The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 25, 1890, Image 4

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    City Meat Market,
SHULIZ BEOS,, Proprietors.
krwp a full Una ef aiHli of nil kinds.
In a oool place, completely pro
tec ted; and always freeb.
Ala hava constantly on hand ealtnon
nd otter flah.
iw rftocwa mcB srriRioa to. AHua
Attorneys at. Law,
Will practioa In nil Courts of ths
Stats, l romp aitenuoa given sw
animated to our oar.
Offioa Odd Fellows Tsmple. Albany, Or
ajrufflM In Strahau'a Block, No's 1
Attorney at Law,
la la atrakaa Black.
Attorney at LawaniTitla Examiner
Will practioa in all ths-eourta of tha
Stat. AbatracU of Titla furnished on
abort aolica- Taa years eipenenoe.
o L. HILL,
Physiciai and Surgeon,
Offloe or, ' and Fairy Stxaeta,
Phyuician and Surgeon.
Office oppuaito Iba Denerat.
PhysicUn and Surgeon,
aamfflm no alalra In Strahart'a Block
Vay ba found at bla otBc aay and night.
$x,ooo talcun at I per centj. iat
prved farm r city property.
Walla A .
Real Estate i Loan Broker.
Larit hit of g hmI farm and city property
Loaoa, mooey on real
adjoining enontia.
Ut ia Lruoaod
Io.araoerrrittea up ia reliable oompa inm
Notary Public and ooavayaocer.
Call on or writ Dir.
Albany Oregoo.
TaauraT Dt.i mjit,
OmcaorCoarraoixaaur nil Muim
WhtngM, May flat, low,
Waerra.. ty atlifMtory aTidna prewat to
Ut ha. tMn awl to ap,Mr that f he
lilaa 1'uaaly atiaal AIImbv. Inib.
euy al AUaviv, la Iba county of uun, and atal. n(
ii, kw eomptHKl wltn all Id. proTiaiona ol tha
fttatt.tasol UMUaitad IHataa, rxiuli-ad la n. rnmplMKl
wtUt bWora aa aaweiaU.m .ball aa aaiborixail to
erxomnc Ut. btulna. al bukiDf.
Mw. Ibrera, I, Ed ward S Lacy, Comptml ter
ol tiw Curraney, 4o aarhr ewUly that "Tb. Lion
Uuuaty Natiuoal Bank,ol Albany In tha eily ol
Albany, In tha county of Linn, and State 'A Orevnn
hi authiH'uwil to eummano tha bntiamot tnuiking
aa prurUiad In aaetloa Kiflyon bundrad and ility
Btne ol lha raviaad atalalaa ol tha Uuitad Htaua.
la lavUnntiy wharaof vltnaa. aiy
gBAIi 1 hand and aaal otvfflo. thla lilt day ol
I y, itaii,
E. . LACT,
Comptrol'er ol lb Currency.
NO- .1326.
IT1 OR HALE I bar two young mare,
haroeaa aod new wagon, on full-blood
Jirwr boll aod oo tirt-clae milk cow
hiuh I will aell for eaah cheap. Call at the
Fanning place, two mi! ..t of Tangeo.
Ulvi;h 8ticolbb.
W have made arrangement to supply
money to all on long time at low rate o
lotere.t on Improved f.irme and cltv nroo-
erty. Thee who contemplate building
orica diock or good Drlck budnet houce
can get money. See u.
Wallace dr Cpbick.
City Restaurant.
Haviog been entirely remodeled, tbi. old
aod popular reataurent wiil be mad firnt
claaa ia every reaped. Tb pablto will be
given good meal, at all houra for only 20
ornU. Kverj thing beat and attraoMv.
Private boxaa. Oy.tera la rry atylr.
W. A. MoGia.
Conrad Mever.
.Cntuer Broadalbin and First 8ts.,
' anl Trails,
-rie rrall.
fa !,
C'aanrrl Meal.,
' .. rt everything that 1. kept In a gen
1 . variety and grocry ore. Hlgbeot
a rkt prl" paid for
By all mean eo.ll on
Pane. Brothers,
tor yout
fwouca, Baled Bcodg, Etc. Etc.
'1 heir floods or. tli beat -i tbrlr prloea
Monab!e. .
"Good and Honest."
1 thu praised l
Slata of Ohio Trass.
ry PapV, Columbus,
Ohio, Fob. .ina.
'I bavsutedBl Ja
oob OU la mr tkmttj
for years, aod. And II ta
bs ths ntdldna or madlolnoa .
It U a food, honest madlolna and aonesl uia
will not heattata to recommend It to auOfertng
humanity." JOUM P. ELEMMOMS.
Southern Pacific Route
xm Train. JijJladJMj
8u h I
akr. a.
Hut Kr.ucl.oo
Jll S S a a
J I a
AIh.t. t .lu .top only t fullm Ip .utii'n. tumh
ill Miw.bunc. t l i.r'ml, Orru. n tiy. W1
burn. !:ni, Albany. T.ivnl, Mi.i.l, IlklMy
rubiirj, JuuciUin City, Irmi. Kug.uo.
aiMKBI ail BAIL. ILt.
H bar(
Ar I T
lu r I L
ira ( Ar
L I Ml r a
lour a
I tM A
1 O K
lgu r
L.u.o. .cii.
C '
l.6Ur B
Mil B
r I t a B
It I ;!, a
r a it a
L I 't a
Ar I ir b
L I 0 r a
Tourist Sleeping Cars,
rr Aeeaaalali at ea4-4laa Tawea
era. allarbrd la Kaare.aTr.lB..
r.i Bid UthlMi
la Enn Bottle Thar la a Cwea.
fceery Afpllrolla t Hal la.
Jilt "r" "
aUiL T.4.H m (lU.-lBuiKy.)
fi'A a I U Hurt whI Ar 6 M r a
H.10ea Ar Ccv L liaura
axravn tm ettt (Kic.1. gunlajr.
i r a
7 lira
T U point
fat lli. luforuuilon rrrmrling r.b... nana. t
kll oa Oompsny at At ny .
A KOKULCB E P. ROUKlUt Kml it. F . and P. A
A New Repair Shop
la jutt len op.-nml on f'ir.t '.f wt, op
oaita the Run hou.o, where y.n oau grt al
kiodan broken anicla. raetdml, clocka
1 00 d lock. iued, krj fitted. &o
Wo from tbeiouotry rt D't)y aitetded
on Development Corcpfcny'a Kieiain
25 f.l!LSS SHOaTEP..
atn py t oy olhar rc jU.
Firji-cla. turougli tu-iiK-r and
rsiifht line frora Portland auJ all xiinis
B lb WUlamoU Valloy to ni froro ban
fr ancieco. Cat.
The : Oregon : Pa.iiie : I'upoolar : St UJir.R
ExctR-slosi. Ixw Ittte TitkeU aie
go oo aale fn.iu all Vllcy Toii.ti
to Y.quttia and Kcturp.
hoa a tDkkd clow oonn.-ction at A I ban
r.L!t trains of thwOregoo PititlOi! lUilroad.
TIMK SiJIUUOLB. (ee.t HumU)..)
Ltre Atoany 1 1" r. a,
.vr Oirralli I : P) r. B .
Irrie Vaquina, t :M t. a
L'nra Yamna. :6,B
Uk C..ralli., a
Arn.e Alliany, 11:10 a.
O. C. trail' eonnoct ai Albany and
Jorva!:;. Tbn abv train foue:tat
Taoulua with the Oregou Ueveiopmur.t
tViinpwny'a Line of HUraionhlp between
Yapma and San Prancinco.
ro Tn"ik.
WUIamctU Valley, June 3d.
Karallim, June ITVih.
Wlilaroclle Vaii.y, July lit.
Farall'in. July eth.
WilloiMlie Vallry, July loth:
r'araUon, July 16lh.
v.fiM a. rM.kctM'.o
Parall'ia June ihlu
Wi'.aoMHt. Valley Jurt27ib.
F.rall' n, July lat,
Willamette Vallev, July 6th.
Kanllun, July loth.
Willante'.l. Valley, July lMh.
Tha Company nftawve i,be ngn' to
ihanae sailiug datea v'thout notice.
K, B. Paoaengers from FonUn'! and
TIllamotte Valley iiotnU irea muk.-vione
eonneotin with tb iraiim ot the Vaijtnr.a
rout) at Albany or Corvallln, arid II il-
(ined to Han Kranciipv ahoulil arraittcxto
rtveat Yavj'jiua the evening tKifori I'ate
r aaiilnz.
eager sail
r.rlrbt ttatea
alwaja is
or Information apply to A K Cti(iDin,Fr'ilil and
eket AKnt, AlUny, or to U II Ifaaa'll, Jr., U. K.
A P. Airt., OrmoDX-velo' .id Co., fi'MoiiWiiiii.ry
San franciaeo, C.I. C. '. Htrlil a,.
A. 0. P. ard P Airen .
Those w'shlng a first class Inntrumont.
Ihe rest trade to stawd tha ellroar of th
Ooaat, can I suited by railing at Mn H
K Hymaa's, oppnoit tl.j MoMunio Tem
pi, on First Ntreet. The latent vooil and
Inatrnmental uimmIc kpt for aale,a!no the
largoat aasortuient of atamping patterns
to select from this aid of 'Frlaeo. Les
sons given la painting aod embroidering
In per studio over Linn
ftlvj her your order
and you v.
111 be
.1 I .
I I I 1 "j'
Host s'.oek or 2nd fV .oorls In tha Val
sT, and the m'M reair iie prices, both
n buying and soiling i have ou hand
all k'nds of
J-ir wst of?) E Young' oW store
123 Plrwt strwet. Albany, Or,
Delmonica Restaurant,
Tha nndeminned having poruhaaed the
old Herman Ryatanrant suind ha. opened
oodnr tha aliova na na a nrit-olaas reatan
rapt. Wa are prepared to furniih meal
for partte or daooos on short notice. 0y
ten served in every stylo, eaatern or eea.t;
all kinds of ' flah knowj to the market.
Employ only nre-olaes telp, aod waiting
will be prompt and oourteoo. Regular
meal 25 cte. Coffee of ftrat-clai. rjnality
nd a cap of coffee and esk at from S to 10
a. I am well known in thia city and re
seat ths tizeua to give me a call.
SAMGOETS Proprietor
Site gjcmori'ai
The Spokane Full Ckroitkle ny :
"It hat been atd that under tha ballot
reform law, ai'.oplcd by many ot ihc tnte
the voter wa "nlonc with ht liod Ainl.hl
pencil" and at liberty to vole a ho thought
right and proper. "Admitting that to be
true. the ouestlon arle. how far will "CJod
and hia pencil" figure In the return, of the
election, under the provision, of the pro
poned lodctal election law."
There were four colored delegate. In the
deiiiociallc tnte convention of Pennsylva
nia and none In the republican conven
tion. And vet the republican, expect to
receive (and doubllca wlll.)nlnty per cent
of the coloicd vole In that Mate. Kcpub-
lli'ati are very anxious that colored voter
khould have equal mnik of political ills.
ttncllon down .oulh.
The fact that the wave. In the North
Sea differ In ah ape, when cauitcd by j
northeaM wind under hl'i pressure from
thoe catmcd bva .ulhwct wind with low
barometer, U cotmldcrcd a. a proof that
the air In a;i antl cjiclone I a d ncrndim;
curient and the air In a cvt lone no acend
nt current.
ii-'. i
ThunJeratorm are .aid to be mote initn
erou In low latitude than In hlh, and
one reawm given for their being Iom de
.tructlvc In Kni(Und than In some other
countrlc. U the dampnek. of the climute
The ohjovt-glaa. of the I.lck trlccope
lu CalifornU ha a,t area of toiS nquurc
in:hc. The next larc.t.tlut at i'ulkowa
In Kufl;i, ha an urtn of only 70 ku.ire
Thoe . ho advocate pcl!lnkr reform In
the Kni;liU language, argue that one le;
Icr out of every .even, ued according to
the present practice, la abnolutely ttcf
FuoM I'kook t'ofNrv. Mr Trnnk
Wlucler liuii nrrhed in tiro city from
Slntera, Crook county, lining one of oev
cial men coining with wool utnl kU
(mm lr J L llrll a runcli. Twi uty-tlrn-e
wu'ka tf wool of 300 pound eucfr, w ere
brxtught to the Atlutny iimrket, U-aidr-a a
lari itumlH'r of p'lin. tf nlrccp
lr ilill had lost) , H thin apritt)!. AUitit
5 cents more in paid for wool in Allxtny
than at l'rincvillo.
Tub liKscKST lVtM thr Ct.n ti. A
grand littlliHin ancciiiuit with the John
KoTViitHon ahow, mid when at an altitude
of over 3.000 fevt the intrepid acromial
w ill leap to the earth, h-aviiii; Iuh Imiooit j
rmilinur anions the cloud. KcmemlH-r j
thia ia a frvo t-xhibitioit given ut fiitli i
place the greut hIiow cxhilutii, and w ill !
take place at Albany July 31.
vry itu- ortant in thia so
It i. vry itu- orlant in thia so 1 f -it
niaterial priori that a remedy le plraaiug
to the tate Mid to the re. ci!y
ct'ptahla tu the tuuii li ami lnMithy In Ha
rjaluieauditr.ct.. lVtMig thme unali
tna, Sirup t'f r'iv i the rum rf-ct Una
live and uio.tgffntln diuretic known.
ci ANOiiittka
Tlie lH-at ii.:tkcn are to ! foimd in Al
bany at rrice & ICoWon'w, w ho have juet
rt-ci'ived a rarhad of the liricat hack and
huirgies to ba fuuttd. Their prior, roil
Mideriiig ipiulity, are remarkably low.
It pay to rid; in a gmv lni!.')fy or hack.
Kwp thi fact in your head, and when
getting one call on Price A Itolmon, w ho
have the l.irgi"t variety to r!ect from.
f rli
-, f
r 'T-yrl.-ht, l"A
" Thu worli! Is t v n a
A:.J hfu, C:-.s ci: .
Thlo tho r-;'
b"r grn li-Uii-l i.
h.'j. fnull'l It to tc ;
care of lu.f hmi".l.
ply of Tr. i'l-nc i V c: :
av la not t.iil'li it i-n
wi-ekii'waa. " lira. -if
fum-tlotuil Irn-vn 3: i'i
ereturf. It la tli n
mild hy il.-unr.lntf. i.:. t
ante .nmi irrn U.-.1.1'
1 1-. i in.
an i l l 1.1
aiy ti
1 :,y it Mal I !
.hi, ii 1 a (.
lv 4 -r.' U .n, sr..t
. I l-.w I
f- '.:;;. -ifc liwniil.
i .i " . r.--.' and
1 i...r 1 v. iMy ro.Ti..-i
i;: i..' '. ie wiirni-ii.
1 r,: Jve cuar.
' . .. .-. tlmt II V!l
; ' ; , i - rr.:iiiey w'il
ut. ',n 1 r.ii-ri .rir:liil
rf'.d (jitluully crrlitl
rive n!k-'-li"ii in
tw ri-f iniu'il.
Tl::i t
on th rmtl!i--wriiiir i-i
out fr.r DiflllV r- un:.
"r'avoritn Pn. rijitlun " ! : i'lrnrte fitfif
trtne. n a Isnsrtu"'. i ti' .i.i'i uii ulenhi.l to
t'ein. Aa'i-'Wsnr lu h4 ntuitaaaln
1... .I..H it f m 1 ... --.t-ti.l. t .11 tfa .
lia rnmp.iit i.ti.
A. a ri,Mr,rful, lrvirfirtin tmiin. It linnarta
tr.irtli tu tlw i- vy.ii-in, piutii ularly tu
the wottih aiel K. aft nd irfi . Kor fei-lilu
woinmi iri ii' rtiJIy, I r. iV nfi Kn.-orlto Pro n Is ltu irn ii'..: i n.tlil tKn: imtnir
tiririitiuut ft. 1.11 nr.'.. '::!. n.-r-lljil and n.
(tornlive tonic, or Ti l.-iflv.-r.
PttviruM-a, tlwlr Nature, rnd Mew to Cure
thfiii." scut wnl'-'l. In t,,i': iuvciopr, on ro
oelpt of ten rml. In rtrt-nne,
Aildn'oa. Wohi.h'h lirrvsiunr TfutnCAt.
AaoOCLkTIOS, ;.o. (lil IlHin 1 L, liuffulo, M. Y.
Laxative. .r Cutliaiti' in ennllnir t aixo of
li UxugiTla, & couui a vud.
City Drug Store
. Stanard & Gusick
Proprietors. SucccKsors to
( & Son. Dealers in
drugs, medicines and .
chcmicalH,fancy and toilet
articles, sponges, brushes,
perftnnery ,school and ar
tists supplies. Physician's
prescriptions accurately
Albany ?da Wurks
tld 'tUl:tllrlrp of-
geoics emmmm
Ver.reaow preiMr to ll at .wNoU
always rreso sno ,mie si rortltnd
.11 to dealnrh.
Wo " keep a
fints and Tropical fruits,
WANTEDActlve L"eit, District snd
Holloitlnir Agents In all parts of ths
northwest. Good oouimUslon and ex
elnsive territory,
Paoifio Mutual Liv Tfcit Ins Co,
Hpokane Falls, Ws.hicgion
Prerlptloa Vrugglnl,
l ib r- r-i n i i ft '.'.'
A - 1- ai-v
frl I v '! t "V" ."J I I: lni" nwaiiea nim hcte.lmt lie ataicd empathie-
frif I, ! F ji V't'sl. k-A J ""y hal he had a yet received no injiiui isjo
lD ) 1L ' ,Vw 10 end 8n'' ' ,hc (5t ' l,ie n"r,b lo protect
V 'w- '' N f v ? ' M ' ,s,mh eU hum the seizure by American
Mmrm hr,;he:,ny,,,a,miB,,,u
Vr- r YrK.& fa "-'". . i-'r 17.-A
jVSt!''f f'i j t)t''-nc .wept over llcticrtown this evening
ij r'.';-- x-f "t j Hole: am, tcMilcnrr. were untoufed and
j 1
K !
rr 1 1
jii m 1
A Ula arUrnie,
CiUCAtio, July 18, An evenlni,' paper inyi
There ii on foot lu tlila city a gigantic acheme
for lit iirBtinc over too.ono acre of the rlcliot
land In Culihirnln, which i (u h aceompli.h
ed by itnpoui tling water from the mountain
In tinmen (torniie rcterv I and .hen con
ducted to the land by a nynlcin of pipe., ilitcti
e and IHimti. Vht t. now iirnctii'.liy 1
dewrt will ha mnde to bloom like the rivcmiile
fcdlmiih of Leu Atujcl:. or I'ttHadeniti
ll aklppril,
KtH.ENK, July iS C U Aitliui, the Mi-
oni i fmvr, Ruined hi Utterly In it evening
thiout;H the larclcrimeM of a guard, Tli.
uuaid took him tco ce hit wife, whown ick,
and while there the ilimrr wu allowed logo
in a room hy himwll, and when he came out
he wa aimed to the lccth,and drove I ho officer
ncvcnd mile Into the country au l then took to
tue hruitli.
Mar laatl.
Wa.iiincton, July 18, The entire Vet
will heplcnucd to known that the amendment
to the tumlry tivil hill, rcieaUni2 the with-
l-Aitnl act l lanM, m the cnate, n l
UiIibi overwhelm nu miitinicut Inn been
rrenled ituiitit the tihrme thill Ihehouae will
he romprlled 10 arceiit the amciulmeut or the
hilt would l.iil. Tha lour nc .lute conlrili-
utcil the yicrtict 'lirntli toward lli'l tepe.d.
kalubt.of r)lhlN..
Mu.WAt Ki K, Wi., July 18. The tuprenn
xlo Knighl of I'yiliUt, concluded it ix
tacinh biennial tcniun tin afternoon. Tha
much talked of li'inor quc.liou wat kcttltd
tha local option men linally winning. The
1 iincine lo-lee Occiilcd the varicu. i;1""'! lo-lgc
wvie to jirdce whether naluon keriici khould
he admitted to nicttiln-iklup in lolcn kumirdi
nale In litem.
A Dire Nil.,
St josKfit, M.i., July S. Kor a numher
of vrai Cyru Ctaii, of Mmyivillc, hi Ixen
cutploycd ailoml aent fjr llar lctt llru.,e
lcn.tvc broken and real e.tate dealer of lit
city, it lia. iiectt iimcovcreu that he liiu ct-
fiaudcd them and ol her out of a mini v a i loud
ly ealimalcd at fium IO",oOo tof 175,000.
The IbiIUbl
Kin. FisitKa, I T., July 8. An agree
mtnt lia I ecn anive ! t between the Chry
ciinctin 1 Aarrapnliite Indian anil the Cherokee
ciiinmi.ionci. Ttti i to hold land in .ever
ally and receive $1,5x1,000, f 500,000 in
and f I.ixki.oi) to lie left with the government,
drawing 5 per cent intercut. It will proltably
require eight or len day. for lite Indian to
'gn the ngireinent. The treaty Ue. 4,000,
000 acre uf land,
Taroutn'. lialallttB,
Tacuma, July 17, The tecount of the cen
.11 in the disputed dittti:i ha. been coiHptel-
e.l, and Chief I'numcrntor Cue ha. fuiwnrded
to Stij ctior Jertkin at Wlia'com what he l
live to lie the full an-1 correct cenu of the
With tli. wr outl)ing iuhuib. utn In I
annced to ,ho ciiy piewnt ineoioriilc hmrl.
anil mil tithe I cm Hill diiiict added, it make
the city . poj uintton 40,165
Urtv lark lly'a ropn!allaa
WAMiivnus, July 17. the rcttgh olTicial
count of the f oputation of New York City ha
been comj lcte! by the crnu office, and alum a
a Htiiauon of 1,513,501. The cen.u return
cl ihSo give the popuution a. 1,300,200, an
incttax of 2$ per cent Uuimg the decade,
Uaad Aaxpatalrd.
IttiikNK, luiy 17. A young man named
Kelly caught hi hand in a circular w at
I'leaaant I till ycatcrday, and it wa mangled
ao a to tcpiiie amputation.
Kvthlac orrlaaa.
VlctOklA, IS C.July 17. II M S Wami ite
j flagOiip of the North pacific Kinadion, with
1 kear A linira', Hoiham on load, a'ttived here
tliu sfurm.m. The adniat w rcicivrj
with a i-tSui- ii;cd by II M Sl hjmj.ion, He
w. aeen on toar.lll.e lugthtp by a cotren
deni, liy liner viewed lilmtliirlly in regard tc
the iuggewed muvement of the war alup. 10
protect Lanmliin vcelt in licluing a. The
admiral ha. not yet had an o oitunity to com
plete a ;;ruuat of the ma of correondrnce
church te.le I. town itown. The Ilelirrlnwn
j agikul-urjl wufktwce totally !cniu!ihed and
ncven woikmcn lutriiincd iejuiic. Jul.n pice
man, aged It, in.Unlty kiilcd. 1 wo aen
I grr tiatn on the j:high Valley toad encounter
cd the ktuim and Uith narrowly cucapcd being
wrecked. The tiain had to (eel their way
i "I'-ntf. fteqjentiy stopping to allow tc'rg.-aph
i po'.ca and tree ro l-e removed fiorn the track.
An nrrsiklaa Appolalr,
Waiiin';ihn, July 17. The Oregon acna-
I ,ol ecuicd n a.Hiintment to day which there
I taat n , rumble f. amoiiL' acnator. and
icj.rcniil.i'ivci in the npHinlment of Perdi
nand N Shurilcil, of purtUnd, a one of the
nine ippruUci under tlie recently pasted ad
ministration cu.toma bill. Thckrlappointmtnt
ie regarded a among ihe let in the gift of
the president.
hlraau Jbra I r t blladelaala,
WasimN'ion, July 16, Superinlendenl
Paiker lo-night received a mcstHge
fiom the
census supervisor at Chicago, staling that hi
count make Chicago' population I,lOI,a6j.
Thus pul Chicago ahead of Philadelphia.
Their lialatlna.
I.A GkaMjE July 16. Dr J W
j LaCkamje July 16. Dr J W Strange,
j aupcrvisor of thecensut for the Kaslcrn district
of Oregon, to day announced the following as
ihe approximated population of the following
town cf the second census dUttict of Oregon;
Ueppncr, 700; Union, 600; Milion, 534; Ath
lcna, 503; Arlington. 400,
Kara Baraeil.
., July 16 f wo more barn on Piety
bill, t!io of John M-Fadden and Di j W Mc-
rec, were .'lestrcyed by fire at 9 o clock thi
eventne. 1 hi is the third ure in the time
Sjighlioihood in 1 few weck,and it i thought
to be tha work of inccndiaiie, The loss thi
evening wa tmall, the adjoining heuse and
barn being raved by the depanmeni, which
quickly res, ended.
The l'o. fllce.
WAfiHINoTON, Jvty 15 A statement of th
operations of the office of the fust nsaistant
poktmaster general for the fiscal year ended
June 30, iKuo.sliows tlie total number of trans
action in the appointment division to be 21,
2jl, an average of nearly jooo per month, or
eighty per day. The whole number of )it
oliice in ooeration July I, 1 890, wa 62,400
against 58,999 in 1886,57,386 in 1888, 55,157
in 1887, ami 40,021 -in 1880. The increase
during the last year wa the lurgett in the his
tory of the count-y.
Fast Traveling.
New York, July 16 The .White Star
('.earner Teutonic arrived thi morning, having
made the pnnsage from Queeuttown in five
day, twenty oie hour and fifty five minutes.
This place the Teutonic second atrong the
ocean racers
Hany Were Killed.
. REUWlXQ, li"n,,July 16. The doleful
tolling of church bell can still be heard in thi
city 'o day, the lit of the recovered dead from
the disaster having heen greatly increased
since yesterday. Eight bodies were brought up
and one was tent over to Lake City, and to
night another boat load arrived, Thi swell
the list of recovered dead to loo, and it i
thought shout a dozen bodie ate tsill in the
lke. ,
The scene at trie lake shore, the disaster
having occurred two.miles thi side of Lake
City, in Goodhue counly, ii a ad one,
Fiiurr BojfKS, For all kimls f fruit
boxes go to the Sugar 1'ine I ;j apd
Lumber Co. Ded rock prices.
Thi Trade Mai k on a stove
means It is the best thst ex
pei'tnce and skill can con
trive. Sold only by Smith
& Senders. . . '
Cornets, Corsets.
We make a specialty of ladle and miae
fine corsets and waist. We also have a
drive in a French satine corset at 75 cents
Extra good vatutt, -
' Samuel E Young.
.. Ladies Summrk Blousss. -1 he lates
novelties, just res-sive.1 from rntnufact-
r by express. Samubl E Younq
Beftttlo' population nocordiiitr to tlie
cpngttg wl.l 1hi Rbtmt 41.000. and what It
the matter of that for !.e.
The price of real ettato In MnmhMd I
very hluh, about like Albanv. canned by
the proapect of a railroad.
l'endleton I vantured bv the blcvcle
crdae. Alhany ha. more bicycle than any
other cltv In Oregon In proportion l pop
ulation. ,
A Dkmocmat matt ha heard the ciue-
llon "Who paid for the .upper" s.kcd o
frequently lately that It ha. already be
come a great chc.tnut.
The glittering prize of In ca.h
await the flr.t railroad which run a train
nto A.torln, conuectlna her with a Iran-
continental avktentKx, JNow, where UHl
you get that Information, please.
In speaking of the one leiued hotlxon-
lal bar perfenner the Eugene RegUtcr
sy t 'When hrre he .aid he lo.t hi leg
when four year old and at Albany he told
them ho rode from lloaton to Chicago on
a mcycie tic (ore loalng It.''
It I. detluhtfut to be a member of a lh
01 July committee. The Pendleton com
n.ittee are Ijoi khort and will have to
ral.e ll themclve.. The Albanv com
m litre of 18S0 were khort ovrr $100 and a
few month, au-o the bill for lire work
wa. bring continued.
llooiim coat niniifv. AnitcorU'S tmld
the Ort'gnitlan about tiUMXl for a aerie of
lying dimmtrltcM, and the iVnver Cotnpa
ny ol itaker City haa paid itlio.txw lor a
ntiiiiiH'r 01 column ol prevarication. hx.
There are tnen In every cotnmtinlty
who would get their Juatdeavrl if kicked
Into Nome wor pluce. There are men
in Albany who throw cold water on every
enterprlae w ho deserve an exHrieiH
with a twenty inch lioot.
There is a man employed at a cerlalu
lowing camp who, according to all ac
count. Is about as green a they grow
The foreman of the gang, about a week
ago, sent Itim after a "cant-hook." lie
was gone two days, and linally returned
driving a Horn lea cow. Aetorlan.
A number of "suckers" were taken I
bv circus sharpers at Pendleton, during
the performance in that city, ana now
they iK'titlon the county court to refund
the money, alleging as a cause that the
city olncinls were ilcrclect in their lut
of permitting such games to be conuuetc
One Oregon city will eoon be rid of th
clarion note of the at reel pcodicr, Ac
cording 10 a new ordinance paed
Aaiorla peddler, who ue horara will hav
to psy $50 to $iot per week llccnec, and
lout pcihllrra, J5i book agent., i; for
tune teller., $i; lung tc.ter., etc., lo
muacuiuk, ttc !i5.
We. Cavlnc.. asy the next lime he goe.
on fUhlng cut ui. luu with I ail lea he wlil
.tsy at home. It look two up the river
the other day who became frightened at
.uppoaed war whoop euii'trU from Ihc
Kri.kl. Kw MM 1 11 1 1 1 .1 11 If 1.1 rt I n I r 1 1 ,i 1 .1
an outbreak, and comnellrtl bbn to bitch I
up and dilve back to town. Pendleton
The colored porter, on the Pullman
alrrptng ear have demanded that thrlr
employer. pay them living wage. In.tead
of compelling them to accept aim from
. i . ..i n. ' i i . . . . i
ie p.uuoc. i nc )Kjncr. uii iiirac car are
paid but Irom to l$ per muni
on tip for an Income ; and vet some
people aecm to think It mutt be glonou to
be a porter
At five o'clock thi. morning a difticu'ty
sroae between the horse Lot and the tent
gang bo at Ihe circus ground. The
former .truck Ihe la'tcr over the head w lib
a tcrit atakc.lttttlctlng a severe wound. The
latter then drew a pl.tol and fired, but
miaacd hi antagonist, who ran like a derr
and kretcted himself In a .how wagon. In
the meantime a negro employe disarmed
the man with the pl.lul.and peace wa oot
restored. K. O,
McMinnville's base ball teiittj that isto
play hnlein incointiom'.l ol heavy weight.
Here is the record: Pray, catcher, li&
ix Hinds; Han irlh, jjilrlier.lTH pounds;
lealh, first base, li'i lHiutldsj Howe,
aecolnl bum1, l'.t. rmuriil: Siiutli, third
lniM, H3 iHitinds; Martin, left Held, lo5
imiuiiiU; lluker. center lie 1.1, 1 44) oiitids:
VV lloliimn, right Held. 17.1 imiirida. Total
Ijnu. or au average of I. Uj pound of
hrawn for each player.
The census shows further shrinkage in
the population of Nevada. That atute
present a singular apm-arance. With
hImhiI lu.tSR) voter it has two Cnitei
States senators, the same as New York
with 8,lKJ,(k, inhabitant-!. With scanty
and decreasing sources of revenue, the
state bus a costly orgauintlon and thir
teen county gov-Tiiiiiciit to stititiu.
This cannot continue, and yet once a
state always a state, ami it cannot ie
relegated t the condition of a territory.
Next to an umbrella, and oerhans a
fountain pen, the eaiest thing to loe is
a child. An atiscnce of two or three
minutes will generally cause a whole
neighborhood to ls aroused. The uual
result is well illustrated hy the following
from the Ktayton paper: "Irvin Schnei
der's little boy was miing yesU'rday,
and it was thought possibly that Ire had
got into the mill race, hut after aliout
fifteen minutes hunting he was found un
der the bed at home asleep.
Now that the Man About Town has
had the obnoxious weeds eradicated from
the country surrouuding his residence, he
would urge upon every lody the necoasity
of prompt action, leidcs there is a fine
of 5 for not doing it that might possibly
Rome people, no matter how neutral a
position they are supposed to be in, be
come intensely partisan when excited.
At a Ixtll game at Ashlund the Man
About Tow n reads with much amuse
ment how the field umpire at an exciting
epoch of the game fotgot himself and
coached a runner in mute a live manner.
He was vet y promptly ostracised from
the field. Tlie incident is a good illustra
tion of human weakness generally.
Tlio circus man with his shell and roll
er composition ball always gets tlie credit
of licing the rascal but the man who
tries to Is-nt him, though not so rotten, is
not exactly a saint else he wouldn't at
tempt to win his money ; but alwut the
meanest part of the whole arrangement is
the licensing of such cutthroats.
Albany is not metropolitan in all re
spects, the Man About Town olwervcs,
A young man about to be married paid
50 cents for a shine, not being able to
linn a regular boot black.
At.BAtv Marble and Granite Work. Hav
log la'elv pnrohaaed ths atook of S A'Uhg
ana u w llama, we shall he pleases to
show deigns sod give price, to all intend
ing purchaser. Beat of workmen employed
and prioea aa low aa any for firat-elais work.
Visit na before purchaaiug elsewhere,
Kuan & Acuihon
next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or.
A Bio Fkkicjht Bill. A car-load of as
fine a lot of furniture as has ever been
seen In Albany, haa been received by
Fortmillcr & Irving. It consists of about
twenty varieties of elegant center tables,
in Kith century and other finish : hand
some bedroom nets, stands, tables, eto.
People wanting the latest and prettiest
in the furniture line should call at ones
and see these goods. Though the freight
bill was large the prices will be as reas
onable as possible.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieian
Alhany, Oregon. . Call tnadp
Slid suruMiti
ic , city n
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sickness to robust health mark an
epoch In the life of the individual Such
a remarkable event is treasured In the
memory and the agency whereby the
good health has been attained in gratefully
blessed. Hence it Is that so much Is heard
In praise of Electric Bitter. So many
feel th-y owe their restoration to health to
the ue of the great alterative and tonic.
If you are troubled with any disease of
kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short
standing, you will surely find relief by use
of Electric Bitteis. Scld at 50c and $1
per bottle at Foshay & Mason's Drug
store. . r.
The Salem Journal Says that in stealing an
item of news from ths Journal, the tele
graphic reporter of an Albany paper got the
man killed instead of the wild bog. That
wa a lucky thing tor tbs wild bog,
A writer in the West Shore gives an
amusing incident that happened at the
Revere House in this city. A picture
gent was at the table with several drum-
titers, with his immense chock, passing
!.!,. If ..If art ntia ,f wm iravnttntr Irian
III iiinv huh n .i. w v.H.v...,m ...
lie was all conversation and wanted to
"I took the overland at Koselmrx." he
said. "Htli'klng on tlio hack ol the stmt
In front of mo was a conductor' check.
made it bet with a friend also a travel
Itur man that I could use that check as
a pass to my iiestinaiion. i put tne tning
in my hat. The conductor came through
the car, looked at my ciicck ana passea
on. i won tlio bet ami aiso me price ot
the ticket, for here it is,ttnpunclied."and
he field aloof the bit ol paatetioaru. At
the conclusion ol this narrative a portly
gentleman who occupied the head of the
table was regarding nun witn some atten
tion. This so pleased the fellow that he
Inquired of the gentleman If the trick lioa
not been well carried.
"Admirably," was the answer. "And
is that the ticket in votir hand."
"ics," in unconcealed Khve. want
to see it?"
Tlio gentleman's face soil denoting Int
erest, the ticket was paed to him. lur-
luu us PasNiimt tlie Picture vernier oncrca
to diapose of it to any one south Ixiiind
for half its value.
"What house do you represent ? ' wos
the portly gentleman's next question.
Immediately the man's card was forth
coming and punaed down the table, while
the person w bom it advertised princi
pally sat enjoying the situation, fully im
luieil with the Idea that lie
hail attained
the acme of txii.uluritv.
Indeed!'' the gentleman exclaimed
ami read the card ; then he placed both
card and ticket In bis pocket.
"You'll honor me bv keening the card.
the man said, jisjosely, "but there's mon
ey in the ticket, ami 1 generally get ou
all the money there is in anything."
Hi wum Hut toudust lutiith at this sally
"I W'g you'll exctiso me," the gentle
man returned, ouietlv. "I would like to
retain this ticket, as It Is-ars my auto
"Your atitoifranh!"
There was evidently something less
comical in the situation, for the man had
ceased his hilarity. His face was con
side rably flushed. A pice of meat he
mbb mosticatimr bid fair to choke him.
"I am the general passenger agent of
the Hotitbern 1'sciiic rood," was tne ans
The man had evoked a degree of attea
tlon really painful by this time. We were!
all staring and grinning.
"Ho you evaded your fare," came the
mcsNuml tone from the bead of the table.
"Well, if vou call it that," with a gulp,
lie looked Hi.
"1'relty serious otTcnso.isn't it?" asked
the gentleman at my left, who had been
one of the original three at the table.
"Not less than six months nor more
than three years' imprisonment," re
plied the agent. "I have your card.slr,"
to the thoroughly discomfited man ; "I'll
wsit on you later."
The picture man made a few attempts
at his desert. At last he rose abruptly,
upsetting his chair, and reached for his
bat. but.on account 01 excesaive nervous
ness, he only succeeded in V nocking it to
.1 - kX ..t i:... . 1. I .t....l.l
uio noor. r-niiiouiig niter ii.ntj u
from the dining room. He was not seen
The portly man w as simply a drummer
from Onkosti, a tender foot, who said he
w nn till to cause confusion to th conceit
ed puppies who disgraced his profession.
t IL fcsrtta salt:.
Wm 1'clre to David Andrews, 25
neree.ll w 2
A II Andrews to D Andrews, 22x
I.VJ, lA-banon
John Ftanigan to Henry II Hinds,
lfii acres. 12 K I,
Vo Imvidwiii to Henry II Hinds,
If-tm-re. 15 K I
John Kerne to Henry It Hind. U'i
acres 15 K I
James C Knit to Henry Hind, ItW
acres 15 K 1
Wm II IWbstel tj Henry Hinds,
It') acres 13 F. 2
. Anderwou to Clin L Gray, 1C0
acres 12 1.2
Oregon to Jacob Jaektilck,
acres, 12 w 5
Oregon to Jacob Jaskulck, 20 acres
J U Paltimore to J q Swink, 2K)
acres II w 2
Magxie Hall to Henry Hind, 160
acres, 15 K I
John T Davis to T A Harris, CC5-
I0tk) acre. 1.1 K 1
Jiwliuit WiikiiiMoti toNiphia lUium-
Ksrt, lots 7, H, M A C!s A
J K Thomas to Ijcv Uilyett, three
lots, Scio,
I Andrews to A H Audcrson, 20
acres, II w 2
in -ft
Total for year. .
. .f I,, .M.tUM
Kuei vat Iho system, rodnm tlie vita
and weakens the energies, la thi condition,
the body readily fa'la a victitn to diwuae.
Fortify the ayitem againt th debilitating
iniltituce-, hy taking Dr I Idler 'a tlydiaalioe,
Iteatorativp. Itsuable the nutritive system
to .baorb utfiutout uouriabiiiiml to keep tbs
body vig.irona ami heal thy, aud in a lit 000
dl' to reaiat disease
at J. r. pen tlx t iv
Fine oranges
Early Roe and other potatoea.
Cookie and cracker,
Dried fruits.
Fresh gsrden products,
All kinds canned goods,
Oa' tncal, corn meal, flour, etc.
pickle, relikbe, etc
Everything found anywhere.
Girt Kstkhi-bimk. Oo and see tha
lienutiful gold watch at the "Oolden
Rule Basanr." Julius tiradwohl the
proprietor of the Uolden Rule I lar an r, in
form us that he has the l'rize Baking
Powder, and No 1 Japan tea. expressly
tin for his business, and for tlie benefit
of his customers, each lx of baking
imwder will win a niece of tine glassware
and also each pound of the tea will win a
piece of fine ghtHsware, and customers
who buy one pound of tea or a box of
linking powder, w inch ia warranted, will
have a chance at that beautiful gold
watch. He has also added a fine assort
ment of family groceries to his mauv
mouth stock of glassware and crockery,
w hich is the largest in the Willamette
Valley. Go and see Mr Uradwhol at the
Golden Rule Iiiu.aar, and you will find
that nouimtr is misrepresented
Angoma fioATS WatPi Th under;
signed wants to buy 130 head of Angora
goats. Call on or write to me at Albany
Ort0n. j it BTEWARTSON.
Backlea's Arnica Salve.
Th bsit Si! re In th world lot Cuts,Drulsa,9or
Uloora, Hilt Rhsum, Faver lore, Tetter, Chaun
hands. Chilblains, Uoroa, and all Skin Ernntlo, aa
poaluvelyoura eilM,or no pay required, ft to guar.
titaoJ t. irivs perfeot aatlsfaetlon, er money refund-
d. erio. ti oent per box. For Sk'.s by t o
' 1 oshay and
Wiiou Sawing. Marshall & Son, with
their eteam ssw are prepared to saw wood
with promptness on short notice. Leave
nrders atDeyoe & Froman Bro. orFarm
er Warehouse,
Wood Want-hp. Patrons of tie Phm
ocrat who wish to pay subscription In
wood should haul It In at once. Our sup
ply must be laid in before harvest.
Sorofulou. eruption, such a pimples
discoloration ot il.e skin, tspeeially on faosi
sru caused by .Tu. blood scd will disap
pear by uaing Pfunder'a Oergon
ilu d Puiilier. :
l t'eutenienl Kid Vloves. .
eep a full line of these -gloves in
black and colored. Am sole agent for
Albany, Oregon, gamuej J3 Ypung?
Ten Acre Tracts. Some choice to
and 30 acre tracts for garden purposes,
just secured for sale at a bargain. Inquire
of GuUs&Hedrlck. .
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled ci-
Tf, manufactured at Jul ur Joseph s cigar
ctory. Only 6 cent.
Whereto Get Them. When wanting
n organ or plans call on G L Blackman-
hc -e you can select from a first class
Kui;ene h a 3 50 hoarding hntian,
Mrs LH Mnl.tanvs 'hs been In Kiiicr.a
vl.iting friend..
J B Whitney, of the Herald, is
mountains rusticating.
Ths Lvonsville I II C, few dv suo
beat ths Itook Creek 35 to 27.
MiJt'iI).tvi. of Bilverton. is in the
Oily, ths guest of her brother, Dr DaVi
Tbs Stat Aa.iHiiatinn of the Christian
Kmlesvor will meet la Salnm iu Oiitoher,
The National Iluildiug aod IVran Ak.oeia-
tiua of boatt's haa su sgeut in the valley.
Mr Ilev Geo H Lee and family, of Pen
dletun, are visiting at tha Ikhiio of Prof W II
Lee, in tin city,
Harvey 8 jolt aubsarilird $200 toward
entertaining the Oregon editors nett innntli
Nothing small about that.
PortTownaeod with leas than 5.000 uuo-
pie, pay. tha secretary of its chamber
comm. roe .joj a year.
Mr C II Mueller, Mrs Find Manlier, Mr,
W H Uarrott.and Mr snd Mrs W T Wy,,,,,,
Went to ths Hay yesterday among oilier. '
Coeiier Turner preknnted n with a m
pis of Miacbe. gruwii by kirn, wl.irh rtpialu
anpthing we have aeen frmn Califurin. or
South urn Crecm.
Mia K'tillU, the cliarn luu
daughter of J F Hubiaum, oflC ign (it,
is in the city, ths rne.t of Mr Ii P Iani,
and will remain until Hatunlay,
Two thousand laborer Will be kept luy
for several month, in rebuilding the track
throuuli Cow creek cueyi'i'.Hnuihurn On i? n,
and driving a new tuim.-l .'l.iO fi m, bmg Tin
track line will lie seveuleen mile. long.
A valuable younu bunch er. horse .f W
IKiilaon waa Uing trained thi nw.rinii l.y j
a eouple young nieu.whnu by sort of a patent j
arrangement ha was suddenly pulled forward 1
on to bis neck, which waa broken, tnd he wa.
Attorney J N Djhoi and a Mr Vaucu. ol
Albany, arrivoit in Priucvillenii W. hy
evening. Tney csme ovi r tne iimuut -In. 1
way of the Maiitiam rout.), au l eno 'u.iiuc I
no anw on the way. Mr Uuoc.11 t I re
main with u a wank nr ten il.,a.--I',n -ville
K U IWard.ley, of rorlland, is iu t)i ei'y
on buaino ,
873 voUa were cast at the reei-nt ! i.'t..u
ia Walla Walla. '
Itev J M Prior, now at the insae avviiim
is reported to tie tlov'y reooverin.
Yeaterdiy, st alem, the real c.ta't men
beat ths druugikU 37 to 1 1 in tevea n.ninx.
D T Stanley, recently president ef tli
Monmouth State Normal Schmd, ha loc.t d
st Berkley, Cal.
Matinee to-mnrrow afternooii. Pric
only 10, 20 and 30 cents. There ainmld im a
targ benae.
Orand Chsnoellor O II Iivi'ie, ! ihe K
of I', baa been in A'oii tusttiliug the 1.1 w
otfieeraof lb lodge theie.
Arrangements are being made for the U
ing of tbs corner stone ol the M K ( huri h on
Tuesday ev.ning, July 22nd, at CM p. tu.,
to which further notice will lit-given.
Geo Humphiey. Karl lUoe.C W H.ur, f,
C Marshall abd other, tett tht. n.nroie l y
ay of lb O P for Hiuwout hike, .11 the
North Raouam. where they wi.l l..n tun
festive mountain trout.
Tbs Tiger tender team of Salem ba. Con
sented U ruu ths Albany Wain 10 that city ;
but the boy refuee tu c" U ere. They say
they will ruu soy team ia Urrgm for f il O, if
all memlwr. are oulur Mtte-n year of age.
Geo Wiloox, ourarti.t, hkafirn.r l a c.i
psrtn.i jl.ip with Mr Uo terwo it.-J Ai'iny,
and will iu the future rarry ou I at
liotb plvea. lbanon Kitre. They will
ocenpy the llrwnl gaih ry, w In Mr
Ureenwoml wid g.i ti Halter City to hcite.
An Aklu, 1 a(M-r un a inyat, rioii. .1 ii-
neer weimMiiK V li ll,rr, n, t;,,, (U, ,y j
if the Albany In d. d that I'.ui H..111;
II 11 re hed, the nit. rii ii. u n being at
the beatl i.f the ra 1 a li tl- Uksj
jok on ao eatrttaiy
Ucftise were iUid ti - lay by the county I
clerk U. C D Monlaiiue ,d Mt Kt!i-i j
Miller, two .f trf-hai i'a lunat pi; uar j
young p. r. l e. and Jehu W it lunt ami
K.I la Si am, of the Kurt, f the .S.i.tiain We
are liiforofit the latter couple weie .d, I
bnleuuld not learb j
Th uausl r. ii"il- acivtut. wip b.j eon-
Hunted at the lirat C.ii t ei.i-h en iieatj
Sabbath, Ju!v 2 h, prvilil.-,- hi. It ..'o o.k j
by psutlor, I. J I uniiiuH, .Surj.i .v S.-luoi
iltimodl&Udy fuhfl-ing at 12 u'v'.-ivrli. Vim-!
. 1 1 . , ......... ... :
liiu r-'r. fii-.'iili,', ii ti;i;. a.; J.IUI.- j
pt.le ate inn ,-', at 6.3U I'm tchum sgatu
by pa.tur a' 7 4i. A cwdiji intiuvton e !
tended to a'l. !
The Orjioo I. .ml f nmjistiy. of Sa'mc, j
Oirkim. h.a n.C"io.iraril a itil.tti i f et.t '
ting up laige trie', i f .oil seil n i ti.i in
out in ten acre ti.vU, lor fruit raimug ami
gardening. The plan iiilmle. oirtan im
provements in the way i f 4 ell gradnt i recta,
I ... . . ..... wi'-ko-i . "
1 attractive and beautilul mrr.Hiii.l 1 f. r. 1
j eepeclal provi.lon I. Ina.U l ir mkikefi
for tha fruit. Ihe tin en IjumI t, -pany
baa eUicc. in I'o.tlacd, Sil.m 1 ml
Capt Symoods ha. made the fullow 'i.g re
port to tbs government in r fcreoco to Y
qoina Bay : "Tin pl.n of iteprnvemeot
provide for a dike on (he south aide of the
ent'ano so as to cause the south cbaui.el to
iboal up and the flow to bo ullcled north,
with the view to opening ai.d maintaioieg
a channel with seventeen feet at hih water.
Siuoo 181. when the plan wasstartnl.f.'I.'rt)..
000 haa been appropriated and all hut $;it0
baa been expended. The result. att.t,lp.d
have been very sttlafectory. It ia eatimnted
that it will require $:t00.000 tocirnp'.ete the
plans projeettd that 1123,000 of tht amount
can be profitably expanded iluilag thu nexi
Ths Weatern Union offioe, in New York
City, the biggest in the U. S., wua burned
out this morning, canting a great inconyen
ienoa to general bnaioess, aud paratvsiuu
telegraphic bnslne. in that eity for a abort
time. Over 500 operative ars employed
there. The fire cauaed great txettcnicut,
notou Acoount of tt extent, but bticiauao cf
the importance ot tha property deatroyed.
Mot of the I adding even was saved,! nt the
immense switch boards aud many iuatru.
menta were mined. Ths ao.-ittit pre
took qaaitera iu Jeraey City, tiew rd tele
grapbio Ipsioes 1 1 N Y will be delayed.
A Low RtVEB. The Win M Hoag went
down the river from Corvallis this morn
ing, raising the dust on the bar at this
city. It was in a hurry to get to Port
land before prohibition was enacted at
one of the bars, and only stopped to let
off several Celestials w ith their Saratoga
trunks. No more O P lniats w ill prob
ably run for awhile.
Jaa F Powell & Co.
Cuaiok's addition.
Gold cioes st Will U Stark's.
F. M. French keep railroad time.
Rook candy drips at C E BrownellV ,
A new Hue ot neckties at E C SearJ's.
Novelties in parasols at 8 E Young',
Choioe canned sweet potatoes at C E
Prepared mickrel, iu lib cans, at C E
Headouarter fur garden seeds at
s'ls. .
For artists'
supplies go to Stauard, &
The latest hot mutio. a disoounLat Mr
Hyman's. v
Dressed chickens constantly n hand t
J FPowell tf,o,
Delioions canutd oranleraiea at C. K
B wnell's. r
Spring over coating at Zaohes & Sod. (id-.
posite Postoffloe.
Genuine Iowa sorahum on drauuht at C
E Brownell a.
Alargs and fiaertvk of cold cane to se
lect from at Will & Stark'.
Have you seen those oarlor suits that T
Brink haa just received They are nioe.
Spring jackets and 'beaded capes at re
duoed price at Samuel E Young's,
If yon want a fine toilet or hath soaD call
Qn Stanard & Cnaick, City Drug Store,
When wanting the beet groceries ii the
market at reasonable prices oall on -T V P
ell ft Co.
Read ths Oregon Land Co' biu ad oa the
fourth page.
4,Mother-iu-law," at ths Oiiura Ilonse
to-night. . " . . ..
A new line cf dress buckles iust received
at the Ladies Basaar.
Call at the Ladies Bazaar and ana th
latest novelty ia hair omamfenta.
lion Jeff Meyers, of Sole, was ia the city
last evening.
The snrvev of the Coo Hiy It R began
last Monday,
Mr Ja(in Wheflor rHnroed yeaterday
from s trip to the bay.
Mia. Flora Mn.un loft this noon for Cor
val lis on a suvpral days vUit.
Vr.r.ov MIri.te. of ths Chermwa I c-
dian schooi, ha been in the city.
Chief Kiigiw-cr Kwjloson, o' the Jiarrow
Gauge, was hi the city thi furanow.
The Htntusman ball nine would like to
play the Albany pi In tin. Why not?
It wilt only ci' $1 43 to gn to H , loin
and return with the Real Kitate club on
M rmd ay,
Kx-shnriff John Comb., of .Crook county,
lis benn in the city, 23 mora vot would
hav niadn MrC the prem ut sheiiir,
Ths contract for huilipngs bridge at Inde
pendence wo. let to il IS Ht John ior $1010
II M HUireT bid wa $1825.
V 3 Parker, 1 f thu Wall Wail States
man, wa h, the city to-day bound for hi
Kik City ramdi, whiirn he hotie to uct rid
Of s up ral.ui iimn'1) of liilia aud ache.
MrJ(jfry wmit to Aibauy ou the 4
o'clock train In M.iiel.iy ru..i run, 111 oukwer
tu a teiermi' iii.tii: lotio-r ditulitr, Mr.
Ma.'K'e Mtlh.r. w-.6'i-n.iiMy 1.1 Kageue
J011M..1 '.
A I ir:, and Ijnu i o!:i etmn of C iin ioi
moi.iy in iy iii: .1!" 1 hi tin. front winJow ol
C V, lirnwiiell's vin ; rv ai-me. Mr ISroa-neii
haa irt-cn ullir. d Hit fir li.'i U'lilcijiiiu, littv
Vltllr. tro.lll rtt fl .i.. I Itfjli' n,o(t
At ll.n 11" . tin; ifthg l;ii d .i j n( i h'nn
Aaancialioii U.V tei-ii.g two I a 1. werr
Hindi' (it iiT) iiinrih.i iiiiiii't 1 1 to' 1 Hoin, line
01 S-'(K) in A' S .
a rt i.c ..! $;rHt li K
Vnuli' .innri t ,
fue .: o .1 of IVof It il,!
dl-tf Jirl 1 '.mi d 'ltrrl iy M
fl .llilei irki lili'e.. . o
wero prn.ut. i Hit pu;,.'
J-r il.rtleoi ol In i, l;(.-
.. Ual'uit
. il O ml t .lert.t -
0 .01 no' of viiior
ani 1 t'ieir ap-
e-e Si (.rnx i.tillK
1 'a-t :.
Iilin w nh a linti'i:
L'Sn 1 r i u
JSill il.y lliop .lit'.',
f.'-dliiU "I II hi e
Hfor's t net Im-iJ.
for aif kiiiiu
i.riit si.riii der lt
ly le' iej, it wa
("Hi It 111 id- tremendous
. Ic wa ti rd im th stable
l.ut mi m-nfid to ali i the
rojH-, lu'.i".l .,,,, tiiitrd. i lf n .kijipiu i
Sujton si na j
Thoi Mont. I.h and wild ri-"i-ne l hia
1 iiooi, fun, a two '. triji to th biy.
Mr )- Ktka!i, l- jur-d -y it lunaway, it
laokpi-i. i!i I ri'.t h'. riy a nbi
broken. Il-i 1 dotii wi;'l
It is Im Hitil to 1.1'J atom.-, pheaeanta,
el"', tinl ih cam ij'.i.n; wnl now uf
fi-r t It.- ot nifcUi'l.' of lh n.rtmer, aud any
ccVtil in rl.e wav are, li.l.U nut to be
pjred, ot coruliiij t i all leporta.
A HAi.t:. Lnt evening Mr II F Merrill
sold his house and lot at the corner of
Ellsworth and Seventh Streets to Mrs
Cynthia Trite, fur f2,2. Mrs Trites
w ill fnake it her home. The property is
nicely ha-aUil and tlie sale goes to show
that "prices ars remaining firm.
Damaok. In the c.i? f the ()ifxon-
lan K'atlwa t'o auainfct Grorjji- II Arrni-
taije, tried 'itforc Judge Pipes at Eugene,
this week, for thi ribl of way acio.the
bnidk of Mr Armitac, tlm jury tendered
a verdict In favor of Armitage for S17SS7
He drtnarvdi-d In the first intance !5ooo
perfect m-mm
The only wnetlj- known which will
Stlmciafa Ihe KiitrHirs Frscssses of ths
Human Sjs!n.
T"y thla riasurul and simple mean U qnlckly
anil I.r3i4:ier:: y i'l'ItES All I'orma of
Iry.prjinU. t on.llmllou. Mental and
Scnniii Ijiluiu.tlon, Cienerml ItehUlty,
Itraln I'ag, or any exhaaaUd or w eak
cnn.1 comlitlon of the aystem, from w hat
ever cannf , Sttla Kruptlnnn, Hulls, ITun
ttlac riures rrora!a, and all llaBes of
Uio Wood, btuiiwih, IJver sad Rldaeya.
t3 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FCR S3. CO.
Jir. tliMer. r. ysei book, diwriptire of nr
rorliie l-;istimittveauit hia other licuukUu.
Stat live hy utitU.
EiLLEB DRUG COSaa Francisco, Gal.
r.lumlicr Iilis k, Albany, Oregon. P.y
the most modern and approved methods
cures Female diseases and Private dis
eases of either sex. He has a sure cure
for Catarrh of the head.
Consultation is free and everything
strictly confidential. Otlicc hours 10 to
12, 2 to 4 ami 7 to 8. Residence, corner
Third and Monlgomery streets.
lie kdtolai!
Cannot bs snccestfully trsveted vi!LV
out good health. To reach wsalth or trty
coveted position In life require the hill
possession and operation of all the fac
ulties kind nsiure has endowed us with.
Thets conditions esnnol exist untess ths
physical bing Is In perfect working
order, ant! this li Impesxibis when the
llrcr and splaen are Urpid, thusobttrucK
Ing ths cciot:ona, csuslng Indigestion
and fyrptp;:a, wlih ail ol their ecccm
fxnylnj horrors.
English DandsSian Tonic
cxsrtsaepeclfis InHusnc over the. liver,
excites It to healthy action, resolves lu
chronic engorgements, and promotes th
secretions; cure Indigestion and constl
paPon. sharpens ths appetite, tones up
ths entire system, and makes Ufa worth
F. M. French,
eth Thomas
Physician aucl Surgeoa.
Graduate of Balievue Hospital Medical
Joilego Now York City. , .
Diseases of womaa a speoialty . ..
itTOCRo ramai's Brick, Albany, Or.
Manufacturers of
lelal ailnutioh
Js of mac hitinr'
ald o . fMilrlng l
Patterns Made on Short Notici,
Wo hard the Exclutivo Control of
And don't Save to offtr a prlit to $lt thlM
W$.forlUilnB8THAD. atrg Cos holds
OR f.lEfl ONLY!
a Dfie-jTivr kaitboopi
li rUM 1 1 C C Graaral and ltV0U8 liIBLLITT,
flTTTJ ry W-ikneMof Body sad at,ad: EffMt
J J JVJIJ ef Errors orEse.MMia Older Teac
I.M, Mm BkSH'Mia Ml. Mv4. M-w I- .I Ml
wr.niknii,tiiiriMinii oau.e a rBT.i suet.
.SMl.iMy wbHN una. ihiihit-hww mi a wf.
n iMUrr trmm 41 Sll . tiwki. m4
.ani.ks. aa. rrti.i...n.a. aaa ,iwa
f kit MtSICAl H, ISffALB, O. T.
PouUff Wanted.
All kinds of poultry, alive or diesaed
r.nteii at the WlllauHrtte Picking Oora
pany'a Nfro. Albany, Orwgci.-
Foftmiiiei & Imng,
tt iw't' Ao.ja
frGmpt Itr,3iiiaa-?ir3t-clas3 Hem
ISTKAY NOTTCE. S:rayed from my
A p'ac, f-n miiea aonlhoai-t of Albany,
,, light gray mare, branded 21"
on loft i-w Kmiviiiiiileraesrd to a.iy
oi who will ro'uri to un or give iofor
uiaii'ium to l-r w hi rtabout.
Julv Ui h, 1M)0.
ita-.jv ut arr.ik -
0 rnggisSls and HooksIltrij,
Aa? taf'ii Juhn B. Afdou'e I'Ul-lk-oiioaa,
hicU we r n n pUiinhor's ;: witjj
tLUtrVT. itHlfillf
Uoburg Lumber.
I ifil ft til1, li mil r in ibeciunt:i
.cdr !!'-, al-itiv. e', iitiia dor-r. and erin
.low im mV1 i'li-. -tc. I riie from $5 o '22
EK-r th"cas-d. Va ' Lii-or, on tba
N'jiim Ij.ji, i ni l f -re 'areb.-siirg
!! wb' lv.
W w CRawroao.
'.jrs. I' O Tl !',
Eevsre House;
ri;oi uii i:i Crstlana style. Tables
upCl.Fd with the bex in tbe market.
Nit siwpiriir apartments. Ham pie room'
'cr commercial travelers,
t'Tr e fssrk la tad rreaa taa alel.'Ct
0.-iu.'.i6.7 And Counsellor At Lot
.' ND
Sotaiv rnbllc.
And Solicitor in Chancery,
a a 1 a w - sin cat: A ar
m a. . m . r
Collect ions promptly made onallpont
Loans nowotiated on aonable terma.
aT-a-av aa.
II klllaall Inflammation and irrltat; .audi, the
anly euro ikntmjwr oTlUcrubaa and oUier Ski
(tragi tes.
raeWy. Price. 23 cents a Box .
Uealers in General lennandlse.
- - C8EC0K
Caplatz & PepiaV
Just opened, opposite, the' Res Honse.
clean P t,on' "nd verytbiag neat and
Open day and night.
- Peal Estate Agents. '
Farm- and Ranches for sale.
Alo city broperty in Albany
. and Coryallis.
S. W.Paisley,
Alba ay, Orsgna.
Tobacco and Cigars. '
Orders solicited from the trda.
Mrs. Dr. Patton, . -. Blurabrrj Bloil
LESSONS Given ia Drawing, Palnt'.r,
andMusie. Pktui M for sale or painty.
tr fir f
eLK Jit