THE DEMOCRAT Advrrflslng tritdiori In Ihc Cti.tra' WUkmetlr Valley First National Bank OF ACflANl. OtlECOI. THE DEMOCRAT, Now York World and American Fanner Ono year for $2.S0. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER li,W)0. NO u DR. Special HOME TREATMENT A Specific B-,.X..t..!i- 017 HlltCn'S HYnRASTINP RESTORATIVF. UwL l'.un l'j rK j'x. uwaiijMUuu uJ Iximrtl IKUlit , A (lorfcrt teals ami straugtli bulLtor. t)R. KlUrB'S KTI-SltlOUS STOMACH AND LlVf-ft CUOE. CnrwUlbu bM J J Lmr Trcgiin, Uii ui MaiarMl rnr, uJ all Tiliol4 coiullUonl. OR. K'tLt ftS CATARRH CUBE Curat iMtliM luunM4 ki euro Un wurt mm nR. HltlER' CnUCH CHRP. fuun'.ui, ml riiMM Cvutuuij-iioa. Contains no OrlaMs. Curt Crwip In IJ mlnuta, Tryl. PIT. I'lUCR'S DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE, .! ear friiiitiwii. K.uvti) ojh t! j i..jvu ruw to ii U,ur. v ur C'almy In I Jays, tin. HULER'S f EVER CURE, iij roai is a km sttcmiod with tow. llvw Ki cuim cr!t awr, bvatUtlna, ami Jilc. . ilutlxr V-uU Ur Uu In lulnJ. DR. HlltCR'S NERVOUDEPtllTV CURE. Cure Slro. VfAVns, a,t to lvarot. .War n4 fur I'maljCirvuUr k IlUirr Drug Co.. SU t'mulu), l'L DR. HOLER'S RHFUMATiC ANO NEURAtCtC CtlKf. Cim iiwkn. tounugia, Uoo;, Lwulntfu, ai Ujf wulriU.H.- IU UuuJ at-ul U1U cau llwiu. CR. H'LLER' TrETKtNG CURE, aU cwrtb amt d.v.lor.m.,,1 ci chUrta during U Icvtl.ii wi.l. imaun umina tthlnanj noun 1 twth, at1 nn nU an 1 rttrcs SpatUM, bk.-l.cU, Unlit Ttaublr auii l'vl Couiplwit. A Lsii Cj tut3 uutticr uij oLiUl Pit, HILLER'S WHOOPIMS COUGH CURE, rrcrf . ,.! Cun- WtHpias Couh. fUrrm. With th wtiot o Pr. H.ItvrV HrJnutln Kntiwotlr, Pr. llillor- nhn'.mttia u4 Nur!ii' lire, ami lr. IhllcrtHuuh Curr. Ilia atv rrUMKlimarv put U m 1Ujl-t liwni, an.', U in ublAiiwUa l:oui ur druKvut, will Ui aeul Inn by iuui, nw.l4 ol irk $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. TH mmiliu ar the itdult ol ta.ntjr-llva yu of ,nrtkl ptrlrmkwal, and r uanuitcl o cure rlwi a mtn it p Mibta. Jr. Illl!tr' 01 !. buk J ilim'ttutia u Ihiu tnaUucul, ww.Uiniug v aUtaLlc instf uUuti. at to tt gtoua tul iltet, wit rati uu aptkatioa HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. Fosliay ttwa, A.)i All) uiy, Oregon. )JEW FIRM! NEW rRICi S! DKAI.niS IX Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Pipe, Garden Hose, Etc., INCLUDING Have just received direct from the Eastern Factories over 20O Cooking and Heating Stove, yrhich will be sold at prices below all Competitors. As aa advertisement of their business they vf 111 give to each purchaser of one dollar' worth of Goods, a Ticket, entitling the Holder to ne chance in the drawing for a FULL MCKEL-rLATED HEATING STOVE, now on Exhibition at their Ktore. If you intend purchasing a Stove call and see their line and learn their prices. Pcarce's Block, -:- First Hired, :- Albany. Oregon. NEW STORED MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO. -DEALER Agricultural Implements & Vehicles -OP ALL Corns anl Sea w. INSURE III THE ALBANY FARMERS AND Insurance Safe, Sound; J liMiiUl H liiiElLu r Thomas B MILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease, .Umulatoa nutrition, furlA in Acute Catarrh, Chrorlu Cslarrr, ami Citsrrha when dlrectl ju are follow!, ct humf refunded. NEW 000DS! THE. OTKEW GOODS. lK- KINDS. ilBin, OREGON. CURES IV Atiy HEADACHE WhilaYcuWaiC BUT CURES r NOTHING ELSE. Company. Conservative It you want the best and most durable" furni ture that is raanufactur ed in the city go to xinkt if MERCHANTS Up tii Tiirbb Sihtbrs. O W SUy ton, ho rctunud on Monday Irom n trip to the Caftcndc inountln, rc.ort havInK tccndeJ tle .niiltlle one o( ye Three Sin. tert on the aitt with pitrty from Eugene. Thtlr party confcUied ol thirteen pemoiu, nd they left their camp, eight tnllet from the mountain, tunrle and itrilved at the fjlacler about 1 1 o'clock, wher they lunched, and then began the ancent. The glacier, Mr Slayton y, U grand, thotiuh dlllicu't to travel ever. It Unevcral tnllet In length, and conniiU cf tnow fro-n loo to 150 (eel In denth, anu ollcn ihere arc deep crevice which appear to reach to the hot torn and arc. tevernt tevt In ldth. The) have to be jumped, and unlent one it turc-footcd occnlon coioldcrahle dan ger. Onlv (hrec of hit companion nc ceeded In 'reselling the atuiutiit of the mountain, the rct having given out iaither down the mountain. The ttnnmlt, he ayt, lacompoked of loo.e the II rock and large bowldrrt and t not at prctent covered with annw. The view from the aummlt of thN mountain, which It estimat ed to he between 1 0,000 a id feet above the tea level, Mr Slatton ! ndeed grand, and wrll repays one making the ascent. Ochoco I'.cvlew. r.Dit!( rK Ckkhvii. Iu onUr to make better showing Salem in padding theccujtu ftftr tho itmnnif otTtcouia and Seatllo. The Democrat doeHn'twiMh to ho everltiMtingly kicking at the atute capital; btititdx'8 hate f rami wherever touiul, and it ki.owa whut it la laming about on this aubieet. llorwc trainera stopping at tho fair groundit, Urtimmera, men punning through the city, transient of all kind, are heiug captured, though (ho papers Lave dtclarcl that all that la wanted in a thjuare count. Ycnterday an Albany man while in that city, waa cap tured and cnuuicmtcd, and coiniuorelnl man any they have len taken. The fact iaeverylhing ia being done to awcll the returns, as it would be very humiliating not to make a bigger allowing than be fore. Of courao the papers there t ill say this ia caused by the green eyed uionater, jcalouxy and all that: tmt it is not, it is imply a statement of f.u-tx. Jt ar Aaot'v Ot a li x, The financial condition in which Lane county limit herself at present, with a delttutuii( tax lint of nearly I'.'T.iXH) running lack for several years, ia chargeable toaconnld crabb extent tothelMwo and uncertain method of amwiniiug land, that has pre vailed in this county since it waa lirnt orgunixed. The asac-iwing and making of (he tat roll as at present and in the past give the ulieriil io jmwer to sell real Jroerty for taxes. The warrant that is lelivered to bim on the first Monday In April, when taxes Ucome debiKitient. cum inam's blm to levy ujkjii and sell the real iriierty ocacriiH-U witiitn iiie roll. AnI there the collection stops except where ersnal property can le found or the ow nern f real property can be cajoled into paying. The roll contains no de scription of real property and the Hherill" ia left unable to make forced gollet liuns, except from personal property. tiuard. Two Yorxu TaAVfLKKs. Monday morning early a small boy and a smaller girl were standing at the bead of the abort steps near the depot saloon. They stood there like two stray lambs looking for their mother. Ilntighly dressed they were. and tho red flannel drawers of the small girl reached a couple of inches lie- low the iH.ttom ol tiie skirt 01 her dingy blue dres. but she made amends fr this too artistic arrangement of her garb by a fringe of dirt around her smiling month. the liv said his name was John 11 n N tiro- la Wank and that o! bis sitter MiU'ute Mathreda Wauk. anl that they were go ing hack hy train to tlu'ir liotne in ile- baiiia. l.H.-h carrif.1 a little package in soiled red cotton handkerchief : that of the girl, wbleli was the smaller, contain ed ginger cookies.aud l!io b iy'a was a big wad of bread. Oregon City t"ouricr. Dow'a C'ttEDtToits. Ion Htnith, recent ly attached at Ciatcsville, gave the fol lowing list of creditors, w bich w ill show that Albany is considerably interested, and one, that of Hoffman A I'teilTer, bail been interested several years. lJldd A liusll, secured, l.TOOO ; Allen I-ewis, Wa.M ; Akin, Selling Co, l; IMttenlioIkr, lluas A Co. I4tl.3tl ; Ksbcrg, r.achman A Co, W'JM i Chas II lodd A Co. t.U'i.lj jThanhauser A Frob man, tiM.Zi; K lioins, I'.'.TJ.-Mj Isom, Ijinning k Co, a.'.W; Haiu'l K Young, VTii.(i3; M heller A Co. 7.3'J: M Ianiels, S73: Neustailter l'ros, C2.87; Hotrman A l'felffer. 144.70; Flcischner. Mayer A Co,; lternbeiin A Man ner, 4)."y; htcwartA ox, fso.iHj; Cox Iiros & Co, 122.80; Ueyoe A Kobaon. 11.16. Ki'Li-iiKK PrmxoH. Sometime during the past three months, ftoino springs were uiscovcred on land belonging to (jeorge Frirnt, living six miles east of Kcio, on Thomas creek, that upon exam ination proved to be strongly impregna ted with sulphur. J-aHt bunuay alter noon, by invitation of I O Smith, we ac companied bim on a visit to them. We found several springs, from two or three of which the water was flowing freely. One ol these tasted very strong of sulph ur, Hcveral persons who have drank of the waters of the white sulphur springs at Ashland, say this is equally as good a spring, and that the water Is as strong of sulphur. W ho knows but what we are to have a great summer report near us one of these days. Hcio Tress. A Gloomy Prkdjctio.v. "Next tprlng you can tan my bide for sole leather, said Andy Wyland, the slaver of elks, fo the Oregon City Couiler, "If next winter Isn't the hardest for a hurdred years. Up In the mountains I see swartnt of rats from Mistourl and Kansas, who've come all the way from that god forsaken country to escape freezin' to death. And there's the ground hogs, thev're to J raid ot the terri ble cold they're working like polltitiant for their winter s grub. 1 hey re cuttin' roots and herbs cam as and ikunk cabbage root This they pile on u dry and then chacheein In their way down dctn." AVASiiiKaroN Citiuh. According to the census the population of Ccntralia.Wasli Is whereas they have iieen claiming 3000;; tJiympta, 6700: Snohomish. 2003; Whatcom, 3077 Fair Haven. 4057: It nine, ldo'.i ; Dayton 1870: Puvallup. 10J0: Port Townsend 4408; Vancouver, 26.r)(5; Port Angeles, 1019; Urays tiarlor,o2:j; lloo.uain,J3ia Montesano,17'l6; Walla Wralla,7239; Pas co,478; Pomeroy,642; Ellensburgh,2768: Ooldendale. 1818: Snraeuc. 1722; Col ville.542; Pa1ouse,U17; Farinlngton,415( 1'kiohtful Accidemt. Last evening quite a serious accident happened in the rear of Powell & Co's store, which, owing to the large crowd always congregated in front of their counters, caused excite ment onlv anion 2 eevcral hundred peo ple. It seems that the firu had bought a large quantity of choice syrup. One of the barrels sprang a leak and before the assistance pi a physician could be se cured fifty gallons was on the floor, com pletely ruined. They have a sufficient stock on hand though to meet the de mands of the public for several days, as well as an immense stock of all kinds of groceries and produce. Equal to ihk Occasion, We ha v heard of one man in this county who ha contracted bis bops to three parties; to ne at 15 cents, to another at 13 cents and an other at 35 cents. As they are now worth 30 cents he will probably contiact them to some one else fcugene Kegister As the contractors half the time .back ou In case of a drop, the Lane county mn evidently understands ns mtsne, , The Lebanon Express ran over the nar row gauge last week at the junction cut ting it In two, and the consequence is that there it but one daily train on the O Kail way. express. We have heard of newspapers cutting men up by piece meal, demolishing old maids and annihilating politicians, but this Is the first case of one having litterally cut f"!!.-m 1 In w. Lkbanok. Prof 1 Torbet, our new principal at the Huntiam Academy, ciuno well recommended from the various schools where be lias taught. Surveyor Warner, of Albany, emtio tip Wednesday to do some more work in our town. 1 It seems to us be would do well to locnto in Lebanon. It Is exhected that several teams w 111 bo set to work soon hauling ore from tho paint initio to Ichnuon to lie inuiittfac lured into paint this winter. Kgger Eggers, of Albany, bought tbu Hit 1 1 iet fitritt, near lioek Hill, this week. Mr Halo returned from Portland, Tues day, bringing with blm some quarts from Idubo'a mines. We compared the NjH'clinons with some we bnve from the Ciiiitpoola, llltiu river and Hantiam dis trict and find that wo have richer mines at our own door; but some people can not appreciate a good thing unless they pay well for it. - Ibatmn bad a distinguished visitor lust Friday in the person of Cant ('minor. The Captain beaded an expedition that . k I-!..- I.. - -V . k . I was sent to Africa in search of Mauley, when it was thought the great explorer was loHt. lie w as sent tin Into northern latitudes at a late date, and is a man who has seen a good deal of the world. I'x press. , A Fixa YAi.LfcV. A Albany people are interested In the Tillamook country, on account of the pronecl of an earlv railroad connection with It, we give the following good description of the country fi'ttn a alem paper 1 State Superintend ent Mc Kirov and party, have returned from Tillamook county, Supt MclClroy went over for the purpose of attending the annual teachers' Institute and to look after the county educational Interests In grncr al. White there he tUited the principal point of Interest, including the Tillamook valley, the Ne.tuccs county, bay City, and other points, lie wa greatly pleased with the fine timber, the rlcn soil, and the im mense produ'tlon of grass, vegetables, osts, fruits, honev, etc. The Tillamook valley, proper, Is a Urge country and contains from one hundred to one bun died and fifty square miles of splendid country, and Is rry fertile The future of Tillamook country Is bright and en couraging, and within a very few years her vallejtwlll he peopled with a largo and ludustrlout population, W. C. T. U.-It has Wn decided to hold the Fair and entertainment on Thursday and Friday even ing,Sct. 25th andSGth, at the Opera House, and f-oin present indications the affair w ill be a popular success. An interesting pro gram will be pre ented each evening. and also abundant tlrpe w ill l reserved fur the examination and purchase of the arious articles attractively dUnlavcd in booths reprcsentim; the four sc-asona. Ice cream and cake at a moderate price ill afford refreshment, and a lhoroiiLrlil enjoyable occasion may le exKH-ted. urther detail as to proeram w ill be given later. Appeal. The Albany W C T U kind v invite ladies or fenUenian, who uiav feel sodisHMd, to contribute any safeable article, either uoefu' or ornamental, to bo sold at their coming fair. If donations of money can be more conveniently given tliey will also be thankfully accepted. 1 he ladie are making great (Hurt to raise a sufficient sum of money to cover the remaining indebtedness on the ball, the amount being f 3o0. Mas. M. J. Towssknp, Mas. H. A. MvAi.isti:k. bar. and Sec. of Uen.Coni. of Ar'g'mts Clkaxiy Exi"i.AiNru. In the eat heat Is selling for J cnts p?r bimhcl more than it Ci la. I year at this Urns. bile here It l only one or two cents higher than it was a tear ago. A great msny wundcr why there U such a trla- tivc liltTcretue and think Ihere will surely be n rbc In the price of wheat here. There may be, but the chances arcthe-e will r.ot. The reason fur the difference U that ship ping rates are higher here than they are rmw. yesrs. Wlt. a large fleet of vessel at the Pacific coast ports the rate of ton nage I much less than It Is now, and ves scls are often glad to get w heat fur bal last at almost any pijce. This year ves sels are not looking for wheat but shippers are looking for vecl and are obliged to pay high rates, which, of envrse, lowers the price of wheat. Eutene Kci;Uter. Wast a Divobcb Mr Charles A Har rison, the liuly who a few days agoakipped out leaving her husband and declaring she would never more live w ith bun, has sued for a divorce, in the circuit court of Linn county. The papers were served on Mr Harrison yesterday. The lady is now residing at Albany. Statesman. The Dkmockat acknowledges a call from Mrs Harrison, a week or so ago. According to her story there is another big side to the mutter besides the one given in the Journal, which Mrs Harrison says was untrue. By the way. Mr and Mr II resided in Albany nine months revlous to their going to Salem, a fact Mr Harrison seems not to have told the papers. The evidence for the divorce will probably be secured in Albany. Divorce Casks. Five divorce cases are already on the docket for the Octolier term of Circuit Court, and they no doubt suggest many tales ol disappointment and misery and neglect. Here they are Ella Mack against Frank Mack, Mary J 'Jarrett against Itobert Oarrett, Uosana Harrison against Chns M Harrison, He- lieeca Snath against Thos Smith. Mary l'.anta against 1 Bitnta. It will lie noticed that in each case tho wife is the com plainant. Few With tub Firemen. A delegation of veteran firemen, numbering about fifty, from Portland, passed through the city yesterday on their way to San Fran cisco, where tney go on an excursion. While the steamer laid up at the wharf here the vets came up town, visited the engine houses and had a jolly time. One six-iooier, w ho lougnt lire 111 tne cany - -.t. . l A. 1 I . I - . days, said lie would advertise Astoria, and if he does not fall into tho water he probubly will, for he allowed himself to be covered with advertising stickers which set forth tho city's many advan tages. Astonan. It Has Come. Dr J L Hill informs us that he has a'case of la grippe out a few miles on the Albany prairie, ibe case is a mild one but the doctor has some fears that there will be more cases. Gift Enterprise. Go and see that beautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule Bazaar." Julius Gradwohl the proprietor of the Golden Rule forms us that he has the Prize Baking Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly of for his business, and for the benefit hia customers, each box of baking powder will win a piece of fine glasarrare and also each pound of the tea will win a piece of fine glassware, and customers wno buy one pounu 01 tea or a box 01 baking powder, which ia warranted, will have a chance at that beautiful sold watch. He has also added a fine assort- mem 01 xamiiy groceries to in mam mouth stock of glassware and crockery which is the largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at the Golden Rule Bazaar, and you will find that nothing is misrepresented. ' The Best External Kemrdr. S J Ttdwell, Ila'scy's Marion county, Ala bams, writes: - "A itcoca;' Foaocs Plasters are a most iDvaluabia honsebold remedy. They do all that is claimed tor them. I sell many htfn dredt every year, and every day I hear of their curing coughs snd culds, disrates of ths tpiue, liver and ago cake ; io fact there is no disease that can r reached by an exter nal application tnat they do not care." Beware of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All cock's, and let no solicitation or explana tion induce yoa to acoept a substitute. Allcock s Cobs and Cttxioh Shields effect quiok and certain rolitf. - . Backlen's Arnica .Salve. The bat Salre In th world foi Cut8,Brulse,Sor?t uioers, an Htiaum, invar 1 ras, Tetter, Obapp nanaa, uniiDiains, uorm, and all Skin firnptto. an posltivelvcurat Plles.or no tav roouirad. it ii ruar. nteod to irive perfect satisfaotlon. or money refund i. Pries 25 cents per box, tor awl by Fosbay and UlSIStl MATTKH. Cnpt IIagen,bne ot the principal stock holders and superintendent of the conso lidated Ulue Ilver and Callpoola inlnes, was in; the city rlday. lie reports an Increasing and live Interest in the inlnes, witli brighter -prospects as the develop ment of thfl mines proceeds. The pres ent consolidated company owns .twenty mines, the most promising of which are probably the Poor Man and Queen Ilee. They have ordered a quart mill.llko the ono ordered lor the - Albany Milling Co.. and w III work for practical results. The mill will first lie put to work on the Poor Man. This Is a mountain of rock, almost unlimited in its extent, it lias assayed as high as 121 to the ton. and Is easily mined. At8it will nay big, and it fa continently anticipated will yiid much more than that In bulk. Their confidence in the mine la well Illustrated by the recent oiler of Thos Kwlng, of Tacoma.of 10O,000 for a third Interest of the com pany, whlcli they refused without any hesitation. They have plenty of money ui ineir ow 11 to wora it, aim 11 will take a mint to secure any interest at all If the present splendid outlook continues. The Willamette Valley is on the verge of an immense mining excitement. TU4t.lUiwiirg mining claims have been recorded with the County Clerk since the first of this iiiontb.on the date named: a. Franklin Hpeige, the Conductor, sit uate on Itald mountain, IS w 2. 3. Marion Ilurgess, Uet-in-aiidI, situate on Hald mountain. 3. II II Hewitt, ltona Fortlna, situate on i'.uld mountain. 3. ;eo W ilunt, Mail Agent, situate on Hald mountain. 3. i P Itarger.Oh the Devil.situate on Hald mountain. 3. J T How land, West Ward, situate 011 Hald mountain, 3. WJliyan, My Flower, situate on Bald mountain, 3. Felix and Frank Dargcr, Uold Hill, situate ou Hald mountain. a. James M Pearce, Hard fkrabblc,sit tiate on Hald mountain. 3. Havid Pearce, The Succor, on Itald mountain. 3. II W White, the Common Lode, on Itald mountain, 3. A Halvoren, Sun Flower, 3rd dist Sautiaiu, '4 mile east of Albany mines. 3. A HalvoriK n, Potato Patch, 3rd dist, Santiaui placer mine. A Mt.TAI9 TsUI. Am A:baf rari; an lb Thr aiaUrs. J ! Onlss, V. li Cusick, J A Cummlng and Harry CusUk returned last Friday from a sixteen day trip through the Cascade, full of more than common interest, aa their route w ill at once sug gest. From AUany the party wert to tne .-ucrvchzie, stopping awhile at Itel nap. noted for its hot springs; tbenre crom over to Clear lake, by w ay of the u-h.cnzie, having a pleasant experience at the falls of that river, romantic with it ragged surrounding and grand rain bow. At Clear lake a couple hunter came In with ten deer, rbe Albanv party wa not out for slaughter and only killed enough game, a they traveled, lor their own wants, and hence have no big fish storle to tell. i rout viear iaae titer went toward flit fjttlliMrt TIlPMsY fkiMf tt.A ., U lbany, their three white cap U lna - s. SV I'lHIV Vt setn in grand prominence on any clear :iay irom our street. Arriving at the i out 01 tne mountain on the 27th ot August; the next moriiiiiir they started out at 7 -.If) o'clock on mule, reaching fbe snow line at 0:30, where they bdli the mule and continued on foot. The trip np is just safe enough to 1 interest ing, and yet full enough ol risk to have an adventurcrou nature. Though the lrty took rojK- the awe tit wa easily made without their use, and in safety, though there are many yawning crevlee that stand ready to friu'hten the timid. The ascent from the snow line was made in a little over four hour, a distance of four miles, which took the party to Cool peak, tiie ono generally ascended. There is no snow at the summit, the ground ling clear and shelly. Here the view Is a magnificent one; the Wil lamette valley lying before them in all it beauty on the west, and, in all direc tion tne panorama ia a broad one. The bottle o( name waa increased by theirs. It already contained those of A Uaabrotick.ttoyd Taylor andCaptU W J;ia is, of the Vancouver Imrracks, who ascended in 1873. T C Judkins, 8 It Ai ken, Jr, J J VvftUon.C M Hill. Hill, W I Vater, J N Ooltra, O H Renfrew, (twice), F Dunn, A V Peters, O W Stay ton, Harry Benton, John Straub, Glen O Powers, Maud Offut. Kvalvne Moriran. B Waldo. Ihn Smith. Davev Smith. Dan Bass. Marv E Teat. Kmilv Bristol. C L Winter, K K Potter, I) R Collins, f H McClung, S K Horace, Walter, J S. Willie and Charlie McClure, and K II Iff - 1 H iUCAiisier. The descent ' waa made to the snow limit in about an hour, a very lively feat. The vounir men made the remain der of the trip home without adventure, mucn bcneuied by their experience. TUB HI ABOCT TWI. The Man About Town has a riirbt to object to the oiliaeni of Albany being enumerated as residents of the State can- r a -1 . . ... iuii. in one sense 01 cotirso we oncht to re;oice in seeing a neighbor swelled out with a big meal, for it doesn't take from us. but it wa that course at St Paul, Minneapolis,' Tneorna and Seattle that made people feel "tired," and we do not line to uc a partv to it A seedy lookimr fellow sauntered into the Democrat office and told in a nice way how he had once been a newspaper man, anu wen no was bard up now.and five cents would buv him a sandwich. iiie hocrates of the office took him in hand and told him that what he wanted was whiskey straight; but he declared he didn't drink rarely. He was told with a stern look that he had drank within an hour. "My memory is getting pretty poor.and really I don't remember," lie responded, choking, and the big tears actuniiy tumoicd down the fellow cheeks, "but I am hunirrr now and must liavj something to eat or I nerinh The result was that he received a nickel and Like all of them washed down hia juiuouic sorrow witn a glass of beer. fhe Celestials have nearly all emiurat ed to the hop fields, old and decrenit. young and sprightly, all have the hop lever, the M. A. T. observes by a glance around tho corners. "Ttftnk eolrtBArl. TCn mlmllnnnn a aims ' . v hum. aw al.u, n.ltjll written on ' the Wards closing the front door to the new bank, is equal to the tra ditional typographical error of the printer. - Xast evening coming from Portland the California express was met the other side of Oregon City by an animal known from the time of Adam as having more tduck than judgment. A little Jersey bull on the track lowered his horns and faced the train, no amount of whistling budg ing him, though kept wp for a quarter of a mile almost. Finally the train was obliged to stop, the plucky fellow facing the engine only a few feet away with lowered head, and not -until a volume of steam was Bent out and Hub Bryant put his head out of the window and cried "Whey there" did he get off the track and allow the train to proceed on its journey, and when last seen he waa shaking hia head madly at the rear car. Complaint is made to the Man About Town that several boys are in the habit of shooting in the Third Ward, near the cannery, endangering ltfe and property. It should be stopped at once. ' ' Teachers Examination. At the teach er examination held last week three ob tained first grade certificates, four second grade, eight third grade and nine failed. from our rsair jxirraniKindotit.) V tNIIINiitOM. Wasiiinuto.v, Sept. 1, 1590 Senator Edmunds ha exposed the cloven republican foot by bis resolution for a con gressional recess, Instead of adjournment, rom September November 10. I lav ing by various method cuccecdcd In get ting a date set for the disposal cf tiie tariff bill the most unjust financial measure of the age the republican now propose that congress thai! meet again after the con gressional elections in order that It may proceed to do what it docs not daie to do before those elections. This action of Mr Edmunds wa taken because Mr Harrison refused to assume the responsibility of rail Ing an extra session for the sole purpose of enacting ullous political laws and mak ing unnecessary appropriations. First and foremost, If the republicans are allowed to carry out their programinend they will not, unless the united legitimate efforts of the democrats shall fait to pre vent If, will come the Force blll.upon which the republican are already banking to carry the presidential election of '91 their leader expect to lose the next House; but are raising a large fund to try aid save themselves from defeat by the aid of the elector Ul votes of (our southern states which they calculate can be carried with all the election machinery In ihc hands of unscrupulous federal agents. Next will come the congressional and electorial college apportionment under the new census, which Is to be manipulated In the Interests of the republican party. If only the question of tight and precedent were considered this apportionment would be left for the Fifty-second congress to deal w Ith so It has been since the founda tion of our government ibut the republi can party ha never been in the habit of letting little things like right and precedent stand In It way, and It Is too late to ex pect it to reform now. Incidentally It Is proposed that a large number of bills carrying large appropria tion which the shrewd leader of tne party temporal ly side-traced early Jn the present sestion are to he tai'roadr.1 through and in order to carry this programme ou ucccfifully a quorum of republican tcna alors have, according to Senator Fry, who ought to be good republican authority, agreed to scopt a gag rule for the senate similar to the one .with which Speaker Reed has bound ih house hand and foot. Another little scheme In connection with this recess busineis Is, that the pre nse I to be made that the measure In which the Farmer Alliance and the Labor organization are Interested, similar to the compound lard bill, the amendments to the eight hour law, and to the alien con tract law already passed by the House cannot be acted upon unless those extra ... t,. 1 -.. The object a a as. ,n lnl rJ ' n1 " " P- rear to the fanners ard worklngmen that the democrats In opposing th Edmunds resolution are opposing the consideration ol their Interests. Mr Harrison has signed the meat in spection bid, thus giving himself greater power In a commercial sense, than Is po etscd by any European sovereign, with the possible exception of the Cxarof Rus sia. There I a rumor that the River and Harbor bill, which Is now In conference, I to go over until after the order to keep down the total amount of appro priations made by the present congress Vail street pressure has made Secretary Wlndom laaue a call for $20,000,000 more 44 per cent bonds which will mature In September 1S91. He offer to pay par and accrued Interest to date of maturitr. Senator Morgan hat presented to the senate a resolution adopted by a mast- meeting of colored men at Birmingham, Alabama, against the passage of the Force bill. This added to the fact that a meeting f negroes at Philadelphia adopted a res olution declarlug tne passage of the Force bill tu be Impolitic shows that the negroes are not hankering after the "protection" which the republican In congress are so anxious to give them. To-day Is 'labor day" and it It being generally observed by the labor organiza tions of the city. They want congress to make It a rational holiday. The preliminary farce to depriving an other democrat of hit teat Breckinridge, of Arkansas It going on In the House to day. It it hoped lhat hi constituent will tee to It that he come Lack to the next House with such a big majotity that even a republican election committee wi.l not dare to question hi right to. rcpicsent his people Represen'atlve Cannon, whore vulgarity precipitated the rumpus which ended la a slugging match on the floor of the House last week, has thereby so endeared himself to Speaker Reed that he ha been asked togoupjto Maine and make tome tpeeche in hl district. It it to be hoped that he will not usu the tame language he did Inthe House A IIEAKTLKSTASK. The Qiegonian worries, in a half hearted way, through a quarter column article 10 explain the great republican loss in (he republican vote of Vermont, It says tbat "the republican ma j'jrity for governor in 1870 w 21,309; in 1874 20,325; in 1878, 20,065; in 1882, 21,372; in 1886, 20,522." It omitted to tell what the majotity was two year ago when the "Green Mountain sheep" voted to blindly, tor its information we will say that Dillingham' ma jority two years ago wa 28,995. So that the republican majority, after the shetp" got their eye opened by the process of the cam paign of education, has been reduced from 29 000 in round number to 10,000 in round Humbert. The Orefonian attributes this fal ling oft to factional disturbances in that state over me choice ol candidate. We have co desire to deprive it of this crumb of comfort but must be permitted to tay, aside, that will have a never ending job explaining lb election that will take place in November. HEADY FOB EECIPUOCITY. A correspondent writing from Rio de Janeiro tell the American people that the Brazilians are sensible of apparent overtures made by this country and that the gieat interests of Brazil ian trade, long monopolized by European mon archies.are ready to be poured into the Ameri can lap if our business men will only jrsake a study of Brazilian wants and how to supply tbem and if our government will take down the customs bars on that tide. In other words Brazil is ready for reciprocal trade. But the party in pother will not be moved by any such fact, for it fought the presidential campaign on the molto that the home market is good 1 enough for Americans, The administration cannot adopt a policy of reciprocity without confessing that its "protective" policy is fiawsting lie, whieh it is. DUTIEH AND WaOEH The National Drmixtat ha at varlou time presented considerable evidence to show . 1. That on account of the superiority of American labor and the greater use of machinery In this coun'ry the actual cost of labor to the employer wa oftentimes lest In this country, than In Europe; and 2. Tl at when it happened that the cost of American labor wa the greater, the duty which pretended to be an offset to the difference between foreign and domestic wages wa very much more than that dlf-fcienc-, and frequently wa several timet as much a the whole amount of American wages, , Opportunely enough, just a the senate reached the Item of iron ore In the tariff b'll, Colonel Wright, commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistic, transmitted to congress a preliminary report on the cost of producing lime stone, bituminous coal, Iron ore, pig iron, steel Ingot and steel rails In different part ol the United Slab- and in England and the continent of Eu rope. Thif report furnishes the most con. elusive evidence of the Injustice of the existing and proposed tariff rate. The average value of the labor ir one net ton of bituminous coal in 126 mine in In the United State, inludlng not simply the wage of the miner, but all mine la borers, Is 89.7 cent. The average cost In 6ve Canada mine I 93 cent; in elgn mine on the continent of Europe, 78.7 cents, and In eight mine ij Great Britain, 75 y cent. The labor In a ton of toft coal( then, cost 13.8 cent more than it doc in Great Britain, but on the pretense that it I a great deal more than that ' we levy a duty of 75 cent a ton on coal, which I more than the whole earnings of the mlners,and nearly at much all the labor value In a ton of coal. Ibe average value of labor In one ton of iron ore, at 62 Amcilcan mine It (, and at 18 European mine it I 82 a cents. The labor coat of one ton of ore.then ! 27.4 renin more In thlt country titan In Europe. But the mine owner have polit ical influence enough to keep a duty of 7$ cents a ton on ore. The average value of labor in one tonot pig Iron at 70 fcinace In the northtrn pattofthe United State U $1.57; at 26 furnaces in the southern part ol the United States it Is $1,527; at six furnaces on the continent of Europe It Is 69 7 cent, and a. eight furnace In Great Britain It U 68.3 cent. The difference between the co of labor al northern furnance and at fur naces on the continent of Europe is 86.3 cents, but a a pretended offset to this we maintain a duly of $6.72 per ton on ore. Averaging seven furnace In this coun try, eight on the continent of Europe and tour In Great Britain, the labor coat In one. of steel Ingots Is $1884 in this country $1,125 In Great Britain and 94.6 cent on the continent of Europe. The difference in the cost of tabor In every ttn of steel ingot between thlt country and the con tinent of Europe Is 93.8 cents. Out duty ' 45 Pr centreing on Ingot worth clght lengths of a cent a pound, the grade most Imported last year, $7. 2b per net ton. The average wages In one ton of steel rails in two American mills Is $1461; in seven European mills, $2,637 aud in two English mill, $ 1.95s, so that the labor In the rolling mill cost let per ton oi pro duct In the United State than abroad. But Senator Edmund lasts'. that the labor in the pig Iron, the Ingots, the ore, coal and limestone that go to make the rail shall be Included. We are not quite sure that this demand should be complied with jules Senator EJ nundi, it wl ding to dd together all the duties on the elements lhat enter Into a ton of rail. If he will add together the dutie on the limestone and ore and pig metal and coal and Ingots he will rind that the dutie on a ton of rail calculated in thlt way amount to over $30. When we are called upon to fix a duty on steel rails, and the rait maker urge a high rate on the ground ot the wage he pa vs. It W enough to fix a rate that will cover those wage. National Democrat Uriel' VAT1.SU, Editor Democrat . May I ask without speaking disparagingly of the medical profession wby it I that with all the skill of the physician be ha never yet cured rheumatism? This is true tHe wavkj over. We wi'.l include all the preparatory not tiurr.t in the assertion. We do not refer to temporary or partial relief of rheumatism; but to absolute cures, The idea of hot baths and especially mud baths ca-ne from Indian. We have lhat much the natives which wc have followed with tome decree of relief, Wherein is the growth ia materia medica as applied in a remedial sense in cascv of rheu- mitum. Indians may claim that they have suggested remedies in other line. la surgery however the Indian is distanced. It would be too much perhaps for Esculapiu to answer this inquiry. KIIIUMATIC. NEUUAET, Editors Democrat: It it not a mistake for th democratic party to use the words "free trade" when urging that doctrine where there can be no detriment in doing to to our manufacturing or commer cial (interest. Should not these plain out spoken democrat show a little weak and eva live culture and shout with a loud voice. "Wc arc a party of reciprocity," We might apolo gise to Mr Blaine for using the grand old saxon word ''free trade and tailors rights" which gave us our second victory on land and sea and adopt his interpretation of the demxratic doctrine, It reminds u of the Itdian play in the circus where he was promised a bottle of whisky for a graad display of indian skill, and whe it wa presented to him he indignantly refused it. On beinc jold it was a quart of whisky, he said it was not cnoueh, he wanted two pints. Mr Blaine will not take the quart of whisky.he want two pin., which are more reciprocal and make a greater number of bottle among the "most favored natives," One Quart. (Just Deceived for tire fall and vriaser. To tell the truth, the stock of suitings in the tailoring department of L Blain, ia a large one, and entirely new. It has just been received for the fall and winter trade, the remananta of light weights having been placed aside. The new etock embraces a variety of designs in imported and domestic goods that is a credit to the city. The present styles are very attractive, and a big field ia of f erred for a man to dress well, which is what the progressive citlaen does. Mr E A Schifller, who is superintendent of this department, is an expert at the business, and a suit made under him is assurred a perfect fit, which ia always guaranteed. The progress being made in tailoring ia well exemplified in the manner in which Mr Schifller conducts this departments and a larger etock and I bigger variety of goods is being carried i for customers to select from than ever 1 fewer", . r V ' ?V i" 1 V Roth the method aiKtreetitls when Hyrup of Fig is f alien ; It is plensant nnd refreshing to fliefaMe, and acts c;nt'yyet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver ami Bowels, cknum-t the sys tem eiTcctiiallj, disjK-U cold, head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual couotipation. By ru r of Figs ia tho only remedy of iLs kind ever pro duced, pliwinj to the Icab? and ao ceptable to thA stomncli, rrorcpt ia its action and Iru Itfodicial in ila Sb-cte, ita many excellent qualities c-.n-MuA it U all. It is for sale in Vhj and 1 bottles by all leading iliusgiata. te-NUfACTlW OKtV CV TM CAUF03HIA F0 SYRUP CO. tovisvitu. i:r. Aft roriK. K.r PAISLEY & FISH. JOS PflNTERS FLINN BLOCK ALBANY. Spec: ial - Announcement ! -OF- W. F. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Kxn Ribbed and Muslin. My Irices are the LOWEST and-ray Goons the Best. Am sole agent . for the Celebrated . S. E. HOSIEBt, . Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To TheMen : Call and Look at M3- values in Fumishins1 -:- I have a Large Stock at ibe Lowest 1 cairy a full line of th worll-recow! BltOADHEAD go, uaezoellod for wear anrt fii.ieb. Lrp- atock of Embroideries aad Flouscisoi Cl and lc convinced tha A.'bai y ia the beat trading point in Oregon. KEEP Also Self-Feedcr and ON TIIE Advance r. Thresher Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. Et Also read what one of the about them: Z. T. WRIGHT, MR. Portland, Oregon, ' ' : pear Sir: In reference to your Inquiry as to Vow I liked my Advance Thresher, purchased of vou this vear, will say the Advance does more and better work than any other machine resented In Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the grain from the straw, than any other machine, ard seems to be strong and durable. I am ready at any time to go into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and threstt for from $ioo to $500. They are the best in the market without doubt. H ycu desire you can refer to me at any and all times. Signed - I. D, MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193 names of parties who have purchased Advance Threshers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. -G. L. BLACKiYJAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST AT.BAIT'S', -r DEIUQS, EDIGIIIE8 fi'wtdeiit... ........, , ... f. FLf W Vloe President .... a. R. Vorr:; Caslaer...., , K. W. LAKkOo. TKAN8ACT9 A OKSEKALbaaklnttosloess. ACCOUNTS X HIT u!K U etOHT KXCHASGE and tf Tsr.hto transfer, tot a X York, Van PriqnUo, rioago Td pot COfXECTIOXr SAPKoo wl,'. Ui:e. fti&SCTOt K Tors K, WY tssooc V. run. E Bum, E.-io r. Sox. Unn Co, National Bank. ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL, STOCK 2190,000. Prsllrnt..... . J L COWAV lr-PrailiiS J M biht,.v rshtr .. Jtiso V. CHaMI'.KKI.Ai'v' As.1 tMhlrr o A Alt' HflJOU, b . I L Cnwan. 1 M Ralb,. fi. V riiml1lti, W U44 W H O-rfwa, i A Craw lord and O A Archibald. TRANSACTS a rami banking boalnsa. DBA W Slum ORArrS m Hw fork, San il ')'('! Oregon. tOAJt M04EY n trf" aacurlts BEfE'VI! deposit tubtact check. Bank cf Oregon. ALBANY. - - - OHECCfL OAMTAIi, ZSO.OOO. President ........... II BRYANT Vlee President 11. F, MERRILL. Cashier..... J. TV. BLAlN DIBEtlOS. II Bryant, J W Blaln. Um Humphrey, C Hitew.rt, J Laoning, U F Merrill. Bight exchange aa 1 Uletrrapblfl tra a tut on Saw York, Htn Franeiaco a .if and all principal point In Oregon nd Washington, oil oct ton ma l on favorable term HEAD. Good Prioea ever offered ia the Yl!ei. YOTJSr Their- Baiid - Cntlcr, solid men of Linn county says V Millers, Linn County, Oregon,) . September 25, 18S9. f I ever aaw, and I have seen all that are rep ( better, run lighter and saves the grain bet 0"REG5-03isr, i I0.3i.riY-