mfo iDcuwtat. FRIDAY 8EITEMBER 19, 1600 8TITE3 & Killtsr mmt NUTTING. rraprletnr. Portland Auainst tub Mr McDonald, a sturjy Scotchman, from Illinois, representing peroral wcll-to-uo families there, has Ir-ch in the city lookinir around, and in much pleased with this section of the state, in fact linn been surprised at tilings hero. At Port land he was met ty land sharks and cut throats under different guises, from nut only the Sound cities, hut trout Portland as well, the universal effort hoing to net him to stay In Portland or so to the Hound. Men thero may Uod have mer cy on their rotten beings told htm in earnest that there wero nothing hut In dians np here, and that in the outskirts, at ninht, it was necessary to build lires to keen the lions, cougars and other wild animals away. Though tho Oregon iaii lias said lately that Port hind would stand in with the valley hereafter, ns a matter of fact, people there generally are work ing against tho valley ; for Portlnnd Hist, and the Sound second. Any other ver sion is merely tally. Portlnnd rung the whole state in to help it get a recount; but in the building up of the state it works against every other part. Stavton. The mother it Dunlct Drainer, aero on the I. Inn count v, had the misfortune of fracturing: hone by a fall last Sunday. Ir I I t tier, ( Sclo, vl he Injured limb! licing 70 vcar olj Iter will be slow. A little child of Reuben Titus, who live acroM tlieSaittlam In I.lmi cv.iu rv, 1,11 out of a grancry last week ami fiaciurej a fore-arm, near the w rist. John Potter got two or three tibs broken by being thrown out of a vehicle while hi team it running away ThU U the ec ond accident or ltd kind for John within a few month. Sun. Extensive Ri o KxTEXMiitiToit. A lew weeks ago a gentlemau living near Ante lope, whose house was infested w ith bed bugs, sought to destroy the vermin In huming sulphur in the house, and by some luishnp the house caught 011 tire, and it was with ditticulty that the build ing and contents were saved from des truction. As it was several hundred dollars daumcc was done the house and furniture. The prcuii-es were insured In the Mate Ins t o, and the adjuster for the t'o. Col W F Helm, suggests that parties holding policies in the State adopt a less dangerous method (or des troying bugs. Ociioro Review. A Diamond Tinier. Train men report that last night, at l'-.iker C'i'y, a woman stole a diamond necklace, valued at .'KM, from anotlier woman, dunned !' clothing, and accompanied by another woman who wore the usual feminine at tire, went to the depot to Umrd an east bound train. It wa. intended that they should play the part of mother and sou, and they would have made good their escape, but the train was tw enty minutes late. Suspicion was diverted to them and they were arrested by officers, re sulting in the discovery ol the necklace. E. U. Nkxt Monday. Pueblo C'hieUain, Pue blo, Colorado, says: The Oakes' Swiss Bell Ringers and' Comedy Sketch Club gave two excellent crforuiaiiceB at lere ruear's opera house yesterday afternoon and .evening. The performance was a success from beginning to end. One minute the audience would be tilled w ith ranture by their harmonious and mar Tel lous music, and the next convulsed with laughter by their nonsensical mim icry and mirth. It is an exceptional company ,and they will iind it profitable to return again. Covixo to a lis ad. Nearly all the O P men are . congregating in New York City, where the future policy of the road, it is prolably correctly stated, w id be settled. If the present luaiinui nu'tit can get the money for w huh Lund were issued, they will continue the road them selves, if not they will turn it over to the men who have the money, at least give a controlling interest to them. The matter is undoubtedly coming to a head, and the sooner the Utter. ;.",000UU1 put into the extension of the road would Le an immense thing for this valley. Saxd Bars. Anotlier ship is stuck on a sand bar fietween Astoria and Portland. Unless a railroad is soon built to Astoria or a channel dredged from Portland dow n a whip will be 'as rare a sight in the Co lumbia river as in Kaker City. Within iz months it will be impossible to get anything larger than a skill to Portland. Pioneer. This reminds us that the sand bars between Albany and Portland should be removed, (jive us an open river during the summer as w ell as dur ing the winter. A Serious IUkaway. Lstt Sunday Mrs Rader and her son were driving in a hupgv on the t'orvallis roud hcyond the Calanooia bridge, when their ho-se became frightened and ran away, tip- Jing over the buggy, throwing Uith out. rira Rader, a widow, was uninjured ; but Die boy was quite badly bruised, though no bones were broken. The region just beyond the Calapooia brid je seems to le a favorite place lor tip overs and fright ening teams. Was Not Simox. A telegraphic dis patch recently published In the Oregonlan atated that H acitenbich, a merchant of Spokane Fall, had been robbed by an "adventure" in New Vork of $1900. This story wat published a long ago a January 4, 1890. But the file of the Spo kane Review how that Mr Seitenbach left that place for New Yotk January 15, 1890, so, of courte, the torv I false. There are buyboli- who think it"rparl and "a good joke" to tell lie of thi kind. Oregonian. One os the Incidents. A man named Ke'Jey carne to Salem Sunday from Gcr vals and In the sfternoon looked too freely upon wine when it was red. Early in the afternoon ne was full and went down to the yard of the taw mill to sleep It off on the ar dust. A deep drunken deep fell upon him from which he aroured to find himself robbed. Hi pant pocket was cut out and with it the only money he had $40. Statesman. Had a Bio Time. Mr Jos Webber re turned last evening from his trip to San Francisco with the veteran firemen. He reported a very fine time. All the old San Francisco firemen remembered him, and treated him in a very hospitable manner. While there he was sick fora day or two, and called in one of Albany's old doctors, Dr Boughton, now located on Kearney street, in attractive offices, where he is doing a good business. Brownsville-. Mr. J. M. Waters.and son, W. W. Waters and wife, left for Seattle, Wednesday where they will make their future home. We have, at t" Ifferent time, noticed ar ticles in our exchange In regard to expert hunters and sportmen, but none of them begins to equal the record made by Ja. Smith. Wednesday. He went out, hot twenty-four time and killed twcnty-ihree bird. He muit be somewhat of an expert who done thi. Times. The Weather Indications. Tho sig nal service has again begun business in this city, and the flags may be seen at the French corner, telling prospects The indications are that tho weather will soon be rain followed by fair weather, W.I 1 I ' . and men ram touoweu ty rain lor some' time, with varying temperature. A State Board. There will be a meet ing ol delegates Irom the Boards of Trade of Oregon, at Portland on Sept 27, for forming a State Board of Trade. The Albany Board will send a delegate to as sist in Buch an organization, which can do much towards developing the unsur passed interests ol tins glorious state. Closed. -Our patron will please take notice that our store will lie closed on Wednesday, Sept. 24th, on which day we transact no business on account oJ I10I1 day. May & Skndkrh, llarrisburg, Or. B. & L. A The regular monthly meet ing of the Building & Loan association will occur on next Friday evening. About the usual amount of money will be on hand to loan. Low Water Mark. The Willamette at this city is now within three inches of low wnter mark, which it protcines to TjRatxo a Rkcoi'Kt. Mr Q W Wright President ol the Albany Board ol Trade, to-day received tho following telegram Portland, Or., Sept 17, 18D0. Board or Trade, Albany, Oregon. . It your community desires a recount, your county, in order to obtain your representation la liio state legislature. should get your county officials to im mediately wire 0.:r congressional repre sentation at Washington to demand a recount for your county, giving all ihjb siblo proof of defective work in the June count, as tho commercial center ol the state, we desire, and will help, all possi ble. DIM t. UAMIIKIt or V OMMKUCK. T. 1. OsiioRNie, President Mr Wright desires to say that tho Board of Trade advertised for a public meeting, which was to have la-en held here last Monday evening, to consider 1 lie question ol demanding a recount ol the state, but as our citizens took but lit llo interest, there wero only a few thero and nothing was done, llo says uio iiestion ol demanding a recount properly lielongs to the business men, officials and farmers of I. inn county to take the initiative steps, and then when icmanuc(i. me Hoard ni iimie win no its part, and the matter is now left to the consideration and action of the Ken- eral public of this city and county. A Nrkuiiiorly A kf air. -Sometime Utile nctglihoily quarrel get Into the Re corder" Court that uou!d be settled In a more friendly manner Such a case hap pened iuturilav evening, in which a cou ple respect ihl cltixcn were Interested. One I'.i'lghbor'a child called a l.clghbor' little ghl what wa very Insulting and un deserved, and It made the father mnd, and. having iK-tn repeated scverjl times, he went to llio father of the offender anj aked him to have It Mopped. I'ntnten tionally, without any provocation, a mere Impulse, he hit hU neighbor a ringing blow In the face, and wa very sorry fr It Immediately. The man would" have dropped the matter, but hi wife IntW'ed on having her neighbor arreoted, and ahe uM -nniril.iy evening, 1 oultlng hi line of $ being Imposed. Oi r Cknsi s Kick. A kicking on the census li fashionable w hy shouMn't Linn county get in and do oiue of it. t'ndi r the piogram pursued by other countits prohably no county hi Oregon ha bet n used ijultc at bsillv a l.lnn county. Ti c fuoptution In Multnomah countv, for the at state election was 1 10:0 (05.87 or ulalion mul.r the re vetl count. A tlicie arc piobably mote families In Ihl county proportionately than there the proportion here should be equal to at least In Mu'.lnoinnh county. The vote In l.lnn county In the June c!e. lion was .pJJ for Congressman. That mulilpllrd by 5 87 produce ?3,;i3. IrstcaJ of that Relic give n tfi,woo. Taking 5 on the ratio and we would have over, w' ich we should undoubtedly have. Thikd Horse TRAtNiNO. A man look ing through a crack in the fence at the fair grounJa saw an interring sixht, not many day ago. Justice (i.-o Humphrey was. In "a ligM buggy K-Mml Johnny Schmeer' trotter, let'ing l--n out for all he wa woith. How he Ik-w. The wind fairly whistled. The first milt wa made at a tirrilic speed, beyond all anticipations. Getting warmed i.p "the animal started on it ftccor.d mile at a greater speed, w hich provej too ir.uc.i fur the corpoiocity of the drive, who wa tun.bled out into the dust, the buggy tipping over, to l:a mater ial damage. The jus'.lce was picked up and found Ir. good condition, but declared he had had enough of horse training. He wa heard to request the owner of the out fi', who wa wutching the speeding, to keep tl;l nd he would havy the buggy fixed ail right. An Alarm. About 11 o'clock last eve ning the Cre btil rang out a peal of alarm which wa quickly responded by the Je partineut; but, as is Albany Kd for tune generally, the lire bad been put out. I', teem thai a lamp had exploded at the Wavcrly House, just fro. 11 what cause is not ririatn, thoi'tth someone said I; was ov-.r a iittlc dispute between scu c cf the boa-.'ers during a game of cards. A bed qul:t - quickly secured and tnrown over li t (Tames, a'ul. Igniting, dumped In the street. Then sou.rone cried lie, and stjnieonc tlse made for the fire bell. The only lljiig burned seriously was the bed qui't. A Good Adv. ) W Hockersmith ship ped a car load of Ashland fruit to New York this week, s;a-t!ng it yesterday morning. It was shipped for Porter Bros., of Sacramento, Cul., and was con signed to E j Goodcil. New York City. The ear loud was made up of peaches. I'artlette, Burre d'Anjou and Socket pears, prune s and apples. The ear was one of the refrigerator kind. and after the fruit a as all loaded the ice chests were tilled with ice and the car sealed with cotton batting. On the outside of the ear were four large placards containing the words: "Selected fruit fom Ash and, Oregon." Tidings. Old Tom RkrdU not a surcctsful liti gant, nor never ha been. In fact he has bezn involved in civil or criminal suit near ly all hi life and ha never yet been suc- cefu! in or.e. He l now 77 year of age nil 01 yesterday paid a line and cost Tnouri'inic to Sol In the Justice' Court. Mr Reed wa also taxed with the cost in the case of the State versus Nancy Slator, wherein Tom wa private p'osecutor. Nancy cot clear and Tom wa taxed with the cost for prosecuting without cause. These casrs grew out of the fight men In hl paper ahout two wecl.s ago, nd will cost loin abou. $150. I'imc RtTiiiCH Fractiou.V. A day or two ago Vagrant Walpole, who is Isiarding at the hotel de Hoffman fora month thought he would show his royal blood, and so he kicked his dinner into a corncr.coinplete ly ruining it. Since then he has been living on bread an I water, much to his lisnleasure. It is safe to Drcdict that Mr Walpole, who may be a descendent of the celebrated r.riiflisliman ol that name, will seek new fields on retiring from the calaboose. Paving vp. The Oregon Pacific a few day ago paid it employee for June, and the JJitMocR at i informed that on next Saturday the company will liquidate for July and August, which will be in lull, a under the custom, pay I not due until the H to the 20111 ol each month, tor the pre ceding month. The public can draw their own conclusion at to what thi commenda ble conduct means. 'MnRDjR I Help I" cried a woman in First Street house, Saturday evening. A man heard the cry and rushed for the police ; the police responded ; but there wa no murder and no help needed, o the matter wa dropped. It wa probably only a family Jar, pecuuar to mot well regulat ed familie of these modern day. Church Social. A church social will be given next Friday evening at the resi dence of Mr and MrsC E Brownell,under tuo auspices ot the young peoplo of the rresbyterian Church, itie allair prom otes to bo an enjoyable one. Come and see. Dwtbict Fair. The Southern Oregon District Fair will open at Central Toint, Jackson county, next Monday, Sept. 22. It promises to De a great success, vviui two such energetic and enterprising men in control as Col R A Miller, Secretary, and Geo W Biddell, President, success seems assured. Lidle cU and e the latt d m goods at E C Searl. yeltie in "1 Fine -: - Dressed -: - Chicken For Sunday Dinner, ' AT ' ', Mueller -:- & : Garrett's Eaa & Auhhoa hacdle toe celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls ean be furniihod at half the cost of any other and am far aaperiur. T knnvfrv ivtiti Vanev Will Al (StarV IvAROEST IN TnB V ALLEV . V 111 fctarK have received the largest and finest dis- play of silverware in the valley, as their ' elegant display of novelties in the linelor thi popular preparation for ths last will testify. They invite the public to call at their store and ees their fine me - tropolitan stock. MttHioT Abkestkd fjb rotvotur The realleatUrjr atarln Blm la the race. On Wednoed iy Marshal HaiTunn re ceived a dispatch from Sheriir Birdscy.of Jacksonville, reading: "Jules Schmidt here. Woman with him. Do you want him." followed by another: "Schmidt has Wen arrested for polygamy. Exam ination this afternoon. Will notify you if discharged." A letter received by William Plciilor stated that Schmidt and Mary Sehlosser wero married at Crescent City, Cal., whero tho Hkmoorat a few days rnio stated they had gone. It seems that they n turned to lacksonvllle.where Mrs Schmidt No 1 liad him arrested. We aro informed she had lcen watching the proceedings. Tho dispatch corrobor ates the letter in reference to their mar riage, which alone could create a ease of Dolvuamv. The general sentiment hero is that Schmidt can only get his just de serts by a residence in tho penitentiary at least four years, tho limit. Narrow ash PitKJi'DicKn. Wo tuny lo considered very "narrow " and "pre, Judieed," and Ikj severely criticised, but nevertheless, wewiuh to call the atten tion of tho taxpayers and citlxcna in general, toexisling farts that should In terest them, tays the Times, hitting the nail on tho head ristlit ill tiio start and then shows that the north part ot th) county has received t'.HMHH) for bridges recently and thn south part stl.tUHI. "Itut this Is not all," continues that paper. "Allwnv now wants flS.tHH) or -D.WO to build a" bridge at that city, which will benefit tho taxpayers of Southern I .In 11 county not a cent. We mention these facts, not so much to protest against the protHised bridge at Albany, as to protest against liieso gross injustices. a very inhnitismally one-idead remark. Albany is in Western Linn and has not Inen he)iod by tho JetTorson, Stavton nnd Wntetloo brldires auv more than Browus- ville, in fact at least two take trade from here, and Waterloo Is nearer llrownsvillo than Albany. Allmny people, though this city iavs a thirl of tho taxes of tho entire county, has petitioned for all the iirittirrs asked, reuarilless ol location. That is the unselfish w ay ; but now comes lrownsville. which lust l ad i.tiK) hihiiI for it, and opposes it, and says it wont Is nellt that city a cent. Will.t'he Brow 11s- villu bridge wont enelit aIIhiiiv a cent any more, yet it pays about f.'.'jiK of the expense, ami very gladly. As a matter of fact, though, each will' help the other. Every part of the county is WnHlted by its internal improvements wherever made, and of all improvements mule the whole county in this case should rise in its might aiid ay to Albany, take your bridge, you have earned it many timts. If the county paid MiUKX) or :1j,0(H) to wards the bridge, which it proUibly will not, Brow nsville would pay less of it than Albany dyes towards the Brownsville bridge. Come, lie broad minded and charitable, and work for the whole county. A Hop Pickino I scthKNT. There was a fellow who gave his name as Baker and claimed to live in Polk, who may thank his stars for the lenient manner in w hieh he was handled by s justly an gry and Indiitnant crowd near Stayton Saturday night, according to informa tion received by the Salem Journal. He, among a large crowd of pickers, was working at the hop. yard of Mr Bilyeu, near Stayton, ami alt, of course, occupied sleeping tints in such groups as were convenient. One tent was wcupiedby two young ladies alone, and atsut II o'clock, the night in question, the wretch l'.nker stole to and into this tent before his approach was discovered. The girls were frightened almost out of their wits, and the fellow threatened them w ith in stant death if they stirred or made an outcry. They did not p-rley nor heed the threat, but shot under the tent and ran for life to a neighbors not far olT. They hail recognised tho ruffian and told the camp w hat bad happened, The men gathered and a dangerous dirfpo-iitioti ex isted for a short tune, tut they finally sought him out and gave him very short notice to leave that part of the country and keep a safe distaiire aw ay. The only mistake they made was in Dot donating him an overcoat that would make him look like a shanghai rooster. Crook Coi-ssrY. At least 500 bushels of giNd keeping apples could lie sold here at I..'0a bushel. Wheat in this market is worth Ho cents to IS) cents per bushel; rye, fl; barley, r.2'.j cents; oats, "3 cents ; Mttntoes, (I; onions, 4 cents a pound, and other farm edibles in proportion. Mr and Mrs E W Orehaugh.of Browns villo, parents of Paul Orebaugh, of this place, have sold their possessions aud moved to the far away state of Georgia. Jeff I leister, of Beaver, was in tow n last Saturday, and informed 11s the Beav er creek cattlemen have sold their Is-ef to R A Gilmore, of John Hay, for $.T) per head, to l delivered at the corrals on Beaver. This is the best sale of beef made in the county this season. Heavy forest fires are said to bo raiting in tho vicinity of the Three Sisters. That is prolstbly w hero the smoke w hich hangs over tliis country comes from. Prineviile papers. - A Hoe Town. Along the banks of the laiCreole and within tho incorporate limits ol the town ol 1 'alias are lour hop yards that will yield a good crop. The growers are J F Groves, lr Kirkpatrick, II B Pluinmer and J C Morrison. They employ, divided according to size of hop yard, iw pickers. Each yard has its own dry house and there is no fooling alsmt the drying business; as soon as the loxes are full they must be dryed, or by standing a few hours they heat and spoil. 120 lioxes make a kiln and it takes 20 24 hours to dry. The yield of these yards w ill be not less than 45MX) pounds. Where is there another town in the slate can beat Dallas for a hop town. Observer. Qiite Ki'jicipic There is one bright genius living in Seattle who evidently lias an idea that Astoria is not on the map. A letter came from him yesterday addressed to a well known citizen and in addition to the direction, "Astoria, Or," there was written in tho comer "110 miles from Portland, near the mouth of the Columbia river." Comment is un necessary. Astorian. Genuine Iowa torghom E Prow iiell s- 011 draught at C Watch Will & Stark's. Will & Stark have received a new line of a elegant, as well a reliable watches, gold and silver, far ladies and gentlemen,as have ever been ottered to the puolic In Albany. They are attracting considerable attention, and buy era should not fall to Inspect them. Don't Rcn Around. Every steamer aowever foggy the bar, brings to Albany an Immense quantity of fruits and pro duce. The bet and largest variety al ways goe to Powell & Co's. Their stands are al way full of just such thing a the public wants. Save runing around Dy calling at their store first. Ever vbody Says So If the wild wave could talk they would say, "Goto Powell & Co's for groceries and pro duce, for their stock Is large, their prices low and qualitv the best." This is the universal verdict of their customers. Don't Fokoet to- attend the grand opening of all millinery at the Ladies Bazaar, to-morrow. All are cordially Invited. Wanted. 200 cords ol body red fix wood at the Albany Woolen Mills. , Cal at the Mills for particulars. Dried Fruit Wanted, 20.000 pounds ot dried apples ; 15,000 pounds of dried plums. Highest market price. Mueller oc Oarrktt. m m m Holdea's Ktbereal t'oush Syrup. . r ir, ji I 4 . I &a mianioin reincuy iut ,us vuro ui . .... -,t.rpu K,M,-l1i,ia. hnon. iB(. hi( Md ,ffeotions of the throat and ' iB. Th and immnsa .l.mand thirty yerj iaunoarnlleied. Large aize,$l, 1 grnan 50 cents For tale by J A Camming, I druggist. MISIITS. Klniiiuth county' assessment shows a toiat valuation of l,o:m,it7 lmienioa ness, ISTO.SH'-'i exemptions, $i40,S.K, Total taxable property valuatloti,l,Oli -68. This includes 0,070 horses, 18,1170 cattle, 22U sheep and 800 hogs. It I said to be so dry In Osborne county that hog have to be soaked In the river before they will hold slop, Empoila Ue publican, Salvator his won hi owner thi year, up to August 30, $113,180, in stake and In purse, w hile l'iini,1 hi $101,016 to her credit. Thai I 'idler than running a country novupapcr, Into the central pier of the Willamette bridge, at Salem, were put lufio barrc! of cement. Counting 400 pound to the bar rel, thi U 414,000 pound or H i ton of cement alone At $4 per barret, which I probably about the cost, this make $4,240 worth of that 0110 commodlt) alone. Journal, Matter are down so Unu now that even the kind of peifumery one uses sometime Indicate considerable, musk for Instance. Albany young woiren will then fore take warning. t A bout Ihl time last year, snv the Oal las Observer, the Southern Pacllic engine burned up considerable fencing and much grain in this county and hau to pay thou sunds of dollar for It. Thi season they had furrow plowed - thirty feet on each sl h-of the track, and everything coinhu tihte between thrin cleared off. The re call I no grain field fire. Truly a stlu h In time save nine. A few exchange are very severe on McKanla, a negro minstrel, who I out ot the country and ha no advertising at hi disposal, as the Salem Journal To cnslble people It would seem a U the paper couldn't be too severe on a darkey minstrel w ho ha ruined the prospect of young and Innocent while girl, regard les of advertising patrouage. The Innuendo Is unjust. In such a rase .nost paper would not consider that part at all. fls I Jxie Krace euteitalnrd a few se lect friend at breakfast at her home about three mile from Corvallls, on '1 uesday morning Leader. Perhaps a new style, though a Dnmim kat man wa entertained it breakfast at the same place just ten rear, ago thi month, and he can vouch tor the nicely of the entertainment. Thai wa during threshing time. Albany is "in it.' to use tho nrcvnilinir slang of the day, now being murdered from East to West. Even Ouda in her last novel, "Syrhn," is on to it. A young blood from Howell Prairie started out imp picking this week and in picking up, his outfit consisted of 2 pkgs of cigarettes, a bottle of whisky.a pack of cards, a revolver and a pair of blankets. A young man at Buttevillu tried to get rid of a corn by burning it oil" with nun powder The jMiwder burned in his face and nearly put out his eyes. The proper course would have been to have tunneled under the corn, then have inserted a stick of dymtiamiie and exploded it. By throwing his head Imck he might have raved his complexion. These are school days. The little boys and girls trip gaily to school in '.he morn ing. At recess tho mischievous boys sa gaciously trip each other on the school house lawn, and afterwards trip the light fantastic toe to the tune of the school teachers whip. These are tripping times. Copying a statement from an exchange, the Koseliiirg Keview says comment thereupon is really unnwciisary, which it then proceeds to demonstrate by a col umn of uhiicccjisary comment. Journal. Which is the way the public sjcakcr speaks, and the dry good lix uian talks. SJWS A gentleman who has visited the Paci fic coast at intervals of four or five mouths for several years, is retorted by the New York Press as saying that "Cal ifornia is the costliest place in America for anyone to five who has no local means of earning a living. There is no small change in the state, hotel rates are enor mous and railroad rates are higher than in any state in the union. California is. no place for anyone to ico unless ho has a fat Hckeltxxk and expects and is willing to nave 11 stepped on." In order to attract attention a local advertiser sDoke about the O. D. contem plating the putting on of another steamer on account of the ear load on board for them, which kept the Co. rustling. Tho Astoria Columbian lakes it up in earnest, and in an article headed "a decaying sea port" says: "Yesterday's 'Frisco steamer carried away over lorty carloads of freight from this port and the Oreuon in yester day discharged ten carloads of fruit, vege tables, etc., and still the steamer was not overcrowded." Please, sonny, go and brush the cobwebs oil" your brain. Wall Paper. I havo just received roin tlits cut a br3 invoicoof wall pa ne r, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. These gxsls are better styles and cheaper than ever before. HAMl'KL K YOI NO Jackets and Wraps. I amtt) race i ing my fall and w inter stock of ladis, misses and childrens jackets and wraps, which are of the latest style and good value, and as cheap as standard goods can lie Ixiught. I have on band a lot of ladies Newmarkets carried over from last year, which I am selling at cost to close them out to make room lor new arrivals. Samuel K Youao. Stopped. "Pretty near" does not count. The sunbeam that travels ninty- five million miles may be stopped seven feet frcm earth by a cheap umbrella. People who stop at Conn & Ilendricson'i nearly always get bargains. They carry a splendid line of groceries and produce Noveties in Wash Fabrics. I have just received direct from Chicago novel ties in wash dress goods. The new thing for fall and winter wear. I am receiving the largest line of staple and fancy dress goous ever Drought to tins market Those needing their fall and winter supplies win do wen to give me a can. SAMUEL ki XOUNQ. RegnUr meeting of the Y's TuetdsT evec ing Sept 10. All members are requested to D3 present. On I Yes. Call at J R Douglas'con ectionarv store for choice ice cream. 10 stents a dish, milk shake, Scents, and everything .else equally cheap. First Street, opposite Kuss House. When wanting the best grooeries in the market at reasonably price call on Powell & Musun Unuhmwisar. In great variety 01 Biyica at bottom prices. . Samuel E Young UABRIED. S C II M E E R-KOLDERWAY. Mon day evening, Sept 15, 1800, in Albany,by Geo Humphrey, EBq, Mr John Schmeer and Mrs Paulino Kolderway, both of Albany. FINLE Y RICE. On Wednesday,Sept 10, 1890, at the residence of the bride' father, J. N. Rice, near rrawfordsville, Mr. oeo. r inley, one of Cr-twfordsville s most popular young men, and Miss Ina Rice, an accomplished young lady, WOOD-SKAGGS. At the residence of the officiating clergvman, Rev A J Jannigan, Blodgett, Benton county. Sept M r W m L Wood and M Is Martha I Skaggs both ot uenton county, uregon. ' DRINKARD SPREAKER.-Sept 14 1890, at the Presbyterian parsonage, by the Rev. E R. Prichard, Mr. Geo; W Drink- ard and Miss Mildred Spreaker, both of Linn County, Or. , IIOHK AND illtlt.1 Monday, The lory of Ccoi cooLt wl 1 be 21 rtdlls (state fair opens to-day with prospsots of big wa uuium. 8 (1 Irvine, of Yaipiitta Bay, went to Tort I Mid ss boon. - hi t M I' owed ft, Co. IUd fluid I cow clei king for Mrs 0 O Barkhart and Mrs J II Gurkhart Isft to day on a trip to the Sound. To-day Willis m M Hoag shipped from Cnrvaili a car load of blooi'sd burns for Col T K Hogg, of Nsw York. J ill a MotrUon i home froiu a two months sojourn in his Nye oreek, Yaquiua Bay, eot- tKS. E R Skip vortli, Esq. oteikV tha'aunrama court, was in the city to-day on bis way to Salt lit . Hon Utk Ililjsn, vl Kngoiio, went to Port I slid to day to attend 1 ttw tutt tie has there. li lMward Ouiu. S lo' lulld elllwn. I in to , n. its ha not 1 .t arranusd for run ning trie Jtllrrion mill, I)r C U Chainbertin, the hoinaniialhla iihvsi.'un, ha npi-ued an i lliu In ths Cukiok briek, on BrnaiUlhin strset. Throo taking part in Madams Time's Wa Worka will ii,. t promptly at 7 o'clmk. at lh.- W U T U hall to-tiht. lliusUks ttottad a mils in 2; 22 at Port mm Saturday, whUi 1 ths fasts.t tiui im! iiioda in Ongim. Mrs A I) Barkorshd daughter, Cora, will U av) Albany to mnrru ,u a ult to ija, to lie guns a fsw mouth. Ths hop I. usaU Kst'log in his wotk with a vengeance through ths valley, aud muuh damage will U l . In thi Co tils tba will I 0i,si,rl,, C' li. ty surveyor Fisher Htuiday ft .mi Hull), whre h urva)d f r llt lis town, which khvsdy lis a t,fllo Lt 8tatdv. at Portland, a liv..,o was grsntrd Pauline Kuldrway from Br K)dr way. llabitaal diunkrnets wa ths ground. Win M llo-g, UiuNow York, havjug ar rived there ypUuly w Ihl morning. If i probably working np that surprise for n tiers. Mrs Puntura ariivvd in Albany yaaUrday morumg from Illinois, aud wilt probably maks her hums with her daughter, Mrs Louis Ifammrr.t.f Spienr. J K Kl.U.kin, rtcriitly of ths Farmer's Si Mrrclisi.t'a Insurant C, of thia eiiy. I doing KoattU and oihsr N W cities, looking for a tusiboss liHiatinn . lUiry Subh-hsous of ths prominent citi ! if the Hi.tiaw country, is la ths eity, Mrftunscna dtelaree there are stitiely no rattlesnake op there, Ths ritutar meeting of ths tt'CTU will 1st held Tuesday a 2.30 oVluck, A full at tendant is deairnd aa there is Important business to be tranaacUd. A California man, who has bssu at Sod, sills for hi health, died thi murntns A !!iq was telrgraiibed for and ahii.rwd he Forlmilier &Itjtng. . Me V A ilcktmaa arilved yesterday from hi Crook ooonty home, altera good trip act. ths Cascade. Mr IUklf.m. has been hers already a ooui I4 f Weeka. J II Malia baa located in Portland, where he will engage in til old busiuese.houl keep lug. Mr llurkhsrt, hit ral esuie psnoer here, i running the busine alone. We are in roipi it a copy of lh Saa Dirgo Weekly Uuion, from Mra Mary Uraa- noo, Living an aecount of ths drowniuu of sis person mho hul g4no i; to tb Hay in a yaoU. It was a sad allair. Mr W A Hxl.lm and fsm.1v. reewotlw of I wa, nrpnaed hi biothw. Mrileo Didder. jastorday morning by intUn in n appear aac at fat homo in t lit city. Mr lAxfdar conns here for ths purpo of kting m whore 11, I he .VmbaHrst. Poi.ict MATT;.""OricCook had hi Mgooi cooked" this mcnlng by the Re corder, on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. $5 and costs were the fig - cs. Mr Albert Bond, or.e of l.lnn count v'a mended farmer, came to loen yesterday, and getting gltskuly drunk hi the even ing, wa sirt rcd Into the rstihoose, where he sobered up dudng the night. Hi flue wa propetly liquldmed. , TCKSUAV Mr Mry Osrrett fan taken i-hariw of the vi)ir.y iit.utc. K(-tl enlTJ K ChsrK.n was in she c ty Let ri try. Mr, I. ll Laitiprtiau ia ta Lrakrmaa on one of the local during Uir week. General llidwed. who raa for Governor of Ce'iforti on the i'rohibiuon ticket, it doing Oregon, M.s Tot.v Miller arrived home to-da from ."pokao. Ka.1. acorapoid br by aunt and cousin. lir. wnsvdl baa aa Hue a i,r.ret aa any place in OrtkOn of bco..niiuii the ccLtur of a l ig mining luUrrst. Mr Lsumntbaa six or seven ma at work no ths Kailroad street sewer, wbi. h bs is puabing rapidly forward. It will take at east two mouth to eomplet ths wora. A eeneroo response to tbo appeal Irom the W C T U for dooatinj to their fair has cm from the new snd enterprising firm of Ohio g it Wallaoe. Thanks, gei.lUmen Committee. A New York City girl di-d a few day a to from IhetffotiU of jampiog a ion 200 time. l.tas moat evarvthioa else the lenclic from rope jumping is moderation. A luui of sheep pelts arrived in Albany to-day from Dr Hill a Crook county ranch, being from the ahsop that died last int-r. T. P. O.born. Pr.sidcnt of the C hamber of Commerce, of Portland, passed hronsh Al bany last nmht fur San Fraueisoo. to attend the Paciilc tWat Chamber tf Commerce and and give their influence fur recount of O ret on. No Pa atamer. after having it new cop- prrcoil . laced in poeition. wa gieeu a trial this afteniMn sod found to work in good thapo. Member of this Company will repair to No Pa begin House in case of tire. lly order of Chief Engineer. The body of Willi Youne. who died at Kodaville yesterday morning, wat taken to Oakland, which was his former home, in stead of California, aa stated yrsturday. The deceased was a young man about; twenty five years of see. who hs been at Sodavills sevsial week for hi health. Mr MacCalavan, i f Poio, was in the city ytatsrday ai.d bad a dtlicate operation tie funned hy Dr 3 P Wallace, in the removal ol some cut from tbo throiacio loavity. which had eradnallv moved trie hart to ths right tide. The doctor had previously cor rectly located the trouble. Mr Malayan who was supposed to be failing with consumption ia Dowgraanauy improving, TfiE State Fair opened yesterday with a good first day attendance. Raindrop . won tne nrst running race, three-fourth tn 1 :i7i narry iiowe the trotting race in 2:30, 2:27 and 2.29. WEDNESDAY. Wheat is now 60 cents ia Corvallt. Ah, there J R Bryioo and JohnSimpaon,ot Corvallis, wire in lbs oity to-aay Mrs Mneller and son Charles Mueller left this noon on a trip to' Chioago, to be gone ssvrrai wees. Eastmau & Van Winkle have oloted their business in this oity, traniforiog their goods to fortland creditors. Mr Abraham, of East Portland, of ths firm of Abraham Blaokman, ia the quarry scroti tnanver, was in tne oity.' The Oakes Comedy Co. next Monday should draw a gooa nouss. vvnen bere be fors they gava a very enjoyable entertain ment. " D W Matthews, of Salt m, has been an pointed Indian aceut at Klamath agenoy to uoceed that moat colossal ol all tosule, L,uh Applegate. . The Hob Mills, 01 rottiand, who were easily beaten by the Salem club went to La Grande and played the champions of Eastern Oregon , beating tbem 27 to U. L L Burtenthaw, Esq, went down to Leb non. Linn county, thia week, to visit with hi forty brother, obusina, nnole and aunt and other relative, he say, for a few days his first visit home in twelve years,- Ashland Tiding. Mr E D Cusiok leaves to-morrow for Sa iem. whereto ha accepted a potition,as hook-keeper in ths bank of Ladd Be Bath, That bank t fortunate in aecurius ths aet- vicea of ao competent a young man. A very pesuliar oise has happened in ths East for the Custom house to oendder. Jerry Lynch while in Egypt imported two mummies fora Milwaukee man. . When ths Okses were opened the mummies crumbled I to dost. The Milwaukee man wants to get I his custom dues baik whioh amount to 1400. One of Dr. Rowland's ht r to his Cat arrh on tilt, was taken sick last night and di d,making it nsoessar y for thetronpto stop and wslt while ths Doctor returned to Al bany for another animal. As rseontly pot in oonditioa by Eginewr Miller Mo. 1's snglus is now in a (ires ol oondstiun. Ths new Bus ars of o jier and will last for yaars Ths tnek of taking out the old ooilssnd putilurfln thi not one wat uecsaafully aivl wu'l dons by tin Ka ginerr in ths engine honae, without the a titUuos of a priifesslonsl machinist Tub Quart Mru,. Tho new qtmrli mill, concentrator and engine, were shipped to the Albany mines this noon, where they will he fiiimediiitely placed undercover. As it will taken building 100 feet long this alone w ill hn ouito a job. A large amount of rock is being collected ready for use, and it is the In tention to run the mill during tho entire winter!! possible. Home Mhi.o.ns. Iint evening at the W U C Hall a nice crowd ol young nnd oil people spent a lew hours about as ideas- antly as is often the experience at a social gathering. Kuveral lively games were played, the handkerchief being dropped and the plutr? spun, and water and musk melons in an their succuleiiey.fresh from the gardens o' tho finest valley in tho world, were eaten to satiety. A Finoeu Aui-utateii. Two or three weeks ago while working at Ids trade. carpentry, Mr Henry Crowder acci dentally cut the forefinger of his right Hand, not very seriously. I'.lood poison ing, though, set in, ami tho accident assumed a serious apect. This forenoon, I in order to keep tho poison within hounds, the finger was amputated by lrs Maston and I Hi vis. A Puinteb Amiikhtkii. FherilT James Birdsey, ol Jacksonville, arrived In Al bany this morning on his way to Corval lis. i) take possession of Harry Preston, a typo on tho !ndcr, w ho was arrested yesterday by Wierlir Mnckey.ln resjxinse to a despatch from Jackwiiiville. Pres ton, a young man about 22 years of ago, hail leeii working in Jacksonville, on the Times, about a year, up to a week or two ago, w lu u he came north and was in AllkAiiy a dav or two, wheie lie had worked lor a few months over ayear ago. The charge is that Preston stole a couple county warrants out of a tailor shoo there, one belonging to the tailor, and got the i.'oney on them by having them shaved, the customary operation in that county. The sheriir says the evidence is circumstantial, but in such a case if guilty it can certainly be proven. Pres ton declare his Innocence. Ho will I brought to Albany this afternoon, and taken to Jacksonville on to-11 lull's train. Police Mattes. Last evening J E Ilambrlck snd Dell Savage, a tcp-on of Frsnk Peterson, got Inio a quarrel over a personal matter, Savage having quit work for Hsmbrlck a few day before, resulting In a mixed kind of a contest. In which It is claimed Hsmbrlck slapped young Ssvsge. snd that the Utu-r pointed a j J cal Hire target gun at the firmci, which he denies, and which witnesses say he did not do, Ilambrlck had Kavage arrested; but with drew the complaint and tne cae wa dis missed. Another case of trouble between neigh bor come Irom the Third ward, In the vicinity ot the one reported a few davi sgo.mulllng In an arrest. Some children bml a email Ued qiarril, and on Mr Wil liam Fletcher Interfering, a son of Otto Zimmerman, became aucy, when Fletch er spanked him mime, a little act, which though often performed to keep aid straight, Mr Zlmmefman resented and bid Mr Fletcher arrested A fine of $5 wa Imposed. NATVAi.OAs.--It seems to le fash ionable to strike natural gas.aml Albany is now up w ith the times, not to I out done by Lebanon, Drain or Warrenton. Last evening the news was received at thia city that art had been ton ml in a marshy place on the farm of Mr Klias Maxwell, near Knox's Butte, about four mile from Albany. Among others Mr John Maxwell, of this eity, who is haul ing wood from the place, states that he stuck a stick in tho earth, at a watery spot, and touched a match over it, a llamo shooting up, and as well in p4s he surface of the water would imiiie. Tho indications are exactly the same as the gas lonud at i.uanon, .w here out ol forty holes made every one has ignite mt one. un the .Maxwell farm the con- itions are all good for a big deposit un derneath, having all the usual signs ob served In tho finding of the gas wells in the East. The matter should lie thor oughly investigated by the sinking of I upes. ui ail tne natural gas claimed to tave been found in Oregon, nothing lias yet been done to develope it.though prep- rations are iieing mode at j'rain. ine prospects in the Maxwell mnrsh are as good as any, and the matter is of enough Importance to merit attention. BROVTSHtlLtr. tkpt 15th, 1S00. We know ol a young man in this town who. a few days ago, took a $10 piece from a !oy to get it changed for htm in the saloon, and kept 15, telling the boy that was all the change the saloon man had: since which time the hoy lias been unable to get the other t5. 'Tib said that the young man lias been guilty of the like on one former occasion. If this line of conduct is kept up it will lead to hotel de' lkiwn ing. We give no names at present, but, boys, you will have to bo careful, as the correspondent is onto your racket and may give names if you continue. I II Waters and Hon 1BR Morclock will start lor Seattle the lastol the week, to live in the luture. May success at tend them. We hear talk ot incorporating the south town ol Brownsville again. Now we ariso and move that wo amend the charter ol tho north town and all incor porate under one head. Lnited we stand, divided we fall. There is no rea son why we should maintain two govern ments when one is better. School did not start to-day as an nounced The hops are not all picked and thev must be taken care ol or the temperance lecturers will be out of a job, you know. Hops have some lice on them this year and he who drinks beer the coming year win nave Dug juice in truth, as they dry lice and all together. Rev LeKov leaves lor I -a Grande this week, where he will reside in the future. He has sold his property Here. . E T T Fisher was here last week on business. OAaiTILLE Some ol our people are Koinir to Salera this week to take in the State Fair and agricultural "hoes trot." Mr Holstine ia diamine his well deeper. He says it is too lar to carry water Irom the creek, but he is too hard to please.lor the creek came up to his house last win ter and he didn't like it. The debaters are hard at work study ing and practicing lor the winter cam paign as soon as nop picaing is seiueu. Amicus has waked up some ol the faith ful on this subject. If they knew who he was thev would use him roueh.but he has skipped out ol the way and will not , 1 j 1 i i i j : oe uacn unui mey gctcoumuuuwungniu. There are hunters who have no fear oi God nor regard for man nor trespass no tices, shooting the i;ninese pheasant on the Wabbath. II this is not stopped some one will pay the extreme penalty ol the law. II these birds are protected by law and the farmer that feeds them don't dare to kill them, has the average city hunter anymore right to kill them. They are too plenty, but aa long as the legislature will protect Uiem iei every one ooey mo law. utils auns I1W. Djripepila for Mlxteea Year. M P Holland, Postmaster, Eockaway Beaoh. Long Island, N Y.waa entirely cared f dyspepsi.i an J ibeum&tism of sixteen years' standing, by taking two Branrlieth' Pill ererv nieht lor a month. During ths month he took I hem, he gained eight pound ia weight, , Brand roth' Fills are parly vegetable, ab olute'y hirinleas, and safe to take at any time Sold in every drug and modioine store, either plaio or sugar ooated. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon, Calls mads in oity 01 aantry, : fCtTtTK IUM J W Brown to M M Davls.W Inter est in Mill property in Linn and Marion counties, 9 E 4. . . J W Miller to C II Hunt.l lot.fihel- burn. W E Arnold to CI Brown,60 acres, 10 wl I Geo Hunsaker to Oeo W Taylor. 90 6000 35 700 xHOfeet, Sclo...... 224 Oregon to I lenry Waltzen,320 acres, 11 Kl 400 James Kanderson to Oeo W Young, 1 acres, near Handerson bridge 700 Larinan Wiuel to John Canavan, 6'.h76 acres 13 w 8 2100 John Canavan to Florence Cana van, 00 seres 12 w 3 . C K Browm ll to A'bany M & M C, thi! Julia mine J II Abbey to M Kchmidt, 1 20th Interest in Maplewood i.d to Albany W II tioltra to 0 A Hparlock, 100 acres, II w 3...... The Dundee M & F I Co to DO McCIarui, piece land, 13 w 3. . 2100 1 1303 3009 iti,5im Total lor year f 1 ,o'J2,H0 The follow ing mining claims have been filed recently: A B Wondin, the John A Logan, Banti a:u District. H H Warner, the Phil Bherldan, Kanti am District. M C Bingham, the Alpine, antiam DiKtriet. A llalvorseii, the Lookout, frantiam District. rrsll Land la las Wlllamriie Valley. Tu (nKtnJ Lash Compant, or Halkm, Osfcooa, is Ormuvo hoxa l iiou.e JUaoAias is I at it La so, Thi Ui.d is aitoaUd from 3) to 8 mika Irom the Htau Capitol, with iu exclli.t shipping faothlies, cnn-r), etc, and ia o peoially adapted to froil raising. Five sore tract from 35 a 73 per acre all cultivated and ready to set to fruit. Ten acre tracts partially cultivated tor (50 per acre. Twenty acrre light timber with avxd apriug braoch, $33 por acre. Twerty-hve acres, fifteen acres in culti vation, eplug branch running ou the place, for $33 per sots. Forty aciescf ehoios land all cultivated, email hnu, some young fruit already t ont. $7) per acre. Forty aers of land all cultivated, ia whett this year, for iC5. Fort) three acres, twenty-five scrt eol tivated, line prinH branch, placel all fenced in, for t0 per acre. Fruit raiser profit from f 100 -to f 150 per arcs af lr the trove are 4 years old . Ao induttrions trao can make a good liv ing fur his family while bis orchard ia Aon. ing into bearing, by raiting vegetables and varuios crop f,r the cannery, Lit at know what amount you bavs to mveat and we will advise as to location. Send for map, pamphlet and jprioe liat to TiisOaEuo Lamb CoMraar. Salem, Oregon, Carre! Events. Everybody remarks at the splendid duv plsy of fruits and vegetable at Powell li Cot, where they get what they neni in irie nri place. The best and largest supply of peaches win dc louna at rowel! a (.Vs Leave your order there when you get cauj 10 - put up peacnea. A large supply of thelf goods, the beat in lown, at roweii uo s. All kind of nlcknacks at Powell St Co'. Warm'westhcr good, picnic grocerlea, tsy at home groceries, every variety of groceile In the market at Powell & Co's, A Maa's (baaee t Marry." Half percent from 50 to 56 year ot age Two per cent from 4510 50 year of age. Five snd a half per cent from 40 104$ year 01 age. Six and a half per cent from 35 to year ot age. -Tin and u half pr cent from 30 to years of age, Twentv-Cve per cent from 25 to year of age. Forty even per cent from 20 to year of sec. Three ercent from 15 to 20 rear of ge Hue hundred per cent if vou buy your clothing ot G W Simpton, Albany, Ore gon. IS9 rail Winter Weolea. I SSI We have jut received a large invoice of tine woolen. Including novelties of the latest Foreign and Eastern design, and aw alt your early inspection It I of courte understood, we positively guarantee per. feet fit and first-clan workmanship. Zachrs & Son, Merchant Tailor and Drapers, Opposite Pott Office. Corsets, Corsets. We make a specialty of ladies and misses fine -orscts and waists. We also have a drive In a French tatine cortet at 75 cents Kxtra good value. Samckl E Young. Gift Kxtkrprihb. Go and see that lieautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule Bazaar." Julius Gradwohl the proprietor of the Golden Rule Bazaar,in forms us that he has the Prize Baking Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly up for his business, and lor the benefit of his customers, each box ol baking powder will win a piece ol tine glassware and also each pound ol the tea will win a piece of fine glassware, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of baking powder, which is warranted, will have a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He has also added a fine assort ment ot lamity groceries to his roam- mouth stock ol glassware and crockerv. which is the largest in the Willamette, Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at ths Golden Rule Bazaar, and you will find that nothing is misrepresented.. New embroideries, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream. Laces In Imitation nolnt. also new design In bl&c i.d white lace, including Vandyck and Elfel Tower. New ruchlngt. SAMUEL b YOUNO. A invoice of oecktiea just reocived at ECSowl. A Slight Mistake. The quarts mill and concentrator lor the Albany mines will be taken to the Santlani on Wednes day. They were addressed to the Albany M U M (Jo. By mistake the concentrator was taken to the Albany Y M Co., but as it didn't fit In with any of the other woolen mill machinery the matter was traced up and the proper ownership discovered. rKSOATAUS. Car! Miller, ot Mendocino City, t S. y. rewntly. H sars. " W V, ast thronrh eaetabia Bar- taparilla entirely cured hi liver ana mousy trgawe. KoVt I. EajTT, Assistant Sorrtritendit mn falar Car Company, whlla la California laatiummar. aid not auftirr with hi usual iek headaches. He rav Joy 'a Vota,bls Sarsapaxilla a u preysnuog agent. John M. Cot live at W5 Tnrk 8t, B. T. Hs sued to be afflicted with slrk headache. H had one attack the day he commenced taking Joy' Vegetable BaropariUa, bat Bone since. They aro done. C. A. Buihnell, o( the Murphy Bulldln?. Market St. 8. ., suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia in rt wont iorm for year, till Jot' Ve:etHbl Barsaparilla came to hla relief. H now reoommead it to verybody aimilarly af flioted, Mrs. Dr. J. H. Mason, ef Ne. lflM Market Bt, 8. ., whoso trouble was chrouie billon sneaa, says of Joy'a Vegetable Baruparilla. "itsactioa on the liver and kidneys ia decided and I aa steadily improving. A. W. Botrart is a wholesale shoe mannfactu ror, at 764 Mission Bt, a F. He say," Joy' Vswe table SaraapariDa ha siren htm entire luilet irom hi indigestion and dyspepsia, " JSaLi ESTATE FOS HALE I have a farm of 240 acre, near Lowaon euot, on the Harrow Oauae, 10 miles from Albunv, All In cultivation, talr house and barn. Good water for stock and domeatlo prpes. Fine oak amy?, Also another farm ol 128 seres, three miles from Lebanon. All In cultivation. Fair house. Goed water. Both good wheal farms. Also bouse and two lota on Fifth and Jefferson streets, Alba ay. For furth er particulars call on sV. Umphrey .Center vreoinot, or on Hewitt A Irvine. AUny. SU A, UMPHREY. Kali tilt MO OPCKlvtl. Ol pattern hats and bonnets, aho all the latest styles In hat aid bonnets and cups, both trimmed and untrlmmed. Ail are cordlully invited. Friday and Saturday, Sept. tal nd 3j(h. Ida M. Brush. Highest of all ia Leavening Power ABSOUUTELTk' OHLING & WALLACE Grocers and Baker; Opposite the Bevero Hon. Keep a cmciass stock ol Groceries, Produce, and Baked Goods. FARGO'S t ' tt' (V -T-. T AVt.-.;;.:. OATiF SHOD FOR CENTLEKICM Is te Best Shoe in the Mark for the Price. 3fTOH 8ALB 33 "2" -:G. W. SIMPSON,:- WIIOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CLOTHING, Ere, ETQ Is now Larger and Better than Ever.... SMOKE THE CIGARS Manufactured by Julius - : - IMPORTED AND you want a good selection. things in Hardware, Tinware DR. ABORN IS NOW AT PORTLAND, OREGON. rOI THOSE WHO C1SX0T POIELT C1IX rttV KOXAI.LT, HOIK TKEATSE5T TLACED WITH VI TBI HBACU OF ALL TB AT WILL IUTB IKSTAJiTASEOCS UlXlEf AXB A rCSOAKEXT rcuK. The most speedy, noiitive and perma nent cure for Catarrh of ihc Head, Asthma, and all Throat,, Lunjr. Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, Nervous Debility, et Consumption, in its various stages, enuanently cured. Dr. Aborn'S ongina mode of treatment and his medicated ir. halations cives in stantaneous relief, builds up and revital izes the whole constitution ana system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, nervous, debilitated and broken-down constitu tions, old and youne. invariably rain from ten to thirty poumU in from thirty to fiinetv days. Dr. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velous cures have created the greatest astonishment on the Pacific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, aud all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble Jnstantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Da. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," aud a treatise on "Catarrh of the Head," with evidences of seme extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN," Faarth and Morrison 8t&, TorUand, Oregon. Not. Home treatment, securely packed, sent by Sxpreu to all parti of the Pacific Coast, for those who Cannot possibly call in person. ILL INVITED TO CALL FKt FREE CPNSUUATICK MONEY I have on hand at present f 300 and 700 to loan on eity ot cnuo try real estate. W. E, McPherson, Real Estate Broker. F. M. French, MULaaiK m Seth Thomas WATCHES and CLOCKS, "Waltham AND- QPECTACLES Q O EYEGLASSEO at t 1 ' ss A , 1 a The ladles Drllglilrrt. The tileaaantJciToct and the prfr t with which ladir rrmy use the I ;iui,! lax dive, Sjrap of t'ia, ntirtr el! ;' make it thsir favorite remedy. Ir, ir j-l, to e eye and loth tat-t i-ett.r., jet to aim tin on the kuioejr.liv.t&td 1 Call kd Settlr. Those kne themselve Indebted to the old fi Kraue & Klein, w ill please call an. t e at once. U. S. Cov't Report, Au. 17, Bottom pt 82.50 Jose KEY WEST GlUiV We are giving the other d ers fits with our special rates on stoves and ranges, you don't believe it, see ; the' bid for trade in hig t and loud talk. This week offer to start the ball ro!;( with the largest stock at lowest prices. Come earl We handle the newest and Etc., Etc. .Matthews Washbuks Mount Angel Cohe-1 The lamt vU bast equipped school in s Ooud Uiscii:ne acu cftrt-ful t.aiciu. I Entrance fee........". Taaju: Rasn and to:ti. fur lOmuntha ( Washing and mending Culls Wiu, tins Skttsuiiieb 2r. er farther particalte apply to Rev F. Do, wiwsr vae viieje. Cily Restanra: Ilivius been entirvly reu.c-vleied. t and iKpaUr reatiurant wiil be md' claa a every rniK-cU The nnld'e iveu good taenia at all bourn fur i cent. Ever. ihiDrf neat aud atti Private hoses. Oysters ia every sty, . w. a. yu- My entire stock of Gov Merchandise, consisting Dry Goods, Clothing, I Boots, Shoes, and Groc rs Tj a -i are r.ow onerea lor saJ first cost, as I contemi e ngaging in anotherlin business. I tMM '3USIKESS and if you want bargain. at and will be sold. RCOHE ALBANY OPERA HOI One : Night : Only. Dales Swiss Beil Hior' COMEOY ETCH CLUE OF CHICAGO. MONDAY, SEPT. 22, If you like Swiss Cells. - fun see "Sketch CUf Seats now on sale at WILL & LLNK. i n,1 r . ks n a s s 4 r EHULTZ BSCS,, Proprici Koep a full liB of njass of i in a cool plteo, com? ; ; ' tected; and alvrava iV--, Pfefel ph