The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 05, 1890, Image 3

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    . i .jiaas.
8TITE3 &
Cilitar ami
II8CONtinhkd. The associated press
service received here alnco the middle of
April by the Daily Herald, has Itoen dia
continued, it proving too big an elephant
for a city the eixo of Albany, though only
n pony acrvice made up in' Portland. Mr
Uennett, the cllldent night operator,
will go to Olympia, and the Western
Union oftlce will hereafter iloao at 8
o'clock, the old time, Mr Humphrey run
ning it alone. Tho night aervice was a
great convenience to the public, as well
aa to the reading public. Our coiitemp
oray will now take a fourth of the amount
previously taken, by tho United Proas
Association, it well inunnged newr-gnUi-erer,
by way of tho Postal Telegraph
company, wliieh will keep oik'ii until
.o'cUa-k for that purpow. The Salem
statesman and Astoria Columbian arc
now the only papers that are receiving
the associated press dispatches, outsido
of Portland, in the state. Tho truth is
it takes a big patronage and higher prices
for advertising than arc paid in AlUuty.
A Pkspicratk Fkuit. A warrant was
worn out in Justice To nicy's court liiat
Saturday evening ly Thonuis Kerd as
private prosecutor against Mrs Nancy
Viator. Tlie otlicers arrested and brought
tho accused before bis h nor terday
morning, who on lMing arraigned plead
not guilty. We will not nndettake to re
cite anv of the facts that led t the tight,
but aunVe it to say that Mrs Slator is a
tenant on Uocd'a ranch and that contro
versies and bad blood bad exit-tod U
tween them for some months. I-at Sat
urday they met in Iwttle arrav. I'lubs
were used very freHy, and while Mrs
Plater waa Imdly bruised altout tho face
and arms, MrKeed yot an arm aftd a
finger broken and oiherwi-te badly used
up. ttoth called physicians to their as
aistance and their wounds have K-en
partially patched up, but the law will
undertake to sift out tho liya and
wliercforea on Monday. Times. Tom
Heed is well known in Albany. Ho has
prolably had more quarrels and trouble
than any man in On gun.
Coming This Way. -The following
from an up-Columbsa paper will he an in
teretlrg Item to keep on hand. Iioulj the
aubject of the sketch cou.e tM way. r he
no doubt will before the raoit l over:
A Jew preacher rtatiud Isaac Utilv ar
rived In Ilelci.a and rlal.nvd to be ronveVi.
cdtothe Chrltian chur. h. He was bap
tliei, and one e entity aCu-i preaching hit
first sermon was recoifnUcd a Wcxcl, a
man who attempted the same came on the
Baptist Church in Denver. A enailonal
etposure foll'cd. and Isaacs tudJenly
left town for the West an hour later. I'c
Is a short, heavy-set, 17$ pound man.with
a Hebrew cast of countenance. lie came
to American Fork, I'tah, f:o:n Vienna
He joined the Mormon Church, became a
preacher and counsellor to the bUhcp, but
was mohbed for stealing two watches and
railing two check He then went to
Denver jnd from there to, Helena."
A Fisr Gtmnasicm The Urge addi
tion being built for the college speaks of
an Improvement that will aiJ greatly to
the advantage of this splendiJIy managed
school. The addition it 28x50 fect, and
will be divided Into three rooms, one lox
a8 feet for a boys gymnasium; the mldJle
room, 38x15 for a wood shed, and the
other 38x15 fr K'rl' gymnasium. ISoth
fcymnaklutn will be well equipped, and
water and sewerage having been In
troduced, will contain all the modern anl
tary Improvements that go to make a place
healthy, the old buildings having been
torn t'own. Miss Moss, the new teacher
of elocution, Is an adept at calesthcnlc
and will have charts of the voting ladles
gymnasium. The Albany College U pro
gressive, and this I one of the evidences.
Opening day, Tuesday, Sept., 16.
Tux Paint Mise. Ed lltrrtn was a
passenger on the 11 o'clock train yester
day for Lebanon, going there for the pur
pose of looking after the interest of the
Oregon Paint mine. Friday he received
a telegram from Mr Miller, mayor of I,eb
anon, that the citizens of that place had
raised a bonus, in the shape of a block
of land in the city's limits, to lie given
the paint company to secure the location
of the mill there. At present this struc
ture fa located seven miles aliove. YA
will look over the property and if he
deems it suitable will make arrange
ments for the removal of the machinery,
etc.. as soon as it can tossihly l done.
A car load of barrels was shipped to the j
mill during the past week to I filled fori
a Portland firm who has contracted for
that amount. Statesman.
Halset. A correspondent of the
Brownsville Times says: Halsey Is latum
ing. It now baa altout four hundred in
habitants, and we think it does as much
business as any other little town of its
size in the valley. Has no saloons and is
as pleasant a town as the country can
boast of. We have two large w arehoiiKcs
with immense cleaning capacities. Two
large dry good "tores, 1 J lihak and
Koontx & I Jime three grocery stores,.! P
Carter, HO Plymate and O Howell;
two drug stores, C Oray and Hector &
Co ; blacksmith shop, ortli & Standish ;
wagon and shoemaker, 15 Kenshaw ;
butcher, Taylor Bros; livery stable, J It
Done. A large and commodious bote),
with A Laubner ; two doctors. Smith and
Geary : two carpenters, F Frishy and W
P Reid; a dentist, Dr UmsUad; and jew
eler, C II VanAllen.
Land Ewocch n Okeoox. Hotel keep
ers report that their offices are besieged
with a gang of land sharks from various
sectiona ot Washington, w ho are seeking
to divert the immigration which is com
ing into Oregon. Those who are interest
ed in Portland do not give them much
encouragement, believing that Oregon is
the best olace for them, ami that there is
plenty of good land for all corners. Ore-
f onian. This is the kind of a tune we
ike to bear played, and if the Oregonian
bad done it years ago instead of laboring
so earnestly for Washington.there wou'd
now be no reason for a dispute as to
wnicu is the larger state.
Noses. Dr Rowland, the celebrated
and great animalculist, has his rig ready
for canvassing the Coast in the interest
of his medicine, really a good thing. He
will be accompanied by Misses Stratton
and Adams, who will give concerts in
public halls, interspersed with a scienti
fic lecture by Dr Kowland, assisted by
Mrs Dr Gilbert-Rowland, On the subject
of catarrh, illustrated by charts and
paintings. The Doctor has some attrac
tive posters for the business. headed by a
cute cut of peculiar faces and noses.
Runaway Accident. Yesterday Mr
Denny, proprieto of the Munkers ware
house, was going towards Jefferson, when
bis team became frightened at a China
man with a pole and two bankets, and ran
away, throwing Mr Denny out and injur
ing his bock seriously. Mr It A Roberts,
of Salem, happening along took him to
his borne at Munkers. Mo one booted the
Celestial, who would not set his baskets
down though he saw the team was fright
ened. Scio After It. The location for the
Santlan Paint Mines Mill has not yet been
decided on. The block offered bv Leban
on, ws not accepted because too far from
the railroad. Sclo has also made an offer
to the company. Their offer to deed six
lots in thejeenter of the clty.with water pow-!
er and $300 In cash, which is nut wanted.
The Oregonlan R R Is to build a switch to
the city, which they claim would give it
pipping facilities equal to any of their
Another Man. Several days ago we
mentioned an accident to a little Brown
boy, who fell Into the Willamette river
below the O P bridge. Tha credit of sav
ing him was given to the wrong person.
Mr Chas Sutton, a lady who saw the affair
tells us, rescued him. Young Brown was
the seventh person Mr Sutton has res
cued from drowning, and lie is certainly
entitled to several medals.
Blackman Got tt. The raffle for the
lot In Astoria, which took place the 29th
of August was won by Geo L Biack nm
druggist, of Albany Or , who held ticket
ato. "The tickets for the raffle i-crc sold
by Mrs DCIare.and the Democrat Uglad
to know It was conducted on the square, as
Crook County. Mrs C M Charlton
has been engaged to teach the school In the
Henry Gray district. She will begin text
John Flock, who shot and killed Geo.
Chamberlain, had his second preliminary
hearing befote Justice Dell, of this precinct,
on rruisy sim aaiuruay ot last week..
tuxtlce Boll ordered thai the prisoner be
eld without ball to wall the action ot the
grand jury.
Charles Flock, ho was arrested and
brought to town last week on a charge of
burning another property, had n prelimi
nary hearing before Justice Dell hint Sat
urday and was ordered reltased from cus
tody .
Summary of Atsesnmenl of Crook coun
ty f.?r ifoo: Acre deeded land, 95,345;
value of same, $310,04$; vtlve town prop
erty, 40,475; acres road land, 334,440;
value of same, $339,969; Improvement,
$84,615; value Mde& hopes, $116,377;
value money, notes, etc, $ 48,630; value
household goods, $35,800; Number horses,
9,107; value same, $338,015; Number
cattle, 43,341; value of satue, $160,709;
number of sheep, 141 (iiS; valve of same,
$318,504; number of swine, 548; value'of
nunc, $l.3jn; gross value, $1,(9.37; liu
debicdue, $5i,3S; exemption, $133,100;
I olat taxable property $1,318,730. News.
Oi it Markkt hnsliccn firm tor tlx days
at 70 cents )cr bushel, although our
neighboring towns in the valley have leen
ottering only from Wl to 07. Unquestion
ably tho San Francisco market w ill not
justify our figures, but farmers find a
ready market at that price just tho same.
Tnis, ot course, places some of our bonal
ing neighbors in an rmlmrrasslng posi
tion ami the papera of Allmny have U'cn
trying to explain that our inilated prices
has licen caused from bitter competition
and spitework among oordcalcrs. Well,
Mrluii a poor explanation is U tter than
nolle, but the unvarnished truth still re
main that we are paying four cents per
bushel more for wheat than Alhuiy.
In that rcFpict Corvnllia has tho bulge
on, though it will not last, the markets
really living the tame so far as ttansor
tation goes. Wo supjoae the farmer
doesn't care for the reason so long as be
gets the price. l7 cents net has Item
quoted in Albany for over a week. Is
the C'orvallis price net?
Tus Most Poitlar. The San Franeis-
j co Examiner has offered a prize of nfl,
300 liadge for the most popular memlter
of tho Native. Sons of the Golden West,
of California, of w hom there are about
lO.(HX). Several hundred are Wing vot
ed for. Saturday evening W J Wiley
led with 1.8J5 votes. Fourth on the list
was II I.unt-tadt, of San Iraueit-co, with
1 ,:;?." votes. Mr Luustailt's sister is a
resident of Allany, from w hom the Pkm
oi'kat acknow ledges a pleasant call. She
is watching the contest w ith interest, and
tho vote in each Examiner received at
the 1kmocbat office is clipped to be sent
to swell the vote for Mr L, w hose picture
in Sunday's Examiner shows hiiu to le
a line looking man.
Pitixti'Ecr.-i. There is nothing like
prospect in this ttooming era, and cities
as well as'prople bavo them. Though
sometimes a litilo visionary, they are al
ways interesting. The Silverton Appeal,
as a sample, says: ''Knowing ones pre
dict that if Silverton' railway prospects
are realized, it w ill have 2o00 itonulation
within the next two years.'' Browns
ville is to have a population of 61KH) in a
few years, I-ebaium of about the same,
etc., and we hote all the prospects w ill be
reaiixed, in each case not claimed with
out considerable foundation.
Asstal Election.--The annual elec
tion ot Linn Engine Co. No. 2 was held
last Monday at their hall, resulting in the
aelection of the following to - run the
company the ensuing year:
1) K N Blackburn, President.
lr O C Aubrey, Kcc. Secretary.
I) J Pubruille, Fin. Secretary.
Vt M il Ellis, Treasurer.
W E Ciillett, Foreman.
A I. Lamb, 1st Assistant.
O C Clelan, 2nd Assistant.
The State Faib. Tho state fair, next
week, promwes to bo largely attended.
As usual the great attraction will be
horse-racing. The agricultural exhibit
ion is fteculiarly a Marion county affair.
The exhibition of live stock is always
more general and the display lias never
failed to lie a "good one. Something
should be done to make the display in
the pavillion more creditable, though so
far as it goes it is always good.
rot'Bixo In. Wheat is pouring into
the warehouses at a rapid rate, All
kinds of rigs raise the dust on our streets.
One of the most attractive is the six
horse outfit of Mr Frank Ingram. Two
wagons are piled high with the precious
cereal. The good sized crop and fair
prices make the face of the average far-
assume a broadened aptiearance.
Kkmeikiiei L's. Mrs F M (Jarrett,
w ho has leen spending several we,ek on
her farm at Peoria, returned to Allmny
to-day. The Democrat acknowledges a
call, and the present of a basket of tine
loaches and prunes, raised on her Peoria
T'were letter to have loved and lost,
than to have never loved at all, can truly
bo verified by our young friend Will
Harpoolc, ot Parkcrsvillc. He was fo
have been married last Sunday to Miss
Evuns, a pretty brunette, of Brooks, but
for some reason she changed her mind
and Will is kft.-Frcnch Prairie Gazette.
To Tim PARENTsor School Children.
Klein Bros wUli you alt to know that
they have just received a large Invoice ot
the celebrated C M Henderson's Red
School lloune shoes, In beel and spring
heel; and ever pair warranted to be solid
kolc leather counters end Intolc. Every
pair that rip. rur.over or the so'es come
looke, will be repaired free of charge by
ua, as we are practical shoemakers, and do
our own work and are not out anything by
doing so. We also give with every pair of
school shoes a neat pencil box containing
penholder, two pencils and rule. Call
and see sample of the shoe at Klein Bros
shoe store. '
Don't Rcn Arouno. Everj steamer,
aowever foggy the bar, brings to Albany
an immense quantity of fiults and pro
duce. The best and largest variety al
ways goes to Powell & Co's. Their
Stand are alway full of just such things
ss the public want, save runlng around
Vy calling at their store first.
County Court. The County Court
convened this afternoon ; but owning to
the illness of Judge Blackburn, had only
begun business at the time of going to
press, commissioners ixoper and Kum
baugh running it alone. It will prob
ably be in session all day to-morrow.
Luliei call and sen the ht-ist novelties in
drccs goods at E C Ssarls.
The dance at the armory will be held on
Friday eveumg instead of Saturday evening.
a staled in yesterday's DesoeaATthe time
oaviog oen cnangea.
The inmates of the State insane asylum
and the editor of the Salem Statesman
will all be included in the recount of that
A large line of children
school shoe at
Novetieb in Wash Fabrics. I have
just received direct from Chicago novel
ties in wash dress goods. I he new thing
for fall and winter wear. I am receiving
the largest line of stripe and fancy dress
goods ever brought to this market. Those
neeumg their fall and winter supplies
win 00 wen 10 give mo a can.
Samuel E Youko.
New embroideries, flounclngs, lace
Bouncing in cotton and silk, black and
cream. Laces in imitation point. aUo new
designs in bite ..d white lace, including
unujiji una ciiei lower, xsew ruchlng
JSWantkd. 200 cords of, body red fir
wood at the Albany Woolen Mills. Cal
at the Mills lor particulars.
Whereto Get Them. When wanting
-n organ or piana call onUL Blackman
h-e you can select from a first class
Bargain at Read's.
Muslin UnokbAkar. In great variety
of styles at bottom prices.
, fnmd E Youindr.
Cornell, rBorKKDixca.
A Harvey Mr Ike Willamette Bridge Or
Saturday evening, Aug 30.
Present Ma vor, Marshal, Recorder,
Street commUkioner, and Louncilmcn
Garrett, Smith, Tabler, Dcyoe and French.
Tho following bills were ordered paid;
J B Lacy, hauling, $4 351 A J Anderson,
til W 15 Baker. $8 w; N I llcnton.
$37 So; C W Walls, $371 J Ewlug, $31 1
Kobt Urown, 39; O I. Mavage, ft 75;
John Maxwell, $73 68; Santlam Lu.nber
CO, lt5i J A Warner, $39. Cost bllls,$l3 80;
J as Laurent, latteral sewer, $3904; Job
Monroe, $1 95; A J Anstyn, $1.
Bill of W E Kelly, 50c dlallowed.
The committee on streets and public
property reported that the contract for
building the extension of the rtroadalbln
street sew er was lct to John ChUwcl', at
55 cents a foot. .
The committee on the Willamette bridge
reported that It was 'necessary to cnipkiy
a competent engineer to make survey and
soundings, and lcceom mended filial pre
liminary survey be made. Adopted.
The expense will be paid by pi Irate parties.
On motion the committee was dhected to
secure a competent engineer.
A warrant tor $50 was ordered drtwn
In favoi ot the Recorder for preparing the
city charter and orOinancts for publica
tion. The owner of lots 5 and 6, block 51, was
ordered to connect with sewer within ao
A new sidewalk was recommended on
south side of Fourth street, adjoining lots
and 3 In block IS, lit eastern addition;
and a new walk on caot side of Maple
street, adjoining block 44 Rrfened.
A new sidewalk was ordered built on
South side ot school blotk In First ward.
l.h-rnscs were granted W J Montclth,
and J A Gross to ;l liquors.
Matter of application ot N Zimmerman
for tlceftfte to sell beer was continued, the
bond bclP5 Incomplete.
Mr Smith moved that bid for Railroad
sireet sewer be not opened, and that th
Recorder aJvciiUo forbid for a sewer
ftom'lhe present terminus to Ninth lreet,
north Hue Adopted.
Matter ot building a new biM;;e on
Third street tt referred with power to
mil allowed: A J limit. $6j; Win N
Miller, $70; Jchn Jones. $70; A W Mc
Claln. f50; S W Ro, $48.
t oi vrv 4 0IKT ri I rTtlVl.
l. It. N Rlx klurn, Ju.U. ; It. W. for nl
Win. HumiMiuKH, OunntiiKMrtirr. )
Matter of application of road applied
for by K N Thompson, continued.
D Hart, keeping poor, allowed (til 10.
A C Windom's claim continued.
lrE Du Ijis claim continued.
Win A Dunn appointed J P for Browns
ville. Application of Gaines, and olh rs, for
county, continued.
T F Miller was ordered to take charge
of tho old irons of the McCully bridge,
subject to the order of the court.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Cox A Fiuley, aid fur Henderson
family for July I0 00
Same for September 10 Ml
Foshay & Mason, stationary 21 CI
G F Russell, school stlpt 50 00
T J Stites.exam'ing teachers . 25 M
F M Mitchell, tlo do ...... 115 BO
G F Kusscll do do !3 60
D Hart, keeping poor 61 10
M Scott, exense of Banta case. . . Wi 72
F. V Phelps, stationary t t5
E TT Fisher, surveying 15 00
Smith A Senders, mdse 6 75
L Senders, buggy biee. 2 SO
W K Curl, salary 8.1 33
J FiUwatcr, aid for poor 8 00
Adjourned till Thursday afternoon, the
court visiting the Sanderson bridge in
the forenoon.
Weal Iter
Summary ot Meteorolocy fur Aogost.lbOO,
fruni observations taken at Albany, linn Co,
Oregon, by John Briggs.voL observer for th
Signal 8errio, V S. Army.
HiuWt barometer on the 7. 29 06.
)set Larometrr, "o ths 3U, 29.78.
Mnn baromt-Ur fr the month. 29. B3.
Ilighmt dsily avi tsgaof Ur. 29 iHI.
lowest daily average of bar. 29 78.
Ilighet trinperslsra on tbe 13, 102.
Lowest temperature on the 20, 44.
Mesa for the mooth GS.IO.
Highest daily rang of tber.oo tba 13,40.
Lowest daily rang of titer. 00 the 31, 14.
Mnn temperature at 7 a. m. dsily S7.
Meao Uni.eratui at 2 p. m. daily 82 3d.
Mean temper store at 0 p. m. doily CO 8.
Prevailing directions of wind, N.
Mas Velocity or force, 3.
Total rainfall or melted snow, 0.2S. .
lfc-pth of snow at tnd of month, 0.
omher of days on which .01 inch or mors
rain fell, .2.
Number of days of cloadiueas average 8
Scale or 10, j.
Of 31 dsysoltservatinna 14 were clear, 2
cloudy, 3 Uir, 1 rain, 8 hszy, 0 overcast, 3
Frost on the moraine of 0 days.
Temp. 4- 3 12 on average of 12 years.
lUiufatl, 0 20 on average of 12 years.
jirr E.NTKRrwhK. Co and see that
tieautiful gold watch at the "Golden
Rule Bazaar." Julius Gradwohl the
proprietor of the Golden ltule I'
iriiis us that lie lias the l'ri.e Baking
'owder, and No 1 JarTan tea, expressly
for his business, and for the lament
his customers, each liox of lakina
powder w ill win a piece of fine glassware
and also each pound of the tea will win a
piece 01 line glassware, and customers
who buy one jtound of tea or a txix of
liaking powder, which is warranted, will
have a chance at that beautiful gold
watch. He has also added a fine assort
ment of family groceries to his main
mouth stock of glassware and crockery,
which is the largest in the Willamette
Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at the
Golden Rule' Bazaar, and yon will find
that nolhinu is misrepresented.
A iuvoics of nsckties just recui veil at
EC Soar I..
I.ce cm tains at E C Scarla.
ATimxoof Beauty. The art studio
formerly kept by W II Greenwood, has
been renovated and refitted in such a
neat way as to make it "a thing of beauty
and a joy forever." New furniture, new
scenery, new appliances of the latest and
most approved kind. The very best
artistic work of the day can be had of the
photographers, Wilcox & Conn on the
most reasonable terms. Do not fail to
call and view the new arrangement as
they are highly pleasing.
Wall Paiee. I have just received
rom the east a largo invoiceof wall pa
oer, borders, decorations, etc., including
the plain ingrains which are becoming
very popular. These goods are better
styles and cheaper than ever before.
mamcel E xoumo.
Everybody Savs So. If the wild
waves could talk they would tay, "Go to
Powell & Co't for groceries and pro
duce, for their stock is large, their prices
low and quality the best." This Is the
universal verdict of their customers.
Oh I Yes. Call at J R Douglas' con
fectionary store for choice ice creom, 10
:ents a dish, milk shake, 5 cents, and
everything else equally cheap. First
Street, opposite Kuss House.
Call and Settle. Those knowing
themselves Indebted to the old firm'of
Krausse & Klein, will please call and set
tle at once.
Bartlrtt Pears. I am agent for th
Salem canrery and prepared to buy al
the iiartiett pears brought to me in a con
dition to ship. Parties having pears to
sell will do well to see me.
Samuel E Vouno.
Ean & Achison hacdla tba celebrated
Portland cement walls for cemetery lots.
Tbete walls can be f oroisbed at half the cost
of any other and are far superior.
Wanted at Once. Bartlett pears for
shipping, and dried fruits of all kinds.
Highest market price paid by
G. W. Simpson
Baker City owes 175,000. $60,000 of it
is a bonded indebtedness though. Next
year Albany will bo able to make such a
The boom In hops Is a big one. As high
a 40 cents hat been offered for them tn
some places.
The raoount of Salem begins this morn,
ing, that Is, the recount of the four pre
cincts, reaching Into the country several
miles, which w ill erroneously be given as
the population of the city, as It was In the
case of Albany and other places. As con
siderable has beau said on the subject, It
may be said that the Salem precincts cover
a.i area ot about 15x8 mtliis.whlle Albany's
only cover about 8x8 miles, practically less.
In cither case, or any other case, It Is not
right to give the city the credit of the
whole preili.ct.
At a bail ot Monterey, Cal., according to
the Examiner one was magnificent . In
whlto embroidered moire ; one waschartvi
Ing In rose pink silk and tulle ; one was
beautiful tit a costume ot frost while and
sapphire j 0.1c was piquant In jonquil silk
and lace ; one was ha'idsome In dead
while silk and pearls ; one was graceful In
shell pink silk and tulle ; one was pretty
In blush pink j one was lovely in hya
cinth silk and tulle j one was charmlly
attired In rote pink and silver one was
artistically gowned In while and olive
Having exhausted the vocabulary the
other were dressed or gowned In faint
blue faille and tulle, etc. The women who
were so magnificent, etc , were Krs Gen
eral Miles and mary celebrities, and there
were about a thousand jiucsts.
One man w ill often cause pnoimb, ex
citement for a whole regiment ot men.
1 ler is a case. The Valley Record save ;
"There waa great excitement at Marsh
Held, the Cms bay end of the Roaelmrg
raiirnutt one day lust week upon the ar
rival id Judgo G Holcoiiih, of South
Bend, Wash., w ho owns the tow unite, of
East Marshflcld, and w ho is supposed to
bent the wheel of the railroad which Is
to l built from Ktigene across to East
.Marsiiliehl. A few hours after Mr Ho -
comb's arrival Mr Elijah Smith, and Mr
nowe arrived. All Jiarshllel.l was over
thrown with excitement."
Some vounif ncotdo have irntten the
idea in their head that black Is Me thing
fr style. We give it nv; but here is an
item from the World's fashion depart
ment that rather sets down on the um
brageous color: "There never was a
time in the history of the dry -goods trade
when black was as unpopular as it has
ln-cn during the last year. Except for
mourning wear there is little demand for
the ugly color. This is as it should lw,
for il is a color trial never had a claim on
art, Ivauty or cheerfulness. Whoever
heard ot a famous painting with a dead
When ono is watching for something it
doesn't take much of anything to appear
like the object sought. That is way it is
about the extension of the Oregon Pacific.
The man who sent away and got a suit
of clothes for 124. found that he could buy
exactly the same suit in Albai.y for f 10.
The moral is so plain that we will not
even comment.
Ben Young, the ba.cbsll umpire, whom
the Oregonlan has been attacking so
strongly, wa killed in a railroad accident
yesterday. The Portland now have their
Miss Mattie Moore was a Umatilla
county girl. A K Quant and K W Tower
tain loved her ; but only in tho former
case w as there genuine Blaine reciprocity.
Tower though was persistent, and pro
posed to marry Miss Moore anyway. On
the !5tU of Aug. he got out a license tor
the purpose, and on the 2."th Quant also
got out one, making two licenses for one
case. Mine Moore and Quant were mar
ried on the 2;th. This is not all. Fri
day at noon, says the K. O..young Tower
again left for Alba, her home, arriving
there at dusk. He railed at the residence
of Ir Baker, where Mrs Quant is stop
ping, and was refused admittance, lie
called again, and was met by the doctor
with a shotgun, who warned bliu not to
enter the gate, at his peril. Finding that
his heart's choice bad married another
he drove lck to Pendleton in despair,
arriving there about 2 o'clock in tho
morning, w ith a badly demoralized team.
It is said that Tower claims the young
lady had agreed to marry him and that
he possessed a written contract to that
Clatsop can evidently lay good claim
to the honor of being the latnner county
in regard to paying up taxes. The assess
ment roll called for over f7,000. The
return ot the sheriff, after deducting the
amouitt of errors, deficiency in sales, etc,
leaves a delinquent list that figures up
only 1200.
I ho Brother Johnathan, lost twenty
five years ago, with a vast treasure on
board, has been found, it is claimed, in
loo fathoms of water. That's to deep
for even McGiuty to reach.
A Salem paper
imblishcs a good pic
i C Stratton, of the
turn ot Chancellor
Mllainctte university. Mr Stratton
w ill bo remembered as the professor at
Mills, alsuit whom there was a kissing
sensation. Ir Stratton, has a fine repu
tation as an educator, and is really a
man of ability.
At the Salem cannery they pay the fol
low ing prices : Bradshaw and Columbia
plums at $1 icr hundred pounds. The
larger size Green Gage at 7ft cents loll
per hundred. Prunes ft 2ft. Apples 50
cents per hundred. Any kind of apples
will do so long as they are large enough
10 peci. liarm-it pears, f 1 per hundred.
Mr A U (Jordan has hit at this
I...L4 . I . .
" oi s one istuna ever
Sitnlird the palate of n editor. TboV were
rauea oa hu piece, sad laeky is tits man
with a dih ot them before him.
Mr Ed Ibiheris and 'f tu.ilv. o L. Unon.
weie in the citv ventcrdav fur tho Hut Limn
for about a jesr.
ColMCNye aodfsmilv. of
are in the ciy the guesta of J W Caick.
ARCHIBALD. On Sunday. Amrunt
3tt, 1890. in Albany, to the wife of Mr.
O. A. Archlbald-agh l.
COPELAND-WIL03.At the resi
dence of the brides parents, 8 miles east
of thlt city, at 9 a m to-day. by Rev Ja
r Stewart, 01 this city, Mr I II Copeland,
of Columbia county. Orearon. and Miss
Anna J Wilds.
The happy couole left bv the noon
train, via the Canadian Pacific for the east.
Alter visiting New York city, Niagara 1
and other points of interest, they will go
to Lexington, Ky, where they will attend
school. Mr Copeland has already attend
ed Kentucky university for the past three
years. Best wishes of a host of friends
follow them.
nesday afternoon, Sept. 3rd, 1890, at the
home of the bride's paren,s, in Orleans
precinct, by Eev L J Trumbull, Mr G E
Hughes and Miss Nellie A Caldwell
both of Linn county.
1890, nt the M E Parsonage, by liev 8 E
f I Meminger, Mr II J Hadley and. Miss Liz-
zie Falkner both of Mill City.
BRYAN On Aug 21st, near Tangent,
of diphtheria, Mary Maud Bryan, aged 4
years and nine months; Ainu nn Mni ur
Eva May Bryan, aged fifteen months, of
mempraneous croup. They-vere the
only children of A F and Nellie J Bryan
Diphtheria came in their household ; the
first born was taken, and the fond parents
had hoped the little one would recover;
but the disease assumed a new form and
now their home is left desolate. Two
beautiful buds of hope and promise trans
ferred to bloom in the bnehtnest of
glorious immortality.
Of such is the
einguom 01 neaven.
Salem's, 21 J MoMianvllie, 8, ws the
reourd at Hslotn Saturday.
Capt E J Laminsf sod family are home
from at'tj-.W tha Sodat.
C 0 riurkhsit aod family returned from a
trip to Yaquiua Ua this boon,
Frsnk Wheeler and family tiavo moved
fruni Ciuok county to Albany to tesids.
J W lkutly has moved his boot am! shoe
shop into the Coiek bluuk. netr Ilia Dto-
CHAT till';.
Dr Barker It home from a several months
trip t tlie mountains, covered with silver
dust, blown from bit minis.
W J PU'c'.e, ot Kaunas, bas arrived Id the
city with tba Intention of locating. Mr
Hteole ia a btothur of S N Steele, the real
estate man.
Guo AnderMm, this nnm, received a 300
pound sluigwiiu and several flu salninii
from Yaquiua Bay. A. we) 1 call on bim for
Dr Wallses and fsnd'y arrived home from
tluir extctuhd rasters (tip S turdsy even
ing, and the doctor wilt now be ready fo.
bukinsas again.
A mooting uflhuY't wilt b held to-iuo'tow
eveuina with the president of tba society
Mra W H Thompson. All members are
earnestly rsested to be preaent.
The Willamette Valley arrived at tl.e Hay
)eierday, and a special train brought the
passengers and ptrUliaLls freight to the city
Itev M 0 Blink left this noon for Newport
wlir ha will begin his vxpnrieiios ss a
minister of (he gospel, Fortified by 1
splendid chaisnttr and a neUrmlaed spirit,
ha i boui.d to tucceei t tn hi bew Held.
Oblinit & Wallsce. enip0'd of Rdph K
Olillng and Fisi.k Wadaoa took poeioo of
the arooiry store of Aug tenii, uppotile
the llevrra house to day. They are reliable
rustling young men a bo deserve a good batt
ue. The IMmonioo rcsUursn gave it open
ing dinner yesurday noon, in the Lew (pur
ler la Ilia Hlrshan building. It was gotten
up to Hue ttvls, for whiub Mr tio.U reataor
aitt haa become popular, and a large number
were present to er)y it.
Ilott G ) Ibirif'ss. one of the Circuit
Juitgn of'h MisMiuri.and Utly a prom
inent eaiiihilats for Judge of the airtm
Court of that eUte, arrived in th city Stor
Uy Buil U st-iuni'.tf with J a I its ntrshai. aa
old acquaintance. Jah( liurges ia -y
tavoiabl iintireMel Willi Alliauy ami tbe
Willamette VJIry.
Hay is 30 per too 00 tba Sound.
Jowlih WaU, of Amity, a pioneer of IS43,
la dead.
There will be a aocial dance at tba armory
.Saturday evening.
Iloo TJ Black, t f llaUy, waa in thecity
this foreuooa.
Miea !. Praihr sad EvaCuwso at on
their way home from iheiraUra trip.
Mi Marei U Brink tainrned thl morn
lag I turn a twomontht trip to California.
Judue DUN Blackburn is gradailly Im
proving, the Dk-kat is glad to rpori.
An eicbatii ay wheat and silver have
joined hands aid art going ujt together,
Mr Taylor, county clerk nf Doug laa coun
ty, a former resident tt A b,ny,iitt the
Wm M llogii snd party arrived in Almfy
thi morning, and Immediately left for l'oil
Mr Frank Wallace has sold his Third
Wsrd grocery stor ta Mr Worl.y, who will
now run it,
O W Andr..n left this nton for the Bay
to catch some tUh fur himwlf Ltok oat f.r
a big aapfly.
Button county ia working for a rsoout.t,
with a prospect of g.tila one 1 but it prj
bably is too late.
Mia Klla Crawford and dauifhtor mtoroed
to Spokane Fall to day after visit of sums
time in Lnn coutty.
Mrs Carl LuJerman pastel through Al
bany t-y-Jy for her borne in Baker City.after
a visit at CutvabU.
C L Broth, i f Portland, stopped off this
morning until the noon train, 00 his way
bom from a trip to Southern California.
Tba rticnce of J f Whiting, aero tba
river w aa entirely eonaumtd by lira j eater
day afternoon, daring lbs absence of Mr
and .Mra WLtliof ,
W A Cox baa returned from his trip U San
Franctaeo with his little girl, who will be un
der treatment, Paoilio Snrgital Co,for spinal
oowplaint.ihe eoming year.
0.5e nf tba new bieyi la ridrr in Albany ia
Dr J I. Hilt, who new pooaeesa a Columbia
safety. When y u ea a etrrak like a rail
f nee going by you may know that ia Duo
Thi farrnoon Mr Bingham arrived home
from Catesville with a chnuk of eoal takrn
fiom tbe now mine 00 Dno Smith 'a farm. It
is one t.ftbe finest apeeimena et produerd
from Linn county, Ubaid aod look much
like aithracite. It indicates a big vein.
MrOeoOGtvo, a wall known farmer,
horseman and fruit grower, of Marion eonnty ,
dropped dead very suddroty Haaday after
noon. Mr (ilea wid be remembered sa the
man who broke a limb at this ei'y laatyetr
wnue BTintmg ins stallion ahow.
J U Nail and family and Aug Ling and
family left tbta noon for Portland, which
they will make their future homa. Mr Nril
will be connected with tha Oregon Panltio
Inl Co, and Mr Lvtge will go into hi far
mer butinr. furniture sod undertaking
The name of tha Sunoyiiite saloon, now
that it U on the shady side of tha atreet, haa
been changed to The Klit-, which name ia
being paiuted ou tba wlndowa by ao espi rt
artitt. Moat people going alona' apeak of it
aa tba K-LiKot. Tba correet pronunciation
iaa leet, with long sound of a.
People who aometlmea kick at wh.t tbe
newapapera write about them, ahould rather
be thankful at what they don't wnto about
them. Any nawaper that wiahed to ha
pernnal could fill it nolumn with aeitaa
tioral trash, freely furnished, in most any
oommunity.and woll on ought to be tbsnk
ful because you are left alone.
Joeeph WebW left thl noon for Portland,
whore he a ill loin about fifty vtteran firemen
and leave at 10 o'clock to-night on theOre
ton for San Frauciaco, to attend the meeting
01 veirran nremcn Mr the Uoat. Aa a vet
eran Joe will rank with tha heat nn tha Cos
Tha tireiert Chief nf Han FrancUon wa hi
asaifttant in the early (if tier, and tba Chief of
Police is an eld frit-ml of hi.
Yesterday. The Oregon Pacific Land
company, with J R Nell, R F Aahby and
August Lange.of Albanv, an Incorporation,
nieo articles with the secretary of state.
principal office to be in Portland, and cap
nai stocK 1 9100,000, divided Into 1000
shares. Objct Is to do a general real es
tate business, loan money, etc,
Resigned. At a meeting of the dl
rectors of the Faimer and Merchant In
surance Co., of Albany, held last evening.
J K Eldcrktn resigned aa Secretary. Hon
J K. Weatherford will act temporarily In
that capacity for a short time. An exner
lenccd Insurance man will be aecured to
manage the company, at toon at arranee
mentt cin be made forone. The comnanv
hat been doing a paying buslnts since the
Washington fire, and is an assured aucceaa
aa an Albany Institution,
Salem' aod Oarvais are coarrellins about
which pays tba most for wheat.
F J Miller and family ara in tha oitv after
a sojourn of some time at Grants Faaa.
Mr W W Bailfly, formerly of Albanv. but
0 iw of Texas, ia in tbe city .after three yeaia
Mra E F Sox and family aod Mra Dr
Miller returned this noon from a several
weeka trip to tha Bay.
Tbe ladies society of tha Presbyterian
church will meet to-morrow afternoon with
Mra L Yiereuk and not with V r J 8 Tomer,
on account cf the latter lad t 'a illuest.
Wm White, engineer 00 the 8 P between
Roaeburg and Junction, will move to Port
land about tbe first of tba Liotth to take tha
run from Albany to that city.
A 200 pound panther waa killed by tha
Whit.ney boy a last Sundsy. It was on their
?laca six milea north of hers. It measured
feet from tip to tip. French Prairie Gs-
J M Moyer, President of the Albany
Woolen Mills Co., is in tha city, Mr Moyer
spends considerable cf bis time with his
Portland retail store,.
Gordon Cooper, who waa arroated at
Walla Walla for tbe murder of a man named
Davis, and acquitted at hie trial, waa aeen in
Pendleton to-day. He ia now stopping
near Weston, where ha goeaby tha sobriquet
of "Jaybird," having told a yarn about living
in tbe mountaina for three month with noth
ing but Jaybirda for food. Pendleton E. 0.
Wa ara promised aa open air concert tot
a week with a patent medioine attachment.
Tha eveuinga are Bus and tha attendance at
tha entertainment wilt likely ba larg' .
Timet. That must ba Dr llowland.
Geo Waggoner yesterdsy sold hit ana Malt
interest in tha Auburn and Top mines, two
milea fiom Auburn, to Mr Hamilton, a capi
talist recently arrivrd !,r(',ml tliuruh-or
has Kiet'd with the othsr owners to expnnd
$1000 in development worii. I'.itkt r City
Dr 3 It Ttmplotmi aisd fun'ly, nf Port
land, arrived In tho uity yenterday on their
way home from Sso Francisco, ln re Mrs
Temploion and family had imun turn 'ing
several months. Tiny ai 0 tho guests of Mr
E LThomp-HUi.
J A Ctinniil.iy. J IM.'uIm anil Kl Cnsilid
Started up tha lW. Hist uis on the "Stli of
August. Nothing has brrn h(hrd of them
tinea. They are prolishly on their way
home now ;i.nd aia espet ttd the lust of tha
JUv Dr Csmpl.ell,whn ha been preaching
In Astoria for a year, who delivered the an
nual address at tha last commeiinjineiit of
tha Albany College, ha resigned his pastor
ate at Astoria, and will go to California to
reside, eeeking health.
Mr Dan l,oor,, of Katuat City, Mo, lias
Just arrived iu the city and ptopotes to antvr
upon tha buaima i f aihool teaching in this
county. Ha bring with bim litters of
reoommebilation from tho for whom ha lias
heretofore taught, aa well a O'.tu.iy mi pur
lotendeiita and othclt. Iloij Wtll pleastd
with Oregon.
Wa hasten to Utntm the puhlio that the
report circulated that Wm M lltsg hsd
gona to Portland, wsta 11, intake. Mr Hoag
waa In Corvalll ysalerday, The report that
bafa buying rail for thetoudaud that work
will be pushed eastward before tha rainy
season begina.
A lii'NAWAY, A farm Uam hitchtd le
lilnd the Foster Block this afternoon ran
away, going about a block, U-Ing fright
ened at a worn! saw. Tho wngon was
dropped In seven plitci s, tho first jmrt
first; but practically no damage was done
more than a Unt holt.
Ur. Walker's Life laaoranrr.
lul-lort DriHotrut ;
Mr. Walker, of the firm of (SlavtrA
Walker, made application t tho North
Western Ins. Company tor a $2.7,(100 jutl
icyon the 15th of July, 1MK, paying at
the time the 1st annual premium, CH.2:,
Ho was shot on the l-'th of August. The
Portland agency writes os follows: 'We
have to-tlay (Hopt. 2d had tho pleasure
of handing Mrs. W. 11. Walker a draft
for $.(XH). Mr. Walker never saw bis
!o!icy ' K. H. Bahkows.
Jsml Keeelvail fr Ike tall and Winter.
To tell the truth, the slock of suitings
in the tailoring department of L K
Blatu, Is a large one, and entirely new.
It lias just lat-n received for the fall and
winter trade, the remanents of liht
weights having been placed nUv. The
new etock embraces a variety of designs
in imjtorted ami domestic goods thai is a
credit to the city. The prewnt styles
are very attractive, and a big field Is of
fcrred for a man to drw well, which is
what the progressive ciliwn does. Mr
K A Schifller, who is superintendent of
this department, Is an expert at the
business, and a suit ittado under him is
assurred a perfect fit, which is always
guaranteed. The progress Iwing made
in tailoring is we-ll tsemidiiied in the
iiiaiuu r in w hich Mr Hcbitllcr conducts
this department, and a larger stock and
bigger variety of gtoxb is being carried
for customers to select from thou ever
t'arrtnl Meat.
Everybody remarks at the splendid die
play of fruit and vegct.b' at
Powell & Co', where thrv get what they
want In the first place.
The best and large! supply of peachet
will be found at PowVll & Co'.
Leave your order there when you get
ready to "put up" peaches.
A large aupply of shelf good, the best
In town, at Powell & Co.
All kind of nlcknack at Powell &
Warm weather oods, picnic groccr'.c.
stay at home groceries, every variety of
grocerlea In the market at Powell & Co'.
I site rail a4 Winter Waalras, tstl
We have juttrcccivcd a large invoice
of fine woolen, Including r.ovcltlc of the
lateat Foreign and Licrn designs, and
await your early Inspection II Uofcourte
understood, we roaitlvely guarantee per.
fect fit and firt-claa workmanthlp.
Zaciies & on,
Merchant Tailors and Draper,
Opposite Post Office.
Oasaox Wiirra Cam. II W Kctmcy,
who keeps a popular wayside inn on
Birch creek, near the High bridge, re
ceived a notice to leave the other day,
which he ahowed to a reporter. It Is
rudely "printed" with a lead pencil in
rapital letters, and is almost aninulli-
glide. It warns Kenitey that he must
soon seek tall timber or he w ill be tarred
and feathered tome fine night, and is
signed with tho word "comu'ittec." At
the bottom is a crude representation of a
coffin. Mr Kenney has sccureda regular
arsenal, and will lie prepared to give his
visitors a very warm and euthustic recep
tion. l'enuieton i. u.
Take t are t Ttseve Is Cancrr 1 1
In sllowing iosctlvity of the kidneys t'.o
grw through nvgh-ct. The deaiilv skoala
of Brighl'a diseaaa and diatwtr will wreck
thegocdlv Itarii of health if it H all wed to
drift rudderless niton tluni. Tha bladder.
too, 11 inaeilve. and jmlicioc incdiontion 1
doea not apeedily direct the holm Uward
tho tort of aafvty, will ba whelmed by the
quicksand ot duca-e. In seholiatr a diure
tic, let your choice fail nj on Jlo-tetter s
stomach Bitters, which stunulstes the icnal
organs without irritating and exciting them,
two effect o bt apptehemded from the on -
meuioatai stimuli largely reorted in. 1 liese
have a tondency to react prejudicially. 1 he
liitter ii vigorate the kidnrya and bladder,
in com moo with the nervna and tha diges
tive organa. and aoelford lasting aid. It al
anafTiird,dual ssaUtanca in. preventing anil
curing intermittent and remittent fever.
Bt'iuusness, ennstipatiou and rhnumatiani it
also tubjugataa.
When Yea ate all Kan Dow
Have no appetite, feel tired all tha time,
aleap duet not refreth yoa, feel weak and
littlest, hevedytpeptia, have cold handaand
feet, ara eonitipaled, and, in fact your tyt
ttm it all out of order, take Dr Hillnr'a lly
drastiua Restorative. It gives refreshing
sleep, renewedatrength, good digeation, per
fect nutrition and rrHKEcr ukaltu. For
aalo at Foshay & Macon'.
Tlie Falplt and the Hinge,
Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., tart: '!
feel It my duty to tell w hat wonders Dr
King's New Discovery has done for me.
My lungs were badly diseased, and my
pariehionert thought I could live only a
few weeka. I look five bottlea of Dr
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 20 lbs tn weight,"
A Qalck Uellef aod t'ure.
Dr Hidden : I am happy to know that
yojr Ethereal Cough Syrup is having such a
large sale. I consider itau invaluable rem
edy to havo in tha house, especially where
there ara children. I have never yet ad
ministered it to my children when sufforiog
with cougha without a quick relief aod onrc,
' VM PEYTON, Stockton.
Large aizt $1, tmall 60 centa. For tale by
J A Cummlng, diugght.
Dried altWaaleil,
20,000 pounds of dried apples j 15,000
pounds of dried plume. Highest market
price. Mueller & Oarkett.
Corsets, Corsets. , ; '
VVe make a specialty of ladies and misses
sine eorsets and waists. We also have a
drive In a French satlne corset at 75 cents
Extra good value.
Samukl E You no.
The Democrat never doea any dunning
through ita columns ; but It always reads
with interest ins duns ot us cor, tempo
rles. This is the profane way in which
the editor of the Prineville News gees at
it: "Why In sheol don't you pay yur
subscription account. You will get mad
at hades when we aue you for it. Better
pay up and save a disturbance of your
grave tranquility." ,
Dick Bradley and Ktlas Powell are In
favor of a recount now, as there are one
inoio in each of their families to be
Itev L Y Bailey had some kind of a fit
in the Post Ofllce one day last week.
MrsHOMackt-y is now in tho last
stage of consumption. Hhe has Ix'tn sick
for the last four years.
Mr J M Jaeger made a flying trip to
FtiU iii on lust Huturday. He is expected
home to-night.
The tncr-tliig at the Baptist Church is
still in progri;s,nnd oiilastHundHV there
were six baptized, consisting ofMrKtts
st'l, son-in-law of Key 1 Hoy .Chas (loble.
Ema il Thompson, Mrs F M Jack ami
M iHiit s Alma lyi ltoy and Minnie Hale.
Itev J Bowcrsox, of Kaletn, was here on
Inst Sunday. He preached in the morn
ing and evening, and we hear that they
have pi a church organization
here mid w ill have preaching here in the
future, once a month at least. This
makes the seventh church in this place.
C Derrick has bought the property
formerly ladonging to E W Orcbatigh.
We h nrii that MrOrclmitgli intends going
to Oeorgia to live in the future. What is
our loss will be Georgia's gain.
The M K Church South contemplate
bit! tiling a houso of worship in this place,
o wo are informed.
We hear that Ellas Marslers came
omo to-day from work on the trail to
he mines, but have not seen him yet, so
miotgivo news.
OAK VI 1.1.1:.
Mr W B Hamilton had the misfortune
to 1st thrown from a fractious borne,
spraining his wrist. Fortunately Dr
Hamilton wus near at hand and rendered
medical aid.
Oakvtlle Is in need of a U-legraph, tel
ephone or daily paper. Three of our
leading 111(11 have la-en gone a week and
some of our citizens have not m'sscd
them yet.
Improvements are still being made in
West (mkville. Mr Fagy has built a
new straw shed ; he hasn't painted it yet
but will next spring. Mr Junkin has a
frame ready to raise, but has concluded
not to raise it till after mcton season.
Mr Arcbli Morrison made a hurried
visit to bis lmreiit and old acquaint
ances. He arrived on Tuesday evening
and left on Friday morning, lie goes to
Salem to attend tho University.
Mr(ino l Barton arrived last week
from Washington, where he has lieen
selling fruit trees. He advises the plant
ing of prunes and early peaches, lie also
rt-iroiiiini mis the cultivation of small
fruit such aa slralnTri-s, blackberries
and dewlx rries, ami recommends the
I.ucrctla dewla rry, it leing tho most
productive and is the !esl adapted to
this climate. Mr IS thinks there w ill le
a large immigration to the Willamette
valley on account of the fine fruit lands
and healthy climate j esKciwlly the for
mer. Mr J B Wh-tc. of Washington, is visit
ing his parents here.
Mr W L St John will-soon leave for
Miss Acheson, from the cast, is visit
ing hvr uncle, Itev A 51 Acheson.
Mr E U McDaniel will commence
teaching soon. He has engaged a school
near Harrisburg.
TheOakville school commenced to-day.
Miss Amanda McBride, teacher. Miss
McBridn taught the spring terra and
gave entire satisfaction.
Little Itose Bi d.
trail Laad la Ike Wlllaaaelle faUey.
Tne Oaatio.4 I asb CowrAsr, or Paleu,
Oarnoa, is Orreuiro Kojta Choice
BaGA!K3 is Kut it Lav,
This b-nd t situateJ from 3J to 5 ndWs
from tho Stale Capitol, with it excellent
shipping f aciltiiea, cannery, do, and ia ea
pecislly adapted to fruit rataiug.
Five acre tract from $J3 to $75 p-r acre
alt cultivated and ready to aet to fruit.
Ten acre tracts partially cultivated for
$ 50 per acre
Taenty seres light timber with good
spring btanch, $.13 per acre.
Twei ty-tive acres, fifteen aerea in culti
vation, aping branch running on tbe place,
foe $33 per acre.
Forty acreecf choice Uo. I all enitivated,
small hnusv, soma young fru t already act
out. $73 per acre.
Forty acra of land all ca!tl rated, in
whevt thi year, for$G3.
Forty threa acrt-t, tweoty-ti ve ten cul
tivated, fine apriag branoh, place all fenced
to, fur 40 per acre.
Frmt raiaers profit from $I00-to$lS0 per
area af Irr tbe trtn- are 4 ycaia old .
An induairicut o an can mal e a good Hy
ing for bit family while bit iwch vd is com
tugiato 1-eiring, by raising VrgctabltS aod
varioua crop fjr" tha cannery, Let ua
km w what amount yon hereto invest and
we wiit O'lvi-v aa to location.
Send tor mapK.pamphleta and;irioe Itsta to
Salem, Oregon,
Store is vacant,
Sign "To Let!"
Former tenant
1 lad to get.
He in sorrow
Sits and sighs
'Cause he didn't
New York Journal.
A vctce M;o stnv ht.
A l.uOy Relates tw Aato alahins
To wt;om tt nay ronoera: I bsvc tried tluort
tTory 1 oiacivablo H-.-.ndy for Ullomaoss Uu
In? the r-BJl five years as I an of a bi:ij.i tent
peramtnt and sufi'tr much froi.i :o:r.ui-U aai
!lv, r tr .uijl.i. I m lunUlnj; ever frova mc t'.ie
r.lit l that I obtained trom usiiis Joy' Vc;-tab'.e
ear.-uatlila. Iu (sell thlux It a cuw for tliore
ailrueuis. At the thno I was ualiiiJ it 1 bad a
lUtla g'.rl living la my family vho ,e nrrk wo
seriously tSoi-ttsl by a lurjo oten roro.aaJ v,e
tiled a great many kinds of lo:Uu.i, aa'.vcs und
blood jitsrlac- to no avail. I iravo Iter somo oi
my r.iedlclue (Joy's Vesotahle Bitnaiarilta)
tlilaklng it miftht benefit her and as it
purely vegetable, knew it coald do her no harm.
To my astonUlnaeut she bcpm to Improve, and
within two week it wa cutirtl healed and tbe
1 now ca wull as over.
Votf:t., San Francisco
Tt wwiinn wtiv woman la afraid of
mouaa is a profound mystery Indeed, It baa
tever been very clearly proven that aha ia.
lut soma women are constantly in such a
nervous, irritable condition that the slightest
thing annoys and etartlea them. The cause of
this unfortunate state of affaire ia usually
soma functional derangement) some distress-
Ins; or painful Irregularity, aoms deranae
ment or peculiar weakness incident to her
aez ; or, it may be due to inflammation, ul
ceration or displacement, of aome of the
pelvic viscera, or to other orsranio lesions
-peculiar to. her aei. From whichever cause
It may arise, Br. Pioroe'a Favorite Prescrip
tion is a positive remedy, ao certain in ita
curative results that ita manufacturers sell
it, throucrh drup-aista, under a ouorantet of
its givta? satisfaction In every case, or
money paid for it will be promptly re
funded. -As a soothing- and strengthening
nervine, "Favorite Preaoription " ia uns
qualed and ia invaluable in eJlayins; end sub
duing nervoua excitability, irritability, ex
haustion, prostration, hysteria, epasma and
other distressing-, nervoua symptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and organlo
riiAaa nf thtt wnmh. Tt induces rerresuina'
1mo and relieves mental anxiety and do-
Copyrljlit, 18S3, by TTOIULIi't DlS. Mao. AIS'K.
I.aiatiT, or Cathartic, aooordi!
Grsnulcs. ar
rdinsr to ia OX
"A HaVs t fanner lo Harry,"
Half pt.r cent trom 50 to 56 year of
Two per cent from 45 to 50 ycas of
ge. .
Five and a half per cent from 40 to 45
years of
Sis and a half per cent from 35 to 40
years of age, .
Ten and a half per cent from 30 to 35
Twetity.flve per cent from 25 to 30
year of age,
Forty-even per cent from ao to 35 of sge.
Three percent from 15 to io year of
Oite bundled per cent If yon buy your
clothing of O W filmpsun, Albany, Or
egon. Tbe r,ri External fcrmidy.
8 J Tidw II, ifahev's Motion trunty, A ta
bs in a, write;
"A i.Lco'K'a Potiors Piotus are a mi at
invalmtbla honwhcld remedy. They do all
that i eUiined for tlm. I 11 !1 leor.y i.uo
died tvery year, and every Ay I hear of
tlnlr curing coiiuhst nd edds, uitfutrn of th
t.ine, liver and (;u cakt; in ft.ct theie ia
no disease lit can I e resebtd by au eater
nal application that they dor.ot cura."
V.cwnin of imitations, and do 1 ot ba de
ceived by mivreprenetita'ton. Ak li.r Al.t
cock's, end let 1.0 knlii italion or ejtilrin -tiou
induce yen to accept a ml,t itoio.
Alu'cm-k's Coii!i and Kvvws rinrum
effect rjuick and certain relief.
A u"e earn forth wbbky habif: lr.
Liviit(iitoii'a Ar tidote for )rnnlerr.(ra will
cure any case of V e lf.j'i'.r lul it in in m ten
to thirty days, from the moib rate driuker to
tbo drnnkaid. The Ai.tidi-lsc.tu lis eiyrn
in a cup of o fh e withi nt tha knowledge ot
tho fjifuji talur? i. The Antidote will not
injure th' ht-altn in any way. Maeefaeturtd
l.y the f.ivinirtn ('hrniieitl Co., P..rl!r.d,
Oiegon, r from J A Cu (tuning, 'a ag-nt,
Whe n wanMng the bft Jroctriea I-j tha
marl -1 at roat-U prij'-a!l ct f oaell &
Highest of all ia Leavening Powerl
II V1. fT.-
Hri H Ih a
Choice Candy, KalSj Fruit, ctc.
Manufactured by
Julius -:- Joseph,
iMpirted and key west giuars
Plug aod areola.! tobacco', M.e.-ecbauoi anJ briar pipos an
vwjk ea articles peceraljy .
Grocers and Bakers,
Will keep a first class slock of Groceries, Produce, and Eated Goods. All
a stock of Hats. Bottom prices.
ographers of both sexe. attribute their success to a course atthe Portland Busi
ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oregon. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of
studv, same rates of tuition. Jiuainess.Shorthand.TrpewiTitin, Penmanship and Eng
arau iAwuifcllta. st ailu w uutvt am jvuib
inactive: liver.
My entire stock of General
Merchandise, consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing,"' Hats,
Boots, Shoes, and Groceries,
are row offered for sale at
first cost, as . I contemplate
engaging in another line of
and if you want bargains ctll
at once, as tho goods must
and will be sold.
P. CO.
("1 IR WiNTED.-Good w agfs will bo
TT paid to a competent girl to o houae
,.rk In a small family. Kaquire at tbia
oOlce. '
LOfit. Sept 2nd, an open faced Klgin
watch, 110 cham or giiiird 011 it, the
liader will lave sim) at l'a o.lita, and
oblige J. II, Htm Ea.
ttnetuASts cotin.1.
EJiUd ty Alhai y W, C. T, V
The liquor dealers' convention of the
twenty-lirst district, Illinois, in appoint
ing delegates to the sta'e convention to
meet next month, instructed them to
agitate the question of an insurance aux
iliary to thet Wlv lcanse lfith the
gutualand the 01 lino insurance corn
panics bad refuted to take risks on
Httloon keepers, on the ground that the
death rate was higher among them than
in any other mercantile pursuit.
In Northern Wisconsin there is a W C
TU composed of Americans, jenn?.ti8
and Norwegians. One week the devo
tional exercsces w ill be conducted in one
language, and tbe next week in another.
Sometimes the Bible will lie read in En
glish, the prayer made iu Norwegian ami
the gongs sung in Uerman, but the en
tire audience is always attentive and a
remarkably friendly feeling prevails
among the different nationalities.
Tlie N Y State W C T U is raising
money for the erection of a distinctively
temperance btiildir.g upon the fair
grounds of the N Y fitate agricultural so
ciety, Tho fodety has oflered land rent
free and other privileges. An exhibition
ball, reading room.litcrature etand,officca
ahd large dining ball will be features of
the building.
Tlie new anti-tolaeco law of New York
goes into effect September lt, 18TO. It
declares that a person who pells, pays for
or furnishes any rigor, cigarette or to
Iircco in any of its forms to any child
actually or apparently under sixteen
years is guilty of a misdemeanor; aW
that no child actually or apparently un
der sixteen years ef age shall smoke.or in
any war 11 he any cigar, cigarette or to
bacco, in any form whatever in anjr pub
lie street, place or resort. A violation of
this sub-division (of Sec. 201, Venal Code)
shall le a misdemeanor, and shall lo
Cunished by a fine not exceeding ten dol
irsnor less than two dollars, for each
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1&S5,
n mi
is titc kind that pays. Scores oi
young business men, and hun
dreds cf book-keepers and sten
wuuuuug uiu diwiuuis vt yn Miiuim;
... . & WILSON,
Real Estate I Loan Broteis
: Insurance z Specially. :
Tle Columbia Fir Marine Inn Co.,
of rortlanet, Oregon.
Frank Dekum, - - I'tesultnt.
P. Oulcalt, - - Secretary.
This is one of the strongest
home companies.
New York CJ R, Store.
McFarlasd Block,
SEOXC 33.3Ct.CI-3.XTa";S.
Here are a few of the many hard bittern.
Adamana'io pins lo a bunch; bairpioa
la bunch; dress buttons 4, 6, 6. 7, 8 and
On pr doian; sil twkt 2o a apooi, need
le 2o per tninoh; aoi corasta 36o. laiiea
fine nos from Ho up; Utiles knit veHa 1'J
and loo, cents Una hosa 5o up; 12 dozen
apata hiut iu far 4o; b'tr line of ribbons
all silk; laoaa, enibroldery at less than
actual cost.
Farm for Bate for )t30,
MI 1.153 from Toledo, on YBqaln
By, and one-t mrth of a miie liotu
rai'ro.Ml. It consists of 40 acres. tif.
land, balance, bottom and bill land. 1
Good frauin bouse, Hi finished, (worl
barn and other improvementa. IW
further partiflulfcrs call on or ar rireea.
Yaquina City, Or.
ing and fiospieting, write to J. B.
liuglicp, Albany. Or-
Albany HarKet.
Wheat 7j
Butter-20e pr 10.
Kk'fsa 20i
Hay B.00.
Potatoea 75 ota per bushel
Beef on foot, Vic
A ples 75 cunts per bu,
Pork 60 por lb diwaod.
Paron hau:s,125c, ,
shod jers, Ho.
aideo. lOo.
at d 9c per b.
?ionr-4.25 pr bbl.
Uickena 4.1 0 por do.
Id Food bi au, 14,00 per tou
al crt?, lt.
in vi. !.:!' .-, 20.
ci rs,
m w 1