The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 19, 1890, Image 4

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    w L.tllLL,
Physiclai and Surgeon,
Ollloc eor, I and Ferry Streets,
Physician and Surgeon.
Offlc) opposite lit Diwnrrat.
DR. W ... DAVIS,
Physician and Surgeon,
tiroffln up tUtra lu fclruhan'a Mock.
Vy be found at hi owe day and night,
Physician andSurgoan.
Gradual of Belle vue Hospital Medio!
3ol)og Now Yark City.
Discs ei woman a speoialty .
TOfflj ivmaVt Brick, Albany, Or.
Suro cure.
8 offer, a Veara le, Tala.
M Sumner 8k, Cleveland. Wtl
Tb ISM I sprained my arm clubbi (i COf
nuts; iviffltftsl year In pain P could H01 HS
S.t arm. U Mlfy CuM kf ft JjS
OIL JAWtl ft w.tei t-v
T.atlmonlaW Cheerfully Ksnawa.
es ma uast
throbio Vases 1
attorney at law
lost Curat.
Aid Solicitor- in Chancery,
Collection promptly made on all po'i.1
oananattotiatedon wasonaDinterina.
ft. ft. M.MJ.CRBCKl', OKO. W. WltlUHT,
Attorneys at Law,
Wiilpraclica in all tha Conrki of the
lata. Prompt attention given to all bui
aaaenttnstad to our car.
OlEo O ld Fallow Tamp'., Albany, Or
"Bit fcHAVOSfiUrl, Co. 6A1J0. MOt
M S Quay I a. republican Untied Suite
v.,tnr Im n Pennsylvania, chairman o
the national republican committee-, nnd, a
lueh.cotulucled the campaign for Harrison
The charge ha often been made that dem.
ocrnt were too severe u. their arraignment
of him. We give sonic extract below
from a speech delivered a few day igo by
Congrcet' Kcnnruy, republican, 01
Ohio. It l the opinion ol one republican
leader of another,, Ho said i
To have been a aenatcr In tho day of
Vf..l....r ml Clav atul iiuitoim was to
have been part ola bodv that won and had
.I.- m rl on ol llie ino ut too noun
.-.i .,.,iih. I'o have bcen-a senator in the
Java of Wade and rmcnuen ami ta-iiucu-
. J . - 1 . ...... ...tut... t ulth lttft
.1.. U .1 111 I1HVB Ut'LII i.i.wvt..iv ....
UVII w . ... I
.mi... rA honor Vt Oum imvo ntu
Tl IIV. , , . I
the purclUM! ol a seat, ana wouiu nave oc-
nled companionnip " wnvv hhiv
. . liin .heC over OV even a u "
inin or enrrunllon. It the Ro-
....... j ... " . I I.. .L lUll it ifiL una Dccn ucui hkk. i w
and the mire of the ecnliiile. ninely the
..i..v nt .rnntorliil courtetv h been used
iu hldo the tiifamy ana tne corrnpium
whleh ha dUhonord and dli-j;rcd a boily
.MrU wii once the proudest In the land.
iTh tuda Iswuiot of year nii i
to find a counterpart In thejuda Inarlol
i lie j una iuo mv- inmj
A ".booting Hrrate,
Et'OESK, Of,, Sep?. II. An exciting Mioot.
ing ninny occurred at the residence of J U dray
nt lle Kngcne FloitT Mill Company, iliortly
Bficr m on to-duy The trouble trouic over a
father tiyii'fi togct bi children fiom hi wife
by force, A few ycai a0 Mi l.onlna Cry
wn mnr'tea 10 I I'. kucii, ni Ain-ny, in
uiii tif ttiiilr nm ilniie weie two .children, a
my and n Mr mi it Mr Kusscll were not
vine hni'pily tocctlicr. mi I bIhuii two n.onlhi
ni'u Mr Ku'icll came to live with her parent;,
iiinglni; the children vitiit iter, kumcii iiniiy
lot ei mined to have the children, fullowed her,
and ha been aiound here for ix w jek. He
minted to have M he would have them if
be IiaiI to kill the whole (IiAy family.
1 hi nftcrmion he had everything read) and
aOUnam r RUUU tvuuuo ;,ei7c,,u"cr and went and hnKed blm
I .. . a. .1.. ... If ft.iav
ClI HO IcW n example iur mc -x j
atprr T.Titm W P.irlUml !lty
ou'hl Nona
TacDtna It going to pavfio.oqp to have
her city charter prlnt-d In three dally
Corvnlti ha pacd an anil-cow ordi
nance hv a unanlrnon vote of It council.
A enlb!e move which will redound to
the credit of our Uter ciiy. No ctly wl'.li
an null-cow ordinance can eve fall to take
her proper place In the world.
C S Smith and Sarah Schmidt were
recently nmrrhd In Corvalll. That I
. . . . . i j i. i . ..i . t i ,
uniting the smun iam;iy in cioacr uuihh,
Tl e countle of Ullllam, Wico, MulU
nomah, Waihlncton, Clackatna. Marlon,
Linn. Lane a id tfherman have no llahlll-
tic, and Orcuon I about the only tate
stnrtcdtocct the children. A boy bold hli that can report o many in tnat conti'ion
aTUfflc la Stnhau'a O'ock, No'a 1
and a.
Attorney a. LiwaalTitla Eianriacr
Will practice iu all tbceoorta of tha
8Ute. AbalraeU of Title furoithed on
hortoolio- Ten yar atoerieoco.
:ixir. a. I Lv
sun I Lv
T:iM a 1 Ar
Hit r'unilmn
Ar si a
l,T I II a a
Lr tf.oo r a
Ahor ri '! on'T Mlwt Ul!n north
o KtMvburf. Kwt loflmd. Own .'iir. Wi-n.
tMirn. M.iom. Altunv, Ti iviil, Hiuol.l, llklxy tlr
Uliurj, JuucUon L'iljr, IrrUif, Kacua.
.'0B I Lv INI.oJ Ar 4:00 r a
!: ralU Albnr Lv IS.oO a
;03r Ar H bar- Lv I
t:00 r B I Lv lNir:Un.l Ar I JO M
;0O rjLA Altony Lv ) !
;5 ) r a I Lr A)iny r w. a
:MralAr Lolw.wn Lv :
:3taLt Al!n Ar !:(.
:il a a Ar UbM Lv Site r a
tluiU'J aaa uitiw
Druggists aad Booksellers,
Atresia for John It. Aldon'a publlcnUona,
Qlch w aell a'. pctlih' TTlm witt
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
far Acrawinftitaliaai at aceaaxl-flaaa hue
Sr, nllrtte4l Ctarvta Train.
iH ll'lt Livllea.
Malt itiiuni (Ewl8onuar.)
T:Soaa I
Crv .
i 30 r
11 WB
BiraBM ratix biilt (Eiejp. Sunday.
I:4 r a
I .fOa a
I .4A a a
ere iiouse:
FUtaJ no In find. -Has ryl. Table
upplled with tbo tt io the market.
Nloa aloeplne apartuiooti. tUnipl iooio
tor commercial trarsler,
TTr Caark f ai l frM Ike Pvlcl.'Ba
Real Estate Agents,
Farms and Ranolic for Bale.
Also oity broierty in Albany
and Cory alii.
iL.ey And Counsellor At La?
aotar rblic.
Uoburg Li u. ub 3 r.
I aall tha beat lnmbr ia vhi imty; tUo
dr poita, ahinelca, lat:i doir, an t win
ow mon'diotr, etc. Price f.-om Sj "o '22
or thou aaod. Yard at fwo, oo the
Narrow Oaoge. Sm nil bef ire parehuioe
W lV CirawroKD.
roncrli rXiclcetM
To all pulnu
fiH Iju Inf nn't ii rr.-JIn fat, mr, t.
all on OomtmtiT Aifnl at Al'nny .
Manager , t'l O. f. aad P. Ar
)0 t)ovolnpinnt Coicpany'a Htoa.n
ailp Lino
uia by any other rcjle.
Firit-oUsa tbnunh p.vnpii(rnr and
reUht lne from Portico J and all ixtnta
b toe W 11! an: oil Valloy u tud from Mbji
ftnclaco, Cl.
ihnt la well worthy ol liuir iniiiun
Some lime lnce I tooJ npon my place on
ihla floor and Ui-noimccd a enUr from
v native t ale because, when cna'
., . , . , i .. i.. i.. ...
with corruption ami nunuiu wm, ,
he did not arlae In hi cat and dciuaiul uu
invcBllgatlon and innulry that ahould c
lablUh the purltv of Id actluii and Id
peraonal honor. One other occupying a
hii;h place in ine counaii. ui me
which 1 belong Ita coffered hlmaelf month
In anJ month out to be charged with
crime and mUdcmcanoi lor which, if ahould have been coi.ucn.ticn
under the law a of hi alate and had
meted out to him the fullest mcaau'o of
It punishment.
. - .1 11 I .......
X tils man i a rtpui'ncou. onm
remain Ucnl? 1 It just and bomt to re
main In m v eat ailcnt bccau.c one ho U
accued cf'crlmc and rctuae t t:k for
vindication I a republican, and that re publican
the recognled leader of my pat l v ?
Neither Ucccncv nor honor would prmlt
me to do v. do not know whether the
charge made again! the chairman t f tn-s i
National Republican Committer arc true
orfJac;but 1 Jo know th.t they have,
been made by journal of character and
Handing agal. and ahaln, and I J) know
lhal In Ihe face of the.e charge MaUUi av j
ha remained ailcnt. ami ha neither t.;hl j
nor aUemnlcJ ti cck onx.rtuii!ty to in
dicate hlmaelf of thvin I do know lhat
a greal republican leader he o ved It to ihe
grcal party at whoe head he to either
brand lhi;n a htfamie or to prove their
faUity. or be ow;d il to party to Hand
Aal ic from lu Icadcublp. He ha not dune
el'.her, and for thW 1 denounce blm.
"The republican party cannot kfltd to
fellow Ihe lead of a branded cilmln il. lie
ha failed to iualifv himtclf; ci.d though
opportunity and n.p!c tl.oc have btcn
given hltu, he icinaiua alien:. n:i:i encc,
uudcr itch circumstance, i loc conicnn
of gu It An hanorallc m-n tloc not
d-illv when lii. honor i a.iiled. I!c ba
dilated too long to jualil r the belief In bt i
Innocence, ana lie tano a convn ito cum
inal before the bar of public uplnlcn muU-r
auch elrcumlancct lhat be ahoulJ be
drit en f ruin tfie I.eaJ of a pauy who ej
very life hi preaencc imperii. 1 he re- j
nubllcan nartv baa done cnoui!ii fr r.
i.rctend Icailcr. Let blm lc relegated to
the rear. Il la no lunger a'oit of nU
vindication; It Ur.o.v a rj ie.ti inof the ntc
of the pary."
Myers force puraps are ihs b:zi,
v. Smith & Sender's.
To ; Oregon : I'aiiio : Pepoalar : SlMMtR
KxiTK.-uo. Law Hit Ticket, ara
Oow on aals frcm all Valley l ointa
to V(juina aul ICoturn.
Boa's inaka cIom connection at A limn
Lraioa of thoOrogou I'aolfl j lUliioavJ
True :iietut.E. sjwua)
Tkr' op n thj tin I irrio-jd, to m.le
abov i ;et Hiine; 1 il plirey b'irae, C or
7 year. 1.1, hri.d "S" on rilit n t m dsr;
1 brown K:l.ling, aboal Bvne ago, traiidi
S" oo riht ahooldrr. Owner are r-iu4t-d
to cali aud pay charges au.l for tin o
tice and take them away.
Attorney at Law,
Office In I3i Itranan Black,
I . I . ..n. u r ... V . 111 . m
'av.Co.'raK.i t:Hr, a. Cor,alli.,tti.M a, a
Vrrl. Taialna. r. !Arnr AlUuiy, 11:10 a. a
O. St C. train cmneet at Albany aud
7orvlll. Tho above train connect at
Vaouina with tbn Ori;ou Dovplnptrct
C'oropaoy'a l!w of Huivn-ihlf ttwwon
Ynuion ani Sun Pran-inoo,
runt Ttqrtx.
hmae and bu;;gy in llu alley, while he went to
the house and uemt ndjil tha children. Mr
Gray m ptcucnt and refuned hit demand. He
nttein,)lcd to take llem by luice, wnen ttugn
Uray came to hi mutl-ci' help, and Jha three
engaged in a lively tunnlc, KuasclttrucK uugn
for width he received a cut wi h a pcnkuile on
the arm. He then tjw a large revolver, ami
aimed it nt Mi Crny. 1 lutt giabtied the
tatut nti-l it w as diH lmiged in hi hand.
A Hpukaae r.lutirment.
Sl'JKAMK I'AI.I.S, Sept. A highly cna
tional eKipenical occurieJ her yctciday.
Jcuo Artt.ur, a prominint attorney, mi fut
ome lime been paving attention lo Mim Flor
ence Rucll, daughter of II C Kuweit, of the
Uull M.inufacturing Comt'any Arthur it
the tame age a Mi KumcII hither, while
hc ia 17. Mr Kitaacll dcricd Arthur admi
ion to the hctise, J' lie pair immnged to
meet at the home of a fiicnd lat Vcdneday.
Mr K mac I ol'tttvcJ Arthur tkulkinit around
the hotiie, and purauing him ahiuniiteied
leveial hard kick. Thai nigh! Mikt Kuaacll
met Ailnur at the home of a fi lend on the
Noiih Side, nml ihcy were merited. They
left over the Spokeuo & Noilhern yentetday
for HiitUh Columbia.
A trrieaattl Majuill ,
CiicTKNNK,Vyoa,Sept. 1 J. Tho Leader
i.iiti Sullicleii! return have been tecclved
to abow beyond any ip.iellin that the ic
publican Hate ticket l elected and that the
republican have control of the leglalnture
which mean the election of two republi
can t'nited State Beuator. The republi
can majority of two ear ago U reduced
front 10 1000 or uoo.
The ItcrurJ Uroken.
Pkokia, III., Sept. II. W W Wino'e, of
Ihe Ui.ik.ey Athletic Club, New York, ibit
aflnntHin ludc a half mile in Is lo' bicakirg
all ihe wotld'a tci'ui.U lor that iluiance, He
nuile the ipmtur at 36 2 5.
laviHlaltun mt Malar.
Wamiinotox, Sept. II. Thectntntoflice
aiiuounrea the j oputaiiun of the ttate of Maine
to be 061,361, an laceaac in ten year of II,-
Vrll t onBrelril,
JctcsoNVtl.I K, S;.-jt. II, Jullu Smith,
who elm ed with the young lady fiom Albany,
il well run tectcd in Jaikaonville, and hi wife
it the daughter of the late (icncral John K
Kos, and a nioil ctiimabie lady, little
clal. I. 1 1 month old, i now lying at the oint
of e'eath. Mr and MitSini.b h.v hern ep
aftcil lor aevcisl nunitli.
Oeoruo Hotru and Dllly Kayer, pugll
lit, who fouuht a mill on tha rccrvatlon
near Pendleton la! Sunday, were artested
at t,a (irande, Ihe grand jury having found
a true bill again! them.
A Kcntucklan In Uviffa'o ha dlncovcred
there the firm of Irlah & Kngllah. Whal
I conahlervd especially remarkable about
tho firm I that Mr Kngllah I an lr.thman
and Mr Irlah I an knglUhtnati. ,
Tha OaUtia C'.medy Oo. la MUol fol Al
bany for Kept, 22. The oomptny haa ban
hora before and gava a vary launhable tntur-tainment.
0i V Andornn ha rented tha room
anuth of th Poat oilloa and will move fli
llh mirknc into tho mei Jiimember the
pl iO'i when wai.tmn full.
J 11 Alili..y u bt Hoatth", where he Inlenu
II. 'ii t' riioautk-ivit 13,771, an inore
of 4KW aver ita iiritt omut.
Norm Lihy, of Dauton orunty, tlifhel
62,070 buihel ot grain during tha taaaon.
Mr 1 1) OuU will leavo in a fw duy for
tha north, expecting f ink Portland or
Taeoina hi home. .
Mr N P Brlgii, of CorvallU, white in
Portland had her tmuket nicked of t.W in
ninuey aud fllUOO iu nutria and chick.
The Haluin baa ball club lint diabamled
unlit mat apriu (. It rosord itl 1 good on
for an aiiMlnur club, thnngh hardly equal to
llolima whiuli recently ilubandaa alter
wiuning evntecn out of twenty game.
Matthew W,hliuni now have in ttnok
tha nnt comp!ut line i,f heating tuve
narrliid iu tha valley. It rauir over a ear
load il atovn ami rautnt to ampl tha a
aort nent they carry.
Matthew & Waa'iburn have rroei ved their
third curium! of ttovet and range. - They
are Ihe only dealer in lha valley, nntiide
liot"tooU ofaitverwara fnVbiiy
Will&HUrk'a. No doubt of it. 8ei,
The largeat atoett of upwtaolnt and eya
glawat in Linn county at F M Frenoh'a,
Zaeho & Son remdved A lare invoice of
fall and wibttr wooleua yealerday,
1 W R'nitley, beat boft and shoe maker In
oity, ibrf oixir niirun 01 uKMw.nvr oince.
The experience of tlie pant year neem
to Indicate tliat H will be welt to continue
the course of study of tlie Oregon State
Reading Circle.
1 ... . I .1 . .1 A jantitn a.nj.lnllnnfl
Pora fino f old or i'er beadd cane cheap . " 4"s ""m
11 at F M FrenuhV The CV nor Jewelry tbe teacher to fortn Is tlio amtociation
01 the teacher with KorxiUKKai me on
circle U to promote
Good good Ami lw priens i the c oiao of
to many l-idie gold wattilio l-fng aobl it F
M f reooh .
Hut fairurxt weli.
Hey. Metiyer was in 8lom yrttcrday.
Mr Fred rduniburg went to Sdem to day-
Mr Lake Dot rw, of Cm vallU, ia ia theeity.
C J Stuart and family left last evening oil
aatiip to shovel croek spring.
Bam My,of HwrUbnrg, rs in the city to
day, aud Wfthia cara at our sanotutn.
F P Catinens and wif will leave io a few
day a en a tis month trip tnrongn in ei
Crawford & Paxton, of Albany, were Ihe
drat to get photograph of our nig bring'
Jeffuroo Itovisw,
Jo. WatOti wont to Va'inina llaV to-day
fur a two week afj'iurn, with hi j,ru!-,
who rido there.
Ikib Diirii a fnrmr rmid'Oit of t'111 city
but nowof H9Uli',Wh wa ita too y
Urday, floio Pre.
ioet of tho raulinif
this anmwiation and to conduct it in an
Intelligent way. It seek to Intercut
t inchera In ft carefully prepared con re 01
renilmtr. to the end that thev may we it-ti
ter prepared to do the important work of
the adioot room. This must be largely
an individual work. It appeal directly
to the teachers of the district schools be
cause they can do the work alone just an
well a the teacher of the graded aei.oois
While our orsfiini.ation is known as 1
Teardicra Keadinir Circle, ita work is of
special valon to all who are Intending to
become teaeiiers.
A lariHi ntimlxT of inioila who have re
cently completed the course of study in
the luifii Hehoom 01 our state expect 10
eniMite In the work of teaching, io an
such, the reading circle oners an excel
lent opportunity for further irnproveuien
and for some tlegree of special Preparation
lor their important work, it is. there
fore, the purpose of this reading circle to
arouse a spirit of reading among the
teuehers of the state, and thus elevate
Pouiiiy Wanted.
ti a of ponltry, alive or dreaaed
tha Willamette P.icklng Com
Hbora. Albany, Oregec
Mre4 aranderh,: ewwl . Bookfll-amaif
In en Teaslm. TMOmoniabi t turn at!
frfa of th. ir'nbw. VrmvmAxnvmf
raaa, -n tn riTtleOon to J'rof.
A. IxlMUa, 1 1 if la An. Hew taea.
bxw paotff ru'ua .irr.i:ioR ton pamimis
ami AKr.K m.
DflITiW rsrl-CDrorpaiMf'J uashoodi
AfUilHSt D.rj n.jnsr.vci'ca x;ebilitt
The followlnj I a very candid state-
mcnt from a Sulctn paper 1 Tho ttnpulh-
lion of Salem I Inercaaed conatdcrabfy by
the luto recount, but silll. leaving out ihe
population of the Inatltutlon. there U not
much over nine thouaand. ThU I great
falllnc off in the expectation formed lai
tprlng, when Ihe population of Slem wa
varlmiaiy ca.tmitti'd, tne tigure ranging
from 1 0,000 to 15,000,
No more runaway, A Pendleton man
ha nut a fiuktu to them. The I'.. U. MVI
Kobert llruen cni hi application to-day
for letter patent for a device he ha In
vented for preventing runawa). The
device U attached to the harnea and U ?
arranged that when horc become fright
encd and Urt lo run Ihry can Immedlwiel v
be choked and controlled bv Ihe driver.
Atthouiih Innumerable patent have been
granted by the government, Mr Ilruce ha
the honor of Introducing the firat Inven
tion for Ihla pnrpoae, and It I to be hoped
It may prove a tucce,
Mr Perry Conn who rt turned from the Hay
.-."v., ..I..W...W I - , . a aa a.'.. .
of, that handle over three ear yeUrday with hi family reporte i an iin- the standard ol sciioiarsiup and improve
Uitaiiliini.,.!...,. mense biikui.i 01 10a tntre. tlie teaciicra ana tne scnooi. itisamo
I . . a . a ...
1 I tT,....l . ..., in., 1 Mr II l.aininnan traveiinu (aiedinan
" ' ..wjw I . . . ... ..." a
arranuo nent tojiive their ballnou anonnaiou the Ubort,e binder, 1 at in home
and lBia.luU iumu on t ;a 20t ijf thit 7 i,lr npuwn eiuiu..
mouth. If arrianvintnts Bie perfunteda A inkU from tjoullivrn Onmi say Jale
1 1 1 crowd will t e un hand to tot Ilia dar-I Solimi'lt an I Mary Hcliluaanr took tha ttane
inafr. I at Uranta Pat for Cr City, uu the
Ah Turn, tl.a Cliiue.o em.traotor'a ant a-alihtrnU.
who w tent to Kcio with t'JUO to nay off a Tho ladi.s of tha W It C will eivo a mcl
on toelal at the U A K hall, on lumday eve-
emit. Kent lu Admlinn 10coat. It will
not lie a molon-oholy aiXiir, thdtiah, there
w ill I melon fur all.
Tha Jow'ob New Year, IlMhaahona, w ili
CiUioien.-a Sunday evetiiug ami continue
until Maoday eveniog. ariaj Monday tne
place of buuinet of our Jewiah citiX u will
ha cU-aed
Chvlea Lockwood, o Eag me City, Ore
eon. ! been antminted awtatant United
State diatriut attnroey of Oregon at a talary
CTTT? T Wa..keaa of BikStbb Kio4: Effa-t.
U JUv JL of Zt-m-.i- E-acii tidwr Ynj,
,,.--., 94t. BOl"'n' r:r '- ia aia-y aaa
t. , .a,i;iK riiirro (.uu, a rKTa.i tufaf.
4-.yli.t.i w.Mii.t nam HMUO-IU--II, hi a ar.
tm 47 lliiw. TirrHiri, tm4 ttvlcm ratwiriM,
nwii va. aairaa. Mil Mit.t.l ti .,t'jl
lot cif Chineaa hamU.bnt intUiad Hir filiat
ed the atnoiiiit to hi own nn, wt enamined
yautcrday iK-for Juatico Wooil tin a larceny
char,o.anit lh cat waa taken uii.Ur advlBe-
liioiit. Po. Hand lCiainluor.
Tlie t'il 'f Mr Nancy Slator santt-1
iiU old Tom Head with a Clnb. ha ooofpied
the atluii"in ol Do, Jmttoi' court alt nay
ami at tin writing I lie Jury U "till dflliburat-
iog. THec iuit i inn lu been filled wi'.h
IHiutat-ira aa utu'j 1 inlarrating vviil tea wa
brought out. uorvalli rime.
Conaidotinj tha nuniW of rider ihero are I of $1200 per year
Tho worse men tret the
think the world ia. in our
is a pretty good world,
chunk of the cream.
worse tliey
opinion this
and Albany ia a
IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold U
regular meeting Wedncadav cvci lng of
each week. VUltlcigbro.hcr aic Cafclally
nvlted to attend.
Willamette Vall.r, July 2 h.
Wlilam-ite Vailrv, A izAiil.
Will unrtU Valley, Aijr llk:
Willamette Valley, Au; lh.
rai .t iiociko
Wi';i5t riiv -a at it..
WilUro-Ui VaiUiv, Anr 11th.
Wi'iimotie Vallty, Auj21t
V.'.ll Va'lej, A a; Slat.
fbo Ooro-jj-y tr., rvoa ahe nzat
'iio.ze Mill nil 'li's ir'tbotit notice.
, 1T. II. I'A-nn'jr from PonIn'j and
'filla.-MMte) V:Ir pninte etrt mk eloae with ib irinn -i tb Yaqulna
"utet Albany or OrTa'lls, and Ifdea
'.'.nd loHan FrancUo !ioaId arraneeto
rrive at YTJ!aa tbn o-euing bofora cate
CD&er aait
f'.rlsUI Bate
:nii in
" 'r :-r"- . jJt
r .7 -i4e A NTrpjU-'-':,wU
Albany Jfoda Works.
jnd Mauitfmtirerc of
A e ere now preparer to ell at jr.holc
, ul way fresh and ame at PoTilmd
, jvb u, doaiora. We aai keep a fct
flats and Tropical Fruits,
C1Q3S AND r03?
Opons September 12th, 1890.
Conrai of atady 'arraoKed exprewly to
meet tba need of tha far mini and median.
ical intarait of the siato. Lre, ocmnio
diona id Will ventilated bnildinsn.
oolbe U I-'Cn ted in a cultivutjl and
in o im nttiiit, and one vt tbe hoalth-
n the tat j.
Military training. . Expenae need not ox
ed f 130 for tho eutireeeaiion.
Two or more tree imoiarshipi from every
g in coun'.y. v nu lor catalogue to
U. L. ARNOLD, Pre.
Corvsllir, Oregon
for I'.I. irmill'.n apply to A R Chapman, Freight aed
rket Aitent, All.anv. o' to C II tlaaw.ll, Jr , O. T.
A P. At,. Or.aa;'m Onvoli, en! rVi.. 4 Motitrnvefy
Han YaeiB.", tan, C, f. Mkll,
A. 0 r. sril P AlfHI .
A2;e35or's Notice.
Nj'.tj.' Iii-ii, en that tho Uuaidi f
Baalizition wi.l a d at tha cilice of the
oonoty ulerk. in coentv, O.eop.nn
M m I ly, the 22.jd day of Mel., umber, 1800,
an I will orreut all erro-a in valnttion, d
ciip'lio of laud, lots, or o'.bar properly.
Tin lit djy'of Kepttmbar, H'JO.
Uu. Iff th miuay .ment of the Oreif m Ktits Hnard of
Ani'-.l lure, rtil M Held on tlie atale Ix'a
ruunil near 8alnn, comineiicing ia
MONDAY, SEPT. 15TII, 1800.
AiiJ lattlnz o:i week.
m $15,000
OiTored (nr asrrlenltarul. ock amt mechanical ex-
hl'uiu, fur wa.k, of art and fancy wurk aud for trial
of ed.
RoluoeJ lata for fre j frelirlit on alt Iranapor-
totton to ail 1 Iran tiie fair, lmiiortuit improve
ment liav. neon made uikhi th. KfiemU a 'id lo-
craued tic'litiea ar. oRered oibH.ltura.
Ihs Pavilion will be Open
Tour Hishts Earitg tba WseL
A ilendld flI 1 of horait ed'ered In the apeeh de
part ment and So tilbi'.i')iui of raslnjj witl be given
each day..
Entrloafor nremtum eloa Mimilir at 7:30 n m.
Exhibitor ar urtiml to make aa in in y of tlieii entrit
on Saturday before th fair aa p Miible. Uood, ani
mal and article for exhibition muat be In their
place by 10 p m, on Monday.
Man' day ticket
Wfrnia' day timet e
Vtau'e aoaaon tlvkt e So
A Brraaal.
IU-I-.I. CltV.Stpt. II Ti e llojid of Trai'e
haivc o-dctcd a recount of ltjic' imputation,
cituens Le'.Mg ini'.ignani r! the retunt
an I cuim fiiily 4"o Tl.e count will I e com
plctcd in two week.
Served Ikrt ll'sal.
I'aiion, Pa., Sept. ii. Thtie lis l-etn
much comfUint recently of hating at the I -a fa.
yc::e rollrg?. Two young fieahmen learned
yeatci'tay ibat Ihcy wife lo be viaited. They
aimed ll.ctnaelvct !'h laarhail t Jit and
waimed the tophomoica lo keep away, The
lijjcr-i, however, broke it their door to gain i.n
enti4nce. The i'ua( lo enter the loom, luaa
Me-Jina, a "j-!cnt liotn Honduras wa felled
with a blow bom tbe bat, which fractured bit
aku'.l. Another top. inure wa bit, bu! wat
not tcikiutly hurt. Medina i not capectcd to
TLry .l.'JoBtatil.
Disit iA, ak ath., Sept. II. Tbe rest por
tionmcnt bill, wLUh panel the houte with bul
five i!t,, vole end lUeacnate with bul
three. ai t'-UM-ntcd to Oovctsof PcriJ', who
wat the capitol tin moining. He j-rompily
tlilxed bi ainaiute, and when the enrolled
bill wa .nt buck lu toth bouaca tbey adjourn
John Plenrd and John !Wo!ey bave len
arrcsied in Walla Walla for tWallng the
lire limit ordinance. The tilieiice con-
slated in repairing a burned building that
was nearly coiisiiuuxi aa to come w ith
in the provisions of the ordinance, l'icard
is a utnmtier of the city council. The ritao
baa rmmiil great excitemvii. and there
will be a big light over it.
iJeo V Plnster, a Kugt no liarlnr, for
awhile a resident of Albany, biw been ar
rested and taken In Portlmid for oeiiliig
a letter not bis own. Tbe epistle was ad
dresard t' Wm Preston, plasUrrr, and
wua front bis Allmny girl. PlusUT.tliougli
only a tac tdartercr. opened iland show
ed it to all bi frieinlH. Preston, the
pluhtrr-r, wns mad at Piaeter.the shaver,
and Judge iva-ly will have to aetlle !bc
vary lew Mjycla aeouleiila, but here I an
eouud. of one. '"lUrvey Allen, of Silver-
too, i aulf-tring from ovr Bovem bruUet
tuaUiund by a fall from a bicycle lltivey
took ahvvlor Uliiug apon the atomHi of tha
road. Tbela'ce wiieil of his vet iclueauijlit
in a era on and the rider fell hnalbnu. One
elbow was dialoeated and be wa bruiaed
badly about lbs head ami arm."
Prof L M Curl, ex eonotv school upr
iaVnideiit, and Peroy It Kelly, wilt have re
turned from Portland, wher they htva
lied atu liuu ahurthand and t pcwri'ini, at
llulmc I'.uatne it-A'.oif, wiilr.milo io Al
bany. I'rtf Curl will soon antar i'ai law
uiUiai of J K W,Uierf,.r.l, and Mr Kelly
Ita II' If Mt. .1....
me u invar in v ut.-. wii.
Pkom tiik Saktiam. S W Recce CAine
down froin the Green Uaaln lumbsr mill
tld noon and A U Woodln from Ihe mines.
Tlie mill ha been aawlng lumber for the
coiiatructlon of a large flume from It to tbe
railroad, a diatauce of abvu! a mile, when
it will be In a condition to thlp with toe
au,e facility enj jyed by othet ml!!. Mr.
Wooiini ua moie briot rtiwrti to make
of the ptoapcctaln Ihe mhiea.
Shaw la JSonlaaa.
Si 1'At I , Sc t, ti, S:gnsl Setvke
wnicii wii. i. rr nc f
JF!eh b Ihe sHrit. a rose or a lily 7
W hUib la tli r-etet, a peach or a rearf
Merry's coq'ta-taa. and ciiarmiug la JJUly :
lKira I f Title and fair. (her.
Sweet aa a flower was brr faee when I kissel
(Lova ta the mmvii and f lory of life.)
let Illy, n tilaymate, I love like a tleter,"
liut Iora 1 choose for icy wile.
That is rtfht, yonna- man. merry tha flrl
you love, by all means. If he will have you.
Bbould her beulth become delicate and Ut
beauty foda after marriage, remember that
thle ia nauaJly due to functional disturbances,
weaknease. IrrcffularlUea. or painful thsor
denpocullar to ber in the curs of which
l)r. Pleroe'a Favorite Prescription Is fiiaran
tal to rive satlafnetinn, or money refunded.
Beat tha printed ccrUQcato of guarantee a
For overworked, " worn-out," " ron-down,"
debilitated tcai her. inllllniTB, dreaamnkers,
seamtrear-a, "thop-girlri," houKkeepers,
n ursine; mother, and feeble women jcix-r-ally,
lr. Pleroe'a Favorlta Prescription Is tha
greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as aa
appcuzlnr cordial aud restorative tonio, or
Copyrlfbt, IMS, by Wcklc's Dis. Uan AM a.
retrnlata end clesnxo tho liver, stomach and
boarcla. l'Uey aro purely yeretnblo and per
fectly harmlfaa. One a I)oae. bold by
druggleta, ii cent a vial.
Real Estates Loan Brokeis.
Insurance a Specialty.
Incorporated 1819;
Charter Perpetual.
Lossea'Paid in 70 Years, $63,046,500.
' Jfotal Assets, $9,780,751.63,
Ono of the oldest and strong
est companies in the U. S.
City Drag
tciver l.itM tj thjt n(i wa repotted tbt
ir.mtinj ftrt;i IVit Asaiii.ile.ine, Mo:, I. Cold
wej:l er picv j;l in l:iitlh North America,
Snow to l'-s ilcp h i f f.Jtir 10 ti incl.c fell in
the Nonhwci tcnito-y al-uve Montana, and
alout half an inch fell over North Mutant,
A Hole Iter bar I.
Mi MlSM il l.r, Or,, Sept, lo. The Hoard
id Tr.le has c!!H a meeting of the citi
zen t f tilt county for KtiJay evening, to talk
ccnaua re oun'a. There Bie tOme here who,
like the Oiejjoi'i'.n huve never reated lo kick,
and tincc the rcaiill of Mu'tnomth and Marion
!i:t, thown t iiii", they have Uikcit fretti coar
sc, an') will renew their rffoit in a more
thorough manner. The appor.ionmcn! ptc
lifin i1, the e)'.nne, Thi counly wa unjuat .
ly ci. 1 1 o iu ! in I0S5, and wi.l not submit to
f'irilier It ha Inen qigeted
that s state convention be called at once lo
rn:ike a fotmal and organized demand for a re
count, and thst the convention conit: of one
delegate bom e.i. h county, and one f ir each
representative and irnaiot, lo meet in Port
land c trion at poililc, r.ol later tlun the
t'pci ing of the exposition. Tbt totin'y will
pioliibly clert four deleg.i.e on Ftiday even
ing if thi snggcBlion i sppioved by other por
tion of 'he state.
A iarla Held I p.
ISl'TTE, Munt., Sept, Io. New t of a stage
'ho'.l tip" after the mct apptoved manner ,Jliy
a solitary road cgent, wa brought iu this after
noc-n by the ttnpo hoin Champion. Tbe latter
ii a ptomiing young mining camp, about ix
teen milct norihwcat of Unit;, and a ttage
leave heie every morning for there, returning
In the evening. The roi'l i a lo icly one
through lltown's gukli. When coming down
the gulch a few mtlct horn Champion, with the
driver, Andy Granger, and Daniel Meany and
Maggie Hennciy, tl.e toSe occupant, a mark
ed man suddenly nppearcd in a turn of Ihe
road or J L .1 licit Ihe outfit at tbe muzzle of a
Winchestci, At the command their hands
were 1 hi own up. The two men were orderer
ed to dismount and d'epoait their coats and
vest on the ground in front of the robber.
The latter bad a p.unr.y tuck over hi head
with two hole cut in it, and wore goggle be
tide. Tbe robber then ordered them to re
mount and pttrmt: llicir journey, . which they
did with alacrity,
HiiitiiK t:ai,
Ashland, Or., Sept. 10, A carload of
mixed fruit will be shipped fiom Aal land direct
to New York city ihU week, Marling to-morrow
morning. It consist of peschea, I'urlet,
llune d'Anjott and Seckcl pear, prune and
apple, TliU place ii ou an equal footing with
Portland, San Francisco or any place in
Oregon or California in the matter of freight
rate to plaints in the Kant on carload lots of
Had Three tubs Broken.
Newport, Or,, Sept. 10, ThU afternoon,
while working in a slip at Yequina, Thomat
Lapman.firtt atMslant engineer of the Wi.lam
ette Valley, had three ri! broken by a heavy
timber falling on him. The timber wnt dit
placed by a tackle catching o a moving';train.
Lapmon mpy re-.over,
The Maine Election.
Portland, Me., Sept, 10, Tbe Advertiser
has full representative relurnt from ten countiet
in Maine and partial rcturnt from the remain
ing tix. They indicate a democratic gain of
twelve representatives making the lioufe stand
113 republican! to thirty eiuht democrats. The
so a'e stands four democrntt and twenty seven
K F Harry arrived litre fro'li l.tiflalo
county, Scbrnaka, Inst week, says Ihe
Or. City Courtcr. Ho says bo bail 100
acrN oi corn on bis fnriuntid IUU acres in
oat. He did not harvest rnougli from
the !M0 ariea to replace the seed. Tbe
drought w hich has blighted agriculture
in nearly Ibe i-ntir atato baa liroiiu'tit fat
steors down to l9 ccnla. JM-vcii-tdghtit
Jerm v row sell for a bend, ba of 150
poutnU at 3. and t'lunt from 15 t 30
pounda in weiifbtat W cents apiece. This
Is the llrt great failure of crop in No
braxka for cinbt years, nay Mr Harry ,but
notwithstanding many fruitful years atid
tbe protective tanli, prntty much Die en
lire sUle ia plastered with mortgages.
Oregon City la in reality a suburb of
Portland. Ilcre'a a symptom from the
i-ouricr: "Jockey ivn ' wa parsing up
tbe bridge. A prominent young lady,
well known in social circles, was leaning
on bi arm. Win 11 two-thirds across.Pug
llaltburton. another yotinit b!o.l. lutt
bini. In a second the devil of jealousy
bad poH4.-t.on ot Pug'a brain, and be
phiutol a k'll-liiunlcr 011 Hon a prolxrwis
who, in turn, let goof thelady aarmlsbe
didn't scream) and kicked and knocked
and w-ratchtil the pueuarloiia Png un-
mercifiilly. In a twinkling, the enemy
batlt'ss and bleedini;,lnnt a btmty retreat
to the west aide. v itli n uinirtiotie ater
1 ' it resumed bis place In siilo bis Ivet
girl, v, bo raid, " arc a brick."
J.jtaup, of Hal -m, wl In the city lo
grit prone rai.ieg
Wuimu'l souo3 ticket
tS"Send to th ocreUry at Portia'
premium uar
d, Orearon. for
T7on well mp.iNa, KOCK DRLr.-
JJ Inn and prospecting, write to J. 13,
Hughes, Albany. Or
Proprietors. Successors to
Guiss & Son. Dealers' in
drugs, medicines and
chemicals.fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
perfumery .school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
compounded. '
Ik-re in a savage kind of nu item in tbe
Halt-in Journal, w hich tcllsall alx.ut why
I Mil Minin laiieei. As the I'K-uiion any
where is a speculation, it ia deeidedl
soupy: "From an article in the Albany
Dkmim'uat it is lu tly there ia to bo an
other spasmodic revival of work on the
Oregon Pacific railroad. This is about
the time of year it nlwaya lienim after
the svaion In nearly over. Tlie lugging
of this roml lias Imh ii nicrent draw bnek to
the settlement and development of the
eastern part of this county, and a great
Ions to those who gauged their hopes and
speculation thereby. lon Smith, of
(.ate, would be n prosperous lufrchnnt
tf-diiy, instead of lieing under an assign
ment, if the O 1 work had lvtn renuiued
three ti.ontlia ago."
W! en, eu a: e all Una Iaw
Hi ve no appetite, feet tirel til the lime,
tlckpdoe not ri-fn-aS Jf..i, foil wuak and
lialli , have fly si ep.ii, have Ci Id hands aud
fvr.-t, are eoiiktip-iled, enil, in fact your SVB
tm m !( outoforde-, tt. l)r IL.I.'r' f I v -rtraatine
Rtiatorauve. It give rrlret!ilt;g
alcri, renew cdtr'ii(itli, k'hh! dixettion, pei
fcet tiutnrioM nd vr.uv tut HtSALTlt. Fur
'a'e at Foah-y & Maaon't.
Tbe ladle Delighted,
The oleasant effect tod the perfect tafety
with which ladi may use tbo liquid fruit
kxxtivu, Syrup of Fis, undsr all condttioca
make it thtir favorite remedy. It ispleaaing
to o eje cd to the tafcte, etstlo, et etfeo
tta) n u ting on the kiilneys, liver aud bowels
Ladies Sum-vikr Bloises. the late
novelli-is, 1 Jit recaivea irorn minutaci-
r by express.
Samuel E Yotme
Tbe Pntpll and Ibe Hiuge,
Rev F JI Sbrout, pnstor United Urclh
ren Church, lilue Mound, Kan., says:
feel It in v 'duty to tell what wonder Dr
King's S'cw DUcovery ha done for me.
My lung were badly dUensed, and my
parlthlotiert thought I could live only a
few weeks, I took five bottles of Dr
King' New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 36 lbs in weight.'
I havifjuat reotivtd a large invoice of laes
curtains, tanging in prioo from one to uine
dollur a pir, orim,J. Ortnin nets, eto. Also
a line of curtain polos ntd fu'niture eovor
ng. SamuklK Youno.
I Crniemenl Kid Ulove,
cep full lino of these glovea in
black and colored. Am enle agent for
Albnny, Oregon. Samuel K Young.
. V runts to GktThum When wanting
Ml organ or plana call on G L lilacktnan
h -e vou select from a first class
ttOw. "
BAUR. On Thursday evening, at 3 :40
ym, of pneumonia, at the residence of
as Mcllargue, Mina Clara Baer, aged
about 20 years.
Miss Baer has been working in the
woolen mills for some time, her home
having been in Ashland, where her re
mains were taken on the night train.
Her parents were at her bedside at the
Unto of her death.
- Letter List. '
Fo.iow inu it tbe litt of letters rem lining
in the Pott Office, Albany, Linn oounty.Ore
gon, Sept 10th, 1S90. Persona Calling for
these letter must give the dato ou which
tbey reie advertised:
Barns, Dick Burns, Richard B
Borton. Lesoder W Curry, Frank
Crn well, Geo L Chapman. Edward T
Dughorty,Mr Leyioy French, Emery O
Filoni, AuBUidcs Gruher. Mrs Annie
Hernia: JE Little, Henry
Monroe, Dr Ah xand'rMore, Frank
More, Miss Emma Popplcton, E R
Simmons, Jamet G Statroe, E M
Sherman, OP .Tnrpin,. A J.
Wegener, Henry . Wighbman, Miss M I
Lacce ortains at E C Searld.
day .
This snotthi be a
Hr J U liatley, ona of Ya)uii.a Bay's well-
t d. ctt-aana, win town thi f rcoCo.
A torn.' ul'i.lit n company does not pay
el ons.
Jttdife Bj'tiJ'.t. of C'irvaiti, h. been in
the my t.i-,l 1 y 01 bualueaa.
H IIQporton iasnma part of (be
val d ttradily akeetiolot;.
Hons sr row quoted a hint, as 33 cents a
pound, which prico has been olforad.
Uoder an af totlion.-ntnt bill Introdacedia
Contfrea Oregon will get two representa
tive. 1 ho 1 el urn l,ow that there are 909 In-
ilianaaud IGI while pe. pie on ibe Umatilla
rrier vation.
Ma M.ud ilttlTtntn, one of Dorvallia
moat aceortiuU.lie I younu lalie,i in the city,
the goe.t tha Miaac Mon.
A mt nam ml Mr Cora ant a woman
named Mr Wheat were married recently, in
("re-ton, tows. The eSoir convui.e-t tha
ta beuee by Blnging" What shall the llatveat
Itev II S Shanklo, the minitr appointed
to take charge of th M KOhurch South, of
tbt. city, aa been preparing od relltting
op the paraonage f that church.
Yea'erday lantiveeri Albany and it .aw borg
Uie track w tnrste 1 to an old itch ma
iling to an "' I quarry aud the a itch locked
lint fur the !tcovery a bad wri'ok would
have Wen reported.
Tha new Bjmerati,m of Si'en, ipvea a
pnpntation of 10.40S, thi iacludct tha city
and tbo two po.mljja preelnctn in fhich
tb city t aitualed. It ta tsfe to ay that
Salem withio tho city limit dies ootoootio
mora than 5C0O penple. MeMinuvil'e T-l
I none.
Mr Jair.ra Shal n left tn the noon train
to-day for HutSpriny. between Tacoma and
Seattle, ia rraponte to a telegram announcing
the .orinua iitneta if hU sinter, who resides at
that plv:.
0iiiwirf aervicos anni.nnced forthsUni
yrra!it Ciiuteh not Sabbath have been
itidelhiitely po-ifKinoil an aocoont of he
death of Itov Cougar a mother-in law in
Njw copier coils hav ton received from
thi faetary fir Albany Kuifine Co No l'a
at amor. At a drill laat eyeuinit the ruin of
tho old ones wa completed. The new ones
will be nut iu pnnition a sooo as nrviaiblo.
and until tho work U dona members of No la
are r'quaatod to go to Nj2 engiaa in eaie
ol a fii e.
J K L-wit, a jewelry drummer, of San
Franeiaoo.wasin tbe citv to-dee, Mr Iwi
ia a member of Pari r No 1. K S O W, of
that city, and ba received 10 votes as the
most p ipulsr Not) W. The regular con
test in tho Examiner Ii simply a grab game,
ind the mm who buys tha mot paper will
Rev T P Boytl pre ached iu the M E Church
Sunday, and ahnws a markbd improvement
in hi calling. Ho kit luesday for his new
atalion at Lebanon. Mrs Hoy d and their
little babe will remain viaiv'ng her folk. I II
Huasell and Umily, foi tomo weeks yet.
Athland Kccord
Tbe population of the four Salem precincts,
a thown by the revised count, 10,407, l uo
doubt about correct. ThU makes Salem a
ci v of about 10,000 people. Lit's call it
10.000. and work like Troj ins to make it
20,009 io 1835 Statesman. In view of tha
fact that tho Statesman recently stater1 that
tho population 01 the precinct outside of
tbe city was at least 3,000 it not 5,000 wo
publmh the above at a joke without om
By.tiik ltoTtss. Several Celestials get
ting ready to start for the hop fields, had
a row this morning; but 110 one was
hurt. The Marshal got the animal by
tho horns by threatening to arrest the
proprietor lor keeping a disorderly house,
if any more disturbances were allowed.
in such cases it being impossible to get
the real ollenders.
San Tosh Men. Mr S O Benson, a live
local on the staff of the San Jose Mer
cury, and Hon S F Leibe, a leading law
yer and prominent fruit man of that city,
aro in the city, on a $our through the
Northwest. By F M French and one or
two other Albanians, they have been
shown through the country. Having
guns along it hrpossible they have got
ten glances at the gainest bird, in exis
tence, the famous ring-necked Celestial
pheasant, though they only shot the
American birds.
A Celestial Row. Last evening Lue
Sue and another Celestial got into a quar
rel at Joe Loy's.rcBiilting in his shooting
twice at his brother Celestial ; but failinc
to draw blood. He was arrested and
fined $5 and costs by Recorder Henton,
no more serious charge being made than
shooting within the city limits. Lue Sue
is an ex-convict at San Quentin, the
Democrat is informed, and certainly has
a very mean look.
Powell & Co.
Have Viareck shave yon.
Suth Tnomst watebes and oloak at F M
French'. ,
A largn hue of children school ulioei at
E C Searls.
Egan & Aohison are selling monuments at
Portland price.
A F P.uaanll, ii.ent l ined in tbe IJugceil.t-
paU. tic'.roociitl lived in IS ;n lircnot houao
in thi oity. Mrs ll'iuo'l i. a ti.tct ol Mr
F J Miller, and is aaid to oe a very nice
J II bhi.lclcr, formerly Lino county peo
ple, bit recently of Southern Oregon, have
returned to this coun'.y, where hs will bava
charge ol tba farm of county clerk Payne.
AI. Moitoo, of French prairie, ia thirty-six
day threshed oi.fJ07 bushels of gisiu and
ciin teats with T llroo-j th honor of having
shelled out tha urette.t uuuibcr ol buabela
of grain, Mr Bruce bay in.; Uire.hsd 58,030
bushels. HltVain uu.
A J Aualyn. of thi city, wi t build ena of
th new cars (r tlnC irv-lhaatr- ct railway,
wb'cb is blug extended mile or mora.
A. ban, a ctr, ma le by iir Analyn, are
among the b at in the a'.ate, and our sister
city is judicions lu securtog a contract with
him lor on.
Powell Co.
Gold eaoas at Will & Siark'r.
F. M. French kep railroad ti mt.
Rock candy drips at C E Brownnll's.
itatw cretin cheasa just leccived at Conrad
IMiciou canned ranlertica at C. E
Br- wncU's.
desired to bring about a community of
feeling and Interest; to aecttre a irettr
undurHtaiiiltng ol the laws 01 the cini'i s
mental, moral and physical being.and to
bring the teacher nearer to a true pro
fession. Teacher, like pupils.need stimulating.
The memlMrrHbip fee is 50 cents. Send
your name to the County Superintendent,
or Prof J 11 Horner. Ikweburg. Oregon.
The following extract is taken from a let
ter received by the undersigned from
Prof Horner on this matter.
The department of Superintendence at
the last State Teachers' Association held
in Salem, adopted the following course of
readmit for State Teachers' Reading Cir
clo for the vear 18,10-1 : Ouick's Educa
tional Reformers; Shaw A UonnelP
School Room Hevices.and Kellogg's Eng
litdi Literature.
Special arranKcments baying been
Bti BoxTareBcisi vS; H. Y. A.I
auuza 0 M Jo
Thaai v'sliln a firat clau Infrtrament,
the l ost nM'lo to Ui l th4 cllro. of thn
Conit, cai t e nuitod iy calling at Mrt B
K If yuiaVe, oppntit Mavnle Tetn
pie, 01 Firat Street. Tho lattat voctl and rrmritai m'lite api ior aaisira uu
vg4 a-rtuutit or um olog patterns
madewitli tlie tiublisbers. I can furnish m kHtnntfrom this ablj of 'rrixoo. Lea
all of the above named books TMmt-paid ian given lo painting and otubroldartiig
for $3.40. In her atudio otror ijini tjaniy iu..
to members of our circle I
You are prolrably aware that to defray
the expenses of tbe society a Ice of hitv
cent per annum w ill be chares! each
A synopsi of each month' work ill
appear in the Educational Compendium
This year's reading will commence on or
about tho first Monday in October.
Words of praise eulogizing the grand
result attained by the Reading Circle
last year under the excellent manage
ment of Prof Riulcr come from every
aource. More than 200 teacher have al
ready taken an active interest in thi
rk ; and a many districts have
been indirectly benefited. Yet there are
about isuuu teachers in Oregon; ana
while the growth of the society ha been
phenomiual, there is still ample room to
! i.a. a, I.
Oiri hr yoorordor a,d y-u
will be
increase its usefulness We. therefore, Pf Qript Att33tl3a-Fir2!.-CiaS3 MHl
earnestly urge upon you to heartily co 1 r
oierate in tbe upbuilding of thi mighty
factor of education in our state. '
1 trust all teachers in the county will
become at once (if not already) member
ot tlie Circle and aid in making ita!
success.' G. F. Ucei.i,,
County School SupL
(County papers w ill please copy.l
sweet potatoes at
lib can, at
Choi.e canned
Prepared m.ckixl, jn
tlrowtiell b.
HcBiiauuter for garden aeed at
For artUU
aupplic go to Stanard. ft
TEarcBAMK rauHH.
Edited by Albany W. C. T. ti
reaponte lo a circular tent
Awbrcy gives gas for the painless extract
ion of tee tru -
l oahtvea big s'.ock to select frotrjat
Powell Co'
A pooslar plse L Vierick'k sbaviog at.d
hair dretaing parlors.
A Stat elan slate foe only 15 cents at L
Wreck's, Sallinarah Itiock, Albany, Or.
Have you ?" tbao parlor snits Ibat T
Brink ha juat i -ceivcd ! Tbey are nice.
If yott want a lice toilet or hath soap call
on Stanaid ft t'uaick, City Urng Store.
For bargaiu io ninnoment, IteaiMnn-e,
etc., goto Kgnn & Achison, Albany, Oregon,
The only penuice Boyriton wood lno ce
for eate by Matthew & WtwMii.r.i 11,
hardware and stove dealer tlmcvn t
Ur.'.t huu of alnyes and rangjs in lb v .
SturaiK r.aTii:s. Last evening a
large number of the friends of Miss Lee
Prather, one of the teachers in the Col
lege, surprised that popular young lady
at .Mayor Cowan's. A very" enjoyable
evening was jumscd in games ana the
usual etceteran.
Thoea) present were Miss Maud HolT
man, of t orvallin. Hie Misses Mason, the
Misses Van Horn, the Misses Houck,
Misses Maiin, Velio Irving, Tiny Mon
teiih, Annie Fltnn, Eva Cowan.'Carrie
l'leiirer, Hettie Miller, O H Irvine, Mr
Zaches. Fred l'orttniller, J.ts F Powell,
M. Fiith, Mr Strong, William Cowan.ami
two or three others. A short musical
and literary program, consisting of piano
olos byMrZaches, M ins Matin, Miss
Anna Houck, vocal solos by Misses Min
nie Van Horn and Cowan, a recita
tion by Miss Maud Hoifman and a guitar
aolo was a very interesting affair.
Last evening the young friends of Miss
Mamie Campbell, who resides witlt Rev
II P Webb, at Selwcod, who has been
visiting friends in this city, was tendered
a party at the residence of Mr Robert
Coun, which is reported a very nice and
pleasant affair.
In reaponae lo a circular tent out to
bank in Ncbra.ka, returns show seventy
per cent ot the bank officers in favor of
prohibition on buainca principle.
The Mayor ot Alioona, Pa., bat caused
the cigar store and ice cream aahion of
that city to be closed on Sunday, and ex
pect to keep them closed.
A petition, circulated in San Francisco,
In favor of cloning the salocns on Sunday,
lacks only fifteen name of 7oxx voters in
that city and ha a majority over the oppos
ing petition of nearly 2000.
Not military deapotUm, not the knout
and the chain, not Siberia itself, ha done
to .nuch lo n.akc Ihe Ruian government
the loathed and cursed enemy ot It tu'u
jects at Ihe governmental protection of
ihe polaon-traflic. That alliance of ty
ranny and vice has made Ihe It rant the
representative of a political devil-worship
supported only by brutal foice, and has
morally released hi slaves from the dutv
of BubmUidon Ihe moment Insurrection
cr-aae to be absolutely liope.ea. Felix L
Oawald. M. D.
B; invitation of the Governor and his
Council, the Senate and the House of
Georgia, anil the Mavor of Atlanta, the
National W C T U convent on is to be
held In that metropolis of the south this
year. Ad the state and territorie and
the District of Columbia will be repre
sented by delegate duly elected and hav
ing back of them a constituency larger
than In any previous year. October 29th
1 set apart a a day of prayer fir the con
vention. It U expected iiiai William T
Stead, of England, will be prcset.t and
rr.ake an nddress. A new feature will be
three minute speeche by tha forty-four
state and territorial presidents, giving the
outlook in their respective 6elds.
Assignment Notice.
tbo undervalued has bten appointed
aaaignea of tho estate of Charlea W
Parlcor, an Insolvent debtor. Alt pers-jnB
having clalru against said eataia are
hereby notinJ t pro tent the same prop
erly vcrial to thi undorsignexi at Al
bauy, orojon within three tooths from
DataJ fin Sth d.ty of August, 1830,
W. K. GltLtT,
Delmonico Restaurant,
Oitositx El-jiibi. go Block.
Sew Rooms; :- Seat Service;
Goii Jfea-', 1'rompUy Served,
TtDenhi-jite Cents.
OijtUrt -:- ii -:- mil -:- Stylet.
Court-.ous TreatiMnt; First clatsCochs.
.Sam GoEiat, Pirprictcr.
Men w ho liougiit Pasco lots must ha
tired by this time of looking that way.
Inquiries are pouring in from Eastern
states about our valley. An Albany firm
who have a small ad. in an Iowa agricul
tural paper get letters by every mail ask
ing all uinnner of questions; but showing
thatathey are interested and haye their
eyes directed this way in earnest.
The Man About Town, as well as others
in tho vicinity of tho caliboose, were
greatly annoyed yesterday afternoon and
evening bv the yelling of that
palatial place for vagrancy. (Jetting tired
of such hoodlumism several put np a job
on the fellow which completely shut up
his mouth, and it is probable tho yelling
will not bo repeated.
The Man About Town has run across a
case in his local readings equal to the boy
plays of his younger years. Milton and
Freewater, up across the Cascades, are
neighbors, just a fence between them.
Each claims the other to be a suburb,
and Freewater already has a petition ask
ing that the name Milton be changed to
Freewater, while Milton is just starting
one asking that Freewater be changed to
Milton. Sic I
Tlie fact that new bricks are rented
faster than built should stimulate our
monied men to build faster. There
should not be a wooden shanty along
First Street at the end of another year
As fast as bricks are erected they will be
vacated.and owners will have to build or
let the shells rot unoccupied.
"A Man's Chances to Marry."
Half per cent from 50 to 56 years of age
-Two per cent from 45 to 50 years of
Five and a half per cent from 40 to 45
years of age. ....
Six and a half per cent from 35 to
years of age.
Ttn and a half pr cent from 30 to
years of age.
Twenty-five per cent from 35 to
years of age
U S to Elias Thorwaldson, N E H
Sec 20. Tp 12 S R 2 E :
U S to W B Vanwert, S E U Sec
. 20, Tp 12 S R 2 E
Elias Thorwaldson to M McTeigh,
N E H Sec 20, Tp 12 S R 2 E .
W B Vanwart to M McTeigh, S F.
?4 Sec 20, S R 2 E
B F Munkein, etux, to Henry and
Minnie Uannon, lot 9 blk 1 in
II Bryant, etux, to S M Brumiey,
lot 41 blk 12, Bryants Ad to
Albany .
J A So-th etux to O II South, 170
acres Sec 34 Tp 11 S R 1 W. . .
J W Chastain etux to Robert An
drews, tract Tp 14 S R 4 W. . .
Hartas Dickinson to Elizabeth A
Dickinson, 40 acres Tp 11 S R
2 W
Geo W "Wallace etux to William
rarickt 160 acres Sec 34 Tp 10
S Jt 3 K
U S to llernhaM"kohn,"NSv'ji
Sec 2S Tp 10 S R 2 E
Bernhard Kohn to Chas E Wheel
er, N W Sec28Tpl0SR2E
O II South to Robert Andrews. 50
. acres Tp 14SR4 W
James M Johns to L O Ralston. 45
acres Sec 35 Tp 0 S R 2 W
C R Johnson to l-.ggert Eggers, 1)9
acres Tp 13 SR 2
F E Allen, C E Hawkins etux to
Jennie M Fish, lota 11, 12, 13
and 14 blk 1, A & II Ad to Al
bany O H South to Mary S Chastain, 4t
acres Sec 13 Tp 14SR4W
( 400
Forty-seven per cent from
year of age. . '
Three percent from 15 to -to years of
age. .
One hundred per cent If you buy ypttr
clothing of G W Simpson, Albany, Ore
gon. " ' " e
S.noka the celebrated Havana filled ci
gars, manufactured at Jul uf Joseph'u cigar I
factory. Only 5 cents.
leading Photographers Albany Oregon.
We have houebt all tbenegative made by
L W Cark and W H Greenwood up to Nov
15th, 1889. Duplicates can be bad from
hem only of us at reduced rates. We haye
also a boot 13,000 negatives made by our
selves, from wbicli duplicates can be had at
like rates. We carry tba only fall line of
views of this state and do enlarged work at
liiwent rtos for first olass work. We shall b
pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's
hlovk, next door to Maaonio Temple.
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sickness to robust health marks ah
epoch in the life of the Individual. Such
a remarkable event is treasured in the
memory and the agency whereby the
good health hat been attained Is gratefully
blessed. Hence it Is that so much is heard
in praise of Electric Bitters. So many
feel thy owe their restoration to health to
the uSe of the great alterative and tonic.
If you are troubled with any disease of
kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short
standing, you will turely find relief by use
of Electric Bitters. Scld at 50c and $1
per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug
Etore. :
rarj for Sate f-r.lio,
TWO MILES from Toledo, on Taqulna
Hav, and oce-t zurth of a mile from'''
niiroxJ. It cooslsU of 4- acres. M tide
land, balance bottom and bill land.
G-od frame bouse, ril finished, (worth
60fl) barn and other improvements. For
furttie particulars call no or ardrees.
Yaqulna City, Or.
I V.
V. asje
II Battel $2,
B W 4rJ UiitJ
lias no equal for Strip, Flfsnd 'Wear. Positively
the best s.ioo in America f- .r the tioncy. Do net
ueaeceiveu. sxiosianspon M-ttotn J eacn shoe.
Take no other. Kvcrv psir w.vranted. S.v!:!
and equal toenyss shoe ia the marker. Made by
J. M. PEii.LES i CO., CH.-CACO.
S. 3E3. "ScrOXTSaTO-, sole Ageat.
Two .Men and One Roy
While trying to Crowd their
WAY into
DEY0S Si Fn01.1Ari BROS
Store, where they alwav s have on hand
the largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest improved Rifles and Shot
Guns; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description; Tents,
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of ether things too numerous to mention.
Repair Slxop
In connection with the Store, and one of
the best workmen in the State to do any
and ad kinds of work.
Come one, Come all ; No trouble to
show goods. "Small profit and quick
eaW is out motto.
Tbe Bead to M
Cannot be successfully traveled with
out good health, To reach wealth or any
coveted position In Ufa require th full
possession ard operation of all th fac
eltlot kind nature, has endowed as with.
Ttus conditions cannot exist unlet th
physical being Is la perfect working
order, and this I Impossible when th
Iher and spleen ar torpid, thut obstrnct
. lag the secretions, causing Indigestion
: and cppepsla, arlth all of thslr accom
panying horrors.
. Engl. Dandelion Tonic
exerts a sr. Ka fofltwtc over th liver,
excite It healthy action, resolve Its
chronic nai.3 merit, and promote th
secretions ; cures indigestion and const I
pai'on, sharper s th appetite, tones np
the entire 173.0:3, and make III worth
Genuine Iowa ttrghnm
i E P.ri.w'n.-''! a, :
cn draagbt at C
i :