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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1890)
REAL BTATR FOR SALE. -I Lava a farm of 210 nciei, near LowaMi lepot, on tho 1 arrow Gaut;o. 10 ml!' from A I bo nv. All In ettittvalior. Fair biiiipo ai d burn. Oo d wnter t .r at-sols nd dornoatio pnrpeM-. Finn -ak Rfnv . Alaoarjotherfariu td J28ijero!, lbr milr troji l l.nnon, A'l In t u'.tivalion. tair houe. Grojd wator. Borh goo whoot fa'to. Also houso and tw iota on Ff:l and J fferaon lr ei. Aibaisy, For furlh r partifitjlar fail on S Umphrey ,t'ent-r prociocl, or on liowitt A lrv'n All any. 2!T A, UMPI1HKY. Tin: pi:mockat, New York World ami American Farmer One year for $2.80. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOIJRlt 3, IS90. NO 0 7? fir ! I r, as. ' jk J, . ' ' a." 41 Hn 1inM (IS il HOME THCATMENT A Spcclfio U-a-!!1- W-" H1UER-S HYORASTINE RESTORATIVE. mK, aimian. rml.v it,. GiuuJ. t u. i'j.j , i (MixiixuvM) mki ou.r4 1kim..i, . A rfoi-t tonk and :rwjlli bullJur. lli?kl?:-qJ"TI-FlllOU? STCMftCH AND liven CITE, ram Mil tm wl U Ut TtW cUuj i Kvf. H.uau.1 , nj" alffispK.M Cjmtitlau. PffJJJM-Eft' CATAPRH fun1?. CurM Ana. C4arriCJniilc Clwrr. ftnJ Catarrhal UmmnU! ta.un l.w tunuvuti wijeu Ulre. Uotu an ft Ui'wwl, tr moor)' rvtunJi-O. pHtuwscnnr.Mrung. w it,. r,,.,.!:!3. n.u,;.- j t uuuuu,i:4nlMt.ttuiui.on. Coatoiua MOiOatv. Cura Cwyln tJ uil.'H'UtJ. Try It CP. RIUER 3 DIPHTHFRU r SORE THROAT CURT, rmrni. an,l rtm iun. ti i'l HiUi;) cm arj -Jf j t.vil ui Irwu S u '.lZurTCui at C;ulny In 3 Joy. PKM-tEfl'S FEVER rUy: In I'TCoaUa li mt i!!wv stUn.lrJ with frvw. trui' a hi cm!w t.n.r, sirlalin. knit Uh. fijlUet .UouU UaxtUuiu uluJ. PjLH 'tir n-a n: nvnus PeeiujyciJire. c nr. .. u lUrR'S rHElJMATX AND NCURAldC CURE. cu nhi-,. K.ut.g. Oih L.uuW,-1. ul u.u;r.i.urf iCTIiktktVII. hl.J CUM thwiu DR. CHER'S T.-ETKtfJS rt'PE. akw ih. Ocrol., i chaj uri. li i.-rthi 'v kt.ur.wliic tnilMiiffmJ omi I tt.h. ml rrevrtilaon l riirr. biiMiw, hkkvU, bran iruuUv. aul Coii.iui.i. A to UUi uwlr m cUlL DR. H1LLER-S YH0.1P:W3 CO'JGH CURE. l-n.vr .i Cw Wboopu c.l. Nom-With Uw of.wlm cf lr. IMTrrV IMntlni.'iii..nii. tw iiui...-. i.i - !! Nwaiv'i'cl i M.: nl lr ll.l irinu. h ure. S1.C0 per Package. Six n.l.iurai.(.Hociin,iihnc.ifl.H!.o. hBw InrninH lit, Jtii in.-1 u.Li. jut niUii. w. HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN YuH) M;s iii,Ae:i Albany. 0 re on. MMMMnMMMBttOWMIM fc-l-vw t 7 M lmil- Krapners ot txlH soxes Un''utc t!:t:r r tttiv rLrFe : uv"oa-, r th Capital easiness College, s..kta OrcRoa. Both are n;..l: r Hu !au:f-,.., nt f A. r. .nn-.tro,K. have Mn.ecJtir ol Btmlv,ne rates of tutuou. 1vs,,3,v,rtft..rr;.',n!f.IVmM..A I N : ll U U B IL Thomas Brink. PORTLAND'S INDUSTRIALEXPDSETIOH OPENS SEPT. 2.1. 131K). CLOSES OCT. 25. 4 NEW FIRM! NEW PIUClS! IEALKKS IN'.... Stoves, Tinware, iden Hose, Etc., ...xucLvuisa the.. Have just received direct from tlio Eastern Factories over 200 Cooking and Heating Stoves, which will be sold at prices below all Competitors. As an advertisement cf their business they will give to each purchaser of one dollar' worth of Goods, a Ticket, entitling the Holder to one chance in the drawing for FULL NICKEL-PLATED HEATING STOVE, now on Exhibition at their Store. otovo call ami see their line and learn their prices. Pcarce's Block, -:- First Street, -:- Albany, Oregon. O'HUNG'&' Grocers and Opposite the Keep a nrutcinss stock of Groceries, Traduce, and Eaked Goods. Ecttorn prices SFAOKE THE' QIGAKS Manufactured by uliiis - DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. Remedy (or Each Disease, Itw !mvi rrn,.!,.imr mit . t.i.i. t'i.... Fatkages for $3.00. ,r. Ulllrr . M Ule 4 lim tiixw Kt tu U j ,u9 . j-J ccu( mxa wa aj'pmtu FnAN'CSGCO, CAL, U. S, A. .1 to rov.rss nt the Port Lin J HuiI. 'V ntlire ,at 8 manufactur ISl Ued in tlic city go to AHV HEADACHE "YcaWaif,M BUT CURES ft NOTHING ELSE. "NEW GOODS! Pumps, Pipe, If you intend purchasing! a - WALLAC Ilcvere IIouh. Joseph 1 1 w ir("ll l Hi ll. Bakers I.OCAIi KUOOIU). I). I.. Crow una Arrkxtrd. I.rkI week Deputy U. S. Mamhal Miller r r!vrd In Albany from PorlUnd, hunted up David L Crowdcr nd rrctod him. Mr Crowder rtn ti Albany ltt fall, nnd woikcd for (i L Ulnckumn awhtltf, niter. ward acceinltiu a ptnlllon n traveler for a wholesale tlriig liouo. The offenao fur which he w atrented wa cowunl'.lrd In Kai)4S whcie an liulli'tmcnt lwnlnn him, jut vthut It nnturo l l not known for certain. In 1SS.S Crowder wa pradic- l.ia law, working hi a dmS! utoreand hunt hi up ninll r jbbiT nit at one time. A Attorney ho defended otto Mefiruder for robb.'ry. Dorl.tjf the trial the fact cama out that Crowiier una nii looriuoine prosccullnir wlfneii WlUon to be bcnt fiom the trial, ctferlnj; him f 1 50, tloltiu o on behalf of hi elicnt. lie waa altcr ward ai rented fur hi lb-r v, ctmvlrted aJ ritlcnced to tnio inonth't imprUonment hi t)ir i-oiinlv i ill nn.t to nav a tine of $1 (A. lie appealed the ce ttnd It wm argued hi the higher court and tho decUion of tlie lower eomt nnmlntul. I rowuer cuitncu that hi object lit cffeiltur the money wan to hold WILon f.xantttll robberv which he had been working up; but the court atd that Crow W te.tlinony w no con- Hiding that he undoubtedly wa guilty ai charged. 1 he cac U reporteu in lite Nan tat report, of iS'J It U underhod that the preaent arrcil U In. connection 1th IhU old K3t : but lit in U what form ran not be learned, lie will he laken to Kan- u at once. Thk IHtti Sitovv. l'rvl tietilry with liin dog anipoiiica willlie in Albany on Wediteadny and Thuratluv evettiitgi ol next week. The Tacotint Lcilner nays of the aliow: lew would hupp-wo tlial tnctutiera of the eititte mid cunino f.iiui- liea were capable of imcli variety ol plena log trieka urt Keen btat rveninc nt I'ruf tientry'a exhibition. Tho disa nd ponicH hud U-en carefully and putlriitly trained, to he euro, hut Konicttiing hixber timn lucre brute institu t iitUMt havu form ed the foundation for atti'lt training. Some id the tricks evi.U need ttlmit hu man intellienee. ami the little nnimtt! seemed to try to aurpaiMttU'lioUicr in the perhirmunce ot their nevetal parta" to wiu tho opplau-o of the audieneeand the !tppr'l.ation of their imtatcr. Got Lcrr. .V couple nun ut the depot thin noon waited on the iurt!i aide for the train t'i lY.rtl.unl tocttine. In the meantime the train came in on the other side, waited laenty minuUt fr dinner and left without them. The men, old Orcgoni.nnn, w ho had u-t Win hcreainco tho north hound train ahitted ita route t'ttlio B-iulh track i;ut the depot, aked too I' man iiow roon trie traiti would te in. and, in imcmUtrraii.-M-d man ner remarked that thut waa the lirit time in their long Uvea that they had Uen left. Nearly every day aotnelxxly get foded at Albany' five depot. Trav eler have to keep 'their rye open with four trniua around at one time. Bad Locator. Some timl-r Utud 1 eator have been (voitiK Itvo huineitii In loine county, V A talorn Wing the manager of the bunine. They joeated atout forty claim on the,m!tlt ing aUnit l5rtear otTeach, and in other liM-alitit they located rIkuii one hundred, generally making f.'iO oireneh. The proofa of ome were to ! made ct Koelurg on WcdneHilay, llieClth intitaut, and fifteen were on hand ; hut the locating fraud failed toap;viir a and no proo'a were made. There Arc lot of foul in thin world. Not U . The Second Annual Congrc of the Oregon Secular Union inct-t. in l't;r?!ji:t!. Olefin, t New Arlcn llat, Corner of SvCwiiJ 0!id Ojl !reet. on iiluri3v, S;inday and Monday, Oet'-ibcr II, 12 :.nj 13. t'i) Kintutnt .peakct from nil part, of the no: Id will be pre.ert. 'ir.eotjeet i. to guarantee ctv'l and reli gion liberty to the people ; tccure the taxation of church property, and opjKiwj the union of church and natc. You and y our frlcndt are inont curdUMy Invited to attend thU grand meeting and to become mem ber cf the I'rdon, there being no fee or due. required. Ai.iN ix Limbo. --Van AUiine !r.Ju!g e.l In cue ol hi orcp.Ional pree l;tt Kii-Jay. He got gloiionly drunk and went home and got into row with h: wife. During the mclce he (cUed an ax and attempted to put an end to ail her earthly trouble, lie wa arretted and tried before the u!lce.rcuUlng In hi be Inlj bound ovci to await the action of the grand jury. Hi. bond were fixed at $300 and in d.-tault of bail he wa lodged in the county jull, where he will douhtte remain t.ntii the next term of the circuit court. RegUter Thl i the man who married Albany's Mr Morgan. A Child of Micfouti kk. The eon of a former Albany man, and graduate of our College, stem lo be having Ida ahare of accidents. Th l'lndleton K. O. anya: "C 1 iJavis' young son, who had an arm broken recently while imitating circus artist on a trapeze, ie surely a child of mhifortnne. Yeiderday, while wheeling a baby, bo happened to aU-p on a pistol cylinder,- full of cartridges, which bad len carelewdy thrown away by some one. Une of the cartridge exploded, tho ball paHing very near tho boy' face, and burning bin eyenoisoverely with powder that he its hardly able to ace thi morn ing. Tho cylinder wa afterward found, with one chamber empty." A Gang or Albany boya are paving a draifcltt road for the penitentiary. They sveai about every tiling uiey can get their lianas on, chicken, cggH, applea, peara, pcaclica, grapes, etc., in broad daylight or any time, and depend on the respect ability of tlieir parent to carry them tiirough, which it does, a no one wirthe to have them arrested, a they aro only boys: but euch "iiooua," tew citieH are ever more cursed with, for they aro tho terror ot several communities. Normal Siitiknt3. Misses Birdie ! Anslyn, Mamie Hyde, Anna l'owell and Klisabctb Carothers, and Mr Marshall Uichardson, have been appointed to scholarships to the Monmouth Normal school. There is one vacancy yet to fill. Those wishing the placo should apply to G F Russell, County School Superinten dent. No Dcos, There are three dog In Marlon county, according to the roll just returned. Amount of assessment $60. We haven't heard of there being any In Linn county. The report that one wa heard to bark in the middle ward the other night 1 prubaoly a mUtake. Mining Claims. J W Gardner, II W White and G P Harris, bavo located the Southern Pacific, Central Pacific, Union racing nansaa I'acmc ana Piorui i acme mining claims In tho Santiam minine district; Wm McLeod, the Lexington, in the Galapooia district, and Geo V Harris tho Mountain Lion, in the Ban- tiam district. , A Pointer. The Columbian say that tome surveyor have been urveying over the line surveyed by the Albany "& Astoria R. R, and that cheir, instrument are marked U P. Therefore that road ha bought out the O P and will build through Harnev va cv 10 rarma, connecitncr wun the U P there. That I wonderful reason ing. Another Drco Store. S A Hulln cleric with J A Cumming, and Fred Daw son, clerk with Foshay & Mason have formed a partnership and will open a pre scription drug ctore in tne cast siuc ot f M French' jewelery store, a soon a the ume can be arranged for the purpose, probably tn about a month. How Held Ui. Farmer How much be them pants to-day? Storekeeper They are cheap at $375. Farmer Of course. Same old price. 'Tatcr worth only half what they used to bring: corn 'way to inofct nuthln'; oats down; butter down; ejjgs down. I'd like to know what 1 A liKAi, Ilov'a Hroav. lew Utty ago the PiewocitAT mentioned tho fuel of Chief rurriah and wife pawning through AlUtny on their way homo from Snn I'rant-iKCo. Tho followlnir from tho Kn genu Journal make a live continuation of tho item and transform it into a live iKiya'atory: "iwo or three year ago Mr Win llawley of thla county ued her hiiHbund for a divorce nml got it and married Chief of 1'olieo 1'arrluli of Tort- laud. Afterward there wn a suit In the circuit court hero for the pocloii and cuatody of the two llawley boy. The attorney for rarrisli prevented m h an array of certillcate of itootl churut ter In behalf of 1'ariinli and no much damaging testimony nunitiHt Haw ev that Jtn lav isoan gave 1110 ik,v to rarriitii ami they have since resided" In Portland w ith their mother nml tet-futlier. A few week ago Mr Purrlsh went to California on n viait and ik.nt the boy to l'ltigeite to Hay with their grandparent, Mr ami Mr Iru llawley, iturtim her u 10 nee from home. When alio returned to Portland the boy dut not return homo ami ho canto here after them. Itut it neeiu that they did Uiot like the Catholic school where they nave been scut, dni not lltte their step father and were not particularly in love with a city where there 1 tut water fit to drink on account ot the people lndng too hard up to pay taxca on water . oud. So when their mother arrived hero she learned that her loy bud taken time by the forelock and bad tied to the Cnliixtoin mountain on horseback, and at hint ne coui.tsshe hail not been able to find them. They aro ierhar camped in the brush 111 inn neigitnoriioiMi 01 iiieir iiitiicr ranch." ItAtiiKii Skvkiik. A correnimndent of the Junelioirilut ny an Kitstem loan, representing a large maniifueluriug com pany, ha iteen lit llarrisburg ur the imriKuie of ctttabliidiiiig a faetury if in- dueemetiU were olfred ; but mine were, and now according to said correspondent no snv that ol all the town ho lm ever visited llarrisbtirg take the cake for a "don't care w hether we live or die. m long a we get Noinethiug to eat and a icl Ui b'en on. That Horn burn 1 undoubtedly the home of tho mos-laekl wctHoot, itiic, lur.y. u'xl-loriiothtim clrtsn ,l N-i.i!c) that never cxihtI to do well themselves and place every obstacle in thu wav f improvemetit, and who would not lend a helping baud to en hance the busiut'ii otttdowk of tlieir town In eaiiHe it initfht dUturb their shtmlx-r luring the dav time to have t-xi much going on at once." Perhttp tho man w as one who did not deserve eiicourago uient, we know nothing alKiitt the caw, but wo give hi idiillipic in order to itliiHtrato a data of pet-plo that live in Albany, Salem, Eugene, t'orvalli and many other i.laces, ami are great draw laeka toall of them; but the trouble with ItarrUburg, if true, U that there arc too many lm are iudifiVreiit. A factory there would give it a Urt Umt would place it along N-eido U t anon and other IKe manufacturing touu. LritANos, IIJR Sklpworth of Kogenc recently bought lotne real eiUic In Leb anon. I, Samuel in trr.t an attUt to Ltbar.nn in the neron of Mr Lawrence lo ketch our town for the Wet isbore. The Camp I'l re to be clven by the CJ A ft, .Saturday evening. Sect. 27. at Colon Ita!!, prot.te much. One of the most salient fesittri; ol lite oceakn w'll be prk and bean. J R and 11 V Klrknatrkk Ixjufht Ihc variety store of A W Mwct lt Friday, A W Mmr wl:l move to .Seattle, litre Id brother Jcle ha been for oinc time. We wltncted a ooeer tnKing of the race at a hotel recently. John Chinaman wa cixl!rtj;,the nea wa wa!tlnu dUlte. and the "pa'e face" Wa waiting upfn lhe vageguc.t. Uuff. lil.ilt (Inkhrd picking hr-p fc(!dv evening 111. hop n'c p, iand.ini In t.lmpe and inra.tirc five Incite in length. There may be better liop In tlie country and If o we would be pleased U see tem. Married, at the re!dence of ihc bride' mother In Lebanon, Sept. 14th, Prof It N wrlght and Mt. Maud UaiUrd. The couple Ktartcd on a bridal tour Thurtday meriting, nulii'wr and hi brule have ihe bel wl.ltc of man v friends - Kj.i c. A FanrwkLi. Party. Lat week the friend cf Mi Tiny Montcllh tendered her a farewell party previous to the de parture ot her and Mr Montctth for the eat, where ihcy whl spend the winter with relative in Iowa. An evcnlnlg full of enjoyment wa pacd, trie capoeioj room 01 Mr Montclth rc.ldcncc bcliii; so well suited to an evening entertain ment. Among those present were MLea Lee Prather, PHchard, Flor Kedfleld, Nellie Callahan, Frai-kie llopkln. the Mlri Sophia and Annie llouck, the MU.cs Minnie and Maud Van lIotn.Misses Kate llarrett, Ilcrllia Miirtin, Hutllc Hall, Nina i'arker. Minerva Montclth, Jane Mori!, Flora and Veta Maun, Uoe and Grace Trumbull, Emma Hall, 1 faille and Llda Calbralth, Kate Hall, lleltle Miller, Lillie llacklcmen, Carrie and Emma FfeifTcr, Minnie lilnhop, Vella Irvlng.Mr Tho Montclth, Jr. and Mr J V Pine. Mcri I A Cumming.D f lame. J Caches. Will McCulloch. Robt Strong, la F Pow el'. Fred Fortmlllcr, J V Pipe, Cha Cu. ick, oeo 11 Keenev, m ( uvttn, Wm RIchsrds, Merrill I'hilHp, T J Overman na waiter 1'arker. j A Lono Tku". Bert Lucas lias arrived at bis home in Independence, after doing Europe on a bicycle with a party of twen ty young men. He left borne on May 3rd and traveled 19,000 miles, at a cost of 10W. In t rance and Gcrmany.says the West Side, lie "iw men workinit for three cents a day and their board, and women harnessed with dogs pulling carts along the streets. Everyone ho talked to want ed to come to A merica. and think they would get wealthy in America. On the w hole continent be never saw a self-bind er, tho harvesting all being done by band sickles. Tho women ven when harness ed to their carts put in their-timo knit ting, in all the towns steam motors take the place of our cable and electric roads. Only in Ixindon did bo find cloth ing any cheaper than A merica, and it was about one-third tho price here. Tin sub stantial nature of the houses, streets and public buildings is noticeable Most of the streets are narrow, crooked and gloomy. The teamsters all walk by the side 01 their wagons, and drive their hor ses tandem. Men are at work on tho highways all the tlmo the same as on railroads hero. Some Dagoes, -Three dagoes belong- to a company hovering around the out skirts, were taken before the Recorder tnh morning and compelled lo pay a license for peddling on the tieet. They had no money at first but managed to fish tin enough chicken feed to satisfy the Re corder. The woman wa a circus all a lone, , Married. E. E. Paddock and Mrs. Nellie Kesee, nee Hltchen, were mar ried In Corvallis on the 24th Instant. Er nest Catterlln, of Salem, who once run a skating rink In Albany, and Ella Thomp son were also married In Denton county a te w day ago. Makes a Difference, In our lift of heavy tax payer published last week wa tne name ot Oregon faciac K. K, Co, for J 1 15, 100. lhe olhcer of the road an pearcd before the board of equalization and asked that an indebtedness be deducted for the full amount and It was done, and now iney win not pay a cent In the county. Got Mixed Up. At Salem the Opera House manager, Oakes Comedy Company and the Statesman got mixed up over a financial matter, resulting In the good of he company being attached and the show topped in the middle of the performance, Backlen' Arnica ISolv. ' The Sat-a tn tlie world lui Cuts.nru'nao.Sorp. Ulcer., Salt Rheum, Favor gra, fitter, Chapp hori'ts, Chilblains, Coras, and all Bkln Erupt to. a poMlivul ycures Pi leu, or ao pay required. 1 1 tu guar iittied to give perfoet satUf&ctlon, er money lefund d. Price 25 cents per box, JTor sUe by Foahuy and Mason , - UKIVY TAX-FAt I'.BM, Following 1 a llt of Linn county tax pivot tylng inxc on from (5000(0 S'it.oo. John W Althonse Albany Street Railway Co. , . , N II Allen ,,. Mr Rachel Arn.plger. Alliance l'rut Co, Elisabeth J Bond J W lilain... 1'hllllp Baltimore, , Mr Clarbum Ulottnt , , , , C P llurkbart Fred Blunibcrg (ante. Blakelv. A I' Ulackbtirn. ....,., J M Btlyeti John lit y ant VV () Bond Mary C Bond Owen Bear tieo W Bratlaln . , VV F Harrow ....... , , M II Can? (i F Crawford I'hil Cohen Geo K Chwmbeilain . , . , John Clelnu, , Rtibt Conn , , . , , F.IUabclh Co F F Crolt M M t 'aiollne , R O Cochran John Cuinmlng M Cunnlrgh'im, , , Win Cyru , A J Conner , S Cannon , W 11 Churchill S A Dawton ss 73So f3iS 787.1 795 S .S595 5710 5915 5"95 655S 5930 6000 6700 791 J SS 5455 6jo 0t 7"5 549 5400 575 5000 5oj 5595 iVt 7395 "915 6760 5365 tn s W-S 5445 5713 543o iMS 5ao 79"S S'Jo 6500 7000 53 75 76)50 5o 5900 5'5 5t97 6370 '779 S'5 7S9 7J$o 7700 5100 (ifejO Soo 77J S"oO booo S'$ 57o -51 57W' y4o 5 'SO b jO 5494 Jloo 7400 "MX) 70OO 5''7 733 So3o 5500 7000 5030 7160 boOO 735 77S' 7355 5445 5"i 5 776t 554 7JJ0 60 jo Si4 '4 6000 J F DavU , vv nt UavldMiti , Dr II A DavU W B Donaea, H M Daniel . , . Klcctiic Light (.0 Kaglo Woolen Mill Co , Kdward van , , S Froman , John Fox , rortmlllcr A; Irving . . . , , iir 1 r anning , . , , Olnev Fry, Jr . KTTFUher RUhaid Farwell lohn (iceinkiifcr itillu Gradwohl :.t Mr N M Geary J N GutUlord , , . . Caleb urav al'iralth liio J J Graham . r. K Ucary , . , R CHttl Andrew Hale , J W llard'nan, II K Hull ChrU tiardmait Mark ulluiit Robt HairUon. Dan llouck, . , S ti Irvine. J W l.)hiioii tro Knot ... A Kline.. tlia Kicfcr Thotna Kay l.iia Nccney A S Knox , , . . , M M Line Daniel Lecdy Wra l-ach C J !-cvtr . , , ........... onn i.upcr. olin Ieiiitf , Matt Miller. , l.CMar.ball , Mitchell .V fwl fu. f Conrad Meyer Matthew .V Yvakhbtirn, , 'V C .vtorgsn . r McKae.... C UMcFarland Jamet MtKnlght Uavld Myer.... MeNeal f A McCulloch ..... l-lU4l'e!ii It Mti'arlney Dan McCUIn Mr Anna McCormUk , Clarence G Mitchell,... 5000 Samuel Nlxcn 746$ Mr TerUeo Ohllng 6135 Frank Fropt Charle I fclffer w Puifh........ 75' 5 7Sf'S 6050 W.70 (i(nto SS Silo 733S Syoo 1(S 5900 S' c.000 S&7S 5070 S90 5610 600c 74S 7810 OS 10 400 6300 S470 5'7 6412 6950 sss 6310 7000 5daS 731 WIS 57SO 5400 Ci6j 5075 6300 738o 65)0 6300 7800 7106 7700 S M 1'entilnylon. Nellie O Rotcc J G Reed W m Kccd It LRudd Hannah li Rutherford Pbl.lp Swank... , G W Smith DS Smith S Shupp. Senders Stcrn'jurg I'cier Schlonscr... M Stcrnburg John Shlck A V Slanard T F Smith Il and J A Smith John Sommervlllc. A Saltmarah , Jacob Sandncr, Sr ohn ' Slate..... Pi Smith , Shepherd Bro J A South Uanlel Simon W A Tcmplcton... A Inpp . noma 1 urncr Oregon Land & live Stock Co. . , Et of Tho Umphrey Mcuucr vanderpool Richard Warner v J P Wallace tico Warner , M II Wild .' I N Warmoth Mr Eliza Warren M J and A Wilkin E F Wvatt Est of Martin V.'erts, . Mr N A Young Ed Zcy A Zimmerman.,,, ... U14I, lTIU HALE A Leltoy ct ux to J W Grimes, lot 3, bl 4,and parcel in N Browns villo $ 775 Jonathan Wassom to B II Barker, lots l,W's A.liCb.. 123 Otto Settling to Noel A Clark, 280 acres, tp 10,lt z w 3000 V Pipo et ux to Amclio Millcrdot 8. bl 2. P's A. Albany 150 J W Brown to J L Chapman, undi vided ball Int m 100 acres, tp 10.8Klw 400 B Burtenshaw to Arthur J Burk- liart. 1 aero near Lebanon 150 Hannah Kobinctt to W E Yates, ,7ie acresin u l voi vvmnob inett 1072 R A Sanders et ux to J J White.lot O 1.1 O limaa k M TtrMirn.,illn '1'. John 1) Parsons et ux to Henry Stewart, 17 acres m ip 11, s 14 3 w 1 E Goins ct ux to J C Johnson, lot C.and tract in Scio 1300 J R Kirkpatrick et ux to A W Mo ws, lota , v, 10 ana is, t'a A, . Lebanon... 420 State of Oregon to Alice L Davis.N E K of N E i,sec 30,tp , H B 3 e.....: i 80 Henricch l'.roders to L B Tyler, lot. 4. bl 37. ii's 2nd A.Albanv. ... 1100 Frank A Froman to A and G Bincl- iug, 159 acres in tn 12,8 B 3 w. 5000 $14,423 ..$1,032,008 Total for year.. Ilolden's Kllicreal Cough Syrup. .' An infallible remedy for the oar of couch, asthma, cutanh, brncohitis, whoop ing onughs, and afftctioos of the throat and lungs. The success acd immene demand for this popular preparation for the last thirty yean is unparalleled. Larto ize,$l, small SO cent. or sale by J A Cumming, druggist. ; .... . 1 w Where to Get Them. When wanting .n organ or plana call on b L Blackman ah-e you can select from a first class ttoc;. -. . - " E'an & Achison hacdla too celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. Ibese wall can be furnished at half the cost Fotatoes are being livitlit up in large niiim tltie In Ncwjeitrytt fifty cent per buditl nd shipped Wet ' According to the censti ollke repoit tli crop ofGeorgia wslcrmclon will thl year Dumbci 8,ooc,oio. It I only one person among a iliousand who become centenarian, and hardly six persons among a t'..ouand who attain seventy five yean el 1'lie first patent taken out on a scythe inalb ince 1857 Urn secured by William II I lodge of Lenon, Mas. Nearly 14,000 hoisct ar annually consun. d as food in Pari. In Vienna and Bcilin lit annual consumption U abnut 6000 each, Sixty-five yeai ago Eminon Riidc wa arrested In Hartford, Ct.. for selling Ice, a the dotlBrs of the city had decided that It wa unhealthy to uc It. It Wsaid Ibal thirty new one dollar bills weigh a imucIi at a 2u dollar gold piece. Any one who con gel hold tfjo at one time can canity nscer'ain idc tiudt of tli ative iate- tucnt, - ! Nathaniel llailey'a "LnglUli Dktionaty," puljiiilicd in 1721, contain lhe word "ltOno rtficaUlitudinity,' the deflnidon being "honor abler c." That knock completely out tUt familiar Lreatlt tester of ihc old fahionJ pcl. ling Kliools "inccmprcl.cnuibiliiy,' The liltle l'mjliih stiarrow have leaincd a new dodge since clecuic light, replaced g In the New Voik city parks. When the current turned off at dawn, '.he bottom of the globes are filled with bundled of insect which have been alluded by the light and killed. The pariowi come around after lhe glob has cool ed off, U.ta down the c 31 bom and devour the iiucti. 1 he Univtisity cf llei'.in, with its 6000 stu dents td k.c of fjnju p.cfixoi. ha a espial of but 1750,000, In large! endow ment, that cf the Count?. Bote, is only 150 000. NeverilielcM, it i the seal of lb high est Gcimsn Warning, and claim to have the hint cotp of iiutrucfurs of all the world's School ."'.L- . I Tl e AthcBieum uttcrvet that the laignl am of money whktt the Goctnmcut of Indu devo'c si nually a rcoraids Lr the dcttclion of snake in that countiy have btotignt luul an unoprcted and sua undctbaUe result. It seem hum a communicaiioa made by the cMcf cotnmiioncr ol lhe centi'al province .bat the natives of those parts ate now begio- aing to breed and rear xonou nake fur the puipote of obtaining the usual head money offcted, Il U to be hoped that th 1 Australians are not exterminating the tabU'. by I be same sbrcwd means. A wldc'piead and destructive prali le fire ravaged hundred of thuand of :rc along the Little MUeourl River, a few day go, about forty mile from the main line of the Northern IVcIflc Railroad, North Dakota, lhe great range of the II. T Cattle company wa we,M clear. The fire w put out by mean of horse, which were killed for the pu'panc of u.lng them drag to rxih.guiith the f.ame. The itor.c were piit up the back, and then the carcasse were dragged over the coun try by long rope. The beef rabert of the aou'hwe.t are to make the experiment of shipping their product to England by way of New Or leans, itttlcad of tending it overland to Chicago, New York and Boston. A drced -beef company at Fort Wonh.Tex., has arranged with an Ice compa iy at New Orlcan and a trading aoctnl!on In Lon don for lhe refrigerator and shipment In large ttcainvhlp lo England of Coo ton of dressed beef scud-monthly. The sav ing In freight to New Orlcan, In compar ison with Pie overland route of 2200 miles, will be l2 per ton. It i said that the onion is a great sleep in ducer, and about equal to quinine for malatia Kpoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful tlckncfc to robust health mark an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarkable event 1 treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health hk been attained I gratefully blessed. Hence It I that to much 1 heard In praise of Electric Bitter. So many feel tlvy owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. Il you are troubled with any disease of kidney, liver or stomach, of long or short tinding, jou will surely find relief by use ot Electric Bltto. Scld at 50c and $1 per bottle at Fotdtay & Mason' Drug tote. '.ending Photographer Albany Oregon. W havo bought all the negatives mad by L VV Clark and W 11 Greenwood op to Nov 15th, 18S9. Duplicate oan bo had from bom only of us at reduced rates. We hay alio about 13,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates oan he had at like rate, w carry tho only lull lino ol view of thi state and do enlarged work at lowest rta tor first olaea work. Wo shall be pleased to too yoa at our Studio in Froman'. block, next door to Alasonio lemple. TTlten Ton are all Baa Dww a .Have no appetite, feel tired all the time, sleep doe not refresh you. Ice I weak and f isllesa, have dyipepaia, have cold hand and teet, aro eonstipalrd, and, in fact your tya- um 11 sll out of order, tak Dr lullera Itv Irsitino Restorative. It give refreshing 1 eep, renewed ttreoath, good dicestion, per .eoti nutrition and rertFCCT health. For alo at Foshay & Mason's. 1 Oh, Yes, try J R Douglas, opposite the Russ House, for the finest quality of east ern oysters. Man oisn 25 cents, tun ciiah 50 cent, and for sale by the can. Dr, M. H. Ellin,' -physician - and snrgoon Albany, Orogon, Call mad - in city 01 0 juotrv, . .... ' ... -Genuino Iowajsorgham on draught at C EBrownella. v 1 A u-o care forth whisky babit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for Drunkenness will ear any case of the liquor habit in uotn ten to thirty day, from the moderate drinker to tho drunkard. The Antidote can be given in a cup of oofToo without tho knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the ha<n in any way. ' Manufactured by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, cr from J A Cummiug, aolo agent, Albany.. - ; - ' " Ladies call and tee tbo latest novelties in drqts goods at E C Searls, This Trade Mai k on a 6tove li,',liTr is th best thcr cx- ?penence nnu skiii can con trive. Bold only by kmith J 3 v ' ' i fe Senders. fnim our rui.r VAHlllNUTON. Washington, Sept. 22, 1C00 Speaker Reed ha been so badly bf aten at hit own game by the democral of the House that ha offrred through one of hi minion to agree that no more democrat (hould be unseated at this se.tlon if the dcmocraUjwould stay In their scats to make a quorum. It I unnecessary to say that the offer wa rejected the democrat will make no bargain with Reed. The offer was not made until the Speaker found out (hat he could not force the democrat to stay In the House, not even bv locking them up, and Representative Klhore had set an example by kicking open a locked door that every democrat In the House wa prepared to follow If it became neces sary to do so to get out cf lhe chamber A number of repubilran representative are In hearty sympathy with the demo cratic effort to prevent lhe unseating o' two negro contestants, but they lack the courage of their colleague, Mr Cheadle of Indiana, who made a lrong speech beg ging Ihc member of hi tarty not to at tempt to commit thl outrage, lmply be cause a majority of the election committee had reported In favor of lhe negroc. The negtoe will never be seated until the ie publican get a tpjorum. The republican majority of the confer ence committee have about patched up an agreement on the tariff bill, and It might have been reported to-day, but It' I pre sumable that the republican! will hold It until they can get a quorum of republican on the floor of the House; that may be to morrow or il may not be at all during this eklon. A prominent republlcan'membcr of the conference committee, who wa ! known to be opposed to Blaine' L,atin American reciprocity Idea, wa asked why be. voted it the reciprocity aroendmcnt. j "Oh," he replied, laughlng,"reclproriiy Is a popular fad jut now, and it I well enough to have the nme tacked onto the tariff bill to help carry the unpopular feature of the bit!." That exprcc In a nut shell the much talked cf amendment it 1 only buncombe. Mr Harrison lacked the courage to carry out hi threat of vetoing the River and llaibor bill. It I said that a certain ena tor high up in the council of the republl can party Informed him that If he vetoed that LIU a majority of the republican sen ator had pledged themselves lo make war upon him personally during the remain der of h administration. Senator Plumb gave the treasury de partment a :ltttc raking over Friday, be cause of It hiving entered Into a limited partnership with a lot of New York specu lators, and Saturday Senator Cockercll re opened the tame wound in a few remark objecting to lhe cor.lderatlon of Senator Sherman bill to reduce the amount Of bond required of nallontl bank. Mr Cockercll ftald that he proposed when thi bill wa taken, to offer an air endment re quiring the withdrawal of all bondclrcula lion, and the substitution of treasury note the best paper currency that any coun try ever had. "That will take, he contln. ued, "the control of our finance out of the hand cf a combination and monopoly. vV hat has been cen within the lat few week ba not been creditable to the coun tiy. The secretary of the treasury ha been cc n drawn on by peculatori in stock and grain In New York, to pay out every dollar of cah turplu in the treasury In order to save thetn and to live their Imaginary profile In speculation and gamb ling." The bill shutting te Ictterie and news paper which piint lottery advertisement out of the mail, I now a law. There are luls of rumor about what the lottery peo ple intend doing to test the constitutionali ty of the new law, but they all lack con firmation. A resolution has been reported 'to the House providing for the appointment o a committee to inquire Into the progress Chicago la making toward the World's Fair, and report to the House In Decem ber The Washington Navy Yard U being woiked for all It i worth just now, to help the republican In contiguous congressional district. Secretary Tracy mutt have been joking when he said that politic chould not enter the, navy yard. Politic may not be entering the Washington yard, but democrat are being pushed out to make room for republican at a quite a lively rate. Senator Voorhce has introduced a joint resolution directing the secretary of the treasury to purchase 10,000,000 ounce of tilver bullion within thirty day In Amer can market at a price not to exceed $1.29. per ounce, the bullion to be coined at once and held a current money. A Boston boot manufacturer ha re quested Reprcsenative Kilgore to allow him to name a new production, spec tally intended for Texas trade, "The Kilgore Boot." - Representative Crirp has the honor of having compelled Speaker Reed to public ly acknowledge that he had committed an error In declaring a quorum present when there wa sons. Keep your eye on Crisp, lie' a rUIng man. A wonderful dower haa been discovered In the isthmus of Tehuantepec It chief peculiarity la the habit of changing It color during the day. In the morning 1 is whits; when the sun 1 at It senlth It Is red, and at r Ight it I blue. The 1 ed, white and blue flower grow on a tree about the slzeofguava tree, and only at noon doe It give out any perfume. . 1 The appearance of Mr Cannon in the Kennedy debate a stickler for parlia mentary language in the house wa a spec taclc bordering closely on lhe beautiful. Cannon would not need to d sguie himself greatly to pas on ordinary occa sion a a blunderbuss. Mr Blaine's oracular saying that "the enactment of reciprocity is iha safeguard of protection"! only a.tother wsy of admit ting that a freer trade In natural products is necessary to preserve tariff bounties to manufacturers. The usual size head for an adult Englith tnan is No. Germans have round head. Malavs small ones. The head of Port ugese average from 6J4 to seven Inches ; those of Spaniards are a little larger. The heads of Japanese excel the English average. ' After a series of very careful expert ments,Prof. Cohn of Brcslau has found that the heating of damp hay to a temperature sufficient to cause spontaneous comb jt lion s due to a fungus. The most valuable metal in the world ! said to be gallium, which h worth ipS0 an ounce. Calcium brings $1800 a pound, anil corium $1920 per pound. Gold is vo' th $240 a pcund. 75a "jit 5k ;--- OX ISNJOYO i5oih tlm hh iIpmI Amrresultii when Myruj) ;f Fifft u taken ; it is tileawiiit ui:d refraining to tba facte, ami act j'crtUyyet prompt? on tiieKidiif jf I Avar ami Uowels, tleenses tlie &y-U-nicirectiialIy,.dijH'l cold, hml i' iimj fst vera ami cure Im'iiiiml foittiiatiMi. Fvrun cf Figs is the ii remctljr of iia kind ever ! jccfi, plesimng to the Lristc oiKlac cptaLIe t) tlm vUrrn'ach, tirompt io i( action nml truly Ix-uefieial in ita .f fin. ! tinny cxttllerit rjualkms f-oti. iiicnil it Ui nil. It i.4 for mte is 'c nml $l bottlea by all leading i'.'trggwU. , vinwrrt;! cKt vov th CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IVjlCWtlt. T". te. YORK, H.r PAISLEY & FISH, JOS PINTERS FUNK BLOCX ALBANY. - f JM. ... ...i W Special - A OF - W. . BEAD. ' My Fall Stock is now Complete, Embracing all tlie Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- I Mako a Specialty of Lao,io3 Underwear, in Knit lliBUF.D and Musux. My Prices are the LOWEST and my Goons the Best. - Am solo agent for tho Celebrated T. S. F. HOSIERY,"."''-.'; Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To TheMeii': Call and Joook at My values in Fiirnisliiii! I bmve- n Lrg Stock at tbo Ltwest rrioe ever ollVred ii tbo Y!!ev. I cairy a full line nf tbo w r'J-renowed BR )ADIIEAD gil, uaex.-eilei for wear ant fiuib. Large stock of EiiBaoiostUEa and Ktonxctsca. C.I and be canvibC(-d lb. A'ba' y i the beat ir.din puici tu OiVgon. "W. JE. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative NEW STORE."a MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. '.."'' : EAIR I.N ; - Asricaltaral 'ImBlcincQts & Yelilcles OP -:- ALL Cams and Sea 11s. L. BLACKS AW,- LEADING JEa33ISr, ni5 nprriini?!: hta ISIS. I i i Firfet National Bank or ai.uani, o it r. Pretdent........ ....... f Ti.l n VU President . S. K, Y"t T'i vh!er....... B. V, LASUlJOA, TIUSSACTiJ A KiCKKRALfcwiliiBxtjidoeeii. ACtm'STS R EPT ot ject t .beet; HIOHT ESCIIAK'iR i tri -mik tnwfrf. u 9 Xew York, Frwislf eo, roif'' "d l'o DIR-crCM . i. K Tors E, W. LiSOtx a t at Blaik, h. Fus, K f. Box. Linn Co. National- Hank. ALBANY OREGON. CAPITAL TWK VMirt..; ' ... ,.,... 1 h COWA7T. iec-Hrcstdeiit i 11 mijfTofi. ''!" Om K CHAMKKRf.AIN'. wrt CMl.ier,. o A AltCHlCOLi).- Cb.mheriiin, W g I,; I, W 11 cil .ra, i A Craw (li.rA . rA I A A .nL'.t.. I.I TRAKSACTS rener) twnkins; hwe.t.t. DBAWBIOH1 riHAmton Hew Tor. h til ft"..,: t OrCKon. bOAH KOrfEy un wri.ttd nxutV.y SECEIVE dpit ; ebet'.. Bank cf. Oregon. ALBAHf, - - - CfitCOH.- O APM? AT,, EJO, OOO. Praldeut.... . KH YA NT Vice Fromdent .If. y. MERRILL Cahior ......... ... m J. 'V. BLAl N tinrjrztn. 11 Bryant. J tV Blaln. Geo Humphrey,, KJLaoalng. H Y Merrill. Blxbtffxchantro an 1 tolesrrsphle trai fer on Naw York, Sn Franelaco ,A ud all prineljttl points In Oregon end WanblnKtcn, ollectlr.ns mad on fa vera bin terms nnouncemeiit ! Or 9 OOClS. 3E8. 3E3 2ES. cer-oVEW GOODS. -:-!KINDS. ALB13Y. 0SEB33. DRUGGIST OBEGOIT