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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1890)
ii in mi n politics cover uny bins, Tht man's or a community' politic cover a multitude of lni In tha estimation ol man people U cleartjr shown by the Salem Statesman which strongly defends, the character of the people of Perry county Kentucky pimply because the cast a large republican msjorlt No paper hasbeen leas severe In its denunciations (outlawry In the south than that paper. And yet( when Its attention Is called to the sins tha lie at Its own door It minimises their enor mity by saying that those who committed them were not so bad after all. We do not believe that all democrats are good cttisens, or that all republicans are bad cltlent,nor that men are necessarily more honest and law abiding simply because they are democrats. Dad, unprincipled men are found In all parties, but tht States' ssaa seems to view ever, thing democratic as necessarily bad and everything republi can as nercessarllr good. Dut so much outlawing haa prevailed In Terry county that no court could be held there the last two years until recently, and then the court had to be held In a tent brcause the Incendiaries had burned the court house. One of the leading members of the bar present had returned for the first time since he as shot In the Irj through a window, and warned to leave at once, which warning he compiled with. Th town waa garilsoncd with mill'. la. The roada were picketed. The court tcr.t wa full of soldiers to protect the judge w ho declared his life was In danger. The charge, to the jury wounded the feelings of severe aj of the spectators so much that they had to be disarmed. In the course cf his re marks to the grand jury the judge men lloned the fact that joo murders lied been committed In the county. Perry county is republican by a good deal more than a two thirds majority. Of these careless and happy mountaineers who take life so easily, 695 voted for M Harrison and only a for Mr Cleveland As tar back as 1SS0 the vote was divided In much the same rstlo between Garfield and Hancock, and in the state election last year the republican candidate tor state "treasurer got 516 and the democratic can didate only aaS. CfirMBLINU. That the Chinese wall of high tariff Uses a crumbling to the ground is proven by evidences on every hand. Illalne's scheme of reciprocity is simply one to side track republican who are, In large numbers, de serting the sinking ship of high protection, and who, otherwise, would land In the democratic party. McKlnley'e bill to make augar free and a high tariff on tin ahows to the whole world that his bill is as purely sectional and partisan as it Is pos sible to make it. Men of reason and intelli gence every where are asking why sugar, which Is produced in large quantities in this country, should not be protected, at least, equally with tin which la not pro duced here at all. These men reflect tha f ha protection of sugar Inures to the ben efit of southern planteis while the duty on tin will inure to the benefit of a few man ufactures In Pennsylvania who were squeezed of their "fat" In order to elect Harrison, and herein is the motive, spirit and animus of the McKlnley bi 1L Thec same reasonable men come to the conclu sion Hurt the bill Is unworthy the work of a statesman, a patriot, or even a man who prides himself on his fair dealing. No wonder,then,that republican papers, guided more by a desire to promote the public welfare than a wish to strengthen their partr, should cry out against the monstros ity known as the McKlnley bill. We give some extracts below which will give our readers some Idea of the lapldly growing tariff reform and reduction sentiment ll the northwest. The St Paul Pioneet-Preis the leading republican paper of the North west says : Alluding Xn tariff matters Senator Fpooner inrldently calls attention to the fact that consumers have rights. Did this Idea ever occur to one NapoTcan Bonaparte McKlnley? If so, how hard did it hit him? Again it says : If there Is In Washington any due ap preciation of the state of feeling of the country at large, the senate will couclude to drop both the Tariff and Lodge biila and go home. There is no demand or necessi ty for lither of them. 1 here I, In the re publican ranks, a pronounced hostility to both which is not worth while to encount er. There It hardly a defender, outside of congress, except in a perfunctory way, for the Elections bill. The people under stood that it would not accomplish the ob ject sought by it framers. They 'lave a lively sense of Its Inexpediency in other directions. And while they neither for get nor condone the outrage on law anj justice which is perpetrated at the south, they are not prepared to indorse an Inef fective and dangerous remedy. The case as to the tariff bill Is even plainer. We cannot recall In recent political hltiory any such general revolt against a measure brought forward In congress, and snpport ed by all the power and prestige of party leaders, as that which the McKlnley bill has had to encounter. It grows in un popularity from day to day. Influential newipapera from one end of the west to the other, papers which are stsictly loyal to party and 'devoted to its interests, are outspoken in their condemnation of this bill. The Chicago Tribune, republican, says The safe thing for the senate to do is to put the duty on lin-pla'e back at a cent a pound, to leave tin on the free list, and then let the Black Hlllr mines go ahead and shew what they can do. ( The Of.aha Bee, republican, says : Eastern republican journals furiously denounce western republiban senators for working and voting for reduced tariff, and threaten to read them out of the party. By what right have the champions of the McKlnley bill become the keepers of the republican conscience? When it comes to reading republicans out of the party for opposing prohibitive duties the.yoemanry of the west will be on hand and eastern autocrats may discover that the party leaders are not In position to bid defiance to public sentiment in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. These show a tevolt among the republi cans of the northwest sgains. high tariff tax js that menace the very pi-ver of the party. Will ih- leaders of that party In congress heed the protest? We ihlnk not, Thj elections 11 Alabama have already taken place On September l the state elec tion occorrs in Arkansas, September 2 in Vtr mont snd Septcn.ljer 8 in Maine. Gtorgii fol lows October 1. No other elections will take place until November, The tendency of legis lation has been of late yiars, in most states, to hinge the date of election so that it nuy full uniformly on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in -November. Twenty years ago California elected its state officers in Septcmi ber, Connecticut in April, Indiana and Iowa October, Ma'i e in September, Nebraska in October, New Hampshire in March, North Carolina in August, Ohio and Pennsylvania In October, Tennessee in August and South Car olina nd West Virginia in October. Reed has apparently changed hit mind aooi t counting a q-iorum to expel Mr utaiue I'om the republican party. He is g-owing Japprchernive that the quorum wtil be with B.aine. ' llraa l: !. Roskbi'rg, Or,, Aug. 25. A full gang o1 men are clearing the way, and 1 000 more will le put to work on ths Roscburg & Coos Bay isuiuau uie nnuuieoi ajct mom 11. TUKSILYKIlllILL To meet numerous Inquiries made by readers of the Democrat concerning the provisions of the silver hill we publish It below t Section t. That the secretary of the treasury Is hereby directed to purchase, from time to time, sliver bullion to the ag gregate amount of 4,500,000 ounces, or so much thereof as may bs offered In each month, at the market price thereof, not ex ceedlng one dollar for 371.35 trains of pure silver, and to Issue In payment for such purchase of silver bullion treasury notes of the United States to be prepared by the secretary of t'.t treasury, In such form and of such denominations, not less than on nor more than one thousand dollars, as he may prescribe, and a sum sufficient to carry Into effect the provisions of this act Is hereby appropriated out of any money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sic. a. That the treasury notes Issued In accordance with the provisions of this act shall be redeemable on demand, In coin, at the treasury of the United States and when so redeemed may be reissued; but no greater or les amount of such notes shall be outstanding at any lime than the cost of the bullion and the standard sliver dcllais coined therefrom, then held In the treasury purchased by such notes; and such treasury notes shall be a legal tender In pay mcnt of all dibts, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in tin contract, and shall be receivable for customs, Uxc, and all public dues, and when so received may be reissued; and such notes, when held by any national banking association, may be counted a a part of Its lawful reserve. That u,on de mand of the holder of any nf the treasury notes herein provided for the secretary f the treasury shall under such regula tions as he may prescribe, redeem such notes In gold or stiver coin, at his discre tlon, It being the established pol!cy of the United States to mslntaln the two metals on a parity with each other upon the present legal rnllo.or such ratio at may be prov'ded by law. See. 3. That the secretary cf the treas ury shall each month coin 2,000,000 ounce cf the silver bullion purchaicd under the provisions of this act until the first day of July, 1891, and after that time he shall coin of the silver bullion purchased under the provisions of this act as may be necessary to provide for the rcdemtlon of the treas try notes herein provided for.and any gain of seigniorage arising for such coinage shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury. Sec. 4. That the silver bullion purchased under the provisions of this act shall be subject to the requirements of existing law and the regulations of the mint service governing the methods of determining the amount of pure silver contained, and the amount of charges or deductions. If any to be made. Sec. 5. That so much of the act of Feb-i ruary Jo, 1S7S entitled "An act to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar and to'restore lta legal tender character," as re quires the monthly purchase and coinage of the same Into silver dollars of not less than $i,ckx,oco nor n ore than $4,000,000 worth of silver bullion, is hereby repealed Sec. 6. That upon the passage cf this act the balances standing with the treasur er of the United States to the respective credits of national banks for deposits made to redeem the circulating notes of such banks, and all deposits thereafter rsceived for like purpose, shall be covered into the treasury as a miscellaneous receipt, and the treasurer of the United States shall redeem from the general cash in the treasury the circulating notes of said banks which may come Into his otssion subject to re demption; and upen the certificate cf the controller of the currency tlut such nutes have been received by him and (hat they have been destroyed and that ronew notes will be Issued lu their place, reimburse ment of their amount shall be made to the treasurer, under such regulations as the secretary of the treasury may prescribe, from an appropriation hereby created, to be known as national bank notes: Re demption account, but the provisions of this act shall not apply to the deposits re ceived under section thre-s of the act of fun.. Ir. r..iit c In -r n'rv nri'lnrml J ""I S -- bank to keep In lawful money with the treasurer of the United States a sum qua' to fire per centum of ls circulation to be held and used for the redemption of it cir culating notes; and the balance remaining of the deposits so covered shall, at the end of each month, be reported on the monthly public debt of the Ui.lled Sutc bearing no interest. Sec. 7. That this art shall taVe effect thirty days from after its passage. Approved July 14, 8'J. IHE l MOCUATIC A 1 Tl 1 1 Iff., 1 he policy of the Democrats in the Senate is a very simple one. They have only to wait and watch lo win. In discussing and seeking to aincnJ the I arid Bill the Democratic Senators are exer cising no more than their right and do ng their duty, They are, furtbermoie, pursuing the regular and orderly and necessary parliament ary course of action which baa been followed with every Tariff Bill or other important mess ure in that body since the formation of the CJovernmeiit, The illumination of the bill al ready secured is ample proof of the necessity of debate upon it. As to tbe Force Bill and the gag rule, it Is the cue of the Democrat to oppose both at every step and to the bit'er end. It is credit able to tbe independeuce and patriotism of a large aumber of Republican Senators that they have revolted against the revolutionary pro gramme ol less scinpulous leaders. The Democratic members have only to stick lo succeed Thr Times -Mountaineer defends the large and extravagant appropriations made by congress, (by which the full treasury turned over under Cleveland, has been practically d.'pleted um'er HarrUoii.) on the ground that it sees "no reason for the governmenU'oarding millions it. the vaults of the treasury while the jioorof th-coun. try are suffering depriva'.bns f want of work. Sending this money In circulation Is a benefit to the country." Very well, If it be a benefit to have this money in clrcu latlon why not remedy the evil of an over running treasury by reducing the robber taxe; which the poor are compelled to pay when the money Is not needed at all". Re duce the robber tariff duties on the neces saries of life, such is wool, woolen goods, sugar, iron, salt, coal, lumber etc. until the duties collected will not much exceed the revenue necessary to meet the demands of the government economically administered This is the true remedy as comradistln gulshed from the miserable make-shift suggested and endorsed bv the Mountain eer. A Crest Tunnel. ' Port Huron, Mich , Aug. 25. Workmen engaged upon the lo ends of the St Clan liver tunnel, between Port Huron ami Ssrnia, Out., shook bunds wi h each oilier tnis morn ing under the St Clair river, and made the great svbterrancsn highway ect.o with theii cheers. This mark the completion of the greatest river tunnel in the world, and probab ly the greatest piece of engineering of this country. It is eleven feet longer than the Brooklyn bridge. WKiTata t Kor tit lieu ho. . Of the Oregon Fhtte Wvatlior Bureau, co-opcrattng with U. B. Signal Service, Control Office, Portluntl, Oregon, for the week ending Pttturdtty, Aug. 23d, lRW): WBATItKR. The temperature has been below Ihe average for the week; It rangrd from 45 to 90 degrees' An occassional sprinkle of rain fell, (icncrally partly cloudy weath er with some smoke, prevailed, . t'ROI'K. The rain that fell was not sufficient to do any material damage to the harvested crops. Every section report j ields better than were anticipated. Lata sown spring wheat, It is thought, will not be an aver age. Oats and barley are generally y lidd ing more than was expected. flay Is, as a rule, better, as to quantity and quality than was looked for; the third crop In many sections bclnr very good, In Yamhill county from a field ot too acies an average yield of 3$ bushels per acre was obtained. In llcuton Co It I estimated that winter wheat wilt average 3t bushels, and spihig wheat 15 per acre. Late sown otits ' has )ielded as M!h as 65 bushels per acre Throughout t.lnn, Marlon, l'olk the other valley counties the general vcrno has been far more than was antic ipated. The hop crop ili W nhmit 30,00a bale and ot good quality. In Douglas county Irult Is plentiful, wheat and t.uis In sec tions a good crop. In others only a fair crop. In Josephine and Jackson counties water melon are ripe and the crop I unusually large. In the lat'er county white grapes are ilpe, other varletli s promise wcil. In Wasco county, wheat, oats and barley are nearly all cut. 't he general averug4 ylild of wheat Is JJ bushels per acre, oats and hat ley 40 husnels. The county, n a whole, has a first class U-ld. In Sherman wheat and barley are turning out well. Corn and potatiH's promise well titxvd accounts ol grain come In from (itlliatn ami Morrow counties. In the latter barley yield uf s( bushels per acre aie reported. In neigh burton 1 of Fie; hi MlU. orchards are f fecled by t.rim Apl.l. In I'mattlta and Union conn. les the wheat crop is all that could be expected. The valleysol iiloaa county repit mol satisfactory yields. In the powder -River valley more than aver age yields have been secured. The hay crop In the stock country wa extra gmsl and more thsn enough Is upjoscd to be on hand fur any winter weather that may occur.. On bottom and Irrigated land through Klamath, Lake, Harney, Crook, Grant and Malheur counties whuat, oats, bailey and tve yielded above the average. Satisfactory 'yield are generally re porttdand fair prices, with an upward tendency prevail. It. Js. P.U1I K, Olworver IT. S. Signal Service. Aaaiatant Director Oregon Weather 15 u rcau. As we have said be fine, republicans are the real obstructionists in the senate. Yesterday in that body Senator Aldiich asked unanimous conssnt to fix September 81I1 as the day for a final vote on the taiiiT bill. To this democrats raised no objection, but t'tutnb of Kansas, one of tht ablest republicans in the scnate,olijeclcd and the motion bad to go over. The truth is that Dumb has very decided views in favor of reducing the larilf and wants ample time to discuss the question of reductioi. lie tees that the farming classes of the west and north west are afire with enthusiasm in favor of ma terial tariff rc-luclion and he wants time to re flect their views, lie is a conscientious man Canada has nearly as large an exlrnt ot country as the United Slates but a larg: pro portion of the former li.s in a cold, inhospitable climate not suited tor the habitation of civi'.tcd man. "Agriculture i the most important in dustry, employing fifty six per cent, of the workers. The annual wheat crop is horn 35. 000,000 to 40,000,000 bu.hcls and ol bailey about 2S,ooo,ooo bushels. la 1 833 the num ber of hoises was e timated at 1,099,279 and cattle at 3,791,608. A large portion cf the barley crop is expotted, practically the whole shipment coming to l!ie United States. In 1SS9 the total export smonnted 10 9,94S,2u7 bushels, of hich this country tuck 9,934, 5"!, ami tb proportions are about th: same fiora year to year. BRVttLLlU It.t wsxriiXE, Aug. 2-tli, isfiO. Items aro waree except in one of the two line (if thought. All liave In-come monomaniacs on mines or meeting at the I'aptiut church. Key Lindnli-y returned on hint Sa'urdtty to, l.ut will be hereon Tuerxlay. In the iiieaniuiit Hev WaMrup will con tinue the metlit.t'st. Oar minera nra on their IiC-uJm, so to apeak. During lat-t week they received a letter Irmn a gentleman at reiiUle ot tering l(X,(ioo fur a uno-third interest in one of their claiuiH, with control of the working of the mine, and all in excite i.'ent in that line. The work on the milieu U fltill being ptmlicil and in Hear ing completion. Itev LeRoy returned home oil bust Sat urday mid at the church meeting tender ed lint resignation an putor. He expects to go to li Grande, and will take the jatorate of the clwreh there. School w ill K'gin on fMipt 15, in Diu trict !-, being the Hchool at l'.ro naville. Patroim and purdlu eiioul'l take notice and act accordingly. On hint Sunday the Sabbath tchool of thin place, ruieil 17 17 as a memorial fund to IUtrt Btanard. Thin money in to be added to the irredueablu fund and only the interest to le ued for liiiHuion work. Tliun until the maHtf-r comes this money will be at work in the name of IJert Htanard, beloved by nil who knew him. Some say the home spoken of last week ,, f' -! , I as being shot, was sick of some diseased and not shot at all, aa other horwa have died of something aiinilar; while others say he was shot and died from wounds received at the hands of careless hunt ers. As no examination was had no one will ever know as to the facts in the case. O AHt I LLC. Three of the citizens of this place leave to-day for the cast Messrs Charles Pat ttMon. Elmer Hamilton and J Melvin Bamlord. Mr I'atttson will Ivisit Coin, Iowa, St Joseph, Mo. ami Sparta, Illinois. Mr Hamilton will visit friends at Keo kuk, Iowa and Garnett, Kansas, Elmer is a native of this county and is highly esteemed by all, espscialiy by the young people. He was elected president of the V 1' 8 0 K at their July election. Melvin Bauiford goes to Monmouth. Illinois, to attend college. He is a model young man and has been with us about five years, It was through his work and influence that the Society of Christian endeavor was organized, and he was elected first president. He also served on the social committee two terms. There is not a member of the society but what is a friend of his. Ho leaves with the best wishes and prayers of us all. Amicus. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. TOY BKCKl . 8T0 IT NOW, OON IT WIIL BE TOO LATB. I have been troubled many year will, disease of the kidney snd hi lave tried many different femedies and haW iifht aid Irom umerent pnysicwnr ;ht aid without relief. About the 15th ol Aprr I was siifrerimr from a very violent -attack that almost pros'.ratcd me in alien a manner mat 1 whs oeni over, rlien I sat down it was almost impossible Tor me U net up Alone, or to put on my clotli'.n, wl:e Had I'rovid .-nee s-nt Dr. Ilculc-y, wi'.U t. OMliGON KlUSHV TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost uiiiiu.ul jus effect, and to the aston ishment of all the Kuests at the hotel, in a few days, I ton bappy to state, that I was a near man. I will reconimrui the tea to oil tC'.ictcdl 1 iiavs Lcen. : O. A. TtJPPER, Proprietor Orcidentnt Hotel, tssuta Kosa, Cal. fin fJJI I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Hashlnalv Krws, Wasiiinuton, Aug. a6. Tho prospects are now for pretty clear sailing on the tariff bill and there I Utile in the way to prevent (Is passage. Tbe elections hill Is dead, for this season at least, and unless signs all fail, Is dead for alt lime. In the senate the memorandum oll'crcd yesterday by AUlrich, fixing the tints of the consideration cf and voting o ths In lit bill wss pic.cineil. After some discussion it wni agreed lo by unanimous consent, ftolhlna la New Yokk.Aiik. a6. The llearld's Wash ington corrc'ponduit telegraphs that both the secretary mid acting secietnr) positively itattd last night tlicie li no intention ol sending the Charleston north to co operate with the Cor- w to. After coaling at Seattle, the secretary says, she will go to nan rrnncisro, tben, pro bubly, pioeeed, without much delay, lo Ihe I Uwniinn islands, where, according to Rear Admiral Drown, the presence? of the Charleston seem to be nee Jed, A Live Show, London, Aug 36, Meager details hav just been received ht-re of a fight between the cowbuy and Indian companies of UulT.ilo llill and Dt Carver In the streets nf Hamburg, It is untieistnovl that 0 tierce conflict took place nnd thai but for the iiitcifcteitcc of tha po'.ile lifo would have been taken, Dr Carver's company is but lately ftotn Russia, where, in Moscow, ii had great UotiMe with the pulic;, when blood was shed. For a long lime i'ne-e has been gieal nvaliy between Dr Carver ami "Itulliilo lull. I he latter opened Ins show in uauitiuig ycsteiuay, A Hear I Ubl. Wai.i.a, Aug. afj This nflernoon V M Klin wa brought to tl-e cily ftotn the mortmain, bully wounded hum an encounter with gtuly hear. I he !car hail been kil hug Fltn's h-rp, and he started to hunt him. He shot and wounded the animal only. The h;ar grabbed ami wotiul have kltlrd hint but (r the interference if a itot which UtM acted the lxai't attention. Fiiu then lelrased him 'elf, crabbed his gun nnd killed the Many deep cuts weie made by beai's claw s but they are not dungrruus Vhral at ( art alii. t'oRVAM s,Or Aug. 26. heal sold here to day at 70 cents, which is fiom 3 to 5 cents higher than at any other city in the valley Uratn is not only coming in from all psrts ,l this county, but ftum Linn and Polk. With wheat at 70, oats at 40 aud hop al 30 cents he farmers aie happy, A Urge tiade is an icit nie.t by our meichants this fall and a gen era! feeling of buoyancy prevails, Kwrtam PM It. rKNIU ETON, Aug. 1 5. A peculiar adven tute was had with a bear Wednesday near the campot J II Hubbard, who has charge of K Gilliam s band of sheep on Ihe east foik of Utah cieek in Ihe mountains. Mrs Hubbard and child, a tout 2 ycais, accompanied Mr I lubbard to his work. The child ran off some distance and n fused lo relu-n but wanted its mother to come lo it. She did not do si and the chi'd set up a mournful wsil, at which a bear apeard upm Ihe scene, emerging fiom the btush almut sisty yards distant from the child. Mis Hul bat J was st-jpetied with hor tor snd unoble to move, Tbe bear advanced toward the chi'd at a lively gallop and tbe mother then found her voice tad rent the air with pi.rcing screams It wss a case where feminine vocal cgans wcieused to advantage for tiuin became f lightened when Le had near ly reached the youngster, turned and sneaked off, Mr Hubbard who had been attracted by the cues, then arrived, but the infant was al ready safe in il mothei's srms. lattrpeadrare la Maaaaswib, Iswtsimstit, Or., Aug. ac. The trial tiip of Hie train Over the Independence Mon mouth aitway look place this afternoon, Aloul 200 ciliens availed ihemsclves of Ihe invita tion of a bee tide. The train puilcd out amid ljud huias. 1 rainspaiencirs were carried, snd at Monmouth much enthusiasm ws mam fcttca over the first train. I bis morning 'he citizens of Monmouth have a I which the officers of ihe railway company and officials ol independence will be toasted. Krgular trips sill now le made at 5 cents late. I lie com p let ion of this line mails an epoch in Ihe his im y of 1'cik county. Mate Frprrt. W ASMINI.ION, Aug. 25 Special Agent lxLnd baisvtcd the censut office thst he would make an investigation into the complaints and charges in vv ashing' on county. Or., which show a. very mpeilect census. Ihe census buiesu his assumed a different air Dward the romt taints from Oregon, and il is believed that Inland has been furnishing ihe office some informal on relative to Ihe incfiiticnt count made of the state. A 'r fair. Vienna, Aug. as, The corn fair opened to day ami was well a'lended. In the esti mated cop of ihe world AmeiL-a is rredi'rd witu 414,000,000 bushels of win at and l,6oo- 00 cw bushel! of nisic, anini 401.0on.000 l ushcls of w heat and 2, 1 1 J ooo.c 00 bushels of maue in 1$$) A M.eo lire. Seattle Aug, 24. The lUiniei Company's mi.l, on the l Ores of the harUir at tbe foot tl Mercer street, took fire this morning at 11 oVIock. Hcfore assistance arrived the flames were le)oni control, sod ti e mill, together w ith a large nock o( lumber, was destroyed. The origin t f ihe fire is not known. A Hawaiian Brvslntli a. Seattle, Aug. 24 The rrtxt advices re ceived from the Hawaiian Islands will un doubtedly bring news of a revolution and pro bably of the devastation of a tepublic. Such, at leas', is Ihe opinion of Admiral Brown, who arrived here on ihe cruiser Charleston last night. Ms4Jb9alll. McMlNKVlLI.E.Aug. 24. A committee has been at work gathering spetific information, and have found that the census is 30tx short in ibis county. They wilt go lo Portland ot once and lay the matter before Special Agent I.eiand, and in case they fail to get a recount the mailer will be brought before ihe legitla ture, Is Maale. Buckingham, Qucliec, Aug. 24. Yester day Mrs Cote went berry picking and left her child in charge of two boys, deaf mutes, of un- iuuiiu (lie deaf mutes had killed the child and t,artially sounu minu. un her return she found the eaicn us ocoy. 1 ne maniacs must have at tacked the child shorily after the mother's, de pan ure. - AnylhlBg tar an Bxesise. Houston. Tex,, Aug. 34 There is every reason to believe that a strike will be inaugur ated on the Southern Pacific by the Brotlier- nooa 01 locomotive l-.ngineer. Fourcne n eerswere recently discharged for what Ihe com pany considered good csusj, and some of them were reinstated. I he engineers then demand ed pay for tbe lime they were laid off, which was refused, After a lull discussion of the matter between General Manager Kre'utichtiitt ana me grievance committee the tompany of fered to arbitrate the question, but the engin eers would not agree to this, aad the affair looks squally, THIfi BRKAD WAGON. acd Sot FIIE8H BREAD evtry ir.orntu,, or leave otduis whh J U Dim;.la, tieinartuif y"ure tnd allr)vr Vheoity. P. M. French, DEALXa IS WATCHES and CLOCKS, Waltham -AND- 'ElaGJR OPECTACLES EYE-GLASSEO Seth Thomas 7 1 0. . ' ' si r m w w -as. m ' t JOrVWEWlI. Summons. the Cirvit Courlbr Lhm County, Slain ty vicgon: Will! ShilJ. MCE Shlolds.T F Ymmg ana Al You tin, bar husnaun, Mary Hi Dur rinsed J J Dorris, her husband, PlfTi, va T J Shield and Julia Khinld bis wife, J a A tihield and Kmma Mhtelda his wife, K Shltdds, M initio rUtltdiht, Sn, nl L Shields, Mai y Shlulds.Llr.aia .Shields, Kilti Shields, and Sarsh M Sil,.,N. To Mlnitla Rsiotirl 1, Mhi.l.t. Mary Shlidd, Lixxis Shield snd Kittir Hhiald. lit thn name of Hi slate (d Oregon, vou ara lipreby'riqtiirid to ha and appear and answer tits complaint tiled against you in ths sDoy entitled sun in ine abov iililltd oouil by tha first day of the next fibular tprmot tha aenve ciitith'd miurt, to wit: On Monday tha 7111 (lay i f U:tober. I SIM . and If you tail t appear and answer tha plaintiff will apply to the uottrt for tha ruin f praved fur in their complaint, ytst For a decree of the enurt to partition the real fstata owned by plstulill snd (lrtendat as tenant in com nion, doserlwd as follows, to-witi lts I and 2 aud fractional lot .1 hi bloek I '2, in eastern sddltion to th oily nf All. any, I.11111 eouily, Wr,uoi. Also lot I, 7, Hand tha west half rf lot 2, in hlnek I. 'I in Urn os tein nddttii ii to tho eity U Albany, Linn cowtity, Oreuon. Aluocninmuiidhtf .! the K W cor nr r of block No .17 in HsnlhmWs 2nd addition to tha city .f Albany, l.i-in county, Oregon, and rin t'inu tl.ut coMwtli ilyon tha western boundary lino 1 f s i, block 1 1 1 f.'ft ; thrtu-e- easterly farnlS I 1 the ror hem boundary linn of rtd l.h u, Ml fi'tdf, theno aoiitherly ps.rslul with r d wnttem bill duty linn, ill .i(i;l!,tC wpte-ly nu thn siuthmn hound iry lino ol rani block, (id ( ft lo tha t.Urv f l.,-'i.n 0 Aii'l If a pnrllti'in cannot Ih Ii ut w ith out inulirUI In I 'try to (nil Into 0.1 r 1 1, parlian hurnto, thai the as Id real iIMo l old aa ovided by law and thn pnx o mU el a id Mia bo 1 ariitnn.i ai-i-orob'K to tho rt piw Uvpliilorns'.r odhn I'laln'Ill nli'l ilolto tLti:, ami th ;t t;n eiiMsi ami uu il.siiixiiis) ! I rod as liv Intv rr.-vlib-d. snd for mirli unnr relief as to iijo'tvf tony Muni Just. j Thlis Mm iiuiim la 1 ii'ilMird tvt'!-ri cflliJli It ! Itii'. JudiM cf sal 1 "iir: iTtitilrtut t'bamlH.iM at ra'nti', r c t. So U tuber I Jtli, l.Nsfl. J K WKAtllK' e M Att'y for rUli.tiiTi. Citation. In tht Cifty Court 0 Stale e(Vr(t far the C'oun'y of Linn. li tha n.attor of tbe state : or IIUTII BUAUSHAW. loctsaaod, To Jan W ebatr, Thomas '!inoia, fa b t'luina, Kllsaboth Adkiua. Jussto J Urinous, ancy A lion:, Wllllaui t'lenueta, ""VorlU A t'lrmnna, Nanny A t'lamvtia, Willi in H ('iriiiena, Maiah K Clemens, Anna IJ llerron, Oliver T Harron. UREETING: THE NAME OK THK KTAIH OK Orriton, You ara hrby clnd and i- qulrt-d to cptxar In the County Court, of in Mat r u.Kon, for me t.oun.y or l4nn, at to eouil room tneroof, at At- ! Lany, iu the County of Lien, on Msaday. lh 1st stay f Krplcsnlser, as), at the hour ol i o'clock, p bi, of that day, thon and ihrra 10 show can, Ira.y tbireb, wl y William Cletnetia. Bdmln Istotor, of tba ( Mat of ltutli llradshaw, dtcfaMHl, ahould out lx licliu to asutl th rral property of said Ittitrt Hradsbaw, disrsvBHr, dosoiiood aa lolloaa. to wit: Ilfsrisnltig at theNvV corner of John If KdoiMiMio's douaiion land claim, uo tinratton olOi, cla'.ui No 61, In Tp li Sit 4 W, rnnntnK thetiresasl 3t ha chains tnnncHt sou til St Sir cbaltM, lbonc wast 31 M ilis us. ttioncs north 34 4tf chains. io lb ptsoe ,r lK'r.nlr)t: conta nil g 110 svem, an iu I. inn cout,ty,Uiei;nti v:cm: Ittiginniiig In thentrf the Calaj'ool ersok, on ir.a east hundsry line of tha said John If Kdnioiioon's ! ni'n San-l claim. nt)i)itl'n No U'KiH and n aim t.o M in Tp luNK 4 W, and running IVrsca south 12 fiOehaina loth touihr-wst rminrrof the u rib !4 cf sal I donation laud eUtm. l.'ienm wst 24 ehalna lh rs-iitar of th 4lil ebannr-l of aid CaUpoola crssk: thi ro up th eon b-r of lh pialn chaniislof said rrtok to th p:c -f buginuiiijr, c.iiulning 24 acre, ail In l.lou county, uienon )ono by order of tbe Hon 1) It N Mai-kbtirii. Judo of tho County Court, ol th Hut f - -s O:ek-oo, for tn Couiity l.lnn, 1 with tn aeal ol aabl court f.ix d ihla 1st os.y ol August, A I). SKAl. (Attest) NPPAYNr:. County Clork. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED fHOM ROOTS Be HERDS, rosTHicuaror AND ALL OTHER DISEASES AHISINO FROM A DISORDERED STATE orTHE STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. fOli SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS Summons, Aa the Cii-e ilt Court of the Stale 0 Oregon for t Vounltj of Linn. . 3. 8 ANTOSKLLE, Plaitt:tT. va. I AKSIE McNULTY, Soma litnea known by tha nam of 1 Aunio Anlonallo, Defendant. ) flO ANNIE McNULTY, S0MKTIMa3 JL known by tha nam of Annie Auto nolle, tb abov named defendant. . Jn lb nam of the Statu of Oroiron you are nereoy rtquireu 1 1 app tar ana an awerthecomptal-itof tbaabova plalulltf, in tbe above entitled court, now on 11 '.e w lib ih clerk or aaid court, bytbefirat day cf the nest regular term of said court which aa'il term or .iu couri Drgtns on Monday, tha 27th day of October, lf0u, at ih-) Court House, in Albany, Linn county Oregon Ai.d yon are be re by further no titled thai, .f you fall to arprar and an-swt-raaid oouiplslnt by the time afore said, and as hereby required, the plaintiff will take a dmree againi-t ymi for tba rebel prayi d foi In tbe complaint In tli'a 0 iuisp, to w It: Directing you te carry out the trust set forth In said compfaluil, and to deed to plff by good Mid auftici tnt deed all cf tha following deienbed real eatat to wit: DeKioi irK Id ,no center of tho noitb bonndaiy line of lot i. In B'.ock 9, lu tbe olty of Aoany, and running thence wes ter.y on atd north Tjcundary lino 8 rent, thence southerly parallel wl b Ferry at in said city. 100 feel to tbe aoutb bouud ary line of said lot;' thence eastcilj on the aouub boundary line of aald lot 25 feet, thence northerly parallel with said Ferry street 100 feet to tbe nor h bound ary lio of gala lot; trtence weiteriy 17 reel to too place of Ucgr.Mnc all of aaiu land siitiaieil in the cily of Albany, Ore gon, within 80 day from tbe reii(!tnnx of final d cree In aald cause and that In jou fall to milte such (teed to pill', witbln SO daja fiotn the trndarlng ot aucb final decree, that the time Mnd as and for Bitch deed and that sou be er petually et joined fn in deeding eaid land or. any art thereof to anyone excpl p'aintilf herein, aud that pla nlilf have snd rr 0'iver h. a costs and dh. onifcetr ius In n in of and from you. , . 'I hi- Bunuuioua is i nb lsludln ritir'v;- moeofsn order cfthe H n R V Dobo, ndge of said oour; nmde a cbambr-r- In tLe city f tsaltm. On e n. on tbe 8th d.v of Jul.-, 1M. PubUshed tint time this-ioth day of July, 1890. : , W. R ,BlLVJU. ,.; . . - - Att'y for I'liiintiff. SummoitV A tht Circuit Court qfthe Stall of Orym for KD. KYSS. Plain ICT, V H H McFaddau and Jrala Un. Faddnn, his wlfo, Win II Mt tmliloti and Mcldilnn. his wlfi-, Mary J f lout and W il Htotit, her husband, llnttle OWhitnnj an I Whitney, nor ntisb 11 1, Flora K Wright ami i m v riuni, nor ntiaimiuj, 1'rsnk Jlooiliby. K lUoolhby, A I'l llrjaut and 11 IlryUnt lin' husband. IS Youiui, L K llliln and thn Albany Fann ers Coiupany.a corporallon l'niKr.iJanla ) TW0 THR AllOVK NAMKD DEKKN I danla, flora K Wright and F M Wright, hor husband. In the tmina or tha state of Oregon, you aro In rntiy r rpiirad to Hi and appear and anawnr tha complaint fl!ed aKalnat you In tho abova entttlxd 00 tut In tho above eutllh d suit, by iho fir si day of tha t.aat rnmilar la rut ol tha ibove iilUlad court, to wti: Monday, tba Itltt slay r Oetsber, lata. and If ymi fall to apix-nc and anawar, tha pUlntlir wlii apply to the court for tha raiiofpiat ft for in his wmipialnt. vl r or lito furnelimiirn of a mortgage 011 ihe fol low I tut r-ttl estati. towi'i ho ao-ili onahair of tba d instlnn land n'a iiii.f m McKadden ai ' MrnnrM Mi t -11, U wi n. No- M llllft anil nU v. M., 61, tn Tp H.S, K ! W t,' Will aiiicnn Ji!i) llan. aio Iha oith una ll l'f Ol'llio f lltOWlllK l!IOlt,) ,1 ., nf ,, lovtlu Itnl-inirtK ttnsi vv mi 11 tr of ! u ii'ifth naif nf ih 1 ons'.l to ihh'1 it. tin N t No IU ., and linlui ft at I pit H It g v , (Ikiici .ant 40 haln , ilrms M li et sl'f.. tli -i .'.i W HOlm . I, mIiis) thoiioiN 1:1 oIihIsisi to th" ptao-r f 1 i-isli 1 lou, ail In I .lint, Oric 11 an I c M.liiin I'jij wrti aii I tli it thn air o be a dd to astinfy p ainlift'is ili'iuim a w tall at Ai-rinit 11 nihtii, ih o nso l, 'nr ilii hiiui of l 100 with 1 ficiu iIib 7th U ,y of Jaiiusiy Iswii, ci tit , r .,!, i )n tor 1 1 1 i-r 11 mi 111, ami th hi it r si in of f Vih at"ri.' f. . and li r ili dud 11 mmila ol litis; '.i: to ! Into I A il ii- ! ( n litl.ts Hll. I I'l l t,.ng IIHilpf th-MI l fllKVll llll f'..ll lll- I'l'llt tit tnloiMi i n lii 14 ! I I I i.-U. no I f ir ii'M litis, r sm!,r -u ! !!.!.. I hi i,ii:iiiiii.i - j oi l s s... s 0 ) r nl tlo.toiabtu K I' li d , i.r!-i 1 f thn b"iV i-iitii'o 1 n iUi 1114 In -i Cusin .r iu ih Ci y of hjli in, llngoii. iu tan lilib day of AIUU.SI, IHVJ. I K ' kath shy 1i.11, AK) for P.slut If Summons, In Ik Cirtnit Coup tot the State tl Ore- go,jr i.inm .ony. MAKTIIA PIERCE, riff, va Msllnda Hadgln, Harsh Itass and J Hum, bar husband, Ito it llodgin and Mary ll din. hi wife. Jaoob llod gin aod a liodgtii.bla wlfn. i-r slice Whll and J W Whit, her busUnd, K'let belt) Mllltr and M Millar, ber husbahd, Minilny lioydston aod Martha Hoy J!on, iHfandanU. J rno SAID DEFENDANTS, MAUND 1. llo.luln, i-arati Husa, J Kum. Itobart iioitvin. ftiar iioosin, jansio rinsgin H Hodlw. Franasw Wbli. J W Wnlta, t.t sitiriu Minor, fti aimer, esnaney ; Uoyoa'on a. d Martha Boydatoo. j In lbs) nam of tba state ol Oregon, yon ara bornhy requliad to be and apir and answer the complaint fila l against you In tha abova entitUd court In tbaabova eniitUd auit, by tha Oral oay of tba oast regular lortu of , ho above mtitlsd cam I, to ait; Hsaday the mh slay r rtslsrr, ltM, and If vou fall to apprar and answer tb p ainuir wilt apply to tha court for tb rrlUt ytiyi fjr lu br oomplalat, Tla. For a ilecrsM of tha rourt to correct a deed iiiadt bv Jama Hmtgln atd Mallnda I loitu'n dated l mbcr 3rd I Sot to tha fult(tlng lands: Thofs;, iflho sijj-of Ko fi.Tp 15, SIRS W, tho V r tha H'4 f thn H',V of aiac I Tt IS. vu 3 W; atao th K'f of th EH of ma .MVX of rto . Tp 14, UK S W, ll Ix-tntr Looonatlon land o'alm of Jamaa aud Mallnda Itodaln.eomaluiBiiSJOacraw i soinat tb same shall Uoscr.La lb land ! it-tebdr lo im conveyaJ, and UtsacnleJ follow, town: 1110 iionauon lani o sl.-n i f Jin, lIMlln' and Ma' tnd Ho irfin, hi wih-, bulng Not Ni 4I4 and ducribod as Ih) siulh half of Ik aouttiwtsst quarter and th a.itilb half ol th southeaMt quarter 1 f Nscilon flv-, tb aoulh hs'f of tb aoathwasi quarter of S; Inn four, and thapast half of ih north west quartoi f Ke-:ioo uma, In Tp 14H,K s , in 1.1 uo county, urt-goo, oonta r.tcg 320 rcrea. And that plaintiff b decrct od to l th owter of all or said land, And that tha doffliidsi-u and ewcrt and all ol ibeut and any pn on tioldloic by, ibrouli, or unJir UiMii b foivyar snj.nued from c:aJtuingany right, till or nterat In or to aald land And for 111 rosta and ilUbursnnienta ol this anion 10 Iki uxei. Ih'a euiiitriaa la pt'bllrbod by ordarol I li lion It 1'0 ji di( of th abov milled ci.iiit. ins' at liiainbera at alitn, Oregon. A ia-:-t )9.h. J. K. WKsTRKirilSD, Atty .or Flainiitr ! Sheriff ale, : la the Cirrutf Court of the Stuff Orrgon for f tk Caitnt 11 ft t I lutt t J0SKPI1INK i. SUMMERS, Piabitlft, v WILU.VM II. -UMMF11S, i Dcfemlant N.Tl!M- II t'RKHY OIVKN THAI l viitm. ol an t xtcutton. duly 1 sniod out nf this MtMve t ameii couit. lu , he hIh.v ,iiiii cd actk n, ti mt directed and ilberid 1 did, 1 11 Llnj ennn'y, suui ol orrrfon, on the llib day of auk tut, duly levy upon all ihe right, tine mno 111U.11...J ot wii lam 11 huiniuerii, the iiBiKii'iaiiii aO'ive nsniBd. in ana to Ibe rei-l piu;n-if- hKiblaiflnr dsiorloe j, aud win on alardsr. Ihe 1.1th day of fteplember. 18, at the cou-t liou door In tha oit of a oany. tnn county, ureiton, at lb uour o. 1 o'clock, p mi of aald da, sell atplib loau lion lo Ihe hlhnst liMJnr. all thn rife lit, till and Interest of I he eaid defendant. William U K 11 in 111 era, In and to the following deicribsd pre n!es; de crihed aa follows to-wlt: Luta No one f II. two 121 and thraa (.11 in b'.ock No 24(twenty-fouij ia Summers addi tion to the town of dodavllle in Linn county, Oregon, .ccordinjr, to the plat and anrveys of said town on tile in the olsrks oiSee of ssid oonnty. The proooeds arising from toon ssie tob applied lirst ta the payment of the unsta oi ana upon and execntioiii second to the payment of plaintiffs claim, amennting to the sum of Hfty-eiht and 63-100 dollar (29 55 100) with accruing interest thereon at sua rate of 8 per eent perannum, since the Kith day of March. 1877. D-ted this 13th day of Auur, 1890. M. Scott, Sheriff of Linn coauty, Oinon By D. 8. Smith, Depoty s. !sir.isw. -i LITTLE fTLlVlSR-; sris 'sPOLLS. 00 NOT CREPE, SICKEN 09 CONSTIPATE, Sunt Cure for Sick Keabuhe, nu mu uvuusn anuni iron ludipeiUMi or Uonsbpation ImprovesthttOouiplRxioii W hv Pnrlfvinff f has Hlrsrul. Ths can h nlmlr adiasud to auit the com, a on pill cuts never be too iotr doM. Easy to tiikt m no mucn auirar. u puis put op in strong rial which can be carried in vest pockflt. A GiMt Coavsn leae Tratalora aad KbsIbm Hon 0aula wltis pat t'reeisn(T'Trdaark. no Id KTerywharrflaasA boule BAimi truon ho ukbai duuk, tor tm i d DH. MASTER'S IROM.TONIO. FTJRIFIR3 tha BLOOO: REftULATICg the LIVXItI and KlDNKYSand RKSTORES th IKRILITATRL-1 to HKALTII and VIGOKOUft 8THKMOTU ofYotmtl Tkecr. harter MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, mo. When wanting tba best ajrooeriea ia tha market at reasons.'-' priccscall en Powell 4 Co I am ' " f'4h>i " if llllf Russel a Co s Engines Xkl s.s,- .Wstss.- GRICULTURAL IMPL.E1Y BNTS, WACO. 3 AMD BJGCIZS, LOGGERS A'D BLACKSMITHS SUPPULIS, IP.OU, STCCL. CMAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON lYJATEFsIAL, f3ASY CARRIAGES, GARDEN . AMD GRA153 GSiZD, GJ-MS and AMMUNITION. Administrator's Notice. NOTICK IS URRKRY ijlVK s 1 II AT ' tha undersigned havn Uiatt duly i:j- ; pniniad aduilnlnra!ora f tb .: f -Wllllaui !yrus, deoaard, lat ol iii county. r-rKon. All or.ioiis ' nvin j olaltna agilnst aald 4tato arn heroliy or- ; llflitrt tn rireaant them, tiuly vcrilied. at i ha rtld.-n-i cf cither cf oV. ahout snvii miles koutheast f S'-lo, in fa d l.inn I oonnty, liraon, whhin a.x nnMl.s li i . ll. -latis htra,r. Jj y 24, ISthl. Ifr.snr rvnra, JjsMi a II f'tCKHY, JK W eatht-rfonl, AtlminMrator , Atty fr Admra Assignment Notice. NOTICE M HKKEBY GiVEN THAT tha underslnnml has toen appointed aaalgnaa of tha estate of Chirlra V Parker, an Insolvent debtor. All pera )ti naving claims against ksiu estate are hereby notified to present the same pro; erly verified to tbe onderslaned at Al bany, Oregon within three wotha from tola dato. Dated this 51 h day ol August, 1890, W. K. UlIHT, Assignee, Two Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! Wsi; While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO DEY0E & FROfslAN BROS Store, where they alwa s have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of . the latest improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other thing too numerous to mention. Repair Hop In connection with the Store, and one of the best workmen lo the State to do any and ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all: No trouble to show goods. "Small profit and quick lis" Is out motto. City Drug Store. Sianard & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss. & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet ; articles, sponges, brushes, perfumery, school and ar tists supplies. Physician's , prescriptions accurately compounded. ar b : -sw v -ia at Smith. & i ir''V h .!.,., 1, m't . .is" Ml "Ml. t.'1.', .IjISSS ' r- JF 1 lltl u. - .,. t-- - - i ALBANY. OHEGON, -AfiKKlii ton- (1 Ls,i!-V Ts5ssw i JT- ' III - - t turn .-. - ' '- -"j"" AND DKALKUS IX I FVFRY Who Buys a Suit of Clothes of L. K Costing 33 OL Pair of Painted Stilts. a r and Winter Clothing is "being" Re ceived uauy. Mi ti ri iu3' Ct. jssjj sv mAm ssw anil Machinery I i issi! -lr-0 r-ss-s-s BLAIiST, or Upwards, Gets a -Fine . .s, I 1 f 1 f7T.l V -sfbW'-'-iV T T 1 -51 .Jf WS BOY yj.-t j immense stoeK or i'aii G1T.ESS lIEliAOli cut f.urrs !C i 'A 7