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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1890)
ROSHAY a. MASON. miuu a tmn Druggists and Booksellers. for John B. Alden'e pubtloatlona, btch w t!l at publisher' prlcM with Red CrownMills 50M, LAXXING A CO., l's0PlV8. Raw rKOC.M ILOCB SCriSlOa full M" AMD BASBMJ CM. ...1ST STORAGE FACILITIES. MEDsflOKY mnUiH, TmMbmbmI fntm all I. 1, I -.( SR. (eb. rr'ava roe T have the Exclusive Control oi o N It! q: IS so c E mm.; P rVfU'lUiltlmUV I X B t4 Hmt tm f fr SWr H f , firniUM MIST H ADC. iwrCutaM ONE AXD OXE HALF POUNDS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. L. HILL, Physiciai and Surgeon, Office eor, F and Ferry StmU, ALBANY- OREGON 0a.C.WATS0?IF.lAST0n Physician and Surgeon DITto opposite the Diicrat. DR. W K! DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon, nifflna no .01 nt In 'a Block. ay be fouoJ at bl orac oay and night. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gradual of Bvllevo Hospital Medical Jolleg. Nov York City. Disease of wonia.t a specialty. Stroma ttMiaVa Brick, Albany. Or. w. IV. e ast iiu it x9 n, I) 1HY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, I Office in Mellwaln'a brick. Can b .oand in office day or night. Revere House: ALBANY, - OREGON CHAJS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted no Id flrat-elaaa style. Table auDDlied with the beat in the market. Nine aleepini apartment. Maniple room tor commercial traveler. Tit tm w4 ! Ik. Md.fa Pouiii? Wanted. All kind of poultry, aliva or dresaeo ranted at the Willamette P tckiog Cora ay' Store. Allany, uregoa. MONEY CHEAP MONEY. We have made arrangenienti to supply money to all on lone time at low rate o interest on improved Lirms and city prop erty. Thee who contemplates building brick blocks or good brick business homes can get money, see us. Wallace & Chsick. Delmonica Hestauranl, CORNER FIRST AND CLLAWORT1I STS. The aadersigned having paruhaaod the old Uerman Kestaoraot stand hsa opened and.r the above oa ne a brst-elass restao taot. We are prepared to famish mesla for parties or dan oca on snort notice. Oys ters served io every style, eastern or coast; allklodaof bah koowa ia the market. Employ only fire-class lelp, aod waiting will b. prompt aod courteous. Regular meals 25 cts. Coffee of first-class quality od a enp of coffee and cake at (rom 5 to 10 t. I am well known in this city and re aest the tlxsos to give me a call. SAMGOETS Proprietor THE STATE pni I rnp AGRICULTURAL LULLtbt, Opens September 12th, 1890. Coarse of stady arranj'd exprts?y to meet the needs of the fannimr and mevh.n leal interests 'if the sjtte. Ltrge, commo dioas and well veotilated buildings. collene la located in a eultivatxt snd ian commooity, and ooe ct the health a the state. Military raining. Rxprnses need not ex ceed $150 for the entire session. Two or mere fre. scholarships from every Oregon county. Writ for catalogue to B.L. AEVOLU, Pres. Core II is, Oregon. i . E. WEATHEHF03.D, A PTOHNKY AT IjAW AlBAKT. KM. VV It BILYKU, A I'fOUNEY AT LAW Aod Solicitor in Chancery, tl.BAMT. OKECiO. "iieetloua prom.tly aiade on all po'nt Lr" aeajotiated on eaaonable trcis R t BI-aCIlBUK!, CBO. W WKIOHT, SLACKSURfi & WCIGilT, Attorneys at. Law, Will poetics in sll the Courts of tus Jluie, I'tf.mpt attriitioa tdven to all busi liv". viititiatpti to our oartt, Orrio. 0ld Fellows Tsmple, Alhauy, Or J. H. DUFiCArj, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NuTAEY PUBLIC, a-Oflli- in Mlrahan'e Blook, No's I aod a. ALBANY, OREGON. ALBANY OR. nmm & hulbert beos.. Real Estate Agents Frmv snd Ranohe. for sale, Alsi city broierty in Albany and Ciirallts, ViJilTE STEAL! LAUNDRY H E Str.Uh, Whit Rimra I.snndrT. "Good end Hansst.' yjT, U thai pnibwd I ttry lHpt. Columbus. rrUSJirfiP owe, rob. , is. Ja- ftunlly for years, and Bud It to be the tnedldna of medicines FOR CCNERAL USE. It U (ood. honest medietas su J hontut men will not hcsltat to recommend it to suffering humanity. JOHN P. KLEMMONa. Booper. In Every Is a Cnre. In Kv.ry AppHctttlow st Hell. MARK .-.rflY ilacobsDit C' -TfTl.. .TheCkaS'A'Vogeier Co BALT0M0 EAST AND. SOUTH, -VIA- Southern Pacific Routa SHASTA LINF. Sxprv TilJM "'""''J'.'iL 8 I 1 1 I Ar Ar it iW t m L 0.11 M L r h Alh-tny ; Abut. I alu tti only at f ) .Ut nli. n.irih k.Melur. Ul lurtaiitl. ttniriin rujr, V.J. burn, Sai.iu, Allwiy. T.iif"i, hbMl.l, h.lwr lUr- Ubuiv. JunvUtM City, lrllK. t.UKcnc. IOUII ! Milk fILT. TO . I Lv tVrvUii.d Ar 4 m ii Irtira I L AUwny l. I liM :0Jra lAr i.t to. M ilt crt Ktspat) l.ou :(( r I Lt TortUi-U Albany Af Lv II.IOX im a a Limxoa ssaxch. I.Mra t:$ t a Lv Ar Lv Ar AHiiy tehanoa Albany Labauo. v is a a H: a a t:r a l.wr a r a I a I PULLMAN BUFFFT "SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, r.r ItMHSiadalit .1 ar.aa'la ! Iters, attacked la Eapreaa Trataa. s. I4. Btlvlat.a. BClVtEE rtMILArj Al HIUUI. . Mail tss.s saui (Kxxiptauituay.) . 7-fc a a Lr Ar fun aut Corv Ar I k.M) r a LV "i 56 f a ( li.iora BxraassiTkais t (Keji". auwlay. ! 1 ir I Lv Ar Lv - a 4 a a 7f 1 rs I Ar alt M 1 nt, v ill. TJcltotw To all pu'.iiU SOUTfl AND EAST. tot lui. Ittlortuul.m r,vJIi raUn, oim, all nn Ompaftv Akmi at Al'wy. R SOtliLKM fc P. ROtiKKS An'lU. r. and P. At THE YAQIHISA UOUTLv. Cn DovelopioHnt Con;t.ny'a Huia .hip Lino lift Mil PQ. fiUflSTPfl- 20 HOUaS LESS TliVlE sen by any other re Jt. Finst-elasa llirougij paangtr and relght line from Port) and and alt point the WUIamett Valley to ami from ran rra&claoo, Cat. . The s Oregon : l.itio i l'opoular : btMMKB EXCCBSIOSH. Low ltat. Tickets ar. now on sale fr.m all Valley I'vioU to Yptn aod I'.eturn. Boata make clot connection at A loan a-ilh tralne of the Oregon Paclflii lUilrood TIME KDCLR. (axA Surwlays.) Omti Aloany 1-X r. H, laavfComllis 1:10 r, a. Arrl Yaqoina. i JO r. a. Lv. Ta'tuina. C IS a, a hoav. C.rvlll.,l'l.!6 a.B Amv. Ailauy, 11:10 a. a O. C. train connect at Albany and Jorvallia. The above train connect at laouina with tha Oregon Doveiopuient Oompany'a Line of 8teainhipa between Vajoma and Han Pram two. HAIMXU DAT EH . rana r "! WUlararttc Valley. July ZUth. Wi.lamcti Vailry, A of otn. Willunttt Valt.y, Anj ltk: WillsmatU Vall.y, Aug Mth. laus raasciaco Wi' jUDetl. Valley. An 1st. Wtlmit V.K.v, Anr Uth. WIIUmtt. Valley, Anr tlal. W liUtmUa Vai, Au Slat. The Compel fnKtr ibe njfnt to hjaarre aailina cHtea '(hout notleo. N. B. lasenKra from Portland and JlleaiBUe Va:ly rinta can rnakj close jnceotl.n will; the train i-X .'cu Yafiulna 'Onto at Albany or CorrMH. and if det ;indlaHai Franeisco ahould arranlo rrlve at Ytj!ii lb" c onlnu bffor Ale f saaK(r sail f .rli.M lutes alwnja ins Laweat r'orlnlormatl'.n ply to A R Chapman, KMght ant ekt AK.nt, Albanr, o- to C II Hm!I, It., O. V. a P. As... Orif a Ivalo; eul Co., 4 Monra-.mwrjf Han franciaro, Cal. C. C. HUal t, A.O t. srIP A" . CorvaUs. il. C. WATSt5ri, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, -:- OREGON". Office la fbe nirshan Block. Attorney at; LawialTith ia'ailaot ALBANY OREOOTv. Will practice in all the-courte of tin SUU. AbstraoU of Title furuihed ou hort aotioe- Tun years exDerituice. J. WHITKEY, hvit And :M8iifiT At La? NI- liUlit CKECCK ALBA" JiSilk! Milk 1 1 1 em prepared to deliver 11 ilk t-i .11 parts of the city, duarantp. th b-.t quality. Leave order at C B Biowoell's grccery store. ; H'i FLETenRB. Uoburg.laUiubor. I sell the bc-st luiub'-r in tha i;-ui)t) ; aUo edar posts, tihiitithis. luthn doors .ad win ow mouidiut!, .lo. i'riiioi from $5 'o f22 er thonsaud. Vaid at L-iw-'n, on tbt Narrow GaugH, !J me hefnru purchasing elsewhere. W W Crawford. Adress.rO Tall nan, Or ForlfhiKer &. Irving, I 1 sit -FUNERAL DIRECmnS!.- 1 111. cobiOU in my KJits.1 by Allwny W, 0. T, f A prlvntc lot lor (rom PhIIiih. Or, Btntos tlmt this V O T U tlioro linn nrwn ro-r- Hixiurotl rvwiitiy ntut cxjuht i opon n rcHdiiiii room, n xiion uk u kuuumu' iuuco enn to H'tir'l. Two ininlntorn mill uu tditor nro u grvat help to tlio I'nlon. Tho Iioumo cuno to it moiiron boforo lt km too lute, noiTptod tlio ctmfervneo or- iunal rckni:o bill, which wnatiifl wimui liiil, and j'Rfwd it by a voto of 123 to Oil. The prcnuK'nt at onco Btgnod It. Union Mgimi. The v.-xriouH tomprmnro mx'lolk'B of t o n'nte of New Yot K nre tukliix liienH urfs for n vlpmiUKOttinpitiKii in bvhulf of a coiiHtitntiomU prohibitory nitifniliiu-nt, nVo "a moetitttz of forty or mora tnlnln- t .-rn, of vHrlous (U-notiiinntionN, prvm-nt at the stnto prohibitory niiipmhiioiit con vention, rhoMrt a i-ouni'iitUo to tmli ttvor to rnlint nil the rlcwvuiMi of theatitttf in lHhnlf of a viironma niovtnu'iit in fuvor of tiie adoption of the luncmltui'iit." A ltienilwr of tla New York Sbb Mi uor IH.alor AHuiH'iutioii reprtot in sa vims rt eoutlv : "In uttmwt every county in tho utitto now thoro 1h a liiH"r Uhrs OMWH'iution, and we arc all pledged to vote together. o will vole together rt ptrUU'tia of politioH, for we luivo coue to the conclunion that it la about time to take, care of ourselveit. In ion Siy;nal. (no court bag pronounced the turnout lirneut, Mass, TsiKH) lictiiKcti lioiims a public nuisance, and baa ordered its rt inoxal. It k is to the hiKhertwirt now for ilnnl decibion. The lict nHe may expire lefore that ctiuifs. The late national convention 'f 'be Younc I'eople'a Sx it-ty of Christian Kn deavor, bt Ui in St liiuin, nd-'pti il the followinc on the atihjet't of ti-inpi ranee : Since tlx' iiuplacnble enemy of righteous ness and ourilv of t'hrintaii'l Mix Church the intoxicHtliii; enp, thcri-lori, e- aolvvd, Tfiat we condemn intemperance in every form; that wo rtand tor total abxtiuence, for th aupprcnion of the ctt- loon, anil for the uunihilation ot 1 he power f the wliinkey rinj; in the politica of this- nation. Nat. Tom. Advocate. .. .. -. - tux rs to iioi'.sr.K:LTn:.;. IUiJ wootlt 1 oul i mui ly be wij td tft ih a off clth or f.rnnj;e wtun) fiom elesi, nr( wstrr ami JiicJ st oner. Wash ink tui:u fioiu car'cisittt mi'.k, n.l sftetwnriU with hot witrr, when ficU. OIJ ink stains mutt fn; he wciieO, i!icn ra'.lxd ai.h alti of lemon tnd wasiied i"ii k!y. IS.itiicn yo-ir wlv.-r ly tHiilinc it up in .j'y v.4 crfvira fc Win, cover t ith wclutinj; mutttencU wi'.li seme spiiiif, oiy if '.!e ovef. and lull ol) .n l oL!t i h ctumuis. I ne way to stipe me wans ot twin ... M I... w It Ii M t.'trr itt .'li.-ru ri! 11. dn.l I he wav to n e the walls ol a loom is hecinnine at the cet'.c tj draw the Im-vm tloan ia lines, chanciri! the cU th it becomes soiicxl. Keep cclti) fiesh !) iuin it in Wn paper tprinkled with water, iheo in a damp ctuih.and put It in a cool, mi place. Pcf tie --cpatmg it for the tatle ul tici;e it in Cold water and let it stand fct m. i our. Ii will l-e lounJ vety crisp How m.iny tnuw Low to J rrpnrc jerfe;tly licslt tp; o tlm' nn tllocicl t.n.ith can eat is? Pouf ljiUnj; water over the ejj in i;s shell, let ii siand on iheuuk in t'.ie wstrr for five minutes The rrj w ill be ready as smooth sscusUiJ, srd is almost as easily di gested as a taw one, while :t flavor is some- thine delicious. To brighten i;i'tt picture frsnics take suffi cient flour of sulphur to Rive a golden tinge to aliOut a pint and a ha'.f of water, and in this boil fw'oror five bruise.! onions.or gallic, which till answer the same purpose. Suaii- off this litpuid, and with it, when cold, v. p. h with a soft brush any RiWirg which requires renewing and when diy il w ill come out bright anew. In washing very fine muslins, they ahould be sooked in tepid water in which borax Ins been dissolved, one tablcpuonful of borax t j a gal lon of water being sufficient. After half an hour they can be ruUtcd c,r,,,:' in soapsuds made of fine white cuiJ! boiling wa'cr then poured Over thrm r.n 1 left lo too!. They should be well Pitted ond npi.:d rather than wrung out. To preserve the ciitpncen and flavor of green vegetables for salads, throw them in ice 'water for an hour, then dry carefully on a soft tcwe!, being careful not lo bruise them, an.) then pu: in a cold place until wanted, Never mis any salad with the dressing until you are ready to serve it. Use the coldest ol clohc tu erv; it on, and, if garnished propcily. is U one of the most attractive and wMiviinc ilnlics on the table. Tfce ralyll aad Ike atsar. Rev F M Shrout. pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: ! feel It my duty to tell what wonder l)r King's New Ubcovt ry ha done lor me. My lung were Ladlv dlscaed, and my parbhioners thought I could live onlv a few weeks. I look five bottles of 'l)r King's New Discovery and am iimud and well, gal. ling i( lbs In welghL" "p. ah, tet me soe, what do ymi give for a poM 011 the chest t " as mi Jonos, In a sort of Indifferent tone, of a doctor with whom he wna slightly anqualntan, rut ho met him on the Street. "Advlcf," waa the laoooio rrmly. So do we. We advise you not to noirlect that hacking oouirh and drowsy feeling, the ormtod tong-ue, tho railing apnetlto. the iridlfrt-stlon and a-enerai lassltudo and dehllity-that " tired foeiliiar," aa ao many express It, Take Dr. P W "oldtm Mctllcnl UlHcovery, In timo and It will not disappoint, lt Is not only the most wonderful alterative, or blood-eleanwr. known to medical s ilence, but also possesses superior nutritive and tonlo or atrenirth-fc-lv-ine; pronertiea. For Oroncltlah Throat and Lun- Diseases, sroomrianled with lina-erlna-eouKhs, the " Golden Medical Discovery " & absolutely unequaled as a remedy. lor Weak Luno-1, Spitting of Illood, Short Breath, Consumptive Nig-nt-sweats. and kin dred affections, it surpasses all other medi cine. It's the only lung remedy, sold by druggists, guaranteed to benefit or cure. In $500 Bg iw,r an incurable esse of Ca tarrh In the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Bog era Catarrh Remedy. By its mild, soothing- and healing crooortlea. ii curt tha worat eases, no matter ot how long standing. Only 10 cent. Sold by druggists everywhere. Pianos. Thosa r'ahing a flrat-fdass fn8trmnnt, the t est n ade to ata-id the oliroata of the Coast, can I e anlted by calling at Mri B E Hymss'r, oppoait ilia Manonlo Tetn plo, on First Street. The latest voc-il and Instrumental muaio kept for salo.alBO the largest assortment of stamping patterns so select from thia sida of 'Frifeoo. Lea sons given In painting and embroidering In her studio over Linn County Bank, liv her yonr order aud you will be pleased. MONEY TO LOAN7 $100,000 to loan at 8 per cent ea ian TJiLEGltAPHIO NEWS Internal Itevraae Collerllaaa, 1'oHTi.ANi), Aug. aa. The total coltectioni of inlcrnnl tevrnue for the tlbtilct emhrclng Oicjjon ond Washinglon, t'ltiiiig llie year end lug July I, tSgo, sie n i''i!V.n OieKon.tiS )0o, 65) WashinKtun, (137,364,811 A nW, il.064. 55, Total, e3aa.ay3.ol- Nut ainnlilrant, Wahiiinim'on, A"i;. aa. The Uinnt sco mtaiy of hitt'c, on heing ikeil to day if there wna any apecbtl ainilicnnce in I lie movetnetiii ol the lliiuliip Chiti Ic.ton on the Nortliwmt c jasi Just tit this time, M there was nut. Su far n he knrw the wotild not lu north . tif the Aiitc-t ic.iti hounilmy line, Krllrf, Nkw York, Aug. aa. hn SecieUry Wiiulom ans rrn t-rtibt court mini; tin Hiiticniy ia the money titi.rV.ct and the elTact of hia order for tl reilcniplum of 4.4 percent, homla, he sniilt "Ilive been in conatiltntHin wiilta niiml.-r of crnilciiu n ainti my arrival concerning the rtWt tif the measure, and re ports weiv (.i voinble. il 'n i htm to he com inn in live y, ntul I hrheve 'ln anion will till. 11. 1 Hilln itnt irll' I. n a. Ilinl, ft,M rHANi'lico, Aa;;. aa lite monetary pinch in Nw Yoik hni not cnuieil say per ccptihle niiirij-thrnirii; of talcs in mm ket, Money lcie i plcnulul at Irom 3 to 7 per cent I per snnum on approved collaterals. In fitciit w ni n iunuunt thai nuiine ins nasi rear tinvi a 1 lotal ut hrrn trt namitictl to I New Voik toial.sauv.inuycof thn high tales tcuioiioily pievailing rhete. lcsl I anki ere not ell nc exchar ce to New York in large sinuunt except to irgulnr pstiuitl, lvrr lart'liarl. Wamhmuon Aug. at, The p mount of vi'ivcr putchstcd I ilay was ss foil jwsi One huinlteil ihoutsiitl ounces st (1 19310, loo, uoo ouu.ti nl fi (94 10, 150,1x10 ounce! at ft 19.' j . S;cicta:y Netllcton jt. this sflcr- mxiii iltat .ilver purchasers lor the present niuntii woutii te Iiiiuie. 1 to a pruiotiunaie ier' cenlKe of the UHul luonth'i uuln of 4,500 000 ounces, ninl llut hetrjlicr lite smotin. pur illicit he irtkultrd by cttUmhtl niottllia. nut t'Hh 1 . Lt i.iiM-, Ot., Aug, aa. C N Scott, ie cover of the Oirgoiiin KaiUay Cumpany.wsi here yestcuUy luuking after the Isx ssxaamcnl ..I. I.. 1 t . . . I vi iu i.wiii'iiiy ,i, i4nv euuniy. in an inter- I view w t it a tepotcr he sai.l wotk on the ex- t otin, .titaa .euie r.iMits and iviiin ruin tcnsUn ftoni Cohutg to .spiingticld will be! kin. There are also quite a number f coininenccd ss tn as the title is ms le per Albany eople acattcrtvl around In rooms (cct and that the road will nunt.leirJ ami c opctation to .Springfield licfore winter. The! roaJ will not terminate i t Springfield, hut will I lie pushed tight on up the river. The hrt gtaUtug coin met cxtcnili as far as Jaspar. VTstl t the Mailer r Nkw York, Aug. at, t he atringency ia the money market in Wall strtct to diy, was sharper than it has etrr lert since the May panic el ISS... Al ilve opening tif the s'ock exchanc.btokrii who eie lorg on siut,ksand Itau ut.niweU UK.nry on tlicm, were clad to renew the lotus at ao rer cent Ccr snnum l-.ven tins late wotil.l but l.rmg a lenewai ol the Wars in many esse, and bcfoio 1 1 o'clock nuiiiy lniowrrs received noiicrsttial their loons had hern called in. Ihokris who boucht stocks )rtcrday, in anticipalion vt relief hum the liieasury deparimeni, trie.! to olilaln ( to pay Cm theu pure hates, but were unal.le to rlo sn l the tiemattd t au.r.l a later ciowj io remain around the money ml ot the exttiange all day. Iaily k,an were ml I- at as per cent, but ;he supply at thi figure was lav ... ..I .. I I .. . . . . ."""-'. e V'" mut, ,w oj ana i.o,f 1 o clock the tt. vaiimg tate , ' r ; ' ; "." .nu p.en.tum , per cent per .lay. After 1 n 111., the rale advanced to a half ter cent per uay anu irgai t.te'est or eiptal to 1 90 lrr cstit, pci annum- rite crowd of brokers were all trying to borrow and the CallcOn:inu eil to increase. In .lie last hour telegrams nom vvssitington to tl.ccllcct that the tics ury oittcuis Had decided to take measures to rebel the stringency caused an easier fcehne. The high rates for money rapidly dwindled away, too, when a Iresh supply of fund camel in hum netting eschangc bias, Help. WASMISUTOH, Aug. ai. The director of the mint to day authorized tbe superintendent of the mint at I'hibdclphia to make sdvanrea oa silver bsr, a soon as received, ia otdcr to lelicve the stringency in the New York money ma-ket. The treasury department :hi even ing issued a circular providing f.r the redemp tion befure September 1, of 110,000,000 4! per cent. Uml at par, and will after Sepltm ner I, prepay to the owners of bond so re ceived, all interest on said bin. Is up to snd in cluding August 31, 1S91, without rebate of interest I he circular of August 19 is hereby rescinded. Strrpy Mralre. New Voek, Aur;, at, It is repotted here that oisc t ficct of the rise of silver has been the st imulai ion of si ver mining in MenicO. Old mines, for year unuscl, are tieing pumji-d out and put ino shape for renewal of work, with improved method of apparatus. Com panies ar: 'jcing formed lor the construction of smeltrt, so that silver ore can be reduced aad rthnrd on i.Ictican soil and sent over in ban J snd ingot. fr.flMriliiM .rrialr.a. Washington, Ajg. ao. The lujitrintcnd' cnt of the census has just issued a bulletin on the projuction of pig iron in the United State during the year ending June 30, iSyo. In this bulletin the iiipciintcndcnt ay: The production of pig iron, including bis scmcr, luring the year name.i, sggtegated 5,579.779 ln (of aooo pounds 'o the ton) ai compared with 3,731,0a! ion produced duiing thcccnsui year of tSSo, ond 2,oSa,8ai tons during the consul year of 1S70. h will be (ratifying to notice the great inidcs which the Southern italei have matte in the manufacture of pig iron since 1870. The total product in that year being 350,346 ton, a against 1,780 9x9 tons in 1890. The development ot the manufacture of pig iron in the United Steles during the tei. year fiont l&So to 1890 i phe nomal, snd nt the present rnte of increase in production this country is destined soon 10 lw conte the IfioHiig p.rcKturrr of pig iion in the world, poibly reaching thi tiiilinclion in the calendar year 1890. In point of production Pennsylvania stands fiiit, Ohio second, Alabama third, Illinois fourth and New York fifth, In six Western state! which produced pig iron there have been a large inctease in production. Tbrealraed It It Hlrllte. San Fkancisco, Aug, ao To morrow morning the bright conductor and brakemen of lha western division of the Southern Pacific railroad will decide whether or not they will go on a strike. Their actioa depend upon the decision cfc the company upon a proposi tion of sflvancin wage. Conductors who now get 558 a inonih and demand $100, and the I rakenicn want an advance from to?75 The belief prevails lo day that lhe company, would grant the- men' demands or compromise wiili them by a reduction in time. However, General Superintendent Killtsoie will be asked to give the company's answer to morrow, 'Hie strikers sic still getting men to desert from the founder, This morning two men left j Golden Stale and Miner's foun.hy, and one the National. All three were sent East this after noon. A number of mishaps ore constantly! occurring in the foundries, Castings go wrong other blow up and again some when made ate either too lurge or too small. Negotiations toward a settlement ore, however, in progress, I Silver Bullion, Washington, Aug 20.' The silver bullion offered for sale to the tresury department to day was 1,314,000 ounces, lhe amount purchased 465,000 ounces, a follows: 50,000 ounces at M 19 875 lcoo, 150,0.0 ounces at$i ao, 350 000 ounces at $1 ao 25 loo, treaded Iattir! ;:. New York, Aug. 20 It k eported that lagrippe has appeared in thu city. Thrie ''rs'hs from the disease are said to liuve oc rurrcd at the hospitals last week. Several physiciani affirm that the prevalence of throat disorders is really the return of lagrippe, A su-e earn for the whisky habiti Dr. Livingston's Actidot. for Drunkenness will Cure any case of the liquor habit in irom ten to thirty duys, from the moderate driuker to tha drunkard. The Antidote can be given in a cup of coffee without the knowledge of tho person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the healtri in any way. Mannfsolnred l.y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, cr from J A Cammiug, sol agent, Albany. YAtUMA BAY. A Very lalereallag ramiiinalraMon rrorn Wrraon's tavvrlla aamnirr Itraort. IUltimokb Camp, Niiwi out, At:g. 21 Saturday at 1 :30 o'clock we beard tho cry "all aboard," and away wo aped (or Newport, Irelng an hour late, on account of waiting for the Portland cxpreas with the Omaha cxcuraioniHtn. incro were .. ... . . tr- 1 .. .1 nuite a l') v crown on ooaru. ve itau tho honor of having tiovcrnor IVnnoycr on Iroard. alno uolmt to enjoy tho aca Iit-ni... We arrived afely at Y'aijulnaClty, ond were huntled on Inmrd the liont bound for Newport. At Newport we were met liv an anxloua. cauer crowd, all Mtabinu ami crowilinir to co if any of their friend bad come. We aoon were settled in llaltlmoro'i addition to Newport, which is alluatcrl Jimt back of the Ocean llOUKC. Hundav inornlnit we attemlctl church and Hunday wlrooi, ami iiearn a numi ex cellont Hcrmoii. Moiulav liioriilnif we were up brlht and early and started lor Capo Foul weather. There were ten In our company, and wo w alked all the way over Bttil back. 1 cn cannot ueaenoe me taautlful wenery we pans throtiuh An artlirt could not ttirk for more lM-nutiful wct nerv than thin to portray. On our way we pitnaod throtush Went Albany, or i;reeK. Il is tpiiw niicaiy wniuu ith Albany people. Aiuona the Albany ihhiimv rt'Kiniiiii tncrf nra nut ii ft French ami family. K F Hox and family, Mrs Trumintll ami two aaUKiiu-ra, Mr Overman, Mine Hart, Mra Stewart, Mrs Henrietta Urown, Miaa I'.labop, Kd Carter and family, Mrs I'lckaon and family, Mrs HurmcHter and daughter, Mildretl, MIhw Mb Irvine, Kettle Miller and Annie Khun, Jcsra Van Wilaon, Clare Vunk ami Joint Morrlaon. After reaching our destination, eating our lunch, climbing up 114 steps to the tower of the light liouae and examining the lamp, we re turned home, tired, dusty and wornout but happy in the thouuht that' we had accomplished our pummhio. Tuesday we bait our tint bath in the bnv. and a urand lime we bad. A per won doce not know w hat fun it is until! they try it for themiMdves. On r.alliiuore bill w noticed Mrs S Hitltitnore and dauuhtcr, Ava, (ii-orge Harris and family, Mrs W II K John, Mrs lr CbninU rluiii and. son. Mrs A till ....I .I......1.I... l .. SI '.....II. jm" '. ..i.h,i- ...i., ......v....... further tlown in town, antoiiir wiiom arc F M lied Held and family. Miss Flora Hedlbdd, W C Twredale and family, Mrs Itr Kills. Miss Ih-rlha Kllia. Jav l'.lnln ami fatttilv, Mrs Kiefer and family, Mir ii . i. tt.u.. i , . at ... ....1 .iiftKHie s. iitsiiim rp, aits .iiitiiuii ami family. Miss Alice i'.luke. Charlie Hears. Alliert Cmpbrey, Morrla KcniWra and Joe iHtbruille. There are also quite i number of cople from Portland, Halein r.UKcne, t orvallis, etc. WrditrsUtr the tut! Ml.chlr! went out over the btr fihlnj, carrtlti lirtwrcn 40 and 50 passengers inotly laclcs. A hue time was had, only a few c lck. Caught about 30 6h. We had a itot brautllul day, the tun shining luli;bliv. On Wednesday' bust we noticed Mr Scars and la. nil r, Mr Hawkins and family, Mrs Kcv Irvine, and T J Over man from Albany. This Thursday morning we bad tin He a rain aliower, Si d a totn i. lady Itt Haiti- morecainn ntltjl.t have been reri holdiiig an umbrella titer the stove while the breakfast cooked. It ha no cleared oft and the wind U blowing p gale. The strati ctulxr fCl'y of Chaileljn" has iust arrived out.lde the bar. with the nm(f , ,otlwjt0. The tu Mlhtcf has gone out to It. ve a.l cilmitrd on , lhe , ,,, ,nd ,rt(k . look ,, I remain "Auntie's affectionate niece Sam txritA Jask. atui aatTMrstv. Miistit, Aug. iH, iSyo. llarrisburg. Is In this John Batch of nclgttlKtrhood with bl mammouth steam threshing outfit, consisting ol hlrtv-sls men, three cooks, and a comp'cteoutftt of machinery yesterday (Sunday) evening They were Irving a sclf-fceding attach mcnt on the separator, having an espcrt from Portland to oversee the work, but have not a yet made It work well on wheat though It doe very well oil oat. Harvest work Is progressing though somewhat slowly on account t( the grain ripening unevenly. Grain I striding much belter than was anticipated and good quality too, Mr Phllpot and daughter, Clara came near meeting with a serious accident while on their way to church yesterday. They were In a cart and the horse stumbled and fell, throwing Ml Clara nut and bruising her considerably. Mrs Phllpot csught on the dashboard and so saved herself a fall. In our last communication we stated that Nick Martin had gone to California lor a wife, which waa not true at that time, but as the story was unintentional we can make It right now a he I gone this time sure. The race home owned by the Jones Brother was oadly crippled on a barbed wire the other day. Mr Cuckey finished baling hia bay last week. He bad about fifty tons. Mr Getchcll's team ran away one day last week with Mrs Gclchcll andtwochil ren In the wagon. By great pirsence of mind he succeeded In pulling both chil d:cn out and then got out herself after the horse had ran about a hall mile, so beyond a few bruises a id a bad fright no damage was done. Papa and Mamma McN.ry have named their daughter Ada. Mr Tut ncr expect to start for hi. former home in New York about t'.c aothof this month. He doe not like our dry sum mer and savs he Is going wh?rc it rains once In a while. 8C Annltage of Poilland, and Mis Annitage cf fclugcnc, were visiting their sister Mrs Gctcbcll one day lust week. Elder Craig asal.ted by Rev Mai boy held mi vices at thu huuimctvillc school house last Sunday. A full house was in attendance. tiisFira. The Salvation Army ia getting ready to give Chicago what it terms a "grand glory go." The Halvation Army appear to ouuet stand just what Chicago necde. The motor line car to run between In dependence and Monmouth baa arrived and waa started to running yesterday. The people in that locality 'are juutiy proud ot it. Worth's latent edict prescribes that there shall be no more crinolines, and consequently the fall fashion will not snow tne promised revival of the empire fashions. The mother of Oscar Wilde, who has written verses that have been admired in England, will henceforth receive an an nuity from the British Crown, her name naving ueeu placed on tne pension list. The line between Polk and Yamhill counties is to be fully and definitel es tablished at last, vv p Wright is to do the surveying and the monument 1 to mark the line are to be cast at the lul'ma foundry. Queen Victoria pays great attention to the floral wreaths which she sends out. Inquiry is made , as to what were the favorite flowers of tho deceased person, and if it is possible they are obtained. All the royal wreaths are made at the gardens of Frogmore. In accordance with a curious Auotrian custom, one of Archduchess Valerie's wedding gifts has been a collection of articles of clothing worn by ber in hor days of babyhood. Her first wee pair of boots, preserved for this purpose by her nurse, was brought to her at Vienna by that worthy woman. v- Btatisties of religious growth for the past year, gathered by the Indonendpnt. shows that there are in the United States 151,261 churches of all denominatinns 108,300 ministers and jiearly . 22,000,000 members. During tho year there bns roHttnater-Gcneral Wanamakcr pro- prwea to have nome poetal-carrla made cBpecially for the ladlea. In other words ne will exclude thorn from tire males. Annie Tlxlcy, who In now in Ixmhn, chats plennantly alwut ladiea' drcimea, and nay : All ilrcasea for atreet wear are now made mum btmtlcM, aana reeds, sans crlnolinca, aan pretty much everythinK, and yet." trim added with a bright laiiKh, "1 notice tlrey cont from 2fl to 60 jMircent more than they did when they put In the whole bualnesN. The following la the ticket nominated by tho Idaho republicans! Governor, iOen L Khoun: lieutenant uovnrnor. Nil 1 icy, 01 niurrens : reprcaenwiive in con gresK, Judito Wiltia Hwcct, of IauIi; auditor, (100 Uobatbah. of I'.ltiKbain; secretary 01 slate, A J l'lnkliurn, 01 Al lnr... 1. , 1 ri,.m.. .. .l attoniey-general, Geo II Kobcrt, of Alturaa. una intcrestinu iniomiation in uj iillcrl by a reporter who la doubtless on terms of great intimacy with tho gentle men named : "Mr William Astor, of New York, enjoys an income of $Zl,r)i a day. Mr John 11 Kttekefoller'a amounts to lH,7lo, Mr Cornelius Vanderbilt'a to flft.uou and Jay (iould'a to f7,430." Mr (iould iiiUKt jo very much ashamed of the worry figure he cuts In this crowd. WOP.rownof Dull 11 odcM to bulll the foundation and walls for any kind of a court hoitae which the county court of I'oiK may ace lit loonier built. Whereat llro iViitiiui ! of tho vVcwt Hhle ami l!ro Houghty of the Olmerver don their war tiaiot, arm themstdvea cap-a-pie ant enter vigorously ami viciously uon the court hound war riuestion. "liarc-facetl lie" ami other choico lSilliiigsgatn drop- )iugs ntiorn tne coiuutna ol tlieae paptra now. Of the 4'JiK) iiteciea of (lowers now cul livated lit F.urotie, only ten per cent give forth any odor, j bcrefore It cannot Iks Hit Id that most How era are fragrant In an Knirlinh town there Is a shop where gun Hints are fashioned, and from which :to,(XiO,OtK of tlicm have Is-cn sent to the West 'oast of Africa in the last ten years. The savagn tribe in the in U-rior use them in their old-fashioned fire arms. Kxperlmcnl made in Austria show that the addition of aoda to I'orllaud cement enables it to w ithstand the action of frost. It baa lut. ly liecii shown that if two coin are tdacctl on opptwite sides of a plate of glass and electrified for two min utes they will have a perfect image of themselves upou the glass. According to Popular Science Newa, it 1 jHHtaible al the equator for a solar ccliprte to remain total for seven minute and tiftv-eight aecotids. A person, bow- ever, moving eastward on a rapidly mov ing train during totality could prolong it to tight minutes. The fact that the wave In the North Sea differ in aha)e w ben caused by a northeast wind under high pressure from tbM! caused by a southwest w ind with low bnroiiK lcr ia considered aa a proof that the air in an anti-cyclone is a de scending current and the air in a cyclone an ncccimiHg current. A new abell has lately been Invented by an Austrian for the purpoee of scatter ing oil over the wave during a atortn. It 1 a wooden cylinder, lined with shellac to keep the oil from penetrating the wood, ami it carries in addition a cal cium irght, which illuminates the water for a considerable distance Only fresh egg are a full of meat aa an egg, or, In other wonw, entirely full. Altera few days evaporation of the mois ture leaven air apace. Aa the air paaaea through the sheila it aoon bads-to de struction of the albumen in the egg, and this set the germ in the yoke to crow ing, if at any time the egg get cold, thi germ died, and the egg quickly spoil. Paper tongh a wood ia aald now to l made by mixing chloride of cine with the pulp in the cottrtM) of ma 11 u fact tire. It baa been found that the greater the de gree of concentration of the jtinc solution, the greater w ill be the toughness of the paper, lt can be used for making gaa pities, Poxes, comtw, lor rooting, and even, it is aaJixi, lor making boat A tall, good-looking young man, who wore line clotiiee, ana carried a valise, created a scene at the Stark-afreet ferry landing, in Fast Portland, last evening. An attractive young woman, with veiled face, wa waiting for the boat, and lie boldly walked up to her, lifted ber veil ana kiei iter three times. She did not faint or get angry. "Stop, sir," she said, blushing. "You are altogether too fresh." The fellow walked away, and joined two other men, and a woman. All four were awfully drunk. When they reached Portland, they walked up Stark street, jostling everybody who came along. uregonian It may lie interesting to some people to know that their chance of drawing a prize irom tne Louisiana lottery is one in 7,(HI5. y . t Quite a wnsation was caused in theatrical circles by the desertion of her husband by Mrs Anna Leaf, a star in tho late De .Shctley Co. Among the fruit that was taken aboard the car was a bunch of strawberries of the third crop of thu season, which were much admired, snys the Corvallis Times, streaking of the visit of the Omaha coun cilinen. The population of Washington will be 346,000. Of this 33,85 will le credited to Tacoma and 43,914 to Seattle. Thanks giving ought to be a great day in that ntnte; but bless us, bow the turkeys will gU staffed. It is a requirement of the poetofOc de partment that the stamp shall be placed on the upper right hand corner of the envelojre. This is for convenience in canceling. If the letter is not stamped in this way, the postmaster has a right to send it to the dead letter office. The Fortland Speed Horse Association see ma to lie run on rather selfish princi ples. Outside of Portland no paper con tains mention of the meeting, and it is to be presumed from this fact that the man agement has not even sent a complimen tary ticket to any 01 tne country papers, not to mention advertisements. ' The purses for trotting races for the fall meeting amount to $5300, while tne en trance money for the same amounts to over $-1500, leaving the association to add less than $800. The horsemen of liaker City paid $200 entrance money, and yet nu omciai nouncauon 01 tne meecting has been received bv any paper in Baker City. It is about time lor the Portland Spued Association to learn that Portland is not all of Oregon. Blade. It taWes youngsters to do things np brown. Tiie Eugene Register gives the following good example of their ability to meet emergencies. "Mr and MrsC W Young returned-Monday from a trip to the Pine Openings. . Mrs Young stop ped at Steve Kigdon's while up there and reports a peculiar birthday party. Last Thursday a child of Paul R rist.nw. who was raised by Mrs Rigdon and who resides at Pleasant Hill, was one year old. Mrs Rigdon's two little girls, aged 10 and 12 years, wanted to celebrate the event and so had a birthday party. They baked a cake themselves and car ried on a party aa though a large crowd was present, though only four persons were there. As this took place in the mountains G3 miles above here, and the ! (.loecT OTjr nejpn rtVV'ns Pt f (pit ain tJl I HOMK AMU ADKOtlr. THOftsPAT A go'i'l s;2':d fg p'frmoatod the atmoe pherothis morning. Ooe olTur of 25m cent was insdo for some heps at IStignos. The gross ssreiniaof the Northorn I'acilh) for last year were 22, WW.OOO. Misa Rlfctra Stites of F.uuoite Is visitincc rotativta and fi'niln in the oily. A It Mstlhtiw., I) C Hchell. and Thos Jours loft to day on a tr.p ti the J'indlcy print;!. CW Watt's valushla hiid dot, rrreitly Inst, his bmtn fotlinl. An tv. m the UKMOCMAT (lid It. F L Such and wife hive rottirr.e 1 fr.m Tsooina wheie they have lsn visiting tl:eir daughter Mrs Tuireli. J I' Htokni, an old end rpootd oil.ijtin of Walla Walla, died at North Yakltna on tho 17th ol consumption. Johnstown eontains more itdiahitsiitt tu-iUv tiino hs did hufore Ihs disasr whioh dr wnwl 3305 of her pi-oplo a ) e' ago. R Garrison has tio cn.trct at Kugt n for csrr ing the liisd t a'.d from th. Iran. s $300 is the pno, Iocs tvrn than u paid hre. A boise and (log cait csme iiito Alhsny alone this morninu at Lirnlio speed. Wr have not lesrund the iiatnv of the a., mir, :ior the result of the runnwat , Mr F P Nutting, nblor of the DkmocHAT wen to the bay to day to he Utrne a wek. We shall csot s.inn-lliiiig Very nice from hrs pt-n on Ins rt turu. The Astoria Columbian U authority for the slstement lbs', the Albany At Astorrt It lt iireliniiustv sutvyts completed i d - - r The disoatchr say tint tout m xle 111 t' Caisroo-V Iniaid rati) at Union was 10' iT - -r ' seeouds. wbitrh was probably tao rrr et I . ,, lime. I Fears are tuturuinul that an '.u'l.r. k ; win occur in Hie p.n.iu ury 1.1 'i -; ton, as Is a st ln ui cooom t ! in 1 the coiivicU lo . iT-ct an rim ! el.scly however. The eseayation for a fiw twv story brick at the corner of L)nn and Si-cood w liin this morniaa. Itwl!lb if the fw n.d style of the ft! K Voong bnoU. 1 1 i ot.o hor of the many evidoouxs of thn steady, per manent growth of Albany. Miss lain re 1. to!tra. who has t.o'-i. in San KraucUoo the pt two moiith', ariivtd bom. this morning sod will at onoo com-j meoo preparations for th. openi itif of ht-r " 1 ' ,F music, harmony aad language school in cm- nectmo with Mta Thornton. beyU-mbrr lt. Journal. A dispatch recwivrd to day frm the managers f ir wbtn Maud Grange; is n'-w playing in Portland stale that tb- are itr airnu -if coming to Albany 1 rxt w l Maud has fw uwri.r in I sr In--, t.d we liKjj:k hir her a full riotisi- iu mm it is decided to coma. Th salary Hxed for the Ui.d oilVer for Oregon fur the enittt( er is a. f.ili'-ws; U Grand. $2743 SJj Ltkevpw. i-H'.'22; Drenou City ard Ki.-I.iiiu $.1001 c:i.; The U.llrs, $.1ii;.5J Tub hH.m t Burns, which has lru n.H.ig I uii-k ordy Itttl over sis mMha h,- 111: U;'li to bring the salary t 5221') ". KIiLt I". am of :l, IJ. ra'.l b. cot.'- on to his rarch on fh.Saniuit . Th Saut.nt mi on a; attni i a t'rt;at di 1 of llitrtltat jut lion . Mr -kiur"r I'ui'iiitiii an tibii'i..,i t. tut home to the Thitd waiu. Pn-f J W Johnson of tha State ut.ivc-isity waa in Albatiy yesterday. Julius, K;hm?r cab d; ivt-r, has retarntd from a trip to Sodaville. Wotk wss begnu t-.lay nn a ccmcbt wa'k ia front of th new t'ank of Oreaon Mr Smith Ktu i of California, brolherof Elba Kaoi ha k. u viait-ug hi re for a few days past. MrKichnU, of Corvallis, was la the city to-day. la the interest of the pr"i-od ea bibitear. Mr Merrill has just received so insurance map of the city which u tb. eomplolest thing yet oat. Th school fund s portinnmnt for August la rVftnnCo. shows 9.VJ3 ljsp portiotitd and Z-'.OH children. Mr Ehods n. w rrsii'.eoco in tb Third ward is Hearing contplrtun, and will lea fine addition to that part of the city. Work no th Methodist chorcli is pro greasing nicely. It will b one of tha handsomest cl.utch editioes in Albany, Mr Ellis Kooa w just o tbiub-ting a baii.)- som Cottajja ou Thi nl street just ai-rn the ditcb, which will be occupiid by Mr Grant r roman. Mr Brink tb railmvl c-nt rector will leave neit waek to work m the Unto Pacific jast beyond KaUtn. He puts twenty teama to work. Julius Joseph returned from a trip to the bay and way point to day. He r -port weatorr no I tit morning though for ev eral day past it has hem raining. Davia Br., of Shotid'-, have sold tbeir took of gmd to Nrltou Crame. of Hrowm- villo, and a Mr of Shed'i's who will uon-tuu. na i-uaiaeas. Air Uaorge Dsvis will take a trip east shortly. aha Baltimore brick on the corner of First and Lyon street ia f..t aaran-int; th. appearaoe of a building. The 30x100 warehouse fronting on Water street ad joining is almost completed. This will be on of the best busiieaa blocks ia th city. Sub Arrived. The United States cruiser Charleston arrived at Yaquina bay yesterday morning after a fourteen days' trip from Honolulu and guilcd for Port Townsend at noon, taking iu fresh supplies. She made slow time to econo mize coal. Admiral Brown forwarded telegraphic dispatches to Washington from here. Tub Two A's. Mr Barr Chief Engin eer of the Two A', with his party, 'c turned to the chv yester.lay evening from Tillamook. T"hey have now com pleted the survey of the Albany and As toria Railroad from this city to Astoria. As every one knows who is acquainted with the geographical features of the country through which the road is lo rim, the road can be built at the minimum cost of railroad, as the country is tr.ainly level and htt'e grading will be required. The next thing to lie done will be the etab!ihment of a perman ent grade by placing grade stakes through to Astoria. The Albany cap italist who have, this enterprise in charge are men of energy and enterprise and are not merely experimenting. Everything goes to show that these gentlemen are backed by capitalists east who will put the road through at an early date, MArCROAY. Wheat is lirm at 65 ceutf. Jidge Strahau left to-day for Newport. Considerable aiokuese is said to prevail 10 the country now. The Parmer warehouse is r.oeirii-T a new coat of paint, Mr Frd Blount and wife ar home from a month ia th inoiinta'us.. Thomas Holinau aud H W Cottle of Salem were in th city to-day. Geo. Harris returned from the ti dv and leporta a very pleasant time. Mr ViriiH Parker went to Ysqnina Ray so-day to drink in the sea LreKcr. The Guard reports a p nm that w cig'ted 5 ounce and 7 measured 8J inuhes. Lank Bilyen passed through Albany tc- iay on h way to Yaquina from Eugene. Dr tV H Rowland of tha Pacih'o Medical Co., returned from a tuiiness trip to Port land last evening. The recount in Portland and Salem will begin next Monday and will be requited to be finished ia three davs. The oonnty bridge at Umpqua Ferry will be completed Monday and tha event will he celebrated by a pictiio and ball Review. About 150 person went on tha exaursion to the Bay this sftetnonn Maoy came from Mills City aud other poiutu east of Albany Horace Farewell, of Albany, a brother of Mrs H Farlow. of this plaoe, is vitutiug hit relative in Ashland, this week. Ashland Tidings. Hon J K Weatherford and DB Monteith went to Anton to-day on basinets con nected witu their' property in tha city by 1 tUC "IVB I Oeo l'.rown, an employee at the U. P train yard at Albrfiaas a wiper, was acotdnotly ran ovr by an eogtos aud died yesterday at 12 o'olook. The j l. ld of wheat in this eoonty is enor- n ous. ihi train is plump antlisinabet ter condiUon for iiisrket than for many ymirs provioni. Mountan.rcr. Pelo Monloniory who was shot lst Sunday at tlio t rick yaid rait of thisotty by Uiirlorwood is not improving i..ncn. Thn ball has not been removed. fttophmi Minood forwardnd 4000 pmnds of hups via 8aorarnttnti to Milwaukee by fst IrniuhtThursdsy, These hops were of the 1H0 crop and the product of 2J acre. Oanrd. John 1' Irish ofth8n Frstioisco Atta has hri-ri noimtifitrd by the r,mocias lor conittias in the .third convrHisionsl district of tint slat-.. John P has al-oiit 6000 ma j'tiity to t y irwi n.j. Tim innd klotig the r' ad t:car (irsotis thr.- fret !; ovor tl. :ra-.ik. Two trains It'ftltiMC ty this m.roirig for tbs east; bat did fnt gi any Urhr than 0rau by roaaon of ti e i'd foui t Unetr. Oj oor ii' an tmpretenlions l.ttle sheet raill iu nofb r I oni'ioo name of Klot.oni atid J "ii.,. 11, It i fdtiedbyHL Wi!..' Vansihld, s. n o' llev T II White li.riin rlt of t 11s ei y. It is a shilling gnu sin tfcf way of amateur joar Bali'in, The rlo g 11. ! Itadro-t Cinjmy his a.l. i.t il with id. 1. w t fin tb 1 nrcM'JC, very te:c I111 t- i's fiiiii.vt. of nV'Og of! reunlutiy, (!iTi-t"f'ru nxvilay h tv torn fiiw am! fa I ittwc-n. hi rit.w 'hoy H piy .lf rrijii! y !.i-tc?!i tho 10th and I5'.b of ' h 1110, ;i I I.!-. will I'd -, oieet i f go d i;f4 ti y of that lea . ftois-j fhovn -A Jt'iummcr for i Port Irti'tl vibisky bouse an In a very hilar - tm conftttion 1 1't t-vctiin ; on tne streets. 1 . . , ., n . .. . 1 .1 i.. n n .( .. n . . -t w M jm i.v ...MW'.IC HU mien Wl fioiitt'ii by a policeman he demanded to 1... ...... . .1. 11 11-.. 1 1 !l,a!.t,!rd', the recounted city t " .... im.i, If. til ii.jii.i, insure IK Tub V, ii.lamkttk. 1 he steam er Wil la mctic Valley onlvcil at Yatjuina bay wUrdav. The following Is list of her ! I'll ist-nucra: Ii Vniarovii h. It W Butler. I W Oavidson, I i;.:!lman, II Bellman Mrs l A linon, A I-ong and wife, -S S Brush, J Mugnold, Chas Pclaney, Mrs Or ftcott and two children, V Arnraer, K I. I. aiiilicit, wife and th ee children, Miss !; Lambert Miss L Lambert. A tra n iki the passengers to A I li.mi , Kl 41, latrAlE SSllH. , p ,-. ... , . , !"" - " -- ! I.. If. .. I .l ... All..... in IP 3rd ad to Albany 8 6oo 1. J and Agnes Bailey to O 11 Burtt tract in block bl in Albany. . . 500 Allie Waler et al to lloiace A Pousl! undlv H V. yt I) L C 45 400 I S Ames to Israel Viood y acres in I T Amct I I, t 25 I; W & II Tvson to 1 C I'orter 2 acres in l L C ol I , filer. . . 7 J A ' arey to N C Myers tract Ii lot 33 in !-cto , 700 N C M trr to J A Carey w half loi ts A 36 In rcio 800 G W Smith ct ux to V C Morgan lot 6 bils 1 Pipe's S Albanv ad. I II Putkbsrt etux to T U"God- . dard 6.1 5 seres '.n Inn SKtsr 600 I 11 liutkhartct oxtolsiO IJaicli j 6 acre in sec 17 tp 1 1 S It 3 w . 600 !Ja Mcltargui" et ox ' to Q II "kin I ncr Ei A N Ej blk 35 Jt'.sd 500 ' W II Hobaon to vV It .ot 7 b b k 9 Hobson ad to Mid City 4J A C King 10 Eloiira l Ujjh oik 1 sis holby 40 J M Ka'stoti i-l.ttx toj C Gordon lot 5 ilk 17 It's-3rd ad to Lcb IOO SW Keith to it i. roster undtv y, int in S K sec 26 t 13 r 4 c 500 N P Crume ctux to Kobt Harri son ' acre in tp 1 1 h K 3 . 2500 V C 1 loll el ux to D A b Holt 250 a in sec 39. 29 tp 11 r 3 w 4000 I titled States to John Haley IS r kecs aim 4 tp y rx 4 aa State of Oregon to S llo'.tnc W . see 36 tp 14 S R a W 400 H Hotitie to Cbas E LadJ W scC 3, 4 tp 14 S R 3 W J6o Linn County to Cornelia tvaldiu lot 1 4 5 (iblks 3 w d t 362 Stephen Balliclt et ux to L J John son 09a In tps ia, 13 SRlW 100 Etnan E Tail to Wm Patrick 160 acre in sre 3 4 tp 10 S R 3 E looo Gideon Sower lo Geo Miller el al laoa In sec 26 tp 10 SRili 600 Cha U Bate to Wm Patrick N L : ec 26 tp 10 S K 3 E 1000 W C Uavis ct al lo N P Crume ct al lots 1.2 blk 3 Shedd... 1500 Mary E Dickson ct al lo II Dickin son 41.53 acres tp 11 S R a W 415 Total lor week... $ 1 1.070 Total for year 1,816,717 Four mortgages were filed consideration $1650. X t-eneiral lltrak -. Of th s!cin is termttl "Sciural DeUiity.' The t' i. not properlv uonrmhetl; i io a starved condiuou The system caooot maintain itself, lt is remat kabjr to aee how (juicslv a pt-nton itt this condition will revive uoder tha n lluence i f Dr Iliiler'a Hjdratt iin. Restorative. For Sale at Foabsy & Maasa's, Frearh t u.c.a These wafers arc a ir .ind sule specific for all kinds of female i..jbles and will remove all obstruclon to the monthly periods no matter what the cause. They are just what cv.-ry woman needs and can bo used with tfafcty. For sale by the Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our sole aicnt, J A Cumming, druggist, Cluat berg block, A tbany, Oregon. r t'-it;rt:irl Uld CI. v.. aecp a full lino of these gloves in black and colored. Am sole agent for Albany, Oregon. Samuel E Young. W rt kr a to Get Them. When wanttng n organ or plana call on G L Blackinan A-ha-e you tan select from a first class ttOcav. ' . P.EnFECTSSHag;. The only remedy kuown which will Sti.TtuSa'3 th3 Kutrltlvs Processes of tho . 'Becuo SjSiCO!. ' Py this natural and t Irnple means It quickly and porniuncnt'y CUIIJUS AH Forma of Dyspepsia, Constlpwtlon, SIcntal and Korvous xhnuatlon, General Debility, 1-ra.ln Fas. or any exhausted or weak ened condition of the system, from whs. ever cause, Sbtn Erttjitions, Bolls, Cun ning Sores, Scrofula, and all Diseases Ol the Blood, Stomach, liver and Kidneys. $1.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00. ' Ir. Killer's 64 pape book, descriptive of Hy- rant hie Kestorative and his olhtif UeiuecUea. sut free by mail. BILLER DRUS CO., Saa FfgIsso, CaL - COS &AXJB BX ' .-- F0SHAY. & MASON, ALBANY, OCB, aw. a xrisxztxxzvca-. Prescription Druggist. "UHt DRUGS;'... iknirnif 1 ) AMU Tm article' v RESTORATIVE Alhasyjiarkft. Wlnstl 65 j )t-30,i. Bui.M;r20i! prib. Hsy-e.oo. Potatooe 75 cte por bnnhel! Bntif on f'KH, 8'c Aiplea-71) ceots per bu. 'irk 6'A3 per Itr tireeaed. I'srons hams 12Va, ationidnrs, an. aldrja lOn. jii i9: fmr lb. .uta;u pr iibi. bickena 4 00 per do. in resi iiran, por tov shores!, 1ft. rnid fiinK4, 20. I!h "0. a. .SB SU, SSUi'-.! DISEASES mil CELEBIATED FOB Oil EKBI ISalil.atlltiCammaOfnarKllrrlUt. .andlatW air. amtroyc of atlctoUn, au4 utbnt KSiS v frttfy. Price. SS cents at iiox M AY & I J 11 3 : iMers in General Msrcanaise. - it eon mm m& v? arUiliCoaalsiul?aVOC PZ8U.ITT1 fSTTTJT w!ksaaifleya Zia: affsst J J IX X efF.-Te-s-wric-sstsiaO.iCT Ti. k BiSSWlO (! !.. U Staa lr ,iS- Slll.l SStVSUrt-SK lirtlS n foiff trm m 41 Sto la, T.MU.t. t ff i ill. t mmmUmmrm. 8S. f.H .'., mm aajl , m. aaaraat tail atssisss .- srraa m. I. S. a'. STEELE, Real Estate i Loaf) Broker. Lar?e 5it of gm-d farm and ti'y propetty for sale Ixisns, moi.i y co real io Lir.riJ.nd adjoining eatttc. Iosotar.ce wiit:to op iueSiallr eompa-.l Notary Public and conveyance. Call on or writ me. S. STEELE, Aibajfy'i Oregon. ART STUDIO, Bfj. Dr. Paltcn, , Cer. Srd and Ijcn SU LESSON'S Giv i'u Drss. inu. Painting ndMraic. Ph-torw f.-ri r painted to order.' S. W. Paisley, slfea.y. .. - '-ViIO!.E4 ILK ORVI.EK IN . Tobacco anl Cigars. Orders solicited be in lhe trvl. Item s'ta.k of 2nd T .oh1s Iu ibe V' r u thn ni-x re .ate prices, bd n ouying sa l mailing, i have on bat Mt ""Jt, 01 f rU'.KmjREf STOVES, TIN WAS r mm, B3QXS, PICTURES V ETC., ETC. rf.jsr we-ttof S H Young' o!f etorj L. COTTUkB Conrad Mover STAB, BAEBllTl Cn. IT aT M tm? Store. V iter Broa4alt!iii and First Sts..k -DEAIR IN unrd Frails, cilantj re, !rlea Frails), Tobstceo, nitstr Coflee?, Etc., CBeV MestU, (p;eensware, rc.ettsklesi. CUarts. Sct'eta, Teat, Ele- ..ct everythlntr that ia kept In a gen H i -variety and firr.ict.ry " ,,r. Highest rkst pric paid for ML KINDS OFynODUCE. City Meat Jlarkciiy EHULT2 ES.GS,, Proprietors. X, K'p full line of meats of all kinds, in a cool, completely pro tected; and always freah. Albany IRONWORKS- -Mti'tifetsturers o' 1A!.' EHCIHES CRIST AND SAW tslLL MAGK1NESY IRON FRONTS ALL KiyUS OF HEAVY ANQ LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. H,c.ftt Attention .tftid o fairing ll Ha .r iittPhlriAn Patterns Made oa Short Notice FRANCIS PPEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works .nd Manufacturer of CHOICE COroTIONEllY, ' .Ve sow prepared to n at who s '., always friwh and put e at PortU o I to dealttra. We also keep a ful ef fints and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS ANO TODACCO City Restaiirant. Hiviiig been entirely remodeled, this old aod popular restaurant will be made firs class, n every re-pec t. The public will b given good meals at all houra for only 5 ccrjts. Everj thing neat and attractive Private boie. Oyster In every tyle. W. A. McGxa. By alt m-au call on PARKE it BRO TOR TOTJB G roeerie The Plac - fi! ( f