THE DEMOCRAT I THE DEMOCRAT, Now York World and American Fanner Ono year for $2.$Q. Advertising rsetlluo) In the Central, WHlarcettf Vfilky. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1800. SO 5 ws It jfu DR. Special t Ifib HOME TREATMENT tVh A Specific Remedy f Li... .Vs. PR HillEfrS nYWUSTtME rESTOrmiVr. n,,t,iti. man, tlx, lluuL 1.UIU 1,v)i.js kj..,i.4uv,i4 aui i t.uiu tkl Kli.i.lj, A orfivt t nii'Om) strength bulLU'r. tin. HtUFR 3 ANTl-ClllOUS STOMACH JiT l IVf CURE. fum Dlllou iMi ou.1 all bi'i I'ruuUnt. Cu. ouJ l.xt, U.rii 1 mtu, jn.l .! 'f)tiui.t eutnliUono. !Aultn'S tT.AR ljr'r' t'"rOTI A"-o CsUnh, Chreidj Cotarrr, tnJ Citanhtf I'o-IiM.t. buviM tu cure U uc-4 cv when v!irw.Uw aro t. IK'WcJ, ir tix-my rufumhJ. m. HUtFTS CHICH HIRE. furrCoUs,, IMoucLrsn,! IV.iiw k.u. sn.l rtiNM v Vu.uiui-t.uu. Coctalits noC UtM. Curt Crotilii M lulnutM. Tr) li. Oft. HIUER-S DIPHTHrPtl ANT) SfHE THHOAT HTE tvirrwis n.l run l il MiJ Kilivij cu ' ovco tu liviu J to I...u., l ctoa uln j lu iU), . D HIt-Lf R'S TEVCR CU"j:'r. luUi.neiMtvhlo iii a.'! sent i;enr itloihl. J wlih tor. trot, nit Hi cunto tu!c I SvOUtlns, siU;t MutUer .hou'.J Uor Ui uilii.L l.r. .V.-xcr Lili. sii.4 f lr.ij c.rvuLr k Hi'lt-r I'tu; C.v, Kaj Kri.K-UM, CU SR. HtllEn-S PHFlJMATfS AND KEUPAlfilC CHRP. Cu. iLWuatUm. tiioii t 'i Ooi.l, L-imliv w it, uuii.u iii ' U-l u tWl caiuo thcuu DR. HllCRS TFETHiNS rURE.AM tho ti, cwio,, ,t rtliao DR. HiLLER-S VHOOPiN.1 CO'JGH CL'HE. tu. wir. ct!i font- WHi the wfim tt IT. If .!Yt" ltv,'r, t'rw H.T.f,.r-.!lv, IT. Ili'.let'. Rhonmati tn.l Nwtaii'c i iik. .nj if H.;,T'fiih Cni. iih; .' vs r.iu!htar l up iuTU,t umt, mn i Ui obi...;;!) f.ju ..r iir ;ii.t, k.l! bu leca by tuil, on nanupt ul h,. 51. CO per Package. Six Packages ter $5.00. Mxl .ro tuiramwl lortinp I ivi rms! t p .).'. I r. Itti'i 01!'a;o b.mli 4 tllni tion. . Ih. lnUmlit,cW,iii; .u Alt Miu-Uiiiu tot itKiu.4tljKt, M.'UtrMuu'iikaliVQ H1LLER DRUG COMPANY. SAN FRANC1CCC, CAL, U. S. A. Fosliay Ms :2, Agcn Albany. Origan. KEEP -ox Advance Self-Feeder and ISaiifj-CuKer, Traction Engines; Automatic Stacko r. Also read what one of tho solid men of Linn county says about them: Mim.1 rs, Linn- Col ntv, Orkwjn,) " Scr.tcnitcr 2?, ibity. ( MR. Z. T. WRIGHT. Portland, Oregon, Dear .Sir: In refccncc to vour inquiry a to fcow I liked my Advance Th'thcr. purchased of von this venr, ill av the Advance d'e more and better work than any ether machine I tv"r .aw, and I have teen a!l that are rep. reaented in Oregon. It thrchei faster, clean the Rrain hitter, rtn IkOitcr end ave the grain belter from the straw, than any o'htr machine, ar J ecm to he- titiiiK and durahle. 1 am readjr at any time to go into a Irinl with ant other machine except the Advance and thresh for from $iooto $500. They are ti.e bet in the n arket without doubt. If you desire you can refer to rr.e at anv and a.'l time. Signed ' 1. I), MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Fond for Lis list of 193 names of parties who have purchased Advance Threshers in Oregon, "Washington and Idaho. fr v. Q'hkO I hV 'it FACTORY DIXON ILC EVEUY TAIR For Sale Ily NIOW STOItE. Mitchell & . lewis .Co., -DE ALEPvS IN Agricultural Implements nil i7v-'SkVJ'-r- -'"' 'iJTV "-k AND VEHICLES ALDAFIVa - - - ORSC0H OOME J!L.asri3 SEE TTS Ms HILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURC Remedy for Each Disease, J YOUR Tin; era m i tire Alio Their Etc Mggt WARRANTED, PfEW GOOD AF1Y EADAGHE "Vhi!3YcaYait" BUT CURES -HOTHING ZIZZ. KLEIN BROS. A UnioiiT Outlook. Albany mer chants ore bringing on larger stacks of good thnn ever for the full and winter trade, which promises to be .large. Al rendy the scanon's business ba been larger than ttKitnl. One man savs the but-lnest of liiseKtalilUhment has afready been $13. 000 niore than la-tt yar, and manv report a generally healthy lticrene This h wlmt builds 11 i a city. Add to this the ftct that building has been brisk, a larger number of good residences being erected thnn ever before, and we liavo an out look that Is full of encouragement. High prices for hops, a blj wheat crop, v.lth pretty i;ood pi ices, a lorjje fruit crop with a good market, rIvo a rosy hue to mattets that slmult' make most, faces broad, though occalonMlly we see a long face, long because the cannot see anv- hin( without hlsown Interests are the one's booming. Albany's progress Is a permanent one, and Its pronpects were never better than now. The Oiegon Pa cific will jo ahead In no Rreat length of time; but even were it to wait for a few years, this city Is at!, f..r Its lupctlor shipping tacitiliea are ahead of Its neigh bors auttictcnt to make It prominent. A Nor 1 if: a t'ioNRRR Gums,-Mrs. I)'. R. C. 1 U'l died this afternoon, at her home In this city, nt the ago 0(83 years. One of Linn county's pioneers, having coming here In Sv? from Tcnncsee, she was a woman of noiiletharacter.and leaves a rvcord to be proud of. I lei husband, l)r It C Hill, survives her H fecbh health. She leaves seveial sons, prominent and Intlucritiil men In the Northwest. I tots V Lair lilil is one of the leading lawycis of the 1'omt. and is well known as thr anno. lator of Oregon's present code ; I)r J L Mil! has for )crs been one of the valley's leading physicians, and J Fred Hill Is gain ing a refutation in the bustling city of Seattle. Mrs Hill was member of the lliiptUt Church for many year, longer than many people live, and" her I'fcwas hat of a rhrt.tlan woman In conduct as well as In profelon. Her death will be mourned by all who knew her, and the public generally will condole wll. the family over their greit Us At Nai.kv the ruling wheat this week i fcent, price paid for At Aibanv.the great railroad center, only ten milcs'iJown tlic creck.C? cent. U the hlglmt price paid. At CorvallU la.t Monday wheat brought (1 cents, Tucuby It jumped to fx; cnts then to 70 cents and remained at 6y'and 70 cents since, making a difference of four cents per buhel over the pi Ice paid at Salem and five cents more than at Albany. The eau.e Is no doubt principally due to the superior location of Corvallisas a shipping pjlnt and the low freight rates thus ob tained by our dealer CorvallU Uaxclte. The cause stated i not correct at all, as the Gazette knows, for Albany has the nine shipping rates as Corvaili. exactly The rcacn I. .imply a bitter flh' between the two mills and the p'icc paid Is not jntlfted bv the market, (J cents net wa paid in Albany at the time mentioned.'and the fact Is tnc" prevalll ig mar kcl price here U the same so there, except sometimes early in ths scsann, when a fight Is made anient; the mil! or for advertising the warchousio. Wi a Jail r.iHti. A I! l'jirt.jii ,i.t 110 more nor Un than a former jail bird, and the fact liuve come tu light through the investigation of several riuineiit clti ttni of rcnHfton, who had, purchoofd itn in good faith. Tliey (riM-eediil to S attle and ditteovenxl their error. The fact lUtrton wan formerly aiiicmU-r of the lirtti of Henderson A (iowan, but his convict rccorI happ'n-I t be sxponed and the tiruirrnlup waa diolv'l; 1 tar ton icISing hi one-third lntcri"t In the property of tho firm. The Mien made at The iHiUi-M not Pcixlh ton by him were Ixtrua, but n Htiulerson A CJowati have a iitnttattoit to ini'.intain they have coiichidtti to make the lofWH pxxl of In nocent pnrchasera winilled by Carton. Thix lmo been done ct The Italic itmi will be clone at Pendleton. K, O. The Allnny iimn w ho Ixttght a lot might well write to that firm aloo. Moskv 1 Tiiew. This year the hop crop will bring a large amornt of money to the valley. Linn county alone will re ceive a big benefit from it, though-our crop is much smaller than that ot Lane county, about which the Regitstcr says: "The bop nop of Lane county amounts to about 5x bales annually. As the crop this year is reported short," aooo bales cr 000,000 pounds, is probably it icason able estimate cf the crop ol iSoo. An advance of one cent rer pound is an In crease of $Sooo to be put In circulation In Lane county. .Since the market opened the price of bops hai advanced fifteen cent per pound, which, if none were yet contracted, would moke an Increase of $uo,ooo to le circulated among our hop growers. Many growers have aireaev contracted at a lower price, but it Is saie o estimate tnat our hop crop mis year will bring $2qo,oco to the county." Coxti?su to Fiddle. Items about old men who continue to display the traits of a more vigorous age, ate always full of Interest. Here Is one from an Eugene pa per: About six miles west of Cottage Grove resides a man named Taylor who it 84 years of age and looks as though he may yet see 100. He Is hale and hearty. Our correspondent says he stopped there over night recently. MrTavlor bad been noting in the garden Jill uav and in the evening ate a hearty supper and then took a smoke. After a half hours rest he tuned his violin and cave them some old fashion jig music. Not many men reach that age and we doubt if many who do are nimble enough to play a violin. A Manufacturing1 State. Mr Calla- hatu, cf San Francisco, one of the propri etors of the paper mill, arrived In town a few days since. He says that Oregon straw possesses the properties of California straw in an exauea uegree ana mar. it win matte a superior quality of paper. Mr Callaham says Oregon has superior advantages as a manufacturing state and thai the time is coming when she will surpass the old Bay state In (this regard. Express. Lebanon is very fortunate In getting the paper mill at that city, and with its splendid start should become n important manufactur ing city. It can easily get a fine water power from Waterloo if necessnry. Bohemia Minks. The Bohemia mine east of Cottage Grove are attracting a great deal of attention at present and promise to be the best paying mines in Oregon. A gentleman down from there last week says some of the men there have pounded out as high as $25 worth of gold a day.. Many claims have been located there recently and the geld fever Is spread Ing. Dr Ogfesby, of Cottage Grove, has quite an Interest in the mines and It is said he refuses to sell for lest than $;o,ooo. New men are going to the mines every day. Some of the ore taken out assays as nign as 9320 10 tnc ion. Kegtstcr. Tiie College. The annual catalogue ot the Albany Collegiate Institute is juat out, It is nicely gotten ur and ahowe those facta already published in a buu- plcment. The faculty is strong, impor- laiimuuiuonu imving ueen maue. lucre are four departmenta, collegiate, normal, business and primary. The Senior class for the coining year will consist of Vesta L Mason, Carleton F box, Richmond Wheeier ana rercy a young. A Busted Show. The Chicago Comedy Company, which held forth in this city ast weeic, were unaoie to pay their bills. but through the intervention of a person al acquaintance, iney were able to trans fer their chattels to the next town. Lives of actors and actresses are made up of striking situations, and one of the pnn cipal features of tfce drama is the act of getting broke. All great artists have been there. Yamhill Ilngister. A Cklestial Arrested. VVa Sing, of CorvallU, was arrested in Albany a day or iwo ago 1 or assault with intent to kill Tye, of the former place, with an axe. Cause: Wa Hng owed Tye and wouldn't pay him. Sing was taken to CorvallU and placed in jail. He will be examined tomorrow. Annual Conk bench. Columbia an nual conference of the M K Church South convened at Lebanon, Aug, at, 1S90, Bishop ERHcndrlx In tho chair, (i S lltinlettcr was elected Secretary. The conference waa well attended and there was a deep spiritual feeling. Hev J C Morris, 1). D ol the Hoard of Church Kxten.lon was present. The appoint ments tor tho year are as follows! Willamette f)itrlct,I C McFailand.l' E. Albany II H Shangle. Corvallls-l) Atkins, I D. Tangent W II Howard. Dallas-J W Craig. I.afnyette Tu be supplied. Independence E K Phlpps. Tillamook-C N Crow. Oregon Cllv W L Molloy. Ilrownsvllle'-C Derrick. Lebanon C S Hanlelter. Junction Cltv Supplied by J M Turner. Corvallls Collcge-1) At kl,i.,D l).,Prcs Roscburg UUtrlc t, 1 1 l.'ayncs, P E. Kosrburg W II Smith. Myrtle Creek P A Mooes, Jncksonvl.le U OOglesby. Appiegate II HScraftord. (jrants Pas To be supp'led. Coullle t'lty 1. Leltch. Couitle ct To be supplied, W Hrvant. D M Conway transferred to S. W. Ma, conference. T M 1 ti 1? ti21fl.U...I-ftl an attor- nry of Eugene, after Kipping the water at Noiliivillo pronounced It more ctlh'tu-louK in his cumo than any medicine he hnx ever taken. A fire occurred on the farm of J M SoUlc, one and one-half miles north of town, lust which a tarn and all its content were destroyed. I r Foley shipped tt New York and IUltimore ten thousand iKitimU of c-h li tem bark Wednesday. The I'rhas ship ped about seventy-two thousand pounds of this hark during the svRson. The tittle sou of S W Moore w as taken to the olllce of Ir laimbersoit on Tuesday to have a grain of heat dinlodgcd from the ear. Liber was administered, and In Ijimlx-rson and lUmth soon brought th old tiding kernel to light. The tittle fellow had been a sulterer from this cause alnt a yar. A man and family arrived In Lclmnon Wednesday from lHikota. They came by wagon, and were sis weeks on the road. The gentleman says he heard liefore turn ing his back U)H)ii the bluarl that U'b anon was the liveliest town on the roast, and, like th Queen of Wieba.he declare that the half had not been told him. He had not been in town two hours before he was confronted by two men who wanted hi service at doable the wages pati! in Ihikota. f.xpress. Cot' T,EKr kit Twos.- Lok out in the valley for the counterfeit twodoltnr bills. They are an excellent Imitation of the genuine. There is one infallible way to test them and other L nited Htates paper money. Take a pin or a needle and run it under the silk fibre that is scattered through the paper of the bill. If with the bin you ran pull up the thread so it is plainly visible, then you can take that money for the fare of ft. The counter feit twos are silver rertillcates. Kx. Few people are going to f nd their time picking threads out of pajer money. If the money doesn't give itself away at a glance there is no use "monkeying" with it. CXTacr Nor Lar. Mr C N Scott receiver of the Oregor-Un Railway Co. wa. In the city last week. ! conversation with a reporter he slated that no grading contracts have yet been let for the exten sion ol their road Irom l oburg. lie say t they have received a number of bids for the work, but the tigh'. of way across a couple of farms has not yet been received. They expect to have that matter settled In a fc days ar.d will then let the contract foe grading from Coburg to Janper, a dis tance of thirteen miles, and thev expect to have that completed and the road In oper tiou yet this year. Register, What it Was For Sheriff Smith sold f 1 2,000 worth of property to day. The hnd is on wnat was formeily known as Hsmlltt" street, running from the Astor house W Thompson k Ross' and com prises lots 5 ami 10, block M, $ and 10 block 56 and water front to tot 10 of the latter block. It was formerly decided by the court to be the property of Montcllh, ard twenty of bis creditors bought it at auction, so the sale to day Is to divide the proceeds, the amount being paid Into court lor the owners. The land was bid In by J K Wentherford, of Albany, for $12,000. Astoria Pioneer. Completed. The new and elegant O P ticket office at this city I completed. It rears Itself ten or twelve feet just south of the O P depot towards the heavens. The structure Is a handsome one 11x14 feet Including the front porch, and I painted In four color, and I ot quite modern ar chitecture. A heretofore the Southern Pacific depot will be used as a waiting- room, etc- and right here we would like to remark that for it own use the lady's waiting room I about a filth of the sue it ought to be. Couuittkd Suicide. Robert M Shoe- cruft. a newspaper writer well known in western Washington, commuted suicide by morphine in his lodgings in lacoma at an early hour Friday morning, lie wrote a bitter letter to hi father just before taking the fatal dose, denouncing the latter as having ruined tho last ves tige of his son's reputation. The father is a prominent real estate man of Olym pia, Shoccraft was in Allmny a few weeks ago looking for a job. Our im pression was that he partook of the cup that inebriates too much lor tits own good. ' Lost the Tag. 1 B Johnson, editor of the Walla Walla Union, who is at Santa Cruz for bis health, trusted his silver watch and gold chain, together with $05 in happened to have about him, to tho guardian of clothing at tho Neptune baths while he went in tor a swim, lie lost the brass tasr re ore sen tine the cloth ing and other valuables, and ha8 been compelled to bring suit against the pro prietor 01 me batb a to recover them. Skipped. After receiving $250 for work on the Lebanon school building and $250 for work on the Presbyterian church of tins city, tjiaud Kcea and Charles Wat ers, two painters, left this city for parts unknown, leaving a bill amounting to $407 due Price & Robson, for material used. As the owners of the property are responsible for the extent of the material used, that firm filed a lien on the Presby terian church and Lebanon school build ing. Property owners should always see mat ine material is paid lor in aucti cases This same game has been played in At oany several unies ociore. Tub Jefferson Mills. Tuesday even, ing of thl week Ed. Goin.of Sclo.recelved a letter from Corbett & Maclray, of Port land, In which they proposed to rent The Jefferton Fouring Mills to Mr Goin for one year Mr. Goin immediately came to thl city and succeeded in enlisting Mr E N Thoma In a co partnership to take charge of the mlll.and run It for one year. An answer was Immediately tent In which an offer wat made, and It is more than likely it will be accepted. Review. A Bio Order .Powell & Co. have re eel ved an order for ten car loads of potatoet 10 oe snippeo 10 Kansas.. That ts a big or der but It will be filled. Any one having potatoes will now know of a sure puchas er. This firm, by the wav Is doine sort of a wholesalu business generally, their trade is increasing at a rapid rate. Saw a Balloon. Miss A Macauley in forms us that on last Friday night at about 9 o'clock she saw a balloon pass over Independence, coming from toward Albany and floating oa towards the coast. It waa quite high, but the light from the fire beneath it attracted her attention. Independence West Side. No one here knows anything about it. Novelties ia parasol at S E Youog', . A Kkmask a ni.a Prose, We have been intending for some time to describe Conductor Kennedy's remarkable water su a to, built into a keystone, which, at the recent Masonic dedication services, in this city, was pronounced tho finest ever seen by any of tho members. Tho Yaquina Post takes the wind out of our sales as follow s ; Mr Chits Kennedy, conductor on tho 0 P passenger, has an unique watch charm, "keystone," made from a water agate. Tim agate, an unusually large one, was picked up on tho beach near New port, and had been washed hither and you by tides so long, that it was dif ficult to tell whether, previous to jx-trl-faelion, it bad been an oyster, crab or claiii shell. It was cut and engraved in Chicago, at an expense of $-10 or $10, and is a "keystone," with a passenger coach in the center, surrounded with hitters such as are usually placed on a Masonic emblem ef, this kind. One peculiarity of the stono is that it will rut glass equally as well as a diamond. You can see through it lust as if It were glass. There is a huge drop of water Inside the stone, with a large spare for movement when the stone is turned alsiut In the hand. We believe it is the handsomest, largest and aolidest petrifaction of the kind in existence, and its value ran hardly bo estimated in dollars and cents. Ariiii.ANU ProsK. Tho "Siskiyou Stone Company" has been incorporated, com posed of lMn Crowley.preeldent; Mrllit ivnbcrgcit, secretary and treasurer: C W Ayers general business manager ; James Hall, superintendent, and K D Smith. Tho company has ample capital. Messrs Ayers and Hall came the first of the week to make arrangements for owning a quarry, and 011 Wednesday the lease of a tract of land of P Iunn was consum mated. The tract comprises about thirty acres on tho upr Dunn place where the railroad crosses Nell creek, and the lessees have the privilege of purchasing at any time within four years for a,000. Messrs Ayers and Hall left for Portland last ... . 1 . .... nconesisy evening.uut win return next week with a force of men to legin opera tions. Their contract to supply stone for the city hall will require them to ship HO.tXK) cubic feet or more to Portland. The credit for the Introduction ot the stone to the public abroad is due toC W Ayers, w ho used it in the construction of the line new building of the Honk of Al bany now approaching completion In that city. Tidings. A I4CKMSK ltxgt'iaxn. The taw for selling patent medicine on the streets of the rities of Oregon, should be strictly enforced. The law U a gd one, and in many places the officials are realixing the fact by demanding a sight ot a ticeuse whenever a traveling trotie epirar The following from the Ashland Tidings is a sample of the restraining effect of the -taw: "Two men and two ladies who have been giving patent medicine con certs at the town in Caliiornia, stopiM-d in .isiiianu iasi w era, inn mi not tike the Oregon laws reirardinir license, for selling patent medicines and therfore did not oen bussaets here. Hi U.MXO. The ground is being exca rated at the corner of Second and Lyon Street for Mr Jason Wheeler's new Wiek. It Is to lie floxloo feet, two stories high and of a neat architecture. The lor at ion is a good one. one that w ill gradually im prove. The Jlaltimore block is tin one storv. The stories will be 23 feet wide, large com- mooious rooms, and the building three stories high. The plans indicate that it 1 .n.Ma. .hi muiuraiiw iiBiiusomcsi. siruciures "?"""' The Oregon P-allk' building Is now fronted by a neat cement walk. Work s progressing on the counters and into-1 iwr "i. is win prooaiuy oe UCl 11 Iri'forA It w ill 1m rwvntlMl t - . : ... .... . . . New residences are bei'mr lieirun everv day almost, and of an attractive arrhitee-1 ture. So many large, one looking build ings have never been erected in a single year before. IIoNKsr Pkoi-lk. A gentleman," who is recently from Kansas,' was beard to re mark K (cw davs aco to one of Orreon'a farmers, that it was a surprise to him that farmers could leave thair grain morning. Not that the people are dis honest, but that poverty drove them to I eucn ueeus." tanners leave their grain out in the field all over tho valley, some- limes lor wet-ks, and It ia a rare thing that a sack of grain is ever molested. oumai. Tiiebk Is one "man in Oregon w liol can fight against odds and is not sacked up out in the field without it I- seen a great light on the subject of reciprocity ire'ftr.fri'outtt Z ne'K TTSt "fT in Kansas, it would all be gone ,h' htld 10 ,SiS? ,a '' Presidential easily discouraged, Tho Kugcne Guard I hood, selfishn-ss and ignorance known a pro says: "Mr Uoodenough, of the. real c- tection bas.any leu to stand uixm .hi ix that tola ft ..... s.W T ....,1. I J. ... ..l of Asttria, waa In Kugcne Saturday ad vertising Astoria city and sunurtwn prop erty. He engaged the Junction land ana they furnished music in tho after noon and evening. He sold but four lots, the stringency of the money market lieing unfavorable to real estate transac - tiona." A Popular Tcxe. The Salvation Army has adopted the tune of "Little Annie Uooney'f to the work of tiio salvation of sinners. The familiar words of "She's my sweetheart. I'm her beau : She's mv Annie, I'm her Joe," has been translated for the purpose of the army to read "He's my Jesus, He'a my Lord ; He's my r-avior, lies my woo. - rome pec- 11 V alls HU IVAV'O Win Ullll ( A UIVI sacrilecious.'buttha army believes in I "anything to save sinners and so every - thing goes." Baker City Reveille. A Small Strike. Whn work com- menced yesterday morning on the big ortuge 11 waa with a aoxen new nana, mat m..7 ii.c u.u iorv.o. mq ociore having struck for better pay, and not hav - Ing met with a favorable response to their request they quit work and new men were lound tor their place. Ihe wage paid laborer by the bridge contractor aie from $2 50 to 3 50 per day .statesman. xso danger. As tue Democrat men tioned the fact that the Chinese pheasant wn. Ui.fl tl.i.nul I n J , ! . , 1 . . I ra" 1 MV" JV i ' .,u7 ,r l ml from the Lebanon paper: Some of our exchanges are fearful that the Mongolian pueasani win Dccomo extinct unless Uie wiauuinioio Binuguwi ui MICRO uuun 1 arroHted. Calm vour foam. Th Mnmm. ban bas several qualities that will for ever servo to keep alive bis name and guarantee a numerous brood. He ia very tenacious ot ine, can outrun tho narrow gauge, dodge chain very pro- liflc and can multiply in the faeo of n. W- tery. Fast Driving. Last Warning Here after any peron or persons caught driving within the city limits faster than prescribed byoidlnanceof the cy will be arrested and minlfthnn armrHtnor tr th nmuLlna f uch oidinance. J N HOFFMAS, City Marshal .., , ,1 1 . Myers forCO pumps are the best, It Smith & Sender's. This Trade Mai k on a stove means it is the best that ex pert nee and skill can con trive. Sold only by fcmlth H senders. Arrived to-day, r Mueller & Garrett's, Fine watermelons, pour, peaches, plaint, grape. apple, cantelopes, prper Holmks Bumnbs COLLEGE, of Portlandi Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, bas become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. i)V If TUB TRACK. Our cotemporary, the llrrull,M a way of getting off the track when speaking of Cleveland's administration that seems pe culiar to Itself, It says : The democrats talk very loudly lout the dissipation of the surplus In the nation al treasury, but they forget to mention the highly Important fact that It is melting away because Secretary Indon I redeem ing bor.ds and reducing the Interest ac count of the government, Cleveland's secretaries preferred to loan the surplus to favored national banks to speculate with, and made no efforts to reduce the Interest charge," Now, the truth Is the policy of purchas In bonds In the general market by the government and retiring them, asWImtom I now dolng.was begun unncr Cleveland's administration, and from time to time pur chases were made up to the very close of his term. So, If there is any credit In the adoption of this policy, It Is due to Cleve land's, and not Harrison's administration. Our cotcmpotsry dwell upon lhs Idea of reducing the Interest charge but there is but little saving lo the people as the pre mium which Wlndom pays on the bond nearly equal the Interest that aould ac crue If the bonds were permitted to run to maturity. These bond were purchased under the Cleveland administration to pre vent the accumulation of a huge surplus of money In the treasury. Cleveland's Idea was to reduce the surplus In the tteasury by reducing taxation, (duties,) on the necessaries of life, such wool, wool en goods, salt, lumber, coal, sugar and so forth, and, to that end ihe democratic house passed a bill for that purpose but the republican senate would not pas such s bill, hence no other way to reduce the sur plus remained but to buy bonds. So the lhfU will see that whatever of credit there Is for the Introduction of the policy of buying bonds before maturity belongs to Cleveland and not Ifarrlson, Cleve land's secretaries never loaned money to national banks. TIIE I'UMTICAIi COSr-LRHO OK f.MON AUBIKS, Did Democrat or Republicans preOoderat ia the Union armies during the wai? This question, wbU.ii has always beea an swered untruthfully by the Republicans, it been settled pretty conclu.ively by I liotnss Elgar Vilon. ofNew Yoik, in the August anmber of IttAfortTt Mngatint. He shows that a Itepubikaa I'iciJcnt fought th war wiitt Democratic aroiic roaunanded by Democratic generals. Here is the table that will show which party in ihe twenty two loyal Hate fought the war for the Cnioo: Democratic Republicae Vote. Vote. 1,856,361 1,868,504 a.i74.79 a, 144.07s to 1S6S war. At Kepubti' i860 1.957.19 iS6j -...!..66i J .S7.33 1864 ...i.TSo.otS I.79".4$ IS6S... J.314.101 The Democratic vols fmin 1S60 show that titer bad I ecn a great the 1863 election there were mote 1 twi .urn iiM. low, iiui wjOfOW Lcnw- 1 .t..! .e . .... t - I .1 . - . . "lK missing, iney weis oeao 1 01 bebting la the field. They wer nat all I - j -i' - ... .- rocnt ' lh Uriioo armies tbey actually lost The Repuolkaa of 1S60 wa not in all cases a fighter. 1 le stayed at borne in many case to vote, to make money by army contrract, an- to malign ihe Democrats, rUNDEKEK WHO ARE ALARMED. How do M- Blaine and the other who have campaign evitry one of these sham statesmen held that fiee trade wherever practiced would result a 'flooding" this country with the pro duct of pauper labor, According to their ar guments the country ia which labor was most poorly paid was Ihe 004 wi'h which it was least desirable for the United State to trade. I Certainly, if the dreary conglomerate of false I ' ' - m - - - - .- ,, "V ,MW nwi. superstructure of lie in hopeless ruin Now the countries with which Mr Blaine I would establish reciprocity are those of Central and South America, in many of which labor 1 ehP ,h' government have difficul- ty in striking a coin (mail enough to pay for day work, Most of these lountriet also hav- exorbitant tariffs like our own, but wage kav aever been increased by them. To establish free rrade with the republic to the south of us would be to open our markets to the compel! tion of the poorest paid labor on earih. How can protectionist defend that proposition and ,et .dhere to.the foundamental falsehood, of , . . protection f 1 me answer 1 simple, rroiectiomsts know that they have not told th truth, They know I that tariffs do not increase wge. They know I that free trade doe not diminish wage. They know that their system is ia the interest of -.-i.., wbollv .d ,hfl, j. n,unrl(.r. ,aW I ... other system ever did or can. They arc alarm. cd aad, like other and smaller plunderers, they are willing to drop some of their spoil ii ttiey can be sssured that they will get away with the remainder. Thi it the olutioa of the reciprocity bust I ml ir.nn hav tn irH. with ih est nation on earth with the consent of the monopolist we will have free trde with the nchejt without their consent, That is the logic of the .ituation, economically a well a 1 -i;,tn r-kl Ir.-H politically Chicago Htarld. I ine outside world will respect us more than ever, now that there are 64.000,000 I .... a . . , u' """""" Mr j- a decade Is bound to be a tremendous I factor In the world' history - 1 Senator Allison say there are already 316,000 applications for pensions under the disability bill) of which probably 300,000 ,re new one. And still they are pouring a In at the rate of 10,000 a day. I The ladles Delighted. I ins pieassDi eueci aoa tns periect saiery Uith which ladieam.y o. the liquid frai J laxative, Syrnp of Figs, under all conditions I mi 1 . . tr . . . 1 . . . . snake it thsir-favorite remedy. It ia pleasing I tooths eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effeo tu al in acting on the kidney s, liver and bowels Kindergarten. Misses Wheeler and Crawford will rropen their kindergarten Sept. ist. at the W C T U Hall. A selict school will be run in connection with the kindergarten, to which pupils will be ad mitted up to the age of 1 a years. Children taken to and troro school. I have last reoeived a Urge invoice of lac curtains, ranging ' in price from one to nine dollora a pair, sorim,Jurtiu nets, etc. Also a line ot curtain psls and fu-niture coves ng. Samuel K Yotrwo. Dr. M. U. is, phytitnaa and curzcoa Albany, Oregon, Call made in city ot eouutry, . ; ' DIHUUACEKCL KCKNE. The most disgraceful cene that ever oc curred In congress was enated In the house on Wednesday. It occurred during the pendency of the compound lard bill. Fllllbusteilng had been carried on for tome time by a number o' leading republican among whom were Wilson of Washington, Heck with and Lehlback of New Jersey Cannon and Mason of Illinois and William of Ohio. Several of these called each other liars and d d liars and other choice epi thets. Wilson and Beck with came to blow with bare knuckle. Great confusion pre vailed during the scrapping, there being danger that mors than these might be drawn into It. Altogether It wa a humil iating disgrace to the very name American. We might say, (following the example of republican newspapers,) that this conduct I to be charged against the republican party. These were exhibitions a It John L Sullivan, and coming from two distin guished leaders of the party of great moral Ideas, a party that claims about all the decency and good citizenship of the coun try, Is significant. Had thl brutal icram. ble occurred between two democrats, ihei e would have been no end to the long-wind. ed article that would have filled the col umn of republican paper everywhere, moralizing on the wickedness of democrats and the brutal slave-driver' whip of the antt-Mlum dav. Speaker Reed' rullnt I bringing untold troubles to his own party friends. Reed' name will go thun dering down the age a a synonym of failure, shame snd disgrace. IH.NTMTO IIOl'atCK KKPFlUf. Mix stove blacking with spirits of tur pentine. It will take off the rust, polish easier, and stay glossy longer than when water I used. Fold a bread cloth small and lay oyer the top of the pan, taking It off some time be fore baking the bread, so that the dough can rise well above the tin before putting it In the oven. A simple cough remedy I made of an ounce of flaxseed bolted In a pint of water, little honey added, an ounce of rock candy ind the juice of three lemons, the whole mixed ancfbollcd well. A pound of sugar is usually required to every pint of juice, though leis may be uved In making currant or ripe grape jeitle. For straining the juice. It should never be extracted by squeezing, but al lowed to drip through the jelly bag. If jt lly docs not "form" the next oay after bclnjr made, It I useless to cook It over. It it doe not become firm when first cooled, standing it in the sun before i( will somcttlmcs assist in hardening It Jelly should be well covered and kept in a cool, dry place. Always sift all kinds of meal and flour, taking a wire sieve, as a hair sieve Is too fine measuring before sifting, un!e ether wise directed. It make a great difference for corn bread what kind of mcl is used. Alwaysuse the vcllow bolted meal for brow 11 bread, and for any recipe for corn bread, unless white meal Is specified. Half-pint jelly-gtasse are the best. They should be rinsed In scalding water and dried, then stood up skle by side In some Urge pan, and fil.ed with the jelly to the brim. Allow them to stand a dv or two In some tunny window, cover them, if possible, with bit of glass, and a the moisture gather on the underside wipe i carefully away. Scve the small paper bag carefully which groceries come In; thev are useful In msny way. 31lp the hand In one when you black the stove.andyou will not coll it When flic abound,stlp them over the clean lamp-chtmney during the day. After fruit is canned draw them over the can, and label them plainly; the action of the light cause more fruit to spoil than any other one thing. Prof. Alex. Wlnchell Is credited with the Invention of a cement that will stick to anything. Take two ounce of clear gum arable, 1 ounces of fine starch and one- half ounce of white sugar. Pulverize the gum arsbic and dissolve it in' a much water at the laundress would use for the quantity of starch indicated, dissolve (he starch ar.d sugar In the gum solution. Then cook the mixture in a vessel (uspeeded in boiling water until the starch become clear, The cement should be thick a tar, and should be kept so. It can be kept from (polling by dropping In a lump of gum champ nor, or a little oil of clove orsassa fras. Thl cement I very strong Indeed, and will stick to glazed surfaces, and I good to repair rocs., mineral or fossil. The addition ol a small amount of sulphate of aluminum will Increase the effective aes of the paste, beside helping to pre vent decomposition. o I France hi supplemented her dl.crlml aallon against American pork by I -n posing a duty of 33 cent a bushel on American grain while that from all other countries Is taxed only ic cent per bushel. This 1 probably In retaliation for the McKinley bill. It Is not only true as Mr Blaine re marked that the bill contains not a line that will make a market for the products of our farms and factories, but It is operating harply to close againt u the market which we already have. Trade prohibition, a we shall yet learn, Is a game two can play at. We cannot shut out the products of other countries and expect them to keep pen markets for us. The loftiest spire in the world Is that of the Cathedral of Ulm In Germany. The last stone has just been put In position, 513 year after the building wacbegundn 1377 The spire Is 530 feet high, eighteen feet store than that of the Cathedral of Cologne The latter wat finished in 1SS0, after hav- iae been 633 years in building. The two exsmples show that with patience alinoa anything can be accomplished. The new election law in Indiana require the parties having ticket ia the field to desig aate each ballot with a symbol of some kind, The Democrat have decided to head their bal t . ... . lot with the rooster of J The Republicans might Democratic legend adopt Grandfather' Hat were it not for the fact that the grandson who wear it is not particularly popular ia In dian just now. Tariff reform sentiment is on the increase, The democracy stands'a unit to dry to insist upon lower taxes. It is the great -national issue and democrats all over the country are enthusiastic and determined to wrest the pow er from the grasp of high taxing monopolists. The present ci op of cottoa ' in Text probably be one of the largest ever raised that State. Ia fact, the cotton crop of all I cotton crowing State promises to be one . i the largest acd most profitable ever raised. This will mako business good ia the South for th Southern railroads. V , V'.. ( Ji X y "s-wi j i n.,, , kl ,-ir 01VI5 KNJOY Both tho mcthot niidrcsujla when 8yrttp of Fig is taken ; it is pleasant .ntid refreshing to the tnato, and acts tiitlvyet promptly 011 tie Kidney, Liver and Ilowels, ch-mises the sys tem f flbcltifiliy, dispels colds, head when mid fever mid cures hahit tial constipation. Fyrun of Figs ia the only rcMiedy of ita kind ever'pro tluccd, pleasing to the taste cud no-cr-jitahje ti tho. rfomach, prompt in its actbn and truly. Utneffcial in its r'F cIk, Un many excr Ilcr.t quaiitiej c::;nci:d it to H. Il Is for sale in -ri"j fir:-l (ft h,.tlcJ! hy n't leading i?n';gi:!ta. s 'r.rtAinr-3 cKi.vev riff CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sau rnAbcrj',0. ci. tounnnii . y. m row, n.r PAISLEY & FISH. JOS POINTERS FLIMK BLOCK, ALBANY. Spec ial - Announcement - OF - W. F. READ. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all - the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, liolh in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Undervyearj in Knit ItiBiiED and Muslim. My Prices are the LOWEST and ray Goods the Best. for the . S. F. HOSIEBY, Guaranteed stainless, "Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods. I have a Lirge Stock at the Lowest Prices ever cfTc-red ia the Valley. I cairy a full line of ths worU-reoowid BROADEIE1D g-nd, uoixsell! for wear and finish. Lar-.- stock and be conviLced tl.a. Alba, y i the "WST- IS" INSURE III THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS. Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; -G.'L.,'BLACKMAN.-' LEADING DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY.&G rani era IliU HHUG-V 0 imuuiu POWELL & CO., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS IN- i ill! iJlHi B Produce; Crockery Ware; Toba will in the co Etc. Etc. . . .. , - Low Prices and Prompt Attntien. . of and First National Bank OF ALRA.11 . OKF.OO.V. Preljt...,. f r L I ! xf Vies Prssklont ., H. .. TOI'KO OsshlSf.. ...... ,K. W. LAStiDON. TRANSACTS A GKSKkA (.Unking lttnM. ACCOUNTS KKPT n1J.'. t? b:k. aiailTKXCHAKOP. si.dt.1 -rsnMe inntr. it Nw York, Hsa rVsiuisoc, ilcsya ted Vm rast'tn. COLLECriOXr MADE on fs.W.l onr.s. stxsrnrt " Ti. f. Toe E,W. Uhms L K Buiii, h. Tun, Edwajb V. So. Linn Co. National-. Bank, ALBANY - - OREGOH. CAPITAL tTUVK 100,f;f. Prosdlcnt. .....,, ,.,... 1 L (wiit. l--I'reiilmit J M RAI.MTO.V. V'tMf ...Oao K CflAMHf.HLAI.V, At (Jo.hler . ........O A AK(.'UliliLf. D aaoTDM, - X. Cmrin, J M Rsl.Um. Out V. Ch.mterlaln, W S UM, W H 3lm, J A Crow lord sod O A Arcbibold. TRANSACTS a cswrsl honking btwtnss, ti RAW 81(1111 DRAr-rHon B Tork. Sat. sl 1 Oregon. fXIAHUOrfETtm appioysd security CBf.CIVK deposit sabHwt ehmJk. Bank cf Oregon. ALBANY, - - - CHECGH. O APITAt., 3GO.OOO. II. BRYANT Vice PrenlJont- li. K, MKRRILL Cashier......... ,.. J. ty". BLAI N DIRECTORS. II Bryant. J vV Blaln, Geo Humphrey,, KJLaniiing, II V Merrill. )igbtnxchaniriaal telexrapble tra for on Mew York, San "Francisco a it nd all principal points in Oregon an.i Washington, ollfwtions mad on favorable term m Am sole agent Celebrated cf Esibbjideries and Flocxcixgs. C-.1 beol trading point in Oregon. - LIES jEI. 3D. . Conservative DRUGGIST OBEG-OIT, It you want the best and most durable furni ture that is maniifactur- 0 ed in the city go to Thomas Brinld !!Svj f- Ti ill Itf, ry-fi SsatJI ajusj itaoat snw&