t1 THE DEMOCRAT, New York World nnl American Parmer Ono year for $2.80. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 181)0. NO TO 1;. DR. HILLER'S Special Proscriptions. HOMl TREATMENT SELF CURE A Spwifla Rtmtrdy fir Each Cistis. MlUf'a KYDRflTt RETfHTlVF. rw.s .,hk. mn h twiLLEn A rtTi-iii Taun stoch ah live? cms;. r ;iu a Urn Vwid' .ta a4 KHu'ltnm, .TKjw i. W?U gATAPH fgfrf. ftw c4, Ami. C.1. smi lt.ll '' '. ui ihiitiHtaw,wwliU, ElLl'ilf gTS " Xss, r -.ckii. r,..ipr vsi 1'iawM.K m M.a"MiMauwtwaifc twMu a Vs a U ssw.tss. Tsf i. I.WVS tiU .,, ...J Wire SB MM Hllt6u tlllk M V. 1JM W w. Enifrra pgygw fU?- t a. -- .wn wu kr,.. !,... J wm tmTse.-laJIaa. m4 U4a.ia aiuxv'i W-dr CU In aV.ad. gi JS I tVS Mf SVCincygKITY COTE. ow, "w M, u low., as,. ! l rirw Cvitlw to RUlat Pro? Co., !5-i Tlx.iM, CmK r. ttiuis KKfi;wAT:e in Kruyitic-j??. e. i;iitu,... aiturs-e a, wu. Uufciko, il siut, h, wmuiu. luj Uctsi ca'iv tt.enu Fit. MILl.tH'S Tf gTHlKfi Cl'EI. AIJ the cnmtSi :.! dc-saltr;! -I tb,l.lf,n lurnf tii trvii.i. ir m J, ...urvs I'.iiiktw SmSm nnj run 1 tt-tS, in I rrovrnf. aiv! cure. ItiwiiM, Kvkia, Uiit 'iiuuMm uti lkil im (,iuu. A lu.trg w U-m uiuciht aji4 cuiM. DR. HiLtCn S WHSnP'Na COUSH CtiSE. ht..( .,i cu.-,-, c..!k. Kcr. Wliti tb tf Ir. ll Ear. 1!t ;i-lr! K-.hi!!... lr. IIi!l-r !:h!in;o K'i I Nnir.'.c rv, nU I t 12:1 ..-'(' vusU cr- - cruut!lc.n? ut mi .nTLKI uriu, au, U net uiiia.i!U ft m it ati. Im m i f.im I,) wti rctj t ol , $1.C0 per Pac'.as. Six Packages for $5.00. Thfwnrmiiliin Iho iKtiJt i f tttrRr rf rvkul r finl.-iivl cxiwrhtKV, mi r (lukranu.'v.i toruro ).cn ri;rr i p utt i. I r. itil ur M m; b u ,1 iliivctio.u , r Auiua treliucut, cutitiitui :u.U;iuiMtfUfc'Aan iijwuauxtJ. utuliunMiy4MAUoa HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. Yaln Unsan,Aii Albany. Orjgoa. NEW STOKE"t tr2i Ky ( ! OOIS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. DCAIKK In Agricultural Iisipfemeiils & Vehicles 1- fra and S29 gs. -OP -:- ALL KINDS. ALBANY, 028533. 1M T IP E3L, Thomas It you want the best and mostMuraMo furni turp that i. mannfarhir. n . . .. caaw in tne city go to B rink. & C. Scarl9 TryGoos, Kotioaa, Ctnt-sFtn:-ishiEgs zU BOOTS AfsO Our Mock of hco ar.J .hot. U no complete in nil li;i' (ur pring rtde. We wiil avi toa mone; nbuvirg ct u. Ijiiiiet, mluei nnd clii!drtn' Hni; tl.oct a peciaw. Ezclnie Aicrmv "r tl.- Ll'IiLOU MIOKH P.'.uni'n 9 New lilivs giving the otlu-r dea i our special low We arc ers nts with rates on Etoves and ranges. It you don't believe it, see how they Lid for trade in big tvpe and loud talk. This week we offer to start the ball rolling with the largest stock at the lowest prices. Come early, if vou want a irood selection. We handle the newest and best things in Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc. Matthews & Washburn SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufactured by W A A Wit n VW V- JL &9 IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GIUARS FABOO'S - '-,. iJ-.'-V - '-.'(ty? J 7'-; . -: .. ' : . -'y , Wantli) a Pivoucr. An AUintty v mmi, who tiuitliur :vIh'8 or kiuii-tuxt'ii or uiuU'rutaml our wyi very well, wunlii u divorce from hor liunlmiul.not Ixiinn illo to rupuirt lu'rioU from lur limited In como tiirnlnlul partly ly the comity, to tav notliiuu; o( livr IiuhIiuiuI ; ko boo went to'the Court Hon ho iiiul iikud ono of the oflU-iuUj for a divorce. Of courno ho told her that ho had uo nuthoriiv to irwl a Uivorco; hut nliu inn'tnted, nud liimlly Ki ttiiiK real tired of U-inj: Imred. ho w rote toinethintr, irrelevant, on a J'am r, en cKwed it in an envelope, waled It and j!ivo it to the woman, who rtmlivd liotue, ordered her Uunhana out of the hovie, and hnnned him arojnd generally. He refund to go the firt niht, and wlept on the Hour P hut another day with that nealcd document leinn !upped. iu hi faco wan tiHi much for him and ho left hia wife at the head ct the Iiouho and de parted for other tic Id. Jokic on TitK Ji'iHi Tho KIcMlmt vl!lo Tleploiie-Rej;!irr trll the follow njou hnle UoUe: J"!)ic P-oUu l jt tlii; old nnd a a matter oi courtc forget ful. Thur.Jv :l(lt after court had liohdicd he picked u; a newKpape r and lw f;nn renvlln. One by one the nttornev. eft the roim and required to the sheriff' oilice, and ikon no one but Cleik llobbt and It iiillf Todd and the juJ-c were left in the room. The attorney ent up for the two men and tl jude w.ti alone aid uuconnciou t hut court had tn t nd joumed, Abitut ten o'clock he came to and adjourned court, or nt Icukt next day whenja. McC-tln a.keJ him, "At what lime doe court beitln to-djy f" he replied, Nine o'clock, lr." li-o;iituM. Mr l. I.. Crowder, who was arrestexl in Alhnny. ' week or two ago, for impemouatiui; a fkiatal iiinpeetor, 111 Kiitism, examined Injure Judge) iH'ady .and diacharvctl. The charge were niaile by a Kansas) railroad, and the ollVnxo w at 'in ndinK in a mail ear he-1 tween two doeH without paving the $o 21, fare for the Maine, claiming to be In the Berviee of the post.il department, which he porhapH wnt iu a limitcil xenwe. Judge peuily declared the trcno wit not a crime. Mr I'rowdcr came up to All any laot evening nnd will continue hia trip an commercial agent. Auusr in tub Lku. The contract for making the uniform for the OrcKon Pacific- employee ban Im en let to I. K IUuin, after some enmH-titini), and the work w ill be done in hU tailoring d partment under the ttH'rvimu of Mr KA Schi.'Ih-r, w1iim ttkilt ii4 already no well known here. The cloth ban iWn made to order by the Alhaiiy wihiUii milia, a dark Mat' fahrie of lolid texture. The men w ill Ihs uniformed at once, and it i a matter of local prid that the bo1 looking cmployeea will wear uni toruiM made of Albany K'""! by on Al Imny tailor. Albany ii Ixvon'iing well iJcntillv-d witli the l I' in many waya. As Ioa.NT I)oct-M. About a month ago, the Ihtlc daughter of Mr William Uock. of Heaver Creek, fell off a fence, thereby putting the thlh bane out of joint, a the tequcl proved. Hut the phyi.lci.iri whoe wr !(.,. Mtt lleck e cured ald that the little j;frl wanuftniny from rheumtlm in eonaequence of t) pl'.old ever, and prp.rtl'icJ l.co'ic row dc.. Lat week FiMjv the child wa hi on ih t to a I'hv.ii i in i:i i.'ii. ritv, who !icoered the tioubie ard reduc.-d the di.col.alon. The medtcu hIiom: ignor ance gave tl.U Itt'leglil four week, of excruciating pi.i dcacrvc a har.c wt.i; ping. Courier. Two Nkigiihoks. -Jjinc Moore, wlm liven toutii of town, wa brought before JuMlcc Kinnev Monday for .hooting hi. neighbor' buil, .ay:he Eugene Regt.ter. It eein a number of bull. tiaJ been pa' lured in the field adjoining Mr Moore', place, and they had caused lilrn great an nntance by breaking down fences He. Mr Moore had driven them out cvrral time one dav, but they would oi.lv break down the fence and come back again. Inallv he cave one a load cf bird !;t. It w: aftrrw ird found that the le2 wa rnken and the animal bad to be killed. Mr Alex l)a i, the owner of the animal, brought suit, and Moore waiboui.d over It. the ku.n of iioo. Iowa I!l'ttkr Mr Rokc, the 5 cent unch man, ra Imported a 10 sound fir kin of creamery butter from edar Rapid, Iowa, winch cbut bun, iiud down, a trifle over 21 cent 4 pound, the freight bill be- iiifc $4 80. A common butter here I 30 cent, uch a elis In Iowa for m cent, Mr Koe evidently prcfita by the pecula- ion. UreaKC tiller, uch c I large'y ffercd at our store by dirty and Ignor nt bu'.tcr maker, is miotcd in Iowa at 4 to 6 cent a pound, lijjgt there are 12 cent. Otcgon i not alive to the butter uthtion. ircgon C'itv Courier. Tub FurmiiT TuAt'Ficon the Southern Pacific l now kimplv hnmcn&c, due to evcral cause: A prospe&ut busineks er.son, harmony among the road, the Union and Southern Paci'.ic. now being on ery intimate terim, and a reduction in rate. I- im clat Ireigiit in now carried foro San francuco to Albany lor il.30. ulicrea the old price wan $2oo,and other classe are reduced In like proportion. I wo trains each wav are now run daHy on the southern i'actlic. immense. long, hcav ly loaded tram. 1 here are rumor that raton the liver will be kept up the com ' winter, In fait that there will be no competition; but that i a mere rumor.and ryrr.or. generally do not batch. A Di iNUt'tTKy.- -Dr Lamberson .hip ped about one thousand pound ct chittim Lark Tuesday , say the lixpre. Thi fa perhaps the iaat r.htpmcnt ot the aeaion Tlitre have been shipped from Lebanon and vicinity tilt ceanon 110 ton of thit bark, at a cot ot $75 per ton, distributing among the laboring clause $8,2(0. For an industry that i just In its infancy, lhee ugure are certainly very promUinir. he extiact which arc manufactured from tlii. bark by a .Imple process Is worth It the market approximately $80,000. Weal low them a profit to the eastern manufact urer of 72,000 In one season , and from this one locality. Ritn.vixo Djw;i.--T!ie news that ii now coining from Chcmawa Is, for the most part, very good. The latest came yesterday and was in the form of an an nouncement that Mrs Irwin, wife of the uperintendent, bad been deposed as matron. Rev Irwin s'ill remains at th head of the school as superintendent Under his management the school now has about a hundied scholars, a ngamst over two hundred for the same lime last year, r nenus otihe Indian training school and In tact, the public generally are anxiously uokhil! ior me cany uimissai 01 inc Kev erend Irwin and the Irwin family in its tni reiy. ataiesman. aflT.TTX 0HOIII ' rOR OENTLFMEM- Is the Best Shoe in the Market . for the Price. FOB BALE 33-ST- -:G. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, ErC, ETC Is now Larger and Better than Ever............. Ccmknt Tint Hkst. The Salem Jour. nal proves that cement I the best for tide walks for residence a. well n bu.tnets block in such plain figures that we give tho .substance of an extended article on the subject It I. a matter ot ('rent Im portance to Albany, uud ll would bo an immense tiling if our citizen would nue cement luiitend of wood. Nothing beau tides a elty more. "The cheapest piece of good work was put In far u cent, a ipuuc foot, but It hhi found the wotk on State street between Church und High cunt 13 cent a square fool, w hich Is the usunl price for uch woik. The co.t of putting an eight -foot cement walk aeros a lot with a 50 foot frontne,at these fig ure, would bo $53. tich a walk I raid to last a lifetime, but putting tho limit at 15 years, the Interest on the sum invested In the walk for the 25 year at 6 per cent, plus lt co.t, would amount to 132 o. To put down the same walk with lumber would ten til ro too feet, which would col at the mi III $12 50. AI!owl.tg ft 50 for null and $10 for a carpenter to put In the walk, would neceultnte a co.t ot $2.1, which I a low flur;. This walk will '..(kt, with tome tepahiu, live year., and to keep it up for the 25 ye.it., not Inclu I lug the rep.ii lug, allowing the Interest at ttie same rate a In the a'atvc case, would cost $i56 which U $53 ,v In favor of the cement, and just enough to put In anothei walk the last 25 year." I.KtusoK. Ucv llanleiter ban received tho following letter from Or Irvine of the lme.ino aMyluiu : lam instructed by Pr Ijitite, auperintendeiit of tho. I. A., to inform yon that I M Price haa sofnr re covered aa to be aide to go honie,pro ided moiiio ono niTompniiiea him. He would not bo troubleuoino at all on tho way, lie iug only, weak minded, and he in auxioua to do w hntever ia renutred of him. llopa on tho Snutiam littiin em aped the ruvugeaof the hop Uune. The ra;ld grow th of tile vino in thin aection caum d the penky vermin to las left far iu the rear. It taken an early riwr ami an in- duKtr'unis climber to keep abreast of the crophcrealout. J lUiihhard returned lat Wedneaday from an exteinleil trip through Patota, Nebraska, Iowa and Minuenota. Ho hit here last June, and he telln u that he ha aeen no rain aittce ho left, lie belli ed bin win harvest forty acre of grain In chraKka that yielded 7 bushel in the arfgri gate. Kxprcnti. IWrHwst Tim k, The AHh.ri.i I'b tieer tclla of a farmer in Ciataop county that let hi crop of apple xpoil iu the orchard because lie did not have time to gather them. Whitcomh tella tho fol lowing: "When 1 wa running on the river, I have bad farmer to hail the Telephone and imt live calvea aboard to be taken to Portland. Thews calve would g., to the butcher and after being killed and dreitxed half of the carcan would com- back to the farmer a pay for the calf. The farmer did not ha time to kill 'em. Thin i a fact." Monmouth Pemoerat. iu Linn county there are a few farmer w ho don't have time to milk their row, and buy their own butter. In Albany there are uitn who don't have time to work, but let their w ive earn the living fur the family. A IT 101 LA'ADi'ir was commenced at Tillamook last Saturday by L I, Smith Mliat L C Smith, say an Ex. Smith No, t went out elk hunting and found fre.h track. He followed it tip for two lsy and fdght,campmt( on the e'k' tr.ll. Ktimtlr hi. Km got down on lt tstacb and lite hunur Ut ii trace, of bun. A bout this lime a dog ran the ei' out Into the lay and Smith No. 2 took a boat and killed ft. He dressed hU game and when he found bow un.uccct.fui tmlth No. 1 had been, he gave him hind quarter of the elk. 'Sinl'.h No. 1 took it without comment, and then co :micnced suit a gainst Muii'.h No. 2 fur $ jS il.jilan, tiie al leged value of ttie teinatnder of ihe elk. In the complaint Smith No. 1 alleged that the elk was 'hi meat," anJ he wa on a hot tiait vviien Smith No. 2 willfully and fraudulently appropriated the game. Amuutu IV.ux,u.h. Mr A J filaltoit of AlUmy returned homo WediiCml.iy, after a two week' visit with the family of her brother, T W Pryatit. Luther L LurtctsHhaw, I Vi., who ban la'en visiting the home of hi parent m ar I banou for two or three weeks, re turned to Atthlodl Wedneaday. Hi younger brother. Jas ,M I'.urtnmhaw. came out with him, ou K vinit here. ar.Ml. AKKIlaL STATKMKNT. Semi-annual reimrt of U10 County Clerk of l.lnn county, itato of Oregon, allowing tho amount and uuinlwr of clalin allow ed by tho County Court of tnid county, for what allowed, amount of warrant drawn, and amount of warrant 011 1 RtuudiiiR nud unpaid, front the lat day of April, IHIH). to the 30th day of faptvni btr, IHW, hjIU iueluvivv. ACCOVNTH Al.l.WKII. County Judge, unlit ry (Mil f.0 County TrenHiirer, suluiy. ..... 41HI i)H Coutitv Clerk, fue. 1W M Hheriff fceu '.'000 7 tmnty ComuiiditloncrHp'rdleiit 178 .10 Account of AxHCHHor ... WM) 00 " Hchool Huperinletidetit. TM 19 " (Coroner 000 00 " HiMtrict Att'y ', UVi CO " PttUwrrfjind Poor ' Um U " Houila nud llrldgeM .... IHm W " t'ourt HoUNO and Jail.. tioH 12 " Htatiotiary una Printing 40H fit) " ItiKano ... - (15 00 " Incidental KxpcJim-a. . . 206 87 " Fuel , Ill 00 " WitneHMculii CrimCaeH IPJ1 KI '' 1'elitJurora '.'il 00 " (Jraiid Juror 73 00 " WitneH' lieforo i'd J'y 4-D SO " Pailiir 2ii 00 " Klcctloim 03'J 80 " Viewing and Surveying Hoad 200 fit! " Hoad Supcrviaor S4 0 " Sumlrie 7l 40 Preliminary Ftam'. .. 213 7l ToUl omt. claim an J drawn. .'.HJo00 00 AMot xr or OtTdTA.HDISiJ W A Hit ANT fNVAIM Outctundiiig unpaid County warrant on tho 30th day of Kept., 1.KJ, drawing interval l073t C2 Iliitimaled interest accrued thereon 100 00 Outntaiiding County Warrant iu hand of County Clerk un called for 1031 IK) (irand Chancellor Oil Irvine, of the Oregon Juridiction Kniiht of Pvthia. aid tiranito IIl'J No 2.1 an official visit ant Friday eveniti!. and there w a a birira Tola! amount turned over to attendance of KnhthUat the hull to ereet Trennurer Farwell by Slu:riir It., 1 9 I.,,.,.. u M .!.... ,1l.nn.. nitinniioifi u, s 11-' ..... loins in m 1 vmoeii b 01 jiiu u v . i - ' -r Tiliiig. I Heml-nnnu.il utatement of the Treaaur- TA.voEs r. The mi ..lie school ot.cned er of Linn County, Oregon, for the nix Monday with 41 pupil in attendance. months ending on the 30th day of Hep- Mr Joa Turner Btnrt.d from Tamreni temlter. 1300, of money received and imid for ikxinville. Mo.. Monday night. out. from whom received ami from what w 1 - t a. . Mr William Kettlemire. of Kaatern "urec. UI " uccouni paia om, Oregon, w ho ha been viniting hi broth- amoi-nt heckivkd. er, Henry, lart ;d lor home ThurnUay . ,. . Total ludcbteducM of County rtepteiuher 30th IS'JO J IH9I 62 State of Oregon) . County of Linn ) 1, N. P. Payne, County Clerk of the county of Linn, auto of Oregon, do here by certify that the foregoing i a tfuo and correct Hlalctui-nlof themtmtier and amount of claim allowed by the County Court ot ald county, for the nix month ending on the 30th day of September, 1 vju, ou w hat aecotiut the same were al lowed, ami tho amount of warrant draw n, ami the amount of warrant out standing and unpaid a tho same appear upon tho record of my office and in my official rut.lv. itneK my baud and the eal of th County Court of uid countv thi Hh day of S t.temU r, A. I. Impo. N. P. PAYS II. County Clerk. Heini-.niiiual staleiiient of the amount of money and warrant received for taxe and money to the County Treaaurer by tho Mierifii.1 l.inn county, Oregon, for the three mouth ending on the 3i)thday of S ptemlr, A. i. Jsuo. A Hot J T RKCKtVCU. July , 13 39 ugnnl ... 37 12 SeptemU-r .. 27 42 AMol XT I AII1. Angmt f173 00 M-pUMiibvr - 27-10 Stat of Oregon) County of Linn.) I, M. heotl. MicnlTof raid t ountv, do hereby certify that the foregoing tale- tuent 1 correct and true. Witin-s my hand thia Soth dav of Septciiil r, A. l. 18'J0. M. HCOTT, Sheriff of Unit count. Amotitit of money colhtUd by SherilT mullmon, for tho month ot Atril, May and June, IVJO. April !24HO 6S May ,, 4HH 75 June 2831 21 Total mu't eolhrcted by Sheriff Muttiitnon -'i7tni 30 Amount turned over toTrea- urer l'arwtll by Sheriir Small- limn. April -V-.V10 25 May ... June i July KTATK Khtil'TlONtt. On November 4 1 Is the following state will elect state ofllccr, legUlnlur; and congressmen! California, Colornda, Connecticut, Dela ware, Kansas, MassacHusett, Michigan Mlnncota.Nebraka, Ncvada.New llamo. hire, North Dakota, Pcnnylvanla, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texa,'Tc nnes.ee and Wlicouspi. The following will tilcct minor slate Oiriecr, legislature and congressmen i Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ml.souil. New York, Nor.h Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia roiMruv HlKTH. Mongrel breed pte getlliiftoo common In the' imultrr yard, and It I all due to the crossing nuisance. The Idea Istoeprct- lenl thnt by crossing fowl better results will ha obtained, and that yonng, vigorous chickens, combining the good qualllle of the two breed, will be produced. The crossing nulssncs overlook the important fact that good result can only be obtained by crossing the proper breeds, and that In disci bnlmitc .roslng will Inevitably result In destroying liotli flock. Mongrel breed result from two excellent breed. The best results are obtained by adhering The following will cle:t congressmen i tnct!y to pure breeds, and crossing should Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky Louisiana, Maryland, MIlIppl, Mon tana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Virginia Washington and West Virginia. The following iau have already elect- ed congressmen: Idaho, Maine, Oregon anU Wvo-r.lug: Cunt-Jag bicken. Housekeipei do not aUays understand tint a chicken, fcftcr llio eiiiiual beat leave the body, is not fit for food in less than twenty fuur hours. During tins the muscle are stiff cad by the rigor that succcedis iliiettly after the depaitute of animal heat in animal, sn) ie tougher tliaa they are at any lime previous. la ngmia and ma a r part of the South, cooks kill and dies poultiy withgteat rapid ity, nd plunge the piece of tl ickce, while they are stiii wrta with sinnnl lit into the fifing kettle. 'Ihissecui. lite tender, suc culent dUhe. of f.ied cliitken wlikh are justly the piitl of ihe oi l Vhginia cook. There i sumetliing tcf vl.ive 10 th Noitbeia housewife n serving up a fowl that was pcihnps a few nwinenis before strutting aliout, the piiJe of the yard. An cpuaiiy gx-l n l tcn.!r dish of chicken may he attained by keeping the fowl lilt the mum lc tela, snd it it in prime condition for fjod. In fact, only by trie ispid ptocesuf fiyirg can a chUken be eookarl done before the muscle stiffen. This the Scuthcra took knows, and slit never attempt to fries. see or rt.aH a fowl that has not been hung a least twea'y four hours. At the Democratic C'oniessionsl Convent ioa of the Third Minnesota District, hUI eptemhrr 12, a let'et was reaJ fiom the Hoo. H. II. McClellind, late chairman of ti e Re publican Thli J Distikt central coii;mi!lee, an nouncing hi inicniiuti to vole with the Demo cratic party this fall, la the count of the let te Mr McClelland laU: "Our Kcprcscna'.lvcs, ? their vote fur the MtKintey bill, have prov ed tkemsctvr incapable ol iuJej e n lent action and unworthy of the confidence of tho rhote servant they are. Ieeming, as I do, rtie welfare of the many paramount to tbe in terests of the few, and having no good reatoa lo eapect reform fiom the party ia power, I re gard it as a duty as well a privilege to as- ah fa J lacing ia pawcv mn who pesi e- dt shad l a aafc guaisntee of their dtw'.b ea in the future cause cf (he people." The census wltl not only tell us how n.any sheep were killed by dog within Ihe past year, but will tell u how many dogs it look to do It leaving out the dog hv.rbored in citlcs.it wi'l, whliotil doubt, We shown that there are more dog than iheepon the farms of the United States. Sheep pay, dog don t. it wa a rule o: Klcardo that to be successful in business we mutt "cut off tosses anJ let profits run on. 2751 32 (.UK) 4 27 J hi morning A public spelling match wa held hurt evenuig. There were three content, won rcHDe:tivelv bv Miaa (ieorfie IU;ftrd.Woil( liievina and Jlr Oiilin. A Vktkkam. At the Friday night aea- ion of congress hwt week ltcgireHenta- tivc nermann Hccured tliu tianHage in the bouse of a bill for perinioning Ilonea lirown of Lone county. Thi old veterun i IK) years old ; will noon Ikj Km), lie i a eurvivor of the war of IHIH, and now so poor a to be. largely uetiendent upon an allowance granted him by the ounty court of Lano! county. He rcuidea with ila son, who ia 75 years of age. Mr Her mann's bill given hitn$ W per month. Eugene uuard. Diet. Win Materuon,ono of tho early roodftora rif T.nnn nntinlir .1 1..1,. ..-..V.M w. M1.I . ...i,, ui.: r, limit,- ville, Linn county, Wednesday, aged 80 years, tne aeccaaca came to Lano coun ty in 1851, from Missouri, and located on the knoll one mile southwest of Eugene A few years ago. after the death of bin 713 1 1 Delinquent Taxes. . . 2743 81 Trial Fees 174 00 Show License 50 00 Hx-Supt 44 00 Delinquent Taxes. .. 4I2 10 County School funds received.. 62-VJ 62 State " " " 887 W) Total., 25174 34 AMOUNTS I'.UI) OCT. P.yllrror $ 2 50 only be attempted along certain lines. An amateur r,houli never attempt this with out taking the counsel of those who know whereof they speak. There are many poultry raiser who cannot preserve two good breed more thai, one year. They must field then to the fatal evil of cross ing to see what results ran be obtained. Too often good breed are thu (polled out of pure curio.ity. New breed wilt be purchase by many this fall, and late In the autumn I a good time lo buy ihcm. If the matter I put oil until spring the price will be higher, and the yard will not be so full, o that you cannot have our pick. The first buyers a a rule get the be.l specimens, for they have a pick from large flock. Cockerel for crossing are cheap, in buying, how ever, one should not go la for the new breed, hut stick to the old reliable kind. Many out the widely advertUed new hrccd arc only noveltie, and they last generally for only a season or two. An old breed I a guarantee that It po.se.se many gtxid rpullttr. If pure breed are not used It 1 better to use a cro than to let them breed promiscuously without re gard to system. The Hock should also be thinned out now, and the unprofitable male and fe male dl.poscd of, for they are frequently a scouice of much lo. There I no need of the male, after the hatching period I over, and theh consumption of food after that will Lrliig In no adequate return. A ken who per 1st In sitting I generally too fat to be of much profit In laying, and she should be killed at once. From now on they must alt lay lo be profitable, and It V Isc jsulicy that thin out from the flock all that do not thus contribute to the egg-basket. If there are twenty hen, and only ten lay, one-half of them should be sen' to market. The Uylng hen will have more room then, end do better for k. Food and care aie both reduced In thl y, and In the end the work wilt be found to be profitable. TUUOWNCOIT Or THE BAILS. The Washington City post office has, a far a heard from, tsrn the first to exclude Is am the mat!, under the new anti-lottery lw a ne wspapvr containing a lottery ad- vertUcment. Upon the passage of the law the Foe Office Department tent to the city Po Office Instructions with respect to Ihe exe cutlon of the law. In obedience to these orders the newspaper wtrc g'.ven notice that the paper would not be carried through mail. If they were found to con tain lottery advcrthcmcnU, and that the publishers under the taw, would be liable to arrest if lottery advertisement were nailed When the usual sack of paper to be tent out of town arrived at the Post Oilice eaily Sunday morning a few copies of eirh paper were examined by one of the clerks. The clerk found that the Sunday CkromkU- contained the lottery advertise ment a usual, and notified the boy who brought the coplc that '.hey could not be received. The boy there upon carried the paper back to lite ChronuU office. It Is prooablc that there wat no inten tion on the part of the proprietor of the pa per to make a test case. He has been sick for some time, and the Inner pages of the paper in which is the prescribed adver tisement, arc made up cf what b known a "plate matter," and are sent to pre much In advance of the other page of the paper. While the end fought for is commended by a laige portion of the people ll I doubt- The Aleutian of Alaska make Are by I f ul whether the press will long relish the slipping two pieces of quartz In sulphur, I U iea that an offi I U censorship of Itt ccl- wkicli abound In the Island, and striking I urns by the postmaster of the country ha them together over a email heap ol down I been established even for lottery advertise IJ .th the method end results wh Sy rnjj of Fi is taln ; it is j.lctwant ;:wl refrcnhiit to tho taLe, ami acts tntly yet prompt! on iheKidueja, Liver nnd JJowels, cleanwi the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, 1ik1 nclies nnd fevers end ctirea ImldtuaJ constipation. Byrun of Figi if tU only remedy of iu kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste niidao ceptable to the etompch, tromrt ia it action end truly lneficial in it 3 ts, iu many excellent qualities eommend it to all. It is for sale ia ortc nnd 41 bottles by all leading tlruficU:. !VejrACTUf OML BV TUB CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nn rnnncisr.ii, cu tOUWIUC. Kt. I.L ji YORK, N.Y First National Bank Or AI.BAKI, OBECiOW. Prcrfitont......,,, FUNS Vic PrsaMsiit 8. ft, YOCKU Cshlr..,. W. LANOIW. TEANSACTS A UftfgKA(.r,.kmg1mfes. ACCOUNTS KEPT rat. Jt lo ),. HtOirrSXCHANQK and Ul 11.1,1 tniurr, sol Msw Tort, S.n Francisco, r)(ro and l'o COTXKCTI05f SAD It on fa,.mt.l Wrre.. ' siKsnros , B. Toene K, w. Lino t K Cuor, h. n.u.s, KdAS0 F, Sox. Linn Co. National Bank, ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK ti(X,m. fr),ft,t .,.' 1 T, COW AW, eicl'rrrtilent ...J U BALKTOf. V sl.lsr 0O K CHAMKKHf.AI.V, At Chltr.......... o A AKCUIHOLb, 7) TOSJI. - f, Cnvin. i M nslstnti. (Inn Ctt,brliu, W 8 11.1, W II a !a, i A Craw ford and O A Arhit.li. TRAKSACTS s s-trwral banking tnul-. tiKAW 81001 fiHAFTS ou Mow York, nn at f mxi I Oregon. LOAJTMOiflT' afipicvad asenrity -KaXKITC dapnait rattwt rki, Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - ORECOJi. oa.pixa.Is. aao.ooo. President.. .,. ,.H. BKTANT Vice Freotdnnt.. - U. V. MKKKILI, Cashier... i. W. BLAIN VJHrjrtukn. II Bryant, J W Bleln. Umi llaiiiplirty, OHceWsit, kj ijf.ot.wg, u r Merrill. Hiebtexchaniro aoJ Uiezraobto trai far on New York. San FrancUco a ,1 and all principal points in Oregon koJ oil cations Diadw on favorable tt-rma tl. J. WHITNEY. Int-Liey And Oounsellor At La? . ND totaiv Public. kiZm OREGON Special Announcement ! OF W. P. HEAD. My'Fali Stock is now Complete, Embracing all tlij Latest Novelties in ress Goods, Iioth in W00LKN and WASH FABRICS D -To The Ladies,- Mako a Specialty of Ladies Under'earJ in 'Kirn Ribbed and JIuslix. My Prices aro the LOWEST and my Goons tho Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated X S.'E. H0SIEEJ, - Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison, A tai, projietly speaking, it a burden whh a benefit. You pay so ntnch atc police Or k1.oI tax, and receive it equivalent in apie duct', watchmen And e I j:aiior. lSot when you pay $l fur a iKm and another dollar at duty on it, wliat do you get fur that extra dullai? Strictly speaking, thetcfoic.rrotectiurv- ist orator arc light in saying the faiilT it cot a la. Il is a burden wiibuut a benefit, just f the money had been lost or stolen. fl . U.- L The perfected target for filing at the mall arm range I. workrd bv electricity By mean of contact and a battery, there I communication with the Indicating ap paratu at the firing end ol the raege.sbow- ing which section of the target ha been truck. : To TheMen : Call and Look at My valuo3 in Furnishing -:- Goods, 1 In.- v Lsrge Stjck at t!.- Lrweat Priivi ri r ofjrr in th Val'ey. 1 entry full line t,f tho wor!J-reuovd BR )AUIIED g jd, uaueiliidl fur w ear sod fioinb. L-rgu stock of Embroideries aod Flovxcikgs Csw and he convinced that A!kiuy i b bent trading Kint in Oregon. 2S7 Co. orders redeemed 11013 47 Redeemed Hchool orders 12MS "I Hchool orders not redeemed. 11154 18 " Balance on ltand. 303 45 Total f 2547 1 34 W. K. Cuhl, County Treasurer. Ci.aba Mohrh. Manager Fricdlander writes that ho will play the famous em otional actress Clara Morris in Albany on tho night of October 30th, providing a Hiifllcictit amount will bo subscribed wife, be sold the nronertv and moved to here to imarutneo this creat artist from Walla, and Inter to LaGrande.living with loss. This is a rare treat for tho public his children, coming to Bodaville for the of our town, and no one should fail to benefit of his health. add bis name to tbe list. It is seldom Has to Talk AsvwAY.-Mrs Abigal that we have an oppwtunity oi seeing so en , . , , .. cuicurit'cu nil rtevrenn, anu ji iimv uo vim Hn P nnwy.i'as accepted the invita- la8t ftlld ony viHit Mi'H8 Morria wfn maUe Mnh-Hl"?.reffnT, irun,onl to this coast. Should the engagement which convenes m 1'ortland in its second n-r.Hr,,!,!- -tf.v on li Shh..1 annual congress on the lHh inwt. snil r' '. .. . .. . I,.. f ". 7i,. ' . oi securing occasionally boiuo oi nio .r fnSffa i jeCt' j0')c?t grand BttrHctions now playing at the fbolr bf n?iani0n Hurrvng Marquam Grand opera l ouse, Portland, their just powers from the consent of the e, . n ' ml on which sulphur ha been eprlnk'ed. Some tribe of Kxpilmo use two piece of Iron pyrites and flint, in the tame way. Russian apple have not fulfilled the ex pectation of those who claimed they were belter adapted to our northern sections than Atne; lean vorhnle. The treco pro duced from American varieties have de monstrated that they were hardier and snore productive than the Russian trees. menu. Some will ask what next " The Sawyer worm or borer is destroying thousands of acres of (landing pitch pine forest In the state of Louisiana. The evil exists throughout the ptnc distiici of prepared March add a piece of the po,l8h the state, but ia worse In the western por HINTS TO IIUUSEKEErfES. To hiing down the mosquitoes that set tle by day on the ceiling to wait for their victims at night, fasten the cover of a tin box on a lath, pour a little kerosene ia the cover, hold it up close under the mosquito, and he will fail Into it every time. A splendid polish for starch is made in this way: Ounce each of parmcetl and white wax, melt together and let it harden In a thin cake on a plate. To a quart of INSURE IN THE a ; ALBANY ' FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. f Sound; Conservative Safe, about the size of a quarter of a dollar Thl gives a fine lustre and prevents the ttarch from sticking to the Iron A simple con 2 h remedy is made ot an ounce of flaxseed boiled in a pint of water, Late investigations have determined Ule honey added, an ounce ot roca that the majority of deep-sea depressions candy, and the nice ol three lemon, me eams from other than volcanic origin, and lion, belween the Red and Sabine rivers. Here lies the largest body of virgin pine in the south. governments. PTATE llORTICULTUBAIi SOCIETY. The ,:.. Ml i. i. i AT- .,. . -,. t,-. ,1 t i ickuiuc uumiviiy uicbwiik suiw hciu TbkhpahsCasb. Recently at Lyons, t . Zt rarUd,ard' 0 folding papers wil, be August and i crdinand Ilalsfeea wero ar- read Bmi diaeuaaed : "Rma l Fruit finl. rested lor trespass. Ihe two men had mi u m-i irr.i....i gone over what they supposed was a ture in the Hood River Valley," 0 P county road; but which proved to bo Heald, Hood river; "The Young Or only a private one. II II Hewitt, of Al- chard," It D Allen, Tiverton. The com bany, appeared for the defendants, and mitte on win'on will report on tbe '1 Prompt Attention. A Crazy Lunatic Dr Harry Lane 'unerintendent of the aavlnm for inoanA and ins corps oi assistants, says the Jour nal. were thrown into an unusual fiurrv of excitement last evening by Miss Mary E. Seal, aged about 30 yeas, a patient Irom Eugene uity, jumping irom a fourth story window about rive o'clock in the afternoon ana sustaining internal injur ies and a shock from which she died some bree hours later. Muht Go. The awnings, Terra cotta pipes, - Bad sidewalks, . . High nails, City swamps, Impure water. And, of course, the Chinamen. Void Marriages Again. The Herald speaking ot the effect of ministers and other who solemnize marriages, neglect ing to file with the county clerk, within the time requlrtd by law, their certificate of marriage, say, "the penalty fall upon the clerk or solemnizing officer, or both." This Is a mistake. The penalty could not fall upon the clerk. ' It would fall upon secured the dismissal of tho complaint, bucu cases generally indicate spite Mistaken Identity. D. Crowder, the man arrested ut Albany for pretend Ing to be a U S postal inspector, Claim mat it i a case ox mistaken identity and ...lit ... l . i . n i . i : . . mm luumi ire true. i uc inuibuneni l , , , . 1 . . ,, 7 from KansasPortland Examiner. There County Clerk has issued the following are circumstances connected with Mr "jarrrngp licenses: N II Bateman and Crowder' residence in Albany that make "annab Chance, John Zink and Tolla i, ,i.. ,k. - Ann HoI'ji. ohm H Wators nd Marv in hi arrest Love Reece, (married Sept 30tb ;) Ed- I ward tsmitn and ixmisa Alatjie lireesr. (4 None in Albany. A Pendleton man It Baker and Grace Bonslog, (married ! . . I r. O- . r T Clnmn.l nviT VI loiiowing subjects: A permanent room at the capital ia which the society may aeep its norary anarecorcis;" ".Legisla tion against pernicious birds." A full attendance is desired. The 8. V. wdll give the customary reduction in fare. A Goon Week. During the week th i. . nun in ma possession a fou gold piece, I v'l' u,uv " fcuco coined in California in the "days of gold"J peart William A Davenport and Iiestey for the sake of convenience But few of H Mills, (married Oct 3rd ;) Geo Wana these pieces arenow in existence, most of ! mem navo long since been converted into legal tender. A Eia rmcij. Rutherford Bros., of Marion, have sold the Oregon Beauty, in this city a few months ago, for $10,000, the bigbesi price ever paid for an Oregon horse. The new owner will exhibit this long maned and tailed horse through me u, d. Egaa & Acliison handle , the celebrated Portland oeroent walls for cemetery lots, Ihsse walls can be furnished at half the cost J nf any other and are far enperlor. and Ruth Scott, An Invention. JJon. M L Pipe and E F Pernot, of this city, have patented a copy holder for typewriter which is at tracting much attention and will no doubt prove a valuable invention tu the above named gentlemen as well a one of much convenience to parties nslnc typewiiters Messrs Pipe and Pernot have already re ceived a numoer ot applications irom east em parties to handle the new device. Leader. Muslin Uoisab. In great variety oi styles at bottom prices. bamucl K Young that t'e coldest water of the ocean stand in the deep troughs Instead of running, as was formerly thought to be the case Walled up In the cellar of a brewery at Burton-on Trent, thert wa discovered. ot long ago, some beer which had been brewed in the year I79S, It resembled sherry more than it did a malt liquor, and was in good condition. who'e mixed and boiled well. To remove stains of blood, saturate the spots In kerosene and let stand a time, af terward wash out In warm water, Ease tired feet by bathing them in warm water in which a few lumps ot saleratus have been dissolved. Use a w ire frame for boiling potatoes, and cee how much of vexation it save and how satisfactory the result, By rubbing with a flannel !ipped in whiting, thebron discoloration may be taken off cup which have been used for 1 G. L. BLACKRIAfV LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY SiG POWELL & CO., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. Experiments nrove that the Atlantic breaker have a force of thiee tons to the I haking. In making steamed custards, constant -DEALERS IN- squarefoot; thus a' surface of only two tquare yards sustains a blow from a heavy Atlantic breaker equal to fifty-four tons. When wantiua to see how you look in permanent form, set a photograpb of your aelf of Wiloox & Conn, who are doing some nna work In the business. stirring Is necessary after putting in the thickening ingrei'lents, to get a smooth creamy result. Some very careful and successful house keepers Insist thnt a frying-pan should nev er be washed. Their method.is to scour it thoroughly with salt the moment It has the eity Coi.rad I bsen used and set it away for next service. To remove iron rust from linen i Satur ate the spot with a strong solution of a. Valuable Bemedy. I lemon juice and salt, and hold over the Hon Edmund L Pitt, the Jlato president nos tea-kettle tti led with boiling wa- . . . I ...m ... 1. .-. .l.A ...III.. .t.Mn.t I .......... 1 .. It' ' v,"" i"w bjiu. nu SUUUOh tll.iuuil) B&tt roast coffee in Meyer'. of the New York StateSenate, write St atx or Nrw Yorr, Sskah Crambrr , ) Albany, March 11.1886. 5 I Have used aixcocx s Jfoaous rz.il la my family for the pst five year, and can truthfully nay they are a valuable remedv and effect great cures. I would not be with out them. I have in several instanoes given some to friends itifferiDg with weak sod lime backs, and they have iovarivbly afford ed certain sad cpeedy rebel. .1 hey eapuot . . ... i . j . . De too nigmv pnimenua. . dlsappeac In Seattle. Smith, tne hotel runner who kept the widow's five dollars given him to pay for some shoes, is now a resi dent of Seattle, doing a rustling business selling rubber stamps, etc. Robert and f rank Uorrts are also resid ing in that city. Wken wanting the best groenrie ia th J W Bentley, beet boot and shoe makerjts I markit at'reasooeWe priceejcall ci f swell A elty. tares aoors north ot iwworsiAT ofltss. ICe 1 iii Uliii,i a wlillli? Ll Hi Produce: Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. ENTON. ri r-" n Mi m lu) m P 0 s. IS & Choice Candy, Muls, Fralt, etc. MEAR THEPC3TOFFICE. ALDANY. OREO.