The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, August 15, 1890, Image 4

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Aid Solicitor in Chancer !
Collection promptly made on ail pn'nl
Ujananotfotlated on eaaonablo terms.
0 CO. W. WBI0HT,
Attorneys at Law,
Will practice in ell the ConrU o( the
BUM, Prompt attention given to all bul
Ma,ataf inonr ea re
Offlo Odd Fllows Tempi. Albany, Or
riotTrrn.n( bmthooiji
Physician and Surgeon.
Graduate ot Ball.vo Hospital Msdloal
3c41g Now York City.
Disease of woman a specialty .
JaTOtBo tuaaa's Brick, Albany, Or.
Uoburg Lumber.
I sell the b lumber la tbo eenaty also
odar poata, ehiogla. latha doora and win
v molding, ato. Price from $5 to tti
or thousand. Yard at Lowana, on tha
Marrow Qaage. Sa ma before parcbaalng
W W Cbawvobd.
Pouitty Wanted.
Alt Wlada of poultry, alive or draaaod
ranted at tb Willamette r tcatng um
80M. LANNIXG 4 Ct., 110P1V8
stiw rsocaM rxoca scrsBioa bob
asro aasaaa eaa.
j. ri.DUficAn,
paT-Offlco la Strehan' Block, -!o-s
and S.
Attorney at Law,
Be la tbo Blrahaat Black.
Attorney at Lawaai Tills KisRlnsr
Willpraetloe In all tbaxxmrU of tha
Stat. Abalracta of Till farnuhad on
hort aotioo- Tan jaara aivariettoa.
J. WHiTriEY,
in.cLi87 And Counsellor At
4otnr Public
Braloat8 of Elisbnr, Scotland,
H !) I li klotir. Frc n
nvtil4i of til pf'j.a.
a I n cp ,n m " II f ttr a an 9
trlitO tl rttiinnt, b
narltti-) p.'.r.n- of tu na laMra
la txrnt, ou'.ls. tiwp, aco. Ks )
tdao rsoxamaj l bht aolutloa or llnaia
or sora eaoulJara. aor-w hta'tn, brok
nM, m fu ida, aprtln. Prl e, on do
r 9 tr I .'.. .
aT In k fin In u jr'!lrary ata
A New Repair Shop
Haa juat leo opened 00 First (treet. op
oaita tha Rat boats, where yu can H"' al
kiada br okea article encode), clock
traand lock repaired, key fitted, &o
Wofr om tbeceootry tomtly atttsdtd
1 Ccuncf, V
r tlM, lowo. )
urnca or MmmtHA.tur run 1
Wuhiiif on, Hay 1
Wttcrra, by wtL'actnry artdaiM pradtl to
aba ha baaa mI to ap.Mar that Thr
IJa Oaatr S'atloaal Kaak, ot Albany. In h.
any at Abaur, la tb anunty uf Unn, and atat. ol
ifrafim, ba aonipltad with all tha Pfurlaton of tha
ktViolaaof tbaUuilait Siataa, raquirad l barnnipliail
wtik bafora as aa-I.Uon ai..1 ba aatborUad to
nmaaarMM tha buainaa of bank. 11.
Roar, lawrefare, I, -Ird B Lacy, Comptroller
af UMCarraiKy, do Baraby wjfjr tliat "Tb Linn
Onmty NaUoaal Bank, of Albany, la tb city of
Albany, Is tba annnty at Linn, and gtata .4 Oraeon
hi auifcoriaad to aommatica tha buaiuea of bankinf
3amltad In ) fifty on h'indr.d aiul aixty
MattlH raruwt atalutaa of lb United Utatea.
In taatlmotiy w ha raff vltnn nt
,.. I hand and al wfo9dtbl Hat day uf
I May, loa .
. 4 LACY,
Comptroller of tb Cur raucy .
NO 4326.
Physician and Surgeon.
Offlca oppoatlU lha llrioncrat.
vaauattua aaa aavaia
Pruggistsand Booksellers
Arabia for John B. Aldan 'a publication,
"Bk-b wa aell at patsliahar'a jritm with
iLBANf , fIBEUfl t
IO'T. omawhare In lb ontitrr. a
I f.lawelian red a-tUr, whlt polntn.
ral reward oporj return or Inf. ruia
n 1 uereafonle, to O W Walta, Al
an . or.
Fortmiliei &- frying.
!45 3 A s
Prompt Ittantion-Pirst-class Hears
Tboaa ahlnr a flrt claa inatrumnt,
tbo I at d ado to aland tbo climate nf tba
C'oaat. can t auilrd by railing at Mrs B
E Uyina-'t oppoaiu tl.a Manoulo Tern
tl. on First (street. The talent vocal and
innlrunif nlal muaio kept for aala,aiao tha
, larxnirt afcttortment of atamping attarna
to e I act from tbla hhla rf 'Krtsao. l,nn
Mton glvnn In painting and embroidering
In ier atudio over Lmn Onnnty Rank,
Jira bar your order and you will be
as a sues i nmm PkVWU I'UUUII
UUXiL.f trrm.eee. ta 0H Yea..
KeeeeeMt.iaaar em. pit( Soul.
AM.i.n mmm sues numit-liiii ii s as
t. mA SISWS. T
... B
Tut gO Year.
niot Knob, Mo , esuteraber a, 1S&
T suffered with chronlo rheumatism la mf
knee and ankles for twenty re and bad 10
s crutches. lwtrtdltlmtyTrl
Joctor. but wm finally cured by BU Jacob
us narra
ansltod frequently, will cuf
1M Baoistt St. BrooVlya. V. T-JofcoUtm
1 wm taken with. BrallW In sld eaa
tulbrM month. J M ttjaa. Baby W
At Dtcootm akb Dmtu.
TRI CHARLtl A. VOSILIR CO., nhatt,llaV
Southern Paciflo Route
Ti.rvM Train l.irilml tHUj
8uU I
j N.-rth
:Uur. a,
tor a
A.r It A a
Lr I :li A a
7:ia a
Lr I w .u.) r a
Ab.iv t'ln iti.n only at Mlolnt ttt.H n.ih
ol H.xanurs. Kart riMrt'anU, iKw tliy, l
hum. Hlu. Alhsliv. Tuirrlll. Hh xl.l, liai.. V ll.f
tWIhuy, Juuctlua l'l, IrTlu. tUKn.
aut'a umu, ar.
; 0 a a I Lr
Ar 4'nora
ti-tura I L
u burn
.0ra Ar
ui xa
AUixT iucb iiLt (ue.rr 8txat)
1 I K
tu a a
wak (ajicu.
I.t0r a
7 a
1 :6Aa
1 1 t) AH
Ar I t:ir a
i.lOr a
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
Far AtcaBalatiaB al eal-4 la raw
era. altaekeal la Exaireaa Trala.
StU !! ltvUlaa.
Maii. T.t.a aUI (Kxxit Sunuay.)
7 Ju A a
1 Lr
Jo r
I HUra
am TtAia .u.r (Bac. SuiuUy.
Ar I
W a a
r ural Ar
a a
rriirotkt?lk M'iolcetK
To all puinU
Pai fui, InformaU-Mi ramrlli-f rata. Bun, Va
all na Onmpany Arnl al Ai Mny.
Manager UI O. r. and P. Ar
goo Development Corrpny'a Stea 0
abip Line
nan by any otbtr re Jt.
Flrat-elana lunuxh iajteiittr aod
raight line froia l'-r'.land and all pulnta
a tb WUIamott Valley to nd froui an
Fraociaoo, Cal.
Tha : Oregon t facine : I'opoolar : Summer
Kxci' Iww Uto Ticketa aia
oowoo Io fr. 01 a!l VJIy I'umt
to Y'lui'A Bud lieturn.
Kuaa ciakn r!ire conriortton at A It. an
.ilh UBlus of taaOrnaoo Facifin lUilroiad
TMg :il S UUl.B. (mxoei Sunday.)
0a Aloany lJO r. a.
Leer. Camilla 1:WF.I.
Vrrl Y equina, 5.J r. a
twi Yaquina. 6:4tA,B
Laar Cuf lallla.lU.SS A,a
Arnre Albany, 11:10 A.
O. 6t C. train connect at Albany and
Vrvllla. The above tralna ooonerlal
Vaonina with tbe Orxon Deveioprnrul
.iompaoy'a Uloe f tU-ainhlpa between
Xwina and n f"ranri.
MAtlAXii 1TK .
raoa taqui.
Wiluunatta Vallar. July
Wt.lak,.a A"fllh.
Will.mi.u t'ali-.. A"t I'Hk:
Wiliametia Au teth.
va.ia a raaec:a.o
WiVanwlli- Vallae. An let.
W illaux-tt. Vailar, Anr 11th.
Wlll.meiu Valler, Ao CUt.
WillamHt Val), 31t.
The Cora ay Mmtyon tbe ngnt U
banfre aalliiiK date Wthout notice.
V. B. Panneiiirora from Ponlaud and
f UlameOe point caa niaku loe
nnectl.n with tit iralon of the Yaqulna
-'ila at Albany r (Wrvailln, and 11 ilaa-
"odtoMan r'ritne.iay'i ahnuld arrapirato
riva at Va'J-na t! cienlnif if..r riji.
r.rlkbl flat, alwaje ll
ror l.i am-ill-,1 ept-ly to & it Cbxpuii.n.f r.ilil and
rkrt Arnt, AlUnv, o to C H IImw ,:i, it . O. V.
a T. Act., Oreic.i I;vl', a.. I i"o t Mnniif.itnary
Ha. rrancian., t?l, ' ' Htttil A.
A.O t'.v dP Aireo .
I UTT.l.l.
City Sie.stn.inrs)t.
H.viii bwn cutir. ly rntiinlni'd. t Ilia old
and ppilar rtiuint will l. in win
elt in every rwpre'.. Tim puM.c will I
ivan gMI Riral al nil l.' O". I. ;'! 25
oanti. Kothni r-t ,'! altrau'lve
Priva,a bnaea, (it-rk 1 1 nety atyi.
W. A. Mi-Oee.
o. a ." axjiviivriivrcar,
freeerlBiioB Dra(lt.
"r lira .. -Tr-X
v- 11 1 rTial3F"
j-tr 1 1 1 ui ii r .
kV- cv
f. r r bii rnl 3 "1
Ptoaim fills 'CT
Revere House;
Fitted an in firatx'laaa atyle. Tabler
auppliad with the beet in tbe market.
Nio Bleeping apartments. Ham pio room'
tr commercial traveler,
TPr a CaaaB fa aa.l fraaa IB ltl.f
f soo,ooo te loan at t pr centj !m
raved farm r city property,
WallacbA Jvaio:,
Physician and Surgeon.
avivoffloe np atalra In Strahan'a Block.
May be found at bia oiilce nay and night.
OtHce oor.
atl fAY.
and Kerry 8lrotH,
j,rr. tbo euro Of wuralfla.
J fill
VFlla St tauUo
lit gtiuiiaat
Tha labor organlaattona Save abou
decided to make an Inciinlon Into !SpcnVor
Reed' dUti lct nd defeat htm at tho nux
election. Tlio Federation ol Labor, the
Knljlitt of Labor and the other labor ot-
i(Ai)Uulon nnvc prlltloncil the peker
tent del igntc to wait on him and I every
way have eiulvavored to Induct hint to
give labor bill a chance, but up to the
the preent time I he have received no re
(Hne. A prominent labor man alJ to
day :
"I have made ficquent litqutrlck of the
chairman c,f the coiumlliee on labor In re-
card to the matter and have Invariably
been told that It retted entirely wlih the
ncakcr; that the ipeakcr hud nromUed
lilm time and aualn that he wuuia give in
commltlee a chance to cunsldcr It blll,but
hi nrumUea did not urcin t amount to
It U agalntd the vpcaker.thurttore, the
person who l chlclly ieponclbl lor. thl
bjninjj i bill ol great Interest to labo'
that the Incur organUtlon will n.w direct
their effort.
The annual tnowlall In Colorado I
enormou. At IJUlon, according to tne
EittiTfris, the n,ofuil there from tin
fint Jay of .November, lSy, to Nov. to
iSyo, wu twenty feet ten Inchc. At
Kokomo In 1SS4-5, by actual dally
mcauremcnt, omclhlng like nlntljr-lx
feet of the beautiful fell lctccn Nov. 1
and June 1. Of cotirc It kept on H-tillng
all the lime, and when tprlng ojcncJ op
there waan'l more than i or teven feet
1 on the ground.
f: may be jut 1 wi-il to mention
that Uncle Sam' dominion ix'ciul. a little
more than half way around the i;lobe.
Therefore, when any of her majvuty' ub.
jeel get off that chetnut about the tun
never cttlug on the IliltUh Uimlnion.we
can brag of the tame thliig too. The dl-
tance from the caile.'nino.l iilnt In Maine
to the weatemmoal Uland In lichrlng ic
I a little more than n degree of lot gl
tvde, o that It U fulfun op in Maine be
fore It It tundown In Uclnlng Sea.
The rapidity with wMch lllet pat
through the a.r I not likely to be appre
ciated by tl-oc who c only wlih what
apparent eae they do It. Klic will keep
up with a fat hone, and that, ton, with
out lighting on lilin. In an open cxpicn
car, through which the wind blow, they
hold their place, flying thl way rnd that
without hitting ogalatt ti e tide. They
mint, therefore, go fater than hore or
car. Dive man uperd like thl proportioned
to hi !', and colni' around the world
would be a matter of outv a few hour.
Kecent Inve.'.lgatliin baaa'iown thattlie
people of Great Britain twatlow orr 5,.
5,ooj pill d illy, or one pl'.l a week for
evciy pcraou In the population. The plK
concumpllon for one year would wctjjh
!70toiia, and would fill thlrly-kl freight
J-cnutur li ui.a ani.t uitic that cor great
will adjourn wlun it ha pa.ted the ta.lff
bill, the appropilailon bill and the federal
clectlont bill If it docan't adjourn until
hat time the T.embcr may a well engage
heir fall and winter quarter.
Mr. Towdcrlj I entirely right in urging
worklngmen to oppote the Lrxlge Force
bill with all their mi.-ht. That bill aim at
the destruction of fite ticcticnt, and free
election are the condition of liberty for
worklngmen, who itnllUitc n'ne-tcnth
of alt the men in America.
The election In Tenncaee vcateidiv for
county ofiiccr reauUed in Increaacd ilcm
ocratic vlctorlc. The chief mttter of In
ereat concerning she election wa the
new Australian ballot law. The demo
crat elected their eounty otK.-er, for the
firnt lime alnce thc war. in Chattanona.
Copyrltbt, uaa
lnt hr thurn and couldn't b-II where
to fln
tue om uurnerv rhrn.
Bar, and it ro on to bid her Lra thrm
alone aod tbcy'U onne home and brio tbHr
tall behind tbem." All thl may be true of
loot Bheep, but if vou bava Inat your health,
yon oanuot afford to k-are that alone. It
wUl not coma back of Ita own accord. Homo
penple brtw tbat tbey never boltwr about
ooliia. Thc-y 'kit them o tlio way tber
came. A hut too often the victim ro to a
coniumptive'e Brave. Uniil very recently a
eure for ComumpUon, whli b ia univeraally
Bcknowled(rd to be acrofuia affcctlnt; the
lung-, would bavo been looked upon aa tnU
raculoua, but now people are beginning to
rallx that the dlaeaao In not Incurable. Dr.
ller ' Ooklnn Medical Diaoovery will oura It
if takrn in tlmo and riven a fair trial. 1 hi
worlit-rnnowned remedy will not make new
lunira, but it will rcatore dlaeaaod one to a
h ml thy ttate when other mnaoa have failed.
Tbouaonda aratef ully tratlfy to thla. It la tbe
tnoat potent tonia, or treiiarth restorer, altera
tlve, or blood-C'leanaer, and nutritive, or flcab
builder known to medical ocienoe. For Lin
jpTlnar Couifh,Wk Lunira, Bpitting-of illood,
n Liver Complaint " and Dycpppala or JniUjfua
tlon. It ia an unoqualed remedy.
eurea tha worat crae. no matter of bow luu$
staadin'. , 60 oont. by druaidata. .
I'.lumberg llock, Albany, Orrgon. By
tbe moHt modern nnd approved metboda
cures Female diseagCH and l'rivata di
eases of either sex. He has a sure cure
for Catarrh of tbe bead.
Consultation ih free nnd everything
strictly confidential. f)flice botirif 10 to
12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Kemdtince, cornet
Third and Lyon streeta.
Read to Wealth
Cannot b suecettfully traveled wltV
eul good health. To reach wealth or any
covtted potltlon In lit require the full
pottettlon and operation of all the fac
ultlet kind nature haa endowed hi with.
These conditions cannot exist unlet th
physical feting It In perfect working
order, and thl Is Impotslbls when the
liver and spleen are torpid, thut obstruct
Ing tha secretions, cautlng Indlgettlon
and dyspepsia, with all of their accent,
panylng horrors.
English Dandelion Tonls
exerts a specific Influence ovr th liver,
excites it to healthy action, resolves lis
chronto engorgements, and promotes the
seretlons; cures Indigestion and consti
pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up
the entire system, and make, lift worth
living. '
AV Mr 1 if mm fit
No Rrrnaat,
NVashinoton, Aug. 8.- Superintendent
Porter said to-dny 1 1 have itrongly recemmend
ed to the secretary of the Interior that there be
no recount In Urruon, We offered to tccouat
the city of I'oitlaml and f-nn ot two oilier
iilace one anil the oiler wa not acceiiteii.
i'he reeiilo of Oregon, In uniting npoii t
u tht their population U a 54,000, muke
nmmke, na we known lictter than mat our
Delve. 1'iom Mr roiter, lo-tl.iy, thedelcga
tion Uaincd that there are a6t diatrict In
Oregon. Of thene relutni have lecn received
frnni 2ig and A3 have not been reixirled. Tak
Ing lhoe in, toce'her with the emimate of the
lupcrmlrndcnt, Mr I'oilcr make the total
rtonulatiun of the atitte at leant 304.000, and
ho e Ki'cctn that ilice figurci will be increased
('mm lixrttrntral
Nkw York, Aug. 8. Humbling of an ex
pected itoim aiming the tttoutandaof employe
of ll.e New Yoik Central and Vandcibill linet,
owiiii; to tli tlKclmrgii of Ktiiuht of Labor
and llioihcihoud men, hruke like a fiah from
a clear ky to-night. All the length of the
Ccniral wat tied, fiam were left by the
ciewt where they Mood when the order cam
two pnu'iiger It .una wire left at Mighty lixih
atrcct in a tunnel. The laict icrOil I that
the .Slime toad ia tied up thrujighout ita length
aa wen at the .New cik ami 1 lie Ni
New Haven
Kvea a frlr.l Baacmtil,
liaooKt.N, Aug. 8. Rev Father Pettr
Saponnrt.paator of the Italian Roman Catholic
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmrl, of this
city, hat been twindtcd. out of fjooo by Iwo of
hit fellow countrymen. One of the men came
o him a few dayt ago and taid he had a nen
new, an orphan, witom ne dealiedto pu'.
rhaigf, Saying that the boy's father had 1
(10,000 in for him, and he knew of
K-nvr man 10 aatnine the car of th orphan ine pruat. ne aaked the patior to meet
him and a li lend at Delmjnico 10 uet th
(10,000, and told him to brine (tooo with him
aatevuiity. The pastor drew (jooo fimn the
hank, met the two men at I Mmonieo' and
gave them the money, receiving In return a tin
nux wnicn tiie kharneis told him contained
(10,000, i he men said they would call at it
piiel Itouae that evcnine. A they did not
come, the ptictt opened the boa ycalcrdsy and
found that it ouly contained a small boa. The
(jk wat hathcr Saponan saving for Fifteen
yean, 1 olite are looking for the awimllert.
aiy a Draahea Maa.
Grant' Pa, Or., Aug. 8,A nun whoa
name it unknown, wa. lifted fiom the rai'
ro.d track by the plot of the cnuine of the
noith I rnl paatenger tiain yeatcid.ty even
ing. When he waa discovered by the ergineer
the ttain could ni t he atopped Ufore (inking
him. nd he wat thrown hli ten feet fiom the
track. Tra nmm picked him up and brought
him to row n, and he it on the atteels to-day,
lie wat undoubtedly Intoxicated cr intended
A ttajeatt.
I:ato4 Itouukf l.a , Aug. 8. Tbe anil lot
tciy convention a!joumcd ain lo day. Among
the traolution adopted i one to boycott the
I line, Dt mocrat an.l Pally States of New
Orleans on account of their iiO lottery senti
nicnit. The newspaper commute rrporicd
jo,ooO;uaiantecd ltd a neatpapcr be pnllih
cl in New Oi leant tn opoiiion to re charter
ng the lotte'y.
W hat kr'ly Bay a.
Waiusi;to, Aug, 7. The following wat
received this morning by Superintendent Por
ter fiom Supervisor John Kelly ind I'ated al
Eugene City: There "1 no douht that a very
general disappointment at the catiinatcd popu
Liijn not only of I'ottUnd, bul of the wtiote
slate, largely pervade the public mind. The
diMa(if.'ctaun it mcie lite tetult of contpariaon
with tb- estimated population ol Washington
than aiih the estimated count of Or.gon. l b
lii.t ia hugely fictitious, the taller based upon
actual cuunL Ouisnle of the city ofportlaid
no disiuiiafaction hat been eapresaed, so far aa
I am awire, against the wotk of the enumcra
tot, with the exception of thre inaiances
one in Josephine county, one in Coot county
and one in Marion county and those are not
of to gtcat an iinortancc a to invalidate tbe
count, one ling an alleged omission of farm.
This haa pmbably.ctst a suspieiun of the cor
e nc of the other woik, I should t pleated
to have the correctness of my work toted by a
recount of ths whole district under th super
vision of other part:c,but 1 preiiict that unless
retott it made 10 the stuffing y tern of ash
intrin, which gives ten inhabitant to each
voter, ibe new count will be a unsatisfactory
at the one just taken.
Urrlleaala Traaesaee,
CitATiASOtaiA, Tenn., Aug 7. Reports
from all parts of the ttate indicate quiet elec
tion for county officcis, w ith a toinll vote polled
The Farmcta Alliance succeed in electing
tone county independent candidate, 11
ixm wat elected stti icme couit luitee by a
brge majority,
ClIATfANiKaJA, Aug. 7. The greatest e
ciicmciit prevail here lo-nicht on account of
the result of the cWcctina of county cmcers,
This iutry, which yivca oijmirlj about 1000
tcpubiicAn inij' iiiy, 10-ilay elected the entire
democratic ticket, a change brought by I he
new registration law and Aum-alun system of
ballot. M early 5.1 per cent ol the negro vote
wa UiA by ibe republican in eontciiucnc of
theje law. This is the brat time since be
war that the entire dcmociaiic ticket lias been
elected in this county.
Uearf la Pemarrai.,
Atlanta. G.t Aug. 7, At the state dem
ocratic conven'iun lo day the following ticket
was nominated: Governor, W J Worthcn,
Hancock county, terretaty of stale, General
Phil Cook, of Cee; trcanirtr.K M Hardemann.
of Ncwion;comptiollergenrtal,Captain Wright
of Kit hmond; attorney general, Judge Gecrgc
i-ier, 01 cooti; comminionrr ol agticulluie,
R T Neshci, ol Cobb, The piriform favors
coirectingallahucsofthe government by a
s'rict reliance uj-oo the integiiiy and ability of
the democratic party, and .iini with pride 10
the liiUlity with which the afiaiuof the state
have been adminiaieied by the present incum
A retailor saae,
SEATTLE, Aug. 6 Several daytagojamet
and Thomai Duel', biothe.a of a well knewn
groctr, and young men ol previoutgcod stand
ing in the community were arrested on charge
of working ibe "change racket" on ttnall groc
ert and notion stores about town. This after
noon ihe denouncement came, when the broth
er caused the aneat of George Kosse and James
McClellan, young men who so closely refera
ble the Bucll li-iys in appearance as to be
eaaiiy misiakcn for them. Th- elder Biiell
claims that these two men are the real "llun
Hammers, and that his brothers are the inno
cent victims of an unfortunate similarity in ap
pearance. 1 he police are puzzled; but are in
dited to the belief that the last men arrested
are the guilty patties, and will hold them until
the matter ran be thoroughly investigated.
The Until boys have been released on bail.
lbs Oreaa t'raaaa,
Washington, Aug 6. According to the
postal card return in Ihe census office Oregon
has 303.911 teople. Of course these are sub
ject to consiileiaiile revis'on when the count is
made from the schedule returns which are not
yet complete. The tirat or West district pats
ed over by Supervisor Kelly has 231,901 and
supervisor Strange (linnet bas 71,41a Tele
grains have been coming in all day from people
in every part of the stale demanding a recount
These telegrams the census officials say do not
s,5ec!fy any particular instances of fraud nor
that any counties or districts or parts of dia
tricls have been omitted.
The Central America War,
.San Francisco, Aug. 6, Domingo Es
trada, Guatemalan consul general in this city,
received a dispatch to-day from the Cuatcmalan
minister at the city of Mexico stating that
General Yi imgm ar, leader of the revoh against
Barrillos, has been routed by Guatemalan
troops at Polo Grand Kylr., i e president of
San Salvador, has organized a g' vemmeut in
Ihe halvadoran territory in oppoai.ioii to that
of Ezeta, and is being added by G... Mir
nndarone of the most iinportaat mci; ol the
tt public. ". he dispatch also stated thut Ezeta shot many people connected with the rival
movement, among whom weie many important
personages, , . - ,
OppiiallloM lo lotteries.
Baton Rogue, La,, Aug. 6. At the State
Farmers Alliance meeting to- day, . President
Adams, referring to the attitude of the alliance
toward the Louisiana lottery, cited the fact
that the alliance was the first secular organiz
ation to announce its opposition either to re-
chartering the Louisiana Lottery or any other
oiicry, 1 m opposition siauas as a pledge on
the pait of the order which must be kept in
violable. , , -, .
The cenau 1 maln'y a queation of fig
ure 1 yet the flure ar nearly all quc
lloned, and that make a me of It.
There are .7.000 women In New York
City who upprt their huhand. At the proportion It would take about 90 In
ft many, but blea ut there are not mat
number of nonentte In the city,
Harney county cat 1017 vote at the
last election, ycl the ceiuu only give It
15S0 people, Hlii '.ntaiake ome where t
but that I not a had a at Wayne, fa , a
place of 1500, which wa not taken at an.
Kloctrocution baa lieen tborouulily
electrocuted.nnd it la Mate to lay no more
criminal will Iiavo to be tortured ty
When a man acta hlabniiila full of bun!
neatt, or lllla anveral olllcca, they call blm
a Too Huh . ItaotiiuU mean; but in all
right. It la taken front the Mikadah.
The trin of a Ian lietwecn tbo biit and
next toe ia Immeuan, one early at'iiulrtxl
by alt, a they hold their alux-a on by a
Ntrar runnitiu bt-tween tbe tuna, tbelr
atotkliiua lieiiik mudo with a elit for the
Moat anvtlilnif mean money nowaday.
Juat BtH-ak In n uncertain way and
money l what la meant. iiJ tieentui, 1
1110 wnerewiinai, me aciuai, mo uonuie,
alickula, duat, atampa, dollam, chink.
RiirHUin, uum, emiitifi,, uvumn, v,ui,
braaa, the attilt, tbo ducat, or rag, may
suggest money.
When a Chinaman die litre, leaving
several hundred dollar In caah. a 0110
baa juat done, what becoini' of tbe mon
ey. Their estate are never adiuliilatcred
under our law. It ia tiuitsj nroltable tbe
CuleatlaU in such a cae have a law unto
hat Ureifon want I census "remun
cratlnn," and sne Is going to have It, says
an Ex., and that suggests the question
why It was that to many name were left
out, when the enumerator were remunerat
ed according to the number of name se
Washington cast 58.443 vote in th last
tale election and the cenau give here population. Oregon cast 73.400
vole and tbe census give only (i,t(l
population. It would take a genius to
figure that out so a to keen the g'xldca
JuallCS trom blushing.
A th fillowlng from a l'hlladclphla
paper probably doc.n'l bit any one In Al
bany we give It to our readers : The
Western crank who want Ihe government
to loan ir.onev on farm csn see a brilliant
Illustration of their scheme In the Argen
tine Republic, which has come to grief
through exactly that Idea. It I an eco
nomic experiment that we may be perfect
ly aatlsllrd lo have tried by somebody else.
Some of the census kick In Oregon are
so big that some people Imagine that Ihry
are heard at Washington ; bu'. there are bit;.
gcr kick back there from other
we may Imagine they will not cut a very
Immense figure. Philadelphia, three timet
a large a the whole state of Oregon, I
doing some because It I tclrgated to third
place, and one correspondent tavs hi
family, consisting of fourteen peopfe, wa
left out entirely. Think of that.
An Inordinate Indulgence In f'fsh milk
caused the death ol Mary Goldsmith, a
dairy msld at Holly Grove 'farm. New Jer
sey, a few day ago. Tbe milk at this
dairy I exceedingly rich, bring procured
from rcglsteted Aid rney cowa. The wo
man drank the rich fluid by gallon. She
died very suddenly and an autopsy was
octmcd neccary. Upon examination
the doctors found layer of fat tlx Inches
thick about her heart and enclosing that
member In a deadly embrace. That wa
gelt ng drunk on milk.
According to a local paper McMinnvllle
must be a very metropolitan kind of a
city, nere u l. "I he ofllcrr of Sic-
Minnville receive nothing. With the ex
ception of the superintendent of electric
light ami the engineer there I not a
aalary paid. Tbe euluriana of thl city
thinking that glory ia enough for tbe city
A man with no vielble mean of sup
port always excite suspicion in a com
munity, and with the body of people ia
an unwelcome citixen. All work ia hon
orable, no matter how menial; but a liv
ing made by a buxiard life cannot 1
honorable. Society haa no one for the
man who doe nothing. The man with
an income gained by a life of industry ia
entitled toeaac; but he who exist off
the ill-luck or ignorance of other does
not deserve much consideration.
The Agricultural College is being much
talked about, and here is another from
the Silverton Appeal : There seems to be
something of a breexe over at Corvallis,
on account of tbe discharge of Dr Grim
as l'realdent of the Htate Agricultural
College. DrGrltn is a Marion Co. boy,
and from all accounts a mistake wa
made when he was ousted by tbe Nash
crowd. Everything goes to show that
the State Agricultural College is not run
in the interests of the science of sericul
ture, but on tbe contrary Is controlled by
Wallis Nash, who controls the lajard ol
regents, which board is coiiijhsw1 of doc
tors, lawyers, bankers and railroad men
not a Btngle practical farmer in the
Beir rralse,
Be'.f prais is no reoomuieudathui, Lot
thvre ar time whsn-on must poimit a pat
son to toll th truth sU ut hintaelf. Whan
what he says is supported by tha testimony
of others no leaaonabla will douht his
word. Now, to say thst Allcook's Porous
Plasters ar the only euoii.e and rel'abl
porous plaster msde i not self prais in the
kiiglit-st degree. They have sturid th teat
for over th'rly years, and in proof of their
merits it is only iieoessarv to call attention
to the on res they hav rffeoted and th vol
notary teatimotiltl af tbewho hay used
Bewar of imitation, and do i.ot be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask fur All
ooek'aaod let no solicitation or explanation
induce jon taecept a snhatitute.
Alloock' corn and huuiou shield fl. t
quick and oertain relief.
Rark lea's Aralee Salve.
Th bet Stl ia the w.irM tn Ca4,Brula,Sor
Ulcer., Kheum, Pavsr sir ,. rater, Unapp
ham), Chilblains, Coma, and all Hkin Erniitlo. an
tKiellivclyouros Hllos.or n. my requlr I. it i a-uar-iiteed
gv perfect aatiafactl'Ht, ar nmnev istund
d. Fncn, 24 cent per box, For .! by Koahay n4
Call and Sxtti.e. Those knowing
themselves Indebted to the old firm of
Krausse &i Klein, will please call and set
t'e at once.
BRoWNFLL. On Thursday, Aug 7,
1890, at the home of Mr Alfred Brownell,
near Albany, Carl Brown.-!!, aued. 10
years. The deceased was taken down
with rheumatic fever some time ago, and
suffered Intense pain for several days pre
vlou. to his death. He was a bright lov
able child, and hi death will cause general
sorrow, not only In the family circle, but
as well In the Congregational Sabbnth
school, ol which he was a member and
among all w ho knew him.
RAINWATER, At his home acrOs
tho Willamette river, In Benton countv, on
the 7th day of Aug, 1890, Mr A H Rain
water, aged about 70 years, of typhoid
pneumonia, Mr Rainwater was one of
the earl; Oregon pioneers, having settled
at the place where he died, in 1847. The
funeral services will be held at the family
residence at t o'clock to-morrow, after
which the remains will be taken In charge
by the Maonic fraternity of this city and
burled In the Masonic cemetery.
Aug 7. 1890, In Albany, by Geo Humph
rey, .sq. Mr Mart U Klum and Miss Kosa
Uaggertt, both ot i-euanon. - .
Otnr CiMttf rKOCCEDIXtlll.
ID. ft. W fl!a..t.l.i, ... (...I... . ,1 t n.
...... nuiuunuKn, uminiauulien.)
Anttllcatlon nf T F Miller anil nthar
iora county road granted, and few $17
Application of N N Ilanhor and cither
for a county road granted,and feet of ex
penac, ito, allowed.
Appiicatlin ot K N Thompaon for a
county ronil granted Cico C Cooley, W 1)
amitri and Jaa Iilakely appointed to aaaea
uainngca.antl enpenae lee, U.nlloweU
Kcalunatloti of E D lolinaon aalualice
at jirowntviiie accepted.
... ... . w
The following bill were allowed 1
P Cohen, aid poor , . .$
J 00
rauiey 1 th, printing
V, F Crawford.ald Mr Robert..
.3 n
9 00
1'ho A Yot, material and work.
Sweet Home bridite.
S 00
II It Hewitt, Ally fee..
i F Ktiell & Co, potg
(5eo 1) liarnnrd & Co, Hoite
IS 00
4 OO
IIolTinan Si liatct.bulidtnir Hi own
vllle brhlue ,Cfxx 00
F W Workman, aid. per month... t 00
St John Bit,bulldlng Kellev htldge V3S 00
O VV Taylor, renalrlnif brluuc
acro C'alipooia 160 00
Dill of I)r J H Cuurtnov.t20.on Inatieiit
contlnuml. Aluo- matter of KUoinagt
I'clitlon nHklni: that Thoe Koine be
"( tit to the poor lioUHe, w diatniaacd.
. Conflriimtloit dotjil granted Cornelia M
12 pincod In Iiamla ofTJ Wilson for
aia 01 f.uza a kick.
Application of Ttioa Koine fur aid die-
K H Bargee waa appointed unervlaor ol
mat 10 0.
Hchuvler Overton. Burt Norwood and
J K lliahop were appointeil to free acbol
aranip in ine huut Agricultural College
Bill allowed :
Duncan & Mueller.buildlnit bridge
acrotm hliier t, nek 1407.OU
ft B Flniicgan, election, etc 7.50
DUN Co. Judge. . . . 103.U0
Win Kumbaugh, feea as Cutumls)-
B W Cooper, b-ea aa Coiiiiiiiaaloner
W 1) Huiitb,au(erlntending brhlge
ar fatjatBB Bay Letter,
Baltimoks Camp,)
NawrOBT, Oa, Aug 5, ItttJO.f
On Sabliath morning we went to Sab
bath school and church. 1 can tell you
we did not look very much like we bad
d reused in our Sunday clothes or blacked
our shoes. I thought we would have
looked U tter bad we carried our shoes
and stockings under our arms till we got
to the meeting bowse, and than sat down
on a log and put them on, as the peotile
useu to uo tn pritnauve day, i lie wind
blowing the sand with ao much
makes tt quite hard on shoes.
Yesterday we went over to Nye creek
again, took our dinner on the beach,
made tea and Icu'onade; how much we
enjoy eating over here. After dinner w
old folks alt dressed In bathing suits, and
1 must confess they were not ail of them
perfect fit : however they answered our
purpose. There were six of us, and off
we went for tbe wavea. e all took
hold of band, and you should have seen
us jumping Mie waves, or, I might aa well
confess, jumping at the waves, for we
were all sure to make a big jump before
tbe waves reached us, anyway we enjoyed
ourselves very much Indeed, ana we are
going in again and think that we may
venture into the water a little farther,
tierliApa where the water is two or threw
leet deep,
Aug. 0. Ijwt night we bad another
birthday party tn camp. This time it
was not a young maiden's, but one who
iiau uieaseu tins munuane spnere w uu
her deed of kindness forty four years.
She ts from Albany, and many sad hearts
bas she cheered up. She strews flowers
along tbe pathway of those around her
through their lives, and when they have
enawvd over the river she remembers
them and weaves for their casket
wreath of roars. 1 must say we all en
joyed ourselves and pulled taffy. There
were preseut forty three persons.
1 write this with two or three ladies of
camp talking to me most of the time.
At K4TATK Bate.
Wm F Kyer to Mr Nettie Dolan, 2
lots, Brownsville $
A C Lister to H M Lister, 150 acres,
12 w 2
F.Doch Cyrus to Wm Cyrus, IWO
acres 10 and 11 w I
Henry Cyrus to Wm Cyrus,3'-0 aca
10 and 11 w I
Oregon toWmCyrus, 40 acres, 10
w I ,
I) C and M W Currie to Rebecca
Brown, 100 arre. 13 w 4 '
Martin Gilleran to Henry Lyons,
HO acres, 9 K 2....
J W Miller to A K Morrison, 2 lots,
(i W Lnnkford to Peter Laforge, 80
acsea, 12 w 2
Peter 1-aforge to G W Lankford.RO
xtH feet, Lebanon
Jeminia ltalston to Sarah A Moore,
2 lots, Ibanon
Eva A Smith to Jaa A Bmith,3 lota,
John Harrison to Jaa llarrison,4.30
acres, 13 w 2
F McHae to Harrison A Garrett,
6.31 acres, and 22x92 feet,
Jacob Stover to Edward Stover, 90
acres, 10 w 1
America Ann Douglas to J R Doug
las, M lot, block 17, H'a 3rd A,
II Bryant to Win A Craft,400 acres
I'M Millard In John A Rowland,
40 acres 0 K 3
Total for year $1,783,262
Flat of Munkers filed by B F Munkera.
Six mortgages filed. Consideration,
Rome one tells the Man About Town
that whether the Union Tactile or Chi
cago and Northwestern gets the 0. P.. it
will all be the an me. and until the road la
completed it will run along as at present
with Cot Hogg aa President, but with a
different Oregon management. It has
been a game of freeze-out, and now it
looks as if Col Hogg will have to succumb
If the change being arranged in San
Francisco, about which of course it ia
mostly speculation, does take place,
$5,000,000 will be put into use for the
completion of the road, and it will be
rushed to Boise City before the winter of
'91. There is just now a silver lining to
the prospect that ia very bright.
The following from an Astoria paper
so well illustrates the prevailing spirit of
the age ttiat the Man About Town gives
it for digestion by the readers of thepsx
ockat: Two boys were selling news
papers at the Union Paciflo dock this
morning, when the Oregon came in.
Two passengers called for papers, and one
of the boys carefully waded up and threw
it aboard. The other boy tried it, but
his paper went into the river. The first
boy laughed long and loud. When the
fiassenger who had got his paper threw
lis nickel down, tJie boy missed it, and
the coin rolled off the dock into the water,
and tha boy who lost his paper had the
last and best laugh.
'Ihe Pulptt and the slate.
Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan,, says: "I
feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr
King's New Discovery has done for me.
M y lungs were badly diseased, and my
parishioners thought I could live only a
few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr
King's New Discovery and am sound and
well, gaining 36 lbs in weight."
A Uenerat Break Dews.
Of tb system is termed "General Debility."
The body is not properly nourished; it is in
b stsrved condition The system cannot
maintain itself. It is remai table to as bow
quickly a pmnn in thia oondition will revive
under the iofluei e of Dr U liter's Hydras
tins Iisstorativ. Ivor Sal at Foshay &
Macon's, .
H0.HK Altf ARKOtr.
Mr William Ctwn went to Win ins Bay
Mrs L Bilyau anj son, of Eugene, have
been lo th city on a visit.
Tim Wandell and family hav moved from
Eugene to Albauy to reside.
A Baumtf rt. of Hi franoisno, Hiu tb
tty, th guest ol bis brother, Max.
Th Kuiion Register says George Finer.
Of Seattle, ba bean in town the put week.
11 M Johnson, a few days apo, at Carson,
Nsv, rau lltf yard in VI I -ft second, th
faaUston record, th previous reoord having
baeo IZft seconds for ever twenty ears.
Kemler was leolnioited yesterday in a
msnaer that wa ntin ly uoiatiafnetory, tt
tab lug two ahocki , Thst is a bad as being
handed 1 bat be died eventually,
Yesterday, atSslom, Chat tea A Kinilli full
from a truck load of shingles and his head
wasruoovei by on of the wheel, killiu.
him Instantly, lie wa ainule and an Old
resident of Salem .
D P Thompson and W I Vawtor have
mad application to the omiip'.rollur of the
carreucy to organixa a uattoual bank at
Medford. I hey expect to enmmenoa buai
nets with th near bank O-jtoher l.t wi'h
capital stock of $30,1X10
Ml I N Cast It, and wife, uf San Jose, Cat
are in th oity on tbelr way home from Crook
oounty, coming aero the mountain, M
tJastl Dot only hasblg atnek luterests luUal
ifotnia, but as well owu onnsidcrabi st',k
in Crook oounty. Years sgi hi and J W
Cusick, of this city, csmped together fre
quently aoroes ths mountain.
Rev Thoe K Beeeher, a brother of Iluiiy
Ward Beecher, passed througd Alb my last
evening f'T Mao Franritoo, ou his way to his
bom at r.lmu , fi Y, 1 h writor har:
Mr Ikaoher oreauh -n or.iinatiiin "Sermon
about twenty vesr. ago. ita is probal ly t
eloquent a man a Id hrotliur, orly the ..(
haa oaver been f iun l out.
Th Saletn board of trade, the l'mtlati
cnamuer 01 oommrro", ine iii?pn.!ti!)-
Albany and Uurtalh boards ot tra.k- sii.,.,1
go to work fur an river, and t
holdmkeitsoeve,.nni,Iy wi'm f r th
government autbotiti thsttney will ch-ai
off th sand bar sod beep tl.rm o'-.i. ir
Wak Bp, geo'.lenrea . Let' tuvn piuty t(
boat on th Willamette river ail the year
through. Statesman. Hut wa ar awake
already as evidenced by th census, and will
very gladty do anmething toward tha much
needed improvement.
Elsewhere we publish communication
from H II Walole, in refereno to the Leb
anon affair. Of course it i simply his ver
ion of tb mattert but this is a biirc.uuirv.
and every man ba a right to be beard The
story toid tha Dkmocbat is thst Wlp.l
bad been with Bant and waa near when the
ahooting occurred. Tbs,ra waa tak f ar
reeting blm alio, bat a nothi ig oo!d 1
proven no wsrraot waa issued fur bun. It
seem he had fc-ma trouble with a brother of
Batita, an I ordered him to lesv the tow n,
Hants sol mad, gathered a crowd and f I -
lowed WaJpola into a hotel, from tha second
story of which be jumped to the ground
and fled. Mr Haul .od a ciod of touua
man following with a rope, intending to
frighten bimso thut he would lesv tliaci y
tt behtg eiaimed that b waa a rambler and
not wanter tber anyway. 1 h Matter
seams to have slurc I u Jite v hirnt'
seat generally around Ijebaonn.
Tb present ecunfy court ba h i ita bands
full of budge.
Not a bora ha l-een entered fx.ia Linn
county for the star fair race . W hst's the
Tb Sao t Urn mines is the leading t.-pia of
conversation in Albany nowadays. Tbecou
Adenc ia theoijtt unlimited.
This noon a DxaiorRAT man had f rdeaeit
a peach measuring teo inchea in circjm'et -oo.
It wa raised by Mr L K Bl.iiu.
1300 abev pIt, the reamtt of lat win
tar' alorm in Jn,k county wire sold this
week by Dr J L Hill to t'bil Cohen f.-r JVtai.
Elliott Vovsger ware given another
good boas laet evening. The audience was
delighted with the wocdetful petformsucet.f
tha Jap. Elliott and hat throwers. The
abew i on which will tak wl.erey r it goes
StJobq Bros, of thi. o-uuty, nt the
contract for building a bridKe ecrtxe Fad
ding rive, ia Marn-a eounty. c-t flOO A!o
for building a bridge between Marion and
Clack am couutio. across that river, f.w
$1000 fur a bridge wttb wondea piers, or
ftiUO with iron pier.
Ah Sing, aC'iiiieae re.i l-.nt of Albany for
event! year. n.ic-abl fur tn number of
pock mark on bis fac a, died ljt evening t.f
obattaetlou fftho bowrtr, after a snort ill
ness. Sing waa a pretty whit kind of a Celestial-
U will U greatly o.Used by tb
DattoeaAr fore.
Wr Wm Vance arrived home this morn
ing after a several weeks trip over the entire
coast. Latsytug Albany he crossed tha Cas
cade to Crook countv, teooa going to Ma
hojand in a roundabout way to Califor
nia, retaining: borne by tna Southern fjeitio.
Everywhere it ia dry, ao I of a'l th pc-s
he visited Albany is tba cent r id ihe l.t
The Court met this morning, and spent
almost Ihe entire car arguing motions,
demurrer &c, to a petition of the Saniiam
Lumbering Co , for the establishment of a
oRK'ng road. The petition vraa finally
dismtased. At the time of going to press
no other bulnes had been transacted, and
only a few bills remained to be diMmcdof
before adjournment.
Aw Economical County, For some
time the Court House bas been in need
of a new pump, the old one being com
pletely out ot order, sick to tbe back
bone, in every joint. The county being
on an economical tit, the officials held a
council of war, and to-dav, securing the
proper implements, sheriir Scott, deputy
sheriff Smith, recorder Davis, deputy
clerk Powell, treasurer Curl and iitiper
intendent Russell, aided and aliettcd by
George Young and E K Montague, took
up the pnmp, smelt the valves, twisted
the joints, sounded the pipe, and at
press time were rapping away at the
concern trying to make it raise water,
and hence the important result is un
known. Amount in treasury $25 and all
Jaa F Powell & Co.
Hav Vlereok shave yon.
Mr Ceo Staiiard and family ar doiu th
A popular place L VtoreckV shaving and
hair dreasing parlora,
A fi'f.t olaaa shave for only 15 eeilts st L
Viereosrs, ttattmarsh liiock, Albany, Or.
Kaad Matthew Si Washbaru's new ad
Several Albany iieop'.e returned fro a; tbe
Bay tcdav.
Awbray giveasaa for the naiulesa extract
ion of teeth.
Judgo Hi-elet, of Oregan Citv, was in ths
oity thia miirmug.
A new line of black hats last received at
tbe Latdies Basaar.
Osoar B'ount and wife, of Ashland are in
thegtty visiting relatives and friend,
MrMF Mrrrill returned from, aud Jay
tv main went to, yatjtnna By to-aay.
Mr U L Savage and family left to-dav for
Liower onus to be gouea week or two
Don't oonk these hot days when vou can
bay such liiue things so cheap, Blaekhuru
& Piropi,
Th Hh commissionera say that salmon
fishing on the Columbia most and will be
Misa Lilly Rideout went to the Bay to
day, promising to get ouougit onne for the
whole force.
Go round to Blackburn & rirn.i's tlii
evening aud order aoma of those nice pies
aad cakes for Sunday.
The O P will soon build a tijltet office at
this oity opposite tbe S P depot. That is
about ti.s siza of the depot to bo built uow.
An open liver during the suminur means
lower rates foe the meecbants, aud 0110
should be secured from Corvallis to PortLud.
Th Pacific Medioine Co , of this citv, is
making arrangements tn sand a musical
wagnn ont over the ooast aeiling their catarrh
The name of the Chemekete hotel, at Sa
lem, ia o ba ohanged to the Willamette. A
ohange that will meet with general appro
bation. ' .
A gentleman from Albany, whnsa na.e
we failed - to learn, will move to Jefferson
next week and open up a hoot aud shoe
shop. Jsffarson Review, :
From now during the remainder of the
year there wil be plenty of Oregon Pacitio
news. It is to be hoped it materializes in
such a form aa to le nf an emphatic nature.
Touuh Jeffs rron it in Marion ennntv tha
trad of the tributary country leem to be
sought by Albany merchant, judging from
the adertiaements in the local paper there,
not, naiein a'l appearing.
F It Kissiiiger.tha man who reoentW went
naan from being bit by a Ana while herdina
aheep in Ka.tern Oregon, died yeaterday at
the iruane.asyiom ud,wasjtkn to Eugene
to-day for burial.
Last oveninu Sheriff Swtt reoeivsd dis
patch from Koeehurg, saying that Isaac
Bants ws at that city. Ilia rrat was im
mediately orrlerad Bad ths Sheriff left this
boon alter him.
Mr Jeff Clllie. for four Veara a servant nf
Unola Ham, in th U S Collectors oliox, at
Portland, is In ths oity, having retired on
last Monday, by decree of tbe old adage, ' to
sne vicioia ouiong ins spoils.'
Mr J W Swank tells the Ukm-h-sat that
his threshing outfit is meeting witta better
yields, by 0 tiidertle, than I tat year, the
central avr being good for fall grain. A
large fieltl ,u Swank and Jat Andnr-
wa a frms 32 bushel per sore.
The Htidfl acho-d fund waa apportioned
ycsUrdsy , The total amount i 144,372 15,
f whioli Linn county will t'et
about oue-sixteeiitii, out of thirtv-one
conuiins. Marion county get (11,524.00
and Mu!tr.iiMh (22 422 80. Tha num
ber drawing uhooj money it'itJMl.
tlcv K bettN Condi, ah? oigi.iizjd the
l'rebyteriau church, of A-tri, a,me year
K0, and who ia now thedi inuui.hcd pres-
tdoutof the rnsl,) college of Albany,
Orrgo.., Wil! visit our city this week, and
will jirefch at tbe I'rashyteiian church mxt
Kundity, mi.rt iug and evening Astoria
J. V f-lf & Co,
f'usio''a d lilhir,,
finlil e.uiia M V.l! H SurLV.
K. M. Fh m h p;p- ri nuf I time.
ll.U n-.t.dv I'l.c, l I' P, fir .wn-.M's.
N 'V-Ili I 1 ,...,' ,.,;. . H E Y'lUnit'e,
f'lmj -e pu
I Ota'., t
at. C K
t,t ; !. in Hit exits, at C" E
r f r garden st wis at C E
1 Biowntlr.
for rtnf
supplies co to Htansrd. k
wuatclt t.
Thoja'eat vhu-l music. 4 diccuua .at M
Duiiciim csimd craul i iiiia at C. E
Spring over costing at Zche St 8r-n, op-,
posite I'ott.dJice.
Genuine I'lu't torghom n draught at C
E Brownell S.
A lrgs and llnettvk of gold cane to se
lect from at Will ii Stark'.
Have y tn tho-e pit lor suits that T
Brink has jnst received ! They are nice.
Hprieayjtckrt; and headed re
duoe.l fTiloessit.Satiiuet E YuUug'a,
If you want a line tiiiet or lia'h aoap call
00 Stord 4 Cnstcb, City Drog tJbirc. ,
When wait ing t' beet groce ie it tbe
narkrt at letamia-1 prices rail rf ' P r-
ell 4. Co.
A u-e care f r tbe whisky hsbit: Dr.
Ijviug-lnfi'a Actnlote for Drunkenness will
eure any esse of the Ihjaor hsbtt io frm ten
to thirty days, from the nviWite .Iriuker to
tbe drunkard. The Anttdute :.u bo eiven
in a cop of without the koo ledge of
the imrann taking it. The Antidote will not
injjre the husUn in any way. Mannfactured
l.y tbe I.ivuig.tno Chemical Co., Portland.
Oregon, r from J A Cummiug, su e agent,
Albany. '
Tiie HecuitiiM or Mabkix county show
the platting of many thousand acres of
land in small tracts of from 6 to 10 acres.
Capital Citv Fruit Farm of 640 acres.fcun
nymde No 1320 acres, funnvside No 2
140 acres, Sunnyside No 3 ,70 acres.and
sanmlwr of others have been placed on
tbe records by the Oregon Iind Company
of Salem, Oregon.
This company is also doing business in
Portland and Albany. and have for sale
numerous other small tracts. The great
advantage of this plan i that it brings
together in one community the claps of
people w ho are all engaged in the same
Iiuxiiirw, vix: fruit growing.consequently
there sprilig up lare drying and can
ning establishment eimila'rto thote in
thet ity of Salem, w bich advantages makes
profitable market for the products of
these fruit farms.
Consult your intereet by buying of tbe
Ort-gni. Ijiml Company of Saleiii.l'ortland
or A limn v.
Jeut M reels el.
( rapes.
Egg plant.
Muik melons.
Sweet potatoes,
airing beans,
1 urnipn,
Call early and secur the best.
If yon are needing arythitig ia tha cntk
stoe Hue a C!l at Matthews & Waahhans'a
lore where they can show yon 000k stoves
fiom three nollua and fifty cents upward
will eouvioce the moat skeptical that thai
store is tbe place to trade.
I:sstotii.hioz to limn uufccqaaiuted
with Matthews U'aah'buto how they aril
such a lare tiun.bcr of atove and rang,
but an inspection of ibetr immense stock
soon convince a anyone that tbeir store ia the
place to go w ben needing anything iu their
I have just recsivtd a laru invoice of lac
cnrtt;in, lat ging in price from one to nine
dollars a pa'-, c im.;. uiUin beta, etc. Also
a line of curium poles atd furniture cover
ng . Samckl E YotNO.
Teacher Exaatlaatlaa.
Notice is hereby given that tho regular
public examination of teachers for Linn
county wilt take place in Albany, com
mencing at I o'clock, on Wednesday,
August 27th, 1390. All teachers desiring
examination will please be present at
the begin nine. Teachers desiring state
j certificates should present their reccom-
menuattons from district boards at the
above time. G. F. Ruskell,
Coanty School Supt.
J M Bardce has "!
hta iurniture fur ;Mtl
n, and now offer
Clleat: brbar-
The only remedy known which will
Stlmulats tiie Kutriiirs Processes of t9
Human System. ;
By this natural and simple means It quickly
and permanent' y cLKES All Form of
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Mental and
Kervous Exhaustion. General DebUltj.
jBratn Fajr, or any exhausted or weak
ened condition of the system, from what,
ever eausrt, Sktn Eruptions, Boils, Bun-,
nine; Soros, Scrofula, and all Diseases of
tho Blood, Stomach, IJver and Kidneys.
81.00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00.
Pr. Hiller-g M pae book, descriptive of Hy.
draatine lteatorative aud bia oliter Keutedie.
eut free by mail, .. ,
firs. Or. PattoB, Cor. 3rd aad Lyca Sts
LESSONS Given lo Drawln;?, Painting
and Music. Pictures fur Bale or paiateo !
to order.
k 1 1 xtKkiirus3c
w Er QTflD ATnrr
W have made arrangements to supply
money to all on long time at low rates o
Interest on Improved f.ttms and city prop
erty, Thsee who contemplates building
brick blocks or good brick business houses
can get money. See us.
City Meat Market.
SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprioto.
krp a full line sf meats of all kinds,
In a cool plane, completely pro-
lecwc; ana always rrnan.
AKB Alt.
imsi mummm ou mm
Itkljlialllrinarnroatl.iiaadtrriur. ,andlll
en!y snrs deatr'yef ut Microbe and DSber BSi
i'e fi-eip- Price. 29 cnts a Box
uealers in General lernandlse.
Dclmonica ilestaurant,
Tb noderidgned having purchased tbe
old Herman Restaurant ataod ha opened
nnder the above oa ne a Urst-ciaa reetaa
rant. We ar prepared to furuish meal
for 1 artiea or dances on snort cdtio. Oys
ters served in every style, easteia or etiastt
all kinds of fish knowa ia tb market.
Employ only tirs-cls telp, at.d waiting
will ba prompt and courteous. Regular
meals 23 ct. Coffee of nrst-clas quality
nd a cop of coffee aod cake at from 5 to 10
ts. I am well known ia tbia city and re-1
nest tbe tizeua to giv me call.
SAMGOE1S' Proprietor
- OB: f
" A raTrr V
'A'M V ttitsaartiSffgsrtaaX
N01WVH9KI8 99$
alO 8TIV33H0i
Albany Soda Works.
aind Mancfsctcreiw of
choics mmiwm.
A'e bow preptre.' tn ewdl at wbula
", always frth and nie at Portlt nd
o dealer. We "-! keep a full
Sets and Tropical raits,
Albaay, raasL
Tobabco aait Cigars.
Order solicited from ihe trade.
ftau -! of 2ud ;oods In the Val
fT. -nd i'.ih nl'Wt tresvsr .ate price, both
n but Ing aud smiling, i have on band
all V-! of
Ji.r wsit of S E Young's olt store.
123 First street.. Albany, Or,
By all rueaoa cavil 00
Pskb. Brothers.
ar yea
Bated Scods,
Etc.. Etc.
their goods are tbe Issat a tbtlr pHoea
Conrad Mever.
CnrcBP Brcadaltin and First Sts.,
auaed Km) Is,
9rln Frnlla.
Cn steal Heal,
-..-ct everything that la kept la a gen
ft variety and grocery ore. Highest
ta rkst prion paid for ' . -
.Manufacturers o'
speoial at taction kld
ds of maohtners
O - Tirlnu
P&Wds Made on Short Notiet
Real Estate g Loan Broker.
Large Hat of gotd farm and city property
fcrtale. ... "
Loans,' money on real
adjoining couutnw.
estate in Linn and
Insurance written up in reliable oompa ies
Notary Publio and conveyancer.
Call on or write me.
Albany Oregon.
Mtmj Store.