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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1890)
...AUGUST 29, 1800 8TITE3 A KIllaM aa.l NUTTING. rriirlctvrH Alrani n. ix Astoria.) B Monteith nil J K Wcntherford, of Albany, ar rived in thin city yosterdaj afternoon ami signed at tlo Occidental hotel, says the Astorian. llotli irentlemon are con nected with the directory of tho Albany A Astoria Railroad company, and in a short time rumors were living alout that work on the rond was to "be commenced at once and tho line pushed to comple tion. What Rave rise to the report is conjectural, at the gentlemen stated that they had nothing new to communicate in regard to tho intentions of the com pany. Their visit to this city is in con nection with some private luminous. The next days Astoriun says: At (he court house yesterday afternoon, J K Wcatherlord, of Albany, made n jood buy of choleo Astoria property. I I was one of the few that attended thcshcriirs sale in tlie partition suit of (' II Pae against Sclhosser eta'. The property in volved comprised lot i ami 10, bine k 61 ; lots 6 and 10, Mock 5 ami lot 10, with water front right, in Mock fid's. Me Clure's addition, and Won what is known as Hamilton street. The prie paid was 112,000, which is considered verv low. As Mr YYeathcrford i connected w ith the Allmnv ; Astoria railnm I in of- i ficial capacity, the pnrehaie will d-viht-j le Ihj th. f.mnd.ttioit r.-p.irt-t t hut I thecomp:tnv Hoe:trel it f.,r torut'nnl ' facilities. M. E, ApiviJfTMKJir. The M i: con ference recently in session nl !rnnl. I nss tins made the following npHint ments for the Salem district, the confer ence being divided into three districts, Portland, Salem and titnnt Vn: ' S l' Wilson. Presiding KVi r. Al'wnv S K Mcmingt-r. Amity F I. Post. Krownsviile S II Toller. Brooks To 1h supplied. ('orvalli 11 P Sit.'liw .!!. Ihillas M F Suv.r.nen ille. Ihtytoii S F H yal. Kugene 1 A Water". HaWy A C Fairchild. ilul)lanl S L 1-e. Jefferson 11 Ihmld. Ielanon I. P IViyd. Monroe A Kershaw. MeMinnville James L Abbott. Salem C K (.'line. Khcdds II n Klworthy. Hheridan (t W Koork. Hilverton W M Nichols. Turner E It Ilorter. Yatjuina and N'ewjMjrt M O Brink. Charged With Pkrjcr v. Lat week a case was tried before Juttlce Wyatt' court between a Mr Randall, as plaintiff and Thomas Anderson, a farmer living three or four miles south of Albany. KanJall i had been at work for omc time for Aiukr son, and when tney ctroe to settle tiwy 1 a.sagreua. 10 tne lengm 01 tMie mat Kanuan naa worked. Kancail sued lor his wages and in the trial Anderson swore that Randall had not worked any during the month ol r.ay while Randall ore that he had worked alxuit eleven dav. Randall obtained judgement i-r about $ jo which was Bbout half shat he claiiii.l .11 due him. Randall claims thst he can prove by a number of Anderson's n-ighbor that ! he worked quite a number of dys in May. j Randall swore out a warrant charKlntf ; Anueron wun perjury, ine case wa set for hearing this morning at ten o'clock. The defendant filed an allidavit for contin uance and Justice Wyatt granted a contin uance to next Wednesdjy morning at 9 o'clock a. n. Escaped Lixatic Capti blu. Ijtst Friday a man called at a farmhouse near Scio and asked to "Stav over night. Per mission was granted, 1mt the next morn ing the man refused to leave, saying he intended to "stay and help keep hotel." He proved to If an insane man, having the number of his ward stamped on his clothes. The city marshal of Scio went oat and took the man in charge and t-s.k him tJ Scio, where he kept him until thia morning, when he took him to Sa lem. The man was verv abusive when the marshal first took him in charge bat settled dow n to a riuiet state. He said his name was Kent and he was from Ilonglas county. He said he had a wife oat in the southern part of the state. Cbook County. No photographer has In Pnnevlile for more than a year, and , one who would come here wiuld .Ind plenty of work for two or three months. Married At the residence of the bride's parents on McKay Cie-k, August list. Justice Bell officiating, Mr John K'liott to Mis Frankie Backus. Last week John Flock wa given a pre liminary examination before Justice Saer at M it-hell, for the killing of George Chambealain on the nth, and wn dis charged. On affidavit filed in Justice Bell's court.s warrant was issue J for K lock's rearrest, and he wa b-ought before the justice here and hi examination ws beinj; conducted yesterday. New. A Suabx Story. A man arriving on th train from Yaquina P.ay, told the startling story that yesterday afternoon, while Li tee 11 or twenty people were lathing, a shark came up, cnught John Uerry, of this city, by tlie leg, dragged him half way across the sea and then disappeared with him. The On-gonian failed to get the tragic item. Of course, it was a canard. ' At Scio. A switch is Wing built from the Narrow Gauge, hertofor socalled, into Scio. It will run past the ware house to Goins' mill, and w ill be a great advantage to that city, generally, as it will give it the shipping facilities it so much desired. The Oregon Pacific should also ran a switch into that city, the cen ter of a large trade, and compete for the surrounding business. City Cockcil. Last night was the time for the regular meeting of the city council, but Councilman Garrett hail f;one to Portland where his mother is ying dangerously ill : Councilman Smith waa in Lebanon on business, nnd Coun cilman Dcyoe is on tho Aisea taking his summer outing, so, there not being a quorum, the council adjourned until Saturday evening. Will Tacu Mfsic. Miss Edith Har ris and her mother returned this morn ing from Knappa, on the Columbia river. Miss Harris says they had a tine shower of rain a few days ago and everything is fresh and green. Miss Harris will enter upon the duties as teacher in conserva tory of music of Willamette university, next Monday. Salem Journal. M. E. South Conferencb This con ference has just closed Its annual session at Lebanon. Under the new snpointment Rer, Shankle. recently of Missouri, wa lotated at Albany; Rev. ilcnleiter goe to xenanon; Kev. J W Oralg, recently r re siding Elder, to Iialla. Rev. R W Moe of Tangent, to Myrtle Creek, and Kev. Howard to Ttngenl. A Lecturer. Arrangements are being made to have Col. Woodford, the temper ance lecturer.ln Albauya couple year ago, to come to Albany and give another eries of lecture. He is now doing the North west, and will begin at Astoria Saturday evening. Who Is It? The West Chehalem cor respondent pt tlie Yamhill County Ledger says: A certain widow in this locality has gone to Albany and a widower talks like going, looks a little suspicions don't it. Fine Sample. Mrs Crandall, of this city, has left at this office a sample of J teaches raised at ner place mat are 'things of beauty and a ioy forever." Oregonians need no longer look at Cali fornia peaches. These are equal to Cali fornia's best. A Beautiful Kotfa Prof II C Palmer, of this cif,y, has laid on our table a copy of his last musical production entitled, "As Bright as a Sunbeam." It is Baid by the lovers of music to be a regular little gem in its way. Tbe Laillr Dellcbteil, Tbe pleas t tfTect aud tbe perfoet saftty Wit! 1 V !iich 'aclis my ose tho hoiiid fruit undwr nil conditions FRIDAY..., A Challenge. Inasmuch at there has been considerable talk In regard to our buying a Buffalo Pitt Thresher, claiming that they are old-fahloncd and cannot do good work or any great amount of It, we are led to call attention to the fact that we have never claimed to He the only thresh eriticn In the coumr, or have we claimed to thresh two or three thousand bushels per day or average twenty-two hundred bnsticl per day the season through. All this tvn'i;aloclo Ims led us to say that we can thresh n much jjraln and do better wo-k than any thresher m county, (Pitts e:eptcd,) for five hundred dollar. This will give a chance if a.iyone thinks they have a machine superior to the Pitts to put no or shut up. Our mai.hlne I a 30x51 HufT.iio iMils nought 01 ivnnpp, Iturrcll ('o this year. Hi rkii vht & Cose. Tiik Cai.uimha Minks. A short time ago the men at work on tho 0 & II U M & M t'o's claim, the Poormnn, sent down a ran of ore for the purpose of having it sent down to tho assay olllee. Mr HO Warner sent the rock to MrU W Jcune, an cxperieneinl assayist of Portland, ami received the following rcport.which is uli and more than was expected : Hold, no. of ox, per ton, IM, value $7.12; silvcr.nn. of w.a. to the ton, ..0(!, value fHi. Total value per ton, fi).U4. Prior to sending the one to the otllee. Prof Ijuigworthy, the Portland expert who is now at the mines, said that it the ore of this mine would yield $3 per ton the company liasn regular Unianx, as there are mil'ious of tons of ore In sight. Times. Noktii Pai h ic I'xihsitiov. The North Paei tic tndtfit rial Kxtsitiin ill open 11 1 Portland September 2.VI1 and continue to 1 eti.tT .Vth. No cir.rts are being spared to make this one of the imwt suiveasfttl, instructive and interesting exptsiitions ever held in the state. Many new and attractive feature not heretofore found at these cxiMitiitions have lxen provided j for nndwtU Ih exhibited at this timo. Every person w ho can should spare the time to examine the wonder and enjoy the lcl!c.tit (.j t!u cxpiniHon. 1 1 K Wii.isit, Aii exchange put ll In thU nuinnrr: "Wilt thou t.ike her for thv i-ard. for better or; to lov, to j t.ti!.!. 1.1 fomtlv guard, tl 1 hr lied ff in a 1 hcar-e; wlit thou let her hvve her way ! and co.isuit many v I -e, make a fire cvrry muri.tug, und hi lp her wan ulhc; i!i'l'ui give her all the !g' her little pure wiil pack, bur her a monkey or poodle,, or a tcal skin saque; wilt tUu comfort and mppotl her father and mother. Aunt Jemina, thirteen nUters and brothers?'' And hi face grew psle and black, it wa loo late to j It, as through the chapel lloor he sank, and sadly tald, "1 wilt.- Fahmkr Jonks Makkiko. Cupid has captured farmer S H Jones according to well founded reports, and the old man is doubtless now in clover. A few day a ago his children applied for a guardian for him, but whether or not they succeed ed was not since learned. It lias been learned, however that old man Jones, who is nigh on to 70, marriel Miss K!l Harbin nt the residence of Mr Pretutn in Portland in rortlaud. The lady Is fair, frisky and thirty yeers, and is said to I happr in her choice. She is quite a Dene and Mitn Jones just loo crt. Jones is credited with saying that be had his pick ' out of forty, and that Miss Harbin was the K'st of the lot. Kv A rx Valley Family. Some time ao, taw the Klickitat Leader, Jake s,ntlh, f Fox Vallev. Oregon, came to thi count rv on a vUl't to friend and rcla- tives.brlnitir.g Ms family with hl-n. About sis week before coming here Ids family had the diphtheria and one child died. The tirst place visited by this f.onily was bis brother-lit la w's John Allen, whose li'tle two-year old daughter caught the dread diease and on Tuesday died. Con Yackel and Mr IJrownlce were also vi-lted, and there are cases in both these tamllies. How manv other have been visitid i not known. Tbe dis.'ase is of the most malig nant type. If Mr Smith i still in the country be had better get off somewhere and fumigate bin. self, before he is arrest rd sod placed in qttarintiuc. ExmniT. Sitverton ought to have a big exhibit of grrln and fruit at the Me chanic Fair. We dlv need a board of trade to act at an executive committee f r the town. .Silveston is a gooj point and ou jht to make its location and resource better known. Silverton Appeal. A Albany ha a good board of trade why should we not h-ive an exhibit of our re source at the Fair. We have plenty of good material for a splendid exhibit and it mij-lit be the mean of an increase in population to some extent. Let our board of trad.- take thi mat'er In hand and also theea.tern exhibit before mentioned in these columns. pKE.wiri;ns Hl ri. -Hon Wm Klhl-r of J.tckon.'l'd9 aid Rev P M Htarr r.f llaley, whu were attending the annual of the Methodist Kpl-ropal 'nurcliat Grant's Pass met with c,u!:e an aeciJenl last Saturday. They had started home w.lh E t Dimick in fc spring wagon. The back seat, upon which they were tiding, fell backwards In crossing a small ravine, and they were threwn out, striking on their h-ad. Rev Starr ha been in a comatose tUte, with partial par;.lyl of the lower limb, ever slnci-, and hi condi tion Is considered serious. Mr Kahlerhas recovered consciousness, but i severely stunned and bruised. , W ere FeAsrtu. Vslicy Lodc No. n, K of P., of this city was oflkially vUited last evening by Grand Chancellor O II Irvine. He wa accompanied by Oeo. Hostctiler snd J P Hall, of Albany. The session was both Interesting and instruct ive snd the exemplification of the ecret work by tlie G C wa nicely done. The supper served by Mr Dalaba and daugh ter wa "a fine spread and reflected credit on their skill as public caterers. Corvalii 1 hues. New embroideries, flouncing, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream. I.ace In imitation noint. also new designs in bloc ...d white lace, including Vandyr.k and Eifel Tower. New ruching. Samuel E Youno. Peaches, The finest lot of Ash- land peaches ever brought to this cltv were received by Mulller & Garrett to-day. Parties wishing to preserve peaches csn get choice fruit at bottom prices. Call early and receive the best. Wanted at Oncc Bartlett pears for shipping, and dried fruits of all kinds. 1 ugliest market price paid by G. W. Simpson Warm Weather. A fine stock of re frlgiators im. uttm freezers may be een at Stewart & Sox's. Nothing like them for the house. Duems Well. A choice line of suitings has just been received at L E Blain's tail oring department, embracing some of the "best patterns ever brought here. Stylish suits, good goods and perfect fits are the order in this department. With the best facilities for doing work, satisfaction can le given. Wall Tapeb. I have just received r Jtn tha eiit a largo invoioaof wall pa - oer, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. Samuel E Youno. Wanted. The undersigned desires to purchase the usual amount of baled hay and oat for his barn In this city,- Vhose having either or both to sell should call on me at once. - L, Senders. , What they are tioeil lor. PfiANLBETn 8 Pills are the best medicine kiown. First They ate purely vegetable, in fact a tredicated 100a. SkcoKD Tbe ssnie dose always produces the tame tnect other purgatives require ircresseu noses atia nnauy ceasa-acting. Third They purify the blood.. Focrth Thev iavigorata the digestion and cieanse the ttcmach and bowes. Fifth They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated bile sud other depraved socre- The first two or three doses tell the alory. Tim kia becomes clear, the eye bright, the mind active, digestion i re; torcd, eotive- nes cured, the animal vigor ia ruculted OniTI ART, Mrs M J Durkhart, whose maiden nnit.e was M J Stafford, was born In Shelby count v, Indians, January 183I. and, while yet In her youth emigrated wlih her pat ent to Oregon, In the year 1851, settling In Mohawk valley, tane. county, Oregon Arterwardt spending several years In the mining regon of Kcrbyvllle, Jmcpnlne county, Oregon, and later on In life spent about ten years In the mines and their vi cinity in Idtho. From thence came to Pendleton, Oregon, where for seven year he nnd a pleasant home with her uaugii Ur, Mrs uurrowa, of that place, where she was united In marriage to Mr C P ilurkhnrt, of Linn count v, Oregon, on the loth day of June, iSSS. making her home from that time near Albany, until the lolh day of June, tJtyo, when she went to Pen dleton for the purpose of receiving stilled medical treatment for that dread Uleae, cancer. She lingered until the 15th d;ty of Aug, when in the presence of her husband, daughter and Mend, be passed over Into thit great unknown, from whence no traveler return. All that was mortal rf a kind and affectionate wPe, a dutiful mother, and and excellent neighbor, was placed In their last resting place, in the Albany cemetery, en the tOth day of Align), iSk leaving a hubuud, mother, diughler, several tnother and many f 1 lend, to mourn their lot. Krat In peace. arrral Meal. Kvcnhody remark at the splendid dU p'sy of fiul'. ami vegetables at Powell ,V ("o", where they get what they want In the Hrl place. The best and Intgeat kiipplv of peaches will be found at Povlt .V Co'. Leave your aider there when vou get ready to "put up" pcachc. A large supply t'f shelf good, the best in town, at Powell V Co'. All kind of nleknuckt at Powell & C's. Warm weather good, picnic groceries, at home troceilc, every variety of groceries l.i tt market at Powell A; v'o's. Full ad VTiHtrr Ulea, ISSI. Wr received vestctday a large Invoice of tine woolens, including novelties of the latest Foreign and titcrn designs, and wait your early inspection It L of course understood, we posl'.irely guarantee per. feet fit and liist-clas workmanship, Zaciiks ,V Sov, Merchant Tailor and Prapcrs, Opposite Post Ollitc. 'X Hast' Cfcaare Is Harry ," p.r cent from 5-1 to 56 yesr of per cent front. 45 to 50 yean of Half Two age. 1 Ivf snd a years of site. half r cent from 40 to 45 Six and a half per cent from years of age. Tea and a half per cent from yesr cf age. Twenty-live per cent from year ol age. Forty-seven per cent from 35 1 4 30 I 35 15 to 30 ao to 25 year ol age. Tbree percent from 15 to jo year of age. One hundred per cent If you buy your clothing of G W idmpsin, Albany, Or egon. Girr KxTEKPKtxE. Ho and see that Wautiful gold watch at the "Golden ltule Pnzaar." Julius Gradwohl the proprk-tor of the Golden iCule Paraar, in forms us that he bag the Prize Jtaklog Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly up for his business, and for the Itenetit 01 his customers, each Uix of leaking Kwder will w in a piece of line glassware and also each pound of tho tea w ill w in a piece of fine glassware, ami customers w ho buy one ouiid of tea ur a Imjx of baking owdcr, which is warranted, will have u chance at that beautiful gold w atch. He has also added a tine assort ment of family groceries to his mam mouth stock of glassware and crockery, which is tbe largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Gradw hoi at the Golden Kulu Paxaar, and you will find that iiothiinc is misrepresented. is.N M nr. j a. scts. Some choice 10 sud i i acre tract for garden purposes. just secured for sale at a bargain. Inquire 01 liuis x ilrdrick. fWjsius at Rosil'a. A Tutso or P.KAt'TY. Tho art studio formerly kept by W 11 Greenwood, has been renovated and refitted in such a neat way as to make it "a thing of Iteauty and a joy forever." New furniture, new scenery, new appliances of the latest and rpost approved kind. The very Isst artistic work of the day ran lie had of the photographers, Wilcox A' Conn on the most reasonable terms. Ih not fail to call and view the new arrangement as they are highly pleasing. K in DKRG art ex. Misses Wheeler and Crawford will rropen their kindergarten Sept 1st. at the W C T U 1111. A cL-ct school will be run In connection with the kindergarten, to which pupil will be ad mitted up to the age of 1 j years. Children taken to and from school. Holmes r.trsrsss Coi.lkoe, of Portland, Dr., w ill open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. Laroekt ix tub Valley. Will A Htark have received the largest and finest dis play of silverware in the valley, as their elegant display of novelties in tbe liifb will testify. They invite the public to call at their store and so their fine me tropolitan stock. Don't Rcm Around. Every steamer, however foggy the bar, bring to Albany an immense quantity ol fruits and pro duce. The best and largest variety al ways goes to Powell & (Vs. Their stand are always full of just such thing s the publl-, want, save runlng around ky calling at their store first. Bartlett Pears. I am agent for the salem cannery and prepared to buy al the Bartlett' pears brought to me In a con. ditlon to ship. Parties having pears to tell will do well to see me. Samuel E Young. Wanted. 200 cords of body red fir wood at the Albany Woolen Mills. Call at the Mills for particulars. Pflyers force pumps are the bast, at Smith & Sender's. - Mules. Two good mules for sale. Call on G W Simpson, Albany, Or. Ladies Summer Blouses, the late novelties, juU rjcelveJ from mtnufact- ri ty express. Samuel E Youno Areand, Garland, Superior, and Monarch Ranees, cheap, Smith & Senders. Never Fall. DrES llo'.den: I have been a constant . -v. t C t O . patron of yoar Etherersl Cough Syrup for many years and have never known it to fad in couch and bronchial disorders R R STOCKWELL. 8tockton. Laree sizs Sl.fsmali 50 cant. For sale by J A Camming, draggut. i Corsets, Corsets. We make a specialty of ladies and misses sne eorsets and waists. We also have a drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents Kxtra good value. Samuel E Youno. Hackloa's Arnica iSalve. The Wit St1s In th world f ir CdM,Hrai.3orM Ulcers, EUlt Khsuin, Fjvur irdt, r.ttir, utwpri bsmls. ijliilbUIn. Corns, and all skin Ernptt, an nositivalj'Giiros Pilm.or no my required. U Is irusr. Btwxl to sri nerloat satisfaction, mr money island 4. Pries 23 cent wr box, for Sk'.s by Fosbsy snd vssov New Blacksmith Shop G rV Willis ha lust completed his blacksmith shop at and! the corner of Second and Railroad streets , where all kinds of iron and wood .1.. MISMTM. Moncuro I) Conway, who Is at work on a life of Hawthorne, snva that Haw thorne originally heard tho story of Kvangelino related by an A read Inn ex ilo, and Intended to weave It into ro mance. Hut ho incautiously told tho suiiBtanoo 01 it to one lonoiiy, who tin parted It to Longfellow, with the lull ination that tho ttmlerlal had come from Hawthurno na a gift. Natural gas nnd agriculture do not seem to mix well in Indiana. Tho gentlo farmer follows the plough with tear and trembling, lest ho turn up a gas reservoir ami pus on to his re want Heretofore the only things which tho farmer feared to encounter were too much protection and u hornet's nest, but the hidden gas well is a terror al most equal to these. It is gratifying to chronicle that so far as known tho Hood of Huston poetry poured upon tho veterans has not la-en fatal in any cuse. The old soldiers are tough, a ml it Is well for them Ihtttthey are. The President of (hiatoinaht receives f2t),0lK) u year in advance and $lu,(MK) for entertainments. The kind of enter tuinment w hich is now In progress down there would make I0,(KK) look small in very short order. Not since the days when the moruluir stars ceased to sing together have sadder times fallen upon any community than Kentnekv sees iimt now. In one dav iM.lxm barrels of whiskey were licked tip 1 v the names. Who shall sing 01 the thing that was and tell how the im prisoned souls of tho cor nllelus, shitted mon by the Plue-tirsss sun. were siierillecd upon the alter of the Fire Fiend while thirsty Keittttekiuus looked on ami mourned? IVsoIution hits laid its hand heavily upon the S'a'e. for as if to to pile insult high upon injury, un sympathetic firemen toured wa'er lu'O the whiskey while it was yet yielding up i's spirit npon the fmgraui nir. Washington's litis. r dav Is HeptemlHM 1st, which accounts for tho item in a re cent issue of a Salem pajcr. Oregon's is in June. Tho N. W. Firemen's tournament Is evidently going to go by the Niards this year. That's too bad, though really it has become only a race of professionals. Tho CalijKHiia mines are attracting attention, ami the fact that much has lteen offered for an interest In one of them, as stated by our correspond ent, shows that they niust possess great resources. The MeMinnville Reporter savs a Sun day hull light is preferable to a Sunday hall game, as there is no dispute w hen tbe man or bull gets knocked out. What does th Salem Statesman, which has been arguing that a Sunday ball game Is a nicequief'thumlsj up" kind of a game, think of that. A fellow w ith a snare drum w hich he says was in use in Price's army during tlie late unplcasantncsa.aimtscd many of our citizens yesterday on the streets. He ottered the drum lor sate. llaker City Kcveille. Irum sidling is prolmbly his business, and as fast as he sells one of Price's drums he gets another. A real red bat was raptured by 1 Curl one day last week, and is now at the city grocery. , reu itat ol this sHHies is a rare thing in P.rownsville, and is well worth one's time to we it. I!riw nsville Times. There are plenty of red bats in Alltany; but they are all' brick bats. A wife parting froiua buslmndisavery appropriate item for this column. Ac cording to the Salem Journal ('has Har rison and wife have l-cn living in that city several months, be working at the carpentry trade. While working at Turn er a few days ago he received a letter from his wife that she was going to leave him, and on returning home found that she had.eoming to Albany. The Journal blames her and says: "She has demon strated one thing: That she is not worth grieving over on Mr Harrison's part, and he would tsatter brace up and go it alone." The Drmocbat would like to hear Mrs Harrison's side of the business. The controversy between 1)r Jones and Rev FUher In our contemporary seems to be gctt ng rather persons), at least so far a the former is concerned. To the out tide woi'd who iudge on'y sfler a glance uch controvert le -do not benefit the church of Christ generally. It I always interesting to know who I the author of Important new item The Democrat I Informed that J ii of Linn county's pioneer and most genial cltizen,tarted the shark story about John Uerry, which had such a gen eral circulation yesterday. The foil jwlng Item from the ladle de partment of a big Eastern paper, will sur prise msny Albany women : Watches are not worn any more. Fashion and philo sophy agree that time was made for slaves and railroad people. Another ornament that has vanished from popularity Is the earring. Only the possessor of solitaire worth losing are worn any more, snd then only by women who can afford detective service. Corval'l Is offering more for wheat than Albany. Two vear co tha same trick wa played, to the loss of the players, in order to advertise the warehouse and get farmers to store their wheat there. Alterwsrd It dropped ta the market price, and flnallv Albany, which does business on the square, paid more than that city, ine game won't work. All the plucky tHrts evidently live around AstoHa, Another case is given. Miss Grace Carruthers was out horse back riding with a party of ladies and men. Her horse shied and ran away. ne wa thrown to the ground. Her riding habtt caught in the stirrup an j she wa dragged a considerable ditance,the animal' hoots striking the ground in alarming proximity to her head, t ortur.ately the strain on the areas proved too great, ana us tearing re. leased the young lady from her perilous position. An examination disclosed that Miss Carruthcr's Injuries consisted solely ot a bruised shoulder. 1 he horse was re captured and the young lady pluckily rode 11 into tne city. An an tl -push aocletv ha been formed in an outing club of New Yotk City and the fines are heavy enough to make the organization valuable. For referring to a tenor, oarsman or athlete as Mt love" the fair gusher forfeits $2, the maximum fine it costs a member 1 to use the phrase 'perfectly magnthcet.t ; to call a sunset moonlight effect, a dress, wrap, hat, racket or tewel "delicious ' is to surrender Co: indiscriminate use ot the word "perfectly costs 25c, and every slang word costs the voung woman 10c. unly . scenic effects are permitted to be gorgeous, and to "have a gorgeous time," or a gorgeous anything else, adds a ntckie to tne funds ot the so 1 UICIV. .1IUIIlltl.lUII SUII UailBW.UUUlV ahmercylP e ,Rkes alive, dear me ? j. anu. nl Irrever, clety. Exclamations such as pghaw,fiddle suds, etc., are a penny apiece, and Irrever. ent words cost the profane girl $1.50 Such a club In Albany would break up tbe papas of some of our oung ladles, Take Care t There Is Danger 1 1 In allowing inactivity of the kidnevs it grew through neglect. The deadly shoals of Bright s disease and diabetes will wreck the goodly bark of health if it 1 all wed to drift rudderless npon tbem. The bladder, ton, it inactive, and judiciom medication does not speedily direct the helm tcward tbo po-t of safety, will be whelmed by the quicksand of disease. In selectiuir a dinre- tio, let yonr choioe tall upon Hosteller Stomach Bitters, which stimulate the renal organs without irritating and exottiag them two etleets o bo spprehemded from thn an, medicated stimuli largely resorted to. The have a tendency to rct prejudicially. The Bitter inviporate the tcidDeys ana bladder, in common with the nerves and tbe diges tive organs, ami noatford lasting aid. It al uo stford dual aat,istanee ia preventing and YAQI MA BAY. A nrmorrst MaaCklllrd la Ike Hoars. To Ihj lit fashion one has to do New port at least once during the summer. Newport on tho Yaquina is fast Incoming to Oregon what Newport in Ilhixlo Is laud is t the Kast, with the advantage of fine mtlnral resources. Klghty-four miles by rail, and only about sixty by air linn tioen me outlines, irom Aiuany, Judge 1 toady, Judge MeCarthy.Kdward Failing with their families, and uvrul other of the elite of Portland. rushed on to the tram an orvums, on which a Dkmo I'm at man and family were traveling, nnd from there on a feeling of security per- vHucii uiu miiiospiicru as wo crept slowly towards salt water at twenty miles an hour. The poetry has liecn frequently taken out of the trip until there is noth ing left but thn tall bare pines that hard ly catch the refreshing sea breexes. look- lug like tramps among the kingdom of trees. A ride on the Hlchanlson from Yamuna, tha future commercial ei-ntr of tho liny country, across the arm of tho Pay. till 0110 with osouo at a cost of onlv '.'3 cents and only lfi cents a trunk, fho bund was not present to ureettha dis tinguished party as we crawled from the boat; but a largo crowd of Albany oeo- pie, among others, w ere on hand, tho names of whom have already been Im mortalised In the columns of the 1kmo- cttAT. A wniic over the bills to Nyo Creek, no rt lation, we report with alacri ty, to mo wen snown wit called Hill. hrotiitht tho IHsmih-mat man and family to their stopping place, thi most delight ful anywhere on the Pacille Const, home lay, proisthiy in I'M), w hen they get a more generous census enumerator than Porter hold of the population of the Northwest, this will lj tho resort of the country, with its massive hotels and beautiful harks, fur which it has many natural advantages. Ncwixirt. now with its accommodations is dirty and some what uncoiiiforUblo: but with Its tnaif- nlllecnt beaches, Us unsurpassed drives, and the natural lay of the surrounding country, it Is bound to become a wonder- nil place. 1 ho drive to Seal of the most delightful spots on earth or in Oregon is a leading attraction. A ride to Cajte Foulwcather is not a foul affair. A Itotineo over the waves on the Mischief, a g.te Into tlie blue deep, the catch of a llsh or two is a part of the program. Then there is the walk along the (reach, with its exasperating hunt lor water agates, rarely found ; ending with the capture of a little moss. aomenbelU. ovsti-r miwt few "what-nots." eiidiiur on the north beach, the finest beach In America at the caves, where the water dashes madly. A great attraction is bathing. Swim ming would be a misnomer. There are two coinjictitors for honors in this freez ing occupation, that people indulge in ravenously, more for the associations than for the pleasure of being chilled--Newport and Nye Creek. There shapely ex tremities in blue, black, red, yellow and slrljtes, topped by horridly fitting cos tumes, boh along the beach and Into the briny shallow, not deep, where brave battle is made with the breaking waves and the.frigidity of tlie water. Three feet of water and two feet of waver?, a giggle, a laugh, a chain of cluspcd hands, a jump, a squat, an oh, continued for half an hour or more, is the rule, and drenched figures go shivering to the bath houses. In the waves all men and women are equal. There are no plebeians and patri cians. The millionaire and tramp look the an, but cortorosity counts most when the photographers camera catches the crowd. These with small talk make up the life at Newport, with flirtation and other extras thrown in. And the Democrat man reached home Monday, alter having rarlaken of many of the attractions, and a scabbed nose. Notch. Everybody says Conductor etincly Is a very genial, aecotntnoilat- ing conductor, who knows his business. How insicnifleant man is on the Isnacli by a great ocean. F.veit Judge Ivady as an atom, and the waves kept in creasing their distance up the beach. The light from Foulwcather niuhls tone iirvhtly Into the Democrat man's iiulow, an assurance against family recks, though there were numerous squalls nevertheless. Nyc Creek 1-cach for breaker jump- ng and general Imthing Is far ahead of 10 Newport lieaclt, with Its chopped tip aves ami spirit lers conduct: but for swells and swimming Newport is tbe best. Nve Creek before full tide is per fectly safe, and the Democrat man w ho ent out as far as any found no under tow, this place needs hath houses intd ly, and one would pay there. Friday over fifty Itathed there.equal to Newport mi i-sturuay attout eighty at each place, joke is told at the expense of a emt io Albany ladies stopping at Newport. hey concluded to bathe at Nve Creek. and took along their suits. The watr-r as bx full to permit their passing the loint south of it, so they went in the small rave, nndrcssed and pu -m their suits, going on to Nye Creek ; imi not nding expected friends tuithing returned Ith their clothes to the letty. hiding them Isdilnd tbe rocks and sending tbe bathing house man after them, to their relief only tneetlna a small bov on north beach. Meeting the same boy in New port next day they were greeted with the remark : "Them's the ladies I met run- ning along north beach in bathing suite. On the bank between Newport and Nve Creek is Mr II Kenton's Hea Lion Silver polish mine. It contains an tin limited amount of the material, and to the person with capital to develop it would 0 a fortune, for the polish unuouoteuiy lias no superior, II equal Among those who went out on the Mischief was (' C llackleman. of 1-eban on. I hey had hardly got started before Charlie began to be homesick and sea sick and all kinds ot sicks, and caused considerable amusement by beseeching tho captain to put him off on one of the buoys, as lie had changed ins imna auout making the trio. Like others he spent the time Hoping the boat would sing. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in tbe rot Ofnoe. Albany, Uun oouuty.u.-- goo, August. 27th, 18'J0. Pernonsoalliog for these letters tnnst give th date on a mon they were advertisod: Bttea, C D Ford. W J Cartwriuht, John It Ooforth, Miss Ida May Gear, Mia Lottie Irvine, David Otis, Jeasis F ' Wilde, Mis Cera O R Tiiompson.P. M. Mueller, N S Uoscnblatt, Milt Albanytnarket. Whoat-7d Oats- 4 U Butter 20c prlo. rggs ittic Hay 9,00. Potatoes 7S eta per bushel! Boef on Toot, thif Apples 75 cents per bu. Pork 00 per Vr dressed. Hae on bams, lZf c, shoulders, 80. " aides lOe. rd So per lb. Flour-4.25 per bbl. . blckens 4.00 per dox. Ill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts, 16. middlings, 20 Cher" 20. HARRIED. RAY MOUSER. On Tuesday, Aue- 30, 1050, at me woun uouse, in tne rail road center or uregon,-Albany, Mr W Rar and Miss Nettie Mouser both of Linn county. ; , BRANDENBURG CARTWRIGHT .On Aug. 19, 1890, at the residence of E F tVyatt, Harrlsbut?, by L Douglas, T P., Mr Wm M Brandenburg and Miss Carrie Cartwrlght, both ot Harrlsburg, WOOD SA1IALEK. On Thursday, Aug 21 at, 1890, at the residence of II Woods, Blodgetts, Benton county, Mr Henry Wood, of Blodgett, and Miss Ida Sahalek, of Albany f Eld A J Jarnigan officiating. DIED. BREWER. Near Tangent, August asth, 1890. William R' Brewer seed 8 year, of dyphtheria. - TIIOMPSON.-August 2lh, 1890, in Albany, Grover, youngest child of 1'Ofit- Itont AND ARB04D. MONDAY, Tbres assessments lo the A 0 W ord this month. A Itsbekah Dflgrs Ltdge I to he inatitu- ttdalHulsm. Thirty cents have been M f r bops at nnUovilis, and tn tetidvnay is npward. Mrs Ir ICIIis snd Miss Uorihs Kllis re turnsd this tiooa from Ypivcis Hay. Mr Virgil Farksr an t family rntuinad this 1 0111 irom a soversl dsys trip to V quins Bay. Wa t r AMoOliixt f this city has boon slsoted prliiciiisl ot Hultt public tohnols. A good svlooMiui. Jby Dr Mirrrl, of Kentu.'ky. will nreseh in the M Kthtili, smith, this evening at tha usual hour. The public are invited. Msnauer KMhler lias dselded not to rue trains from Half in to th fair grounds dar ing fsir weni , lis savs tliry loss mousy by Dr Kituhen, of NUvtmi. passed throaeh tlisolty in day on his wsy home from V'- juiii lly, wheia be hss Imcq rastioUiug or a season. Mm It A Ifvln leturniM to-lv from Stsyton, whers hr f h r Is lying unit ill, to bs with hrr sraiiduhlldren. sick with scar let fevtr at her home lu this city, I'rof O M Miller, twit t.robil.ilion oo- didaU for congr and ao indefatigbls worker has gone loHtaiiislatisooaotyCd., with his hmilv. wher hs will ;oet Dosi- lioo as 'principal of a eullrge. Miks Cowan. V A AW McClain rsturiied this noou from th 8 mti aw rtnni'S, whers ssoh took ttpaotutm. Tlicy brooghl l.auk good siKchnpus and slik UiSulakS a bottln enutatnina dn.t from a ooupU pan of dot in a ersvios. Asm UaoKK. Yesterday afternoon Walter Ullyeu fell from one of the seat of te awlnir nssr the court home and brok hi arm just sImivc the e.uow. The elbow dislocated. Ur Davis and Mston attended and put tbe arm In shape. TCsshAr. F J Uoodonoaeh. th Astoria m l tJ n, is in lh city. Itcv K N Coilil n I -fo went to Ya will ball uiua Bay I hi noon. Th Oregon school l it if nttt'ss nien t SI .m sU, 2i, Mr Jsy Smith. oulin of the Kalcm oiut', wa in the uity litis no m. Mr J M Hows, r.f Browosville, is in tha ly. tbs gUMt of hi brotW ia-law. O I Loshow, Jr. Mrs Barinsn. nes Fanbia Scilaaoaoh. and child, ar in tli city vimtiug friend, the guests of Sit Cbas Floilfor T L Denser, of th. Kio Vt. wa ia th eitv litening. Mr Dugxsr bss improved U. papr ia a markad nsnnvr. T I. W!Im. and WmCoai.of Albany. and C C ilseklomsa. of 'Lstiaoon. want to trt'sni this nnon on business. Mr C II I)trympl. who hss bran tsarh. iug school in th Coo IUy eoistry fo. a eouuls yrar, hss Ineatad in Albany .and will study law ia the office of llststlt & Irvine. A Lothmn. in tit city this mominir. ho bss b doing the valley, says Albany nits htm bt of alt tbe yaJlay etUcS acd h ill probably kuts Here. Mr (io Aodnrsoo is opening a mt mark et is thn batlding cost of tbs Usmx SAT lilc,on sltt.and inlands ksec tog a tirl-tl sUiek if meats on haoJ. Titles Iir4 lnra'V stsbls is now oa srads. haviug bsca lorcd with little damage. As son as the adjoining straot is araiUd the rslu i.l tha property will be inoreaaed fir more thsn th coat of tbe bhangs. Dr J l WalUes snd family loft Knot vitlr, ei:o., yisUr.Uy, snd wilt b btm next Ss(ordy, wbtn he all! probably b locate 1 orar tbs ttw irgou Hank, 10 tbs front routn, among the burnt in tbs eity Dr W II Davit was called to county )e!orilay Idh up a wound can-t in a prcultar msnoar. To boy, sou of J Q Thatcher, wr rnnning ar mud tbs bias inipjuirsdlraetion when they collidaj at corner, on running a sharp stick ia bis bsnds Into tbs otliar h-l, ca.slng quite wosnd. Mr Steiilien Barar. raoabtlv of New York StaU baa lucatad ia Albany ami will oua a tnuk of clocks, watohe an I J twolry in the Cuslck block it north of the Dsmockat ollioa. Mr Wait Mead, a practical j-!r, will be oasoetated with hi 'ii. and willbepie parsd to do repair ngof atebaandjilry, giving satisfaction or not ibrgiag. A Nxw Fiats. 8 N Fteele and Cal Burkhart have formed a partnership, to be known as Steele A liurkhart, and yes terday purchased the real estate office ml business of Wallace xl ustck. and have moved into their quarters in the Uiumoorg block. where tlicv will ie found ready to transact all kinds of real estate business, negotiate loans and place in su ranee. They are reliable men and the linn win be a strong one. I'ina r iiaut. a traek viewer, coming over the rood on his velocipede this side of Millers lost evening, ust ahead of the rortiana trains, was told to halt by one of two men. Not doing so the man said he would make him, and fired, just mis- tng him. The viewer hastened his sneed and was soon at Albany. He secured Marshal Hoffman and Niuhtwatch Mc Clain and went back after tbe men ; but they bad tied. At Death's Door, Last Saturday morning Dominic Mansfield, of I'ortlund, who lived in Albany for many years, and whoiswelland favorably known through out Linn county, was stricken with par- lysis and up to four o'clock yesterday afternoon was in a very precarious con dition, very little hope being entertained for hi recovery. He was lying at last accounts in a comatose state and the hysician thinks there is no hopes of 11s recovery. The many friends ol the family in thia city sympathize with them in this sad hour. WCDNRSOAY. Powoll & Co. Have Vlereck shave yoo. Idaho's population is 81,12!). For flu "op-r.v glaas" go'to FMF rencb Seth Thomas watches and clock at F M Frenob's. Claad Strahan arrived horn from the Bay to-day. There are aoouplsoMes of diphtheria in Cotvollis. Miss Allie Suhli'er is yisitiaa Corvalii frieoc"s. " Dr J T Tate, of Seattle, arrived in ths eity hit evening. Mrs HP Webb, ofSeilwood, is visiting friends in this city. Mr Al Church tha i family returned to their home in Fortlaud this noon. The examination of toochers began at the Court House thia afternoon. Beit stock of ailver ware in Albany at Will & Stark's. No doubt of it. Sea. The largeat stock of apwtaoles and ej glasses in Lion oounty at F M French V. Zaches & Son received a large invoioe of fall and wtntsr woolens yesterday, Mias Laura Qoltra, of Salem, returned home this noon from a visit with her parents . Wheat bos asomded to 67 cents not, which G F Simpson is paying at the wfcrehousee. The rope of a hammock broke in Portland letting Mrs Dooohua down, causing serious injuries D B Moctelth and Hon J K Weatherford returned home last eveniua from a trip to Astoria. Mrs Dr Irvine, of Salem,' onus up on ths noon train, and is stopping at her mother's, Mrs Boaob, A splendid simple of Roods made loto suits, manufactured by the Aiuany wooien Mills.may be seen at tbe store wlh mom A eettase, with atove and bedsteads, on Nye creek, at Yaquina Bay, ean be rented by oallina at the Dsmocbat ethos. Dra W H Davis, W C Negn aud C C Katlv have been sDDOioted an examining board of surgeons for pension applicants, for Linn ooaoty. Mary Ellen Bants haa brought suit for di vorce aeainst her husband, Isoao Bants, re- cently.srrested charged with attempting to kill his father-in-law, Geo Anderson & Co have opened a fish market on Second St , opposite F Woods, where rVeih fish can be obtained. The pa tronage of tbe public is solicited. ; The Oregon Lvad Co is the possessor of a basket of tifaches raised by L E Blaiu, which equal anythins ever prtidooed here, all being very large, iney win be bottled for exhi I'iUnn to newcomers, and show in an ea MoKloley was renominated yesterday for Congressman. Mrs Dana Burmsster and daughter, Mil drrd, Mrs HO Irvine snd son, Clem, Jsy W Blsin and family, Miss Lib Irvine, Miss An 11U Fllnn, among others, returned from Yaquina Bay. Among thoss who went were Mr 11 F Merrill, whose family is already there, and Mrs John flyman. Many mors srs coming now than going. Jos Wi bber, of this city, will f iro from rottutid to Hsn r rsnnlsooon opt Z2J, with the VeUran Kiremeu's sscursiou. Hs is undoubtedly the oldest veteran in the northwest, has been many thre chief of the Albany department, ones of ths Portland department, and was a member of the San rranoisco department fn ths ssrly days. Albert K Barton, a sleek young Roiiliab- niau who was here a fw .neks suo selling town lots in Hostile, hat proven to be a fraud aril a convict, Ffforts srs bring msde to tro him an 1 pnt him behind bars, 1'endleton cot. Oreuonian. This i ths young man herutof.irs mentioned, as bein in Al bany fw weeks sellina. or trviou to sell Brattle prnprr'.y, but only niKing of oris lot.' Ir Kspi.oiiKii. Last evening Charlie Chamberlain, son of Hon Geo E Chamlier lain, was nlavlnir wl'.h a cartridge, when n picking It with hi finger It exploded, graslny hi face; but fortunately leaving no scar mat will he permanent. WAivr.n Examination. T. J. Ander son, thn was at rested on Saturday ,011 20m- piuimoi Mr Ksnd.ili. a hlr;d man win had sued him for sai!es. chanted with per- ;jurv wss taken before Justice Wyatt this morning, wsived examination, and was held under $500 bonds lo swslt the action of the grand' jury. Me furnished bonds and was discharged. Pawsll & Co. Hold at Will At Stalk's, F. M. Frenub ksi railroad time. Itck csr.dy drip atC E Browneli's. Nsiwitiusa parasols at 8 E Young's, erearn cbees jtst leoeivedat Cobrod Meyr, lcliuiou csntitd eranbersies at C. E Br wttsir. Cboi.n canned sweet potatoes at C E Hrowmll's. Prepared nuckrel, 'in lib cans, at CE lirowurlf. fieuliiuartvr for garden seeds at C E Browne'r. For mints' supplies go to bUoard.A Cuskk's. Awhrey givesgaa for tha painless extract ion of teeth. Yoa htvs a big stock to select from at I'oweil U Co' A popslar place L ViereckV starving and hair dreaaing parlors. A flit class stisve for only 13 cents at L Viorrck's, $.Kiiirh Block. Albany. Or. Ilsvs yon seen those nsrlor suits that T Blink b just received ? They are oioe. If you want a tins toilet or balb soso call 00 Htaoard & Cnslck, City Drug btr. F-k'sn Si Aehison are selliog monamint at t'ortlsnJ price. For bargain ia monument, headttanea. to., goto Kuan A Acbiaon. Albany. Oreaon. J M Bsrdue has sold out. and now offers his fa raits re for sale. Call sails for bar gains. E-at Si Aehison bscllo toe cilelrUd Fortland cement walls for cemetery lite. These wall can be furnished at balf the cost of any other and ar far superior. Silv r jewelry esses, eraeker jars, break 's esatoi, tea sets, cap, water oerviea. te. F.verj thing bought at tbe factory, at W ill & hurk . Bottom prices. EvgtfVNonv Savs So If the wild arave could talk they would say, -Go to Powell Si Co' for erurerlcs snd pro- daze, for their stock is large, their prices low ana qusittv the bet." Thi is the universal verdict of their customer. Cail ad Sktti.x. Those knowing themselves Indebted to the old firm of Kraussc & Kloin, wilt please call and set its at ottos. ATI I HI NTED.-Uood wag-s will be M paid to arompetont girl to io bouaa work in a ttall fam'ly, Enquire at this cuu. WANTED A gi. oik In a amall isnn . '.all at Fort miller A Irving' furnitures: re. C niAYED. From the far . of E Tor k? nr, !x tnlln south went, of Albany, ug I6,adrk brown m."w, branded thua: "2 onlhs left hip Reasonable rawsrd J toanou0 who wilt return to msor give information as to her whoraahnntn. Address J. E TURNER, Albany. Oregon I70R WELL BORING, ROCK DRLf - Inst ami proap.ctlng, wrhe to J. P. iiugrx-a. Albany, or raraa far Bale far TWO MII.R3 from Toledo, on Ysqnlr 1 Bty, and ono-t mrth of a mile fioi na ftnm rallrotd. It consist of 4d aero. tldo land, tulanor- ttottotn ' ami hill land God fraina bouse, est finished, (worth fOnO) barn and other improvements. For runner par.ieniars can on or a 'ire a. W. U., Yaquina City, Or CO TO THE New Yoik C. B B, Store. McFarland Block, FOB. X3.ZZ,t3-k.XSaTl3. Here are a few of the manv hard hitters. Adamanatine pins o a bunoh; halrplua 9o a bunch; dreas buttons 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 and 9n pr; alls: twUt 2o a spool, need l 2a per bunoh; good corset 30 ladies fine nose from 80 up; ladies knit vents la and lbc, gents fine hoae 5o up; 12 dozen airats buttons for 4; b'g line of ribbons all silk; lacs, embroidery at leu than actual cost. WiU&Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, . aoairr roa tsa csusaaaTan II. F. Miller, And the Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Alw the Mouse Proof "EAEEU'F," And other FIrst-Class O Tt, O- -A. TsT Bui Agents (or the ELDREDGE B. : and : KEW hOME Bewiag naeniscs. t Organs - Cleaned - and - Repaired, ALBANY, OREGON SPECIALIST, Blumberg Block, Albany, Oregon. By the most modern and approved methods cures Female diseases and Private dis eases of cither sex. lie has a sure cure for Catarrh of the head. Consultation is free and everything strictly confidential. Otlice hours 10 to VI. 2 to 4 nnd 7 to 8. Residence, corner TEMFF.HAXt'g COtTM. Kdltal by AlUny W, C. T. t J IT IS TUB 4MOII0I. WIS I It lit. Call tne what you w ill, I hate alcohol. I pray (lod to give me an everlastingly increasing capacity to hato with burning nsiren any fluency under heaven that can enslave, imbrtite, and take away tho lxmt Part of a man's life.and give him nothing but an awful, black and fearful recollec tion to pay lor it. John 15 Oough. Alcohol is the one evil genius, whether In w ine, nlc, or whisky, that is killing the race of num.- Dr Willard Parker, Hince Noah got drunk, and all down through the ages to the present is the alcohol that docs the mischief, first taken in moderation, and in almost every instance the commencement was with leer, cider and wine, pron-mnced inno cent by men and women who ought to have known better, because the evil re sults appear on every hand. Nine-tenths of tho drunkards of to-day commenced 011 beer and light wines, Imt the alcohol which they contained nourished the ap petite until it mastered its victims. There can lie no compromise on beer. It is the devil's kindling-wood. In every state where a discrimination has lieen made between what are called the stronger and tlie lighter drinks, drunkenness, disease and death follow with sure and certain trend until it has to Ire abandoned. The prohibitory ninctiilniciit now before the it'opic 01 the stale ol ew York, includes irewed aud fermented as well asdixtillcd drinks, because all are alike Imd and evil in their results. Tlie prohibitory laws of every state include tbe so-called lighter drinks. The state of Iowa tried the dis crimination awhile, but was compelled for self-preservation to prohibit ail alike. It is the alcohol that kills, and hence it is the alcohol that we fight to the death. OKiciviL riikici;" i.i:t.fsi.Tio. The visage of Inland, Iowa.was invad ed last mouth by an "original package" man, who came to set up a "saloon" un der the Huprcme Court decision. Tlie tost n was not incorporated and had no police. "The People" got together and passed the following ordinance : i-eetion I. JSC it ordained by the people of It'land and vicinity that it shall be unlawful to sell intoxicating lhiuors of any kind in the city of Ltland or its vi cinity. bee. 2. Any person or person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this ordi nance shall 1 tarred and feathered and cow hided out of the village and vicinity. Keaolved. That we. as the citizens o I -eland and vicinity, pledge ourselves bv our sacred honor to see that the above ordinance 1 enforced, and that the pen alty be strictly enforced. Kesolved, further, that we pledge our patronage to those towns which prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, and to those parties who assist in the noble work of eradicating the evil. The "saloon" keeper took in the equa tion and left town. Salem c'erUs have hod a mass m etina for tbe purpose of inducing roerchaata to close at 8 o'clock nine montlis and at 7 daring December, January snd February. Some merchant i 1 hang out and di frst the whole arrangement, as is dons about every m here Highest of all in Leavening Power. '"aifea. ri fr ABSOUUTEl PURE C Ml Big run on Stoves and Ranges this week. If you want thejbest Ranges on the market buy the Jewel of us. We are tho largest handlers of ths make in this section, and can make you better terms than others. Don't forget that wo handle everything in the way of hardware. Matthews & Washbudn Ev C. Searls, Bi y Goods, Kotioa3, GsLtsFara isMiigs and BOOTS AftD SHOES Our stock of boots and shoes is n3sr complete in all lines for spring tade. We will save you monex n buying" of wa. Ladies, missel nnd children's fine shoe a . specla v. Exclusive sgentv o Ibe KEEP -ON -Alsa Self-Feccler and Band-Cutter, Tra.nt.ioT. THTicyiriiQ Also read what one of the about them: . MR. Z. T. WRIGHT,' rortiana, uregon. Dear Sir: In reference to your Inquiry as to how I liked my Advance Tbresher, purchased of yOu this year, will say the Advance does more and better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all that are rep resented in Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the grain better, run lighter and saves the grain belter from the straw, than any other machine, acd seems to be .strong and durable. . 1 jm ready at anv time to go into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and Ihresti fur from $100 to $500.' They are the best in the market without doubt. If ycu desire you can refer to me at any and all times. ; Signed ; ,. , . r -," . I. D, MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T. X7HIGIIT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send f)r his list of 103 names of parlies who have . purchased Advance Thresher fading l'hotorrsilirrs AlhAny Vrrgnn. We have bonght til ttienegat ive3 muln I L W Clark and W 11 Greenwood up to N 13th, m Du licBt can U bd fr hem only of n redavid rats. We ha I Sim suiipi i,i DFjunniii maue iv o .1 -I . I U 1,1 1 . . , . ! elves, from wlncii dup!ljt can be ha.I like rate. We carry thn oidy full hn view of this Ute and do enUrpcd woik lowest rite for first class work. We shall pleased to joo at our Htuilio in Fromn block, Dent door to Masonio Trrr.plo. iae 1 Cperb, The transition from long, lingering ar, palrilul slckne to robust health marks a epoch In the life rf the Individual Sui a remarkable event 1 treasured lull memory ur.d tbe agency whereby 0 good health h been attained I gratcfuli blessed. Hence It I that o much U hear In praise of Klectric Bitter, So mats feci th-y otitc thtlr rettorafirn to heftith 1 the use of the great alterative and tonic If you are troubled with any diHtane (, kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or shot standing, sou iil su'elv find relief by u of Electric Bittr. Sc'ld at 5'jc and per botile at Foshay & Mason's Dru, store. Fat rr Boxks. For all kinds of frui xHu goto the Sugar Pine Door am Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. - S.nnke the cclutriUd Havana filled ci grs, niannfa;tord at Jol ur Joseph's cigarf tsccry. unly 0 cent. Genuine Iowa sorghum on ilrao,r.l at E'Briiwnel) S. Judge M L Pipes has been called to IIf nr to prtolda at the regular U-rm of ttc Morrow county circuit c nrt and will start there next Friday. Jade Bird.' f tht dit trict, i' in C'sli furr.ii in search of hc!th duA Jn.l Pius bat bn aked to t.-mpwrariiy nil his position limes. ZOilJi ll. Cl'KLEY. Joo. It Cortey, the well Xjaown raertbar.t tailor, of HO Market St.. & F., write to the tA win W. Joy Co.. iKat for year be wa aStictsa wita wlilch nothins relieved UU to commenced tallng Joy' VegctabU SUrtepartlta. He eontlnues, "I ara still taking It. lu mill laxative effcets are exceedingly grateful to tits system. It U a pleasant surprise that straits those who do not know what our vegctallr Juices do for debility, sluggish liver acd lm- I aired d:eeatlv orgnnt. Geo Humphrey, William Paber and puty returned huteveninz from trip to the mountains, after a very pleasant experience, in wbicb tbe game suffered sumcient f-r their peisoual want. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSdj. 1TTHEWS& Wasiibukx, ALBANY-, OREGON Hirdare, timi, and Ll'DLOW SHOLS 1- E. C. SEARLS, Blnmbere'a New Biort. YOUR a, x-a- I I' THE- Their- Automatic Stacke r. Etc solid men of Linn county says f 1 Millers, Linn County,. Oregon,) September 25. 1880. t ' . -