabler, Ihirkhart and Smith. Matterof repairing No'J's Kusiine house j referred. Lins Cofsrv Aiiir.sTKn.-The lnc curacy of I lie June census farce Is showing up In a new llht since the department lias positively refused a re count of the stare. If the prevent enumerstion stand as a basis, the next apportionment bi'lfor the stale w id cut J is-n the representation from Linn courtly, giving hut one senator and two represenattves in the IrgLtaturc, and btcrca-hig Portland, It It estimated, o that she wiil hve about one fourth of the mem. hcrsh'p. It Is manifestly unfair the way It stands, not on'y for Linn but alo for Lau, aiiu without doubt for Denton, Clatsop, and all the r.astcrn Oregon counties. States man, Th-t was o ic thlna the recount was for. As for the agitation, though, we haven't seen any. I'kohaik.v Stolbs, Th's morning a a man wa teen to put a package ttndcr sidewalk In the south western part of the city. After he wa gone the matter wa investigated when a boy overcoat with a rape was found, in one pocket bting a ticket to Albany, and near by a base ball. I he articles proved to be stolen, the owner of the coat being a son of Kev. Marcellur, of Lebanon, who had .aid It on the bench at the depot, a tramp stealing it. He came to Albany to-day and secured the property. They Have Comb. A large and ele gant assortment of suitings, never surpass ed In Alha.iy, and can be seer, at W K Graham's. The designs are very pleasing and will suit the most fastidious. Mr Graham appreciating the desire here for st v lUli goods In elegant pattern ha taken exira pain to bring on a stock of such suiting a will meet with general favor, If you would see the best stockof good in this line ever brought to Albany call at the tailor shop ot w K Oraliatn. Tub Dt'DE Core. Advertising Co wonders. It has most effectually ban- inhcd the dude from the United States. it has also helped to build up a live (.'rot-cry business for Conn & Iiendricson, . .1 .1 , i t. 01 tuts city, wnere nigu prices are un known. They keep a line line of groce ries, produce, etc., and doing their own work, sell at bottom prices, as can be easily learned by pricing their goods. Just IUxkiveo. Smoked chinook sal mon, cranberries, cauliflower, celery, sweet potatoes, oranges, bananas, grapes, pears, comb honey, strained honey, chipped beef, tigs feet. The finest line of groceries In the city. Try our teas and coffees. Mueller ic Garrett, the leading grocers. Some Larglar bave been doing Coivalli and tho west side, at torvslli goirg tliroutb banker Job s bouse, at Suvar l liw og the porolfics safe "pen, setting $39. Amono Hreakebs. As Albany I to have a bridge next year, probably about such a ttructure as Salem's, the Democrat wilt endeavor to keep our citizen posted about their trial and tribulation, and perhap thus enable thi city to avoid some breaker. The Statesman says, there are those in Salem and they are many who have been carefully watching tne con ttruction of the big Marlon and Polk county brldne acrosc the river at Salem, who eive it a their opinion mat me Dig central pier that has lust been completed I settling and is already several tncne out of plumb, it I aid to lean to tne east. Thi I not given a a lact, but is gathered from current rumor. Nbw Cabfets, new carpets, new car pets and new styles, latest patterns, the best in the market, just received at A. B. Mcllwain'8. The stock is large ana choice, selected for this market, and peo ple wanting the best carpets at tne low est nrices should call and inspect his splendid stock. It was bought low and will be sold low. Kid Gr-ovas I Handle. Our Own, ecnuine kid glove, warranted at $1.50 per pair. The celebrated P Centemcti at $1.60 per pair. The Mather in button and tar fattenlnir at $i.7 per pair. The genuine Foster hook at $3,00 per pair. Also Mu- uetair, Sued and Glace finish. 'Samubl Er Young. Ladies Summer Blouses, the late noveltlej, just received from manufact- er by expret. Samuel 4 x oung llhtlTR. The undertaker of Oregon will meet In Portland on the aoth Instant. It Is to be hoped they do nothing to increase the buslnc. imo uouot a great many young men come to Oregon leaving sweetheart be hind to fade and die of broken hoari. , A postmaster In a neighboring city ha re ceived the following letter, which tells of such a case: "Will you please be so kind a to Inform me If Mr , ha tak en his mall from your ofllce since August 16th. Please make a few Inquiries about hi wlurcabout for me. H he wa dead no one could Inform me. l ei haps he ha found a Western lady and forgotten hi Eastern 0 c." It make no difference to tho business of Albany or any prt of It where the new bridge shall bo locnted.just no the city gel It When the location Is selected theic should be unanimity toward mUinu the money tor It leartilcs of lis slle. The bridge Is what U wanted. Wholesale dealers have noiUicd our local hardware mcr, h.itiU the price of t.ulhry ha advanced one third, This l duo to the McKlulev hU. and wi'l he a good thing fin nistnuriictoilcs already tusk ing enormous pinlit. 'I he farmer will like It, "In a honi.' A Pendleton man, tavs the E. (.. who lately returned with Ids wife from a visit t Portland and Ihe exposition. Is a trllle dUgusled, to dtaw it mildly. He Is not a stingy man nor even economics! as the word goes, hut after himself and belter halt had eaten a Hill"? chicken and drank some coffee for lueakfast In a hlult lotted metropolis restaurant, one could have knocked bin. down with u umlcrttxcd molccu.e when he found that M bill was A si lieino is on foot to make the luxury of a Sunday shave a thing of the past. It originated with I, Etiillrt and 1 A Lu cas, local tonsorial artists, and tho state legislature w ill lw asked to assist in bring ing about the desired end by pitsninga law, making it an ollV-use for barber shop to open for business on Sundays. ftsiorian. Snow is reported to have fallen in the mountains this week, tl miles ahovo Sil verton. This is verv early for snow and a severe winter is predicted by many old Oregoniaiis. Appeal. An Albany man say that the nmus are good for a mild wiut:r U'cattse the. Indians have put olf gutheiing their wood until iVcemlx r.utid that the Indian sign Is the Inst. Four years neo, savs the St John's Header, Lisa -la Woodard. living on ritorn creek, sowed tho seed from one head of barley. She harvested tho crop with a pair id shears ami sowed Ihe amount received next year, again harvest ing 11 witti ner shears. The thirl crop her father cut w ith a crass scythe. et ttlnu enough front his crop to sow forty acre mat spring, witicti aer.igm lorty ioitW per aero when threshed, making a tot J vielti of llkKI Imulii! fr.tin i,i,h ln.ii.l .f larloy in four year. "If the Lord intended that man should smoke tiibaceo," said a truly w il man at a Methodist conference, "He would have tmt a chimney on h a hea I." and an exchange that chew tobacco takes it up tike this : "If the laird intended man to wear short hair He would have caused it to grow that way. If the intend ed that man should w ear clothes He would have furnished natural button at various handy point of his anatomy. If the I-ord intended man to eat onions He would have furnished bis mouth with a patent deodorizer. That sort of argu ment work every way." A young marr'ul couple who moved out of a th other day left behind them the following laundry list: Baby's clothes Five white dresses, 2e.,llored drc-, 3 w hitu gkurts, 3 llaiiiu I skurts, 2kur:p,l Ix.tnn t and clvaW.l blew apron, 3 bibtsi, 1 t!::!c. l-ena's clothes One white sUurt,2 w hite sktirts, - night gow ns. 1 apron, 2 w hite collars, 5 haiikerchbfit, '1 napkins, I cotnr-1 apron, I gossskurt, I suit underclothes, 2 wipe towels. Joe One pair sock, I under shirt. The laundry biil Ml it own story. J'M-wa the bust-Ewel. Sn iwfall in the midst of harvest, s.tys tho Spokane Keview, is a verv unusual thing in thiscountry ; in fac the memory of tho oldest inhabitant can recall noth ing like it in years gone by. I-ihI Thurs day, however, the farmers in tho vicinity ot Garfield, who have not yet finished cutting their grain, were warned by a few otg, wet, heavy flakes that nature is ready to prepare the soil for another harvest, nni that haatc on their part would In advisable. Keren! !y wc published an item alsnit a fanner) wagon at Pendleton being en tirely consumed from a hot lx. The following item from tho Pendleton Tri bune spoils tho effect of it entirely: Some time ago tho report trot out that Edward Goodnight Imd lost his wniron in a peculiar manner. According to the re port tho wagon caught fire from a hot Imib on one ol the wheels. Mr Goodnight called on us one day this week and in formed us that the report was entirely false." The Supreme Court of Minnesota holds that payment of an account by check is not a cash payment; but only a coixit tional one. The Scientific American of Kept C trives a picturo of an invention by M L Pipes ami f, t rcrnot, of Corvaliis. it Is a copy holder for type writers. The Dkmocbat is informed the men have already re ceived several flattering propositions roin me i-ast. Seth Hammer say "no soundings were taken for the Halem bridge, so they don't know whether tho piers are on hard-pan gravel, quicksand or mud, or part of one and part ol "tother." The engineer should have gone fishing: if they caught mud cots they would have known there was mud, and if they bad not caught mud cots they would be equally as wise and brilliant, as they are as to the mate rial down there at the base of the pier." Anu so me mn goes on. A noted French doctor prescribes bee stings for rheumatism, and tho Pkjiocimt hastens to imorm several who havo lajcn carrying potatoes and buckeyes of the fact, itio etings act tho same ns vaccin ation ; but only bold their influence for about six months when the rheumatic must lie stung again. This ia not funny businsa but a scientific fact ; yet it shows that we live in a funny world. The bitreest firm in Oresron io said to bo that of Crume & Duviu. of Siiedd. A 1 - 11,1 1 . . 1 uie comuineu weight 01 the two men be ing uuu pounds. It i reported that the N. W. Insurance Co. ha levied an assessment of co percent on it stock, which i making several Al bany men quirm. Thi will pay the cap- icai (iock up. Everybody Says So. If the wild xavcicould talk they would say, "Goto roweu a co' tor groceries and pro. du:e, or their stock is large, their price low and quality the best." This 1 .the universal verdict of their customer. Beware of the Threatening Dancer. Do rot netrleot a couth or uy affection c the lung. Delay is taUl. . lloldea mh real Cough syrup will euro yea ir taken promptly. Large sii $1, small 50 cents. r or sale by J A Cummiog, druggist. Don't fail to our meu'a aod bf.ys' clothing before purchasing elsewhere. We sell the best clothing forjthe least money of any nouso in the city. Look and be con vinced. G W Simpson. Corsets, Corsets, VVe make a specialty of ladies and misses fine cortctfi and waists. We also have a drive in a French sattnc corset at 75 cents Extra good value. - , Samuel E Yousro, lit, MT4TBS MALES Jonathan Wanaom to Nathan K l!eaman,4 2,W' A,Lob.$ Wm llrndslmw to II 11 Qulgley,lU3 acres, 13 w 2. ,. . A Hackleman to K M Ilorton,! lot, hi 15, 1 Pi 2nd A Arthur Beard ,o J M Heard, t int- crwit in 1 lot.hl 4.11'a A.Tang't A ltui'tHnan to Frederick Brack- mail, lot 1 and2,bl Pi. IPs 3rd A A J Hodges to Mrs Martha lxjgan, 2 lots, Fairdale A to Albany. .. 8 W Paisley to Martha Logan, 56b 111 00, Albany Martha 1igun to Jane Fanning, lot 1, hi OU, Albany Fmnk.Murphy to K W laingdon, lot 4, bl 7, IPiflrdA Anna M lloiick to Louisa C Alex ander, lot H,bl I, IPs A Iauira A Maxwell to Fannie Fox 200 1000 250 320 875 10 300 12,'0 J75 150 1300 700 MX) 1500 and Sophia Baumgart.lot 0, bl HH.lFs A Catherine Arnold lo Thomas Ar nold, piece land, PS w I. . Mary M Cvrii io 11 C Hard irdinitti, Intl. bl 111, K'M'JudA. Kiifus Thompson to Addie Thomp son, one-half interest in (J lots, in UiiraJ lalo $H,425 l MKNOKUw. IU1.1. or Giunii Pr.mhim Gh'ok, No. 101 wciooer inn, ih'JO. J KvHolulioiiN of coiidolaiicc, of Grand Prairie) Grange, No 10, V. of II., to the memory of Mrs. M. J. Burkhart, who died Aug. 10th, IS'JO. Whereas: It ha pleased God. in hi Infinite wisdom, to remove from our midst our lieloved sister, Mrs. M. J. Burkhart; therefore bo it ltcsulved : That in the death of our sister we recognise the hand of a loving l ather, w ho doeth all things well, and knoweth tho best time and way to call his children home. KcHolved: That In the death of our sister, wo sustain the loss of a worthy member and true friend ; but we (eel our loss to bo her gain. Kcsolved: That we. as a Granire. ex tend to the bereaved husband and fai.'llv our deejR-st sympathy. Kcsolved: That the hall o dratted in mourning for thirty days; that these resolutions lie spread ujton our minutes. A lo tlmta copy lm presented to her hus band, MrC. P. Burkhart. and her daugh ter. Mrs. Burrows, of Pendleton, Oregon, and to tho county turner for publication. M., j It. Payne, Committee. A. Wallack) A Crn4 Ball la a sUrbalar Mall. Al KY, Oct. I J, 890. On I'll Jay flight, last, a parly of young folk ttalbcicd tl the residence of F. S. Ingtam, for Ihe purpose ot having a little nclghbo.hood dance, which wa the first of the scaton. The whole neighborhood last season was too dead even to bury, so the l-v have decided to make up lor It thi year, and. a luck ha It, '.hey have opened up with a splendid beginning, which deserves much credit, to which I am K"lHf to endeavor to do justice to wards. The music w furnished bv 1. Hogsn, ol langcnt. and Win, II. I-onnry, son of Ihc lair A. S. I.0011CV. They did their psrtwelt. Sollciilng committee, George HopiUk; committee on refreshments. Hike Holing; caller, Mr. Woffardj floor manager, II. Holing. Only a small crowd was espectrd though there'was a houseful tid plenty of giii. The kitchen wa cared and two sets run till day break. Nome declined to attend on account ol it being a bschelai's hall; but the crowd that wa there has attended many an en- teitalitment that they did not have near good a time at. 'I ovciheard Mr In ran, sav that lie only regretted not having it Kood house f.jr us. Good house , not always gl e the most pleasant re- eptlons. I took partl.-uiar notice that vctttl.tng was In pet led order, a place for rvcruiilni' and cvcrrtMnu in It nlace he ladles drissin room was only a pic turesque of Uauly, the most neate.t lady could not have shown more neatness. 1 mint say that Mr Ingram is an exception t a houkeeper, and not only an excep- Ion, but the bos to give an entertain ment. I neytr have saw guest go away fiom a place anv heller pleased, as 1 hv'e card so mar. y of them express themselves to the pleasure Ihc v had and how he ot a'wiut t make It pleasant for es. - III In known raiKNo. Saw r.LAcasMiTn Sauuv G V Willi ha jast completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner oi Second and Railroad street here all kinds of Iron and wood work can be ban and done In first class order thins on your plow, w-sgoa. etc., etc. lor lep rs. Hoi. mic Bt'MiMaa Coi.lxoi:. of Portland Ot.. will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, baa become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college, bend for a atalvgue. Maatf lo Lasa, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five year time. Call on us at our office, opposite IBe Revere house. BtrBKM abt k Kebmet. iNkTBUCTIOM J Mcsic Those wlsh plano. organ or har- ng instruction In piano, organ mony, should call on Mr H r Hollen beck. at the residence of Mr Thorns Montelth. Private mualcale will be slven each term for the benefit of pupils. better Mat. Pollowira is the list nf letUr rcmaioioa in the prist office at Albany. Linn county, Oregon, Oct 15;h, 1809. I'erion calling fur these letter must give the data 00 which they were ajvertued. Bock, Prank Dsvis, I N ror.l, li ttuiiiis Ifarmun, llolcn (' Jinks, Mi Mary Penoebaker, U W R iiioMrsoN, r, m. Lahoekt in tub Vallbv. Willi Stark bave received the largest and finest dis play of silverware in the valley, as their elegant display of novelties in the line will testify. They invite the public to call at theit store and sea their fine me tropolitan stock. Albany Market. Wtiet MJj inlH- 40.t Boufi 2(ki pi il, Pcga 20i Hay !,00. Polatooa 75 cts per tjusliol Beef on foot, VAf Apples 75 cent por bu. V or UiO per tr ureaaou. Baccna haiua,P2e, y shoulder, o. sldos lOo. ard 9o per lb. tHonr-4.25 per bbl. blekena 4.01) per uoz. ill Pood bran, 14.00 per ton sborts, 16. middilnas, 20. Cbor" w- Tho polios censu completed yesterday how that New Yor City's population to b 1,710,715 au iaoieaie of 197,214 over the government figures. XOT ISOLATED CASKS. To show that tho cure made by Joy's Vege table Saraaparllla are not only; not exceptional eases, but that It helps everybody, we oite a few Instance where two la ths same family took It and were both cured. Thomas Stephens, of ICS Sixth St., S. F., took It for weak stomach and dyspepsia, It entirely cared him. Be then care It to his wife for her lck headache, lines which time she haa had noretars. It cored them both. Mrs. It. U Wheaton, of 701 Post St, 8. F., was a sufferer from stomach and liver trouble and biliousness. Finding that it relieved her, she gars it to a little girl living with her whose af fliction wa a large open sore which nothing seemed to heal. It also cured ths child, n. a Winn, of Geary Coart, Geary Bt, 8. F, prominent la the Order of Ked Hen, wa rery feeble and greatly redaced. Joy' Vegetable BanaparlUa restored hi health and aeenstomed vigor. He thereupon gave It to his wife who wa similarly afflicted and had nervous prostra tion. It bad the same happy effect upon her It had upon him. Score ot similar case could bo cited but we have no room for them here. II A31 11 AND ABROAD. MONDAY. Jo WaUon loft thi booj fur Portland. A targe number of dasd bird may be seen ID tb window of tli millinery I torus. IIou J oft Mryars, nf Sole, wa in tli city to-day, meatiag nl eciimtiiueuoy. Mr Juliu J(i! h lis ilooi rstid bl ulttstr store to that it present quite a nsnt and tnetropoliuo appearauo". Drlliti i.dDVHHld ba bom ap pointed hi th li.tif I', ileli'gats to the urand IikIms, wliivh mmU at Tba I !); tin weak, Tb ' Uiildt" i tho ni.lnn tjl tins mibiiig claim (11.1.1 by Mr J il Kurly, It is located In that Quartsvl.1 district and it is hoped will pan out a well a It CU'foruia uam aako. Mr Wliilli M Apph-Kt ! wii,nf !( lurg, spent Kthbstli iu Aibtny, the tues's nf Mr AppUgsU'souusiiiiiJ I' and llliods llaii, 'Miry wiiih eii;ilniir wediling tuiir, having Iweu at Portland tliu,ilit' the fair. JP 1111, U;ltif, DrJMI.II, QIC I'n.p.t, Orvillti Orawfiid, tl-.o J Ik h Uoili-r and Oil Irviue, eif the Albany K f I', loft tin 110011 for Tlis Dalliis, to attend tb gtand ludaof Kofi. Thry were U be Joined st i'ortlai.d by I) V H I'id. Titer sr i,ly twu state producing quick silver, vis 1 Cshfotiti and Ort-gon, Thcr am si uinas, thtre in California and three ia 1) .uulss oouetj, Or. Tlioia era seven furuao, thraa ul which are ill UouuU C'tunty. Tba yiuld of uiimnhar was in IHHD, 02,U04 short ton or 1U,4((4 flask. The amount of wage paid w f (!2(i,'W,. Tits miutbor of man employs,! DG1. Bishop It llulsi, f Chicsko. who will peak at the Court lluuse to-inotr w ren Ittgai7;0. will 00 lntriluce1 b Kid J Hnwaraox. Public snrvica fur all dsuoiniua lion and iioople. Ulirir, II K Merrill, Frank Wallana, Kd Cron, llaod Vunk, Fred Forlnull. r, U M llartoii. Alt mluis tr srs iuvitad to fr iut rt on ths plat forin. TUfSPAY Oloriuu wsatlier. Cl.euit C-onrt is In teln t S I rr. Mr John Oil'iUnd. i Sw-cct II mis. Hi in tli city t-,ly. Mr liruatx Koi fnui lust roturoel from a vrl weak v sit with her tur ,U. ia Klleohorg. Wash. Mr Martha lygsu toirlsy (old tj Mr K Fauaing hr hoasa aod lut 00 Svetttb ft.t, lor :m it F, agent. S M Pnnini(t4tt, aa-Kenatorof tlti ooao ty, now a rrddeut of tho .VilUmrlte vallsy. nice mils oat ot Albany, ha been in l'ciello ton the weak past. Il loft for home on Monday. Tiibune, Son enuh-old put box tf tack under the Poitlsml tram LilUd for Albany at II. Wj a. in. It ! hot born i,a tint for a wcaik, being late daily from -0 to 45 niiu Bta. A poor ixiliry . A Celestial can now hardly bs lonn in Al bany sawing wood. Tli wlnts man ha taken bt plsca. Mora moo ar naedl, though, to tin tn splitting and piling. Idle men boald owne to Ilia front. liettet work for small wgea than do tothiug. A W Ky. PsikI !ct-n's wll-kuowu 'arni tt desler, ht mi le an assignment f. r tl.a benefit and piotco'.ioq of his errditors. lit awl ara roueltlv atimsts I at fl l,!K)J ard ItaMUton at 13.3110 Ad'sn-aay f.lrud will rayret In nu.f .rtui.e. which wss tin lewrvod. luast OregotiUn. Calrb V ikins and U W EblwrU. It tdd plocear of IliiUhorn, dird tret,ty. Ilth operated as trpra lu Ula Itojk y inouiiUtu, i.s.l many tiu vu'J;inj edvi-nturo with Indians, aa-t oth it bd toother ia that "Kit" iu is.iJ. 'iitii was .oiy ,ne muoih yauer than KuUrt", both biiig' ingorias. ihy ,re am-aog tha very esiltot ut theAm rivsn settler 111 Uregno. A UbntobCoKi'Sawav. This forenoon he team of C Vos Wcame frightened at the O. P. train and ran away, throwing M r Voas, son and daughter out, bruising each some, but the son the immt, it was feared fatally for aw bile; but fortunately not so. The team ran a race with the train tor some distance and was finally stopped by Mrs Haiuwatt-r. G L Black mail had a dose call tocolliding w ith the tteam. wensKiiA. Tb puttlon of Ui ('.. ( Ksnss is l.23.s".'ii inetese, -J7,3?9, Iht w.t f.,ri-t the .lot' salj of L)r (J W (Jray io tho 7th of Nov. 8,.0 ad. Mita (inns ly ton I. ft f,,r l' i:t'n i to day to cter II jIiiic itusiues l,llege, C( t C I Wilhsrn an 1 wife, of Mioae -sots, bsv teen ia I be cty l-Mikng at ttie uiruat.nurK eouutry. acd i(i 11 1 U.ontsvlves s very inuch pir c wu.i t:i vJUy The Csptleweltliscd linantiaKy. sod ilh kind 1 a man wa need amMt ns. A 4ltOB of the memtirisof the V. M. C. A. will b bold Fii.Uy ugltt. when a nw boatd ol direcloia will t h-it-l, and tb met Urol chanKirg Ihe I, c.ti m Ik eousid ered iu eonuectuiu with ntn -r important matters. , A llot sa Bcuohku.kii. This morning on arising .Mr. Max Baumgait learned from the appearance of things at his res idence, at the corner of Third and Lvon streets, that a burglar hod been paying him a midnight visit. Investigation re vealed tho tact that III) in money, an elegant gold watch, worth about 100, Knglish lever make, and a revolver had been stolen from bis bedroom. The bur glar bad entered by taking out the sash in one of the parlor windows. No clue was left aa to the Identity of the villain who did the act. Bifuiop Dt iii preached at the court house last evening to a large audience, his topic being "Personal Saiititlcation," on which he gave an eloquent dissertation full of warmth. Those who anticipated a"philippic"on Bishop Bownmnlwcredis- amiointed. He only referred to the church trouble after bia sermon, and then in a very pleasant manner, show ing a spirit hoping for tho healing of all differences. Beat roaat coffee ia the city Conrad Meyer's. MAURIKD. SLKE-ItEINER. On Wednesday ,Oct. 15th, 1800,at the home of the bride's rar- ents, in Albany, by Rev. H. G. Irvine, P. ik, Mr. iiarry Floe, of Spokane calls, and Miss Annie Reiner, daughter of Mrs. Chas. Wagner, of Albany. Only the rel atives and near friends were present. The happy couple have the liest wishes of many in Albany for their future happi ness and prosperity. CRESWELL RAIN WATER. On Sunday mornlnp, Oct nth, 1890, at the residence of the bride' mother. In Benton county, by Rev L Trumbull, Mr J A Ores well and Mis Bessie Rainwater, both of Benton county. MARSHALL. On Sunday noon, Oct. 12, 1890, In Albany, Clyde, ton of Mr, A. 11. Marshall, aged 17 year, The deceated had been a cripple all hi life. Recently droptv set in. ultimately causing hi death. He was an Innocent, affectionate boy whom everybody liked because of o many good qualities. DIED. DOUGLAS. On Tuesday morning, Oct. 14. 1800. the infant child of J. R. Douglas. : s Public Sale. tT AVISO MOKE STOCK THAN WE can win tr. we will tell on Saturday November 1. 1890. at our farm on the Narrow Gauge railroad. 2 inhes south of Tall man, without reserve, to the highest bidder, a fine lot of young hones, oonals. tlna of brood mares in foal to Ooeoo and Alteao. roadsters, workhorsesand ponies on the followinit terms: une year's lime, without interest, with approved uecuritj . Twelve per cert off for cash. , McTCnight Bros. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. To whom it may oonoern The 00 partnership heretofore existing unaer tuo una name of Hoffman, Hayne A Co , oarry tng on a general m.nufacturlug of artificial stone, sewer pipe, etc, in Albany, Oregon is this day dissolved by mutual consent, John M. Hoflman, retirinar. The busi ness will be continued hereafter by TJ. G. Hayne and C. B. Buck, under the firm name of Hayne A Buck, and at the old place of business, TLenew firm assume all liabilities and collect all accounts. Dated this f8th day ot October, 1890. John M Hoffman. - , U. O, Uayhb. OX TITS ftttrrtlBftX OlIOtalT, Oct. 11, 1800. Billy Anderson and family, of Crook county, are visiting bis brother, Perry Hinitii. Jasper Purdy has rented the Douthlt place for the ensuing year. Marion Hyde, of Ilarrishurg, has moved back to tho farm he left about fifteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Long and Miss F.lise McDonald went to Portland Wednesday to the Industrial Imposition. They will return home Monday. A gentleman recently from Tennessee In teaching a term of school in district No. (13. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wilkins will start to California the 20th of this month. They expect to be gone aliout six week's. feveral members of the Klxer family were visiting at Mr. Lona's last Thurs day. Mrs. J. K. Jones died Friday, tho 3rd of Oct., of paralysis. Hhe was buried at the Purdy cemetery on Hunday. Fun eral .services wore conducted by ltev. Waller. Unite a large crowd was in at tendance. Mrs. Jones was a pioneer of this section, having lived here more than thirty years. Kite was a daughter of the lato Henry Hayes, of Eugene. Mr. Met i rath has returned to bis wifo and children. It seems be did not find being a Knots widower so vtry agreeable after all. ItKOWRSt ILLK. Oct. 13, 181)0. If you should bear of anyone flinlinit a good vest in tho road between here and Albany, you need not think there has been foul play, a a couple of Brownsville young bloods lost it. No one was hurt only their manhood was let down a little. Another new bouse coin a nn in the Galbraith addition, and when the cen sus of liKH) is taken Brownsville will be a town of 110 mean proportions. J. B. Moore got bis band caught in bis wood saw, one day last week, and now carries it in a cling. W. B. Blanchard made a flying trip to Albany 011 last Saturday, returiiina on Hunday. We seo F. F. Croft, of your city, in town. Wm. Stephens, of Ifarrisburg precinct, has sold his place and is moving on the place of J. It. BU-phens, 1 miles east of hero The niehts of late bave been frosty but quite pleasant during the day, with signs 01 rain again. We bear our hotel is about t) change bands again. Homo talk of -a cannery at this place, then look out for Brownsville. Frank Jack and Ped Ross, ot this place, rnado your city a visit last Hunday. Business and pleasure, we suppose. Rev. Dr. Benfro, late of California, preached two able and instructive ser mons in the Baptist church, last Hunday. He thinks ot locating in Oregon. DE. BaKBIS aKBItED. they llave Takra aim re a Ike Bevare Manse, far TBI Week e. j KMh la llh. Theo far-famed physicians, w ho have achieved a great reputation throughout the Northwest, have been tirevaiied urxn by parties iu this vicinity to visit Albany. One of the doctors will open offices tn the Itevere House, for one week Jr-jtc Oct 13 to I'J, Uoom U. and the opportun ity should not be lost to consult this fam ous physician, lie comes highly recom mended and laden vs ith testimonials from throughout the state, and the au thenticated reports of bis c?res seem nothing short of miraculous. His olllce consultation is free, so that should there tie any cases that are incurable be will immediately discover them, thus saviug their patrons any further expen diture of money and time, which thcr might otherwise squander. Unlike other physicians who bave be come eminent in their profession, the Uoeiora charges are extremely moderate. and they will not undertake any cases turn tiit y cannot cure or ueneut. Drs Darrin make a specialty of dis eases oi iiie,, Isoee and 1 liroat, and all nervous, chrome and private diseases, such as, Loss of Manhood, Mood Taints. Hyiditllis. Gleet. Gonorr hoea, Stricture, hpcrmattorrhn-a, Semi nal v eaaneiis, or ias 01 lesire ol bcx ual l'ower in man or woman. All peculiar Female Troubles, Irregular Menstruation, Lucorrhu-a.Iiiaplaccments. etc., arc confidentially and successfully treated, and will under no circumstances take a case that they cannot cure or ben cut. Th:ir office hours are front 10 to 9. daily. Kventngs 7 to 8. Cures of private diseases guaranteed and never published in the papers. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to tho doctors' office. Inquires answered and circulars sent free. Read the following testimoniJa of re- I markable cures. KAMCS THAT CAN BB BEFKBBED TO. Henry Slough, Macleay, Oregon, deaf ness, fifteen year, rcstoicd. Wm Hunter, Eugene City, Oregon, ca tarrh, twenty year, ret'ored. Volua Webster, Weston, Umatilla Co, Or, catarrh. cured. It 11 Kici, 31 B st, Portland, heart dis- j ease, cured three month since. Geo II Hamilton, 3a Stark st, Portland, stoppage ot the tear duct, cured. Jo Moore, St Charle hotel, Portland, polypus In the nose, fifteen years, cured, Vv m Kohler, aged 7a years, Jackon vllle, Or. deaf in one ear 36 year, cured. Mis Lucy Moran, Monmouth, Or, cross eye, straightened In one minute. "Ed Hynes, Alblna, catarrhal deafness, restored. P C McFarland, Vancouver, sctatiea rheumatism, cured. Geo C Scolten, Alblna, Oregon, ringing noises in the ear and deafness, cured. Mrs S A Wooden' girl, 94 Columbia tt, Portland, nervous debility and malarial fever and discharging ear, restored. Wm Altnow, Dtewey, Grant Co, tarrhal deafness and ringing In the ears tor ao years, perfectly cured. Mr 8 W Metxger, Gresham, Oregon, dyspepsia, liver complaint anS pain in the stomach twenty-three years, restored. Mrs C Magenson, Met chat hotel, Port land, rheumatism, neuralgia and female trouble, cured permanently one year ago. C lliese, seven miles west of Fulton.Or. liver and kidney trouble, dlzsinees an4 pain ovei the whole ytem, restored t health. Chas Bruggrer, Reedvllle, Oregon, al mot totat blindnes from effects of meaa els, restored after all other doctors said he was past cure. Mrs L Mattoon, East Portland, Oregon, catarrh, bronchitis and nervousness and steepness night and loss of flesh, cured an j gained twelve pounds. J R Cunningham, Wapinitla, Wasce county, Oregon, total deafness two years In one ear, and partilly so in the other, cured. Mrs J E Smith, Prlnevllle, Oregon, ner vous debility and general weakness, aU most bordering on Insanity, cured. Hensom McCoy, Dufur, Wasco county, Oregon, deafness and terrible pain In the ear and htad for six months, until he wa nearly ciazy, restlessness and insomnia. Restored to health by electricity after all other treatments had failed. D I Graham's child, Springfield, Or., painfully afflicted with granulated con functivitus, complicated with ulcers of the eyeballs for nine months, cured J A Llndeey, news agent on the OR4 N, residence 31a O t, Portland, consump tion, bronchitis and catarrh, cured and gained 15 pound. Davit) Ross' son, Woodland.Wash, pain ful hip disease, bad to be carried to the eoctor's office, cured. Mr Ross has a daughter tesidtng at the Merchant hotel, and can be referred to. Levi Bartmes, Stay ton, Oregon, heart disease, dyspepsia, pain through the heart and lungs, and general nervous debility. Many times he would fall as though dead and everything would 6eem fo turn blac before his eves, successfully treated. I D Campbell, Fulton. Or, says he would . not take $10,000 for the cure he received J by Dr Darrln. r His trouble originated by 1 three small lump or tumors coming on the arm, which rendered his arm and hard perfectly helpless for one year. Wm Parrott, Mlddlcton, Or. deafnesa many year, cured, E Anderson, Balem, Or, catarrh seven year, cured. D W Emmctt, Salem, Or, deafness ten year, restored , Many thousand of other case might be published did not the want of t,nce here forbid. N. B. Dr Dariln head office In Port land, Or, corner of Fourth and Washln ton, will be tun a usual where they ar permanently located. Highest of all In Leavening Power. ABSGBJTEt PURE FARGO'S -ft,"? t.pv? M'aj. -vV V51 vf? r FOR CEMTLrMI Is the Best Shoe for the FOR S-A.Ij33 I3"3T- :G. W. SIMPSON,:-- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ErC, ETC Is now Larger and Better than Ever Low Prices and Prompt Attention. you want a good selection. We handle the newest and best tilings in Hardware, Tinware Etc., Etc. ,Mattuews & Washbuks OHLING & WALLACE Grocers and Bakers; Opposite (he CeTere lions. Keep a nmciass stock of Groceries, l'roduco, and Taked Goods. Eotioni prices. DiyGooSs, Eotionr, GcLtiFt.iT- ishiugs and SOOTS A?ID SHOES Our stock of boo'. and shoe i nav lomplctc In ail line for spring rade. We will save tou inonrt n but ing f u. I joics, missel and children's tine shoes a specia v v. Cxelavire im the SUBSCRIPTIONS!!! lT'or Jkvll tlie Lea din t NEWSPAPERS - AND - MAGAZINES, Heceleved at 7 F. L. Cash NEAR THE POST OFFICE. ALBANY, OH EC. THE SPOT CASH Racket - Store, Is still in existence: It only removed, Oct 1st, 1890. one door west of Thompson & Ovorman's Harness Shop, on First street, where everybody can effect a saving of from 15 to 25 per ':ent by buying any article sold at the SPOT CASH STORE I Oome and examine Prices. Respectfully, BERNARD LEVY; Oct. 11, 1890. iim VEGETABLE PANACEA PREFARED FROM ROOTS fic HERBS. rwrc int. -u r-r mx-...x. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARIS1NO FROM A DISORDERED STATE crns STO MAC H OR AN inactive: LIVER. rtH SALS BV ALL CRUSSISTS a GENERAL DEALERS freartl Tansy Wafers. Thec wafers are a sure and safe sfrciflit for all kinds of female troubles at.u will remove all obstructions to the rr.onth'r periodi, no matter what ihe cause. They are just what every woman ncct' fln;' can be Used with safety. For sale by tht? Livingstone Chemical Co , u'r.o from our sole agent, J A Cummlng, druggist, Bin 11 berg block, Albany, Oregon. This Trad Mai k on a stove mean it l th best thft ex perhjnee and skill can con trive. Hold only bv hu-.UU S"T & Sender. U. S. GoVt Report, Aug. 17, jSXq. S2.50 ret. V 3Vv. Z in the Market; Price. am 1PW Wo aro giving the oth er dea era fits with our special low rates on stoves and ranges. Ii you don't believe it, see how they hid for trade in big type and loud talk. This week we offer to start the ball rolling with the largest stock at the lowest prices. Corne early, ii t ID LOW bllOfc Plumiwru's Now lll-. Urocerv store 3 9J OOM9 TO LET. Fornletcd or uc- fumisbed. inquire at ttia omea l)rfPirSnJ WCA We have a line eu hand acd ean give ycu good prices. SrawaRT. Sox. MOSEY TO LOaS.-Io nd small saius, from 8 month to fiv years, on irood Albany and Linn couair real estate. I' tosssn' meney Kivama a call W. E, cPherson, Real Kta'.o and Loaa. Broker. 125tf D R. M. J. PATTOS, Blumbeig Block, Albany, Oregon. Female and private diseases a spacia'ty Cetisuitatlon flee. 'IOI WANTED. Girl warns. i O piacato do kou-ewoik ord.ninrooui work. Address me at Seio. S. Ztsset. F OR SALE. A good, oung KiiigUi boggy horse, flnetrare-'e; ana jaiup seat bugy. harness, etc , ntriy no. Inquire of O C Awbrey, in Odd Kfilow'a Temple, F OR BiSNT, For ofQce or iet r:co . tl.e i strjot. Inquire of L. Vk