L. MILL, Physiciai and SuiL;eoii, Offloe cor. 'and Ferry Btrft, ALBANY- OREGON 0R,C.WATS0?mA$T0FJ Phyuician and Surgeon. Oftlos o'Hit it) Dernier.. DR. W H. DAVI3, Physician and Surgeon. arnmi unatalra In Strahan'a Rlook. May bo found at his oltlo aay aud night. DH. C A. WHITNEY, Phystoiau and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medloal College Nowork City. Disease of woman a specialty . ArOtEa roman' Rri.k, Albany, Or. Pianos. Those willing a first class Instrument, II.. t mmt tr ada to stand tbe climate of the Coast, can I eulteel by calling at Mr U K HyaiaVa, opposite Manto lent- El, on f irsi Mlrt. The latent vocal and istru mental muslo kept for aale.alao the k get assortment of stamping pettorna la aelectfrom thla eldj of 'FHmo Lea aona given la paiutlng aud embroidering In br atudlo OTM LiUtt OoUUtT Hink, oinhnr your order and rau will be plaaaed. NOTICE Taken no by tba on Wsuned, two inilua above Sweet llama; 1 daplegrey hore, 6or 7 ear old. branded u9 oo ruht houlder; 1 brown seldiag, about m age. branded on ruht shoulder. Owner ar reuuest ad to oall and pay charges an J for thu no tice and take them away. W. W. HAINES 3 . K. WXAT1TEIIF0RD, ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBAST. W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Ihanceryi LBAXT, - OHEGOH. Collections proni(.tly tiade on all po'nt CioanaoeKotiaiaxlon waaonablaterma. 0. a, jr.BLACBBi as, CEO. W. WKIOHT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT. Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the CoorW of the State. lrompt attention given to all bnai eaa enti aited to our care. Office Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or j. n. DUFJCAri, ATTOENBT AT LAW AND HuTAKY PUBLIC, paTOfflce In Strabsn'a B!ock, No'a 1 and 3- . ALBANY, OREGON. JAMES P. &.EAD, AttorMjaS LawaalTitla Eiamiasr ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all the-coorU of tba State. Abatracta of Title foroiahed on hort ootice- Ten ytar rp-rieace. ILIRflOKY fhwl vmWnf ci Bonk. 1n.ru. 4 i. tnm nMiM. TwtuiKmwl. 1mm .il r-fU of 111. ciotM. Pmatncto. rore rmaa. era on .ppticMKm to l'rrt A. LiAii i, ta tdUt in. Xew Y w. RedCrownMills SOU. LASXIXO 4 t!., I SOPR'S. nw pbocbu ruitTB arrEKios roa vAMn.m AJTD BAEIRA CUE. KESTSTORAGF FACILITIES. FOR UEU ONLY! atrvMllltAaaMnlui VE&VOUi DLMILlTTt fan laMMtV fr 41 tlsaawa, T'fYHatrWek, aai4 CaatHa a. eaa aaaai rta thmm. wk. fall ptaanjHawa. tx4 ailo AaMilnW aaaalta.l TKMlT 1 14T.aUM4ai ha m at&w. till liftAi 0a, IHlrAit. . ff Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, Aumrs roa tiis cilsssatsd If. F. Miller, Anil the Favorite J. BAUER & CO. PIANOS. Also the Kousb Proof "EAREPF." And other First-Clans O B G A'N' S.- Bale ArnU lor the- ELDUEDGK B. : and SE ff IiOJIE Rrwlng natcklne), Or-ja.v - Cleaned'- and - Repaired, ALBA Nl' OREGON Pouiiiy Wanted. : All LlnJanf pi iltry, alive or drensed snwl t( tbe Willamette P icking Com ny's Store. Albany, Orngec. IOR WELL B)RlNa,KOCK DKLI ? Inland pioaprctlng, write to J. J3. Uogliea, Albany. Or Verna for Rale for QV9, TWO MILK? from Toledo, on Yaqulna H.v, nnd ona-t urth of a tulle fioni rl'ro 1. It conninn of 4 aore. H tl'Je land, balanoe bottom and hill land. Oood frame bouie, ell finished, (worth $100) barn and other Improvement. For further particular call on or address. ' W. U. PARKEIt, Yaqulna City, Or. Assessor's Notice. ' Notion ii herby glrea that the Board of E,uilizitio.i will aHmid at the olho of the coauty clerk, in Lino oouuty, Oregon, on Monday, the 22ud day of Sebtember, 1890, aud will correct all error in valuation, de ciiptlon of lands, lots, or other property. Thia 1st day of September, 1890. Z B M0SS, , . Assessor Dr. M. II. Elli, physieian and surgeon I dollars a pair, acrimurtain nets, etc. Also Albany, Oregon. !alls mads in cijiy ci . a line of curtain poles and fu'niture oover ouot''. Ing. ' ; Samuel EYocno. acoLs Oil Cures HPTCfJ,EllFEOTCt miSIS. 8HEUIKS, CtU&o. ibftlHd eohtusloni swelling are In flammation now aiid wounds am alike 4lf turbaiicea to natural action, through which tbe vein are closured, Circulation ImwileJ, onfUon est In aud pain ensue. Nature U lioillleur-lt trie to rfakt llaell and fain tension. Bruise and Veiling ved l toot l tni lnnuenfejpul In cut and wound herdl anyone would Pu liquid remedy lotos " wouna. w oon aa pmr , 1' mi paria iiviubi iw-.-t t rirln nature anil cure Nr. Lout Rush, Preston Street, Detroit With, : " I'itchln. ball t sprained and bruteed my arm; tw appUcatlOua of ek JacuU Oil cured m." . Mr. Gusta Kauwald, Jr. (TtvydaW. Tre rickburt. Texan, wtUoa. Atbrusl "J waa badly cut With a eythet half UitlbiBt, Jacob Oil urd juiVHC U R 1 8. AT Pavauitr ana )KALML TMI CHARLES ft. V06IIH CO.. !. HI EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA SautUern Paciflo Route SHASTA LINE. it prow Traliia I rare PartUml Omtty urh 1 North ivur. a. Lt INirUaiHt ArT .M a IL AINtnjr Lil:Uli T:i a I Ar gn rrn-:Uro L B.'Hl r a Ahor. In.li). .lp only al lot lowtnc .Utlona nanb el Koburr. Eul I'url'enJ, Utw Illy, Wuud kora, N'ni, AIUn, Ttiifent, HhutlJ, llaleey. liar tteburK. Juneuoa City, Ir.luj, Euaue. aoaiat an mail, paiut. 9?k) a I Lv pT7tlna Ar 4 oeTa li llra L Albwiy L ISO.) a 03 r a Ar Rtierbuiv L I 00 AM auaxt vxn iLTKicn irneAT) O0r!L lN.r.Uml Ar I a m r a A Athnj. hr ) t 00 A Mini aaaaca, :SJra fbr Albwy aIt w 16 a a :MralAr lhenoa L :iaa :M4BLv Albany Ar I'dtra :2aaAr Utwaua L 1:40 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, for AceeaaaaeaalMaj el aceaael-Ctaaa Faaaea Cera, allarhe4 I KayrceaTralaa. t alee MvLlea. BtVltKS ratKTLASB AlB roSVALLta. M All. 1 aii I ( Rx.'ept Soaoay.) TJuaa I N.lO r a Lr Ar purt'eod Ar I Lt AO r a I3U lira tii pailt (Bxejp. Sojidiy. t:o r a ral I., ra Ar rSutlen.l WcMlna.llle Ar I I.T I . Ao a AAA a To all polnu SOUTH A FID EAST. foi tni. infarmititii rrlln ratae, m.pe, ete. all n Cimponr Arm I at Al'wny. U EOKli LIB K r. RlXiERfl Vaiucer U1 0. F. and F. At THE YAQUIaNA UOUTt goo Development Coocj uny'a 8to auip ua 25 UMIS SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME tn by any other rcjte. 1'trt-clau tbroagh rmeaeuser and raifibt linnfrca Portland and all point n tie WUlamotte Valley to and from ban f raocieco, C'al. Tbe : Oregon : Pacitic : Popoalar : Scmmer KxlTJuions. Low Kate Ticket are now 00 aale f rem all Valley I'oiuU to Ysqtina aod Return. rioa'a caake cl'e cunneMon at A.'han ih ualna of the Oregon PaiLto Kailroad TIME S.'HKOCI.E. (spt SuwU.s.) bve a'm.i !:) r. a, J L ve Yaiaine, 4:4Ss,a lsT.Corr.lln : nr. a. Leave C.rlwi,l'J:S A, a S.rrle Ts-alri. tM r. a Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. a 1 O. ft C. trains connect at Albany and Corral 11, Tho above trains connect at Yaoaloa with the Oregon Development Uompany a Line or Hteamsblps between Ysyijina and Nan Francisco, SMII-I-VCS DATE , raoa tai' Ia. WUIsmctte Vtlley, Jaly Wh. Wliltmrti. Vsllrv, Aa flth. Willtnvrtte V.ily. A if lrtlk: Willsnwtte V.ll.y, Aug Mth. rtos S4 rsAus;o W.'juotitlr rsller, A -if let. Willamette Vsller, Anr llth. WIIUirMUe Vsllcr, Aasr21.t. Willamette Valley, Aug Xltt. Tie CornpA3T rwurvee ihe nznt to jbanpre sailing dates e-'thout notice. V. B. Paaaengers from Portland and flilamette Valley noinla can make close eonnectl jn with tbe trains of the Yaouina route at Albany or Corvallls, and If dea dnerj u Han Francisoo ahould arrange to rrlve at Yaqulna tbe evening before cate f sailing. "sger sad r.elaal BaUs always see Lewes for lul.jriB.tlon sprit to A R Chaoman.rrslirht anl eket Aent, Allwny, or to 0 II llwwell, Jr., ii. V. A P. Art.. Or(io Develop ei.l Co,, S4 klimtcoaiery Ran rrancisco, Csl. C C. Hblk. A. B. r.r4F Acea . CorvaLla. THE STATE pni I fpr AGRICULTURAL LuLLLbh, Opans September 12th, 1830. Coarse of ita.ly arranged exiress'y to mwt tbs needs of th farmtn? and meuhsn ical interente of the a ate. Ltritr. commo dious and well ventilated buildings. oi.lleo I Incited in a cultivated and ln community, and one f tbe health n thestst. Military rainimr. Exponses nrod not ei' eeed t!50 for the,otireeshinn. Two or more free scholarships from every uregon county, w me ior caraiogne to H. L. ARV0L.D, Pre. Corvtllis, Oiegon Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! Whilo trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEYOE FftOf.lAH BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved tfirle and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousands of ether thing too numerous to mention. Xlepair Shop - In connection with the Store, and one of me uest workmen in tne stale to do any ana an ainag oi svorit. - Come on-, Come all ; No; trouble to how good. "Small profit and quick ah" ii out motto. I kavejust received a large invoice of lace curtains, rancinir in r.rien from n in nin. V . lie gcmorva.t V Ell MONT. It now appear Hint the republican ma jority In Vermont will be leu tlun u,ooo a lo of 17,004 on ihclr ninjoiliy inut )cr Ihn democrat have made large galna In lie leglalaUire but dUpatchc la not In-, dlcate juat how many. It I a very good day for democrat. In the Vermont lcgUlatuie In iSSS the democrat had 1 8 membct In the lower home. So far a heard front they elected bo member laat Monday and the return are not all In yet The republican In ttate that eccm to have been leaning on a brutacd Re?d. The Indication are that the U cmocracy will tcore a wccplng victory thl fall. When tuch a ded-ln thc-wool republican tate a Vermont how a falling off o( nearly 8000 vote over a year ago, and end 37 democrat to the aaaeuiby where It tent iS before, tho tlgn of the time would eein to be exceedingly hopeful. Arkantat and Tcnncaaee how large ilem ocratlc gain, and Oil fact coupled with the republican lote lit Vermont apeak volume a to the attitude of the rank and file of the republican voter toward the ad ministration and the tariff and Force Mil which the republican convention In the ttatea mentioned endoracd before the e lection. We begtn to think that Mruri UarrUon. Rre'd anj MiKlnlcy are hear log from the country. Seattle TtUgnrfk, The profit In feeding any tock con.Ut In what the animal appropriate to flch after attaining life. When only enough food I given to tnppoit life there can be no profit, a that only come from wti.t It con.umcd and appropriated ap.ivc thj life utiainmg point, care, iianuiinj anj ea- erclae have much to Jj with the growth and welfare of an animal. No animal w III thrive without kind treatment, good air and proper exercUe. At the finUhlng off but little exrrclae It needed. Thl ahould be voluntary, with little effoit on the pait of the ar l.nal to get Ita food. J be l ioncer I'rttt, an inlluentul f tpcr published by a colored man in Mjrtin.hutg, W Va., in the interett of the coloted race, lake a decided Hand againit the lodge bill. In the iune of August g, it tayt: "You may paa i.Il the Federal election bill you choute, but they will do u Only harm. The time for the Re publican party to have pcd aucb a meaiurc wat iromcoialely alter war. lo-nlay we are oppoted to claw legiUatioa because it ia an ad- nation of race infeiiotiiy, and we are oppoaed to coercive uHrage light because we are Am erican citums. When the nrgioe Iwg'm lo avc their money and educate their ;lul.!icn, everything cUe dciraWe will come to ibem. Be.ison FoiaLcr, sun of x Gov J II Forskcr, ba joined the Inqoiiet's local staff. Young ForaLcr, who is yet under age, manifests hi father' independence of ckaiacter by thu al lying himself wiih a Democratic newspaper which ha been conspicuous by il o) j-oiilon to hi father. Both the English and Iiish tuoply of live cattle to be marketed la very targe and of excellent quality, ' and this will prevent Slppers from obtaining high price for American cattle. A good preventive for the inroad f ants la a stripe of rarbolatcd petrolotuin, about half an inch In width, drawn ab'.ut tbe places frequented. The lot of the Delaware peach grower by failure of this season's crop Is estimates! at from f J,ooo,oooto $3,000,000. L f ullivan has gone on the siaiic at Bridgeport, Conn., but J I. Wilnon is still In the ring. Spokane Falls Review. f'arreat Evrai. Everybody remark al the splendid dis play of fruit and vegetable al Powell it Co', w here they get what they want in the first place. The beat and largest supply of peache will be, found at Powell Ac tVs. Leave your order there when you get ready to "put up" peache. A large aupplr of shelf god, the best In town, at Powell & (Vs. All kind of nicknack at Powell & Co'. Warm weather good, picnic groccrle, tay at home groccrle. every variety of groceries In the market at Powell & Co'. Mt'LEM. Two good mules for Call on U W Simpson, Albany, Or. sa'e. the Ladle Delighled, The pleasant effect and the p-tfoct aaftty with which Udi. may oe the liquid fruit laxative, Strop of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to e eye and to the tastr, giictle, yet effuo to al n acting on th kidney , liver and bowels WfceajT ew are all Boa Dewa Have no appetite, fuel tired all the time. sleep does not refresh jou, feel weak and 1 stiess, have dyspepsia, have cold hai.d and feet, are eonstipaW, aud, in fact your eve ttoi is all out of order, take Driller Hy- nraatine uestorattve. it give refreshing aieep, renewed strength, ROixt rliKestioo, pel feet notntion snd pkkkbct hkaltu. For sale, Foahay U Mason 'a. . Ihe ralpll aat Ibe Htaae, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan , says: "I feel It my duty to tell what wonder Dr King' New Discovery ha done for me. My lung were badly diseased, and my parlrhioner thought I could live only a few week. I took five bottle of Dr King' New Discovery and am ound and well, gaining 76 Iba in weight." esdlg Photographrrs Albany Urrgon. W hsve boakbt sll thenegatives made by L W Clark and W 11 Greeowood op to Nov 15th, 1889. . Duplicate can be bad from bem only of os at reduced rates. , We have also about 18,000 negative made' by our selves, from which duplicate can be had at like rate. We carry tbe only full line r,f views of this state snd do enlarged work at lowest rste for first cl work. We shall be pleaaed to see yon at onr Studio iu FromanV block, next door to Maaonio Temple. e m Epeeb. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health mark an epoch In the life of the Individual. Such a remarkable event ia treasured In the memory and the "agency whereby the good liealth hhs been attained is gratefully Dlessed. llence It Is that o much I heard in praise of Electric Bitter. So. many feel thy owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative nnd tonic. If vou are troubled with ajjy disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely And relief by use ef Electric Bittei. Scld nt 5bc and$i per bottle at Foshay & Mason' Drug store. ' . Fruit Boxes. For all kinds of fruit boxes . go to the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. Genuine Iowa sorghum ETPrownell 8. - on draught at C Vancouver claims . it population to be 4C91 instead of 2G50 a,the figure shewed in the Oregonian, and as given yefctcrjay in the ESMOCSAT. TKLEGRAPIIIO NEWS A anuafle ernraUllty. Astoria, .Sept. 5. -Fred IJogan, of. S.n FiancUco whippeJ l'cte Shea, of Vancouver, in thiity-fcvca round In the AMotia Athletic AMociathm room lo nlghf. They welghid in at llj'i nnil 115 nmina resperiiull), Shea mnOe a rushing light, having the ad vantage in every ruih or clinch, llngnn 1'ilnieJ hia tight hand ia the third-round, but kept awingmg hi iclt. I ncre wn little hard light ing uutt' tl Ihlrtcci th rounii, when It wa civ and take all the way ihrouch. In lb thirty fourth Shea weakened and went down lwi:e, staying seven second the Inst time, lie pulled himself together and stayed three more rounds, when both eye were closed and 111 second threw up in siH)ice. lie was stone blind and tertilily punished, llngnn ra ceived considerable punishment, though nolh mg m comparison to what Mica Old. The VernioM Klrrllea. Winn Kivkr Junction, Vt Sept. 5- Vciiucd return from all the 343 town in the . , ... . , . , ... .... aiTI .... 1 a . . iui attiiiHi.. ..IV ivi Mflu others. These return make 1'agc' plurality I4.l4 and mnlotity u.bhii. 1 he -ame towns in Ibtis gnve lhUiiighnm 48,077, ShurtcIT 10, 047, Siclcy and nil oiheia 1340, making Dillingham mnjjiity iTMUl. and showina a tailing oil in the republican nuijoiliy of 14,- 794- she senate will be made up of a) le publicans and I democrat. According to the retuin received here, the house will consist ol 177 republicans, 53 democrat and 3 Fartnea's League iiiemuct. Kverjlblag arrrae. Victoria U. C, Sept, 5. The Victoria sealing schuouncr Triumph put in fioin llcliiing sea this aflcinoon, Coptain Cox reports a very imlifltrcnt season owing to bad weather, puncipaiiy giic and log. .Seal are scarcer than ever befureend when met with are very scattered. He brought in Soo kkin hiiuscll and spoke a number ol schooner whose catches ranged fioin let than 1 03 up to 600. He taw the cutter Rush scveial time and oihcr schotn cr oLe her Lut no One was Intcrfcrrcd with Kalrrerltla. Ot-YMfiUA, Sept. 4 This ba been anotl; er day of case, Governor Ferry tlid not have the figuic rcady.and the legislature adjouined after a biicf session. The governor wa not al home tocatlcit in the morning, being busy supervising lite compilation ol returns. In the absence ol anything cb to do th n.cmbett gcncially tiitcustcd the comph-te returns of the imputation ol 1 lie state ty precincts, wards and township, publithc! in the Oicgonian this morning. No paper iu (Lis stale had tbem. They weie in type in I'or'Und before they wne delivered to Governor Ferry. The mem bet studied ihcui carefully and began liguiing on repicscntallon. We 1st alert. Pen ui.iston, Sept. 4.Thc fieight wreck on i lie mountain at norm roik yesterday wa caused by a defective switib. Tbe engine and several cats passed over in safely, tut four car were thrown hum the track, and two wer turned bottcm aide upwards. The cars were occupied by two families of immigianta fiotn the East. Tin car weie partitioned, one end containing tnenil'tis of ihe family and house hold gootls, and the O'.hcr hote and cow. There weie eleven head of fane horses, one of wbith bad ill neck btoken. All were jumbled together in a pile, and ihe wonder ia that cither the people or the botsc escaped with their live. tauui nails. Daixah, Or., Sept. 4. At Ihe meviiogo the county ccmmiMUCncr ytstcrday, W C Ihown's ptooiiion to build the stone founda tion end biU.k walla of a new courthouse in i o;s coun y W0UUU.UH I the remainder, was irjcctcd, luac Simt son, the cornmiationcr elected in June, said l.e was elected oo a "no courthouse" Usue, hence cculd not favor ihe propoutiun Tte other commlstiueer, Ml McCttnth echccl this tentiment, Cuunty Judge Siouffer wa In f vor of accej'tance. I ageae ArrlUraU. I tfitNE, Or., Sept 4 A tocger named Kcdogg was diowned in the MtKctuie at tbe mouth of Fall creek yesterday. II waded in to loosen a log al the lower en I of a Jam and was struck by a lo, snd carried down lo deep water before assistance rould rcath im. His Uxly has not been found. J M Kelly, one of the' pioprietois of the I'lratant tint sawmill, had hi left hand s-wed olfhya circular saw yetierd.ty. His light band wa mangled in about llti same manner aLout a year ed, and ibis leave him without any hand. UeweeaTaakre.. Naw York, Sept, 4 Asiccial fiom Ihe i y ol Guilimaia say "Death to Ynkcebmn a the cry of an angty and excited mob that surrounded the United Slate legation to-day. I lireats ol stoning th.- building and mobbing t :ie inmates were Irceiy uttered, but no ovett act wa commuted, in lace of the sir ore force of He that guard the premise dy and night. 4 a Explosloa. I enjiLeton, Or., Sei-U t, The engine of A V. Rush' steam threshing outfit, harvesting bout two and a half mile west of Helix, ex plodcd Tuesday afternoon, scattering piece of macninery inrougrtout I lie atmosphere, some rising to a bight of loo fee", The machine wa in .notion and the harvesters were busy near by at their aiious tasks, but, strange to say, sll escaped any sciiou injury. Lanrac lie ass. F-cgkne, Or., Sept, 3. There ba been a great ruth of land scckeit tbe past few days, who are filling claim on a tow nship of good land which was thrown Open to settlement Monday, The bind lies near the line ol the proposed railroad across the Cascade, about twenty mile from Eugene. Must of the town ship ha already been hied on under the home Head, timber and preemption act. Professor W II ball, of Washington, DC., geologist and paleontotogi.t,i here in the inter, est of the United States geological survey,tudy. ing the grology and lost lis of this region, 1 le I the guest of Professor Thorn Condon, in whose cabinet at the State university he is spending considerable portion of his time. A Bill Elbe. Seattle, WIi S:pt. 3. The murder of Naacy by Bill Sikcs almost finds a parallel ia Ihe ruurderou attack made by John Peltier, a swarthy Frenchman, on his wife, Minnie Pelt- ler, a weakly, little, lallow complexinned woman, weigr.uig less man ninety live pound. wLo is I) ing on a straw suck in a wretched Hovel on Water street, bruised and beaten, and will probably die The man is in iail.. held w iibout bonds, lo await the result of his wife' injuries, When the inhenian husband wa brought to the city lail.he acknowledged boat ing his wife. His indifference ant) haughty ucuicanor causeu ine lace or Hie policemen standing around lo turn livid wi'.h rage. Pelt ier had practically deserted hi wife and six little children last February, Blew lite Tup of 111 Head OA". Albuquerque, N M., Sept. 3. Charlt Rcscnkranz, bookkeeper for a dry good house committed suicide to-day. He had just con eluded 01 .king a charge on the books when two Mexican cowboy entered the store and laid their pistol on a pile of clothing. Roscnkranz picked np one cf the pistols and blew the lop of hi head off. He wa about 55 years old. Only a fr'lesh Wuuad. Linkville, Or., Sept. 3, The dispatch ent out from here August 3t,titing that Tom Mile had shot and killed Josh Buckmaster, was incorrect, notwithstanding it was based on a report from the scene of the hooting given by one of the partie riding with Mile, who wa present at the time, After hooting a hole through Miles' hat.Buckmaster furned to ride away, when Mile returned fire, inflicting a serious, though cot fatal, flesh wound in the shoulder. Largest u tub Valley. Will & tark have received theiWefst End finest' dia- phfy of Bilverware in the vallev. us their elegant display of novelties in the line win testily, xney invite the Dublin to call at their store and sea their fine me- troDolitan stock. ........ A Qaltk Keller anil Core. L Dr Holdcn : I am happy to know that roar Ethereal Congh Syrup is having suoh a arte sale. I consider it an invaluable rem edy to havo in the house,: especially where theie are children. I have "never Tet ad ministered it to my children when suffering with coughs without a quick relief and cure. V M fJSXXOJS, Stockton. ' Lor era iz9 21, small 50 ceut. For sale bv J A Gumming, diuggit,' , .. Ladies Summer Blouses, Ihe Jate novelties, just received from tr.inufact- r by expree. Samuel E Youno Myers force pumps are the best, at Smith a Sender's. Oltt LCMILATOBM. The following are the nntnei of mem bers of the sixteenth blcnnUl session of the Legislative assembly of the State of Ore gon, and their place of residence, which we publish by request of several subacrlb er. Those with the star are democrat. There are 33 Republican Senator and 7 Democrat. 41 Republican Representative and 19 Democrat. Tho legislature con vene In January. ,VATOR. Illackman. Henry, Jleppncr, Morrow. Carson, J t', Foriiana, muitnomnn. Camcron,Theodorc,Unlontown,Jnckon Cogtwctl, (3 A, Lakevlew, Lake. Uroano. U H. loieuo. uenton. Cross,Ilarvey E.Orcgon CVy.Ctackama. JKxlton, u M, uuKer vny, uuaer. F.akln. H It. Euuene. Lane. Fast ham, K L, Oiegon Cltv, Clackamas. r ullctton, I C, Koscburg, uougias. Fulton, C W, Astoria, Clatop. Gate, I'cier 1', La Fa vet te, Yamhill. Hatch, LT, McCoy, Polk. Hilton, Chas, c'town Rock, Gilliam. Hlrsh, Edward, Salem, Marlon. Ixmev. I n. Jefferson, Marlon. Mackey, Donald, l'ortland, Multnomah. Ma'.lock, W r, fcndleton, Umatilla.' Moore, F A, St Helena, Columbia, Myers, J, Sclo, Linn. Norval, J W, rjummervllle, Union. Ratcy, J II, Fendlclon, Umatilla, Simon, Joseph, I'oitiand, Multnomah. Sinclair, W. Coiiulllr, Coo. Tongue, Thoa II, IlilUboro.Wasl.lngton. Vralch, K M, Cottage tirove, l.nnc." Walt, J C.F.ast Portland. .Multnomah, Watkins, Geo, The Dalle, Wasco. Weathcrford, j K.Albany, Linn. Willis, I L, Portland, Multnomah. REPRESENTATIVE. . Armstrong, Wm, Salem, Msrlon llakcr, J A, Salem, Marten. llarrctt, W N, Hlllsboro, Washington. liarne. E W, Wallowa. Wallowa Illumkll, J K, Canyonvltle, Dotigla tloikln, O F, East Portland, Multnomah Butler, N I., Dallas. Polk Crook, A II, Kllrn.burg. Coo. Colemsn, E P, Coburg, Lsne. Durhsm, 8 A, Tualatin, Washington, Dustln.CS, !.ong Creek, Grant. Fox, John, Astoila, Clatsop. Furry, Samuel, Pturnlx, Jackson, Ciarlkld, J D. Msrshflrld, Coo.. Gamber, K II, Mba, Umatilla (Jeer, T T, Maclesv, Marlon Hardy, Edwin. Ilak'er City, Baker llartman, E M, Marquam, Clackamas, llansord, r 1 , Ixbanon, l.lnn. Hall, John II, East Portland, Multnomah. Henry, J F, rtrownsvllle, tTTiin Holme, W , Salem, Marion. icnnlngs, A C, Irving, Ijine. obnston, dco V, Dofur, Wasco. Itlllan. J L, Vansycle. Umatilla. Lamson, II W, WlllUmlna, Yamhill. Leeper. W II. Oakland, Douglas. LUtlg.Tho II, Mslheur Clt v, Malheur. Manning, a, MCMInnvllle, Yamlilil McCall, J M, A.l.land, Jackson. McAli.trr, John, LaGrsnde, I nlon. McCoy, E 6, Giant, Hhcrn.an. McCrscken, Jno, l'ortland, Multnomah Meussdoffer.C II, East Portland, Mult nomsh, Mcrrltt,! W, Central Point, Jackson. Moorr. C E, Corvallla, Benton. Moore, 1 C. Greenville, sthlnifton. Montgomery, J IS.Porlisnd.Multnomah, Morey, T F, I'ort'.ind, Multnomah. Miller, A B, Grant Pasa, Josephine, Myer, G W, Dallas, PoJt.e M into, John, Salem, Marlon. Mutkcv. W J.OIex.GII.Um Paquel, Petej. ()tet;on City, Cackama. Rerd, A W, (iardlner, Douglas. Richer, J 8, Milton, Umatlt;a. ShcdJ, I." J, Shcd.1, Linn Hinder, A, lakevlew, Lake. Klarr, M T, Monroe, I'.enton. Siillwctl, W D. Tillamook, VUlamook. Stewsil. J T, Portland, Multnomah. ttory,Gea I-, Porthnd, Multnomi, Stcp'benson, T J, Liberty, Crook. Ibumpson, I (,', Ixlngton, Morrow. T homas, W E, Portland, Muliomah. Tracy, Ja A, Legan, Clackamas. Welch, la W, Astoria. Clatsop. Weed, Judsen, Vernonla, Columbia. Wilkin. Jasper, Coburg, Lane. Wright, J A, Sparta, Union. rsuiTY roiBT risen rttiv.. R. N ttivkbara. iaif ; B. W. Coof er itd Wm numuauKn, cunmiiutcr.i The following bills were allowed C D Montague, aid fur Kelts family! 13 00 O P Cuhuw, aid for Hall family. . Id 00 li C tVmley, aid for Mrs Clark. . , . 8 (JO Hamilton A Andrews, aid for Or chard family Julius (tradwhol, aid for V M Worknmater. T J Wilson, aid for FlUa Kirks. . . U F Crawford, aid for Mrs Hoberta F Russell, salary , Allwny Electric Light Co, Geo V Cooley, viewing road W li Smith, do do Luther White, do do Ladies Aid Society, aid for Long 10 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 50 (X) 27 60 2 00 2 M) 2 00 U N iihickburn, salary. , . . I; W t -ootH'r, fees mini iv 10 00 D it loo 00 8 20 12 00 1. w l;oom' Win Uuuibauuh. fees M Scott, county court fees N P Payne, fees A Wheek-r, lumber Ans Marshall, livery hire. I'..l... 1J II, . ., . ...I 4 00 50 05 45 73 5 00 111 00 U F Russell, stationary and print ing ... 8 00 II M Stone, bridge work 1212 00 U W Taylor, repairing bridge 'JW 00 Bill for fees in case of State ogt Banta, continued. Bill for fees in case of State agtThomaa Anderson, 130 95, continued. Also bill of C W Watts, 123; Also bill of Dunning Bros, (20 05. O11 application tho county assessor was allowed one month further time in which to report. Matter of tax levy was continued until the October term. This Trade Mai kon a stove mean It I th best thft ex peiUnce and skill can con trive. old only by Smith & Senders, IIoi.mks Bumnhs Coi.leok, ofTortland Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco.the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and wilt make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. New Blacksmith Shi G V Willis hss just completed hi blacksmith shop nt the corner of Second and Railroad street where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first clasi order Bring on your plow, wajoni, etc., etc. for repair. r Crniemewt kid l.leve. eep a full line black and colored. Albany, Oregon. of these gloves in Am solo agent for Samuel E Young. Silver jewelry cases, craoker jar, bresk rs oastuis, tea sets, cup, water ssrvice, eto. Every thing bought at the factory, at Will: Stark. Bottom prices. Best roast coffc in MeysrV. the city Conrad MARRIED. PAY ANSORGE. At the residence of the brides' father In Waterloo, Sept. 3, by Rev A Marcellu, Joseph W Duv and Irene M Ansorge, of Shelton, Wash. PROPST-NICKERSON.-r.At the res Idence of the bride' parents In Lebanon, Sept. 3, by Rev J R Klrkpatrick, G A Propst and MUs Maud Nickerson. BOHN. SCOTT.rrQn. Tnursday morning, Sept 4th, 1890, to the wife of sheriff Mat Scott, a gin. iir.i. CROSBY. On Friday evening. Sept. 8th, 1890, of cholera infantum, the infant daughter of Mr. Robert Crosby, born on Jan. 1st, 1890. IRVINE. At Newport, on Friday, Sept 5th, 1890, at the home of his son, S Q Irvine, at Newport, Mr David, better known asunty, Irvine, 81 years and 9 mortths. "He was a pioneer of '51, living in Linn county until 1860 when he moved to Corvaflis. ' . . Funeral services will occur', in the Presbyterian church at Corvallis Mon day, and tbe remains will be buried at Oak Urove in tins county. . MIMFITE. The liutnorlsL Georce W rock, of "Peck'e Ibid Hoy" fume, hit Iwen noml nalctl by the dciuocrata o( Wleconsln for governor. A gemtloninn reported at tho Jotimftl ollice thU tnornlng 11 ten acre Held of ot" that threshed H02 Imahels, which is HO lnwhcls to the acre, which is a very good showing. Oregon can lie depended upon to give a good return tor 1110 moor in- vesteu. rMtiein journal, Maine I doing It share toward making neonte keen cool. Fifteen vessel make it a business carrying Ice to the market along the Atlantic, 1 The peclmcnof peache brought to the Democrat office make It plain that Linn county Is capable of becoming a great peach country, Our peache In Ie and flavor have no superior any w Here, Currv county can now bost of having furnished on crowned head with a Prime Minister. The King of tamoa ha ap- pointed William lllacklock, a Port Oi ford raised bnv. ss chief advisor. Mr 1J lack- lock wa for a long time U 8 Vice Consul at Samoa. He married In that country and ha made hi home there. Some of our exchange would lie quite a Interesting It they wouiu fiavo icwer French tansy wafer In their edltoilal col umn, av the Salem Journal, and though it failed to secure the French Unsy ads, mixed tip wiih It editorial and local are several liver pill, pile remedy .catarrh cure, ilv.nrn.l. etc . locals, six or seven hi all. which I alt right, for a paper ha to take all kind of ad here a ctscwl.erc. And why not. The Topsy I the name of a unall lein- er that I now engaged In carrying lrch meat from thl city to the varlou con struction camp of the Union Pacific along the Columbia river. She make dally trip to point on the Lewi, Lake ana Cowllu river. P01 Hand Examiner. The Topsy wa formerly a Corvslli boat. The Roslyn. Washington, coal mine arc now employing between fo and 1,000 men, and the monthly pay roil 1001 up $((,000 to trx,ooo 11 1 expected that the output for the next year wl'l reach fully 500,000 ton, a the demand t constantly Increasing, and the company's nrcscnt con. tract calls for an output of at least 30,000 ton monthly. More coal wai produced during ibe last twelve mon'.h than during any previous year. - ! Mimi L4IW. ' Tho following mining cla'.m were filed during A ugust In the County Clerk' office of Linn county : 4th. L White, six claims on Bald moun tain. 41I1. PS Langwoilh.the JcweLCallpoola Diet. 4th. J C Boyd, the Last Chance, Cali powU DM. 4th. R Scblath, Bcrltn.-CoHpoola IJIst. 4th. A J Langworth; .Golden Gem. Cal Ipoola I fist. 4th. E G Clark, "Owl," Callpoola Dud. 4th. The Harnett, Callpoola DM. 71b. Samuel Gourley,"Ulacktnlth,' on Rock Creek. 41b. Cyru Llxley, 'Restaurant' Call poola lLt. aaia.saa a a S . 4'.h. 11 11 iiiiucuranu, -icavin, van- pools DUu 4m. J amitlt ana 11 Ames, sun ucam, Santlam Dit 4th. II W Whlte.Key Stone lode.Dist 3. Mlh. A R McCoy and J J Davla, Stiver Rl ige, between Tboma and Rock Creek. l4ih. I J Davl and J O Buahncll, "Linn Caontv, adjoining Uitrr. l4tlu L E Blaln, A R McCoy, J J Davl and I O Buahncll, claim near tatter. 11th. J O liuarmcll and W O Buthncll, Rocky Fellow, near latter. 22nd. T J Cilne, claim near latter, Slam pede. a j. W W Rolw and W B BlancharJ, Calapoola di.trict, The Silk Hat. 13. G Medley and others, The Eagle, Calapoola Dlst. J J. II F HotScnbeck, I 11 F, Calapoola DUt. 33. Townsend Si HaitIoo, Orophcmla, Calapoola DUt. aa, FA Burkhart and W A McClaln, Gold Mint, Santiam DUt. ai. F A Burkhart and M Cowan, Red Wan lot, Santiam DUt. as. F A Buikhart, W A McClaln and M Cowan, Mountain Vlcer, Ssntlam Dist al. vV A McClaln and F A Burkhart, Boomer, Santiam DUt. 18. II Kenton, the II Kenton, Rock cicck 7 18. II Kenton, Wnverlv. near ame. 10. C E Browne!! and" M'-Uir g Co, Julia Santiam DUt 30. A O Schwaika and J M Roger, Placer Mine, Haniiam DUt. aa. FA Buikhart and M Cowan, Pal metto, Santiam Dist. RIAL K1T4YK 4LE U Iliatt toC W Simons loU.Leb..? U 8 Ames to C W Simons, 1 acre, 13KI.... Rachel Thompson to I W Starr, 23 x28fet,N Brownsville Rachel Thompson, adinir, to I W Starr, same K H.Frutn to A Frum,79.8aarei.. Jonathan Wassom to Annie Stone field, 2 lots, Ilianon J S Courtney to J C Slater, 2 lots, Iebanon H R Powell to W T Cochrane, 100 acres Brownsville B & L A to R E Cnrran 2 lots.N Brownsville. Q S Ames to 0 W Simons, acre, 13E1 C W Simons to 8 Evans, acre. . W II Millholtcn to G Leonard, 64 acres, 12 w 4 David Smith to David Wood, 25 acres, on Santiam James Williams to Scio, lot 60 II Bryant to Katie Tway.l acre,Al- bany. R Koehlcr to August Costel, 2 lots, H's2nd A J S VanWinkle to W J Windham, lot 4, bl 118, H'g A J T Ames and ors to Wm Rum- . baugh,etnx, interest in canal. J S Ames to Wm Rumbaiigh,et ux, deed to correct error A B Seal to C E Hawkins and FE Allen, 1.49 acres, Albany J P Galbraith to R E Curran, tract, at Brownsville. J II W ilkinson to II II Hewitt, 13.(18 acres, 11 w 3.... Edward U Carr to Robert VV hitod.S lots, 12 w 2 Oregon to Edward G Carr ,3 lots.12 w2 Arthur Leonard to II II Hindn.lOO acres 15 E 1 A Hackleman to Geo D Riding,! lot,ll'2ndA P Kester to W SChurchill,80 acres 12 w 3 F X Schreiver to C E Wheeler, NK acres 10 E 2 Murdock Stewart to 0 E Wheeler, 100 acres 10 E 2 Fred Benae to C E Wheeler, 10 acres 10 E 2 Otto Fox to Richard Warner, 38.07 acres 11 W 2 U 8 to F Schreiner 160 acres 10 E 2 U 8 to Murdock Stewart 100 acres 10 E 2 U S to Fred Bense lOOacreB 10 E 2 L E Penland to Henry C Davis,113 . acres 13 W 3.... ooij COO 200 800 S.'iOO 200 225 550 CIO 1500 150 1500 125 0 1000 1000 2400 800 980 900 6300 400 400 400 2400 .28 444 Total for the year. . .... . . . . . (I,849,'l37 "Six mortgages were filed, considera tion, (3,703. A ue cure for the whisky habit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for Drunkennea wit oure any case of the liquor habit in trom tea. to thirty day, from the moderate drinker to the drunkard. The Antidote oo be given in a cup of ooffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injnre the health in any way. Manufactured by the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, cr from J A Gumming, sole agent. Albany. . IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold lt regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. - Visiting brothers are cordially nvlted to attend. Smoke the celebrated Havana 611ed ci gars, manufactured at Jul as Joseph's cigar factory. On!" R p-- nMH mo abioad. Prof J t Lateber, of the Httle Agrionlt nral eollegn, waa In th city to-day. Prof Dan Looney, recently of Kansas City, Mo, ha been eugagod to teach tho Tengr-nt school, Tbo Kay. President of tbe Halom wriolnn mill oompany, i in the city in the interest of hi oompany. Soott May, cashier of the liobk, and IVter Smith, of that city, have htm duiug Aioany to-aay. 3 D Person's milk wauon tam ran away laat availing, chnrniug th milk mty bntter la geod shape. Damage, nou.insl . C 0 Hogne, of the Orouon Paoiliu. i)Msd over sne ra s-oay paying on empmyera .r niin(... may. une, juiy ami A. Dll.t fMHlAlB dtltt. ' u.. 1 rt.i.-. 1 I .1. . Au,.,ltf ,hia B1-.H h-r t,, in ,,. ' fliaM1.nt ,in.n ,,..1 xaquina Msy, I'drthmds, Ol 8a!i'tn, 3, at Salom yester c'ay. The Mlm elub.i probable a butu. one than I'ortlaud', at least with a litra. amount of exporhuc. Mr Jos Meyers las purohased th interest of hi partner in the delivery business of Albauy aud is now running it l..nr, with four rout wagons and a general delivery l's utile too cigarette dealer have totered into an agreomeut to charge 10 cent, or f ur packages, for a quarter for low grado ciur ettee, and 10 ceut, or three packages, for a quarter of high grade cigarettes. All of them are low grade euoogh. The report that Jos vVebUr, cf this city, and Tho Dolman, two veteran tiremen, felt off tbs Oregon on th.ir way to Ssa Prsncisco and weie devoured by a wbale,inot true, we learn by a letter ist received ov-sr the Al bany and Astoria It H from Tillamook. Though a large camber of people are coming from the Bay quite & nuinoer are going that way, the 0 P trah starting out with good loU, and always taking 00 come from the west side. Tbe present warm wsv will increaaoth vui or t' this pope lar resort. Bom people entertain queer idcaa cf love. A lieateuaul in th Auatrtsn army was trou bled because bis young ladylove wa taken away by her parent. It affected bis mind to such an extent, that as bs could not marry her, bfo had no more charms for b'm, so he shot her through tbe head, then shot him' self, snd the lovers wbo could not be united in life were wedded in death Yesterday, near Gervai, Tbo Hunt, tbe father of Mr Peter Hiley, of this city, ws accidentally killed ia the following manner. While descending a steep bill at Huttevill, aliotit ton o'olouk.he felt from a leal of grain. Hi nssR was broken in tbe fall, and the front wheel of the wag-on passed over hi face, plitling it wide open. Death wa in sUntaaeao. lid was a wtdower,G7 year of aye, aod lesve three ehildieo. 11 will be buried at the Catbolie cemetery at Gervai Friday at 10 o'clock, lie leave an estate valued at $10,000. Mr "Texas" Bennett, the genial night operator, wbo ba been taking the associ ated pre reports, reeeotiy Riven op, for sevsrsl mouth, left thl noon for Olympia. where he will oe employe! lo a like manner f it the new daily j-ast started tnnro. Teck mad many fneud in Albany. He was an eothusisUo nimrod aod made tbe feathers fly every day around Ail-any, whipped the river for suckers and trout, and the Demo crat man acknowledge many very pleasant awim with hint in th limpid water of the Willamette. Fell Out. Yesterday Mr Dr Woodle wa assisting In s' retching the barbed wire for a fence on her farm, a few miles from thl city, when her dress csught in the wire and she was thrown out of the wagon, in which she ws riding, to the ground, striking or. her face, nesrly caus. ing a fracture of the jaw-bone. FRIDAY. Mr A S Knox, of San Jor, Cat., tbe city. Idaho' p pulation iociasaed from 43.CI0 ia IStH) t 8 .229 in 1890. Mi Grace Piper returned to her home to day, after a viait here of cevrre! week. MUs Lee Prat her and Eva Cowaq aritvrd home to-d.y from their eastern trip, atfer a very enjoyable expercntv. Tne fall term of the Albany Colh-uat In stitute will open on n.t Wi-ddidsy under favorable auspice. .. Mr Peterson i hjildiug an addition 2724 feet to hi brick lock, in tbe rear, w lilch will be rented for oftVo or other purpose. Prof Michenor, who rect-btly rm for County School Superintendent ba been en gaged to teach th achmd taught tv bis suc cessful opponent, the HsUcy school. The Celratial laundry men of Astoria are in a pickle. Tbe Water work, on account of their ci trav.gst.t use of water, shot tbem 0(1 entirely. I here waa much howling, for it ia impoavibltf to work without freah water. M Grerg Waggoner, a member of th board 1 f railwty lannmis loner, waa a pa ei.ger on board yesterday' train in bi re tort, from tbe uiiue. It i aiJ that he drought the report of a rich strike in the Pride of Pendletou miiir, owned by Feodle ton parties E O. The despatches te'l about how Rev Henry Rominger, of Eut Pirtlsnd, formerly of Al bany, bad a recent novel experience at Roth lchoui. Pnnn officiating at the marriage of his own mother, fur which purpose be went overland from Oregon, lit mother wedded anomer eiergy man. 50 1 Aiticlea incorporating the Siskiyou Stone company were bled with the secretary of 1 1 state Wednesday afternoon, with II Wil ten- burg, O Ayers, Jas Hall and K G Smith, incorporators: capital stock, f 10,000; prin- 1 d pel oilioe of business, Portland, Oregon; object, to do a genoral quarry and paving 120 1 bnsineas. A German, who arrived from "Der Fder- 1 laod'' a year ago, recently wrote to hi fam ily in Germany. He dsstrtd to imore his 1 1 people with hut wouderful progress which he had made ia acquiring the custom and lan- 100 Roaga cf thi country. When hi letter wa don he tobmitte. it to an American friend 75 'or criticism. Here is the beginning of the 14 1 letter, as it came to the critic' band : "Oxonae me, dot I schreibo you iu in clish. I lob bah o long in thi oountry gabia dot I kann Deuttch precben." I One of the moat onriona strikes on record baa iuat ended at Danville. Vireiui. Sev - eral dava mat a batcher waa imarianned for 700 1 vinlaltng a citv ordinance, wherennen all the butchers eloaed their stalls and awora 00 they would sell no more meat until the or dinance waa chantred. From that time no freah meat could be bought ia the market for love or money, and the peeple were pat to great inoenven'enco. The butchers at laat ooncladed that they ware getting the worat of the o-called strike and all have opeued at the old siaud oooti more. Attaciied.t Yesterday Sheriff Croisan of Marion county attached the store of Don Smith at Uatesville, on behalfof creditors for (7384.43. Smith placed his assets at si,uu.U4,and says all Ins debts will be paid. Among his Albany credit ors is S E Young, whom he owes about Dropped Dead. An old lady by the name of Porter, mother of Mrs Barger, living near Harrisburg, dropped dead at the residenco of the latter yesterday. We were unable to learn the particulars, but it was supposed to be from heart di ease. a uood yield. Mr Iaaac Wllla, of Syracuse Precinct reports a good yield of cereals on his farm in that nreclnct His entire crop of wheat averaged 40 bushels per acre, ana ms oats 04. The Willamette Bridge. Council man Tabler, of the City Council retumed irom lorvauik this noon, where he made arrangements with Mr J M Stewart, Chief Engineer of the Oregon Pacific.to make a complete survey of the Willamette river at this city for the proposed WTdge, for the purpose of submission to the secretary of war a provided by the recent bill passed by congreu. Mr Stewart is an exprienced mar. at the business, and the suryey will be in goad hands. The New Moies. Mr Luther White.of Brownsville precinct, was in the city yes terday. - Mr White resides six or seven miles from Brownsville and owns the farm at Bald Mountain, on which quite a mining excitement has been created. Several claims have been staked out, and the prospects are said to be remarkably good. Being so near Brownsville their development would be a great thing for that city, and people there think some thing rich will result. An assay made at the Idaho mint showed (24 of gold and (4 of silver to the ton. RArrjRDAY. Powell & Co. Have Viereck shave you. Seth Thomas watches and clocks' at F M French's. A large lins of childrens school shoe at KOSearls. Kgan St Aolason are selling moBammt at Portland price. R W Fisher and family ar b ime from a trip to tho mountain. Ma Henrietta Brown and Mrs W Q Stew art havrturr,d from the Bay, Post stock of silvmr im ill in Will & Stark's. No doubt of it. Sej. Th largest stoek of spscUoles and sye (dnsse ie Linn county at F M French's. Zscbn & Son received a large invoice of full and winter woolens yesterday, A new mil stock cf carpet imtt rit,. iv j t ra A Irving. ... . - - Mr Jack Howard sot. to Portland thie nono n a viait with relatives and friends. Mr Hub Bryant roturncd last evening from a trip to Sesttiir. Mr Perry Conn an I family left on a camp ing expedition to Y;,uin Bay to day! Fora fin gold or silver beaded cane cheap oall at F M Freuoh'i, Tbs Co- ner Jewelry Store. Mr John Hamilton, of Portland, a former resident of Albany ia in the city the guest or Mr i;raiiuu. Tbe public school will begin Monday. Every boy and fcirl in Albany of school ag aliouUl be made to stteod. The divorce suit of Ella Mack again r ran it ar ack ba beta sallied by the young couple very sounl.ly Hying together. RcvJWHnead wi l preach in tbe Con gregational Church to-moirow and tempor arily till further not 10. No crvl jes at the Evange.Ical Cbnrch to morrow owing to repair in chart,h: bat aabhatb aohoof will be held in front part Good goods and bW price U th canse of so many ladies gold watches being aold al r M rreoch , Tb Democrat's "devil" escaid this noon sou went to the Kay. Ibe force won 11 be pleaaed to have htm ruturoed. ifl reat haa been aaked to rest in a Mayor of Babard, Wash , beoaone be doe not attend tbe meeting or else do better It certainly ia Treat' treat. R F Atliby returned laat evening from Portland, where he had been on boaine 1 lie Oregon racirlo Real Estate Co. are in nioe quarters on Stark Street, between Front and t trst. Regular 4 o'clock meeting tomorrow af ternoon at Y MCA room, object Charity, senptar - reference 1st Vat 13. Leader, O V Goebow, Ail men are cordially lovited. L M Coil and wife retorard to day from Portland, Ml Carl having completed bis 00 arse ia abort band at tbe tiolme Business College. Percy Kelly, who ha also just finished a coarse there, will be bom Moo day. Yesterday at Newport. Mrs W R Ire land and her young son, of Moomootb.Or, weie thrown from the corta jetty tramway by a car ran boy a. Tbey fell eighteen feet. wil ei.wi waa IWOJ) .uu wruaia eaeaiij injured. 1 be boy wa slightly injured. Tbe Corvallis band, arrayed ia a fine looking uniform, came over on the noon train and went to Yaqnina Bay with tbe excursion party which left at 2 o'clock with a imailer crowd than aana'. Tbe band i a credit to onr neighbor np the stream- Tb dispatches have been telling about how a boy in Poland tol an apple from a rih man's orchard. Tbe man captured him, aod fiendishly branded the word thief 00 his forehead, cheeks and lips. Tb entire oommamty was aroused, and tb rich man offered f 10.000 to settle it, bat this was le fused, an 1 the man will be prosecuted aa he aeeerve. J A Gross returned laat evening from San Francisco, much improved in health. He report immense preparations for tbe cele bration of tbe Native Sons of the Golden West aod piooeera, the subscription being $30,000 for tbe porpuee The city i cover ed with decoration, aod it will probably be th greatest celebration ever held in the city. Social. Last evening the V L's, of the Baptist church, gave a party at the residence of Mrs W 8 Thompson, attend ed by a large number of young people, which was of more than ordinary pleas ant nature. Many games were played and music and good will prevailed. Such parties untie the interests 01 voung peo ple in a marked manner. Wednesday evening a farewell party was tendered Rev and Mrs M O Brink, at their home in this city, previous to their departure for their new field at Yaquina Bay. It waa highly enjoyed by the many present. Rev and Mrs Brink take with them the good will of the community in their new undertaking. An enjoyable dance was given at the Armory last evening under tbe a"u "pices 01 Air it in utciiarus. Powell & Co. Gold caoee at Will St Stark'. F. M. French keep railroad time. Rock candy drip at C E Brownell'a. New cream cheese just received at Cocrad Meyer. Delicioua canned ranberaies at C. Cr. woell'. Choice canned Brownuir. aweet potatoea at C E Prepared mack ret, in lib cans, at C E Brownell'a. Headquarters for garden seeds at C E BrowneU'. For artiste' Cuick. applies go to Stanard. & Awbrey give ga for the painless extract ion of teeth. Yon have a big stock to select from : at Powell A: Co A popular p'soi L Vicreck's shaving and hair dressing parlors. A Cut class shave for only 15 cents at L Yiereck'a, Saltmajrsb Block, Albany, Or, Have you aeen those parlor snits that T Brink ha just received ? They are nice. If yon want a fine toilet or bath aoap oall on Stanard & Cnalck, City Drag Store. For bargain in monument, headstones, etc., go to Egan ft Achiaon, Albany, Oregon. Goo Anderson & Co have opened a Gab market on Second St, opposite F Woods, where fresh fish can be obtained The pa tronage of the pnbllo ia ohcited . Tho Brink ba refitted the second to of hi building and baa juat fitted it with of the best and largest stock of upholstered good ever brought to tbe city. You had bettet call and inspect hi good before yon purchase. No trouble tohow ?gooas. buy STATE FAIR. '90. THIRTIETH mm EiniBlT19S. Under th mansgoment of tbe Oregon Stat Board of AgTiuuieure, win oe neiu on the state Uir . gruuails near Salem, eommendng cu MONDAY, SEPT. 15TH, 1890. And lasting on wtek. Over $15,000 UAHH fKEMlUMa O Bored fur agrlonltural, stock and mechanical ex- aaoita, ror wot-ks ot art and lanoy work and for Irtala ef speed. Rsduoed rates for fare aad.trelght on all transpor tation to and from the fair. Important improve- taenia nsve been made upon uie grounos aua ia ereased (aotUties are offered exhibitors. The Pavilion will be Open Four Sights Doricg th9 eeL A splendid Held of herse entered in the speeh ds partiu.Dt and Sue exhibitions of radios will be riven each day.. Entries for premium eloss Monday at T:30 p m. Exhibitors ar unred tomakaaamanvnl Ih.lt antria. on Saturday before the fair as possible. Goods, ani mals and articles for exhibition must be iu their places by 10 p m, on Monday. -: PRICES OF ADMISSION. - sn'a day ticket ... " 'Oman's dav ticket If ui season ticket. ... .... ............ Woman 'a aeaaoa ticket..... , I . . ..... S - & .....i e 'SWSend.to th sacreUry st Portlsid, Oreeon, for remlura list. . D H LCONEY TGBEQa, President. Beers tarr. FOSHAY & MASOW, WEOUiliAia abs aariAjj.- ... Druggists and Bookseller AgaLto for John B. Alden'a publicaUons, blob we sell at publisher's priced wit is t2geade ' Tbs load to Health Cannot te successfully trayi4 writs, eat goes' health Te resell wealth erany eevet bmIIIos la lif requires the fall ottestlos and epratlon of sll the fse allies kind safer has endowed s with. Th conditions cannot exist snlsst the thrtlcxl kslng Is Is perfsct working rdr, snd this Is Imposslbl wha the liver snd iplets ar torpid, thnsobttmct Ins th secretion, caaslng lndl(stlea and dysptptls, with all ef their aecoav aanylni horror. DR. HENLEY'S Englir- Dandfilion Tcnlc susrt a s-e M10 rntloenc evr the Itver, xelt It healthj action, reserve He cbreale snsrosvats, snd p roots'. the Mcrttloa ; ers lndlgtles and const r aat'ea, sharp th appetite, ton tbs sntlre rtt sad atskes III worth IMnj. n no yifiid for Fty1, Fit and Wear. PosKfvrry tlie tst s hjo in Auifrle-i f"T the mooey. jpo i in li diorlvcl. he stamp on nmt . i '"-- 1 ake no other. Kvery plr warratiwi. wynja and iual to u ny S stioe in th luarkrt. Mado by J. JJ. PEEPUtu a. win vnivJAV. 13. X3. "TaarOTjatTSSr, ews. 19. C. WATSOfl, Attorney at Latr. ALBANY. -.- OREGON. Once la the flrakaa Blaek. Fortmll.er & Imng, ' as. Ci "ii MSI -FDNERAL DIPeECTORS.- Frompt Ittsatias-First-ciass Eeirs T0WE1SEND &WIL80H, Real Estate g Loan Brokers : iQsnrance s Spefialtj.:- AOE.XT9 FOR Ta9 Columbia Fire & Marine In Co., of rortlanJ, Oregon. Frank Dekam, - - President P. Oulcalt, - - Secretary. This is one of the strongest home companies Eevere House; ' ALBANY, OREGON' CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted un In 8rst-c!as etyle. Table stipplieel with the best in tbe market. Nice sleeping acartmenta, Mample roony for commercial travelers, CATTr reacts ta and Treat ibe etel.'VS ALBANY OR. HIT3MAN & EULBSRI BEOS., Real Estate Agents; Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albany and Coryalli. J, J. WHITNEY, Imtm Anil Oonnsellor At Lav ;nd i Xotav Public ALBAIt ORECOH Uoburg Lumber. I sell tbe liest lumber in tbe eenoty; also edar poet, shingles, lath doors and win o w mould in?, etc. Prices from $5 to .'22 er thousand. Yard at Lowaon, on the Narrow Gauge. See me before purchasing elsewhere. W W Crawford. Adrets,P O Tallman.tJr City Drug Store. Stanard k Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perf3mery,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's w prescriptions accurately compounded. Delmonico Restaurant, Opposite Blttmbebo Block. New Rooms; Seat Service: Good Meat, Promptly Served, for Tvsenty-five Cento. . Oysters in -:- all -:- Styles. Court ous Treatment; First classCoohs. SamOobtz, Proprietor. . Assignment Notice. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT xx toe onaeraianea naa Deen appointee assignee of tbe estate of Charles Y Parker, an InsOiVeatdebtor. All uerso having claims against said estate hereby notiflod to present the same rr erly verifiad to tbe undersigned at bauy, Oregon. T'ittiiri three moths f this date. Dated this 5fb day ol A r.smt, lftn' THE WORLDSKCST Rill EQUQO 2.60 518 TOM SCALES OF $66 (BIKSHAMTOmI Besjs Box Tar Beam H. Y, kI