The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 03, 1890, Image 4

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    Uoburg Luinbor.
I sell th beat lumber in the ccnntyi also
eder posts, thinglo, lath door ml win
o w tnoahliao, ato. Prioea from $3 to f 22
r thousand. Yard at Lowson, on the
Narrow Gang.
S m before purchaairg
W W CaAwroan.
Ailrt,F O Tallmaa.Of
lackey And Counsellor At Lai
ATotar lublict
niuuu as ww
Druggists and Booksellers.
A itfu-U for John B. Aldon'a publications,
nlou wa Mil at tvabllshor's rxScea with
Real Estate Agents,
Farina and Ranches for tale.
Also oity broparty in Albany
and Corvallie.
City Meat Market.
SHULT2 BEOS,, Proprietors.
Knep a full Una ef meats of all kinds.
In a oool place, completely pro
tected; and alwaya froab.
J. N. DUfiCAN,
pnjac In Strahan's Block, No'a 1
and 2.
AUornay at Lawand Title Examiner
Will practice ia all the-courte of tba
State, Abatract oi liue juroisnea on
hort notice- Ten year experience.
Attorney at Law,
see la Ika Slrahaa Black,
'Revere House;
Fitted no In flrat-claaa style. Tablea
supplied with tba beet In tba market.
Woe sleeping-apartment. Sample room
Cor commercial travelers,
art Caack la tad trm Ika tel.'M
Ptescrls1 stoat Drags-
... t irruT vna i
. j7?KTRlCKS pills x
Opens September 12th, t890.
arte of ttady arranged ex; rs:.a!y to
the needs of lha farming an J tnscliao-
nteresta of the state, large, commo
and well ventilated builJiug.
college It loctied ia-a cr.l'.iv-tcd aod
un com man i ty, aoa one ti toe ueeun
n the state.
hi ilitary trtiuinj. Expenset need not ez
eeed $150 for the entire ttssion
Tao or mere free scholarships from every
gon coanty. won lor catalosae to
B. L. AHSiOLb, Pres.
Corvtllit, Oregon.
Albany Soda Works.
And Mancfacturers of
'e bow preparer to HI at whole
alwtyn freh and puie at PortUnd
I St to uesiera. we ft 9 keep a Tul
flats and Tropical Fruits,
stkw raocm ruica srPKnioa roa rawRus
for mi mw.
I IDs. Oeaeral ana lIKaVOUS USAlXITTi
nTTT? T! ot B!yas Vina: Kieets
J -m-vM efErroraer Ztanunin Older Youbc.
"I, tki tsiin.iii '.ilr K..i,.r.j. n ,. n.i.n,.
SrretaM sH,tsi,evritm:, fA,s a riUTa.r a,)i,f.
SkM, tmlmtllmt una THki1ltaST-R.xeu la a e.y.
Ba tMUrr rra 41 tll-h T.rtt.rlOT, mm4 Fn-eiOabla,
Iw-wwHtoltee. Hm.Ii, r.M..;.I...UM., a.4 .nMr,eilM
tun eiuicai so,, surFAis, a. i.
Tboai srsUlnir a flrat class Instrument,
I be I eat ir de to ataod the oliinate of the
Coaat, can I a Boiled by calling at Mrs B
K UyuiaVt, oppont t',.a Manonio Tem
ple, on First Street. 1kbo latest vocal and
(natrurnental mualo kept for SHle.also tho
li g-t aaaort'cent of atamnlng paitnrna
to oeleot from this aids of 'Friauo. Ixsn
sons given in painting and eir.brofilerlng
In ber atudio over Linn County Jixnk.
Glv br yourordar and you wiil be
sj zj t s sJ- .ai if
vnii CATAnSlH
Rheumatism, Keuralgia, Corns
The Osllforsla Fosltiys and Tssittlvt
Bold by sll Drngjlits. Eaeh 2Eo, "0o & 61
Creanngor & Co , Prop's. Lot Angeles, Oat,
Mot K nob, U., Bepterabtr , I
1 mflbred with chronlo rheumatism la f
knnca and takls tat Iwsnty years ana ha.
octors, but wu Anally cured hy BU Jaoob
ML. llava bad no return of psln in three
I Ten
OIL llava bad no return of psln in thri
la wn riutimWi t
?V the run of nsuralgla.
Ml tho chief ayuritoi of
hick It, an iiiionmie
tlnsnaln wht
on louows
lha Course of the nerve.
by fuUe rubbi&c aa4
ppUad frequently, will cura
1M hotttt PU, BrooMya, rT, Y., Ja.n. 1S?.
Hi ukan wkn noufilxia In la yA
offtnwl ntonOia, Z wf glyan uoby 40
ar. but m cur.d by 3.
At Dkrooont ako tiAitu.
Pouiliy Wanted.
All kln.1 of TMultrv. allva or draaaad
at tba Wlllametta lacking Coiupany'a
otoio. Albany. Orajcoc
aou Dovoloptnont Coucpuny'a Stoa.o;
amp ljuo.
ban by. any other r uto.
FlrA-olasa through pajuwniror rod
algat line from Portland and all poluta
id the WUlamntt Yalloy to ant from an
rraociaoo, Cal."
The : Oregon i Vacitio : Topoular : bi
ExevRstost. Ur i;ta xicaota are
now on aaia from all Valley l'oint
- to Yaqoina and Koturn.
oala maka close connection at At ban
with trains of tho Oregon I'acltlo lUUroad
TIME S,:iIICnULK. (except SiuxUts.)
Ut alosnr l 'JO r. .:l.r TMOink, t iik.
LavComllU 1:10 r, . Lt Corvallw.IU.SS kjt
Ani f Vwiulna, l:M r. JAmt aiaanjr, ii:iu i.
O. A C. trains connect at Albany and
Torrallla. The above train a connect al
Yaouina with tba Oregon Itovempment
GnmtMuiT'a Line or Mtoamablpa ttitween
Ya'juina and San Fraucinco,
n vri.
WUUmttU Villoy. July VUh.
Wi.UiBCtla VlcT, Ao( dth.
WtllwiHHiM Vallry. Ant ISth:
WOlUMtK Valley, Au tSth
Wi'UiMl'e Valley. Aax let.
WlllanH-tle Valley, Ant UUi.
Wlllametu Vallry, Aug Slet.
H illametU VaUoji, Aug SUt.
Tho Com pan rriroa the ncnt to
ibajofte aalllux daU wuhout notice.
K, B. raNHenaera front Portland and
fillamotte Vallor points can make close
ao&noctLm with the trains of the Yaquina
roataat Altanr or Cor vail In. and lfdea-
tlned to Han Francinoo ahould arrancoto
rrlre at Yaq-Jica the evening before date
eager aat
r,rlskl Satet always
orlul-mutKn spply to A R Cliapman.Freighl and
res Arent, Albany, oy lo II Uun:i, Jr., U. r.
a r. Aarv. vreguo Dvttdop Cu St Jl-mttfutoery
nan rraneiero, cai. t. V. HVtlk,
A. O. t. arrfP Aran .
Soubhora Paciflo Pwouto
H?fJU Trains LMva PntUnd Daily.
ou'.h I
:uur. a
. I Lt
I Ar
8n Kraniiaca
Ar J BIS m
L j :! a
Lt I B;00 t m
Ab rte trains fV.p only at Mlowlns: sUtWm n..nh
""" nr. re. lun aii l, rena City, '.Hi.
kurn. Saturn, Abauy. Tanzent, KliaU.1, llaleey liar,
rlabori, Jamlion City,, Eusreoe.
s.sst sij miL, DAiir.
X a L
I-.) r a I L
Hot. mj
Ar i.Mrs
l:ra Ar
L I 12;0
Lt I jDO a
ILStST mckH daily (uearr Srxpsy)
0 i a w
Mr a I Lr
Mr Ar
:33a a I Ly
:13 a I Ar
Ar I 4 a
Lfl H 40AM
Ar I 4:-ir a
Lv S.tO r u
Tourist Slseping: Cars,
rer Aeeamnaodalioa el BeeadIatt rasaea
stert. attacked to Ci press Trains.
Tesl aide tVlvlslsa.
rllTI,l.Ja AM ConVaLLIS,
Hair. ii diiii (Exjeirt 8uooay.)
7.3u a a
Xt.Wr u
12:68 ra
axroaaa Tai Aii.T (Escjpt Sim y.
S:20 A
t .i A
Throuoh TlclietH
To all point
fni tail i.iformstlon rotar.ltng ratas, man, t
all on Onmpany Aent at APmny.
Manaeer' 4-, 0. 9. and P. Ar
U- In mil,
t?hysiciai and Surgeon,
Offlce-cr, f and Terry StraoU,
Pbyuiciaa and Surgeon.
Oftice! oppoMite ll:e Duicrac.
D3. W 12. DAV.3,
Physician and Surgoon.
ar-OfBne at) stair In Jitrahau's lllock.
Way be found at bis oilice aay and night.
DH. C A. VilintlHY.
Phy3icUi and3urgoon.
Graduate of BBlInvna lToonlUl 1.f,H1
Jollcgo Now York City.
Diseases of worna a tiwiiaUy.
30lBe r.,,nai's Brick. Albaov. Or.
And Solicitor
Id Chancery,
Colloctions promptly rjadeonali po'iil
O8J33 nootiatd on ,asonableiorms.
Attorneys at, Law,
WiJl practice iu all the Courts of the
tats. Prompt attutiou j-iven to all basi
cs eotiusted to our cs ro.
Ollieo Odd Folio Temple, Albany, Or
v 1 III
Site Dcntiirtat
The rcpubllciina In congrea hnve oimlcd
Edward Cnrrtngton Vctiublo. democrat
(rom the Fmrtli illsliict In Virginia, !o
which he wti fairly clclcd by a titnjorjt
f 641 votct, and given tho teat to John
Mercer I.angnton, negro republican, who
wai defeated by Iho people. Thl l nn -
otherone oi Iho datnnablo cutrnnct that
will atAiup tliie congrei a or.e ot the iuot ever convened In a clvllUcd
country. The voice oMhe people In about
t doicn congrettlontl dUtilcIt have been
at effectually Hilled and mothered out tv
the bold and daring mob ot rcvohi'loulots
who now hold lilch rolitlcnl cni nlvnl In
the hi'.llt of congrca nt wat dune by
tlinllar conclave In 1876 when "fraud firtt
triumphant in American hulotv wat
contummatea uy the coitntuur out o
Snmuel J. HUIen, duly elected by a tna
jurlty of over a quaitcr million of voter
tor president and tho counting In of Ilnye
who had been rejected by the pwple nt the
poll. Doct any one doubt what thcte dct
perate republican leadert would do If they
can tccure the pannage of the Inumout
'orceblll? The voice o( the people In no
congressional dlatrlct would ever be per
milted to be expressed adversely, to them
had they the election machinery In their
hand a contemplated In that bill. The
Imc hat ewhen men without regard
to party should stand up against these en
croachmcntt upon the dearest right ot
free people. Republican members of con
grcs nave liankiv aaimr.tcd that the
decision of tlilt contested rate wa not
made upon the ground that Langtton wa'
entitled to the teat but because, lo them, It
wat a political necessity.
Mr. Pepcw hold the Kngllah fanner up
to pity because he "first pay 1 the landlord
then the parson, then the government', be
fore there la any left for himself," He is
not much worse off than tho American
farmer, who must pay tribute to the mort
gtgee, the manufacturer, the mine-owner
the lumber lord, and to an cmlle.s ring vi
trusts and monopolies, besides hit taxes to
the government. It Is no wonder that he
hat to little left for himself.
The sentence In Kennedy' original
tpeech, ''the republican party cannot af
ford to follow the lead of a branded ciinil
nal.'Ma struck out, pel haps because the re
publican party can affoid to. It teems
willing to take the chance, at any rate.
- ........ . ,
Some ot Senator plumb's Kansas con
stituents wtnt to know wh he voted for
the tariff bill sftv'r having crlilciscd It to
tevercly. The answer U that, like rrpre
tenalive Cultcrwnrth.he lacks the courage
ot coavlct'.ons.
S.noke ths crlohratrd Ilavaca filled ci-
Krst injimUc'.urml at Jul u Joseph a cigar
factory. Duly a etuts.
I I ave jut received a hr-a inroh a tf lace
curtains.' iai.:t2 in price I rum cub to nine
dollars a pair, iciim '.urtaiii art. I to
a Hko offeurtsin pllea std fa-oiture ruver-
rg. SAMiixt. lut'KO.
Hons hih in Albany at Fotbsv Si M-
ton drag slora over rsltm ItnUiUr, a
everybody is osin- it lor Catarrh f the
Stomsch, Dyspepsia, Cor.tijiatiD:i ,a.d Im
porel'dood. Try it and toll yr-ur fiuu.l,
aticnt it, oa it matt o.t-s wot Urful uirnts
wbrn tli pcsk well of it.
Tke Ladlrt Dellskled.
The pleasant'cflact and the prrfett saftty
with which Indie may us the hrjui.l fruit
laxative, S) rop tf Fitt, uioler all cooditious
n.ake it tbsir favorite remedy. It isplooeiug
to e eye and to the taste, i;fUi, yet ttfoe
tcal'.narting oa thekitictj t,livcraod bowels
I O O F. Albony loUKe Sa 4 hold h
regular meeting Wedncday cvenlnjr of
each week. Visiting brothers .ire cordially
nvited to attend.
the rrsult la a colllnion, whrther "comfna?
tbro tha rye," or not. IJfc is full of coin.
Ions. We are oriitan(Jy oollldlno- with sumo
bod r or aoinrOilnif. If It isn't with our
m-ltfhbors lt Is with some dread dlaeaars that
"knock ua off the track " and JrrLu dis
ables us for lire. Woim-n caprclally ItMt-ma,
bnre to bear tho brunt of tnoro collisions and
aftliotiona than mankind. In all casta of
ntirvousneaa, bearing-down acrimtlono, tn
dernnaa, periodical tmlna, sic-k headache , con-p-atton.
Inllarainutfon, or ulotmtlon and all
"female lrrtrulrltls" and " weak n ,
Dr. I'imee'a Favorite Preacrlptlon cmia to
the reacruo of woim-n ea no other medicine
doea. It ia tho only medicine for women. oi!
by druvtrlflto, under a poaltl ve gaarantee.
from the manufacturers, that It will aivo
tatlcfactlon In every case, or money puil for
It will bo refunded. 600 yuaranUt on bottlo
wrappur. CoprrlgJit, less, by WcnxB's DlS. USD, ASo'a.
regulate and cleanse tho llvor, stomach and
bowels. They ore purely vegetable and pir.
fectly hannlen. One a troao Bold by
truvtrlsts. lb cents a vUU.
My entire stock of General
Merchandise, consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, -Hats,
J3oots, Shoes, and Groceries
are riow olTered for salo at
first cost, as I contemplate
engaging in. another I no
and if you want bargains call
at once, as the goods, must
and will be sold. ,
Mind wandering ew.4. Boolcs leamet
t iperte ot the (globe. Prospa-atu rots
i In one ruadlnir. lMtLimmiiAlM fri.m
VliXS. Heut fin MnnIlrt.Mi.Ti ..v. V
A. LuiauUo, X1 l i;m A., Kew Yor
. mim M mt ri mmmmmmm mm
hi. -i
TliLEGKAl'IIlO NEWS, OrSipt, a6. l'iof ; C Keeza
Che ol the faculty uf the I'liikimnlli eoltrge, fell
hum lha roof of the new culli g building I uet
tiny evening, while shingling. lie fell a dis.
J a me of seventeen feet, 'lite fall paralysed
him from the wnlst 1oun. lie died tliil morn
ing at six o'clock.
Vor the Narlii Pale,
Stockholm, Sept, a6. -Baron Nordensk
juld lint grent hopes that I he new polar expedi
tion wiilcli iMotwsy u luting out may meet
with success, Hie great Arctic explorer it
not to take pail in the new voynre, hut lit
watches every detail of the preparations with
rolouml interest, in a chat wttrt the baron
ieexpresse.1 a linn belief that the no-tli note
wuuiu yet be readied bvlurt long.
After Ika t'eaia.
Salem, Sept. 26 -Papers are in the hands
of SherilT Ctuisan which, tshca served, will
ronnnence tho suit between Oregon's two sell
of railroad commissioner, one set Leirg ap
pointed by the governor an 1 the other elected
iy the legislature. The suit it brought by V
1 1 lcix, of the coventor commission, and It
against J I' Faull, O V Colvig and Kohcit
I. low, of the Irgiklative buaul,
Kri-urte Laweretl.
Kankakkk, HI., Sept, a6. Nelson lowered
the world's tt allien rcec id today in lillj
Faustina lowered the a year old record in
Oasas mt I'allfurala Tawas,
W'AiHNiirOM, Sent. 36 The census bu
reau announces Oakland, CalM at 48,590, u
'ncrcase of 14,045; Sacramento, 36,373, in
crease 4853; Stocktou, 14,376, increase 4094,
A rire Rasing.
Mlssot'LA, Mont,, Sept. 37.-3:30 A M,
A desperate Cue it taging bete on the main busi
ness street. The whole of the business portion
ol the city is threatened.
A Ked Uul 4 Hy.
1'CiK T To v N st M 1, Sept . 3 3 . ( 1 amblcrt bc e
ate 111 hot vi'cr. Hie grand juiy came into
ceuit at I) this morning, and presented eleven
Imlictiientt against persons notaunacr arrest,
The clerk wat instructed to issue warrants for
indicted person. At ton to-day Ed Lake
wat brought before the couit under an indict
mcnt fur keeping a faro panic lie furnished
bunds to the Bii.outu of Ooo with lv H Hick
man, w .Stevens ana Henry Knthschild as
tuictict. 11 It Fraton wat also indicted by
the gran.! jury, and furnished similar. bond.
Four women keeping houses of ill lams at the
lower end of Water street wcie indicted by
the grand juty. liail was fixed at $100 in each
Case. The women could nut furnish bunds
and were released upon their own recognizance
It is the general imptessioa that ail owner ol
hooves ol ill f.iinc id the city will be indicted, a
1 well at ILe keeper, ol such places.
ftrw SrkoeU BltUIa.
CokVAl.l.ts.Srpt. 35. The board of regent
of the State Agricufiuial College, List evening
unanimously te-clccled the present oflkcrt
the loan!, I he executive committee
KUthuiucd lo lease additions' I utulini-s
st u. let is, the p reMtnt dormitories being alicady
WUsaa Ite-Somlanle.l.
PoKTLANl, Sept 36, John I. Wilson bat
been itominalcd fur the second time fur con
gress by the republicans of. Washington in con
ventioa assemble!. There were no Other
names brought before the convention, and had
there been I he result would have been the
same. Colonel Itaynet of King nude
norninatirjg speech. Color of Pierce, Winston
of Spokahr, Thompon of C"arke, Whaliry
bitman, and Fanchild of Whauom second
i"E 1 lie nununanuii was maae unaminou
the convention rising to its feet admidst ihe
vvUilcst cnthusiam,
A krasallvnal Harder,
SroKANK Falls, Sqt. 2$. Two or three
bun-tied coplc who were gathered on the cor
ner of Main and Stevens street listening t s
patrol medicine man about 7:34 thi evening,
were sudJen'y startled by ihe report of a re
volver and s cry "mutdcr." When the -excitement
had a little subsided it was found
that Charles Canning, a tailoring man, had
been shot through the head and instantly killed
by'Andrew O'Conner, another laboring nun.
The munleier was at once arretted and lodged
in jail The cause leading up 10 Hit shooting
date back several year, when Mrs O'Conncr
kept a bwdiug liou-e at The Dalles, Canning
wa a friend of O'Conner's and a frequent
viitor at their home. Mri O'Conner lerame
infataated with him. and soon deserted her
husham! and wrnt to lire with bim, and that
cau. 1 the murder,"
Tke frealdral I elulaj-
WAMllMiiois, Sept. 34 Paest, Ila-iiacn
will a tour of ihe l'aciuc coast tome lime
' in May or June next year, on the occasion ol
the dedication of the Inland Stanford Jr., unl
versity, which Stanford is about 10 present to
the stair. The excursion party will comprise
the president, vice president and the ladies of
their far illics. all of the cabin and the ladies
of their families., twenty tenaior and enough
representative and other distinguished guest,
including a detachment of Washington corres
pondent, to (ill 30 pullman cais,the excursion
to at the cxpentof Stanford.
Matibtac Affray al Ktwpurl,
Nl-WfOKT, Or,. Sept. 34. Yesterday at
one o'clock Adulph Taylor became Involved in
a quarrel with the Kwitig I rothert, during
w inch John Kwing stabbed Taylor in the left
side with a pocket knife, Taylor is resting
easy and the attending physician thinks he is
not dangerously hurt.
A I'rcark Flood,
Paris, France, Sept. 34. Further teportt
of damage by the floods ate received. The
town of Annonay and the surrounding country
are inundated by the overflow from the Cance
and l'rniine river. The damage if enormout.
Factories ere destroyed, bridge swept away,
and the railway are impassible. In Annonay
several met were drowned,
l.iubl laebr ef Hall.
Minneapolis, Mimn., Sept. at. A Bad
Axe, Mich., special to the Tribune says: Re
ports from the storm in Huron county have
just come to hand, lluil fell to the depth of
eight inche,and laterally wiped away alt crops
The damage it estimated at $300,000,
., Ceuiainlna I'nseltlrd,
Washington, Scpt,34. The Oregon dele,
gation had 11 long hearing bcfoio Secretary
Noble to-day in refcrtnee to a recount of the
state. The secretary told them that he bad
not yet decided the case end would not until
he had civet them cue notice. He also sssur
cd them that before a decision was made be
would give another hearing, it which there
would be present the officers of the census who
now have the Oregon rate in charge.
Dunlins for IheiC f,
p0F.TTowNSKND,Wash.,Scpt. 34, Twen
ty Chinese, who were attempting to illegally
enter the United States were arreted near
hers this afternoon, after an exciting chase by
Customs Inspectors W 1) Jacklin. William
and Frank Vood!ey, The inspector have
been out on a ciuisc since Sunday with a steam
Kunilles aad Hacks.
The best makes are to be found in Al
bany at Price & Iiobson's, who have just
recived a carload of the finest hacks and
bt'ggle8to be found. Their prices, con
sidering quality, are remarkably low. It
pay to ride In a good buggy or hack.
Keep this iact in your head and when get
ting one call on Price & Robson, who
have the largest variety to select from.
frenek Tany Wafers.
These wafer are a sure and safe specific
for all kinds ot female troubles and will
remove all obstruction to the monthly
periods, no matter what Ihe cause. Thcy
are just what every woman needs, and
can be used with safety. For tale by the
'Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our
tole agent, J ACummlng, druggist, Blum
berg block, Albany, Oregon,
Muslin Ujsi.ui-.Km-.AR. In grout variety
ot stylca at bottom prices.
Samuel E Young. .
Myers force pumps are tho bast,
1 Smith & Sender's.
evening, at 6 p m, at the court house, by
Justice Humphrey, Mr X It Aebell and
Fanny Ballard, .
tub w. c. t 11. rim.
A largo auillonco wit present last wcfk
on the opening of mo w, v. i.v.
fair, whoso iucwKa wns nsmtrytl by tho
first night's entertainment, t.otlcn tip
at cniiNhlcrahlo pniim the fivlr rotifers
grunt credit on the iiiuimgcintiit.
Wns begun nt 8 o'clock with sotno flue
inunla hy Klrlmnls' orchestra, followed
hy a quartet hy Messrs Hears, Young, Fort
miller (Fred) mid Mitchell, Mudnine
Times Wax Works, on 'elnhorntoly gotten
up Bi-enlu nlhtir, wns presented w Hit lino
etlVet. Young pi'ojHe represent lug the
days of tho week, rulny duy .election day.
tho day lcfore, moving day, New Years
duy. Thauksuivlng and other things were
plueed In position hy January and July,
Collins F.lkitis nnd t-eo II Keeuey, oiled
and wound up nnl Itnulo to work for tem
perance, Mrs a v inompson in gny at
tiro had eliurgo of tho wax work, llu
twecn tho two parts was a skilfully exe
cuted violin solo with piano nmiuipunl-
ment hy the Misses Maun.
men came tno exierienco nieeting, a
very amusing thing, i lio ineiiinere 01
tho Union,, lorty-ono In number, gave n
dolhr apiece to the building fund, which
liiey were to earn themselves, several
givvo tlielrown experienco, ninung the
ntiuilier Mrs I. F. liluin.Mrs 11 w cumiur.
Mrs w 11 Kt John. Mrs W T IlearMt. Mrs
K Knox, Mrs J It lowiisena nml Mrs
tobt lohnson. The experience of the
others wits nicely narrated In a pujier hy
Mrs Townsenii. home 01 1110 money was
enrncl. by sewing on buttons for bachel
ors, nml husbands, soiling garden truck,
scrubbing porches, mowing lawns, bring
on time at church, running livery outfits,
etc., ten, twenty-live 11 ml lllty cents at n
time. A song by tins wax works closed
the program.
The hall was Wautifitlly arranged and
decorated for tho occasion. Four lxioths
representing the four seasons, two on
each side of the hall, iu the meantime
had attracted attention on nccmrit of
their line appearance. iHccinht r, Juim
ary and i ebruary gllstenhig w ith tho
chilly, white, frosty, Icyclo aspect of win-
tr liH'kca very tine. March, April and
May was a budding, growing tioolh, run
by some imiuling, linmlMomo young wo
men. June, July and August was lush
and lusty with summer's warm, cheery,
liuht fclKi l. 1 iere w as the leiiionade.etc.
ScptemlsT, October and NovemU r wits
iHstoinii, bcautiiul in autumn's cbang
ing colors, an artintic utliUr. Many at
tractive homo uiado articles were rapidly
sold at very reasonable figures, sumo use
ful, some artistic. In tho right corner is
the historical Ixxith. under charge of Mrs
Henrietta ISrown. It is a Picture ciillcrv
of old fashioned dagucrreotyjM-s aul pho-
K'grnpns 01 i.inn county pioneers ani
native sous and daughters, worth many
times tho nickel admission. Among the
hundred or more is one of IH-lazon (Mutth,
another of A (J I -ay ton, the first white
boy lorn in Llun coiinty.uiul one of Cant
O it Irvine when a kid, even then dis
playing a military proclivity that was
startling. Among the other curiosities
were several hand maJo counterpanes
owned by Mrs 1 Frnuinn, mode as curly
as leiUl , a little dress worn, by Aus Lin
coln in Albany w hen two years oi age, a
sketch 1 f Albany in the early fifties, etc.
Tho ice cream tables were Kept buy.
The fair given by the ladies ot the W
C T V closed Friday evening.aftcr a suc
cessful two evening session. Thu pro
gram was quite attractive. The orches
tra music by Mr eo Hit-hards, Wm
UicharO. Miss Richards and Miss Matin
w as particularly gd. Prof Young sang
a solo, and "An Kvening in tho Flower
tiarden" was given with line cited. The
ranvas of flowers was painted by Miss
eiii iticiiaMs. and was well gotten up
Miss Mildred Thinnestcr's far- peered
from the center of the pond lilty; Mrs
lr Littler from tho tmusv. Miss Miller
from the buttercup, Mrs K W Thompson
ami Mirs Miller from tho roses, (iussie
Kviner from a violet, Mr J h lirown
from a marguereta and Mrs F M French
from a big sunitowrr. Their solos were
atl nicely rendered anl a general encore
was given.
Mrs Henrietta Hrown then read
"History of Allmny," giving many bere-
to-iore unpuiiitniieu laeta in connection
with the early history of Albany, w hiuli
is ol to timet! general interest that we
shall publish it iu full, in three parts.
As nuny of our present citisons know
but little of the early biatory of our now
thriving city, we thought it might lie an
Interesting feature of our entertainment
to compile a sketch of the hitherto un
written history.. We hav endeavored
to secure the very earliest events and
reminiscences incident to tho founding of
Atoany, known m times past, and still
retaining the titling appellation of "liem
01 1110 v aney.'
Among tho first who souatted upon
the particular spot of ground In question
was Mr Abner llacklemau, of Burlington,
Iowa, Mr lliraui Smcnd. Mr Ashby
Pearce and a few others. Mr Huckleiimn
took up tho first donation claim In these
parts, a part ot which is now known as
''Hackloman's Addition to the City of
Albony." This claim was taken in the
winter of 1845. Mr Hucklei.-an was so
much pleased with tho broad prairies
and beautiful surroundings of this beau
tiful volley, that he concluded to make
his future home here. and. with the keen
foresight of a good business man, sought
10 my now on as much land as possible.
and he hired Mr Smead to hold another
claim for him, immediate! adjoining
his own, intending to transfer it to his
son on his arr.val from the east.
Ltirly in the spring of '40 Mr Hackle
man went cast to settle up business and
oring ma laintiy to tlio new sunset land,
but shortly after reaching home ho sick
ened and died. Tho following year his
oiuesk son, a lira in, our present towns
man, come to Oregon and settled on the
original claim token up by his father,
As he could hold hut one claim, Mr
r-meau appropriatca me one no was
holding in trust for Mr lluckleman
Several new families came in about
that time, among them Mr Ueo Hughes
aimvapij ot n:cuonneu.
In the spring of 1S43 Walter and Thos.
Monteith, John Loyton, John Burkhnrt,
Sam'l Althouse and some others arrived.
After viewing the country round about,
Messrs w auer ami 1 tioe. juonteith con
ceived tho idea of lavinir out a town, and
rightly judging that a flourishing city
would cventual! spring tip at the point
on tno Willamette river, from which
could lie conveniently shipped tho cgri-
cuiturai prouuets 01 1 10 rich country
surrounding, they at once determined t'o
buy the claim of Mr Smead. and rnid
him $400 for his "squatters right," and
Immediately laid out that part of it bor
dering on tho river, into town lots,
naming the future city, Albany. They
put un a cabin near what is now the cor
nerof Washington and. Second streets
which served them as a dwelling.
Mr John Burkhart, father of all the
Burkharts around here, and also Mrs
James Foster, built a house that year,
the site being near the Exchange hotel.
Early in the spring of '4S, rumors of
vast gold mines in California, reached
the new settlement in Oregon, and with
visions of great and easily acquired
wealth flitting through their minds,
many of the men dropped everything
and made their way as fast as possible
to the mines. A number of them re
turned late in Autumn, and as all of
them brought quite a bag of yellow dust,
business began again in earnest.
On Deo II. '43. a ineetintr was held in
a little house on the banks oi the Cala
pooia, near where Judge Strahans' resi
dence now stands, to organize the county
under territorial rula, and the officers of
the county were chosen and sworn into
office. The first term of court was held
in the same building. This w as circuit
court held by Judira Pratt. Tho first
trial for murder, in Albanv. was in 1852.
Judge Deady was one of the InwyerB, and
wore at that time as dilapidated clotheB
aa anybody. The first lawyer to venture
upon this peaceful soil was a Mr Brock,
and, my informant told me, that he was
n't very Bmart, either. How times have
changed. The lawyers of our day know
The year of 1850 brought quite a num
ber of enterprising jnen to our new town,
among them Messrs John Althouse, Lin
coln and Wright.
In April, '50, Davis and John Layton
built a small house near the present site
of the City Mills, and in it opened a
small stock of goods, with Mr Ashby
Pearce as chief salesman. The Monteith
Bros, alao opened a store on the 4th of;
July of the same year, in the first frame
house built in the town, situated on the
corner of Washington and Keeond streets.
Supplies of all kinds were purchased In
Oregon City and brought up the river in
inuiiui canoes, ami overland .with t
teams, it is stated Unit women some
times rude the whole distance on horse
back and brought supplies for their
families. People were forced to do with
out (lour for days, and substituted boiled
wheat and such like, and wero thankful
lor that, even.
Tho Lay ton p.ros. did not continue
long In business, but sold out toLU
Hurkhart, who moved his goods into a
building on tho Hacklcmati claim, near
where the old Alden fruit dryer now
stands. As this house wus entirely out
of the limits of the town, as it then was,
tho result wns tho establishing of an
upoer and lower town j and the new part
bid fair to out-rival tho old. In the
course of a few years tho new town did
out-slrlp tho old, ami petitioned tho Ter
ritorial legislature to chango tlio name
irom Albany to Takcnn, which It did
and it was known by that name tinti
18.15 w hen matters were amicably ad
justed and the name changed back to
a 1 winy
During tho years of CO and 61 improve
ments went on rapidly ami the popuia
tion increased correspondingly. Iu the
spring of "to a ferryboat was built, and
011 thu 4th of July, gaily decorated and
crowded with "fair women and brave
men," it crossed the river for tho first
t . ne, trans . rung 10 tne iH-nton cmnty
sido a wedding party, Mr Crllhs Ilurk-
hart and his fair bride, Isjing tho
01 attraction
Tho first veuehtblo were nhinted this
year, ami, although we now liast of the
tertility of our soil, and pit Oregon pro-'
auctions against the world, I greatly fear
that the soil is degenerating ; for in tho
year 1H50, Mr Milton Halo raised a tur
nip that welghM 70 pounds. This doubt
less sounds like soino traditional II eh
Htury. If you doubt its accuracy d not
iioiii me responsible lor 1 give lias ticara
from tho Hits of 0110 of our most respect
ed citizens. Mr lisle also planted the
first timothy seed. He was passing along
a path in Albany and chanced to see two
mails 01 thiuiotiiy growing among tne
wild grass. He cut tneiu and carefully
preserved the seed and planted it the
next year, and from those two heads of
seed was iropngutcd all the timothy
grass raised in Linn county. In '61 the
school was opened by lr It C Hill. Pre
vious to that Miss Charlotte Hurkhart
bought some tlmu in a small house in
Hacklcman's erove. lr Hill taught in
the house of Monteith Itros., comer First
and Washington ; here, too, was kept
the first posliillice. Heretofore tho mail
hud been carried from Oregon City in a
cotton handkerchief, and distributed as
opjiortunity oliered j but now it was re
ceived teuii-occattlonalty and dejioeited
in the store of the Montcttlia and dis
tributed as called for. Mr John Burk
hart w as the first regular postmaster.
A few of Ir Hill's pupils remain as cit-
iaums of Albany : they are Messrs Oliver
liiisinieli. John j iavisana jonn itugiies
One pupil iu the school studied grammar
in an on ImmiK brought iy tne lamiiy
from east. 1 ha school room seats were
rotiuh wooden benches, and the writing
dean a long board nailed to one side of
the room like a shelf.
Ir Hill also preached the first sermon
in Altstny. His text was taken from
Inuiuh Sftth chanter. 1st verse and reads.
thus ; "The w ilduerness and the solitary
place shall l-o glad for them, and the
desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the
rose." For U-auly and appropriateness
a better one could not have been. The
audience was gis!, the house was fllle-d
with white people and the irch with
It as not an uncommon thing in those
does for women and men to ride twenty
uiiks on liorsvback to attend church and
other Kstherinus. One incident w as told
me of a spruce young gentleman who
w anted a Mtrtner for a ball. and. as wo
men wero not plenty in these parts at
that enrlv date, he had to EO to Eugene
City for the lady, and, aa dress balls were
not a common occurrence lie louna me
votinif ladv had nothinit to wear, lehtt
ing the great occasion. Nothing daunt
ed, ho bought her a dress, bad It made
in abort order; and, mounting their In
dian jMiniea she providing her own
dow n they came lo Albany, tiped the
light fantastic to their heurt'a content,
and rode back only 43 miles the day
alter tho ball.
A plry trtier by a Altfortilaa.
Mr. S. G, Benson, of the San Joss Mcr
curv, recently hi the city, writing to hi
paper, give the following Interesting par
tlcular about hi Albany vUU :
Albany, Ihe county ct of Linn county,
wa reached a few minute ocwrco o'clock
Thursday mornlng.tblriy-thrce hour hav
ing been apent m live journey. 11 ia a
beautiful Hubs city, on tbe bank of the
Willamette river, with a broad and fertile
prahle surrounding It In every direction.
The population I shown by the census to
be booo, and me townspeople are not asa
Ing for a recount. There are three bank, a
woolen mill, grist miH.clectric light work
and street car line. The power for all the
machinery used l wa'cr. which is brought
In a large open ditch from a point higher
up on the Willamette. This water I the
property of a private corporallon.whtch In
consideration ot its franchise furnlihes
water to the municipality for all purpotet
free of charge. Wltu all the plentltude
ot water there I no sprinkling done except
on the main bufctnes itrect. and other
thoroughfare and all country road are
dusty to a degree that San Josean can
scarcely comprehend.
Like almost every other town In Ore
gon, Albany boasts it "college" and ex
cellent public tchools. It i:cwpaper are
the Morning Herald (Republican) and the
livsNiNO Democrat. Both are enter
prising sheet and published by very
genial gentlemen.
It ha already been said that Albanv I
In the midst of a fertile prahle. Thit Is
true In a general tent, but the lan J it of
widely varying quality. There i none
that equal the best In the Santa Clara
valley, while there Is much that Is good
only for grazing. In price It ranges from
$5 to $200 an acre, the latter, however,
lying Immediately adjoining the town and
being held for prospective addition to the
cit . Fair farming land from five to ten
miles out Is held at from $35 to $40 an
acre. The country I comparatively un
developed, and Albany will undoubtedly
grow and prosper for many year to come.
The farmers are, a a rule, in easy cir
cumstance, and business generally li con
sequently good.
The piincipal crop arc wheat and oat,
the latter being cultivated for hay a well
a grain. There 1 also raited considerable
timothy hay. Barley is never teen.
The fruits raised in thit county are ap
plet, pear, plums, cherries and prune
the latter the Italian, large and fine look
ing, but lacking the saccharine quality and
plcy flavor of the French. A few French
prune tree have been planted as an expe
riment, but they are not a succet. No
attempt I made at grape culture and
peache are too uncertain to be taken into
account, though there are a lew trees
which In favorable years yield tome fruit'
We must concede the fact that Oregon
generally excels us In the production of
apple, and they assert that the vjcan also
do so In pears and 'cherries, butjthe sam
ple thus far seen fail to make good the
The people of Albany are not d for their
cordiality and hospitality. Only possets
their confidence anc their nomen, their
horse and carriages and their time are
not only at your disposal but are proffered
you so kindly and sincerely that even the
heart of a sloic must warm to them. We
were particularly fortunate in falling In
with several former acquaintances, among
them AS Knox, a well. known San Jo
sean, F M French and B F Tabler, former
residents of San Jose, and J 11 Lewis, a
commercial traveler vho make frequent
visits to San Jose, and who U known from
San Dleso to Seattle at a prince of good
fe'lowt. Mr French la engaged in the
jewelry business, and is doing well, Mr
I abler has retired from active bustr.ess,but
takes an active Interest In municipal affairs,
both he and Mr French being members of
the Common Council.' These-gentlemen,
together with L W Deyoe, Earl Race. C
W Wattt, Ueo K f roman, Mr wurran and
other gave ut a welcome, the remem
brance of which can never be obliterated.
A S Knox, whom all Mercury readers
know, is here on a visit to his brother and
to care for latge property interests which
he retains In tins
Thursday afternoon we Joined a cartr
Consisting of Metsrs Watt, Deyoe, French
and Lewi In an expedition alter the far-
fsmed Chinese plicntimts four pairs of
these birds were Imported from China four
years sgo, i.nd turned loose on the prairie
In the edge of town, d'or their protection
a law wat pasted making it a misdemean
or lo kill Ihtm within five years, under a
pena'ty of $50, one-hajof which I to be
paid to the informer. Under this protec
tion they have multiplied with marvelous
rapidity, until tne suinmo uciua tor 100
mint up me vauey are ineraiiy auve witn
them. The necessity for their protection
no longer ealslt, and the law is generally
Ignored, though cross grained men or
petty oul anxious to obtain a few dollars
without ratoruna to laoor. occasionally
nlay the spy anil canto onenuers irounie.
. " ... . . -
lt follows that a siiitnt oeixree 01 caution
I theicfore observed by hunter, who ut-
ually refer to the content 01 tncir game
bags at grouse.
We found IPC biro in abundance wurun
a few mile of the city and unanimously
voted them the gamest ana altogether
most delightful quarry ever met, Though
mountain and tall timber are at hand they
confine tbemsclvc exclusively to aiubble
and gtass fields, giving preference to those
containing undergrowth and convenient
to water. Thev resort tr me nrum in
the best of the day and Iced in Ihe Ileitis
in the morn In 11 and evening hour. They
cannot be hunted without a do with any
dciirec of uccc. and by their cunning
frequently loci the ktenest-noocd polntr
and tetter, by tunning a muo suerine
c,nf)0 ha, - , to a pojllt but t(lU d()c,
. 1 i,t. ...n ...ij.
not happen o frequently as to seriously
Interfere with the hunter's sport. They
hide like a tnlne, and the hunter without
a dog can sometimes walk almost over
them without flushing them. When they
rise, they do to with a great whirr of
wings and ny, usually in a straight line
wflti the utmost velocity. Mich a thing
at shooting them on the ground l so rare
as to be practically hnposalbb-, but expert
wing snot can always count witn certain
ty upon well filled bag. The hen are of
a f lain gray color, closely resembling a
prairie chicken, but the cock are ot as
brilliant ana varied plumsge a a typical
tropical bird, with long tall feathers, fre
quently measuring two feet from tip to tip.
lhcy are a line to cat a they sre gay to
look at, and furnish .sport compared lo
which the killing ol quail I luc the
slaughter of sparrow' with a musket In
the opinion ol all who have esarrlned tne
subject from an unprejudiced standpoint,
Ihe bird I one which would 1e a valuable
acqiulllon to California fields. A few
pair turned loise upon the ranches 01
Senator Stanford, H I Murphy, lr Mur-
fhy-Colombct, In Murphy and Morgan
111), with tollable protection for a year or
two, would give our Garden City Gun
Club game worthy of their gun.
One 01 the wonder ol Albany it it no
tel, the St Charles, whose landlord. Earl
Kace, is a man among a thousand, born
to Id buaincM. The building Is an un
pretentious three toy wooden structure,
and the attraction cf the liouse consul
Cnlhely hi It superb bill of fare and the
talent of It host, who seldom say a word
loo little or i'ta much. We palJ our bill
In hatd cab, and this tribute Is one to
genuine merit and not In cancellation ot
lltSUtJ AM AU201t!
Wbtai it now 63 cents per bushel.
Cba Uu.ick wet.t to IVrtUod thi morn
It N Mooie and if v home from (Jreen
Mis Lulu Seodtir, of ilarrhburg, is ruli
ing in the city.
Soma arreata have Lt n o.Jo la The Dalies
bank robbery.
John N Duncan left thia afternoon fur
Cook county on Lus.ue.
Mr S K Yoaog went to oatUa today on
businee. Also W N Millur.
Mr Lane, ef Texas, is in tho cit v. a tide on
1 a tour of inspection iLTou.'i tha Northwest
A Hatsey man ya Albaoy'a elotiio
i;Me en be ea at that city almost an
John Diereccrr ha purchased the meat
mork'.tof Win Kmerkk, opposite the But
Born to Dr and Mr E 0 CUrk. at Port
land, Momlty, 3pt lith, a daughter, weight
10 pound.
Iba brick haa all boon laid lor ths Balti
more block, which promises to be one of tbe
lineal in the city .
Mra Z rchi'l, returned yesterday to her
Montana home, after a visit in Albany, the
guest of Mra V II Uarrett.
The contract for the building of a Cuogrc
gatimal churih at Kueuo City, was let on
Monday U Ueo tl Park for Mu0.
Bov G Vt II til, of A!V in, ba beea ceiled
to Iho pastorate of tho Baptist Church, ol
thia city, aod it is thought will aooept.
lie ia an abie yourg n su, married and a
good eitixco.
Taylor Coon, advance ageot, for Prof.
Qeutry'a Kquina exhibition ia in ths oity at
rogii)g fjr the first appearance of this
splendid critertainnsotit for next week. See
to-morrow Dk mock at.
A street ear wa held up in Chicago yea
terdav morning at 10 o'clock, and the ps
engers, driver and conductor robbed of
about lifty dollars. Don't talk any Diore(of
your wild wet.
Work on tbe Willamette steel bridge haa
been temporality suspended aod alt banda
drawn ofT, tbe caoso being the death of En
gineer EmilAdler, a membet of the firm of
contractor, which tie np the affair of tba
oompsay. It is said everything will be ar-
tingwd and work rt turned as toon aa an ad
ministrator can be appointed for Mr Adler'a
catate, which will be in s fw day. Journal.
Mr Sam Cohen is in the city.
Dr Tate left thia noon for So-ttle.
Tbe Critmar-Davies Co. is approaching.
Silvertoo ciili ri lo Columbia Licyclo just
like meu.
Walpole, who haa been in tho city cala
boose for vagrancy, i nut.
E 0 Beardsley. tho real estate man of
Portland, was in tha city to-day.
It is now learned that tin so Chi-iamen
committed tho back robbery at The Dalles.
Work will be began on tbe jottiet at Ya
quina Bay at ouoe, and the poop's there are
overwhelmed with deli lit.
Hueb Nickcrson and wifo, old resident
of Atbsny, have removed to Milton to reside,
tor ths benent of Mrs JH:cke.sous heaita.
Eeveral Silcts Indians have btn in the
oity on their way home from hop picking. A
few of enr clti aeus mistook tbem for gypsies.
The "Stat of Bcthloham" 1 now visible in
tho northeast. I is very bright and ran be
seeu at it best at about o p. m. The news
papora weie full of its discovery about a year
ago. It in seen from the earth every 313
years. You look, at it now as in all proba
bility you will not be here when it appears
The Ladies Aid Society are making the
neucisary arrangements to give a dinner on
Thaokigivii g Day and an entertainment in
the evening . Due notice will be given at
tne proper iimo.
A letter from M LSpottr J"of Lewisbnrg,
Weat Virginia, aay: "It it wonderful
how soon your paper make the long trip
and o regularly usually in four or five
days." Ye, we remember the time when
it took four or five months.
The school superintendent of Spokane
county bat revoked tho certificate of school
teacher Brooks because be chewed tobacco
and smoked in and out of school. The
charge against him was preferred by school
onuarcn. rraoits acjtuowiedgod ins guilt
woen ba wat put on the witness ttaud, but
he said be did not know it wat against the
law of the state or hs would not have done so.
The Minks. Mr C expert
quartz mill man, has arrived In Albany
and left this noon for the mine to take
charge of the milt at the Albany mines.
About ten men will be employed during
the winter and they say Mr Kendrick
know how to get the gold from ore if an v
body can dq It. Two or three tona of pro
vision were shippaJ for their use during
the winter,
Powell & Co.
Have Viereck thave you.
Mr Horace Farwcll is huildiug a bouse on
hie Third ward property, to rent.
G - W Wright left this afternoon for
Brownsville, where Mrs Wright aud family
have been visiting for a couple weeks,
S'.avin whipped MoAuliffa yesterday in
London in two rounds, as easily sa im
agiuabie. Six ouuea gloves were used. I
Bart Allen arm-ed in Albauy Uat evening j
from Crook county, and will leave in p....'? '
res addition bat last beta eomnleted
to the Cstholio Chorch.
The nt isjeipts f.,r the W 0 T U fif
were 230, approximately, thegrcs receipt
bring Out 300.
Mr John MeChesney cams dosn fimn tie
mines t-dy, ami tepoits the now mill ep,
and work piogressingoo tho building.
John Isoin. Jr., a livs. enter orisinz tnnn
rising 1 nnnff
inan, n uuronased the bonioti
has purchased the basiuest of F
I'fetlfor sod will hereafter run it.
Kev Dr Storey, of Portland, will
a the Congregational . Church to- morrow
morrow morning and evening.
Mr Doll Hiinistn, of Ilepner, ho been in
tha city tith a band of horses which b sold
thia afternoon at suction l. .
Mr aod MrsJ II Townend left thi morn-
I a . a . t
10a or j oruaoii, mi TewDaenil going aa a
delegate to tha convention for the oriiauiz.-
t r,f . ui.a. ri 1 . 1 -e.-.i- -
lit J W WstU. wall known aa tha "Ore
aoit Cyolons ." has baeu in the oitv thAm.v.
unlikn tba Kausas cyeloae a realty weleom
Rev. M. O. Brink, ef the M. K. Church,
preached au oxoollunt sermon in tie school
boats last Sunday evening to an attentive
oongregatioe-Xaqnina Poat.
Mr Hwithson. one of the old residents aod
solid citizen of A I bins, ba been in tha city
aeveral day. map out a big f a to ra far
tne city he baa uons much to help build up
Prof Micheuor, prioeipal of ihe lfalsey '
tchooU, was i tba oity to day with his
brother. Dr Miehoor, who has jast located
there, having recently moytd from Kns
J W McOce left for Scio to-day to take
charge of the school at that city. Mr J W
White, hi brother-in-law, wtil haye charge
of the city restaurant here.
Conductor lied rick left thi aoon -r the
Dalies tv attend a most ng of the Brother
bond of Conductor. It is now tb inL-ntion
to change the heat quarter to Portland.
The Miaa.t Ball having brought oi all the
latest sf j h s in Mil iuery, it will be to the
interest f all the ladle to. call and examioe
before purchaiug elsewhere. .
Walter J Ih.hnaa. who baa beeneo ill at
tha home of his fthar, John If jhnao. io vhi
eity fur aeveral days, u reported aa slowly
improving last night, it was thought for
awhile that be w dyinp, but ba rallied and
will recover, U is expected Statesman.
A whald wa seen spouting or blowing in
tbe channsl opposite the West Shore milU
at Astoria tha other day. Tli is tho first
time a whale boa been seen so far op tbe
river Attorian. Aod probably ouly came
op thia. time to show the paper there how to
pout and blow, they never doing any tike
the Democrat aod other yalley papers
.Gold ceoee at Will U Stark's.
F. M. French keep railroad time.
Rock cspdy dripa at C E Brownell'a.
Setb Thorn watches sod clocks at F M
,., cream chae jest teceivod at Conrad
Me) era. '
Delicious canoed ranberaiea at C. E
Br- wnell'a.
Choice canoed
aweet potatoea at C
Prepared m&ckrel.
ia lib cant, at C E
Headquarters for garden teods ,at C E
Brownelf a. .
For srtista so polio co to btaoard. &
A large line ef childreca school uhoei at
E C Searl.
fUmt moat ooffee in the city Conrad
E;ao Sc Acbiaon are selling monument at
Portland price.
Awbrey gives go for lb paiulett extract
ion of teeth.
ton base a big stock (to aeleet from at
Fowell & Co'
A popalar place L Viereck'. slitting aod
hair dree tog parlors.
When yon waot a atylieb man's or boys
bat go to O W Simp .
Some fine oil paintiogs cf Mt Hood, Ranicr
and Shasta at PortmUW it Irving'.
Beat stock of silver were in Albany at
Will fit SUik'e. No doubt cf it. So.
The largest stock of spctc1t-t and eye
glasses ia linn county at F M French's.
Zachea & Son received a larae icvoice t.f
foil and winter woolen yesterday.
J W Bentley. best boot aod aboe maker ia
city, three doors north of Debocsat office.
Men', youths' aod boys' clothing and
furnishing goods at O W Simpton'e.
A filtt e'.asa shave for only 15 cent at L
V icreck'a, Saltmonb Block, Altwny, Or.
Have yoo seen those parlor anils that T
Brink has just received T Tbey are nice.
'If yoa want a fine toilet or bath soap ca
on Stauard ft Cusick, City Dreg Stor-i
For bariraia io mono men t, heant-nea.
etc., goto Egan & Acuison, Aliny,Ur-gon.
rora nee gmu or surer neaoect cans bean
a .. it test
can at r si rrencn i, ine u ner Jewelry
Good g-.xxis and low price is the csuse 1
so many ladiet gold watches being sold atF
M French'a.
Ladies' and miea jockey caps, infants'
caps and bonnets, and a fullline of iat tuts'
wear at G W Simpson's.
An editorial page ought to be made up
01 something else besides tsrcatm, Invec
tives, scorings, pert criticisms, and cen
ure, says the Salem Journal, and then re
mark editorially: -Thcre is more talk of
a railroad at Astoria and that is just what
11 is 11 it talk.
A Blddcfoi d, Me., man offered to pay
nit barber 30 cents, double price, if the
earner would suave mm in less man
minute, provided the barber would do it
for nothing if the operation consumed
more1 than that time. The job wa done
In fifty-four seconds.
That wat a very mean thing for the
London official to do, the arresting of
McAulifl and Slavln just previous to a
friendly polemical contest. Very natur
ally such literary students as Richard K
Fox and the Marquis of Queentbury are
By a litt'e wit Senator Vance did a good
thing lor the farmers of the country, sav
ing them at least $1,500,000 a year. On
the debate on Ihe tariff bill, binding twine
being down lor a heavy dutv, he sang,
"Blest be tne tie that binds." and the
clause was stricken out.
Frail Lied la tke Willamette Ta'Iey,
Tns Orgoo. Land Compart, or Salui,
Oregon, is OrrERiro Sons Choice
Bargains in Frcit Lajjd,
This lend i situated from SJ to S mile
from the State Capitol, with its excellent
shippiug facilities, cannery, etc, and it es
pecially adapted to fruit raissug.
Five acre tract from $55 to 75 per acre
all enltivated and ready to aet to fruit.
Ten acre tracts partially enltivated for
$50 per acre.
Twenty sores light timber with good
spring branch, 935 per acre.
. Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in culti
vation, aping branch running on the place,
for $35 per acre.
Forty acres of choice land all enltivated,
small house, tome young fruit already set
out. $79 per acre.
Forty acres of land all cultivated, in
wheit this year, for 05.
Forty-three sores, twenty-five aorta cul
tivated, fine spring branch, place all fenced
in, for $40 per acre.
Frait raisers profit from $100'to$150 per
area after the trees are 4 years old ,
An industrious n an can make a good Hy
ing for his family while bis orchard is com
ing mto bearing, by raising vegetables and
various oropt for the cannery. Lit at
knew what amount you have to invest and
we will advise aa to location.
Sand for mapa,pamphletaandjprice lists to
Thk Ohkgok Land Compaxt
aalem, Oiegou,
t Valuable Remedy.
Hon Edmund L Pitta, the lata
of the New York State.Senate, writes:
Statb o Nnw York, Swats. Chamber , )
Aioany, Marcn II. 1888. I
I have nted Allcock's Poaoua Pr.iSTvn
in my family for the past five Tear, and enn
truthfully say they are a valuable remedy
and effect great cures. I would not be with
out them. I have ia several instance! given
some to frieoda suffering with weak and
lame backs, and they have invariably afford
ed eertain and speedy relief. Thotr cannot
be too highly anmmended.
When wanting the best jjjrocenei ia the
I ---. f si e K Mxt'friTi
Iob w kltj n mitci, Rocs rl x,
. Ing and proaprotliisr, write to J. B
Hughe. Albany. Or I
Two Men and One Roy
While trying to Crowd their
Store, where lhcy atwatt have on hand
the largest Stock scuth of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rifle and Shot
Gun; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tent,
Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousand
of ether thing too numerous to mention.
Xfcejmir Sliop
In connection with the Store, and one of
the best workmen In the Htate to-do any
and ait kinds of work.
Come on, Come all; No' trouble to
show good. "Small profit and quick
abV Is oui motto.
. 1890,18131.
first Tersa Opened aetitetsiker leir. la.
A loll corps of Instructor,
Cournea of "tudy arranzod so meet lh'
sod of a! I grades of student.
Special tuauctuunh offered I0 it a Jen tt
from abroad.
Our Lady or Perpetual Help,
Conducted by the HUlt.a t fct. Benedict
Tuition In select rfjy school ranges front
f.5 to (10.
For terms o' Boarding Scb. xl or any
pnlcrlars arpiy st tbe Academy, or ad.
adews Sinter Superioress.
Assignment Notice.
tbe undersigned haa been appointed
assignee of tbe estate of Cbarlea W
Parker, an insolvent debtor. All persona
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present tbe same prop
erly verified to tbe undersigned at Al
bany, Oregon within three motba from
thus date.
DatoJ this 5th day of Aagnet, 1890,
W. K. Gixxbt,
Assign e
uiy rug store.
Stanard k Gusick
Proprietors. Successors to
. Guiss & Son.- Dealers in
drugs, medicines and
cheniicals,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes, ,
perf;imery,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
Belmofiico iklaurani,
f, OprosiTE Blumbebo Flo I.
New Koomt; -:- Seat Service;
Good Meala, rrompVy Strved,
for '
Tirenty-five Cents.
Oytteri -:- ia -:- nil -:- Style.
CourUout Treatment; First chusCccJu.
SamUoeiz, Prcprietor.
. IS) L
-. --a sit -
' .s '.re'
5 Fulfil
ITas no eqcV for V.iyic, Fit trA TTear. Pojltivrry
the best s co in . ::iv:e.j -.-'- the lucnc-r. Do not
be deceived, he? . tr Nttm ef each thee.
Takenooit-ar. Kvery pnlr watranted. gtvUh
and equal towr- S4 stu i-i :o market. Made by
ST. ItM. riti S.iw s, V
Bole Aaeat
Real Estate g Loan Brokers
Iiissrancc s Specialty.
AmDricaa Firs Iasuranco C
B isie.
CashAssets. $3,642,C90.
Losses Paid, $10,506,200.
Tie M to ikltt
easnot ks tsoMMfsIly fort ltd whV
Ol Bees' saalth Ts reach waalik sr any
esvsttd aatitiaa la llfsrssalras ths fail
oaesaslsa anf tseratlsa sf all ths fas.
sit! kins satsre kss sssswea at with.
Tktss twsifltlsna easnet txitl anlest ths
Bhytleal ktins Is la strfeet werklng
erfsr, sad thi It Inpsstikl slits the
llvsr tsd tslttssit tsrald, Uas abstract,
laf tha tterttles-i, eaastag Indigestion
asd dytptpt!, stl k all of their aceost
yanvlnf horrors. '
exsrtt a M Kfo is leencs evtr ths liver,
exelttt H as healtly action, lit
chronic titgtrgtme its, and promotes tht
ScraiioEs; eurss li dicestion tnd const!.
: Pl:os, tharpans t S epst tlta, fines '
I -s n-fe s-sretB, i nj .' '" -
J ,"1J Sata