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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1890)
KlCkMNU V1CIOCBI.Y. The Brownvllle Timet It kicking vie loulr. Some time ago It went to work and built, with great paint ami labor, a" hugh man of ttraw, and, tlnce Ita comple tion, hat been kicking In the most vigor out manner to down It. It It at mad at though It had teen a red (lag, because, lor tooth, the people of Albany appear to want a bridge acrott the Willamette river. It co.nplalna that too much of the money of the count It tpent In the north parted the county and not enough In the touth part of the county. When told that Albany wat not directly benefitted bjr the building of the Waterloo, Sweet Home, Stay ton and Mehama bridgctJt crlea out and aika why did Albany favor thete, then. The ans wer It plain to every Intelligent man In the county ,eicept the Tune man, Tke fmblk neeJeJ tkett oriJjytt, mnj etpeciullr, tke - fie lit in He iumii'y kr they are trverolly totaled. Thlt It the unlvertal rta. ton given tor the conttructlon of a bridge at any time or place. - Albany It nearer Browntvllle where a bridge waa lately built, than the U to cither of the brIJget above named, and hence wat more 'bene fitted by the latter than any or all of the former In a direct way, The tax pa era of Albany, and of Lebanon, and the forka of " the Sanllam, and, In fact, all portion of the county, approved the action of the court In building a bridge at Browntvllle Warn J Mfi neeJcJ ty Ik: fttHit ml Aa flat. And, while the ta payert of Albany and vicinity paid probably three timet at much at the tax payer of Browns vllle and vicinity tot the bridge, yet, to far at It known, not a tingle objection wa. ratted by any tax payer of Albany againtt It conttructlon. It U no fault of the tax payert of Albany that many moe bridge have to be built In the north and northcatt part of the county, than In the touth part. Nature hat placed her largett and mott . turbulent atrram In the north and north east part, and for thlt, Albany la not to be held accountable. The bridge at Lebanon, Waterloo and Sweet Home are nearer ' Browntvllle than they are to Albany. Al bany favored the building of thete bruize. The Tim tayt that the tax payert In the touthern part of the country have been paying more taxet In proportion to their actual wealth than thote In the orthern half, and that the Democrat doe not deny It. We do not deny thlt allegation and challenge the Time prove It. The people of the touth part of the county have been assessed by the ame ataetaor at thote of the north half, aud If an individual haa been now and then found to be akeied too high, it la the fault in the judgment of the aeor. The people of Albany are no more to blame for thi than the "man In the moon." Then, at If to cap the climax of abuie of the people of the north part of the countvthe real con tentlon It againtt Albany, though,) th Timet tayt; 'For the last ten or fifteen year the northern half bat been manag ing affair In their own way, taxing the acuthern half without Ita having a repre Mutation." Thi atatcment la to abturd that we can not understand how any mn (unlet he It densely Ignorant) could make It. Now let ut tee who have been on the county board for the la: fifteen yeart,and then our voting Mend of the Timtt who I comparatively a tt anger in the County, can see whether the outh half of the roun 1 hat had any representation on the board during that time. From 1874 to 1S76, the board wat comprised of E N Tandy coun ty judge, of HarrUburg, J A Porter,of lialsey and L Cox of Albany, commission. era. From 1876 to 187S the board corslst ed of Judge John,of Browntville, B R Holt of HarrUburg and J K Charlton, of the the Forka. From 187810 1880 the board consisted of Jadge John, II R Powell, of Browntvllle, and A R McDonald, of Scio. commissioner. From iSSo to iSSj Judge L Fllnn, of Albany, M Cunningham and L Douglas both of HarrUburg. From tSSj to 1884 the board waa Judge Fllnn, John Iom, of Center, and S R Claypool, of Lebanon, commissioner. From 1SS4 to 18S6 the botrd wa Judge Whitney, of Al bany, A Condra, of Harrlsburg, and D Myers, of Scls, commUsloner. From 1886 to 188S the board wa Judge Whitney, E J Miller, of HaUey and A Brandon, o Center, commissioner.. From i833 to 1890 the board wat Judge Blackb.irn, of Albany, and B W Cooler, of Center, and G W Phillip, of Sclo. commissioner. During these eight term the south half hat been repretented on every one, and half the time hat had a majority of the board. So thlt silly stuff about the sou'.h half having no representation on the board explode on the slightest Investigation. The very tllly ttuff about Albany tran. acting county buslnes la eaily anwered by saying that during all these fifteen year he ha not even aked for a bridge. If the ha- controlled county Lu.lnes why ha the not built her a bridge If the U at aclfith at the Timet make out? Now, the truth is.that it hat been largely through the influence of the south part that these county bridges bavr been built, and this is creditable to the broad m aded character of the people of the touth part of the county. We know those people well.aod known they will not object to the building of a bridge, if needed, limply because it happens not to be in their locality. They are made of better Huff than such narrow selfishness. Why we arc told '.hat the business men of Brownsvi.le petitioned for the bridge at Waterloo, which only prove what we laid last above. The bridge at Lebanon wa built wbea Judge Tandy and J A rorter.bolb from the south part, were on the board. The Green's ferry bridge at Jefferson Mat Luilf when Judke Johns and B R Holl.botb of the south part, were on board. The Sanderson bridge was built like wise by the tarn board. The Mehama and Sweet Home bridge were built when A Con dra was on the board all of w hich shows that the south part was represented when all these bridge weie built. On the btiJge at Brown ville over $15,000 lias len spent and not a man in the coun'y ohj-cted. Albany ha been settled n:ar1y fifty y.-art,nnd, duiing all thai time has paid her taxes to pay fur the building of htidges alt aver the coun'y without a mur mer, and now, when the inumites that the need a lirilgr,ihe Timet object. But the Timet doc not represent the feeling of the sensible taxpayers in the souih part of Linn. It has some imaginary grievance against'Albany which crops out every few weeks. The intent of the bridge law is that bridges should be bai'.t where they are needed without reference to the locality. The need of a bri.lg J is deter mined by the use of it. A bridge nt Albany would tie used as much as nearly or quite all other b'idgtf in;lhe county combined. If the republicans carry Idaho, as probably they will, they will credit the victory to the dUfranchiieincnt of the Mormons." And yet the republicans in Wyoming credit their victory to the vote of the "Mormon " Politic I sometime very funny. And those who pretend to know all about "MormonUm" In politics exhibit only the fad that they talk with their mouths while their brains are destl -1 tute of Information . - f THE MO.N'KY MOUCLS. Now, according to a very carefully pre pared statement by Thomas G, Shearman a very careful and accurate gentlemen, pub, Ished In thc'Seplember number, tSS.ol the Fermtn.ot the number of pcrtont In the UnL ted States who own more than $5,000,000 of money and property each, there are two hundred persona worth $o,ooo,ooO each, making 14,000,000,000. There are four hundred pei tont worth $10,000,000 each $4,000,000,000. There arc one thousand per. tont worth $5,oo,ooo each, mklng $5,000, 000,000. There are two thoutand person worth $1,500,000 each, making $5,000,- 000,000. There are tlx thoutand pet ton worth $1,000,000 each, making 1 6,000, - 000,000. a here are fifteen thoutand per sons worth $5,000,000 each making $7,' 500,000,000, In all making the vast turn of $31,500,000,000 of the wealth of our coun try owned by lett than twenty-five thous and people. We have a population of 65,' 000,000 of people, and more than that one- half of the entire wealth of our whole country la owned by let than twenty-five thoutand of our people. Can the monar- chlea of the old world make a greater boast? Let It not be said that the high protcc live tariff distribute! thcjwealth, prosperity and happiness of the country among the larger number of the people. On the con trary, It la a demon. trailon that creates classea and dcll.eit Into their hands the wealth of the country which rightful! f be longs to the mastea. According to to the census of iSito, all persona engaged In gainful occupations numbered 17,393,099. Of.thlt number 3, 837,1 1 a person were engaged In manu facturing, mechanical and mining Interest. It It safe to say that this dumber Included all pcrtont who ere engaged In protested Industries of any kind. Thlt would leave the cumber of persona engaged In occupa" tlont and induttrlct not protecUd by the tariff at I3S54.S7- The large number of person not en gaged In protected Industries would be much more likely to afford a market tor the small number of persons who are en gaged la protected Industries, than the small number of persons engaged In pro tectced Industrie would be able to furnish a market for the large number of persons not engaged In protected Industrie. It readily seen that 3,S37,i 1 2 people having a market of 13.554.9S7 people to tell their product to would be lest likely to hate a turplut of products tlvan would 13,754,- 9S7 people having but 3,837,111 persons to tell their productt to. A3 TO riLUBL'SIEKINU. The Timtt-Momtainter tayt t The member of the Democratic party in con great have outlined a policy of filibustering against all measures introduced by Republicans and, unmindful of the obligation to their con stituent, are determined to block the wheels of legislation by every meant possible. This statement U without truth. The dem ocrats have fillibujtered on but cne measure introduced Vj the republicats and that was the scheme of ousting democrat from the seat to which they had been fairly elected and giving them to republican who had been defeated, and, not because they thought the democrats were not elected, but because it wat neces sary, in order to carry out their infamous chemes, that tltey, the republicans, should hare enough to nuke a quorum. Thia resis tance on the part of democrats to the carrying out this infamous scheme wat one of the very highest public duties. Resistance to such aa infamy wat obedience to the great Defender of republic. But, Mr Uoeulaimeer, if . Glli- tusterinc is such a beiuous crime, why have you not found time and space to animadvert upon that scheme of blltbustering carried on, not long since,' by Masoa and other republi can against the compound lard bill which re sulted in one ol the most disgraceful scenes ever witnessed in the house.bcing no less than a brutal fisticufToo the floor of the bouse. Tell at something about this fillibustering. IN EUttOU. A number of marriages that have taken pUce in Union county within past years are found to be vow because no certificate wat filed witb the county clerk within tl.e lime prescribed by law, by trie person who performed the cere mony, say an exebange. Wonder if mere are not tome tuch cases in Marion county. alntetmam. 1 be Statesman it in erior. The fact that tb person who performs the marriage cere mony does not file hi certificate within the ime prescribed by statute does not renjer the marriage void, or even voidable. Tbe person thus failing renders himself liable lo punish ment. That is all. Ol It, PK UUtM. To every old or new subscriber to the Dem ocrat who psys one year in advance, (i we will send one year free, tbe American Farmer, It it a neat sixteen page monthly, devoted to agricultural and stock raising Inter est. Or we will send the Dimocrat New York World and Farmer for the turn of f 2.80 Tbe best offer ever mtde, The fcsg has never proved a powerful argument with voters. Mott men, even in political contests, want their opponent to have fair play. We believe there art hundreds and thousands of republicans who would rather have the principal republican measures In congress fall than to have them pushed through by the denial of proper and adequate opportunity for de bate; and we shall be tu-prised if these votert do not make their Influence felt In the election for the next house of represen tative. The only reciprocity really understood by the republican leaders I that which hat been established between them and the manufacturer. The manufacturer pro vide the canpafgn funds and the republi can lcadett reciprocate by taxing con tumcrt to enrich tne manufacturer. Reed, the swollen head of the Republican party, U now being talkeJ of a a probabl Presidential candidate. It it to be hoped that the scheme will be placed in pickle so that it may kp until 1 892. What the country at large i yearning for is to get a crack at him. .What nonsense for Mr Blaine lo be telling is party that Reciprocity is not Free Trade 1 The proposition is: Let our flour and pork in free, and we will let your sugar and hides in free. What ii ibis but free trade, and none the less so lecause reciprocally frecj' , When tbe Congressmen go home to look after re-election there will be nobody lo shut off debate in litcir districts. It U well. Dis cussion is the instrument of popular govern ment. vr. " , - Take Care S There 1 Danger ! lu klluwiag iuactiritv of the sidney ite grow through uelest. The dtvily shoals of Bright s disease and diahe'et I' wreck the govdlv bark of heal'h if it' a 1 wed to drift ruddtrlet upon them. Tb bladder, too, if inactive, and jndiciou 'medication does not ipenlily direat tbe helm tcward tho LOt of safety, will he whelmed by thr qnicksaud of disease. In selectiutr a diure tic, let your choice f-11 upon iinttetter's stomach Hitters, w hich stimulates the renal organ without irritating ai d exoitiog thorn, two effect 0 be appreliarnded from the uo tnedicated stimuli Lrgely resorted to. These have a tendency to react prejudicially, 1 be Bitter invigorate the kidooyt and bladJer, in common with tb nerve and the diet tivo organs, and oaL'ord lasting aid. It al io affird dual assistance in preventing and carina intermittent and remittent fever. Biliousness, constipation and rheumatism it aUo subjoatof. A VEUV WK.VK CASK. Congressman Wilton of Washington, In accepting a renomlnatlon, iavit "The republican party promised to te- ttore silver to It t money uses. It hat done to in a taw w inert had the cttect 01 raising tllver twenty-six cents, and wheat twenty two Our hop, lead, and tutnbci have been protected by wise legislation. While lead under Cleveland fell to three dollars It It now nearly Aye dollars. All of which be a sufficient. rearon why he thould be reelected. Now, come, let ut reason together. Who wat it, that, In the first place, deprived silver of U money uses? Theicpubllcan party Who wat It that resisted, with alt It ener gy, the effort of the democrat In 1878 to restore Its money use to the extent of 000,000 a month t The republican party . Then, why should the republican party receive credit tor partially righting one of the greatest wrong ever commuted a gainst the American peoplethat of the demonetisation of Itvcrf And that, too t after a public enllment, created by demo cratic effort, demanded, In loud tones, that ail ver should be restored , No ; M r W IU011 ahould go before the voters of Washington and humbly tay: 'My party In 1S73 demonetised cllvcr. Thlt was a great wrong, and ten ycart after we have madv partial amend for this w rong. Now.ll you will trust us we will not do to any more." Thlt It the very strongest case wMch he can make before the bar of public opinion But he tayt the passage of the silver bill hat had the e fTcc'. of advancing tho prke of wheat twenty-two centt. Now, this Is so abturdly false thai not a farmer on all the Pacific coast can be dcclcvrd oy It. Every farmer on tho coast knows tlml wheat U just a low now a It ha ever been, when we comldur, that, In many part of the world, the wheat crop 1 short. This I a very puerile electioneering scheme which Mr Wilson hat concocted. He tell the votert of Washington that' lead It now $5, while under Cleveland, It wat only $3. But he torgit to tell tl.cin that the duty, (to which he credit the dif ference In price,) I just the tame now as under Cleveland' atlmlnUtaatlon. But let ut Inquire' into thlt argument. The voter of Washington are consumers of lead. Thlt Increase of $J In the price of lead I a tax deliberately Imposed upon them by Wilton and hit party. The voters of Washington are supposed to be men of aente, and hence when they buy art article they want It at the cheapest' price. But llson want them to reelectihltn because he haa compelled then; to submit to an In create of 66 per cent In the price of lead. Then we are told that lumber ha been protected by wUe legislation. But Wilson voted for the McKlnlcy bill which reduce the duty on lumber, lie thould also re member that the duty on lumber U a tax upon every farmer, horn ;teader,or pioneer tettler in the country, and .at lie hat de liberately supported measures that heap a burden upon these men h ha no rilit to expect them to vote for him. No, taking the case that Mr Wilson makes out him self, and the people of Washington should bury him ur.dcr an overwhelming majori ty. Thi they will do It they consutt their own best Interest. Mr Wilson can have no hope of election except such a are founded on the belief that the tax-ridden republican will be governed by their par titan prejudice, and net by the best Interest of the ycung commonwealth. XTtIK aatTflEBI BOl'S0tKT. The leaves are fallitiK. Summer ia over. Arc we aorry or glad ? The annual moving season lm come for renters and several fumilira in this neighborhood are changing (duces in tiopesof bettering their condition. Tho Vorndran family are moving to Downs station, on the Harrow (iauKelt R, this week. We are sorry to loae such good neighbors. Mr Wilkie, of Diamond Hill, has moved to the Bator place, and Mr Benson is moving to Coburg. Mrs J K Jones was stricken with parol ysis last Friday, from which ulie has rmr tially recovered, havinir retrained the ue of her left side, though at last m-rounts she was still unable to pt-ak. We hope lor tier speeay recovery. Several ot our neighbors, inontly young folks, contemplate attending the Cottage orove lair, wblcli ixeiiis rx'ntcnitor X'J, They are sure to have a good time if they go. Dick Jones and wife, of Echo.were call exl to the bedvido of his inotlier.andcaiiie 1 uesday. Hon K P Coleman is having fort rty rill acres sure- ol cheat sowed this week. Hay w fy I very etieap next year. Some of the farmers In this locality be gan sowing wneat tins wcck. Miss Mollie Grimes will return to her home at Farming ton, Wattli., tbe lastof next week. Mr Fniith. of hugenc.will touin a term of school at the Barger school Iioumo next Slonuay. : Miss Clara Til ton has taken charge of a school west of Kugene and will teach a snort term there. O A li VI LLC W B jlatnilton was kicked by a home last week, but not seriously injured. The horse kicked him twice on the leg below the knee. He says that horso is for gale, mere 1 1 tiave spoiled that sale. Kev T J Wilson tnadp this place a fly ing visit last week. - There are more men in Oak ville Hint can hold up their hand that didn't shxt Chi nese pheasants than ran bold up on the other side, and our preachers don't preach arxmt Chinese pnetteants and oilier pout icai questions nor liunt on the hitbbatli The Tresbytery of the U 1 Cliurcli will meet here on October 8th. There will be quite a number here from a distance. Mr Cornelius Stone, brother of II M Stone, is prospecting in the Calipooia mines. . Mr H is an old miner, and came cere irorn Colorado last spring. Mrs Josie Henderson, of Portland, is visiting tier mother ana otner old ac quaintances here. Mr J E Hamilt on, who is visiting in Kansas, will probably return home this week. Little IIohk Dub. fBm VILLE. (September 20, 1800. It ia still quite dry. Wells and springs are going dry.' 80 much so that Fred Hancock tits been obi iced to drive his stock to town to get water from the mill race. Rev B F Bonnell: of the Christian church, is holding meetings in the city ball, in this city. After preaching, one evening, ait repaired to tne river ana three young ladies were baptised ty moonliuht. We hear the same ia to b done tonight and Myrtle JdclCinley bap tiaed. One by one our neighbors are crowing the dark river, to that undiscovered land from whose borne no traveler returns. Last Friday morning Mrs George War- mouth died of consumption. She waB a daughter of John W Tycer, who died two and a half years ago. Thus we are called upon to mourn tho loss of a truly good woman. May she rent in peace. We saw Joe P Galbraith nnd Ed Mover, of your city, on oumtreets last Sunday. Mr John Veuum expecta his family here from Missouri thia week. . Henry Wiudom arrived lust week from Haystack, nnd reports things quite dry up there. The N. G. railroad, while under going the change to standard gauge, ia all out of gear. It arrives here, going south, at midnight, and anyone coming from Al bany to this place must lay over at the junction some six or seven hours, and there is no accommodations at the junc tion, only aa one accepts the hospitality of those near the place, it ia very incon venient, yet we live in hopes of a better time when it is changed to standard gauge. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS I More Cm Has Talk, Vasiiincton, Sept. 30, There It Utile la the rcpoitt fiom Superintendent Porter and Acting Superintendent ChiUlt regarding ilia OieRon ctnsus. The report were Inspected by the Oifgon delegation tliii morning, but there it .Utile that they will be called upot, to reply to at the hearing to-morrow, Tht re porta are mad up apparently lo thow thai there should be no recount In Oregon. Mr Toiler uiges that the census was a good one ami gives good satisfaction, lie says atrnngo and Nelly were appointed upon tho recommendation of the Urecon tlelccatlon. I and he thinks Ihry did their enumcratlons.whh me exception or a few districts In l'urtlanu, very well and faithful. A blabslieal suple, Havana, Sept, 3a. Two brothers, Jose aud Ca-mclo Diaz,wer executed this morning for a particularly atrocious crime. Tliev at tacked a TmkUh woman and subjected her lo tne grosses', tiidignuic. Her husband sought to avenge hi wile, but was killed by th brother, who also murdered th woman and uiililated lioth bodies in a horrible manner. Lake t uniitx lax Bella. Sai KM.Sept. 30. Tho first duplicate coun ty tax roll lo be received by Iht secretary of state this year U of Lake county, filed to- diy. The summary show a total taxable prtmerty 0111,395,988 31 j number of poll, 477 1'hi is a decrease of f from last year : me oillcrcnce being lor tbe most part in sheep anu came, Work otumrnrril l Yaqalna, ' NEWlORT,$ept. 30, Work on the govern ment jelttc at Vnquina bay wa resumed this nioriiing, i:ni!lcer 1 O rolhcmus belne in ehntge. Wotk will be pushed all winter, The jcmciami puiu rue in excellent conetition, On Ike .. Lowkll, M.i Sept, 3a, Job Q Nichols this morning shut his sister, Mrs Ida Cunning ham, fired at his nephew, Fred A Nichols and nt U alter I.yman, then fired two shots into his own head, Thete is little hope for her re covet y. Her assailant will probably die. I'in anciai matters caused the shouting. FepwIaUeBi el Oklahoma. V Asitl.surci,Sct.t. 30. The census bureau to-day announccJ the population of the terri lory of Oklaliomaai 61,701, A Terrible Aerltlral. Srattlk, Sept. 19. Wm Kobinton, ol Nortor.vitle Kansas, but who fur th past tea days has been in the employ Of the Kent mill company at Kent, Wauh,, was the victim of humble sect. lent to day, Robinson was work Trig in the mill, and wa helping to turn a log Another log was in proctM ol tawing, and Kobinton had his cant hook hooked into it preparatory to turning it. Ho was pulling wi wuii an ins sucncui iq move tni diij nv, when the hook slipped, causing him to fall backwards on a resaw width wa running at a feaiful rale of ir-ced. It was found that the saw had cut a gash about ten inches long, leaving the man's internal organs exposed. He was brought to the r.cpital,whrrc he now lies. Physician, say there it a Uit chance for his recovery. A Fake. Washington, Sept, 29 I here was to foundation for rc oils that the I'oitland enum erators would he arrested or that thete wat gross and systematic padding of the census in that city. .Secretary Noble fold the Oregon delegation to-day that h bad beard nothing of these irportt. Acting Superintendent Child ays that there was no rcaum of such a report being stalled. The fact is the reort was a fjke, whether manufactuied at Seattle or in Washington, Mialaaa's tpttlallor.. W ami I v. ion, Sept. 29, Census announce meuts: Butte City 20,701, increase 7338 Helena 13, Sj. increase lo,3lo. Population of the state, 131,769; inercaic, 92,01c, or 23 50 per rent. t'atrl Trip tteeerd, AkioKU, Sq.t, 2. The German lark Renee Kkkmcts arrived in from Yokohama this afternoon after a passage of twenty eight days, Thia is the fjstctt time ever recorded between the two porttnd had there not been a heavy log c(T the month el the river the vctsct would have been in port two days earlier, Ceaaiag ( Orr;a, WAiiiiNOTON, Sept. 2). l'l cilctit Harri ron and several member of the cabinet wilt visit California nest May as the guest of Sena tor Stanford, to be present at the oj enirg ceremonie of tbe Lclattd StaeforJ Jr., Uni versity. Wafer Had a Effect, CiMCAciO, Sepl. 28. Tbe Ari!o Amcikaa Puking Company's tslaLliihmenl, at tbe ttoelyaidt, w.n damaeed by fire early thi roomiiig lo 1 be eslent of $650,000. The fi was one tit tbe worst the department ever bad to deal with. The alarm was turned in just bclote 2 o'clock, when the flames were seen in the rarkinj; room. When tbe first engine ariived this room was a mas of flame. Water had little cficct vn the urease looked floors, snd the fire soon rrachrd tbe room where thirty io rank ol lard were located. I bese c ploded, one after another, and the melted lard added fresh fuel to tbe flame. The heat wa so intense It e firemen were forced back and compelled 10 work from a dUtsnce, The fiames then spread to the cooling 10cm, where me carcasic ol nearly 70O0 hoc were stored. I hey burned like 01U . water sctmcd useless, and twenty engine companies at work made little headway, More engines were sun.moued, but two hours after the fire started the roof fell in and the flame seemed to spread more rsr idlv than ever- Tbe loo stream of water being pouted vn the urc appeared to nave no ttlcct. It burned oul itself. Will Aejeara. Wasiiihctox, Sept. aS. As senator who in the past ha known more about what ihat body would or would notdo.say that congress wm adjourn on I uesday at 2 o clock, a the joint resolution passed by the bouse last even ing ptovidcd. ACQ irrtdeal. Tr.NiNO,Wasa.,Sept. 28. A spctial freighl train from Portland ran into the rear of the Northern Pacific mail train No. 2, in front of the tlepot at 10:23 to-day. Two men were killed, I he bead of one licing completely lever ed from the body, lloth train were runninc towards Tacoma, Tne .1 tV Havy Van?. Taoma, Wash, Sept. 28. E Senator FC Plait, of New York, out, of the commissioners appoii ted by President Harrison lo locate a navy yard 00 the North Pacific coast, arrived in the eiiy to-day neenmpanied by his wife and his ion, II 11 Piatt, fcin:l wife. The commission will meet in i'acyitia 011 Wrdne day and prepare a systematic plan for inspect ing the most desirable tiles on theccasV Alleged IIirrllilef Cap fared. Salem, Or,,S!pt. 28, Thi evening at tke depot, a the Califcrnia oveiland train wa passing through, Marshal Ross arrested a man named Roland Rushlight, who is wan'ed at Kent, Wash,, on a charge of horse itcahne. He was arrested on a description telegraphed. It covered .wo men, and Rushligh is thought ure to be one of them. mmmmm VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTSSc HERDS; rORTHE CURE Of I AND ALL OTHER DISEASES 3 ' ARISINOFROMA DISORDERED STATEsftheSTCMACH OR AN inactive: LIVER. rOR SALE BALL nnttrrteTC o. rraicnsi nrfairrsr Administrator's Hotlco, XTOflCE M HERTCBY GITEK THAT 1 tbe wnderNlirnnd haa boen by the County Court for Idnn county, Oregon, duly appointed admlntxtralor or the en tat of Maria Crtwta, ilnooaaod. lale of l.lnu county, Oregon. All paraon nav lug ntainia Bfiainat aaia ommb are imrnuy not I Hod to tirewrnl thorn properly verified within ala month fr 111 thia date to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon, Kept 26, 1BU0. Us HttMpaj stay. Administrator, Executor's Notice. In tho County Oonrt, of Idnn County, rcgoii, in mi muner 01 Of Klljeli Ball th eat ala ceased. N' OTICK is hereby glve.t that tbe un ilgnod has ben duly appointed executor of said etate, by the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, and that all persona havinir rslslma aiialnat estate are herb required to prevent them to gether with the proper vouohers and proofs to the undesigned at my house 7 muse fcouthcar't ot ienanon, on me nwent nemo road, in iann county, dragon, witn In alx months from tba date Imreof I'ated at Albany. Oreixon this 2nd day of uotouor, A i, im!. ISAAC MALTMAUfW, J. J, Whitney, Fxeeutor, Atty for Kxecutor, Summons. In thtCirtult Court 0 the Stale or Ortyonvr Linn Uvunty. KU .EYSH, rialntlff, Val S H McTaddtu and Jtalo Mn- Fadtlen, bis wife, Wm II McFaddnn and Mi'FaUdon, hl wife, Mary J Ntout and W 11 Stout, her liukltid, Haiti O Whitney an I Whltnev, her huaband, Flora K Wrlgfit and F M W rlitht, her bunbaiid. Frank Jluotnby. K liiootliby, A K Itrjanland II llryant n huhband. H 2 Youiuf, L IS llitln and the Albany Farm ers Company, a corporation ixtitir.uani. fllOTIlK AllOVK NAklKD UEFF.N 1 danu, llora K Wright and F M j YVrijht, bar husband. ; In tba nam of the xUtte of Oregon, you i aro bnreby required to t and appnar and auawcr the oouiplalnt 11 ted agaliiat you In the above entitled court In the above utitlad auit, by the first day of the next regular lertu of tbe t bove entitled court, to wit: Meaday, Ike flifc day ef Orteber. la, and If you fall to appear and anawer, the plalnllll will apply to tb court for th relief prayed for In bis oompiatnt. via: For th forenloaur of a mortgage on th following real eUt, tow It: The north cuehalf of the donation land claim i.f vm MeFaddnnand Margantl McFaddn, ha wire, Not No IIB5, and claim N. SI, u Tp llH, K g W ol Will amen Meridian, Also the north on half of the following described pronila, towtl: Iteglnnlng at tb S W corner of the north naif of the donation iand claim Not No HUJ. and claim 62 In Tn II B It 2 W, thence cast ia ehalna, thence M It cbalnn. thenc W 8U.UV chains tbenca N 14 chains 10 lh ptaoe cf t cglnnlutf, all In Linn oounty, Oregon and containing 190 acres. And that tb aame b aold lo aatiafy rilaintifl' demands agalnat Msrararet tooth by, tlr(al, fur tba sunt of $110 with Iblnre.t front th 7th day of January latKi, ai ih rat of is per coot per annum, aud Ilia further mini of $IV attorney's ', ami for tbe conta ai.d dlaburaetnenls ortntasutt to be laxe.1. And the defen dants and all holding under tbsm be forever barred from tb right of redemption In a id to said lands, and for sut'h other erder a may be Jut. lht summon publtahed by order of iionoraui 11 r not mi, titig 01 lb auov entiUixl oourt, made at Chatitbera la the olty of Mali in, Ortgoo, on tan ltb day of August, tn'tio. J K Wrath Rarokn, Ally for I'lsloiilT. Summons, I lie Qrfuil Cvirlt He State of Ore- gontjor .ia K,tmmly. MAHTI1A riEHCH, 11 ft, vs Mallnda llodgta, Sarah Ruas and 3 Hona, her tiuaband, Ko. ert Jioilnln and Mary llcditln. bis wife. Jacob IIn RtnandS Itctiftn, bis wins r'ranees White and J W White, her buaband. KUaa both Miller and M Miller, her buarmad, Shelley Boydalon sod Martha Boydaton, Defendants. TO RAID DF.PF.NDANTS, MAI.IND4 Ilodgln, krati Kusa, J Ituss, Itobert Ilmlln, Mary Hodtrin. Jacwb Ilorfirln, S llodrln, Kranewi White, J W While, i.i;rtin Mtnr, M Miller, Hherley la . ... . a. . . ivjo-on a a Alarm isoyuaion. In tin name of the state ol Oregon, yon are nereny rrxjutied to be and appear and answer the complaint Aled aicalit-t you In tha above entitled eourt In the above ontitlsnl suit, Mr thi Unit oy if tha neat regular term ofihe above entitled court, town: Msadar day af ettr, lata. and If you fall to appear and answer tho p alotiir will appiy to the curt for the relief prayed for lu ber complaint, vis. l-'or a deer en of tha eourt to correct a deed made by Jamea llodfrln and Mallnda Hodic'n dated liecembcr 3rd 1804 to tba followlnn isndt: Tbe8iofth SWnf Reo S.TnlS.SRa W, IhoS tftheSX of the HVH ot Neo t i p lo, ik 3 w; alan the KJ or the KH of the KW'X of ro 0, Tp 15, Ml 8 W, It being- bo donation land claim of James and Mallnda llodsln, containing S-0cr. aotriat the same shall doaenbo tba land ir.toucid lo be onnveyed, and described a follows, towit: Tha donation land claim tt Jsmo Ifodgln and Mallnda UodHiu, his wife, belnfr Not No 4014 and described a the south half of tha southwest quarter and the aonth half of tba snuiboast quarter cf Section five, tbe ni b liall of tbe sonthwest onartor of .".ce ton four, and tbecait hlfof the north wet quartm of feet ton nine, In Tp 15 ,K 8 W, inlilun county, Oregon, oonta nlng 320 teres. And that pUlMlfT be deorcted to be the owner of all of aald lands, And that the dofeudarts and each and all or them and any pri ons tioldtntr by, thronih, or under them be forever entotned from elalmrnsrany right, tltlo or Interest In or lo aald lands. And for tha nosts and rUal'tiraomonls ol this action to be tsaed. TU's utnnirn Is nubile bed bv ordor ot tht- lion It 1 ItnUo lediro r,f iha above entliltd run it. tnate at Chambcis at -sail in, Orogon, August lUib. IMXI, J, K. what it R for 11. Ally for PUhmtT. N.lTlIUWAI'.SErT 97TII, W will open our Annual ClililAUAlVCE SALESj -or- C'Oabn, Jacke ap,ni!tl Silk ft'a'utte O.i r butue ha astat.dard rcj ntaCon which nt ver f.ils to atlraet uotifra' altentii u dur. in cur tlouk sale. COIUIKSPONDENCB SOLICITED. j McAllca fe ldtDonneIlr 161, 1CJ. Third St., ' PORTUP, OREGON. aL.adiu Dry Oooda S ore for firtt-thes (tKMl ai eastern price. 3"Afent McCall ' g afiaar Glove Fittii.g Patterns, MOSEY IX) LOAN. small sums, from 0 In !ago nd month 1 to five years, on aood Albany and Linn oounty real estate. T ou wan money give me a call W. E, 'McPhersen, Ileal Eatate and Loaa Broker. - 125tf S' place to do housework or d.ning rocm work. Address tne at Hcio. . S. ZYssEyJ Notico of Guardian Sale. Notice Is hereby given to alt whom It my oonoerni milATTHEUNDErtSIONLD OUARD I. Ian ot th person and estate of Ever ett P. Downing, a minor, wl'l under and by virtue of an ordsr of tba county eourt of Mai Ion oounty, Oregon, mat and nntnred of 1 snord on th Hill day of Hrp Utnbm, A I) IHW, sell at publlo auction al tb north door or the county court houi In the oily of Albany, In Linn county, In in state or uregon, on Friday, Ike SIM Ilay f Orleber, i. I. ISM. at on ft) o'clock r m. of said day. to the highest bidder for U H gold coin, to be paid at the time of sale, ell tb right. tltlo and interest of said minor In and lo th following described veal estate and prnmbws, to will The tsulbhtlfof lha southwest qnarter, aoulliwaat quarter of th southeast quar ter of aontlon 21i and th north half of the northweataattter. and th northwest quarter of tha northeast quarter of sen lion 2D,and all InT II H 111 K ot tb Wll, lamett tneildlan, and In Linn eountr, Oregon! and being a part of tb donation tanu claim or Kdward II bonus and wlfo, Also tho northeast quarter of th south' east quarter of seotlon 80, T 11 H M I K, and lota 0 and 10 In sentlon 20, and loU 1, 2. 8, 4. 9, 0, In unction 20, and lot 1 In amo tion 80, T 11 H It I K.and all f the fol lowing deafirlbetl land say and except 00 acres In th northwest corner thereof heretofore sold and conveyed to Abraham Sy I venter, to wlf Fart of lots 20 and 20 T 11 S It 1 K, bounded and described as follows 1 II glnnluaata polnl7,60obalnaoaMt and 18,07 ehalna north of th southwest corner of said lot 20 and ruDnhigibenre south Hh.25 ilieimi latence at 20 chains, thence north 7 chains, thence eait ao chains. tnenc north 01 23 rna'ns, thorsne west tw.tO ojalus, ;to th rlnoeof txclnnlni. A1D commencing at the south weat corner of IM ward II IOfi us donation land claim nolincation No 7011 situate In T 11 b It 1 K of the Wil)motU u-ierldimi, Oregon, run nlng thete eat 80 rods, thence north 100 rods. Ihnnce west KO rods, thence south 1 00 rods to place of b iidnulnir. all of aald land Is situate In l.lun county, Ktat of urgon All the right, title and lntetrtrr aaid minor In and to the said real e.tai and premises, being an undlvldod one e'gblU tij iiicrmn. fated this 8cT"ifnr 2-1 rd. IKIIO. MRS. M. J. IKIWN1SO. Duardlan of the rxiraon and eatat of J-.vcrctt C. Downing, a minor, Summons, In tfa Circuit Court o tht Stale oj Oregon far lee vomity 0 JLinn. JAMK3 0. HAItDIN, PlalnlilT,) CARRIK 11 A I ttllS, Defendant. To Carrla Hardin, tha alxivo nam ml da fondanti IN THE NAMli OK TllfC STATK OF OrKn. you are hereby required to appear and annwer tte complaint of tba above plaint' fr. In tn above entitled eourt, now on file with the Clerk of aald oourt, or tha first day or the next regular term of aald oourt, which (aid term ba Klna on Monday, the 27tb day of October, lkU0, at tha Court House In Albany. Linn uniy, Oroe;on. And you are hereby rurtaernotilltMi that If you rati toanr ear and answer aald owu paint, as hereby re quired, tba plaintiff will take a decree airalnat you. aa r rayed for In the com print now on file la aald oourt In said cause, lo wit: Dissolving tba bonds of matrimony new extatlna between you and aald plaintiff, and Riving plaintiff In asild can., th care and iuuly of the minor child. Mary llauila Hardin, arid for Ilia rfwtaand (flaburstinenta In this ault. This aqnimnna I pul.hJ by order of the Hon It, P. tlol. Judue ot aald oourt mad at chamtiera in ihs city of Halain, Urt-joo, on tbe Wb day f Hpwmbar, IblJ. W. It. iiitvat;. Att'y lor I'laintiff. Executor's Notice. Kotic ia hereby given tha tba omloisijo ad baa this day ba duly sppointod eaeea tor ef tbe Ut will and tmument of 1'sr msliaJaouha. deceased. All persons having claim acalost said deceased are required to present them to tbe Badersignad er to J K Waatbetford, attorney for tbe eaeeolor, at Albany, Oregon, within six tnnotna from thi date, th tame to be duly verified, ss required by law. 'On tha 2ad day of September, 1S90. O. A. Tavuib, Wat. M. Waltoj. I K WKaTHKRroan, Executors. Atty fur Ksrcotois. Summons, In tke Or nit Court far Lion Coasy, Slat y Uregon: W II II Shu ld. UCV. Sbielda.T F Yoang and M Young, her husuaod, Mary K Dor rin and J J Dorria, ber husband, I'lu. va T J Shields and Julia Shields bia wife, Jas A Shiul.ts anc hmma Shield h'a wife. Virginia K Si IrhU, Mum is Shir Id p. .Sm nal L Shields, Maty Shil,s.litan: Shield, Kittte feUiulds, and Sarah M 5btclJ. To Minnie Shield. Ssuiuel L Shield. Mary ShiclJt, Liuio Shield and Kittle Shiolda. In tha name of the ttate ot Oregon, you are hereby rt quirt d to be and appear and answer the compUiut filed against yoa in th ahoy eotttled auit in tha above entitled court by the Crst day of tb nest regular trro ol the above entitled court, to -wit: On Mm Jay the 27th day ef October. 1390. and if you tail tt appear and aniwer th plaintiff will apply to the ocurt for tbe relief praved for in ibrir complaint, ytx: For a decree of tbe court to partition tbe real ratal owned by plainttfl and dafendat a tenants in com mon, descrbed as followa, to-iti Lota 1 and 2 and fractional lot 3 in block 12. In eastern addition to tha city of Albany, Linn county. Orgo, Alio lota 1, 7, 8 ad th weat half rf lot 2, in block 13 in the as tern addition to tbe city ef Albany, L'on oounty, Oregon. Alio eommenmog at th1 8 W corner of block No 37 in Ilaokletnao' 2nd addition to the city ef Albany, Li ua county, Oregon, and rnncing thence north -erly on tha writers boundary line ef asld block 111 feet; tbence easterly parallel with the northern boundary line id said blocs, CO fret; tkence aautlierly parallel with aaid western boundary line. 111 feet; tht dc wtwteily on the southern bcundsry line of saidjbloclt, CO feet to tha plaoo of beginning. And if a partition cannot be bad with out material Itilurr to the interest of tha parties hureto, that the aald real estate be aold as p ovided by law and tha proceeds of a Id sale bo partitioned according1 to the reapoctlvaintereolr oflbe plalnt'.lf and duteisilants, and that tso cov.ts and rils-''Ui-smpnts bo tared as lr law provided, ktidfurftiioli ctuer roliof aa to equity uiat aretn Juit. I hlsMjinmonsIs publiahtd by order .f Hon It P Uol). Judgn of said Oourt. made at Chamber at Salem, Oregon, eoptemoer ixtn, is. J K WjtATHcrono. Att'y for Walntlffa. S. K. Steele & Real Estate g Loan Broker. ' Lare list of gncd farm and city property for ale IMiir, moi-ey on real adjniniiig ouuutus. xsU-t i-i Lton'and IiiKUrance mrit'en up iiit-luil ! ontpai lea Notary T'ubiia end ouiivpyanccr. Call on or write mo. S. N. STEELE Albany') Oregon. S. W. Paisley, 'Albany, Orsgon. . - VII3WM VLB DEALER IN-i ; Toliaoco and Cigars. ij.vlo r solioitud from iha trade. City Restaurant. Hiviug been entirely remodeled, this old aud pnpnUr restaurant will be mada first data n every respect. Tbe publio will be given good meals at all boara for only 23 oeuts. Evert thing neat nd attractive. Priyate boxes. Oysters In every style. . W. A.McGkb. Ii. it AT T TH Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods Boots, Shoes and Hats, fc- SATURDAY, OCTOBER A' Y11'.0.1,'.,1.'"10 w0 wi" '''sp'V s.s w. r iiiaiuuiw vuiivry. jiavinK k"o inio trio maricet witn read y cash we were en ab od to buy goods at such prices as will defy competition. We hava been somewhat .. ... , U(. Kuuus are inarKcn m piain nguxes at the cash price; A child can buy as cheap as tho best judge. . . Wo beiieve a store c mducted on Uiesc princijles where you can buy a first-lass article cheap for cash will supply a long felt want, and will open up a new the clothing trade of this city. 1 uon z j? orget tne Slralian Block, I890r WITH THE Bar and NEW AfiTI-OUST AtRIATEO 03 KILLS BAKE UAT, 8READ PIES AflD CAftE. PEBfi!8TLY. m- DON'T 7 OO, 59 00, 810 00, $11 00, SIS 00, $16 00, $19 00, $24 00 $41 OO, $71 OO; $181 OO. Sold Only Idv SMITH Stoves, Hardware and THE W TRUE ' !TOWBC Will Wy is Mali MxretaUtKa iwr ua RMMjm ana nmimn sua 1tm HWM MM I Mil . lrPml VI n . . . . . . . . T Lank ot Btranma ana Ttrad ingin win. Hodss. murai aad nwrraa rorm m foraa, Knllmis Mini kSfltuaulU Pm... h ll AIM J " ' .run. vvui ; ' i 1 LI m w t iiii Moniw m .ntriMX win nna IOHIO aafa ul mpaady aura. Uins aolcsr. haa. tltroomplasion. Fraqaant atutmpt at oonntrfis sr la uis. aABfiii mon aOaouiy aatx va uia popmancr oi ma oriKinai. fo aot aipartmanS at tha OBIfll.'Mb aa SKfff, Or. HARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS V M Oura OotuUtwiloa. 11 Tr Oamplaint and Su- a ft Baadacha. Bantpla Uoaa and Uraam book mailadonraralTitortwooaaU ta poataaa. J Or, HARTER MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, K It you wish to hava yonr vratoh teatly and promptly repaired and warranted to roa for one year, tab it to MEAD THE JEWELER Opi'Osita S. K. Young's, firoadalbin Street. Albany, Oregon.- CO TCiTHE York CB R, Store. McFarlasd Block, Here are a few of tbe many hard bitters Adamanatine pins lo a t uuoii: nalrplus 2o a buiiob; dress buttons 4, 5, 6 7, 8 ana" 8n per dosen; silk twist 2o a spool, need les 2o per buncb; good corsets 86ci ladies fine nose from 8o up; ladies knit vests IS and 15c, gents flno hose 5c up; 12 dozea agate buttons for 4a; b'g lino of ribbons U silk; lacjs, embroidery at leas thaa ctual coat. w r sr?c Wallace & Co. win or EX- NEW STORE, CnslliBfir the must complete utoclc in vvvijrviju iaj uun uiiueAaininc rune, and Don't if ours Respectfully, T. L. WALLACE & CO. a THE FALL STOCK! Stoves MAKE A MISTAKE. ffiililPU!!'!!'! TE STOVES AND RANGES bearing thia trade mark are to-day makb mora &nd Lappj tba tsj ctLer branil ia cx iateaco. They are imado ia &3 ttyla aad dss, both for Coding and Hectingi tsi aru told at prioci tomittis pua cf the rich or F0"' -r tmttatlaia. Xausiise ba Beware Ua&a mark elost lTi that yott ar aoi laWM E. lO Has just received a auporb The largest in the Valley, here, including an elegant latest fabrics, and of a high Fall and Winter Clothing, His FurnishiDg Goods Dep't Is complete ith all the novelties of the season. His Boys and Children's department consists of high crade novelties. In Ids v. Hat Deiiartment JL Will be found all the latest shapes of the season.... His Boot and Shoo Department is filled with a Jhnfoa- line of goods. .. Bin Tailoring Deparliueiit Under charge of the expert with a splendid line of 6uitings... , Strictly One Price. 4TH. 1890, the above line ever before seen Forget the Place; Aldam, Obecox. 1890. r & SENDER'S, Pamps. Laf A line of ..... carefully selected for the trade line of Overcoats, all of the grade of workmanship Mr SchifHer, is well stocked mm Pi J Ml 1 1 7 II IN