The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 19, 1890, Image 1

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Now York World
American Fanner
One year for $2.S0.
m x h t m m - I I 1 IP
Advertising carrJIum
In the Central
First National Bank
OF A Ml. Ml, 0HV.UOS.
PrnsMCTtt. ,... . . r, r;.i
SO 1
ri. . 1
'.V (-1,.
. V," ! hn
- DR,
A Spcc'fa
tm.V-rv.'i ANTt-Siilflj'S STOMACH
ma I mU Ut ''r.:.4 vil si i Veto;,
DP, Ui'.LCVS .CATiPfljt CUR?, care A;u'.. Titan, lV.nlcCi:Mrfv,rmJt'rarrhl
inv.ti.l.vii to tun Uc w .i Mei hen illrsvlimw .v f.uow.-J, f uuncy rtt.'utntcii.
FJL 'I'lLl'A Cttr ' .f''. :'u' Co!,:il rw'. HfrnrhttUi, rtonrfcr and
leum i.i. ruin... v vn..u; uoiu l'.utun noCVUW. t'uffj i'roU(iii 10 nilnutrti. Try It.
I'll ft 1 1 fo.-tU.vl i' Any Vaol ru fr-.u i to .'1 tt..;ia. v uit Ouiu.- tit 3 ,Uy.
15. irif?FfX--ni:y.lfi I'.:;""" h all sent Cttas. w f.'vr.
Iismn m ni cu tv-ui.i K'ur,'atla. ar.J XI .:.. M. U is sIlkiM bvmr thi lit uli;.l.
tp. H'tlCHM "i.r.V5U?pfniUTYiCUr1E. Curt Nv:t W'vs, mnJ l. cf
U.J. r. N'vv di'. SsmiJ i.t I'm. C;nuiu u ItUU-r I'ruj C, Mm l"ii:.lj., Cst,
pa j ; cxil??ii1lr Kj! c- -c ,jr! V-t-,!M Knii'.
Nur- i, Guut, LuiaiM.'O, a;U b. I.t km, ly- uuu',r.i.iij liJ L.-l ui wUUai 13U 0 thorn,
Df. r'.'Lt En'S TEICTMirjR TUPE. AIJ K vmn'.h ... i!cvl.Tn:it tU Mrcn
rliirn s Iii'ir-.n it o;.un ti.ltT trct!i!iij an-l roml tcth, mn I r-ren-nt-tnn I mrva
fxwu( Itk-licM, llnla TruulUaanJ lkU Couiunle. A Liuwii g U. tutu uivKlttriuia cltiitL
DR. . tiiLLCr.'S VH 33P:Mj I COUarj C'JHE. tc't r.a cur.-. wh.n. omsfc.
SI. 00 p-jr Pick3c. Six Packages kr 55.C0.
TUr rrm. tlk r th mtv.1: f twenty f!v y.-.-rt r-f rir.HjTl -ft-ciiimal tTfcrlrnr,
nml io tunnml iiicsrw wl.vii ihm U p ii'!i. tr. Ilit'irtipu. tak 4 illrivtum I.
tiioum tnttutui.rv::uu;uc urf msuutlinu lul y.wnj uo..Kt, auit itu uu mipitcftliwa
Foshny lvvii,Ag!'ii A lb my, Oregon.
farmers' and merchants
Insurance Company.
Agricullsiral Biiiplemcnls & Vehicles
-OF -:- ALL
Coma aid S33 m
j-r r
- W J A-J AT.
cgraphers of both sexes, iUri'm;t2 tl.uir . to a cmrw ftt the Portland Busi
ness College, I'ortlar.d. Or'.-;o, ortiss C.ipita.1 Busin&ss College, Sak-ui,
Oreon. Both are unikT t'.sc t!i.;::a:;i-!in.-Jit r( A. V. Arni-'.rnn, have Mine courses of
Study, same rates of tuition. It-irjiia;, ?,h', Typewriting, ' nmanxhip and linp
lish Department a. Write to citht r for joint Cataloyae and feccitut:ua of pcataanaltip.
tt It II 11 H I 4 Li SI
lm n II RJ I m h tt
j j y tj
Thomas Brink.
.DKALKfJij' IN..
M l mm
stoves, Tinware, . rumps.
At m tmtm ioth
Have Just received direct from tho Eastern Factorle
over 200 Cooking and Healing: fttove, which -will be sold
at price below all Competitors.
As an advertisement of
each purchaser of one dollar'i? w;orth of Goods, a Ticket,
entitling the Holder to ono
Exhibition at their Store.
otovo call and sec their lino
Pearcs Block, -:- First
I i I I
J f V 1 S 1
Pcrcctfy for Eacli Ciscaco.
Stlmu'atc nutrition. I'mlRea t!i
AMI UV.:5 d'HE. curt
Xutni i'stua, sutJ
.1 Ti!mLI condition.
-:- KINJ
T t il,.-l.X 111-; tM-.l) r.VKKV LfAk
-r 1 1 r s iif !ll't!Mf; iiiftt nitfl linti.
Pit you want the best
and most durable furni
y . iurp mat is manniaciur
LSea 111 uie city go to
NEW 000 OS!
their business they will give to
chance in tho drawing for a
If yon intend purchasing a
and learn their prices.
Street, Albany. QMgon.
' VhI!3YcaWait,M
local iti:coiux
Am Ai.ska Wcmnxci The North
Slur of Stika glvcm tno followtnjt account
at a weiMlnj occurring there on A-. ai,
In which a former A'banUii look part!
lloi Orville T Tarter, V, S., ami
M!t'nrrlt! Oclh, ono of our cteeiiuu
uiul tallliful Icnchwr. unltcJ li wcil
lock, Kev A li Autln oin.-l.ttln. AH the
oUkcm, teacher unl pupil of ttirt Mtiwlo.i
were f rctciit, a well a other filemUninl
relative of tins hitJj anvl (jrD n. There
km much excitement, mt J great cml'inlty
mnnlfiRteil hv thtf pupil, nml no womler,
for one of the grown up k1' I haJ never
before een a lloston ( Vu.eilcan) weJilln.
The Itnppv conpl were married In tho new
lurec hull f the Ihv' retulii'K room,
wllch had been mot beautifully antl nr
tlxtlcallv draped with llig, and decked
with evergreen of yellow cedar, etc,, for
the oci if-l n. Alter the ceremony wn
over, all the children marched past the
happv couple to congratulate them, and
on of the lints na'lven a he ohook huml
with the bride, snld, "I am much j v,"aud
judging from ht countenance, and the
paikllni ofhib!iick eye, we think hi
broken UnglUh expressed true nentlmenr.
A Mr and Mi i'orlcr left the hall the
children threw a owcr of kle after
them. After a tutnpiuou repast In the
techer' dining roont.the bride and groom,
headed by thelra band,ome of the boy
having prepared torche for the occaUin
and followed by the teacher, marched
through the town to attend a reception
trlven by hi excellency (Jovetnor Lyman
K Knapp. Only aMngle Incident oc
curred to mar the' happy cene. One of
the guet come ntaggcrln Into the ro!n
with a large demijohn of catihelm (Indian
River water) The cc will bo referred
to the Alaska Presbytery.
Crook Coi'NTV. Jamc Ktkin,' wlto
ha been putting up Hie hay to hi ranch
on Heaver, returned to hi lnunc at Al
banv thi week.
T M ttaldwln and family relurntd on
Thurijay from a trip to "the Willamette
vallev. "They were accompanied home by
Mr Ilaldwln'i motl.e- !.o wid pcnd the
winter with them.
J P Cotobn' place, three mile above
tow n produced J.too binhcl of grain thl
ear. Probiit ly the large.l crop thiehrd
in Ocboco valley.
Ijt Satu'tUy two Immigrant., one from
Wyoming and" the other fiom Montana,
paed through Prli.cville enrotitc to Coo
county. They ild that they ha.1 tarvcd
out in lti'e tatc and were going to a
country where they cou'd rle grain
without irrigating.
One morning the ftrt t f the week.
Clu Cornwell, who ha been running a
fori.' In Charlie Klkln' hop, kipped out
on The Pnllr 'ge, having tint old hi
houehold ci'fcct., loving h'. wifeandtwo
children to Ui(t for them.elvc. and
many creditor to h!ft without their ju.l
About the MV.h of Augut (i W Iiarnc
uw two uplciou looking Individual at
Farewell 'ti iul dilving iuth whh a baud
of, having on them the brand of J
W Howard, Springer 5ro and other re
idem of the county. After ta'.U-ig the
matter up among th-! lior3 raUer hen,
it wh concluded that the upi;i ju char
acter were tliicve, and the hor- they
were driving were tolen, and that. It j
bet to cnd rmeoiic to look af'.er them,
t'ontcqucnily Ityron Spiingei ktaitcd In
pursuit of tiiem'la t Thurday, and will
camp on their track until he overtake
them. i'rlneviltc piper.
KfofcVK. Tho ttraudon, of ii.tUey,
wa in Monday, making arrange
incut to cnd In daughter to the Jta!C
Henry I lullenhcik wa up fiom Albany
over Sunday. II.? cpcc to innve Id
family rlown about Oct.iher fii.t.
A m m n.nict McAIU-ter f.-!l the
top of t'je west pi.r JT tiie Sprlngtlcld
hridgu Xtt t!ic ground, a distance of 27 fict
Monday evening, llewa picked t;p for
dead, but carnc around alt right the next
Staging between I-ugcne and the .Mu
slaw ecm to be a good an J pajlng bul
nc thi mummer a thcr arc three taye
on tiic route. IJro carry about
a d:i.-n passenger every trip. Mr An
drew ha fitted hlmc! out with a new
wag n.
Ten th-iimand fight pagf folder con
taining a writrup of Lane county and Lu
Lenc are nur brim; distributed by the
Hoard of Trade. Mr WrIUn. who ha
gone to Chicago, ha been given a lot for
distribution Register.
r SvctifMrios: The CrvallU Street
Car Co. ha source of revenue not n-
oved here. ttKrti's ome'hing of th kind
ha been urged. At the end of the track
a tdce par' and band stand, where band
ccr.cert areelvei evening and a nice
time had generally, among other thing a
dancing platform being utilized by thoe
delighting in that amutement. We men
fion thi, to again tuggemt thai the AUany
ine ahouu be extended to a park mine
where, (Jaltra' addition, Jin thcJ
eastern ubur! or In the wet. or in all
Then let arrangement be made for amut'
mcnt of different kind and a good move
would be mad not only for the company
hut for the whole city. Aitrcct car line
o pay well murt reach out.
Leimnox. AVodneH'lity nlghtttix teams
arrived overland front Kannau. lliey
etartcd May 1st.
L M Wheeler in now eoJc proprietor of
the J'.urcka meat market.
II W Mitchell, one of the principal
stockholder of tho wttgon road corttnauy
und N Dcady. aon of Hon M P Ieady,
paHrta tn rough ixrtinnon tiieiirntot ine
week on their way up the roau.
'A'allaca & Wallace, of Goltra utalion,
did reuiurkulily good work with their
new Htenrn tbrealior, having threHlicd in
a run of 31 .$ dayB53,(X)l btmheluof grain,
an ftvcrncf ol ntmnt !Z0( )'2 Iiiiulicln ner diiv.
Their theHher ia the new Advance, i!2
inch cylinder, Gti inch separator and was
run by a (J iiorne power Advance engine,
As Inoknhh AnuAxoKMENT.-The build
ingof the new Hotel DenDy, Seattle;
WbhIi. lm deviKcd a nnirjue method of
reaching tho )iotie. 1 lie hotel is on a
atecp hill, while the himincHS portion of
the city and Htreet railway ae at a low
er level. Sow tunnel wifi bo dug into
the hill to a point under the hotel
eighty feet IjcIow the main floor.
branch of the electric railway will run
to tli iri point and be connected with the
hotel bv a shaft and elevator one lead
ing to the ofiice and the other to the
sixth story of the structure.
Another View. The Democrat makes
a point to give all sides of public opinion
as expressed ty us exchanges, egard
less of its own opinion. 1 fere is another
"VVallis Nash, who is just now being
abused by certain papers of 'Oregon for
his connection with the 4tato Agricul
tural college, has been one of the best
friends of that institution, and to his ef
forts is largely due the placing of that
1 1 . 1 n f .r 1 1
sciiooi on uio jinn tooting 11 now en
Joys and the making of it an agriculture
al college in nurnose as well as in name.
For this work the agricultural classes of
Oregon owe Mr piash a debt of gratitude
instead of abuse."
A Prune Syndicate. There is a yn
dlcate being formed In Corvalli to pur
chase a tract of 100 acres ot land, between
here and Albany, on the line of the O P.
and plant It In prune tree. The invest
mcnt, we bdleve, would be a 'profitable
one, and would demonstrate the fact that
the Willamette valley lo better adapted to
fruit than cereals. "We trust there are
enough with confidence in our favored lo
cality to give the scheme a thorougi, test,
Pretty Old. Probably the finest col
lection of corns in Oregon is owned by M
C E Brownell, and can be seen at his store
in a neatly arranged case, TwoMorrocco
calns are dated plainly 1270 and 1336,
which Is Bfccd for anything. . -
Dr. M. II. Ellis, physisian and surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Calls mad in city 01
(tittt.T oir Vauh.vncY. TIio trial of 8
If Wnloolo for vnurawy ennio tin Friday
forenoon U'fnro Uocfirdcr 1 teuton, mid a
jury of nix of our nioMt Mntni clilzcrm, to
wn : w m KetciiitiM, J v CitMick. Wil
nam KtiiMton,w 11 uoitru.wtlliiun nrc
and W l llitrr. J K Weallu rford nnd J
U Wyaltappenreit for tho city and Jttdgtt
Whitney fur Mir tlefonae, Tiie jury after
hearing tho evidence for lli prowcutloii,
none bi'ing lutroducaid for tho ilefotiHe,
and no nrgtiments being made, returned n
verdict nt once of guilty. The Heeorder
lined him $-1. Tim verdict In an ex
ftinph' for others ot bis eullbre, who
Mlinttld lake warning and goto greener
Held. In default of payment Wnlpolu
went to j vil for 3D tl.tya, ihrentetilng ven
geance when he get out.
On. ANt 'A v. Lebanon 1 again excit
ed. Now it is claimed In caps like this :
"Talk nlout tho Imttt. nne nil and gas re
gtona of Penmtylvanlii and Ohio; throw
up your hat for Harrison or Cleveland ;
cluint your en logic of Lincoln ami tlrant i
hut know llrnt that Lebanon I surround
ed bv a fount rv under whose surface
Hows OI Land OA." lUxm Fort did it.
the match wits applied ami the gas blazed
forth. Tho place Is near Wheeler's aw
mill, and is owned bv Hong of the O. P.,
which they tried to buy, but cmld not.
A joint stock company has Unm formed
ami the Kxprcas, with nyelbsays: "Cap
ital and energy are tho clement now
that must join hands, and Lebanon will
have a growth and boom f.ukuown in
her history." Similar discoveries have
also lie-on made on F.lktns' property above
town and In Kirkpatrick's addition.
Anothbk Paint Mink. CJcoi A
Spencer write the Salem Stite.mati a
follow concerning the finding of a paint
mine: "1 have found on my ranch,
which 1 1 or it ted about forty mile east ot, In Marlon county, on the Oregon
Pacific railroad and Kanilam rlver.onedialf
mile west of Uatevllle, a tcemltigly Inex
haustible tuppty of onlilo of Iron, or red
ochre mine or bed. The face of the ledge
show joo fret wide and from three to W
fee hlb, shove the surface. The mine
I. less than Soo feet from the Oregon
Padllc railroad track, and le than a half
mile, from the atlon. It I easy of acce,
with a gvid level c nuitry mrr nindin It.
I propose to organlxc a company ta work
the paint. M.v place l located three
quarter of a mile wc.t of rhe recently di-c-jvered
coal ri'lne."
Tnr.v Win Acr.-Mr J (i Kelly, civil
engineer, addrct.ed the corucll at some
length on the ubjcct of eerge, propos
ing 40 telegraph for Mr I'aminiJinl, hi.
asn:la',e In bu.lne,and they would make
rich an examination a would enable them
to lubmlt a proposition to make a proper
urvrv. from which to prepare plant and
(pcciiicatlon In detail and estimate of the
cost of different vtem.and if th council
dec'lned t accept their proiolilon, the
Ity to pay the mm of "jo f ir their exice-
t. while making the preliminary ettmin
tln. Mr Kc'lev proposition watac
cpled and he wa authorized tj telegraph
f jr Mr lUmmonJ." Register.
A City Dism rosv.-lt L Polk A: Co
of Portland, have ogenl In t!icrltv taking
Information for a complete directory ol
Albany, Linn county, Lugene ami Cor-
yalds. Thi Is one of tho oldest linns. In
it line, in America, and their work are
alway reliable. A directory giving the
name, bu.lue. and residence 01 everyone
In our city, and the name. P O address
and assessed valuation ut proerty of far
mer trading here, will prove Invaluable
to o-jr busli.e. men . V e cordially rec
ommend It.
A CAant.f.s!, Sitkati k A rcprcenta-
U e of the Wlllamrtte Iteal L'.tate Co, of
'orlland, owner of consider att.c property
n junction. Ctcswell ai.d Latham, came
up Ut week to pay the tac on his com-
niny proprrtv. lie found that he had
ot been credited bv the ex-!ierlff witn
$ "7 y taxr he paid on the property for
irjyj, tiir widen lie held receipt. Keulster
About $3iOid uch error have already
been reported.
Nancy and Tom. The trial of Nancy
Slator assaulting Tom Reed with a club
took place lat Tne.Iay In Justice Frank
Turncv' couit. The trial consumed the
greater part of the day. The court room
was tilled with tnterr.tcd spectator who
enpected to hear wine pley evidence
brought out, 1 hey were amcwhat dl
appointed in thi respect, however. The
urv brought In a verdict ol "not euilty
nd Mr" Sl.ttor w a discharged. A com
plaint h ber .i tiled ag.nnt Tom Keen, by Malor, charging htm with assault.
The trial ha been ct for Saturday. Ja
ettc. Givit TiiRM a Ciianc. Some one ha
been tending anonymou and threatening
etter to the Mieu agency, censuring Hie
(gent fir allowing the Indian Income out
to the vmlley and pick hop. We ee no
reason why an Indian should not. have a
much right to earn money a an v one else.
There I one thing certain If any one at
tempt to Interfere with their picking ho. is
they will find thcmclvcs in acriou diffi
culty. Lk
IIamuihiii-uo. J O Kgan and John
Murphy, of Albany, were in the city on
last Friday.
I)r II A Davis went down to Albany
the first of the week.
Miss Minnie Sprager went to Albany
on a visit Monday.
2i Martin has iust returned from Cali
fornia, accompaned by a wife. Nick is a
good fellow and we wish him much hap
ptness. Cor Pilot.
fiitcctntiiED at Last. Magruder P.ros,
who have been doing business at Central
Point for a quarter of a century, before
that place was even a village, wero com
pelled to mako an assignment Monday,
lid K Owen lx ing the assignee. They
place their liabilities at $11,000 and their
asset at $'.'0,000. It is believed that
they will come out all right. The strin
gency of the money market wag the
causo assigned. Record.
A Bid Demand. The manner in which
tho Baltimore block has been rented is a
sample of the demand here for good
brick stores, rooms and oiuees. r.very
room in the.thrco story brick has lcen
rented for sometime. Price & Itobson
win nave the corner store, and ware
house. Brock A Hyde the other with
the second floor over: the K of P will
have the west part of the third story:
the Runs House the rooms opposite, and
tne otiices are all spoken for with sever
al second chances.
Stand Up. A subscriber to the Demo
crat insists on our asking what ought to
be said about a man who talks to the
brethren on Sunday, and the sarho day
goes out into the country and violates
the law of the state by shooting birds it
is unlawful to kill, lie gives no names,
but the guilty parity will please givo bis
version of it By the way, all those who
have ever killed a Chinese pheasant, con
trary to tho laws of Oregon, will please
hold up their tS".
A Lono Ridk, Two bicyclists, named
D M and S W Rogers, arrived in the city
this evening, having left Plymouth, Mass.,
on April 28th. They have stack to their
bicycles since they started, only liavlng
them where It was necessary to cross
streams or lakes. As a 17iatterof course
they feel tired, and Intend taking tho boat
for Portland to-morrow. During the
journey they have camped out 22 davs;
but usually have slept at houses and eaten
their meals at hotels. They do not Intend
to return in the same manner. The Dalles
A Boy Did It Samuel Mayerfield,
while chopping In the bottom near the tan
neries, Friday morning at ten o'clock, was
shot in the fleshy part of the left arm. The
shooting was done by a boy with a 32 cali
bre pistol. The boy after shooting i an, and
his companions claimed they were ignocont
of his name, and said he was shooting at a
bird. Dr. Paine-dressed the wound but
did not find the ball. Eugene Guard. He
E ill-lH 1 , 1 al 1 .XI u f h,tr K..A r. i. I.t ,1
.nanked thoroughly with an old fashlnnod
A Fatal AcciDKNr. Further informa
tion hi reference to accident at Glass'
hop yard, on Thomas Creek, tell of tho
death of Mr Klllott. Tho Kcio Press
gives the following iiciount of tho horri
ble accident: Thursday afternoon Mrs
Klllott's hahy being sick, she did not go
to tho hot yard, but slayed In campand
was busying herself about camp work.
In passing around the camp lire her cloth
ing was ignited. Him had smelted the
burning cloth for sotnd little time tiefore
she dlscovced that it wa her own cloth-
lug that was on lire. She then started to
the tout to get a blanket to smother out
the llames. At the tent door she met her
IS mouths old baby, antl even at this ex
citing moment the sivfvty of her child
predominating over personal pain, she
touk it and placed It rait of harms way, a
few feet distant, ami then returned to
the tent for the blankut and rolled her
self therein in the attempt to smother out
the Humes that were by this time b'ister
ing and crisping her flesh. Mm rolled
the blanket around as well as alio could,
but the iigciny she was undergoing was so
crcat that she threw the blanket away
ami started for the hop yard near by, all
the time screaming for help. Tho first
person she met was a nan, aid ot course
she went to him for help. He not hav
ing any other means of putting out the
lire commenced throwing dust on the
burning woman. Other help arriving
the unfortunate woman' burning cloth
ing was torn from her, what little there
wai left by this time, and was conveyed
to ner tent by mind hands and word setit
for the doctor and the husband, who was,
as In-fore stated, at Iebanoit. Upon ex
amination Mr Klliott proved to be liter
ally roasted, with tho exception of her
arms and fm-e. Her shoes even were
burned to acri. t upon her h-et. Mrs
P.lliott, whoso au is but -'.'I will leave a
husband, and a little child but about Is
mouths old. Tlmy had Just moved fnm
Cr.sik county, Mr Klllott going to near
Am Lm ikkst or 1M.1. (ieorgo Wash
ington Jackson, ono of tho pioneer of
Hvt5, who resides in Manjuam's. is fatnll
iar with many of the most interesting
events in the early settlement rf Oregon.
On his arrival in ,4'i, he says, he went to
work for ieorgo Abernethy, who sent
him and another man duwn the river a
far as Portland, which wa a swampy
forest, where the bark Toulon was an
chored. They took from the vessel
printing press, tye ami paper, loaded
them in the boat and brought them to
Oregon City. At the Clackamas shal
lows they had ditucultv in getting their
precious cargo aero, but it was a case
of necessity, as there was no road but
the Iswoio of the Willamette river. The
printing ores was set up here, with
printer John Fleming in charge. In his
early days Colonel Jackson wa isipular
as a singer of songs and a teller of stories
and an adept on the fidHe and banjo,
ami at many a dance or evening enter
tainment he was the hero. He is proit 1
of the fact that he is named after old
King Ocorge, of Knglanf, after Washing
ton, the "Father of his country," who
vt hipH-d King (ieorge. and after (ieneral
Jackson, who whipped the Kuglisli Oen
eral Packinghani. at New Orleans.
Tiik New lloni-im.. A Demo-at man
this morning visited the site of the new
city hospital and children's home, in
Ooltra' Park addition. The first story,
or foundation, of solid brick, 0 feet 10
inches high, has In en Inid and Is ready
for the t structure. The building will
is :i.X(U let-t, as Ural tret-ted, and ar
ranged conveniently for enlargement. It
is nicely located in a sightly place, and
on the extension of the ireet car line to
If Mill til, . t . .1 1 .1 1m . I . . Mil. I VMM
f ..... " ' -" ... n v.t. 1 1 . : . A V J . w ,
will bo easy of acces. W A Cox laid
the foundation. C W Aver made the
plans, which show a nice looking build-
in?, and Mr F.dwnrd Zeyss will draw the that work can lie pushed
at once and the building completed this
fall. The eight lots were contributed as
follow: S K Young and Ir Kllis.three;
L Viereck and A B fjeal, one; J II Malin
one; C O Kurkhart, as trustee, three.
Tho subscriptions alieadv made will now
be collect!, and further snlsrcriptions
solicited. This will 1 a deserving in
stitution which our citizens should sup
port. ,
Patents Guantkd. To citizen- of the
IVilic States during tho past week and
reported especially for this paper by C A
Hnow & Co., Patent Atty' and Agent
for procuring patents, ojt. patent office,
vtaHiiitigton, i. u: 1 Alhers, i:orvallis
Or, gate j J S Bloo.l,NapaCity, Cal, knifo
sharpener; J M Bryan, San Francisco,
Cal, ore-erushcT ; S H Chase. San Jose.
Cal, saw bit holder: LK Clawson. San
I ranrico,Cftl, continuous sectional chim
ney; 1 I-rank, Sutsun, Cal.clothes drier;
(i (iates, Drytown, Cal, concentrator ; D
H James, San rranclsco.Cal.Plate or pan
lifter; M Jensen. Astoria. Or. soldcrlns
can-iMHiiea ; 1 '.Maisonneuve.Oakiand.Cal.
fruit stoning machine: Y Mann. I-resno
City, Cal. Insectide; A F McMillan. Bo-
nicia,, gang plow irame; J u isoitey,;, cal, decorticating machine
for removing outer covering from coffee:
J A Shepard, Fossil, Or, reel for winding
stems 01 yarn, r.epnyr. etc; r u smuey,
nan Jose, lai, Journal-bearing.
Tins or Tit N. W. Moat east
ern people do not have any reliable idea
alrout this glorious N. W. country at all
Key K W Clarke, traveling correspond
ent 01 tranK issue's illustrated weekly
did not until recently. Here is what he
says: "lln whole Northwest is a won
der to me. I can hardly lielieve my
senses. I, in common with the people
of the east, have labored under the Im
pression that hero were the wilds of
America. Hero in Oregon I expected to
lind frontier settlements of logs and adobe
with little, patches of vegetables, wheat
and Indian corn, growing among the
stumps of recently fallen forests. In
stead I find thriving cities, which for
push and enterprise are far ahead of
towns in the east. And here, too, ia to
ie lound one ol tho greatest wheat cen
ters in the country. The people of the
east will not conceive it until they come
and see lor themselves.
An Unfoutunatb Fihe. The residence
of C J Richardson, near Jefferson, was
recently burned, causing a loss of about
faouu. i ne iteview says : "ine build
ing ami contents f J Richardson
household goods was insured in the
State Insurance Co, of Salem, for $1100.
There agent, ueo si tseeier, was up yi
terday trying to adjust the claim. Tin
seems to tie ouite a cood deal of nnnec
essary quibbling and evasion in settling
up this claim. We have it direct, that
if this claim is not paid in full, and
without any trouble, the policies held
by this company, in this vicinity, will be
canceled." A subscription was raised
for Frank Richardson, who lost, about
1000 in tools, etc, and just after a long
A Discussed Question. The big pier
to the Salem bridge has just been com
plcted. It U 12 feet high. The next pier
will be 58 feet high. The main pier for
the Albany bridge will probably be about
70 feet. At leant the condition of the river
at the two cities Is nearly enough the same
to can tor a Drluve ot about the tame
height,' As the matter has been discussed
considerably oh our streets' these figures
win oe ot interest.
A Query Answered, Railroad work
on the O. P. began last year on Octobe
aoin, over a month later than now, so
will be seen there I vet plenty of time,
and whh an open winter considerable could
dc aone
This Trade Mai k on a stove
means It is thn best thcr ex
perience and skill can con
trive. Sold only by Smith
x senaei-s.
Holmes Bubinsh College, of Portland
'Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the
. leading penman of the coast, has become"
.. ! I, J .. 1 . . 1 .. .1 ...111 1. .. It.
i tl,a lai Vmninoia nAlUrP Hcr-.H
I catalos-ue.
front our ranuimr oorfo(Hn.lmit.)
WASH tNoioN, Sept, 8, I5oo.
Democratic magnanimity was strongly
contrasted with republican sc:fisinc
when the southern senator voted with
the northwestern senator to place binding
twine on the free list. The great grain
producing state are the largest users of
binding twine. Bat when the southern
senator asked for an amendment to the
tariff bill placing cotton bnc,glHg, which I
lied by the cottun producing stale, on the
free list, the republican senators voted
solidly agahist It. That I just the sort of
sectional legislation that ha created a
'solid louih" and a long a the one con-
tlnuct the other Is likely to remain. Il 1
a bad rule that doe not work both wi)i,
The anil Reed republican, and there
are lot of 'cit, arc "Mel Ing" vigorously,
becsust they My that the republican con
gressional campaign committee I being
used to boom the speaker far the presiden
cy There la no longer any doubt of Reed'
having kbled hi castor Into the presiden
tial ring, and the weaker car.iddatc, In
cluding Mr Harrison, are becoming panic
stricken at the propcct They fear the
power of the big man from Maine whoae
shadow beginning to obscure allot them.
The democrat would rk nothing better
than Reed' nomination ; they believe that
an overwhelming majority of the people
of thl country are opposed to the unA
rnerlcan method by whleh he ha tyran
nized over the House of rcprcsenatlvc.
Thl week will see the outragcou, one
sided tariff bill pssed by the senate. A
number of the republican enator have
khostn a temporary spirit of Independence
In voting apalnst section of the bill which
dlscrlmlna'id against their constituent;
but their ctiuragc ended there, and tnrough
fesr of the party lath they will stultify
them.clv: by voting for it a a whole
The reclprotltv amendment I a delu.ion
and a nrc,and I only reciprocity in name'
experience will demonstrate; or else the
high projectionist In the House would not
at they have done) have promised that
the House ould accept it. l hc bill is
nothing more .r les than an official re
payment by the consumer of the Unite
State of (he money contributed by pro
tected manufacturer during the last pre
ienilal campaign to the rrprtblLan cor
ruption fund Fortcinatcly the voter of
te country will have n opportur.lty In
November of expressing their opinion of
uch method.
Repretenatlve Bteckcroldge, of Arkan
sas ha been Illegal y and unjustly de-
eprlved of Id seat !n the House, but at
he expressed It In the closing vordr of hi
speech "I take an rppeal to tb people,
egardle of party. In the district I have
the hunor to represent, on the broad ground
of common honesty, and in November
they will reverse jour conclusion and re
buke the method by which yoe reached
that conclusion."
The tcandal piles up on commissioner
of pension Kaum.but he duct not resign,
nor do hi superior in oilicc give any sign
of asking for hi resignation, although
common decency hou!d have caused them
to do i at !en a he unbluhlnly ac
knowledged having boi rowed $12,000 on
note end irscJ by pemi in attorney Lemon.
But there I wore to come. He ha been
engaged in tome busine transaction
worse than the refriscrator company, of
which one of hi would-be judge Repre
tenatlve Smyr of Ohio-1 a Urge stock
holder, and Reprencnailvc Cooper, who
first formulated the charge, I In poclon
ot the fact, and he Intend to see to it that
the pub'.ic ha them, even If the republctnt
on the while-.vashitig committee shall re
fuse to ir.vcsilgate thcin.
1 he speech of Rcpresenatlve Kennedy,
an Ohla rcntollcan. chare'ng senator
Quay with being a felon and a modern
Juda Iscarlot, may have becnulctly true
many people believe lhat ll wat- -but the
floor of the House war no place for it to be
made, and It would htve been well had the
House adopted the resolution expelling
Kennedy which Reprcscnalive Boatner of
Ioulslana prepared, but wa dissuaded by
hit democratic colleagues from Introduc
Ing. The speech will, It I ;aU, hs ."re
vised'' before It I printed In the Crgv.-
itimii RtcorJ, but that U no palliation of the
of theoffcne against good .manners com
milled by Kennedy. An expulsion or two
would have a wonderful effect upon the
manner of the House.
The conference report on the River and
Harbor blh ha been adopted by the
llouie, but It I hardly probable t'-at the
cnati wbl act upon it before next week
Sccretm let Windom and Tracy "do not
sreak at they pat by" because oi the as
signment ot a naval omcer by the latter
against the wishes of the termer, to ccr
tain duties In connection with the Light
llouse tervlce
Senator Edmund hst not up to date
called his recest resolution. There will be
a lively time when he does.
Farmers In Ireland have given up al
hope of the potato crop, the disease mak
ing it not worth digging. In some place
they are plowing the potato land and sow
ing turnlpt or tctling'out cabbage ptantsdn
the hope of growlngjsome food for the com
Ing year. In many placet where the top
are large no potatoes are found at rhe
roots; In Cork the price of potatoes is now
three timet at high at It w as at this serson
last year.
A ship canal from Lake Michigan to the
Mississippi River It suggested at a diver
sion for the turplus energy of those who
wish to curpass the Eiffel tower at the
world's fair In Chicago. It could not be
completed (n time for the fair, but it could
be well begun, and when done It would so
enormously increase the rcsourses ol Till
nols at to place it In the lead of New York
at the empire ttate of the union.
It wat first supposed that Seth Low had
the f hortest name of any one In the United
States. Then Asa Low went him one
letterless. Now Eli Ho of New Brunt
wick, N. J., turns up with only five lettert
tnbltrame. New York has a Chinaman
named Ah Wo, but the exclusion act prob
ably shuts htm out of this American con
test. .
A curious anassthetic used by tne Chl
nese bat recently been made known by
Dr. U. Lambuth In his third annual re
port of the Soochow Hospital. It Is ob
talned by placing a frog in a jar Of flou
and irritating it hy prodding It. Under
these circumstance it exudes a liquid which
forms a paste with the flour, Thit paste
dissolved In water has well-marked anaes
thetic properties.;. After; the finger has
beei Immersed in the liquid .for a few
minutes it can be cut to the bone without
any pain being felt.
1 1 - ' nil .i a
( . . ,
I Best roast coffee- in ; the city : Conrad
Meyer's. '
LintHMin tsv that the best ornaments of
)lf)UM! nlt lhc ukmU wl0 ffqUfnt l( ,)U, ,
, to tliexc, certii ly,re Its booksand periodicals.
The l-t decoration in the world is tin decora
lioiof an abundance of reading matter, anJsa
sbundancc that shall also be selected andcliolce
in it quality, It is strange, when one comet
to think of It, that a woman will think no ding
of buyirg I50 wrthof dry eoodf, while she
will wait three month to read aa importan'
hook waiting to get it at a circulating library
raihcr than pay f 1.50 for it and have it in the
fiohncs of the interest it creates. Lvtn in
inirll!gcni femilict Ibis p'.aa of borrowing books
from a neighbor, or wailing indefinitely la gmt
I Item fiom the library, I seen when in all
oilier lines of expenditure the outlay is a gener
ous one. There i no inspiration in the home
where everything is relegated to the merely
aesthetic plane; where all sorts and ccnuilions
of strange jugs and bopls and ginger jnr, with
Hill stranger decorations, arc seen, and where
everything is smothered in lace sod tied up in
ribbons, nor it there, 10 the cultivated eye,any
beauty either, in this scheme of decorative
arrangement. ,
Then wat a wide and animated discussion,
)crs ago, regarding (he best 100 books
in the world, and every man an'! woman of
literary prominence wat appealed lo for an in
dividual list. While these lists varied, there
were always a few works, at the Bible and
Shakcipeare, which must, of necessity, ippear
in each one, and as a fairly representative
example of the permanent literature of the
work! these lists were root interesting. Tbey
establish one most important truth; (hat a
working library, a living library, to to speak,
need nut be numerically large. A hundred
well selected books offer to the home a contin
ual fountain of refreshment and of higher
thought. Such a collection, well selected. It,
of itself, enough to place life on a higher plane,
and to predetermine the thought of the house
hold to finer lines of interest.
r.tcrM AntiLT jjai.xe:
Republicans are blowing lustily becaotc
they have carried Maine by about 18,000 ma
jority and sty it it the largest majority since
IS72. Well let u compare: For governor
in lS$4,their mijorily wat 19,709 For presi
dent in 1SS4 it wat 20,060, For Governor in
1SS6 it wat 12,651 and for president in 18S8
11 was 2J.25J, Tbitsho that thi talk about
tig victory b all blow. It at Reed they lay
bat increased bit majority. True, but wba
were the circumstances? The democrats mnJe
no contest al all, either on the state or con
greiunal tkkct. Not a cent was contributed
nor so ffiViit made by tbe national democratic
committcc,wlii!e republicans carried on the cam
paign w ith at rnacb vigor as a presidential cam
paign. Kecd,hiauelt,lllainetHurToughs,McKin-
leyamla Wt of other leading orators mrde
specche while thtt prince of tllcorruplionwtt,
W IV Dudley was there. Another cause, and
ia faet the real cause of the large republican
majority it found in-the fact that thousands of
democrat of temperance sentiments staid away
and refused to go to the poll because lhc
democratic state convention put a plank
their platlut m in favor of ;be repeal of lire prohi
bi;ory law. The republican vote it fr below
the average vote whiW the democrats fell off
stilt more largc'y, The total vote is over 30,
000 short of that of Iwo years ago.
ii.'.nge:: signals at the west.
Tne wild schemes listened to by o many
Western fanners, who are generally reasonable
men and the unwise threats tbey make, prove
at least that tbey are dissatisfied profoundly
with the present ttate of things, and that they
are determined there shall be a change. They
are suffering, and they clamor for relief. Will
not they be exasperated rather than pacified
by a change which shall make things won
than they are and force them to pay mor
for clothing, tin ware, hardware, chim.cutlery
etc., without putting aa additional cent
their pockets lo meet these heavier expenses?
If Alliance resolutions are violent now, what
willvhey be with the Mckinley bill in working
order? These are pointt well deserving the
thoughtful consideration of Congressmen from
Nebraska and other Western States. It will
not do to say that tUt present excitement it a
tempest in a teapot It may turn out to be
cyclone in the Mississippi Valley. Chicago
Tribune. (Rep.)
'I he Spokane Daily Ckrutuclt is making an
earnesr fight for the election of Thomas Car
roii, me ucmocrauc candidate lor congress in
Washington. This is right. Every demo
cratic paper and every democratic voter ahoulj
use every honorable'.meant to secure such a
desirable result. If every democratic voter in
that ttate should determine at once that be
will secure at least one republican vote foi
Carroll he would be triumphantly elected.
Organization it worth a thousand votes to the
democrats of Washington.
The latest newt from Arkansat it tha
there are no'rcportt of disturbances at the
pollt from anywhere In the ttate. Thl it
a terlout reflection on the Inventors of the
first dlspatchet that were published In the
partisan newspaper, which announced
that riots were rife throughout th est ate, al
though the specifications were significantly
absent. The fact will also be a difficulty
'n the way of Mr. Lodge and his associate
who arc prepared to prove that the south
need the enactment ot the Force bill.
Altvays keep tile on the farm. There
are timet at all teasont of the year when
you can conveniently do a little ditching
if you have the material at hand. When
passing the tile mill with your wagon
or buggy load on a few pieces of such a
size as you think wilt be most convenient
and take them home to use when needed'
It it attention lo small matte rt that help to
make farming pay and the one who ob
serve thi rule are the mot prosperous.
Mr McKinley told the Maine people that his
tariff hill means "American wages for Ameri
can citizens." To naraphrase Mr Blaine't
famous saying on wheat and pork, there is not
a line ot a section in the entire bill which will
constrain an American manufacturer to pay to
his workmen one dime of the bounty which the
bill gives to him, ;
Oriental and occidental reciprocity have just
at many charms as septentrional, or "aeridion
al. In other words latitudinal free trade is s
attractive at longitudinal. Or again free wool
from Australia is just as free wool from Argen
tiae. Call and SBTTi.K.r-Those knowing
themselves indebted to the old firm of
Krausse & Klein, will please call and set
t e at once.
: Buckien's Arnica ISalv.
Tha bust Salve la tiro world tot Cuts, Drals.,3oris
Vloor, Salt Uheum, Fvr Sores, fettor, Uuitpjr
hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiti Kniptlu. an
positivelyuure filM.orno pay required. It ia ifar
iitoe:) to give perfect Satintaction, r money ic..nd
d. lriee 25 ceuta per box. For av!e by i'wti.y aad
s, I i '
oivis i?;toyis
Holh tUi fiicthoil itiuiresulu when
Hyrttp of Fig ia lakcn ; it is j.Iensant
nsi'l refreshiii to tlio laste. aiidact-i
f,f:t:tlyyet jiroinjdly on the. Ki.Jii,
J.ivcr athl JJowels, cleanse tbe y
tr.j oliucttittlljr, iliKplg colds, lirad
nclieB and fevers find cirri- lia!ilunl
criitstipntion. Hvnm of figs is the
only rtncly- of i'.g kind ever tiro-
rhicorl. U-tuingto l taste niu'ao
cejrtfihJo to tho stomach, tirori.rit in
'z Rctio'i and truly !cn'Uml in its
yl'"dn, it. niarty excellent qualities
;:.-n.l it t) ail. It ii frrrsalo in
'jc end gl ljitlea ly rJl lcadius
tra grists.
8 mf,uo:s:n, cu
icuismu. n. xca tsnx, n.r
Special Jtomcemeiit
W. F.
My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all
the Latest Novelties in
Dress Goods,
. -To The
I Make a Specialty of LacUes Underwear, in Knit
Ribbed and Muslin. My Prices. are the LOWEST
and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent
for the Celebrated
. S. F. H0SIEEI,
Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely
fast, and Free from Poisoii.
:To TheMen :
Call and Look at My values in
Furnishing -:- Goods,
I have a Lirge Stock at the Lowest Prioas ever cUcrr-d ia tha Vallej.
1 cairy a full lion of Ihs wor'd-renowed BIV)ADUEAD go-id, ua ine! 13
for wear aud C.tih. Lrp - stooi of EuDaotDEUtna aad Flodxcixgs. Cal
nd I coavii ccd th A?hai y is the beat trading point ia Oregon. -
ScltFceder anil Sancl-Cattcr,
Traction Engines;
Automatic Stacker. Et
Also read what one of the
about thgm:
Portland, Oregon,
Dear Sir:
roy Advance Thresher, purchased of you this year, will say the Advance does more-,
ni better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all that are rep-N
resented In Oregon. .
It threshes faster, cleans the grain better, runs lighter and saves the grain better
from the straw, than any other machine, ard seems to be strong arrd durable. 1 am
. . ... ..' .. .. r 1 i
ready at any time 10 go mro a inai wun any oiner macninc rcacciJi mc iiuvauucj mu
ihresti for from $100 to $500. They are the best In the markejt without doubt. D
you desire you can refer to me at any and all times.
Signed I. D, MILLER.
For further particulars .address ZT. WRIGHT,
Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193
names of parties who have purchased Advance Threshers
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
-G. L. BLACKinAW,-
s. K, TOt NO
TBAJtSACT.I ACESKRALrnf,kmgta.lnc.
AC;Ot TS REIT ul,Jo.t U, tUeck,
SIGHT eXCIIAKOfr n,tel Tphl trrir, ot
a Now Tark, Man Vrmrtteo ilot-o .nd Vm
VQl.LZCmon? S AHEm hvuraM tcrirs.
K. Trm k,w. Hfnxm
L K Btip, h. ru,
KtrwaasF. Hut.
Linn Co. National Bank,
PrIJ-nt ..,.... J L COWAX.
Ic-Pr.B'lMrt.... IK RAIJiTOV.
hi.r....y Um t. fUAMBKitf.AI-, Mhler...... n A AK' illi'.OLO.
ft ay.T,a,l I, Ctw-i. J P.sI,Kn, Can E
Owmllalii, W H 1vM, W II U:,l-ra, i A Cnw
frd mhI O A Artfaibuld.
TKAi(SA(7TaciMrl tsnkiti; tiuMis.
UUAW8IOI11 lot A mi on Vtm York. Sm
til 'ivi reyon
LOAS MOrfETua 'pr',d iwcaritjr
KF KITE dermis ub(ct etc.
Bank f Oregon.
OA-FXTAXi, S50,000.
Preoidsnt . ...II BRYANT
Vlen President .. H. V, MK ft KILL
Cashier .. J. V. BLAIN
HI Bryant. J V, Blain.
Geo Humphrey, C H ftew.rt,
K i I Anr.lnB, H K Mr -frill.
Kightexchanzo an f toleirrephlc train
fr.r on New York, lan Francisco rl
and all principal point in Oregon nl
oll'ctloc madr on favorable terms
solid men of Linn county says
Millers, Linn County, Orbgon,
September 25, 1809
reference to your Inquiry as to how I liked
Vie FrMldnril
Alao Their