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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1890)
ah jDcuwwat. FRIDAY. JULY r, if 1)0 NUTTI1I3 8 nm & tllars a-l LOCAL KHCOfU) Aliuxy vs Salkm Tbe nn'mU'rii ( the Albany real estate nine bandied tin PaU'm real estate nine yontonlay w ithout Cloves, easily bout lug tbem '21 1 1 not withstanding a bin addition of Mika. Salem's nine contained tlm-e dirt nii'ti, tbe rest were scooted for the ixvuNiuii. The boys found the ground the lott way they eould, not a very good place to put up liall on, but the inmto wns tiiiinliod in PhkI spirits sttor a oiio-niiUsl contest. The motor line was voted mi immense, institution. Following was the score : Aksxx-r, a 4 Wefefc. p t Junn, i Kj, th. .......... t Khmjt, rf..... 1 UUiaa, . Cuatck, ;b i llutrhina, If ....I Uuik. 4 8 m.. IS tV-l n, e. ilium!!, p... jtW""". ,..., .... Wst'e, m Ctorlm, ll... Utir, If. . ! Khar, i . , , , a ....I ...I ....I ...a ... liuo.'.sll, rt... .. tr 14 INXIXae. 1 S S T S -17 0 1 U It I 14 Albany., 81 w... Umpire B F Tost, of AUnuiy. ( The Statesman gives the following ver sion of the gmne: At Si mpon yester day afternoon in the gmne of I .' I n II Isptwevn the Albany and Knlt'iit real es tate nines the visitors won the g:tme without much trouble. The g:iue wan of but tive innings and was not replete with brilliant plays. It was such u vic tory for the visitors that the dirt dealers of Salem have aUxttt decided to make it unanimous. The Salem real eftaie l'vs are going to strengthen their n lie U-fore tackling any other vrganiations. They will prolmVly sign ti'MiMihney, S.nii Chung and Hipxinski. Fkkls Prtty We have hear.l of people being shore lite c"nti;tit:on of the U S. Now we luvr a p -opse !" ab solutely Ignore the census Tlir f.illmv. Ing from a paper mile iKinn tlie road U a great example of t;:uil, an.l I a good deal like the old maid l s.dd ic wan white, though it was h'.iok : The Kugene City Guar J has published what l claimed to he the rensti return of several Western Oregon town, giving Albany 6S7J populatlo 1 and Sili-m 7:'!. The Sunday Orcgonlan tlie.x uiiw to tin front and remark that "Salem remain the second city in the stale, but bills sauly short of the 10.000 claitne. I." We don't t-elicre even the ccnu return of Salem, within the city limiis, fall n : i Ct 7131. we know the population ot tlie city at this time I more tlwn tot thousand, and near'y fifteen thousand. The c ol cemu of last .vlarch showed o-1 r i.,' and the Immigration I1.1 heeii ste.tdv large. The one bundrrd, or -ivy r seventy thousand population 'elaimcu'' in Portland will probably f.ill sumr hat sl.ort In the census return. Some id the cdiioi lal writers on the ate liotli 1 . norant and contemp'iii'e Boad or The regular month ly meeting of the Biar lof Trude wa. held last Monday fat the Council clum bers, president i V Wrtgbt in the chair. A communication wai read from the Standard Furniture Co. of Milwatikie, Clackamas county, nuking vihat in ducements would be oirered here for tlie location of their factory in Albany, and was placed on tile. AUo a cotum:iiiien tionfrom I Zimmerman A Co, tanners, Needy, Clackamas county. nukiiiL' what bonus would be given for the loeati'm of tannery here. A protMwition from the Oregon Information board, of Portland, was read, offering space for "' a month. The matter of putting a man in Portland for a couple months was considered and laid on the table. The secretary was re quested to correspond with the Hoard of Trade in Salem, Corvallis and Kueue in reference to the Spokane exhibit. Maii am Exhibit. The exposition nt Spokane Falls from O t. 1 to Nov. 1, promises to be one of the greatest in the history of the Northwest, end it will pay Linn county to have ag! exhibit there Mr J II Townsend is commissioner for this county, and any products left w ith bim will be taken care of and sent for ward free of charge. A feature of the ex position will be a prize of f-M and fl'JO for the largest and second lare.-t quantity of wheat raised on an acre of ground. Any farmer having a Held of wheat that will show an especially larsre yield should t once notify one of their County Com missioners, or address C W Kofiinson, General Manager of the North Western Industrial Exposition, Spokane Falln, Washington, who will give proper in trnctions as to what steps arc to lie tat en, in order to compete for this nrize. RoBrxsox's Cibccs l.nt Thuw lay was deservedly welcomed to Athens by a large crowd of people gathered from all over the county. Although not the largest concern of the kind that ever pitched tents in Athens, few have suc ceeded better in pleasing the peopie. The performances were lirt-c!arfs and in two or three instances guc-h as have never been equaled under canvan in this town. John Low low, the clown, who travels with John Kobsnon, is one of the veteran circus man of th! country, having been in the business for thirty three years, twenty-three of which have been passed with Robinson. Out of the ring he is as genial and mirth-creating as be is in it, and makes friends wherever be goes. Everybody knows John Iw low. Athens flerald, Aug 8. Will ex hibit ft Alb-r.y, July 31. Railroad Talk. Mr Miller, reader of the huuae of representatives, was a caller at the Gazette office Friday. Ife informed utthat he had it authoiitatively that the Union Pacific I about to secure control of the Oregon Pacific, and that that road would rush It through to Boise this season If It does get It. lie says the Southern Pacific has not yet captured the O J', and from pointers he received a few days ago, from Mr Simons, that company will not ?;etlt. Should the XJ P secure that road t will let them into Portland oi.e day sooner than by tlie route the now travel. Malheur Gazette. Bomnr has it that work to thn extcusion of the Q. P. will lie resnuitst 11. xt month. Resumption has on r bast wixhe Tul.ido Post. ACCinaST. Dahy accidents occur in which individuals become more or less In capac'tated to follow their uual avoca tions. In such cases It is a great conve nience to be Insured in some safe Accident Insurance Co. Such Is the Union Mutual of Chicago. Any male person over 18 and under 65 years of age Is eligible to membership. To fully understand the benefits and workings of this company you should cation their agent, Joseph Talt In the office of L 11 Montanye, Slrahan's Block. Thc Mill Bbgux The gentleman, Mr J F Uaswell, who was in Pendleton some months since and remained here several days, seeking assistance to estab lish a woolen mill, and went away srith out being assisted, met with better suc cess at Bpoka ne Falls. Cai talis ts there subscribed to $75,000 of the stock in three oaysanc work, on the mill ha commenced. The mill will employ one hundred hand. E. O. Onb-Siobd. A couple residing near Salem have just been married. The man Is aged 72 and the woman 56. The mar riage contract shows how a woman can pull the wool ovei the eyes of men. "Should she die first he Is to get none of her property, but should his days come to an end she is to receive his wealth. In sickness the Is to be cared for by htm, but should the greom be taken ill he Is to be cared for in a hospital.'' Gas. The matter of getting gas at Drain seems to be a matter of "prospect," the tame at at Attoria and with W S Ladd. Says the Plaindealerj "Boring for gat at Drain is progressing with more and more favorable Indications. Boring will continue until the well Is 1000 feet deep unlets gas or oil it sooner reached. It Is now thought that something will be sti tick before half that depth Is attained." A Bia Vauibtv. It is always a priV levre to have a big stock to select from. J F Powell & Co always have on hand iXiUe largest variety of fruits and vegeta- Lies of nny establishment in tho city, a fact etiK !y karned. by inspection. KuitNu Wrru Knvv. The whole stati is raging with envy of the Capital City. Just what for wo do not know J but they arc raging all the same. There would indeed he somu reason lor it il tlio l.illel tower claims of the local papers there hud lieen lielieveil liy the puhhe. Now there is woe and woe through the broad NtrectH of the city. All because John Kelly kivcs the population of nil the pre' cincts of the citv, not part, us a local paper states, nt 7,':M ; while Allutnv's is given nt 0,-'. I he following dose from the Journal, taken just before going to bed, will cute the worst enso til night mare 011 record. Perhaps there is no city in the state against which so many darts of envy are tired as at Sivlem. The Portland Oregon ian would like to have it considered u little luimlet, with no known greatness except that which it derives from belnc in thu same state with Portland. The paper of AlUiny mid other valley towns and cities entertain nn envious' feeling towards the Capital City, U-cantte of its growth and prosperity. This envy seems to have reached the supervisor of 'the census for the western district of Oregon, who givt's ut the information thatwith in the voting prccinctsceiitering in Salem there are but 7,'.':il souls, w hile in Al bany, Kitst Albany nnd West Albany there are ti,S7'. Now there is not n child ten years old who can go through this citv and Albany and fail to believe with out prejudice or favor that our popula tion exceeds that of Alliany by nearly two totiiu'. This has lecn nek now ledgeil time and it gain by conservative Albany men vtcli itciuui:iti'd witit Kith plaics. The fact is Mr Kelly, the census i-nper-visor, does Sale m nn iuj l- tie. Scio.- The ! 'wniiwi :.' tiical 1 11 :t; tsiut rv Milli i.-nt trce'.B".l li "ii-e niiin-nl ;m d ( to :h-r III ikv' 'U IIH nn lv our il.iy. d on cv h on a e.din i I'll. .l.v Uht. TiM'i.r.'. l!'n Win Cvrus created a v.ic.o iv in ihc iHiectory f the li hank, ii!nl iai-t m k t'.e vacancy wiv lilted by IliC vic.'lii'i ei Mr J S Mo'r.,wh.l W4n ;iUo 1 Icclcd 1 ir;.li'it. At the same time Scett M'at wm eUe'i;d .i 1 al.:er, Satinl.-y Mr John Ki. mi rakin-f hay with a miky i.ikc whrn hN hor-e KvHMie frci.jhteMol t a I104 that ran out fom near ly. '1 he hoie be cmmng uiiiii,inae.!ie, i;ia, Ihiovr Ing Mr Itl.-li.irvl-im a !l- t.iiice of !S feet, and i 11 j 1 1 1 in i him civl . iti collar hoc.e w .is hrok.' i and crai ked the radius Ihiiici I t'.e i!!.t arm anil oihe! jo hnii. III!; linn. !;,,,! l I I horn jl -Ml, st.ltC t'sll iMiiin.i' .Imiii , ;'.sed llimu-.h the city Thuis.!..i elf. :n ; 'I hev came over by p' ii .tie convex, and iic -i cun 0.1. .It I 'v i l.i. It if M i ers, eitt ox er j to i by n.;;r, xx I eie thrv t'.irilctl j the -O 1 f Itui.xn's tti ;! !. Tii, N.ntht Sioil;.l ii e.'i.i; '.ii !i in-ted by a xlaill at I t pl.N'e, iill' t :;!. i.llU IS XX C 11 1 111 Iftf that pttijK-r ii h xxjy .. coi;tructeit i ll.e "..tinioii coul i (i i. I'lxss, t Kc nK v lit. r ; ine.lru i .h'M , .t Tin' Mercury in thcr. t inperiuui o of ' ilt.- grci's at i:s n x c t hot: u'i t line xt a r. r.cor.x i fro. n the A t' Palmer, pcmi' It 4 1. 1 .x in and cMMivi d.iv for t!ie 'A i'" oi IJ.iI.l a i-i I'oes to S !. le.' ev Mr. T M , e, star' d on Thars. iKlie Valley . Mrs i lo x i..'. her nn in. r. j tt.ii d ixxii from Sum l M.i'.x ai-.i:i. to It Irairlo tli- !'i-t of the week, tells u . the c,rain !' j fl.'hiso looks cvreieiit. He tt.ii. ks it will x hid Ihc test crop that: ha heen liarxi'c.l for live or MX veais. ; Jiute Si.mncr an.l f.niiifv and I'ev P It t Sp uii.'.iiiii tartxd 'I'MirsxIay fer th Wi.l.ii-.ut'e va'ivv. The j.itlje and family C on xi-i', h i1 Jr .Spa'ntlin leaves PiiiietiKe per learen Ix , !e ipH to o to lira I ,,s n ud ioirnx . ;., milli t h ii tex i.; mu-, , I I.tMvci !a-t Saturtlav ;t-.i! Sun. 'ax. He saxstli.-ca'-'Ie'ren of it. net h".vc plenty ,, !.cf for sate. I n! i xx ill lake ? J a bead to Ket I', i.itvl tiettles the h- f must l e received it I'tavcr and nut driven !i bridge as in ihe past. Hex i.-v ! s,. ;,!, P.t in tiik Noiii .o. A man m the Wo.M :. A city has been joetidiiu; some time among I tt i..nhh''u M.ut'i If., u i.'rf l.f. l.'.,'J'i..JJa.l ,".r s"i.. ..... ......I ......... . f w.. . atofc'annd I'alstmi nnd nil the leading springs cant of the Uis-kies, ntnid those inlluenees of gilded splendor that as well goto raise the human spirits; he has done Kuropc, sipped the nectars iA the leading ( springs famous the ... 1 I ...!. . .. .1 1..I.I .1.1.. suri'l uiirr, ixiieit; xiiu sn isiv uii'i in: j cretiit from nil miarters of the hemi- i sphere to receive health nnd renewed energies to battle with life's trials; but none of them, however famous, compare w ith the waters of Linn county, that have a sparkle nnd a touch and a penetration that get down to the true inwardness of ones bad feelings, rejuvenating the old, and making the sickly strong. In short, that our tntmral waters nr.- the ft in the world. I'nder their influencu he is a well limn ng.iin and h'essvs the day he draiikfifoiirmiiier.ii waters. Someday there will be an ini;ii"ije invalid.-' hotel here; whv net now in Ail.ativ, iiringtitu the wati-r in pipes from the spring. of j the Cascades; so that w ctntal h:ie the refreshing litjuid on draft at. home. A Live f'oNntovj:i;sv. A must t:nbtie ; controversy is located in California, says j the Helena Journal. The editor of the ! Humboldt Times was robls-d by a high wayman. The editor mentioned his loss in liis pnpsr, nnd philosophised on the causes leading men to crime. Tlie robber, from a ettfe distance, replied to the editor's article, ami opened up ijulte a discussion, finally nsituring thc editor that if he needed the money more than the mMst did, the sum would lie refunded. The editor is tryit.g to prove that he actually needs the amount, while the highwayman continues to write interesting articles on 1 the theory of crime, and nn amicstiie adjustment of iSu uicial ami theoretical differences n ei..i. .'. rnway. Linn Co. Ckti.-i. ii S f'ague, in his crop reports give 'he fo'.loin from this county: Albany. The whelt crop in Linn county this vcar will exceed that of last season. The recent cold weathe- ha proved very beneficial to spring grain, and has Caused fall grain to fill out well. ShedJ. The hay crop, which in this vicin ity was light, has bren m isMy cared for winter grain is progressihg rapidly, and w heat, I think, promises an average Icld. Winter oais is below the average, Sco. I lax ing is now finished, and tlie crop is a liitle better than was anticipated ; fall wheat it now being harvested and promises a good yield; gardens and orchards' look well. An Enchanting Place. Tho first of the month we rode through the length of the Willamette valley ns far as to Halem, and found it one broad, level pas ture of luxuriant grains and grasses; and divided as it is into well cultivated farms and villages, it presents a picture of pros perity ana luxuriance seldom equalled on this continent. The many liclds of dilierent kinds of small grain, rich in 1 growth nnd prospective yield, showed both the soil ami climate to be perfectly adapted to its production. After having spent five years on the barren plains of ebraska. tho change to fertile lands, running streams, growing timber, and the grand mountain scenery of this val ley was truly enchanting. Mrs J., in Halem Journal. A Wa r or W onus. The Holiness Band in Astoria and tho Salvation Army are having a siege at each other. The Holi ness woman, savs the Columbian, de clares the Salvationists are all hypocrites, while 'the captain of the 8 A says the members of the holiness band are an liars. He says no little duffer with big whiskers nor elderly woman with a mas culine voice can garner more plump and well ripened souls from the barren side hills of wickedness and the tide lands of immorality than he can. Ova Population. Business ia often an indication of the population of a city. Judging from the number who rush'into Conn c Henttrieson's lor groceries Al Imnv ia the lanrest citv in the vallev. This firm keeps a first-class stock of gro ceries and fresh produce, a fact generally appreciated by a large trade. For ber ries, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, to bacco, crockery ware, etc., call on tliem and get bargains. Warm Weather. A fine stock of re friglators am. t-icam freezers may be seen at Stevrart & Sox's. Nothing like them for the house. Muslim Umjk.m sab. In great variety of Btylos at bottom prices. fiamuel E Young. John Kr.t.t.Y hml Wttcr ltuiko one more est iiuato nnd then retire. A few of the towns umv come near the figures, but we doubt if Albany bus hall nstnuiiy its given in his estimate. The nliovenre the venmrks of a paper published in n sumll village, nlxnit n third the size of Albany, ten miles tip the river, after publishing M Kellv's figures on thn population of the valley cities. Ol course, the remarks nro ridic ulous, Mr Kelly didn't take the cciihiis nt nil, though n few ignornmotises talked that way. He simply gives thu figures, and knows what ho is nlioitt. The 7tKI is simply n close est imato of the population of the city's three precincts, the same us '."-'(HI is of Corvullis; the pop ulation outside the city is estimated ut I Si H) to '.MOO, niakliig thu population of Albany, w ithout the suburbs, ns fttHMi, which is nlx.ut correct. '1 he truth is Albany has had a iienuiue healthy urow th while several cities thut might lm men tioned, have simply had more .f n claimed growth than nn actual one. Tiik Ukcorhs Mauion county show the platting of ninny thousand ai res of laud in small tracts of from A to 10 acres. Capital Citv Fruit Farm of tilt) iicres.Sun nysitlc No ( It'.'O ncres, Stthiivsldc No '2 1 10 acres, Siinnvstde No 3 Ml ncres, nnd n number of others have been placed on the records by the Orccou I.nud ('utupnny of Salem, Oregon. This comiianv is nl:o doing business in Portland mid Albany, nnd have for sale numerous other small tracts. The great advantage of this plait is that it brings together in one community the class of People w ho are all ecgagetl in the same business, vu: fruit Kroxviiig.conseiiucntly there springs r.p large drying iimi can ning establishments similar to those in the city of Salem, which ndvnntagcM makes profitable market for the products of these fruit farms. Consult your interest by buying of the ri'gnr. liint Company of Salcm,Porl!aud or Albany. Soiui tiitxi'Ks. The so-i'allod Albany xt Astoria railroad company is spending nlx.iut $l),t)Oi) in the survey, which is now a! most llnishcd. Thu company bus a complete grading oittlit, aud their en gineer, Mr ltarr, says the grading w ill commence so shi us the survey is fin ished. It is evident that this is no blulf, nnd n. i doubt there is plenty of' money behind the scheme likely represented by the Chicngo At Northw estern, John 1 lilair aud others iutctested in the Oregon Pacific railroad. It is time Salem took notice of this project. It is twenty miles nearer t Astoria Irotu Salem, by the route iioxv nlsiiit surveyed, than from AlUiuy, and, it the rad is built, it should come to Salem. Statesman. Tun report shows Ihi city t be in debt to the amount of Jf 1,4:1.15.. U ecolinmy bt. tisttl lint., this di'lit is oii,t ,,,.,1 tl,.t, ,., ft,rxx!irtt nr'.iin. lomt'rirv Illdvpentlellt. iVm't nllow your city to stand still for aKttledebt like that, tio forwartl any way, thouish, to l-e sure, the amount ot advertising p itronage in thu local papers i!.i xxeck 1 iini.eiue unii xne piiirv is airiHoy ' ' ' dead, and we guess that is a 1 tout the sie - e.icccau.ed J jt- While on the subject it is no won ! der the populntion of Corvallis is hardly larger tlum ten years Rgu. A S.naks :'ottv.- Thursday xxhllc the scholars of Pleasant Volley school were on their xxuy home, one u( 1 !i larj;c l,n ll'lrtl a si ake. I'ox like Knd Uli llKiin;liteiHy he threw it n' Jvy (ilillith, x nun;; U.I v of alios. t 1 1 cars td ae. The tlr.ul seriient wiapcLd around her shoe . xxhich o Mil.tctictl her that she took a lit j and lia.l to he J.irrinl tuiioe. Hie I vet conl'mcii to I er tie J, but I now recovri lug i i he In iv lias probaiity learned a Ictson.siid iotiht to he a xxaodng to other tu he moie i C itillou iiiul thoughtful In the luiuie. Corx a!ii June. i.-it.. .-..I i r. I-.., ... iotix ,11.10.1111 ivuii nt t iiom 1..1.1U 111 Oregon on last Satur-lay. lie rejx.rls ever) thing nearly dried up in Oilliam coitiil v ntel savs that in tunny pieces the (er psw;ll in-u total failure. I'.illy has ; 1h-cii stuck on Kastern llri it-ui fur several I years, but be returns now perfectly will- ing to turn i: uver to the Jack rabbits I and suge Corvailin Times, i W II il. !..., c.-lii' r -.J t:- I.ttirauita nat."iial 'J'ik, Hiltirjil iha linrrttn tbst tlie r.liitl nt .rtviDiia oiom.Ii pi the slal-t of (iTl;iii iltiiiiav, the eln.Ur vr of 1,3 was apt Iniiij.a't:5) a lul owi; liold,ll.3aJ. .'i'J 37; Mltrt, $U,.V;'.I; T .lal, J l,.TJJ.3s,37, Of whi.:h t'lOtili count V prtitlu. ed, Kild, :H Vi'J.'JU; i.ver, lu!ti27; f.lal "SJ,- .,, u" - !, .rrime Table. Cobva: ' :, Oregon, July ij. iJvyo. The cl.any.: w ; time table, which gi-cs Into effect th" l$'.l cu. rent on the Oirgon Pacific, wil. accomodate H large cla .s tf travel. The trin bctttcen Abiany nnd (jreen LSasin ailliiiixc the eastern point in the nuini nj; ;triivttig at Albany it I 11:30 a. nt , j ret until.,; ieavc Aioaii v at 1:30 p. m, 1 This s;li ;;i it 'oitiici 1 io- xxitli tlie Ya j oiiina, th-: Soutbcru Pucilic, and the Nar- r '' lj'lxyA ml people from valley ir heart of the Cascade Moiiiitalns on '.he day they bnvu home, r li.crcasc travel. Tid must l.irj Atu:At ok Tim;;. The freshest nndlH;st groceries ami fruits in tho market at Jas f Powell cst 'o's. ( iet vour iv. imed gwls at Jas F Powell .Sc Vs". Jas !' Poxvi 11 e Co lead in the grocery business. Ja.i !' Powell .V Co are rushed with busi ness lic-causc they have the goods and give bargains. Qi-'itk Am'ovimhnu Probably the largest mid finest line i f fruits, vegetables, elc , ever brought to Aluany, may be seen at J V Powell iv; Co., jast lu from Califor nia, For peaches, apricots, pineapples, bet rics, etc Cad on them. On! Ykm. Call t J Ii iJoiiglas' con fectionary store for choice ice cream, 10 cents ailinh, milk shake, Scents, and everything else equally cheap. First Street, opposite Kuss House. Foil Sai.1'..- The undersigned will sell at public am lion at Schrncer's stable, In this city, on the 2IU1 day of July, i8yo, at 10 o'c'io..k a. in., a number of good horses. Term of sale : Six months time without interest, with approved security. Wells Linos & Slack. Ki'itiNo and St'KMHtt IIki.icaciks. The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received ana are ready for Inspection at Z aches & Son, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. Wood Wanted. Patrons of the Dem ocrat who wish to pay subrcrlption in wood should haul it in at once. Our sup ply must be laid in before harvest. Wall Pai'kh. I "have just received rm tin cut a larj invoioafif wall pa oer, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains winch are becoming very popular. These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. Samlkl K Youno. ai ' The finest piacbt s brought to the All any mi kit i.ow eeme from scion the river in Bmitcn county. In lojksaiil ttste theyjare tupmior to anything brought here, and thn public sppreciate th's fjt by calling fur them ia prefereuc lo puaenes nnporttil. 1 S. OSBOOD, V. a. Ossnoit. of Oseood Itros.. the nromtnent diufceltits ot Hixl Jlroartxviiy, Onkland, lu ulctt.Tto tlio ixtwin W. Joy Co., July istb, sv, " We liovo no preparation on our slielvos, tlmt a'lowt am.'h results as Joy's VeKCtablo Bnr- SBpurina. a cuxioiiier 01 onrs living on Mirun St., tells nsthntlt rollevcl her-almost immedl aU'iy of hi r dlnpepsia; and unother on Uroa'l way reports, tlmt three bottles entirely cured nun 01 Bis constipation, A year ago we oniy bought a sixth of a lioztm botlics at a time. Now we buy it by tlie gross. It recommends lUslt" CORNER aTOSG LAID. Lnst Tuesday beginning at7 o'clisk the ceremony of lnytug the corner stone of thu new M. K. Church wns begun, nnd cnrrlcd out In a vt ry successful imttino under the chiiruo of the Presiding Klder Kev H P Wilson, nnd Ihe local tinstor.Kcv Metnlnger, nssititi d by Hev iiirtild, of Miedd: Hev (!nlder, i f bcbruion.nnd Itcv Sutehwell. tif Corvullis, Thooiieniiig ex vrciscs eoiisistcd of some excellent choir singing, nnd rcmlitigH of scriptures nnd npiiropriate exetcises by the ministers. Kev Wilson then delivered the address of the occasion, a roiimrkubly sensible ell'ort, in which some very outspoken, plain statements were made. The sub scription list to the church wns clrculrtt' ed aud several hundred dollars added to the buildinit fund. A scaled tin box wns then formally de posited In thu cottier stone by W lllluin Kulston.the oldest incinlier ot t heehiirch. It contained the following articles: Holy bible, discipline of the M F, Church, hymn lswk, New York Christian Advo cnte.l 'neillc Christian Atlvts'ate.Chrlstlan Stnndard, Sunday School Journal, liven lug Pcmocrat, Morning Herald, Union Signal, list of present mcmlters of the church, names of the trustees, names of subscriliers to the building fund, the building committee, the pastor and Pre siding Klder. The comer stone wns then foriunlly laid by the Iih-iiI pnstor, nssisted by the visiting ministers nnd members of the congress tion. It will 1st Inscribed "First MethiHlist Kplseopal Church, IHtHl." This building will In) nu ornament to the city. The architecture Is unite attractive, ns in dicated by the plans. The dimensions of the structure are given ns tHx7U feet, 5W foot naive, 100 foot spire, with a seat ing capacity of six hundred. Cottglo A Conn are tlie successful contractors and the cost of the building will Isj alsntt .imhi. Such a church building will be a credit to our city. Mistita. Some of jou have neglected to cut your Canada thistle, "(fct a move on." Saturday was the 7th anniversary of the Sa'vMtlon Army on the Paclllc t'oast. .Salem has ami more popuhttl m than Al bany. We meekly admit it t ow that the census has been taken. There Is one sensible woniun In the IT. r., Mrs Frank la slie. She refuses to timrry a Mariptis. If she marries any body it w ill Ui a mint, n journalist. The late Charles II Hewitt Irft a datight, rr. by bis Ihst wife, aged atsiut ten yeois, now a tesldcnt In lnn, Urrgon, who Is heli to mi v 1 ropcit v h it by deieased. Welcome. If the im n in All any who huvrUen investing in lamisiuna lottery tickets lor so iiihiiv venrs without any result wotilil goto Louisiana and tsi elcctetl to the legislature they might mnse buck all they have lost nnd many fold more. A Kaum man want to bet $m.oo to $50 that be can w atk from Leavenworth to junction City, a thhd ol the length ot the state, without Iskrg hi feet horn inortgaiied eround, estept when he crosses i a co ant t rood or . r, .'ad. , , . . ' Judge Mider, ol Washington, had oc-1 e.i.tioii two weeks ,; to dxH-tde that a pigeon is not this decision a toAl, aud in support of ,ttJ "iVV.VaV r i V 1' i ...... . I .i '""l wst-r at Springs si.l Irvioi a rorresiMiiidciit of tln'i,...i.... ' . XV'.. I I l .1... i; , . ., f:-;ci,Ki"i, . t.i t, , tiinm ,tix Ittu itixit- j ing line Is'twecti bir.U ,tni (owls is this: ; Thai fow U take their uiig to the lI, while birds tako tlie (. 1 to their young. The latest play on the lapl Is one called ""'he Oath." A horse appears In the play and throws Id rl.ler In a tank f water, A large dog appears, bitrs the bur e, who t!lapears,and then the dojj.not tlie lifusc( plunges into ine taui. anil rescues tlie man It may be a sourc ..f satisfaction to rt.r tlnvcnalo anowlhat ten vear. ,lc(u c hen the census inan wilt uif.iln he around. that the Que-n Citv will have added an other j;te eg' to I making her popidatk r present liguYca, ix.'ssi, vrrv phlto opblcjllv sat ths. 1 kr Citv IVtnot rat The Willamette V-i'iry never has real blizzard c clones ; ref cutty It Sad a census exe'one tli.t titixk the State Capital among other place, doing great damage, tearing off the rool of the .vatc man otbee. lenMrabi.xt electric wires, mashing a lot of boo 11 pamphlets and de tn jialiin matters g -nctally. Spokane Falls nu;tt Is a live place, re cently the city marshal arrested the sher iff of the couulv, Iheu the sheriff- arrested the marshal. Then a justice of the peace wns arrested by the county judge and after his release he issued warrants for the arrest of thu district jud"; and the district attorney. Seattle pays its city officials lils-rally. I'nder its new chart, r the Mayor w ill re ceive a salary of 3iH),ls.ard of aldermen elected at largo au.l a house of delegates elected by wards, serving without pay. Its elective oflieers nre treasurer, t:kh:'); corporation counsel. .'PHKI ; city judge, 2b; cityclers, C- ',,; citv attorney, tl.VH). II F Sioan.a r?al e-':.e dealer and hotel keeper of (.rav's Ilai 'i-ir. ha jumped the country and left a r.iinibcr of mourning creditor to get wha' consolation they ran out ot his new remaining effects. Sloan was last seer, st IKii;ii :iin on July 4th. and It ia stippoc l be went to the Sound and Cicnce to British Coleii.bla or to ("altforn la, Sloan collected together a much money as be could get, by some supposed to be $5,000 or $6,000, before skipping. The report circulated that Salem was about to give up its charter wo find, by investigation, not to be true. So long its places like Sodaville can retain their charters Salem w ill. It will also retain some of the most infamous prevaricators in the history of tlu world. There is nothing made by w holesale falsclusxds, continuously kept up, nlsmt population nnd improvements, and in the long run they are huckucling. re n 1 aii r tins. Last Friday thc Democrat wrote Mr John Kcllcy for the census of Albany ,and Saturday noon received a response stating that It approximately was 7000. Believ ing there was a mistake the Democrat wired Mr Kcllcy In reference to it rccelv. ing In the evening a reply that the esti mated population was seven thousand for voting preclnctt of Albany, Fust Albany and W est Albany. The Fugene Guard gives the figutes at 6872, and this will probably go on record ae Albany's popula lion. The population of Sabm't voting pre cincts Is but a little more, 7,231. V hete as all along 15,000 has been claimed; but, of course, It was all blow. Oregon City 3. 35 ; Roseburg 3,351; Grants Post 2,195; Corvallis 2,122; tllllsboro 1,545; Jackson ville 1. 197. The population of Eugene, iu the city limits, is 3,017. and the city now will probably cease I's bluster about being at large as Albany. Ashland 1,779; Mc- Minnville 1,335, which is lust about half claimed by a local paper there a few dayt ago. me ounuay uregonlan tayt: Thc cenu of Oregon Is thowlns the same tendency of population to gather In the cities that It noticed all over the country. It ft unlikely that the total pop ulation ot the state has Increased more than 100 per cent tince 1880. While mod of the cllies reported to far have gained 200 per cent, tome of theeitlmatet given by the supervisor are remarkable, Salem remains the second city In the state, but falls sadly short of the tojooocialrned. Albanv exceeds the expectation of itt peo ple and comet wltnln 200 of Salem, with 70110 people. Grants Psss thowt the greatett growth, 300 per cent 1880. Uoteburg, Eugene, Ashland and Oregon City thow about the normal urban gain, 200 per f)lK!l. BARROWS. On Wednesday, July 23, 18110. in Oakland,Cal.,Mr. Jobn Harrows. aged about 55 years. Mr. Barrows was a pioneer resident of Albany, residing bere iroui mo nines up 10 BUOIH 180, Wlien with liis family he moved to San Fran cisco, where and at Oakland be has resid ed since. He wes in the general mer chandise business in Albany tor many with 8 K Yount? nnd T, V. Tllnin lie was a brother-in-law of Mrs Dr Tate and Mrs Walter Montcitli. - Mr Barrows was a man 01 sterling worth, of a high moral character, doing good wherevtran opportunity offered, lie was noted for his hospitality and generous disposition. He was a popular, successful business man in Albany; but met with finaucial reverses in his new home. " Old residents here will learn with regret of the death rif Mr. Ttarniwa ' ' ine DOtiy ot tne aeceasea will bet tern, f,B4r- Aunnger & Bon, Balem, brought to Albany and buried on Satur-1 $28,453. Mr Schell, of this city .being the day afternoon, when funeral services will lowest bidder will probably get the con ocenr. j tract. n.1 t 1 ... . HOUR A AHKOtn. MttsltAV, Alli.o y on top, iletv dues Hsli'lll liks tlio OS Sua f A ei.n vent ion nf HltenlTs was lu l l st Hb-ni ly. Mm MitiMa "liuroliill. of ILI.i x.i, In ii. our vlsnn'n niativvs, liuvm .i bsKurost and fsmilv. Mrs liaiitns and Mi J J Dubtnilln left te-ilav fur His r ibilloy sous iprinns. A Ct!eslll was IIiihiI 5 sml unat far a suit in the ki'eh'iu of tlm ftuvure lluu 4 Saturday availing. Mr II A Mmitgmnnry was aiokml hv . Iiorso at Hruwusvill HHtiirday. wliih, auinu down the approsuh at th luiuiis aud hid Ilia h g hruktti. The Cliltisgo Cotnedy Comnanv uins.d tlisir wesk's iimi-"i' IiI lursSstori'at ven Mi to a giHsl liuuse, iiivhiit a vrv O saainu nirrxaiiiiiiDiii. (joo. M C"U 1CU , a ri.ttiii voumr sttair .. nry ofMurfsy Malm, formsrly a Kuoliester N. V. lieicliliuref a lH mis mat man, is lu tlis 01 ty. Th! no'tu in oniiiinu from tlia ilen it on of thss w hauls nftlis ltovx rat llousa bust tok a spin from tlis sxlr. tieeeisltating a strait car lltlo by tlio pnaxru (eia. Mra l)r IUed, of CIiiokh, nnt Sabbath in Albany, lie fcueat of lr Irxlns T,y wsrsfiiruiU tiuty llvo years sun whan the the Doctor was nintlima aud Mrs Itctxt tldr teen, ami havs notsteu each otltrr sinoe. Hdttnaa Wise, nf Asotria, tlie Irailinc olotbu r tlirro, atlvsitisea that lie lias a 1500 l.rt with drummer J Ash that ha will sail $13,000 worth of good, in GO. lay a, and that the iiimmv was pat up in County Clerk 1'rrnullard'a lisi.ds. A lire alarm at 10 o'clock Sslurdav svsninu ttsva Ihailnpartiiirnt a Utug run to thaaatmn ItmiUof tlis city, w Intra an old barn belong, ing to A llacklciman was found about 000- sunio.l by lira. Tbsra was a smalt amount of hay in it. Of coursa tramps nt it a tire. About thirty, iuolo.liiiif tlia mandiera of tlis real aatate tiiuo, went tu Kalant this Dism win.lutge m a gain of base ball witb the Hslem ilut solltits. Tha Kama wsa to be play, d on Himpatio avsnue for 70 and 30 par cant of, third u the electric motor litis rseaipt lor three hours. Saturday afternoon while stuwini aarav bay in the ham af I lenrv Hrttlcndr. at Tan. gent, Jaa Sliondsii fall a distance of about twakty tact on tha barn fl sir, traklug loa r'lilit thiuh Is me, knoekinit out three tmth. t'Ut'ing Ins hMi bdly and bruising him ki 11 arally. Dr Hill t tha hooea and ha I new doing II, TCSsUAV. Mr J W,, Sr., esrua up from Port- ian )eatrniay on a viil. Mr llanry It Hs.nrer. of Xtpaoe, On'., a btotlmr of tha Nt Chs. It 8 k near, la in tha city. Piof. LoiilUrd is home (to n hit trip to bis former Imma nt lUttimo , and rvports an anj lyablc trip. M K Hrink au.l p..s! master A C Palmar, nf j p,(, U(t fuf lllt 01ly thi ,ortliB(t by in. t,f ,1, l.,i. .... ...1 1 1, .l . 1 1" 1 I V-'?"' r""',' ,Um 1 ' '"'M.wtis Iwen f.,rcvrsl munths. iUwi!lkoUtiyrto,Ti. rilt,,.., ..tmu- 1 1 ... 1 1- 1 : 1 " ---J - u- untuimateiiis, J, l;.l(.r hvs ual llskir City f.r $13. OU) JiiUj;, ctasc.l by a broksn 1.., the ip.u.'t of a sideaaik. J It Morrisun csma uvr from tba fty ihi n'a.r, o.l reported astubrion tunas ilore. Tli. Albany CotUcsara alsiat emnpl.tod Wait Montcitli and John lom rxtnrned to tlav from luuolhs tup Cut tha llellkoao plags. They hunUxl iha faa'.iva dr and . I . I I ... . . . . " u. . . , ,. ' l troat by tha bs.k.1 full. J' " " lucliutn, a p'wUa'e of tha ia.o ipsrinisox ii ins Uolvsisit ol Ihe staU cf I .wa, h I H std in Albany. Kot It. xx in is fru.n ths Month Ku:Uh Herald 1 I If W W, xshu Ml Ih a tuna sko f trltia cnast Oeunlr) , das IncsUd in AlbisV, Orriftiti. wliMa b pfinwa prse tieniji his prufcvaiou. Ha wo: bs n'stiy mi-rt 111 litis k'ttnttnuuity ss Well as that of Wohslor, which h.s ts o his hihusrUr fur the past thr. yasra. Tns d sjlor la w-ll aud favoial ly known in this cm a y and has b"n remarkably sucnras'nl ts.tti physician and targwin. W can consciontionaly r omtnsud him t.i tha AlbabV publij a grollanisa wall aaslifiod by tduoatmn and ipiirne tornadac oisiio.lor sarijio.l ait(, and he wit! pro, an Important actjiji ,tl..o 10 their society ,lsth pr.foi-inl y and atR-iallj . Ituii,trrit'a imptirted attUiun Cliiisnartl WlTa, Tttua (5'J.ll.) can be fnuud at Titles Itrus atsltle, (Marsbad'a ! 1 s'aotf,) here be will serve a bnittrd nnnibrr of mares dum g tb fall season. DanosSoCs,- Dr. ;.M.uton was called yesterday afternoon to see Mis ley lempleton the young lady who was hurt by the falling in of a bridge on the t'ailpoo la tome ten ilavs ago, an account of w hb h was publlahed'at the time Thc Dr, In form u that the young lady wo badlr hur', her thlh being broken and about three Inches til the bones taken out . The Dr. thinks she may not iccovcr and If slu? doe, she will be badly crippled for life. WKpXKHUAt. Mr Ooi Caldwell, if is i.. the eit . Mis Dairy JliUhals W onl to .Sx'o ii, on a visit, tx . lay. W It Crectiisoo.1 . ft this for IJsksr Citv. I. K lilain and wife ttturifd this i:in.n bom a trip 10 V tfiuna IUy. Kid Blnnnt m d wife have g.uw In Upier S.nla for a few wtcks. The Citv (.tnicil met last cvtniii li.iI s,I j urttcd uutd to-iiiorroMr evening Sumo Hut OreKn ham st tlx- Ab asy 11 aiket, Shults Brna, Pi. pintota. Unrui.. ths past year 83 poet.tffi.ts were taiauiisiieu inuregon and 23 inutd. Mr Chss L Diehl, Pacillo eoost agniil id the Aixociated tircrt haa been iu t'js uitv t. day. . Mr D Itaukiu snivel) inthantv last ing from Ladramle aud ripoilt it "all-rir. d" hot op there. H W Hatch, trday, at S.len. cans lit a aalmnn weicbini; twenty pound, in the cr-rtk at til nt city. J is 'W'ei!", n f .ruur ti.sidoitt t Linu Co, who left Cr'luk ununty for Lakevinw, about two y -iirs j,o, lua i.uver been t: 11 d of inoe. L-kt'i'Ven!iii a itiau called Buddy died at I.ycns, alter au i lueat of a wek or moie. A co'Iiq and tuit nf clutbet were tent from Albany nu tlis moraine train. Mr Tr F Power, the leading fumituro nan of Poittand, also auperinteudent of the boys ami girls aid society, was in the city last nvo-iiig, going from here to Junction. Dr J H Irvine, fur many years a resident nf Helix, Umatilla county, a son of Hou H A Irvine, of Albany, baa told bit drug store in mas inwn, ana wci remove with Ins fa- lly about the bt of Auituat to Shoalwater bay. Yesterday afternoon a very t.ioo birthday par W arty wtt iven at the heme of MrThoa llacn. In honor nf tha ninth I irthdnv of Willie Wallanc. Ten or tiftoeu ohildren had a good time playing garnet and pvrtaking 01 a cneics repast. Our exohancet throuuh the valley hvvs been mentioning a woman who it eanvattine tor me aie t tiosett at a dollar apiece in a ratlin bt Astoria lota, fclie bat arrived in AI bany and btt been V'titiug our business men, disposing 01 several tics itt. Reports reoeired daily from abroad by tel egra)h,resproting the general oiop prospects, are bad. In Franec,especially in Ineueutral and northern dnpartmenta, cold n-'ghts and constantly wet davt are bringing about dis sstrnnt rrtults. In Germany, Switserland. Kelgiam and Holland tha oonstant tain and low temperature are aoiluualy affecting wheat, but in Austria, Hungary, the harvest looks favorable and thore are promise! ot good ymloi. , Kicked by a Horse. Last evening Mr Mart Payne received a dispatch from the aummlt, oil the O P, stating that his young boy Lee had been kicked by a horse. and was In a dangerous condition. He and Mrs Payne left lnst evening to attend him accompanied hy Ji Mauton. An Albanv Man Lowest. The bids for the Oregon state reform school were opened in the office of the secretary of state yesterday. The contract has not yet been awarded The bids were as follows : W W -Garrett & Co., Portland, (t'27,640; Z Craven, Salem, $27,640; DC Schell. Albany, $26,500: G A Stevens. i Salem, $20,716 ; Jackson & ilutchins. 8a- I 1 . , , , .... J Highwit of all in Lemraung Tower. "ais 1 11 rzr li N ABSCUUTECif FITRE :L. E. ELAIN- Hum ISimmi -AT HEAD - IN - Now tlio (JrcatcHt Attraction Stock LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., In Iulitf With tho 15Uhou If You WouMlio Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. - FL.KENT03SI Choice Candy, HiitS) Fruit, etc. MEARTHE P O Montague & Son, coxusrinn fihst sc iFEnirssTs I )cal er Grvjcerics, Produce, Tobacco Cigars. Confectionary Etc, Proda.'e ..iitel in eihattjje for grode p mot a! tsiilMit. 170R KM. U)ltlNO, Ulthf - . Ing and pi opr cling, wilta to J. It, Hughe, Albany, Or XTT!0KH HKKKHY UtVKN THAT l i-roperty nwners arn r. quired by or-dlnst-n 1 1 rot down ar.d ravnov all iblttVa am-t t.tin.. xt"U woeda rowlnic tii-on tin lr iri.!s ati I u-nix the -trttit artj.l .1 iu t. ri'u wi iitn thit'j I tin lis 1 A l-sitx Ttio) fit 1114 :i do mi will be 'ah'. 1 to a Kn o. f."V. 1 Jbnii- Juij Hill, l.s'JI J N ll'ifFMAX. t'uv Marshal. THU MlK.M) WAfJO.V. ai .1 get FUK.sH UK CAD sVrry ntttt i,ink., or leave ot. litis bit J It 1 1 n.-Is l lta l..ue U thveie I sll of th 1 city Two Men and One Roy FOUND DKAU!! Wliilo trying to Crowd their 1 1 11 .XVAV INTO wm deyqs a mmm bros Store, where tbev a'wnxa have on band the luruesl Stock south ol Purllaud, of the Iniest liiipicved Ititis and .Shut Gut's; an immense stock of Fishing tackle of every Ieso lotion; lents. Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of .ether thing too numerous to mention. Shop In connection wlih the Store, nnd one ot the best workmen In the State to do any nnd ad kind of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to thow fcocds. "Small profit and quick ils" it oui motto. Milk! Milk 11 I am prepared to deliver milk to all parts ol tha oily. Uuarantne I tie bst quality. Iava orders at 0 li Browimll'a grooery tora.: Wat Furrcmtit. vvV M 1 r M M M K rm rs - n HEALTH RESTORER. tr USE IT! IT 18 THT3 rDTflATi M'ETHCTWin. It rouses the Liver and Kldnrva eml Slnmneh, cures Uratlaehe. lvsK"-la. rreutea ua AiHi-.-(ite, Purines the Imjiuro JituoJ, and jWsVea Tb Wc-tTc Btrong;. - OCIIMf-str O'C V r r u 1 x j u n Psed everywhere 4)1 a bottle jalx for S5. mo RENT. A furoished ootUee. Gve furoished without l JL rocni, with or without piano, for thr months. Inquire at this offioe Administrat or's Notice NOTICE TS HERKBY GIVEN THAT tha undersigned have been duly ap pointed ad-Jilniatratora of tha estate of William ityrtig, deceased, lati ol Linn county. Orwgon. A.II periimv having claims asitust satd eatato are nerebv no tified to present them, duly verified, at me reaiunnee 01 enner or ua, aoout seven miler southeast of Solo, in satd Linn county, Oregon, wltbla sue montha fro i the date hereof. ? Jaiy 24, J89i. Hkwbt Cyrus, , Jamks II Pbkhy, $ K eatherford, Adminthirator Atty fpr Admrs. U. & Cov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. lo;luiil THE - HIS - is Ilia Largo and .Stylish of or caar, Kot rlaata golf's Sl-il , -S"s 1 - ' r , t J - '"S'J VEGETABLE PANACEA PRE PAH ED PROM ROOTS Be HCRESS. t-OKTHC CURE OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARIStNO mOMA DISORDERED STATE or Thi STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. - row SALE ar ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS! W. W, EASTllURN, M. D. 1J3YMCIAN AND SlTROE')N, t flics in Mf I wain's Itrck. Cn lu iiid in cllb-n dt.r or night. I'tf III I . U I t.KVkUI. I H K Suiltli. Wbti S.'ui Laundrv. Ones general laundrv wrrk Suits elenn. ed. CVrier Khand tarayetteMta. Albanv For Sale ! ! Cbolco atnek groceries. fizturfB. ito OoiiiKBood business. Uood reason for selling, admess, M." F O IJOX 375. Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, aqkxtb roa tns csi.sbsatid II. F. Miller, : And th Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Also the Mousq Proof "EARHPF," And other Flrst-Class Q JEi Q- -A- IN S - Sole Agenta for the r EIMEBGE B. : and KEW MME (jtexviug JUachlnea. Organs - Cleaned - and - Repaired. ALBANY, OREGON LINE -LIST B l O Jas. E. Powell. & Co., Sncccsftor to Goo. (J. llciitle'rwon. . - DKATd a liMl liailillsilil Produco; Crockery Ware; Tobaq CO JlibC. JUtC. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. Wait a bit! A man broke his neck once because ho was in a hurry! We want you to know about our Stoves and iianges, at prices from ton dollars unward. T) tf nMcntt hing in thc way of household gtves. Come and look at 'em. Wo do business to please 0ur friends as well a,i to make a dollar or two. 1'..! prices prevail. KEEP -OX AUo 6 -S Sclf-Fecdcs- and Band-Cutter, Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. Etc Also read whet one of the go id men of Linn county says about thvMn: Millers, Linn Coi xtv, Orf.gox,) September 25, 1SS9. f . MK. Z. T. WRIGHT. I'u: t'.and, Oregon, DcarSir: In reference to our Irqtiin' as to Vow I liked my Advance Tb', purchased of vou this vear, will tav the Advance doe mere and bctlrr work than anr other n.acbine I ever saw, end I have teen all that are rep resented in Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the grain belter, runs lighter end saves thc grain better from the straw, than any other .nnchinc, ard seems-to be stroi.g and durable. 1 am ready at an v time to go into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and thresti for from $100 to $500. They are the best in the 11 a r set without doubt. If you desire you can refer to me at anv and ail times. Signed " I. D. MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T Albany, or Portland, Oregon. bend for names of parties who have in Oregon, Washicton and EVERY PAIR For Sale By WHOLESALE FACTORY DIXON llL.VlggSX, I (flsasi itta I'iftTWilsaSsasiasaaSas Sin il i n.i stlail' Hartlware, Iron, Steel ill Farm Maclery. SOLE ACESTS FOR WASKIHCTOH AND HORTKEEH IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Macblnea are too weU kaevti to nee comment. Tbouarnda of farmers have ' used them and speak of them wita 1. Use. They are the only HarresUns Machines that will slve ENTIRE fe-TISFACTlON to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S The mos? Zffr rtlve and Successful Combination for Threshing aai Sleanlss Grain ever constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL frame trrho Feature that dlstlnRiilshes this TPbe-Binder is the Liphtoem of Draft, combined wrth Iti Cxti-sordinary Strenrth and Durability. The Under is of the Appleby pattern, the '? V?5S".i' one yet known. We have two styles, ths Elovstor Binder and the Platform Binder both exoelien-tta reoouunended by hundreds ol patrons. SEHTJTTLER PAEI f A50SS, BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AW SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. COR BIN DISC HARROWS, UODGES-HA'US HEADERS. ' HAISH BARB WIRE. tsTEPNO FOR CPCULAriS Ji THRALL, Manager, Alliany, Oregon - UiH IN- .?lATnn:,v.s & ALIJANT, OIxEGOS ule.-.fsils are Oil andGasolirm Matthews & Washbukx. YOUR THK - Heir - WRIGHT, his list of 193 purchased Advance Threshers Idaho. WARRANTED. KLEIN BROI 6IIDS.H.1B8 Frout.FLTstanaYiiieStreets, PORTLAND. - OREGON. DEALER) IN STAR TRACTION ESCINE, TWI N E-3IN DERS. Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Plows. Carriages, PhastonSt Top jJugRies SCO.