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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1890)
I. lie iOcIflnat. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2G, 1890 STITE8 ft Utters ft4 HUTTING. rreprteinr. A Fraud-in-Law. Judge Levy this morning overruled the defendant's de murrer to the complaint in the suit of the Benton Consolidated Company against H N Graves, W 8 Wuods.WilliAiu M Iloag nnd others, says a &in Francisco paper. The complaint demurred to at tacks on the validity of an net of the plaintiff's stockholders in when a resolution was adopted attempting to confer upon the directors the power to sell the stock, which might be bought by the corporation at assessment gales. "This action," snys the opinion," As in valid, for the stockholders who partici pated in that action may have disappear ed from the ledger before any stock was acquired upon w hich the resolution could act." At the time of the sale complained V of about three-fourths of the stock had been bought by thecompany.and as there must have been a majority of the stock holders at the meeting which passed the resolution, it is evident that Unit major ity had passed away by the sales. The opinion holds that a Urge nnmber of stockholders were rutcontmUcd,and that this act was a clear fraud in law, bused on secret sales at inadequate sums. Death or Dominic Maxsfikld. Dominic Mansfield died at Portland on . the thorning of Sept. ayth. iSyof l'l lK' KBlsiSsS.'"tor. Mansfield was born In Ten nessee In the vear 1S1S In about iS$i he crossed tlie plain. Iitng hit f.uiirr and mother on the trip, one dvtig about ten dart after the other. Artlvin;; in Oregon l.e settled In Linn count v, her he tnuht school until 1S53, when he crgaged In farming near HrrUburg. ile was elected assessor of Linn county In iS$7.antl erved' . . three year. In i$6o he moved to Allmnr, and in lune of that year was elected couti- - ty clerk. In which oltice he served ellk lcnt ly two years. After the expiration of hl term he engaged In mercantile business, and In 1S73 elected Secretary and Manager of the Farmer Warehouse Com pany, which place he tilled to the entire satisfaction of the company until about four year ago, when he resigned and re moved with hU family to Portland, where he ha since resided. In 1S5J he married Celia E, Pollard. The Uue of the mar liage was four children, William," Mvra, 1 Anna and Gertie, lie was a man of exem plary character anj highly esteemed by all who knew him. A Crook Co. Accident. On M0nJ.1v of this week Mrs R CJes.see, formerly Mist Nettie Curl, met with an accident that may cripple her for lifo. She with .het baby was on a load of h.iy wttit h;r hu band, and In driving Mirou' a gateway the rack caught slightly on one o( ihe side potts, which frightened the horses and tliey proceeded to run away. lkforc proc-vding far they came to an Incline In the road and the wagon wn over turned. lu some way Mrs J e see's left limb wts broken in a hor rible manner. The large bone just below the knee was broken and both bones just above the ankle joint were broken entirely off and apparently cruMied, the splinter of one protruding through the flesh, thus creating a compound comminuted fracture. Dr Belknap, who was railed, set the man gled limb and pronounces it one of the - worst fractures he has ever saw. Mr ' J esse e and the baby escaped Injury. - Re view. Puces too High. -The following from the Portland Welcome is suggestive of the way it Las been done throughout the Northwest generally : "Taking the whole real estate market from a metropolitan Kint of view centering at the city of rtland, it is apparent that the specula tive values have reached a point higher in this vicinity than is conistent with n active transfer of property. Values . are held at such high rates for suburban property as to check speculative invest ments also to deter the tendency of our tenement classes from seeking outside homes, as it is safer to pay high rei.ts than to get involved with installment ; purchases in motor liue townsites at present figures." A Noted Woman. -Mrs Duniway, than whom there is no better known woman on the Coast, whose name is widespread ; as a champion of woinens right, once a . rustling milliner and dress maker of Al bany, has Uen in the city to-diy,for the first time in many year. Mrsl'uniway, who has been residing in Idaho for a few years, has returned to Portland to reside. The New Northwest has not been heard of since she retired from its editorial chair. With all her faults she is a brainy woman, who never Bleeps, a llueut lin guist, who may always be heard from. The Obeoos rueureav of the United Presbyterian church of North America, will meet at the Willamette United Pres byterian church, Oakviile, Or, Tuesday. Oct 7, at the hour of 2 :3U p m, and will be opened with a berinon by K-v M M Marling, of llalscy. On Wednesday there will be a conference of Home Mis sions, and on Thursday, under tliediiec tion of G W Gray, Presbyterian Sabbath School Kupt, a conference on H. h. work. VW look for an interesting meeting, to which the public are cordially invited. Clicks:. Served Just Right DrJ J A' est, the old quack who practiced in Albany about a year ago, ha just been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary at Salt La'e City lor bigamy. After leaving Albany he de serted hi wife to whom he had only been man led a chort time, and was married In Utah, where Mr West No. 1 (?) followed him and had the old reprobate arretted, lie tried finally to get out of the matter by pleading lnanity ; but ft did'nt work. Gbaxd Military Ball. Tho Lebanon Cornet Pand will give a grand military ball, in Union hall, on Oct 10th, 18;0, to which the public is invited. Die band will spare no pains to make this the ball of the season. All bands, societies, mili tary and fire companies will appear in full uniform. The L. C. B.. in their ele gant new uniforms, will lead the grand march. An orchestra of six Iif:Ct-rt w ill furnish the music, with W. W.Crawford as director. Tickets, including supper, 2, Marion Cocsty'b first deed bore date of August 6, 1H54, and was 111 ado out and filed with E J llarding, clerk of the United States district court for Oregon. The witnesses were EJ Harding, LF Grover and L li Wheeler. The consider ation was $5,000 and the number of acres conveyed was 180. Statesman. That beats Linn county's just seventeen days. Electric Wires. An Elcct-ic man tells the Democrat tbat the statement In a communication in the Democrat that the electilc wire with black insulation, now In use In this city, aie the most un safe, is entirely wrong. That, on the con trary, they are the most reliable Insulation there 1. and that there t no quetion for debateon the subject at all. The farmei around Gervai old the most of their wheat early in the esson It f tated upon reliable authority that two-third of the wheat of that tectlon ha been sold. -Statesman. . The Democrat I sorry It cannot make hat report for Linn County. Some Sales. Among the 'recent tale of Albany property are the following, just effected by R F Ashby.the real estate man : Mrs J C Elder, to Mrs 11 B Miller, one lot on 3rd St. $100; II Bryant to Mr (Spain, the St. Charles bu driver, 3 lot In Bry ant's Addition. $600: Dr. Whitney to J L Aiken, 3 lot in First ward $2500, Fully Recovered. W A McPheron has returned to Portland, fully recovered from hi Ute illnes, ay a Portland paper Mr McPhiraon' illne, it will be remein bered. consisted of an attack of insanity caused by hard drinking. It 1 earnestly to be hoped that Mr McPherson leaves the cause alone hereafter. Lost. In Albany or on the way into the country, a curtain pole. The finder will confer a favor by sending the same to II A Stanard, at Brownsville. Contniuptloa, the laeldloas Disease, Wih Us attendant snlTrini?.CM te relieved and often onred if Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup is taken promptly. Lar izi $,mll 60 cent. For a8 by J A Cummiog, drug gist J W Bjutley. best boot and shoe maker in Tub Fikot. The first case recorded in tho records of this county was in a dis triet court caso which convened May 6, 1S64, at the court house in Takenah. Geo It Williams was judge, John it Lines clerk. Geo Cline, sheriir, IW Nesmilh. marshal. The grand- Jury was composed of Abrrttn Ilnoklemen, J P Combs. Llmon Galligher, Jos Kndsley, lre Calavan, David Gray. E W Michael, Silas Powell, Harmon (Swank, I W Larew, W T Tem ple ton, Thos Cannon, Isaac Blevens, John Uyton, Caleb Gray, Hani'l McCully.Trlte Davis aud Coreleanes D Hurkhart. The case was the territory against Francis and ltenton Pyburn, Jackson Smith and Jacob Pitman. The first will recorded was mado by Win MeClain, who loft one horse, or its equivalent in money to his daughter, Loutae Alphin. The remainder of his property to be divided among his three children. The first deed, according to tho pres ent records, wns filed Aug 22, 1854 and was from Nah lluber to S T Jones. The first mortgage April 14, 1S54, from T 1 Crawford to ltobt Peutland. On ISept 7, IStUl, leretniah lriggs filed the tint mining claim. Thk BamoE. Sountilngt are now be ln made In the Willamette for the big bridge, and vttli he completed In a few djys. Mr Stewart's report will probably be" presented at the net meeting of the' Coum-ll, Mid will he watched with great Intercut, a In it, betide giving bis plan and maps of ttte different locations for It, he will make his recoinuie.idatiuii as to the bent and most leasihle point for the bridge. This of count he iefiie to disclose at the pjtwotinlaic. The Damucuat slated that the approach on this side would probably have to reach to Second Street. It now transpire that this will not lc necessary, and it can end north of First Sircet. The height of the greatest bridge will necessa rily be about 70 feet above low water mark. The south approach will be easily const rtut'd; but the north one will have to be a long one, as It I juot a mile from First Street to the first land completely above high water, whLh it w(ll prooauly be Impracticable lo reach, the cost would be loo great. A $ 75,00a bridge may be counted on. , For Lira. -Suuday's give sketches and cuts of the life prisoner! In the state penitentiary. It makes very In teresting reading, livery man there ac cording to his own story. Is cither Inno cent or has killed his man In self defense. Among the lit of course is W W Saunders, who seems to have played somewhat on the sympathies of Iht, Oreonlan. Ills statement to that paper are simply a suc cession of mls-statemants, which" at this time there would oe no satisfaction In re ferring to Individually, thouK A we mention one because of Its being quite ridiculous. "Another matter that hurt me a great deal was the intense rivalry between the Albany andCorval'is papers. Everything 1 had said my rivals paid back with inter est.'' The cut d. not look sny more Uke Saunders than it dor like tiov Pen nnycr. Saunders is now undr the phvs cian crc and diH- r.ol expect to live long. A KxirriNM Faciobv. From little acorns great oaks grow. Several months, i;o Mr Chandler, wife .f one of th- Woolen ndil employees began knitting socks w ilh one machine. As she manu factured a splendid article it readily sold at the store where she placed her good, tn fact the demand as greater than t.c sup ply. A short lime ago, owing to the In creased demand Mr Chandler added four knitting machines, and now runt all of them regularly. Saturday she disposed of nearly hve hum. red pair at the stores, and anticipate no trouble now in being able to dispose of all the manufacture. A State Hoasd. At the meeting for the organization of the State Hoard of Trade, T F Osborn was elected Presi dent, Chas Randolph, Secretary, llimry Failing, Treasurer, all of Portland. The Vice-Presidents, according to cutom, were distrilmtcd anionic the cities of the state. G W Wright was elected such for Albany and John G Wright for Salem. That's right. It should prove a good thing lor Oregon. More Sales. Real estate seen to be picking up ccr siJcrably, W E McPhcron, real estate broker, ha made the following sale w llhi 1 the past few davs: Tract of land near town to C A Elson for 91400; 99 acre near Lbannn h Kijers, two lot In AUict's addition to J llrewer, $1000; one lot In auth Albany to C A K.son, $J0o; grocery stock and fixtures on the corner Urst ar.d rrrrv to r A Btodgctt, who will remove to this city and U'c charge of store. KofGH ItoAifS. Sunday, near Sweet Home, Mrs Kinehart and Mrs Kii.g were going to church, sitting in chairs in a luiiibei wagon, when in turning a corner they were t!irownout, by the roughness of theond. and considerably bruiHed, so that they will be confined to their homes for awhile. Dos't do It. Wannamaker A F.rown have been sending circular letters to Al bany men from their I'liilaaeitiiiia house, ndviMing them to send to them for their clothing. The Democrat's advice is to buy it right in Albany, where you can see what you are getting. Always support your homo institutions. Umbrellas. G.mor and rubber and shoes at the lowest brice at boot K C. He vrls Don't RcN Around. Every steamer aowever foggy the bar, bring lo Albany an Immense quantity of fruit nnd pro duce. The best and largest variety al ways got to Poweii K Co'. Their stand are always full of jont such thing as the publii want. Save r(unlpg "Jound By calling at their store first. Wall Paper.--! have just received t't'a thj cut a Urgo i.ivoie i A w ill p 1 er, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. Theso goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. Kaucel E Vouno Larokst is the Valley. Will &. Stark Rave received the largest and finest dis play 6f silver ware in the valley, as their li L'Hiit (liHi)lflv of novelties in the line ill testify. They invite trie puonc 10 sail at their store and se? their line me tropolitan stock. lsif.ur.Ansa Lkctibe. Prof. W. II Gregg, tho blind man from Nebraska dclived qnite an interesting lecture to a email audience, at the Christian ctiuren, luct evening. He gave a history of the movement to educate the blind and showed tho occupations which the blind, U properly educated, might lollow. Watch Will & Stark's. Will & Stark have received a new line of as elegant, at well at reliable waUhc, gold and sliver, for ladies and gentlemen.a have ever been offered to the puDlic In Albany. They are attracting considerable attention, and buy er should not fail to inspect mem; Holmes Busmss College, of Portland Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco.the lpadimr Tien man of the coast. lias become a rmrtner in this school arm will mane u t he leaxlinir business concce. oenu lor a . .. . . n i catalogue. : New Blacksmith Suov.G iV Willis ha iust com Dieted hi blacktmith shop at the corner ot second ana Kaiiroac sireeit where all kind of iron and wood work can be had and done in. first class order bring on your plow, wagor.s, etc., etc, for repair. Jackum asdV.ii?.i. I t resoi ing my fall and winter stock of ladies, misses nnd childrens jackets and wraps which are of the latest style and eood value, and as cheap as standard goods can be bought. I have on hand a lot of ladies Newmarkets carried over from last year, which I ain selling at cost to close them out to make room for new arrivals. . Samuel E Youao Camp Fire. McPherson Post W R and S of V' will hold a camp fire at G A R Half. Friday evening Oct. 3. A hort orosram will be rendered. A fine colla lion will be served, (hardtack and coffee A-La army style.) A cordial invitation extended to all. Admission free. (V.VTTT" I1ST0BT r At.lli.Nt. Ill the spring of 's the Montelth Bro Satn'l Alihouwe, Jeremiah Dtlggs and Sam'l Hill began the erection of the Mag nolia mill. The building was completed early in a. In the faU t that year wheat sold for the modest sum of $5 and $6 per bushel. During the year '51 Rev lame P Miller, a United riesbyterlnn minister, with hi family, located In Al bany, lie wa the first resiuent minister, Dr 3 G Irvine also came that year, and preached hi lir.t sermon tn Albany tn November, tn the house that stand lust below the feny landing, then a boarding house kept by Mr Hyde. Dr Irvine wa just from New York City, and actually wore a truly ''bee gum" hat. Rev Miller's daughter, Mis ElUaheth M Miller, now the widow of one of Ore. gon' most eloquent congressmen, Jos I) Wilson, was well known by all thecsrliest settlers In Albany. Knowing that she would be familiar wIMi much of it early hUtory.l wrote her ask'ng that he wrlie ti what she remembered of those by.gonc day. She ha kindly written a letter which. I will read just a It came fiom her pen. s The, Dallks, Or., -, i8yo. My Dear Mrs Hkowki Your request that I would try ond recatl some Incidents from the misty deep of the past, shall be fulfilled if possible. I do not promise much. You know the days when alt the aids i locomotion were found on the Cay use lit.e, and all one's trlouglng that were o be n.oved were packed in saddle bsjjs, or otherwise strapped 011 the weather side of your beast. In those djvs not many books recording one's doing were kept. It wm enough, In the day duties, to do w hat one could, and let one's work pas to be reviewed by those court, the accuracy of w hose record Is never questioned. So It happens that while I under my father organized the first Sabbath school, 1 can not lay my hrnds upon a scrnp of paper, to enable me to transcribe the roll call of that first organlxallon. The population of Albany was very small, then, and very shifting. The first regular church service wa held by my father. Rev James P Miller, In June, iSm, In the dining room of a hotel or boardinir house kept by Mr Aaron Hyde. From the time my father first began preaching service wa iirld un interruptedly, but In the spring of tSja I cannot be more definite as to dale a small building near the Calapoola, built by Mr Walter MonteUh, was occupied by me a a school bulldirg, and from that time church service and S. tt. were held there. I believe this building was afterwards owned by Mr John Smith. There have been m rr changes In these nearly forty yearn. The beautiful ridge that defined the banks of the Catapooia and of the Wallamet, the creation of those streams in the slow ages, were then studded fiark-llke, with majolic firs and an csqnls te undergrowth of vinemaplc, crimson currant, scarlet honeysucWV, splrca and clematis. S-nncwhcre on the bottom, sheltered by all that embowering beauty. lived a black hear who fiequeiillv eihlblt- ed 4 ('real liking for Mr W Montelth' lock of voting pig. Very ombal'lv the residents id Albany. hi this year of grace, 1S9 , tUticr them selves, as well they may, that they live in a very pretty town. An! YoungsUrs! In some thing you alwav will be behind the generation that had the happy fortune to come In befote you. Not your fault I it, but our allotment, that for you the prairie I a place of plowed lands, of grain Ileitis, ! barn and cabbage patches. Good things, too, in their way; but only the eye that looked In '51 could see what an Oregon Floia could do to be deck the earth in glorious beauty, I have seen the most famous gardens of our land. public and private. 1 think I know the untmost that the skill of cxpeits can do with then., but whent vcr I try to conceive Uod's utmost thought In flowers, I shall remember the Albany prairie a 1 saw It in '51 and '51. before ever a plow had marred its loveliness, or harsher fcad'than the unshod foot of the Indian pony scarred its fair face, or the soft moccasin of It owner at he trod the ancient "oo-lhut" of hit race. This scene of Idyllic beauty wa changed by an evrnt which marked in era in the fall of 1S51, the arrival of the side wheel steamer, Multnomah, the pioneer on the upper Wallamet, between Canemah and Corvallis. The Multnomah was built in the caot, was 100 feet long, nd was put together with hoops, her planking resem bling staves, and wa therefore called a "barrel boat. She was sent U) California In sections ' and then brought to Oregon on the hrk Suecc. There not being enough fr her to d lirtwecn the sparse settlement in the valley at that time, she wa taken to the lower river on w avs, and did excellent service l brlnnln- down a larj;c portion of the heavy emigration of ihr fall of '51, from the Lower Cascades to Portland In'Ct she passed Into the hands of C'apt Dick Iloyt, and run chiefly between Portland and Astoria. I do not know Die exact date of her going to the boncyard, but I learn from steamboat men, that she was of a beautiful model, fleet for her size, and outran every boat in Oregon, making at one time the run from Vancouver to Portland In one hour and twenty minutes, 18 mite. An incident of her first trip 1 very vivid hi my memory. I wa one of a group standing on the Wa'.lamet bank, listening to the strange ound of her loud putting engine, as she made her way siowty, flhe river wa very low,) through water hitherto unvexed by anything greater than the oft gliding of the native canoe. A thought struck me, I ran home quickly wfth mv arm full of fir bough, easily gathered as I ran, (jiving my Idea I to mother, wt hastily took a sheet, folded it, securing It shape by pins, and with the r twig inscribe:! the wore WELCOME MULTNOMAH I piece of the clothes line made tiflcnlng rope, and we hastened to the bank to find we were in plenty of lime, the steamer had not yet got round the bend. Some of the 1 . 1 . 1 ,, 1 1 . . bystander then cllmbeJ up two tree con vcnlently placed and extci.ced our banner ot welcome, i'reicntly the .nost beautiful ting made by man' hand that I have ever seen or ever expect to tee a tteam boat came into view. A she neartd the ank we recognized on deck our friend, ie owners, Dr Maxwell and Or Gray. 01:1 01 tie united male INavy. A they got round the point and in view cf the own sit' ard wo examining what wa be fore them with their field glast,thcse words, Welcome Multnomah I '-seemed to be in tcribcJ on the tkv, nothing being visible but the dark letter. To understand it full effect, we must recall what fearful arrassing discouragement they had been working under since June. Anew country, thousand of mile distant from Ihe base of supplies, is a hard place In which to start new enterprise. No skilled workmen to be counted 011, everything to be eot when a it could ; not even fire wood to run the engine. The boat had to be tied to the bank while the wood w at hopped. i)r Maxwell, especially, wa a nervous, excitable man, and wa rapuuy nearing the limit of hit patience and hope when these word ot welcome met hi tur nrited eye. The appreciation felt far more than repaid us for the thought and trilline work, and was not lessened when Instead of a message from the skies, the homely nature of the affair wa exhibited He tald to me,"l cannot guess what grace ful acts of ki.idnctt it may be your happi ness to do in your way through lite, but you win never give a word ot welcome wnercit was more soreir needed, or more gratefully received." of those that made that welcoming group, I wonder how many are still living. I only know 01 the present writer In Oregon, my mother and t wo younger member of our family, now living In Washington, D. Z. My father, mv brother, Mr mil, commonly caned tne "Deacon," Mr Walter and Mr Thomas MonteUh Let memory re&t I referred to the shifting character of our early population, lucre were not manyto shift until ofter the emigration ot 1. 1 and '52. - There was a tensaucn mai tne world will wae on ong ere It be re peated. The sla-ht of the white topped wairnns. Drineint' ureEon 10 us, lor wnai re snow-capped mountains, oak crowned hills, flower decked prairies, or exquisite woodlands, without the loving heart of the people, that alone makes the state. The fame of many of the new comert wat her. aided before them. We heard the Mis Foster were com Ina, the "Mist Smith," There were but few misset In those dayt In proportion to the rest of mankind. The nursery, the p ay ground, then with a big skip, the title and dignity of Madam, unhappily, by force of circumstances, and the condition of the donation land that wa too often the order of procedure. I rpmemher well a sentence in a letter from a Mend of my father, referring to two ladles then on the road between Iwa and Oregon, Pet lisp their name may not be wholly unknown to some Albanians ot to-day, Mrs Young and Mr MlUcr. lf you are half At glad to have them come a we are sorry to lose thcm.vou will be well pleased ' trcmcu.bcr well Ihe perplexity with which we discussed this problem, how toon would It be decent to pay our first vtslt of ceremony f The friendship of more than a generation has made this difference. When I can pay a visit to my f 1 lend, Mr Deckard, 1! go at once and "stand not on the order of my going," 1 find that my mind I turning awty from Albany a a historical point and settling upon hullvliltml Albanians, I therefore stop, ' Yours very sincerely, . E, M. Wilson. In the year-US, tho immigration to Oregon wus very large, and our little vil lage received Its share of the new-comers. Among others were the Foster Ilros, the Crawford llros.Dr Win Mlllvr.f father of i 111 junior, 01 our present police forco, Mrs 1. li lllnli), Mrs Nutting and Miss llettlo Miller.) Dr Miller was tho first resideut physician In Albany. Mr Young, the lather of our merchant, 8 K Young, came that year; also Mr John Hinlth ami family, nnd Mr Hemas Beach. These nnd many others, I cannot men tion for want ot tli.'e, gave new life and activity to the now rapidly growing tow iv Heguhtr church services ami 8nb livth school were held by liev Miller, oc casional services were held by Itev'a York and McKlnmy. of the Mt'thtxlist denomination, by Dr It ill, of the Hnptlst, ami Dm Irvine nid Kendall, of the United Preabyterlan. Schools were mul tiplied, new industries were Introduced and all branches of business rapidly es tablished. In this sketch we cannot stop to note In detail the rapid growth of our vitiligo, but. will give a few items la the order in which they should come, as nearly as we could ascertain. We fall to secure exact (lutes in a few instances. I supposed until yesterday that Au gust C Layton was the first child Uirn in Allstny, but I find that MU Pauline HacMeman aiitdute him (i months. Hie was born J tin l'. lM'.i, be -in June IsoO. The first hotel, proiw, was built by Messrs Lincoln ik right and kept by Mr Forsythe. Ir Sheppard kept tho first drug store, and Joseph Ijtureiit the first saloon. Mr F.d Stewart, brother of Mrs John Mon telth, and Mr Jas McFartuud the first blacksmith shop. The first saw mill was built In 'fil, on tho river liik below town by Mr Karl, .lion lHdiuon Smith, father of our present deputy sheriu. pub lished the first newspaer. It was dem ocratic in politics and was railed the "Oregon Iiemocral." A court house was built in 1M3, and occupied until lSOl, when it sm burned down. The first church was built in 137, by the Metho dist, on one of the lots now owned by Judge Flinn, w here his residence stands. I could (1ml no plcasnutcr task than following tho growth of our U-autilul city, and noting each new strido forward as year by year she took up new t nter-prix'-j sod quietly dropping her man'.Ie of primitive nucoiithncss, she gracefully assumed metropolitan airs and occupied her place among the first cities of the state, but this paper has grown too long already, so I pass on only stopping to note a few of the most prominent events and enterprises. The V P church was built In I vi! r the Congregational in 'tit. Tha present court house in 'G5, and in that year our city was Incorporated with tho following olhecrs: Mayor, Judge J C Powell, Ho corder, 1) Mansfield, Treasurer, Himon Schutell, Marshal, lobn Cleaver. Coun eilinen, iH-ums 1 tench, John Harrows, W F Alexander, J BCoiuley, J II Faber and SSMarkham. The first bank was established in by Mr John Conner. Fire Co No 1 was organised Jan 4, 1S59. The old bond engine, with which you are all so famil iar, was liought and arrived in Albany May II, of that year, and was housed on May 27, with great ceremony. And now our dates bring us face lo face with the greatest event In the history of Albany. In ls53, Hon Ixlaxon Smith, one of Oregon's most gifted citizens, in th first 4th of July oration delivered tn Albany, luted that in 1870 the citizens of Al Istuy would see the iron horse steaming through this beautiful valley. F.ven the most sanguine of his hearers hoofed the idea. 1 hat eloquent man did not live to see the fulfillment of his prophecy, but r, no are iiere tonight, know that it w as correct to thJ very date, Ur 011 the 8th day of Ih-c 1 170,1 he shrill whistle of a 30,(W locomotive awakened the echoes of iir neighboring hills, and since that lime we are in danger of iunoriug that Kauliful structure the steamlioal. Sel dom now do we see the graceful, gliding vessels, and we consider it, in this rush ing age, a wicked wastu of timo to travel on them. Put our river our beautiful Willamette, "u inding, widening through tho valley" still remains; a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Its Iwnks bordered with evergreens, its graceful curves and limpid waters are dear to the heart of every A banian, and we softly echo tho exquisite tribute of ono of Or egon's own sons' to our beautiful Wil lamette, "Onward ever lovely river, softly calling 10 me sea. Time that scars us, maims and mars us, leaves no track or trench on thee." And so year by year our city baa en larged her proportions, and now we have on tho one hand llackieman's 1st, znu and 3rd, additions; on the other, Mas- ton & Chamberlain's, and in another di rection, Millard's, FJkins', Twcedale's, Houck's, and who but a real estate man can tell how many more, our ponuia tion has increased until we are a thorn I .1 . . !., ; in uie uesu 10 our neiunoorinir cuics : and Albany still remains the "Gem" of the valley, wild possibly 01 the state, in many respects. Its growth has not been rapid, hut steady and sure, isusincss is conducted upon an honorable and up right basis, and (or this reason our busi- ness men liavo the most enviable rcpu- !..! i j .,.1 ; . l 1 . ? union aorono, aim ouriug 1110 ucprvsHion of business in the years 1HH4 and '85 Al bany stood the pressure better than any other town in tho valley. For many years Albany has been known as the most hospitable ami moral town in the valley, and while this has been true of the mint I can but tremble for the future. O, that Homo power would awaken the minds of our citizens to the rapid in crease of vice in many forms. Slowly, but steadily, some evils hither to almost unknown are multiplying, and soon they will haye gained tueh a firm foothold that it will requiro herculean efforts to dislodge them, when now, the honest, righteous indignation of our prominent citizens, forcibly expressed. would sweep them from our midst, and enable us to still retain our reputation lor Dunty, morality una Christian integrity.- May God. help each and every one to see and do our w hole duty in all that pertains to the upbuilding of our be loved city. Goodnight. SwtciAi, Meeting. There will' bo special meeting of Orgeana Encampment No 6.IOO F, at their hall, on Thursday evening, lor the purposerof conferring work in tho Golden Rule and Koyal rut-pie degrees. All members- are spec- iauy invited to De present. s bTOPPED. "Fretty near" does not count. The sunbeam that travels nintv- five million miles may be stopped soven feet frcm earth by a cheap umbrella. People who stop at Conn St Hendricson's nearly always get bargains. They carry a splendid line of groceries and produce. Tub Thomas Kay Woolen Mills of Sa lem have appointed G W Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boyB clothinK, blankets and flannels and all articles manufactured by the mill will oe nepr, in Bio:, inesa goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. Din t fail to sea oor men's aod b vs' e:othtng betoru pnrcnnsirff elsewhere. W sail the best clothing for the least mouey of any nonse in me city. LiOck and be con viuced, G W Simpson.' Everybody Says So. If the wild. gvaves could talk they would ay, 'Go to Towell & Co's for groceries and pro duce, or their stock is large, their price low and quality the best," this is the universal verdict of their customers. Ladies Summer Blouses, the late novelties, just received from manufact- rt by expret. Samuel t, young tss AssEMJirrr boil. Following is a. summary of tho assess nicnt roll 0! Linn county for the your 1800 as Just equalised by the Hoard of Equali sation i No acres lnnd,40I,on.07-lt)0. ...15,223,080 Value of city property.. 1.341,8.10 Vnlimf Improvements.... .... .in.Kilfi . r 1 1 . ' vaiuo 01 iiitiso.nnu implements. u0S,;iUti money, notes anu accounts, nnu shares In stocks. 813,021 iiuuneiioiu lur.iirnugiwaicip es, etc...... , No of horses and inules,770l) jval 215,204 354,2.1.1 235,(573 04,303 ftocaltui, i,aaa; vaiuo No sheep and goaU. 30,201 ; val,. No Bwlne,H02H; ' val Gross vatuo of all property..... Indebtedness within the State. Kxeinntloii 10,540 0.028,711 1, "73,04(1 50.1,700 0,480,00. Total taxable No Polls 1823 Wo glvo lust year's assessment for coin' partson: No acres of land, 403,0m 14,755,421 town lots . 008,403 Improvements 28,0.13 "Merchandise and Implements.. 058,003 Money, notes anil accounts .... 840,008 iioiiaeiioin iiirimure,rrriiigo,etc 108,247 No horses ami mules,7.1M0; val. . 312,421 No cattle, 10.342 ; value ....... . 221 ,035 No sheep, 30,008 ; vnluo 52,220 No swine, 5078 ; value 13,147 Gross value of all property..... 7,807,211 Indebtedness , 1,704,357 F.xcmptlons 405,340 Total taxable property 5,030,813 No polls.... ..V.. ,.,1751 t"MMii rBart Ktrnta. Tuesday Even., Bept. 30th. .-Present Mayor, Kecorder, Ktrcet Commissioner ami Councilmen Garrett, ilurkhart, Tablcr, leyoe, French ami Kmlth. J C Tunning at Salem ofTered lo put In a complete lira alarm system for 13500. Referred. ( Hide were opened for tho building of tho extension to Hailroad street sewer from present terminus to Willamette river, a distance of 275 feet, with 30 Inch cement pipe. Following are the bids: U G Hay tie, 3.M jwr foot; Archie Ma son, $3.01 jM-r foot. On mo.lon the bids were rejected, and the Recorder was in structed to advertise for bids for sewer with 20 and 21 Inch terra cotu pipe and 30 Inch cement pipe. On motion hid for all sewers vre ordered made on contract for payment twelve months after acceptance ot sewer. Tho committee on health and polit e weredl-ccted to investigate IWn Brenner's First st rtt water closet, with power to proceed and act. Adjourned to meet Tuesday evening of next week. A a. a. 4'0avaiUa. Following ts the program of the 1'nlted Presbyterian Sablmth School Convention, to I held in the Oakvilte, Linn county, church, October t, 100. ' . MOttXtMl session', lit, x, Music. Prayer. Management of Infant class, by Miss Ik-He Brown. Music. Music In the Hnbbath School, Mrs A Brow n. Music. How to ue the Black board, Kev M M Marlitnt. Music. How to conduct the lUview, Mr Wm II Craw ford. Music. Value of the Sabbath School to the Congregation, Itev W ti M Hays. MuJe. Prayer. Recess. ArTtCKKOOM SESSIOK. Prayer. Music. Teacher's Meetings, Mrs W Jiox. Music. Bible Class Teach ing, Rev A M Acheson. Music. Contri butions of the Sabbath N hool, Mr P iHtlgih'fth. Music. 'The Sahlmth School as a Missionary agency, and the best way of developing in it the Missionary spirit," Mrs T J Wilson. Musle. The use and alms" of Lesson Helps, ltry W W Igan. Music. Prayer. Adjourn ment. Weather .Summary of Mct-orliy fir Stpt, I $90, from observation taken at Albany, Unn Co, Oregon, by Julio Briggs,voi. brvr for th Signal Srryics, U 8. Army. . Ifitthest bsrnmrter on tk 2, 29 OrV. lowest barometer, 00 the 0, 29.70. Moan tAmmtrr for the moetli. 20 S3. Ifit daily avt-rsge of I sr. 20 0.1. low est daily average , hr. 20 79. Highest leutpuralars on the 4, 01. jwmt ttrtnpt rAlarson th 13, 42. M--an for the month CI I7. Hit; 5m t daily rauga of lbrr.00 tlie 4, 43. t.wtt daily rsegot f titer, m the 25, 1 1. M-4H trmpcratorq at 7 a, in. daily 49, M-n umperstais at 2 p. ui daily 79.28. M-t tmtwt'or at 0 p. tti.dsily 57 0. Prevailing directions of wind, N. Mat Wlotity or fnrce, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 0.05. !kptb of snow at tod of month, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or mora rain fell, I. NamW of day of cloudiness averse 8 seals of 10, 0. Of 30 dsys observation 7 wer clear, 0, 6 ir, 0 rain, 8 bssy, 0 overcast, 10 smoky. Krt on the mornings of 13 dsys. Tmp. 0 29 00 averse of 12 years. lUiufall, 1 63 on average of 12 years. f arrral Evrats. Everybody remarks at the splendid dls plsy of fruits and vegetables at P6we!l & Co', where they get what they want In the first place. The best and largest supply of peaches will be found at Powell Si Co'. Leave your order there when you get ready to "put up" peaches. ' A large supply of shelf good, the best In town, at Powell Si Co's. Alt kind of nlcknscks at Powell & Co'. Warm weather good, picnic grocerle, stay at home grocerle, every variety of groceries In the market at Powell & Co'. 11)0. fall aed Winter Weoleas, I MSI Wehavc just received a. large invoice of line woolens, Including novelties of the istc-st Foreign sod Eastern design, and awaltyour early Inspection - It isof course understood, we positively guarantee pet feet fit and fitst-clas workmanship. .ACIIKS it .son, Merchant Tailor and Draper, Opposite Pott Oliice. ' Honey to Lsaw. Wc have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on. two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite tne Kevere nousc. . Jl URKIIART & KtRNEV. lrlert I'm t. " - v- I am prepared to pay the highest mar ket price, In trade or cash, for choice dried fruit of all kind. Sam'l E Youno. Dried rruinvtanteil, 20,000 pounds of dried apples ; 15.000 pounds of dried plums. Highest market . . - 1 . . 1 . price. fliu.i.j.KB ot vtabbktt. The Closkd. Of seventeen boarder at the Ocean House, Yaquina Bay, fifteen left this morning for the val ley. The season I about oyer, though the present smoke and dust is enough to drivepeople somewhere. When waiitina to tee how yon look in a perntanont form, cet a photograph of your- te.ll ot Wlloox S Uono, woo are doing torn nne'workJn tte busiorss. ; ; Btsl roast ooffeo ia Mejet's. the uity . Coorad MA It KI EI). NEWMAN SP AUNG ER. On Mon day. Sept o, 1800, at the Rust House, In Aloany, oy j v r", mi u Spallnger and Mis Ora B Newman. WATERS REECE. On Tuesday, tl.nt -Jr. iRor In Albany, bv Rev. SDerrv Mr John Watert and Mis Mary Love Keece ootu ot erownsvuie. HORN, DOUGLAS. On Monday. Sept. 29th 1800, to the wife of J R Douglas a son nonB AND ABROAD. j MONDAY. A Chinaman w bat-tit e 1 at l?ie flautist -1 1. . ' r wnurvn yestsrusy. J K KhWkin returned j estordny .frnnt trip over Washington. There wirs soven sihliUoiis t. .lie Chris tian eburh in lb' eity yestrndy. Burr Mloan is aHim; Niiil-vU)'i during the ahseime of Win flier, U 8 lislo m ohsrgs of No 1 staamer, 1C J MoCaustUnd tft this noon for the Ssutiam niiuox, where lis will m tks a pnnu -ausntttr,ey if the Dry OuluU mines There will be big nriiWil the dog show Wednesday sod ll.iirsiluy iviiiiigs, (Jet sour seat tssei ved. . Mrs Charlotte Monteitli sod tlsuhtei, Mis Tiny, leave to-morrow morning for O-ka-loose, lows, to bs gnus six mouths. Mr J H llulis ha purehnsd a half Int erest la th real estate buui s of Aaht.y & Neil, and the firm nam will tm Ashby k I lug ho. Mrjthn Hulrnao, of the Albany Iron Works, has been to Hslem st tbs bedaij of his son Walter, wbn is Ijing dangerously ill thsro. The body of Dimiiiio MmsllvM w 1,1 he brouiibt to Alhsny, ami ., ill Uc bur ltd to-iimrrii . 'jndi-rauspiue of the Ma son. A mviiibvr of the City 1111 snm nm.ttee of Porllsnd, hs be-n in Ihsoity t-Usy,essm-lulng the rock of Frauk WihxI with a view to its ass in th new building. Th Orvgotiiso savs there is nothiog in the 1 e pott that there will ts a ronnot oa ao count of frsutlsiu I'oitlatid, and asserts that there were ootte. Joho T Vioey r I aod Mist Jnni Pur ly were married in the ontty -one rfay Isst k. The bride wa a resuleut of Albany for many yeai. Th Missta Ball hsviug broahto t all the ateet ttjles in Mil lutry, it will b to the Interest of all the la lies to etll and sistsiioe before purchasing else bore. Three men will be sent fiom Crook ouuntv lo California to iovestijtsU th ditto of their fellow towostnaa. lisma Moriouer. -ho was qnttoobudly murdered and did not co'nai-t suicide. ''Albert Btysn. livina near TsiiBsnt. ha placed eaonr table umple of p-acbea, which is aa additional evidenee of the suit bleoeee if this eiimtts fur tb? prolaolioo of very tio peacbe. The lUm poblihel in Kridsv's Vkhim ukt. clipped from the lbsooo hi r i, to th tffeot tht E II 8kipworth bad teea ioveef- lua tn real esuu at Utbeoou, Mr Skinworth iofaroieaais evtirely inooneot. II has not bought any property there. Three teams utssed throoah Athene tn.. dsy from Cliforoi.1ioaiid for (J revs Ifarkur The idea of eoiuil tbiooKh the vVillamette Valley to that uountrv of ooarsei rather ri diculous; but tbco that Is the history of the oriu. De k IiartTttor. who mide.1 la Albany and Kujt-1 several vest sg, but recently of lUlterCltv. et rived in Aibauv this noon. Ml llsrorsUr, it will m remembered, was taken back Esst several month gio ao old charge of murder, ia which thre proved to beootblogsi'ainst htm. Tiia ILL-Mr Henry crowder who re cently had a finger amputated on account of blood poisoning, I now reported in a critical condition, the poion having spread over bis body , and there I little hope of hi recovery. Mr Grsnt Fmtnan Is King scrl.iosty ill with tiphohl fever a, bis home In this city. Judge BUckurn end J It Whitney are reported to be slowly mending. wriiUMnAV. s There are I3S mi-mber of the G A It at tnlvtn. F E Allen is bol d a c m ! n.u rrel- deoeeoa KoOith .Sttti t, tetr lUler. This took tnspietutis, Wo-k is now i ro(,rrieg 00 thee eiUb from Scio totbe Oiesm 10 railrotd. O W llattsaker bs cbsrge ol ihe grading. j MrC A E.lsoo ha sold his grocery store ia this city to N A BloIrftt. tl MiHere.wbo will berMfter mske Atbsoy his home aod ruo the The. Msrljo eoauty ttt ly has I eeo placed at 21 mills, f.,ll...s 8yiU Us, 5 mills; suh.ol tax, 5 m lis; county tax, 11 tniil. Tho Willamette Valley arrival bl Vaqaios Bay at II o'clock lo d.y, shdsiet train will btleg tMUei,'ere and perishable freight to AltMuy tin f(mvn. A bew bUnkniiith shim is n 4 erected at the corner of iiceobd and Biker Sweet, and will be occupied by IVUr Acdertoo.wbo will move there from hi present quarterr. The first rain cf th season fell this morn ing, after a vry protracted dry spell ia widen an imtnrnto quantity of dal hd ao cumulstcid 00 the rowte of the eoootry . Mr listinf came down from tho ieius yesterday with a bitee of ore catered with Kola wue. II will retttira in a fsw dsys aod work for the Aibrny company dating voe winter. Cards 'out for th marrise of Mr Jat F fowe.l, lb popula r grocer, and M;ss MuJ aolloia, th acoimptUbed daaxbter of Mrs 1) Van Hern, to fee or 00 Wed net lay svenioff, uct. tun. Th fatnoo American Piaob.te.Uita Maitv Stevens, ia o.akiua a toor co this coast and will probably sppear 1 tf irejh Albany pab. 110 auting nest moein, otmnuig with hrao Attists Urand piano. This would be t'te best musical tieat Albany ever had. Jos Wrbber. Jr., who has been special agent ri th Hartford and Coram In urance enmpanie. traveling over tf North west, has resigned bis position, and in order to te with Msf.mily ecoepted th posllios of Cashier of th Poitland oltlos of lb Hem Mutual Insnranco Co, which will ki epbim in tbat eity. Oa leavioa the old companies ht was present.! with an eleeant cold watch. a token of their appreciation of his efficient end latthiui Servians. The Fukekal. The boffy of D Mans field wat brought to Albany this noon, ac Comt,anled bv Mrs Mansfield. William and Gertie Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. Jot. Web ber, Jr., anj Mr and Mrs John lunthaw r uneral crvice accurred at 4 o clock at the Masonic Temple, under tne auspices of the two lodge, and were attended by large number of people. ; TCSSPAV. Piiv.tll&Co. t Have Vbreck ihav vol. ' Cheap, JB IlttghotTvo'l loring maoutne. D 3 Busey, of H.lny, wa iu tho utty. Umbiella and 11 rt t.t t'j Ltdiss Basatr. Mr Elmer Boohsin, a steady younr man. for a good many voars a rotitlen'; of Ail any, ha located in Salem, whora he will ho in th employ ot Hou 0 B Moons. A quartntt of Albany bcl'ei pdd our city a visit 011 Sandsy. Tbey wore the Mis Haiti aod Lydia tislbraith, Ltura Vaoce and Nellie Callahan. Corvalli Times. Marshal Hoffman returned last n'mht from a trip to Portland, where he took io a'l th fairs. At the Stook show a big barbecue was held and bread and oider wai fro as well at ox meat. Th marshal ia tow feat- lug.. F P Joner, the itinerant preacher and re vivalist, died very suddeoly in 1C intern Ui gon, last Saturday morning, Mr Jonas hid been a resident of Bonlon eoanty tor man years, making bis headqaartor at Philc- matti. . . - . Th statement in th Democrat, y .ter- day about th U P ticket ottioo, wa part ly inrorreot. Th ofBoe will bo ocntinwd nnaar cbarge -ot oir ttawungs ti ttoKtis bays alio hern placed with th g i ouices for salo, and can be obtained at ' ther plaoe. ME 'OOL8 'Ji. Pee pie who are Kaally DeeelreA n has Caught Elebt M far. ' A city firuegSst ttatetl that hs had had eight sail lor Joy' Vegetable BarsaparUla but had old his own every time It did not occur to him that It might ho a serious matter to give hi old lime mercury and potash preparation to people who do not need syphilitic treatment. It Is safe to say that not one person in teu have a ayphilitio trouble. Henco what do they want with such dangorou mineral a mercury and potash? What nine-tenths of our people are troubled with is Indigestion, dyspepsia, tick headache:, constipation and face eruptions, all o which are the legitimate results of Improper Uver and kidney action, or impaired digestive organ. Those disorder do not call tor typhlUUo treatment, bat for mild vegetable Uver, stomach tnd bowel alteratives. We are surprised that Intelligent people should be persuaded Into tak ing a mercury and potash sertapariU. . When foa ask lor Joy's Vegetable BsraapariUa, thai MISFIT. A man just in from tho Malheur re ports, says the Grant Countv News. th country so dry that whiskey barrels foil of liquor are falling to pieces, and that hogs have to be soaked in the river be fore they w ill hold sIod. This item' was original with a Kansas paper, and it is very much regretted that it should ever Ih palmed oil on tho nubile in connection with any part of Oregon. Not content with having prize fights of brutal and deiradimr nature Astoria has now "canned the climax" bv organ izing n foot Imll club. - L.iuulappn is a term verv common in New Orleans. It mcass a little token presented by merchants to every custom er; good will oilcrlng; and is so com mon no merchant can do business with out it. Locoed Is the proper word in use now when a man is a little weak in tho upper story, just semi-lunatic, of which every community nas some. $10 Dollar, Ten dollar reward will be pad for the arrest and conviction of any person or person tearing down sign board put up along Hie cotin'.y roads, ad vertising our good. Klein Bros,.., Notice. Tuesday evening, on the coun y roan between tin city tnd ."Sclo. some parties shot a hole through one of our signs. I he miscreant Is known, tnd unless ie come forward and make irood the damsgf done will be prosecuted. Klkim lis os. Atbnsy ftat-krt . Wboet 3.'i tits 4)v Hutior 20.! fir 1 0. fusts-20t Ilay-u.oo. CmmMmm 75 dm ir tin 1S1 1 lUinfun ffil, Vi apple -7o eonie per hu. Por k Slie per It .rox, Osteons hsins IVio. shoul'lors, be. aldoe lOn. jsitl-Bonorlb. wTi;& per bbl. uiekons- 00 per l .s. till Kood--bran, 14.00 per too shorts, 10, middlings, 20. Ohor '0. PERFECT HEALTH! The only mcedy known which will Sffmolate tits Xatrltin Processes cf c Htm Sjstea. Tf thU nsttire! eno r !mp1e mesns It quickly ml jt.rmaat.iH y t.'l KKS Alt Forms of IyspepiJj( ConstlfMsttoa, Mental asMt Nerron r.shao.t Ion, Unnerel Debility, llraln Vmf, or any eshaated or week, encd eondtUon of the system, from what ever cwuso, Kkltt Kruptlons, Dolls, ltsm nlng- Bares, Kcrofula, and all IHsenee of U Wood, gtouusch. Urer afid lUdncys. 8 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOB 83.00. Tr. HthVr'sSt iwtel-nnk. dewrlptlyeof fly- " dnutine ltnuniUveail Itia tiUtcr nHlni. seut tcv by nutlt B1LLEB DRUG CO., Sza FrandsCD.Cil tOU aVALK ItT ' FOSKU & Mtt'ON. ALBANY, CCK. I K gd, joung single fine traveler; and Jump 1 t uggy hora. : bUKiry. hsruesa. io , nearly new. Inquire of O C Awbrey, la Odd Fellow' letup e. IOUKMiT. Forifute or iswldenoe use, th bnilc'ing on Broadalbln sir ret. Ir.ijulreof JU Vkikick, TJOOMS T LET. Furnished or nn- X.V furid.hd. Jnqulr at this office. T?rT? on Dr G. D 1 Kaep Yovr W Gray's tale tered and htch IV A z .Shorthorn cattle, well bred tfot'ing and dtaft horses, thotiral bred small English Yorkshire pigs, high grade Shropshire Cot wold sheep, &c Sic. Sale to be on hi farm near Oakviile, Linn county, Or egon, November 7. 1890. Terms oi sale. ail turns under S 10 cash; over $ 10 one vcars time without interest, with bankable notes, or 10 per cer.t discount SPECIALIST, Slumbers Block. Albany. Oregon. By the most modern and approved methods cures rem n 19 diseases ana ravate dis eases of either sex. He has a aura cure for Catarrh of the head. Consultation is free and every thing strictly confidential. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Residence, corner Third and Lyon streets. DR. ABORN IS NOW AT PORTLAND, ORCOON. MM Mi A' ' V MP 4- FOB TBOSK 1TH0 CAHSOT PORSIBLT CAM. KB . SjQHALLT, UOSK TBKATXKXT PLACED WITH KI THK EKiCM OF ALL THAT WILL UTM 1SSTAJCTANE0C8 RELIEF AJD A rECtAME!(T CUBK. 1 The xaoat speedy, txsitlve and perma nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various stages, permanently cured. Dr. aborn'3 original mode of treatment and his medicated inhalations gives in stantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the whole constitution and system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitu tions, old and young, invariably gain from ten to thirty pounds in from thirty to ninety days. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal sktll and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Eron chial and Lung trouble 'nstantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on ''Catarrh of the Head," with evidence of some extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, ' F earth and Morrises Bts., Portland, Oregon. r ir.m. treatment, aecurelv nackftd. sent hv xprsss to sil p of the Pacific Coast, for those who 4UOI7E3 T3 CALl FOR FREE COTIUTIGS it..- kxj , 1 iwyri s -s s vae Highest of all la Leavening Power V ABSOUlfTELY PURE POWELL & CO., Successor to Goo. C. Henderson. DEALERS IX- 11 1 111 ilrkW 1 il, 1 ilili III mil &w. 'reduce; OrockeiWalac I co Etc. Etc. FARGO'S OATsTP szxoza ' FOR CENTLrMEU Is the Best Shoe for the FOB BALE 23ST- -:Q. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING-, ETC., ETC Is now Larger and Better than Ever Low Prices and Prompt Attention. F L KENTON, DEAT.EB I3ST Choice Candy, Nut Frait, NEAR THEPOSTOFFICE. ALBANY, OREO . Ec C. ScarLs, D y Goods, Kctions, GEntiFurn isMugsand BOOTS AriD SHOES Our stock of boo! and shoes is no- complete In all line for prlng rade. We tsill save vou monei n buying cf us. Ladies, . mlssct and children' fine short a specia v. Exclusive Agerstw tw ibe you want a good selection. things in Hardware, Tinware. Perclicon Stallioa TITUS, 5934. Will be a". Trites Bio. stablef,! Albanr, for a khors eeaan..' Fortnf ei living, -FUNEKAL DIRECTORS. Prompt itteatloa-First-Eiass Esais ConradMever. VpROrKHSTT OF. STAR BAKERY (Coi-aer BroadaJtin and First Sts., -DEAliEB IN- ''MMaed frsili, Drten Frnlta. Tobacco, "sagar , Coflee. , Etc,, Ctnu4 Heats, Q3eenswre, Fegetables, Cigars, Sp'cca, I- Tea, Etc., ! .ct everything tbat la kept In a gen e i ariety and grocery ore. Higbert tt rkst prices raid for - - U. S. Cov't Report, Aug. tj, iU uwim fssstJw"ri. ' "- -sva- mcj, - i 82.50 in the Market Price. etc." LVOLOtV HUOtt Blumlnn;,' New Klu We are giving the other dea ers fits with our special low rates on stoves and ranges. It you don't believe it, see how they bid for trado in big type and loud talk. This week we offer to start the ball rolling with the largest stock at the lowest prices. Come early, if We handle tho newest and best Ltc, .htc. MATTHEWS X V ASIIBUKN Albany IRONWORKS Manutaoturers cr 1EAM ENGINES GRIST ANO SAW UIILMADHIHE3Y IRCM FRONTS AKD ALL KIKTJS OF HEAVY ANO UGHT WORK, IN I P. OH KHD BRASS CASTINGS. -.wis! etleution -i ot iuanhlnr s.lA irlDS stl Pnvitirns Made on Short Notiot. - Best stock or 2i.d jar ;ooda lu the Va ley, and tbe mont reaaf rate prions, both n buving and selling. I have on band dUtindaof FUI.NITUHF, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLCCKS, CR3SXPaYt ETC., ETC. ; wsst of S E 'Young's olt store. L. COTTUkS . , By all means es.ll on PARKER BROS, for tocr - Groceries, PnOuoo, 8aicd Ei: TLelrfroode are Uie bet sl! t! .Rscna!i';B t !r pr M Store. The' Place